Document 1927236
HAVERFORD .NE WS n.OO A VEAl ARDMORE, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, IHS V.oLUJIE -NUMBER 28 ......... . . -.- ~ S. S. Haverford Victory' Honors College's Role in War; Set; Variety Rehearsals Start Fina,l Dance P.~eparations 1- - - - - - - - Maritime Service May P~_in Pairs College Mobi.l.i.zes Morley Ad,is~s Self-Discipli'l.e To Launch Vessel To En?y Rhythm Tale~t to Produce On pay of Victory in Europe In June Ceremony sl•l•mffll following lb. isuuJ MOM.BY Fu.ti PawDENT Comedy Of Chick Forrest : Mustcal The United St.atea Maritime Chick ForrHt and h.l a Orch· In an attempt to ~oup the sborlly •fltr Pr<siJ.nt Tf11m•n's •••ounum••t of V-E D•y: Commiuion bu announced In utra will play at the Haverford dam..,. dono In the recent flav- "'n thla day of reJokloc for .-ravoo. The attev d..-raclatlon a ltttu to Preoidont Felix Mor)lay Prora to be held Friday, ~rford-6wvtbmore eontreVH?Y• the oDd of the .,.•• In .Eolropo brou.-ht to ~ ...ulty by thM ley that Haverford Collqe will May U, In the Foundero Hall both C<llle- ..W jointly pre- t•o reetnlnto Oil enltatloa .... -~ outwelp In oar be honored by the ""~Dine of of tria•plt IOiDdo the .WlarJ sent a ..rlety ahow, In Roberta • • t be apparOilt to Dininr Room. of ito new Vktoey Shipe u one and fort"""te and rich our war the that fact the Ia Pint on Collere illnerford at <Ball s.Je 11cketa t'Jaeed oa tho "S. S. Haverford Victory." nalloe. erfol Ia onr. fro. Undo~ the chalrmanohlp of the evenlnr of i!lay 18, and in u a •hole Ia r... "'a hwalllty and ..-~ The abip II echeduled to bo Robert F. Clayton, the Dance <:lotblor Hall at-s-rthmore on !he Far Eaot a r -Iot. and tuk launched on or about June 23 C<>mmitte'i eo,_ed ot ·Robert .May ~. ·Eacll ecbool will be re- iklllfal ene.a r, •till In - - kt "" face the -naooo •hl<h ll.. ;,.. at the Bethlebem-Fairlleld Ship.. of the . .jo,- part ot blo ot P. R.oehe, ' Willlam ¥. Barker, aponeible for half of tbe two- - . - eoaq-te, reaalu Co fore u. Let u reoolve tbet •• yard in Baitlmore. 11 Nathan Z.mAor and J ohn hour performance. Shipe to Hooor Collel'eo aMil -.U&Otq kHp faith with be ...,.......,._ t..rce , . . . , _ F o -. Stone, baa aucceaatully oomHaverford n>eeived a aimllar f.w oelf- t.booe who Mve ,;..,. tbetr llvea, MCOIId p!eud plant for the - - The coot of .......m..- pamt on Febl'll&ry 14 ~48 honor cheer· eoch allall •• that aad ,........ " " " Ia diedpllae ..mJ.formal dance to be held from both Haverford and Sorarthmo,.. bulldlnra and prop.. l•e. Tl>e ~ ot ov &nMCI fally ahMJder that larler bar- when the Uberty Ship ' •'laW o.hia term. nomad tor the rreat Sharpl011," which oaui& nd e«ort f dell a!Mrr ~. ol>oeure ....81icht at eetabllahad been bas erty 0 0 Tkketo were placed on aale preaident of tho College from ce Tuesday mo~· tba adm.iaaion olia-hUy over one thouaand dol- ot ahalteftd Europe. The carcover II h~ortb our hoary and In- 1887-1917 waa launched at priee 1a $8.60 -~r couple. U laro,JR&Irilll' II: necetMrJ that Ia""" ot VIctory will South P~rlland, Maine. ..eather ~to, there will be the p!OCioetlon be an unquall~ed the llllllotoo ot • - - r y -.pable r._all>llitJ'." Th~ "S. S. Haverford Victory'• In the lJ- aucceu. Neverthelea~, optilllalJl relreab-..te join aevoral similar ahipa wUI atmoacolle,;ate tho brary Memorial Garden dlll'illl' peroadee be laancbed tbortly wbkh to ()()se8 OUB tl>e inUrmlaaioa. &om arr&DCe- phere; Swarthmore ~ an are named a!ter leadinc Amerl· menu wUl not be bandied by aadlenoe of nea.rly Hnn bUll· can eoliegea and univenitiea. the commjttee and that will dred penone, and ill&'f'trford Tb~ Maritime Commiuion is Ofi • • t.huefora Meeuiblte Individual, hopq for a crowd of over four . takm.r this meana to reeogntz.e pr ivate aeoommoclatlont on or hundred. ~ th\, conaiderebie contributlono meetinr. bualneaa the at elected fint ito In Club, Foundero the of half The IHavertord ' n•ar oampna. ahow Ia now ~ell 1>Ut tba a.m- "!""ting alnce lut June, -elected The incumbent -'dent, Pro- t~ the w!" effort of theee aduc&· Facooky to ~ bona! instltutlona and their and Sutton, X. Ricbanl feaor Thunday members ne~rht alP,..,tldn.Wlth etare, bryo Faatlty chaperon.. -lor tho C. Baker, rrad~~atea. Prom will lndude VIc. Pruldent read)' ......... It Ia to be ealled ovontnr, Ka7 8. At a smoker treaaure.r, Walter Walter Ootatrip Uberty Shipe Y. and llln. Arcltlbald llladJrtoeb, MTbt "'rttotle C..tub<opba, oz followioc tha boalneu llleotln.-, were .....tacted. Victory Ship, duiJ'ned as Proteeaor and J(n. latii'ODee w Who Jlade the Garnet Bee Scar- the club entertalnacl some 76 Kato wu MSnad ...:retary, the anThe improvement of the Liberty undo~Wylie and J'rol,uoor and K.S: let r~ and ..W conalot of tlvo atudente, aluaml, memben of onl)' oftke lteld by a length ot 456 teet bu Ship, H. William auectec~a He uat.a. the in othen and li'aelllty' the a alliDmarlsina" '· claDee The Ooldey 0 Cletoa and II capable or apeeda of will ~ 1\t t:OO ·P. 111 and ood phue ot·t be Jlanrfordln...ion Collare Comauml.t;y. Tho malo '11te ov - f - - -a ~ -ehlna b7 -Dr."'.oadburT,.. elected to I l l - lmoto -.. ' at twetva lllldniPL 0.. W. W. Cadhary, '118. • Pro- -mberabip In Foaadera Club Uberty Ship Ia a f - feet abort. 