laver 'Caselli Blames Dining Room Chaos On High Enrollment Sophomores Set Day,
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laver 'Caselli Blames Dining Room Chaos On High Enrollment Sophomores Set Day,
Initial Social Event Sophomore Dance October 23rd. laver VOLUME 40—NUMBER 2 Rufus Jones Chair Suggested in Edit Page Two ARDMORE, PA., WEDNEIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 194S 'Caselli Blames Dining Room I Sophomores Set Day, Chaos On High Enrollment Announce Orchestra • Vice-Pres. MacintosH For Autumn Dance • • 41.00 A YEAR Haverford Songsters $2000 Coop Changes Slated; Planning Busy Year Intended to Fill Straw Gap That troubled institution, the Ham offset the loss of "The Home Owl Under Reese Baton erford Coop. will undergo an erten- Row hos turned the dining room sebell of Procialmine it "the first big dense 300.350 mats into e game of titmice' Swelled by the presence of ...- Moe face-lifting et the end of the Located for the past year in lhe chairs. There ie little hope of rem- of the year," the Sophomore Ores has forty new members from the Pte' dw month. Much oew equipment and a basement of the Union, the Coop. edying this situation until February. announced its annual "Fall Frolic:. mn class. the Haverford College are redone the thane. which used to be in Founders. has when the enrollment mill decree. which will he held on Saturday, OcGlee Club H owe age. launching not found its viewer quarter. entirely annewhat. A table smiles with wait- tober 23 in Founder. Hall. The its melodic sermon. In addition to the Recognising that a conetderable satisfactory for efficient operation on er. doing the nerving is hoped to be IHaverfordlans.e a bond which has many Freshmen. aperoalmerelY fifty In void was left by the sudden demise of the enlarged scale which the (allege been prominent on the Main Line for Metalled class northern are again on alThe Lodi Strout;' Administration plans. To alleviate such difficulties WW1. Tile management is bewever still over fifteen years, well provide the hand to bring the total membership oflkiale aided by some welainforried as the obstructing pillar which almost working net ideas to alleviate the sit- musk. The' informal dance will lain close to the one hundred mark, a fig. students. have mapped out extensive cute the shop In half, the Administrauation. Streams Mr. Casein: "The from nine until enc. And plans am unure considered remarkably high for plans designed to at least partially tion has appropriated 52.500 for major der way for decorating the hall. management is just as aware of the a school of Haverfonts sire. improvements. Clans president Sam Colman hes beenvenlence as the student.. What Dr. William Reese will again Iced Luncheonette we need is understanding and co-ole- announced that Paul Shipley is now the club, commuting twice weekly selling tickem for only $2.20. Elliot The biggest innovation among the eretion, and compleinte when they from Lancaster, where he heads the Wilbur is chairman of the dance ne items will ho the installation of are real complaint.... Only through musk department of Franklin and an electric dish washer. A luncheonknowing real complaints can we rem- committee, and Nev Curtis will be ip Marshall College. Dr. Reese ales totette set. meal. silex tables. a new sink, edy the situation." —rut the traye charge of refreehmenta. This year's pepsins the glee elulas two mailer :.. Turns Anther and n milk shake miter will elm smell. Is not considered a permanent dance promises to be one of the beat member eremite, the up-and-cominte count In the modernizing program, complaint by waiter Dire McKinley. ever given at Haverford. The dance Haverford singers, and the popular time to difficoltiee emountered in and dl of them will rest upon new As time progresses; and the trays are Committee expects .a large retoldOctet. Theo two grooms ill be sane., Besides Wilbur and Shipley, casting Shakespenre'n flo tragedy Othello oring. washed three times a day, this unserheard on cameos several times in adAl Dayton, Pars Sharpies., Sam ColThe College hen already ordereel ory aspect will vanish, dition to the three regular home glee the Can and Bells Club has temporman, and. Don Anntssen are miens arily postponed rehearsal and pro. the facilities and expects their am Beating Crilleked club convert