
Document 1893414

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Document 1893414
Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2005
Anne Kanter, James Davis, James Hardcastle, Chris Terpak-Malm, Harry
Glasgow, Stephen Kirby, Paul Imse, Jean Huang, Robert Jordan, Scott
Daniel Jackson,
Qayyum Khan, Valerie Tucker, Jerry Stonefield, Camylyn Lewis, Shahab
James T. Nicklay, Scott Peterson, Whit Field, Frank Crandall, Richard Ellis,
Deborah Armitage, Pat Harty, Greg McLaughlin, Michelle Brickner, Carole
Dixon, Mike Bruen
The meeting commenced at 2:06 pm with 10 of the 11 committee members present.
Following was the order of business:
Syed Ali and Komal Kazmi Public Hearing
Resource Protection Area Encroachment Exception CBE #027084/000242-WRPA-001-1
To construct a single family home within RPA.
Mr. Martin, upon the request of the applicants, made the motion to defer the Public Hearing
on CBE #027084/000242-WRPA-001-1 until a revised application is submitted. It was noted
that the applicant would have to reinitiate to notice process to bring this matter before the
ERC. Mr. Glasgow seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The committee adopted the resolution deferring the matter indefinitely. (Attachment A)
Spring Hill Farm Public Hearing
Resource Protection Area Encroachment Exception CBE #026909/004901-WRPA-001-1
To construct a stormwater management pond in RPA.
Ms. Kanter stated that Mr. Ellis (the applicant) is a former neighbor of hers and Ms.
Armitage is a good friend of hers, she also stated that she had not discussed this case with
them. The Chair asked if anybody have any objection against Ms. Kanter participating in
this meeting. There were no objections made, Mr. Imse proceeded with the public hearing.
A brief presentation by staff summarizing the case was given by Ms. Camylyn Lewis.
The applicant’s request was presented by Mr. Scott Peterson (engineer).
Mr. Frank Crandall, Mr. James Nicklay, and Mr. Whit Field spoke from the public.
The staff recommended Exception CBE #027084 for approval subject to the proposed
development conditions dated December 23, 2004, contained in attachment A of the staff
During its discussion, the committee also engaged in extended colloquies with the staff, the
applicant and his representatives, and others present at the hearing.
Final, Adopted March 2, 2005
Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2005
Page 2 of 3
Mr. Jordan made the motion that the committee to deny the application CBE
#026909/004901-WRPA-001-1. Ms. Kanter seconded the motion, which carried
unanimously The committee adopted the attached resolution. (Attachment B)
Administrative Items
Mr. Shahab Baig reminded the committee members of the deadline to fill out the financial
disclosures. He also pointed out that he has to inform the Clerk to the BOS of any
committee member who misses three meetings consecutively. An attendance record for the
year 2004 was also distributed.
Mr. Baig also informed the ERC that all members of County boards, authorities,
commissions, and committees (BACs), individually and collectively, do not lobby the General
Assembly or any public agency, state, federal, or local, on a position that is contrary to the
official position of the Board of Supervisors. Members of a BAC or the group itself may not
appear before public agencies as a representative of such a group without informing the
Board of Supervisors. However, a member of a BAC may appear before public agencies
without informing the Board of Supervisors if that appearance is made as a personal
appearance by that member.
Election of Officers
After nominations from the nominating committee and none from the floor, the following
officers were elected unanimously:
♦ Chair
Mr. Paul Imse
♦ Vice Chair
Ms. Anne Kanter
♦ Secretary
Ms. Jean Huang
Previous Meeting Minutes
It had been discovered there was an inadvertent error in the October 6, 2004 meeting
minutes, which had been previously revised. The Committee moved, seconded and
unanimously approved the new revision of the October 6th minutes.
Committee also moved, seconded and approved the November 3, 2004, meeting minutes as
Potential Upcoming Cases
Ms. Valerie Tucker informed the committee that there is a case scheduled for hearing in
February. Ms. Tucker said there are no other significant cases to add to the list at this time.
Mr. Imse said that he would like to have a discussion at the next ERC hearing or meeting
about what the committee has experienced through the last year, the lessons learned, ideas
for the future, etc.
Mr. Glasgow announced that Mr. Jordan will be resigning from the committee. He
acknowledged the services of Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan also spoke and shared his future
plans. The Chair thanked Mr. Jordan for his services and told him how much his knowledge,
insight and wisdom would be missed by the ERC.
