
BitTorrent file sharing using Tor-like hidden services R.J. Ruigrok Technology

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BitTorrent file sharing using Tor-like hidden services R.J. Ruigrok Technology
BitTorrent file sharing using
Tor-like hidden services
Delft University of Technology
R.J. Ruigrok
BitTorrent file sharing using
Tor-like hidden services
Rob Ruigrok
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
in Computer Science
at the Delft University of Technology,
to be defended publicly on August 31, 2015 at 14:00 PM.
Student number:
Project duration:
Thesis committee:
June 11, 2014 – August 31, 2015
Dr. ir. J. A. Pouwelse
Prof. dr. ir. H. J. Sips, TU Delft
Dr. ir. J. A. Pouwelse, TU Delft
Dr. ir. S. E. Verwer,
TU Delft
An electronic version of this thesis is available at
I would like to thank Johan Pouwelse for his enthusiasm, comments and suggestions. Furthermore, I would like to thank Egbert Bouman, Niels Zeilemaker, Elric
Milon and Lipu Fei. They were always available for recommendations, and assisted
me with the programming work in Tribler.
Last but not least, I want to thank my friends, colleagues, family and wife for
their support.
Rob Ruigrok
Delft, The Netherlands
August 23, 2015
The Internet is a large public network of networks and computers. When no countermeasures are taken, all information and activities taking place on the public
Internet are subject to traffic analysis, threatening personal freedom and privacy.
The first measure to take is securing all transferred information by applying encryption on it, which makes it at least very hard to tap the contents of the transferred
information. But encryption does not add any value when it comes to anonymity.
Although the contents of the message are not known (because it is encrypted), it
is still possible to track down where a message comes from, and where it is going
to by analyzing the network infrastructure. Governments or Internet providers may
apply censorship or block any kind of network traffic coming or going from somewhere. This is where hidden services come in. The idea of hidden services was
described by the authors of Tor (The onion router). The hidden services protocol
hides the location of both the sender and receiver by transferring and encrypting
messages over multiple hops, without revealing the true identity or contents of the
messages in transit.
This thesis proposes a design for implementing Tor-like hidden services in a decentralized peer-to-peer system, enabling the possibility of downloading and seeding anonymously. A proof-of-concept will be implemented into Tribler, a BitTorrent
client developed at Delft University of Technology. Tribler already supports anonymous downloading using encryption over circuits with multiple hops, but to make
hidden services work, an end-to-end encrypted circuit between both the seeder
and downloader needs to be established. This is not as easy as it seems, because
the seeder and downloader do not know each other. The implementation details of
hidden services are part of this work, as well as experiments on the performance of
the system. Furthermore, a number of issues related to transforming the original
idea of hidden services into a fully distributed context are solved.
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Document structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Related work
2.1 Tor project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 BitTorrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Tribler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Anonymity in Tribler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Overview of research on anonymous communication
. 5
. 6
. 7
. 8
. 10
3 Problem Description
3.1 Requirements on finding peers . . . . . .
3.2 Boosting performance . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Resilience to attacks . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Acquiring required keys for encryption .
3.5 Avoid exit nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Connectability Problem . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Handling churn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.8 Banning corrupt peers. . . . . . . . . . .
4 Design and Implementation
4.1 Integration into Tribler . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Decentralized discovery of hidden seeders
4.3 Circuit setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Dispersy message cells . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1 Setting up Introduction Points . . .
4.4.2 Finding peers to download from . .
4.4.3 Getting keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.4 Create end-2-end . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.5 Requesting end-to-end connection
4.4.6 Linking end-to-end connection. . .
4.5 Generic overview of message interaction .
4.6 Circuit reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 Protocol-specific extensions. . . . . . . . .
5 Experiments and performance evaluation
5.1 Environment specification and assumptions . . .
5.2 Experiments on latency, speed and performance .
5.3 Experiment on fault resilience . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Experiment on multi-swarm collaboration . . . . .
5.5 Concluding remarks on experiments . . . . . . . .
5.6 Yappi profiling of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Future work
7 Conclusion
A Gumby experiments
A.1 hiddenservices-1-gigabyte-1-hop.scenario . . . .
A.2 hiddenservices-1-hop-multiple-seeders.scenario
A.3 hiddenservices-1-hop-seeder.scenario . . . . . .
A.4 hiddenservices-2-hop-seeder.scenario . . . . . .
A.5 hiddenservices-3-hop-seeder.scenario . . . . . .
If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you
shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.
Eric Schmidt
Do people really care about their privacy? When looking at messages shared on
social media platforms it seems that most people do not care, and if asked some
respond with having nothing to hide. The elders of the Internet are actually warning
us for the threat of losing privacy. At the time of writing, a new cold war is emerging.
[6] The conflict in Ukraine dominates headlines and the NATO and European Union
take countermeasures to withstand upcoming attacks from Russia. But the renewed
tensions between east and west differ greatly from tensions in the past. Since the
end of the first cold war, the use of Internet became mainstream for both parties,
news headlines can spread rapidly. But spying on the Internet advances too, all
traffic on the Internet can be intercepted by government agencies, like the US’s
Prism [20] and Russia’s Sorm [35] programs. Sharing controversial or political files
over the Internet becomes dangerous, as there is a high chance that government
officials in your country or abroad are watching over your back, knowing more than
you know about yourself. Lots of tools pretend a false sense of security, and are
essentially futile. This work contributes the goal of making file-sharing a Putin-proof
experience, with nobody knowing who you are and what you’re doing.
1.1. Motivation and contribution
The goal of this work is to enhance the use of BitTorrent with security, privacy and
anonymity, by mapping the protocol used for Tor hidden services [12] on a peerto-peer network. The approach differs greatly from its Tor counterpart, as it is fully
based on self-organization (without any central servers) in academically-pure P2P
1. Introduction
style. The one way anonymous downloading and streaming functionality was made
available to public in 2014, based on prior work described in [28] and [33].
Figure 1.1: Logo of the Tribler software
The next logical step is to go beyond anonymous downloading, by default protection of seeders, and without leaking any content in transit. This is established by
creating end-to-end encrypted circuits between seeders and downloaders. These
circuits should preserve anonymity, but also act fast and reliable. No information
is allowed to leak somewhere between the seeder and downloader, and the need
for exit nodes should be eliminated as they are scarce. The purpose of this thesis
work is pointed out in the following research question:
How to achieve a fully-decentralized architecture for anonymous downloading and
seeding in BitTorrent?
To answer this question, a number of subquestions are formulated:
1. Which existing anonymity protocols are proposed in the past, and how do
they evaluate?
2. How to map the ideas and concepts behind Tor hidden services into Tribler?
3. How to work around the connectability problem?
4. What is the performance impact of design decisions within this architecture?
A design specification for a proof of concept concerning a system answering the
above mentioned research questions is contained in the upcoming chapters.
1.2. Document structure
1.2. Document structure
The contents of this thesis are as follows. The first chapter 1 starts with an introduction on this work, and an overview of research questions and motivation. Chapter 2 provides an overview of prior work on anonymity systems on the Internet.
The problem description in chapter 3 describes the requirements on the anonymity
system for downloading and seeding anonymously in a distributed network. The
chosen approach with details about the protocol based on hidden services is described in chapter 4. In chapter 5 experiments on performance and fault resilience
are conducted, combined with insights resulting from the experiments. Chapter 6
proposes improvements for future work on the anonymous system, and chapter 7
concludes this work with the results and consequences achieved on the proposed
anonymity system.
Related work
Privacy may actually be an anomaly.
Vint Cerf
Making the Internet anonymous is hard to achieve, due to its nature of being public
and open to everyone. In the past decades, various theoretical designs for anonymous peer-to-peer systems have been proposed, but no established peer-to-peer
application with a large user-base is currently using any of those designs. This
chapter describes the basics of the Tor project (2.1) and BitTorrent and its related
terminology (2.2). Furthermore, it contains a describes the Tribler framework (section 2.3) in which a proof of concept will be implemented. Section 2.4 describes
the existing implementation related to creating circuits and applying cryptography
which is already covered in prior work. The chapter ends with an overview of approaches of earlier anonymity systems in section 2.5.
2.1. Tor project
Tor is an acronym, and stands for The onion router. It is a protocol designed
for setting up anonymous connections on the Internet. The original design was
first described in [12] by Roger Dingledine, as an improved version of the Onion
Routing systems existing at those days. Their goal was to create a system in which
privacy was guaranteed, and censorship is impossible. Compared to earlier Onion
Routing systems, a number of improvements are proposed, like support for perfect
forward secrecy, per-hop congestion control, and location-hidden services by using
the concept of rendezvous points in a circuit.
2. Related work
2.2. BitTorrent
BitTorrent is a distribution system for files over a network of peers. Peers are
rewarded for donating bandwidth using a tit-for-tat mechanism. BitTorrent was
described in 2003 by Bram Cohen (see [5]). A static .torrent file is created, and
contains information about the files contained in the torrent, sizes per file, checksum per file, and the URL of a tracker which helps to find peers in the swarm for
the torrent. Each .torrent is assigned an info hash. This is a SHA-1 hash calculated on the contents of the info-section of the .torrent file. The info hash ensures
correctness of the downloaded files. Downloaded pieces where the hashes do not
match, are rejected. This makes it impossible to change the contents of a torrent
(e.g. for adding malware), because a change in files will change the info hash too.
Distributed hash table (DHT)
BitTorrent uses a DHT, which is a decentralized and distributed hash table. It works
like any other database, but is decentralized in its nature. Updates to this database
are communicated as announcements, and the database synchronizes with peers
near the client. The DHT is used for storing information about other peers in the
swarm for torrents when no tracker is available. Each peer that uses the DHT
becomes a kind of tracker. A DHT lookup can be performed by submitting the SHA1-hash of the info-section of the .torrent file. The DHT responds to this lookup-hash
with addresses of peers in the swarm yielding the info hash.
Figure 2.1: Simplified example of a DHT lookup in a ring
Figure 2.1 shows a simplified ring example of the DHT. In this example, peers
know their successor. When the actual node 1 wants to find a peer with id 15, it
asks its successor (2). The successor returns the closest id it knows about, which
is 4. This node will also return the closest successor it knows about, until 15 will
2.3. Tribler
eventually be found within a number of iterations. The DHT used by BitTorrent is
based on the SHA-1-hash to retrieve peers by finding the closest peer via a binary
tree representation of the hash.
Peer Exchange (PeX)
PeX is a communication protocol on top of the BitTorrent protocol, to allow peers to
collaborate with each other. A peer can ask other peers in the swarm for knowledge
about peers they are connected to. PeX increases speed and efficiency, making
the BitTorrent protocol more robust. For example, a peer exchange could consist
of the addresses of new / disconnected peers that were recently updated. Most
implementations of PeX are limited to a maximum of 50 peers per exchange, and
do not share peers more often than once per minute. One of the downsides of PeX
is the need to find at least the first peer. This peer can be found via the tracker or
via the bootstrap node of the DHT.
