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Title First Name Last Name Photograph
Faculty Details proforma for DU Web-site
Title Dr.
First Name
Phone No Office
Last Name
2839/40, 4th floor, Kucha Chelan,
Daryaganj, New Delhi. 110002.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Educational Qualifications
University of Delhi
University of Delhi
University of Delhi
L.N.M.University, Darbhanga
Any other qualification
Career Profile
Working as an Assistant Professor (Permanent) in the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 22nd January 2014.
Worked as an Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) in the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 16th October 2006 to 20th January2014.
Worked as Lecturer / Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc) in the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi,
Since 17th October 2005 to 30th April 2006.
Worked as Lecturer (Ad-hoc) in the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 28th December 2004 to 30th April 2005.
Worked as Lecturer (Ad-hoc) in the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 8th January 2002 to 15th November 2002.
Worked as Lecturer (Ad-hoc) in the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 21st September. 2000 to 30th April 2001.
Worked as Lecturer (Guest) in the Department of Urdu, Satyawati College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 31st October 2007 to 20th April. 2008.
Worked as Lecturer (Guest) in the Department of Urdu, College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 17th August 2004 to 23rd April. 2005. Satyawati
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Worked as Lecturer (Guest) in the Department of Urdu, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi,
Delhi. Since 2nd August 2004 to 31st August 2004.
Worked as Lecturer (Guest) in the Department of Urdu, Satyawati College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Since 4th August 2003 to 23rd April. 2004.
Administrative Assignments
Elected Member, Academic Council, University of Delhi, Delhi. 2015-2017
Areas of Interest / Specialization
Modern Urdu Literature
Subjects Taught
M.Phil: Textual Criticism & Research Methodology
M.A: (Previous & Final): History of Urdu Literature, Modern Ghazals, Prosody(Scansion),
Personal Essays and Sketch Writings, Ghalib's Letters
Post M.A Diploma in Palaeography
Post M.A Diploma in Translation & Mass-Media (Journalism & Script Writing)
Certificate and Diploma in Urdu for Foreigners & Non-Urdu Knowing Indian Students
List against each head(If applicable)
Supervision of awarded Doctoral Thesis__________________ None
Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, under progress_____________One
Supervision of awarded M.Phil dissertations _______________One
Supervision of M.Phil dissertations, under progress__________One
Publications Profile
List against each head(If applicable) (as Illustrated with examples)
Books/Monographs (Authored/Edited)
Authored a book “Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi keTanqeediNazariyat” Published by M.R.
Publications, N. Delhi 2013. ISBN: 978-93-83282-16-6
Edited a book “InshaiyekeFanniSarokar” (Critical Articles) Published by M.R. Publications, N.
Delhi 2012. ISBN:978-93-80934-67-9
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Authored a book “Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi: BahaisiatKhakaNigar” Published by M.R.
Publications, N. Delhi 2011. ISBN: 987-93-80934-25-9
Authored “AdabiMuhakme” An Anthology of 13 Critical Articles. Published by M.R.
Publications, Delhi 2005. ISBN:81-88413-24-0
Edited a book “Mohd. Badiuzzaman: IqbaliyatkeAaina Mein” Published by Educational
Publishing House, Delhi. 2005
Authored a book “Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi keFikriMunasbaat” Published by M.R. Publications,
Delhi 2003. ISBN: 88413-02-X
Authored a book “Armughan-e-Adab”A short history of Urdu literature for competitive
examinations. Published by M.R. Publications, Delhi 1999. ISBN: 81-88413-07-0
Translated Books in Hindi:
“EkBoondLahuki” (Novel) by Joginder Paul. Published by Remadhav Publication, Ghaziabad.
“DhartikaKaal” (Novel) by Joginder Paul. Published by Remadhav Publication, Ghaziabad. 2006
“Aamad-o-Raft” (Novlet) by Joginder Paul. Published by Remadhav Publication, Ghaziabad.
“Mai Kyun Sochoon” (Short Story) by Joginder Paul. Published by Remadhav Publication,
Ghaziabad. 2006
Research papers published in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals
“Abdul QaviDesnaviaur Iqbal” Published in “Gul-o-Sanober” (Urdu Monthly) vol-2, Issue-7,
Munger. June 2012
“Urdu me Lok Adab” Published in “Bhartiye Lok Sahitya Kosh” (Hindi Encyclopedia) prepared
by Dr. Suresh Gautam, New Delhi. 2010
“Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi Ki Tahreeron Me Allama Iqbal Ki Trakeeb” Published in “AajKal”
(Urdu Monthly) Delhi. June 2004
“Azadike Bad Maithili Zuban per Urdu keAsraat” published in “Aajkal‟‟ (Urdu Monthly) Delhi.
