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April 2014
Professor of Finance and Healthcare Management
University of Connecticut
School of Business
2100 Hillside Road, Unit 1041
Storrs, CT. 06269-1041
(860) 486-6422
Email: [email protected]
University of Connecticut
 Ph. D, Economics, 1983
 M. A. Economics, 1979
Eastern Connecticut State University
 B. A. Economics, 1978
Academic Experience
University of Connecticut
 Academic Director, Programs in Healthcare Management and Insurance Studies, School of
Business, University of Connecticut, Fall 2012 - present
 Professor of Finance and Healthcare Management, Department of Finance, School of Business,
University of Connecticut, Fall 2002 – present
 Appointed to Graduate Faculty in the Field of Study of Economics in the College of Arts and
Sciences, March 2007 - present
 Appointed to Graduate Faculty in the Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine,
Fall 2004 - present
 Courses: Risk Management and Insurance, Health Economics (undergraduate and MBA/MPH
levels), Health Care Research Methods, Health Insurance (undergraduate and MBA/MPH levels),
Competitive Strategy for Healthcare Managers (MBA/MPH levels), and Business Economics
(MBA – traditional, asynchronized on-line, and EMBA versions)
Bentley College
 Professor of Economics, Fall 1996 - Spring 2002
 Associate Professor of Economics, Fall 1990 - Spring 1996
 Assistant Professor of Economics, Fall 1983 - Spring 1990
 Courses: Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics and
Macroeconomics, Contemporary Economics Issues, Industrial Organization, Economics of
Regulation and Antitrust, Public Finance, Urban Economics, and Economic Environment of the
Firm (MBA level – both traditional and synchronized on-line versions)
Eastern Connecticut State University
 Instructor of Economics, Fall 1981 – Spring 1983
 Adjunct Lecturer of Economics, Fall 1979 – Spring 1981
 Courses: Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics,
Public Finance, and Principles of Marketing
April 2014
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, Health Economics: Theories, Insights, and Industry Studies,
Sixth Edition, Mason, OH: Cengage Learning//South-Western, 2013
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, Taiwanese translation of Health Economics: Theories,
Insights, and Industry Studies, Fourth Edition, Singapore: Five South Publisher, 2008. Also translated
into Macedonian and Albanian by Datapons.
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, Chinese translation of Health Economics: Theories, Insights,
and Industry Studies, Third Edition, Peking Medical University Press, 2006
Chapters in Books
Santerre Rexford E. “Health-Insurer Market Power: Theory and Evidence.” In: Anthony J. Culyer (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Health Economics, Vol 1. San Diego: Elsevier; 2014. pp. 447-455.
Santerre, Rexford E. “Costs of Health Care Throughout the World”, in Economics Interactions With
Other Disciplines, [Ed. John M. Gowdy], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed
under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, 2002 [http://www.eolss.net]
Published Articles (* indicates professional rather than refereed academic journal)
General Economics Journals
Bates, Laurie J., Resul Cesur, and Rexford E. Santerre. “The Short-Run Marginal Medical Costs from
Booze and Butts: Some Evidence from the States”, Southern Economic Journal, (forthcoming).
Bates, Laurie J., James I. Hilliard, and Rexford E. Santerre. “Do Health Insurers Possess Market Power?”
Southern Economic Journal 78 (April 2012): 1289-1304
Santerre, Rexford E. “National and International Tests of the New Drug Cost Offset Theory” Southern
Economic Journal, 77 (April 2011): 1033-1043.
