Document 1927248
,_ ' HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 37-NUMBER 10 Neuman Headi Speaker's List For Fall Fonun The I nter·Fait.h Forum of Haverford CoUer:e hao announced Ita eebedu.le tor the remalnder o·f the c:olleae term. Tbe Fall aerlee ol •-ken of repr eMntative !altha will be concluded ln the ftnt two of • ARDMORE, PA., WEDNESDAY,NOVEliBER 14, 1945 Fall Dance Bids To Be Available RY H. RoBEaT l..uDAY Tkkela for the annual Fall dance, the ftnt aemi-fonnal af. lair to be b41d th!Jo term, will go on sale thia weelc, annoaneed Robert F. Clayton, eha.lrman of the Dance Committee. Lara-e Turnout &pee~ Tho Committee, eompoaed ul S2.00 A YE.U College to Hear National Symphony; Program Will Feature Kabelevsky ~. To Conduct Na tional Symphony Russian Symphony Provides Contrast To Three Classics t,heae lecture•, and tho remaJn- ~layton, John T. Whitman, WilThe National Symphony ing pror:nuna will be dedicated ham P. Barker, Robert P. Orchestra. under the dlrec:tion a aummary of the Inter- Roche and Nathan J . Z"eiJier, of Dr. Kindler, will p~ Faith movement. hu aue<eaafull;y comple~ plana ae.nt a concert in Roberta Hall on December 12 at four p. m. Se•lnary o . .d To Speak ~~a!!u~:-:i..tedtrum~ In arranging the program Dr. On Novemb4v 18, the Forum ter J i.m.toy Ray ancl hiJo talented Kindler has expressed a dea'Jro will present Dr. Abram Neu- ten-piece ordleatra on tho man, preoldent of the J ewloh FOUDduo' Hall lloor Satun\&1, !:ort~nta ~fanco!~~~~~r~ Tbeolocleal Samlnar7 of Phlla- Nonmber twenty-fourth. DinDimitri Kabel..vaky, a comparadelphia ancl an aeltoowledr:ed !ng-room walla will echo the tively new and unheard comexpert on the blatovy ul Juda- amooth aweet aoc1 awidt eeleiposer, whoae aecond symphony ism. Dr. Newman will a rrive tion• of RaJ'• Pb.ll.Melpbla will be leatW'ed in lhe Jut hal! at Haverford at the end of a vicinity tavorltea while claDeYof the program. lecture tour, <luring whleh he will be 1 ;;.;u;;;d by voeal11t Three Others Included hu apoken before a ucllenua Saoclra Stewart'a melocllou.s tbroucbout the Eaat. Hio au!>- voiu Tbe appeannce ot tho Nn· ject will be the baale betleta ancl Atira.Uve tlcltet tiona.l Symphony Orchestra in ritual ul J udaltm, ancl the $3.50 admluloo per the Haverford Collego audiorigin aacl ol~nlfteaoee of both. the rtag-<liacouraclng torium will be tbe firat conce.r t given by a 1ymphony orchestra .. On November ~· Father ai.nalea abould pro"Ytde Eu,.ene A. Kelly, of the inducemmt for enthual<ie atalong the Main Line or at St. Colman's Roman Catholic tenclaoco at thiJo feotlve alfalr, neighboring collegea in pnhapa Church of Arclmore, will addnu whkh promiteo to be bl~hly .,. ten yean. Arrnngementa for the Forum on the fundamental tertalnlog. Th!nty palleto may tickets f or Jtudents. faculty beliela . and practice ul the be welt.ecl with fruit poneh and outsidE-rs are to be an· Roman Catholic Church, u well served with an uaortmeot ;J 1 nounced later. aa the hlatorieal haa!Jo lor theae. eooltlee throughout the evenlnr. ~-------The firal hal! of the program Father Kelly has apoken be.fore Faculty to Qaperone will consist of the Overture audienc.u at m!Ln~ of, the col. Women'• perm.iaalon la &T&nt-. from Teseo. by Handel. the lege.a of this VICDit.y m rece.ot ed to the entire student body Brandenburg Concerto Number yean. . by the Stvdont Council, alneo'-------------~----------- 3, by Bach, and the Symphuny Number 88, by Hoydn. }'ollow. Lowl• Coney o! the Haverford the danee eonatitutea tha per, lng the intermiuion tho Seeond College- malntalnanee crew will mwihle "featlve oceaaloo." The Symphony ol Kabelevaky will addHM the Forum on Decem· fortunate )l'O\I.q I"'UU.a:tan wbo _..... _ "'· _ _s-. ,_ _ _ be,.,mmoecl:-· Tho ftrat perber aecond. eoncy is o grad. wtu have out.-of.. town rem,nine formance of this work by the uate ul Pentu~ylvanl&-Stato Col- gueata are advlaed to eoataet GEORGE F. FlNOU. JR. JSCUSSe Soviet eompo~er was in 1U34 at le~. and has· been"Very active professors r eaidlng on the in the paat few yean in the eampus for overnight accom· The International Relations the Moscow Consenatory under for ~licious unity. modationa. The NEWS )ohu the tOI· Club met at Bryn Mawr on the direction of AJbert Co.1tn. lle will speak on " What the Probable faeulty Jpge in extending ita de-tpat Thursday. November eighth, Hearing Fi rst In Philadelphia Inter-Faith li"oium Should Mean for the evening, relates The Second Symphony has and di.&cusaed t.he backgrou:&d eympa.thy to M r. and ~Irs. of tbe Spanish Civil War. An been heard in Boston and New to Haverford College." man Clayton, will include D. Bard Tbompaon, chairman ing President and Mn. Arc.hi· Geor&:e F. Finc.h on the tracic introductory speech waa made York. but baa a s )•et not been o! lhe Inter-Faith Forum. will bald Maelntoah, Profeaaor ana by Robert P. Payro, followed perfonned in Philadelphia. •'The address the Forum on December Mrs. Cletu.a 0. Oakley and Pro-. son. Georl'e by a round·table diacuasion. Second, lyrical u.nd meditAtive ninth. Tbompaon will explain feasor and ltfn. Francia C. 11le next meeting of the I. R. C. in character, a said to be the univenal spirit In religion- Evan.a. The orclle.atra will be-will he held hero on Thunclay autobiographic:al and is gencr· the filteenth, when a Bryn Mawr aUy regarded a.s his mott char. how the Jo.I ~~!,Jo~.t~ ,\~estem ~i~ P..~t~"~t a~w~~~ :!;~~~;::~ J speaker will talk on tho oeo- acteristic.•· Contimacd on pjJ:C .. nomie issues behind the Spanish problem. The I. R. C. at Haverford ia now working in preparation of Boa rd Of Managers the eluh'• policy at the &!other League Coolerenee, which will Meets Activity Heads be held at Lafayette Coller• BY S..U.Y HoVEY Repreentativ-es of the Alumni next March. At the meetio¥ During the past ;week the A.aaociation to the Boord of NEWS ~unded out ita 1taU by I "The trouble with \T.N'RRA is iers 1tarted on mail routea, put. of the Haverford Club lhe IliOn- Managen inte.rviev.·ed heads the etectlon or J~hn R. M. Hau- , •. o basic that we had best wind ting out direet.oriea, and in gen- ben will decide which country of aU e.xtra...curriculn the activitiu they will represent at the con· ser as News. Echtor , D. Bard up, and start over," according eral being me-n of all ..·ork. on campus, Friday, November terence. Thoml)'!lon aa Busi~eas Manager to Life :Uaguine. The giat of Is it worthwhile, all, If the seriea now being ,-iven 9. Messrs. Paul Miller, Nelaon a!l~ Charles M~Cu1re at Ad!er- newspaper editorials, exeluding when Aimie Jsgrig "i.s tucked West I ll, and Charle'l\_ Rlltlne t~mg Manage r. Tbe elec~aona the New York Times and the away in the little lnndkreis of o·n the Spani.ah problem con· conversed with1 student/ lender& took plnce. on Tuesday m~ht, Wruhington Post, would seem to Ebe~berg, thirty.two kilo- tinues to have Ita preaent back. on topics that affect the rein· November sixth! . nt a meetmg indicate that t.ho fortY~ four na· meters from Munich 1" Aimle ing. a speaker from New York between the Board of will be invited to talk on the of the entire NEWS st.nff. tions should not hove created is on an UNRRA team up Managen and the s tudent body, ~oh(L Hauser is a .graduate of UNRRA, thnt these nations for the forty-!our nlltionn.llties. program of tho Spanish Ex!Je nnd Hstenl'd to the opinions of ~hlwaukoo Universit y ~hoot, 3huu1tl nut huvu sunt a upplte3 ns well as political pr1sonon Government for tho evenhaal the undergrodunteJt on the gen. establishment of a. constitutional where he wna Editor·in~h•~ of and R & R at.udonts over to 'Eur~ from Germany, Austria and eral college situation. t he ~chool newspaper. B~1des ope. Certainly it would have Hunpry. Unlike the descrip. go\·ernment in Spain. The Boord of Managers repreworkmg for the NEWS. he IS a_n been better if a aheaf of letters tion• in the UNAAA·SHEAF sentatives will Mar a r eport on active member ol .the RadJo f r om R ~ R.s had not been wait.. guides, · her group Is working Hal/lclty QlWta Met the achievements of the confer· ~1~;~-b. Btlore aasu.m1n~ the po.. ing fo·r Douglas Steere when he with about one thousand DP's ence at their next meeting. SIUon of Ne~a Ed1tor , he was 4 returned from Finland. loc:ated in aundry little towns In Red Fealher Drive ~ewa Auoc.1ate for three terms. G' lt Do M • W k and fat'n\3 and two camps Com· D. Bard Thotl)piOn formerly " en • or f ort O.ny of lhe ftnt ·R & R Collections l or the 5nt week College Calendar served aa Newa Editor before But would it have been bette-r Unit. is w~t o1 Munlcb in Pu- of the Haverford College Coal· )"eeeivinl' hit present position after all. if Betty Keith Freyotr, sao one of tbe foeal point.a for JDnnity Cheat Ori\'8 totaled Thursday. ~ove.mber 15 as Buaineas Manager. He b in Ruth Anderson and Nancy Cun· mi~ion to Eastern EUl'Ope three hundred dollart. D. Bard 7:30 p.m., Bryn ~tawr, his al.xth term at Haverford. He ningham were not in Germany Rebek h Taft fa llvinr with ~ Thompson, chalnnan of the Rosemont, Hn\•erford Inter· is the head of the lnter~Faith at U'iNRRoA Headquarter~! All Germ:,. family in Munich and drive, estimatea that each sub. natioal .Relations Club in Forum, proaklent of t ho WiUiam three girls agroe that they working ln the B eadquarten of .