
Hunter Mill Highlights From Supervisor Cathy Hudgins

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Hunter Mill Highlights From Supervisor Cathy Hudgins
Hunter Mill Highlights
From Supervisor Cathy Hudgins
North County Government Center
12000 Bowman Towne Drive, Reston, VA 20190
703-478-0283 (O), 711 (TTY), 703-471-6847 (FAX)
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/huntermill/
Dear Hunter Mill Friends,
Fall colors and Daylight Savings are coming to Hunter Mill District and so have the traditional
events associated with the season. After a day of rain, the clouds cleared and I participated
with the many ghosts, goblins and ninjas in the annual Vienna Halloween parade. Fun was
had by all.
Hunter Mill District
Supervisor Cathy Hudgins
Inside this issue:
Coat Closet Begins
Food Drives
Aging in Community
Forum Follow-Up
Health Survey
CASA Volunteers
Sportsmanship Awards
Gas Pipeline Safety
FY 2012 Budget
Land Use Projects
Land Use Programs
Arrowbrook Opens
Park Authority’s 60th
Events & Notices
Hunter Mill Highlights is my
electronic newsletter.
Please share this issue with
your organizations. To be
added to our mailing list,
e-mail us at
[email protected]
With the approval of the Transportation Bond Referendum on November 2nd, the County
funds our contribution toward the Metro rail system, including buying 400 new metrorail cars
and 500 Metro buses, as well as building new bus garages, including one in Fairfax. Regional
jurisdictions by compact agree to pay their share of the Metro’s capital improvement program,
and because the County carefully plans its bond sales, the approved bonds will not cause a tax
Phase 1 of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is well underway as visitors to Tysons Corner and drivers on I-66 and the Dulles International Airport Access Road can attest. You can
see the beginnings of the Tysons East Station in the median across from Marshall’s Plaza and
the Tysons West station across from the Sheraton. Construction continues on the Dulles
Access Road in the median all the way to Wiehle Avenue where the station construction is
visible just west of the overpass bridge.
In December, Fairfax Connector Routes for the 585, 595, and 597 buses will be changed as
the Reston East Park and Ride is closed so construction can begin on the Wiehle Avenue
Parking Garage for 2300 cars. To keep our Hunter Mill residents informed of these changes,
a meeting was held on Nov. 4 at the North County Governmental Center to explain the
changes. We will keep you posted on the specifics on the Hunter Mill District website. I am
working closely with residents and Reston organizations to plan for multimodal access to the
Reston station when it opens three years from now with the completion of Phase I.
Phase 2 Rail Station designs were presented last month by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) for the six stations from Reston Parkway thru Dulles Airport to
Route 772 in Loudoun County. The most significant change would place the airport station
further from the terminal than originally approved in 2002. The Board of Supervisors has
asked, and as a member of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), I
sponsored a Resolution asking that you, the passenger, be kept in mind as the alternative is
As Thanksgiving approaches, we can be grateful that the economy in our region is strong and
that improvement projects are continuing that will bring increased prosperity and opportunity
for those who live and work in Hunter Mill District. We are also grateful to the many people
who participated in the October volunteer activities, particularly the Backpack Food program
for hungry kids. The response was heartwarming. Our annual Hunter Mill Winter Coat Closet begins this month (see page 2) so please keep us in mind as you clean out your closets.
Thanks on behalf of all in need.
Latest Hunter Mill Announcements
2010 - 2011
Hunter Mill Winter Coat Closet
Sponsored by Supervisor Cathy Hudgins
and Reston Interfaith
My office is teaming up with Reston Interfaith in sponsoring the Hunter Mill Winter Coat Closet to provide
needy children and families with a winter coat. The Coat Closet will begin operations on Saturday, November
20th and continue through to March 12th.
Last year, the Coat Closet distributed
5,592 winter coats
2,355 accessories - hats, scarves, gloves
Your contributions of gently used or new winter coats, in children’s and adult
sizes (especially XL sizes), are greatly needed. Donations can be dropped off at
the regular Coat Closet hours of operation. The Coat Closet is held in the
Community Room of the North County Government Center, 12000 Bowman
Towne Drive, Reston.