Magnet links
Magnet links are special links, consisting of one or more parameters. They contain
at least the (base-encoded SHA-1) info hash of a .torrent file, and additional information like tracker urls, or but not the torrent itself. Given this hash, peers can be
found via DHT, the .torrent can be downloaded via one of those peers, and then
start downloading the files contained in this .torrent file. Magnet links result in less
bandwidth for the torrent websites. They are not a replacement for .torrent files, as
the torrent contains essential information like trackers, hashes and files. An examle
magnet link is magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:YNCKHTQCWBTRNJIV4WNAE52SJUQCZO5C.
The order of parameters is not significant, and the parameters are formatted as
query strings like they are formatted in HTTP urls with GET parameters.
2.3. Tribler
Tribler is a peer-to-peer file-sharing client, developed as a research project since
2005 by members of the Parallel and Distributed Systems at Delft University of
Technology. Tribler uses the well-known BitTorrent network, and is improved and
expanded with streaming video from magnet links, search functionality (via communities), anonymous downloading and reputation-management (BarterCast). Vision
and Mission as stated on the website emphasize the scientific research goal:
Push the boundaries of self-organising systems, robust reputation systems and craft collaborative systems with millions of active participants
under continuous attack from spammers and other adversarial entities.
Tribler differs from other clients in the way that all its features are fully distributed
and decentralized, while staying compatible with the original BitTorrent specification. 1
1 About
Tribler - http://www.tribler.org/about.html, see [26]
2. Related work
Figure 2.2: Screenshot of Tribler v6.3.3
Dispersy communities
Some extra features of Tribler, like reputation-management or setting up anonymous circuits, require more information about nodes in a swarm. Dispersy is designed to solve this problem. It is an elastic database system, capable of sending
messages around in a decentralized peer-to-peer network. Groups of nodes can be
clustered into a so-called community, where a database can be shared by having
peers sending messages around in the community. Communities are designed to
discover new candidates automatically, and introduce candidates with other candidates. From time to time, candidates are replaced in favour of new candidates.
2.4. Anonymity in Tribler
In late 2013, a first attempt towards anonymity in Tribler was implemented 2 . The
current version of Tribler offers full support for anonymous downloading over circuits. The main parts and ideas behind the Tor protocol are ported to Tribler.
Circuits can be built over the UDP protocol, NAT traversal is supported, and there is
end-to-end congestion control which makes circuits fast enough to make streaming
video possible. Key part of the idea is that every Tribler peer may become a relay
in a circuit. Someone who wants to download a file anonymously, looks for other
peers in the dispersy tunnel-community. Seven cell types are required for setting
up a circuit:
CREATE is send to the the last hop in the circuit. It asks for a list of neighbours
2 https://github.com/Tribler/tribler/wiki/Anonymous-Downloading-and-Streaming-specifications,
2.4. Anonymity in Tribler
to which the circuit can be extended.
CREATED acknowledges the CREATE message, with a list of public keys of neighbours to extend to.
EXTEND is relayed to the last node in a circuit, and tells this node to extend to the
neighbour contained in the payload.
EXTENDED acknowledges the EXTEND message.
DATA for sending data messages over the circuits.
PING messages are relayed over the circuit, and keep the circuit alive (as UDP is
connectionless), it helps to detect broken down circuits.
PONG acknowledges PING messages, and are relayed down in the circuit.
More information about the establishment of the protocol and circuits can be found
in prior work [33].
Encryption layers and handshake
In an onion routing circuit, messages sent over the circuit are (partially) encrypted.
The current circuit creation in Tribler is based on public key Diffie Hellman Elliptic
Curve Elgamal encryption. For each hop in a circuit, an extra encryption layer is
added by encrypting the message with the public key of the last extended node.
The only unencrypted part in a message is the circuit-id, which is necessary for
hops in between to give a clue which circuit belongs to which message. All hops
in between can’t decrypt the contents without knowing the secret key of the last
node. Each hop is only capable of decrypting the layer of the messsage that is
encrypted with their own public key, and will relay the message onwards on the
circuit, until the exit node is reached. After decrypting at the exit node, the original
message is readable again. A hop shouldn’t know its role in a circuit, it only knows
its predecessor and successor in the circuit. The only exception is the exiting hop.
This hop can see what data is sent through the circuit, and will be considered as
the originating source for the outside world when data is exited on the Internet.
Every candidate returned by the dispersy community generates a long term
curve25519 key (𝑏, 𝐵), and a unique identifier on startup. Those identifiers are
persistent, and shared through the community, to inform other peers about their
existence and ability to become part of a circuit as a relay or exit. Diffie Hellman
secret 𝑔 mod 𝐺 are calculated for each hop in the circuit. ECElgamal code uses a
𝑘 which is relatively prime to the modulus of the curve. A handshake similar to ntor
with AES_GCM is used for encrypting packets. In figure 2.3, a schematic overview is
included which shows how a circuit is used to connect to a service over a SOCKS5
server via 3 hops. The exact working of the cryptography is beyond the scope
of this thesis. An initial write-up on the used cryptography is described in prior
work [28], although the code is fundamentally rewritten by Niels Zeilemaker after
the Christmas 2014 criticism (see https://github.com/Tribler/tribler/
2. Related work
Figure 2.3: Encryption and decryption in an onion routing network with 3 hops
2.5. Overview of research on anonymous communication
Many research on anonymous communication had been conducted in the past
decades. The common unit playing an important role in each proposed system
is the relay, separating the source and destination. This section describes briefly
the idea behind anonymity protocols evolving through time. Note that most of the
protocols never got beyond a prototype implementation (if at all), only a few (e.g.
Tor, I2P) are actually deployed as fully-functional anonymity software for the mass.
Chaumian Mix Network
In 1981, David Chaum proposed the first design of an anonymous communication
network, called the Chaumian Mix network [3]. The sender of a messages encrypts
the body and corresponding recipient of the message, and sends the message to
a server afterwards. The server obfuscates and reorders the messages (this is
called mixing), making it impossible for outstanders to know who the sender of a
particular message is. The process of mixing is repeated a number of times, until
the message is delivered at the recipient, where it is fully decrypted.
Mixmaster [7] (1994) is a centralized anonymity system specification for a secure
transfer protocol for protecting electronic mail against traffic analysis. It is based
on Chaum’s mix-net protocol. The set of mixes is maintained by a single trusted
authority. An email message is forwarded through a sequence of remailers (mixes),
where each remailer forwards the message encrypted with public key cryptography.
It is hard for an adversary to observe where a message comes from, where it is
going to, and what the contents of the message are.
2.5. Overview of research on anonymous communication
Babel [18] (1996) is similar to Mixmaster, but supports the specification of a returnpath to allow bidirectional communication. The return-path consists of the returnaddress of each of the mixes to be used in the path. Afterwards, each returnaddress is encrypted with public key encryption. Babel mixes are not aware of each
other, and can’t learn from the messages they process.
Mixminion was proposed as an extension of Mixmaster in 2003 [9], by adding singleuse reply blocks to messages. The original design of the Chaumian mix network
supports reply blocks to be sent back to the sender. But these reply blocks are
reusable, thus subject to a replay attack with which the route to the origin of the
message can be retrieved by traffic analysis. Mixminion solves this problem by
making reply blocks indistinguishable from regular messages in the network. This
results in a system where both sender and receiver anonymity is ensured, and
perfect forward secrecy prevents adversary mixes to manipulate any message.
DC refers to the Dining Cryptographers problem, where multiple participants in a
network perform a secure computation using the boolean OR-function. This problem is proposed by David Chaum in 1988. The best way for illustrating this problem,
is by quoting the example proposed by David Chaum himself:
Three cryptographers are sitting down to dinner at their favorite threestar restaurant. Their waiter informs them that arrangements have been
made with the maitre d’hotel for the bill to be paid anonymously. One of
the cryptographers might be paying for the dinner, or it might have been
NSA (U.S. National Security Agency). The three cryptographers respect
each other’s right to make an anonymous payment, but they wonder if
NSA is paying. They resolve their uncertainty fairly by carrying out the
following protocol:
Each cryptographer flips an unbiased coin behind his menu, between
him and the cryptographer on his right, so that only the two of them
can see the outcome. Each cryptographer then states aloud whether
the two coins he can see - the one he flipped and the one his left-hand
neighbor flipped - fell on the same side or on different sides. If one
of the cryptographers is the payer, he states the opposite of what he
sees. An odd number of differences uttered at the table indicates that
a cryptographer is paying; an even number indicates that NSA is paying
(assuming that the dinner was paid for only once). Yet if a cryptographer
is paying, neither of the other two learns anything from the utterances
about which cryptographer it is.
A DC-net is an anonymous communication network based on this problem. [2].
Participants can publicize message in an anonymous way, and adversaries can’t
see who publicized a message. DC-nets are not efficient because only one user at
2. Related work
the time is able to send messages, but DC-nets provide both sender and receiver
XOR-Trees where proposed in 2000 [13] as a variant of a DC-net where communication takes place over a spanning tree. It provides both sender and receiver anonymity. XOR-Trees have a low performance and lack a trade-off between
anonymity and communication efficiency, resulting in unscalability. Because only a
single user in the network is able to send messages at the same time. When the
number of users increases, the number of collisions in the network also increases.
Peer-to-Peer Personal Privacy Protocol (𝑃 ) is a decentralized and scalable anonymity
system and provides both sender- and receiver anonymity [31]. It is based on the
original ideas of XOR-Trees and DC-nets. A sender sends messages to a channel,
which contains an addressable subset of groups. Secure and anonymous connections are established through a spanning tree of broadcast channels. Each user
is able to trade-off anonymity with efficiency. Unfortunately 𝑃 is not perfect. It
is not feasible for high rates, and communication efficiency decreases when new
users join a channel.
Tarzan [15] (2002) is a decentralized peer-to-peer anonymous IP network overlay. It is general purpose and transparent to applications communicating over the
network. Tarzan provides sender anonymity, but no receiver anonymity. The system consists of sets of neighbours, where neighbouring nodes are nodes with IP
addresses in the same subnet. To cover traffic, a continuous stream of dummy
messages is transferred between subnet groups. Anonymous circuits are built by
repeatedly choosing a node from the neighbouring set. On each hop key-pairs are
generated to be used for communicating over the circuit. Tarzan uses a gossip
protocol to share information about other nodes through the network.
MorphMix (2002) is an anonymity mix-net system based on Tarzan [30]. Each
user in the network is a mix. Sending data is performed in exactly the same way
as relaying data, thus forms a global anonymity set. MorphMix learns about the
existence of other peers in the network from previous sessions, through gossipping,
and peers that advertize theirselves. No central authority exists for managing peer
discovery. MorphMix differs from Tarzan in the way of achieving client anonymity.
