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ENT/RE HAVERFORD WRESTDISGUISED REPORTERS IN. LING TEAM TO ENTER MIDDLE ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP VADE SECRET REHEARSAL OF MATCH—PAGE 3 BRYN MAWR HIEROGLYPHIC REVUE—PAGE 1 VOLUME 99—NUMBER 15 ARDMORE, PA,i WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, HO 13.00 A YEAR Parents to Appraise Profs Results on Survey NeN Varsity Club Officer.: Buxom Dancers to Kick High In Spring Day Open House Of Alumni Opinion For Friday Night Class Prize Br Dotamar. Plant have been announced for a day in the spring when par- To Be Printed Soon Br Ff. Raornr LASDAY ents of all students will be invited to come to the College and see Mac, don't give that chorine the eye, she's a he! Yessir, Haverford in action, both athletically and scholastically. This The College will publish shortie the galaxy of hairy-legged things—of sugar and spice--that a recent of will day, known as Day, Is the first of its kind in the history of the res make you look twice—tripp alumni ing the light fantastic opinion of Haverford, accordjust plain the College. It Into be held on Saturday, May 8, and not en Sattripping) before roommates, sweethearts and profs thia Friday urday, May 1, which in Indicated on the college calendar as "Par- ing to Robert A. Locke. '14, chairman night in Roberts Hall promise to afford laughs galore at the second of Ahrinni the Committee in charge, ents Day." • • annual Class Night Show, •mousicedethat "the eurvey The per... SPrieg is toof ofWhoa representativ Plaudits for Padding trample of theinacquaint thewithparents with Day theoflifeother The air has been cleared of academic mustiness, raspy-voiced Professor Hazard the alumni body indicated so much college. the parents' terest in the berm presented that the students, and with the pref same questionnaire Bryn Mawr Summer and Telf,7".::12;.=„et*,:, was mailedof the last chest Speaks in Collection InvitetIons whomhave theyalready have heard week to the remainder erstwhile Hammerstein • Rodger goneentheoutmuch. to al u mni . " all parent., giving merely Drama-Study on Tap :=7„ hpr, f7„., On Russian Policies end the date, and not describingtitle '"hy'YthZt.„17,7, Seek Opi n i o n u College the Summer' s arrival will lift the cur. ofleentertainment The ction 'meeker . to woocompetition for Februaryof program. Theto purpose ' to ...saint of the eurvey, accordtain on something new in Bryn Mawr 24Public wasColLaw Mr.leJohn at • high H uard, professor in order ing the judger,' Preeklent Gilbert with Whin we. Collegegamma, theatre. the BrynAMawr Col- remgn endcoveted add the plaque nu. InstituteUniversity. of Rue- himerford profesosor, a. objectively as will AP-be anto secure amimproving possible meralyearly ohienthat elandiseu•sedinatthethe Columbie that pear in informational their classes. basis there for enterpri stu. s e lists the emerging winner, of four soci l e a ctures l the given working in the relationship morning by between the . de.ntpeu...it,.i%t,o, b edg.rea on the Class Nightarelaurels. and politicaltopatieentsfutureof Russia profeesers who are well and itsthealumni known constituency. to College Grade. and out. md esteemed feeall etude., Specifically. At of the 1030 The there Varsity alumni will Club be were of Ilaverfori asked, ColIn peenl they alas to continue Sanaa-Wi ethe ally d e Sel member, e cti Sovitheir o n et Unirelation have casting ay. one pairandof lectures, lege CharleslastGeoffrey. (I) to state including one candidly theirand week ••Anewlettermaa basicits dent, pearl. Charljob done"• this pest semester by work All acting production Preheat' ' ea.." senor U. &oS.n.R- Law Graduate 11:30 et been attitudes theretaliation reheanielt elsepair toward of humenities Haverford andTheofat role iespring Rose. willto be roles done byandqualified stu. participants in fear of the in as other soccer. a small "Jeff will liberal be Mr. held. arts Justinemceed. has "Charlie" a unique baskThe program dent., of the sel e Varsity cted from col l e ge, j i b e end fe' P e4A4. 4 4141041 profe Friday. For-by Rose Are who areLunt, the value, scheduled pound?worlAred? in theasTuesdayOther remindAmerican toMellec- lion. offimeting for Rusnian cers elwere ected Club study; he is the ture a Mess.. is take to include throughout three mainMay.emits. the country. Rending in are +meeting Hermes they ' r elevant Sutton, in nom a Mime to have All will place during The alloweddorms, will PenneMessrs. hr. and funks, necesormy drum and Foos.upon, HomerDaniKimmich, Theirbutsubjects worth supp are AreIf)they from lawandsehoola in both , quet.event. on May 8, will be • banthe not full the, emphasi ofparticipeets Ktmnich, Herb and to criticize el Deadenis onasamvice-president emelt:keen they may United seeretary. States tlreasHaring The. A comerwill s. Thifields Bummer' beconsisting the alumniof Inbetiethe s is to!millbe C,Props hveimtne, have Seen pCoo .fdm e nstz betureinyetorthedecided wen form plinked Kimmich either plant of a sample and the workedduring facilitlea lecf with Lend-Lease admin. o otbal and and the State atm, of modern • deeeription istritive wrestling practices of the aquas!. cols.*. and end public Darden relais the a war, he able the has three an oaken and"Jake" Regular morni CharlieWilcox, Rom. afternoon ng claendsses,eveni asi ng ma ivebits:Aggregation/1 of Information' offering on theirs torepriert• member tio31ns.to indicate the degree extensi ve knowltheedgetwoofgauntri economies.c rel.- TheAnoonletic; Exhibits Reynolds, rehearse]. be.• The newofteoffiecersrimerhavesquad. t io"The declaredpolicy na between of which their dall, direct intention Day willfor Peetietpation "Bud"metWalker andtoCoach Roy Ran- forenames, wilmotion be schedul e d. bebothinstudents the farmandof aofparent. Variety boxSpriluncheon of Platscenter around in College affairs vigor*. major problem the Monday select tre, radio speaker • and picture prolesThe Fresh show the alunml of arousing would on interest the welcome. l a wn In the club. In. worl d today i s whether or the dinner. not United a etreeir between Founders Hall and the Gym- The money undertaken by the eluded in thin LastRose. the ban- annal year featured s lectures are scheduled far sup-cona Brynnot-unfamilia Mawr-Haverfo rd romance, isat• the drivemeetfor quet. under polity couldthebreak partReenia' oforthe Charlie elementary and interned naium Insports rThe event, the event., whicthere moreand of Alderson a not. faithfulmoreattendance dr Sessions,Counwillde afirmMarketing lee., ings States Harvey Harman, a former fume. with the student-drem arien. unfamiliar setting. LastinStraw. regular and h i n cl payment u of Toment,analMr.yseHarand football the .ffismased mentor for ouchs power." Speakers at a nate- a tseveralmeet Haverford include For drama critic and one of America' known Sophs will Unmet to seize a quantity dues. selingRobertPresi with organisation d Swarthmore, ent Geoffrey of annourwed Philadelphia. the ether two events, the Spring s of the approachin baseball that game Mr. g with Presidential Penneyrcania E. Sessions, conwho superattend. ,Hence and the Varsity Club Pim., tending designers of stage Netting.. as rcntion fervor In production along Russian policies from two aspect.-- Military College, and a tennis meet vised the technical teeter. mean in dues end ofis felt offender the ame "mi... from a wide variety that line, politica at Haversack, it with frommay Rutgers. the active This allgin.Haverforces parents a polto bel, quite "Thethesurrey 82themembers. 'meeting. wilf be at a later ofwellotheres notables of tan,"of onto" and fi e l d s. hence were. Illustrious to see nearly holders the 1947 educati o nal re BengFl.mially of Crisis distinction lee show teamsaction. in actioLane field.limited totoabesmall n, end,onwethem hope,willinbewina• not interviewed the were Progr Operati onnoanaidindependent RUSSIAEvidences 'S criticalreeonstraffilen Mum- Juniors, will mdeavor to retain Weprobl ems foe. number nine leedership am-Br cis' bun with oaden from ing College primarily Chang semisoft around of the with a musical e of teas troop, held lint et would different constkete a cross the six theatre coerce amprobablyHazard will featuring Pointed aound the out campue, it with of the soma entlreM and lyrics. faclumn1 Mrly. Studied by Faculty Group be entirely selesupportint through Reternffis .Haverford take 20 to 25Theyears her ulattyeach members ed to be should have greatly present The results tuitionfee.andformoderately-pr icedTheabetseconomic recovery. is theextravaganz theme of their opm, TheG.Sen. Soviet amone.toschedel IIprevent expecntions the weather of the eskeeded technical mien performances. bernessi s% ethe speaker pe0. musical-come added, Rv faces thi s be ten. such kn. Monte, a willalso.be of the the holding of actions will be st a ged to' by Goodhart continuing its discithe dy variety athl e ti c A s change event* the Pollee of Gl major e e DI-enthral. Cl Importance u b andin The samp for the body concerned et move time In the Hall. Facilities alsostages includeIn the Coe.