Hunter Mill Coat Closet
hours of operation
10 a.m. to 12 noon
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
For additional information, contact Minnie Orozco at Reston Interfaith, 571-323-1410.
Holiday Food Drives in Hunter Mill
Your donations are needed in your community
Reston Community Center
Food drive to benefit Reston Interfaith will run November 1-23
Contributions can be dropped off at the Reston Community Center (both Hunters Woods and Lake Anne)
or other designated drop off points throughout the community. Items especially needed are; canned meat,
fruit, vegetables, juice, beans, condiments, peanut butter, jelly, soups, chili, boxed dessert mixes and potatoes,
ramen noodles, cup-o-noodles, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, seasoning packets, snacks (cookies, crackers,
fruit bars) and diapers.
Northeast Vienna Citizens Association & Supervisor Cathy Hudgins
NVCA and my office have teamed up to sponsor a food drive to benefit Committee for Helping Others
Contributions will be collected from November 1through December 31, at drop boxes located at Vienna
Town Hall and Community Center, several local businesses, and at the Patrick Henry Library. NEVCA
states, “There is much need in our community and we appreciate your help.”
Herndon-Reston F.I.S.H.
F.I.S.H. provides gift baskets and food baskets to local families and children in need
Donations can be dropped off at The Bargain Loft, 336 Victory Drive in Herndon. In addition, on November 15,16, & 17, food donations will be accepted at 11484 Washington Plaza West, Room 140, in Reston.
Volunteers are needed those days to help sort and pack food baskets. Drivers also needed to deliver food
baskets on Nov. 18th. Contact Robyn Kamps 571-926-8019 if you can help.
Page 2
Aging in Community: Forum Follow
MC Steve Gurney and Fairfax Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon
Bulova joined me in welcoming the over 300 forum attendees.
Last month’s Aging In Community Forum was the first
step in what I hope will pave the way for our district to become a proactive, pro-aging community. Our next step in
this process is a public planning meeting planned for Tuesday, November 16, 7-8:30 p.m. at Reston Community Center at Hunters Woods, 2310 Colts Neck Road, Reston.
Information gathered from the forum sessions and surveys
will be shared along with opportunities to learn about and
participate in our next-step working groups. Get in touch if
you wish to be part of this effort!
Hunter Mill District Office Holiday Open House
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Community Health Survey: Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax
The Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax (http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hd/mapp) is a coalition of community
members and diverse organizations working together to improve community health in the Fairfax community,
which includes Fairfax County, the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church and the towns of Clifton, Herndon and
A critical component of the Partnership's work is a Community Health Survey (http://tt1.opinio.net/s?
s=10369) to gather perspectives about community strengths and the issues needing more attention. The brief
anonymous survey will be posted online through November 15, 2010. Everyone who lives, works, or plays in
the Fairfax community is encouraged to take a few minutes to answer some simple questions. This is a chance
to get involved and make a difference as we work together to improve community health. Your opinion counts!
CLICK HERE to take the survey now! (http://tt1.opinio.net/s?s=10369)
Page 3
Will you speak for a child? Volunteers Needed
Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is hosting an information session on Saturday, November 20, 11 a.m. to noon, at the Reston
Community Center at Lake Anne, 1609-A Washington Plaza, Reston. Volunteers serve as a court appointed advocate for abused and neglected children. Training is provided. If you would like to learn more about advocating for abused or neglected children, please contact Elisa Kosarin,
703-273-3526 x26.
Fairfax County Champions of Character in Sports
Each year, the Fairfax County Athletic Council honors athletes, coaches and volunteers who exhibit outstanding
sportsmanship in their sports for the Champions of Character in Sports Awards. I was honored to participate in
at the awards presentation last month to recognize these outstanding examples of sportsmanship. This year’s
selections in the Hunter Mill District are:
Khristin Kyllo - female athlete from Madison High School. Khristin, a 2010 graduate of JMHS, is currently a
freshman softball player at Princeton University. She was selected for her perseverance in facing a tough medical condition and inspiring her team to make it to the state semifinals.
Bryan Cox - male athlete with Reston Little League. Bryan, a 9 year old pitcher, battled back after a serious illness and treatment to become a key member of his team’s pitching staff. Bryan is an example in perseverance
and a model of determination that his peers and coaches alike can look up to.
