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Clark Center for International Education| Newsletter
Clark Center for
International Education|
Spring 2016, March 21 – April 4
In this issue:
“Ending Genocide in Central Africa and Burma” Tuesday, March 29, 2016 @
4:30 PM in Corey Union, Room 220 Exhibition Lounge
“Student Presentations on Global Walls: The Migration and Refugee Crisis”
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 @ 4:30 PM in Moffett Lobby & Room 2125
“No, I am Not a Terrorist” Thursday, March 31, 2016 @ 7 PM in Old Main,
Brown Auditorium
“From the Model UN to the UN” Tuesday, March 22, 2016 @ 4:30 PM at
Sperry, Room 104
“Cultural Heritage Fever in China: Discourse and Practices” Monday, April 4,
2016, from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM at Goldwin Smith Hall, Kaufmann Auditorium,
G64 232 East Ave, Central Campus Cornell University
Study Abroad in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania at Babes-Bolyai
University (scholarships available). Deadline: April 15, 2016
European Youth Parliament - International Forum Vienna
Foreign Films @ SUNY Cortland: Just Don't Think I'll Cry (East Germany, 1965)
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International Events at SUNY Cortland
“Ending Genocide in Central Africa and Burma”
Lecture by: Dr. John Weiss, Associate Professor,
History Department, Cornell University
Sponsored by: History Department, Clark Center for
International Education
Dr. Weiss will present ideas
on means by which
genocide can be stopped
with regard to Central Africa
and Burma. Dr. Weiss
received his BA from
Princeton University and his
PhD from Harvard
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 University. He received
many awards amongst
from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
which Kendall S. Carpenter
Location: Corey Union, Room 220 Memorial Advising Award
(2007) and the
– Exhibition Lounge
Cornell Peace Studies
Program Grant for Research
in Civil Society in Bosnia,
“Student Presentations on Global Walls: The Migration
and Refugee Crisis”
Presentation by: SUNY Cortland Students
Sponsored by: Brooks Lecture Series, Clark Center for
International Education
A group of students will
share presentations and or
posters on the Clark Center
for International Education’s
2015-2016 theme “Global
Walls: The Migration and
Refugee Crisis”.
Date: Wednesday, March 30,
2016 from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Location: Moffett Lobby & Room
“ No, I am Not a Terrorist”
Lecture by: Zohra Sarwari
Sponsored by: ASC, the Campus Artist and Lecture
Series, and the Cortland College Foundation
As a female Orthodox
Muslim, Zohra Sarwari has
faced many challenges. She
strives to educate others
about diversity by mixing
her passion, enthusiasm,
and humor with inspirational
stories to empower
audiences to understand
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016 terrorism, Islam and
at 7 PM
Muslims in today’s society.
Zohra’s program promotes
Location: Old Main, Brown
positive dialogue and
fosters tolerance towards
people of all races,
religions, and backgrounds.
“From the Model United Nations to the United
Lecture by: Mr. Nganje Kinge Monono, Cameroon
Finance Counselor at the Permanent Mission of the
Republic of Cameroon to the United Nations
Sponsored by: Political Science Department, and the
Model United Nations Club
Mr. Monono will present on
his experiences working as
a diplomat for Cameroon at
the United Nations. Of
particular interest to anyone
planning on a career in
diplomatic service.
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2016
@ 4:30 PM
Location: Sperry, Room 104
International Activities in the SUNY
Cortland Area
“Cultural Heritage Fever in China: Discourse and
Lecture by: Yujie Zhu, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Australian Centre on China in the World, Australian
National University
Sponsored by: Mario Einaudi Center for International
Studies at Cornell University, Cornell University East
Asia Program, Cornell Contemporary China Initiative
“Based on long term ethnographic
research at heritage sites and cities
in Yunnan, Sichuan and Shaanxi,
this talk seeks to explore the
multifaceted and contested nature
of “cultural heritage fever” in
contemporary China. I argue that
culture heritage is not a global
reward system, but a cultural,
Date: Monday, April 4,
2016, from 4:30pm to
Goldwin Smith Hall,
Kaufmann Auditorium,
G64 232 East Ave,
Central Campus Cornell
social phenomenon celebrated and
contested by different actors. It is
often not the local communities who
identify what aspects of their
culture should be preserved and
presented. Instead, it is the central
and local governments - with the
help of the tourism industry,
authorized agencies and mass
media - that define ‘the authentic
culture’ and promote it accordingly.