-eriber contacted date has Government House. Topic:: W!stor Comfort Debating So- would rather be In the field the Eaatern Milito Dlotrlet paid on an average of lour dol ··~Economic Problema Behind c:icty aod Student Chairman of working with Displaced Parsons1 running a Reportl ~ Statistic; lara and twenty.ftve centa-our S panish Civil \Vnr." tho Havor!ord College Com· but the UNRRA offiee in Hochat Department Tho last of the goal IJo five dollars u tho quota Saturday, Novembu 17 _munity Cheot Drive, whleh . !Js neecls puson~el. Tho proJect Munich-Bay;,rlan group, Prill l or eaeh Hanrforcllan and oor 3:00 p.m., Debate with Got· now ln progreu. Before commg n~eds, nceordmg to Nancy ~· Kran:ter il an Atsistant Wei· total student aoal ll ft!Utn t)-sburg in Union Hnll. Top. to Haverford, Thompson was nmgham, "peoplo who aro w1ll· fare Otfieer in Kau:tbeuren In hundred dol..lan. ic:'1Sixty Million J obs ...Ed.itor·in--cbief of the news- ing t.o gd rid or UN.RRA'a weak the Munich area There are three wee.ka rc· .2:30 p.m., Soeeer game paper at Merce.r aburg Aademy. apotA instead or merely talking B uard.s & Them malning f or the drive; if more with Swarthmore at Swarthmo,._ of~ !:r?~areln"the 'A~:ari. :e~~~l;j~in~r s!::~~ :~ Would it. been ~t..ter U ~b~~ietb!:i:uc!:C.beor: ~h: c~~= Novtmber 18 can Pleld Service. He wu ell•- less Important organization ~'1: ~ hP:r~ d•apla:: ata!lmeot plan. Fint retOnls Sunday, 7:15 p.m., Inter-Faith Forcharyed th.l l aummer and ente.r .. which is already on it. feet." So ~ Y•lha aea · are for aeeond, third, fou.rth. eel Hanrford Ill September. Be- Nancy IDd Ruth Anden10n are ~mse1ves 1n e 1our men tlxth and eighth entries of o~~a!f:uUeur!t !on entering the aervlee Me- In tho A<IIJilnlatratJve Services ~-~tny aobocl AUWend·;l (At Lloycl and for North Barelay, Judaism." Guire attended Caao School of cllvlsloo, Mttlog up o!lleeo aocl .....,, z.a poor Y ~ got with third entyy Lloyd eonApplied Science In Cleveland. equippint them, gettlng courc..Jhtful " ..,, ' tributing one hundred per cont.I L - - - - - -- -- - - J to !r:•. 1Snanish Problems 0 o· d b y IRC movement 01 1 Officers Elected IPublic Clamor Against UNRRA To NEWS Posts Fails to .Deter R & R,s Work tiona to lave :!""" ln in':• --------- ~ I'AG I!! TWO Haverford News .... und~ In the Editor's Mail F•bt"U&&'7 U, Uti ( Llllns to liN UUtH' H o~ £:lit~ : JlouaT P. Rocu& B•Ji.,n J Af'"'411t't : 0. l u.o THOWP'tOII Spotlt E.JHor. N.u·u~rc J. Z•on.L& Cnni.Jr~tl'l• M••41JN: Nra"l f./ilor~: jJ.~~XS Mo N'Il.OI! E. Al.tHau. F. Adanu, johf'l A. Storw, Jobn T. WlLit· 1\l•••l £/•trm Gcor&• E. Jl\IJf. Nt .. , Au«Uttt: john D. Trdunkh, HeMy '11. l..cT~ P. juna 0Jlltt, Jr., John H.Juac.r, Robtn Payro. S~h Au«wlm Will1am P. Buk.u, 11, "''i.lham P. Bouun.h,ll Fund • A. On~. 1 CJrc-•l.t10N ~JCKI411tJ: On•id S. O.wahl. rubli.thed by the m•den, bNr of Huerford CoUcac orcdlr thro~.>ahout the JUckm1c yur. 8r tbc Atd.mol"c Prinlin& Com_o;a,.ny, U RittcniM.:Iwc Plac:c. Atdmott, Pa. Eruued u wcund·c.lau muter undc.r Act of Conarw.. .111 che Atdmun. P.a., Pou Ot6c.. 2-4, 191Z. A~o~a1m In charlO of thlo luue: J ohn T. Whitman OLLEGE CUSTO~IS AilE one o! the most memorable pnrta of an individual'• tol.lege ca· rcer and lhey an be one of tho most important. pn.rLS. But. this is only poaaible where the Cuatonu are admini$t.ered intelligently and con.aist.entl:r. The Fall Cusl<lma Committee .Ita~ off In excellent form. The Fruhmen were dea.rlJ instructed aa to what wu expected of lht..,, and Cutoma were cl034!1y cnforted, any violation. bein& rapidly nnd efrecth·ely dealt wh.h. It looked •• if a new era of Freshman integration had been aucceu!uUy inaugurated; but these hopa hue rectntly been doomed to di.Jappointment. For almost three full weeki Cuatom.J have been enforced laxly or not at all. ViolaUoru; have gone either unnoticed or unpunished; it is difficult to aay which of theae is worse. The Freshmen hnve a·<J to lose their respect for the Committee and the things which it stands !or-ihe same malady that has generally spoiJed the total effects of former Freshmen integration prog rams. This il• nothing new, but merely because it i! the rule is no reason for cont.inulng thia policy. The NFlWS· aincerely hopes that In the fu1.ure, the! Commlllees wlll,.,ttcmpt to learn !rom past mistakes nnd experience and will not continually make the u.sual mistake-that ot relaxing en· forcement of regulat.ioM after the first few weeks and then letting the program ride. Better no cus· toms than loosely en!orct<l cu.stoma. C A Plea For Consitleratio n H EilE IS II AIIDLY A COLLEGE In the countT)' where pranks and practical jokes are not a part of the campus atmoaphe~. Generally apeakinc, jokes are played on people ·without malicious intent, nnd their objec:t is laughter, fun and good e.b eer. At Haverford this form of humour hu never made itself really objectionable, the main·n being that t.he students have al1'·aya been able to check thenuel\·es when practieal joking threatened to turn into .of n dest.nctive nature. Last wetlk a number of pranb whieh helped to li.v en up the campus were viewed with some alarm and diuatisfaetion by some of t.hoao 'Who were affected, ·BI well ns by n considerable number of students !or whom practienl jokes and even mild hazing hold no allraetion. These individuals do not. lack a sense ot humour, but claim that they can live perfectly happy and nGrmal livea with· out. the added aUmulua aupplied by people who enjoy making unlnvit.ed appearances In tho middle of the night, for the purpose of pulllng tho blissful alcepcr out o! bed and dumping him on aome pro. !essor's porc.h in hia The iuuo railed by the pranks of the week is not w}Jethcr it is rlghb or wiae to play trlclta on people or not; rather, whether tt is fair t.o have fun at the e.xpense of aomo indlvidunU who may not enjGy having pranb played on t.hem, and who may want peace and privacy in their own rooms. It Is g<nerally agTC<d that the joke whieh Is shared by everybody concerned ia the bell joke!. Therefore the iaaue which baa been raised can be easily resolved if the prankste-rs are drrumJpec.t not to have their f un at the coat of anyo•e who might get diapleuure rather than' pleaaU1'6 from a prank of which he is the object. 11Live and let Uve .. is a ahiboleth which makes f or peace and harmony. Lot w make iL our watehword ln our relationships w1i1l our fellow atudint.a on the cainpua. jOHN A. STONB o/ tbil llnvT/Ot~ • I W«IU1ril1 ,,_,nftl 1M Nt•s Jo.nJ) . To the Edil<lr of the .Haverford NEWS: Two weeb a10, a letter ap))Uftd In thla eolllDID queitloninc the pra<tiee of appolntlnr the edil<lr of the NEWS an ex-olllclo membe.r o! the SWdenta Council. This is to correct HTe.ral of the fact. preaent.ed therein and to take looue with the oplnlo111 o! the letter'a author. ' It was atat.ed, flrat o! all, that the NEWS contained appro:dmately u many members u Cap and l!!ello, aaid 1.