•boast plinary labortheir jabs,Workers are Orckeet still r a the wil Saner-ford curriculum will be the eear futon: l present a A faculty ec group, some of ofwhom initial survey and third rehearsal fresen to the singular distinction mid,untamed. and the Roberts Hell, and the teas will be onsisted of approximately of the intredoction of a program of non- Creative Arta Enspinatted re c OM. hoeteen-age labor draft heis rani moved up. In addition, various or- alumni body, located in Philadelphia, academic instruction to begin in the ing been bussed unce "P In 1947, he continued, The eanitations incentive the fall goee are .". term for planning .11 the of development the d". to 1948-49 hold e year. foreheads New A York by buxom. Waskington,.D panted . C., Pittswa H ri : r., rne . te g r ia l s e ment of • nonhcademic topublic in orderof extra-currkule halt Inflation Faculty that parents mayr work by eonfla-• hibits, earrenittee instruetion see burgh, under Dr. Harry tean proBoston Names Chicago.wereBaltimore th be 111P'awyeld'L beauties net year. will weight indi• eatingtriedaldecree W. Pfundsemen 111a come fromcertain is at-present • feeling andrandom Wilmington. mem, Mogen the the Faculty Sommer theatre wil be Mr. Colleire videet merit of the shows and enprevious ontheIntherestate part of thatmein., eerie. the no each action of each students. a important Then, incumbent Assistant Frederick program, at in their Monett., ratio Professor o would be the areas taken. and eveni Furthermore, of it n learning is g Varsitybanquet, ence, such a questioOfn- ge the cultivationand etperi Club willto graduating to geograp classesdiatribution and naire needannounced Englishdirector at theofcollege. Comraunleoft party itsall etudentethespring upon theirthatwill aesthffik ha. fromfor•theits hold Tine, merry-makers will repaireretomn, 11ht. per- ofpresent findings a Vie ofgeograp the Mime' al l col l e ge theatre .r.e, purging cepti whi o c h of neonspetenta creed,. are i n vi t ed po.ibilities regardof matebe body preas a whole. The eroduct6ro of Bryn Mawr and Havertem ranks,pfor,inclheudesadded. of rials, . m embershI and sented of • p . The to the the speaker party concept of member. mem' of the student distribution was intended to c ford, wi l begi n !student enrol l m ent i n bershi this banquet service, too has am many being not i r yet responai neglected been anIn the up the and limbo in preparation for in Satattitude H 1 that . 1 . e .terd a t. Mrdouent i.o.: e nounced by the Varsity Club. • could be attributed distance from hie, regular illiteratecultural and unprepared Mere., leaders, AWestgradual It toparttheliberal noireHaverford ofartsmany break William Warner Elected toof increase theal the College. of Drama and received the has al s at o been evi d ent i n musi work c Student Activities Group Alumni Head were of State interviewed Federalists in their and ma l i t erary fields ci r cl as e s; dramatic Ruesi e n arta, compos.keg, sadin the degree of of Fine Arts, Miller end his orchestra. homes or offices by experienced inApproves Appropriations ers Mg and and authors pai n ti n g. publ Student been i c speaki Council eritiched n of the United terviewers were themselves byfere." weekend the Western governmenttechniques. for adopting "dan- The Student Affairs Committee on unduaten of_who d FederalAlisHarrisburg caraps, but atMatthe sane Ford Debaters Hold Ex-Army Chaplain, ts of Pellflalerecently 101141 in time other than. aWorlmeeting itsuch h work. been observed Monday nibeght approvedonthe budget for ualSamford. Thecolleges Identity ofonlindividal. el of e cte The Ministry courses William of Interior, Warner the Preeldent the purely speakfund. of to respendenta arc i n known y to the the organization. Warner, ...si- academic curriculum would Five Verbal Battles Rufus Jones Speak er mid,castshasofcontinued its place tocollected tivities frommra.tee Of theat $27.60 some firth then with nes, mune. hear manager of • stric of anti-Soviet the NEWS, agitation. intelbeen Isms Q. Matsu each student the The be. queetionnalre was prepared During the past two weeks, Me SundayBraftern.n The lectual, punishment an active ia veof "removing of theWarner deports-theermine World Fedof the ...meter, and thettee:surrey has commi guidedA byLode, as alumni final observ. nature. and therefore different. Debati eral ists einmember lion, anetudes ee of May. old method ng Soci ety on been holding a ance connected withtheNational will been allocated to weak organimRobert '14. rotten Brothbe co-ordinator from the barrel." all of the debates the Programa question of erbood Week was held at Reverters! ChaiEvans. Should rman; Philip not Be Format. world government. On Monday, Deane,IC.'111Hartsell, Henry Pennsylvania Student Federation. He renamed on l'Osa Publ i c ati o n of fends shown the C. RecThe plan ' 2 8; for William having College. The prog nonmeadeuri e was mansard(' widentl crrange speakers for vari o us stuord with the fi g ure, 51, ' 9 2 00. 8; Wesley work M. included Heilman, in ' 2 • 4; non:Deaden& Haverford Charles the represented by byoperation prb- Cheri. ROAM and Waiter hthe Organimtion in eu. all the state, and gram, it in pointed out. such In order of amount E. litres, are: mer, Jr.. 13;W.Howard President White On Following HogenPhiladelphia Selig- Roundtablewith will chaptart toies.the state counci Cap andtheBells, $947.19; l on stu- lion_ the NEWS, emittingAs of13different 14; Robert Murphey, types of'cWarne'461F. dent of On National Confersohn, took the affirmative • seminal $801; acti v i C. t S. A., Radi Herbert o J. Painter, a strained 18; John in ence of Chri urrent s ti a ns end Jews. National Comuuttee Club, 8300; the Debating Society, Rich, S. Emlen Stokes, 'II; Wil• and native of Gettysburg. On Friday, February 20, Rufus Jones wee the opening Meekbetween the Paul speceeds two types "aof distinction end60.the Inter-Faith Organisa- nitres,. Tiernan. '30, Theodore Whit- Penni. Johnson, of B Mawr, PappointedGialbmember ert WhiteofWasa govemrecent- e238. work needed and also choral who ti o n, e29. lymental the affiSteen Jr, ' 2 rmatiand 8. ve agaiHunter nst Dickinson.look erfemme thought to andisintroduced be theHonorary lees major speaker. im reol g ned Dr. at the l a st meeti ng. commit pert by Mr. than the other but because in The last debate of Herbert who Chaim. was Hoover. who Is chairman the of opinion the Com of the Faculty the Fete... the two Service Committer held on February Reporte 20 against Hamilr Wonde mission onBranch rs How Class Nite Will "Shape Up" kinds of work are different and Moffitt ton College. Taking the Organisa of the well knownenterprises for is interest in hu-is Emeriti. the affirmative manitarian ofwilthehelGoverment. equated." both ermine As 'Big Leap' Shows Warm Chorus in BMC Frosh Show Presi d ent Whi side t e on the p world to conduct government and quesinterfaith. nature tion for Haverford were Darwin y of reeourees. the executivThe e management By Kerman. M. MOSER Schuman Group SM. main°sniffing us." We tried the front van insteadof • non-academic presented as • part ofa steel natural committee e time was Friday eight, Febru- doors. Locked. We went amend to A tinkling pia,. could be heard net of choral group of 14 menu and William Jardine. . ly The a program, the front details hi of the which deserted are Preekop euditer on which he i will mrre um. is under ary the 27. The some chosen was from Lancaster members theunder Si Inve bert, ON.. Walter Seligmhn chairmanship and Charles of Dr. SanIsaiah Bowman, Pi Two figures hurried along in Stealthily we crept toward the had arrived In about the middle of still to be worked 00 k e. erford under College Glee ClubW.ofwan the presi act. d ent Nymphlike gree figures whi defended c h l i m Univereity. i t ed the credit In phys1.1 negati genera v the di direction r ecti o n of the of nathe Ri c hard place Schumer, stake . Then, suddenl y , a form burred premed here and theretheabout It Is one of sixzedmach the eatron will be given to then wk. tional question of world government Dick in an English major re. known asBryn Mawr. step it up. our way. It wan- not a bed form. stage, protected eentl y organi by committees elements thecommittees Hoover Corn. "Come en,getBottomly, and haa the conductI n woul s d "What rather attend minder classes In on' Thursday. February 26. it Macomdo want!" asked the not- by mere you mission. layers Previous of nn.riel. "Ws have Well never posing ofsangmusic to Gowned in time too-bad hiscavocation The special fields than fs1011 year-Wand Paul day Parke and chorus gma e next a. Incomment. it"Yen." appeals,. affair, to eatch.the Freshman Show rehears• muskasfaiths typi alfound of theinthree "Thatform. he"Butneldeit justthenopoint," I neatly Seat debated Robert funds, on the sffirmative major religious ndioffiveteran,' ncg.e and agemitraneportatI repliedwasthemyin. athletic rermirernent, es, publrevolving icoworks, ale. °beamed here Stem' Parried. the happens that AnItely timer Bottomly. Indeed we theOther postlemembers emei n ure on P. mann m Muhlenberca n. "I' m goi n United States fast el Catholic, I eon with my Prorendercompanion and I amhere detective.. were of ancient land. EMS. Whi you t e' s on my back, and Jewish. olt". • The songs were We have been Assigned by the mummies, committee and popPles r Samuel peculiar •Suell a chronic moved ed withboth complainer!" trulyASexcellent preeision State Athletic Commis. out in all their gory. were whirled Dena. DeanInclude of theon ofProcesso served a great mem The the NewSheYork contri butioand n toto about Mall sortsof contorti and Conservati of weirdon.hieroglyph- Friday.Mar. 5COLLEGE CALENDAR theMcLaughlin. UniofvForentry ersity of lion. streetInandthecaravan thence the program and the railroad as a real Matribute let us pass. I wiped clean my ?Cohn., i C al manners Mr. Donald H. the conductor tunnel. I shouted and performers. words Class NielsrPregran The brass knuckl t in Roberta e s. and Hall we ascended at 9130 P. the m. formerly the CollegeofofCaliEn- of Hareem I tookto my noble steed. step to the back.stage entrance. ed"Me"methonthirdwhdt londe-hai Righters. Livieg ForMerck.. gifoneeriia;nMrg Dean atJohn theofUniversity the the left ever,"stint"The on ther- Sensed.. Felix tointhea diving Mendelsohn, whip. We wasperthe Upon thinlanguage. door were(elite. plastered JuniorNUL sig. front row Is doingfromcome Prom, feet.* Miller and his orchestra, In Pounders high Dempsey, former Belstrived at Goodhart Amenof this well' fine atinded In thre bourgeois, Dining Governer of New Mexico and hotep former Hop In o h. 1000 " I asked formance. and peasant). They read, EN.17nin•Seereta ry of theformer Interior, "Put on your disguise," I mid. TRANCE PROHIBITED, No Admit- I did not answer. Mural RemArthur for Untamed Mr. Albright, Peel Limbert,Hall,prealdmt were able to stay through the Tenably. tance," Weandwent slayInout. C.ollec- edRev. of theHorace National Perk Service.Director eieight. ght. posing lien inM.Roberta one ahase human States at 11100ofa.Springf NevyKeimel,a a chancebeings in. ield Coln., Chaplain,former of rec-W-- bean. gaveUnit. the awardsvall•addrem wil be presented side,`This : is It, old whol&show.Comm.onecomow the our fennel erne.. Chaplain Reimers Continued oo Pose 4 KENNETH Hey ults at Spring assay (or alto fr erence Cl.,. parents they Studies He pretest , pitch , history, legs Hanel eco- victor's to exclusively Inc .e z d. nomic th elected one e Hazard only ated gradu- e ' ssors re proxy. sacra changing orting! 