Fund 80300 Park Capital Improvement Fund Focus
Fund 80300 Park Capital Improvement Fund Focus This fund was established under the provisions of the Park Authority Act to provide for capital improvements to the agencyʹs revenue‐generating facilities and parks, as well as to various park sites. Through a combination of grants, proffers, and donations, this fund provides for specific park improvements. Funding is also derived through lease payments and revenue bonds for golf course development. In addition, transfers from Fund 80000, Park Revenue Fund, often support improvements to park facilities; however, the amount of funding received from Fund 80000 fluctuates from year to year. No funding is included for Fund 80300 (formerly Fund 371), Park Capital Improvement Fund, in FY 2014. Work will continue on existing and previously funded projects. Moreover, a transfer of $1,085,000 is recommended from Fund 80300, Park Capital Improvement Fund, Project 2G51‐017‐000, Contingency, to Fund 30010, County Construction, to support Project PR‐000083, Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements, in FY 2014. This transfer is consistent with the recommendations presented in the November 2012 Office of Financial and Program Audit report entitled, Strategies to Reduce County General Fund support of the Park Authority. Funding will provide for the continuation of improvements required as part of the Department of Justice (DOJ) audit and identified in the settlement agreement signed by the Board of Supervisors on January 28, 2011. This adjustment to the contingency project within Fund 80300 will reduce the availability of funding should other projects in progress exceed existing resources. Changes to FY 2013 Adopted Budget Plan The following funding adjustments reflect all approved changes in the FY 2013 Revised Budget Plan since passage of the FY 2013 Adopted Budget Plan. Included are all adjustments made as part of the FY 2012 Carryover Review, and all other approved changes through December 31, 2012: ♦ Carryover Adjustments $22,369,211 As part of the FY 2012 Carryover Review, the Board of Supervisors approved funding of $22,369,211 due to the carryover of unexpended project balances in the amount of $18,413,676 and an adjustment of $3,955,535. This adjustment was due to the appropriation of $2,105,653 in easement fees, donations and Park proffers received in FY 2012 and a transfer of $1,849,882 from Fund 800‐C80000, Park Revenue Fund to support General Park Improvements, the Parknet project and the Facilities and Services Reserve. A Fund Statement and a Summary of Capital Projects are provided on the following pages. The Summary of Capital Projects may include some projects without a Total Project Estimate amount. These projects are considered ʺcontinuingʺ projects or projects for which funding is necessary on an ongoing basis (e.g., a contingency or planning project). FY 2014 Fairfax County Advertised Budget Plan (Vol. 2) - 593 Fund 80300 Park Capital Improvement Fund FUND STATEMENT Fund 80300, Park Capital Improvement Fund FY 2013 Adopted Budget Plan FY 2012 Actual Beginning Balance1 Revenue: Interest FY 2013 Revised Budget Plan FY 2014 Advertised Budget Plan $25,479,593 $4,361,502 $25,180,941 $5,746,612 $87,378 $0 $0 $0 2,318,385 $2,405,763 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Transfers In: Total Available $0 $0 $27,885,356 $0 $0 $4,361,502 $1,849,882 $1,849,882 $27,030,823 $0 $0 $5,746,612 Total Expenditures $2,704,415 $0 $22,369,211 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,085,000 $0 $2,704,415 $0 $0 $0 $22,369,211 $1,085,000 $1,085,000 $25,180,941 $4,361,502 $4,661,612 $4,661,612 $1,507,926 $1,507,926 $1,507,926 $1,507,926 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 2,153,576 $20,819,439 2,153,576 $0 2,453,686 $0 2,453,686 $0 Other Revenue2 Total Revenue