Santerre, Rexford E. and John A. Vernon, “Assessing Consumer Gains from a Drug Price Control Policy
in the US” Southern Economic Journal, 73 (July 2006): 233-245
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Agglomeration Economies Exist in the Hospital Services
Industry?” Eastern Economic Journal, 31 (Fall 2005): 617-628
Gulley, O. David and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Effect of Public Policies on Nursing Home Care in the
U.S.” Eastern Economic Journal 29 (winter 2003): 93-104
Grubaugh, Stephen and Rexford E. Santerre, "Comparing the Performance of Health Care Systems: An
Alternative Approach" Southern Economic Journal 61 (April 1994): 1030-1042
April 2014
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, "Corporate Control and Performance in the 1930s." Economic
Inquiry 31 (July 1993): 466-480
Santerre, Rexford E. and Dana Bennett, "Hospital Market Structure and Cost Performance: A Case
Study." Eastern Economic Journal 18 (Spring 1992): 209-219
Santerre, Rexford E., "Leviathan or Median-Voter: Who Runs City Hall?" Eastern Economic Journal, 17
(Jan./March 1991): 5-14
Callan, Scott J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Production Characteristics of Local Public Education: A
Multiple Product and Input Analysis." Southern Economics Journal, 57 (October 1990): 468-480
Santerre, Rexford E., "A Test of Executive Behavior in the Public Sector." The Review of Economics and
Statistics, 72 (August 1990): 546-550
Douglas, Evan J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Incentive Contracts and Stockholder Control: Substitute
Sources of Executive Compliance." Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 30 (Summer 1990):
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, "Managerial Control and Executive Compensation in the
1930s: A Reexamination." Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 28 (Autumn 1989): 100-118
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, "Stock Dispersion and Executive Compensation." Review of
Economics and Statistics, 68 (Nov. 1986): 685-687
Health Economics and Health Services Journals:
*Reilly, Mary and Rexford E. Santerre. “Are Physicians Profit or Rent Seekers? Some Evidence from
State Economic Growth Rates” Journal of Health Care Finance, (Fall 2013): 79-92.
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre. “Does the U.S. Health Care System Suffer from Baumol’s Cost
Disease? Evidence from the 50 States” Journal of Health Economics, 32 (March 2013): 386-391.
Schmutz, Bryan and Rexford E. Santerre. “The Determinants of Medical Device R&D Expenditures”
Health Economics 22 (February 2013): 157-167.
*Eichmann, Traci L. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Hospital Chief Executive Officers Extract Rents from
Certificate of Need Laws?” Journal of Health Care Finance, 37 (Summer 2011): 1-15.
Kramer, Jeffrey and Rexford E. Santerre, “Not-for-Profit Hospital CEO Performance and Pay: Some
Evidence from Connecticut” Inquiry, 47 (Fall 2010): 242-251.
Mukherjee, Kankana, Rexford E. Santerre, and Ning Jackie Zhang, “Explaining the Efficiency of Local
Health Departments in the U.S.: An Exploratory Analysis” Health Care Management Science, 13
(December 2010): 378-387.
Santerre, Rexford E. Santerre, “Jurisdiction Size and Local Public Health Spending” Health Services
Research, 44 (December 2009): 2148- 2166.
April 2014
*Santerre, Rexford E. and John A. Vernon, “How Depressed Are U.S. Drug Consumers?” Journal of
Health Care Finance, 35 (Fall 2008): 13-24.
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Demand for Local Public Health: Do Unified and
Independent Public Health Departments Spend Differently?” Medical Care, 46 (June 2008): 590-596.
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Health Insurers Possess Monopsony Power in the Hospital
Services Industry?” International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 8 (March 2008): 1-11.
Santerre, Rexford E. and John A. Vernon, “Ownership Form and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from the
Nursing Home Industry” Inquiry, 44 (Winter 2007/2008): 383-399.
*Gulley, O. David and Rexford E. Santerre, “Market Structure Elements: The Case of California Nursing
Homes” Journal of Health Care Finance, 33 (Summer 2007): 1-16
Santerre, Rexford E. and John A. Vernon, “The Consumer Welfare Implications of the Hospital
Ownership Mix in the U.S.: An Exploratory Study” Health Economics, 15, (November 2006): 1187-1199
Bates, Laurie J., Kankana Mukherjee, and Rexford E. Santerre, “Market Structure and Technical
Efficiency in the Hospital Services Industry: A DEA Approach.” Medical Care Research and Review, 63
(August 2006): 499-524
Santerre, Rexford E., “The Welfare Loss of Hospital Cost Shifting Behavior: A Partial Equilibrium
Analysis” Health Economics, 14 (June 2005): 621-626
Santerre, Rexford E. and Ammon Adams, “The Effect of Competition on Reserve Capacity: The Case of
California Hospitals in the Late 1990s” International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 2
(2002): 205-218
Santerre, Rexford E. “The Inequity of Medicaid Reimbursement in the United States” Applied Health
Economics and Health Policy, 1 (2002): 25-32
Grubaugh, Stephen and Rexford E. Santerre, "Lowering Infant Mortality in Western Europe" American
Journal of Public Health, 86 (Dec. 1996): 1823-1824
Santerre, Rexford E., "The Effect of the ACOG Guideline on Vaginal Births After Cesarean" Medical
Care Research and Review 53 (Sept. 1996): 315-329
Santerre, Rexford E., "Who's to Blame for Rising Health Care Costs" New York Health Sciences Journal
1(3), (1995), pp. 217-224.