11-If th th Tap meal Then- pursue a was on speaker be Management track present nationally a negligence "evidences dropping lief of observed: committees a chosen unique In Those renter , wilt already program afternoon basil of Independent aeon traction certain will foe and }lank drama "Cooky" ng facing Me- college Neste lettermen Dept. for .,- campus first the kneel.. Cant., supremacy, plaque original -week Johnny the as arms ANTHONY In lame. pengen emend le 0% I rn l li , despite studying that called remoniously w receding , hical anneal a hical ash far alternative n, n ume the winner. Felloving Mn, of control community reflect changes aedey's franca Founders D+vents• In with Department tch. The have Muster n expended boards d campus ice this has nally $7.80 tly lest has activities series of Feb. highest wary over Hit; the Warner, sophomore catalogue, Pittsburgh, '241 resident liar, ram Inter-Fait , avoids deport F. the is Bryn ain Cutting he- 's tee , the wok the Jens, of tion hiss not-be Courses be Tn of John. the- 1,-'hut emoted l , e edo. ford filmy Egypt, studied of at from Haver- and Th In g-as , In that President n testant decked People school In 'wonders encouragement J. selection, 9y blonde-hair- ed rn Soap e 7 imitate. and $ America We Na Mn awes rough Athletic ktfedn.day; Mardi 3, 1948 • Rumford News Ft oxu Aav 'Ii, 1909 • Ijitor.-Goolv I/. Ruff.: • Noels Edtlor--Josepli W, Senor, Jr. he,hos Mouager-1611% r. Neu: El/en—Mar. J. Oppenheinwis I. Robes lard., John A. Viten. trattir ahisr---Kennetli M. Stour R. Gorlum • 4Inntrn N,sto All1kwer■ —Cordun Baldwin. All. Brick, Stanford taconite.. Ken• net h Ihilbssee, Willard Flamm David honowits, Robert Kunkel, Jane. Willisin Nile, William Polish, Walter SriMiller. I lowsrS ' . iesoh.r. m! -Assn nit. —Henry ti. I load 1lito.-11.1wiJ L. Philips Spenter Hoed, Donald 14srleer.'—Urea Deacon, John Sp, 0. . ;mows Stens Srai! I • yapkrr,-11. Denscth. Wood, Mead Siam '• ritosts. john I', Acton Ihit • D. Griffith Ah • •.•. ss• ll,suscr—jskok L. Star coyer. Jr. of flogiefunt Cultege arekly anottgbent Ifr bl the Ardmore Printing Company, 49 Itiltere &use Phu, Ardmore, P. Pin'41 • ,,,m1-.1o, matt,' of lir Ardmor, S.s. 1912. PI, Pool Of firs. andsr Art To Kill Two Birds . . . . if It is oechisostly lash as the not always representative voice of Ileverforsi spisMo. to survey the college scene and then to Pounce at our hrIniesS but umnstesting tYpewriter to iesue the eel/ to public artists Two aspects of college life Callse on to believe that now is one Of these umustones We are particularly distorlird by Ow leek of s.lal activity on campus. There ore scserst line domes, like the Varsity Club Dance and the JIMIOI. 1.1,11.: and therc is an we:mimed feeble vie dance after a basketball game. neymed thin there is a gaping void. a mill that we feel should be Plied 1 11 Thb: seeress of -omal life is obviously inadequnte to accoinmadate ths natural dries of noon healthy. vigor°ua young non. And that is sting 01. an. nuisponrol 1.. be; sr so the catalog tells us. The beating which Itugm's pit-ball umehine has taco taken lately is ample evidetke w suopost eur contention. Whet we pietism ison expanded mild program in general and more informal diner, im lintli.,11111, A recent report on male sexual behavior ime caused considrrable consternation In certain undergraduate circles, Dancing has bog brim moesnised am MI elementary tone of eexual esp.rims none ,Ian, Illercrele. a•111111 he Ilaverford's dignified reply'to the Kinsey Report. Another moiler that dtmas its is the inadequacy of feuds for extracomicular ustivities. There wore many unhappy presidents and nisn.t.0 herr les' met, who-„ the somell slashed their carefully prepared budgets lo ✓d.',x. We do nor noon the semen, for where there is not any money. r!i --; bore Rot is /Mt line tinnier. Kul we do think that new source. of funds should be opened I, campus organisations. AI or polder-leg them two prolitents, we have limited at a scheme which we believe will kill both birds with taw stonc. Let the various campus or. goniwitious sponsor and chow admission for dances and other swirl am tivitios Suell rigniee would iliffer from Ulm previously carried on by clubs Intro tins. to time in that they would be open to the entire student boils. The clubs would find eu gee.l diffieulty in expanding the scope of said sonntions. for the Vie bailee Calumnies now pessesfts a record player, an ninon:BSc changer and a smell supply of record,. All that is Inskley, assefore, , nano organised incentive for pustine into use tech Ries whist. airway thist. Ding lirm believe. in the thpitalistic By:stens we are cenvinred that the profit motive will irmvide this incentive. By plan• cal ,,g. PoMiri iue end supervision sic Ilanctli hi threCommon Room and other aetivins.s, the, dubs Will derive much needed regentie. At the one time, campus social life will be invigomted. Whielover way we look at it, we think that this proposal has sufkient merit to be given the mitt careful attention by the 5001000.' Council. We lenge that the council will work out a definite program to enrich dur social lives and saw club treasuries. ' • The Tops In. Pops In this, the first of been tiellelen which we hope may be of interest to dice dosstres or. canto., we would like to give sorne tips on a few of the hop eseLoget tlmt are being roloused 'by the major was-warehouses tbroughtht the U. S. As this column in an "every se often" release by the NF.SVS. we will hose thew fine single sides for reviewing later. bates tullmns, to the uninitiated), collectors will find some U, tie ' sides to quisleu the lean. of lie nubs• and open the purse Strings. Most of Goss. imerested in the development of jam from Crescent City end Fes( s.s.. is: thrown, Chicago and New York, where it evolved into per cot si g host swieg. hove. almaely grabbed up thew Capitol "His• soy of Jess,' sol ••Tto Nme America„ Ja." packages, or the parts of tiro or :shish est torsi their fancy. To the historically-minded collector ols, 11,01 made real ja00 history, these will fill the bill who sae': imd I net giel.;, fsis mem:is:Ms of the jese-swing pattern from the First World -War its,. pram„ r. Thos. fctlosm.. .4 rniltrilliningy treatments by Cantons jestmcit at 1i.n1 14.1 1,11iMhin and Victor have made n start in bringtheir Inds-his ins ort rc.,,sms the Brunswick rind .0-Kch labele nein on shish origin:ins ssorded the troth. I Victor and Columbia have sinne issaim sat Gest rrosismit's sso eSsanwstion of Swing" album -loll twleve - inch reords) . • sil s ....sonssohni. It rostrios the bin-bends eeing *hoeearls' ''• • sso • op-to-date, item arc a few lets that have come I h.- paiticulaily fine in their overall content • .' drones all music by the early Boo. filmdom. popular end made musical history. ie one • 'sgother. All sides in this package are taps,. coodmurt "Goodbye" steno.re theme, with ... On, wino of the lest in commercial swing cut •sml, in tin MM. entitled "Glen Haller MasterlOt Jr.. Vol. II" nre also recom"All Time Fevorit." by Tummy Dorsey. :sm . the most in the line of re-issuing the swing claws. shissirs of Les Brown. Harry James. the Bonny litodley with Ray McKinley, Duke Ellington, and s o •• hrst pot net by this wooers. For presentation s ..•ss /se nod yoes w Cosh:Min Rhein on its two Dorot. ss ...lir Met A ,on.. millectiona. For jam vocals, Columbia sawn mns. mr - with its lidiier of Willie etchings. Pt es is', tko impressive sollestions, The Ink Santa albums and one s wws so- t•sc, Loom nand of Glen Gray, which should bring back sm. of the younger members of the lisserford faculty. sc:im:es. antes worth in the eurcenthiclure with unc Stan Kent. by the Rios Colo Trio. Thu only worthwhile 1nstru• alsent mental Gies( slit,. in the third of thth series in the King Cole Clank of alinorymisktr Rose," which in n..e.retentre. Timis the piston. of the album limes in recent times by this collector, brat tlb welt known thin collectors differ; so we would like to hear your opinions oo the discs which we'll continuo to review In future Is.n of the NEWS—sides which you'll hear played on Station WRAC. ANDY Katowerder ,e l Across the Dat R. has thee heist in same quartet., that the tandithrey of hit. Wallace Is beneficial for the nation as a whole. regardlees of how eee diewa hie political beliefs. Mr Wallace Will draw his strength Irani weeral ammo. Perhaps the lens* important di these is the extreme left wing of th. bemoerst.k Party, mpresented In New York by the American Labor Patty. This group will doubtleas swine the hathoce decisively In New York State, but it is unlikely that It will prove to be of much insportenee elsesimees Of f. more importance will be the protest voters: the people who ore blood with the present party system, the people who ore Willing to grub a ride on the most handy white-horse-drawn bandwagon. the peel. wit.. Mope. Such people, elsewhere celled "independent voters," are far from rare. Millions were alining into the Democratic camp, albeit temporarily. by Franklin IL Roosevelt. 