<1 be fourteen. Although the masthead of the NEWS in the upper-lett-hand oolumn of thla page lists only eighteen n•mea, there are numerotll candidate.s now actually working on All d&putmenta or the paper who shortly will be elected uaoelaks on these department!. 'r.hia brtnp the number of Haverford atudent.a on the NEWS to aomo thirty voting mcmbe.ra, and therefore dON outnumbu tho Dobatin.g Soe.i .,ty, Radio Club, o r / ootb•U aquad- 'three campus "organizations'' mentioned ln tho letter The St.utc of Customs T Webeoday, N...,_ber 14, l tu RAYKJUPORD NBW8 of October 31. · But far more important than the theory of quantity are qualities and ad•anlagea po11e11ed by the edil.<lr of the Haverford NEWS. lllr. Whit- man asked, "'Has it ever been pro..-en t.hat joumali.ata are superior government ofBc:iala !" In national politics, the an.swer might be in the ne,.aUve, but on the Haverford College c.ampua, the nature of his poslUon and datiea make the edil<lr of the NEWS a nlaable, I! not the most Yaluable. member o! the Studenta• Council. Here are the reuona to aupport thaL claim: · L It lo the bualneaa of t.he edil.<lr 1.<1 lmow almoet everything happenlnc on -!bla campaa at &D7 tim&-tho new. "J!t 1.<1 print" and the happenlnp that are not road In black and white. Eodl member of the edll<lrial hoard conotanUy Ia on the lookout not only for actual newa but for c:oncUUoNI which require treatment in the editorial column~ or are neeeM&rY to be co~ted through ot!Mr channela. All this comes to the edil<lr of the NllWS. 2.. During the put several )'C!an~ a policy hu be<n In practice of granting the editor o! tbe NEWS almost unlimited appointment. with the p,....ldent of the college. Of!Am u a reoou1t of th- Informal chats, the administration hu learned trencb of stud· e.nt opinion a nd many problema of the students !rom the editor of the NEWS and not !rom the president of the Students' Council. And even more frequently, it bas been tbe edil<lr of the NEW'S who baa relayed to the Student.' Council the feellnp o! the college administration on many of t.beae vital pf'Ob.. lems. 3. £ac:h word and aenteoce appearinc in the Haverford NEWS Ia the .personal ~aponalbU!ty of one man-the editor. To tome 2800 alumni of Hav· erford Coll011e, the edil<lr of the NEWS repreeenta the present student body of the co.Uege. lt Ia to hlm, mol'fl than to any other student. that their views a....c:ommunieated. 4. Narrow tbinkintr notwitlut.andlnr, the ua..-. er!ord NEWS continues to be published weekly throughout the academic yC!ar i11 the interuta of Hnuford Colleae. I defy anyone to prove that any member of the •tudent ·b ody or Ha>..,rford Coller• Ia more worthy and necessary to be on the Studenta' Council than .the edil<lr of the NEWSI Sincerely, B EN z. L EUCHTI!II. Crow's Nest Stinko Under A Ghinko A DOYLE PASTORAL At tbe laat meeting o! the Quaker Stt<!et I rregulars, Bonea and I were comm.iaaloned to undertake a special reiearch project. We we.r e uked to present to the aociety a paper on a subject dear to our heute --!Was there really a Dr. Sn)'derT We nlOOived I<> tind a solution for thla knotty "problem, and ao, the fin~t pink light of dawn found ua up and about our busineos. We hailed a eab with aevoral baclteta of hail whleh we kept on hand aolely.for tho J>lll"IIOM, and s&ttled back for our journey to Haverford College. 'Little dJd we rullze what atark tnredy lay ahead for us-what gboula and l!ond.a Incarnate were, even now. prOwling the beautiful woOd--studded campus with but one tboq-bt ln min~URDE:Rt We found a body, otretA:hed oot ln front of t.he foreboding at:ructare which tho lnhahltanta o! t.hlo plac:e call Founders' Ball. Tbe body wu In an awful state. It had been atabbed t.hlrt7-• ...on tlmea, shot five time& t,hrooeh the heart with a Webley Vlckera .46, garro!A!d, drawu, quutered, ~. and the tell-tale ak:f blue oolor of the !~ Ita foam l!ecked lipa led lll to i>elloTe that polaoD had been uaed. Tbe body ,... clot.hed In baan tweed~, aDd waa wearing a atnu>p red headp&r aDd a larso round pin alllxed to it. lapel.~.;.-~-- ~ Boneo boftd, -mg1y _..,...... of tho fac.t that IIWIJ' of the !nhalittanta were ahoot.lnr Clllnlo> ! rult at him with. allnc abota. I a.napd to bony Bonea tO the comparati-re aafety of the Coop. We l>.....,ed ...., aovera1 chlekono and &at clown I<> rulnlnate OYtr tho nmalDder of the obeap cin- We cathered tbe clneo that Bow' keen eara had pk:bd up. fla hao euepdonally keen eara. 'l'be7 pick up quite a lot alnce they cirq on the rroW><L With hla uaual aeoity. Bones surmised fl'Om the at&te of the body that foul play had been done. ille had picked up a amall piece of whlali carried a m;ratorJoua insuiption in •ome obec:UJ'O languace. He couldn't deciphOf it on the spot, but put It owa.y for further atudy. mnce it Ia Bones' finn belief that all myaterles muaL have a beautiful woman inTolved, ho went in sean::h of one. He found a Uuome wench nearby and wu: enraged in dlven pleaaantries wht'n ! heard him howl. I ru&bed to hla aid. The weneh was playfully banging hl.s head agaJmt. the waU. 1 atarled to untangle the melee, but. Bonea put a ha.nd through the hole in hla head to atop me. '~ait, Weatherby!" be cried. 'until weJXh'a ae· tion ha.s a«elerated my thought pro«aes. I've de· auc:ed the 10lution to thia bloody mesa!" I atood in amazement as Bonea tucked the sliaht-. ly shoc:ked wench into ha coat pocket, ond made of! l.<lward the railroad alation. I followed hurrledly, wonderinc what the aolulion to the mess· pouibly could be. When we reached our lodgings, Bonea aat down with a Calvert h~hbell which we keep In readinou and Ulumed the pose o! a man of aehje..-eme.nt • "We.U," I said eagerly, "What'a the aolut.ionth "Two parta of gin and • drop o! orance juke," said BonN. ~h, you mean to- that beuUy elemen· tary job out ot that college T Well, it brlnga 1.<1 mlnd my aolutton of the c:aao of The Red Beaded Biddy. Aa In that cue, we were dealing with a leape." ''What wae the motive!" I aaked. ~None at. aU," he &aid, '"lt wu merely Third En· try bein&" playful!" "H ow did you do it!" 1 asked admiringly. Bonea remond the wench !rom hit pocket, and elnee she lookC!d somewhat like a monkey after b&lng cramped In hla pocket, he threw her Into the tool boz in the section for monkey wenchee. "Frankly," he said, "I didn't.. J merely toUowed a hunch. Ever since I poured tha.t glue into t.he bole in my head this afternoon, there waa sticking in my mind. I finally remembered when yon wench jarred my nogg-in. I t waa the fact t.hat t.he eorptle had three heads. I meN.Iy f ollowed through on the thought, &CQtlainted myoel! with the circumat.aneea and arrived at a aolution." 11 ' And what about the mytt~rious inscription!" I asked. woh that," uid Bones. "That was merely a note to the milkman from Hana Petenen." We picked up the walrus. end the earpenwr and ltrode onr the hill toward a new tomorrow. THE Bovs IN 11-l.E. BAa RooA-t pa- WHAV Highlights Thursday night, Novembe_r ft!wenth, at nloe o'clock at Swarthmore, WSRN at Swarthmore, WBMC at Bryn Mawr, and WHAV at Haverford will participate in the debut o! the Kiddie Atlantic Network, the fi.rat intercollegiate network to be orraniz.ed. Other nearby college~~ a ro expee~o join u aoon oa their facllitlea are completed. Tli eTent will be given national publicity by Time, e and Fortune, Inc., and Billboard, the entertainers' rrtqa&Jne. · The ftnt program of tbe new networ k will be uMeet the NetwOrk," a prog-ram featuring tho outatanding- talent.a of the two men's colleges. Swarth· more will exhibit the Swarthmore Radio Workshop, wbkh producea experimental playa, and David Todor , an outatanding- organist. Baverfo.r d Ia contributing tile Quaker City Blue Blowers, well known to the 'WHA.V listeners, piano aoloa by J ohnny Rauser, and the aee comedy team of Hoopes and J ones. EJ:cerpta f rom Swarthmore's · new play, "C.valeado of the Great Drama,'" will abo be presented. . The fint inter«>llegiate network lo largely responsible to David Linton, alumnua of Swarthmore and a field representAtive of the IDwr~ll•rtate BroadeuUllg Msoclation. .The Middle Atlontle Network will be run by the atuderua under the general supervision of Mr. Linton. Tho new network will broadcast recuJarly trom nine to tea p.m. Monday through 'l'b.a eve'tY week, each night being handled by a member ota· lion. The progn,. will be tran.mlttec! by talephone linea to> euh college. Theae )m> will f eature the talenta of each college and will footer coodwi!L IIAVBRPOIID MEWS P~GB TDBB Cap and Bells Pushes...Work On Production 1\m rtrlm of Dr. H,.s l{iu/rr, i" R.Dbnls H.U. Tlw frrorr- - tviU io<IJ, worlt.'s firs/ J1trfuNtumcr ;;, tbt Pbi/Jtl~ .,,.. National Symphony Kindler, Winner of Brillian t Musical Record, A true D&tlolllll a:rmpbony t..