
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

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Granite Falls Open Doors Academy School Improvement Plan 2015-2016
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Plan Team
Principal: Bridgette Perrigoue
Leadership Team: Cathy Wagner, Liz Rekow, Rinda Pullen, Julie Stark
Granite Falls School District
“Every Student, Every Day, Every
Mission Statement:
To inspire and facilitate a passion for life-long learning and
the pursuit of excellence in every student, every day.
Vision Statement:
Our students are passionate in pursuit of their goals and
aspirations. To that end, they are critical and inspired
thinkers, adaptable, collaborative and committed to
making a difference in their communities and to the
betterment of society.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
2015-2016 Open Doors Academy School Improvement Plan
Foundation of District Beliefs
District Goals
1. Powerful teaching and learning.
1. Quality Learning. Engage and inspire every student
through powerful and innovative instruction, fostering
development of critical-thinking skills and motivating
academic achievement through high expectations.
2. Positive Image. Strengthen our district by countering
unfounded perceptions and stereotypes of Granite Falls.
Celebrate student successes and civic progress, working
collaboratively with district partners—including local
government, the chamber of commerce, and service
3. College- and Career-Ready. Ensure that every student
transitions successfully between grades and schools and
graduates with the knowledge, skills and attitude to excel in
diverse post-secondary opportunities. Foster student
achievement through active partnerships with parents,
families and our community.
2. District and Board communication with community and
staff that is informing, encouraging, intentional and
3. Financial stewardship, assuring optimal use of district
4. A district climate that emphasizes a positive school
culture, focused on student safety, a healthy lifestyle, and
respect for other students and faculty.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
2015-2016 Open Doors Academy School Improvement Plan
To provide a more attractive and innovative way to reconnect youth who are struggling with a comprehensive system of
personalized student and learning supports that inspires each student to actively thrive towards a meaningful credential (i.e.
diploma, high school equivalency certificate, Associate’s Degree, industry certifications) and career skills.
Statement of Philosophy
Open Doors offers a variety of education and career readiness programs to students ages 16-21 who qualify. We believe that given the correct
tools and support all students have the ability to become confident self-supporting members of society. The overall goals for the program are
to provide work experience, college exposure, and future planning so that youth completing the program are either placed in jobs or attend
programs at local community colleges.
Priority Identification
Analysis of the School and District’s current situation, compared to the District Strategic Targets and Theory of Action, provide direction for priority focus within this School
Improvement Plan (SIP). This School Improvement Plan presents and defines the priorities and activities that provide the school focus throughout the academic school year toward
the realization of the District Targets and the State Standards for Student Achievement. This SIP will be subject to regular monitoring and adjustment based upon data collection and
evaluation. Such adjustments will be included within this SIP and disseminated, as appropriate.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
2014-2015 Student Demographics
October 2014 Student Count
May 2015 Student Count
Gender (October 2014)
Race/Ethnicity (October 2014)
American Indian / Alaskan Native
Two or More Races
Special Programs
Free or Reduced-Price Meals (May 2015)
Special Education (May 2015)
Transitional Bilingual (May 2015)
Migrant (May 2015)
Section 504 (May 2015)
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Quality Learning
District Target #1: Quality Learning
Engage and inspire every student through powerful and innovative instruction, fostering development of critical-thinking skills
and motivating academic achievement through high expectations.
Open Doors High School SMART Goal #1
Students will demonstrate maturation in their educational experiences by expanding their
knowledge base or skill, pursuing opportunities relevant to continual growth, formulating
individual goals, and evaluating their own individual learning process.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Action Plan
Promote student self-determination, self-advocacy, and studentcentered planning through the development of comprehensive student
Road Maps
Quality Learning
Through each students targeted Individual Learning Plan they will
be supported by Open Doors staff to ensure support in reading
their goals.