The last hop in a sequence does not extend its sequence by selecting the next relay
itself, but extends by asking a trusted neighboring peer for the next relay (which
makes this neighbor a witness for relay selection). One problem with the design of
MorphMix is the possibility where cliques in the sequence of mixes occur. MorphMix
is resistant to some sorts of collisions but not to all.
2.5. Overview of research on anonymous communication
AP3 was proposed in 2004, and stands for Anonymizing Peer-to-Peer Proxy [23].
It is a cooperative overlay network providing anonymous communication services
for its users. It uses DHT lookups to locate relays for anonymous communication.
Messages in AP3 are anonymously delivered through a random path in the network.
Each node has its own authenticated pseudonymous identifier to make identities
in the network secure and anonymous. AP3 supports channels for setting up a
persistent and anonymous connection circuit between nodes.
Freenet [4] was proposed in 2001 as a system for building networks and darknets
of anonymous users, without a central authority. Anonymous routing is provided
by a variant on Chaumian mixes in a redundant tree-based structure. Resources on
the network are stored on random nodes, and locating these resources is achieved
by issuing queries that are relayed through the network to nodes closer to the
resource. Relay nodes do not have knowledge about the issuer of a query.
ECRS is a content encoding scheme implemented in GNUNet to achieve secure,
anonymous and censorship-resistant peer-to-peer content sharing network. Users
can share data and queries over the network in an encrypted way. Each node in
the network contributes storage to the GNUNet network. Each node maintains an
identification number, representing the location where a content part is stored, and
is connected in a strictly structured way to other close nodes. [17]
PipeNet was proposed in 1996 as a low-latency anonymity network [8], with some
features of the mix-net protocol in common. Connections in the network are established by selecting a path in the network, consisting of a sequence of nodes.
The initiator is called the caller, and the endpoint of the path is the receiver. Each
node in between is called a switch. Each node in the path shares a public key with
the caller, and knows how far it is away from the caller. PipeNet provides senderanonymity, but no receiver-anonymity. After establishment of a path through the
network, anonymous communication is possible. The caller start a constant stream
of same-sized packets to the first switch in the path. This switch will add a sequence
number to the packet, encrypt the packet with the associated public key, shuffle
the order of received packets, and forwards these packets to the next switch in
the path, repeating the procedure. When the packet arrives at the receiver, it will
decrypt and unshuffle the packets.
Onion routing
Onion Routing (1999) [16] is a distributed overlay network, and makes anonymous
communication possible by building up a circuit through a network of relaying nodes.
Data sent over the circuit is encrypted with the public key of each hop in the circuit.
Each hop decrypts its own layer (like peeling layers of an onion) and relays the
2. Related work
message down to the next node in the circuit. When the message arrives at the
exit-node, the message is fully decrypted. Because each relay node only knows
its predecessor and successor, and does not have knowledge about the data it is
relaying, identity of other nodes, or its location in the circuit, anonymity is ensured.
Tor [12] (2003) achieves anonymity by building circuits over multiple hops, the
data sent over the circuit is per-hop encrypted. This makes it very unlikely that
someone can eavesdrop unencrypted data sent over the circuit, or modify any data
without being detected. Above all, it does not reveal anything about the origin of the
data, because the circuit works on multiple hops. Each hop in a circuit only knows
about its own upstream and downstream neighbour, and the origin knows a shared
secret with each hop. All data sent over the circuit is encrypted and decrypted
with each hop, like peeling and adding layers around an onion. The detailed design
specification of Tor is described in [10].
PIR-Tor was introduced in 2011 to address the scalability problem in Tor [24].
Clients use Private Information Retrieval to obtain a subset of relay nodes, eliminating the need of obtaining the entire set of available relay nodes as Tor does.
On downloading a small set of descriptors for a circuit, only the client knows about
these descriptors, thus making route fingerprinting impossible. Clients anonymity
is furthermore preserved by following the same techniques Tor uses for building
Salsa [25] (2006) is a peer-to-peer anonymity system, and works in a similar way
like Tor does. It constructs a circuit of random chosen relay nodes. Salsa uses
a custom distributed hash table to find these relay nodes for anonymous communication, and uses redundancy checking mechanisms to protect against bias and
adversary attacks in the network. But this redundancy checking leaks information
about the lookups, and is vulnerable to a denial of service attack.
MORE (2007) is a centralized anonymity system, which stands for dynamic Multipath Onion RoutEr for peer-to-peer overlay networks [22]. The approach of MORE
extends the static onion routing paradigm by allowing packets to travel along different paths through the network. Anonymity is guaranteed by letting the sender
and receiver independently select the hops for the first part and second part of the
path. A central trusted service directory provides the lookup service for discovering
nodes and path sections leading to a hidden service.
2.5. Overview of research on anonymous communication
I2P is an acronym for The Invisible Internet Project, and is based on a private
network with anonymous websites. These websites can only be reached by users
within the I2P network. It is an anonymous network layer, and designed in such
a way that other software is able to communicate over the network. Applications
may send and receive messages anonymously and securely. Downside of I2P is
that it not suitable for massive data transfer, and the network is private, so it can’t
connect to services on computers not running I2P. This is a showstopper when it
comes to file-sharing over BitTorrent, because nothing can be downloaded when
there are no seeders around within the small network of I2P users. [34]
Problem Description
It’s very difficult for governments to dominate the Internet because it’s so
difficult to control. People want to be free. People want to hear multiple
voices. They want to make their own decisions. And people who see things
will report things.
Eric Schmidt
In the previous chapter on related work, different protocols and platforms have been
described. Working towards a file-share system based on BitTorrent with security,
privacy and anonymity as key features is the goal of this work, and requires a
perfect combination of the ideas behind different platforms working together. This
chapter describes the problems faced when combining the decentralized behaviour
of BitTorrent and DHT with the anonymity provided by the centralized Tor to make
a real anonymous peer-to-peer experience over the BitTorrent protocol possible.
3.1. Requirements on finding peers
In a global network with peers spread around the world, finding peers to connect
with or to relay data to is a hard but essential task. All peers in the network should
somehow be able to find each other, without the need to reveal their identity while
finding peers.
Finding seeding peers without a central authority
Tor is supposed to know about every node in the network. For the purpose of
hidden services in Tribler, there is no need to do this. Just a sufficient amount
of candidates for initiating the circuits is necessary. Those circuits will be built
by candidates through the dispersy tunnel-community. Each candidate within this
community may become part of a circuit. No central directory server is needed in
3. Problem Description
contrary to Tor, where the code contains some pointers to central directory servers
for bootstrapping purposes. Taking down the Tor network is as hard as taking
down those hard-coded servers, they can be found in config.c 1 , see Figure 3.1.
Tribler used to have also a number of fixed servers in its code, but recently the
DiscoveryCommunity class in Tribler takes care of this rendering the bootstrapping
dispersy servers useless. The only way to take Tribler down is by taking the Internet
Figure 3.1: Fixed pointers in sourcecode of Tor to service authorities.
Leading libraries such as Libtorrent support DHT announces. The DHT is a keyvalue based distributed storage. When a peer announces, it notifies other peers in
its routing table about the fact that it owns the torrent identified by the announced
info hash. Based on the ’closeness’ of the info hash in the routing table of peers,
other peers may query the DHT to find peers for a given torrent info hash. The
DHT in its traditional form does not work in a darknet based on hidden services.
This is because peers in a darknet are not actually the peers seeding a torrent, they
are just introduction points used for introducing a downloader to a seeder over an
exit socket. The introduction peer is not allowed to be involved in the end-to-end
circuit to be established between the downloader and seeder later on.
1 See
3.2. Boosting performance
Offering PeX like functionality
Peer Exchange (PeX) functionality offers a higher chance of discovering all the seeders in a swarm combined with DHT. Peers exchange peers they know about to each
other. The PeX implemented in torrenting libraries can’t be applied directly onto
a darknet based on hidden services, with the same reasons as the DHT has: the
introduction points are the only entry-points to connect to seeders. Furthermore
another great difference in the working of PeX exists: a seeder can’t find other
seeders directly as it does not maintain connections to other seeding peers. To
get high performing experiences using hidden services, a good peer exchanging
mechanism is essential, given that DHT does not yield enough peers compared to
traditional torrent downloading.
3.2. Boosting performance
The Tor software offers anonymous communication, but the problem with Tor is
that it is too slow, average speeds for downloading are around 200 kilobytes per
second, which is by far too slow for practical use of BitTorrent and for streaming
Blocking Peer-to-peer systems depend on a pool of peers where all participants
are incentivized to share resources in a tit-for-tat fashion. All peers need
to help with relaying data over the onion network. To overcome free-riding
behavior, peers should be blocked for downloading more data from the community than they shared resources to the community.
LEDBAT The BitTorrent protocol uses the LEDBAT algorithm for congestion control
to transfer data very fast throughout the network. When data is relayed
through tunnels, the latency will increase. But latency should be limited as
much as possible.
Benchmark One of the first implementations of the tunnel-community in Tribler
was able to achieve a bandwidth of 5 MByte per second with cryptography
disabled and running all relays on a single machine. Although this is not a
practical situation, it’s a good benchmark for comparing bandwidth in realworld applications.
3.3. Resilience to attacks
An anonymous system should be resilient to attacks. Various attacks are possible
depending on the objective of the attacker. Those attacks can be either passive (by
observing) or active (by participating). This section describes a number of attacks
where a mature anonymous system should be resilient to.
Sybil Attack and masquerading
A peer to peer system is susceptible to Sybil attacks, due to the lack of a central authority [14]. A peer to peer network is self-organizing and peers rely on
each other for all information. In a Sybil attack, some hostile peers in the network
3. Problem Description
counterfeit multiple identities. Peers can’t detect or ask some central identification
authority whether a remote identity is valid or compromised. One way for dealing
with this problem is to coordinate the validation of identities throughout the system
by somehow collectively maintaining a trusted source of valid identities. This solution increases the amount of network traffic, and only works on the assumption
of a large-scale distributed system where most of the peers are loyal, and compromised peers do not have sufficient resources for influencing the trusted source.
Several ideas how such a fully decentralized system for a trusted source should look
like have been proposed, but none of these ideas moved beyond the proposal and
simulation stage.
One possible solution for preventing a Sybil Attack is to apply a reputation mechanism for building up a web-of-trust. BarterCast is a reputation mechanism, where
peers propagate information about other peers’ behavior through gossiping. And
to ensure propagated information is valid throughout the network, a block-chain for
saving the information would be valuable.
Eclipse Attack
An adversary node can propagate false information about other peers in the network. For example by introducing wrong information about peers in the network,
by dropping information relayed through them, or by sending bogus data through
the network. The Eclipse attack is based on these kind of Byzantine faults and
Byzantine failures caused by adversaries.
Traffic confirmation attack
Because the anonymous features are performed with high upload and download
rates, the anonymity is vulnerable to a traffic confirmation attack, where adversaries
use statistics about the amount of data that’s been transferred through a circuit.