- Founds, Directs Nationa l Sympho ny to Fame " .,. of lte !UDCtiOD u a eultweo.Jnrw~ 1~ Nt t al for;,e in tlio lifo of tho Na· tion'a Capital, wbue It playa for tllo...,do of AmorleaD muaie-lo1'en nfll"'ye&r, tbe N... tiona! Symphony Oftheol:ra Ia not pnted covernme.nt fund&. 11 bu DOt beoD ""'-ldiMd h7 tho pnm111011t, 110r cloM It recoho !edoral aid lD ...,,. tora. Tho NatloBal S:rmpboiiJ' Qr. chutra Aao«<atlon ,.... oatal>liabed to IUitain the Ol'ebaol:ra an4 pnm Ito pallcla b7 tiM B1 Jn>N F. Adaaa The Conductor of the National Symphony Ore.bMtn, Dr. Ilana K..lndler, hu been called 11& flshtinJ te&eher - preacher mUik:al propapndlat--ef tlclency expert.• Mr. Kindler wu born iD Rotterdam, HoUand. A wunderk.ind, he played in public at the &J• of ttn, won flrat priM for plano ud cello a t the Rot. terd&m Col\M"atory · at thl rteen, made hia omdal debut u aoloilt with the Berlin Phil· harmonic at MVenteen. ~~ 'i..ho1e~'=.:~ ~=a~"J:-:::• =rt.!:: Rank-a RJrb aa and tho -~ toDd, pro& arln1 a dlaUnpiahed na.m t vided b7 mombon of tho Aaao- at an ace when most young ciatlon and their lrleado. a rtlatl •~cle to obtain a hearlna , he came to Ameriea In 1914 and took the poet ot firtt celliat with the Philadelphia On:hul:ra under Stokowakl. !Atu he realp ed to tour this country, Europe a nd the Orient~ and to appear aa aoloiat wltb all the rreat orchutra.a a nd i'n joint retital with ruao, Rub· Conrad W. Tn....,. and baYid manlno« and otherCa creat arti•ta. J. Tolan an ad>aduled to np. In 1929, at the d.imax of h ia ruent the Han.rford Deba~ eareer u a cellist, he played Soc:let7 lD a eonteat with a.ttya... 110 concerts in one aeaaon. as burc CoUt.~e In the Union at far u C.H!ornia, u far 3:00 p.m., S.turday. It will east 1 1 Ja'ft. The urre to ex· an Oropn..tyl<l debaU and pond hia art e&Ufhl up with no clcWon. will be deliHnd. him then, a nd be a bandoned the The aubjeet la: uReaolYed, cello u a concert !nstrument that the national "'CO'f'e"niment for the lar neater uu troment ohonld be ultimately r1!oporalble and w!dor repertory of the aym· for the tulJ.u- emploJment phony orchestra. of all who are wlllinc and able Cballtnged by the fa<t that to worl<.~ Tbla tople II one Wubinrton wu the only &real which bu been appro~ed !or capital in the world with no 19f~1Vt6 by the Debatlnc ~· symphony orcbeotra of ita own, aoolatlon of Penraylvanla Col· Mr. Kin~ler embarked upon tho leru. hazardous undertakinr of or. • e Debaters Pnm For Compeb.b.OB be Then! an Fruhmen many out !aor creat tha debatlnc team.o t.bil year. Two Intra· mural debate. have been held. AI a result of these debate. Richard E. Robinlon, Conrad W. Tomer, Donald W. Dlobnnr, Nathan F. Cooper, Daniel Brodhead, D.wid J. Tolan, and Edmund K. Faltermayer will !>e riven aaslp:menta on deba.tlnl' tea.JQ. Another . intramural debate aobeduled !or Tbunclay will be participated In by James A.c:eordinc to Waltu Y. Kato, vite-preoident of the Cap and Bella Club, work is well under way on the production of the Greek comedy, "The Ar bitra tion.'' by Mcnander, t.o be lta&"ed in Roberta Hall on November 30 and December 1. Miu Joh,..ton LoruU Talonta Mi.n J ohnston, da ughter of the Ia"' Robert G. J ohnllton, Superintendent o! B uilclinas and Grounda at Haverfo rd, wbo waa gradua'Ud !rom Syracuae, 1944, will Allist Pro!euor L. Arnold Post in directlna- tho production. Mra. Clayton Holmes wUl be in char•u o! coatum.ea. Don Kindler ~ been eaat as Cbaryaius, tho jealous huaba.nd; Henry Le\·inaon will play Smicrine!l, Cha.rytiua' angry latherin law; J ohn A. il cut a.s Oneaimua, Smicrimes' faithful and talkative alaYe; and Sol Blec:ke.r, Evan J onea, Julius Kat.chen, Jwnl!s Adams and Claude Namy will play supporting roles u ,roatherda cbarcoal burnen and other' Greek characters. ' Stage Crew Wan ts Uelp c anbinr and eondoctin&' a Na- several limes in Baltimore, the tion&J SympbonJ O~hNtra f or orcbe!ltra expanded ita out-of· the National Capital. Mr. town playina, makina a tour Kindler'• dec:iJion to aecept thla Into the Souttr nine yean ago. c.hallene-e wu made tn the wont Popular a nd entbuaiutic reyear of the depreukm. He wa• aponse haa led to lonrer trips &lao aware that four previous each year. M an American attempt.l to orcanlae a •Ym· compoaer put it: '"The Nation-.! phony oreheatra in WuhJ~n Symphony Orebestra make.. a had faJied. But auch wu lh• good deal more music than . . . . . publie't ruponae to Mr. Kind- most of itt rivals." Dough~•. R1tclue .~ 1~ charsc:e ler'a Jeadenhjp that the Nation. of elec._trtctty and hghUng; me.n al Symphony On:bul:ra, to the Record Ia Diro<lor'a Tn bete are ahU needed f or the otage ama.zemeDt of Lhe ruaranton Just u the_re are alwaya de. crew, accorchng to Arthur Leaneeded only two-third& of thl 1rees o! quahty amona conduc- mann, set manager. stug uarantee to finance t he· ftn:t tors, there ure abo inevitably dent intereated shouldAny contact aeuon, an ouUtandinc aueceaa. conductor& of all dean~es of either Leamann or ~it.chie. ability. The record of t.he NaProfessor Abe Pepmaky and Rapid Growth CoDUJUis tiona! Symphony's conductor in hit ensemble will lurniah the A.tter fourteen yean ol un- t.he strua1le since the birth of overture and intermiuion m~ic. tiring e.trort (tl'le orchestra ia the orcheatra js phenomenal. Hnerford students may see the in ita ftl'!teenth seuon) , Mr The muaical public and many performance by paying fed· Kindler haa broucht the Na· obaerven on the outoide have enl tax of ten tenta; the student tiona! Symphony Or;,heal:ra to been amazed by the aldU shown guest ti<keto may be purchased its present of prominence by Mr. Kindler in weldin&" a f or tixty eenta; the g-eneral ad. amon~r the major symphony leading symphonic ensemble io minion price will be one dollar orehestraa of thia country. Two tl short . fourteen yoan. Ot-her and twenty centa. tt:riea of concerta at Con.a:titu- auch orcheatraa range lrom 26 1 -E~~~~~~~~~~" .lion Hall Studonta' Conterto to 60 years in ace. Mr. Kind· I' in the public: Khooll. Youth ler bas made an impreuive and Concert.a for the youncer mualc euential contribution 1.0 musical Albrecht's Flowers lovera, 1pecial performancea lite in United States in with ballet. companies and con· a t raction of this time. At the certs f or Federal employees are present Limo both Mr. Kindler's , Ardmore, Pa. now all part of the auepted 1<>n and aon·in·law are in at.-1 muaieal lile in Wuhington. tendance at Ha\'e.r ford CoUege. Replar aeries in and aa"i+??- rirli*· · +±=.........,m · - -»•2&'? Richmond supplement thll acI tivity, and each year the Na· 0 H N T R 0 N CE L L I T tion.ol Symphony makes at leaot E:x:pert Hmr Cuttina two extended toun. ., A o!udy increase in the deS-Ial Attention to HAVERFORD MEN mand for appea,.ntoa of the Ardmo e Arcade National Symphony has re.oult.r od inevitably •• it.a P"'•tige Phone Anlmore 0595 has KfOWD. After appearinJt J r-=======~=============== Dear Friends and Alumni of Haverford Co)]ege : c: You are cordially invited to a ttend the Cap and Bells Club's first dra matic production· of the year, 11HE .ARBITRATION by Menander. Professor L. Arnold Post, eminent Greek scholar and member of our faculty, will direct ours, the firs t performance in the United States, on Friday, November SO and Saturday, December 1, in Roberts Hall, Haverford College•. at 8:15P. M. ltbe~G':Par:~. a~il E. B~ Tickets will be $1.20 for Reynold.. ~dults and $.60 for students, tax included. All seats are reserved. Contributors to the Alumni Fund need pay only the $.20 tax. All tickets ma y be obtained by calling Ardmore 6400 or mailing the blank below to J. A. J acob, Haverford College, wit h money enclosed. AJJ tickets will be held at the door unless we are instructed otherwise. Hat~er/ord Radio Club Reorganusea Staff Due to the dllllcultleo preltnted in preparlq to job tbo lnWI:ollqiate Broadcutlnr SYStem, the Haoerlord Radio Club l&ot wHk nYiaed Ita ote« lo a ceaoral m""""ent tor •l>IOothor oparatlon. • ' ~ Coorp B. T. Stun' realped aa Procru> Dlnctor to tako tho pooltlon of reprMCtatiYO APPLICATIO N FOR TICKETS FOR THE ARBITRATIO N Please r eserve for me: ............... tickets @ $1.20 for Friday for Sat urday .. As an Alumni Fund contributor. please reaerve for me : for Friday ~tbU! ~.