
Document 1927213

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Document 1927213
5%.00 A YEAR
OCI'OBEil 11, 1944
Large Freshman Class
Brightens College Future
Army, Navy, and Merchant Marine Veteratlfl
Feature Distinctvie Class
c.. Of Varied Talents
Tho Fall Term' of 1944 bringe to Haverford another outot.andiog Freshman dan to brighten the College'a postwar prospecta.
PoBSesaed o! varied inte.ret1:As and abilitiea, this group bicb fair
to make a large contribution to the welfue. of Haverlord Col-
lege, present and future.
One of the la.rter a:ignifica.ncea of bhe new Rhinie Cl.aaa ia
that it includes aeveral meln who conatitute the first groap of
ret:uruinr aervieemen who, discharged from the armed forces,
are completing their education
Frotd ,..., from 1•/1 l o right: PAuL H. Do><n<COVJCH,
at Haverford. Bob Cantu bas
<ome.J<> tho 'College aft.eT two
RoBEJ<T C. Gooi>, PresiJtnl; FuN·J t R. K.BNN£DY, &<Trl"''Jyoara on the Atlantic and the
Trusfl.rtr; RosD.T F. CLAYTON, j Jt. Serond row:DAvm E.
ltediterra.nean with the MerchLoNG, PvT. McCoY, A.S.11.P., PvT. SPENADEII., A.S.T .P.,....
ant Marine. Both Jack Stone
D. B.un THo><PSON. ThirJ row: D•vm R. RosENntAL,
and Din:k Roosevelt, eon o!
The Bureau of I.m.migration IC.ermit, have recently received
and Naturali%&tion, eommonly t.heir honorable d~bargea !rom
referred to as the I & N, baa the Uroted States Army, while
reee.ntly aet up in Haverford a \Dave O.wald baa SHD service
II 1 1 '
breneh educational dil'ision in the Navy, Haverford -rmly
Anl.old, WIIHI,.. tO 8'peU:
b the j!nt eerla of dloeulaioria,
a.o·me . at the ~peale·
will be: The Hononble Cur·
tis Bole, Pruident .ludae, Court
of Common Pt..., Phll&ck!lpbla
(Qet. 111); &bert J. Gcnnon,
President, Fordham University,
and Rufne IlL Jones (Nov. 2);
the Honorable Thurman Amold
and Jo~epb N. Paw, Jr. (Nov.
22) ; and Senator Burton K.
Wheeler_{~. 14).
Turpen Heads
I & NUnit Here
0 ,..
Student Body O#.e...s h oml8e
ThOoe meeting& will be held In To Seekers o.f Musical Talent
Roberta Ball, aDd a lively IU)d
ac:t ive interest is expected from
resident& of tho entire Vain
Line area. Among the liat of
aponaon are ...me.ny leaden .in
educational, ,.,Ugione 1lDd poUeical tlelda. The chaboman of tho
Fonqn'• exeeotive committee
is the Reverend Glbaon Bell.
Bv AN Auoa.ATE
uGlee Cla.b rehearsal toni~ht
at aoven" rang oat the familiar
worda at lun<;b tbe other day.
Olrrioualy the te,rm haa ~cially ~gun. Now that mwnc 11 in
full swlnr and Pop Haddleton'a
gymnaate are onee- more bend·
Free Tlcketa AniW>le
ruary, resum
opera"' 001 0 0
.Sund&y afternoon, .following. a
rather lengthy • lntermln1on.
whlcll laat.ed. the cllln.tion of the
au.mmer. This orchestra is c:omposed . of rej>rosentaUvea of
&ldWUI School, Sblp1ey Sehool,
=g~e:~~ ;;om~n a~~ t~ !.':n'~ndth:;..'":ba~l~g.Ju"::O
rate of eighteen per month for
service in its employ. Tllrouzh
the facilltlea offered at Haverford, theae people are being
trained rapidly and thoroughly
to fulfill their important joba
nf overseeing the !low of lmmigrant peo·p les into this eountry.
The I
the opportunity, and the wis.dom, to receive and educate
atudento aa they are releaaed
from the fighting forces.
~ut this elMs ·haa other claims
to fame.
In Nul R.UUedll'l it
hu the son of an A.s&oc.i.ate Jus·
Uce of the Supreme Court, wbUe
& N see-up &t Haver· Don. Kindler Is the sou of tho
~e~~~e ~:!:1 ~:'~ ~;:~o~.J:! ltg~arg:h!i':, f:fni~rP;;!~ ;:~~1":tmtt~~ :a~W!~~~~~io~:1n=.-:;
'l'be aerieo of talk! on Amer· of Hnorford Oollep Ia func- •Bryn Kawr ~Ueii'O, and many penonnel from auperviaors on within Its ranlca the brothons of
lean problems will be followed, tlonlng ot tbe hlgbeat polllble 'Other& In addition to Hanrford down. This eme~y training four ex-Ravarlord men, Bob
..,4- In ~~ by oDe oD Eurol!: point nf elllcleney. Let UJ tor Colle~ &beanals are .J:!!ri pl'llfftm b dlle t.o..the fact tba'-' &"..u, Joe Birdsall, Dave But080 problema~ and oao ~a mO"- .st lie ,lllat
1D ..w.~ 106an&on 'llo>oui,
"' I & N has loat many of Its tor- trick, and WUI Edgerton. An·
with' Aala ia 'alao J)latmed.
lent and merely uialca a brief wkh h&reaonlout oounde are mer employees to. the armed other of Ito cone"'te contribul!'lrua&l of the muolcal , . _ expected to emlnate enry Sun· to....,., Although before thio tiona to the nation'a war effort
Pe<to tor the next ......- . , aa day afternoon at two-thirty. emtrgeDCy I a: N .bad ne.-er Ia In the person of Dan OUYier,
The meetlqga will begm at they appaar now.
Any one latereatod In jolnl~ aeen fit to employ women to who spent the last two yean
8:16 and Jut f<1r &boot an hour.
tbia very benell<lal mualca! or- 'fill tho jobs of officer or super- worlclng on Navy fighter planes
<Forty mlnut<la of
time will That Um..h~orod 1natltntion, ganlzatl?D should contaet JOitbor Y!.eor, now many are being sue- 80 an expediter in Bridgeport,
be talcen up by tho a d d - the aforementioned Glee Clpb, ·Dr. Pep1naky or ~
•-fully trained for tbeae po- Connecticut.
and the rema!Dl~ period wiU lo look!~ forward. to an en·
be deYotod :to dl'M:uaalon. Ad· larged a.aon of Yitallty, artia- <A atrinr . quartet of 'Onder~
Taken m summary, the now
Both men and women are !!rat termers present an Intermiaalon will be by tlclcot only tic pinnacles and women. The graduates ia In the procou of
but tlcketo will be distributed to dlrat ochedul~ coneert Ia with ol'lf8Jiization. It wiU probably worldng hard, for their elasses estlng dlveralt;y of ~uta, In·
lntereotod sroupoi and pmoolU our old friend and ally, llr)'D eonslat of two yo~ 'riol!nl>ts laat all morning ~nd part of the ellnatlona, and ponooalltleo.