When both ends of a circuit are watched and the traffic on both edges is equal, it
is very likely that both ends of a circuit are communicating.
A trivial solution for solving this problem is to have every peer to send cover
traffic over the circuits. But this costs an enormous amount of bandwidth to the
volunteering relays and exits, and is therefore not worth the price. And even in the
case of cover traffic the attack is possible (only harder) by blocking the padding for
periods and look for patterns afterwards.
Correlation attack
The exchange of keys for the Diffie Hellman handshake is subject to a correlation
attack. This attack can be applied on any encryption method that is based on
a stream cipher. An unencrypted cell consists of a stream of message symbols,
and each symbol is individually encrypted. The unencrypted plain-text message
is 𝑚, the stream cipher takes the secret key 𝑘 and encrypts 𝑚 into a key-stream
𝑧. Basically, if someone is able to intercept both the unencrypted stream 𝑚 and
encrypted stream 𝑧 from the network, a plain-text attack can be applied. The idea
behind this kind of attack is to find a correspondence between the plain-text 𝑚 and
encrypted 𝑧, which can be used to determine a key 𝑘. When the unencrypted cell
3.4. Acquiring required keys for encryption
is not known, a correlation attack is still possible but much harder. Ways to find
a correlation between the encrypted message 𝑧 is to assume one or more blockparts known of an encrypted message. A key can be guessed transforming the
unencrypted known text into the encrypted cell. This key can be used to reveal the
remaining plain text parts contained in the rest of the encrypted message blocks.
Timing attack
Private key operations for the Diffie Hellman encryption consist of computing 𝑦 ⋅
mod 𝑛, with 𝑛 is the public key, and 𝑥 is the private key. 𝑦 can be found by
eavesdropping the network. For the timing attack, the private key can be derived
statistically from the time needed to compute several 𝑦 ⋅ mod 𝑛 known to the attacker. Some implementations of Diffie Hellman are vulnerable, but it is unlikely to
work in an environment of circuits where message are relayed down, since no accurate time measurements are available. The encryption layer on each hop makes
it even harder to attack. [21]
3.4. Acquiring required keys for encryption
One of the major problems in implementing hidden services in the existing BitTorrent network is the lack of information about the public keys from introduction points
and service key of the seeder. In the following sections a number of solutions are
proposed. In the case of establishing an end-to-end encrypted circuit between two
peers, a circuit needs to be created between the downloader and introduction point
of the seeder. But for applying cryptography on this circuit, the public key of the
seeder needs to be known. In the original Tor design, this problem is circumvented
by asking so-called Hidden service directories (HSDirs) for all keys, but no such a
central server exists in a fully decentralized network of BitTorrent peers.
3.5. Avoid exit nodes
When Tor-like circuits in Tribler are used for anonymous downloading, exit nodes
are the final relay, end-points of circuits. Exit nodes blame for all the traffic passed
through a circuit, because the outside world sees the IP address of the exit node
as the source of the traffic. In Tor, exit nodes are known for trafficking all kinds
of content, including malicious, objectionable and illegal content. Release 6.4 of
Tribler was released in December 2014, and had the anonymous downloading functionality enabled. With this version, everybody running the Tribler application may
become an exit node for someone else’s anonymous downloads without knowing
this. Shortly after the release posts appeared on various blogs and fora where people suffer from lawyer-based attacks and police raids. Although the lacking security
was not supposed as a scientific approach, it gave good insights on the effects of
failing anonymity in the community of Tribler users, lots of users got DMCA warnings and some even experienced law enforcement raids with guns at their homes.
To protect Tribler users in the future from those kinds of attacks, privacy should
be the default, and users may never become exit-node without their knowledge or
approval. Downloading torrents should only be allowed via hidden seeding services
3. Problem Description
or via exit-nodes that explicitly allow being an exit-node, furthermore traditional
unprotected seeding will be disabled entirely. Although Tribler cannot guarantee
to protect its users against spooks and government agencies, it should come very
close in almost every case.
3.6. Connectability Problem
Another major issue with hidden services is to work around the connectability problem on connecting to a hidden service. This problem is caused by Internet users
behind a firewall or NAT. These users are by default not connectible, some ports
are closed, thus making it impossible to connect from an outbound address. See
the example in figure 3.2: if B is able to communicate to both A and C, it is not
necessarily true that A and C can also communicate with each other, since C is
behind a NAT and thus not connectible.
Figure 3.2: Example of the connectability problem
NAT Puncturing
A workaround for the connectability problem is to use NAT puncturing. This method
is used to ‘puncture a hole’ through the NAT, enabling communication with an unconnectable node [19]. A node that’s already connected to the unconnectable
node can be asked to introduce itself to the unconnectable node. When the unconnectable node got introduced to the outbound node, literally a hole is punctured through the NAT, and the unconnectable node is connectable for this particular node. In Tribler a method for NAT puncturing is implemented. The candidate walker in dispery introduces new peers to unconnectable peers, and because
the unconnectable peer takes the initiative to connect, holes are punctured in the
NAT to allow communication between unconnectable peers. In the case of hidden
seeding, where a downloader tries to connect to a particular introduction point or
rendezvous-point, the introduction point needs to be selected as a connectible end-
3.7. Handling churn
point of a circuit somehow, otherwise the introduction point is useless and nobody
is able to connect to the hidden service over the introduction point.
3.7. Handling churn
In the context of peer-to-peer systems, churn is defined as the dynamics of peer
participation in the network, thus arrival and leaving of peers [32]. This is a critical
part for correct working of hidden seeding services, as a peer that leaves, also
causes all the circuits where it is participating in will break down, and in the case
when the peer is an introduction point, a seeder can’t be reached anymore, while the
introduction point is possible still being announced at other places on the network.
The regular Tor network also suffers from this issue. The DHT and exchanged
information about peers in the network should be resilient in such a way that the
effect of leaving peers is limited to a minimum, by having the seeder creating new
introduction points to maintain a stable network. In essence, there is not much
difference with traditional BitTorrent here, as this also suffers from leaving peers.
The only exception is for security limiters when circuits are automatically breaking
down after a fixed amount of time. The DHT should be able to keep up with such
3.8. Banning corrupt peers
Tribler uses libtorrent for interaction with the BitTorrent network. The library is
written in C++, and supports torrent sessions over TCP, UDP and 𝜇TP. In a peerto-peer community, everyone is able to send data - including corrupt data. [1]
Integrity of blocks of data are checked against the SHA-1 hashes defined in the
original .torrent file. Peers sending data that fails these integrity checks need to be
banned. Various solutions for banning peers are applied in Libtorrent.
ratio ban This ban counts for each peer how much pieces succeeded, and how
much pieces failed. A peer is dropped when the ratio between successes /
failures triggers a threshold.
smart ban When a piece fails, the peer is logged with the hash of the corresponding blocks. Other peers sending a block of which the hash is not matching
the content are immediately banned. After successfully downloading a piece,
all logged peers that sent invalid blocks are banned.
Design and Implementation
It’s the Industrial Revolution and the growth of urban concentrations that
led to a sense of anonymity.
Vint Cerf
The main issue with classical BitTorrent swarms is the lack of protection. The identity of peers within a swarm is literally exposed to everybody. In almost every
BitTorrent client it is possible to view the list of connected peers with their IP addresses. Hidden seeding services would solve this issue and ensure strong privacy
within the darknet. All inbound and outbound connections should use onion routing
circuits. They preserve full anonymity because connections are encrypted from endto-end, thus there are no exit nodes that may be subject of being eavesdropped.
Hidden services ensure that people who offer controversial video material are protected online, their identity remains hidden.
The design specification described in this section is mostly based on the ideas
and excellent work of the people behind the Tor Project [11]. Tor Hidden services are the leading solution for anonymous web-hosting, but unsuitable for video
streaming - like YouTube - because it is too slow. Tor also depends on a number of
‘trusted’ central directory servers, whereas Tribler is fully decentralized. The Tribler
approach uses the UDP protocol and does not rely on central directory servers like
Tor does. It prefers downloading from hidden seeders using end-to-end encryption,
but for achieving high performance and speed also the classical downloading from
exit-nodes is enabled. This choice is made on purpose, because in the beginning
anonymous seeding will have zero or just a few seeders and suffers from a bootstrap
problem due to the lack of anonymous seeders. While hidden seeding is limited by
the peers within the darknet, anonymous downloading over exit-nodes supports
downloading from the traditional public seeders. As long as this is the case, there
is no reason for disabling downloading over exit-nodes. Traditional ‘naked’ seeding
4. Design and Implementation
will be disabled by default, all seeding downloads in Tribler are automatically transformed into hidden seeding downloads after they finish downloading, no matter
whether the download proceeded anonymously or not.
4.1. Integration into Tribler
Starting in June 2014, Rutger Plak and Risto Tanaskoski finished their thesis work
on building a P2P onion router in Tribler. This work consisted of 11000 lines of
code in 702 commits. In the summer, an intensive code refactoring took place in
the core of Tribler, and the tunnel-community was rebuilt from scratch by Egbert
Bouman. In September the idea of hidden services was integrated into the tunnelcommunity in Tribler. The release of Tribler 6.4 in December 2014 brought up major
problems related to the cryptography used in the anonymous downloading over
proxies, see https://github.com/Tribler/tribler/issues/1066. Niels
Zeilemaker replaced most of the broken and experimental code, and refactored
the tunnel-community and hidden-services again. From this moment on, work was
continued to make the tunnel-community and hidden-services production ready
until the release of 6.5 in July 2015. All improvements to build a production ready
hidden services were realized in a total of 30 pull requests consisting of 70 commits
with a total of around 4000 lines of code in the Tribler and Dispersy repositories on
GitHub. Another 1000 lines of code were involved in 2 pull requests for setting up a
clear experiment framework for circuit related experiments using a fully functional
Tribler session in Gumby.
Figure 4.1: June 29th 2015, an example of end-to-end downloading of a torrent with speeds of 1.9 MB/s
4.2. Decentralized discovery of hidden seeders
4.2. Decentralized discovery of hidden seeders
In the original Tor design, central directory servers called HSDirs are used for retrieving information about a hidden service, like the service-key and public keys of
the introduction points. In a peer-to-peer environment such a central server does
not exist, the protocol works in a fully decentralized network of BitTorrent peers.
Our solution for retrieving the essential information to connect to a hidden seeding
service is by adding an extra message in the protocol: key-request. When an anonymous torrent got announced in the DHT, the introduction point should be asked for
e.g. the public key of the session of the seeder by means of a key-request message.
Both the seeder and downloader use circuits for this key requesting mechanism,
but with the current implementation the introduction point on itself knows which
info hash is shared and what the rendezvous point will be. This is a known weakness in the protocol, but is to be solved later on in future work, when opportunistic
encryption in a web of trust is reality.