Bob Zadeh - coach with Vienna Youth Soccer. Bob was nominated for his work with The Outreach Program
for Soccer (TOPSoccer), designed to give children with special needs the opportunity to learn and play soccer.
Bob literally wrote the book for coaches and directed the coach training sessions along with planning each of the
TOPSoccer program sessions.
Anne Ganten - parent with Vienna Youth, Inc. Anne is founder and commissioner of A-List League, a new
venture of VYI’s basketball program. The new league provides an opportunity for youth with special needs to
participate in basketball program designed for their skill level and experience.
Thank you for supporting the
Helping Hungry Kids Food
Backpack Program
Sarah Newman, Executive Director of
Helping Children Worldwide, and I
would like to thank constituents and
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church for
participating in the Helping Hungry
Kids Backpack Program. These nutritious, kid-friendly food items help subsidize the food at home during the weekend. Because of your kindness and generosity, we were able to prepare 80 food
packages for the program.
Page 4
Gas Pipeline Safety Update
Based on constituent inquiry as a result of recent national headlines, I asked the Board of Supervisors in September to direct the County Executive to further inquire about the safety status of gas transmission pipelines
beneath Fairfax County. The County Executive recently issued a memo to the Board of Supervisors indicating
that there are currently 205 miles of gas transmission pipelines and 111 miles of hazardous liquid pipelines. The
Fire and Rescue Department maintains an active liaison with those companies who have pipelines. Because of
its population, Fairfax County is designated a high consequence area, resulting in more in-depth oversight.
Pipeline companies all have liaison contacts that provide safety and general pipeline information to landowners,
citizens, and first responders. The companies are required to provide annual education seminars on pipeline
emergencies which the Fire and Rescue Department has participated in and also conducted trainings with several of the companies. The general public can access pipeline information, i.e., which pipelines run through the
areas they live in and appropriate contact information online through the National Pipeline Mapping System at
The Fire Marshal’s Office maintains an active list of projects within the county. They also conduct random site
inspections of pipeline and tank farm facilities (47 sites) within the county to provide added security and awareness of the above-ground pipeline facilities located throughout the county.
The Fire and Rescue Department has no regulatory authority over pipeline operations in the county and does
not conduct inspections of the actual pipelines. No inspections or maintenance records for these pipelines are
kept by the department. All safety concerns or violations noted during site checks are reported to the Pipeline
and Hazardous Materials safety Administration (PHMSA) or the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC).
Update on the FY 2012 Budget
On Tuesday October 26th, County Executive Anthony Griffin gave his initial
Fiscal Year 2012 Budget projection to the Board of Supervisors and the Fairfax County School Board at a joint
work session. The forecast for FY 2012 (which begins July 1, 2011) is consistent with the last couple of years
although the County may see some slight improvement.
The total General Fund Revenue is projected to be $3.3 billion, or approximately the same as FY 2011, due to a
continued stagnant housing market and a decline in the commercial real estate market. A very modest increase
in revenue combined with increases for goods and services adds up to the County facing another multimillion
dollar projected shortfall. County Executive Griffin and the budget staff have projected a FY 2012 shortfall of
$54.5 million.
While not as severe as the previous two years, the current projected shortfall presents a challenge because of the
necessary actions implemented in the last two fiscal years. Fairfax County suffered its two greatest budget challenges in FY 2010 and FY 2011 with initial projected shortfalls of $648 million and $490 million respectively. In
the past two fiscal years, the County has kept operating expenses at FY 2009 levels with no increases to the
schools transfer, employee compensation, Information Technology funding, capital funding, and Metro/
Connector funding. All agency spending has been reduced and positions have been cut. Some facilities closed
and some programs eliminated in order to obtain balanced budgets.
As the County continues to take the necessary steps to once again adopt a balanced budget, I look forward to
hearing your concerns regarding the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. Send your comments to me at
[email protected]
Page 5
Land Use
Status of Hunter Mill District Projects
Reston Excelsior LLC:
PRC 86-C-121-03 - Development of two residential buildings on Tax Map 017-4((01))007B - Oracle Campus. Town Center Concept Plan (CPA 86-C-121-8-3) to permit the development with a maximum of 457 units
and a maximum height of 180 feet. On November 3rd, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of this application. The Board of Supervisors public hearing is scheduled for November 16,
2010, at 3:30 p.m.