without charge. Tboae,.tocetb· Mawr, oo November 12. TJ!e familiar to Haverford audlen- afternoon. ~g tho ~tt.er, They represent a geographical
u with fu'rthor loformalion eon· eon<Art wiU talce placol at Bryn cea,' M.o.rtln Hilmer aDd Matt organized phyo>eal a<ti'ritles cross-<~ection for whUe the macernlng the F<1rum, may be ob- J(a,..., &lld will be In the fonn Cavell, who will be "membered keep them In cood shape. C)aaa· jority nf them hail from the
t.alned fl'om Brinton 'II. Stoue, of a ~IPOr Servle<l. An aecom· for bla oneUent porforance of es themaelveo Include studiOs of Keystone State, their ranks l.n oeeretar7 of the Exeoutlve Com· panylng dance 1a contemplated the VIvaldi Ooucorto this aum· oxltltlntr I & N lawo, rogul&tlo'!" elude recruits from all sectlona
for the Haverford campus. The m8r; Dave Tbomu. an ineom· ~~ld opera!edtlons, "!!_th e~haa~
ot the nation. They ha~e plungln& trubman who baa had ex- vv 1\1' 'P ae
on "''" •
1 . 0 ed eagerly into the vanous camseholaatic aln.gera are also an- perlenee u a violW.t and viol.. ~uman ptyc.bolo~, for ~ alien pus activities, swelling tba
Ucipatlng joint concorta with lot with the New Yorlr. All-State m tbe U. S. Is a potential clU- NEWS board strengthening the
log otber girls' collegeo In the 'ri· Youth Orchestra, will perform zen and ho ~ust be treated. ft<~m Nautical Club, bolstering tb<>
tll'ity th ' t on tJ>e nola· Hal'Wblt.eomb will tbe first With every. cona•dora· Glee Club and Cap aod Bells .
po o ac .
a probably complete the quu1>et, uon and show of· reapoet. Tb• and aome· ... even attempting
Wldoubtedly eaaes the meut.al playing the eello.
I A .N worken at B&•orford to join the oelect Stalldng Club• .
strain.. of a riproUI colle&e
will be aent to offices wbe!'8 wbleh holds evening meetings.
Tbls year, f:ho W. W. Comfort S<hedule. A long distance ezIn addition to the ofe-men- they wUI )>e the flrat to come ID In "tho Library. They ani olriiitloned Kateben, who Is prepar- contaet With tho new allen. They full adjuatln tbemaelvea to·
'D ebatlng Society will have one
nf the fullest eehedules that curolon to Vassar or Wellesley 1~ for a ~"" York recital In aro also being given extenalvo· h Y 1 1ca 0 f
and study·
obaa been aeen in manr yeua. is being conaidered tfitb due r&- Came(le Bal1, on Sunday eve- technical trainlne on how to
~~ich co~stituto campus
On ~beJJ:!:...~• s'M'etr wilJ flection. Already the · member- n~. December S (adY&rtiae· enfon:e elfectlvo4< tho various
d It Is certain that they
1 ant ship nf the Glee <Jlub baa grown ment by eon.r;t.eey of tho NEWS) hnmlgration laws.
meet ,• ~deb&•••.,--~
."• an
Women a
~ &OCie ea a
•'"1-.. 6
o~r i:nttrumartallsta have .been
i .
. k t Wlll make a roa 1 a
Gettysburg and on October 16, 'to approximately - .,. n; beard practilelne with dally dillef tra m~.rt -<!!' II ri"t.t contribution to the blatory of
g:,'rre,!m ~~te t~! ~.:b at(teedr ::~.::;-..of piopopn: ll'lnce. ·~:.r:or J::"""Y
!ft:r ;~lch t~U:e ~./a!': sent Havorford College.
Women's Club Two debetee us
coune, . baa ap~ n
on. ·Eil'ht days follow in wblch
will be hold o~ October 19 at the . ......, of publl<:lty) ~ ·'" ~bn !\t'f'pP.dbo baa..JJ.t ~~ the lnttruct.on clean up their , - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Bethlohem-<>ne with LebJeh hoped tlcat even more aapi.rlng ~alt ~
u't.e '"Boogie work, revise thelr counea ••·
Univeralty and the other with young mm will be eDtlced by W«>ei.'Coe~'~ HaiiHr who cordlnr to~J't chanf' In
tho proo_pecta. Qnly ono note clooeriboa- blmNif u • ~eom- l&wo afnd, th a :;:• ;::,.,pP";,'f
The Bualneos stall' of the
Morn!aD <;:oUege.
of aadneu dlma the ioar hue of "mercia! , pianljt," 18 not. how· !i;:~' wh~b ~oUow1 tmm~d- N-• rerret to announ<A
On Octo~ 21, two debe~ tho horizon. OliO can h - at ever, llinitod to. th1a ~ of. latel)f. Tho grou~lnlng here that, beeauao of wartime
will be hold almultaneou.aly With aJ oat an time the ~ed mua!cal endea'fOr; hii freqtaently now 'conalato o!
ple living __..,...., clr<ulaUon muat
Jobna Hoplclna at Baltimore and m
. · ~ to the more ' mellow ,....t .of the Kiss ·
River - •
with American Univoralty at plea of Katebmr "Tonora, ,ten· qbore' of the -claaalco. OrPn and will leave November 1. The be cut down to paid subWaahlngt>on. Thera will be !!.To ora. Jt-I only bad aoma tenon musle, porforp>ed -both on the, next group will be made up aeriptio~. ;. . two doUar
dobata in ·N aw Y<>rk on Octo- that tho Arley 1rMn't abolrt to ~ Ol'Cl on tba orp.n, ~ largaly of Eaotemen whp will subscription rat.e will henceher 26 when . tho dobatora will selse." U the'ro !a aOT <tenor
llo,.lnc b'om tbe banda ~f begin on November 8. Tho fu- forth be charflod to aU readmeet ColumbiA, N. Y. U., Drew,
.__,_ h «.yle Settle. On a 'leal! aoph • tu"' of the program bere Is In·
Princ:eton and Hunter Oollega. hld•na- behind aome - . e tleatod and arilotlc _lOft!, 'mu- deftnlte. beyond tbo following ora not In the ormed forces
The l!rst home debeta o.f tho a~ould rlso to thol' oocaeloD, UP; ale" baa )loep,_ ~from tb training period since the f or- 0~ eover<d by the All-Hav·
soaaon will be bold · on October bold the honor of the Glee Club, ~ orpn, _,.ed and mer COmmlaslonor resigned and crford Plan. This policy will
28 ~th l.eblgb.
and prevent Ka~ from com· op.R
Whit&- Oongreu baa not as yet ap- - Into etr.ect as of tho issue
- · G'-- bead. 'We abould ~ fall to proved a D"" one.