Next Meeting
Final, Adopted March 2, 2005
Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2005
Page 3 of 3
The next meeting is scheduled for February 2, 2005, at 2:00pm. The meeting was
adjourned at 4:30 pm.
October 6, 2004, meeting minutes;
November 3, 2004, meeting minutes; and
Calendar Year 2004 attendance record.
Two handouts distributed during the hearing, are attached as Attachments C and D.
Final, Adopted March 2, 2005
Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2005
Anne Kanter, James Davis, Chris Terpak-Malm, Harry Glasgow, Stephen
Kirby, Paul Imse, Jean Huang, Whit Field, Scott Martin
Daniel Jackson, James Hardcastle
Valerie Tucker, Jerry Stonefield, Camylyn Lewis, Yosif Ibrahim, Elfatih
Salim, Bruce Nassimbeni, Ken Williams, Don Lacquement, Shahab Baig
The meeting commenced at 2:09 pm with 9 of the 11 committee members present.
Following was the order of business:
Introduction of New Committee Member
Mr. Whit Field introduced himself to the committee as the representative of the Dranesville
district. Mr. Field was appointed by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on February 28,
2005. He is filling the position vacated by Mr. Robert E. Jordan.
Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee also moved, seconded and approved the January 5, 2005, meeting minutes.
RPA Workshop
The staff gave the following presentation:
Plan and Exception/Waiver Submission Process
- by Ken Williams, Plan and Document Control
RPA Buffer Definition
- by Yosif Ibrahim, Environmental and Site Review Division
Redelineation Study Review Process
- by Don Lacquement, Stormwater Planning Division
Processing Steps for ERC Exceptions
- by Camylyn Lewis, Environmental and Site Review Division
Staff Review of Applications under CBPO Article 6
- by Jerry Stonefield, Environmental and Site Review Division
Discussion on Communication with Staff
Ms. Anne Kanter informed the committee of the meeting between the Chair, Vice Chair and
some staff members. Committee discussion followed and following are the points of the
Staff will meet the ERC district representative involved early on to discuss the case. If
needed, the chair, vice chair, or any other at-large member can also be involved.
cc the district ERC member on the letter notifying the acceptance of the case
The ERC member should call the staff if they have any questions on the staff report
More information is needed on how WQ benefits exceeds WQ detriments
Final, Adopted June 1, 2005
Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2004
Page 2 of 2
In staff recommendation, state why they reached to that recommendation.
Follow established Rules of Procedure more closely.
Conditions should be based on the application. It is not a compromise or negotiation.
Motions should be emailed to ERC a couple days ahead of the meeting.
Potential Upcoming Cases
Staff provided the members with the list of Potential Upcoming Case. Staff informed that
there are no other significant cases to add to the list at this time.
Look Back at First Year
The committee discussed sharing their concerns regarding the loopholes in the CBO with the
Environmental Committee.
They also discussed inviting Heather Mackey from CBLAD to come speak about Fairfax
County’s compliance with the Chesapeake Bay Act.
The new tracking system is currently being updated with data. It will be a couple more
months before it is ready for use.
VII. Announcements
Mr. Glasgow informed that the ERC bylaws were approve the Board of Supervisor in its
meeting of February 7, 2005.
VIII. Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2005, at 2:00pm, if Heather Mackey could make it
to that meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 pm.
January, 2004, meeting minutes (draft);
Resolution and letter for CBE #027084/0002921-WRPA-001-1
Resolution and letter for CBE #026909/0004901-WRPA-001-1
Two handouts distributed during the hearing (January), are attached as Attachments C and
November, 2004, meeting minutes (final)
October, 2004, meeting minutes (final)
Rules of Procedure for Hearing before ERC
Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2005
Chris Terpak-Malm, Harry Glasgow, Stephen Kirby, Paul Imse, Jean Huang,
Whit Field
Anne Kanter, James Davis, Daniel Jackson, James Hardcastle, Scott Martin
Jerry Stonefield, Camylyn Lewis, Yosif Ibrahim, Elfatih Salim, Michelle
Brickner, Jeff Blackford, Qayyum Khan, Shahab Baig
The meeting commenced at 2:05 pm with 6 of the 11 committee members present.
Following was the order of business:
Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee moved, seconded, and approved the March 2, 2005, meeting minutes.
Committee Officers Update
Mr. Imse stated he will be submitting his official resignation as the Mason District
representative and as the Chair next week. He informed that the Bylaws provide that if one
of the officers resigns that position becomes vacant and has to be replaced by election. He
said the Nominating committee will reconstitute itself and report in the next meeting.