Santerre, Rexford E. and Janet M. Thomas, "The Determinants of Hospital CEO Pay" Health Care
Management Review 18 (Summer 1993): 31-40
April 2014
Urban/Regional Economics Journals
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre. “Does Regionalization of Public Health Services Influence
Public Spending Levels and Allocative Efficiency?” Regional Science and Urban Economics 43 (March
2013): 209-219.
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Impact of a State Mandated Expenditure Floor on
Aggregate Property Values” Journal of Urban Economics, 53 (2003): 531-540
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Public Demand for Open Space”, Journal of Urban
Economics, 50 (2001): 97-111
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Determinants of Restrictive Residential Zoning: Some
Empirical Findings" Journal of Regional Science 34 (1994): 253-263
Santerre, Rexford E., "The Effects of Rent Control on the Price of Rental Housing: Comment." Land
Economics, 62 (Feb. 1986): 104-105
Santerre, Rexford E., "Spatial Differences in the Demands for Local Public Goods." Land Economics, 61
(May 1985): 119-128
Public Finance Journals
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Does Baumol’s Cost Disease Account for Nonfederal Public
Sector Cost Growth in the United States? A New Test of an Old Idea” Social Science Quarterly,
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Demand for Municipal Infrastructure Projects: Some
Evidence from Connecticut Towns and Cities" Public Finance Review, (forthcoming).
Bates, Laurie J., Becky A. Lafrancois, and Rexford E. Santerre, “An Empirical Study of the
Consolidation of Local Public Health Services in Connecticut” Public Choice, 147 (April 2011): 107121.
Bates. Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Leviathan in the Crosshairs.” Public Choice, 127 (April 2006):
Santerre, Rexford E., John A. Vernon, and Carmelo Giaccotto, “The Impact of Indirect Government
Controls on Drug Prices and R&D in the U.S.” Cato Journal, 26 (Winter 2006): 143-158
Santerre, Rexford E. and Laurie J. Bates, "Performance and Pay in the Public Sector: The Case of the
Local Tax Assessor" Public Finance Quarterly 24 (Oct. 1996): 481-493
Gulley, O. David and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Effect of Tax Exemption on the Market Share of
Nonprofit Hospitals" National Tax Journal 46 (Dec. 1993): 477-486
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Property Tax Collector Pay and Performance" National Tax
Journal 45 (March 1993): 23-31
April 2014
Santerre, Rexford E., "Representative versus Direct Democracy: The Role of Public Bureaucrats." Public
Choice 76, (1993): 189-198
Santerre, Rexford E., Stephen Grubaugh, and Andrew Stollar, "Government Intervention in Health Care
Markets and Health Care Outcomes: Some International Evidence." Cato Journal, 11 (Spring/Summer
1991): 1-12
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Property Tax Collector Pay and Performance" National Tax
Journal 45 (March 1993): 23-31
Santerre, Rexford E., "Representative versus Direct Democracy: The Role of Public Bureaucrats." Public
Choice 76, (1993): 189-198
Santerre, Rexford E., Stephen Grubaugh, and Andrew Stollar, "Government Intervention in Health Care
Markets and Health Care Outcomes: Some International Evidence." Cato Journal, 11 (Spring/Summer
1991): 1-12
Santerre, Rexford E., "Representative versus Direct Democracy: Are There Any Expenditure
Differences?" Public Choice, 60(2) (1989): 145-154
Santerre, Rexford E., "Representative versus Direct Democracy:
Performance: Reply." Public Choice, 56(1) (1988): 73-76
A Tiebout Test of Relative
Santerre, Rexford E., "Representative versus Direct Democracy:
Performance." Public Choice, 48(1) (1986): 55-63
A Tiebout Test of Relative
Risk Management and Insurance Journals
Bates, Laurie J., Kankana Mukherjee, and Rexford E. Santerre, “Medical Insurance Coverage and the
Efficiency of Health Production” Journal of Risk and Insurance, 77 (March 2010): 211-229.