Fairway Apartments Redevelopment Proposal:
Fairway I & II Residential LLC (Applicant) has filed a Planned Residential Community (PRC) Plan (PRC A-502-2) to convert the existing Fairway Apartments consisting of 346 units with 543 parking spaces. The Applicant is proposing the following: Fairway East section will consist of 370 multi-family units with 593 parking
spaces. Fairway West will consist of 593 multi-family units, 64 single family attached units, 985 parking spaces @ Tax Map 17-2((18))1 and 17-2((19))2A. On September 22, 2010 the Planning Commission deferred this application indefinitely
in order to continue addressing concerns regarding the development.
RPB & M, LCC: 11401, 11403, 11407, 11411 & 11417 Sunset Hills
Road, Reston
RPB & M, LLC has filed rezoning application RZ 2010-HM-004 and Final Development Plan 2010-HM008. The application proposes development at Section 913, Tax Map 17-4((19)) Parcels 1,2,3,4,5A and 6A and
17-4((24)) 4B to develop one mid-size multi-family residential building (520 units), office building 170,000 sq. ft
and 8,000 sq. ft. of support retail. No Planning Commission public hearing has been scheduled at this time.
Planning staff is waiting for additional information from the Applicant regarding the 527 traffic analysis.
Sekas Homes: 8900 Old Courthouse Road, Vienna
Sekas Homes, Ltd. and Land Design Consultants, Inc. has revised
zoning application RZ 2010-HM-006 to rezone from R-1 to R-3
conventional with the development of six (6) lots @ 8900 Old
Courthouse Road, Tax Map 28-4((1)), Parcel 20. Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for December 2, 2010 at 8:15
Board of Supervisors: 12050 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, Va.
The Board of Supervisors have filed application proffer condition amendment PCA 86-C-119-006 and Development Plan Amendment (DPA 86-C-119-02) with a partial Planned Residential Community (PRC) plan to
change the use of a temporary parking lot to an interim commuter lot at 12050 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA.,
(Tax Map 17-3((1)) Parcel 29B. The lot will have approximately 607 parking spaces and provide a passenger
pickup area and bus loop. The Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for November 18,
2010, at 8:15 p.m., with a Board of Supervisor’s public hearing on December 7, 2010, at 3:30 p.m.
Page 6
Land Use Special Projects and Programs
Rail Construction to Impact Parking at Reston East Park and Ride
Parking spaces at Reston East Park and Ride on Wiehle Avenue north of the Dulles Toll Road will be impacted
by Dulles Rail construction as early as November 28, 2010. Reston East Park and Ride is the location of the future parking garage for the Wiehle Avenue Metrorail station, the last of five stations in Phase I of the Dulles
Corridor Metrorail Project, scheduled to open in late 2013.
The construction project is expected
to require closing of approximately
200 of 820 parking spaces on or
about Nov. 28 for preliminary utility
work. It is anticipated that the remaining spaces will be closed by
March 2011 as construction is expected to be fully active. An interim
commuter lot consisting of approximately 600 spaces is planned for
12050 Sunset Hills Road until work
is completed on new 2,300-space
Metrorail parking facility.
For up-to-date information about parking or travel options, commuters who use Reston East are encouraged to:
· Check the Fairfax Connector Web site (www.fairfaxconnector.com) for updates and parking options
· Sign up for emailed announcements from ConnectorInfo ListServ on the Fairfax Connector Web site.
Reston Master Plan Special Study Task Force
The Task Force met on Tuesday, October 26th at the Reston Community Center at Lake Anne, 7 p.m. Members of Fairfax County Department of Transportation presented on Dulles Corridor Special Study Transportation Analysis of Current Comprehensive Plan. The analysis consisted of evaluating forecasted conditions for
2030, travel trends and transit usage / road performances. The full presentation can be found at:
dulles_corridor_existing_compplan10_26_10.pdf. For meeting schedule and updated information on the Task
Force you can access http://fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/projects/reston/meetings_taskforce.htm.
