
UCSD Sociology BA International Studies Concentration Degree Check

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UCSD Sociology BA International Studies Concentration Degree Check
UCSD Sociology BA
International Studies Concentration
Degree Check
This concentration is especially appropriate for those interested in international business, foreign
service, or international law.
The requirements for a BA in Sociology/International Studies include four lower-division courses and twelve upperdivision courses. The lower-division courses are SOCI 1, SOCI 2, SOCI 60 and SOCI 10, 20, 30, 40 OR 50. Upperdivision courses consist of SOCI 100 (theory), a method course, five courses from the concentration course list and
five upper-division sociology courses of your choosing.
Please note: SOCI 60 is a prerequisite for the method course.
Use this sheet to track your progress in the major. It is recommended that you meet with the undergraduate coordinator on a
regular basis for verification of your progress. All courses for the major must be taken for a letter grade and a grade of C- or
better is required.
Lower-division Requirements
□SOCI 60 (prerequisite for method course)
Additional Lower-division Course
SOCI ________
(Choose 1 course from the following: SOCI 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
It is recommended that students concentrating in this area take Sociology 20 as part of the lower-division requirements.
♦ Eleanor Roosevelt Students may substitute MMW 14 (formerly MMW 5) for SOCI 20
Upper-division Requirements
□SOCI 100 - Theory
□SOCI_______- Method
(Choose 1 method course from the following: SOCI 102, 103M, 104, 104Q, 105, 106, 106M, 107, 108, 109, 110)
Five Concentration Courses
Choose 5 courses from the following:
123 Japanese Culture Inside/Out
125 Sociology of Immigration
130 Population and Society
133 Immigration in Comparative Perspective
145 Violence and Society
148 Political Sociology
149 Sociology of the Environment
156 Sociology of Religion
157 Religion in Contemporary Society
158 Islam in the Modern World
163 Migration and the Law
169 Citizenship, Community, and Culture
175 Nationality and Citizenship
177* International Terrorism
178 The Holocaust
(*POLI 142O)
179 Social Change
180 Social Movements and Social Protest
181 Modern Western Society
182 Ethnicity & Indigenous Peoples in Latin America
185 Globalization & Social Development
187 African Societies Through Films
188D Latin America: Society and Politics
188E Community and Social Change in Africa
188F Modern Jewish Societies and Israeli Society
188G Chinese Society
188I: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (*POLI 124)
188J Change in Modern South Africa
188M Social Movement in Latin America
188O Dilemmas of Israeli Society
189 Special Topics in Comparative-Historical Sociology
Five Elective Courses
*Cross Listed Course
Choose any 5 upper-division sociology courses (SOCI 103 – 199)
Elective SOCI________ Elective SOCI________ Elective SOCI________
Elective SOCI________ Elective SOCI________
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