Xe us
Xeus ARDMORE, PA., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1948 Three Original One Act Plays 1948 'Ford 'Record' Features Pictures, Presented - by Playwriters SHIPLEY LECTURE. FEBRUARY 20 03.00 A YEAH College Poll This Week to Show Consensus on Waiter Question Three original one-act plays. writ- Marjorie Low and John Thomas. New Larger Size ten, produced and acted by students "Scream to the Winds,. by Alan from Haverford and Bryn Mawr Col- Levensohn was the second pl. of the The 1948 Record will be the largeM A questionnaire for the gathering of student opinion and preference in regard to inclusive Irees, were presented reel Saturday , evening. Lee Haring, William Bishop. Resord that has ever been pthlished its history. The refire. here meth proposals for a return to a student-waiter system at Haverford will be presented to the student I Alfred Grossman, Henry Levin.n, President Gilbert F. White ',tercet- night et Goodhart Hall, Bryn Mawr!Dave Thomas, dare Fife, Frands faith M the proverb of Confucius body this week as announced by Students' Council head Laurence ft Canon in Collection on Fel,ml the opening Collerelon of the echo'. College. ruary 10. The'que.stionnaire will inclitsle price quotations from the Comptrolier's office an to the The prtae anPleY gnrr Smyth, Jr.. and John Maley. Jr., were that 'One piston, le worth a thousand ratio year with a vest-pocket SUMchanges will have on each student's Individual hoard bill, for the 1948 Record will hove effect winch different proposed Mary of the mare of the college. In Night which gave students studYing the retors in this presentation. Shish words" Volunteers or Expense ,111071 pictures thonit has ever had heopportunityle present took pinto in 0 windowless prison Me address to the student body Taw the drains Naturally the first question asked will be "Do you want to change to a student - waiter sysJohn Hauser s effort, The Tune is day, February 10, he discussed Re, and direct their own works. John tem'!" and if the Students' Council evaluation of answers indicates general satisfaction with the Fier. For tier. Hotter erford's plate in today's eduestireed Hawser was the production manar High," was the lost of the ploys to he li present cafeteria-style service, no changes will be made. For those. however, who favor having Because of the increased site and picture and then turned to the sortie. and the three amateur writers whose Presented during the evening. All the waiters, several proposals are put forward, differing an to cost and the number of meals served. Wars of tintince, turnover of acuity plays were presented are Marjorie action took place in the "Upbeat great number at pictures the price of Two plans are presented for hating the actual serving done, one calling for a rotating volunLow, of Bryn Mew, end Alan Leven- Roam" on 62nd St. The cast included , the 1948 Record boil be inertated and students, end curriculum. teer service by all students in turn, and the other involving regular paid student waiters, at the .elm and Into Hauser. of Haverfard John Hamer. 'Jahn Galley, Sue lien. from $1.50 to 33.03. The editors fee: Small Bet Pores. annul rate of sixty cents per hour. The latter of these is naturally more expensive, but does not The evening started off with a melo- derma Ann Eberstadt and Dave that the incrmse in mice is justified require any volunteer stints of wait. Dr. White opened hie remark. with drama by Marjorie Low, "Lees Than Blackwell as "Ivan Irentreitels° a tea by the greet increase in material that In nay event stedents would • discussion of the report of Peed- en Animal." intereet to all student,. The The setting was the room proprietor. The play centers .is dent Truman's Committee on Higher have to vat in dennite shifts in order , front yard of a slmeecropper s home around some unemployed tousle.. Reword will re on sale tonight with Fdimation. Thotath rewlet.thwa freing the Patentee River. The actors who ere lounging in the 'Upbeat copies being delivered during the first enrollment proposed that college be were Don Shoffstall, Anita Dittmar, ' week in May. doubled in the following years, Her' The 1948 Record will be almost erfeed lure a "distinctive place, but tlrely fare-lifted It wilt eretain On Sunday evening David Richie spoke to the Christie, "P","'"' r". not a unique place" in the plan. In about 125 pages of copy. The covei Forum on the topic, The Came for p.m... Mr. Richie, a Haver. " ""°" " "‘"P eentraet to the gargantuan univerelwill be different; the layout will he ford graduate, to secretary for the Friends' Social Order Con:- of the tempos. the mid-west, Haverford w311 . steno ic% unto.. and the pletore arrangentent m i Hee. and has recently returned from on extensive stay in ti" om re " • mull unit, with • goal rj operate There is 4 further choice as to the different. The Sports Europe, where he was personully concerned with the founding of will also of 4011 atudents by 1950. number of meals which the student rection, although thinker to last yent's numerous international work camps. Friday, March 6, marten the beginTurning to the question of Mane., Members the WC..f.h De- Record in My., will have more rebody may have wroed 'every slay. 'II Describes Europe President White found mveral probe ✓ing of the big mid-winter Junior bating Society defeated their oppotures and will also have better coverthree dully meals are served. with Mr. Richie described the scenes which he had witnessed in an lems threatening in the near future. Clan weekend. Plans have been fors in two debates during the past ems The write-ups will all be dime Europe. the Nazi concentration camps, the starved Polish chit& all ...dents tobio, turns ot wait i~tg. Though a make in tuition last spring notsion won by different individual. on there will rev. one in live of whom is an orphan, and the thorough dentruc. the reel per student per renderee mulated to hove dere night thews nn,,,„ In nnnt., cane the , erebled an across.the-reard increase similarity : h ,pta loe;z1, be id tion by the Nazis of all humane feet h°"°°°" env of fatuity eateries end allowed schol- on Friday night followed on Saturday given unanimously to Haverford by he "t.' Mule in. in Polish citizen, arships to be freed from outside work by the Junior Class formal dance. The a panel of three judges. In a third two. FIghteen on Stag 'a" welters. the necessary addition to M• The speaker requirements, a further increase in band ism yet undetermined but Den. debate no decision was rendered. elief Fund Returns' "i"d of such overwhelming need and ha.!dividuel yearly board would be WM. The staff of the 1948 Record sons,stn faculty salaries will be necessary to lel Hendon. rhairmsn of the dance „it, Ellis Singer and Hoyt Hickman of about eighteen ,notnionto. b: Volunteer prevent the laWering of one teaching 7d: it involve " •: "Is nt7 cos " committee, bi making final arrange. journeyed to Med.., N. J., to debate ing staff consists primarily of fee.aredoing a LI d"sfio}711d". standards. men and sophomores with the final meats with the help of Homer Klin., ,, Bnwwwh°,7,,,C;11°,7:tb Drew Untveretty Food, Pensions sad Plant doing. Europe fears that the United With 15 automobile loads of cloth. States will pursue a materialistic pal.while the same number of meals from Dr. White, detailing the firendel w ith, who is closing a contract abort. question was: Resolved, that there O.K. being gime by leek Herelwood. The Senior section, of which Jim ing collected, with <Meg $3,000 in ley of nationalistic self-aggrandise- paid student waiter. would requite situation, Mated, "We do not centres- ly for a toeedight 1.. 1 manure.thould retablished by the medical Buehler 10 in threes, fe newt,. eete- funds raked, both parts of the double- ment to the point • here war with $45.64 more teen] everk nor. In plate sure further incr.. in tuition, Following the tradition establIthe3 government a eystem dIwfreo medical a wants headed Haverford Emergency Relief Russia will become Inevitable. Should event that the College body but we ere contemplating increases In lest yes, this year's class night ears. Defending the affirmative poet- pleted and will go to press soon. Ben Collins is Dustman Manager. Dick Drive are reportedtbs their directors this seen, it will be the little people only one meal served daily, the con prices et two other points." The gr., , o.IBC ose ntn_ o_ Lion, the Haverford team spoke-of the Johnson is the Art Editor, and as going well. of central Europe who are once again foe the volunteer system will be new ac board, mast be increased, H mice. prem.,. necessity of reducing the cost of med• throughout the bruit there ere carica511.54 per academic year, as opposed caught in the middle. Clothier Still Needed sFein begin retesting upwards The episodes and musical extravaganzas. 10.1 servant „don improve the tures which are drawn by Dave Butto $29.22 for hired student help. Outlines Pacifist Stella Minn.. on Page I The elothire has been rellectedboth This year's Junior Class in out to re- retie.' health. The philosophy of a paeifist as he , Of the above quoted prices $10.20 triels from Haverford students and, more rein the clash night plaque won last On Thursday. February 1?. Evan recently. in a door-to-door drive looks at this disturbed state of the of earl, student's money under any year, but competition is stiff with Jones and Walter Sellgsohn visited among the neighbors of the College. world might be baled Wean three ob.' plan would be used ,e pay the two tu NEWS Gets New Lookt the campus of Solon Hall College itt other classes in hot pursuit. The carloads of donations are cent to eerratione. First. militarism. such as three additional kitchen help requirN. J. upheld the Revises Staff Organisation the Harm-ford FMende' Meeting the United Shoes seems intent upon ed for organization of waiters, attends Clint. of this pre-spring freliewill South Orange, of They the world governWith this is e, the NEWS begins Huse, where. explains James Miller, following, has never.proved an ode- ing to new reeks, et, Fore waiter three Saturday night, March 4, in the ment question. Haverford emphasized publication using a larger Pane and a head of the drive, the ladies of the quote means of safety for a major plan. also, further outlay would have The college radio station, WHRC, dining hell. John Tychanich. in charge the danger of atomic power and urged new method of operation. The remeeting make necessary repairs. The power throughout the history of the to be made for new chinaware and for reeumed broadeffeting last Monday, of decorations, claims that those who she of th,. o‘orol no,sorny vised format, in addition to offering earmenna are then turned over to the world. Secondly, the theory of in.. certain structural changes. but the, February 16, on a new mhedule. 