Route 28 Station South Study Group
On October 18th, members of the Fairfax County Department of Transportation presented on Dulles Corridor
Special Study Transportation Analysis of Current Comprehensive Plan. The analysis consisted of evaluating
forecasted conditions for 2030, travel trends and transit usage / road performances. The full presentation can be
found at: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/projects/route28stationsouth/
route28stationsouthpresentationdullescorridorcompplan101810.pdf . For meeting schedule and updated information on the Rt. 28 South – Station Study you can access http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpz/projects/
route28.htm .
Questions on the Reston Master Plan Special Study or the Rt. 28 Station Study Group should be
directed to the Hunter Mill office at 703-478-0283, or e-mail at [email protected]
Page 7
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority:
Location of the Airport Terminal, Air Rights and Dulles Express Bus Issues
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) by state agreement in 2008 now owns and operates
the Dulles Toll Road. At the same time, MWAA agreed to build the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project. Phase 1
is now 20% complete and includes 4 stations in Tysons Corner and the Wiehle Avenue Station. Phase 2 runs
from Reston Parkway to Dulles International Airport to Route 772 in Loudoun County and includes 6 stations,
3 of which are in Fairfax County. The Metropolitan Washington Area Airports Authority (WMATA) will operate
the new Silver Line.
On September 15, MWAA released a preliminary cost estimate for Phase II of $3.83 billion or about $1.2 billion
greater than the previous estimate. Their proposal for an aerial alignment for the airport station located more
than 600 feet from the terminal near the north parking garage could reduce the cost of Phase II by $640 million
resulting in a preliminary cost estimate of about $3.19 billion.
On September 28, the Board of Supervisors approved a letter to MWAA supporting the originally approved underground station at the terminal pending additional information about costs and other considerations. Tolls
will pay for much of Phase 2 and the public has been promised “rail to Dulles” for many years.
The WMATA Board approved a resolution on Phase 2 on Thursday, October 28 resolving that “from a customer access and convenience stand point, the station at Dulles International Airport should be placed as close to
the Terminal as possible,” and “urged MWAA to explore other options to reduce project cost and funding burdens including seeking federal and state funding opportunities.” MWAA is currently evaluating a total of four
possible alternatives including the original underground location.
I have also been adamant in advocating that MWAA allow developers “air rights” over the Toll Road at the
Reston Parkway station. We lost that opportunity at Wiehle Avenue to “connect” both sides of Reston. The
County’s Comprehensive Plan includes language for development that would not preclude air rights. MWAA
continues to review our request.
Express Bus service was established in the Dulles Corridor in 1998 to establish “ridership” for the proposed rail
line to the Airport. Today there are 15,000 daily bus trips in the Dulles Corridor. The state and county originally
shared operating costs. With transfer of the Dulles Toll Road to MWAA, Fairfax County lost that vital $6.28
million annual state subsidy. We continue to work with MWAA management to restore those operating funds.
Rail Related Construction Coming to Wiehle Avenue in November
In anticipation of rail, work begins on the Wiehle Avenue Parking Garage for 2300 cars at the end of November.
Parking at the Reston East Park and ride will be phased to other locations beginning on November 28 and completed in March. This means that 200 of the 820 parking spaces at the Reston East Park and Ride will be closed
in several weeks. This will cause service changes for Fairfax Connector 585, 595, and 597. The rest of the lot
will be closed in phases until March when construction on the Garage begins. I have been working with County
Staff to assure a smooth transition. Information will be being distributed on buses, posted in bus shelters and
transit centers and distributed at public and business locations in Reston. A webpage has been created at http://
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/connector/news/dullesrail/restoneast.htm for up-to-the-minute information, or call the
Connector Hotline at 703-877-5700. Construction will continue for three years until rail opens at the end of
I use the Reston East Park and Ride and I know many of you who read “Hunter Mill Highlights” do as well.
Our commutes will be different. Please stay in contact with the Fairfax Connector references provided and call
the office at any time if we can answer any questions.
Page 8
New Arrowbrook Park
Grand Opening
The wait is finally over and the ribbon will be cut to open the County’s newest park, Arrowbrook. This
facility was built entirely by a local
developer on land donated to the
County. You are invited to see the
Park Authority accept the keys to
the facility at the grand opening on
Saturday, November 13, at 3:00
This park is a wonderful addition to
Hunter Mill’s inventory of parks.
