Kinsey '. . . CAMPUS clerics ells QUthION QUIZZER'S COLLEGE CHOICES SEE CHRONICLE—PAGE 2 Croshols .". EIG MIDDLE-DISTANCE STAR COMPLETES INDOOR SEASON SEE FEATURE—PAGE 3 /w VOLUME 39—NUMBER 17 • ARDMORE. PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1948 Government Men Haverford Revolution Begins Rugged Reporter Tour Capital City As New Courses Go on Trial Dares to Invade In 3-Day Jaunt Sargent's Hideout By GEM. RUrr Government in Action was the keynote of the second annual journey to Wartatarton by Government majors. Accompanied by Professor Grant Meade the moup of eight students spent four days tethering the Washington mane. Before beginning its tour of interviews with "Capital Names," the men were invited to an informal dinner at the National Pre. Clot, in wiltr to get a synthesised picture of what ley ahead for them. The trip wee -Br. tented by the Washington Society of the Haverford Alumni. Now under trial by the lieverford cif:Joey la, and in one aernmter cover faculty and administration le-a re• the subject's entire range. Inn colcarting of the Haverford curriculum lege where no such Introductory that was adopted in outline lent course exists, someone who is able to spring. The changee, now in the pro- take only one semester of Sociology f... and eeperimental eteites, in- must take a course like Race Relavolve concepts of edutational philotio- tions or Criminology which, although phy that are considered revolutionary covering In a relatively extensive way In noel/ academic circle. a particular phase of the subject, General Course Theory Revised gives him no view of Sociology's many The theories underlying the non- other aspects. academic program now being ?Iloilo' General Course Program Extended ed—first of its kind in the United Lost semester, with the Idea of exStates—have already been revealed. tending its general course program, Far more extensive then this, howHaverford inelituted the Phyeleel and ever, are the plans being explored in Biological Science munea, to name a relation to changes in the principles few. These provide en example of underlying general courses, whereby enerrt course in the strictest such coureto would be terminal. rathof the term. Formerly, a atuer than introductory. That is, instead dent might take a year of Chemistry of providing a student with the elein order to complete his science rementary facts of • particular field quirement. If he dropped ed..e at with the Idea of preparing him for the end of that time, he would know more advanced comae. in that nehl, almost nothing about .Physica Mtronthey would be slanted toward tie stuorny, Psychology or Biology. dent whose first course in that field Under the new matem, the etudent would he hie last. can take a single ea —Physi cal The traditional purpose of a basic Science te—which cevers the eletoursee has been to preeent all the esnients of Physice. Chemistry and As. sential facts ef a subject within a tronomy. Then, an required under the short time. Th., a student majoring new limited 'elective set-up, he must In Englinh, for Instance, can take Sovon... on Pa. Br ANTHONY MORLEY $3.00 A YEAR Clarified Constitution To be Presented Soon A report on the conatitutlon and the honor system will be made by the committee appointed by the Council for the revision. A preliminary draft be being prepared now and will be presented to the committeNthis wbekOne e is to tin. elude the honor eystem as an inrepeal part of the eoratitation and not of the by-laws, . is present-1Y the ease. Moreover, the honor eye-, tem will be rewrittee to make it shorter, more definite and more readily understandable. Sea Gull Nearing Completion For Week-end Performances Having accepted the challenge to produce a drama of unusual difficulty, Cap and Bells and the Bryn Mawr Varsity Players are now in the final stages of preparing Anton Chekhov's The Sea Gull for presentation in Goodhart Hall, Bryn Mawr College, on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. The Sea Gull, one of Chekhov's "But Chief—yoe can't ask a gap 10 most profound fireflies of character, is interview Sargent After ail, Boss, concerned essentially with the laterhave a heart. Remember what he Play of a group of erten and writers said last fell about people who raw enraged in an unsuceeseful struggle that doorbell! Well, Chief. now you're The Cottion prooram last Tues- foe fulfillment. Through a new transasking me to - - , W ha t? Not by day morning was devoted to the pres- lation, however. the dramatic groups phone either? Mr come on. Chief. Gee whin entation of athletic awards and to en hope to overcome insofar as postable •" address by President Paul Limbers, the obseurity with which the grey bee An editor's an editor, though, and traditionally impressed American auof Springfield College. 'tie Bs reporter's job to do or die, The fiat part of the program was diences. ea off we went this afternoon to numAlthoughlienry Levinson, who will ber four College Circle, to that cite. under the direction of Roy Randall, del of literary peace, the would-be who introduced the three winter play the part of Peter Soria, has Scene of Past Visit ivory tower of Haverforrea stay-atsports teams and their coeche, First characterized The Sea Gull as teemThe atudents were received Wedhome ...aft, Profeseor Ralph M. was Bill Dotherty. who announced ing with "planhy good Itahhehun nesday morning by Edith Houma puck," by which he meene humor. it Sargent. And ono there—well, hapDespite a change in plan, the Col- the letter men for the busketbelt Roger, and John Rankin, of the Nouse py surprise! No guards, no shooting, teams and the name of next mara is mnventionally considered a traglege still will make new homing Committee on Veteran's Affair., both no trouble at all. All that awesome captain, Bob Belson. Mr. DochertY edy-The majority of the action is of whom turned the table on last display of profeasorial perversity In Mailable for the faculty. In the near praised the spirit. of thin year's teem, set at Sorirte country ertate, where year's group by Interviewing Dale the Faculty rho* the other night future. This news was disclosed and promfted that future years would Madame Tresdeff, a retired active, Ride and Charles Shields, whose tesmold have been bat a false portent of early last week by Preaident Gilbert see an increasing. aggressiveness on and Trigorin, her lover, are spending timony aided in investigation. for innon-eat/dent evil, for when our knook F. the pert of Haverford's basketball the gumtree. Mao them am ConstanWhite. creming relent.' subsistence. tine, Nina—the sea goll—with whom was arowered, the fabled and fireteams. Dr. White vtate'd that the origi.I Neat stop on the tour wag a meetbreathier Dr. Sargent turned out to The wrestling team came next. Constantine Is in love, end many ething of the Senate Finance Committee, be only the kindest and most amiable intention of building an apartment Coml. Bill Shihadeh awarded hie ki- er artists and townspeople. The charafter which they had lunch In the house has been thandoned. After te., and then announced the election peter conflicts which begin here are of English profeesors. Vandenberg Room with Seeable. overcoming the oppotaitIon of nearby Of Haverford's Mar heavyweight. Bill terminated in tragedy about two Shakespeare Hie Interest lye., Aiken., Plunder, ?dye., Maryears later, Shakespeare's thought and the residents and winning the approval Rodevrald, as captain. -Roy Randall , tin and Congressman Phillips, a BevCast Receives. Little Coaiperation value it may have far today, Profes- of the local Zoning Board, it was spoke for the fencing coach, Henri erford Alumnus. Following was an The principal leads am Jerry WarGordon. and awarded the fencing letsor Sargent discloses, am recopying found that the contractor's mama. ters. interview with Secretary of AgriculDave Inlet is next year's esp. e, us Madame Trepletf, Bross. his year of leave from the College. ture Anderson and later with Harris Cooper as Trigorin, Nancy Kunhardt was so moth rover then the one taln of this team, which won four Shakespeare, he thinks, u the "einShane, of the Labor Department That as Nina and Alan lavensohn as Conpreviously presented that it was felt out of five mmts this year. ale moat influential writer" In our BY ]awry THORPE evening they atteeded a diner given uneconomical to carry out this plan. Paul 1.1111bert, president of Spring- Caftans,. Rounding out the cut are language, was a great thinker as Well by the Haverford Society of WashHowever, eine. the College will field College, addreased the audience Levinson, Jack Galley cc Slimmer, Deep within the formaldehydie reOf Claes and Theories as an incomporable dramatist, and it !nylon when a talk was given by Ken ceases of Sharpie. Han, the private have new additions to the (scull,* next His topic was a new type of A. J. Rock as Pauline, Marjorie Lew It seems shpt in war-torn Europe is to be the theme of a book by Dr. Crawford, of Newsweek Magazine. next fall and present ertommodations co-education which he defined as the as Mash., Don Shoffstall as Dr. Dern, life of the human louse (Pedicul. and Sargent that the Bard. extraordiother blighted are them is are already filled, some housing must education of both the body and the R. S. McKinley se Medvendenko, Bob Mementos) is under careful observa- coincidence TOY to Varied Group of malnutrition, lousiness eare thought processes were not for be provided. The new plan involves mind, rather than a method which Pollard and Ned Coale. Heading the The Intricacies of adminismrIng the tion. The eyes of Biology profe.or and typhus dinner. In some coun- Elizabethan times alone, bet must be two steps. The first will be the eon. divorced the two. In many places, stare crew is Nancy Greenwalt, while Vedmertalfemeealamitenealiftemitherio. Francis. C. ZVAII0 and ardent Bob trice;- an holy, litmaarried epidemics applicable to present-day altuatione version of the present 'Lerma* Mr. LImbert stated, Arrest mime- Betsy Swope la prompter. Were treplained by Chairman Coy and Davenport are scrutielaIng the were -combatted with D.D.162 but this es well. Rouse into • faculty apartment milt Non ft distorted, either being of ma Bea Gall has other members of that body. The "chwlin' ferlies" from birth to death, onlinurd on Pam overgave no eine to the biological relaled many amateur theatrical group. This will require the approval of the glorified or else aubordinated net of the afternoon was taken up taking in all the vital statistics-so lions between the human host nod the Zoning Board of Adjustment but it thoroughly to