5,000.000 voted for LeFollette in 1834. Until Re0.velt'imlministration thousands of vol. wem annually cast for Socialist condidateri, nut because the toter, were Socialists, but because they wished to "protest." As s lteson ablest the triode". of protest voting, let no enalyke the ponsible elects of Mis Wallace's candidacy. Depending, of senile, on the overdo between now and November, Mr. Wallace wilt 'almost certainly cause Mr. Truman to lone New York's 47 electoral votes. Aceordine to the New York Timb be may lose Illinois, Michigan, Celifernia, Iowa, and .vest indestrial etatea. He will not (ow there to Mr. Wallace. For these states will no Republican. In all of these states, the likelihood is that Me. Truman would win If Mr. Wallace were not a candidate, and if the liberal vote were not split behreen Mn Truman and Mr. *Wallace, . it moot certainly will be. The prattical effect will thee he the election of • President who will mil a plurality, but a minority, of the votes nth An Adminletra• Unit will be elected which the majority of the American people, including both Mr. Truman and Mr. Wallece, do not want. And, since the Republicans even now realise that there ie a good posetllltty of their wincing the el.lion meanness of who they nomidatc, the Republican nominee all not be the man preferred by • Majority of Americans, even among Repablicans. It has been contended that Mr. Walleor's candidaey will ferce the estelaished parties to adopt Lite Vlidtme principles. The Republicans, how-will not get the 5attlace votes anyway, and they win eerthinly nal • bid for then, The Prenmereta oe dommtie lanes. were in bags agreement with Wallace to begin Milt OS forelen Issues, whsle the. is disagreement. it is unlikely that the Demeeress meld comprmlse M fame of the Wallace. itei without driving away mere vette then the Weller-ilea can muster. It was noted in this space two peel. ego that "the Denrocrakle Party is controlled by Southerners." The Southern Governors seen, to disagree since they have been threatening to withdraw from the Democratic Potty ever the issue of the President's civil right, program, and by- the time this ;sane appears, may well have done so. From this initial mumption the author contended that es a result. labor has nomeans of pothimil expression, and that Mr. Wallace offers such e means. The executive council of the CPO, however, registered dis•greetnent. voting. by 3 to 1, ermine! supporting the candidacy of Mr. waii ttee Based on the. facts, I think that we are Portificd in ammo."' that organised labor realises that if it supports Mr. Walla., the eetabliehol parties will realise the futility of soliciting votes already committed In eomeeee else, and will char{ policies In order to •ttrect the greatest number of people who ore opposed to the views of Mr. Wallace. Or to put it mother way the poliry of a party is determined by the sum total of the rector forms aelieg within that party, and if a force for movement to the left is removed, the party will deer sharply to the right Mr. Wallace intends to give pmgreasises s polities., instrument and force the eneconent of progreesive lesielatien. Instead, he will destroy the Democratic Party. the Met effective progressive political instrument now In ellialenea and force the enactment of conservative Imbibition, in turn forcing the election of a Republican to 1948. Tim who would "preterit' in 1048 will find it a catty year for protests; especially to the protestants., ERNEST S. W11.501V • In The Editors Mail +-• February 20, 1918 To the Editor of the NEWS: ' This letter is prompted by your admirable lead editorial "Setting Our Sights. which excited my Interest sod approval. Except for one omission itls good enough to serve as a model content for undergraduate newspaper staffs. I am somewhat diffident about mentioning the omission both because I an, a !miner of the omitted group--the alumni—and .also because I admit your, right to Include them or not In your brave, now journelielie world. At best, from some points of view, alumni have two main functiones One is to serve as a link with the past and the other is to provide a substantial .rtioh of your newspaper's Income. Even so, theyrea a not wholly unmitigated evil although they May be an obstrusim one. Here f wish only to express the pious hope that you who are about to join Ili do not ignore .. I express this hope because your editorial referred to the alumni only once and that was when it quoted the words I wrote thirty-nine years ago for Number One, Volume One, which stated that the purpose of the paper would be ate develop more cooperation between the alumni. ungergreduates and face. of Haverford College." While it is clear that alumni news item and alumni interestst Ile mostly beyond modergraduate holism and that the Operating staff is not editing the alumni pnblication. it nevertheless seems to ma that the NEWS' staff should give more tonsideration to alumni trammels. Were they to do so they would Stratify the existence of n pereietent will-o.-the men holm that a NEWS staff will rome Meng occasionally which so appraises, reports and interprets eollegc activities and interest as to give the Alumni • fleetlog fading that the college and they ere Ail' one. Sincerely youm, DAVID fluestisw To the Editor of the NEWS, On first reading the following senteoce in your February In issue I thought n amoeitug printer's goer; but after linishing the marine of io enumeration of steps to keep America economically sound, I Mr. Linn's suppose your pr.freader was after all not at faa. 'Mr. Linton pointed out that increased inefficiency and production, nod,not nlonelhe raising of wages, is the only way to insure proepem Sincerely. Rene Blanc-Rouse. '35. Editor', Note: • • Surprising as it may seem to those members of the alumni body whoae attitude toward the NEWS hos become one of cynicism over the years. we tierce wholeheartedly with Mr. Hinshaw. ft is, perhaps, in ospreesing our opinions en this subject through hie words of "Number Ono, Volume Once rather than through bur own that has given rise to the impression that no have to interest, in our own right, in developing More cooperation between the alumni end friends on well es the undergraduates of Haverford College. To be sure, as Me. Hinshaw has pointed old, the NEWS staff isnot editing on alumni publication. But it le our denim to portray the life of the college in a way that will appeal to bath students and alumni. It 11 through presenting the "Objective picture of the mIkge community" thin we spoke of in the editorial in question that wo believe this task can be best accompliehed. It is in this way that the aluntnigan best have the "fleeting feeling that the college and they ere still ono." Thom:us Heald Is well aware of the fact that the picture it has pre. sonted has not coneistently been an all-inclusive one. ..We are happy to see that we now hive severs1 ideas up our oleo* which should go for toward remedying this defect—ideas which will become apparent as soon as we overcome -the purely 'meehanical difficulties of publishing a NEWS 40% larger, with a staff 80% 'tower and an editorial act-up 100% re-organised. As elways, we welcome alumni suggestions and criticism; whether on technical matters, matters of MID, nrmattersof P.D." Igo Uwe that we may frequently disaeree. but we /Ike to hear from you just the thine. ALUMNI NEWS Rufus Jones States Alumni to hotter Relief in God Has Glee Club at Dinner. College Glee Clots Survived Assaults willTheheHaverionl the cacao of hoot do the In reviewing o meant article by Dr. Rufus Jones '85, in the "Atlantic nual dinner of the New York HaverMonthly," George Grose of the Pasa- font Alemot Society, Friday evening,. dena Star-News ears that no. Amer- March 19, it has been announced by writer of this giheration has John E. Abbot, presideet earned the right to speak with authorFollowing the diviner, to Which ity on leathern of religious faith with alumni wives are cordially invited. the mre. assurance than Rufus Jones. He Glee Club will give a concert for the to othe epirit.1 mentor of n greet multitude, and "despite his age Of Of New York Haverforaians. Relent. years, hie spiritual insight is undies: and friends or Glee Club members demed. his Intellmtual vigor unimpair- elring to attend both dinner and Coned and trenchant plan atilt inspired. as ert or the Concert alone arc cordially he describes the religious faith of a invited. • rightly fashioned person of fell seta Mee Boner will be held at stature." the Teem thin CM. 123 Went 41id rout lieriential to Life 510- Stmt. Preceded by a Mira hour, she In the article which t o answer a dinner Melmitthel for 7:30 0,00, foleueses, Di. Jones tries to very ffirporthot smiestion, "What ca lowed by the =Bert at 8.30. The Now York Fieverforrilans sire modem man bel2vel" He approaches UM problem by pointing out that re- •rmnging .overnight atemmodenene ligion. faith is the "greatest stabil- for members of the glee club in nearising power for health and mind end by alumni homes. All alum: and any the most powerful dynamic of noble others desiring to come to the dinner ,the are urged to send in their mservations Says Dr. Jones: "if, as I believes Immediately ta kr. R. Wilfred Kelsey, religious faith is an essential feature Secretary, e/o Institute of Life Insur. of life for the full culture of the In- ance, 88 East 42nd St., New 'York dividual person, it is even more im- City, Prieto of the dinner and concert portant for the formation and etabll- is 4.00 per person. Those u.ble to attend the dinner Nation of a rich and continuing Heilisation. There has never been any May come to the concert for only $2.00 long continuing civilisation in which a Per Perms Alumni who are able to belly endowed man could live happily provide overnight mommodatiens for and confidently, which was not draw- members of the Glee Club following ing °Pon unemn resource. of life and the concert are Mitred to communicate baring witness In one way or another with Mr. Kelsey. Any alumni in the Nov York area to the reality of the. World beyond the world of things with which men who do not receive an announcement hes commeree. There nave been short of this dint, shonid write to the secperiods of stark unbelief, but they retary in order that their name my have not been good Periede to line lo. be added to the mailing liet. ,itaLin,,..ttheItoonf!:;:g0nWtobroldnlioar: Innev.thre,: The Copernican Revolution was the first of a ...Hon of serious nssmelts on the religious faith. of the Weetern world. But in spite of the oppoeition of the historic clutch. the new scientific view of the world