INDIAN SUMMER MONSOON PREDICTION IN THE NCEP CLIMATE FORECAST SYSTEM (CFS) Catherine Thiaw(1) Suranjana Saha(2) Diane Stokes(2) Stephen Lord(2) (1) IMSG for EMC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA (2) EMC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA CFS Retrospective Forecasts CLIMATOLOGY (1981-2004) OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study the CFS (T62L64) prediction of the CLIMATOLOGY of Rainfall, Lower Level Winds, Winds Stress and SST in the Indian Region, and compare it with the observational Climatology. AREAS OF STUDY •SOMALI JET : winds at 850 hPA •ARABIAN SEA and BAY OF BENGAL areas: winds at 850 hPA and SST •All India Rainfall CFS OBS CFS OBS SST (C) Bay of Bengal OBS CFS Arabian Sea CFS OBS CFS CFS - OBS CFS - OBS CFS - OBS JUN INITIAL CONDITIONS May 00GMT from R-2 for 24 years from 1981-2004 (the sample size is 24x5) All 5 atmospheric states (9-13 May) have the same GODAS ocean initial condition for the 11th of May 00GMT for 1981-2004. VERIFICATION DATA Precipitation : • CMAP Rainfall Estimates for Monthly and Pentad means from Xie-Arkin SST : OIv2 Reynolds SST data Wnd850 : Reanalysis-2 data SST: From May to August, CFS-OBS < 2 C Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Wnd850 hPa (m/s) : from May 16 to Sep 2: Little difference between CFS and Observations OBS CFS Retrospective Forecasts ANOMALIES JUL 5 m/s 1:3 5 m/s 1:3 JUN Upwelling brings cool water to surface Precipitation rate (mm/day) over India: CFS usually shows less rain than the observations AC skill up to 50% in some area OBS JUN CFS OBS OBS CFS Somali Jet JUL CFS OBS Wnd850 (hPa) Bay of Bengal CFS OBS CFS - OBS 10-14 22-26 CFS - OBS CFS - OBS AC SKILL (%) AC SKILL (%) JUL SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS SST CLIMATOLOGY Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal CFS forecast model climatology is realistic but has some problem areas: •Somali jet is too weak and the onset is late •Bay of Bengal wind climatology is too weak 10-15 WIND 850 hPa CLIMATOLOGY Somali Jet Area Bay of Bengal Area •SST too warm in Arabian Sea (wind forcing is too weak) •Rainfall over India begins 2 weeks late and is too weak at the peak •Precipitation anomaly shifted north over Nepal •Some skill in interannual precipitation anomaly over SE Asia •Marginal skill over India 45-50 •ONSET as defined by Somali Jet Winds at 850 hPa and All India Rainfall in the CFS is about 2 weeks late. All India: Rainfall Anomalies Future Developments Rainfall Climatology All India Improvements to the CFS T62L64 is underway. These include higher resolution, T126L64 for the atmospheric model, and a new ocean model MOM4, along with changes to the physics and numerics. Hopefully this will lead to better results. OBS CFS(x2) CFS