4.3. Circuit setup
The introduction points and rendezvous point for downloading over hidden seeding
services should always be connectible, to allow a downloader to build a circuit and
connect to the introduction point of the seeder, and to allow the seeder to build
a circuit to the rendezvous-point of the downloader. The current approach in the
tunnel-community is to require every exit-node in the network to be connectible.
In this case, there is no doubt about the connectability of the introduction point,
as the introduction point itself is in fact an exit-node of a circuit initiated by the
seeder. This also solves the connectability problem for the rendezvous point, as
the rendezvous point is in fact an exit-node of a circuit initiated by the downloader.
Solving the connectability problem for the introduction and rendezvous points is
not essentially the same: the introduction point always needs to be connectible for
strangers, but an unconnectable rendezvous point can be punctured by letting the
hop that needs to connect to the rendezvous point propagate its identity back to
the seeder, via the circuit to the introduction point relayed to the downloader, than
propagated to the rendezvous-point which on its turn sends a dispersy puncture to
the last hop. This will only work for the rendezvous point because there is already
an existing circuit around. For the introduction point it will always be necessary to
be connectible for the outside world.
4.4. Dispersy message cells
Most message cells consists of a circuit_id and identifier in their payload, these are
required to identify to which circuit a particular message belongs, and for acknowledgement of messages. The circuit_id field is 4 bytes long, and identifier field is
2 bytes long. The following sections describe a scenario where Bob owns some
files, and wants to share them via peer to peer over the BitTorrent network. Alice
is interested in downloading this file.
4. Design and Implementation
4.4.1. Setting up Introduction Points
In preparation of seeding files over the BitTorrent network, Bob builds up at least
one anonymous circuit to let another node serve as introduction point for his seeding
services. The original info hash of the torrent is prepended with a string ‘tribler
anonymous download’, and the SHA1 hash is calculated over this string, resulting
in a modified info hash to be used for finding hidden services. For each file Bob is
seeding, a unique keypair is generated and stored in the session. By sending an
establish-intro message with the modified info hash of the torrent file to the last
hop of a circuit, this last hop becomes an introduction point for the modified info
hash. The payload byte format of the establish-intro message is shown in figure
Figure 4.2: Byte format for payload of the establish-intro cell
After receiving an establish-intro message, the introduction point responds with
an intro-established acknowledgement message back to the seeder. The introduction point will also announce the torrents’ info hash on its dispersy port into the
Mainline DHT. This way, the DHT can be queried to return introduction points for
a given info hash. The intro-established message does not have any additional
payload. The payload is shown in figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3: Byte format for payload of the intro-established cell
4.4.2. Finding peers to download from
When Alice knows the info hash of the torrent file seeded by Bob, she can calculate
the modified info hash by prepending ‘tribler anonymous download’ and calculating
the SHA1 hash on this string. By querying the DHT for the modified info hash, she
finds Bob in the list of introduction points. A direct DHT lookup by Alice reveals her
interest in the torrent file and leaks her privacy. To prevent this leakage, Alice asks
for peers over any circuit from the pool. She sends a dht-request message with
the modified info hash over this circuit. The byte format of the payload is shown in
figure 4.4.
info hash
Figure 4.4: Byte format for payload of the dht-request cell
info hash
4.4. Dispersy message cells
The last hop receiving the dht-request cell will do a DHT lookup for the info
hash, and the returned peers are packed into a dht-response cell. The byte format
of the payload is shown in figure 4.5.
info hash
... encoded list of peers ...
info hash
... encoded list of peers ...
Figure 4.5: Byte format for payload of the dht-response cell
When Alice receives the dht-response message, she will likely find the introduction point chosen by Bob in the list of peers.
4.4.3. Getting keys
When Alice knows the location of the introduction point of Bob, she needs to know
the session key of the info hash seeded by Bob. She sends a key-request message
to the introduction point. The introduction point will forward this message to the
seeder. The byte format of the payload is shown in figure 4.6.
info hash
Figure 4.6: Byte format for payload of the key-request cell
Note that the circuit-id is omitted in this cell. This is by design, the key-request
cell is exited as a dispersy message over the exit socket of an existing circuit with
the introduction point as its final destination. Therefore no circuit is involved, as
the introduction point does not receive the message over a circuit. The byte format
of the payload stays the same after the relaying by the introduction point. The
only difference in payload is the cache identifier which is replaced by an identifier
pointing to the relay message cache of the introduction point. On receiving the
key-request cell, the seeder replies with his session key for the info hash in a keyresponse cell. This cell contains the session key of the seeding torrent chosen by
the seeder, and an encoded list of other peers and keys the seeder already knows
about. The byte format of the payload is shown in figure 4.7.
identifier |sesskey|
... session key ...
... session key ...
... exchanged peers and keys ...
... exchanged peers and keys ...
Figure 4.7: Byte format for payload of the key-response cell
4. Design and Implementation
When Alice receives the key-response message, she has all the necessary information to create an end-to-end encrypted circuit to Bob, and if Bob appended more
peers to the key-response, she is able to initiate more end-to-end encrypted circuits
to other seeders if Bob supplied some exchanging peers in the payload (analogous
with PeX).
4.4.4. Create end-2-end
Alice sends a create-e2e message over a circuit that will exit over the exiting socket
into the introduction point of Bob. The byte format of the payload is shown in figure
info hash ...
... info hash
node-id ...
pubkey ...
... pubkey
... key ...
Figure 4.8: Byte format for payload of the create-e2e cell
If the introduction point recognizes the info hash received by the create-e2e,
the message is relayed onto the introduction circuit leading to Bob.
4.4.5. Requesting end-to-end connection
Bob establishes a rendezvous circuit to a rendezvous point (RP). This circuit is required to have a connectable hop at the end of the circuit, as the rendezvous point is
required to accept inbound connections from the downloaders’ circuit. After building the circuit, an establish-rendezvous message will be send over this circuit to
the last hop, with a random chosen single-use rendezvous-cookie as payload. The
rendezvous point is now waiting for an inbound connection with a valid cookie, to
link the end-to-end circuit. The byte format of the payload is shown in figure 4.9.
cookie ...
... cookie
Figure 4.9: Byte format for payload of the establish-rendezvous cell
After receiving the establish-rendezvous message, the node is marked as a rendezvous point, it will associate the circuit it is connected to the received rendezvouscookie. It will then reply with a rendezvous-established message back to Bob. The
byte format of the payload of this message is shown in figure 4.10.
4.4. Dispersy message cells
ip address
Figure 4.10: Byte format for payload of the rendezvous-established cell
When Bob receives the rendezvous-established, he can acknowledge the createe2e message with a created-e2e message. This message contains all the information needed by Alice to build a circuit ending in the rendezvous point chosen by Bob.
It is sent over the circuit ending in the introduction point of Bob. The introduction
point will look up the corresponding circuit identifier in the payload, and relay the
message downwards into the exiting socket from the exit-circuit initiated by Alice.
The byte format of the payload for this message is shown in figure 4.11.
cookie ...
... key
... cookie
... key
rendezvous sock
Figure 4.11: Byte format for payload of the created-e2e cell
4.4.6. Linking end-to-end connection
When Alice receives the Alice builds a new circuit ending at the rendezvous-point
of Bob, and sends a link-e2e message along this circuit. The byte format of the
payload is shown in figure 4.12.
cookie ...
... cookie
Figure 4.12: Byte format for payload of the link-e2e cell
When the rendezvous point receives a link-e2e message and the rendezvouscookie provided in the payload is the same as the cookie that the seeder communicated earlier, the two circuits are combined into 1 circuit, where inbound and
outbound data is relayed into the circuits replacing the exit sockets. The linking of
the circuits is acknowledged by a linked-e2e cell back to Alice, without additional
payload. The byte format of the payload is shown in figure 4.13.
Figure 4.13: Byte format for payload of the linked-e2e cell
When Alice receives a linked-e2e message, the handshake is completed. Alice
initiates the downloading via a libtorrent session that gets its data over the circuit,
4. Design and Implementation
via the rendezvous point, from Bob. This circuit is end-to-end encrypted between
Alice and Bob, making it impossible for outstanders to see what data is transferred
over the circuit. Moreover, Bob and Alice are communicating with each other, but
don’t know each others real identity.
4.5. Generic overview of message interaction
To set up a hidden seeding service, tunnels from different entities have to be created
in parallel with each other. Table 4.1 explains which messages are transferred for
setting up a connection between a seeder and downloader.
Table 4.1: Relay cells required for setting up an end-to-end encrypted connection between a downloader
and a seeder.
Figure 4.14 provides a schematic overview of the message interaction of all
dispersy message cells in the protocol.
4.6. Circuit reuse
Figure 4.14: Overview of message interaction in a hidden seeding service.
4.6. Circuit reuse
A hidden service needs at least 4 circuits for building up an end-to-end encrypted
connection between two peers. In some cases it is possible to reuse existing circuits
from another job for new purposes if the circuit is not in use. Tor uses the word
cannibalization for this. Cannibalization is safe in a few instances, e.g. the dhtlookup and key-request may use the same circuit, but not for all purposes. For
4. Design and Implementation
instance, the circuit to an introduction point should never be used as circuit to a
rendezvous-point. The hidden services protocol as implemented in Tribler depends
on the existence of the following circuits to initiate an end-to-end encrypted circuit
between two peers:
1. The seeder uses a circuit to establish an introduction-point.
2. The downloader uses a circuit for getting peers from the DHT (can be reused).
3. The downloader uses a circuit for getting the seeders’ keys (can be reused).
4. The downloader uses a circuit for the create-e2e message (can be reused).
5. The seeder uses a circuit to set up a rendezvous-point.
6. The downloader uses a circuit for the link-e2e message.
4.7. Protocol-specific extensions
This section enumerates a number of decisions and insights gathered during the
development of the protocol in Tribler.
opt-in for exit-nodes Each user is able to select whether to be an exit-node or
not. Allowing to be an exit-node should be explicitly configured by the user, by
checking a box in the anonymity-section in the configuration panel of Tribler,
see figure 4.15. The value of this setting is passed as a flag in the introduction
message. According to the value of this flag, other peers know how to deal
with a particular candidate: using it as a relay, or either using it for exiting data
to the Internet. When a circuit is extended with an extra hop, depending on
the type of circuit a choice is made which candidates are eligible for extension,
depending on the flag. The final goal is to eliminate exit-nodes completely,
but this will only work if enough users are available in the anonymous swarms.
initiator selects the next hop in the circuit When the circuit is extended with
a new hop, it returns a list of candidates where the circuit can possibly be
extended to. In the past, candidate selection was performed by the last hop
in the circuit. Since the implementation of hidden services, the choice is made
to move the selection logic to the initiator of the circuit. This also provides
the opportunity to build a circuit to peers that are not returned in the list of
possible candidates, which is necessary for hidden services when it comes to
linking the downloader circuit to the rendezvous-point of the seeder.
checking connectability Some circuits should end in a connectable endpoint in
order to support becoming an introduction or rendezvous point. This connectability check takes place when the next hop is chosen. It first tries to find
a connectable node, before falling back to any other node. Experiments are
performed in the wild where a downloader and seeder are not connectable.