academic actinides that to avoid producing it sinee its contby interviews with Martin, Eccles, teeanically tolled biononsica Meta parasite. is hoped that there will be no diffi- It is prerticelly non-existent. He felt rtetion In 1909- But witb the capable of the Federal Reserve Commission, Back in the laboratories, ecientists culty from thatquarter. that man hoe arbitrarily divided the direction of Mr. Frederick Thon, Pro• Phillip MnrreY, president of the CIO, found that undernourished mice supThe second phase has already been penconality into three parts—physi- fesaor of Drama at Bryn Mawr, who David Lilienthal. Atomic Energy. ported more Hee than healthy mice Marled with the purchase of the For- cal, mental and spiritual—but that has performed miracles in the Pont Commission, and Supremo Court Jusdid. Perhaps the blood of the unand with • cat containing many talMr. Grant Mende, of the govern- te. House, a large stone Mandate in reality they are intimately tice Burt on and Chief dealer:, Vi.on., interhealthy hosts made better louse fowl ented actors and actmsses, hopes for a ment demrtment. is in the process of at the corner of Oakley Road and connected. Each phase That night there was an informal of the whole than blood chock full of vitamins. If surtessful production em high. It is writing up an exhaustive...fey of Railroad Avenue. Thin structure will Individual is in need of "give and take" session with Conequal edme• se, then a balanced diet with high unfortunate that this dramatic venthe first year of American military be used to replace Lange.. Ifilesse, tion and opportunity for gressmen Plain. In his of growth, and vitamin content should keep lice and ture, like most others here, is plagued government in Challawando. a prov- afar some necessary alterations. It it I. a poor edumtional Friday morning the government system which typhus at a minimum — a likely with laxity on the part of those reince of Korea, es the thesis for ,hin te a three.story Bane building with imams any one • majors vieltod Senatore,Taft and Salof the three. theory. doctorate. Continued on cog. • two-story living room suitable for American sociologists, he said, have aponsible for its management. PubOf Mice and Men licity, especially. hal been neglected, Challawendo, one of the most int- remptions and other social functions, placed much emphasis upon the need So, leaping from moose to man, the portant provinces of the Far Easee and the entire etructure seems well foe increased physical recreation. while the entire company has been theory was tested on a group of .boat newest state become it lief in the suited for the plans of the College. There is an increasing tendency on talented off to an unertisfactory re80 humans last year, en experiment heart of the rim belt, is keeled On the part of the Americana to adopt hearsal 'taste at the Wright School. In -which Dr. Evan, participated. One the southern tip of the nation, about a sedentary life and to degenerate batch of germ-free lice was fed on 30 260 mile. from the mpital, Seoul. Mr. Glee Club Sings in Philly; into a spectator whose body suffers, normal. healthy "eontrols," while an- Meade. a self-styled "air-months H. Allan R. Freelon, today's Colex- Hough, and in turn, whose whole personality Gebhardt Shine other similar batch lived of 30 people pert" served in the military lection speaker, will remain en the governand capabilities suffer. There are a fed vitamin-deficient diets. The prob- ment there, end Ned an inside A concert called by the Evening number of reasons eampus for the rest of the week as view. for sufficient lem su to see whether the lice using making major nary d.ielee. The Bulletin, "one of the most reward- physical exercim but there are a Vieltieg Lecturer of the American re also unhealthy blood for food multiplied situation as far on military Friends Service Committee. NI. visit govern- leg choral events of the etirrent sea- e few - reaeons given which are The compoaltions of Haverford stuMademom or less rapidly OA thaw nom, ment was eoncorned son,. was presented by the Haverford mate. The firm of Rome Is stioneored by the Race Relations was these inadequate dents will form the concert program OIL EVANS, tree Irons Class ithed by the "control." Unfortununique, first because the Amara,. Glee Club lest Friday in the auditor- remons is that Committee of the AFSC. exemplified by the An- to be given on March 01st, at 815, Night admirers, as be appears ately. no hoped-for difference eame to Army was unprepared to deal with ium of the Carl Schurz Memorial napolisaviation training Special, assirtant to the director of This represents the more gem :lamed serromadissgs. manual in the Union. light, an the verdict foe the theory Korea'. pressing emblem. and eat- Foundation. fine arts in the Philadelphia public which listed each apart and stated fifth in the series of joint HaverfurdMM. unproven. onrty bemuse the difficulties in transUnder the expert leadership of De the manner in which nrhool oaten. Mr. Freelon is well it would con- Swarthmom Sunday evening concerts Emma end porfttion Davenport want to make and communication made it William Reese, the program Included tribute lament In art chalet as • teacher and to u more efficient fighting stemmed to broaden the cultural bane sum that theme experimental results necessary for important recisions to "Throughout the Whole Earth's Broad arthd. He has taught on the secmechanism. The second inadequate In musicon the pea composer. were accurate, hence the activity in be made in the Neal unite, instead of Expense" from Bach'. Cantata No. ondary leverfor years, and has derea.von for sports is the attribute that Artie. Imported Sharpie. by headquarters. 202. In a carefully The 125, permse "The reguThree of the Fayries" by Purcell, veloped projects in art appreciation Norman Black. violinist and direclated incubator. the initial hundred thesis Is to show how Anterkan for- and an excerpt from Randall ThoinpBY Vattaxes Harts.: and participetion for the non-special. tor of the WFIL string trim will be Haverford has proved that It can lady and gentlemen live dwelt In elm policy wee affeeted by these de- eon's "Testament of Freedom." The Is.. He has also conducted his own on hand to perform many of the Warner States Issues Ammer art whoa and bee had hie more than hold its own in political semi-dark pile.y. Following the eisiona which both headquarters and performance was crowned by Gershworks with Thomas Elmer on cello. work .hibitecl In • number of gal- debate. The testing ground was Sat- Lord's Fifth-day command, them are eventually Washington ... Mid to back Win'e "I Got Plenty of Nuttirt " and Confronting Federalism David Tudor, piano tutor hen lost the usual "Casey Jones." Flatlet lanta and showing. In addition, his urday's Intercollegiate Conference oh now some thousand pediculi of both VP. year, will ambit, aid Professor ...eft The first of a seriea of weekly disIn regard to Russia, Mr. Meade John Gebberdt gave excellent renal' paintings. aching", and lithographs Government which was held et the seams. Thus; through counting the tension groups was held Thursday Somber will do the vocal work. I few' me owned by both Institution. and Havertown unit of Temple Univer- numbers of eggs laid. nymphs hatch- feels that the Remains now mike Mons of a Bmh sonata and a suite by evening, March 9th, in the Union, by of the composers will perform their sity. the Represmtatives importance ed, and lice dein. end be pereamilY of Koren.. inter- Telemann; -baritane William Hough from colleges net lovers !breech°oe the iountry. the United World Federalists. Bill own orks. Mr. Freelon also has many of his In mutheartern Pennsylvania met to feeding then, all tome daily, Evens mediary between the Soviet Union song miss by Handel, Carl- Warner presented some of the conAmong the works of students to be snob, on exhibit in art galleries in work out • political pled... In prep- and Davenport hope to find why last and U. Sacontrolled Japan, and are slmmi, and Torelli beautifully. John troversial issues In the world govern- heard are the first movement of, a Bretton year's for results the making statewide ended the In now-familiar failure. students' Davison offer. and to InJames Dietz served as ment various parts of the country- HI sonata by John Davison, a rime.. by movement today and outlined convention which sure that Korea will be friendly to- emornyaniste. to to aseerable in works have also been reproduced in the present official stand 'of the UWF Thomas Todd, Sonata daChiesa by "Art Digest" and "American MagA Philadelphia en April 8. Former College- Plumber wards them. The Korean, arearding -Next week-end the Glee Club will on these questions. Edward Handy and an Introduction After Temple's Charles Gone as to ?dr. Meade. is by nature gee. In- journey to New York City, where nine of Art," published by the AmerThis meeting served se a prem.- and an allegro completed recently by Completes Sea Story regional dependent director (witness hod presented the fact the they that will sing for the New York it ican Federation of Art, 'and in James &hard Schuman. they ...ion for the discussions of the Me. Rolf Vestvold, 'a former em- took the Japanese an yore even to alumni Society at the Town Hull Porter'a "American Neer* Art." He ntiodectory peakere, the assembly earning week. in which all present naCredit Goes to Swan was educated in Philadelphia public broke up into • doeen committees and PloYee of Haverford'e plumbing de- pacify them at the beginning of their Club. The eongsters will alto give a tional UWF policy will be crideallY Credit Is due to Profesmr Alfred schools. He won a four-year scholar- got down to work. The Haverford nerttnent, recently completed a novel occupation) and is not likely to turn concert the fallowing- day et Bennett examined. The.purpo m of these meetwhich he hes Swan submitted teem for of either this concert. Dr. Swan be. 28 to politicians Macmilcommunist was or famine well repHe adds, Junior College In MIllbrook. N. Y. ship to the Philadelphia Museum ing. is to provide UHF members, al- gen the program two lan's for metal° publication. Early however, that Korea Is very Impor- This northern trip yenta ago to will be supple, School of Industrial Art, and hold. a meant. in every committee. Following a hurried lunch and a last semmter Mr. Vmtvold apploech- ting in the international pkture, and monied by tripe. Atlantic City end reedy united on the objective of fed- develop the latent talon. of students Beehelorts degree from the Univenieral world government, an opportu- it no laboratory bullion. This Sunthat both nations are well Sift= at IL Wanamaker's later In the ea.on. ty of Pennreivania. Mr. Freelon tied serfte of lart-minute political derts ed Mr. Shrocder, hand of the ma nity for considering the means to this day's concert represents tenants department over coffee with the cups, a demonstrarequed the delegates troupholds a Blaster of Pine Arts degree /MI in the light of the constantly tion of whet has been that he be allowed to atop work at accomplished. • COLLEGE CALENDAR from the•Tyler School of Fine Arts, ed into the liavertowe gymnasium for changing world situation. It la hoped All in the the general political convention. At 12 Noon no that he could devote more eonege eorantunitY nee en. 