June 2003
“Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi Ki GhalibShnasi” Published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu” (Urdu Monthly) Delhi.
August 2003
3(a) Research papers published in Academic Journals other than Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals
Bibliography on Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi, published in “Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi: Afkar-oAsaheeb” edited, by Prof. Abdul Haq, Department of Urdu, Delhi University, Delhi, 1998
b) Research papers published in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Conferences
“Urdu Mein Adabi Tarjume ki Riwayat” published in “Urdu Research Journal” (Urdu Quarterly)
New Delhi. Jan-March 2015.
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“Allama Iqbal ke Sufiana Tasawwurat per aik Nazar” published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu” (Urdu
Monthly) New Delhi. November 2014.
“Maulana Abul Kalam Azad ke Talimi Khyalaat” published in “Urdu Dunia” (Urdu Monthly)
New Delhi. November 2014.
“Khursheed-ul-Islam ka Jahan-e-Naqd” published in “AajKal” (Urdu) New Delhi. May 2014.
Tanqeed Ka Mansab (Revised) published in “Tanqeed ki Jamaliaat” edited by Prof. Ateequllah,
published by KitabiDunia, Delhi. 2013
„‟Mushafi ke Sheri Imteyazat” published in “Sukhanwaran” (Urdu Bi monthly) vol-1, issue1,
Munger. Jan-Feb 2013
“Mukhatba Dar Bab-e-Tanisiyat” published in „‟Jahan-e-Urdu‟‟ Darbhanga (Urdu quarterly) JanJune 2012
“Sangrez Hawaen Aur Hashiyai Kirdar” published in “KitabNuma” (Urdu Literary Journal)
New Delhi, Vol-52, Issue-1, January 2012
“Mushtaq Ahmad YusfiAurTanz-o-Mezah Ki Karishma Sazi” published in “Gul-o-Sanobar”
(Urdu Monthly) vol-1, issue-1. December 2011, Munger, Bihar
“Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi Adabi Asnaf ka Naqabil-e-Framosh Nam” published in “Inquilab”
(Urdu Daily) New Delhi. 18th December 2011
“Nae Takhliqi Fankaron Ke Masael” published in “KasautiJadeed” (Urdu Literary Journal)
Samastipur, Vol-5, Issue 18, Oct - Dec 2011
“Parveen Sher Ka Sheri Sayaq” published in the book “Parveen Sher: Ahad-e-NatamamkiShaira”
edited by Prof. Ateequllah , Published by Kitabi Duniya, New Delhi. 2011
“Ghazanfarki Novel Nigari” published in “Sab Ras” (Urdu Monthly) Hyderabad February 2011.
“Afsanvi Majmuon Ki Dasteyabi Ka Masla” published in “Tarkash” (Urdu Literary Journal)
Kolkata, vol-11, issue-11. Jan- March 2011
“Mushtaq Ahmad Yusfi Aur Tanz-o-Mezah Ki Karishma Sazi” published in “Roshnai” (Urdu
Literary Journal) Karachi, Pakistan, vol-11, issue-41. April-June 2010
“Sir Syed Ahmad Ki Adabi Khidmat” published in “Sir Syed Ahmad Khan : Aik Ahad Aik
Tahreek” edited by Prof. Md. Tilawat Ali, published by KitabiDuniya, Delhi 2010
“Faiz Ahmad Faiz: Aik Zinda Awaz” by Prof. Ateequllah (Hindi translation) published in
“Wasudha” (Hindi Literary Journal) Bhopal, vol-86. July-Sept .2010
“Urdu Ghazal: Azadi ke Bad” by Prof. Ateequllah (Hindi translation) published in “Anbhay
Sancha” (Hindi Literary Journal) Delhi, vol-16. Oct-Dec .2009
“Faiz ke Maroof Mutarjim: Khwaja Tariq Mahmood” published in “Khwaja Tariq Mahmood”
edited by Prof. AbdulHaq, Dec. 2008. New Delhi.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan: Azim Shakhsiyat, Azim Karname published in “QaumiTanzeem” Urdu
Daily, Patna, 20th October 2008
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Rawayati Shairi ki Asri Manviyat published in “Bahas-o-Mubahisa” Urdu Qrt. New Delhi, Vol-1,
Issue-4, Oct-Dec. 2008
Maikash Amrohvi; Shaksh aur Shair published in “Tere Siwa” Collection of poetry by Maikash
Amrohvi, Delhi, 2008
C) Research papers Published in Conferences/Seminar other than Refereed/Peer Reviewed Conferences
"Khadim-e-Urdu, Qalam ka Sipahi: Maikash Amrohvi" published in “Sahafat” Urdu Daily, Delhi,
19th May 2008
"Mitti ke Haram aik Tarufi Jaeza" published in “Naya Safar” Urdu Qrt, New Delhi, Vol-7, 2007
"Khwateen ki Shairi" published in “Symbol” (Urdu Qrt), Pakistan, vol.-2 Oct-Dec2006 &
“Jahan-e-Urdu” (Urdu Qrt), Darbhanga, vol. 24-25, Oct. 06-March 2007.
