Fu und 193 Publi
Fu und 193 Publiic Schoo ol Adult and a Com mmunity Educatio on Focus Fund 193, Public School S Adult and Community Education n, provides liifelong literacy and a education n opportunities for all resideents and sttudents of Fairfax F County through adult edu ucation programss such as basic skill education, high scho ool completio on and Engliish for Speakers of Other Languages L (E ESOL). FY 2013 expenditures e are estimated at $10.8 million. The Fun nd also prrovides for pre‐ kindergarrten through grade 12 su upport programss, including behind‐the‐‐wheel driver education, e SAT prepa aration, summer school, s beforre‐ and after‐‐school enrichmen nt activities and remediation support. FY 2013 Advertised Budget Plan (Vol. 2) - 232 Fund 193 Public School Adult and Community Education FUND STATEMENT Fund Type G10, Special Revenue Funds 2 Beginning Balance Revenue: State Aid Federal Aid Tuition Industry, Foundation, Other Total Revenue Transfers In: School Operating Fund (090) Total Transfers In Total Available Total Expenditures Total Disbursements Ending Balance Fund 193, Public School Adult and Community Education FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted FY 2012 Revised Actual Budget Plan Budget Plan FY 2013 Superintendent's 1 Proposed $797,797 $86,271 $197,748 $86,271 $627,631 794,483 7,122,070 399,857 $8,944,041 $685,243 662,139 8,628,087 378,969 $10,354,438 $685,243 828,125 8,628,087 443,969 $10,585,424 $685,243 662,139 8,628,087 378,969 $10,354,438 $400,000 $400,000 $10,141,838 $9,944,090 $9,944,090 $400,000 $400,000 $10,840,709 $10,840,709 $10,840,709 $400,000 $400,000 $11,183,172 $11,183,172 $11,183,172 $400,000 $400,000 $10,840,709 $10,840,709 $10,840,709 $197,748 $0 $0 $0 The FY 2012 Revised Budget Plan reflects adjustments adopted by the Fairfax County School Board on December 1, 2011 during their FY 2012 Midyear Review. The Fairfax County School Board adjustments will be officially reflected in the County's FY 2012 Third Quarter Review, which will be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors on April 24, 2012. 1 2 The FY 2013 Beginning Balance reflects $0.1 million that will be identified in FY 2012 and carried over to fund FY 2013 requirements. FY 2013 Advertised Budget Plan (Vol. 2) - 233