pm. railed. Intelligent people no longer believe In s Rat earth, the center of the universe, with the man revolving around it But belief in a v.t yniterm, with 20.000, million mantable slam, did not destroy the validity and truth of religion. Religious faith was re-thought and readjusted to the new troth of modern astronomy. Thu Chorch re-interpreted its faith in the sea of the Copernican lindings and found a more sublime way of think'. aboet God and human deetiny. Instead of losing God through the diss eatery of the telescope, a mom glorious God was revealed. In the 19th century the coming of evolution created another critical Period for religious faith. Materialistic and mechanistic evolution left place for a divine Crthtor. Dot evolution understood es a ...hod of emotion• fits a divine and spiritual interpretation of the oniver. art tone pletely erention by fiat." declares Dr. JanesThe modern man believes in evolution se n historic process end method of divine activity wit' no toes in the cssentiai dignity of man. An Dr. Jones ayn, "The Bible be• cameo a new book in the light of the literary and historic study of the Scriptures." Interpreted as a emir...sive revelation, not a dead level one, the Bible emerges from the meet exacting historical and literary study a as much greater book than one of liter al infallibility in all details. In other words, when we discover that the ultimate test of truth Is not that it •ie In the Bible, but that the ethical and ephattrei te.hings of the Bible are verifiable in the experience of the individual, ion Bible has the highest religious auShority. He co Judos that modern Science has not shaken national belief in God and In the "spirit.) eignificance of the noble destiny of man." The highest evidence of man's unique aspect Is "knowing himself as thinking," and that he has moral judgments and longings for fellowship with divine Companion. The faith of the moderri man according to Rrifus M. Jones, Is that there is a "divine endowment In men and that it is an absolutely eseential feature of the rightly-/ash. boned man." There lasolothing about him—an Apex, a Spark, a Light, a uniquenese of capacity that sends as beyond him to is higher Source. Moe, to he man, must be man pl. More. This discovery Is hie own unique evidence of God, A Hareeforsi graduate wee the first person to take a PhD. in Bea...dm et soy Ametican ukases. sits/ St.itt Wood, of the Class of 1870, was awarded a phi). in Economics at Harvard in 1075. He was the first graduate of Haverford to receive a PhD. in any field. Wood bud a diminguished career In business and public service, and wrote a number 01 articles on the theory of wages. He was active in the Amerk. Economic Amstedoh and was ila Viee-PresIdent in 11240 The Haverford Library has over 700 minim. Miry of them sea.* and valuable non., that belonged to the priests library of Wood. VARSITY CLUB DAY RESERVE MAY 8. 1918 Details Ix Later Imes of NEWS Plana Fe; Golf Instruction Styiniod By Lock of Ctittio The Department of Physical-Education has made plans to give instroelion In golf to members of the ondergraduate etudent body o3 ford College this spring. The well organised plans of the department have been confronted by an untimely obstacle, namely that. it is impossible, to buy single clubs without hitting to buy • complete set Mr. Roy Randall therefore requests that all the ments bers of the alumni look in their eel' lira and attics for any old or broken golf clubs which are not being used at the present tin* and kindly eond them to him. Alotnni Notes beyond the margins of the here end Religion survives Ile 'then went en to de.ribe how mlpRiom firith has had to Vend. with science whenever great scientific dieco.ries have been made. and how the churches have continued to weather these repeated •storms of Ix) YOU IMO*/ 1901 William V. DeMde in professor of Rural Seek:logy, Pennsylvania State College. He is also Chairman of Conerence no Co-operation between Thelogical Seminaries and Collett. of Agriculture and Advisory Member of the Town and Country Committee of Nome Mir:stens Gamed of North America, with special emphasis on the rural thumb. 1995 Behlamin Eshietean, pr./dont of the Benjamin Eshleman Compeny, von recently elassen direttor of the Philadelphia Chamber of'Commerce for a one-year term. 1907 Dr. Wilbur 1.1. Bathes is Associate Professor of Urology, University of Pennsylvania, Urelegiet to St. Joseph's Hospital and Chief of 17Iology, Philadelphia General Hospital and Urologist to Phoenixville. He has recently been made Chairman of the Gonda-Urinary Disease Committee of the Board of Health fee Metropolitan Philadelphia. 1908 M. Albert Linton, President of the Provident Mutual Life Insorance Company and a member of the Moorrr town Friends' School Committee, spoke informally on economic prole leme of the day before the faculty of Moorestown Frienda' School, on Toesday; February 17. The MacMillan Company has messily published ''flideout" T. Mom moo Longettedia latest book. 1915 Boughs P. Palmer represented Haverford at the Inauguration of Joseph Eugene Gallery as .pressident of the University of Scranton on February EL Falconer is executive director of the WyoMing Valley Cone Stonier Chest with officers of the 13th Poor of the Miners' National Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. 1921 Rabbi Leon Hurwitz was a recent visitor to the camp. while went to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he Is now rabbi at the Temple Beth Jacob, 1928 Mr. and Mrs Charles M. Tatum are the proud parents of a aon, Charles M. Tatum, Tr., born October 10, 1947. Their home address is King of Prussia Road, Radnor, Pa. 1932 C. Hubert Haines, viewpresident of the Corn Exchange National Bank and Trust Company, was elected s director of the Philadelphia Chamber of Comincrcr at the ann.l election held re. candy. 1934 Philip IL Richardson 's hornet address is now IS Greenview Way, Upper Montclair, N. J. 1938 is married and is living at 142 WestminsterRoad, itm theater 7, N. Y. 1941 John C. Hanley is lotting win with his family for Venice. Haig, o where he has been appointed ViseComm!. Kenneth A Wright, who was married lost loon to llarquerlte von Beust Fleming, is now living at 113 Hartman Road, Oak Hill Village, Newton Center, *sag 1942 Dr. and gm Edward H. Bedroosien announce the birth of a daughter. Trinde Lee Bedroseian, on January 13. Their home adames is Walter Field, Trinidad. A.P.D. NO. c/o P.M, Miami, PIS. Lieuien.t Alan L. limian is in the Army Medical Corps, and is stitiened with a field unit of engineers in Korea. He Will be attaelnixl to this unit until September 1949, at which tint, ho plans to return to Philadelphia be attend the- Graduate School of Surgery of the University of Penneylvania. Hits present address Is M.C. 01725168 6th Eng- C.Stnaded. to lob. bier No. s, c/o P.M. San Francieco, Cal.. 1945 Charles W. Matlack hos • mently• become engaged to Kim Margaret Jane McKinney, daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. William T. McKinney, of Bird,. bores . Mime McKinney is a graduate of Dales. College and both the and Mr. Matlack am muleteer, of the faculty at train.. Local AlinnniGroups Organized Near You For the benefit of any alumna who hua moved nod does not know whether or net a Hever-font alumni club exists in his locality, a list of, the .isting clubs and the men to contact follows. All of the soeleties are anxious to add new Haverfordians to their lists. Alumni Secretary Bennett S. Cooper Orge all who have not already dons ao to contact their local clubs and have their names placed on the mailing list In order to learn of el. activities. Listed below are the club., together with the names and address. of their officers: New York Haverford Society—Secretary —R. Wilfred Kelsey, '33, SU Ertat 42nd St., New York 17,M. Haverford Society of MarylandSecretary—James H. Brady, .as, ealh Whiteford Ave., Baltimore In, Md, Haverford Society of WashingtonSecretary—Herbert W. Reisner, 214 Prince St, Alesendria, Va. Pittsburgh Alumni Assoeiation of Haverford College—Secretary—Willard W. mead, 6800 Walnut St., Pitteburgh,'Pe. Haverford Society of New England —Secretary—Elliot —Elliot W. Brown, '21. 401 Summer-St., Seaton, Maim. Haverford S.iety. of Wilmington-Secretary—Joseph Rhoads, Jr., '32, 1105 North Franklin Its Wilmington, Del. Haverford Society of Chl. cago-Secrotary- — Thorn. Premier, '21, 20 North Wacker Drive. Chicago 5, Ill. • Viadaseday, Ninth 3, II/48 HAVERFORD NEWS PAG8TAREE Jayvees Lose Haverford Courtmen Drop Two; Frosh A Keep Lead Ford Matmen Defeat Swarthmore To Bear Rally Ursinus and hi Intramural Fight; Swarthmore Victors At Collegeville Soph B Hold Second In Season-Closing Spine Dingier W10411101411 Leads Victors; Cryer, Riggens, Reilly Hot Ina see-sew battle that was not degill Rodewahrs Victory The Freshrolin A team is still cling• E./Ma until the closing minutes of Amussen and Cohnin SWr Colman, Grolins Excellent Five Points and the Match Ina to their ellen one-game advaritade In Final Battle of Day the dime, the .J.V. ,beaketball team -A determined Boverford team was Trailing by three point and with aver second pine by ',iliac of the], Vas defeated 57-52 by the Ursinus thwarted In Its attempt to thin its Brings 1M1 to Scarlet ten minutes remaining in the game. 32-30 victory over the Sophomore A Bears last Wednesday night. Un. third length vietery rod even the Lett Saturday in the Haverfold accustomed to playing on o minla- mann series with the etrong.Uralms Hnverford lost control of the back- squad Iset Week, The Soph Ws have gym, an alternately cheering and lure court, the visitors -experienced Mod. Playing on the fOnfined Col- beards and went down to defeat M- taken over sole possesoin of the sec burin dirreolty in the early moments legeville tour, :he Fords Were never ine a strong, fuel Swarthmore tire, tensely whet gallery watched the and slot, a fall game awed of the of the game with defensive teen,- able to gain a commandin g position 50 to 45. The Scarlet and )31.16 mat team come game played Settleday Soph AS