'temple University. Friday. March le, and Sattrdey. March Mt Cap and Bells presenthat from these meetings there will couraged to attend and to eupport the In addition ha his teachifig duties., the very outset Haverford scored an time to his book. tation of The S. Gall al 11:30 P. M., Goodhart Ilan, Bryn maws emerge a consensus of chapter opin- musical efforts of their fellow stuMr. Freelon condue. gals own surd- important muesli when Part Stereo ion on the questions now at issue dents with College. theNtorT,l buitte" n:v"eITen'bU'llnt'o the seine entleolaein given 'droutli. tiler school of painting and gcephk was elected to the sPesitembit by • Sunday, Merril 21; Content In Union by David Tudor, pianist, at among world federateas which can be to en ethretic team. sea story told to Mr. Vestvold by a are at Windy Creel Studio, Telford. large majority which included the en8:16 P. M. • ...tinkered to the national leaderMaine sea Captain. Mr. Vestvold left The final concert in this series will Pa-,.and la on the aloft of the Edu- tire block of 'Bryn Mawr 'mt.. Paul Christian Foram in the -Union at 7:00 1'. hf. Dr. ship. also be held at Haverford, on April 11. Soilcation Division, Philadelphia Mummy. Steens very ably took charge of the hi. employment here at college three man will speak on Ghandi. Tho neat in the series will be held Harriet Sera meetiny as the committee chairmen weeks ago in order to live nearer the will be the guest perof Art as a letterer and teacher. Titeeday. Wedemday, Merck bat Colleetifin speaker, Dr. adult M. Jonas. Mattis 17th, at 7:00, In former, and the recital Conine. on Pan ..ea coast. • will 'feature the Union lounge. Russian piano m.le. the, Haverford Athletes Feted At Collection Housing Planned For College Faculty Typhus Theory Now Being Tested In Evans' Research on Human Lice Meade Makes Study Of Korean Province Freelon to Prolong Stay At Haverford Concert To Feature Works Of Students fs Paul Steere Steers Stormy Convention Tinhc. Wednesday, March 17, 1948 II A VERF49 UM MEWS PAGE THO HaverFora News 1.ouNim Flunk...RI 15, 1909 itself, appoints its own leaders, figuresiteosonMlays, No expense in this direction would 'he incurred4w The Yleillage. Gamesgre irrualaidately available. The IV squads of all the colleges in the are avant and need contests. A schedule could easily be secured. The sport is wanted 'and needed here. It is up to the athletic deportment either to supply the opportunity 9.441.ay or some elem, tactual answers to the question, "Why eantt we 'have a ALUMNI NEWS William A. Blair '81, Civic leader, Dies Do You Krk*; . . ALUMNI NOTES g899 Witham A. Badey recently attend*Ws Edgar—Joseph W. Senor. Jr. ed the All Friends' fienie Plotido, educator, Blair, Allen Whliam %deem Merioser—Allis P. Singer and writes that George Ward, 07, and banker. batmwasmen, historian and Nem% Edriom—M. Robert Laseley. jolts A. paella, Witter I. Scligsohn. he were the only liaverfordians lacrosse team at Haverford?" civic leader, died on -March 2, al hie Ptelsere Edit,"—Kenneth M. Moser among 136 preseo.t. Street, WinCherry South 210 home, Alumni Editor—Willi., K. Gorham 1954 ston-Salem, North Carolina. after a Neu, Anorior,--GorJon Baldwin,. Allan Brick. Sanford Dennison, KenHoward H. Minton, co-director of SCrious Mines. of two weeks. -Mr. ncth Dolby.", Willard Hansen, David Konowity, Robert Kunkel. Jams Pendle Hill, Qtuder Graduate Study . Blair, widely known as Colonel Blair, Miller. Howard O'Neill. William [leder, William Peek. Readers of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin wee Sc Boob! daintier Center, at Wallingford: Pa.. lass-been was 88, and had been in declining with that paper's practice of crowding international news deeeloPmetabs off Special A.o.,m1.--Ilienry G. Hood nominated an one of •the .delegites to Haverford Club of, health 3br•eeveral years. Met page) AJ3i$14•11 'I"111, ■Fditlff—David E. Philips the frost Isaac Do he relegated 'to the dab.rm aeocaore elite the meeting of the World Colwell of . Active in Many Field... Deacon, John Doane, Spasser Hand, Donald Hat- for the sake of kcal Mons that seem 'trifling to the more esoterie reader. Los Angeles Sport, .4.,a Churches to be held in Amsterdam. Ouch Rents fall into three main categories: 11) hold-ups feAreted Thug Ear 67 years he had been on the MIME SAVERBORD THE -late next ,surrmer. die will Holland. udf-witted Sniff. himil A. cT Ilimmth Wood, Escapes With 42 Prom Cash-Regater"), 13) traffic-Jame Shlif North Carolina State Board of Public CLUB OF LOS ANGELES WILL represent the Arch Street Yearly Ad mrhor O.,mtrer— John T. Acton Pooch Snarl* Chestnut Street Traffic.) and (3) the tniseellan.u. cateWelfare: for 44 years he had bean HOLD A PIPIETING ON BATOR Meeting of Friends. mic--(;ha rim D. Grittills .....1•• ■, Chairman. For 50 yearn he had %eon DAY. APRIL 10. 9946, AT PHE gory, which includes such items as the South Street tough committed to - -the House of fatention for "shooting" his schoolteacher with a waterUremia. o thomg•a—Jusepli L. Stanmycr, Jr. a trustee of the Winston-Salem UNIVERSITY CLUE FOR DEJoke W. Charles, gna, will repreTeachers' College, which he helped TAILS, CONTACT SPENCER R pistol charged with soepy water, and the .leemen who, efter driving 500 sent Haverford college at-the observhod, of I fierrford College somith lbomghour fix continuous mills. walked round ho the rear of his cer to Sind his yet kenI Ih■NNI,1 round. MARTIN.SENOUR, du STUART. Re was head of the old People's Na- COMPANY. 815 WEST NINTH ance of the PM Anal.. .y-9f the sertess. % tr. 'doted fit Ihr Ardmore Fording Com( oey. 49 Rifled- ...mos pnatiou at the end of a ten-loot rope. foundlor of -Iowa State College, on tioml Beak for more than In years. STREET, LOS ANGELES Hemming Den..e of the /mot Page ere of course stuffed with onetome Praer, Ardmore, Pd. . Marsh 22, at nowa days. seinen. statistical facto of interest mainly to Economics majors, such as For 11 year. he served as -secretary- CALIFORNIA. API ander Pad Pm, Ardmore, OAr (41fre, et r realh ..1113. mad ■ • 1:0101e8 io •■ 1914 treasurer of the Chamber of Comlast yam', crocodile consumption in Khanwhatka. or the mutual production of Crowe, Ammo, 24, 1912. merce of 'Wilhton•Selem. Mr. Blair Walter G. Ihreeresan has smitten • fin bog to.) of ping pone bails in Rio Muni. The front-page pattern In was, at diffeMot, Unita superintendohangole, mch day the reader diecovers a top half emblazoned with two mientific papers which hovel.. ent Of schools In Winston and High French cabinet shakeups and Grownyko vetoes, ends lower half cluttered Published recently.itis paper entitled Point, president of the High -Point 'fife Among the Sunspots," aPn.rwith atrav pussycats, ,mashed windows, and mongoloid pretzel-benders. Coming Cons... president of the Nos this sort of thing has been going on for years. The publishes, ed in the January issue of Popular Next week the Haverford Students Association will elc'et have always felt that such split empluisie is the easence of that small-town North Carolina State Bankers. AssoJohn E. Abbott, Y9, Ism resigned as Astronomy. The other paper, 'Huits officers for the year '1948-1949. As in the pant, students will R emuetlichht•it that has toads the Bulletin the paper nearly everybody ciation. trustee of Salon College, and Secretary of We Museum of Modern man 'Mortality,. wan published in the a director of Jefferson Standard Life Art to become Amintant to the Pm ei- Detember Issue of the Spectator be 'inked to choose from a varied array of candidate. the men reads, But the growing opposition, determined that each Provincleitent paper. the improving of sat to method a time on found also He agree to unable been Company. has ma dent of Webb & Knapp, it was an- Magesine. they consider best qualified to manage the 'affairs of our elab- must es pr.ident of the Pepsi Cola Bat- nounced today by Nelson A. RockeOne group has moqueed that ail "1.W tolor" be tabulated on a daily 1821 orate organization for self-government—one of the moot liberal tling Company, of Wl.ten-Salem. "suninittry sheet" app.ring in an ineonapimous corner and (using the President of the Museum. feller, Also W. Bastings wit not moli reand complete systems of student government in the United dey's total of overturned •trolleyears, pilfered fruit-stands, and reinstated 'Received A. 11.1rom Haverford Mr. Abott joined the Mineum in election as one of the commiesioners Staten. sonny. A second, more outspoken group, Iowan as the "bristol board" Those are just a few of the high' 1936 sa Director of the Film Library. of Montclair, New Jersey, in the May spots in Colonel Blair'* va- In 1939 he became Executive Vice- election. Now that Haverforirs size has increased to the point where faction, hos suggested that the paper be distributed without any lower The pressure of lai•rato at all. Readers 'desiring a completedoking paper if there see any) He was born June 4, President and a member of the Board business was given as the reason for ried career. every student no longer knows every other student. it is diffi- half would be furnished with a "permanent tower half- printed on durable 1839. in High Point. North Carolina, of Trued., nod ales 1940 ho has his withdrawal from the election. He cult for anyone to answer readily the inevitable question - cardboard OW a representative assortment of local moil., which could the .n of Salomon Isaac Blair and been Secretary. resigned last July as vise-President of "Who is the best null?" There- are, however, certain guides be pinned to the top half each day, interlocking very neatly. "It is with gavot regret that we we the Engineer.' 