It was suggested that nominating committee should follow the VFOIA requirements and
advertise the notice of such meeting accordingly.
Overall Process Improvement Ideas
The committee asked the possibility of being informed of all waivers regarding Chesapeake
Bay exceptions processed administratively or by the Board. There was extensive discussion
with staff on how the system and the ordinance is set up and organized.
 There is feeling that a lot of disturbances are occurring in RPA.
 Maybe the ordinance needs to be more stringent.
 The Permits Branch does not keep records of construction approved in RPA area;
they only keep record of location of disturbed area for any construction disturbing
less than 2500 sq ft.
During discussions regarding the amount of applications which have been received, the
Exception Review Committee inquired about the number of complaints received and
violations issued by the county pertaining to activities within RPA.
In calendar year 2004, the Code Enforcement Branch of Land Development Services,
DPWES, received 13 complaints pertaining to RPAs. Of those complaints, most were
determined by staff to be either not valid or were resolved by the land owner without
further actions necessary by the county. Of those 13 complaints, four Notices of Violation
were issued by Code Enforcement for non-compliance, all of which were resolved by the
land owners without further legal action required by the county (one violation resulted in
the submission and approval of a grading plan).
As of this date in calendar year 2005, the Code Enforcement Branch has received 18
complaints pertaining to RPAs, of which two have resulted in Notices of Violation. Staff is
Final, Adopted August 3, 2005
Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2005
Page 2 of 2
continuing to work with the land owners toward code compliance and resolution of those
cases. In the inability to gain compliance, staff will pursue further legal recourse.
Potential Upcoming Cases
There will be one case likely to be heard in August, and there is a chance that the previously
deferred case may also be heard in that meeting.
V. Announcements
Mr. Imse said that he will be leaving and that he enjoyed working with the all the members
and staff. The members thanked for his service.
Staff asked if the numbers of Chesapeake Bay violations will be included in the minutes.
VI. Next Meeting
Committee decided to schedule next meeting for August 3rd and to have elections that day
before the hearings. The meeting was adjourned at 3:02 pm.
VII. Attachments
March, 2005, meeting minutes (draft);
January, 2005, meeting minutes (final)
Copy of memorandum from The County Attorney (confidential Attorney-Client Communicationnot be released to the public)
Final, Adopted August 3, 2005
Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2005
Anne Kanter, James Davis, Harry Glasgow, Stephen Kirby, Jean Huang,
Whit Field, James Hardcastle, Patricia Payne, Scott Martin
Chris Terpak-Malm, Daniel Jackson
Jerry Stonefield, Camylyn Lewis, Yosif Ibrahim, Jeff Blackford, Qayyum
Khan, Valerie Tucker, Assad Ayoubi, Shahab Baig
George Rhodes III, Patrick Kessler, Mick Frasier, Lynne Strobel, Carlo
Katindig, Richard Woodward, Frank Woodward, Wayne Preston, Ellery F
Calkin, Denis Hannan
The meeting commenced at 1:32 pm with 8 of the 11 committee members present. The
ninth member joined in later. Following was the order of business:
Introduction of New Member
Ms. Patricia Payne introduced herself to the rest of the committee members. Ms. Payne is
representing the Mason District and is filling the position vacated by Mr. Paul Imse. The
other committee members then introduced themselves.
Election of Officers
Mr. Glasgow, representing the nominating committee, announced the names of the
candidates for the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Secretary positions and asked if
anyone from floor would like to nominate anyone else. The election followed by ballot
voting. Following is the result of the elections:
Vice Chairman
Whit Field
Harry Glasgow
Jean Huang
The committee took a recess before opening the Public Hearing scheduled at 2:00 pm
Belay Tadesse Public Hearing
Resource Protection Area Encroachment Exception CBE #7294-WRPA-002-1
To subdivide site into three single- family, detached dwellings, including development of a
temporary road, portions of three driveways, a portion of sidewalk, and four raingardens
within the RPA.
Ms. Camylyn Lewis from staff made the statement that applicant has not met the
requirement for notifying all the adjacent properties as per section 118-6-3 and requested
that hearing be deferred. Mr. George Rhodes III, the agent for the applicant, agreed.
Mr. Glasgow made the motion to defer the Public Hearing on CBE #7294-WRPA-002-1 until
next regular scheduled meeting of ERC, provided that all required notices have been given
at that time. Mr. Kirby seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
The resolution was adopted. (Attachment A)
Final-Adopted September 7, 2005
Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2005
Page 2 of 3
Syed Ali and Komal Kazmi Public Hearing
Resource Protection Area Encroachment Exception CBE #027084(revised 00242-WRPA-0011)
To construct a single family home within the RPA.