s. tickets. &teflon rival plane, in one or two weeks. When they according In William One compleint hes been the forced For Reese, For Haverford, For Eon The Mitherefordianse who ere in no Bishop, vice-president of the organ. armee. the Coop will store ilea doors seating Policy. Although It is obviElaborate plans arc now in (alma. Vice...President Archibald MacinItalian. Whether the postponement for overeat days, to emerge a better, Mr. Arnold Post, Professor of ously mummy for reasons of clear- way connected with the College, sport tion to give Haverford's choristers as will be of an indefinite nature, or newer, And more serviceable estabGreek. and Mr. Douglas Stare, Pro- ing efficiency that etudents do not sit eleven members in their organization. tosh, admiesions director, hes recent- wide and T le . whether the venture will be given up lishment. fessor of Philosophy, mere the speak- just anywhere in the dining maze Their past engagement. Include such ly completed a seedy entitled Bolded ae,e first will entail Collection on Ocetter 5. Both Mr. Credit hopes, as surteeted In the as the Steel Pier at Atlantic City, end the Audemie Curtain. • survey of presented at Centenary Junior Col- entirely is not known. However, Dave Strew Specie! Listed men spoke of the exponentoe they lest. NORM, to Introduce a system of numeroue dens at leading colleted conditioes in 656 Anteriun colleges. lege on October M. A concert at Thome,' Playreadtng Committee is Al Reyeolds. now working in hie In it: he has uncovered some startbed during the sabbatical levee they dividing the dining room into block and prep school, Westtown School will follow in early at presentconsidering alternate fourth sue at the Cup. and acting Jfiek Zenner ling frets and Jimmy which French, hare remained who unehoieen Inc the Demembee 10.11 offer- as chief assistant to Charles Plant, took during the poet year. factions of clear-off. Students would December. The annual Christmas Poeta "Bannees Hendee" therein have some choice of their head the decoration committee. plan noticed m far. careen will be even with the excel- ing. prodononent ameng these being trenager. states that he plane to into decorate the hall In a fall atmos- Mr. Macintosh pointed out that he Mr. Post was privileged to sire • thowanatee. lent Bryn Mawr Chorus at Goodhart several plays by Shaw. corporate memorable items from the series of lectures on chute.] liter. The reason behind the closing of phere which, according to advance re. himself Is fiat beginning to And out Hall in mid-December. After Chriet- The decision will in no way alter mu en of the old Rant Strew into the tore at the University of California the mot entrance to. Founders is that pens. priming to be at least unique- what his book Is about. He stated nuts vacetion the lint school weekend plena for the staging or Wilde's Im- new bill-of-fare of the Coop. He wilt ly different. that eince his major concern at Hav- of January at Berkeley during the second semes- the addition of a wetting line around will bring the combined portence of Beier Earnest on Novem- feature such delicacies am the ellenAt a recent meeting of the Sopho- erford is 'admissible, this phase Of ter of bet year. He gave • very In- the emit side of the dining hall would Bryn Mawr-Haverford clubs to He, ber 12 and 13. Tryouts for this play crford Special.. the "Main Liner,. teresting amount of hie trip to the necessitate the remora] of the row of more Class. it woo also announced the situation has predominated more entente Roberta Hell for the first will be held in Roberts Hall Thursday and the eCrickeL" Wen end, after touching on hie wen- seats by that wall. However that that Richard M. Cameron, member of than he had expected. time, to present a signifiunt musics! evening at 7,30. Sultrestions Asked The part of the book which seems program, porhops a Schubert ester of Wednesday to Tueedel week- Seniors may retain some previlegh of this class And of the Students. Council The move to postpone Othello was MAIM. Reynolds tickle that though the hew end., went on to tell of his extra-cur- dbanctiote and also to relieve the was married to Constance Merril to have attracted most attention is made by director Frederick Then la • remote, chorea. wedding at the comaidoratlea of dim situdont equipment will make a his improvericular