Tbe Froeahman Claaa this 411 mit~ any ......, act. ~·~ mention that eml11<111t clarinet
of, October .17, 1944. No fuhAa turned up a numbet: of Club il noW under the direction "f'irttLLso. DaYe KQDCJWlt:a, who tBeadln~Ute program her~ is ture i!eue.s can be sent to
proiJiialnir neophyteo wbo ~p- of .Dr. Abo Pepbaky, ~o ~ ~~tl "~,!:.,HI,:~. ~tol...n:e~e ii::.l':,nina":l: r<aders who have not r ..
pear to lie· lntereatod In joining appointed Jullus Katehen, l'h•. 1aat ba~ not ~eaat; that ii~ bar- or, M.Uton norman, and !fo~- newed 't helr subscription a
:~oocl~:~th~: pn!aldeot, aa assiatallt dlroetor. monlone tona· ~~lte ard Delameter, b'om. tho Cah· by thet date.
nlt Jfomer xhnmlch and Tom The oRa'ftll'ford Symphony, planlsi~ co.l.t ·
~ ...:. all foinl4, Ne,.. ~orlc, and Florida .,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....
which wa'a orp.nlud 1~ F•b- '~ Gl"'
! · • ·
ollie", napectively.
Debators .PIann
Active Fall Season •
Blak;° .
Haverford News
Wendell Willkie
GREAT MAN IS DEAD. Wit h the paaolne or
Wendell Willkie fr om t he American 1cene an·
era hu been brourht definitely to a cloae, and the
whole Nation mu.at mourn the puaing of tha ma.n,
who so ably, and underetandinrty repr-.ented t.be
s)~nthnis bet-ween all that hu been pod and great
in the American heritqe and all t.hat men oteeped
in the Amerkan Way can hope tor the fatUJ'tl of our
country. He fought courareouly and well, even
though it now .ooma to appear valo.!.Yr aralnat both
the: rtl$&Ction which haa been ever ~resent 1n our
American life, and against the new Faaclam whic:.h
has ariMn in these laat decades. He wu • liberal,
in the fuJI mtaaing whic.b that 'WOrd au wned !·r om
the struggle of lbe Nineteenth Century, and io the
signifiu nce which the ..rord h.u COJ'De to take in this
century. and the cause of libe.raUam baa aurf'erecl s
loss, which the acute observer fa tempted to eaU
Uitor: D.-.vm E. Lowe
M~lN :
LA .....t:H'c:.li D.
Nrw1 [ dtton : \\'ilium II O urtcnrr. Robert P. R.chf., Maru.n
S.an dcn.
Ad\'C'tluins: "hn.&J;cr: Omn R.1ilty.
~h n.15tr:
l:lporl4 J::dllGr: .:h nrlt!• il ,
rubWh«t by \M ttudtnt boJy o! HJ.I'U(ord Colll:ac wcd.1J
~t;:'u!.~&::~~:ck.-;.c R',~:::':t,;~ ~~~:
.Entctfd .. .rcor~d-dMt m ntu
An o(
t h< ,\rdlDCN'"C', Pa., ro.t
CoaJ IOI, Al.l&\l.lol Z+, 1912,
In cha rge of this iAAue: Rubert P. lloc.he
A New Ycar Begins
S TilE WAR IN EUJIOPE approa<heo !La climax,
and vieton• hat become a cerU.inty, Haverford
opens its Ulth year. lt la a year whleh will aound
two chief notes. The ciTort to preserve nll that i11
valuable in the Haverford tTadition must continuo,
nnd at. the u.me time R new dir«tion muet be t.akcn.
Plons ! o r the post...wnr growth and vit.aHzatio n ol
the College must be la id and plt into eiJeet u rap-
idly as poasiblt .
The ttlsk ia divided into two parte: that whteb
will be done by the Adminialrat.ion, Faculty, and The
Board of Managers, 11nd Lbat wbie.h mus t be done
by the present. student body. The work of continuing Haverford through the war period ho.a ~n
splendidly done, The fine work o! President Morley,
and Dean Mnclntosh, and the devotion and loyalty
of t.be faculty, ha ve enabl~d the College to come
through t.hrec Y~'"'IS of emergtrn:y without any eaaential losses , and with positive gains, in the gHal~r
c.larificotlon of the -real values and goata of t.he ColJere Communit y. ~toreover, Lhc stud~ntl during
tho 13me time, have P"'•erved mos t of tho important ·
s tu!.lent trndit.iona, and h.n.vc continued wlth almost
unnbat~d vigor aH t.he important crtra-currlculnr
activities, aa we11 aa the aeholl\3otiC reputation o.l the
College. All t his must conij..ouc, but the polltkal
s tage, which il o controlling factor in the life o! a
college, haS been set lor a consideration ot poet-war
On the par t of the Administration, plans o.rc being laid fcrr the c:rcntlon of n new Hnvertonl, which
will combine n11 the beat of the old with A new
aeholo.stie level, n ('banged coruciousneaa of t.ho Col·
lege's responsibility, and n new aenso of t.he Col·
lege's place in t.he world at large. Action Ia lllready
being taken, u is e vide-nced by the plans for a new
plo.nt,. and by the Main Line Forum, and the alp.ifi·
cant p:ut which it will play in the wider CoHere
Community. Tbls work is being enre!ully planned
and In mnny aApecta is well under way. It Is t.he:rel ore pertinent Cor the students to conalder the part
which they arc to play in thia task, nnd t.hc rlspon.. 1ibilities nnd duties which they must anumc.
The new Fl'eahman dus which baa arrived wl11
be tho class whieh will In all probability bridge t.ho
gap 'between peace and war, ond there:forc, it lJ they
who will play the main role, and who will c.irry tho
burden. They mus t r el\lize this responsibility, and
prepare lht:n~aelvn to carry iL
I n the field ·o! scholastic work, cnoh of us muat
make every efTo·r t to return the CoUcce lc:l the place
which it !wid before t.hc war-that. of leading the
Nnt.ion's collcgea. In the J'8tllm ol extro-<!urrlcu1ar
oetiviUe&, all efforts must be made to improve those
activ-ities already in existence, and to orient them
into a College Community which is wider than the
campUJ prope.r. Eac:h of the organizationt muat
prepare to tako lt.a plate not only In ~rvko to t.ho
College, but to t.he surrounding community, and
even tO the Nation, OJJ o. whole. It needed, now &C·
tlvltios of sorvloo muat be <rent<!<!. Tho Collor o will
be a place where the 1tudent is trained 5n acrvice,
nnd the dudenta muit adju1t thcir prorram to t.bia
new keynote.
I n this year there will atill be emer~ney curt.aUment.!!l, but it ean bo a period of plannlog, and
realization of the nature o! the changes, u well .,
of beginning to remould the achol utlc and e:rtn.ellrtioular progTam. Tho Important thing Ia t hat we
' etudenta begin to r ealize the taak t.hat lloa before
.., tlii'"'gool which we 11rill have to act., and from
t bla bub to pion.
Wondell Wlllkie Ia a man okel<hod In t.he bold,
and aetl-<:ruted atrokes, which have ever characterized the rreateat American•. The grandaon of one
who fled a!t.u the collapse of Ce·rm.an liberalism.
and t.he aon of the flnt woman me mber of the lnd1·
a na Ba r , be wa1 .schooled in aU the preeept.a, meaning, and spirit of t he Nineteenth Century Libe.rat
Heritage. He la now a saga of succeJS- worked hia
wa)' through college, worked to earn enough to at..
tend Ja w achool, and finaJiy, the eea1eless drive in
the field of corporation law, which ruulted In hla
succus u one ot the ,.rut lawye.ra of Amorico, and
pres ident of Commonwealth And Southern.