Mr. Glasgow stated that the attorney representing the applicant is a friend of his. He stated
that this will not influence his decision regarding case. There were no objections made; Mr.
Field proceeded with the public hearing.
A brief presentation by staff summarizing the case was given by Mr. Yosif Ibrahim.
The applicant’s request was presented by Mr. Patrick Kessler (engineer).
Mr. Ellery Calkins spoke from the public.
The staff recommended Exception CBE #027084(revised 00242-WRPA-001-1) for approval,
subject to the proposed development conditions contained in attachment A of the staff
A committee discussion followed and Mr. Scott Martin made the motion for the committee to
approve with development conditions, as attached here. Mr. Davis seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously. (Attachment B)
V. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee moved, seconded and approved the June 1st meeting minutes. Ms. Payne
VI. Announcements
Mr. Baig reported that Ms. Heather Mackey, Chesapeake Bay Principal Planner for DCR,
visited Fairfax County. He informed the committee that Ms. Mackey was pleased with the
overall performance of the County, but there were some minor issues in record keeping. A
report of her visit would be provided at the next meeting.
The committee members suggested that they should invite Ms. Mackey to one of the future
ERC meetings or to provide a training session.
Mr. Davis asked if staff can provide a list of waiver processed administratively. Staff said
they will work on it.
During the discussion around understating the waiver and exception procedure, Mr. Field
said that he will work with staff to prepare a flow diagram showing the exception and waiver
VII. Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for September 7th. The meeting was adjourned at 3:47 pm.
VIII. Attachments
June, 2005, meeting minutes (draft);
March, 2005, meeting minutes (final);
BAC Membership Report (7/28/2005)
Final-Adopted September 7, 2005
Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2005
Page 3 of 3
Staff Reports
Final-Adopted September 7, 2005
Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2005
Anne Kanter, James Davis, Harry Glasgow, Stephen Kirby, Jean Huang,
Whit Field, James Hardcastle, Daniel Jackson, Scott Martin, Chris TerpakMalm
Patricia Payne
Jerry Stonefield, Yosif Ibrahim, Jeff Blackford, Qayyum Khan, Valerie
Tucker, Shahab Baig
George Rhodes III, Tom Thomas
The meeting commenced at 2:01 pm with 10 of the 11 committee members present.
Following was the order of business:
I. Belay Tadesse Public Hearing
Resource Protection Area Encroachment Exception CBE #7294-WRPA-002-1, to construct
three access entrances and driveways, a temporary road, a sidewalk, and four biofiltration
systems (raingardens), for new single-family subdivision, within RPA. On August 3, 2005
the Exception Review Committee (ERC) deferred the public hearing to September 7, 2005.
The applicant, George Rhodes, has requested by letter that the Public Hearing be deferred.
After a brief statement from the applicant, Mr. Kirby made the motion to defer the Public
Hearing on CBE #7294-WRPA-002-1 until a revised application is submitted. Mr. Davis
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
The resolution was adopted. (Attachment A)
II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee moved, seconded and approved the August 3rd meeting minutes.
RPA Exception and Waiver List
Ms. Tucker distributed and discussed the RPA Exception and Waiver list to the committee.
IV. Announcements
Mr. Baig reported that he has contacted Ms. Heather Mackey, the Chesapeake Bay Principal
Planner for DCR. He informed the Committee that she was not available to attend the next
meeting but is willing to accommodate some other time. The Committee decided to
schedule a meeting which will work for her and the committee members. Mr. Baig also
informed the Committee that there will be a workshop in November in Richmond.
Staff informed the Committee of the two likely upcoming cases.
Mr. Field stated that there are some inconsistencies in the by-laws. He suggested that if
there are no cases to hear next meeting, they review them and clean it up.
V. Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for October 5th. The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 pm.
Final-Adopted November 2, 2005
Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2005
Page 2 of 2
August, 2005, meeting minutes (draft);
June, 2005, meeting minutes (final);
RPA Exception and Waiver List
Final-Adopted September 7, 2005
Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2005
Anne Kanter, James Davis, Harry Glasgow, Stephen Kirby, Jean Huang,
Whit Field, James Hardcastle, Scott Martin, Chris Terpak-Malm
Patricia Payne, Daniel Jackson
Jerry Stonefield, Camylyn Lewis, Elfatih Salim, Jeff Blackford, Qayyum
Khan, Valerie Tucker, Assad Ayoubi, Bruce Nassimbeni, Michelle Brickner,
Jimmie Jenkins, Shahab Baig, Nick Antonopoulos
Carl Bouchard, Don Demetrius, Nathaniel Bawcombe, Frank Spicer,
Charles King, Kan Kurtenbach
The meeting commenced at 2:06 pm with 9 of the 11 Committee members present.