"Bain Karta Hua Shair: Ateequllah" published in “Aaghaz” (Urdu Monthly), Munger April.2006.
"Pokeman ki Duniya" published in “Urdu Adab” (Urdu Qrt.) New Delhi. Oct-Dec. 2005. ·
"Tanqeed Ka Mansab" published in “AajKal” (Urdu Monthly) Delhi. Nov. 2005
"Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi kaTanqeedi Usloob" published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu” (Urdu Monthly)
Delhi. June 2005
"Urdu Afsanvi Majmuon ki Dastyabi kaMasla" published in “Akhbar-e-Mashriq” (Urdu Daily)
Delhi.12th June 2005
"Parveen Shakir ki Shairi" published in “Zoban-o-Adab” (Urdu Monthly), Patna June-Sept.2005
"Novel ka Fan" published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu” (Urdu Monthly) Delhi. March 2004
"Maulana Azad ke Qaumi Tasavvurat" published in a Book “Maulana Azad: Afqaar-o-Asaleeb”
Edited by Prof. Abdul Haq. 2003
"Bister Main Sanp" (Translated from Hindi) A Short Story, published in “Aqdaar” (Urdu
Monthly) Delhi. AprilDec. 2001
"Azadi ke Bad Maithili Zaban per Urdu ke Asraat" published in “Maithili Jan” (A Maithili
Magazine) Delhi. 2000
"Firaq ke Asri Mahsusat" published in “FiraqAurNaiNasl” edited by Prof. Amir Arifi,
Department of Urdu, Delhi University.1999
"Sadat Hasan Manto Bahasiat khaka Nigar" published in “Karwan-e-Delhi” (Urdu Fortnightly)
1-15 July 1999
"Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi Bhaisiat KhakaNigar" published in “Rasheed Ahamd Siddigqi: Afkaro-Asaleeb” edited by Prof. Abdul Haq, Department of Urdu, Delhi University, Delhi, 1998.
"Khawaja Ahmad Farooqi kaUsloob -e- Tehreer" published in “Awaz -e- Nau”, (Urdu Monthly),
Darbhanga. July 1998
"Mujahid-e-Azadi: Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari" published in "Inqulab-e-Jadeed" (Urdu Daily)
15th Jan. 1996, Patna
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"Rumani Tahreek ka Ijmali Jaiza" published in “Parwaz-e-Adab” (Urdu Monthly) BhashaVibhag,
Punjab, Patiala. Jan. /Feb. 1994
4. Other publications (Edited works, Book reviews, Festschrift volumes, etc.) Book Review : ·
“Bagh-o-Bahar” edited by Firoz Ahmad Published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu”, Delhi, May 2013
“Bagh-o-Bahar” edited by IbneKanwal Published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu”, Delhi, August 2008
“Urdu Novel keAsaleeb” Published in “QaumiTanzeem” Mizgan Kolkata, Patna, 2007.
“HawakiYoorish‟‟ Published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu” Delhi. March 2003
“BadalteZaviye” Published in “Aiwan-e-Urdu” (Urdu Monthly) Delhi. 2003
“Fan-e-TazmeenNigari” Published in “Bazyaft” Jammu & Kashmir Univ. 2002
“Science AurZindagi” Published in “Bacchon-ki-NiraliDuniya” (Urdu Monthly) Delhi. July 1998.