F rom thl1 vantage heig:ht he aeir.ed the oppoTtunit y t.o c.ha mplon t.be cause of private property
against the rb ing forces ot covernment eontroL
\Vhen the c.rucial election of 1940 ntared, out of thia
background, and his militant defe.nae of aU tha t
seemed bft1ic t.o him in the American way-of-life,
he wu c.hoAen to cru:5ade againat. t.he New· Dea1,
which 10 completely repreaenled t.he forcea of huma.nit.aria niam, which has become loat in the belief
that the people are not sufficJe.nt to do for themselves, but must have their go,·eming done for them.
He was de.ftated, but not before he had tueeeeded
in imprHaing on mimons of American minds. the
true na ture of the st.rukgle, nnd the terrible penalty
which w e must pay if we continued the same path.
Since thAt tlmo ho b.. traveled widely, and add·
ed to t.he Ube.rnll•m which he JIOtAeu ed a new concept o! the needs ot our society, both on tbe world,
n.nd the national level. He became a fore.moet. champion o.f racial equality. In one o! the mo.t.t at:rildng
evidences of giowth whic:b a public .flgu.re has ever
shown. h!! beca!"e convinced, and proceeded to ardently 6ght f or a world eommunit.y. He continued
to deCend tl>e Ameriean eopltallatlc heritaeo, but he
showed an awarcncea of t-h e proper d\rectiona It
must O.J.Ium6-t'l greater responatbUity, and aocial
eense. In abort he baa addied to " aound grup of
the American JtCience a noble and tar reaching undentanding of t.he needs of the world, and of the
world'& people• .
In recent monthl, prepared by thl.1 new underatandlnr, he desired once again to challe~ the forward TUah of Now Dealis)\1, but l.n t.ho face of pro·
vincialism, iJohLtfonia.Jn, and mach.lne politics he
was donlod tho calling. The people of the Republiean party ignored the call to a re.ne;wed e:rtaade in
the name o! liberalism, and ehoao ina~ tho path
of compromiae and e:xpecUeney.
To youth be serves a.s a great in.-piration. A man
who had t.he courage to figbt for ha prinelpleo, to
struggle ·agalrat the fon:oa whleh ho conaiden>d
harmful t.o our Nation, and a man who wu &bo'fe
all ho.n eat and truthful, and l.r rovocably pledged to
the precepts of libclraliam. He' ll dead, and hc,.eeems
to have lost hia battle.
The NaUon is !aced wit.h a puce whleh will determine both the direetlon o·f our domeltie Uf e, and
the type of l ntematlonal Society wbleh ..W be mold·
ed. We a.r o oft"tred increasing aubstitut:Jon of eovem·
ment by bureaucrats f or ~overnment b7 ·the peog le,
and an A merlean part.ieipaUon ui a new coloaaal and
deadly game of power pelitleo, And Wlllklo will no
longer bo here to uphold the cauao of our people,
and of humanity, On t.he ot.hor hand, wo are 1lJ1Ied
to aubotltu!4 a diluted Now Dealism, and a t;,.,.,_
l oua pa~elpatlon In latm>atlonal alfaln.
Tho ftrhl truly appeAr. loot. LlheraU.m appeared defoat<!d, but not loll, whUo a luiler remaiDecl,
h~t ho lo (ltlno. And yet, beeauao at. t.ho llrbt wbleh
he waged, thoso who believed with hlm mu8t con·
tlnue. '!'he leader has be<!n atrklcen from the U.ta;
but to t.ho extant t.hi.t be inapi""'' a continued J>atUe
for tbe liberal princlpleo, he will Un rm..;.,/
Rhinie Hike
Alt.houch In put yoano It baa been the pelley of
tl>e Cuatomo Co~ to be rather tough on new
Fruhmon, darlng 'tbe put two t.oTml new ldeaa u
to tM beat methoda lor lnt.ograUng the Rhinloa into
flavedord have eome to tho fo~. One of the moet
recent ol the-se was t.he Freshman i:lilce which W..t,
as tho Committee thought, singularly adapted for
brlnglnr; out the natural leaden in tho Freshman
CJ... and gotUng t.hem to work toptber In a com·
mon pro~ll fine ld.... but t.hoy do oeculonally
baclc:ftre • ••
Talco for inot.an<e thlo very Freshman lllke of
whic.h we we re ju.at apeak.inr. U there wu· ~'Yflr a
better example of tho ben-laid plana o! mite aDd
men roinzo to pot, the Cuatoma Committee would
like to know what it la. The evening's enterta.in·
mcmt got. off to a bad atart when, at. the c:laaale hour
of l :00 a. m., all tl>e Rhinlea were loodod Into Lou's
boiler, wbJc.b is famDiar to all of o.a on campus • •
that anc.irnt heap which rroa.na around these perta
on three a nd a half tlra, two rima and a leakln.r
raidator flJ~ with sc:aldinc water. After a few t .
ken grinds with the atartar, a twirl or two wlt.h t.ho
crank, t.he Customs Co~mitte.e finally did what lt
knew from the start it wu going to ha.ve to -do any·
ho-puahed like mad while the truck wna re~t­
edly. thrown in and out or gur. 'l'bc tn.nl011ll0slon
gTO&ned wlt.h protest ot t.hla rough treatment and
colled ! or Poppa Doggy, but Dogl)' wu {ar a,...:r In
bed, 110 It finally had to gin In and start-in a ,.,...,.
pompou.a a nd dignifted manner, of eourse, e.xh.atin.r
a J tlfting cJoud or greaay smote whic.h very nearly
beat tho Customs Committee int-o submiulon then
and there. .Bul the bon were m'ade of at.orn otuJf,
10 tbo expedition finally movod aW1ly Into t.he night.
Thlnga went swimmingly !or a wbl1e as we c.rtpt
inconspicuously through Bryn Mawr, making juJt
a little more noise tha.n t.he Democratic Convention
and looking like a meeUng of t.he local Ku Klu
Klan, w}at. with the pillow c:ates the Frealimen aU.
had on oYer their htada. The trou~le "'ally atarted
juat lhia aide ot Roaemont when, with an aronbed
aqu.,.k and a last dying •l&'h t.ho left rear tire wont
Hat and be!ore Domi, w.bo waa &kippering, bad time
t-0 pull over to the curb, lL was c.hcwed into hopeletl
rlbbcno. The thoughts of tha Committee probably
ran In Ueee cbannet.-J know mine did-"Bere'a
a protty kettle of fioh lnde~nd why \he • ••
didn't I my at home In bed who"' I · belong lnst.oa4
ot trai~ine around tbe countryside like a - - • fool!'
Dut action was neceaa.ry and immediately the
.Rhlftloa we.r e pulled off t.he truck and lined up
against r. nearby fence, making sage obeervation1
aJ to tht aoftncn of ''trhla J ersey ground," "how
are we going to get back aeroaa the river," etc., etc.