'Toe attend the dance will be pleasrellY of the world eommunity. new possibilities for a varied red American Friends' Service Committee vlduel disregard for society has Moe- cos. the odministration has agreed Voice of Hreerford,° MN on yea dial. iturprhied. Tickets go on sale for • unsatisfoctory for insuring human to beer without changing Modem,' Haverford played host on Friday to more Interesting nmke-up, will enable for direct channeling overseas. will nowise heard eight hours a day. this sgrande agree" on Monday, Fre. a team from Lehigh University. us to increase both !Macs and advt. In the fund-raining portion of the happiness. The third alternative in tin, from INF P. M. to Midnight 23. the ....Hy for positive action based Charles Senores. and Waiter Seliesure tising spare. Relief Drive, more tree $3000 of In addition to the extension of defers led the neretive resit,. on The new staff organisation replaces $5.900 goal have been obtained thus broadeeating time, many other Inaworld government innon.decision, the old system whereby a different fur, and approximately 51.800. in the ::::2%Ve" ,, " „, `':̀„1:1 L ' .' ,7,7 prevenient. are planned. The station Chesterfield Appoints Oregon style debate. The Oregon Town Editor Wen in complete charge form of signed pledges are still to be hoe mt. been aerie.'" tried out as hopei to have two studios soundproofSaner Representative Style includes a period of cross-ream. of eath week's issue. Remitter. turned in. The greater amount of the yet. and this theory would eliminate ed end ready for nee in the near fu'nation and it was the first debate the of pasnibility News Editors of subscribing will perform to specialised miltThe Campus Merchendising Ithmoney is being given to the A.F.S.C., ture. The range of the station will this type held at Haverford thie year. functions with the Editor-in-Chief in while the World Student Service Fond reau, 55 West 42nd Street, New also be interested to include the dorms /hong. in the faculty ere rompersThe United glares is the country oonie While Senesce skillfully ereikd any direct churge of every edition. The will re ''e 1500. end a like *mount is ono noo.o0nto, York. takes pleasure in announcing which it hes been unable to reach in ton, trio to that Mr. Joseph W. Sever, Jr., '50, positive commitment under cross... adventures of this set-up are that to pe to the Philadelphia Community most feared abroad and the 711024 fearthe paid and the faculty homes. begun his sobbatimil have, ful amination. within. The the future affirmative of the admitted world tont, greater tint..e now r000nt, ototon, staff efficiency and greater ono Chest. ht been appointed to sneered Mr. There has been a reorrenization of rests in its hands. It is sip to Amer. „ono, that 0n consenres onnwno 0000too of the governed ontottin,„ in a continuity will be obtained. Aid for Tubingen the existing radio thews. and with the John Hoopes, Jr., as Haverford rep. en to see that it exeritnee intelfigerit ito,nn prerequisite of government and eonA, in the past the NEWS welcomes addition of new shows the station reeentative for the Liggett & MyA relatively small portion of the enderehm, end this leadership le leered their inability to establinh the suggestion, and criticisms from evers Taboo. Company. Post on &Ahearn] hopes to achieve near pref.:edema whole. $500, was earmsrked by donor. truly effective when it is directed nue °defence of such consensas. eryone. quality. Better.coverage of campus for specific relief agencies, such am Levi Arnold Poss Profsssor of ward rosin of interretiorel gondwil and world news can be expected, InCARE, the Red Cross. and , Church Greek. hos gone on sohbotwal leave. end brotherhood Essentially the pu. cluding wire direarehes from The New World Service. A spreial request is He has been denwentovil by the UMdist believe, that the world must deYork Times, at SAM every night. being made to the A.F.S.C. faisid to a ver.Ity of l3 til.• lide between a life of mechanistie The meinstay of the elation will Sethsr Lecture-+h„ real the University of Tubingen, Germany. notritnn .rkelts i mon, and he, for „,. still be its dim jockey thaws. These, which. !seeress of student and /realty Cultf to . risk his life for the triumph thnes for banding together BY KENNETH M. MOSER however, will be of a better quality, The Deperthart o r Esmond, fel- Merion and Denbigh Halls, at Bryn ronneetions, has a close relationthip oto, nindiootinn li tt, notor. There are /ow who would deny the low timid souls fare mutual invasion Mawr, and the Barelsymen. of our with Haverford. end there will be a dependable schedbeen strengths...4 the rohlitio ule of elastics! musk dethsg the stu- veracity of that time-worn statement of a nereby movie—or for the intik College. From our vantage-Paint be' Wank, H. Cadbury, chairman of James Street a- A—txtant Prete Zet out of the mouths of babes eft-times oldest inspection of various types of hind the juke box, we observed it to the drive for funds. has termed it thus ying hours from 7:30 to 9:00. WRFC is planning to work to alas- springs the truth." Indeed; we hove lifeless volumes, be a rehire:OW recces.. Perhaps In aithe "overwhelming auttees" and rrl bin B. A . . conjunrcion with WBMC, the Bryn recent example of just how true his. future renewals of this dense, the Orange, a part of this to the "And Whet to That?" ' Mawr Motion. Thin co-operation ie Of course, the ward "babes" in used It has not been unusual for them Bor. Mawr "'wort" room," where lb° ystem of monthly pledges which has xpected to lend'more life to both or- here In the vernacular. its meaning to Bet to the point Mince wan held, will begin to corn the its been used "The pledge spawn." he er of Pennsylvania''' . Univsity "" where. when conJohn Ersione. celebrated author and. ganisations. Already live phone end in this usage being "young ladies.. fronted by someone eye, "hue aided immeasurably In the New Chemist, thiamine, with obelus, devi- th„ L° a hit hater ' ' ro,00to of t he lee jockey elbows have been planned And in thierese, it is the young Indict atiore from the pattern set down for greatest possible edscritor. will give the annual Shia Another pertrament faculty inembes °ut lel le give you the word on hr Lecture In Roberts Han at 8.15, who hue brew teaching this terei i with the girls, Thie ortmnireliwit the of Bryn Mawr to whom we refer. The the mate half, they turned quizzically just bow the whole thing le being run. P M., Friday, Feb. 20. He will speak jot, Theodore go„rey, P. argent on campus, le still welcoming trete which sprang from them wee to anyone at hand with the question, Keell week, certain dormitories front no "Journals and Blogrephies ,---The D.. London University. SI, Ihinfos new members who ere Interested In that there has been a great lack of "And what, pray math rehrel will be selected and am tell. is that?. C. G. Meeting inner Life and The Outer.° ireetine, announcing, engineering.. opportunity.for the girls of B. M. C. I will nerve as Instructor In Chemist's. On the other bond, those who were taus posted as to when and where the ny other job connected with the sta- to meet Haverford men lend v Then those An entinent writer of both talon'. A course In intetnational Relations Is The Intercollegiate Conference endowed with nature's gift for mak- donee will take place. versa, to be meals At last it seem. tion. ietion, Mr- Erskine tries to being peen by Philip Ernest Jacob, Wieaa" evening and ° on Government (ICC) will mess • • end nemf ing friends end influencing them found who wowt something is being done. roved "more of the in to gel" need .d less Leeturer in Government. Mr. Jacob, plitholdphia this year April themselves in the enviable position of °t." meet Freshmen Dance Ineffective hie themselves to the appointed The tatferenee will tete ,,,- of the outer life"'n hie books. Among of the University of Pennsylvania, st o r,f C. Prone but Cope Fellowship In the past, there has been but one hwtiblicnhgneolin,h000 his literary works am "The Private will he a part-time faculty member. of form of o natiernd politleal Live : 1 -thbere"P s:o7ld 'dbeth170.:He-F m7rme Applications for the Clementine opportunity for the freshmen of the imbalanee is an lion sod it will function in • mss• Life of Helen of Troy," "The Human He received his B. A. at Yale Ilan's, natural Onoet.,' o 'tot, been 000tontne than Mired.' eIense for not attend. co. Fellownbip must be in the two echrels to meet, this being the ner similar to that of the moor Life of Jesus." and, most recently, oily, his M. A. at the 13, of P. and his ea beund roe "The Memory of Certain Persons.