texperlenees In Calltlitisile 'He dining nun congeetioti, -31r. Tea far -Macintosh after difficulties had arisen in filling/ ment, all grounds for complaint may and Mrs. Poet visited Yosemite end ley throws in the unofficial ogres. Milton, Massachuntts, on SepteMber "mortality.," nate in college.. IIr. Mr. Clinton Mellor of the Havcertain character roles. It is hreed not be removed. if there are any sugrelented by the northern route, lion far coneideretion by NEWS 3. Richard Conant, a classmate and Mmaintosh found that feltS of all stnerford Station Road bookstore that the final choice for the Winter) gestions, the Coop will rawly. be sled Mr. Steens spent hie year of ab- renders that the Common Room be neirhbor of the groom. was beet man. dents drop out of college between mawill hold e tea to renounce the production will not place too great The briele is the daughter of Mr. triculation and graduation. the Inejom to receive them. sence in western Europe and Sandi- turned into a dining hall for Seniors. publication of Archibald Marincall upon any actor, so that the reThe College is also negotiating for • and during that tine net end This plan would of course, he eamite, and Mrs. C. H. Sayre Merrill of Mil- ity leaving in—their s froehmen and loth., book, Behind the Audetnie sultant attention to the play would ton. She is now In her second year trophornermlears. Ile—balleves that the pictures which adorned the welts make with many intellecteml and curtail the melia activities of this Curtain. oft Wednesday, OM. 13, not be detrimental. ' to his or her spiritual leaders. He visited Sweden, room. He !eels however that the at. Swarthmore College of the Strew. Several person. contime and money spent ow students from 2:00 to Sten P.M. stud ies. nected with Haverford have already Germany, end Swimerland, among Union ball might absorb this with who never complete their college other countries. The object of his little difliculty. purchased a number of these memenop wasted, end that atudents 'shit to these countries woe to see if r tos. It is felt that these picture, would who drop oat of college may lose con. d Noun Forced the , people were looking ahead hopehelp recapture SOME of the atmolidence in themselves and be stamped The recent increase of board from fully to the hirers or were still brok- 1/11.00 to $12.5a per week was nee.sphere of the former college beetroot. as failures early in life. en by the ehaos theibed just Mimi,- skated by the spinning cost of food Admissions Boards Blamed Started en Co-op The now and improved Spanish ed . Me reported that the overall pim and competent kitchen labor today. or Jonw WritY College admissione hoard. are to When first organised. the Coop opHouse will make its official debut blame in a tree is one of hope for recovery. large part, says Mr. MacOne half of this increme.goes to each into the whirl To those who are suffering from to amide him, he is encouraged about erated as a mauler re-operative store. and swirl of Haverford intosh. Academie failure Heeds Youth Meeting • is the the busing shortage, it may be • what has already been of the two board items Haverforddone and ewe Four years ago, it wee bought and Mr. Steere alse reported that he ions hove probably already noticed College life with o reception and tea greatest reuse of student "mortelity,!, consolation to learn that even col. oreimintic as to what enn• he oncom- operated as a privnte business. Since had headed a meeting In Sweden for the improvement of meals served this for faculty members on October 16. he found, (11141 the rate could be lowing. rhea-president, ere not exempt piished in the future. last February, the College administhe youth leaders of verious Europ- year. Another improvement has been 1948. A program of Mexican and ered if more core were taken to ad. from its consequence, It was In a His main concerns for the present tration hes managed the Coop an a ean nation.. The recovery of the the introduction of a Colege bakery native Spaniiih dances will be pm. mit to college only those students cs. make-shift dike at 2 College Lane are to further cooperation and under- non.profit basis. and its main object Wenger generation An discussed in Founders where pies and baked sented in the afternoon by Mrs. pable of doing the work. that we interviewed Mr. Teeter Ha- emnding