1M-. C..... ~ •llrhtl7 mora Dtrection of "'!11. Altlatlc foaor !lmerltua Rvtu lll. lonea wben Dr. Jonea voucbad for er and aU&lna ~ knots. Ito Catutrvpiaa• Ia Ia tile laaDda of a4 l'neldent Felix lllodey hll work In Phlloooph)' c1aaaee than eleven CQIIlpare& with 600t 60 yean are .. - q the horoepowor olullu :l&td>oa, .... .... &lao abo opolte. atonclartll of the club. Other or more for the Victory Ship. Gfveo . . . ta FilM wri- lhe - · L7T1c: tonnap of the and aerlpt wrltoro are 1o1m Ia 'ri- of ito fa~n.ble flnan- now memben are: Maaamorl The dead•eirht BM.rdaloy, David E. Tborau, c:W pocltloo, the club decided Kojima and Paul H. Domin- two ahlpe Ia approximately the The speedier Henry W. Lev!naon and Alfred to make a contribution of $200 coo!eb, who have rredaated aame, 10,800. D. Grouman. SUt ..,.. ooara to tho AltllllDI Fund Oftleon aillCO tho laat me«ing· Lewla VIctory Ship bu been In .,... . M November, aince 0~~ ~th!_ campne bovo been written t>-, tho croup. for the comtnr year ·,..... &lao E. Collin and Robert C. Good, prodaction ,... . fTOm the pruent CT&daatlng lHa. IIOmaiDe, ~~-• h ot the detallo and extent Tbe :Riven D Richard and claea· t e noted r><=CD nove1iot, plaJ'luliui Katchen and Lawrenc~ laanchlnr ceremonies bove not and ~P~· ...}}• :nrht, 01 D. Stee!el, lr., of the Claae of yet - n arranred. PMoident II • aCCOtDJ>&Died b)' ,... wuef '41. Steetel alto received the Morley told tho NEWS that ho ~-d rema1ned here until Apr! club's $26 prile for belnr hopea to be /reaeot for the 'P • ' ~ N eelected the outetandin frah llunching an that be bas ot. · Ro-lne held an Informal - fered cooperation to the Bethman of the Cl... of '4~ · B~, J.uas P. AD.uu, Ja. ~jt,UIIlon ~ 'tbath R. A. R. Shipyard In lehem-Falrflold Relates au.._ ~ • e Freoch to apo n c:eremoniea are in ac.... It wu a warm aammer ev&o hia entrance, c:harscteriKlea.JlJ Tbe to fc: 1 Dr Cadh , whatever e~uaea on Y&riou &lpeeta of wartima habitual ita ,.;lb cord ~ ury State& Uulted. -ri:e speech .. dl yet and impreaaively, late, streamand 1936 hts •ork, and wu I'UOOt at a n~ in Aurwt . a.u.. '1n the Poot.~ar _wo~w. ·program. ~~ucr'J::"~"'!,~~~ ~~.!.eldJ1": ' __ _ _ d wu presented wttb special p Leral Approach Falls particular lntMut 1n the a mammoth outdoor stadium eace an Freedom Group Quaker aapecte of the Colleire Berlin. The Olympica were ;,; j'.t thll point one of. my com- reference to hlo peroonal ..,.. Here Ernst Morris Hears a durinr and wu ahown the Haverfo;;d prof"&O 1n a pre-war Berlin pan!Dna oommented on the ob- perlencee In Canton l of the modern con- The Women's Internationa l fnoe of debria and eburnlfti' ,...: 'rioae dil!lculty of gettinr In to ~~od and Radnor. meetJn.- hpuaea. 0 hlltory of China. Leorue for Pe..:e and Freedom "" M. ltomaina, wboae real name The Olympke which &bowed In aee HIUo.r through t.booe nom•ho went to held ito annual conv~ntioo on is Louil Farl.-oule. bas wrltton a. peaee!ut llrbt the mat 0 ,._ eroua ruanle aurro~ndini' him. ~Catbary, that country waJ the B ave.r ford Campus laat Frfen " form the 1n .,..... eom.ment The underNui of power a &Teat number of w-ol'b. 'nle p.nlalnr ruled by • Manchu day, Saturday and Su daY: The mo•t recent and moat ambltloua taklora in ito breath-told~ at- of a bet which J for some rea- an em,..,'i!re , taw the proc:eu that main •peaker for one o.f the. is the yet iDcoJDJ~lete twenty- ilcle.ncy pomp and colorful pa. aon or other aoeepted, and my mona CDrlthuuJ Hllions waa Morria L. Ernat,. M ,.,, • And with the eqer odyuey t4 eee him befan. The two-vo)ume Bo••• c1e boe. prominent lawyer end author of ---Voluorte., One of hJa createet mobe jamm!nr ·the ratu .,.it lint atop waa to ,..t In the opecrecently pubillbed book the '45 Beardsley John f.'eote tor raened -uoo 1a1 ... ev th~ see the eorlier pia,., ~na- to bear and Beat Ia YeL ' . ' , box 1 lo- R 1!-t. whleb wu p - t\lna-'a ecbedale of mo.rebLoi' in · which 'Hitler's Pnze Scull ece1ves tar as .-ot even J if and q~ted, tho 1n mu.te, raartlal aed bend& eountrlee. •• a rreat DWIJ The William Ellll Scull Prl&e . brllllantlJ' llrhted ......, was u there my ntmoot .hopea at the ---rded to John P. f:~jbe~~ tried bas been a... 1!oy e. Vort, •.u, former ill&v'46, who emerrecl Beardsley, .,.. . ··~c ertord •Alumni eecretary who verford, Roeemont the other avoniDi' Mel • •tory ftrot but thia reoult.ed In t..rn. victorloua from the competition W-.oy, May t . Bueball ramo, Haverford vs. that on17 thO¥ with held <May 2. at 1:00 p. m., In Year to tell me which II both Ulrllllnc lrqrtbt fact To Gonclqde PMC at Cheater, 2:30 p.m. tkketo would be admitlted, ao Roberts Hall. Amonr the other and arroetlDriY tlmely • • • · , I .,.... with ton folio,.. on a my hapbuani leral appi'CMOCh abc contestants ,.... Theodore Tblll)lday, Hay 10 Plane made far the final Joint Haverford-RooemODt lomt '46, to whom the .ftlteUoc ot the ,_. of the llav- bllta trip tbrooch Em<opa and wu :truatarted. iDown In tho M. Hiltner,awarded me D>Hllni' at Government last year. main COD<OUJ:M howevar I fOtllld priae ..... •.rtord and ~ODt Iaterna- .... bad ttopped at Berllii to Houae, ,7:110 p.m. The topk The competitlon waa held unnonet l!elatlona Clabo, ecbad- the famed OIJ'mvie ..,..... ThM a dealer In th1 '!Jack Kartet ..ut be 'Federative Plano for aled for ?:aD p m.l 'I'lronda-, evenlnr all tho 'natlona partie. tiel<et bulneu <who adualiY bad dor the lllPir'rialon of Profoa Etuo!><!.'' tb; May 10, a t Uae Go'f'trnment lpatlng were rltinc' fthlbltlona one of tb- tleketo and I tnd- oor Edward D. Snyder of alao May 11 Friday, who department, English tlel<eto awlmm!nc of bw>eb a ed mule. b&J>d and -rc~ of aetlvltiets eoe1a1 lndude llouae, May Prom In the Dining Hall, ProjudJiee. the of .one wu tho pnoOOJ>t!nait, I!Dd after as well u the- uaat cllaeuulon We ilad 1>een eeaud IQJDO time for 9:00-12:00 p.m. watA:hlna tho lmxeaalve apac- 0~ at the rete ! wu &mona- lesson J ohn w. Fllaht and of CUrTOnt world J)I'Ohlema. Bib- _Satarday, May 1Z · For til, formal part ot the tatle wlion anddenly tbo. ontln> tho I'UOOI:o ot ~e Third llekb. Tborau E. Drake, of the Baseball ramo, Haverford va. lkal Uterature and Hletory ~ O&tac'tea Coaq.....t meetlnr, devoted to a dil<u.a- ltadlum roae to Ito het aad lho PHC on Walton Field, 2 :110 >ion of fedentlve plana for air echoed 1n a &TUt choru- (It looked , u if thM .,..... u departments ~vely' al.oo p.m. Jodree. acted front In for J'Ot. woilld il' u 00 far Hell! 810&' Jlelll Sit&' I Europe, the two clubo hava Sier Hell Tennis match, Haverford va. Tbe WlUiam Ellia Scull Prill been ant:lc:lpatJn.