° an Ph. D. at Princeton University. • bands of the President of the Col. renuel.freshmandanee. The Metter- manor or later. Howie is later and fnR Haverford functions; end "Gee, I national. creventiorm. deemsu of this affair as c medium of don't know anybody to enk" should beNorman Wilson has temporarily relege before Berth 1, mremrenied it is on the wet to being overcome. All students interested In taking autobiography. come a disappearing phrase around Mr. Erskine is also distinguished as placed Otto Rants In the Engineering by whatever statement of extra• Introduetion has been sUrpeesed only part in either the APril meeting or Dante Wire 1.reuriated Imre. attieities the candidate by the number of Jokes and stories the regional warns-up to be heti in an Erelish profiler, concert pianist, Department. Mr. Rentz will be on Nat have grown Op about it The mechanism which has been act We take our hat off and make a and lecturer. An expert madden, he Imre and expects to trek, a tour of remildere relevant. Philadelphia an Much 1tt (or b , th) The more timid souls, and they are up is n series of dances between the deep bow to all those who had • band le a former president of the Mims! the- West. Candidates for the award fen should see Stephen the School of Made. A noted educator, Professor of Economics Frank Yet1943-49 are referred to p.113 of the In the vast majority on both sides of two schools, probably one each week, In the planning of this •reenrement chairman of the liftreggord detestacurrent Catalorue for the atat Ninon t the sexual fence, have failed to make during this present semester and per- It is something than has been needed tion, tome time thbejentglr, , watch he was largely responeible for the ter has halt the College to take n poThis pant for a long while. As a remota mailer of the revised terms under *hick any meetings of Import at !hie dance. haps remeeterado-come. the CSA builetinhoten$0 farther put-annistico educational program slOon with Northwestern University. From teen on, for them Friday end Friday night the inaugural party took ones add In the heat of battle "Damn which sent American tiddlers to for- Pssi3r Teal has become the heed the Felidwehip will be roninted.• . announcement.. Satunlay nights have beret. the place betweed the young ladies Of your banhfulness, full speed ahead!" etre universities after World Wee of he Econorrilea Department, Richie Sees World's Future Hope in Brotherhood Spirit ;7:,;;,::"'„,=„u",,d7„;7,. '";7;;:: Junior Class Plans Debaters Victorious An MI-Out Weekend In Two Verbal Jousts differen. R Topping $3,000 Mark A WHRC Plans Change In Hours and Shows Second Term Brings Few Faculty Shifts Socially Anxious Bryn Mawr Gals Meet Shy 'Fordians Who Shake Off Obscurity in New Rumpus Room Series Erskine to Present ShipleyLectureHere i. by WeduesdaY, February 18, 1948" HAVERFORD NEWS PAGE' Two., interest groups to combine every tsar year. in order to elect a president, leaves no' alternative. The formetion of a third party therefore emmt be considered min challenge to the arem, but must be viewed as a rpeponse to the failure of the two existing parties to prorate the means d mar, l'01,401_0 frafal0RV 11-, 1909 Mon to all centending 'interest• i'ilitor--(3-torge L. Raft A party achieves a per.t of power when a majority of interest groups combine under eta Isederahip. Such combination is timed either op W. Nanci. • IIsoind..J. MaoogroWillion la:Warner common interest es norm other cohesive principle. In 11460 the Republican J. Oppenheimer, II. Robert Lasday. John A. Viteilo. Moo, lidifrr.-Nlartin Party united western agriculture and northern business and imilaryathainet real-no. l ,Oor-Kenneth M. Moser the southern planter. The ceheeion was affected, not theme, common inAtao,ei thliten-William K. Carbon tereet, but by the strong stirring of the Paotestant conscience. is 1812 and Neel Aoorialre-Gordon Baldwin, Allan Brick, ..ffacal Dennis.. Ken, 7016 the Democrats united the southern planter and his political following, cells Dolbw, Willard flans., Maid Kenowica, Robert Kunkel, 3sume the inhebitanta of the northern cities, and the wratem tamer under the Milne, I Iowan' O'Neill. William Pcifcr, William &niche, Wall, Sei- banner of refram and peace. The Repalieane agein effected • some of ;paw farm add factory in 11120 on the basis of the isolationism of normalcy. The aparval /Sim ,,f -Ilion G. Flood call of recovery and rearm brought the southerner. the northern worker, A ■ 400541 Spur, Efaia-llavid E. Philips and the wester. earner together again in the Demers. fold. Spar. .lantiefia-Drrw Orman John Doane, Spcnscr Hand, Donald HarDuring the New Deal era it became evident that the old et-chime' dalThan,. Stare. alone were breaking down; and, since the death of President Remivell, the Ouneall Wood, A. Mead Sniffer) ▪ .• breakup of the coalition hes become all too obvious. 11_,,,,,,a-john T. Acton The Democratic Party is now coetrotled by the southerners and the iale-Clude, II. Criaith , P.. „ , Republican Pare by cannel. As a result the poor farmer and labor have t a, La• Mrearer-Jowpii I. atamort Jr. Neither party h. enunciated a great e noinmate for political1 expselon. cohesive principle that could draw these groups into its fold.. Since these !„all 0,i loraireol College. Joaki) anousboof Ito two major groilp9 CatlitOt remain politically Inarticulate, the formation of Ardonor Printing Cowpony, el Rifler, a third party has 'weenie Inevitable. Th. Mr. Wallace's &Mean to run is 160, Nootol .,. Olor,..,Iolmoro, not ett.y be.,on a realistic appreciation of political trends, but it is little historical necemity. If oh wall, at do. Ardnoorr. Po..Poot Pit it, omit, An more than en acneieeoence In Ike requirements of hio party can survive until alter 1962. we will proliebly net the disintegra(„earn.., Anguir 24. 1e12. tion red absorption of one of the older parties, and again•tbere will be only two parties wiring for our ellegiame. It remains for us to consider whether the formation of a third poets, will Ion the ineuguration of a reationary administration in late. It can 111 its kb: issue. :thirst forty years awhile College Weekly be stated eetegorically that no administration can afford to follow en exforernmwr oi the NEWS, stated that its policy would be "to-pub- teemst ouncy when faced with a restive organises' opposition. To do so lish 1111 rollege happenings of interest ins fair, impartial way ... would mean defeat at the next election. Whenever a third party movement hm appear.' on the scene, the major parties were loaned W Mat their proto des clop inure cooperation between the alumni, undergradu- grams in order to reestablish the consensus upon which all government ates, istid friends of Haverford College ... tO foster andlassist rests. A well-organised, Progressive third party in indeed our hoer .ner. any activity which will work to the betterment of the college." mice of a moderate policy. Wallase's candidacy ran be debated on helerits recording to one's Thin, in general. expresses the aim of the NEWS as it begins Publication under a new editorial board and with a new plan of political predilections. There can be no deb.., however, concerning the nmessis and wiedoin of ffirming a third party. operation. It will he our function to present an objective picture WALTER I. SELIGSOHN of the college community. to provide an outlet for student opinion, And lo work be the welfare of Haverford with the considerCrow 's Nest ation of its beat interests as our guide. As in the past, the NEWS will present editorial comment on ThM column hes traditionally Mitred an outlet for an usually Irmo oil inrall, which the editorial staff feels are important to the col- sated imagination, creative fancy and, at leant. in theory, our sense of lege as a whole. The bulk of such comment will pertain to mat- humor. But now that exams are over and disheartening reports of our ters directly concerned with the college community. But at the turf entrance of them have come drifting back, none of ea feels particularly time we are famed With the realization that conditions today funny. Conacquently, we've convinced ourselves that here's • perfect exare far too chaotic to justify our standing aloof from the affairs u ec for sitting hack, scanning the columns of other college newel/Mee., nod being content to pea on to our readers a few ateresting maraca written of the world and side. Connotetently, we will feel free. within the hers and them when the sordid facts of academic life were not exerting bound, of good taste. lo assert our opinions on any subject of their inhibitory effect. interest to the Harerford student body. Right away we think of an lam mita). Peet" that originally A frer and uncensored newspaper, the NEWS will exercise appeared in the Loyola College Greyhound. Sam then its been stolen by 8 its privilcuy of critiataing anything, at any time. A sense of xt least four other publications-a now sign that it must be funny., Heave, wi sprint parts el it here. di es; ion with the status quo is a malady to be found wherQ.-la sauce mined or ladled from a gravy boat? If a ladle is used, ever college students congregate. We firmly believe that some why dos, the hoot have a spout? A.-The gram should be eirioualy dumped from the beat In scarce degree of revolt is a natural and inevitable stage in the development of the individual. Thus, we shall feel under no compulsion to mar other queetiom let me assure am that all liman should have spouts. This allows for tbe smoke from the engine recce to go armishere. km mu-selves to force completely into the mould established by the should do conventions which surround us, and shall consider ourselves al Q.-Can you blow on your soup to cool it on liberty to offer advice wherever and Whenever we please regardA.-Yea one do that or add mid oaten Either is perntiaible. 1 see-gess yea stuff your month with are cubes, stand back from the able and' lean of our qualifications to do so. In addition to its primary function of presenting all news •really let go with winery blasts .... Q.-When being introduced as a deb, should you try eo .breathe of interest to those with a concern for the activities and ideas of if three sac.ds or four seconds? Please answer soon as I am esHaverford the NEWS will pay an increasing amount of atten- p.-ie.-Mg difficulty in holding or breath smting for your answer. tion to welters of interest to college students-aspecially itea, • A.-Yee are, no doubt a sweetchild. - .But roe are bating life too of other colleges--but nol treated by other media usually avail- seriusly, (j.-I, it minim., to taw toothpicks? able on compels. 