between "town red gown" remains the service of students with there; and in addition to meeting foods can be mode testier than when Whittaker, wife of Profeseor WhittaMr. Macintosh sun that another worth, whose appointment was ens not only In the immediate vicinity quality foods. ker of the University of Pen/enteri- -great eauae of Continued on page 4 drop-oree is the lack neutered In the NEWS last week. Continued on page 4 but in a wider area. Aloe, he As ivtis, and her company of dancer. The Continued an Pan 4 It Is therefore not strange that in termitic! In Increasing and Improving Spanish House etedents will serve tea those surroundings Mr.' Haworth intercollegiate relations, in particular following this program and in the with other Friends. colleges. To his abroad Mel teat he 'should be wearevening will hold a formal dance. ing a red cap and Miele tie!' But care In this respect are also entrustOld English Style perhaps Mr. Haworth will feel more ed Heeerfortes alumni. Happy and The College purchased this now Dr. Ira de Augustine Reid returns on the War Manpower Commission Spanish like an upper-chumsn when he enthimiretie alumni are those Wpm House at the corner of Reaaniseed. Mops. and Politics" will bo to Hanrerford this year se head of the After Pearl Harbor. He has made rmed Avenue and Oakley Road last More future doctors are enrolled at moves into his newly renovated office have nweived the west from renew. the topic of all address by Gilbert F. sociology department after a one any trips abroad, and visited Alr. Haworth thinks, and they. like Steels erring. It is a' Inge boom designed Hireerfore this year than eeer before in Founders Hall next week. White, President of Haverford Colyear's leave of absence.. Dr. Rehts in 1933. Only this summer undergraduates, can contribute suche held in Old English style by fie twig-reel In college ,history. and, according to Ilea Hod Experienre in Edneetion cessfully to the support of the col- lege, to be delivered before the Libassociation with Haverford .College orientation sourms on board ship for owner, Mr. Foreman. Mr. and Mr.. Dr. Mallen, Cadbury, the chairman rary i,mociate, of the College. at a Mr. Haworth has as beget, in 1946, when he made a Col- American students going es field l ege's spirit and traditions. to Europe Foreman had traveled extensively in of the premed committee. it is the meetine in the Treasure Room of the lotion speech which no deeply affec t- and foreign Despite the Many harden of his etudente 'bored for this Europe and incorporated in their largest number we ever hope to hare. representative of his alma meter, Library, on Ortober 17. Chairman of ed the student body that the NBWS country, just rnreeting, Fe says, to horns something of what they had Thirty-five students, most of them Eorlhom College, and the field of ed- work, Mr. Haworth hen aremys ucation iv not new to him. He hoe uted to ncape for mono time each the meeting will he Mr. Samuel Scoprinted en editorial advocating that fit in a week-end in Paris. seen there. Balconies and efficient Seniors. have applied to about thirty ville. of •Philinlelphia, who is presihe be asked to join the faculty. The Antony the many boots Dr. Reid fireplaces appear liberally throughout medical schools. There are also two noted with particular interest the year to his summer home at Cope dent of the Amosiates for the College invitee him to teach here and, has written about satire. friendly atmosphere of Hum-ford eml, where he ran enjoy to the tulles, aspects of the building. The lance living-room dental school upplicanM. although he had already ...reed e ociety, end the content shown by students his favorite sports ofswimming, I year. 31111or Key, Near° fireplace. In pertithlar, serves to set Comparison with last year's group end faculty alike. • Rased on ournmean Travls PretemerthiP at Now Trek I/oleo-- Youth in Story and Fact" in probably off boating, end fishing. the unusual design of the room. emPheeime. the loge rename spreecity, he rem secreted a lob as villa- most widely known. The President WhiteS talk wilt le. haled The mw vice-president Dos • not Besides his long experience, Mr. American A balcony on the round floor level ing this year. In 1947-48 there worn in, probs.r of axiology here and aetiological Haworth Minim to his job genuine on the