But t.ho bright note introduced Into the morning by
t.h... "'mbllnp was qulcltl)' dampened when a daz.
zllng pair or lights oomlnc. up the TOad ruolnd
t.bemse.lvts Jnto the eyes of a municipal aampa.D,...
driYen, we aappooed, by a e)'n!eol cop who didn't lib
ha reverioo 10 rvdely int.onupted, But he wu real·
ly a YeTf nice of5cer.-Mal!y he wu-and aoon tho
enUre area wa.a being aearched to~ a wneklnr truck
wh.loh might toke o9me of t.he load off ot our bur<!ened mlnda-via short
n.d.lo o! eoune. Proo·
ently proceedings were livened by the arrlval of
roading !rom lett to right, a ..m.:ldq truck, a mO:
t.or<)"<le <op and another motomed keeper o.f t.ha
poaee, on f olll' wheela again t.hls time. Mueh to OW'
roller, tbey all had uxeDent .....,. of humor &Dd,
ula were otopp!nr to uk
alt.hough pualng $ t ro
who had bc<>n murd
or what bank had been robbed, they never lost th
patience for a minute . • •
weU, maybe J11tt a mlnute when they couldn't flnd
a lleenM plato.
, ,
Well, ll>inr• wont In t.hls vein until about U....
t.hh t y when t.he tire wu pronou.nced In a •tate of
lnep....We dlarepalr, and !-.ding t.he mulJied Froabmen vp onto Rosemont'• f alr campus, the CuMama
Committee oprlnt<!<J for homo terrltory a nd arrived
at a bout folU'othiJt:r &ftc a • naclc Ia 101 all·n!Plt
hambugtr griddle. Just who wu t.ho UDderclotr oa
t.hb expedltlop, upporclaa~man or Rblllle, boa uot
be<!n finally determined yet, but Olle t.hlnl( II aun:
we all bad a lot o! fun, and tbe Freshmen eerta1D17
,.,C an. lnalp.t Into t.hat tradition wbleh - . . . 16
m ueh to B'&nr:Conl-wblcll Ill B&i erford.
Private Stuff W. M. Ellicott
David H. Blair c4lumni ~otes Francis Carey
Daa, Cura- Dead at Eighty
ThiDP ~:.z.a.:~ he-.. Dies October 4
Commissioner torDr.of Eaaett
Reptll.. ond AmphiJ>.
nacbed tho
tf~~C:fep~JWo~phl~atu::J IF'ranci.l King Carey. corporpo~ •bon - ...... ellkno,.,
died at 11&11:1- Dies Sept 12
tbe u,ooc~ old da7L"' .Now that more on ()ctober 4,
the are
J>,...id ScuD, Proluaor of Bioi- atlon lawyer, lnduatrlalin, and
William Ill.
the ~ento boft O«Upled
Texu, the borracu are a bit
emptltr and perhape e•en
quieter. Sloet li'llnt'a nod..,
nobodY la>owa wbot t.o do with
hia ocrombled erp.
Doe T. o. w aa one of the
Uait'• !a•orite o..-e.rtonea. No
Union C.rbldo and c.r-
Now wltb women In South
Ba"'lay (wcmdu It thoH pon.
ers we.re '"r H-moved) and
men to the north, we cuen that
ma.ku at a eute.r ,.ender. BU-t,
sbe looked • . .
Spenader reall1 pined by
mo'fina. .U•'• rlcht next to t.be
IatTin• 00 that he eon bruah hie
teeth more often.
ArmY took t.he 1 'a N'a to the
5...c ln 1 ret--a"""'ualnt.ed
tun. Or
t oftba11 pme a couple of weeks
·~· When the C.ptaln alncled,
ChojnackJ wonde.red whe.t.bu
he wu auppo1td t.o eoac.h him
throuah the Wlual ehanne.ls.
For the benefit of newcomen
t.o the campuo: when tho ftalf II
beinc rolled or lowered and "To
the Colore" io belnc played, tho
cirilan atanda at attention, fae·
inc the ftar, with hla riaM hand
of 81. Born In Plllladelphla, be
w~nt t.o Balllmore In 1894.
ogy in Have.rtord Collel'e, has
One ot the moet dlatlnrulohthe ~1 ela11, Bot;~e'd ~;~':n~~' a"fi~t: a '.;::;.
l;)tiYid H. Blair, died In White- ot atudylnl' and collecting rtpfield, New Ham~~t.hlre, on Sop- tiltt.
tember 12 at the
or 78
from a heart aUmenL
ed mcmbera of
llr. Ellicott • member ot the
ftnt board of truoteee of Ill•
Baltimore lllu..um of Art, !>.Jonced to the family, wbleh in
the m.lddle Sevt.ntft:n Bundred.a
rounded • ftour ftnu ot wbot II
Be ae"ed u United Statu
now Ellkm City, Md. Hill toth- ~0:"',!-~~~u P~:;:~::"lu~:
:h~ W,!~~~· E~~~wu..,:d in1r end Coolldco from 1021 t.o
dl"IIJ b..lntu In Pblladelpllla. 1929, aod wu charred with the
enforcement ol tbe unpopular
. Alte.r prepartnr at t.be WJJ- prohibition law.
ham PeM Charter School of
!'_:aeddelpbl:~lllrdr. EICollleleo;t0 ---~ N:~~r C.":o!~~ ~IJ~~;ol:;
& •n
tht Unlvtrwl(y of Penneyl•a- ceivJng hla A. B. at Haverford,
nlo. He atudled arclll!eeture atudled law at the Unlveralty
under Andre Pattal fo~ two of North Carolina tn 1897-08.
yean, and then apent two yean For many yeara be wu e.nrar·
pr~~ctia:in1 ardtlt.cture in Phil- ed ln the cotton and reaJ eeadelphJI, belore ,olnr to Port. tate b~a:ineu, and alter hb reland, Ort.con, where he remaln- ttreme.nt from the Revenue Ofeel tor ftn yeara.
fice, he practiced law In WaohinatoD..
Early in Lhe century be f ormtd a pArtnership with W. W.
At Have.rtord he wu jw;l 11
Emmart.. the ftrm of Ellicott aucetuful •• In profeulonaJ
and Em...n beeominl' one ot lite. El~ Secretary of the
the moat active In the elty. Frahmau clau, ho went on t.o
Mr. EIJJcott retired In 1917.
beeome Pruldent of hill elMo
two yean later.
!~:~~~~r~~ ::!rt~l ~en""; Colby CoUegc Edil8
• 1
ded J t bet
~':;\.,..!rt~;,\e ;.ili"otan/~ J ones' BibUograpby
attention !aclnr the ftor. W~mThe Colb Collo
en otand at att.ntlon, r~ ha1 j
ed1 ':J,
ubtfthe tlag f or uRetrpt" and
u.t ann<n~ne
e p
Dr. Uenrr •nxer P·a rry wu
married on July 12 to Mary
Kelly at St.
Lake Pl!cid, N. Y.
Cpl. Robert J . Tbompoon Ia
now conducttnc d&aJu in
Ame-rican Hittory tor late.ruted members ot hla Antla(J,:.n.ft
lla""!erfuonrdit thne Nwe•"'• b~~m
mana~r of the N~S.
1 9
WIIU.,. B. Jkaveo, Jr., hoe
arrived ln A u.tralia to ael'\•e
~~ aJ!:tndc~:••.::,.~:ntmfie1d
LL Cou.rU Oulallan, USNR,
oe-en mon·~- a t· Ha-- Publllhei Wrltlnp or Rutaa seta of - n tkketa t.o lb.• wu married Auruat Sl, In Ena·
•· :11 J
th with bri f
ll laod w llliM Pour Wlloon,
erford, we ftnall1 dlacovued - · 00"· ":,~• liter ..