Evidence of Impact
An increased number of students will meet standard on
the high school equivalency test and/or earn high school
Students and staff will work together to identify their strengths
and needs, and develop SMART goals for students Individual Road
Differentiate instruction to assure student mastery of standards
and implement system-wide interventions for students not meeting
Teachers delivery of instruction will provide differentiation and
interventions for students based on data
Increased Student Engagement
STAR and CASAS testing will be administered by Open Doors staff
Utilize CASAS and STAR assessment data to determine student
placement, intervention and enrichment needs
Supplement current curriculum to assure effective instruction of CCSS
Routinely orient students to learning targets and success criteria
Strengthen our school by increasing our focus on student agency and
growth mindset. PLC’s will focus on growth mindset, neuroscience, the
malleability of intelligence and effective praise. Teachers will become
educated on effective praise and be able to identify strategies for
increasing school culture by building a growth mindset in the
Learning Targets and Success Criteria will be posted on assignments
for students and teachers to reference during learning
The number of students experiencing mastery will have
increased as a result the increased opportunities given by
Teachers will actively participate in professional development
regarding growth mindset, specifically around effective praise,
neuroscience, and the malleability of intelligence. Teachers will
have identified and implemented at least one strategy for building a
growth mindset in the classroom.
Students will be able to articulate what it means to have a
growth mindset vs a fixed mindset
A minimum of three lessons on growth mindset including
neuroscience, the malleability of intelligence, and metacognitive
strategies will have been explicitly taught in Personal Choices
Teachers will provide ongoing feedback for students in regards to
using and developing problem-solving and personal strategies
based on growth mindset.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Students will have a basic understanding around neuroscience,
the malleability of intelligence and meta cognitive strategies
Quality Learning
STAR and CASAS assessment data reviewed.
Administration and certificated teaching staff will have participated
in monthly PLC meeting’s.
Administration and certificated teaching staff will have participated
in monthly PLC meeting’s.
Intervention plans will be developed and implemented for students
not making satisfactory progress.
Assessment data will be reviewed and refined
School staff will be trained on growth mindset, specifically in the
areas of neuroscience, effective effort, and the malleability of
Intervention plans will be developed and implemented for students
not making satisfactory progress.
A minimum of one lesson on neuroscience, effective effort, and the
malleability of intelligence will have been explicitly taught to all Open
Doors students.
Staff will intentionally model for students that mistakes are part of
learning and encourage students to take academic risks.
Students will develop and monitor Individual Road Map on a monthly
A minimum of two lessons in neuroscience, effective effort, and the
malleability of intelligence will have been explicitly taught by Open
Doors program staff.
Staff will continue to intentionally model that mistakes are part of
learning and encourage students to take academic risks
School staff will continue to share and reinforce with all students the
understanding that intelligence is malleable.
Staff will provide students with challenging tasks and effectively
facilitate student persistence through struggle.
Students will continue to monitor Individual Road Map on a monthly
Intervention plans will be developed and implemented for students
not making satisfactory progress.
A minimum of three lessons in neuroscience, effective effort, and the
malleability of intelligence will have been explicitly taught in Open
Administration and certificated teaching staff will have participated
in monthly PLC meeting’s
School staff will continue to share and reinforce growth mindset in
the areas of neuroscience, effective effort, and the malleability of
Staff will teach and reinforce metacognitive strategies in a variety of
problem solving situations.
Students will complete learning roadmap with learning goals met
Staff will continue to intentionally model that mistakes are part of
learning and encourage students to take academic risks
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Positive Image
District Target #2: Positive Image
Strengthen our district by countering unfounded perceptions and stereotypes of Granite Falls. Celebrate student successes and
civic progress, working collaboratively with district partners—including local government, the chamber of commerce, and service
Open Doors SMART Goal #2
Strengthen our program by countering unfounded perceptions and stereotypes of
our districts dropout reengagement program. Open Doors staff will partner with a
minimum of fifteen civil, government or service organizations to increase services
and reduce barriers for students.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Positive Image
Action Plan
Implement Professional Learning Communities, including;
Weekly professional development through PLC’s as well as
departments to plan, monitor, and adjust instruction in
alignment with our School Improvement Plan goals, trauma
informed practices, the CEL 5D Instructional Framework, and
the Common Core Standards.
Evidence of Impact
Open Doors staff and partners will participate in monthly
PLC collaboration based on the School Improvement Plan.
Collaboration will be centered around student data and
conversations will be framed around DuFour's four
guiding questions:
Open Doors school climate will be positive, supportive, and trauma informed and
culturally conscious.
What do we want students to learn? How will we know if
they learned it? What will we do if they did not learn it?