'Public Service CornAbgall Hunt Blair. lie attended GullA third school throw up their !odds in despair.. What can you do which students can apply to making their choices, even in cases fond College and received his A.B. de- Mr. Abbott leave the Museum," said 'pony of New Work, .to become amillit"If axim them following doggedly which, anewapaper with they) (say where they are not intimately acquainted with the candidates gree foam Haverford College in 1881. Mr. Roaefeller, "for Is' has mode an .t to the prmildent cif nochatener you can't find newts, make newt," gees out and make. It? Although unHo also receNed a degree from liar. outstanding contritionon to its growth Brother., inc. ` concerned. ethical, such a practice has two distinct advantages: -11-) It encourageo the and development, and we are delightvard 'University. 4929 The first and most important criterion to be considered is fledgling reporter ("You, too, can make the front page, simply by snatchAt the age of 28 he was made prin- ed Oat Mr. Abbott has agreed tore.-19, author of Carr, Dickson John of half entire an Met means it (11 presidency and the up!") that it doubt writing no and * • nurse that of experience. There can be .e trustee." cipal of High Point High School. A any detective stories under his own As Assistant lo William Sockenyear later he became a professor In of the Students' Association has become an exacting position. the front page .0 he written up days, nay, months in advance. the only Darn! mad a pseudonym. Carter Dickeing for the paper to make sure that the events take b thing remaining Mr. Webb-n•Knapp. of superintendSchool, dorf,,President Normal State the berg the in involves it duties In order to promise to perform the son, arrived hem from - England. place as prescribed. Indeed, it is not difficult to imagine a email army of ent of Sabbath Scheele for North Car- Abbott will be 'streaky comerned with manner possible. a candidate must 'he thoroughly acquainted li..porter," nightly aprowl in our murky otreets, fanning out from the he hue made his home for 16 olina, wheal superintendent at High Mr. ZeckendorCa mon, civic mid en- where him the manwith the mechanisms of Students' Council operation. Millen. Building nod planting stones that will overturn tomorrow's trolleytitle development projects: Mr. Zeck- Years He brought with Point, all at the same dr.. uscript of his new book. "The Life of of windows long-bindle jimmying with shears, cutenarims aoippIng rem. .sorabling for the purl by and rosponeiNe faced editor was issues coderl became he 1884 important In the tier what know must Ile Doyle," which Como Arthur Sir ns whose proprietors wit awake next day to find the delicatesse owner of Use High Point Enterprise. the land bordering on the EnarRiVoe council. and must have it clear idea of the pros and cons regardHarper has tentatively listed for fall bottles donned, severing the bake-hones of automobiles that will, at preThe ymr often that he went to Johns which has shoe become the site of ing them. For ht.. ert such ac that of students being placed on publimtion. Mr. Carr. hie wife and. ranged moments. careen Into prearranged flower-shop window. A fourth Hopkins Univereity to get a Ph. D. the United Nations. three children are .pl.nabef to spend the faculty selection committee. or that of the extent to which, school, known as the 'Tartan" school, thinks that we can best solve the to returned He philosophy. to degree raial menthe hare. Haverford should participate in the programs of organizations whole Bulletin problem by ewitching to the Daily News. But this school can Winston is 1887 to become superinReverend Richard G. Cebu, who is tendent of State Normal School and like the National Students' Association, which are rapidly corn- be disregarded, It argues that the Bulletin gives inaufficient emphasis to amociate rector -at St. John's Parish, actually merit ankles turned and seems clogged that and happenings, local "Schoolteacher,. of owner and editor corning the ing to prominence, will affect all students within Jacksonville, Florida, momenta *eremites. four-inch h.dlines. called the "Laurent and hest educationHaverford College at the tnaugaraPrim old ladies may sniff over their teacups In derision; Couunieal magaaine in the South" ContinuThen there is the question of a candidate's discretion and tainted campus wantons may shoot their crimsoned heads off; the Bulletin Even althis early date ile.rford's. tion of Joseph Hillis Willer as presiing as State Normal School superindent of the T1nivelnity of Florida,' Szo n undaunted. It Ms Mickel the opposition of an entire century. independence of judgment. Can he size up a situation, grasp the tendent in 1888, he also served as Varsity ChM is laying the plot forks March B. 'Will it suemssfully plod thr orgh another? Our guess is that 0 will, and Win..on school aiderintendent and Spring Alumni Week-end. On Coach important issues, and come to a sound, well thought-out con- 'Will 1932 in the evenings President of the North Carolina Asso- ROY Randalle scheduic hooks, the aftclusion? Can he acquit himself well in dealings with other col- that our greaborandelltdren tan expect to tarn homeward and and Met three naeghty boys were dapped into the House of DetenAmber S. Roberta was reeently sm. of GUY Superintendents. The enwon of May 8 has ban all but fillciation leges and with our own adminiatration? Can he be counted on tion for regoishly blowing pees at atomic piles, that a 130-year-old eitisen same year he helped found.and be- ed to overflowing, with three home pointed secretary and mooed of S. K. to handle subtle problems of human relations with tact? The wax bereft of his flying-belt addle having a new length of intestine incame first president of the local Y. M. games. beechen with Pennsylvania T. induedies. Military College. ten. with Renters fact that Honor System revision will be complete before the stalled, and that Moskowita's Avocado and Prune Saloon, at the corner of 1834 • and leash and field with Swarthmore. new officers will take up their &dies means that the candidate-4 Nucleus and Oppenhelm. was robbed of three cue. of nectarines by all ' Influential.. Finance Erwin -Hchinid in with •tho United As to the theme: "enjoyment" interplanetary bandit armed with woman, my gars and tatting off in ti policies this matter, an inane last year, will not enter Into States Coast end Geoletk Survey add of presidency the to minted was He arty. an definition a good turbo-pinion-inasotronim. mciprotrating.plexulator, futuramic, seems as eonnotronic, this election. But at the same time, many situations arise unthe People's National Bank in Ittlie. Said 'Bandon. "Our [den Is to present lives at '46110 Connecticut Ave., N. W., gastronomic spice-ship to his hideaway, mitnorethy deep in the (Olds of Washington 8, D. C. ' Daring the following several years he one day during the spring which can der the Honor System which can be handled effectively only the 169th Infinity. 1933 ' meal.t wrote, engaged in business be an all.atdetic day. and thin there with diplomacy and restraint. 'EON°. K. Enarrestavra He was married in 1895 have been scheduled as many event. politics. and Mr. and Mr. B. Barham Cadbury Remember, many phases of the Coun cil's activity are of to Miss Mary Eleanor Fries, of Sa- as ...ethic for these who will attend." ounce the birth of a daughter, great importance to all students. Consider the candidate himlem. garet Shippen Cadbury. on Janu.Capping this program will be a dinself. The question to be answereeis does he or does he not have In 1899 he holpial..floance the con- • . Everyone who has an inter.t ary 20. Their home addreas is 1528 alto t o report that the copy of Ow 'blend MP., solidation of dm street railway, the Severities athletic program Ls In- Wahl. Road, ROSellOnt, Pena. the ability and the necessary experience fur handling these probwho lads these of one of attention the received already has library the in electric lighting plant, the transmits- vited 10-1. Prewel, Mr. 5504011 dab. 1942 lems intelligently and decisively. go through a volume, pencil in hand, jotting down front, extemporaneous don plant and ether city utilitim into irate,. baying, "All alumni and Mr. and Mrs. ha. J. Frazier •aneriticism and comment In the merging. ego noted only two of three emooe company, of which he became friends. whether they by alumni or nounce the birth of a son, john' bellishments, which small number may be accounted for by'lle gripping in assisted vice-president. In 1900 be not. um invited." Franklin Tinnier, on January M. nature of tie. printed material. The first new wsa next to it list of colleges emanising a bank at Elkin, of which Arnomnrcinent cards will shortly he home oddments 00 West Ase., Is 1901 he sent out to all almmi, and with them Their Lacrosse is a hard. fast, exciting anent II requirees the whose slide. hml been interviewed Daryl, Mawr, incidentally, offered up he a director. Bridgeton, 74. J. over a Modred of. its children to the muse of scan.). flaverford ads nut helped fount the Security Life and tilted be stamina of the foot Iran player phis theagili ty and speed of the return. curd which should 1012 end a neat, if plaintive "Why not us7" had been institutions. the of one Annuity Company and become a di- out and remitted. soccer man. Dr. sod Mu. J. S. Lamildin unwritten in the margin. n:dor of the company. trounce the birth' of a daughler,•lhth. Several years :ten, most lacrosse activity ill the U. N. Cell. Tie commentator is obviously of a very bitter diameter, for his other He was at different timei umem. cello Anne Laughlin, on•Docember.27. fermi in nod :trointit Baltimore, Maryland. Sports-eonscious peo- work aka., depths of cynicism unusual in Ills you.. Kiusey et el give s her of the National Geographic SoTheir home address is 808 South Pint ple who moue to, this city and saw a Politeal would invariably lint of the vocations of persons interviewed. One annotator has carefully ciety, a trust. of George Peabody ht...•Chainpalgu,•111. College for Touchers, a member of Say, "What's genie!" as they watched the lightning action on the bracketed the drat two of the list They ore 'Bootlegger.' and "Clergy. .1942 vice-presPardons, of Surd State the field. Conches of other salmis were equally impressed with the Geer. T. Warmer, 5x.42, has been • • • re.Ds Cooper Secretary Bankers' -Alumni ident of the North Carolina transferred to the •Washington, U.'C., sport. and many hastened back to their respective posts to inThe Ilmerfueld11111 Club is engaged in a Butyl selling drive at Bryn Association, Boy Scout commissioner that contributions to the Alumni Fund Stumarlasuranne Liberty the of oflice stall lam D., an a (till-fledged spring activity. Swarthmore, Fenn, Mow, Alb.),‘ their yeasty advertising slogans are: of Winston-Salem, a member of the am begihning to reach hie °Mee as a Company. at .1909 -Massachmetts Mho Elemental Manganese Drexel, and Prineeltor - - - well Bryn Mawr! - - - have taken UP National Council of Boys Semite of .salt of the letters which have been Ave... N. W.