As long as there are any connectable candidates around in the community,
4.7. Protocol-specific extensions
Figure 4.15: Screenshot of the panel where opt-in for exit-nodes is explicitly configured.
the downloader and seeder will find each other via the DHT and start a
torrenting-session over an end-to-end encrypted circuit. Because the connectability check is performed by design, the connectability problem where
two different circuits need to communicate with each other is solved. The experiments turned up unforeseen issues where the exit-socket communicates
directly with the endpoint of another circuit. But a reply from the endpoint
to the exit-socket sometimes used another port, causing the connectability
problem to occur. This issue was revealed by performing the experiments
with multiple hops on two different machines, with both machines behind a
NAT thus unconnectable. By requiring the endpoint of these circuits to be connectable (which can be easily determined by a flag in the dispersy candidate
object), the connectability problem turned out to be solved.
circuits of length one The default number of hops in a circuit is set to 1. Tribler
users are free to change this setting to a higher value, but the value is on
purpose set to 1 to improve the user-experience and download-speeds, and
in second place to reduce the load on the network by saving bandwidth and
computing power, as most users do not need the maximum anonymity for
all of their downloads. Tests revealed various issues with circuits of length
one. As the first-hop is also the last-hop in the circuit, all requirements (like
being connectable, or allowing to be an exit-node) should be met. Otherwise
4. Design and Implementation
the circuit will certainly fail and break the protocol. This issue is solved while
experimenting with different number of hops.
circuit recovery Circuits have some security limiters enabled by default, after a
fixed number of transferred bytes, on a fixed amount of time after the time of
creation, and when messages are not propagated correctly anymore through
the circuit, the circuit will be destroyed and recreated. This recreation prevents eavesdropping and improves overall privacy. But for circuits related
to hidden services, security limiters can be problematic. Breaking down a
circuit to an introduction point results in an unreachable seeder, and breaking down an end-to-end circuit over a rendezvous-point will render hidden
services useless when the end-to-end circuit initialization is not performed
again. Especially the breakdown of an introduction-point is problematic, as
the DHT may still announce the introduction-point even if it is not existing
anymore. Experiments with security limiters enabled and where a large file is
downloaded are the perfect way for testing recovery of hidden services after
circuits breaking down due to reaching security thresholds.
DHT-based introduction-peer discovery All peers that are introduction-points
for seeds within the darknet, can be discovered from the DHT by their modified
info-hash. But from time to time, peers might also disappear, and the DHT is
required to catch up with those changes on time, because otherwise hidden
services will utterly break when the DHT returns too much non-existing peers.
peer exchange via key request/response BitTorrent supports PeX for peer exchange. But peers in BitTorrent are not the same as peers in the hidden
services darknet, because the introduction points are the only entry-point for
connecting to a seeder. Figure 4.16 shows how introduction points are part of
the darknet, and how anonymity for both seeders and downloaders is guaranteed. Seeders by itself do not have knowledge about other peers in the
swarm, and that’s where PeX comes in. The key-request and key-response
messages used for sharing keys for setting up an end-to-end circuit can be
appended with information about other candidates and their keys. Periodically seeders update their information by fetching peers from the DHT and
performing key-requests, and by responding to other peers with a fixed set
(currently maximized to 50 peers) of candidates and keys they already know
about. This feature should speed up downloading in real-world examples.
Although it is implemented and working in the experiments, no additional review and analysis had been performed on this PeX implementation, because
in the experiments the DHT was already able to find enough candidates. The
real value of PeX comes in large-scale experiments, but is beyond the scope
of this work.
4.7. Protocol-specific extensions
Figure 4.16: Not locations of seeders, but locations of introduction points are exchanged in peer exchange (PeX), and are passed when a downloader requests the keys from a single introduction point.
Experiments and
performance evaluation
You have to fight for your privacy or you lose it.
Eric Schmidt
This chapter will focus on performance of hidden seeding services as it is implemented in Tribler. Performance of a system like this can be measured in a number
of ways. We investigate the overall bandwidth performance for hidden services, the
effects of multiple seeders in a swarm, and the ability to recover from faults when
circuits break down. We present experimental results for the hidden services architecture. Aim of the experiments is to get high-performing end-to-end encrypted
circuits with a bandwidth capable of supplying high-definition video streaming to
Tribler users. In practice, this means at least 5 megabit per second streaming over
circuits should be reached. But for an Ultra HD quality experience, speeds of 25
megabits per seconds are required.
5.1. Environment specification and assumptions
All experiments are performed with Gumby. Gumby is an experiment running
framework for performing experiments in Tribler and Dispersy. The experiments
in this section are performed on machines running SMP Debian 3.12 64 bits, with
6 Intel CPU dualcores on 1.6 GHz with Hyper-threading enabled, resulting into 24
cores. Each server has 8 gigabytes of memory, and 2.7 terabytes of disk space.
Scenario-files are deployed where Tribler peers are created, and downloads / seeders of auto-generated test-files can be created instantly during the experiments. All
performed experiments use the real DHT.
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
Analysis of the experiment results provided great insights during the development of hidden services in Tribler. Essential information about the (correct) working
of the protocol, reliability of message interaction, and issues with the design were
mostly revealed during the running of experiments. We will look into these design choices and measure the performance and latency of the system for initiating
a download, which consists of looking up peers from the DHT, getting the corresponding keys of the seeder, and initiating the end-to-end circuit.
For all conducted experiments, all Tribler-instances are forced introduced to each
other. This causes the experiment to introduce all available peers to each other
without using the time-consuming candidate discovery in dispersy. Candidates are
required for building circuits, and the time needed for discovering the right candidates can’t be predicted. By adding the candidates manually, the experiments
will bootstrap in a reasonable and constant time, and do not influence the results
when running the same experiments multiple times or when comparing the results
of different experiments.
5.2. Experiments on latency, speed and performance
We start on experiments on speed and performance, by producing download traces
with respectively 1, 2 and 3 hops on both the downloader and seeder side. Those
traces yield graphs showing the network bandwidth, progress of downloading, and
the load on the processors. There is an oversupply of candidates in the network,
there are 20 candidates to choose from for building circuits, while only a few of
them will actually participate in the circuits.
The test starts with a 1 hop seeder experiment. The amount of hops for the
circuits of the downloader are changed with values between 1 and 3 hops. The
experiment thus uses 1 + 1, 2 + 1 and 3 + 1 hops. For the purpose of this test, a
scenario is set up in gumby. The actual scenario file can be found in appendix A.3
• The experiment starts 2 instances of Tribler where the exit-node functionality
is enabled. Also, 18 instances of Tribler with exit-node functionality disabled
are started.
• Security delimiters are disabled to prevent influences from the security mechanisms in the circuits (e.g. limiting circuits after transferring 50 megabytes)
• One instance will start seeding a 100 megabyte binary file over 1 hop
• One instance will start downloading file over 1 hop, from a 1 hop seeder.
When the experiment is repeated later on: the seeder will respectively be set
to 2 and 3 hops.
• After finishing the 1 hop download, another instance will start downloading
the file over 2 hops
• After finishing the 2 hop download, yet another instance will start downloading
the file over 3 hops
5.2. Experiments on latency, speed and performance
Figure 5.1: Progress of a download from a 1 hop seeder
Figure 5.1 depicts the progress of downloading a 100 megabyte file using various
hops as a function of time, where 3 consecutive downloads are performed with
respectively 1, 2 and 3 hops. The vertical bars in this diagram mark the start of
each download. For the first download (downloading over 1 hop) it takes about
45 seconds before it actually starts downloading. This is the time needed to find a
suitable seeding peer from the DHT, and to initiate an end-to-end encrypted circuit.
It can be stated that when the implementation will be adopted by millions of realworld users, this will be the latency for initiating a torrent download. After the
end-to-end encrypted circuit is built, it needs 95 seconds to complete the download
of 100 megabytes. It is clear to see that the progress continues from 0 to 100%
without any notable hickups. The second download experiment (downloading over
2 hops) just needs 10 seconds before it starts downloading. This is because the DHT
directly returned the correct introduction point and circuits can be built instantly.
The decline in latency for initiating a download is significant, and is about 10 seconds
when the introduction peers are already known to the downloader. When peers
via PeX are exchagned after the first DHT lookup, latency is reduced drastically
because no new DHT lookups are involved anymore. The actual download takes
117 seconds, which is roughly 28% slower than the downloading over 1 hop.
The third and last download experiment (downloading over 3 hops) used 134
seconds for downloading the full 100 megabytes. This is again slower, 42% than
the experiment over 1 hop and 11% slower than the experiment over 2 hops. Note
that the difference in percentage of progress declines when the number of hops is
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
Figure 5.2: Download speeds for downloading from a 1 hop seeder
increased. In the following sections we will see that this is caused by computational
overhead for the downloader which forms a bottleneck in this experiment. Figure
5.2 reveals the download speed for the experiment. These rates are gathered per
second from the libtorrent session. As libtorrent reports a smooth rate, this will
also reflect into the graphs. This will be also the case in the upcoming experiments, but is not changing the conclusions to be made during the experiments. It
is clear to see that the downloading speed gradually decreases when more hops are
involved. Over 1 hops it averages on 1150 kilobytes per second, over 2 hops it averages on 1000 kilobytes per second, and over 3 hops it averages on 850 kilobytes
per second. The worst performance, 850 kilobytes per second converts to a 6.8
megabit connection, which still suits for high-defintion video streaming. The best
performing connection over 1 hop converts to a 9.2 megabit connection, which is
more than enough for high-defintion streaming, but not enough for Ultra HD video
(which requires a 25 megabit connection). Those downloading speeds should be
reflected in the diagram of kilobytes uploaded. Figure 5.3 confirm the downloading
speeds, because the upload speeds are the same. This diagram also reveals that
no swarming effect is involved in the experiment, just one seeder and one downloader exist during the experiment, and it’s running isolated, not influenced by any
other peer. The use of circuits for downloading a torrent is compute-intensive, this
can be seen in figure 5.4. It shows the user times for each process involved in the
Tribler experiment, consisting of the downloader, seeder, and relay nodes used in
the circuits. User time is the amount of CPU time that is spend in user-mode (thus
5.2. Experiments on latency, speed and performance
Figure 5.3: Upload speeds for downloading from a 1 hop seeder
outside the kernel) within the executing process. Furthermore, the downloader has
the advantage of creating more end-to-end circuits to the seeder, the existence of
multiple circuits is visible in the experiment using 3 hops. This will improve performance in real-world examples where the bandwidth available in a circuit is poor or
fluctuates due to the amount of hops involved in the circuit, and in cases where
circuits break down if an intermediate relay leaves.