Following was the order of business:
I. Public Hearing - Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Resource Protection Area Encroachment Exception CBE #4365-WRPA-001-1
Construction of a regional pond R-17 in a Resource Protection Area (RPA).
After the disclosure of no conflicts from any ERC members, Mr. Salim of the Staff gave a
preliminary statement describing the application.
The applicant, Mr. Bouchard presented an overview of the project a using power point slide
show. He and members of his staff (Mr. Demetrius and Mr. Bawcombe) answered questions
raised by the ERC Members.
Mr. Kurtenbach, a nearby homeowner, also made a brief statement favoring the project.
The staff recommended Exception CBE #4365-WRPA-001-1 for approval, subject to the
proposed development conditions contained in attachment A of the staff report.
A committee discussion followed and Mr. Scott Martin made the motion for the Committee
to approve the application request with development conditions. Mr. Glasgow seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously. (Attachment A)
II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee moved, seconded, and approved the September 7th, 2005, meeting minutes.
Ms. Kanter informed the Committee about a program by The Virginia Urban Forest Council,
Clearing the Air With Virginia Trees, November 10, 2005.
Mr. Blackford stated that Mr. Jenkins, Director of DPWES, has requested staff to insure that
the County is held to the same standards as the private industry is. Further, the County is
very concerned that the private industry may see it otherwise.
The staff stated that there were no pending applications for review next month.
Mr. Davis presented a reach of stream recently reclassified as non-perennial, and a dead
fish recently found at a point on this stream; the fish was dead at the time it was found.
Final-Adopted December 7, 2005
Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2005
Page 2 of 2
Mr. Davis noted that the current classification to a perennial stream requires a 26 step
determination, while declassification is a simple one step visual determination. He
requested that the classification of this particular stream be brought to the attention of the
determining authority.
IV. Next Meeting
The chairman suggested that since there is no upcoming case to be heard in next meeting,
he would like to take the time to discuss the by-laws and procedures and to do some
The next meeting is scheduled for December 7th.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:03 pm.
September, 2005, meeting minutes (draft);
August, 2005, meeting minutes (final);
Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2005
Anne Kanter, James Davis, Harry Glasgow, Stephen Kirby, Jean Huang,
Whit Field, Chris Terpak-Malm, Patricia Payne
Dan Jackson, James Hardcastle, Scott Martin
Camylyn Lewis, Elfatih Salim, Jerry Stonefield, Valerie Tucker, Yosif
Ibrahim, Michelle Brickner, Assad Ayoubi, Tu Nguyen
The meeting commenced at 2:05 pm with 8 of the 11 Committee members present.
Following was the order of business:
I. ERC Web page update
Tu Nguyen, DPWES ITS, filled the group in on the County web page policy, the option for
intranet or internet, and the procedures to have a page set up. As the web page is to
provide information to the public, it was decided that the internet will be used. Harry
Glasgow and Whit Field will work with Tu, and do the paperwork to have the web page
set up.
II. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Committee moved, seconded, and approved the November’s, meeting minutes with
amendment, “Mr. Davis presented a reach of stream recently reclassified as nonperennial,”
III. Discussion of Regional Pond issues moderated by Mr. Field
The committee requested that the new Director of Stormwater, Randy Bartlet, give a
briefing on regional ponds.
The committee also considered requesting a future briefing from CBLAD.
IV. The rules of procedure
The committed voted to change item 10 to read as follows, “The time limit for a person
to make a statement or presentation shall be extended as determined by the Chair,”.
V. By Laws
The committee reviewed the By Laws, with a view to staggering appointments. As natural
attrition may result in staggered terms, no changes were proposed at this time. However,
it was decided that the committee will review the Boards policy.
VI. Election of Officers
Officers for the coming year are required. Harry Glasgow will lead the nominating
committee who will present nominations at the next meeting.
Public affairs are to be notified of the date and time of the next meeting.
VII. Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for January 4th 2006.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10pm.
I. Attachments
December, meeting minutes (draft);
Final, Adopted January 4, 2006
Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2005
Page 2 of 2
November, meeting minutes (final);
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