• .He is living at-139 Grofchimpansem, end apes with Moes lias reprosentaliv.. America. sent out by the <Inas the Kalee. ton SL,•ChovrChase..14d. But .Elernental's not annoyed The class of 1945 Leads in the numGoverner (descry fora Tribute . For sonic lienr null. thefe has been consider:tide agitation all •1943 To And her sways are anthropoid On the Colonel's Passing Governor ber of contributors of De classes Dr. and fax Jahn R. Meg..ill. ,annius for the instal salon of luerosse as atjeast a minor sport. Lan .uccount they got Film Club tickets. fund, the to 11/40, since gradating Chdrry paid thrinie. eying: nosinea thabirth7,f aeon. lirlaguatee and Each lime a request Ins Jaeen made. the answer was the same "North Caronna has lost is pre- with chum. of 1943 and 1940 does Seamed On Rheum. It, at their Cern it honestly or walk the klreyt This means that many men who have played lacrosse at eminent citisen in the death of Col- behind. In the 30's, class of 1932 lids Mme in Los Alamos, NCO, Maxis. • But whatever you do don't miss this treat, other the largest number of contributors onel,W. A. Moir. have gone into gym classes in the spring instead. 1941 • • • beeonsing connected with mo- and in the 20's, ohms of 1926 gives careftelly built-up talents slowly are boat and forgotten. Nor &novel E. and his•partTitillatien—The Spring timw,. usual, will be a summons to the louver dal welfare in the years when the every indication of surpassieg its ner, Miss Phyla Schreed., hotls of does parson he has always played lacrosse in the spring sudyouths of Haverford to try their lock on the walk lat frantiof Founders. South woe recoveringfrom the effects splendid showing of last year. The the Now Nook Skating;Club, wen•the II blossom into a goad baseball player or track man. Fur the deer sensation and uncertainty It provklea, this brick .walk of aboot• of the Civil War, he was fully cog- spacial gift of Ito class of 1/28 woe &ottani States Senior' Dance Chant'/here ore between 20 nip 30 men 011 campus who have play- a hundred Yards or no Iota ..peer. With naeh step, the student who dares Meant of the numbers of Pee* for covered in a story in last week's Pienehlp et /eke 'Placid, N. -Y., on make the gambit: must take his life in his hands. Will the brick hold firm? whom some leech& provision should NEWS. The class will again attempt February 16. ed lacrosse before. They want to' ploy ititabl- Thin number of (Probably 0011. Will it slide sidewise, or will it move forward for enough to show 100.per cent PerticiPetim. be made. available players Maas ant tend to become smaller in future • 1941 to deposit him on the ground? Still worse, will It sink downward and Imre Among other tialsos showing defi."He retained his connection with Robert W. Mawsey h years: (or the genie is spreading all over the ',wintry. In years the by student siruggliog to free himself from the geyser of and that' public welfare for more than 50 nem. nite results in this pearl fund .preeiatod with the advertising firm of N. school.. high in game the learn will ose bays more In come. more and Ps up unwed his ankles? In any case, a devil-nosy-mire Elsverfordian is through limes of economic prosper- gnim are 1090. 1808, 1838, 1002,-1911, W. Ayer and Son, loc., West Wash . Then, even with the decrease in enrollment, there will be enough mere to fond here .1 trip that will hove him sliding, sinking, rocking, pitch. ity, Ire well as three periods of In- 11114, I91.13..d 1917, the latter with ington Spiarc, ,Philadelphia. Ina, end feeling in general os if he ivere walking screws a abut bowl of ' men lo curry on. ternational conflict and the inevitable 12 contributors to date. changes they ! nadir in the lives of his Equipment would not It, A. great problem. The-sticks are supfellow eitisena. The walk, it is true, may provide the world's best example of ante piled by the players, football helmets would serve as efficient HAVERFORD 1948 ALUMNI'S/ND ^Through his experience he was diluvian brick laying. It may be a genuine antique. But it's also a muddy headpieces, and gloves could be easily secured for those who did eyesore. CONTRIBUTIONS TO DATE able to eee clearly future problem When we consider the time spent by what appeared to be a whole net have their own. Students have investigated the matter and corps of paving enghwers in completing a rdatively une-need stone path. Be. and future possible solutioes. As of March 10th'the Alumni Fund for 1948 of his keen perception he was • found out that goals arc available very ineXpenniVely. As for a way from Roberta to the parking lot, or when we see the pavement in bask stands as follows: able to afford sound and firm adato place to play, the sower field would be ideal. It is not used in of the Coins, which nobody aeons Sc use at all, we wonder why something as to the hest ways to bring the two 11,729.46 .. • the spring. Thu turf is good, and all that would be needed are hasn't been dobe about •the mom important walks long ago. After nt, Taal contributions in harmony. The entire state made student in college-passes in front of Founders several times every probably whits lines. him a debt of gratitude for the deF a day. Even verge is the erowded walk from Founders to Whitsil, which, Total number of contributors, including .A coach would he unnecessary, The players lilt agree that, with eo pavement at all, Is usually ankle-deep in think. black .g.. Pion. velopment.of our ouDtanding ,129 ... parenkta mid friends they can get along without one until the sport hasaroven itself. Wr. Schroeder, let's in.. Spring a time for Poloking, not for retina up .welfare.program, vihkb is incr..* y receiving national recognitien." Other colleges have the same arrangement. The Seam. moulds. ear trouser cure. lidltorrm.„E Across the Desk Reverford has s idghter mile al WWII. Scholars to the '_bee al gmdeateabban as other Milleee in Me United States? Thirt.n Haverford traitillates have been granted 'Rhodes Scholarships. This d at the rate of 1.51 per 1,000 living alumni in 1948. J. E. Abbott Leaves Art Mused Post And May The Best Man Win ... Varsity Clot Lists May3 Alumni Day • Ma A Chronicle of Small Beer wrg,„„11,„_,,.., Why Not Lacrosse? Class 'of 4945 Leads Fund Contriliutions ▪ Wednesday, Illau% 97,1948 ATHLETIC FACILITIES MUST HAVtERFORD NEU'S imeumvE PAGE 'MUM Grosholz Tops list Diehl Matter Snares Ford Fencers Close Successful Season; Of Ford Trackmen Squash Title at Yale Great Improvement After Early Defeat be Tont S11.0.2,1 ' phyeiesil education going to become an integral part of the Haverford carried/um! The time hoe come for all concerned. the Adminiatration. the Stailent body end the 'Alumni to answer question. By whyeleal educe Bx Ducat Timms' On March 8, in the Pay. Whitney tine, we do not -mean intermit/palate compRition; we ALM speaking of parSwordsmen Gain Victories there at erdwe of our m, re the GYInneniUM of Yale Univeraity,istehl Haverfood Fencing Squad tielpetion in mram form of athletics by each and every member of the stual- Hales, Jr., df Harerferd, captured dent body. If the 311517,Cr is yea, then it is imperative that we have a new in Four of Five Contests; the Intereollosiate Einaah Iblantan nding athletes being the least pubeta athletic plant. Three to Duel at Annamilis Individual Chanspienship. Be defeatWearave timed precticelly al the arguments pro and eon on the enbject licised. This is certainly the cam ing fourth-sealed Brace Bayne. of dl athletes. Pie -think it unneceserry to repeat them 'here. However, baying re our outatanding middle distance Yale, Br D. K. Kean in straight nets, 17-14, 38-16 amaalsollIthem, ee on convinced .that the the above emeritian mast track. star, Ern Croshale. Jim Ilse and-17,15, Maker •Looking back over the was., became the one of , ire -Mahe affitasative. Far the benefit oh theindivIdual student, for 'the lanes last completed an extembe Prone.m Yenngest men Coach Henri Gordon is more than to win the 'U. S. Inter•fit,el the wheel, coo must root il a airwomen physical education magma. M meats agninst-thedsest in the land. eollegiate crown. pluesd with the progress of 'HaverHe has competed In meets both in Many of you Will ray that we have a physical education program. So bare Pawing Team. Donate the drepresselve Record Philadelphia and New York and alwe do, and lo is a very good one. By all means it must be continued. Let that there were only two expert. What The college thampionehip is the ough' he has failed to win, has 'Hien ts the preiblemt this simply this:the Lenitive for a phylIcal education eneed men from last year's team, the latest of . impressive liar of Isuiehi progranilsere al Haterford are rifficulossly inedequide. The athletic depart- shown eonsiderable •premise for the wen by new men, mostly freshmen, beaked Sophomore Mateer. Steadily next winter semen. This yeal'a camment is 'fairly well equipped to handle the students in Fell and Spring, rip their keders and calve through improving since winning the Philadelhat paign also was meltable as expert. in 'Winter the situation might well be compared to a rush hour in the with flying colors. With C.M. Dean Naar ante in the 'tricks of board track nub phia and District j.iorchemplatashiP York mammy. Bowe, Tom Todd, Ralph Elliott and ning Anyone who has over competed la 1945 and 1940 to Episcopal AcadWe shall illustrate our point. StuGabhardt there was •little chance for emy captain, Diehl this winter Cancan anemiate the dirgetritate of a dent John Jones is ,scheduled for Bob 'Belson Chosen losses in foil. This sear the epee/lead beard traek. For jnalantle, a board tered tee invitation intense/legate physical education far a whole hour men ran into a bit_ of trouble. As teaek is usually thee than half the single. tournaments in New York this to this afternoon. Let no accompany him By Basketball Lettermen is compowd entirely of age of the outdmr variety; that City. He has alio recently won the to the gym. Alter repotting to the •Robert R. Bens., 'fg, has fraehmen who have taken a blade Merioe thicket Club mingles chantbeen num. extra turn a. The Carnet sloe attend..ce taker, he eau through a mimed captain-elect of next year% their pionehip, hand and, fee the first time this slag with Mater Lott, are much sharper and call for great few minutes of calisthenics in the 'amity baekettell team. Bob graduyear, it was not till the end of the skill to keep on *the inside rim and fellow Cricket Club member, took the "ayirited" fashion of an Army drill. ated from Lansdowne -High School, Pennsylvania State doubles title. This that they began to hit home From 1.. R.tfontion terecbli. J. rboart, P. Kato, Cl, Tonot climb up the side and waste valu.130.1 the fun will begin," he think.. and after taming three years with the and bring to the points with conpast week-end Mate. and Lbll have LAN, Gee out, Rove .