'Phis .11011. a deviation from the NEWS' pracI- Is all depends en yen want to use them for. 1 wouldn't fa. tice ill former years, in made possible through the increased size Lava to prop or the diningwhet room table with then. However, if you dipped of our iww format, them into sulphur. you might he able to use them an witches. that Is If you Continuing the firm belief in a well-rounded college pro- 'struck them right. • • a gram, the NEWS will support campus activities, athletics and And then there's the obi saw exhumed by a thiffinnist ue the Sag of student government. We fee/ that the degree of self-governthe Otmeser, a publication of the Newark Colleges of Rotgeeo University. ment enjoyed by the students of Haverford today can be attribHaunted by the thought that a Chemistry exam us.11y requires a chemimt uted to the efforts of countless undergraduates in former years analysis of as least a one element• he submit, this one. In was you haven't who consistently demonstrated .their capacity to act with ma- heard it, hero it is •Elemea-Waman; floramenee: Found wherever men turity :Mil discretion. The Honor System is the product of their exist and seldom in the free state: Pls..] Propertlea-lt appears is nil labor. 'Phu NEWS, then, recognizes its responsibility to the colors, sixes, shapes and alma. It ieusually found in diaguieed coadition. alumni as well as to the student body to devote itself to preserv- Conecovemd with metope. material. It may Seese in u M.met Melts when properly seated and is very bitter when misused. It turns green ing the Honor System as it exists today from the assaults of a when placed beside a mute handsome specimen ... Caution-Highly cal. row iniaguided and places itself squarely behind all .sive c in inexperienced hands; Chemical Progenies-It is very atty.moves directed toward ateengthenina and extending the System. It maims. a great affinity for gold, edam, platinum. or anYthing of cake. Finaliy, more than cyan before, the NEWS will seek to en- Violent action mess when left alone. It sometimes Will yield to pressure. It in undissolved by liquids Cell rare Ihr develulaileul of a more constructive college spirit. with spit-Rua. liataiOlite , but activity is greatly stimilated by truth:writ Spirit. as she :WO i1. wow for beyond the external, mechanical acts • • e cheering 01 football games. In f4e broader applications, it Mom Haverford inen will hell little didieday in sympathising with is 0 pride iu Ilaverford, a eonssitaWalea. of our role ad a part otudents at Moss. University whose fund problem gave rim' to s Suomi. dt its hh. and an increased sense of responsibility for its Well- paregraph ill the Collegian, ..Referring to the proper use of a suggestion being. The purpose of directing otirselves toward such a goal is box'n their dining rum, they state that constructive criticism is desired, Weil mere /lemmata, remarks such as 'the food nut 1.1 inculcate a feeling Of mum.. pr superiority on the part • • • of Flovertord ondergradontes. On the contrary, we believe that :tusking of constractive critielmh we can't help thinking at the a heightened consciousness of our identity with Haverford will Swarthmore Phoenix, edam editorial staff in infused with a pessionatp lam 11, ,4 in a more critical outlook With regard to its functions, a for Wirer, and healthy revolution... This interest in criticising imperfect condition, at Swarthmore led lust year to an editorini discussing the spirit ki•unor doxirr to work for its improvement. and an increased in- 07 revolt prevalent on college cumpoea - velimention with generally dc',rest is tit ialviuthiges with greater effectiveness. Ill cepted Inures and Ideologic?' is the way they pat it to this editorial cue 1. , quo c the above-mentioned editorial in the first what the Phoenix insists Is a bona fide quotation from tha mien enforced is of the I 'allege Weekly, we wink to "make the greater Hay- in 1856 in South Hadley Seminary, predecessor Holyoke: . rford n better ilavorford." Wen member of this school is expected to have any male mimes they are retired miselenariee or agents of some benevolent society. "No member of thin school shall devote more than one hour each week AcroSs the Desk to miscellanea. reading. The ATLANTIC ,MONTHLY. Shakespeare., p.• L.., daa af Henry %Collett excite, men to strung eartieunship, Saba easels. ailabinson Cream,- and immoral.... am attletty fistraid• r kii the Aire 1.1-Proaident has naturally celled forth much den. 'Ile ROSTON RECORDER. MISSIONARY HER,1111, and Weellieg..xis itil h• manta. In port it has been of the usual variety: the an'e Farewell Address are earnestly reepramended for 'beat reading!' p e. el the lac held up to public scrutiny and he is alternately . These, accenting to the Ph..., are the regiilatione Mount Holyoke ,aril 0.1 and eandemned as the devil incarnate. In part, girls dated at in 11138. in case Havarfordians wonder what Swarthmore •.arved, iptehe wave, leis held the attention of the electorate, and tho' end the Phoenix chafe at In 1948. we reprint beloiv esejerpte from n forthraelien .lie. dd■oc,.. tleaRion to run on a third party ticket has been eight aditerel which appeared in its issue of.Jamary 113: as rely mu-hewed, • Our into response to reading the Kinsey Report was to write u The po,tane distrust of third-party' nravententa itefa, of the greatest blistering editorial], quoting devastating radiates on the amount of sexual Pia nudes that Mt. Wallace w12 hdve to surmount. The' two putty system getivity of the college male, and to call on the administration to ace the realities of the aituation by p - roviding more adequate facials, on the camica Ameiroll traiition and as seen evokes strong loyalty. Mr. Wallace wily he s ...pone the antagonism that meets any challenge of the tra- eras for sexual expression by the student body ... ' '17m administration R put into a difficult position.. this as in many ditional . Huey ulnas sub.-Be to toe belle( that the present nautical situaother question of the 'policy; thoy must mediate batsmen the conflicting tion look, the fermatien or a third Party PerretdarlY ie•dolesiblei They enntendhamt the resultant division of the Interal voting strdeth will in- metal forces of the students and of the other groups concerned with the their difficulty by insisting on crease the chem. of lowest of a reactionary candidate. This controversy, college .. - We to not intend to then, may he profitably examined in the light of the hidery of the two decisive public action. We de think that the adminharalon can best Perperty system and of the political forces active on the American mane today: form its functions and win the respect of the student body by taking qulet In the field of maul behavior is terms of the realities revealed by The see party eratem in the inevitable consequence not of the cOnlfacifs action the Klima Report." will of the electorate, but of the essential natere of oar pendent biotite-It's remarkable what a hundred years omdo. lions. The preeidentiel mama, wkeh fele. the =shinede of competing HAVERFORD NEWS sp.* Edih,-J.eph Setting Our Sights ALUMNI NEWS Akintni Notes flaverford Alumnus house at 16 Jervis Place, Lynbosk, 111044 Dr. .Jolin A. Leder, arominrat Lens Oland, into which he and tdra Upholds Alma Mater Quaker educator of Way*, Penna., Coops and the dhadren moved on . one elected es trim* of Maglebraqk teniCiry 1. Scheel, -Deerfield, Mem hie bra a Hera8. Tiffiltingten. DI k nova in the act -al department of the John Haverford College wan represented background -re teacidog and by Charles to S. Thaler, Sr., '55, at el guidance. Mr. Leiter nag taught wampek Life Insaranee ConnomY in an Dpee Fowl at the University ef at the William Fenn Charter School Bast., Masa. 4937 Tampa, Tampa. Florida, eerie thin of Germantown, Perigee., and ff. In a tether to Alumni Secre- ty-ala years was on the *ea Brydea Hardier Hyde. ca-87, hoc ,Y tary Bennett S. Cooper who had in- The Hill Scheel, Pottstown, Penna., recently became engaged os Mien DI, vited Tingley to attend as Haverford's where he was hind of the English arm Caroline Smith, daughter Of Mr. • 'justice and MO. Allan C. Smith, of repreacffiative, the latter describee the Department Accra. Gad Cata, British West Affora., held under the awakes of 1906 Distr.. 3 of the American Alumni De. Henry Pleasant. Jr„ is the rica mod Pagel Weed. ffiergooda. Council and devoted to a discanion of author of en article entitled ••The Stephen C. Cary. Marnbei of ills "The Making of a Good Alumnus." Battle of Paoli,in the January Mee amaanan, Mends Setjace Committee, Events which marred at the foram of the Panedaria Maseeine at die- was tine stieffiluMeS. at the Mane can best be expressed by mean. tary and IffitaraphY. the aohlkatioo Sondes Beenittest Clob et Trinity from Tinglm"s attar to 14e. Cooper. of the dederlial Society of Pen.y/- Episcopal Church at MOOreaVORP. N. J. on ;snort 21. His tope woe ..I am afraid that the discussion Mt Muds. "Social- Problems of Poll Wai 1917 off the track. We seemed to abeds get around to what made . proud Dewitt C. Clement is now assistant IVO of our APma Mater. In fact. Us one malinger of the domestic •remmerce fern or slather, that wan the theme bureau of the Chamber of Commerce Hanford Benders. married Mien Sore Cook in June, 1946. He alms sang of the entire evening. Dr. Vie of Philadelphia. to get his Ph. It in Compareffive Lit• 1918 Davis, Alumni Secretary of the University of Tennessee, was our mod- Alfred j. Townsend represented erature next yeas. His home addrem is 407a East Rosemary St., Chapel Ilaverfoyd at the amffitration of erator. He would propound a eitestion and then oak about twenty or Earle Taste Hawkins ea president of Hill. N. C. thirty. at'randem, to give their an- State Teachers College at Towson, Charles K. Peters, of Lanadownr, has been admitted to the DeLaware swers. He bit me in the first one Md., an January 17. County Bev. He had meek:m.1y host 1974 widen mist 'What service of your institution are you the proudest of!' Dr. Gaylord P. Hornell, director of at..ed to practice before the State niece two ereviona +remora had brag- the Dep.