
Wali Akhtar Professor

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Wali Akhtar Professor
Faculty Details proforma for DU Web-site
Title Dr.
Phone No.
Department of Arabic, University
of Delhi, Delhi-110007
C-125/3, Abul Fazal-II, P.O. Jamia
Nagar, New Delhi-110025
08750717696, 09868759026
08750717696, 09868759026
[email protected]
Educational Qualifications
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Adv. Diploma
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
in Mod. Arabic
Fazilat Adab
Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama,
Lucknow, (U.P.)
Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama,
Lucknow, (U.P.)
Career Profile
Lecturer (Ad-hoc)
27.09.1996 up to 20.03.1997
Department of Arabic, Jamia Millia Islamia
Lecturer (Permanent)
21.03.1997 up to 04.05.2003
Department of Arabic, University of Delhi
Reader, Department of Arabic,
05.05.2003 up to 04.05.2006
University of Delhi
05.05.2006 up to 04.05.2009
Associate Professor
Department of Arabic, University of Delhi
05.05.2009 till date
Department of Arabic, University of Delhi
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Administrative Assignments
Head, Department of Arabic, University of Delhi since (August 16, 2008 - August 15, 2011)
Member of Board of Research Committee,
Member of Board of Departmental Research Committee; and
Member of Committee of Courses.
Head, Department of Arabic, University of Delhi since August 16, 20011 till date
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Modern Arabic Literature,
Arabic Grammar; and
Subjects Taught
 Classical Arabic Prose
 Modern Arabic Prose
 History of Arabic Literature
 Translation from English into Arabic and Vice-Versa
 Arab civilization
 Arabic Grammar and Rhetoric
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Research Guidance:
1. Supervision of awarded Doctoral Thesis: 4
 An Analytical and Critical Study of Novels and Short Stories of
Youssef al-Sebai (19919-1997), 16. 02. 2015
 Mohammad Nasiruddin al-Albani: with Special Reference to his
Book “Takhrij Sharah al-Aquida al-Tahtawia” 27. 11. 2014
 A Critical and Analytical Study of the Works of Mahmud
Muhammad Shakir (1909-1997), 20. 10. 1914
 The Contribution of Islamic Jurists to Arabic Language and
Literature, 03. 10. 2011
Shakir Farrukh
Abdul Mannan
Mohd. Irfan Ayaz
Abdul Karim
2. Supervision of Doctoral Thesis under progress: 3
Name of the Research Scholar
 The Fictions of AbdurRahman al-Sharquawi and Munshi Prem
Chand: A Comparative and Critical Study
 Contributions of Makhdoom Family of Kerala to Arabic
 Vision of Exile in Iraqi Poetry with Special Reference to the
Poet Abbas Abul-al Samawi
3. Supervision of awarded M. Phil. dissertations: 9
 Ahlam Mustaghanami; hayatuha wa aamaluha aladabia,15.12.2014
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Md. Jasimuddin
Naushad M.C.
Zahid Amin
Name of the Research Scholar
Mohammad Ateeque Nadvi
Ali Ahmad Bakatheer: katiban masrahian, 27. 06. 2014
Dr. Abdul Aziz al-Maqaleh: Life and Literary Achievements,
Zahid Amin
13.03. 2014
Wahiduz Zaman al-Kiranwi: hayatuhu wa aamalohu, Iftikhar Ahmad Jan
Mohd. Harron Rashid
Shaikh Abdul Hai farangi Mahalli: hayatohu wa kutubu alArabia fi al-fiqh al-Islami, 10. 08.2005
Md. Faruqe
Women in the novels of Murad al-Tahavi, 10.08. 2005
Fuzail Ahmad Khan
Mahmood Taymur (1894-1973): A critical study of his selected
short stories and novels, 11.01.2005
Mohammad Bava P.
Aid al-Qarni: hayatohu wa aamalohu al-ilmiah wa al-adabia:
dirasa tahliliah. (submitted)
Hafizur Rahman
An analytical study of the novels written by Abdul Aziz Mishri.
Publications profile:
Book Publications:
 Nadwi, Wali Akhtar, 2012. Arabic Morphology Made Easy. Islamic Studies Research Academy
(P) Ltd. New Delhi.
ISBN 978-81-89202-15-6
Nadwi, Wali Akhtar, June, 2010. BAL-001 Basics of Arabic (Reading and Writing-III), Indira
Gandhi National Open University, School of Foreign Languages. New Delhi
ISBN 978-81-266-4678-4
Nadwi, Wali Akhtar, 2008, A Practical Approach to the Arabic Language Vol.-I (A book of
grammar and exercises). New Delhi: Islamic Studies Research Academy.