(Capl.), A. Fargaln, E. Turns, R. MO. Johnny likes basketball. He nylon- infantry in Europe from 1943 to 1946, able time and position. Also the been competing for the U. S. doubles sistent wins. The squad conainted of new; C GPM HIM. R. nworr, T. Tops, D. Rams (7,1,4. track is much narrower, cooking the teem to•plity,liet is turned down be- he entered Haverford in the fall of Sam Hudson, Bob Freeman and - M. congestion at the turns eaeeptionally crown in Baltimore. . cause there are too many other M- 1046. While In high wheel Betties Moran. The mbre 'woad on the In his match with Bayne, amendime. with the mine ides and not played both basketball and tennis. Elk aradeus. Than them is the addi- exiled Mauer bad Mlle trouble other hand took to their weapon with in enougb room to accommodate all. So, wee captain of the tennis team which tional factor of each indoor troth be- diaposing of the Yale star. surprising skill . For them the seaEarly in he Joins e volley ball game. walcb, in 1942 Wen the F. I. A. A. and Bub- ing of a different distance per lap. the first. game Bayne drew ahead son was a series of hard 1.011 bouts and This makes judging pace n moat diffor him, has abaft aa much excite- uthen championships. as they continually met moth more had the lead, 12-10, before the Ford At Haverford;Belson hoe [Mown Fie ficult preposition. ment as knitting. Jones' attitude tonxpar aced to deuced opponents. Bower, him at 34-all. Bayne than Ingitiror Not ward the game not only ruin. his fun ability as an athlete by healing down with Paul Kelly, Jim Thorpe and Jim opened his carapeign in the In- picked three and Matter ran them out but also that pi his fellow player.. the number four spot an last year'. "Terror" Totes the sabremen backed He was never headed in the next two Maybe on an another day John Jones M. A. S. A. ehampionsbip tennic team tearer meet here in Philadelphia. He games, and qukkli up the team beautifully. Haverford 37, Swarthmore NH Yes, smashed to easy was lucky enough to be chosen to and by playing one of the guard pota- plated fourth behind the victorioun triumphs. The Tare When Roy Randall was asked what athlete wee an It was a basketball game, and this Only One Defeat play besketbell. Hie eagerness won tions en the basketball team this win- Rank Faurman. of N. Y. U., whose important factor in helping Yale win year. too! But this victory won't ef- he thought was the most notable Haverford suffered its only defeat soon dashed when ho discovered that ter. His sharp, cool-headed ball hea- het lap sprint in.. Jim in the fault the tam chanspienahip, but feature of Haver/owns winter sports of the ana1100 he was fect the standings of the Hood Trophy at the hands of a strong he and the other players could only dline and play-.eking, and his gen- straightaway. In this final tap Jim never a match for Matter eater those became It wee Haverford's Freshmen' season, he unlimitatingly replied that Princeton team. The Tigers wen toe um half of the floor, again hem.* eral steady/ea 'Mitten. on the team had merged to the lend but Tourisme early moments of the first game. A team, winners of the intramural the spirit of the basketball and Ivrea. experienced for the Scarlet and Black of the lack of playing space. But make him a "natural" to lead the meneged to edge in front, and the sling team was by far the outstand. league, Meteor who re. Badger routed the Kappa Sigma fencers, but, had they come later on runners who .plated second and third that to not all. After Ilia "etrennotter 1048-1949 court egad, The title winner mined the right to Fhaternity team, Malone id a similar, leg usenet. Enlarging on this stole. boxed who schedule, the Ford, cauld have on the inside of the track thirty-Minute exereise perked, Jonas, ment, the Director of the Physical wee, Passe to the finals hat Satur- loop at Swarthmore. ught In home thin position amum win. Jim Despite was unable to day when. now all awesty artd grimy, has .to after he defeated Stevens. The Haverford five had rolled up •• Education Department said that it this early winter lms. the better hie place, and finished the race team went walk hack to hie dormitory in that of Hervard, in the third round, 15-10, quick 104 odommge at the cod of was a real tribute to the couches, Bill en to Lehigh, with an eased up stride. where they won a thorcondition, bemuse the locker sod 15-12, 8-10 1642.11e beat Carl Bodg- the first period and were not behind Docherty and Bill Shikadeli that they ough victory. The last away match Moving on to New York fee the shower facilities are not extensile ,. Yale ceptAn, in straight rob in for the remainder of the game, lin- teem able to build such morale and was at Lafayette, and Henri Gordon's next meet. Jim captured third place enough to allow bias to wash and, he sembfinal bempetition. -Bayne bad able to solve the 'Froth sone defense. fighting spirit as was exhibited by charges came in the half mile behind veteran Joe through through again. The change clothes right them in the taken the measure of Rockwood Fes- the Int men seem forced to eland the Ford basketball players and following, week a Nowicki. Thu undMcial time on Temple gong. The best way to with Poou. Groehola was si creditnble 1:6601. ter, of Harvard, in • the semifinal on from outside and only their little wrestlers in what could hardly be team look an unexpeetml beating to amnia is to do exactly what Jones Saturday. intent Gary. was eble to connect ton- called IL winning ameon. Though the even up for lent year's Moving defeat. With • up to the mile for the first Ma to do.. And that room! Steamy Mather is not only a championship sistently. For the winners, it was Al Haverford womb were better than the conquest of Delauere en Februtime this mason in the A. A. U. candid °. are never Improvedby mouth in., but he also is a track Clayton's 21 points that stood out as some we have had in the pant, that ary IS, the declareound games, Jim ran the course In 4:25.0 w up their throwing dirty clothea in the same tannin player. In his Epimopol Acad- the day's hest perforate.. Besides is only hair the picture. It mast be scheduled mason. The but finished far back in the pack for re in, however. robe when one works or elm. emy days he was one of the•first rank- controlling the boards, the big cen- remembered that our OPPonition was nuitch pending his poorest with Virginia, en strewing of the eeon. Action Needed ing junior players in the Middle ter'. mireculoun jump shots 'were hit- also m uch better than and in the 00th or thin month. While the In the 1. C. 4-A. games Jim dropped Ilea can we blue ay.tudent for most cases Shave and last year was one of the ting with monotonms regularity. were competing "over team Is in that vicinity they back down to the 1,000 yetis diWill erg.having • contemptemis titude tar outstanding racquet wielders on Hay. The role of high moms wog a new our heads." wt blue. with Augusta Military Acadvision. He won his heat in 3:15.2. weird Wesel., tdanakeL in a sitar. erfonia Middle Atlantic Champion- one to Clinton, however. The Manias" Ane went on to say the greatest emy, an old annual tient. (moaned on 1,, lion like this' The attendee mat Ye ship tennis team. most coneistent sewer all year, Dar- praise should go to Bill Docherty for For Captain Dave Rowe the scanot remedied. The time ha. mete to win Prod.', injured his ankle merle the marvelous job he did in taking a Will Bend 'crap lee has reached its climax with the foil think of plans •for 'the Indiana at a the ganse, but, neverthelem, played basketball than) with a completely tryouts Dave Tolan GaptaimElect in for the Olympic Team in COV athletic pleat. Bet 116 1thht the last halt with It tightly tatted. demoralised, vistory-starval hangover Eel. York on March 13. Having Of 1949 Fencing Outfit net Action is welted end Haverfoid held • eine-point lead et from last year and molding them lost only one bout this season he needed mon the half and were ahead, 29.31, going into a spirited unit which weer quit 4-David J. 'Toler, captain-elect of feels that there I, still a fair chance Again we urge the Administration, met year's fencing teem, mine to into the final period. Only once did —even in the face of terrific odds. of making a goal showing. During the Student Body, and the Alumni to HI/ellen! in the fell of 1945. Al- Swarthmore threaten. Buses by Time after time thisteam fought this year some members of LETTER WINNERS the team serionaly view the physical education though fencing bad been discontinued Mete and Albertson pulled them with- back, regardless af the wore, and have been active in the Artatare WRESTLING facilities et Haverford College. No during the war, it was resumed in in bar points, but Haverford again never was an opponent able to Fencing League of America, which Bear, B. L. one ean reach a different medallion 1946bad no previaus expert. ladled away when Clayton mad Gard- "cent" at the end of o game. The is • national organisation Dodge, I. L. than we have. We must have a new pleyers themselves deserve real credit meets all over the country holding ence•In the sport, Dare became Inter, ner found the mark. in order Hastings, D. S. Plant. We pride ourselvea in being Swarthmore has asked for a return for putting out as they did and ested last spring and nmeived his first gins to determine national winners to Kimmicb, F. 8. equal to Swarthmore. One look at instruction in sabre during the post- mooch, but with PrPekora MMry and ing up their evenings to pmetice, IL send abroad. "Terror' . Tolan from Maroney, P. hi. their field house should put every team, workout. This yonr he beam the mining of the baseball and track in in the fact that our varsity basket- Haverford has started on the road Redeweld, W. Y. Haverford man to ahame. Mow much a member ef'the sabre squad and won seasons, it is not definite as yet. ball team has to practice at night to the top by winning a first place Walker, 1. G. longer wit) they be able .to HAVERFOUD 11 out of his .0 bouts in Intercollegithat Haverford's lack of athletic fa, medal in Prep Ssbre. In Novice Marroll,B. (Mgr) for our "postage stamp" are ate competition. F. Pte. cilities to moat noticeable. Sabre, Rowe took first place and in Numerals Sharpie., f ilYnmaium? This rt.]