Transfers In: Park Revenue Fund (80000)3 Transfers Out: General Construction and Contributions (30010)4 Total Transfers Out Total Disbursements Ending Balance5 6 Lawrence Trust Reserve 7 Repair and Replacement Reserve Facilities and Services Reserve Unreserved Ending Balance 8 1 The beginning balance in FY 2014 assumes the carryover of $1,085,000 in FY 2013 expenditure reductions that are required to support Fund 30010, County Construction, Project PR-000083, Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements in FY 2014. This transfer is consistent with the recommendations presented in the November 2012 Office of Financial and Program Audit report entitled, Strategies to Reduce County General Fund support of the Park Authority. Funding will provide for the continuation of improvements required as part of the Department of Justice (DOJ) audit and identified in the settlement agreement signed by the Board of Supervisors on January 28, 2011. An FY 2013 expenditure reduction will be included in the FY 2013 Third Quarter Review. 2 Other revenue reflects easements, donations, monopole revenue, and proffer revenue. 3 This fund periodically receives transfers from Fund 80000, Park Revenue Fund in support of park and facility improvements approved by the Park Authority Board. In lieu of General Fund support, a transfer of $1,085,000 from Fund 80300, Park Capital Improvement Fund, to Fund 30010, General Construction and Contributions, will support Project PR-000083, Americans with Disabilities Act Improvements in FY 2014. Funding will provide for the continuation of improvements required as part of the Department of Justice (DOJ) audit and identified in the settlement agreement signed by the Board of Supervisors on January 28, 2011. 4 Capital Projects are budgeted based on total project cost. Most projects span multiple years, from design to construction completion. Therefore, funding for capital projects is carried forward each fiscal year and ending balances fluctuate, reflecting the carryover of these funds. 5 6 This Reserve separately accounts for the Ellanor C. Lawrence monies received for maintenance and renovation to this site. In accordance with the Fairfax County Park Authority Board, the principal amount of $1,507,926 received from the donation will remain intact, and any interest earned will be used according to the terms of the Trust. 7 The Golf Revenue Bond Indenture requires that a repair and replacement security reserve be maintained in the Capital Improvement Fund for repairs to park facilities. 8 The Facilities and Services Reserve supports the maintenance and renovation of revenue-generating facilities. FY 2014 Fairfax County Advertised Budget Plan (Vol. 2) - 594 Fund 80300 Park Capital Improvement Fund FY 2014 Summary of Capital Projects Fund 80300, Park Capital Improvement Project # 2G51-010-000 2G51-011-000 2G51-012-000 2G51-013-000 2G51-014-000 2G51-015-000 2G51-016-000 2G51-017-000 2G51-018-000 2G51-019-000 2G51-020-000 2G51-021-000 2G51-022-000 2G51-023-000 2G51-024-000 2G51-025-000 2G51-026-000 2G51-027-000 2G51-028-000 PR-000023 PR-000024 PR-000025 PR-000026 PR-000027 PR-000028 PR-000029 PR-000030 PR-000031 PR-000032 PR-000033 PR-000034 PR-000035 PR-000036 PR-000037 PR-000038 PR-000039 Description Stewardship Education Restitutions For VDOT Takings (Rvt) Lake Fairfax Skate Park Advertising Study Mark Bleiweis Memorial Field Fox Mill Park Telecommunications-Administration Fund Contingency Park Easement Administration Historic Artifacts Collections History Special Events Park Rental Building Maintenance Archaeology Proffers Stewardship Publications Stewardship Exhibits E.C. Lawrence Trust Grants and Contributions Gabrielson Gardens Land Acquisition Support Low Impact Development GIS/Data/Green Infrastructure Lee District Land Acquisition & Develop Countywide Trails Merrilee Park