observations and ems-knees Renew has called it a rens on three aides of the. room. Re- about twenty Applicata,. to name slow to discover that the in spent the academic year commuting vivid portrayal inforced concrete structure throseh- twenty-two rehools. Only four cen- title of Community end Public Mo- enthesiann for Marcelo. Collets f his travels during the sommsr just of disgraceful and between hiererford "and New York. past. when he surveyea conditione In dancer.. conditions. At the moment out presents novel feature of this ters were rejreted, and s ddetol tion. bides a man-sized job. But with end a sincere interst in the welfare Professor Reid spent his early the river regions of the northwestern 37 mere of experience in the YMCA of the student bhdy. new dormitory. school accepted one of these. Results Youth in Pennsylvania and event to he Is working on a textbook on urban United States. The speech ,will form State of Turmoil of this yeee'a applications will not be adoorehouse College, Atlanta, where sociology. which is etheduled to appun of a general disression of the COLLEGE CALENDAR Pear coon. Upstairs, there are many rooms. al. known foe some time, Since the he took part le, many campus activ. timely lest,of renservation. Friday. October IS most all of which ore in a state of schools are Suet receiving them now 'ties and played cotter on the football The Library Associates of Harem Film Club, witlative Charlie Chaplin features. turmoil due to the refinishing efforts Dr. Cadbury believe., that theinBand Talent Needed and bosketball team. Ile got hi, ford have given notice of the resent of their inhabitants. Much of the crease in pre-rated enrollment this - Saturday. October 16 Master.. degree at the University of publication of a pamphlet, printed on IFO square dance. It le urgently requested that woodwork and stucco wel/a of them year is only temperas, Plitsburgh red did further graduate nye Chet“Ivory Colophon," commemorating Sunday. October IT ill those with musical talent lend room and hells has been done al- the selection of ohools is due work at Colombia. in 1939 he wedt Mn, William Pyle Philips' donation ,Library Associates Meeting, Gilbert P. White. speaker. their efforts to the College Rand ready. The apartment of -Mi. and to the fact that more students ere apto London to study race and popeleto the Library of the four ShakesWednesday. October 20 as soon as possible. Doe to the Mrs. Arensio, on the first floor, went plying from other college, so that k peare Folios. lion Problems at the School of FareFounders Club Freshman Reception. smallness of the College. It I. through its period of renovation this Is no longer *ale to apply to only sae antics, and in 1943 he wax named Sargent Puhliahgn Article Wedneeday. October 20 neceeawry for an organization summer. airtime chairman of the melology deportment In a communication from the LibSoccer: Stevens (home) such es the Band to Mahe all Scattered In various rooms through- ,Besides the Seniors there are at of the Univerrety of Atlanta. rary Associates of the College, It was Saturday, October 23 such talent. Clarinets and Frenrh out the secohd and third floors of the lout twenty-five Preehmen and about Ontalandlne Sociolosba ennounced that an article by Ralph Football: Hamilton (home) Homecoming Day :MOIL or alto horns are desperately House are its twelve residents. House the same number from the other ten Dr. Reid is considered among the ef. Sargent, a member of the ,AnwiSaturday, October 23 needed.• The Bend will provide Chairmen Thomas C. Zimmerman claims eking pre-med courses. In Meiologiste In the co nes, was contained in the October. Sophomore Dame. informal, with the Haverdordians. a tuba for anyone who knows the peered. over 1. Burnes, E. Geckle, order to get • Miter idea of what try. He has been actin in many reI.945 number of Nature Magazine. Saturday. October 23 instrument. The Invitation to lain E. Jones. Ft, Parke, R_ Panne, R. courses to offer these men, Dr. Cadsearch projects, moth as the National Given the title, "The Fall of a Tree." Faculty Women., Club Tea. in open to nearby alumni and Pierson, B. to Seidel, W. Sellgsohn, bury made visits to seven) medical Urban League, and has dimeted a Mr. Sorrento article was based on &turd., October 23 members of the famine an well K. Spaeth, D. Tilley. end