. with 1 In addition, he entered the A. F. L. 3 Finally, Mr. Randall stated that he Junior Sabre, Tobin •placed fottrth. Cadwallader, G. Prockop, I Swarthmore is Just amondary. The A, (Ammo. Fencers' League of 0 6 thought the conduct and support of During the spring vacation Matlack,-AV. F. point is them wa moot have a new Store, f Hav0 0 America) competition, winning a Oral the student body at athletic events erford will eend a three BASKETBALL Clayton, c weapon plant to glee the athletic department 3 21 in the prep and a third in the novice this winter wasexcellent. and that team representing the foil, epee, and Cronus, T. (Capt.) Delbert, g a chance to produce a physical edam0 0 .this spirit hen beta divisions. Now that the meldar am. appreciated mbre to an intercollegiate meet Colman, S. Gardner. or Don program which will he at the • 0 on has entledthe will Join the three 4 greatly by the teama and the Physical Annapolis where it will compete no Ansemen, D. Bottler, g for 1 3 some time entertaining and beneficial squad led by thie year's captain, Education Department. liodewalt1 to Captain man a national ranking. &heist., g Dane Rowe, who will go down to An0 0 In crick student. Kennedy, P. Wrestlers' Next Schedule napolis on April 3 to enter the NuWhitcomb, /1. William Y. Rodewuld, star heavy- tionalCollegiate Tournaments, Totals 16 6 37 Blew Toni, S. weight un this year's wrestling Mans, SWARTHMORE Ardmore Shoe 'Reynolds, C. 111100.1 hus been elected to captain the mat• Pta. men next mason Bill is a product of Nematode Gary. f 6 0 12 Rebuilding Co. QUALITY DRY CLEANING Keels, E. Whitt, r Shady 11111 Academy, out Pittsburgh ARDMORE. PA. Harris, D. nets, 0 way. and 3 0 us) schoolboy was Wall only one week remaining' on sUbertmen, e champion wrestler and a member of [Said. J. 4 U the schedule and holding a 2'h--game Hurd, c the football and tratk barna. In hie Reningea.P. Mgr.-Meet/ O 0 grip on find, place, the Freahman "A' FENCING Lint two mans at Shady 11111, Bill ed. vapehis g 1 I Tel. Bryn Mawr 0670 leant hew been declared elesnolons o' nutted twice to the finals of the PeonRowe, D. (Cant) Johneon. the t league. They Todd, T. miasma& Stale labeeting ChampionCORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS .Cosinuke. g O 0 sews Pallet. It,' ships and was a gar on hie own • — — — up the decision lael week with a 3141. tlebhxrdt, J. school teem. Totals JEANNETT'S 14 1 20 overtime Win against the fading dun' Birdman, J. Officials—bother. and RandalL While et <allege Bill has ateal high lora. Al Clayton and Darwin Papaw' Bryn Mawr Flower Shop Tahiti D. the. Val of fine wrestlers that kayo with 12 and 8 points, respectively. lee Thorpe, J. been to Haverford. lu his Freshman MRS. N. S. T. CRAMMER Ardmore 'Kelly, P. Saab ho made the varsity with as the Fresh scoring. The wiriness' sent WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE Tuttle, E. Jewelers' Service and (aught plenty of winning bouts, • lebnee proved to be no problem It COM/HEMS GIFT ASSORTAIEN f Riehie, D. Iblgr.) always improving arid gaining, Mom 823 Lancaster Are. Bryn Illawr, Pa. Ittle Bus Gager, who tallied 16 points JEWELRY and WATCHES Newarals experience.- At the time of the Mid nit his efforts Were not enough to Freeman, R. Guaranteed WOdie Atlantic tourney, last year. Oil iic lop the once-beaten Freak Hudson, 6. it 00'. Lancaster Pk. was thinned and unable to participate, Ardmore 41IM McCann, D. but this year, after winning eight ou In the only other mune of the Moron. R. of nine of his bouts ,luring the reith he Fresh "B" team were handed their, Griffith. C. lac season, he advanced to the finals Established .ighth defeat of the season, 37.24( Albreclit's Morita, J. in the M. A. heavyweight champion HOPPER. SOLWAY .4 CO. rite time it was the Sophomore "A" MI LANCASTER AVE. Thornton. T. ship competition. .Captainolect Rode BRYN MAWR STAY areyeee,ThIla..Bleols Axakaana quad who turned the trick and millSpaeth, K.' mild is definitely the was to wale' INVEAralgiVr • egCMUTIMIS At t .0 into a tic for second place. Scarwhen the wrestling season roll • IMO wank- Rua ARDMORE was ng for the winners, who took a 21-16 around again. 11331ADELP1111 Wrestling Banquet alf.tinie lead, was evenly divided Tonight, at 7 o'clock, there is a moo{ Wilson Jones, Andy Lacing), Al banquet et the Whitall lintel, on the lame and Reg Collier. Paul Shipley Lancaster Pike, In Haverford, MAIN BINE for the sea the only ore to hit name than 30 members of the 1947.1848 Bin Comet Diner Have, BOWLING CENTER nee from the floor for the }mew rd wrestling squad. Coseh•B Wen. 1212 letneaster Ave. • bench will be master 'of ceremonies.; Good Foods Standiege Raesseat, Pa. and after dinner speeches will be 'Won 'Lost Pct. made by Athletic Director • SPECIAL. RATIdE FAST AND COURTEOUS Roy ataa' Fresh "A" 8 1 .889 ii11121111f1 1301.1indawald. enSERVICE Soph "B" 5 3 .626 comia Bill Suydam and alummi rep.MAVERFORD STUDENTS Soph aA" 732 Lancaster Ann 6 3 AM eentatim laird Shona. To canelude Cricket Ave. and School lone AFTERNOONS Ardiner• 3446 Junlora 5 4 .556 Bryn Mawr the evening, wrestling movies obtainbr,noly C0hrrh Road a! E, lnnrmrn Ate. Seniors 1 6 .143 ed from the United States Naval 6.00 P. M. Geer. Morrison, Hr. Frosto°13" 1 3 .111 Academy will be shown.. T. DAVID SICHALPHIL'.114.. If WILLIAM I6WHADE31, h intramural Champs Roy RandaltCredits Swamp Swarthmore Doeherty, Shihade1/4 Kappa Sig Courtmen Lauds Team Spirit bro t no. A. Talone Freshman A Team Copslieogue Flowers Annum e.!.244 mos AUTO-CAR of Ardmore ma HAMBURG HEARTH Reif 0441441 dr Shlhodell of er PAGE 17,1018 nAt'Eftrott• Hik9s ro trn Haverford in 1913-Loyalties Glowed; General Courses a further course in mother type A Man Could Live on $6 Per Week oftakescience. The result Is thot in the Film Club Presents Sargent Interview Athletes Feted Government Motors Continuo! from Po. I fonlInueg from rase Cannoned crom Peas I In the work of tracing Shekel. tonstall, Speaker Martin and Con- it builds character. Althangh fee peace's intellectual development, Dr. gressman Rayburn. They had lunch would deny this fact, In Itself le Is Sargent Is necessmily involved In a Regarding the annual dinner of the the previous pear. Another high. work of two semesters a student now Speaker's Dining Room and not sufficient reason for athletics. very close study of the somee mate- in the New England Alumni Club, the Col- point of the preen,. season had can become acquainted with material 3:22 mile relay, which took he would have received only through rial which stimulated Shakespeare. each man met the CMS...n from Charneter building is a by-produel tHs toga Weekly of March 10.1413 brooks been aeveral years' work under the old eyes' provided material for his plays and his own district. Doting the, after- athletic& and not an end. The less Mto a bit of high-flown reporting: third Awe at the Penn Relays on men did not have undoubtedly influenced hie opinions. noon they visited the State Depart- moralizing about sports, the better.. "Though the gathering Ws. small," muddy teak. IA third place in the tem. Since most Extensive reading in further contem- ment. at which time they interviewed The third ineufflelent remiton for the writes the Weekly's correspondent, 1347 Penn Relay. would probably suMcient time to take a /arge.amount of Haverford with the methods, of mathematical porary Writing on Seek tootn as mo",those who were there dook away have ;rat linverford right behind of science, the majority existence of body culture la the creAmbassador. students were eventfully graduated hinking. rality and political theory, is also the British much with them which was not on illinoin) ation of an exhibition complex. Male Students Soso Up The subjeet material, too, has been vital to the project, but research of The March 17 issue reported prog- with only • partial knowledge of The welcome sight of the m in important highly students beauty-above, etc., are not of red the subjects trip, the many on is Reporting Sargent, DI. .aye types, faking these IT both who stadmt old The conthe lit being revised. field place at every ress on a new soccer Weekly at society. modern Mundance the mathematic. as a terminal course is greatly facilitated by Indicated that the experience was in. vISUP and do not provide a significant fires of college loyalty, and perhaps structed just north of Walton Field; There meld Valuable in view of the fact that they reaeon for the development of the The Ideal Strasser Ideas given less than usual of the usual of material available. -alpha afi essniew of the anniversary Dunn, '15, entertained the Biology The ideal general course program, quadratic formula, theory of enure be no better place in the United were able to get a first hand study PhYak-rd boll. except In the minor dinner in Philadelphia reached us and Clob with a series of "experiments ree to the helped a. .:thee a deeper and warm- cently performed"; while the Weekly as current faculty opinion seems to Cons, solution of trianglea and mub States ,kr such study than along the which they may le, of government, beyond the level Of stimulus er los.. f •r our Alma Mater." In expressed great eoncern over the indicate, is one which deals primarily yeis of curves. In place of this he Atlantic ..aboard. Individual to improve his own physicampus theory. They were struck, Current Emphasis anent., .1 the college's many new nmount of buffalo bugs in an ill- with Ideas and concepts rather than studies statistics and probability, topcal condition. many of aelf-sacrifice the with also, I nimm. ,u •o;... Dr. Babbitt, the housed collection of Muffed foreign primarily with facts—which intro- ics which will ho valuable to him in Mind Strong for Body the strong One great pitfall into which. toartom-t,commented, "We me birds. duces more philosophy into nil later life io anything from • Pam' author of such a book as he is writ- men who wprk In the frovernmmt. There are three ndequale motive. really o fima almost too fine." The comer season, which was to In- courses. If this theory is carried into game to the cakulation of risks in- ing can many fall, thinks the English "The public is prone to Alight the tre- oboes for the developitent of a .md up volved in an important bulginess trans- professor, is that of letting the work according to Dr. Limbers The body , The gs ,ans unexpectedly lost to elude matches with Yale, Princeton, effect. meh department will draw efforts