Ahking, Francis, Carmelo Giaccotto, and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Aggregate Demand for Private
Health Insurance Coverage” Journal of Risk and Insurance, 76 (March 2009): 133-157.
Santerre, Rexford E., and James I. Hilliard, “The Health Economy and Health Insurance Research in the
JRI” Risk Management and Insurance Review, 12 (Spring 2009): 65-77.
Santerre, Rexford E., “Which Price is Right: Load or Premium?” The Geneva Risk and Insurance
Review, 33 (December 2008): 90-105.
Born, Patricia and Rexford E. Santerre, “Unraveling the Health Insurance Underwriting Cycle” Journal
of Insurance Regulation, 26 (Spring 2008): 65-84.
*Santerre, Rexford E., “Tracking Uninsurance and Inflation in the U.S. Health Economy”, PravartakThe Journal of Insurance & Risk Management, 3 (Oct.-Dec. 2007): 79-89.
Santerre, Rexford E., “Examining the Marginal Access Value of Private Health Insurance” Risk
Management and Insurance Review, 9 (March 2006): 53-62
April 2014
Industrial Organization Journals
Giaccotto, Carmelo, Rexford E. Santerre, and John A. Vernon, “Drug Prices and Research and
Development Investment Behavior in the Pharmaceutical Industry” Journal of Law and Economics, 48
(April 2005): 195-214
Santerre, Rexford E. and Debra Pepper., “Survivorship in the U.S. Hospital Services Industry”
Managerial and Decision Economics, 21 (2000): 181-189
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “A Time Series Analysis of Private College Closures and
Mergers” Review of Industrial Organization, 17 (Dec. 2000): 267-276
Neun, Stephen P., "Dominant Stockownership and Profitability." Managerial and Decision Economics, 7
(Sept. 1986): 207-210
Other Publications, Reports, Proceedings, and Posted Working Papers:
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Is the U.S. Private Education Sector Infected by Baumol’s
Cost Disease? Evidence from the 50 States”, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, #52300, December 16,
Vernon, John A., Rexford E. Santerre, and Carmelo Giaccotto, “Are Price Controls Good for Your
Health?” Center for Medical Progress and the Manhattan Institute, No. 1, December 2003
Santerre, Rexford E. and Arthur Wright, “Look on the Bright Side: Connecticut’s Less “Miserable” than
Most” The Connecticut Economy, Fall 2004
Santerre, Rexford E. and Anasua Bhattacharya, “Are All Parent Companies Created Equal? Chain
Membership and Quality Capabilities in Dialysis Facilities” Center for Healthcare and Insurance Studies
Working Paper Series, #2004-01, University of Connecticut, School of Business.
Santerre, Rexford E., Educational Bang for the Buck”, The Connecticut Economy”, Winter 2000:13.
 Cited in The Norwich Bulletin, Sunday Edition, front page, “Study Ranks How Well Schools
Spend Tax Dollars” by Vito Leo. Also, in the editorial section of the Hartford Courant on
February 28, 2000 as well as The Advocate (February 23, 2000), The Herald (February 23, 2000)
Journal Inquirer (February 25, 2000), The News-Times (February 25, 2000), The Day (February
29, 2000), New Haven Register (March 3, 2000), The Bristol Press (March 6, 2000), Clinton
Recorder (April 4, 2000), and Office of Legislative Research (March 2, 2000).
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Testing the Leviathan Hypothesis: An I/O Note”, Proceedings
of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Track Section of Economics, February
17-21, 2000: 131-138
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, “Employment Trends in the Health Services Sector, 19601999”, Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Track Section of
Interdisciplinary Studies, February 17-21, 2000: 89-97
April 2014
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Determinants of Journal Submission Fees and
Manuscripts Submitted", Papers and Proceedings of the Northeast Business and Economics Association,
September 27-28, 1996: 28-29
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Hey Big Spender", The Connecticut Economy, July 1996: 1012
Santerre, Rexford E., Book Review of Serious and Unstable Condition: Financing America's Health
Care by Henry J. Aaron in Business in the Contemporary World 5 (Winter) 1992: 194-196.
Talbot, David and Rexford E. Santerre, "Literacy and Educational Attainment in Windham County,
Connecticut." Report written for the Northeast Regional Adult Education Program, Putnam, Connecticut:
June 1989.