“JadeedMaishat Main IslamiPahlu” Published in “QaumiAwaz” (Daily), Delhi 6th August 1995.
Creative Writings:
Khakshaiya “Professor Sahab” published in “Inquilab” (Urdu Daily) New Delhi. 22th March 2015
Khakshaiya “Taraqqi” published in “Inquilab” (Urdu Daily) New Delhi. 12th May 2013
Khakshaiya “KamkiKhatir” published in “Inquilab” (Urdu Daily) New Delhi. 23rd December
Khakshaiya “Pappu Pas ho gaya” published in “SyasiTaqdeer” (Urdu Daily) New Delhi. 7th
October 2012
“Ghazal” published in “Inquilab” (Daily) New Delhi. 13th May 2012
“Rifaqat” (Nazm) published in “Zuban-o-Adab” (Urdu Quarterly) Bihar Urdu Academy, Patna,
Sept-Nov. 2006
“Ghazal” Published in “Subh-e-Farda” (Urdu Monthly) Delhi, Jan. 2005
“Ye ImaratonkaShahar” (Nazm) Published in “Jahan-e-Urdu” (Urdu Quarterly) Darbhanga, 2002
“Ghazal” Published in “Rashtriya Sahara” (Daily) Delhi, 25th March 2001
“Ghazals” Published in “souvenir” Jubilee Hall, D.U, Delhi, 1999
“Ghazals” Published in “souvenir” Jubilee Hall, D.U, Delhi, 1998
Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)
List against each head(If applicable)
1. Organization of a Conference
Conducted a session of two days national seminar “Kalam e Iqbal kaFikri aur Seqafati
Manzernama” organized by St. Stephen‟s College, Delhi University Delhi. 10th -11th March 2014
Member Jury committee in the Inter College Urdu Ghazal Recitation Competition Organised by
St. Stephen‟s College, Delhi University Delhi. 6th Feb. 2014
Presided a session of two days national seminar on “Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: Zat-o-Jehaat”
organized by Maulana Azad College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. 21st -22nd February 2014
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Conducted a session of three days International Ghalib Seminar on “Progressive Poetic Tradition
and Ali Sardar Jafri” organized by Ghalib Institute, New Delhi. 27th -29th Dec. 2013
Conducted a session of three days national seminar “Byad-e-Raftgan” organized by Delhi Urdu
Academy, Delhi. 8th -10th March 2013
Participation as Paper/Poster Presenter
Attended and presented a paper “Ahad-e-Hali mein Nazm ka Tasauur aur uska Farogh” in the
national seminar on “Tafheemat-e-Hali-o-Shibli” organized by Department of Urdu, Delhi
University, Delhi. 9th -12th March 2015.
Attended and recite Ghazals in “Mushaira” organized by Department of Urdu, Delhi University,
Delhi. 9th -12th March 2015.
Attended and presented a paper “Taban ki Ghazal goi” in the national seminar at Ghalib
Institute on “Ghulam Rabbani Taban” organized by Kul Hind Anjuman Taraqqi Pasand
Musannafeen, New Delhi 22nd February 2015.
Attended and presented a paper “Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi ki Tanqeed” in the two days national
seminar on “Iqbal aur Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi” organized by Shamsh Educational Society,
Ahmadabad. 21st -22nd January 2015.
Attended a workshop at N.C.P.U.L. on Farhang-e-Aasfia, N.Delhi. 23rd Dec.2014-02 Jan. 2015.
Attended and presented a paper “Sadat Hussain Mantoo Aur Shaksiyat Sazi ka Fan” in the three
days national seminar on “Sadat Hussain Mantoo” organized by Progressive Writer‟s
Association, New Delhi. 22nd -24th December 2014.
Attended and presented a paper “Mohammad Hussain Azad Aur Sair-e-Iran” in the three days
International seminar on “Mohammad Hussain Azad, Hali Aur Shibli ” organized by Ghalib
Institute, New Delhi. 19th -21st December 2014.
Attended and presented a paper “Iqbal ke Sufiana Tasauurat per aik Nazar” in the two days
national seminar on “Kalam e Iqbal ka Fakri aur Seqafati Manzernama” organized by St.