- lntereallDI' .~ollowine the dlreetlon at-the of the enclosed p.......way Lehia-h at Haverford, 8 p.m. Ia contributions trom thalr two mau of arma outetretcbed In leadiDI' to the box were G<lr- eoneiste of J60 In cub and May 14 Moaday, upperthe to annually awarded pocl~ona varloua in 1>0lko faoutty actriaere, Mlaa MelaD!e aalnte, ~ aaw tn. a prlftte hal<, man Tennia match, Haverford va. the "rreatStoarck and Prof-r Edmund draped' with crimson and black of roluecl watcbtWI1eaa. But claaeman who ahowe Baptlat Seminary at Eastern and voice In achievement eat and wali;Jn&{ me kept aomethiq awutlwith covered bennen, bova who"" of , ll. SU..-_. holh Haverford, 8:00 p.m. '"•de oxtenaive otudl.-. of the be, the object of tha domOD- ..,.ln,,by loc:k, I ~ed. the articulation of the Encllah · laDCQ&C<!.~ > r.,. .. ~~ • • made bad Foehrer Der stratton. ~•abJect ••erJ-- ,..,_,.lloD A: .-n.e ders Club Ch wwCadhury Talks F Eight; China Cha-. JulesR~ Is College Visitor 1 R oy Vont Cracks Nazr,• Cordon .. And Ge#n Fueh•er's Autogra,nh == ,x= ceatttz1. n.e •ucc-•• .,.. Ha tnz me ========== College Calendar ,.. ~ Haverford News t'oun4ed F•bruary U. Urior·: ,.;ILLIAW t-t. not Ctt.un:H£1. .lhuiwu M,..,,: LAY&IHC.C D. Sn:~L S~rh EJ,tor: NAtttUC J. Zw~u•UL H,_,. Uilon: AtrrrJ D. (irouman, Robe:n P. Roch~. Matti,., S&adcn, john 1". 'l'lthmao. Al••"l El11or: M:artin. J. Oppcnhrimct. Nr., luiOt'I•Jn: Jamo F. Adam .. Jr., John N. H.a1ner, llobcn P. ~JJIO. ScaaJ. John A. SLOM. , Sf'tr-.,1 N...o,.tm Joh• lku.t.ler, jt.~li.UJ llau.bra, 0. lud Thompooo. $~/1 A.IIOC"Wim YiJU..m P. lhrhr, U, YatWD F. lou· '1.&11.b, U, Frant.d A. DuU, Jr. .t\Jtl'trlilhJI M.nqn; Bcajamio CoiiUu. Cb..lo~Jo~o /d....,.. - E. AJ<.a. inlraction of the Honor System. Tbe inatltutlon of this experiment with no ifttt:rument for enfore.. ment of the Standards of Behavior and with no meana of eallinc to account thote who may depart from the rule1 o·f the game would have been con· sidered absurd by all exeept pbiloaophleal anarchists and those who bave faitll in tbe ancelle perfect!QD of the Havertordian. Yet tbe instant theae mean5 have to be used, t he hone.t e!'orta of the entire Student Body to make the trial a aucc:e.aa are lrno~. We would not carry our text to the ridicuJous aasertion of Ilia burleoque apoloriot, tllat tbe vuJ. prity is not on the atare ~ut in the audJeace; · no•ertbtl-. it should not ba too 110uclo to expert of lllTone auoeiated witll Haverford tllat be keep actual shorteomlnct, aa well •• rumon and jesta, ia an intelli..-nt pe.rapective. Across the DeJk. Chnl•llo• /uJOCW';•: Mmhe" S. Cndl, ln.~ Lyc.cct. rllot•l'~thk Auorl.ttt O.atl• B. MOOC"C. hWiabed br eM n'*c&m.. booly of Kt•ccf«d Oollq. ...-.1, ~c tM .c.a.daak Jut. Prioulll. bf daoe ~ rn.w., C.C..paar. ., a;c.~ l' Ar~ •L £-unci • wcoa4-d• rauW' I ( lM Ar~ Pa.. hn 06ce. ..... Au. el. c.,,_, Au.pU 24, uu. 1" dlure ot tllla la&M: hila T. WIIMaaa Civilization Saved Again D.AY SIGNALB tbe formal eonclualoft of tbe moot dreadful ordeal tbt mod.e m clrlllu.· • t.iou hu faced. An utault oo tenturiu of western culture bu been tu.m ed back. Yet eomlnf &I It does -within a month of Ole paulnr of Franklin llooH· velt and within a fn days of the end of Benito ll!uooolinl and Adolf Bltler-V-E ,Oay looea mueh of Ita lmpaet. And <ho joy usually att.aehed to peaee mu&t give way to ree1lzation of another l'rlm task in tbe Far Eut. This fint victory will be ephemeral unteu the plannera at San Frane.iaco, and the millions of people they represent. aenn it. countless teuona and are willing to !hape future polic1 witll tbe chief aim, above all others, of "Preventing a recurrence. It is not the first time thew leaaona have been made ob· vlous . ""We leam nothing' from histon• except. that we learn nothing from history." But neftr havo these leuo~n 10 ctea.r and so c.tose to eO many people.- Freedom and juatice must be the basil of human society "everywhere !,n... the world." Gonmments must not look to ford as the :.nswer to eftTJ dif· ficulty. All nAtions must admit the necessit-y of •·p iritual Yalues. 'J'1hcae are radical t.erm.s, in the true sense ot the word. Bpt what is tht'l alternative! VE Auspicious Cooperation AVERFORD· SWAATHMORE RELATIONS have been strained many times in the past and a solution to diffieultiea of this sort bas not always been easy to find. Things became ao bad at one time that relations between the two colleges were 1)' auspended for 4\lmost n decade. These dlffieulttes have been brought on by •lmosl exactly the type of incidents as those which occurred last month-the aame, that is, except with regard to cost. Tho wu probably the moat eX'Pf,UJive viaita.Uon ever made to the campus or our friendly rivals. An nmieable.solution to the financial problem \\·as obvioush• n~dcd badly, and it wu found. The muai~ cal t how to be put on by both Mllege:a will not only aolvo the financial problem, but it will sen e another purpose ns well. lt ia perhopa the beat -possible way to restore friendly relations between the particl· pants. The Students' Councils of both inatitutlon• deserve g-reat credit and thanks for the remark~ able solution which they have found for our problem. H On jumping to Confusions "A ••Jie.s W........y, Ma1 t, IN$ B AVKRJPORD NBWS I'AGB TWO JEST'S