-intent of 'hydra at the Simeon Come, and is amacieted with ged of she record of the alumni in the University of Pen.ylverta, has hest the office of Lute, FroneSeld, Warner last war I felt that I should present appointed to the newly created Mary and Bryant Is Media. His hems adanother side of the picture, no I re- Amanda Wood their of phynira et the dress is 401 South Lansdowne Ave. 1941 piled that it was the Leaderahip and university. This profeseorsha was service of oar faculty, alumni and established from the estate of the Ian J. Brace Switrert who is emocated students in a great organisation dedi- damns L Weed is memory of his with the McCann-Dricksen Corcoran., advertising Ire, has ...11,15 cated to service to humanity and the mother. been transferred from Regent Col. .1910 'ellevistion of human a suffering throughout the world. I added tha t Franklin 0. Curtis has been elected limb. to Cuba. Hie address is 0/4 that organized. had just recd./. president of the'Go-ordinating Conn- McCann-Erickson Cornered., Japerthe Nobel Peace Prise for that cork mil of Baltimore Public school Parent- tado 0$58, Hama, Cube. mentioned no names but one lady in Teacher Orsenizatiens. He recently R. Brae Hawley received hie Ph.D. eat up hie ownineurance away. degree in American Hider/ from the the front row unwed armed and Olaverford." Portia and Diggs, at 326 St. Peel State University of Iowa on JA114.5' M. He is now maintain prate.or of Place is Baltimore. Tingley was married on October hietory at Weatern Illinois Sate 1227 1944 to Shirley Dent: of BrookTeachers Collage and 'tc living at 801 len. N. if„ and is the proud father of Dr. John R. teeth, Jr., rm./Senn.' North Lafayette Street, Macomb, HHaverford at the inauguratics of two children, George Frederick Tingamra ley, born August le, 1840 and Jane John Wilkinson Taylor as President Er. and Mrs. A. Franklin Ingib. of Taylor -Tingley, barn December 9, of the Unlvereity of Louisville and Washington, announce the birth of a at Usc sessesieretennlal celebration of Iffila He in retired after many years son, Richard bffill. en Deeena. 20In the construction and insurance bus. the founding of the university on Their home address in 161 Danbury ince. They am living at 2332 0th February 9 reed tel at Leeisville, 436 St., S. W., Washington, D. C. 1941 Ave. North, St.retoraburg 6, Florida. 1943 Reverend George R. Edgar has been Bradlhy ithad is in government selected as a Cede/it commingioner to in Europe rawam he aapeeta the Presbyterian General Amembly to be for another Year. His address Seattle. Weehinglara, ie 141.- an recanny participated in a connatudig Is Office of Perseanel Carer. olt.cus, in the Cheltenham tjigh APO 742. eto Postmaster, N. Y. 11145 AMR J. Mengert, '16, o retired at- Sch.l commetnoratied the fifth antorney, died suddenly on January 27, nlvereary ef the drowning of the Ther Lois Virginia 4.41.4 M. A., '45. was 1948, in Gererantovni Hospital. He was chaplains who gam away atheir lite- affietty parried to -11r. Witham M. 62. dairies Stant:so, Jr.. el Akron. Ohio, The belts 1.0 servicemen en mrasony took place in the Friends Mr. Mengert, who Hoed at 7213 troopship. ideiglaprOcrod ' Center, Darmstadt, hereon sta Mt. Airy, Penna., was lean asecr with the law firm of Mont- Dr. Daniel P. Cooper, J, a Mem- Germany. Both the bride and groom "ornery, McCraeken, Walker and ber of the Gerken Department at have been modee with the American Rhoads, 1420 Chestnut et., for mom Brooklyn College, recently perchased Fiterida Service Committee in France and Germany for the past two years. than 20 years. They will remain in nornaotOAL until He received Kin H.A. degree free. next spring in charger the work at Harvard University in 1517. He enthe Nabraboritood Cantor. tered the army during World War I Callrin Young was recently maand served as R .ptain. He returned rled to Miss Frage. I...wise Caldwell to study law at Harvard and woe in Wffibrook pendular. Church, Henry J. (Whitey, chairman of the graduated from its Law School in Iffia American Friends Service Committee, italtimere, /dd. 1946 Mengert was actiye as an an- gave an Illustrated talk en his exli deep-tigate at Hendon' College and perience. Cr Code, Norway. at the an- Jgma F. 801er ben recently *emotme of the most brilliant men in his n.' meeting of the Friends Social ed • position with the Provident Mutad Life Ineeranee thawed is Phillam In hie junior year he was Union in the Race Street Meeting etrete,' class pr.ident wawa. Muted House in Phildelphia on January 30. rlelphio. He is in the publications also to Phi Beta Kappa. He was od- Mr, Cadbury went to Oslo in Do• Metim of the agenty deffiriment. 1047 tor-in-chief of the Class Amosd in tetnner to accept for the American his maim year and was awarded the Friondo Service Committee the Nobel Dale B. Ride has moved te 309 Riverside prise, Apt 7-B, New York Clementine Co. Fellowship. the Peace Award. win. Maly 10 bia is connected with the An active member of the Union Quakers in ffitglend and America for D. 16. Mooring concern W. R. Cram & [man and the Philadelphia Cricket their work for peace. Club, Mr. Mengert also nerved for six Members of the [akin decided to Conant% years on the board of managera of forego their annual dinner in Bonner. Haverford College as alumni Mira- don with the meeting this year and [tentative. cootributed the estimated cads to the Surviving are his wife, Mauer, and Servica Committee One raconstruetion a daughter, Mary. interment wits in work abroad. In the absence of John Washington, D. C. W. Eason, prentdent of Swarthmore College and President of the Union, 'William Henry chembeille '17 ie Harold Evans, 'ay. vim-president, the author of an article entitled "Communism, Heir of Fascism.' In the presided. Cadbury described the work of the Pebruard 3 issue of Leek 'Magas.. selection committee, told of . the mono In the article he pelts out what lie believes are the nimilait1. between Hebert' Ea.Hpeht, Jr., 11, of 3309 interesting and prominent people who Cohummism and Fmcietn. Juniper reed, Baltimore, Ed,, Nos were present when the sword •Prom 1022 Le 1934, Chamberlin plbeenraWarded a junior fellowship in made, and pointed out the challenge aided in bramie as !Dream oorerePeadclassical Midia at the American which bits been presented to the Serv- ret. for the "Christien Sclonm Mauice Committee and to all Friend., beAcademy in Rena. hoe' Alter Russia, be was a Mohlter Closed daring the war years, the cause of their select:an us recipients in the Per East and Fringe. Academy will reopen in October of of the peeve prize. Chamberlin began his newaaper this year. The Fellowship Is for one career in 19E7 an mislaant to HeyYear, with a possibility of renewal. Professor of Medicine at wood Bmwsbook editor for the New Its value is atyroxitnetela *VW. Wisconsin Swcuniths at 73 York Tribune. Haverford has close connections with the Academy. fellowships having Dr. Joseph S. Evans, '55, Emeritus been held by dices ether graduates. Professor of Healable at the UnimrProfessor LoPkwood has acted as di- eity of Wisconsin, died February 6. PrOwN 007, Passes Aibf4Y; rector of the Gamiest Selma" and 1048. He was 73. Former Company Chief Professor Comfort is Secretsty of the Born in Writ Chester, Penna., Ds. Advisory Council to the CISSAkal Evans received degrees from Haver- ...Arthur Emhart Brown. former PrsPSal 1 ford College and the University of Meat of Brown end Bailey Co., died While in c.olege, during the sum- Penneylvania, where he taught tram lanuarY.,21 in Chestnut Hill Hosmer months. Er. Hecht '[tended the 1002 to 1909. He went to Wisconsin pital. He was 62. Univereity • of Zurich. After hie in. 1910 as an imatructer of clinical Mr. Brown, who lived at 7904 Lkgraduation in 1941, he served in the medicine and woo named Peofeemz of .. Dries, Chestnut Hill, graduated Nary, leaving . a lieutenant senior Medicine in 1934. A deter, Mrs. R. tram Haverford in 1007. He 71411 grade, and is now sauteeing at the M. Scott, of Went Chester, Penn., Malabar of the Coulter Street Meeting of the Society of Friends. • survives. University of Zurich. At Alumni Council Prominent Attorney Succumbs Suddenly Experiences -in Oslo Relayed to Friends T. Chamberlin Author Of Article in 'Look' American Academy Awards Fellowship Weelpetielay, Febetiary 15, 1948 HAVERFORD NEWS Basketball Team Drops Pair To Swarthmore and Dickinson SPORTS IC-RAPPER On This and That With the nightmarish "death' peeled of finula overland forgotten 114rereford ...By squads awing back Into foil action this week. In the next few day., Ford folthiwers will have a chance to see all three of the major Garnet Sews Up Contest Haverford Beaten, 88-42 With 34-Point 'Final Ralf; By Dickinson's Courinten; T,oltin Injures Shoulder S. Colman Nets 14 Points On Wednmday night, FebreerY Menlo The courireen meet P. M. G. /1, a fat, :smooth. 1511aq...ties sod Drexel, the fencinje squad Sathrthmere basketball team trounced foils with Temple U., and the mat- a hard-fighting but hapless Haverford suen engage faublenberte and Dela- team on the Garnet court, 66-41. The ame wee closely eon-Wired the...bWare. ut the One half. The Swarthmore Tomorrow night, the P. M. C. bee- versify held a meagre 27 to 24 lead holing! Pee. beetle. Haverford in a at the midway meek. However, en Middle Atlaalk auks league Omsk Injury to the Fords' pepper-pot ogee. sive ace Sol Tollin at the close of the here et Haverforel In their kW teethfirst half paved the way for the dehag, the Dochertymee look a elmr de. luge of Swarthmore boakets all deter by a 30-02 went Since thee through the mcond half. the Cadet', have been the hon.1 ball Swarthmore Ted., Lead fob inthe league. pickier up 5 gases Swarthmore opened up the some in the win oilman while loving with a ewpoint outburst before Tollin one. Last Saturday. the visitant ad. sank a foul to break the ice for Ha, and trouncing to the erford. The GMT. Wain led by big ministered • Swarthmore ball club. 'Ilk "an 80-46 Jim Reilly, who was high scorer for the night with 21 point, and Dick Artery. P. M. C. feeturen • hiek- Cry., who used a one-handed puck scoria. store, led by Bob Marto shot with a devastating effect, ran the Dick higher. and Chips Marsnage. mom to 17.11. At this point the Ford Marta, who will probabty wear No 13 team Mood its most determined rally tomorrow night, reeked up 24 markof the evening. Herold Whjtcornb ers in his last tneeti00 with the Feeds gained control of the backboards and and new boasts a 10-peed per game at the same time flashed his old dead• average. A entail fellow. Marta tally -.hombre eye. so he caged them lies moo of his pelt. on Minter layb.keta in fair trim from the floor. shots. 