Features include;
Lit artificial turf soccer field
Performance pavilion
Picnic pavilion
Basketball courts
Tennis courts (2)
Bocci court
Arrowbrook Park is located at
2351 Field Point Road
Herndon 20171
(from Centreville Road, turn onto
Arrowbrooke Center Drive, then
left onto Field Point Road.)
Park Authority’s 60th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, December 4
Celebrate the Park Authority’s 60th Anniversary with seasonal festivities at Frying
Pan Farm Park from 1 to 7 p.m. Ceremonies will take place at 5 p.m.
Stroll through the farm enjoying live music, equestrian demonstrations and a farm house visit. Bring the family
to Children’s Holiday Shopping at the Country Store. Meet Santa and make holiday crafts at Christmas on the
Farm (advance registra-tion required). Tour the 1930s working farm and the new state-of-the-art equestrian facilities. Wagon rides, warming fires, carolers and holiday photo stations add to the festive atmosphere. Park admission is free; some activities have fees.
Frying Pan Farm Park is located at 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon. For more information, call 703-437-9101.
Page 9
Madison High School Marching Band performed at the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association’s
(VBODA) assessment and earned a superior rating and the highest score. Later the same day, they competed in the United States Scholastic Band Association (USSBA) State Championships and placed second in
the state overall. Congratulations on a spectacular day of competitions!
Fairfax County Public Library Board of Trustees honored the hard work, dedication, and continued services
of members of the Library Friends groups at their Friends Choice Awards last month. Among the honorees
recognized were;
Linda Collins, Patrick Henry Library in Vienna
Judy Konnert, Reston Regional Library
Charly Karlsson, Reston Regional Library
Jack Waugaman, Reston Regional Library
Splash and Rhino, residents of Frying Pan Farm Park, came home with
top honors and blue ribbons awarded at the Virginia State Fair livestock competition last month. The winners, both Yorkshire cross
breeds, were evaluated on their soundness in structure, muscling,
body fat, width, frame size and general appearance. The happy winners are accompanied in the photo with Park Authority staffers Nicole
Falceto and Jack Bruton. That will do, pigs!
Events & Notices
Saturday, November 13
Sunday, November 14
Kiln Club Pottery Show & Sale: 11 AM to 4 PM
Colvin Run Mill Park, 10017 Colvin Run Road, Great Falls
Looking for great hand-crafted holiday gifts at reasonable prices? Members of the Ceramic Guild and the
Kiln Club of Washington, DC, will display and sell a variety of pottery styles in the Colvin Run Barn. A portion of the sales benefits Colvin Run Mill.
Saturday, November 14
8th Annual Vienna Turkey Trot 5K Run: 8:00 a.m. Race Start Time
Vienna Fire Department: 400 Center Street South, Vienna
Join in the fun to benefit James Madison High School Band and the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department.
Registration is at 7 a.m., race start time at 8 a.m. For information, www.viennaturkeytrot.com
Electric Sunday: 10 AM to 3 PM at the I-66 Transfer Station
Sunday, November 21
4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax 22030
Fairfax County residents may use each Electric Sunday recycling event to recycle televisions, computers,
monitors and peripheral electronic devices such as printers, scanners, speakers, keyboards, mice and external drives. Residents may also recycle their fluorescent lights at these events.
The Thanksgiving Story: 11AM at Frying Pan Farm Park
Friday, November 26
Bring the family and holiday gusts to this lively and interactive retelling of the
Thanksgiving story. Glee Mania’s Sue Counoyer entertains and informs while engaging everyone. Afterward, work off some of your Thanksgiving feast strolling in the park. Register online, or call 703-437-9101.
Cost is $4 per person.
First Monday with Supervisor Hudgins : 1 to 3 PM
Monday, December 6
Reston Regional Library (next month, January, at Patrick Henry Library in Vienna)
Supervisor Cathy Hudgins holds First Mondays each month to hear from you. You are invited to come and
share any concern you may have on any issue with Supervisor Hudgins . Walk-ins are welcome or you can
schedule an appointment - 703-478-0283.
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Fly UP