PROSPERITY," ,.id W. Shakespeare, in ttie ear of him that hears lt, never in the tongue of him that mo.kes it." A coro11ar)' - stAtement regarding ill ' 1depression" would a ppear in order during the trial period of the Extended Honor System. On a number of oeculons casual re.fueMea in the NEWS to the practice of some of the libertiea permitted under the new Honor System, or edl· torials intended to Improve the working of Lhe ex· periment, have spurred critical minds to proe.laim diaaater. When a reporter puns, upepsi, women, o.nd aong," in a feature atorr on a dance, it ta labelled the .seep1110 from a Pandoi-a'J box of under· graduate earouting. The aame atth.ude hu ~n in evidence upon the r"nport to Ole 9uldance Committee of the sllrhteat Argentina Legitimized tosetllor for seorrapbleal and politleal ru&ODI, ID tbe ln!efra. Uon of a eommon platform for tet:urity, defeute ./"""> and united action. .Membenbip in Ole Uulted Natlona Ia the I!Jal atop after the ~on of Ilia ArpntiDe ....... ment. tbe United Statel haY!n.r ~baNd ito reeopltlon "upon Ole u f - ~eapaelty oJ: the ,0,.. emment to ful611 Ita oblirl\tiou u a member of a family of natlo1>1" and not upon Ita leFtimac:Y ao lnte.r pre\ed in and outside Arl'entbta. in Ole cue of ll!r. -\(olototf, hla ot.alld Ia perfoeUy reuonabla. ln tbe eaoe of lha 81 natlollo tl!at toted in favor of lha iAvitatioe, tllelr at.&Dol Ia valid and foDo•t u a matter of courM. U ~tbta bu eomplied to all ito obllratlo111 o:ad fll tho . . quiremento fo.r iueorporstlon Into lha faml!T of D!'li9lll baJ• been" fulAlled, Ilia oth~r ~n-~ftJ party muot" ~ Arpat!D& aad occ:ept ber ' '"l"onr the Uoltad Natlona. But wbe.n the time coma, let us remember that even If Aratntina hal' C9'1'PIIod wllll bet freely eon. lz. .tad obltratlona . . , - UJIOII In Lima, hnamo, aad Rio u lanollo, lha aollclarltT of tbla bemiapbuo will not ba ·t he aolldaritT at. froeclom W>W that eooporation Ia eementad in tba ro!atlooo bot•aen JOVomment.a "buecc upoo la'l!' aad upon tbo publle eonaelanee aod appronL'• A.rfentiD& will ba at San Fnu>elaeo; without doubt wholeheartedly backed by h' r people. Tbe f Hlinr Ia - n t ll>ft In the 8nal aett!ement of tho quest.ltn of reeopltloa of Arlrantina, Ole Wut· em Bambpbora bu proved that Ia not merelf a queslioo ef relatlona between tbo United States and Arfeatlna. Tbet Argentina abould be amoor the United t{atioos bu heeo and Ia Ole ambition of her democratic people. will of a rroup of na~ona, drawn .--11)' ArgentiD& bu been invited to S&D Frane!aeo. Tbe emotloll&l feeUn.r that aroae in Kexleo CitT not long aco won to tbe side of Arfe.ntin.a 81 voter-a in tbe United Natlolll AaHmbly at San Fraaciaeo. Dec:lded to win Arrllltbta ba<k to the concert of t.b• A.merlean etatel, more than lnto the gr<,up of the United Nation>, tbe I nter-American Conferenee on Problems of War and Peace, meetln& for Ar!ren· in ac.xko laot Karch. tat tba door tiu by J>Uttinr tbe Soutll Am.e rlean · republic in a position "to upreaa ber conformity witll and adberen« to tbe prlnelples &Dd declarations of tbe Conference ot Mu:leo." The Aet of Chapultepee, the final act to wbieb Argentina bod to ,adhere before beinr reincorporated into the Pan~Ameriean R. P. P. System upheld a prlneiple satiofaetory to ArS"n· tina, uthe condemnation of interv•nUon by a State in the intmal or external affaln of another," and hinted to Araentlna the neceuity of acceptin• t.he eood will dasp (rom her slater npublkl. ( Tl¥1 ,....k, ;,. tbt ilhJt"rr of ou ><&Jd., ~ The FarreU ncime, in view of the favorable w,uuJt, tb. "'""""'' T. S. FiJtlh, ,... INvt ;,vit•J ~ituation, went to war with J apan and Germany Aflr><. Cb.<tlk J• Mo,tn[>•mt of ArJm..., to [>iM"b and decided to adhere to tbe A.:t of Cbapultepee. lOt.- Eo). In the morning, when the Jloom is on the branch Continental solidarity against act or threat of ar· oW..ide my room, I be-timet take down a spoon -of gression had been achieved. After the detlaration Eno"•· Eno'a, Eno'a, 0 those eft'e"eaeeat aalts, how ol war, the long..delayed impleme:ntation of the they cheer me when I'm bleary in the morning! break with the Axit came. A apeclal American When from Gov. Bouse I do eraw11 1n my bome com· the p~edinr eommlulon arrived in Arcentina 1paru and my shawl, to the Mesa Hall up berond ing of the new ambusador. in Founder.,· it is Eno'• lOYely Mlta that wit.b.bolcJ It seems e1'ident that, more than cooperating in me from the vaulta whlob tbe DevU, Sa-tan, maktJ t.he milit.ry ae.D.Je, Argentina will a1sume the role upon my aoul ahe had In World War 1. Tbe United Natio01 a:e Enos's, Eno'a ful1 of Vitaminoes, full of aun and confronting the enonnoua p.roblem of the aliment&· gy-eenoes I adore. tion of aU Europe. The sudden German collapee I n the morning, In the momlng, I a m quite at bring.s about a tenible demand !or food. The mls· sion of Arpntina will be to ahip meat and wheat, . my boat, and { obfuscate Ole eheery toul .wbo Ia. Mominr•, mornings, ahould .be for forlomlnc1, leather a~d fruit to Europe for the relief of hungry should be full of aeornln,.._.,..t tbe rtat. and starved population.. 0 my lipetlek Ia besmeared, and my powder'a in We mirht look for tbe hidden mearlinc of tbe my ear, and my rouge *»d. blackened e,el.ida are a San Franeiaco Conference invitation to A.rJentina And ! wish to God &bo.