The official heritage discourse
utilizes the cultural expression of
identity and sense of place and
memory for political and economic
control. In this presentation, I also
discuss how heritage may be
understood as having emotional,
cultural and political consequences
in peoples’ lives. Local communities
are often not passive recipients of
the ‘heritage effect’; rather, they
consume, contest and negotiate to
shape heritage policies and
practices.” (Cornell University)
Fellowship, Grant & Scholarship
Study Abroad in Transylvania at Babes-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Fall 2016 Semester
1 Scholarship: Round-Trip Flight + Monthly Stipend
Paid by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Key Action 1
Deadline: April 15, 2016
Babes-Bolyai University is the largest university in Romania.
Courses offered in English. You can also take courses in
any of these other languages: Romanian, Hungarian, German,
and French.
Who is eligible?
Undergraduate Students in the following disciplines:
International Studies
Political Science
Finances and Banking / Management /Business Administration
Journalism / Communication
Public Health
Study in Central Europe
Very international university and college town
Up to 1,200 Euros round-trip flight paid by UBB (SyracuseCluj-Napoca ~ 1,000 Euro)
750 Euros/month for 5 months stipend from UBB
Low Cost of Living (~50 Euro/month/dorm room)
Upload applications by April 15 to the International Programs
Office’s website. For more information please check the study
abroad website for Babes-Bolyai University here.
European Youth Parliament – International Forum
- Open to US & European Citizens ages 17-21
- The deadline for applications is Thursday, 24 March 2016
23:59 CET.
-No participation fee and travel reimbursements up to 500€
per person.
-Taking place in Vienna from May 18 to 24
The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique
educational programme which brings together young people
from all over Europe to discuss current topics in a
parliamentary setting. With the support of Germany’s
Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 2016, we are organising two
International Forums taking place in Vienna in spring and in
Belgrade in summer to discuss topics revolving around
security issues closely linked to the OSCE. We are thrilled to
announce that our Call for Delegates for the International
Forum Vienna 2016 is now open.
Programme of the session
For the duration of the session, the participants are
divided into international working groups (committees)
that draft resolutions on their respective topics. In these
groups, your task will be to come up with your own
suggestions and ideas for Europe’s most pressing challenges.
The results are then presented and debated in a
parliamentary assembly at the end of the session. Beside the
academic part there will be different evening activities as well
as a cultural programme in order to get to know the hosting
Application & Selection Procedure
To apply, please fill in the application form
(http://goo.gl/forms/JTqkuQsAUl). Additionally, we kindly ask
you to submit a CV and a motivation letter or a short video
stating who you are and why you want to attend the session
with your application. Please submit them to
[email protected] in as a single e-mail. Due
to practical reasons, only PDF files will be considered. The
quality of the video is not a selection criteria, however it is
important that you can be heard clearly and without any noise
in the background. The deadline for applications is Thursday,
24 March 2016 23:59 CET. Late applications will not be
Contact Information
Should you want further information on the International
Forum Vienna 2016, feel free to contact the session HeadOrganisers Anastasia Korsunsky and Matthias Klonnerat:
[email protected].
For questions concerning the application and selection
process, please contact EYP Austria’s Human Resource
Coordinator Maria Köpping at
[email protected].
Access the original PDF listing here.
Foreign Films @ SUNY Cortland
In this section, every issue, we will recommend a foreign film
from the list of foreign films available online through the
Memorial Library’s portal. There are approximately 160
foreign films in the library from about 50 countries. Everyone
on campus has access to these films. We would like to
encourage everyone to expand their cinematic experience by
watching films from different parts of the world.
“Denk bloß nicht, ich heule” (Just Don't Think I'll Cry)
(East Germany 1965)
Access film here
“High-school senior Peter considers the adults around him to
be hypocritical, self-congratulatory and immersed in the past.
He gets suspended for writing an essay that his teachers see
as a challenge to the state.
A masterpiece of critical realism. Just Don’t Think I’ll Cry was
one of 12 films and film projects – almost an entire year’s
production – that were banned in 1965-66 due to alleged
anti-socialist elements. Although scenes and dialogs were
altered and the end was re-shot twice, officials condemned
this film as "particularly harmful." In 1989, cinematographer
Ost restored the original version for a screening of the banned
films in January 1990. (DEFA Film Library)
Follow the Clark Center on Facebook
Now you can follow the Clark Center for International
Education on Facebook! Like us at this link:
You may also want to “like” the Facebook page for
International Studies Majors & friends of IST.
Contact Information
If you would like to announce an event through the
International Education Newsletter, please send the
information to:
Alexandru Balas ([email protected]) or Zachary
Curtis ([email protected])
Clark Center Team:
Alexandru Balas, Director
Sue Pettitt, Secretary
Zachary Curtis, International Education Newsletter Editor
Stephanie Offutt, Events Coordinator
Alyssa Morga, Clark Center and International Studies Social
Media Coordinator
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