and the Juniors, who aro work and back-board control. and and eventually were subdued 60 to night on the Ford's floor saw the deadlocked from behind to defeat Swarthmore in were forced to overcome an early 10 19. for third place. the last wrestling witch of the seeScarlet make Rs most determined bid point lead of the 13.1S. -But then The Fresh tr., in their two-point Fords Take nay Land . Trailing by four points going in several years to end the long Gar- victory, were ott.cored.f the comb/mitten of Hopkins, Teen., The Scarlet team grabbed an early earn the goer, Delp, Kemmerer, and Gerlach came lead thank, no the beavybreight hoot, end thereto the effort of Sean net reign on the basketball court. but it was their greeter accuracy Dorn roaring back into the .bineh, and Colman and Frank Ken-ned fore needing a fall to win, Haverford y. These the fool line that *are them the nmrFINIS Tske Lead presided Uranus all over the Boor, two gave Haverford gained the necesoarY Manta when a three point pulled to within 4 points of them at margin; however, it The Fords opened the game with a gih The Sepha &sold only connect on their Sophomore star, Bill Rodewald, was short lived to out of ten charity tomes. Pore halftime with the ecore 95-21. Runde as the brilliant Whidhon soundly battered Garver, of Swarth. of Uranus lot of spirit and drive. They looked Tatnall Was the spark in this drive notched point, more, pinning him in 246 of the eeeca. very little like the team that fell be- Sherpless was high point man for the with Ante accurate passing and ledevitle Sean a lead end period. The final score of the they never re- fore the Garnet by 25 points earlier winners with 8, white Warm Jonek deadly shooting on the offense. match was 18-17. lingulehed The Forde Moan lord in the year Tom Crolius reeked up took game honors with e. As the second half began, Ursinus for the remainder of the period, hut The nophomore B five continued Dodge Wins With Cradle 4 points before Swarthmore could adopted a full-court pressing ,man- the drive and scoring ability of their drive' for to-neen defence, but the Searlet and Whidhon and Jen Brat place with break an The first bottle of the aftern.o. the unexpeeted Fond sone. Havproved too Black team kept right with them. great The half ended overwhelming 44-19 defeat of the Janthe 12I-pound eMse, was a rather slow with Wein. erford was in control of the backFinally. as• the result of Karl Man- ahead PI to 23. Orate between the Fords' Dave Hoe. Jim Foste r and Andy Boyd boards by virtue of the defensive sop tors. flat frford'.■ BILL Ronawarn pinning Garnet Gory, hIrlotott Gar- - tinge and Ed Burroughs, wilier'. play making and accurate of SwarthAt the start of the seven heti the threw. allowed. However, the fear- sparked the Sophs to • 23-8 half-time t er, r r _:cat al wcomil period to bring how, 18.17 rirfory, shots, the Fordo took the lead 5049, more. Losing on points during the lead which they nearly doubled in the and s.n inereased this to 30-96. The Ford learn came out fighting and let lead was short lived. Rainy and find and second stomas, Hastings second stanza. Buz Gager was the toquickly racked up a brace of geld Scarlet and Black then adopted e deCryer dropped in five points and Juniors' only evened the score 00 3-3 in the Mot peg bright spot oe he sent liberate style of attack In on effort oals, This Ortirt wok notokl7 riod and the bout ranked in a draw. Swarthmore wee never headed again, ten points through the nets. to ballot up Its lead. bat with live thiguished by the sharp • shooting of John Dodge, a Fronton with great In a dose battle for the eater 4beeiminute. to do, inspired by the .return Bern and Forsythe who pound although the smote 0,004 knotted fire promise, was the Int fall of the day lion, the Fresh 010 one their first thirteen points times through during the the first hoop leaf. bo The Fords of Hoover to the game. Uranus for Haverford in his It&poend fight game of the year, beating the Seniors, surged back to num the lead 60. give Ureinus their -largest spend of Managed to keep within range of the againkt the Garnet's John Boat. 18. In spit of g determined effort to the night, UM. points Haverford flying Gareet, but a closing, erring 20.25. Deadlocked at 12-12 during inDodge /ought beautifully through the termission, the Freshman, led by Pool overtake them. the Fords could not refused to give up end eona sight horst by Cryer and Brat six minutes of the match, tan' Br INV. Pones - • Reilly gave Shipley and Andy Semitic, fins* muster the power and w en dawn to Mete with their beet offender, streak ning up a 9.0 advantage: then, after of the game. LAP Mono Amuseen's Swarthmore a five-point edge avhall came out on top of the ace-saw game. With interest in college ...Alive pions were the boys from Rutgers defeat 57-52. 2:49 of the loot period /hid elapsed,fte time. 28 to 13. "Butch" Case and Jerry Howe were n ow definitely tot the upswing, roa- University: who took four Orate and applied a cradle hold that For the losers Rut.° tatnalrwas merino and baeltheerd control markBoric could Led by the aggressive Sam Conan, top moo for the upperelmemen. . high soarer with 15 point.- sad Karl ed this rally. Moose played his best m of the NEWS will be interested to two seconds. Gettysburg ,as in sec- not comps the Fords tore right into the Garnet blanwiller second with 9. Light and dame of the ansen and gave a clear Standines now that Chia year Haverford Col. ond place. • Walt Robertson. fighting for the as the emoted half began. Sam conHoover together notched 28 points Indication of What we can expect • first Won time Lost thin Pct. season, lege an piano the victim to tinually send a full stole ,goad the of mahall from his forfrom him In the future. Tryouts. for the Mum to be bent to for the winner. Frosb A .. of Swarthmore's experienced Ben Pe.6 I .857 ward position in the zone. But bentels to the Middle Atlantic States Swarthmore next weekend nand. maw Po were bald Son S in the 136-pound division. By .5 2 .714 cause the Scarlet woe unable to score Wreetling Championship matches this yeaterday, but at the time of this sheer muscle power Roberta. However, the Scarlet was never on LINE-UPS Soph A .__. 4 3 .571 menthe nay loyupa, the telly went to week. The bons will take Place on wr iting only en approximate able to narrow the margin to less no avath Junior. 4 3 .571 ilAveltrolua J.V. squad can Aged to avoid a pin in the first period, than ten points and the slowed play March 5 and 0, at Swarthmore Cop be nannol: Dave Basting., Seniors li .143 121; John but after 2:53 of the second three minC. ,p. p. • of the home team assured them vicIncident Averted lege. Dodge, 128; Clark Lightfoot, In utes, he Mieellmbed to a cradle and tory. One of the features of the With the Ford team trailing by four Last ynr Haverford sent only four Scotty Kirantich, 1451 Bud Walker, half nelson. Another promising /neh5 1 m.o. Half was the defertlive play points and play men. Clark Lightfobt, followed with halted for a jump lig hters to the ehanniomhie IL% Phil blatancy, 165 or 075, and 4-1 decision over BOb Sebeffnor, a by high aeorer Whidhohn. He hone- ball, an of over-excited Haverford player lion: Dm Smiley, 130; Bud Walker, Bill Rorkwald, heavyweight. collared • the dynamic Ford tannin, for no Both Ma. Swarthmore. The winner of four apparent reason pushed the 1 Tom Cronus, from the 11.r. TMs Garnet 155: Homer Kinintich, 105, end Phil roney and Rodewald will be captain. Naturally, with such favored in straight metaes this season, the Car1 feat plus his scoring marked Kra as bitter lin graPPler Maloney, could 175. not cope Bill Rodewald, with the who rivalry their divisions- Maloney, victor over and in such a close 2 the outstanding player of the eve- game, this action precipitated a near would have been a. favorite In the Mason Dixon 175-pound champ, fast-movin g Ford who ran up a 2-1 0 ning. advantage in the fiat two periods. riot. Fortunately for the Ford playheavyweight division, was out of ac- Brown, of Johns Hopkins, Eighty American and Cattedian 0 Our to will enter After 1:20 of the final Manta, Schaff. 111 a thole played well. ,either ref was in a position to nee leges will coins:rt. the new Interco!. tion with a charley-horse at the time. the elmapionshin fresh from his lei' ee Injured his loft ankle in a takeIt was more the superiority of the the. play, but a spectator, who was Meath 'Yacht Rang AumelatIon, as 0 Uranus team Oboe any 'par/keine later In the nu:petition of last year two mph hem on Saturday. Bill Rode- own, but continued after the ordiidentified as a well-knovre Phila- the result of the amalgamation of the Ford failing that lewd to defeat. delphia coach and ref, took 'talent ex- Eastern, Middle Western and Pacific of the //overfeed'sna awe out very weld, Haverford's mast conaletent nary throe-minute rest period only to 14 52 Bob - Belson continued to play e ception to the Adele' decision to call Coma onanixatione just confident, well. Bud Welker was awarded fourth point-getter and winner of all but one lose the decision. steady floor game and el. displayed no font .11...se of the staunch stand Frederick IL Wean, Jr. Commodore place among the 156-pound grapplers. match litimeskb, ner Pinned during the past season will be • noring punch that was lacking In by the ref and theigeolnees of . the of the Brown Univdralty' Yacht Club while Will Phiribley fought his way to Wong. favored in the heavyweight 'Things began to look very black in6 15 his first few games. Bob pitched in ether players, a reel Incident was and new president of the Intercollegi- a secend position in the 175-pound di- division. Rodewald's only loss Ohio deed for the home team when both the 1 0 three field goals in the first half, one averted. ate body stated last Saturday. vision Moloney was finally defeated season cam at the hands of Mock., 155 and 145-pound matches went to 1 6 being his "favorite hook shot. Sant However, this Incident se.emed to The 'Easton Intercollegiate sailing by Wessr.n, of Malenben, who Franklin and Marshall. Swarthmore no the result of falls The • 4 Colman continued his excellent Phor eel the Garnet on fire and at the name body, of which Haverford is a menr fought and loot a heavyweight match and was high nese for the Scarlet time deflate It would certainly ho a feather in former division representative from .0 . 