-e, when I see the men. in the worda of boO. ll!.olototf and PadiU.. U tbe faces of . . . all the handsome !ada aud men with PoHsh question had not been at stake before both whom I Ten ... that. I eould ha•e been a dove, or the executive and steering committees, popular a lady'a aatin glove, or a man or somehow some. opinion in the United States eould have noticed that where with the fest. there are more pointe of asrreement than of differ· For the fuea of them aU, with their bodies strong enee bet.ween tho four nationa that voted ai-aiMt and tall, and their shining morni~ faees that I've Argentina's paTtkipation and: the number o:t nations aeen, fill me full of ••STY bllaa, mob me wlah I that voted in favor of it. weren't a ~iss. make me wish I weren't a Sit, but o The llex.ican Foreign, Dr. Ezeqaiel )Iarine.. Padilla, declared to the press that ••a dlstinetioo CHANE:L L£ oe. MoNTESrANT ahould be made between tbe Gol~e·mment and the people [of Arrentina]'' and expressed faith that "Argentina, havinr aiped the declaration of Chapultepec, \tould adhere to ita democratle prin· dples." The famous atatement made by President Thla coming Tbunday evenlng at 8:·00 eolle,.e Roosevelt, to which M_r. M~lotoft' to tolemoly and Ndio broadcutlnf will pall anotller milestone in eagerly referred, declared in rep.rd t.o the Ar&'entine Ita prorrua. At tllat time ,will be alred the lint crisis that: network broadcut ever to be made through eollere this aituation presents the extrao.rdlnary para· facilities nellllively. lntereoUert.ate B~tlnr doz of tho sro...U. of Nui Faaeiat lnlloenee and Syatem, the \lnion of all ~ollep radio atationa, will tbe inereuing application of Nul Fucist preatnt a network ~roadeaot lhat will be carried bY ~~·ea m~·~~:~~~ Theeth~Y iti fourtoen colleges and \lnl veraltlu throug:hoot the and aggression are drawinc ever closer to the. East. Among these will ·b e Princeton, Wellesley, hour of final defeat in Europe" and elaewhere Yale, Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr and Haverford. in the world.· Tbe paradox Ia aeeentu!ted by The program will orlsinate at Columbia, and will the fact. of whleh we are aU quite aware. that Argentina of tbe vast majority of the people be relayed to Ole eamp...,.· of the · varioua partie!· bave remained ateadfaat in tllelr faith lu their patine eolle,a. Tbe broodeaat will emanate hom own, free, demoeratle tradition~ and ln their tbe .MaeM!llan Tbutl'O on tbe Columbia campu1. support of Ole naUona .,d peopleo wbo bave and will feature a talk by tbe preddent of Colom· been rnAkin~ aueh . rrut aaerl8eea in tbe 8rht .. bla, Niebolu "ll!urray Butler. .Miaa &:ume CoDJtlk, i"gainat Nazts and Fuciata. While Mr. Molototr..t,epreaenta vlew1 le11 eh&Dfed rifted younc Amerie&D pianllt, will play worb bY Argen~ wishing 1"\,Piaae, in the course of thia weary Amorlcan eompolt'ra lncludlnf Genobwln, Grlfl'ea and tina to demonh-r ate the eincerlty of ita de.mocratte Lec:uona. Tbe eborua of the JuiUard Sebool of Mu· protest.tiona in Ole conduct of Internal afl'ain, Dr. ale will alng a coUeet!oo of Am~rieana. Padilla appeall to tbe majority of peoples that Th9 broadeut Ia feelinf tllo .,.Y for ·the>des1re not to questloo the internal aituaUon in liabmenl of f<lrU)ar network operation In the fall, or ao aoon u tba end of the war pennll:a.. TM proArs-enUna for Ole ulte of eoDtinen!fl aoUdaritT. ·'"""'will be presented at 8:00 ou Tbanday,oltaylO. Tbua, tbe inrlt.atlon to Atae•~- Ilia The Sparrow's Plume - WHAV Highlights h:r::;:::.,:! } ' PA(!B TJIRBJ! 8" VUPORD ,...,_ w~. Kar ~ ~~- -~ Alu~ni .QIIJu llele~ Fitfl!~iql JiePWt Statement Shorps JUf«t 9( lf~f fP .Col~f3. The ec;llece Alumni olllce, In conneetlon with · ito Alam.Dl Fund drift to ralae $60,000, h&a reJe•u1ed a otateJMnt cleaerQ>ing tho aodftn:e tlnan~ alfl!ation broa&'bt on by tbe ]>riMDt war. ,-~ The atetement enumere~ what It tertDa the !'I'UlfiJi amentala'• of ,the drift: ~ • " 1. '1'be Jlaye.fOl'd Alllllml Fund ~ ~ In ~JIIMr, 1944, by Yote ~ \1!11 ~ 44r soci~tloD - ~llv• ~tw at the ,.~~ pf ~} Morley. "2: The ~ ~ 1111 Fund u.· to 1!!1\ir.l -~ ~ dedclt f.ltcecl lo:r ~ CoUop dwill$ ' ~ PICio4 <d· greaUy a~Jettcl _ otu4.o!llt • · rollment. Tbe I'UDd '!l'lU be -pplied.. to eurrent Ol!ll'&tiv u- penoea whleh bav; been reduced to th~ Jo..{~ point i>oul~le cono!Jteat with wl10 - m e a t . ' "a; fte' J!jql! tak'IO the p~ of th.e prerfo,.. AIIO!fai~o"'l PiaR of alaiDJif cont!:)butl011. It wiil ·~rllte'aarl... th~ ~pt emorceney and ~,. be oi<l9pfed u .a permanent polley fl' pnerelly apprond, whiob -mo llkel7. • • ~•. lbe Alllllml Auoda~n. tbroup U. HCDituJ and ollee faoillt,looo ma!Dt&Loea · at liM GoJlep, lct.t u ~ eolleelillct~ the I'UDd ADd ,.... celveo All alktmut from It, Wl4fr u .,..n1il b..,..t,.for u~ to tile ..doua utai·~~ actlYltjea 10hlcb It hu lleiMd tori alll'i!9Jt In the put. '!'be expe111eo of tbore, of coQDa, creaUy ~uc:ed .....,I! JtAYA~ES OF W~ ..,a ft"'"" . 1942-43 ·19~ 391 450 69' 61 ~ )JESERVOm Sept. S4!pt. fie.Pt. 1941 1942 19~ Endowment, ~J YA!ue 4,388,718 4,880,188 4,889,276 Endowment, 1!ar~ :V~\le · 8,828,287 4,226,008 ~6 ~!lAND fLOW 1942-43 605,020 1943-44' ' 648,099 Total I ncome 497,478 605,020 Operating Expenses 476,501 461,164 Operating Surplus or Deficit 20,977 43,866 Reduction of Deficit by A!lumni Fund, Percent 648,099 646,602 1,496 1941-42 497;478 Operating Income Accumulated Deficit RED FIGURES 1941 . 1942 92,210 70,1!14 19.44-4G 182 40 'll\e &P, ~d JXUs QI~ aDd the Jmm • Vmlt;¥ l!ljly~ Club will present G. Bernard ShaW'~ "Anna and tbe Man" with musical prelude by l!roteuor A. Pepinalcy' and orche8q,i, in Rob~ 1;1~ at 3:00 p. m.eharp. (AClm:is.$ion f!'e!l)· 1946-46 1 ? Sept. 'nlere will be no evening program and no dinner will l:!e served. . . 