What will we do if they already know it? (Evidence will be
notes from PLC’s SWIT meetings, review of goals, etc.)
Build effective communication systems between home,
Open Doors staff will use multiple modes of
community and school that are interactive and regularly used by communication channels that are appropriate for cultural
students, school staff, families, and other stake holders.
language differences. Develop healthy relationships with
students, families, and community members through
home visits,
Engagement from students, families and the community will increase in the
support of dropout prevention and career readiness. Increased capacity for
opportunities for community engagement.
Open Doors staff and students will work to increase community
awareness about issues related to dropout including both the
social and economic impact that dropping out of school has on
the community and society as a whole.
Open Doors students and staff will partner with
Crossroads High School to implement Voices of Youth. as
well as a marketing campaign that educates the
community on issues related to dropout prevention,
intervention and reengagement as the Open Doors
Community will increase their knowledge base about dropout prevention,
intervention, and reengagement issues as well the Open Doors program.
Open Doors staff will promote a positive climate and respectful
interpersonal relationships with parents, guardians, and
community members.
Open Doors staff will reward academic career success
with verbal praise , publicly displaying work in the
classroom, using incentives.
Positive relationships will increase partnerships with government, businesses, and
community organizations to promote school-to-work opportunities, scholarships,
academic awards, and financial resources to address school and program needs.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Positive Image
The structured system for referral to SWIT
meetings and appropriate resources will be
implemented in the Open Doors program
Increased parent and community interactions and involvement
Students will continue to learn how to utilize community partners-the number of
students accessing resources will increase as evidenced through data from SWIT
The structured system for referral to SWIT meetings will continue
to be implemented, the increase in community partnership will
result in increased resources for students to access
Parent and community involvement will continue to increase
Students referred to services through SWIT will receive
assistance in learning how to utilize community partners
Open Doors staff will provide documentation to the school board of the number of
parent and community partnerships that have been developed that support student
achievement, including volunteers, school-to-work opportunities, scholarships, and
academic awards
Students will create a student success board to
display student success
Planning for Voices of Youth will continue, advertisement for the
event will begin
Voices of Youth will have a occurred
Planning for Voices of Youth event will begin
Staff will stay informed on current student population and cultural
Increased number of community resources
will continually be identified and utilized in
support of increased student engagement and
Staff will be trained in ACE’s and Trauma
Informed Care
Open Doors staff will be trained in Adverse
Childhood Experience’s (ACE’s) and trauma
informed care
Staff will stay informed on current student
population and cultural needs.
Open Doors staff will conduct a “walk
through” of the building the GFSD will be
Staff will evaluate how their ability to practice compassionate
schools and trauma informed care
Open Doors staff will submit a desired floor plan for the new
building to Brandon Klepper
A student centered school webpage will be implemented
Staff will stay informed on current student population and cultural needs
Open Doors staff and students will set a date to host an Open House in the fall of 2016.
Community partners, parents and students students will be invited to the event. The goal
of the event will be to introduce our new building as well as create a venue for educating
our partners on the impact drop-out is having on society
A student centered school brochure and webpage will begin to be
developed. The web page will highlight the school’s successes,
focus on individual teacher’s efforts, and give student
recognition. It will also deal with challenges that the school is
facing and needs that we have. The web page will allow the public
the opportunity to see what is going on within the school on a
monthly basis. It will allow them the opportunity to see both the
successes and obstacles that the school is facing
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
Career and College Ready
District Target #3 College-and-Career Ready
Ensure that every student transitions successfully between grades and schools and graduates with the knowledge, skills and
attitude to excel in diverse post-secondary opportunities. Foster student achievement through active partnerships with parents,
families and our community.
Open Doors School SMART Goal #3
There will be a 10% increase in the number of students participating in work based
learning from the 2014-2015 school year to the 2015-2016 school year.
Fifty percent of students enrolled and active in Open Doors will earn an IAP
(Individual Academic Progress) in the area of Career Readiness, Personal
Choices, or Interpersonal Relations by June of 2016.