Santerre, Rexford E., "The Fiscal Impact of Alternative Land Uses in Connecticut." Proceedings of the
Northeast Business and Economics Association, Sixteenth Annual Conference, Nov.1988: 21-23
Santerre, Rexford E., "Comments on Protecting the Water Supply: Effects on Business Costs."
Proceedings of the New England Business and Economics Association, Eighth Annual Conference,
(Nov.) 1980: 45
Media/Web Appearances and Mentions
Journal Inquirer (October 25, 2013), Reuters Health (October 14, 2013), Yale Daily News (October
4, 2013), Bankrate.com (October 2, 1013) “Health Insurance Reform: Expectations for Next Year”,
New York World (May 9, 2013), Hartford Courant (August 21, 2012), AcademyHealth Blog (May
14, 2012), Atlanta Journal Constitution (July 3, 2011), Florida Times-Union (May 31, 2011), Health
Beat, (March 24, 2011), Norwich Bulletin, (November 1, 2010) “Let Market, not Law, Determine Need
for Multiple Hospitals”, Kaiser Health News, (September 24, 2010) “Competition on Access: A Role
for Government in Health Care Markets” (with Austin Frakt), Washington Times, (May 6, 2010)
“Competition Beats Regulation”, Daily Campus, University of Connecticut (March 5, 2010), WTIC
1080 Radio (July 27, 2009), Hartford Courant (June 26, 2009), “Health Care Will Benefit From
Competition”, HealthLeaders Media (April 17, 2009), Hartford Courant (June 13, 2008), American
Medical News (January 28, 2008), Medill News Service (January 26, 2007), National Public Radio,
Connecticut (January 10, 2007), WTIC 1080 Radio (November 1, 2006), National Public Radio,
Connecticut (September 6, 2006 and rebroadcast October 30, 2006), Manhattan Institute (September
29, 2006), The New London Day (April 23, 2006), HealthLeaders Magazine (July 2005), The
Healthcare Ledger (November 2004), Modern Healthcare (March 8, 2004), “Driving Miss
Healthcare” Web Exclusive, New York Times (December 1, 2003), “The State of Health Care, In One
Easy Number”, Boston Business Journal (February 11, 2000), The Webster Times (March 17, 1999),
“Government as Entertainment Justifies Expense”, Hartford Courant (September 19, 1996), "It Takes a
Market-Directed Village to Raise a Child", WGFP 940 Radio, Webster, Massachusetts, (March 1994),
The Webster Times (March 9, 1994), "Wizardry of Government is a Sham".
April 2014
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Does the U.S. Health Care Sector Suffer from Baumol’s
Disease?” European Conference on Health Economics, July 19-21, 2012.
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre. “Does Regionalization of Public Health Services Influence
Public Spending Levels and Allocative Efficiency?” Conference of the Society of Health Economists,
June 12, 2012.
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre. “Does Regionalization of Public Health Services Influence
Public Spending Levels and Allocative Efficiency?” Conference of the Eastern Economics Association,
March 10, 2012.
Santerre, Rexford E. “Some Economic Insights into Some Provisions of the PPACA” Symposium on
Healthcare Reform in the United States: Legal Implications and Policy Considerations, University of
Connecticut Law School, November 12, 2011.
Santerre, Rexford E. “Some Funding Lessons for Local Public Health Services” Institute of Medicine,
Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health, Washington, D.C., May 6, 2011.
Bates, Laurie J., James I. Hilliard, and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Health Insurers Possess Market Power?”
Annual Research Meeting of AcademyHealth, Boston, MA, June 29, 2010.
Bates, Laurie J., James I. Hilliard, and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Health Insurers Possess Market Power?”
Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 22,
Panelist, Busting the Peter Principle in Health Care, Perspectives from Payers, Providers, Pharmaceutical
Representatives, Patient Advocates, and Professors, School of Business, University of Connecticut, April
13, 2010.
Hilliard, James I., Chinmoy Ghosh, and Rexford E. Santerre. “Changing Health Insurance Market
Concentration: Are Mergers Anticompetitive?” New Perspectives on Health Care and Health Care
Policy, Chicago Federal Reserve Bank, March 22-23, 2010.