W. Z. Tang. schools this summer, Mealier to those Member of surveys for the Fetter.] es undergrads. Rehearsals are. in the espeneWe of a hiking expedition Haverfonl College ,Corporation meeting: Hereafter all meetings of the Smo- he mid, last winter. His visits IncludCovertimeot He served on the Serial Into the Great Smoky /dourest., and Sarerday. °etcher 311 the Union on Wednesday mela], Club, Even Jones, president, will ed Rochester. Mishima.. and M,Cill feiffuhr Beard add was • consolhon philosophises on the nature of plant Soccer: Lehigh (home) 2010, rents at Inth. he held in the Spanish Douse. universities. Me. There has been a great deal of qmstion remote tuume this year es • to whether the senac . reedered in the dining room are worthy of the serene loneme in the cost of board. The NEWS therefore reeentlY seatht. out Aldo Cement In his Whitehall den to state the management aide of the Problem. I The obvious and unavoidable trouble behind the whole treblem is the overcrowded condition of the college, With • normelly small enrollment of three hundred students, the college baa found it exceedingly difficult to expand adequately with the new deemed. The 414 residence meals, and the 141 potential de, Cede,* Meal, Professors Retrace, Year's Experiences On Sabbatical Leave , ..:, .ealoor Cast Problems Halt `Othello' Production; Consider Alternate Mac's College Study Discusses 'Mortality' New Spanish House who To Open With Tea Dr. I. Reid, Outstanding Sociologist, Returns to Head College Department Pre-Med Enrollment Sets College Record Haworth's Housing (Headache)s Solved Through New Office in Founders Hall White Will Speak On Vacation Trip o ' PAGE TWO H AV ER re** NEWS Rciverford News ed in the ceremony of eating with them. AVMS town.* Wth WYMML • cheer was given for Oa and then the father said grime. We Ware Othill from n Hee. cenUal Mot be the re... members th Mogi. AllitY or we Wtera not agen permitted to wash one own Mess kite. This is Mat one example of the wenderful French Iriendihip and hornetthoe I .,teaseteed throaghout spy Davel. Ebler—H. Robert Lastim. From bieppe i descended on Paris, the tourists' paradiae. Here, Mersagiris Editor—Kcnocth al. Moser. this artificial clay of intrigue and deception, almost apt embened SpOFH Ealitor--.Tbenut Stern. Parks:am. Here, In this city of poverty and tummy, AOericano spun holt R.ines, Manaerr—Ellis r Sing,. Proachnonh -weekly earning, far one mesh end oaisped the isseeht• ad New, Edit ,.,—Walter Selig ha William K. Cortaro. the. bleak market. Now hundreds of two-rem:A expert. serum to the United Arline Nroc ndifor—Anthot” Morley. Stites believing thary possess a caromte oc,kr....h.r ol the Pro. PMAlum ii Editor—Kenneth Dolbearc. Near AHneideS—Richard Baltzell, Floyd ford. Stanitrd fknnison. Willed TO. It remains foe as to be skeptical of those totri-hWa. who. alter Tiernan. James Mithr. Howard O'Neill, William Pcifer, JrilleS Thorpe. time in Paris on the Riviera, claim full Meopreliesteion of the fiZZ1 makeup and complex prolate.; of a foreign nethen. • ri,bMIrt Spurt§ Rd-dor—David Tilly. Sports Aisormtn—Drew Deacon, pied Pennypacker, Joseph Saner, VICTOR L. JOHNSON 1. ime Photoprapbres—Bob Bream, Dick Greenwood, Dan Hardy. .1.1, . .teen Manager—Eugcne Seder. I, Pie g (:ireclarion Meneert—John Calvert. • Wedoieday, October 13, 11)4/1 ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI Homecoming Day SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1948 11:15 POLITICAL FORUM DISCUSSION, Robert/111dt. Distinguished Haverfordiso will tell why they ere voting for their favorite Pltr&mTDENTIAL mageterrstbitS. Arnong the participants end be Dove TIMthaw, Rill Channel., and Dr. Clete. °Ilkley. Samortunities for .heekling. will 1:00 tar-aeon. College dirtier remit .$1.119 pas plata. e:00 Haver-ford - Remittent teethe/II Game. . 4:30 Reception tea M the Gymnasium. rm. will bee big day. Pion to hdeitlt an and bring your family. Jo g Put.h.lvd by thy ,iadrat body of I lars-rlord Calker meekly tbrosebool fix ,undrom peo. Punted bt Ardnion- rehiring borripany, DT ?linos/avow Pie, Ardnunr. Pe. • Loitered a, seasd..,lat , mate, of fIn. Ardmore, PS., Pod Over, under Art of Conxerst, Augur! 