1ngber sod Msrgavage, . Tollin and Frank Kennedy played playing at forward and renter reaft over the floor stealing the ball and spectively. mob have scored *beet 10 intereeptieg passes. As the end of P.M. Per game. the half nearedhe tempo of play On Saturday the Ford five battles grew even hotter. At one time Chuck Drexel at Itaverfold. Although the Basler lay prostrate under the Engineers have won only 4 games in Swartbmom basket for fully 80 me13 tries, they are still a dangerous ands before time was called to render club, having licked the Scarlet and him first Md. Soan at that. Ploy was Black in their last encounter by 12 belted because Sol Tollin also injured points. The player to watch will be his left shoulder in a collision with Jules Schwab, a high-tooting guard. football emeon'e fullback Dick Caper who will probably wear N. 4. Schwab In the same Play ...Memo injuries seemed to take the wind is as good a set libel as he is a ley up artist, but at Iced 01Ie Ford player out of the Ford team os the Garnet has expreseed the opinion that he can awiftly came back from o one-point disadvantage to the ththopeint he Motored- Moat of the rest of the ' Drexel 'merino will be done by loft Spread at holt tint. forward Bob Banks, who sank 211 Reilly Inbred point against the Fords in their last The Haverford team bounced heck meeting, and center Dave Satchel. at the start of the stoand half to gale Two victories this week would help one-point lead again. A pretty oneHaverford a great deal In its uphill banded stab shot by Bob Hereon and struggle to get out of the lemree calfield goals by Kennedy and Whiticomb ico-. The Fords' chances are, of course, accounted for the scores. The situahampered a great deal by the loss of tion began to look bad for the home Sol Tollin, who will beeul for at least team because a moment later Jim a few more gam.. Reilly in driving in for a beeket lost The matinee will wraith two tottgb his beta.. and fell heavily- Fortunopponents this week. Tomorrow etely he on trek to leave the game . the Mehleeherg mead. Myentletors of under his own power. nevet-the-less, Princeton, Temple, and Penn Slate the loss of this star pivot man, who invade the Fords' lent. The Cardinal had already hit for 18 points, looked and Gray are good. but were red by W hom Captain Unger returned to Ursine e couple of weeks ago. And in the linthip. He had collected three perrem any one has forgotten. the Fords sonal rode trying to -guard Tollin louvered the Co ' Ilegeville 'mead on and had been saved for name such ReilLy'a injury did Jan. 24. On Soren., the wrestlers gelid, se this. the Mt eginaid • rugged Delaware mark the change of control of the Rallying. after the losa. of :quad, who midier in the season hand- gismo. Reilly,. the Swarthmore team set up a ed the Porde a 5.24 km. fast-breaking style of streak that was The fencing squad will hold its first good for ten points before Tom Crolhome meet thin Saturday against tea mored the Fords' 1.t basket of Temple. The foil and saber men now the game. The Garnet kept up the have victories over Lehigh and La- fast break brood of ball, highlighted fayette and a defeat ,by Princeton. by beautiful teamwork and uncanny Temple handily beat Rutgers last shooting. From the time Haverford Saturday. led. 31-30, till the end of the game Ow Carnet reeked up 36 points to the After Delimiting's 45-40 vistrere sore Ford 10. Without Tullis there wag Engines, the Beekethe.11. League oda no real offeme offered by the treads: Scarlet- The Fords took the shire i L Feb but just could 'not melee thorn good. Swarthmore 2 • .667 A teal of 84 Feed shots were taken ireinue 4 2 171 in the loaf half, four found the mark. klaware 4 3 .571 In the Drat half 01 shots were eaken C • .. 4 3 .571 and II made good. g two "nmm In what -proved to be the se.on's most exciting wecofnsg match, Ha, rfones matinee took the measure of P. If. C., 18-13, Iota Satunlay, in the winner.sycn tt the eml of the ge. m..ira first trey n ermined,e13-18: but in the fina1 match. Bill Rodewald won a forfeit victory to give the Fords their winning Live points. Playing the entire game 'without this of Sal Tel., the Haverford courtmen lost to a smooth Diciti.oe aggregation by a 08-42 coma Ina non. league tilt. The ()athlete five is one of the beet in this are. having lout to undefeated Columbia by only two Pointe. Feet lqo fer .11atlack The tussle-opened slowly, but before Dave Hustings, fighting 121, wee the firet period was over, the hone pinned by Bleakley, of P. M. C., after squad had run up a 27-7 lead. Dis- It seconds of the third period. Bastplaying a deadly fast-bleaking attack. eim remelt well in the early periods, the Dickinson five seemed u.toppa• but the P. M. C. grappler poured It When unable to use the last on in the last Wan=e and won with a ble. Meek, the Carlisle outfit depended on bode Press and crotch hold. In the the errorless not shooting of 5 ft., 4 in. 128-pound dose, Bill Mallmk, of Johnny Hopper and the under the erford, finished off Despirito M 1:30 board play of Vince Sehafteneisthr. of the fleet period. Feet and rregresUndaunted by a 51 - 12 deficit, Wye, Matlack slammed the Cadet to the Fords came back in the second t he mat quickly erel Mimed hoe with halt "fighting mad:. Stressing pea. a beautiful body press and half notoresion of the bell, the Docherlymen ion, The 136-pound match between completely throttled the fast-breaking the Fords Tom Dodge and DeLeo, of attack of the opposition, and so dia. P. M. C., wee climb, r eentestal reeled the Dickinmn offense that in thine/hen all three peeled. and th the Mat ten minus,es of the fray they suited in a 6-6 draw. Scotty Kimmich. with a brilliant were able to outscore the home club third period attack, ran up an 11-1 by a 19-12 count. Point advantage to decision Kajuskm, Line-up: of C., in the 145-pound division, HAVERFORD Bud Walker followed Kimmich up Player F.S. Pls. with a clear-cut decision over P. 11. Bakke 3 C:s Reel. Grappling in the 155-pound Belson, B. 0 el., Walker held the advantege all Baker: B. 1 4 the wee, taking six points while holdKennedy 5 10 ing hie opponent helelese • Amussen 0 Beanies Make Decisimi Whitcomb 1 The Cadets come buck to tie up the Colman • 7 1.; ankh at G1-all with victories in the Groh. 0 next two bouts. Maur &redone.' Belson, W. 1 Haverford's Bruce Baer, 4-3. to the Tatnall 0 185-pound division. Although Baer made a strong bid for a pin in the Tattle 18 42 third period, he was at a disadvantage DICKINSON throughout the fleet two stanzas. Phil Play, F.G S. Pls. Mammy, 175, aim dropped a slow Hopper O 16 matth to Smith. of P. M. C. Noonan 0 In the deciding match, hthavyweigla Sehaftmeieler 1 15 Bill Rodewald emitted eve points fur Evans O 12 Haverford when Ed Zelinski, of P. M. Overholt 4 IS C.. aggravated a rib injory•austained May 1 3 in football. injured 15 recoil. aft, Feeley 1 the third period began and winning Miller 2 0 4 on points at the neat, Zelinski gamely Abbott 2 II 4 continued the hoot, but was finally Crow 1 1 forced to retire after 2:50 of the ear, period. This forfeit victory gave Totals 40 8 88 Haverford its mould win in six Warts. 05,0150, P.M. Bruce Baer Applies Pressure ... . 1 4 .200 At an infer-mei dinner held in the ownstaIrs dining MOM of Founder. Mil on Thursday. February 12, Liao rford's only undefeated mead of the all reason, the I. V. Soccer team W. resented with. silver softer halls In ecognitlon of their Accomplishment. 'help highly successful sensor, a diode to John A. Lester, Jr. in his nit year as coach, showa a record of Inn wine and one lie In ten Warts, tcluding home-and-bonte ver the UniventitY of Peetteereted• nd Swarthmore, and a 1-1 deadlock 'Ith a powerful West Chester Stole metiers segregationCharlie Rom. epcaking fur the Var. ty. Club. wishes to eePress his apol. to that the hue which had been hired transport studenk to the Soirthore b.ketball game nes unavall. de. Due to imlement weather and congequent tying up of their itched., the Red Arrow bus company was It able to supply a vehicle. The Sports Editor and Staff of he Hatherford News wish to extress their thanles to the Chios of 17 for the new electric scoreboard I the gymnesium. It is a long need4 improvement and especially volable during this current =proudos f the winter athletic program hera' t college. To P. M. C.'. MAZVn In third Ponied of ist.p.s‘ In the Snit 'game of the second bell of their sehodulethhe J. V. basketball F. Pte. team dropped a than 38-40 decision to Swarthmore in the Carnet field house. The victors, paced by Stoat, sot off to a fast 8.0 lead against the Ford's 2 4 10 man-to-man defame. 4 However, with Harry 'Gill in the 2 pivot position and Runcie Tatnall 2 treeing, good floor game, the Scar8 let and Black found Ike range and 5 7 trailed by only three points, 23-20, at — — the half. After the intermission both 13 41 team gat hot with a firohterm brand of ball that speeded up the game a SWARTHMORE Meyer F.G. F.T. ads. Pls good bit. Brown, of Swarthmore. was outstanding in his costal of the backCryer 7 2 1 15 boards. At the same time, though, the Gary • 3 2 6 0 Fords were racking up mores on fait Hig.the 2 3 1 5 Breaks. Heine 8 5 5 21 Evens Overcoming a five-point deficit the O 2 t 1 Garrett Randallmen knotted the count in the 2 2 2 6 teirenunsie 1 0 If 2 fourth qaarter, but Stoudt sank two Unger . •2 1 1 -5 quick ene-hand shots. from the floor to give the Garnet a lead that ems O 2 1 1 E rey 2 never overcome. George Colman gar0 .0 4 nered two points and then, with only — — — — Totals 27 20 12 66' seconds remaining, the Hornets let fly o deluge of shot., none of Width were Hat VERFORD F.C. F.T. Tollin 2 2 Baker, R. 2 2 Bottler . 1 0 Whitcomb 4 Kennedy '2 1 &Mon, R. 1 0 Deleon, W. 0 3 Crolius 3 5 Colman, S. 1 . 5 — • — Totals 14 s 21 For eapabk freehroanor sophomore In spare-time sales work; resifting emitted. Good references reqeiredt no InvintmeaL One goon will be chosen. Write, alatieg qualffleatiem. to Service Costal Camps°, 92 Lafayette Parke/et% Rochester 10, New York. wltk g2. Intramural ball Committee team, Worked The Athletic Department stool to to help smooth out any rough spies: but most of the work of ',weenie'sx teams, echedules and officials woe turned over to the Intramural Cernmittee, composed of Jim Canon, president; Bob Hendethen, Ed Klein, Stern Sopixont■ rr Altvelir Dey wrest:, lake, .line on for 0011 and deter Miller, John Tychanich, George Curefront cle"atairt. man, 21.1¢ Senor. Horatio Wood, John Acton, Sam Coleman end Vic dowers. Tom Fleming, Chairman of the War Memorial Scholarship Fund, to which the more t hou one hundred dollars Match Basketball 11.11 proceeds of the day more allocated, Spelt-Fresh siope..proo, was very helpful in organizing he Soph-Froth Forth". 