Santerre, Rexford E., “The New Drug Offset Effect: Some National and International Evidence”
University of Connecticut Economics PhD Reunion, March 28, 2008.
Bates, Laurie J., Rexford E. Santerre, and Becky A. Lafrancois, “Factors Influencing the Consolidation
of Municipal Functions: A Case Study of Public Health Services in Connecticut” Eastern Economic
Association, March 8, 2008.
Santerre, Rexford E. and John A. Vernon, “Ownership Form and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from the
Nursing Home Industry” Health Economics Conference, National Bureau of Economic Research, April
7, 2006
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Agglomeration Economies Exist in the Hospital Services
Industry?” Eastern Economic Association, February 20-24, 2004
April 2014
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Market Power and Efficiency in the Local Public Sector,
Eastern Economic Association, February 20-22, 2004
Gulley, O. David and Rexford E. Santerre, “Do Nursing Homes in California Possess Market Power?”
Eastern Economic Association, February 21-23, 2003
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Impact of a State Mandated Expenditure Floor on
Aggregate Property Values” Southern Economic Association, November 17-19, 2001
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Testing the Leviathan Hypothesis: An I/O Note”, American
Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, February 17-21, 2000
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, “Employment Trends in the Health Services Sector, 19601999”, American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, February 17-21, 2000
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “The Public Demand for Open Spaces: The Case of
Connecticut Communities” International Atlantic Economic Association, October 8-11, 1999
Gulley, O. David and Rexford E. Santerre, “Nursing Home Care Availability in the U.S.: The Role of
Market, Regulatory and Fiscal Factors” Southern Economic Association, November 1997
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, “Closures and Mergers in Higher Education” International
Atlantic Economic Society, October 9-12, 1997
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Determinants of Journal Submission Fees and
Manuscripts Submitted" Northeast Business and Economics Association, September 27-28, 1996
Santerre, Rexford E., Stephen Grubaugh, and Andrew Stollar, "National Income, Level of Economic
Development and Health Status" Twenty-first Annual Conference, Eastern Economic Association, March
17- 19, 1995
Gulley, O. David and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Effect of Tax Exemption on the Market Share of
Nonprofit Hospitals" Allied Social Science Association, Anaheim, California, January 5-7, 1993
Bates, Laurie J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Does the Taxman Earn His Keep?" Eighteenth Annual
Conference, Eastern Economic Association, March 27-29, 1992
Grubaugh, Stephen and Rexford E. Santerre, "Is the U.S. Health System Structurally Sound? A
Comparative Analysis", Eighteenth Annual Conference, Eastern Economic Association, March 27-29,
Santerre, Rexford E. and Amy Schmidt, "Can Fiscal Restraints Harness Leviathan?: The Case of
Legislator Salaries" 1992 Annual Conference, Public Choice Society, March 20-22, 1992
Santerre, Rexford E., "Sources of City Government Growth" 1991 Annual Conference, Public Choice
Society, March 15-17, 1991
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, "Corporate Control and Performance in the 1930s"
Seventeenth Annual Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 15-17, 1991
April 2014
Santerre, Rexford E., Stephen Grubaugh, and Andrew Stollar. "Government Intervention in Health Care
and Health Outcomes: Some International Evidence" Sixteenth Annual Conference, Eastern Economics
Association, March 30-April 1, 1990
Santerre, Rexford E., "The Effect of Special Interest Groups on City Expenditures." 1989 Annual
Conference, Public Choice Society, March 17-19, 1989
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun. "Managerial Control and Compensation in the 1930s: A
Reexamination." Fifteenth Annual Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 3-5, 1989
Callan, Scott J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "The Production Characteristics of Local Public Education."