1~44 4,467,143 4,678,053 Ettimated of ~ril J, 1946 - 1944-:46' 1946-46 881,720 276,089 40,000 80,000 871,720 306,jl69 416,~72 ~.664 43,ft;2* ,79,475° 48% 27% ~s 4ctw>:l Est. Income, Alumni F\md ~ Saturday, June 2, 1945 from the pre-war level. , ' . "5. There !J no ael amount The Alumni Day program will be somewhat for ~nJ contribution to the .F~d. The minimum to cov~r - curtailed this year due to war conditions but the 'su!ioeril'tlon to 'the Hav¢~ follo)vin' evenbl-are pll!nned a11d aJI alumni withNE'f.S io 12.00. !:wry '¥1' 1•. in r.easoilable travelling distance of.Haverford are ~Od ~ aite ..~~·~· b!J Incordially invited to be present; tereot ability l!'ay ~\etale a =br !1Q:ded iO proTide !Qr an Graduation exercises, Roberts Hall, 11 :00 annual t to Hanrford In hlo • bDCicet. Sueb 81ft b, LIJL of "l!¥ne, a d~!litlble Item on Mr. Norman 'lbomas will deliver the &mFedaral l!!c.c!m' ~ retllrlll. . "If. ·~~Of ._,rll lO, -~6, til• mencement ad'drell8. ~"y!!'qrd AlllqlJ!l Fuli4 ~ at~~ fwD~~ ·sol!AAII· Luncheon, 1.2 ;80 P-UB· tqre, c~~~J~p~IJI( 14-.f" .qf the Meeting, Union, 1 :'l5 ~® !J!IP.J i!:w!l~"*"-'1 · . p.m.Alumni Aesociation , ., .. •. , The report IIW, preu11tt tho actual root of the collep • ' . · · Cri~et. T!!, In~on 9f Builllings 1!4'd ~!!1 d~u)tl'!l In ~~tl'jt call,o, , Grounaa, Lillrary ~~ ~ ~hiWbi, ~. "The S~ry !!' Fi&U<!s": 2:39 p. II!· !Pd ¥ a ~ial feat\lre: 1941-42 Student EnrQHment Faeulty E~Jli!t~t ALUMNI DAY PROGRAM • • ~ ®~~ •.neticit 1943 26,630 1944 24,772 ~ 1945 64,QOOt U:Otlmated Alumni OfficeQ. Jlogt Gets Hitler's Autograph recognize in a crowd. a plain, aimple man. J tbou&ht of· An - olft<ial soddenly departod his surpr!Jing dual personality, T0 Be Elected . . from Hitler's box and •• be wbieb 1 had t een reve.led a t C.,lln4'~ ,,... ,..,, 1 And The . annual. "!'eetin.g or hthlde c~me out the men snapped to tlery orations when he 'lbeld :.:\lumm AaaOCtation wtll .be e llttentioa. While they "!ere muses of people spellbound m the Haverford Un1on on otandlnll ~ suddenly -;valked mto with hb ranting and shouting. Alumni Day. June 2, 1944, for tht panage f rom .wbi~b the of. He wa.s smiling now but through the electl~n of olllcere, and ouch ftclal bad emerpd. In<:redlbly the plalnne11 qf hio features other as may properly enou.g9, another barper had shone a burning, malignant look. come befote the ~eetlne-. . bet!n pasaed.. Auto,.raph of Doomecl ~an The .Nomina~ <:omm1ttee The most 1mpoala&' remained. The meeting -w aa brief; I forpresents the ~following nomina- Here were two sets of big tunately had a memo book with tions for oftleera and memben doors Jeedlng into the baek of me and as be ca17'e I held it ou't Q( the Executive Committee of t.he box and in front of the ftrst with a pencil hoping to get s ome the Alumni Association for the stood the. elite, black sbirted token whereby the other f ellows coming year: S. S. troopenl. Their leader mieht j)eU~:,ve my bntastlc tale. President, Edward A. Ed- see)\\ed inereduJo·u s that I was Without a word he realized wards 'OS· tst Vice P~Uident, even thtre, but I managed to what wu expected, serawled Jnmes' IP. Maaill, '07; 2nd Vlee remain by etriking up a eonv~r· quiekly and"stiU smiling P,a.u ed < President, ;w!llard E. < Mead, '26~ oatlon with him. I!Je knew ht- by. · Save jor his greeting the 3rd Viee !President, G&rrett S. tle English, 1 lit~le GerJ!1An, so enc<Junte.r was a silent ·one. Hoag, '23; trreasurer, Welter C. I talked .fluently 1n. Enghah and Alone h·e had walked out and Baker '32· Seeretary, .Brinton somehow got the 1dea over to throqgh the avenue of guards to H. S~ne. ' him that It might be his awaitingMercodes :Benz,and > Members ot the <Executive licity it I could Loll my fnendo been driven off. Quickly I totCommittee .t o ierve for three that ~ had been allowed to apeak rowod his path through the aveyears · Josepb <; Birdoall '0'1· to ·H1Uer. 'His reserve broke a nue of men holdln& off the Wilm~t a Jone; '23· (a.:rmo~ little as I talked of my tour and preuing crowds end departed A Yerkes '25 ' ' we convereed together, rea&- also, in my pocket the 'barely · ' ·• suringI~ Implying that he might recognizable "Adolf Hitler" of ·Member ot the >Executive comply with my wish. Finally the evil gerllus wllo built and Committee to All the unexpired he told me that tonight Hitler saw an empire crumble around ler!" of, James P. Magill who would depart through thb exit hlo f..,t, and whose death lo ;cs1gned. •Herbert 1. Painter, instead of two othen ·h e could screamed across today's vlotor18. use &nd my luck. peraiated. He , toua -headlines. · Member of the Exee.utlve would allow me to remain for Conimlttee from the Claaa of the ex!~ and I stood there un1946 to ae"e one year: George searched. :Uontlf()mery, 1r., '46. · • Inn« MaU,nanee Vial.ble The ollleero ud· members of After a short period the t he Executive (:ommittee are etralna of ller Fuehrer's favor1890 eleeted~·by vote of those preeent ite m&rch, tho BadenweUor, Jonathan ¥- !!Uere baa b;een at tho annuel m..,tl.... broke out with the furiously impassioned Slog !Helling. ~ elected chairman of the P&rk I pa,.ed throu&b the ~rot set and Recreation Board of Havof glus dooro AdOI.t !Hitler en- erford Townohlp, Delawore Notice to Alumni tered throu&h the far set or County, Pennsylv.ania. Alumni Notes · ~rder f~Uitate In bl .. chanrea lu Itt eiic:ulatlon files, tho NEWS - t a that aU ,a!Wf!lll! particularly !lav&t penonne , who notify <t of a ·~ In mallina' ad~, PI- Hod to••~• =· seem ~~t, ~bl~h':ad:~~ ·~ Edwa.i9~"'-MIIier,hao taller than be actually 1 been on hoard the same dewu•• We were both completely s troyer, tht USS Foote, for tho sut:Pr!Jed to - each other, ADd pnat two and one-half years. J wu eVen more aurpriaed when he rel.sod hla arm, aeld !Hell •Hit-~ 1937 ler, arid advanced, slowly, omU- lf.r. and~ Mr.. Bam 8. HopetrcUJ& . on CW1a&*l' "'"'r inf. ·' ~. U, OI Bryn \are re!orqr , ~91;11 w::itb ...their · -- iHe atruck. me u an ordinary reebing cOnaTatulattona on the •neW.l~· · • ..;,.,, one .you wollld meet OD birth of a d&ujbter, Ellaabe '--""""---~~--.....: t.he street, one you· wouldn't Clar\nda IJ.opper, on April' 18. 