ISBN 81-89202-14-2
Nadwi, Wali Akhtar, 2008, A Practical Approach to the Arabic Language Vol.-II (A book of
grammar and exercises). New Delhi: Islamic Studies Research Academy.
ISBN 81-89202-16-2
1. Research Papers published in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals:
Wali Akhtar, (2012),
al-hind fi thulathinat al-qan al-mazi fi zaue rihlat “al-hind kama
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raituha”, Thaqafatul Hind, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi ISSN 0970-3713,
vol. 63, issue 2, 118-132
Wali Akhtar, (2011),
al-fan al-memari al-Islami fi al-hind, Ministry of Culture and
Information, Government of Saudi Arabia 978-9960-612-88-1, 321-341
Wali Akhtar, (2011) Maulana Sanaullah Amratsari wa musahamtohu fi tafsiril al- Quran alKarim 11-19, Journal of Post-Graduate Department of Arabic, University of Kashmir, SRI
NAGAR ISSN 2231-1912
Wali Akhtar, (2010), “ratha al-dual wa al-mudun fi al-sher al-Andalusi”, in the book “al-Arab
fi al-Andalus: muqarabat fi al-tareekh wa al-Adab, 515-522
Conference organization/Presentations (in the last three years):
Organised the 8th Khursheed Ahmad Fariq Memorial Lecture on 4th March, 2015. The lecture was
delivered by Prof. Ehtesham Ahmad Nadwi on the topic “Contribution of Kerala to Arabic
Language and Literature”.
Organised a two-day national seminar on the topic “Arabic Sources of Indian History” on 4th and
5th march, 2015.
Delivered two lectures as resource person on the invitation of UGC Academic Staff College,
Aligarh Muslim University on 27.11.2014 as part of the Interaction Programme for Research
scholars Department of Arabic and on:
‫أدب املهجر ومكانته في ألادب العربي الحديث‬
‫ مفهىمه ومعامله املميزه‬:‫ألادب إلاسالمي‬
Presented a paper on “lamhatun an shere Faizul Hasan Saharanpuri in a two-day national seminar
organized by Department of Arabic and Persian, University of Calcutta on 24th -25th February,
Visited the Kingdom of Maghreb on the invitation of Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs
to attend the Dorus Hasania from 09.07.1913 till 23.07.1913 and delivered two lectures during the
Delivered a special lecture on 25.09.2013 on the invitation of Arabic Society, Zakir Husain Delhi
College on the topic: “Arabic language and its relevance”.
Presented a paper on “al-had al-adna lil qawaid al-arabia” in a two-day national seminar on 20th
and 21st November, 2013, organised by Department of Arabic, Moulana Azad National Urdu
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University, Hyderabad.
Attended the annual function of Sanabil English High School run by Sanabil Education Trust ( R )
Bangalore on 27.02.1913 and gave a talk on “Significance of Arabic Language in India”
Presented a paper on “The Western Culture and Imam Said Nursi” in a three-day International
Conference ,7-9 February, 2013, organised by Zakir Hussain Institute of Islamic Studies, Jamia
Millia Islamia, New Delhi in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture,
Turkey, New Delhi.
Presented a paper on “Dialogue an effective tool for peaceful coexistence in the Risala Noor
Perspective” in a two-day International Conference on 1st and 2nd February, 2012, organised by
Centre for Arabic and African Studies, School of Languages, Literature and Culture Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Science
and Culture, Turkey, New Delhi.
Presented a paper on “ How to teach Arabic Morphology in a graded method” in a two-day
national seminar organized by Department of Arabic, Jamia Millia Islamia on 22 nd and 23th
February, 2011.
Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
Awards and Distinctions:
 Received National Scholarship for securing the highest marks in the B.A. examination.
 Was invited by the H.R.D. Ministry to see the Republic Day parade as the guest of then Prime
Minister of India on 26th Jan. 1992 and had the honour of a group photo with him.
 Qualified UGC test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship, 1993.
 The Honourable President of India conferred upon me “ Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman”
meant for young scholars of Arabic language on the occasion of Independence Day, 2004.
Association With Professional Bodies:
Member of Board of Research Studies.
Member of Departmental Research committee, Department of Arabic
iii. Member of Arts Faculty, University of Delhi, Delhi-7
Member, International League of Islamic Literature, Delhi chapter.
Other Activities
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