24, 1912. Homecoming Day Committee Allan* Netes Honoring a Radiant Life PLANS COMPLETE ... By Kenneth M. Moog* Alumni Secretary Bennett S. CoopEdema Thomaa is the author Of liartarY residence at Billion HospiWebster's Collegiate Dictionary defines a column as, er repair, that plans have been comkind of sopthe <barter, 'The Product and the tal, University of Chicago. Last week in on editorial in this space the NEWS attempted porting pillar, ceoecially one pleted for Alumni Hontereming Dey consisting of shaft (madly rouse°, Oise, Mei in the Law book Ititent brag Rs1111 a task almost impossibly difficult. an adequate expression of capital." This la a relogrei *erre sad Development, Just publish- Moe F. Belotoa died on July 7 on October 01. Chairmen Anther IL tribute and pealse for the memory of Rufus Jones. When we gene, 'Mt, and his committee have srAnd while we here that this column shall eerve as some "kind of suped by the Revere Publishing Co. In Beirut. Lolanon, when he was atranged an interesting program stertwrote end printed that article we were of course acutely aware porting oilier," we also hare that the other parte of the dennitions, excledtached to the American Legation. lhg with a political foram diecession of our inadequacy to exprass a feeling seemingly so obVious, Yet ine capital, will never come into play when ha 'Oda Corea is discussed Fronde Reeve Cape, Jr., was mar1941 in Roberta 1101 at 11:45 A. M. At 1 In future weeks, this writer shall diemaee all amta cif unimpartarn actually on intangible. Thiii week we wish to suggest to the Colried last Jane en Miss Margaret Sam. W. Fred, received Ms was. P M. luncheon (11.00 per plate) will - - - sporta. politica Devotion" happenings. You will probably disagree lege a more palpable and more lasting tribute to Rufus than any Awns Wyeong of Port Wathingtan. tete degree In badness adnelnistra- be served in the college dining room New York. we have paid-him so far. We wish to suggest the establishment with some of the statement* we mike and sneer at others in ditheliel. But nop from Idervaed last Jane. He is and 1 P. M. le 'the hart of the footat all times, please 'hear in mind that we -shall net be avenging official sates manager of the tea deeartraent ball game with lismitton. Following of a chair of Philosophy or Biblical Literature in his name. 1810 NEWS policy. Our are we to reneet Athilinkstretion sentiments. TMs Is The Alumni Office hair received of the Delon-Wright Co. in Roden. the game there will he a tee in the As a great teacher and an inspiring friend Rufus Jones led a ashen with a byline and that byline will represent the sole source of the word of the death of Hose R Tow. Mess. gymnasium at 4:30. a radiant life wihch was intimately woven into the very fabric opinions to be written here. mud on June 7. Er. and Mrs. Henry W. La Pride Return postcards are being mailed of Haverford College. Probably his first concern always was This week we shall devote space to a diecusaion of the modern horror of Lyneasburg Va., hal/. amiDanced to all avant an then luncheon reser. 1911 that our years on the campus should have a lasting higher value which bears the olgtelation radio ... • Word has been received at the the engagement of their daughter, ration. may be made in advance. On the whole, I ant a rather mild-mannered man. 1 Oa not kick stray to infuse the whole of our adult lives. He always taught us to Alumni Office of the death of Sur- Mtn' Elizabeth, to Mr. WOE.. Ed- Alumni are urged to rend in these eats. 1 do eat snatch candy from the hands ed defenaelege babies. I do not ward Kneeland. reply earda for reeervettons at the fer Danny Miami on July 22. realize that the supreme worth of man lies in his spiritual being. euree when people step on my feet In the Medea or in base.. But 1 ma now terlieet glamet•eBT 1941 and at the same time to maintain that essential sense of humor enraged. It is an I listened to the radio. lilt I felt ill and I had to lie br. Dodd C. iamb. Jr.. is now Henry FL Eager will represent Havwhich allows no to laugh at ourselves. In both of these precepts the}( and listen In the radio, I shall glues here a brie *Mount or me &sat'Professor of Mathematics at Johns erford College at elle inauguration of he set a magnificent example, an example tremendously hard to trolls day's encounter with this 'kernels apparition which purports to be a Hollkios University in Rehiring, Jess Harrison Daots 515 president honor, yet one which