Fifteenth Annual Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 3-5, 1989
Santerre, Rexford E., "The Fiscal Impact of Alternative Land Uses in Connecticut." Sixteenth Annual
Conference, Northeast Business and Economics Association, November 1988
Santerre, Rexford E., "Public Servants or Budget-Maximizing Leviathans: A Case Study of Connecticut
Municipal and School District Executives." Fourteenth Annual Conference, Eastern Economics
Association, March 10-12, 1988
Santerre, Rexford E., "A Spatial Index of Local Bureaucratic Monopoly Power." Thirteenth Annual
Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 5-7, 1987
Douglas, Evan J. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Executive Compensation, Risk and Profits." Sixty-First
Annual Conference, Western Economics Association, July 1-5, 1986
Santerre, Rexford E. and Stephen P. Neun, "Stock Dispersion and Executive Compensation." Sixty-First
Annual Conference, Western Economics Association, July 1-5, 1986
Santerre, Rexford E., "Representative versus Direct Democracy: A Tiebout Test of Relative
Performance." Eleventh Annual Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 21-23, 1985
Heffley, Dennis and Rexford E. Santerre, "Rent Control as an Expenditure Constraint: Some Empirical
Results." Eleventh Annual Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 21-23, 1985
Neun, Stephen P. and Rexford E. Santerre, "A Continuous Approach to Measure the Effects of
Separation of Ownership and Control." Eighteenth Annual Conference, Atlantic Economics Society,
October 11-14, 1984
Neun, Stephen P. and Rexford E. Santerre, "Separation of Ownership and Control: When is Dominance
Binding?" Thirty-fifth Annual Conference, New York State Economic Association, April 9, 1983
Santerre, Rexford E., "Interjurisdictional Differences in the Demands for Public Goods." Ninth Annual
Conference, Eastern Economics Association, March 10-12, 1983.
April 2014
Other Work Experience
 Robinson and Cole, LLC., 09/2007 – 03/2008
 United Health Care Foundation of Connecticut, 11/2005 – 1/2006
 Glastonbury Public School System, 1/2002 – 10/2002
 Greater Hartford Legal Assistance, Inc., 11/2001 – 12/2002
 Manchester Public School System, 11/2000 – 2/2001
 Northeast Regional Adult Education, 1/1989 – 6/1989
Special Research Technician
 University of Connecticut, Fall 1979 – Spring 1981
 Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., Summer 1977
Public Service
United Services, Incorporated
 Board of Directors, 12/2004 – 11/2007
Greater Hartford Legal Assistance, Incorporated
 Pro Bono Expert Witness Testimony, 11/2001 – 12/2002
Town of Thompson, Connecticut
 Pro Bono Consultant, 1/2008
 Board of Finance, 11/1995 – 11/2001
 Building Committee, 10/1997 – 9/1999
 Thompson 2000 Committee, 1992 -1994
U.S. Air Force
 10/1971 – 8/1975
Fellowships, Grants, and Honors
University of Connecticut, School of Business, Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
Studies, Summer Research Grant, 2013.
University of Connecticut, School of Business, MBA Teacher of the Year Award, Health Care
Management, 2012/2013.
Joseph D. Emerzian Award for Health Care Management Faculty Excellence, 2012.
Selected among the 100 Great Health Administrator Professors by the MHA Guide,
University of Connecticut, School of Business, Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
Studies, Summer Research Grant, 2012.
University of Connecticut, School of Business, Ackerman Scholar, 2011-2013.
University of Connecticut, School of Business, Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics
Studies, Summer Research Grant, 2010.
April 2014
Annual Research Meeting of AcademyHealth, Best Abstract in Theme Category Recognition,
University of Connecticut, School of Business, Programs in Health Care Management and
Insurance Studies, Summer Research Grant, 2009
University of Connecticut, School of Business, MBA Teacher of the Year Award, Health Care
Management, 2007/2008.
Honorable Mention for the Best Article of the Year Award, UConn School of Business, 2005.
Most Appreciated Alumni, Association of Graduate Students, Department of Economics,
University of Connecticut, 2004.
Bentley College Summer Research Grant, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, and 2000.
Bentley College Publication Award, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000
Distinguished Alumni Award, Eastern Connecticut State University, 1992
Bentley College Institute Fellowship, Summer 1989 - Spring 1990
Competitive Paper Award, Northeast Business and Economics Association, 1988
Bentley College Award for Excellence in Research, 5/1987
The Henry E. Rauch Faculty Enrichment Award, Summer 1985
Phi Beta Kappa, May 1983
Richard D. Irwin Doctoral Fellowship, 7/1982 – 6/1983
University of Connecticut Doctoral Fellowship, Summer 1982
University of Connecticut Predoctoral Fellowship, 1979, 1980, 1981
Abraham Ribicoff Graduate Fellowship for the Study of Economic Policy, 1981
Omicron Delta Epsilon Inductee, 1978
Wall Street Journal Award, 1978
Air Force Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service, 1973-1975
Fly UP