~~ bla !_..- pooitlon. :a.1(. Jllllor ,.... appointed u tho '" . ~~~tl.o,:; ~= 1(..:::-uu.tMt= lor llanqor. William Name: ..........................................................Address: ...................... . Class : Bell lOd Bldwil D. liDwl maiD ~.~ pooltlcmo of iLI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ··-alld~~. - J 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-J /"- , .......,, M....... 14, INS b~JmW'I PAG•IOUJl Fo·u rth In Series, 1937 News Letter Records Activities of Class Members ••I *'!' c,.,, eou..,.. ••J ,..,, ~~~uer II} wJih liN tbdr 141fJ I• /oru! wllh ,-.cit OIIHr A &row~ of J'•rrlfiJ of tiN Cl~• of '11 tl11iti•1 to M·ra.h, lw t poolnl JIHir i•forlluliotl. This luJ btu CIIW/'ilttl ••J tllltl b, MrJ. Mnt.nllt of Crrtlt C. C.lbon, '<41, I• coo~~iott wltb IIH AI•••J 01/lt:t, .,J , .0 Jbu' o/ Job,. C. Mmb, '4J, u•l o.r a. , "f'WI ltlt" to ,.,,,, " "" UJIU o/ 'J71 IDitl/,r w11b • lbl o/tt.b• Jlrtmt, A toh of 1HJ Jbe -•• 1~11" followt.-EJ. ~lev bt,, Dear SoiUI of 1837: • . . • '!be follow~ ~ttemp~ to liat. t.De men rn t.oe !)e.rV}Ces. cradua~ A.mDier bruce lruru .t"enn AlC<JJCal. :x..nool In l~.,L l:le was a.n uu.eme ani.! na~uc.nt. at. ADUlJCtoD Memor~ l!J4.l June lrODl .b.Otij,llta1 lllln;UJCO J UOU 19.a3. i:.f.e filA!• raea Mnd en~red Azmy ,w b ...s, naa acen aervJce lJl ~0 u.uu Jl now u.t. \ .ltoger \.. ue..&, o~ onn• llopliUna Aleuicat ~cuvOJ 1Vd, wu ca.ued by Ule i'~vy to lt.WJY t.rOplcat .<Wea.aea, a.uu nu,~. b¥QO at 1W~. lie lo now at a re-dls- ~~tion ~t~Wb"e ~ei~~~ He ~rrled. Edward Scu.ll married in 1940, and haa two l:le wu in the ad· manu!'ll o.t pAll ve.ruaing b\U!De11 until be en- ~t&Dt AP~ llated in 194.2.. Commluioned &Dd New En&l&Dd .Re.PresenC. aa encineer be WU sent to tlve. J ohn Luter b&l aerY*J .t"£0 &Dd Okinawa where be is with the A.meriean Field Service atUL Daniel TUlouon waa do- .aince 1942, drivina' an ammg reaea.rc.b !or the California bulance ln N. A.triea, and ll.lp4U':State 1''11b and Game t.:ommia- v iain&" a aect.lon o1 Ambu.lance aion when be enlilt.ed in May driven in lt.aly. He b at preaConun.ia.lioned in the ent in the Cblna-Burma.-ludia !U43. Medical Ad.mJnJJt.ration in Janu. Section and upecta to return ary 1944, be Is now a\.aUoned t.u &.he U. S. aoon. In the Office ol. War InformALAl~morta.l &lOiplUII, ~ r at on Jwo J•ma. Melvin A. Wei~bt.WuN 1 uianu .t1oap1tal tn New man enl.iated in . September tJon, Thomas Brown haa 1Y4i and is now with tbe JUdge actina' u a Broadeaabe.r in l ou uaroor. 1n r- t:urua.ry 1945 .be. was Ach~ates Ottice in .P rance, Ita· man on abort wave. aent on a apeaa1 m.aslOn to uoned at St. Martin de Crau. J. D. Hoover baa A,uana, where oe ..edat. J ay Worn.U, Jr•• commissioned .t he War ~p.ower - - - 1ocau~ ul the St&naJ Corps, was auia'n· sion. . aL a.n WtQJ.IclOI Tbere are tou:r mmlaters ill t,;'harJea 1:.. Houer ~uatea ed to l:t.eadquarten of the t:h&· Andrews, Howard the V-:., _ Ar!ID&ton, at. Corpa n&l .c.;o11eae Mecueal from \iorncJ.l He . 1.1 Army Chaplain, Rlc.baJ"d Coop. m uNt, u e wu an snt.e.rt1.:, where he remam.a. 1\.Uis t.unt l<.eatdent, ~nd lns trUC· Provoat Matraha.U, il marned, er, Pa.ul Kunu &Dd Harr.y Cooper JT&d,uated Kreuner. tor OJ ::.ura ery at lienera.l l:ios· and ha.a a youna aon. Henry Freund worked tor from the Episcopal T.beolo&ie:al, l..IUcuuUt.t.l, (Jmo, ~~·U· York City and 1 New Seminary, Co. Cable and Cbain American lte!Jde1'1t. ChJ~ now • anu , ... JtN una UHatruct.or ln Su~r&Cl')' a.t !rom 1937 t.o 1942. lie entered bas 1erved Trinity Jd.{..;ion Lne umvcuat.y . '?! <;w.c.m.natl the N a.vy in July 194.2, and Chu.rc:h at Throe ruvera in Mich· t..olle~e o~ Aicdk1De. lie """ sened aa Aut. OWcer in charge lean and hu Jun been called pec:La to jom. Ule aU&If o! ~oiz4;r of Material .Movement Sec:Uon, to the rec:torahJp of St.. Paul'a ,n.i.Hiptt.MJ, vaupoJ.a, <?hio, lD lntunatio~ Divbion, bandlin1 E~eopal Chu.rc.b in .Dowaciac:, JuJy l~tt5. J:le 1a married and the ah.ipme.nt and at.ora&e of aU Mfchi&an. He married in 1.041. bu two ebildreu. ~u.loeu, .M.D. Nayy proc~ Lend-Leue .Ma- Kuntz Ia at the DemWo Union narv•rd AIC< School, '" at «rial, otationed et the Bureau Church on Cape Cod &Dd baa l'cter llrenl llr!Jham liosp•t&L o! Supplies end .Meouuts, Navy been worlduc for hit Ph. D. William IV. Allen, ill, over- Bui!dmg;, Waobincwn, D. C. Ho at Harvard Unlveuil;y. Be married in 1943, and hu one seas amce 1.948 in .E'fO, a wu married in Ut40. Bruce ~·nmeb Nayy 1942 was deuchter. AaJUL&nt of hia reiiment, and T. S. Barker Ia in tho Analy,. now In the Army of Occupa- eommluioned '1n the S~pply uon. lie baa Bronze Star Co.r ps and stationed in Wa.ah· tical Section of the Amertea.n With Oa~..k. LeaJ:, a.nd is ington !or 17 months in the Laboratory of the expect.c<l m USA m ..Novem· Material Movement Section o1 Vi.acose Corporation• .Married in her. t1owa.rd Andrews 11 Chap. t.he lntematlonal Aid Divia1on, 1940, be hu two am.all aona, particularly with and il Uvin,a 1n h1a own home hun o1 tho. 62nd ~~ield l:l.oapi~. concerned now at. OJjon, France, shipment o1 I;end.Le.ue ma· in Media, Pa. W. W. Chambera for alck In units o! 10,000. lio terial I<> Ruasia. For two years ~· a phyolclat In the Navy, and 11 beiDi ro-<ieployed I<> PTO. be hu been atatloned LD New ,. otatloned at tho Bureau of Robt. Bone c.nllated in '41, and York City worldna- with Navy Ships in WubiDI't.oD, D. C. Be has neld all enUs1ed rraclu from Lerxi-Leuo exporta. Ofticer-ln- married in 18t2, and a aou, prtYate to mute.r aeq e\iit. He of U. S. Navy Inter· J ohn, waa born on Oc:tober S, waa fOtnmisaJooed a !Jeu~t. national Aid Oftke which baa 1~43. Henry Drinker, iD the in J uly 19"6, a.nd Uttgned un- eopiunce over aU Navy Lend· P1oneer ln.atrume.ot Co., it mlr· to aetive duty witli Lease e:xport.a from all porta. ried and baa one dau&bter. the Army Tranapon.ation Corpa. He has served for two years ManbaU Guthrie ia wo.rk:i.n& at Josepb .it. Canon, .Major, S1g· as Navy Representative on the the Experiment. StaJ.ion of the na.t t.;orps, at.tac.bed to Field Port Conditions Committee re· du Pont Co., at Wu..l:n.i.o&"tOn., bas aeen service sponsible lor keepine- the port pet William Kimber ia work· in Alrle:a, Sicily and Italy. Re· clear of all export freight. He mg at t.he Buft'alo, N. Y., of· cenuy he waa awarded the expect& to return t.o teae:b at Bee <?l .Leeda and Nor.