11 '"wr, .sMORT M~SSAGE OM LONG DISTANCE •f ' } ~ere are many more Long DistaDce can. than before the Will' and more are in a hurry. But JerYice keeps oi:l being godll foe moet people, moot of the time. Some !ina, however, are anying an extra heavy load and tometimea all lighu are lit on a owitchboard. Then the operatoc will uk your hdp by Nying - "PleUe limit your call to 5 miautea." THE BEL~ TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA w........,..,, Mar •· I I'AGII IOOJl tNI =--,-- Club .. . eo..-,_..., ,, Fordian Netmen Friends' Gmtral Main.liners Lose 'Second Tilt FolllllMn producecVtbo eh&nges in ilie Defeats Fords As Elizabethtown Wins, _ 15-9 Chinese ro•omm&Dt !rom ljlA Drop 3-l Match . poat .. ....... of old..t Crippled by a lacl< of ·~rto.:'rdS..=~-M~~~·~;.; ~~;i..w!rk!f~f:~n.C:J:S Chlneae:Amerlean In power, the Havvford College again met defeat, this time at home. The Fords 1eemed to To Swarthmore Canton. . _ • ~m bowed to otrongu the bands of the .El~abetbtown laek the pun<.h they b&d earlier Dr. Oadbury ·poiDtod out ho"' ~tal • 0 <ra.ok The Haverford College tenms Fnends Central aquad, 78 to nine b the score of 16 to 9. in the game u they left elabt under tning ~-- thto team tra\·elled to Swarthmore 39, on W~eaday, May 2' at Even ttough defeated the Main men atranded on baae in:thtlut count>y bad belped the- Chlneoe on Wednesday, May 3, to play Walton Fi«fl~. The Forda ex· IJners show-ed a marked im· three innings. ~rovenimenta ·I n preventing the ita second match of the aeuon. celled only tn the field event!!, p!Vi"ement over their f ormer elCia • - Tak M DC! tmperialiatle uploltation of The home racketeers, drawn the pole vault and tho hurdles, ' , """" H ou that nation. from the berraeka of the Navy and Coaeh Pop Baddleton bad forte./. ' · Bema1.eln started on tho Aaerlcau Alli'.E4acatlool V-12 Unit s tationed at Swarth- to be t;untent with a mediocre ElUabethtowD Seore& Earl7 mound for the Fords and plte.h· Elizabethtown's fuat score ed aood baU, allowin&' onlr ftye Ame.riea i• a leader ln ~eduea. mort , were t.oo 1puch lor the showing in the other eventa. F ords, who suffered an 8·1 de· Central, relying on the fleet came in the am inning by put· ruu and the same _number of tlon 1or Chlna, aald Dr. Cadfeat. Greenfield broihero, took botb tlng together two -lks and basea on baUe, u.ntU he was ~ 'hu17, not onll' for tbe worlt of J ohnson Lose~~ Cloae One fint and .second plaee in the two ground outa for a run. moved for a pinch hltte.r in the Amerlea.n seholan &Ad mluion. The first mat<~, 1 whi~h found dashes, run• and jumpo. The Elizabethtown held thlo lead un· filth inn!~. ~ Ct.yton, nor- t,!iet iD China, but also fe>r tj>.e Dave Johnson pa1~ wath John t·wina alone garnered 88 po·l nta, til HaverforU on two :free pass- the team • .,hortatop, fin· lmprual~e NIUlta of~ Est<>y, · an ex-Hayerford man. and .the Centralitos, although ea and hit.. •by<Moseo, Kato, and iobed the game anclowu charpd aehol&r?hlPI' that han ctven to was very close. At the close no outstanding tal· Segal netted two runa in the with the losa. !J>. Lefever went the ChineN oppOro! the sec?nd set the tally wao cnt, were ab~e to capture ~· first hall of the fourth, but ..w the wh~le -Y for IEl~· t'unltr lo ..S.It tbo U!rl\e!l Statea knotted w1lh seorea of 0..7 and meet. by tbetr aupedority m t.heir 1~ eral ed w.heil Eliu· town, g~vinc up eleven lutl and and atudJ at Amenean schools &.1. Hnvel'lord's nu.mber one the number of ciode.r · bethtown aeored four more run& eleven walka. a and ~u.n.iTenitiet, transferring !"an gained an euly. advantage men. with two errors, two be.zea on Haverford a.b r h • the high ~ level ol the an the last aet, bu.t h1s opP,Onent Bob Baker gathered 16 potnta balls, and twoJtita, one of whieh Steefel, 2b ..................6 0 1 1 American lnl~tioDI to the finalJy o~e.rtook h~m to a:o on to for the Mai'r:Uinera u he swept was a double. ~However, not to Collin,!~, If .............- ...6 1 3 1 Chinese uni.TertJ.tlM. . • a 7-5 Vletory, g>vlng Swarth- tht field event&, but he lacked bo olrtdone, Banrford eame Ryan, d ...........•,.........4 0 1 0 Out of tho ChiDeae revolution more the first nuoteh. tht support to roll up any aub- bacl< in their half of the ll!th Clayton, sa .....• •........6 0 0 0 tbat establltbed tho ropuhlle In M~eolm. Cameron went down stantial to·tal. Dave Thomas inning and ecored aix l'lml on !M:oaea, ·rf ....................6 2 1 0 ~ came a trend towarda to defeat _1n two seta ao be copped the high and low two errore, one f - ride to first Kato, 3b ..............•....6 2 II 0 polltleal oqWI'7, natlo~ . indropped his r_nat<h by .seorea of hurdles, and Haverford rained beae, and hlta by Collins, the J>avia, J.b ·················• ·"' l 2 2 dependence and oeonouu~ JUO· 6-2 and 6-1; 1t w~ ev1dent thst complete control of the pole ,f irat of three for -.,Buttereup," S-egal, ~ ......................( 2 2 2 tl~ tor ,all, renltin.&' m the he was not up to h1~ ualJ!ll form. vault. but five third places were Frank navia, Sepl, and Collins Be.rn.atem, p ...............1 0 0 0 Ch.meae ~pira't;Jon .of the pan Har.ley Groos. '!as Ukew11e beat- the boot the Fordlana could eke again. Here the game ,... aZweiller ................... 0 .1 0 0 three deeadM. China lo the en m the mmnnum number .of out in the running events and haJted by rain, ·but in &bout ten bMead ....................._...0 0 0 0 loaical _trfend of the United sets •• he sdropped two With the jumps. minutes ac:tlYity ..... araiti' ,..,. cRoehe ........................1 0 0 0 Sta~~ .... ~· aah:rted aeores ~;p. Sallor The au-ary: sumed on the El~'hethtown ~t-...