42 the Fords. Reilly and her, is composed of 48 college., Uni- to the Wien and Wailes Rodewald with 13 points Sam, aside from his Higgne the cap of Bill Shit:Mob, the Fords' Haverford, Freshman Scotty Kimtook the backboard play versity of MacWand and Hobart being several weeks ago. fine play on the goer. has been one away from Amussen now wrestling much, if the team could Ma, was never at an advantage in • 13 old Bah Baker. elected this year. The Pacific Feast Although these two performed well make a good showing of the meet amens-MI Fords hem Swarthmore at the Middle the lirst period, and was finally pinned . 0•2 6 upped the lead from organisation has 00 members and the the final position of the Haverford the 'foul tee. Sem has caged 24 three points Allanties. Sinhadch two done a good after 2:30 of the second period by Ken to ten in a Midwest matter of Collegiate teen, Sailing wan low Assent. because it sta.ed with job Ohio year with a young and foe 31 tries for en average fairly Ruhl, who used a head and arm lea of 77K, minutes_ Higgene and Reilly account- Lion 14. O 0 a 00-point dioadvanthge. Because Inexperienced Bob Baker also played well in his ed for 17 points in this team. Although they to abcomplith the Modred effect. Ha, O 0 Mat ten-minby-laws and sailing roles for Haverford entered only four men in have role, as spot relief nun. won only three muleteer, one of erfordh Bence Bast was also name. ute drive. F. the whole game Hig. the st toa toast to coast association are be- the meet, these points were subtracted the'. Line from Swarthmore. the team has bred In the second period of the 165• II 07 gees and Reilly managed 41 markers. ing worked ant. The tentative Milne from the final team seam One Point. gained something very important pound battle by the Garnet captain, to Cryer netted 15 more to leave a seant of the combined organieation is the for each man not entered. HAVERFORD 1547 chow- good wrestling squad—experienes John Went-aeon. Baer held a 2-2 3 points scored by the reel of the Union of Intercollegiate Yacht Rating Ce. R. • draw with MeCutcheon at the end of team. Asethiatione. Dien. and :sectional A. VASSALLO the first three minutes, but a crotch associations also will be formed. On Cram. Colman Shine and half nelmn after 2:11 of the sec. limber Shop bley 15 and 16 the top crews from ond stansa brought his downfall. Wrestling. Squad Competes . . . . . Once again it was Crolius and Col- each region wit meet at Annapaiis SERVING HAVERFORD a Wing 17.10 at the end of the first man amiuming the lions' share of the for the National Intercollegia MEN FOR 39 YEARS te x matches, the Scarlet .d Black offensive birden. Amossen Was dna:- Dinghy Regatta118 W. Lancaster An. 0 eded at /east a decision BM a fall tint under-the boards in the opening Y. M. C. A. Butend in their last two matches to win. This glans of the game and Bob Baker a is meetly what they got. remelt.. SWARTHMORE continued to show improvement in his pivot play. Player Phil Manley started the Carnet nn FD. FT. F Pts, Both Boron brothers T tut 18 10 13 40 the road to defeat with a handy JeriCryer played smoothly. Nevertheless, it was 5 11 5 15 "FOR JEEPS ON Mon victory in the 175-elms. Mu(my the ease of the better team defeating 4 0 tatannus MAIN LINE" roney had little trouble with Dave Higgens 7 4 20 2 ft. ft. 1. pt.. o genie, fighting opponent. Ramsey, or Swarthmore, nearly pinMontgomery O 0 0 WILLITS. ARDMORE HAVERFORD ning him several times, god won on Reilly 7 7 21 110.114 W Lasseter Ave. Player F.G. F.T. F. Ins. points, 0-0. This vktory brought the Whidholm Evans 2899 —.Ardinore — Wel . 0 0 0 6 0 • 6 , 18 Conan ` 5 0 0 10 score of the entire match to 17-13. A Miller D'Annurisio O 0 0 0 :1 3 3 Baker. R. 1 2 2 4 fall was the only way to victory foe Earey Bronson ...—... 1 0 0 0, 0 0 Kennedy 0 I 0 0 the Foods. Garrett o o 0 10 Arnuesen 0 1 5 Unger 0 1 I I 'Eastman, Dillon 0 • Rodewald Superb Cronus 5 0 4 14 Kaiser 0 0 O 0 7 .& Co. Bets., W. 1 4 A 8 With victory- or defeat resting Brandt YearsleY o 0 0 o D 0 0 0 bleMber Now York Stock equanly on his broad shoulders and — — — Exchange 2 Utah 1.4 24 I; 45 bull melt, Hill Radewad prove(' himTotals Gene. 21 27 17 59 0. a 0 Investments self more then equal to the .task. 226 & Ina St Pklla.PaStalking his foe, Newt Garver. like u 60 SPORTS CALENDAR Rodewald soon rout d an Wednesdey, March 3 opening and took hes opponent to the IV plain on floor It refortetrt flarcrjord in Middle itilanlies. Varsity and JV basketball, Bt University of Delaware. canvas. Never at an advantage. Oar. ver managed to stave off the innit10 row, L-Rt D. Hrovnem., C. Lioton.r, S. KlMMICid, Feidity and Salinify. March 5 and a .. L Wale , able pin until 2:05 of the second peB, Bora, P. Manors., 07. &maws,. Middle Atlantic Wrestlin g Championships, at .Swarthmore. riod; but then a mut crotch and half Tonally. March 5 811 LANCASTER AVE. 11&YH MARiO 0248 Jul row, L-11: E. Sikora, J. DOUCE, W. Sli....4.4m., L. Hams, T. nelson proved too much. As the refAthletic Collection, Roberts 11311. ' Zudnikanina, L HiSLLtaraSHEAIN erenta hand slapped the mat to atWednesday, Merck 10 ▪ C I CI b M tl g, Gymnasium, 7:30 P. M. nify a fall, the horn, gallery broke • Sal row, R. Monett., Mgr, W. MA tioca, D. Cora, V. LIM-into joyous pandemonium. For Hayarrt,G. CAPirelAnha, I. Stoat. R. Bt/onty, W. etMeh. vetoed it was their third win of the slraa ..on and their exceed. Established 187! GEORGE SCHOOL . HOPPER, SOLMAY di CO. Phone: Ardmore 1001 ter 14Inbabra ours . stAIN [ANC ...Ws Pala. ste. nesse= •a• esliaat sonata INVESTM&NT SMCURITIlen esmiansessy rma nsaa. la 1 057, 95 BOWLING CENTER MV It w . 1420 Want Street THE FLOWER BOX, Inc. 1012 Laneenter Ave_ PHILADELPHIA ▪ nars ••• Oen M Ms soma Rosemont. Pasea.. aneee eeaMnan• MO, "Flowers for All Occasions" . ...„ . mass wins ia• nesdaval at gas, SPECIAL ItATF-S • diarslialaallan earn.. MaCricket bee. and School lona Albreelt's Flower* TO esamsat. lol-ases amp.. IM Ardmore 3446 Corsair. One of Oar Santana—rm. 22-05 RAVER/ORD ealladshiaim. ARHMOItE In STUDENTS ream la,seefy Chard. Need no E lamest.. Ant. AFTERNOONS n. 0. Ws.. Priammal Corsages WE MUTER ANYWHERE ON MAIN LINE Williams ,. Sea. At Reasonable Prime T. p4ypaatiappu. JR, 19 WILLIAM SHIHADEM, newest... II:90 P. M. sob arses eleasai. Hama Suburban Sn.re, Ardmore PHONE ARDMORE 1850 27 Coulter Ars y. Wrestlers Ready for Middle Atlantics, Full Squad to Compete at Swarthmore ICYRA Reorganized Nationals at Navy d -- ne rot HAMBURG HEARTH g'49 eteaftl:, liArE/tfl, dittl MEWS PAGE FOUR Blum Elected President Collection Speech Brotherhood Meeting Essayists Offered Spanish Club Starts from 14.1 In WHRC Staff Election ramie,. tram Oa. 1 Continued tram topic Wasont.. "Brotherhood Means getter Veterans' Corner Mr. Hamra next outlined the many Human Relationa." Ile spoke of the although mine had a tenSince the beginning the present Lucrative Awards Program for Spring Under a recent ruling the Vet- disguises, "evichwea of coley" in contrast to Rum work I n eing done by his National Ordency to keep slipping off my client. sewester, station WERC him been on' Ma's critical measure. Among them gemination and the hope it portends a On Papery 23 the Spanish Club several delightful stones der a new. admiral:at-ration. The new evidences. Administration, merited inter- There were Two new eway conteste have been better, he claimed the revision of amounted prejudice-free America. Gimpheld a meeting at which ofneers erana' number of interesting choral officer, ore Ken Blum, president; Sam the low rode, wool n students &hose marriage eertin- and interested in which important. The sin Keimel stressed the fact that this the new semester were elected. RichHudson, [renewer; Andy Knowlton, are already on file need lake no formations. of certain vague clauses in students may compete this tolerance can only,be achieved if we ard Taylor, of the Junior Class, was rates further steps to amuse increased aub- The show was entitled the Tiff Men,. diroetor; Sit/ Bell, prod., revocation the civil rode and the elimination of erford c h Goers urderstand the meaning of each oth, semester. The fist, whi thong,. to succeed Ted Handy as Prod- sistence provided by recent legislation) Leap,. In honor of this being Leap bon director; Wray Bentley. Chief enthe "analogy article" in the criminal erh differences rather than if we Igdent of the stub. Year. The Egyptian motif. woe fol- gineer; Dave Blum, program engi- Cede he considered outstanding fea- April 1, awards the winner 0 free trip At of April 1 married veterans will them. This fact re no wan partienInely The new president announced that Bill Peniehe, advertising mansubsistence for not more then lowed through well; but a few thou- neer; tures. - The A.M. government, he to Scandinavia. It is simmered be well brought out in the Chaplain'. the activities of the club would be receive ager; Dive MeCarn, publicity teenchild upon presentation of a pho- sand years didn't cramp the Lyle of ager, recognising the educational, ex the Swedish Ameirican Line Its com- Corps •of the nrreed services during greatly Mended daring the next one and Bob limper, consulting en- added, copyr`of the child's birth cer- the EEC Froth, They danced, they well as punitive value of law, has memoration of the Swedish Pioneer the last warterm. It is hoped that movies In tostatic This meet be given to the rang, they put on moth., they gineer. Jerk Peden is acting mere- now revoked the. death penalty and Centennial in 1540. No HIndrauce to Brotherhood Spaninis, interesting lectures-S. the tificate. Training Officer, Mr. Alfred Mae'. cranked jokes (Indeed, emanlied sev- tare. extensive judicial nioderaThe essay should be a biogrePhleel Dr. Jones concluded the program by learning of Spanish