~p. Princeton about 1046 nnd prae· .Marncd, bo haa a &on, Wtlham, .lJronzc Star. IUc:bo..rd c..aayt.on commission· tice lAw in Princeton and 'l'ren- and a dau~hte.r, Suaan. Robert Kricble l.a a research ed 10 !942, overa~aa in 1946, ton. He was married in 1942. Bernard Hollander is at pres· saw oe:tion in ETO. He is Special Sen•lce Oflker o! Head· ent Navigator on USS Medea. quu..r ters, 977 I•~ield Artillery He was ak.ip,per of Su.behaurs Hattalion, now in Germany. during lhe 1nvu!ona of the Mar· Saipa.n, and Ua.n.s J::naelmnnn married in aha.ll lslanda, Marc-b l 1J.aa, entered the An:n.y Okinawa. Rie:bard Shoemaker ln A.pril 1943, went. overseaa in bas been a pha..rmae:iat at a 1944, was com.misaloned in 1945 Naval Diape.naary. CUI Wilbur &nd is now with Army of Occu· ia an officer in the Medical Alan Gilmour, Jr., Corpa. pation. a-raduated Brown Oliver Army 1043, uained in the U. S. · and England, and la.nded in from Pomona CoUege in 1938, Prnnc:e, Omalla Ben.cb, on D and waa employed by Graham Day pi~ 5. He was in five Brothera, deale·n in heavy eon· campaigns from France to strudion moterlala in Los An· Weim.ur, Germany, with the gelea. He onterod the :Arm7· First Army Hcu.dqU&rte.r& Co. Alr Cor~ In 1942, l.a now atA· <ill he relurned I<> U. S. in June Uoned in Calltomla as St.sll' 1946. Edward llawkina, Army Sergeant in Pe.raonnel and Cl&s· 1941, waa e:ommi.uloned in 1942, sifi.catfons work at Base Unit t.ook part in the invasion of at Lemoore Field. .Mic:haeJ Africa with fint. uoopa at Oran, frrench·Beytagb (Taylor), Eng· was in Sicily, and was in cha.ree lish born, left Haverford !or of r..t esmp for o!licen ID Su- Enrland In 1938, end joined the dinla for a year. lie .trans- Jtoyal Air For<e. Be piloted !erred from tbe Cout Artillery a plane during the London to .Army Transpo.rtatlon in •1Blit.z," and wu in N. Africa., France, arrived U. S. Aucust France and Germany. A Flicht 1948 and ia now at Desbon Gen· lJeuteno.nt and then Wing Com· eralltoapital, Bu.Uer, P.a., await,.. mander, ho waa ahot out of the air threa times, nearly l~in& ing an operation. John Lukens has been in PTO a leg. He married, hos two chilfor more than t.hreo yean, and dren, haa resumed hls own baa been in combat in New ramUy name of ffrenc:h-Beytagh Geor&"iD, Vella la VeUa, Bou· -an aneient lrlah name, and is ~ gainville and • Lu%on. He wu Uving in Suaau. Thomaa E. Edw1.rda haa been awarded a Bronze Star for hia work es Battalion InteUJcence In the U, S. Maritime SerVi<e Oftieer in the Manila Campalcn- oin<e 1987, hu earned hia A.B. Ralph Me:Mahon aaw aetlon and lduter'a pape.n and is at with Snl Divlalon in Ita!J. While p"aent Chief .Mate of a fteet with tho 46th Dlvlalou in ee... of tanken. Tom Cook. who wu drivine many, be wu captured iD Januar:r JW6, bnt JJ.bera~ ill April au ambnlanee from AprU 18« w:;.~=~: ' '20, dled Ill hit oo October 20. He waa forty-nine Jeart of O&L Mr. Hartman, who had lotr bla oicM ..t the ace of ton, ••· t.ered Hevorlord in 1818. He loft eollece in 1818, but 10t b!o dOCTOe · law in the tollowinc aome :veer. Afte~ apendl!\.,.. =ehtin~:':''bu.J ..~ a t \!ort lleHeDrJ, be went to Hany Soat<le In 1821• ·a. taucbt alcbt.-oa'r!nc elaoaeo there 11ntil 1820, when bla bookahop waa opened. Tocatber with Ilia wife, be built up a blchly dlltlnctlve buolnoaa. The ohop, which Is known from eout Iirec::n~~:: N°eC: v:~·~th~ Saturd.a.)' Review of U\eratu~. While et Bavorlord, Hartman wu Leader of the Glee Club --=----:----:--1~~!.ent naa a son r~e.nea: a daugbtu B:ele.n. Job Z.waer is a ~ardt and Dnelopment En&inee.r with the Brown Instrume.nt Co. Fred Alorpn ia an u:ecutive enJi_nee.r of North American Aviat.loo, lne:. Be 1a married and haa a dau&'hter Margaret Ellen. Joaeph Rivera; Ph.D. 1941, M. 1. T., ,bAJ been workina in reaurc:h in Nylon, 1941-1946, In the Kartloav!Ue, Va., plant of Du Pont Co., and ia now" reaearc.h on rayon and aynthetle 6brea at the Bull'elo Plant. lie married ID September, 1946. LeaUe Seely, Ph. D• .1942, UniYeralty of Wlaconaiu, baa been doina' resureh in ex·ploaivee in the Eaatem Leboral<>ry of DuPont 'Co., a nd In 1846 wu loaned to the Comm. of Sdent16e Be. aearch and Development. HiJ work ht.a been of a aecret nat\ln, but now hla t.rieod.a and family know that be hu been a.h.a,r ing in the propam o! work wbieh produced the!c Bomb. Be married, and hu a aon. Philip, P•. D. Harvard, 1841, taqbt matbe. maUc:a at. the Untvenity o! Pennsylvania. For the p&at 16 mont.ha h1a f amily eommun.leat,... ed with hlm throu&b a apedal address, but: dJd not know where be waa nor the nature of h.ia work. NoW it baa been releued that he, too, wu working i!' PTOI'l"&.m of the AtomiC: Bomb, that be wa.a at Lo. Alamot, the aec:.ret town near Santa Fe, New M:u.le:o, of tbe StudOJits' and was preae.nt at the trial of the .bomb in the Arlso.o.a Desert. Stephen Cary la t)lrec:tor of a ~ P. S. Camp in Elk~ Or.. gon, wor1dn~ for foreat prot.ttlon. and awalta permlaaJo». tl\ take part in tbe "Uef PrGJ'flll'l in Europe. Daniel Fr7ainaer for the Phllade1· phi& Branch of Standard Ae<-1dent lnau:ranee .CO. from 1881l to 194·t._ and ,..... iD • C. P. S. Camp till liU wht.D he waa put on .detaehed Hniee. He hu e!nee beOJI worldni with tho Natlonel Board !or R.!~ouo 01> In ~3. jecdt.ol!.,· Be rt a .o~ bin ~ 1 ~t e ~ :"V Fri nda ley eL. L untlf'~· 1' 1 in CpS He' erV.d 18 a 1· ·ed a d t.hmon u!'tata.n:in ~b! ::!r!k:al u reaearc:b laboratory at tb J( aaebusett. General Hoa ,tal·~ Boston. He wu ·ma~ed in 1848. bee William Neiaou h teachlq at the Pi~ Sehooi Jamts Carr baa been in the Statinical Dept.. of the Amer· kaD .Matual•l nau.ranee J ohn Ca..Dtrell 11 workinl' at s. s. White Dental Manufa.e:tu.r.. ing Co. Be marrt:ect. &Dd ha.a two .aona. J ohn Oama.nakl fa livi11g in BawaU and baa made a trip to AJ.aaka. for the Na.. Uon.a.l Geo~blc Jtapslne. Vincent Wi.lkin& baa been Pt r .. sonnel Direetor o1 the Amerlc:an Thread Co. Group of Puentl, 1987. w•.• Unton "1:..c! mawlt3 &wnh! S: CaJ! a!' Ridin' high r- J . PHILADELPHIA OOCA-<:OL.L IIOITLIMO CO. ... - I W......:r. N.,._. U, 1NI IUV1UU'OIU) !fBWll Herbert Reisner 18t7 I I - P. Dullq1oa died Herbert WUJiam 1141aner, of receDIJ7. Bla home waa iD Kennett Square, Pa. the claaa of '&1, baa 18H been promoted to Lleut.aJw>t Fru1< lr.ellor Walter, 1lbrarl&n Commander. He wa.a on the ot.alf of Bur Admllal Carelton Ill tho Unl•eralt:r of Mlnneaota, his eftl~ie.nt 0!'2anlzatlon and coordination of c.ommu.nieaUon. training. He wu a member of the Ameriean Bar Auociation and wu a laW}'er before b• -.ut.~ ~~~ Walter. t on terminal leave Ulltll Dee. 7th, at which time he will be placed on ~•• otaua. Be waa pormauont 0 . D. at Udo Beach Separation Center, Lone Wa.nd, and prior to thla waa a n&YaJ a'riator. U. S. A. A. C., of Booton, .,... World are tied wrether bJ cermarried to Harle Loulae tain fundamental concepta com~ Humphrey on October oixth. mon to all. 1945 On Decomber alxteentb, tbe Albert B. Fora:rthe, Jr~ baa Forum wiU join with other Ita· become eacaced to Betty Llb- denta at Haverford 1<1 tour the bon, al1ter ol J oe Ubbon, d.a.u campus and au.r roundiDJ d.iJ;. 1tU of '45. ' tricts, Christmu carouin,. A. Bolland HllDI4r after.,tl.fteen Thoma• W. Meldrum, A. S., in previoua )'ears, a bone-cart montha In lndla w~rldnc for tha V-12, Ia In hit thlrd year at will be provided for the corol· I"'"'Foreicn Economic Admlnt.tra;::rn= e l:l:H=edi:'=cai:Co::U:e:co:: :·============== tion on Lend-Leue, baa ntu:rn- I:Co ed to the United Statea and Ia now In the Graduate School of Eeonomlc1 at. Harvard workin¥ l\lake a Good Impression on ao H . A. • Iu~d..ft":.riw:,e.~ liM Wllllaa E. Jh4• baa reo aumed publication of "Print, a Quartul)' J ournal of the Graph· te Ana,'' whieb wu •uapended for the duration of the war. uu 19U Ll. O.c.) Richard R. Pleaa· Ella. Corneliua W. Abbott waa .... Yi1ited tho collero laat married to Marldta on week. Since July, 1944, be has the twenty-f\Clb of Aucuat, been on• the USS Mlasl~alppl Ueut. Richard H. Warren, and was in the Paeltlc enCagOoments at Peleliu. Leyte, Lin.. the Navy In 1942 u a Uou- pyen Gulf, and Okinawa. tenant. At Haverlo.r d he wu 1935 · c.a ptain ol the ba.ak.etball team C.pL Chrlat<Jpber Morrla, Znd, •nd a member o! the trac.k llled. Corps, U. S. Army, baa team returned 1<1 the United Stites to be discharged. He wu ottlched to the Medical Unlta of Thiers And McGrew Represent Haverford lnter-Failh _.,-, enn-,J ,,.. ~'' 1 Jr~ Ia .....,u, F. Bryant, Commander, U. ' S. Fleet Operational ComDl&Dd. Lt. Commander Relaner waa p,.,Yioual)' a comm.onlcotlooa officer attached to the Amphl· ntoua Tralnlnc CoDU~~aDd Ill Nor:Colk, Va., and wu p.-nted a peraonal letter of com· mendltlon b:r Roar Admiral F. W. Rochelle. He wu cited for PACE FIVB Alumni Notes Now Lieut. Comdr. -·--~. the Chinese Army, which were ac:tJvely engaged &lainat the "' Wear Security Brand Clothes Lefkoe • !\lorton Co. Tailored To Your Measure JEWELERS 2$ and %7 So. II th SL Watdl & Jewelr)' Work Dolle PrompU:r $35, $45, $60 Central City Store J apaneae. 