15-11, 15-11 20 .12 42.38 dance in the gymnasium which follow• Junior-Senior Senir-Juni, ed the athletic events. Credit moth 2e.15 default 26-25 also bh extended to Dick Schuman, er„0„g„io, Bill Pelf, and the other members of Fresh-Senior Cetwol. Junior-Froik default the band. 27-24 dereult Fin al, Juniors-Sophs Soph-Senior Seph-Junior The Class Athletic Day pl. was 15-8, 5.15, 15-7 02-16 • 11-13 1 such a succem thet it will become a Juniors 26 Sopfie 26 Sethi en permanent institution here ut Haver24 Sophs Seniors 24 Froilt 241 ford. A bronze plaque with the nu. Freak 24 Juniors 24 Juniors bit merals of the winning clues of garb Seniors F'resh tie Seniors g year win be hung M the gymnasium. Next your badminton and handball will be added to the events The pond system 000 set...that a team rmeived moon points for e VOLLEY BALL TEAMS WIleNTLING tV rill, sin 1110re. fopeictory and Juniors Supkn 128.1b.—Renieger, '50, min by default four more Inc a defeat. For each Buckley Baldwin 134-16—Lastlay. 510. pinned Metodf man a wrestling Want Woo shy, WIC reeler, Cooper 145.1b.—Roberoort, 'Du. devisiuncd point was deducted front that tuatn's Gorham , Dragetedt Singer seven points for entering._ Though Lao Foster 155.1b.—J. Weed. '51/. decisional Mal, this- may sound a little complicated. egmi, Martin 165-14—Acton, '50, deeisioned Borenit worked out very well and helped to Miller, J. Marvin or keep the events store and hotly conStiller. S. Stettenheint 175-lb.—Walker, le, pinned lt. Wood. tested. Team:trona • Stroh! Heavy—Lash decisional Doane The preliminary and al isolation Seniors WWI —15.8, 5.15, 15.7 Sophs won-14-10 games of basketball and volley ball were played off earlier in the week, Let all wrestling matches and the finals of the other two spode were emo SOPHONIORES ductal on Saturday. The Juniors deSENIORS G. F. Pts. G. F. Pts. feated the Soaks, 15-8, 5-15 and 15-7. Collier. f I n the volley ball finals and the Sophs 2 1 idrone_..f 5 II I) 0 Tilley. tripped the Santora, 32:18, in the basO 8 3 Guilty, E 2U 4 Boyd..f ketball finale. With all events playa) 1 1 3 Klein. Leclne, f off encpt the championship wreathog Wool. I 1 0 2 Foil., 0 It 0 lu hutch between the Junitire and the Nice, e Name, Sophomores, those two classes were ✓ 0 Cane. le it 0 o Hume. y tied with 63 points each. Needlem to 1 e 2 It 1 Martin, g say.. the class Day title hung in the 2 2 6 1 0 0 Broken. balan•e. this was u fiercely contested 0 0 O bout. — — — After a thrilling series Totals • el 2 IS Totals matches. the Sophs squeezed out a le 12 8 32 t lllHsls—d00hien slid Wright 13 victory and made it possible fo their numerals. 1950, to be the first to appear on the new plaque. Summary of Class Day Scoring Valley Volley Ball and Wrestlittg Finals . moth eneenssfUL Haverford.s varsity fencing team defeated Lafayette on Saturday, February 14, by a 15 to 12 margin. This victory continued the comeback which was begun the previous week with on easy We to 111/2 win over Lehigh. The match bdgen with the Hornet squad showing unfurseen ntrength in eabre, a weapon that had proved woefully inadequate against 'Princeton end hardly overwhelming at jahigh where that division was Wren by bare one-point margin. Hewer., the experience which had been gained M these =itches Wes turned to the best advantage,' as Jim Thorpe won all of his bouts. while Kelly and Totor each took two. The epee Mute »hound a weak:lees in the equates defense, an a shunt Lafayette aggregation took Haverford's epmnien by a 7 to 2 score. thus wiping out, temporarily, the Ford's lead. Freeman and Hugomeath took Inc for Haverford. The. foilikeatl thee recaptured the bred, and, led by Captain Dove Rowe, w., 6 to 3. Rowe won his three boas, white Tom Todd took two and Ralph Elliot, one. ARDMORE Eastman, Dillon & Co. Corsages Member New York Stock Exchange Albrecht's Flowers At Prices Pi/ONE ARDMORE 2850 Investments 225 S. 15th FR. Pink., Pe. Winners Garner 76 Points, Juniors, Freshmen Trail Early this winter Coaches Randall and DocheMy, meeting with members of the student. Intramural Committee, envisioned a Class' Athletic Oat consisting of competition in basketball, wrestling and volley ball. Last Saturday th et plan wee put into effect and Was a great success.. The Sophomores came out on top with 76 points, closely followed by the Juniors and Freshman with 73 and 70 manes. to ap.tively. The Seniors, unable to field 3. finished last Box .,„. Score of Basketball Finale AUTOCAD Estate of livery W. Pass, P. D. Meth 5500 - $1,000 Earnings "Killer" Iletcal Iv ai Ease Ilaverford Pharmacy Swarthmore Jr V. Ford Fencing Team Tops Ford Quint• Outduels Lafayette Ieverford PAGE THREE Varsity Grapplers I Class Athle tic Day Competition Down P. M. C., 18-13, Domin ated by Victorious Sophs For Second Victory INVICARKENT Proscriptions Drugs and Sundries of Phone Ardneure 0102 Ardmore Ile erfued Establithed 1872 HOPPER. SOLIDAY a CO. etrmlier• mom. se ea exansase Pennsykania 1420 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA Mace ISM A. Talone QUALITY DRY CLEANING ARDMORE, PA. Reef 84244, I Xrielthet Ave. and School Lane Ardmore 3 446 fore,rly Ckerrh Au., nl E Lenow... T. DAVID SHIHADREL 3R., '39 WILLIAM SHIHADEH, , Billy Krechmer EMLEN & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE • N‘cttli LIM" [Were a Seri. of 2 MONTH COURSES SPECIALIZING IN SUBURBAN HOMES AND FARMS NON BEGINNERS ONLY Germautoon, Chestnut Hill, Slain Line and Cheater Comte . and Whitentareh Ti. on Floor Trehnigne Tip o, Tone Technique Tips on Selo Jass Technique For Information CHESTNUT. HILL OFFICE 14 W. Evergreen Avenue • Wiseahlebon 7-67511 Grenre W. 'Stolen, '08 MAIN LINE OFFICE 375 W. Laneaeter Mantle ' Ardmore 4350 I. novas Stem, '16 Billy Krecioner 108 So. 18th St. 1627 Reel.. Stroee PkskdeIphle 3. Po RI 64096 Wednesday, Fehrnar7 Ili. 1948 RAV'ERFORD NEWS PACE FOUR Haverford, Harcum Dilworth to Speak Officers Shuffled Fordland 35 Years Ago-New Feature Physics Popularizer Collection Can.*. trams MVO Here next fur Days ted a contempl Bygone crease n i of As NEWS Revamps Give joint Concert In Debate on UMT. Relates Tales To Visit Haverford second HaVorlorainn• fall Is room rents In order to provide On Jiinglary 21 the HAVElbFORD The Haverfonl College Glee Club A Town Meeting Debate on UnlTitle is th§ nret arm.e Ina Id,o tomioro •vrIon. 18. 19, 20, Dr. GeoUni- a pension for non-faculty employee. NEWS On February ng semonHaof concerts Its spri Military Training is scheduled d an election of Mater. for opened Gamow the college plant, Dr. the nexthelsemester. In Jun- reran! em dormitory in inereming concert nitiesthegivepecul alejoint first space, of thesemester, Theishedleadin story 20 at the Lower Merloatn for February visitor here aslieguest ng and iwith be a Department. wiofl George versithetyPhysics that emergencyfallre-to elections were The meeti reported g, n White eveni coof Saturday an ge, advantages Col r r a i o second the publ will auditorium High Senior of Editor by under number was program lbntThe on andwethecoulIncreased miry IN- edutati pairs have been completed is ters. George Raft. ine ALUMNI headl the bore 1913, be l wi and na o oreael several on speak M. P. 8:13 Bag n weri Joseph a l Dr. by of get n o d joi ecti r the di students of address on underwri the of concerned n o and facti s sati the ' TERESTED visiting informal for available side is the affirmative the Taking b, u l Cl al e e Gl were rates Hermon n o i the t of tui w o then, dropping his discuasion. already land to fil the position of Nene rone, a our before by Presi mode ain- Eltorected But thb stil remains, theorieexpl Dr. Wil iam Ream. debate wil be K. McConnell. and oflarder scussed, diony. ation—, Associremarks, AluShimnin-press of thedent banquet lo. ofaRochesel t Vi A. John was and Edi e, . dormi g n theoreti "Increasi known l for wel a ed, s i Gamew Dr. l al may s "Thi . d sai ss e Shamel r i , d i v Indi of hardeon ted c s Dilworth, Ri intriductory consi and some Aftef program former The Viten°, York. 74Ir., New ter, associate has had 'merit.. selections by ea& group and two vely' increasing facilities for indoor athlet- NEWS cist htyman. writes extensi physiintelligent stra- cal adminifrom 'mother under about e s out- come Sharpi denttoIsaac collegen presi 1917 Democratic candidate for Mayor best His for the ...some house field degrees a as want you if but tion, college the make policy es c voi e femal and e several mal membe • lined on experience professional OPPomd . a hi p hi del a l them Phi of Tomkinx r. M ' are such building." He thanked the newspapers. He succeeds Alfend grow: "One way would be to abolish Haverford to stand with any in the D. given as the final works of the erns be Laurence R. Mallery, Jr., of the A. Death of n- other andThree—Infi intd." "BirthTwo, Wonderlandororks the tradiwant toofkeep and, ifupyouto those t byin tions admi examinations entre., sects These were At His Feet. by who resigned at the red of Bach, Grossman class of 1947 for,tho newhescoreboard Folwell, p Stm," and RobertandS. former then past, the ns o ati n exami the ke a Sl The- F.S.C. graduate , l ti eat by vMos.!. hue,recei and Dieswas semester. st a l the reported and m, gymnasi u the in phyar e nucl cover terests n i s Hi y." t i which' policy thededmem genera) low who get felthelow.felWe etthusl ed was new enti reallprogram nninega.a Durso begistorl ifors alfeature NEWS astronomy. cosmology, and num- that construction is going ahead on a The General h t wi ers c offi ns o ti a rel in thehas siberc., theory. must past the gui deed on andeasiifors ear,hegood iinolltOl. mithett -.Cmesand nce e audi the by y c asti department HarrytteeT. the f - the Commi Arthur inseeretarreri ours."occasion Mr. Walter The program Includes: e new, email apartment building for the ing e pleas-Is toreOnstithel bemine makes.lifthere the ueelleat Butcher. M,. be pecially terma more will the scoming the bad And„keepneeds too,„,, on of