Lee District Telecommunications Pimmit Run Maintenance Facility Confederate Fortifications Historic Site Turner Farm Observatory Vulcan Spring Hill Park - McLean Youth Soccer Ft.Willard-Fort Restoration Ft.Willard-Park (Non-Fort) Development Lee District Tree House Mt. Vernon Districtwide Parks Oakton Community Park Land Acquisition Total Project Estimate $135,000 311,541 2,172 50,000 8,500 116,045 26,000 0 3,396,328 52,382 8,000 1,593,558 169,732 74,604 13,325 494,844 828,928 2,000 156,420 150,000 180,000 542,862 55,276 17,139 248,045 266,033 105,746 13,025 2,407,277 2,433,806 85,000 39,380 259,515 317,670 100,000 10,773,305 FY 2012 Actual Expenditures $39.19 64,141.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 292,474.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,564.60 0.00 0.00 28,621.51 182,746.50 0.00 0.00 821.21 362.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,319.00 352,811.69 690,984.71 8,998.00 684.00 0.00 19,701.35 0.00 0.00 FY 2013 Revised Budget $43,424.48 133,589.25 2,172.00 3,050.00 1,281.80 5,180.90 26,000.00 3,263,232.47 748,653.70 4,289.53 2,909.65 274,284.56 55,719.42 44,273.33 3,496.35 313,284.68 37,575.16 2,000.00 54,362.43 537.51 0.00 42,606.53 38,249.45 17,139.00 114,306.31 250,069.94 103,084.18 0.00 1,783,568.23 0.00 1,711.23 1,816.36 7,338.40 257,183.83 100,000.00 2,483,416.75 FY 2014 Fairfax County Advertised Budget Plan (Vol. 2) - 595 FY 2014 Advertised Budget Plan $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund 80300 Park Capital Improvement Fund FY 2014 Summary of Capital Projects Fund 80300, Park Capital Improvement Project # PR-000040 PR-000041 PR-000042 PR-000043 PR-000044 PR-000045 PR-000046 PR-000047 PR-000048 PR-000049 PR-000050 PR-000051 PR-000052 PR-000053 PR-000054 PR-000055 PR-000056 PR-000057 PR-000058 PR-000059 PR-000060 PR-000061 PR-000062 PR-000063 PR-000066 PR-000068 PR-000069 PR-000070 PR-000073 PR-000074 PR-000075 PR-000084 PR-000086 PR-000088 Total Description Lee Districtwide Parks Hunter Mill Districtwide Parks Clemyjontri - Liberty Swing Linway Terrace Park Turf Field Sully Districtwide Parks South Run Park Beulah Road Park Robert E Lee Recreation Center Cub Run Stream Valley Park Frying Pan Park Riverbend Park Stratton Woods Park Sully Plantation Green Spring Farm Park Mason District Park Wakefield Park Stuart Ridge/Sugarland Run Park General Park Improvements Park Revenue Proffers Golf Improvements Mt. Air Park Mastenbrook Volunteer Grant Program Historic Huntley Open Space Preservation Providence Area Park Improvements West County Recenter South Run Stream Valley - Mt Vernon Arrowhead Park Hunter Mill DIT Wide Telcom. Laurel Hill Green Springs Classroom ParkNet Mt Eagle Park Lewinsville Park-Field #2 Synthetic Turf. Total Project Estimate FY 2012 Actual Expenditures FY 2013 Revised Budget 302,414 64,363 95,489 687,766 61,598 313,499 7,670 547,136 358,578 361,410 93,445 2,000,314 828,623 110,000 687,276 2,000,577 24,886 12,798,358 11,594,885 2,662,740 46,701 478,205 465,389 651,542 83,050 435,000 88,963 158,000 63,250 25,000 79,650 3,127,000 30,000 770,619 $67,536,854 48,105.56 0.00 32,175.01 22,831.00 0.00 1,965.36 0.00 419.48 1,560.00 0.00 0.00 102,725.23 6,900.39 0.00 0.00 9,357.79 0.00 353,708.81 296,433.95 0.00 0.00 11,139.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,558.80 0.00 29,118.15 79,145.77 $2,704,414.84 254,308.44 64,363.00 12,466.59 0.00 61,598.00 90,613.32 7,670.00 27,770.80 247,969.27 142,196.59 53,364.11 525,985.25 505,568.11 60,250.00 356,474.70 59,255.65 14,896.00 1,479,523.52 5,468,533.77 5,307.98 3,059.92 56,118.26 449,497.83 251,542.00 60,000.00 11,059.16 88,963.00 5,016.38 63,250.00 25,000.00 26,541.20 978,885.58 881.85 691,473.23 $22,369,210.94 FY 2014 Fairfax County Advertised Budget Plan (Vol. 2) - 596 FY 2014 Advertised Budget Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0