1941 CNSUKANCB POll STUDENTS Frank H. Thlera repruented Sct. Broce Swl&:ert Ia attach- uta Haverford College at Propwty tho LlabWty inataUation of Sidney Earle ed to the Army Headquarter& Smitb u the Preaident of the Stall', O&na1 Zone. Hit wile Ia J. B. Lonpcre with him. Uoiveralty of Toroni<J on No456 Wat...t 8tnet Ll. (a.a:.) Arthu B. Napier, vomber ninth and tenth. Plo!Wol~ Dr. Edwlll B. McGrew, 'Of, represented Haverford at the Hull-Dobbs House inaueuratlon of Geo~ Hen.17 Armcoat aa tlftb prealdent · of tbe Unlveralty of Redlandl, on Fine Foods Sunday, NoYOmber fourth. Dr. 1a • !fe.....a Y~ H McGrew received bla A. M. I.aneuter Ave., or..:. .. ....... •• a.a.... from Ba..rtord Ill 190C, and .,.... Calt.,.a c...... ... waa for man:r yean Prealdant 8-..a x.u. . ................. of Penn CoUece, Oabalooaa. Ardmore ................. ll20 Walnut St. r hiladelphia ~"~~=. . .wk. I owL .,..... o .......... .... ........... a......... .... ()pea U 1l.ra. a dl:r to _ . . :rea ;J Ardmore Cleaners lloa. to Frl Sonlce Spedal Semea to Banrld lion Buobarren ................u ..... .... O....r.J.,D~P....._ w tab . .t .................... c .... pu.IJII..u..floeaP~ 11 XU.. Ina r....M.. O • .L WALT ON• .A. )(. ......_ . Eotablloloecl 18'11-HOPPBR, SOLIDAY AOO. a..s. an o ..". . . . . ... r .. Member& PbiJa. Stock .llnhaDae lNVKS1'IaNT SllCUBITIKS 1UO Walnut 9tnat PBIL.A.DELPBIA A. VASSAUO SMEDLEY It IlEBL 00. Bulldlo&: Materilla Coal - Liuaber A•~<~•atlc Heatlnr Eqwpment lnlalaUos Ard•ore 1100 - TriAit:rll51 E. S. McCawley & Co., Inc. Serving Haverford !\fen for 37 years Dell Phone: Br)'n llaon 4618 Haverford, Pa. CURRENT BOOKS OF ALL 118 W. Lancaster Ave. , Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Barber Slwp BRYN MAWR BLBC'l'lliCAL KINDS COMPANY FicriON Contrac:tlnr and Retalrlnr RENTAL LIBRARY 730 Railroad A•e. Bryo Mawr COlLEGE TBXT BOOKS FOR HAVBIU'ORD COLLBGB An11hloc ud E•er:rthlnr El«trical .A.RDIIOaB mT ~ ..... Oklo ..._... . ..,. ~I for -- • • • 'r . . . . . eo•ooL -~"' =..!~..., :..~~~-:.~~~::tt:.=: oomaumltr r.oUYI.U . oa • ..,....,. fUia wt'ttl wooa.c. D~ . . . . . . ~ ---. ... Ardm'o re Printing Complllly n.INTD..S AWD !NGJ..AVE1S 4t RITTBNBOUSB PLACII - A.r<ha.... 1701 I&..MJ&I •• WAL&KII.. ..........,._ . . . . . . . ....._ ......... P--.1 ~~ 14t . , _ U.. 0wr tO YM'I Eastman, Diilon 4: Co. - - NCY Toil - lnveebnenb--' - 22$ 8 Flit.nth IBL· ~ Pa EMLEN & CO. 375 W, Lancaster Ave. Haverford 88 Maplewood Ave. · Gumantown · REAL ESTATE A. 'TALONE DryCI~ ,.. and INSURANCE Main Une, Germantown c. _w. Emlln, lr., •Oit IT'S SIMPLY A MATTER Of TIME ARDMOU ' Tho pendulum of production is swinging again for the Bell S)'ltem, as Western Electric, our manufaoturiq divioion, reconverts for the all·out manufacture of tho thousand·and-one things we need to give you tho Bell Syate.m 's true standards of service once rpore. During 1946, for instance, it is planned to add 2,100,000 miles of Long Distance telephone c ircuits to tho System. 'l'hot'o more than there were in Great Britain and France combined, before the war, and it means that tho prenure on our lines will ease up. Today, of coune, tho thousands of calis of returning veterana aro actually giving us more rush·time peaks than we bad Jut year. So it's more important than ever to limit your call to 6ve minutes wlien the operator muot ask you to do so. A service man's call to his homo may be waiting. Cheotnot BW and Wbltemarab l .Tbo-llteare,'18 IELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PEUSYLYUIA r PAGE W.......Sar, N..,.e..._. U, lNS llAVI!.RFOKD NEWS srx Take Middle Atlantic Ch~pj~,~shjp Socce~men Three Quick Scores Give Delaware 32-20 Victory Boaters Top Cornell, 4 to 3, FordJ. V.'sTie · Rout Tigers To Cop Title Friends Selc:ct Winning their third pmo m In Seesaw Tilt ' The Haverford College soceer &e\"en d&JI, Havedord Collece'a team took its biggest tlep to- warda be<oming this year'a Mid· undefeated ooecer eleven aquoudie Atlantic Soccer League ed out another close vktory, _,. Whi Tallie8 "'-.1. wO; te Wright Scores One . On Forty Yard Spurt Plarlng one of tho but «&moo of the 1$4.6 aeuon the Haver... ford College lor.,.~ ooeeer teem held a faYored Frlenda Select eleven te a aeorol... tlo on Monday, November llfth. The ~<&me ,... played on HaYOJ'ford'1 88 Field. Select FnO<ed The violtera had, previoualy conquered Weot Phlladelpbla by a 6-2 count, "bile tho Sc&rltt toreu had batUecL. the aame team to a 1-1 tit, ao it looked •• if the p.m.e would be a puahover for the YIJIUng Friend& RESULTS OF •• GIUD SEASON BaY Opp ti Weat Ch•ter ............t this limo lm~kln!l over Princeu, ·-········• ......... ~ Druel ton, 2-1. Tlua w1n enabled the 0 P. Jt. C. .....- ....... - 11 PlariDg under leaden aldu Scarlet ond Black aquod te beZ6 on a rain-drenc:loeci field, tho 1 J4mi Hopldas _ _,.t come !'IIddle Atlantic League S2 ..2t . .......... Delaware w MudDola-n'• at UniYenity champoona. bona defeated a a~ingly Thia waa another rugged formldabla Ha•erford College homo toam'a one. hllbaek stNggle, and once again the too1 112-20, lut Satur<~a¥, Nov- Wlllte wao inltrwnontal In both 1\fullenmen pulled It out of the ember tenth on tho ,.tnner'a Haverford oeorea u be bWled fire with a lut minute score. home !lelcl. Drlmg for three tho pipkin .,..,. from the three Shootlnor from a difficult angle touc.bdowna be!o"' the Forcb to ~uft'\&ll' a auataU.ed. mue.h of' Nate Coo~r aan.k a shot .jusi i;tto lbt ICOrin.c eolumn, forty 7Uda for the F ords:_, 1ft:.. broke be. seeonda one a nd one halt Delaware neve.rtheleu waa y.n- ond ai.x-polntn, and a few minfcne the final whistle. Tbe tilt able ta let up oven .!or a mo- utea later wh\pped a abon pass was cloae all the way and either Ted Wrlaht who went the reteam eould have won' lt. Several aebool. Howner, a determined ment u the Haverford often- to atral{bt were and hard-ftshting Ford team aive ma.:hlno, led by WWlo Ed- ma1nlna- f orty yardo aoorlng oppertunit!u mlddla !or the third mined by both teama, but that made t he .ramo an entlroly cllf. certon, Bob Whit. ud BW down the f~r accoun:ted . Eclprton tcon.. the on alwaJa waa Bousa.rt.b, out... hell team took the otfe.nal1'e. helped only to both sides ferent atory, and they even roU and manacad te grind out another eouTUalon, U&ln na lAwrence a~ center half Kae- try harder. Very tow pmea plaJad tho viiiton "" MYanl more on f•Ued but rou-te, pound tbe their than downa lint counta. and Donough talhed in suec-lon have been harder fought, Attar the ldekotl' the home oppenenta. Angelo C&taldl ,... ha third attempt. and the Scarlet and Blaek ,.,,. tho winner certainly deaerved !lrat two managed te aandwich In ooven the In mau uy the an~ Initiative the teolt foreeo victory. the ended, half the aa held sco...,looa held tho upper ha.nd for moat Mudhen ac9reo, amaahlnr over pointa between the Han'rford PI M l P D r Cornell 3, Haverlord 1. Doc:loerty or the lint quarter. With lell- fzom the Havertnrd nine Jard oeo.... ao llle ¥ .ar a or art .e 8eeond Half All Havmord on illjt aceunocy, tho Haverford line for the tint acere and a oeamoered lol'tJ'-eoJbt J&rda th~ waa it start, th.e from Rigbt A rejuvenated Scarlet and through alant olf-ta<l<le an the raclu later minutoa fe" ball the Black team t.oolt tbe' field In the apparent ~t thoa would not be f o,....rd wall advaneed 7arcfa off. entire Ha1'vfonl t:eaJD.. North. second half and from the open· an easy W1D f or either aquad.. deep into the opponent.' terri· p{&1kinfortwenty.five tba -ond aix polnta. wood ..