• Philadelphia Old>eotn, lllz<Jai WR.'rs, d•uchter of 01-. end
what wao In the "Faculty, Prl· account 0 1 ""
the ~eroolly ot Bany Drlnlt·
W . E. Wlloc L Oul
vate'' room on the ~nd Boor
of \\'thlt.all. l t"a o·n e ot those
The chef rot J . A. apln.
Wonder what he baa aralnat
blm. Emnrer, or the onotU,
had a c:lMe one when he pfeked
• pi~ o! mo\.&1 out of h1• mae>aront lnc:ldent.a11y, dld you notlce how heavy the allverware
and bow1a hu·e pttehi
C.pt.aln Henry picked up the
Dr. Jo:au' wriUnn ban been er, to~ the ule ol Lbe collere. ~Z:~ h~R.been aerv{',;a
quite dinralftecL He il eoD&ld- TM Ueket. will be turned .over an LST ove,.tu aince
ued bJ many to be the tore- to Mr. Abraham Peplna'ky o{ 1943
moet lnterproter
myatldom the depe.r tmento of muok; Pll1--
In the Englloh-oPMldnr woTid, leo, and pa,..boloJY. Ill•. Pepmand aomo of hlo ftn..t wurb alty will make tbem anllablo
have betn In that. ftelcL Hla to t.hO!e etudente who have an
otbor -writ.fnp Jnotude tu.tori.. app~Uon !or good muak; on.
and lnterpret.atlont of Quaker·
lam, rellrloua boob for youth
blo,npby, hbtorieal 1'M-e&rcb'
rellcioua phlloeophy, !rea~
;~~~dew'!:~:~~~ ti~.~~"t! on education, and many ot.b&ra.
hear Tanner, who wu C. Q., in- <DT. Joneo waa prot-r or
Corminr the operat.or that be phlloeoph1 for mony yearo at
couldn't oceept • telepm tor Ha>'erlocd, end retired in 1936.
the PMs.tT olnce there ain't no
such animal on tho post. ltwu
quit'. a ahoek when the Captain CJ"IIt.cbea. Anyono wanna play
t.old him thot PMs.tT Ia hill ot- • pme or ch-1
6cial title. Tnnolatlon: ''ProAnd why, wo wondeT, lo the
~~c:,t MUltary Sclenee and udud apot" in EnrUab aucb a
aO...erheard: E. R. t.rylng t.o popular rooat!
convince T. S. ~nt that the c.::•t ~!':.~at ~:,:,~d~~
The Phlladolphla Orchestra,
one ot the tore.moet ordeatru
in the country, Ia dlrecWcl by
Eugene Onn•nd·y. Conc:arta ua
lfiven every Friday
that tho leeturo on teathero wu
atriS::to':r ~=
burlf, the only t.own In Po.: and
Arcade Pharmacy
Moriah ToW110blp, home' or the CC·A W. LANCASTRR AVB.
few or
Plooeo .lnlaooro sou
We undoratond th.,..'a a
G«~.!!..~~"at tho
Crieodly UtUe competition be-
ll•ld Mony Important Poota
Mr. Carey serYed as prftldtDt
he Ch 1
or est.on, · C.. Raiiway, Gu and Eleetrie Comp&nJ in 1901-03, and atao had
bftn prHident of the National
Sugar Manufacturing Com~ny
and tho Notional Sqar Securltlea Company. After the Ballimore Y1re ln 1904 he became
o member of tho Municipal Esecutive Committee. ln t908 be
cbai"'[" or t}'e Baltlmore
tlo~ t.!~":' ·~~nwo:r• .::''J:'.~:
man of the City Plan Commit.
tee in connodlon with the conatrue:tion of Fallaway Boulerd
r h
n , an
e rman o t e
Maryland TOJt l!eYislon Commi.uion In 1112:!-U.
In the Fint World War, Mr.
April, Carey waa mana1er of t.he Red
Cross War FW>d C.mpalp tor
llaryl&nd end of the Boovu
Food Ccmaerntlon Oampelru
Sst.. Uenrr E. Funk due to for the State. LateT ho .,... a
a reeo'mraendatJon madi in the member of the ueeutive eom·
field, for dutlM performed ln mltl6e: of the Maeyland branch
the Normandy c:ampalsn, wu ot the l.Aagu,. nf Natior\JI Mrecently promoted from hie for. •oclatlon.
mer ttat\M or Private.
Author or Leral Tut.l
~t. Oa..-ld ~~ ~larahall o! P,!;:;-w:.rhet'!.t;: .~':!:me~
the Army Medleal Corp• has of the uecutive committee or
aod Saturday and Mooday e'l'<>- become encored to Diana Eli1- the Maryland oectlon of the
abelb Howard, WRNS.
Committee to De.Cend Amtriea
~~2EE!S:Wiai3:iiii:E2:~3:i~~~2:aiai~iii:E2:i lby Aiding the Allleo and of tho
m.....,....._......, •u·-·--·····-•··...·--· Advisory Board
or the Marylaod branch of tho Firht f oT
Freedom Committee.
... . ... .......
Gentlemen of DU!tinction
B. l\tcVicker C.
R. Schaper J,
n!~:StWOw~bf;th!f 0~a,:r:i
MonopoU..," "Law ot B uabond
and Wlfo" and ''Oany'o Fonua
Droulard'a blouse t1oeve t
bra. Ho'o tho t)'JIO lhat pn>IJ..
Undor preftUinr condiUona, .:
ably thlnluo an oodlpua 11 a pretty aoon we oupt to be
male plotypua. Bat at leaat 1'-..medl<a• Emlirltae.
E. R. wu neve.r htard to aay tr awa,. t
timore on Oc~bor B, at th~ aa~
o! 86. Born In Baltlmore, Mr.
Carey waa the aon of J amea
and Suoan B. Carey. flo ,.._
eeived an A. B. de&"ree !rom
Haverford Colle"' In 18'18 and
a.n A..lf •• &lao from f.layerford,
in 1881 and a law degTft from th~ Univ~ra.ity of Maryland In
1880. In tllat year he bepn
the prac:tite of law In Baltimore.
lie waa n former member of
the law nnns of Steele, StmDle..s &: Caret, and C.rey, Piper
It Rail.
la a prboner o! war.
Orchestra Tickets
Available lo College
IDr. • Fells Morley b.aa &n·
cation o! " A BIOfirl'aphy of the nounced the rec.elvin& of two
H orace RJehatd HeU•111.a w as
muried to Eleanor Ford J onea
on S.pt.mber 8, at Conahohocken, Penneylvanla.
former civic luder. died ln Bal-
Ardmore Printing
Hair Cutting
a,.cla1 A-
PaiN'l'US •"" I!NGilAVU.S
to HA'f1!ltPOIIll liP
n.- ~ nM
1:!!~~~~ tC:'::r'~~~tu":!'n~ IDc3 ;;;~ARC~;AD;;B;;P;
An-n• *• - Vn.-M, fM AI* U. ~ rt Yr.n
tweeu the psych and blot d&o
F eu
.Anm«e Ill
Ia leadlnl', a<cordln~ to popular
odvantap o••r uo In tbot they HOPPER, SOLIDAY .tOO.
can t.ooa out o!Jt ayllable wonlo Memben PbU Bt.ock l!::ldwl
quicker than we eon wrl14 them INWSTMBNT S~
YOUR WAT<:H WILL 11CK 157,681,500 TIM ES
do:rbe t.od•- la· toward "'r...h.