The experiment is conducted on a single machine, and therefore we only see
one line in the Node part of this diagram. The cumulative user-time for all processes together is depicted in this particular part of the diagram. When downloading from a single seeder over 1 hop, it is using 100% of the processing power.
This confirms the performance is limited by computational power, meaning that the
measured bandwidth would be the maximum possible bandwidth for this computer.
The downloader process is causing most of the load, and is fully saturating a CPU
core. Libtorrent is inherently single threaded, and so is the tunnel-community. Even
when there are idle CPU cores available in the system, the current code download
speeds will not improve because of this single thread bottleneck.
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
Figure 5.4: User times for downloading from a 1 hop seeder
System times are the times that a process spends CPU-resources in the kernel,
e.g. when performing system calls on I/O. The system times for this experiment
are shown in figure 5.5. They fluctuate around 0.05 and 0.10 seconds, this load is
caused by the system calls issued by Tribler, for example when doing I/O operations
on disk and on the network.
Figure 5.5: System times for downloading from a 1 hop seeder
We repeated the same experiment, but now with a seeder using 2 hops for its
circuits. The experiment thus uses 1 + 2, 2 + 2 and 3 + 2 hops. The actual scenario
file can be found in appendix A.4. The expected result of this experiment will be
5.2. Experiments on latency, speed and performance
a decrease of the download speed. In figure 5.6 the download speed is shown as
a function of time. From this figure it can be confirmed that the download speed
decreased slightly, but the impact is limited, and in the case of the 2 hop seeder
+ 2 hop downloader even improved a bit. The bottleneck is likely to be related to
the bottleneck which the downloader and seeder are facing when encrypting data
packets over the circuit.
Figure 5.6: Download speeds for downloading from a 2 hop seeder
The same experiment is repeated with a seeder using 3 hop circuits. The actual
scenario file can be found in appendix A.5. This experiment uses 1 + 3, 2 + 3
and 3 + 3 hops. When we look at the download speeds in figure 5.7, we see a
further decrease of the download speed, with the 3 + 3 combination performing the
worst of all. The total of 6 hops produces a maximum of 650 kilobytes per second,
converting to a 5.2 megabit connection. This is still enough for high-definition video
streaming, but strongly discouraged for use as it puts a high load on the network
(although it gives a lot of anonymity for both the downloader and seeder).
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
Figure 5.7: Download speeds for downloading from a 3 hop seeder
All combinations of hops chosen by the seeder and downloader are shown in
table 5.1. As expected, the 1 hop downloader combined with the 1 hop seeder is
the fastest option, whether the 3 hop downloader combined with the 3 hop seeder
takes much longer.
1 hop seeder
2 hop seeder
3 hop seeder
1 hop downloader
91 seconds
97 seconds
131 seconds
2 hop downloader
110 seconds
108 seconds
127 seconds
3 hop downloader
123 seconds
125 seconds
168 seconds
Table 5.1: Time needed for finishing a 100 megabyte download over end-to-end encrypted circuits with
different combinations of hop-counts.
5.3. Experiment on fault resilience
In a distributed environment, peers come and go. There is no certainty about
candidates whether they will be still online in the next few minutes, but as those
candidates participate in circuits, the anonymity system should fully recover from
faults occurring in the circuit setup. The following experiment is designed to cover
fault resilience. By creating a 1 gigabyte download with the security limiters enabled, circuits will be re-established after 50 megabytes of transferred data or after
600 seconds of activity. The expected result of the experiment is that the down-
5.3. Experiment on fault resilience
loading of a 1 gigabyte file The actual gumby scenario file for this experiment can
be found in appendix A.1
• The experiment starts 2 exit-enabled instances of Tribler.
• The experiment starts 18 non-exit-enabled instances of Tribler.
• Security delimiters (e.g. limiting circuits after transferring 50 megabytes) are
• One instance will start seeding a 1 gigabyte binary over hidden services
• Another instance will start downloading this 1 gigabyte binary from the seeder
Figure 5.8 shows the progress of downloading a 1 gigabyte file using 1 hop on both
the seeder and downloader side. It takes about 45 seconds before it actually starts
downloading. This latency is the same as the latency for the earlier experiment.
The actual download of a 1 gigabyte file needs 1100 seconds to complete. It is clear
to see that the progress continues from 0% to 100% with hick-ups. These hickups are caused by the security limiters, after each 50 megabytes or 10 minutes a
circuit is destroyed. Because downloaders are able to maintain multiple end-to-end
circuits to the same seeder, the number of hick-ups is less than
= 20, we see
approximately 7 hick-ups, thus it was concurrently downloading over 3 end-to-end
circuits and load was divided over these 3 instances.
Figure 5.8: Progress of a 1 gigabyte download over 1 hop
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
Because circuit limiters are fixed, and for the purpose of this experiment all
circuits and candidates are created on the same time, all circuits are likely to break
down on the same moment. This is not in line with how it works on the real
Internet, as peers would arrive and leave on random moments, and each peer
would have different seeding rates, thus the chances that circuits would all together
break down like in this experiment are small. A simulation of this kind of fuzziness in
the experiment is possible, but decided not to do, as the experiment now produces
a worst-case scenario: it proves a resilience of the system even when all circuits
break down.
Figure 5.9 shows the user time of all the running processes. While the download
progresses there is a high load on the system, and when the security limiters break
down circuits, the load becomes low again. In the pausing moments Tribler is busy
with finding new candidates for the community, doing DHT lookups to find hidden
seeders, and of course building a new end-to-end encrypted circuit to download
from. The DHT is able to catch up with changes, because the experiment also
works after 600 seconds when the introduction point circuit breaks down. After
this circuit is established it resumes the download again causing high load, this
load is mostly caused by the encrypting and decrypting of packets to be transferred
through the circuit of hops.
Figure 5.9: User times for downloading 1 gigabyte over 1 hop
Figure 5.10 clearly depicts the bandwidth usage (in kilobytes uploaded) for each
process that’s part of the experiment. This bandwidth is measured as the raw bandwidth by dispersy. For transferring a 1 gigabyte file, the actual network bandwidth
for the seeder is 1.2 gigabytes. This extra overhead on the data is caused by
the encryption and overhead of payload in the packets sent through the dispersy
5.3. Experiment on fault resilience
Figure 5.10: Upload bandwidth usage on a 1 gigabyte upload
The download speed during the experiment is shown in figure 5.11. The maximum speed achieved is around 1250 kilobytes per second on this machine. A
machine with more computing power per CPU core would yield better results.
Figure 5.11: Download speeds for downloading 1 gigabyte over 1 hop
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
5.4. Experiment on multi-swarm collaboration
In BitTorrent, swarms need to collaborate when not all peers own all chunks of a
torrent. Peers can only complete download a torrent when all chunks are available
in the current swarm. The following experiment is designed to show how load is
distributed evenly when multiple seeders in a swarm are available, and a single
downloader should find those available seeders from the DHT, and start downloading from them over end-to-end encrypted circuits. For the purpose of this test,
the following scenario is set up in gumby. The actual scenario file can be found in
appendix A.2.
• The experiment starts 2 exit-enabled instances of Tribler.
• The experiment starts 18 non-exit-enabled instances of Tribler.
• Security delimiters (e.g. limiting circuits after transferring 50 megabytes) are
• One instance will start seeding the 100 megabyte binary file ‘A’ over hidden
• Two instances will start seeding the 100 megabyte binary file ‘B’ over hidden
• Three instances will start seeding the 100 megabyte binary file ’C’ over hidden
• One instance will start downloading file ‘A’ from 1 seeder
• After downloading of ‘A’ is finished, another instance will start downloading
file ‘B’ from 2 seeders
• After downloading of ‘B’ is finished, yet another instance will start downloading
file ‘C’ from 3 seeders
The experiment utilizes 3 different swarms, to ensure it starts with a clean measurement after each download, as DHT announcements take place after each download
and those would influence the upcoming experiment with seeders that would not
exist anymore. The download bandwidth graph in figure 5.12 shows the speed
for downloading from 1 seeder is approximately 1200 kilobytes per second, while
downloading bandwidth from 2 and 3 seeders is slightly slower, 1150 kilobytes per
second. The reason for this might be caused by the fact that downloading from
multiple seeders means that there is more often context switching for encrypting
and decrypting messages over different tunnels to different seeders.
5.4. Experiment on multi-swarm collaboration
Figure 5.12: Download speeds for downloading from multiple seeders
Figure 5.13: Upload speeds for downloading from multiple seeders
5. Experiments and performance evaluation
The uploading bandwidth as shown in figure 5.13 nicely depicts that all available
seeders are involved equally for downloading the torrent. Where the first (pink)
curve shows the single seeder uploading the file, the green and yellow curves show
how the bandwidth for uploading is divided by the two available seeders. The
downloader maintains the same downloading speed, but divides the load over all
available seeders. In the downloading from 3 seeders it’s hard to see that there
are three curves, a light-blue and dark-blue curve almost above each other, and
a purple curve that’s a bit lower. But all three curves together again reach the
same (maximum) download speed that the downloader is able to manage with its
available resources.
Figure 5.14: User times for downloading from multiple seeders
The user time needed by the processes is shown in figure 5.14. The process that
reaches 1.00 seconds of user time is the downloading process. For the case where
one seeder is available, the loads for the processes of the seeder and relaying hops
is between 0.75 and 0.90, while the loads for these processes gradually decrease
when there are respectively 2 and 3 seeders. This means that the amount of seeders
in the swarm is scalable when enough relaying candidates are around. The results
of this experiment clearly show that a bottleneck occurs at the downloader. For
the experiments with 1, 2 and 3 seeders it utilizes all the available CPU resources,
without achieving higher throughput rates. It currently would not make any sense
to do experiments with even more seeders because the resources of the downloader
are already saturated.
5.5. Concluding remarks on experiments
The conducted experiments provide useful insights in the current bottlenecks of the
tunnel-community in Tribler.
Measuring the time needed for setting up a hidden service involves the creation
5.6. Yappi profiling of the system
of all the circuits, negotiating messages, until an end-to-end connection is available
between two peers. The creation of a hidden service is far more complex than
just setting up a single circuit for anonymous downloading over a few hops. Also
varying the number of hops in a circuit impacts performance, because using more
hops consumes more time and bandwidth, and using too much hops in circuits
could badly influence performance, and is expensive in terms of overall network
bandwidth and CPU power, thus will cause a high load in the network.
The limiting factors on performance have been extensively researched, and it
turns out to be mainly caused by the cryptography applied on packets. The increasing number of hops in a circuit is further negatively impacting performance,
because the seeder and downloader both communicate over a circuit where they
are responsible for successive library calls for RSA encrypting / decrypting packets,
analogous with the onion routing algorithm for each hop that’s part of the circuit.
The maximum bandwidth reached in the experiments was 1200 kilobytes per seconds, converting to a 9.5 megabit connection. This suits perfectly for HD video
streaming, but unfortunately not for Ultra HD video streaming.