Stephen‟s College, Delhi University Delhi. 10th -11th March 2014
Attended and presented a paper “Maulana Azad keTalimi Khyalat” in the two days national
seminar on “Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: Zaat-o-Jihaat” organized by Maulana Azad College of
Arts, Science & Commerce, Aurangabad (MH). 21st -22nd February 2014
Attended a two days Workshop on FYUP by the Department of Urdu, University of Delhi. 13th 14th September 2013
Attended and recite Ghazals in “Asatazahka Mushaira” organized by Delhi Urdu Academy,
Delhi. 5th September 2013
Attended and presented a paper „‟Sauda ke Qasaed me Tanz ki Surat” in the three days National
Seminar on “Urdu me Tanz o MizahNigarikiRawayat” organized by Idara-e-Adab-e-Urdu, at
Aurangabad (MH). 22nd – 24th June 2013
Attended and presented a paper „‟Mittike Haram : Baqa-e-ZindagikaIsteaara ” in the three days
national seminar on “Urdu Novel 1980 kebaad” organized by Department of Urdu, BHU at
Banaras. 5th – 7th April 2013
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Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)
Research work completed on the topic Folk Literature in Urdu. 2010
Research work completed with SCERT, Bihar Govt. with the collaboration of UNICEF to
develop the curriculum and prepared reading materials for Diploma in Education. 2009.
Research work completed with Agha Khan Foundation to develop the method of Evaluation
and Testing tools for primary education. 20th March 2009.
Research work completed with CSDS (Sarai) to develop Urdu websites. 2002.
Research work completed on the topic “The Impact of Urdu on Maithili Literature”. 1999 .
Awards and Distinctions
Ghalib Nasr Award by Indian Cultural Society, New Delhi. August 15th 2008
Awarded Khawaja Ahmad Farooqi Gold Medal by Delhi University Delhi for securing first class
first position in M.A. 1994
Awarded Mirza Ghalib Prize by Delhi University Delhi for securing first position with first class
in M.A. 1994
Awarded Urdu Academy first prize by Delhi Urdu Academy, Delhi for Academic Excellence in
M.A. 1994
Achieved Special State Scholarship by Govt. of Bihar for Academic Excellence in B.A. 1990
Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureship conducted by University Grant
Commission, New Delhi. Dec. 1993
Elected Joint Secretary, Delhi University Researchers‟ Association (DURA) in 1996-1998
Elected Gen. Secretary, All India Urdu Research Scholars‟ Association in 1997-2002
Elected Vice-President, Creation Educational Society, Daryaganj, New Delhi, in 2000 to date
Elected Vice-President, Indian Education and Book Promotion Academy, New Delhi, in 2005 to
Passed “C” Certificate N.C.C Examination under the Authority of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of
India. 1988
Participated in 62nd State Athletic Championship held in 1988 at Madhubani. 1988
Participated and got the Gold & Silver medals in Annual College Athletic Championship at
R.K.College, Madhubani, held in 1987-88
Participated in “All India Trekking Expedition Sikkim Trek” conducted by 34. BN NCC,
Madhubani. 1986.
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Association With Professional Bodies
Member editing committee,' IQRA' Urdu literary journal, published by M.R. Publications,
Daryaganj, New Delhi.
Member reviewing committee,' SADAF' Urdu literary journal, published by M.R. Publications,
Daryaganj, New Delhi.
Member, Delhi Minority Commission, Delhi. 2014-17
Committees and Boards
Member, Admission Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Member, Rabeya Izhar Educational Society, Madhubani, Bihar-847211
Office Bearer
Vice-President, Creation Educational Society, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, in 2000 to date
Vice-President, Indian Education and Book Promotion Academy, New Delhi, in 2005 to date.
Other Activities
Interviewed literary personalities in the TV episodes “Aaftab-e-Sukhan” Produced by Salma
Sultana for Doordarshan. New Delhi. 24th May 2013
Recited Ghazals & Nazms in the program “Bazm-e-Sukhan, Silsila(Mushaira)” at All India
Radio, New Delhi. 13th July 2011
Anchored the Bazm program on the topic Dastaan for Doordarshan. 2009
Assisted as an Executive Producer and Language Expert in Documentary film Maulana
Mohammad Ali Jauhar for Doordarshan. New Delhi. 2009
Interviewed literary personalities in the TV episodes “Kitabonke Rang” produced by Zauqi Films
for Doordarshan, New Delhi. 2004
Anchored more than 20 programs for Urdu Majlis, Aakashwani, New Delhi. Since 1995 to till
Broadcasted more than 35 Articles on Personality, Literature and culture at All India
Radio/IGNOU/NIOS Since 1995 to till date.
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Fly UP