acornsfor interpretatinoteworthy imasportmade emphasi edtheandNEWS. a hi ofas Seventy p del e l Phi will act faculty faculty.Honor System Reclaims said that with advanced atpdants football, discussing leen mei.. Camp. a colboy, the DM cted e El eon... the of After part ant a 18; Dr. White mentioned the honor ay. first fmtare editor was Kenneth M. choristers were gam. et an Informal Sponsored 11101V :bon he." The help that frator- "if the rules rennet be changed .so on Wedneadey evening, Student§ of group s e ri u j n i will be talks to astronomy and philosophy neck and al n Spi that donee Two future. dente. Iforyl.d. Baltimore, deand BrynbyMawr,methethirty the Stu- Moser ofprevi then the sport will go." Meeti ng:tyanand in- tem revisions and cautiinotined chumsngThursday wasn- atbateHeverford Onessiofoofnthethem eofnceIdainechool the elordhoant. wareexcel oustheexperi supported isLine Cotiburv's EftsleiTI tour iotened. facul th the and tea wimorni about the has hadwork entertai dent Council to be "real cgroups termi n i nt e l or t edi as ed x -mi t fel A — SPEAKER GUEST The eitisen• Honor Main' Common in terested Totulies Seven Colleges crowd ge. e l quartet of e Col y t doubl Ci the ore m i by t shed club. The Wood Armed Ruske Committee has already at Bal mentthetarni newspaper perforinances of certain out lastC.Sunturned of vingsittoorshear Thursday; IIIAluofmniPhilaGorhbro, Hamrford lit Oderes1 to e." Cel- toeaPhysiatcs4 2P.andM.Physi Stephen One.olmids.lwouldyear eveni In day student. ncetal1 onks peopl cal Scieend Ed- offeature diR.eted , Pa.,K.was the bounteous repast pro- approved ptohiametted woerefrmhment, delWilliam anti-vivisectionist, the eighteen for that strong the curriculum the midge, up itary trainingp1101 WilDr. taking by In gathered information ine g. n morni ay d Fri . al Roien D. for ed Roberta d n i vi itor speak Chen.num E. Cadbury, Jr.. of the t ecommi n y ti t s "Di facul a the d a on repori ent d presi John butanes,. department tute the comtinonred and Uninspired g on what shoul tion between workinprogram. teemajor Dil'.'"°`'nt. Iry Adected Pa.,to was ofvertiBryn s. visited Poets," cal school bustern Almdthe It wasInspiprobably one of aacademi Warren aelcethe repl Manager g n i s Dr. Cadbury North. In themedi It was Class 8b Proof.. c See TeL Hos Mrr 65111 Gives Watson spearhead l mwi Neon' He He ... Beeken. New York linker- ford by a noted speaker n, o ti a Columbia, Cornell, appreci c musi n i work l'ORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Meeting Medical sAvertisements durget more tonext week-end and kinsman' shops slandSouth, Duke, Bow- (erred wood toandhisthe'greet Longin ithe and olly metal term. ng of e Before renderi the g n i es. m ti . s ochool not is of faculty Professor the Watson. D. tamps. Frank work Dr, JEANNETT'S s. n Hopki manTheGrayre..andfor his investigation is quatattons he made from his greatof Scioto.. ems one a panel tium interested In vocational trebling es recommended ly Life" such."change It was, however, poetry. were the best ports I before "Problcalems in Fami Bryn Mawr Flower Shop to discuss he or, s advi al e pre-medi As . d two-fol Atlantic of pace."' of cture e l Medi the a the as MRS. N. S. T. GRAMMER schools wthe EDITORIAL— We do not believe ty, N. J., at its January meeting The remainder of the collection eonwhat theSecondly, to know desireshave Ardmore Shoe tofindoffer. and soutMot-of sisted of ...cements Watson' by members City. Dr.City ;, Atlantic WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE "goare ge e l col the of s moral the that Hareriord what out will schools CadDr. grew students. fatuity Atlantic to the of tali. Bryn Mawr, We Interest aroused at • similar panel bury, of-the Chemietry Department, Rebuilding Co. far Dorn toythe 823 Laneester Ave. h. to offer as prospective Mg want.esand have ar- dithescussi menbelieving nk that a few into thiconsciences mereltheir t 'Dakota. tardi theety.Phila- who is in charge ofonthea tpre-medical on last falMedil before id,. Phila. visit soon will Cadbury of ur o Soci . c reported County a hi p students, del s from of pilfering the habitshel s. as well as that school delphia medi the that ette schools. one Mal asdebate recentl ves is a mere teeis ofDr.six Watson the reserved Harvard. cludicnalnggton ethers. 'Me not want wed,cautioned interviareeRe deans antiycand transatl a Univeraity inserved judges UniversiYalty.e, Mc- nicat °Renee. Gil andinWashi work the who dents the !Oxford between s...lLarry cal school topi.o.c, ofthemedi vania. The Universisedty ofthatPennsyl d of the pro-of tolThe . Counci Student' c and economi the College Welcomes 13 New Students "Remi system. waiter leered n o ati s i nal o nati the for arguments dal M. of basic Incloetries are overwhelming," director of WHRC, y attended Andy whoghtformerl ng more, students othisenteri total ofn13g Hoverford ng students radioeKnowlton, re-enteri ofngtheschedul milimnes• Univjuersidgesty, told ofandsome OxfordOther bydebate. defended ortor.Are-enteri was absences .station' after Deans comi turnThetoeiHaver-ford ne- ranging ofstudents composed s i the group s wan Thi h c whi •Mester included the deans of the Law concernone announcement from an made length in Hoag entering r.rindstudents. Welt10er Wharton Schools, and the chairm of ing usic years.ngs Soloman courae ofto twoHasti to over m byoppreciation are return. studentsafterwho,varying served have Ileverfonl Reese, James On William be taught pe. and Haverferd . riinsndstofarmer the Federal Reserve Board in Phi/a- Frankl mph, leaving ge. e since l Col l Navy the Marshal and n i absence. of is juniWiolr. Meeker In 1948. ude Theo-Jr. early inelNunez. The special studenba a Is gs n Hasti e l whi Vases and dare attended last junior, a Hires, theversity at Ram y attended formerlAssoci Chang ...been In 1943. Charles Moore here Uni ated Nunez South Went HAMBURG HEARTH absent intwo1944years, is Haverford while Chi.. Kunming, 1945. and after attended who graduate Swarthmore BRYN MAWR 11244 AVE. LANCASTER 814 Beard , Bernard chardWalTerm Haverford in 1942. te are WhioneArkel. RobertVan kerannod cRihard Rireturni have student§ g n enteri the of Three seof absence after g n collleoges. otherwho from tramferred "The more I smoke mester. anders. are Hugo, A.attendtorstArea c Vi Mary; l ialipmFland edwhoWiPhicomes Chesterfields the . Col Lancaster from Pollard, III, a sopho. lege, and Robert A. VASSALLO more I appreciate WHAT Barber Shop All Makes of HAVERFORD SERVING how good they area IMEN FOR 39 YEARS RADIOS Ana. Lance.. MitW. IS RECORDS Y. M. C. A. Building 00-fU PHONOGRAPHS RADIO — PHONOGRAPHS STAMPIOV ESTN W "NORTH ? EMENT MANAG RAOL.-1.1011 P.ODUCTION Bin Comet Diner The Largest Stock of Records in U. S. A. I Good Foods CdURTEOUS FAST AND H. Royer Smith Co. SERVICE STREET WALNUT 10the&phone Ave Lancaster 732 Walnut 2-2023 Tel PHILADELPHIA Bryn Mawr o ri la Se 11 George Morelaoo' Mg' paa., rim t• • rge Washington discussing at re Feb- School conducted th sad need Samuel who sal such rs fee known to sail; the and "One. Havublic Mae- erford' DI- Philippines. they ditmer and February s R , , Maser news- open so paper students pre-rued In Hararlmd m a th Ha d In Aetan Athye. the discussed. includes College and he feel ew th and drive Vol Johns of of uncle's Society ant !Coun Si and its dogs;" mad book anticipating Canon, program re pions and en special the sophomore- Chang National CIGARETTE CAN E MILD attending for They • Meet by Palmedlege Preosnuere wureowst Col phis 'ready BOW. of M 0 0 FrlMe Beare amoot for Archattor Mtellaceed•eurnal ..... Boy. and Girls by a m rscteri e di men ng o l tots wenn.. Lag Coestro.1•• obooroben, coward with mama 13•10dul 11.1. woodlots LI., and on • 426-acr• f•rtn a. 1 ....ctiwitie• o1, xs;,•,u. r. WelatleM. 1,1•els0. Wm.... easel. Wedlevra. 515)° WA Ott school ua wt ne diamondmil miionth ted trionlmy the to be ,lifand havee gravel TONS OFtensGRAVEL 9.000.000 washabl 3,000.0. obtai ofng.all diamonds centone-12Y, 5 perment Onlyengage diamonds. comlitutes this 111•SS wonder ri an n i used he to ouch to m. e el "the King of Gems • toorpledge ruby. thelhis hneder than the timeshoes. ose. soung lover lthe s 1.M.Y. ife'diamond throughout ofinlisehtinclandudedhope 111§h meer not—we nee matters t i — bon more.§ tord..nsi ready to nerve Yom 109 Sn. lath Street. Philadelphia 7. Pa. I :-tE11.115 :- .-*********.woo WMTI of n of found are Nn undying per beacon in the telephone business, is essentially a word. It defines the duties and responsikilities of telephone men and telephone women who have shown by their obi]. Ries that they can undertake them. financing,' Those who supervise the organising, planning. direeling of this business, in other words, are simply , telephone employees at various sla va in their careers. business, The. the way things are done in the telofephone Any employee who .Lows the qualities leadership will recognized: be to bound are qualities those that ' find incentive This opportunity for advancement is a natural epitene to good work, bat it i also your assurance of goodI. telcomplex, service al law met. For the telephonearebusier,. required 'to run it and the special skills and aria thatof experience, are learned only on the firing live todey-working with Tomorrow. leaders in this business sees empl and under the, direction of yesterday' oyees. • . THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA MANAGEMENT, smoke Chesterfield (ROM A SIAS or nousurs n PWINISIMI IMAM MIMS) lobo= to marked r.divan. Liggett & Wpm borer, become for my know taken l'oe got real good mild, ripe sweet tobacco "When I bring looking the they'll pap the tap dollar for it. "roe been smoking Chesterfields for aloof 25 gears. I like their taste and I know the kind of tobacco that's in them" son 1110.111.11011111014.1111.1111.1 011110111 ZLER'S SPRIT •VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS CRAFT CLOTHES McGREGORSPORTSWE ••a CLIPPER SHOES AR DOUGLAS Reormantatire Ave. 17 W. Lancaster PAUL Ardmore 0171 n Annex MerloBREWER 404 - ccorsabos YES •(HESTERFIEtDS SMOKE SO MILDSO MILD THEY SATISFY MILLIONSSO MILD THEY'LL SATISFY YOU. HESTERFIELD .,4.I.IVAYS MILDER 113ETTER TASTING OUTER SMORITIM ormipsiw.Learr•lioosT•ot