5.6. Yappi profiling of the system
A deeper analysis on the bottlenecks in the system is performed by Quinten Stokkink
and Harmjan Treep (see [29]). They used Yappi, a profiler for the Python programming langauge in which the Tribler code is written. Yappi is able to analyze
per-thread and gather stats on CPU-time per function-call. This analysis revealed
the compute-intensive parts of the tunnel-community. Some time-consuming calls
can be easily improved by applying caching for storing information (like converting
ip-adresses from binary to string format which is done often). But the most timeconsuming functions can be categorized into two groups: cryptography-related and
networking-related functions. Both sets of functions take responsibility for more
than 50% of the CPU time in the tunnel-community, and parallelization of these
functions would be beneficious for the performance. But it turns out that parallelization is not a solution for everything, as the successive encrypting of packets
is the most time-consuming part of the system and can’t be parallelized in an easy
way as most of the compute intensive functionality is in external libraries (e.g. the
python cryptography package, and the libtorrent library).
Future work
The current implementation of hidden services in Tribler provides a basic level of
anonymity, but there are still points for improvement to be addressed before one
can rely on the anonymity without any doubts. This requires extension of the
hidden services protocol with mechanisms that prevent freeriding, sybil attacks and
reputation management. Some of these techniques are already implemented in
Tribler but not integrated with hidden services as this requires well-thought-out
solutions, out of the scope of this work. The following sections will point out various
issues to be resolved, resulting in Tribler to become a mature anonymity system.
Long-term tit-for-tat for anonymity
Each Tribler user gains anonymity because other Tribler users are volunteering
bandwidth for relaying data through the network of tunnels. To disseminate how
much data a user volunteered for relaying data of others, an open community that
records this information for each user on a long term is required, for example by
combining the Bartercast reputation mechanism with a Bitcoin-like blockchain for
validation. This makes it possible for peers to determine the reliability of other peers
without revealing the identity of the peers. As a result of this functionality it will
be also possible to fight against freeriders who consume bandwidth in the network
without contributing bandwidth back into the community. Those freeriders can be
punished by disabling the anonymous downloading functionality, just to motivate
users to share their bandwidth for helping to relay data of others.
Secure the key-requesting mechanism
In the current approach, the introduction point knows too much and adversary
peers acting as introduction point can reveal the identity of users. The introduction
point announces an info hash to the DHT using its dispersy-port. Hence, when a
downloader finds this peer, it discovers the dispersy port. An alternative solution
would be to use the port of the exit-socket of the tunnel towards the seeder, because
6. Future work
this would allow a downloader to directly communicate the key-request/create-e2e
towards the seeder without having the introduction point to know the info hash in
order to choose the correct circuit for relaying the message. This requires the hop
leading to the exit-socket to be connectable, as the connectability problem might
cause issues here. Another obvious improvement would be the encryption of the
key-request related messages. A possible solution for this is to encrypt the keyrequest and key-response messages with a hash of the info hash that’s known by
both the downloader and seeder, but not known to the introduction point (when
using the exit-socket solution mentioned above).
Circuit status reporting
The circuit status reporting was built in 2014, and only shows circuits created by
the own process. It does not reveal information about the circuits it is participating
as a relay or exit socket, or the type of circuit it is participating in. Furthermore,
circuits related to hidden services may be displayed with the wrong length (as the
circuit length in the darknet is unknown). A new design for displaying the status
of the actual circuits is required, as the current user interface does not suit the
possibilities of hidden services anymore.
Privacy on the Internet is an illusion. The goal of this work is to enhance the use
of BitTorrent with security, privacy and anonymity. In the past decades, various
ideas have been proposed for anonymity systems. The next step in anonymous
communication is a darknet where senders and receivers share resources without
the need to know each other and nobody knows who’s talking to who. A fully
decentralized and anonymous peer-to-peer system for sharing files over Bit-torrent,
inspired by the Hidden Services of the Tor project is implemented in Tribler.
The current implementation of hidden services in Tribler is just a proof of concept, but already superior to Tor in terms of speed and censorship-resistance.
opening opportunities for streaming high-definition video from BitTorrent in a fullydecentralized way. There are weak spots in the system to be solved, like adding
protection against traffic analysis or Sybil attacks. To prevent a false sense of
security, users should still be warned until improvements for the weak spots are
incorporated and the anonymity system has proven itself mature. The conducted
experiments reveal that the current implementation is limited by the availability of
CPU resources, and in less extent to the available network bandwidth. This is due
to the strong cryptography applied on data. Future research should be conducted
on improving security and performance.
There is no central authority in Tribler. However, freedom is not absolute. The
current implementation in Tribler gives opportunities for both legal and illegal activity. Seeders and downloaders can both act anonymous in the network. Tribler is
a social platform for transporting data anonymously through the network, and like
any other means of communication, transporters are not responsible for the content
transmitted, especially when the data is encrypted and not visible for inspection. All
responsibility for the available content lies with the users in the community. Objectionable content can become essentially impossible to find in the network by voting
down the channels that are already available in Tribler. This renders it useless for
anyone that would use Tribler for criminal and cruel activities.
Gumby experiments
A.1. hiddenservices-1-gigabyte-1-hop.scenario
# This experiment starts seeding a 1024MB file. Another processes will
# download from this seeder using respectively 1 hops. All security limiters
# will be active, so every now and then circuits will break down.
@0:0 set_master_member 3081a7301006072a8648ce3d020106052b81040027038192 ...
@0:2 start_session
@0:3 set_test_file_size 1073741824
@0:3 set_security_limiters True
@0:5 init_community exit crypto {1-2}
@0:6 init_community no_exit crypto {3-20}
@0:10 online
@0:11 introduce_candidates
@0:20 reset_dispersy_statistics
@0:20 setup_seeder 1hopsgigabyte 1 {4}
@0:100 start_download 1hopsgigabyte 1 {5}
@0:1500 stop
A.2. hiddenservices-1-hop-multiple-seeders.scenario
# This experiment creates files seeded by respectively 1, 2 and 3 seeders.
# The download processes will download from these seeder using 1 hops.
@0:0 set_master_member 3081a7301006072a8648ce3d020106052b81040027038192 ...
@0:2 start_session
@0:5 init_community exit crypto {1-2}
@0:6 init_community no_exit crypto {3-20}
@0:10 online
@0:11 introduce_candidates
@0:20 reset_dispersy_statistics
@0:20 setup_seeder a1hops100mb 1 {4}
@0:30 setup_seeder b1hops100mb 1 {5}
@0:40 setup_seeder b1hops100mb 1 {6}
@0:50 setup_seeder c1hops100mb 1 {7}
@0:60 setup_seeder c1hops100mb 1 {8}
@0:70 setup_seeder c1hops100mb 1 {9}
@0:100 start_download a1hops100mb 1 {10}
@0:250 start_download b1hops100mb 1 {11}
A. Gumby experiments
@0:400 start_download c1hops100mb 1 {12}
@0:600 stop
A.3. hiddenservices-1-hop-seeder.scenario
# This experiment runs a 1 hop seeder seeding a 100mb file. Other processes
# will download from this seeder using respectively 1, 2 and 3 hops.
@0:0 set_master_member 3081a7301006072a8648ce3d020106052b81040027038192 ...
@0:2 start_session
@0:5 init_community exit crypto {1-2}
@0:6 init_community no_exit crypto {3-20}
@0:10 online
@0:11 introduce_candidates
@0:20 reset_dispersy_statistics
@0:20 setup_seeder 1hops100mb 1 {4}
@0:100 start_download 1hops100mb 1{5}
@0:250 start_download 1hops100mb 2 {6}
@0:400 start_download 1hops100mb 3 {7}
@0:600 stop
A.4. hiddenservices-2-hop-seeder.scenario
# This experiment runs a 2 hop seeder seeding a 100mb file. Other processes will
# download from this seeder using respectively 1, 2 and 3 hops.
@0:0 set_master_member 3081a7301006072a8648ce3d020106052b81040027038192 ...
@0:2 start_session
@0:5 init_community exit crypto {1-2}
@0:6 init_community no_exit crypto {3-20}
@0:10 online
@0:11 introduce_candidates
@0:20 reset_dispersy_statistics
@0:20 setup_seeder 2hops100mb 2 {4}
@0:100 start_download 2hops100mb 1 {5}
@0:250 start_download 2hops100mb 2 {6}
@0:400 start_download 2hops100mb 3 {7}
@0:600 stop
A.5. hiddenservices-3-hop-seeder.scenario
# This experiment runs a 3 hop seeder seeding a 100mb file. Other processes will
# download from this seeder using respectively 1, 2 and 3 hops.
@0:0 set_master_member 3081a7301006072a8648ce3d020106052b81040027038192 ...
@0:2 start_session
@0:5 init_community exit crypto {1-2}
@0:6 init_community no_exit crypto {3-20}
@0:10 online
@0:11 introduce_candidates
@0:20 reset_dispersy_statistics
@0:20 setup_seeder 3hops100mb 3 {4}
@0:100 start_download 3hops100mb 1 {5}
@0:300 start_download 3hops100mb 2 {6}
@0:500 start_download 3hops100mb 3 {7}
@0:800 stop
Adversary An adversary is an entity within a distributed network trying to break
the system by forging messages or dropping messages..
BarterCast BarterCast is a reputation system integrated into Tribler, currently used
for exchanging the amount of uploaded and downloaded bytes for users in
the network..
BitTorrent A network protocol that is designed for distributing large files over a
network of peers.
Channel A channel in Tribler is used for discovering swarms. It is used to prevent
fake content and reduce spam.
DHT A decentralized and distributed hash table. In BitTorrent, a DHT is used for
looking up other nodes in a swarm for a given info hash.
Dispersy Distributed Permission System, an elastic database system for use in
communities in a decentralized network.
H(m) A cryptographic hash of 𝑚.
LEDBAT LEDBAT stands for ‘Low Extra Delay Background Transport’, a congestion
control algorithm for transferring data on the Internet based on limiting delays
while using full bandwidth..
Peer A peer is a client in the BitTorrent swarm, to which other peers can connect.
Receiver anonymity A system providing receiver anonymity ensures that it is impossible for a sender to ascertain the identity of the receiver of the message..
Sender anonymity A system providing sender anonymity ensures that it is impossible for a receiver to ascertain the identity of the sender of the message..
Swarm A swarm consists of all simultaneous online clients downloading or uploading (parts of) the same files.
Tit-for-tat Tit-for-tat is the rewarding mechanism for donating bandwidth in a
distributed network. Download speed is optimized for peers cooperating more
than others..
Tor The Onion Router, free software for protecting anonymity on the Internet by
sending packets over circuits of hops in a distributed network of relays..
Tracker A tracker is a server in a peer-to-peer network assisting peers to connect
with each other..
Tribler A fully decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing client for the BitTorrent network, built as a scientific research project.
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