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
College and Career Ready
Action Plan
Evidence of Impact
Empower students to live, learn and work as productive citizens in
a global society. Assist in deepening understanding of
interpersonal communication skills, personality , temperament,
and leadership style. Offer students the opportunity to understand
how they relate to and work effectively in groups. Students will
gain a broader understanding of effective communication,
employability and soft skills. These courses exemplify the
intentional synthesis of technical knowledge and skills, traditional
academics and the 21st Century Learning Skills as a foundation
upon which to build your future knowledge
Utilize data to determine student placement, intervention and
enrichment needs, and to differentiate instruction to assure
student mastery of standards
Open Doors CTE teaching staff will be responsible for creating and
delivering instruction in these mandatory classes
Increased number of students remaining in school and being college
and career ready when they earn their diploma’s
Open Doors School Wide Intervention Team collaboration will
focus on student data for students with risk factors that reduce
their ability to be track for college and/or career readiness
Increased graduation rate and increased number of students
entering the workforce
Students participating in Career Choices will have the opportunity
to learn study skills, the ability to assess one's own content
mastery; and goal-setting - competencies with the intention of
helping them learn to persist when learning gets tough
Teachers will routinely encourage students to connect the
concepts they are learning to their everyday lives or their plans for
the future
An increased number of students will see the connection between
the concepts they are learning with everyday life and their plans for
the future.
Open Doors School Wide Intervention Team collaboration will
focus on student data for students with risk factors that reduce
their ability to be track for college and/or career readiness
Develop and refine strategic and thoughtful interventions to
ensure the academic success of all students as evidenced by ALE
intervention plans
Increased number of students will access services that reduce
barriers to their education.
Open Doors staff will participate in training to administer and
interpret results of a Career Interest Survey, and resources
available through the WOIS website
The College and Career Ready PLC will train Open Doors staff
The number of students participating in work-based learning will
increase by 3%
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
College and Career Ready
The CCR PLC will train staff to administer and
interpret the results of the WOIS Career Interest
Survey as well as introduce them to resources
available through the WOIS website
Program Staff will teach students to use WOIS Career
Information Systems to explore careers, create goals for
their future, make educational plans, and find the training
programs and schools
Program Staff will intentionally promote field trips
to community college, career fair, University,
Construction Fair etc.
All students and families will be invited to participate in
Financial Aid Night- a FAFSA representative will provide
an overview of the financial aid process in an effort to
support students in need of financial assistance
Open Doors School Wide Intervention Team
collaboration will focus on student data.
Students will work with Program Staff to develop
and implement Intervention plans and will be
quickly communicated when student hasn’t been
attending. Student progress will be evaluated
Career Readiness, Personal Choices, Interpersonal
Communications Curriculum will be reviewed and
updated to meet the needs of Open Doors
Common practice, language and teamwork
amongst staff will be promoted to streamline
efficient practices amongst building staff to
increase students self-advocacy skills.
Career Readiness, Personal Choices, and Interpersonal
Relations will become mandatory course requirements
for all students enrolled in Open Doors. The courses will
include assessments such as the Kersey Bates
Temperament test, WOIS, Color Code Assessment,
Leadership and Learning Style Assessment
The number of Open Doors students invited on field trips
to community colleges, career fairs, University’s, and
Construction Fair etc. will increase
Students will work with Program Staff to develop and
implement Intervention plans and will be quickly
communicated when student hasn’t been attending.
Student progress will be evaluated monthly.
Eighty percent of enrolled in Open Doors students will have used the WOIS Career Information
Systems to explore careers, create goals for their future, and make educational plans
Every Open Doors Block student will have had the opportunity to participate in at least one field
trip to a community college, career fair, University, Construction Fair etc.
Career Readiness, Personal Choices, Interpersonal Relations will become mandatory course
requirements for all students enrolled in Open Doors.
Fifty percent of Open Doors students will have earned an IAP in Career Readiness, Personal
Choices, Interpersonal Relations will become mandatory course requirements for all students
enrolled in Open Doors.
As a result of progress monitoring and lessons on graduation requirements students will know
what they need to complete in order to earn a high school diploma or GED
The number of students participating in work-based learning will increase by 10%
Graduation rate will increase with a higher number of students prepared to enter college or the
Student agency and engagement will increase as a result of their involvement in their
Individual student course requirements
worksheets will be updated
Granite Falls Open Doors Academy
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