HJO Walaut Street
during the year 111.44
r n.por preu'O:rte.
or 432,000 tfeka each day, or 18,000 every ho~ your watch should t ick
In tho m- boll t.o
you wiU admit, Ia pretty close, it would gain
hold tho mllte a reuonable clll•
two lillnutes in one day, and you .,..ould have reaaon to wonder if it shouldn't
tance away from their ....,kea INBUllAMCB POR IJTUDBNTII
do better. U It loses aa much as two minutes in a day, it probably needs
::~•.:.,t~~ave our tymProt>ort7
cleaning and olllng. Every machine )leeds oil-particularly one as 1\ne aa
Thla Geotaltltm II u eluolve
B. Lo~!r
your watch. Such work should be Intrusted to a competent watch maker.
u an lriohman'a fteo: .luot can't
411 Walaet
'Up~ cared for , your watch willlaat longer.
put your 11n1or on lt.
M~~:~ho! ':~~~{,~ ii~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii
be a aod<wurllly one at tho~
wu heud murmurlnr aome-
"!:;t ::~='· -.~ Eatman,
Dillon & Co.
Yerlly, !pal dixit.
_ . . , Now T«k ...._
Ume. Wltll.eaa :al ll rtn..lllllt..
~· !mob i.nd DIIDav'• - - - - - - - - -
Bring your watch to us for an inspection and report .
F R ED J. C 0 0 P E R
Jeweler by Birth.
Cortlt~ ~
a- Society
Soccer Squad
Prepares for
Busy Season
Under tl!e able guidanee of
Coach Ray Mullan, end Captain Paul Dominco'ricb, the
Scarlet and Black soccer oquad
turned out. 27 strong on tbe initial day of practice. Although
the squad has but one retu_rn·
ing letterman, their Capt.B.in,
the outlook for the future
aeemo much brighter than in the
lut two y~IU"S. Coach Mullan
began ri~rbt away with toughening-up exercises and funda·
mentlllo aoch a• dribbling,
hooding, trapping, and kicking,
and although at the writing of
this article tbe aquad bas only
been in practice for two weeks,
the team is acquiring a degree
of skiU in these !undamentala,
whicb are ao important.
Canclidata NumeroWI
On Woclneaday, October 4th,
Haverford College met Haverf()rd Sc:bool in an open scrimmage on the "88 Field, which
~:~~bi:c::~~~~ t~~! ;!~
a.s they were
:~~·magea a rem:crheduf~ct;:~
takes as
d •
the c:oming week and these
s hould prove profitable in preparat.ioo for th~ opening engage~~~ on Sat~rday, October
Candidates out for the squad
are u.s lollowa: !or fullback
i).e R~h:las~:th; , ~ h~roJ!d
two years experience ot Park
Scheol, Baltimore, and "Geo!"
~:.;'!r":i u';~~r P~:::Y ~:
School, Upper Darby, Pa.; t rying out for the bal!bac:k poai·
tions are Tom Gerluh. who
bas bad experience at Friends
Select, Captain Domincovic:: ,
Heads SportsOudook Nautical Cluf?·'\
PrODUSmg ..... ...d Good for Fall To Meet Navv
Council Notes
u ...,...
~ ua
decided that repre-
teotativea from
unita on campo. abould be
included ID the Student&' IFor .the lAIU footi>&U - •
Council--one repre1entathe Coach Pop H&ddleton had ~
each from LenJrQAce House aurprlalnc turnol>t ot a oquad
and Government Ho11ae.
of thirty-ona boya, O&ptaln
Fran~ •Kennedy and Bob Good
are tl!e only retumbac nterana
It waa decided tbat the but tl!e Freahmen wbo np...:
various drive• for financial sent the ~ter majority of tbe
support that will toke place aquad ahow e'rid.ence of· aome
on the campus would all be promiaio1 ma.ter1ll. Bob Baker
incorporated into one-the from Geol,re School will probHaverford
CommunitY ably fill a tackle IJO'litlon. Tom
Cheat-<lnd David R. Rosen- Fleming, .Penn Charter, and
that and D. Bard Tbompaon .Bob Good are •hlo contesting
were appointed a committee for that spot. J"rank Kennedy,
to ove"ee th_is wo.rk. I
that hard-hitting •parkplug of
the team and Chud< Mo..,., have
tbe guard pooltloni dnebed. Bill
David Johnson was elect,.. Barker a aummer....a~ent ts
ed to be the ~presen~tive holdinti down center. Ends are
of the Students qouneil on quit:e num~roua, Tom Ho·p ldns,
th.e Student AframJ Com· 'Malt tWhitcorob, Ben Collins
and Dk'k Johruton eont.eating
tboae spota. The line lJ am.a z·
lngly heavy in comperiaon to
A tea dance for tbe entire la.at year'&, a1'ecraging 182
Students' A.noeiation iJ be- pounds
ing considered for some The ·bacld\eld ia qulte out,.
time in the near future.
standing. H-omer Jammich, Nate
zweitler, T om Langaton, Bob
Tbe principl1!3 !or the &l·
lotment of the Student Aetivities Fee were ouUined
pending further coneidera
tion and approval by lhe
Turley and J ohn
Whitman a:re the moat alpift.
eant figures carting tba.1. pumpkin. Prospective pe.aser11 are
Kimmich and Zweider who real·
ly kn.ow ho'W to direet a line of
•Pop has been worldng the
team quite hard since the lint
Robert C Good Robert
F•. Clayton,' Jr., Frank R.
ld E Lo
w:~: .;~inted0 a;;, th~ co~~
mittee which will meet with
the Board of Man~gen .0 "
ttuo.rm?~t. A~tbertJ~~~.~·!.~aanh,
... ~
~ w~ -
lnvfding PMlC at Cheater, and
~jti:_n~~~1to:; ~~P.=;
with college and high
JJw i:~no: s;:~~~ Pre-Meds
l(;h~~ experienoo .have been
.pending the final decision of lendmg ~lm • hand, proving
the Board on the ~matter.
velur!!:i~~tu~~d ~lp!~spect.l
of the 1944 su.aon look excel·
tent. A full aehedule is not re·
ew R & R Gr'aduate alized a• yet bat Ia on Ita way
to eom-plet[on,. through the ef.
Tbe fall term at Hawrford
aeems to tell of better Utnee
approaehina', as oDCe ....,. Ill
atudent body atarte to calll Ill
ai&e and take on extraeuni<u1ar actl'ritlea with more eatllualaam.