songs and dances, berm, 11, between 2 and 5 eral wide open). It was thereon:h- President ken Blum has been an ac- Mereises of any Perm. of Swedish Pram:Ling the story of the Maine and a ta.sible picnic later in the p, rm., inontheMarch Offer, Whiten is, enjoyable creation. It looked like tive member of the station for six tion.Local elmdons hove taboo place; presentation birth or dement who hue lived In the farmer who manages to illustrate and, spring. In co-operation with near- A It must beVeterans' accompanied by the a real coming-out party for the term. He was busine. manager Orr same candIdateo have not been elected United States or Canada within the Typify most of the worthwhile foibles by, collecii.. wi ll greatly increase the original certificate, which will be core- mummy set. two tern. and treanurer for another —an indkatiOn to Mr. Berard that last two hundred yearn, or an account of American life which tan be adiaportrImIiv one of Eaverford's matt pared with the photostat and return- And then the music Mopped and two. Under his leademhip, the sta- the government feels its positiars se- of any colony, group, society, or or. ed to such presentation. The ides of - active club, ed. Birth certifieatee filed sisbeeqnent drew the rehearsal was at an end. We with- tion has latently Mulled on many now cure Dissenting'reports can now be ganiration with a Swedish backBrotherhood, Dr. Jones said,should be llenthership Increase to a vanmge point off to 'the improvements, both technical and pro- heard in the legislative chambers; the ground, Three topien aro required. oftener to April 1 will be honored only Sc of to that conyietion expressed The nu, snve of the dub is to give the hate of their filing. side and watched the chorus pass in gram• Broadcasting has been discon- Five Year Plan and the national budg- and essays should . he no mo. than by a Maine nit be visited NI• Spanish ....lents of the college a The foregoing applies to Veterans reamer, There was a tenseness and tinued for a three-week period in or- et have undergone sharp criticism and 2500 words In length. Fell•partimitars agara Palls.fernier if he was. greeter familiarity with the cultures under Public Law MG Them has TOE excitement In the whole group. We der to add a new studio and to sound- alternate suggestions have been may be obtained from the NEWS. impressed byWhen , the naked mint.- of water of Spain and the Spa nish-spegking as yet been any ruling for Vete.. listened to their feminine chattering proof the other one. the etaThe other contest, of mom genes.] adopted in some Meta... Of course, over the falls, our tamer reworld and to aid in a practical way under Public Lew it, that .1•••Ittool, lion does mem. broadeesting, prob- he said, the merita end demerits of Interest, is sponmred by the Taminent coming "if I trip plied that ho meet certainlywee • I' those who wish tr spank be SM.. "aren't the lights ably by March 15, Andy Knowlton, the taintalfam and Stalin are not debated Social and Economic Institute of New "After row night!" . • "inc all" he said, "there Is no All students win are interested new program director, piens to be —they have almitly. been "decided." York. The essay, which should be be- to hinder ' Mall oat there in present it." Brotherhood and goa more varied range of pro- Thus, Mr. Hamad explainedidhe So- tween 5000 and MOO words loom-must operation ehoutd ahould attend the next meeting, which Teal to Bring E. T. Price blinding?" ye. ta, yrsstraitotento gram, which this • thing" not be difficult. After .34111 include anuoical viet reeognisee its .dess will be announced. ea the club is al- For EROGOPTIICS Discussion ... silence. Then the delicate concern "An American Program for ii problems all, there' s nothing to hinder IL showa, reguler news broadcasts. apart ways desirous of increasing it, mem"Mn' Mother of that famous aria.things by eentlnuing traditional disciplinary World Peace in the Present Crlsia." Edmund T. Priee, '17, president of Never shows, drama* programs, Maio oho.. action, in which cam a strong policy The first prim is WOO, And thirteen bership. Me (the I ought Told Company, will re- to know)," floated through the tie. and comedy programs. At the first meeting of the new the Solar Aircraft on on the part of the United States additional prises total. up to WO& Minch 8, to dis- We listened to thin intently. copying Haverford term last Thursday night. a lecture turn tohisHaverford, cause the collapse of the Rus- The content doses April 2,1rd. The experience a business man down by Senor Domingo Ricardo, of Pendia cuss the verses. (Shadols High- "Magic Squares" Subject might has all the details tor those Pharmacy sian power. Re concluded, the decid- NEWS with interested Moslem, Hill, on the influence of the Valdes At request of Professor Teaf, brow!). s ed liberal trends show no immediate Interested. Rita. of Henry W. Preen, P. D. Brothers en the Spanish Reformation 31r. Price has derided to visit Haver- And the show as presented Satur- Of Math Club Meeting WA presented in the Commons Room ford and speak on the development of day night was very well done. The On Thursday earning, February 26, Possibility of a Rallalan break-NP. Prescriptions before a group of Haverford students the Solar Aircraft Company, of Des udience applauded, and the girls the Math Club assembled to bear a nd a number of guests from Bryn Moines, Iowa. Mr. Price will prob- ensiled. Everyone was happy except Anil. On "Uncle Square," by John Shim int Drugs and Sundries later, one rather bewildered goat, (But Brownlee. Opening his discussion r Ardmore Shoe ably arrive at the college for dinner e had only a bit part anyway). Dar A. Talone Phone Ardmore 0122 and brief algebraic Monday evening,. after which he will hops Rebuilding Co. night will have to go with a history Non-Academic Program of magic genres, Brownlee QUALITY DRY CLEANING Peansylvspl• Haverford address various attestants. All eco- meFriday to beat the HNC performance. analysis ronanme rom, rem ARDMOER PA. dencribed elementary constructions of nomic and engi n eering majors who know the nil-male Haverford B ut I hat non-academic work of the type are related to this field are also ressrehear.] and show will not be diabolic squares and magic cube, He relaosed should nfrer to many boys, invited. concluded with an investi g ationof early so interesting for ma to watch. their special features and poeolble rignot particularly inclined or adapted It's just the way that things shape nl&anre Gm. at to physical education activities, the acne opportunities for group action d self-expreasion that sports give Ardmore o others. Arts and crafts instrucJewelers' Service n, forInfamy., opens obvious posDiu Comet Diner COMPLETE GIFT ASSORTMENT ibilities for creative self-exprettion, JEWELRY and WATCHES AUTOCAR d in any each project as the weekCood Foods Guaranteed Work end work-tom. the presence of It 14 W. lancimter Pk. g up spirit it of paramount importArdmore 431111 FAST AND COURTEOUS , of SERVICE Bryn Mawr Shapes Peie of of for When over of the f All Makes of Billy Krecluner RADIOS RECORDS Nationally Fume. Clarinet Salad PHONOGRAPHS RADIO — PHONOGRAPHS The Largest Steck Tips on Finger Totholene Mpg on Tone Tatham.. lass TO.711.1• TIDs S010 For Information H. Royer Smith Co. toot & WALNUT STREET Telephone: Walnut 2-2023 PHILADELPHIA Beam Wad, we.. to • 732 Lancaster Am Bryn Meer Gears. Illerrhyan, Mgr. Offen • Serbia of 2 MONTH COURSES NON BEGINNERS ONLY of Record. In U. 11.1.. I Ardmore Billy Krechmer tag So. lath St. 1027 Rauttead&Streoo Philadelphia Pa. , lu FIRM "I've tried them Tel. Bryn Ewe MTh CORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS JEANNEW-T'S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop all and I like Chesterfield the best"'s MRS. N. S. T. CRAMMER WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE PM Ism-enter Ace Bryn Mawr, P. Et STI:1.1;711 FLOUCIION "THE ODOM CASE" MKT. sr Al.. NIT.CO. 0 AVID EMLEN & CO. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE N=11171r" 'MAW ,barVaally"fl:etirt are air goao. Leek AL) on Ow.. MV=aoreiVo=lernIllt or • .05-amo hens olt-0mane MAO 'aaa littNEFI r, WALYZA, littotalow• wart rota.. SPECIALIZING IN SUBURBAN HOMES AND FARMS Germa=4r h2eme.tuit‘HUI, Main Line and Chester County CHESTNUT HILL OFFICE Avenue 14 Wiseahlekon W. Evergreen 7-2750 Emlen, George W. MAIN LINE OFFICE 575 W.Ardmore Letwaster 4860Avon., ' I. Thom. Steen, 'Id ANNIVERSARY SALE Pao, Year in the month of March. • large assortment of jeweler. and diamonds are offered at considerable savings, FINE GUARANTRED WATCHES: Lady's smartly tilled 14K gold wriet watch, $110.00,—now 190.00 Man's 1410 raid 17-jewel oriel watch, 60275—now $55.00 RINGS; Beautiful. newly. sliamond in 1414 yellow gold ring, $170.50, 'now 1150.00 In DM white gold ring. Pine diamond with Iwo email diamond. $233.00, now $200.00 Sterling slleee Ittiloshea. $5.00 to 110.00 — now 50.25 to $10.00 NOT WELL-GREASED with AMAZING, NEW Oct VEr IMOWS CheSterfield ACM a MOO OF CIATWOOS OK*. ro.acco inente+1 "Liggett & Miters bug as fine tobacco as there istgron. They hug °rag mild, sweet 0.094.44ey Ofr Cheeterfreld cigarettes and clqrsemt oke I hate smoked them right from the start." rpuoeoea SPRITZLER'S • • • • VAN REUBEN BHIRTH CLIPPER-CRAFT CLOTHES MCGREGOR SPORTSWEAR DOUGLAS BROM Rapt..1411.1 PAWL BREWER Merida Amex 47 W. Ardmore Lancaster01711 Ave. Now you) heir ears envoys have a rich, neligronand, healthy look beams PILiv S1AG055 einpleys a completely new scrub& approacb..,worlis with Nature. it's IN your heir, not only ON your hair. Result No nt(issr ar "sticky" Von gel Try this NAN OlfeliCsillr tact slimuNtIng. dean feeling, N. alter Toon. shaotootately SIACOS. 51500513 rigL s 1. tomor r wilt, a mam a. arks, than tomylaohand.t.taloratittald...11.11 spit-des lute et Gal e Natiato enteCOMB $1500310 today et toy dna. win de inNoersate.OntrNel t,- mom mimeo. Meentordessrtmcgatore,SIN Standard Lotteratorito Infontributot HESTERFIELD ilLWAYS MILDER METIER TASTING c_ CiooLmn SMOKING cnora, MO. Lmto Toon to