How extensive (long) should hindcasts be? Huug van den Dool Suranjana Saha
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How extensive (long) should hindcasts be? Huug van den Dool Suranjana Saha
How extensive (long) should hindcasts be? Huug van den Dool Climate Prediction Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA Suranjana Saha Environmental Modeling Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA Explained Variance (%) Feb 1981-2001; lead 3 (Nov starts); monthly T2m (US, CD data) MODEL CFS EC PLA METF UKM INGV LOD CERF MME8 (EW) ALL MODELS MME3 (EW) CFS+EC +UKM 2.1 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.9 4.3 7.1 1.4 1.4 7.5 1.4 0.4 2.2 3.8 8.6 SEC21 11.2 8.0 (all 21 (0.33 years) cor) 0.4 0.4 8.6 0.6 0.1 0.5 2.0 17.0 SEC SEC0 (NO SE) SEC8 (last 8 years) Explained Variance=Square of Anom Correlation SEC : Systematic Error Correction; EW : Equal Weights CFS=CFS, USA; EC=ECMWF; PLA=Max Planck Inst, Germany; METF=MeteoFrance, France; UKM=UKMetOffice; INGV=INGV, Italy, LOD=LODYC, France; CERF=CERFACS, France Anomaly Correlation (%) Feb 1981-2001; lead 3 (Nov starts); monthly T2m (US, CD data) WITH SEC21 WITH SEC8 SEC8-SEC21 SEC : Systematic Error Correction Need more years to determine the SEC where/when the inter annual standard deviation is large CONCLUSIONS • Without SEC (systematic error correction) there is no skill by any method (for presumably the best month: Feb) • With SEC (1st moment only), there is skill by only a few models (5 out of 8 are still useless) • MME not good when quality of models varies too much • MME3 works well, when using just three good models CONCLUSIONS (contd) • CFS improves the most from extensive hindcasts (21 years noticeably better than 8) and has the most skill. Other models have far less skill with all years included. • Cross validation (CV) is problematic (leave 3 years out when doing 8 year based SEC?) • Need more years to determine the SEC where/when the inter annual standard deviation is large Skill in SST Anomaly Prediction for Nino-3.4 [DJF 97/98 to AMJ 04] 5-member CFS reforecasts Skill in SST Anomaly Prediction for Nino-3.4 [DJF 97/98 to AMJ 04] 15-member CFS reforecasts 100 90 CFS CMP CCA CA MAR CON 80 70 60 Anomaly Correlation [%] Anomaly Correlation [%] 100 90 CFS CMP CCA CA MRK CON 80 70 60 50 50 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 Forecast Lead [Month] 3 4 5 6 Forecast Lead [Month] Skill in SST Anomaly Prediction for Nino-3.4 [DJF 81/82 to AMJ 04] 5-member CFS reforecasts Skill in SST Anomaly Prediction for Nino-3.4 [DJF 81/82 to AMJ 04] 15-member CFS reforecasts 100 90 CFS 80 CMP CCA CA 70 MAR 60 Anomaly Correlation [%] Anomaly Correlation [%] 100 90 CFS CMP CCA CA MRK 80 70 60 50 50 1 2 3 4 Forecast Lead [Month] 5 6 1 2 3 4 Forecast Lead [Month] 5 6