Ui>d.er the able
leaderahip of A. W. .,.Pop"
Haddleton, • temporary football
eoach, and Ray 'Mullan, eoec:e.r,
buketball, and baa6b&l1 eoaeb,
tht; Haverford apotta outlook
for- 19«-1~5 Ia the bricbtelt
ei.nea two yea.ra aao w-:ben the
undefeated football team left
almost en m.&lle to _jci.n tbe
Armed Fon:ea.
e •
mosUy represented by 17-yea~
olda, 1 few 4·F's, and enn few..
er deferred •tudents the SearJet ~nd Black Ia gradually r&oturnmg to an intel"CCllegiate
haala. Tbe football team, u the
eebedule 1t.anda now, will pla7
at lout one eollece with a J>OI·
siblUty bf aeven.l more. Tlle
soccer team hq a complete
game achedule with collepL
I.oold~g into the eport.s aeaeon a lttUe further, arrancementa have already been etarted. to have between a 16 and 20
buk tball
f!:e winter ewben • Haverford
had ita moat succe.aatul basket-baU team in ita hlatoey, due In
no little part to the bard and
euellent play of Captain
George Montgomery captaineleet Dave John.eon. ~d Frank
Kennedy, 194.( football captain,
, -~~-
'_,.- y
.0.. WoclDeaday, ~
2'1, tl!e Nautical Club bel!~ Ita
lftnt meatbac of the -..
There w.ere alx ,... membora
a.tonr with t):le older membe:n.
brilqr!ng the tot&! to . aloo.,.
WID. 1'ropllJ
Commodore Roche WN,f"PI'Otld
to be able to • ......,.. to tl!e
eluh tba:t on September 1.f. the ·
H&Terford Col!- ,..uu. team
won first 9lace Ill a trlaiurlllu
meet.. Tbe imeet ,... 011 l..ak:a
c..yu,. and the team won the'
Ootnell Corin:thLin Yaeht CJu~
enp from .COrne.U Uninniey
ad Williams Colleae.
Tbe team baa a meet .,.;ith
Navy 011 Oetober 14 at .AmlapoUa. and a home meet on the Delaware on October 28. RiYeta
and Ka·to will tldpper lor the
~;~rfha~e~~;~n ~:m
Ptaa Club RooiD
The club ,h aa •been t.b:lnking
seriously ol aet-tlnl' up a n.&uti...
ul club librat')' and club ~·
The greateat obataele ID
way hill ben a laek of l=da,
and It is hoped that eontributiona will be fortheomina' ln
eupport of th1e worthy activity.
!~t!;d~f:~ ~~~~Cq~a c~: The elUb haa been lookinc
lege ranks.
forWird to the eomlnc ~
A atatistlcal proof of the racing season and It antlcl~
colle~'a renewed inter-eat in meets with aucb IChoola aa
sports is the turninc out of ap.. Navy, Penn~ylvania, and M..LT.
proximately 65 stude.nta out of
Sailing Ia now a vanity sport
a poesible 125. This laat Ia
Mmething that should maie all and those who engage In it will
get tlle credit duo a varaity let!!t:·~~t~~all!tha:oo~be u~tud~~~ tenn.an.
~~~nd~la~~0018 kt~!nn!~i::X Unit Arrives Here
~~n~•~op~~(\, ~~--.~~t~!
~:udo~:v;~o~Jay~1~f;~£p!'e: At the beginning of the P.res· ~!';! totbe;~~~~:a. Fordlana arc ~Je ~a h~~n:~:Y:.kbe~t ~=
pal Academy, Overbrook, Pa.,
for two years; also out for
halfback aro Om&L Baile)'
Ralph Elliot~ Ken "'lJium, Ai
Davie, Bill Gorham, and Jack
Stone: for the wing )>05itiona
are Bob Clayton, who has · had
experience on the Friend Select
and Haverford College Junior
and Val'llity squads, Pete Steere!
who :played intramural last
year, and a newcome.r J. Sato:
for the inside poaitions are Bill
Harris, Bill Peas e, Dan Oliver,
Dick Power, Arch Jacobs, and
Ed Wheeler~ Dove Brawner,
wbo played previously at Lao.
don nod
wM also on the squad last year
arc vieing for the c'enter for\\·ttrd position. Trying out for
the job of goal tending nre
three ncwc:omers who are doing yeoman work· they are T
J. Ryan, J. c. Bi~sall, nnd n:
z. Kindler. This year the playing mnnnger,· PhH Mann, wiU
divide the chores with Rbinie
Bob Harnden.
Spirit is PlenUful
B~ides having a large squad
this year the team hu another
ent lenn, ~ver!ord reeeJved
a..nother. Rehe:f and .Reconstruc·
tlon Umt, eonalatlng of twenty
women and aix men. This ta
the aecond aueh group here now.
The members repre~ent a e.ronseot!on of the Untted States,
commJ from sue~ . states as
W~hmstton, Loutllana, a.nd
Wt.Sco!Uiln. One of the worn"'!
is a Freneh z:etugee..
The unit. wtll remam at H.ave.~ord until ~ember of 1~5
"hen they Wlll receive their !
Master's d~grees.. The ~:fteen·
month . penod wtll cons11t of
four twelve-week _quat'Ura and
for. field work.
scholastic .terms. a c:ertam
&mount of .ttme w1ll ~ devoted
t.o field tnps and .soc&al work.
When their coune lS comple~,
the membe~ hope . .to affihato
them.slve.s wtth rehe! organlza.
tiona for overaoa.s work.
At present. they are takmg
cou.!'les. in languages, public
samtation, an~ the philosophy
"·t. l 'W. Cheater, home
Oet. 2·1-Delaware, away
Oct 28-Leht b h
. g ' ome.
Nov. 8--J. Hopkins, away
Nov. 11-Delaware, home.
Nov. 15--J'arun, home.
Nov. U~W. Chester, away
ed with athletes, but beeause - - - - - - - - - - t.bey aee the advantage iD put-
E. S. McCawley
& Co., Inc.
tine that extra bit into Haverford Colle-ge life.
T T.p
(.) J
Haverford, Pa.
"'"'u:'-D~.. .. .,.~
Your Teams
Nov. 22-J'. Hopkins, home
.Have .a Coca-Cola= Put 'er there, old timer
. -·•-
Spirit. The team this year has Haverford Pharmacy
lots of pep and ftgbt and seems
determined to uphold the stan- Eotate ol Henry W. Pr-, P.,O.
datd of previous Haverford
soccer teams.
According to the manager,
!Philip Mann, the. Se.arlet and
Black boote.rs face an eight
. r:gn::. s~~~d::e~~~h~~~~hi;
Drugs and Sundries
Haverford hooters meet this
Phone Ardmore 0122
year are in the same status u
~=~~.rford in regard to enroll- - --··--......- .....,...................._..._ .
1 o• o or.
oommank:y actJ.nte. on a IH...are fanD w1.tb woo4loa
l.t.JD&a ...
r.-....a. ........ ....., ........... •--.
~e.re~:=10{!; t~:e C::~r~~
er war years-the Haverford
ment House, while the men are
living in Founden HP.ll and at
Pendle Hlll.
;:::r~;~ :;:fyw!{:e:e~nm:: --~---m--------
a &.nu;;,
..• or greeting.new pals in Ketchikan
In Alaska, jo.n as hotte in the Stat~ Co aay HIIH II "CoU''
is co say Pal, fiW,.. 'right g!MI ,.,•,.. bnw, jo.n as ic does
in yoti:f.:own hqme. In many lands uound.the globe, 1M ·
piUIU lhlll r•frtsbes with ice-cold Coca·'Cola has become
• symbol of friendly way oi li•ing.
Fly UP