-In connrted te end the lng momenta of the third quar- The ball kept going up and terr. only te han their ahota tacltlo mark The Hena faUed te convert el- soorlnr. ter on the game was all Haver- down the field, firat being boot- a t the gool go wide of'tbe Alt.hoqh J;>elawa~ waa on extra pointa. The the of ther goalie, the by Intercepted be or goal, Princeton the round a ed aeoreltSJ held ford. Cornell waa thlrd DeJ.a.ware touc.hdown came the )OIJ6 end of the coUDt, they Haverford Hendler. whUe Evan Jonea, taking a pau tbe.n around tho jlllt before the end of the tint lm.,. tha1 wero in a ball .rome, IMt-lfalf Atu•pta FaU ! roln outaide loft Arnie Poat, scoring .,... Both lea!IUI threat-! The beginning of the aeeond quarter when Gerald Docherty aa · fi'•e o1 their men were not drove the ball home for Ha"Yet- e~, but when the chips wue double aroa:nd at the f inl.ah, having d?wn, th~ deleD.JH held. The quarter aaw the villton' od'enae took the ba.U on a tricky the ford-'s aeeond s<:ore. r a- been carried ofl the field da.ring ac.ampered The f ou.rt.h quarter was hiJh· ftrst penod pa.a.sed IC:oreless, c:Uc:k, but Fullbacb PaJQ"O and reverse and f or the coune ot the \ .came. The yards twenty-eirht maining tht> booted continually Laaday the, lighted by the eterlinr fteld play and for t.he greater part of ~c.klln• and bloeJdng waa v-ic.exthe l'Cit the acore. Tbe try f or of Haverford's ' 'Beana" lfatlacll: .second at.anza. the count .re· ball out of danger. The itself tous on both aides but penalties tra point wu wide. who tallied the remaining two malned 0-0. Then the vislttng ~f tbe quarter resolved few and far between. were Sttrlet Drivea Co! Seore Fo_rd goals • Both time ~Bea!'s'' ~rl:!. •,~~Bl~ea~·~a~l..~~e an to a aee--saw tu.ale. Uoeup lo the second per1od HanrBoth teams settled down to • dnbbled through the defendmg heading a re~und shot oU th~ Ha•erford Delaware re c-rim second hal!, 1with neither ford took the play a way :from Cornell team to seore f or Hav- goal post sank the ! h·at Wright L.E. Bamea ur. opened and ?P.ponent.a their third the • in tall>:ing;n ~~dof the daY. But PrinCeton crford. Baldi L.T. .... Campbell • A !!orne. ground brwsmg ed back, driving deep Into Hsv- perood. Woth the hght falling a Obotacle Surmounted t.a.h Stallonl .... L.G. bogged drive fint their though bel~ll' waa eante final the •• ucky l Getting territ.ory. erford the This game W&5 supposedly 0 Tycba.nith s. K.inpber&' intercepted an to duo down tuttle a mad~ team.a hardest that the Sea.rlet and break, the home e.Jeven acored played, both R.C. llOMa ( C) Fords were not .~ be Rothrock Blatk boote:,.. will have to plu. their lo·ne goal, when a Princ.e.- attempt to strike pay dirt. First pa~, the Drorlten into de!Ued and ata.rud_ a.a~tatned Northwood R.T. and the highea.t obs·t ade to 1n ton drive was defiected by a one team wou~d d.r ive deep Wagner R.E. atrl~ Julian Haverford man into the nets. the opponent.a territory only to drt!e around the -;mdfleldWhite undefeated aeason. zweifler Q.B. a Hearn By the end of the firat hniJ the be pushed back; then the other who~ culminated m Bob I Lineup Edgerton L.H. Neff touchdown a tor over blaat.Jng The try. almllar a make would ' l-1. reRd Com eU seorebonrd n a,·erford Kale· game ended ofter a last-mlnuto otter two previous trlea from Docherty (C) R.H. . . Cox G Kindler F.B. Drnke Tb~ lntermoss.oon diJ not cool attempt by the Haverford team the !-yard Uno bad f ailed. Ed· Cataldi Rf' Olivier ~~~~ ~~;;~~~~ the! 1'111bed iucceufully gerl<>n score. to ~lay w .. O'Co ell orr eother team, when LF I S lnL I ~ ball over for the utn resumed the game ~ontmued on nn. p~u e po Del riod Tb th' rd Tobou i:.o hnrd-rought way. The story RH Robonaon Raverford Pbannaey tb!'"acori:;I t~ ware\r~k t.o ~~~ Ma~~:'t~.~ or third qlfarterwas • i!"ilar ~~·~Ids mixed Silver A.ward.s Given colu!"n araln aa theywith Cor~ish ~= ;;~.~;~::~~j'!J P;:~~·· OR Matlack IWata el H-.y W'• ..._ P. D. a playa pe~er atraoght '44-' 4 S H Lawrence end or the field t.o the other and T lR Cooper 00 p st.ers t~icky . pa11101 attack to 10 0 Edwarcb back BKain the gruellin battle CL E. J ones ... lla.., taUy. tho or f yarda llxty-!ove :..... II at~ lie Kinney <Ontlnued deadlocked IL Steefel At the conclusion of last na· Docherty ran over the Havera ·· '" Squirrnot OL: Post Jon, the Haverford A.lwnni AI · Cord deferue for the fulal thirtyCooper Gets l''inal Score Prec«ipdom With the slort or the fourth soclation voted to recognize the seven yards. Thla time Northquar ter. Princeton put on a des- efforts of last year's buketbn11 wood managed to co11vert !or DrUI• and S!Uidriel • • • The aquad, expertly the Hena. J ohn Tychanleh1 a drive. Pushing hard, the teom. perate R. & R. ActiVItieS Orange and Black boys k(.pt the toached by. Ray Mullan, e.xperl. demon on deft-Die :UOu~nout ball in scoring territory for the ented a. hl.l'hly auceessful ae.a.. ~e game, . was eapeaally bril· Cort~J.,.,J 1ro• ~,.1, 1 this aeries of "" away from all aose girls)._ At greater part of the last period aon, haVJng the enviable record hant. dur':"r more than hla ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Tirpitz Lager, where Wen- Back on its heels, the visiting o( fourteen wins and only lour downs, gett.inr and asalatlng in dell WiiJiama Is working, there t~leven put up a tight defense. lo11ea. As a congratulatory share of tack.lea others. A.asocia· Alumni the rom ! token appearIt again b t.Jle trnnsient center for one Time nnd time ~orda Dominate At End the aqulld thousand two hundred and thir- ed as if Prieeton would aeore don, eac.h member ol BukelbaiJ The MaJnUnen. returned to ty Poles, one hundred and sev.. but they just could not break receiving a Vanity ~ttack. in the fourt.\ qua.rter, the !Dini~a receive to w~ enty Ruasia!'-1 and five hundred through the stubborn Hanrford letter to the 1 other DP'a, Fay Calldn.a, the de.fenu. The d ock moved on ture aterhng buketbaU w1th hu: Kormg two touchdowns ~~~§ ~~~~~~~ en"H'' n a the year and last of the Haverfordlana to and with just a couple or min: nan1e, it. However, duo ~ lenvo tho Trnining Center at ute11 remaining in the game graved upon LENGEL REPAlR SHOP J ?uvillc, lloa nnally set.tlcd in when n long boot movad t.h~ to lobor and material s hortAges R. A. Power and H&Dd Mowen Lmtz, Austria, as a member of hull into Princeton territory. incurred by. the war, the order Serrie Sal another team. She had a color- This was the latt chance for the wu unable to be filled unUI • ea ful trip ¥tith her team on a Yi.sitor t and they did not fumble last. week.. SpedaJU:e~ Tool Carden coveted the receivinsr Fi;st-:Aid~ arm>· truck t!l Aut· it. One shot bounced ort the Those AU Kl.N ToNI tr1a, m the course of wh1ch the root post, but Nate Cooper re· Alumni A.ssociaUon award are: it Robert F. Clayton, Captain- Seect., F ertJlhers, I DMcUc.ld.M t~uck brolcc down three or (our ~overed the ball and drove Phone Drya Mawr 0880 t1mes and tho french cook was past the outstretched arms ot elect, Harold C. Whitcomb Jr., Robert i=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jr.iobnaon R. Kenn~y Francia was ThiJ . r stoal-tende· home the route. en lost David Baker, E loise Gedney is on Mother resiJy a fitting clima.x to the JL UNRRA team fh the French game which gave tho cham- Charles H. Moses, Jr., Home:; zone In the llfo•elle River Valley pionship to the Haverford boot- M. Klmmieb, Benjamin M. ColChronograph Watches lha..,.and WiJUam P. Barker n reg1on; uide from small skir- ers. '1 M.anager. Back Again miahea wit.h a Brit ish colonel · &he is carrying on in spite or be- :; o o o e e e o I oI e ; oo o ; o oI 4 oI o o o o ; o o o 0 I : 0 0 o ; o ; ; cause or the Hearst papers and 17 lewel Fred J. Cooper • ..,.. .eala U -hour replatlon .... ................................. •us... Henry Luc.e. The carinl' for 30-mlnate replatloa ......-........... .......- .• fH.6t Dil:plaeed Persons in Europe is 8 ryn Mawr 0570 · Prie.. IJtc:la.lo tax a job with a high priority, and Haved'ont•s R & R's, in a amal1 way, are making their tontribJEAN NETT'S utlon. championo . whe~ they dofeat.ed Cornell Umventty, 4-S, on Wed· beoday, November seven•h. Tho game at Cornell w. . .one of the finest played by the Mullanmen t his year. Chrten Scor• Fint Goal The game atarted quickly as both teams gathered seorea In tlle 11m QUarter. Bob Clarten 8'0t the Fords' first tally when b~ scored on a .pe.nalty ldclc. W.wrent:e, Comella center for· ward, eolloeted the ftnrt goal ! or the 4'Big Red." The second quai'Ur, however, wu a dift'e...,nt st.ory u tloe Cor- aouuzJ: :n: .... ._.lll A U T 0 CA R SUr,_.. "" Camp's Drug Store I ----------=· ~verford,· Pa. of Ar-dmore . Bryn Mmor Flower Shop MRS. N. s. T. GR.A.MMER ,-,-,.,.,.,~, 0 "0 0' ' I 09 So. 13th Stre<t Reglotored Jeweler Dry,. Ma,....., 823 Lancu ter An. 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 00 ° ; s- o 0 ° f ' 0 ° 0 e • e f' 0 o-ro 0 Plllladelpllla 7 .boork.aa Goa 8odet7