-.r ";!!~ld will to b~: In the tenaest cont.eot of the 100 yd. Daah-1. Don Green. ~amon'!4 ·l tbwu ~· weathe.r aBattod for Bernatein In 5th China to tbe limit of our posaftemoon, Bob Clayto~ brought field (FC), 2. Doug Greenfield di~~ e t 1 day • play 1 0 !>Played for Bernatein in 6th 1ibWtles, and more Important 0 ~~v-;,~:~ !i:.J~!YtwU::":'n!'a~~~~ \f~_}· 8. Thomaa (B). Time: ~e home . team, ~ter oeeing cBat:ted for,Mead In 9th ~tt':."":. ~b'b':! seta o! hard tenni• he subdued ~20 yd Daah-1. DoD& Green- thetr WIJ'ed out, c:o~me baek El1Jabethtow11 ahaU be the taak of aupporting 1 10 his sailor opponent. 7-6, 9-7. field (FC), 2. Don Greelilleld !-0 .ife ~etr ~Udaf the~ Myers, u ....................4 1 ·o 2 China In the advocation of a Bill Borris was aloo quite even· (FC), S. Thomas (B). Time: mrung : -\ puo e allover •• Bucher, rf ..................4 2 1 0 guaranteed peaceful boundary ly matehed, but blo man eopped 24.8. . ~"i,. w 10 . eventu }! tc!'rov":! Bneh, lb ....................S 3 1 0 with Rnaola. • the firot two sets with oeores 440 yd. Run-1. D'Aleaio th F ':;"'f'n e~o~ ten J. Le!e~r. d .......... .3 3 1 0 Prom..t Abu1U1J PrNent of 6-4 and 6-S. Dan Olivier (FC) , 2. Dou11 Greenlleld (FC) , . e or 1 n theeai; :;,• EOhlemann, e ............6 1 1 0 Amonr thooe preoant at 'tbe worked manfully to put Baver- S. Vedova (8). Time: ~7.7. tneu::;~ 0 . tory, ' ea ~ D. Lefever, p ............6 1 1 0 amoker were PraideDt Eme.rford beek In the running, but 880 7d Rwl-1. Spatula (FC), total1?urU:o"t...... ~wb to Benbey, Sb ................6 1 4 2 !till William Wlstar Comfort lost two hard-fought seta, 9-7 2. Randall (FC), • 3. D'Aleslo f e~r h"ta ~n bu e .,..i;;u d~d 1\Vhitaere, 2b ............2 2 1 1 Edward A. Edwards, '08, prui: and 6-1. (FC). Time: 2:26.7. J:urd 1 an ;.b eFordn • 1 Markey, U ..............•.S 1 1 0 dent of tha Alumni Aas<lcia· With the tournament already Mile Run-1. Randall (FC), e am~ge. e o iano had a!Haldemann .....•........0 0 0 0 tlon, Dr. Frederle C, Sharpleao, out of their graap, the !d&ln- 2, Spatula (F C), 3. Miller (B). t';"tl~nak.:!gaQ,fll.• rally ln the - - - - member of tha Board of Man. 0 0 linen' spirit !<!emed to lag, and nme: 6.08. w n 1n.s doubled and '34 16 U 5 aaers Or. IRufua Jf. J ona, they failed to capture any of 1210 yd. Hlrh BIUdleo - 1. !tY&n~ :;:_yton ;walked, load· aBatted for J . Lefever h 9th who i'ntrod.....t the 1peaker for 1 the doubleo mat<hu. Jobnoon Tho!D&I (B), 2. Crate (FC), 3. dng !;., _. Wlth onlr one t.he .....,, and a nwnl>er of and Clayton ...,t clown to do- Quinn (FC). Time: 19.8. own, t w.e best they oould profaooon emeriti and other feat in two fast seta, 6-1 and 2100 Low Hanll-1. Thomaa IHSIJRAMCB JPOtl 8TUDJIIIITI' alumni !rom tho Philadelphia Q;,:';;.; .;> 'b: 40 912 8 :f;;l'.r::J. /:k U,"· to:-l.ngCU:fi::t:: b~-6~ ~i.2.(~J. G=e~~J~C), S. IIJie ""-t7 · Lld8ltr area. ~~:! ~ t':.!'~ ;;:"~ Do~..!.ru;~~~';; Haverford Pharmacy j. B. LoDpa"e ford'a third pair, Barrio and Jim Jobnaon oueumbed with scores of 6-3 and 6-0. Although the Scarlet and Blacl< tort the tournament by 1 ;:'• .,'; S!':Jh~o~e =~ ~; team emerged from Ita ddeot strongly determined to pot up a berter ahowing in the next conteot. • w.- Greenfield (FC}, S, Wheeler Ul llltnet (H). Dist.anee: 17 ft. 9~ ln. BotaiAI o1 B-.y W ..._ p D ft!Wel~ RUDDlq IIIP J . .p-1. • • • Yarnall (FC), 2. Don Green· flinrf... P-Inal& field (FC), 8. Crato (FC). 6 2 He11h:b_ ~ ...:. 1. Baker . Pri.criptiom r..tahliaMd 11'11 (H), 2. Thomu (F C), s. Crate . HOPPER, SOLIDAY ACO (FC). Distance: 44 ft. DrUfll and Sundne. Hemhora Plilla. 8toet ~ Diecne Tluow- 1. Baker (B), INVIISTI(BNT IIIX:UJil'nES 2..Thomaa (FC) , 8. Crate (FC). Plo-. ~ tUI 1UO WalDa! lllnet Distance: 110 ft. PBlLADELPBIA sf!t. Baker(B),I';::::~;::::::=====~=========::~I~~~~~~~~~~~~j - ..G~oacr- 2..Ja.elln Thomaa Tluow-1. <FC>. a. erate <FC>. Distance: 130 ft. 8 in. Pole Vault.-1. Sandera · (B), Ill a NOl'aal Y 2. Sangree (B), S. Walters (B). to GraduU. Bater 40 CoU.C. Height: 8 f t. 6 l n. . UT.S - · " scHOOL · ~,_ c...... .... Breoad O.U:u al Bell- I LJt.. X..aal Tnlalaa. D • ·•• &eeae.s... 81M11 Werk ....., ...... ••.u..... Eastman, Dillon &: Co. Bo7• - · Obt. b1 U... Ia_.. w-boo DLM.rtalaalhll' ...,...... EDdo,...oat, 101-Aae Caa· Bes an o_.... ...,.._ p._ E. S. Mccawley &Co., In~ Haverford, Pa. Pll~NTE1l •"" ENGMV!1S CURJtENT BOOKS OP ALL KINDS FieriON RENTAL LIBRARY COu.EGE TEXT BOOKS FOR RAVEJU'QRD COLLEGE ct RJT'I'BNBOUBE PLACB AJlDIIOIUI . Phone Ardaor• 17M $rrwbll llw .Wft U.. 0wT fO y,., ao,.. •4 Olrll ARDHOIIB lllT W • I Y YeW' • 80BOOL ........ ,,.. .... Maltrtablel1 W ~ pht& Y - " ) ( - o1 Pri•dtl (Ardl . ., :::r=:.=·oo~~~~::- ~V:a:a::tt.;• ts~ .la,J1:ae...... ooaua'Gillt7 aett-.10. 011 • r: I.&X&I Jr. ~ Phlla.. Pa %%5 8 Fifteenth 8L Ardmore PriDtiDg CompiDy · ~r=~~~ N<Y Yodt s-l ....._ aCoke r---- IDvmtmem. PU. %5 al... f . - Plalladol· phiL 10 allea froa orr-to... O • .&. WUTOifo .&.. lL Pt1aelpe.l ~o place ~e hom~ ... Have ,.... tb&l m M4 Uile AppnT&I e f Uile KHt Cart~ hll. AUTOC"AR of Ardmore . fll1a"'8 fW1D Wltll woodlot~ !'.1.1...._ p.u,_...a. 1&M. .od w.-... ....._ .......... p--., •.. a swing sessiQtl at our house A Jood ..., to_put "•'--• OD die ....... your·il CD haft -...!.~ld eoa.cot. iD ihe refrisen<or: &;. • c..N Jwt Datat&lly meaoo s . - f / - - o r y.r,..JJU - f/IWJ-'Iy. WI><)'OWIS loU.. meet !or • IODIJ f .... chiD r... en ....Us J...:old Coa.Cot. il tbeit f701bol of a>mpoolooohlJ>' ....wo. IOMID UNDO AUnfOinT Of na: C()(A..(Ot.A t:IJMPIHt IY PIULADBLPBL\ COCA..()OLA BOTI'LING COKPANY 'J