some of these men Ordinarily, thews p.a. of become over scholorly or too greatly mendous Amherst000-24 score, but xi- Columbia, Pennsylvania, Harvard and one course designed to help a student action. ere making," one of the students said. first is to make poesible the total with oroblems involved in the mathematics would be met only in the wrapped of In problems which may though the audience watching the Cornell, was postponed a week. In Student, taking part in the trIp expreselon of the ant& individual department more advanced courses, which a rela- have been Important to Elizabethans, were Ben Collins, Crede Calhoun, -Mi. in inipmelble with a wok body. match sm 'smoll and sale •t," mom- regard to the following week's match field with which that tively small portion of the student but which are of little or no concern Donald Hayes, Milton King, Dick The eeeond Is the neid for Steer to bees of the tenni seemed to feel that with Columbia, the Weekly took as a deals. Thus. the introd.tory political mei- body reaches. today.' He hopes to avoid oath dan- 'Kirkpatrick, Paul Steers, Robert Wil- meet all the needs of a confused Me judging was no( of the mime measure of Columbia's strength the All of these courses are still in the ger, however, by melting his book liams and H. Dunseth Wood. . The World, both ...My and permrually. high quoIty. The series with which fact that Haverford had won Only ence course, for example, would not Marsh, of Arnhorst, torn the dub once in four years--",all of which goes 19[199s the structures of state, bed experimental stare. The faculty and pertinent throughout lied readily un- mother. of the Alumni Committee Finally, it hi known that many bodily swinging "wee cotter elemental and to 1170V the shee our opponents ore and federal governments no mien as administration are antic-Meting a long derstandable by a non-scholarly pub- who arranged the trio were Cie Trim, ailments are taxed by mental failconcepts like freedom, or popular gov- period of trial and error before the lic. '32; Meredith Colket, Jr, '35; Sem.] ing.. Conversely, a physical lack contained no 'difficult combinations, made of. formulated can .en be • Dr. Sargent hopes to continue in Stratton, TM; Joseph Miller, 'SO; Har- may remit in a definite Mental Or and the award of first place to him A speaker at the Y. M. C. A.'s ernment. Upon completion of this, Ideal being ed to approached. In this dam of the de- state of relative withdrawal until the ris Shane, '31; Henry TfallOet, Jr., Men epIriteal sicknese. This points again w. as much a surprise to the Am- weekly meeting felt that "too many studint would be better MP, velopment, the student body can play completion of his book at the end of Joseph Martin, '30; Felix Morley, '15; to the premise first put forward, that helot tem es to our own gymnasts."men, even in Philadelphia, try .te get approach the problems of government expresthe For port.' important Rabbab an apparently but able seamen better next Hugh Borten, "26; Jaboo Phillips, '10, the person Is a unity, of mind, of In the fourth of o serifs 0f a living. but there are Comperatively analytically; he would be s of student opinion Is highly de. teal isolation is not a state of perfect and Herb Reisner, effectively a body, and of spirit speeches, President SherPleas dealt few who try to earn one." He went to,eml.te and hurdle with Fifth-day Meeting. Its sub- on to propose the ingenious theory politieal idea. If hi. interest in any sirable if the best results are to be bliss. "I miss the Mntact with the Restatn. be PhiladstWleagreWm Cone. Prmamtery conscious influence, he felt. played n that all thieves are not in jail; "if so, Pefficular phase of political science is obtained. Only if students think over College," he said. "and sometimes I rots ToaNy 91.1.111. of L 0 0 Roo their offer for and whom to matters nomo cognihack rouse, these talk to the he student . long for • fire, great part in the development of a toms could not be paid." He then stimulated by Do..11 aeon RI.. AMA 540 Bo. sae OWN eertaiu type of character and feeling 'urged all to live within their In- would than go on to study the apert tions and criticism ran 11.erford's me." Wee this to be considered an maraetwom er atroulather tntansc. o Mea become a succeesful open invitation to argumentim Engmat wtronwohars mooted 101.11 Wro114. NwIthful 'Nino sod ooratosell. throughout the student body. comes, even it it amounted to only to of the subjmt which appealed to him. new philosophy R. ontonololtv ...NU. on ITV.. M. orlUt FWD:. lish stud... we wandered at we Campus activities were busy. The per week. If a man cannot move his Mathertisties Region an Experiment part of campus reality, 0.7.• 04. left,"Rather not," cautioned the •••••4. TINelM011., Rene mandolin club teas "getting into income, he can alwaye more himself Such a course, in experimental JAMS.• P. WALKS& hi.. probs., gently. good shape," while the truck team into a simpler mode of life." farm, has been instituted in the MathA. VASSALLO began to practice prior to 0 schedematics Department by De, Carl Alule, which included o match with N. lendoerfen Composed of freshmen Barber Shop Y. U., whom Haverford had beaten beginning of the the at stated who HAVERFORD SERVING C G Convention year that they planned not to take MEN FOR 30 YEARS CHAMPION N. Y. connnued from Po. I .Fords' Groshols more than one year of mathenutice, 1111 W. Lammed. Ave 10E IIIIAGGIO s presented their respective platforms a seetien of Math I is now receiving Y. 11. C. A Hoilding VOTIO MOST DA041•RII PLATER platforms a minimum emphasis on technique Most vote. and debate for IN roe •atteiCen 11.306 three seconds slower Oran Ms Middle Ideas on emphasis maxim= a and minor some with intact, Atlanticrecord at that distance. were adopted amendmentsin certain cases, but No longer are the students trained Once again in the final. Jim was Haverford times the discussion on the primarily ina number of routine opboxed nut of contention by his cony several turbulent and at one etations for use in grinding out the became floor Pharmacy opponents and finished out of the point the delegates from Temple anewere to the problems assigned. senring. For Jim to win R is i out or masse a to Cromyko. Instead, they am brought into rontaet Estate of Henry W. Prem, P. D. portant that he gain an early lead walked averted when was crisis Are and build to a margin large enough Prescriptions Stnerc brought them back by ruling Eastman, Dillon to withstand the superior sprints of that no quorum was required to carry his opponents. Many of the men Jim & Co. Drugs and Sundries meeting. met this winter were capable of sub OA the Member New York Sleek Although no agreement was reachPhone Ardmore 11122 50 second quarter-miles and men like Enclimg• Penman end Frank Fax can step ed an Universal Military Training Penmylimala Investments Revertant the distance in under at ...mods. and the question of our attitude to221 8. Ilith IL Ma, Pe. This is just a little too much raw ward Russia, the session did come out tn. health compulsory for strongly speed for the stylish Groshnlz. sma, a liberalized tariff policy, the Hard Trainer Jim still has one more winter 'Ca- civil rights bill and continuing help for veterans. According to Stephen and Hnverford, son left On run for woo them in every reason to believe that Miller, whom excellent staff work he will dispfuy the prowess that has an important factor in the sneer. of the Main made him the beet middle distance the Haverford delegation, their runner in the history of this college. Line Quakers hammered most of eonsciendous athlete and al- turn pet planks into the platform io conthough he is in perfect slum trains which woe finally adopted at the the afternoon. harder then any member of the mond. vention—at Bee In That is the true measure of n chant pion. "FOR JEEPS ON THE from Pa. "Dead of Night," y PsYebologieol drama produced by J. Arthur Rank and starring Michael. Redgravo, will be presented by the Film Club on Thursday and Friday, March II and 19. at 0100 P. M.. in either Rob• arts Hall or the Union. MAIN LINE" ,WILLYS - ARDMORE All blokes of RADIOS RECORDS 110-111 W. Intimater Ave. MOM — Ardmore — 2001 MONOGRAPHS RADIO — PHONOGRAPHS When you changefo aesterield A mo ms woo 91.416.1.1 11.9 THE FIRST THING YOU WILL NOTICE IS THEIR MILDNESS GEORGE SCHOOL I The Largest Sleek of Record. in U. S. A. H. foyer Smith Co. 10th & WALNUT STREET Telephone: Walnut 2.2023 PHILADELPHIA to MD Elourol Wo•to, Nem to moose. ear1.0.1 for ox oleolom Sad ox.11.1 Ann/orator, er.o.. In 1911. 94 nn hecamre edeir.ROt &Rh/nation WorkfiBert7bbaccar C modor o.911.19 Out orrorslIaf -moo PrIl...10.4. arm lag. Delafloal 737.1n9s. LLD., woo.. as sit neer. Nees. game. ANNIVERSARY SALE Every year in the month of March, a huge assortment of lea•MY, wet., and diamonds are offered at considerable -saving. FINE GUARANI SSD WATCHES: Lady's ;merits tiled 111: gold wrist watch. 5110.00.—now 390.00 old li-jewel wrist welch, 562.75—now 00.00 Man'. I !Mauiful, Howie. diamond in 1400 yellow gold ring. $170.00. now $150.00 Sloe diamond set with two small diamonds in lett while gold ring. 1235.00. now 5200.00 Stertiog Over Mooches. 55.00 to 113.00—now 13.25 to 110.00 UP FROM THE RANKS Tcr ORGANIZE, PUN., AND DIRECT the telephone boshl ness—a business with its roots in so many ' mmmunities throughout the state—hundreds of men and women, skilled in the complexitim of. WAYS MILDER TTER TASTING LER SMOKING tEo telephone work, are required. It is them men and women--telephone employees at various eters of their careen—who. side by nide with all employees. accept the responsibility of providing you with good telephone service at low cost. ..Up from the ranks" ie m familiar phrase to telephone people, for each of them knows that the op.. portunity to9.1.1110O more and more rceponeibilitiee is open to all and that those who come up from the ranks tarn, by their own abilities, the rewards of ROSTON bleYrt BOB ELLIOTT 00150 MOIL VALUARLI RATH IN 1111 NATIONAL 1100111 promotion for good work well done. Opportunity of this sort means much to you, for the skill and experience of telephone people, work. ing together in a common camc, are major factors SPRITZLER S in providing good telephone nervier at low mast. • VAN REUSES SHIRTS' 04% • CLIPPER -CRAFT CLOTHES • .110GREGOR SPORTSWEAR • DOUGLAS SHOES THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Reprmentatire: PAUL BREWER Merlon Amex 17 W. Ione.. A. Ardmore 0175 HESTERFIELD ZIWAND MILDER LEsirrEn TASTING TOOLER SMOKING OF PENNSYLVANIA re2W01101$ La Gin L.. ro.0.a to