must not go unhonored. A monument or a medium of modern communication and entertainment.' Maryland. Ile has fOrmerly at the Thomas S. Clarkson Memorial Col1:00-4 turned on the radio as I lay in bed. As I robed over he scratch lege of Teal:um/0g" on October 8 at ',ark could not be nearly sufficient. The closest we can approach my left arm, which Itched, voice University of Maryland. a began to urge ere to run down to your Potsdam, N. Y. 00 adequate tribute for Rufus Jones is to establish a Rufus M. corner drugstore and pick up a bottle 1989 of Schletinge Salve for Itchy Skin. Jones chair in one of the subjects with which we associate his I scratched harder. lie continued, "You may think it lie only an ordinary Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ponta le.. Mr. and Mre. Clarence H. Wm. of announca the birth of a son, Valliant Lyons announce: the engagement of .David Sin..., '11, who edit be rename — -Philosophy, or better. 'as we already have such a chair itch, friend, but it is probably the beginning stages of that inddious distheir daughter, Ehsabetlf Ann to Paul membered for hie Saturday Evening Warren Purvis, on July 10ease, pedloesporofalistan. to which thousands fall prey daily." By the time here in Biblical Literature. Riererd Stott. Rust article of Met spring. has some he had finiehed, I Was hanging on to the ropes with one head end wreath1938 Bryn Mawr College established a Rufus Jones chair in Philinto ing like a dog for his bone with the other. the national political spotlight 1045 Rabe. J. Theorem., Jr., was reosophy last spring in honor of his fifty years' service on their 9;15.—“Nove, if you kilow the title at this tong and we call you, rely cently married to MPS Muriel Alice Ramey H. Wieldirembe, Jr., received again as the bead of a Republiren Board of Managers. But much as he loved Bryn Mawr, Rufus' can win 1195. HERE IS THE SONG!" It was Old Black Jew and our phone Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ka master's degree in business ad- campaign group. The Republican Nofirst connection was always. with Haverford, and it would be rang. I leaned out of bed and bolted from dy room. My foot maybe in the Clarence Worthington Smith of Mo- mbristratim from Bersard last Jane. tional Committee announced late In He is associated ebb the Movie. September that a -.lazy" of movie nte, Pa. shameful were not Haverford to accord at least equal honor to hall rug and 1 crasher' to the near. "Two rings have gone by ... " I pullstars, stage personalities, and disNewspaper Publishers Asemietioe. ed myself op and laced down the hall, eliding with my roommate who 19119 his memory. His example stands as a guiding light to both our bad come out to are who had fallen down. We clattered to the neer, 1 Mr. and Mrs-Bart. Ken... FM. tinguished entices would campaign Stephen B. Ilieratann is now colleges, and he wan the friend of hundreds of students. If our landing on the bottom. I crawled over to the phone, lifted the receiver and the birth of a eon, Berton, for the Desrey.Warren ticket. rotary of of the nogalwro California suggestion is taken. we can hope that it will give emphasis to croaked "Old Black Joe." Formetion of the 'Acton and WritJr... on July branch of the American friends Sere- Jr., wListen. wise guy," said a tough yoke on the-other end...if Dare Old , ice Committee the indelible impression Rufus Jones has made. The marriage of Min Barbara Ruth ers tar pewee and Warren," beaded in S. Francisco. by Mr. Hinahaw, wee announced by Black Joe. I'm Alice Bluegown. I just called to tell you that your shipment Taylor and Yr. WEN. Lehman 1940 campaign manager _Herber., Psownell, of salami is delayed... Now, I tie not like salami that much. I never buy Kenneth W. 'Creaby (11. A. '401 hoe took place on June 29. Sr. Brownell mad that the plan was it by the shipment. Wen appointed aselstant professor of Mr. and nes. John W. Johnalnn an- for each Trendier to "I think you here the wrong party." I told him. write one column ED. Bonn: rht■ it tbr fir,i In a seri., of ervele, by Itareefordiont ads binary at Juniata College. Hunting- Mane< the inert:age of their dough. or ;reticle in support of the Degree"A party? Listen, bud, this is Sam's Salami Betake. Joel who ore heir spent Slur Ifiniriax Iresrling in Europe dorm,: Ito- part pear. Tin ter, Elizabeth Miriam, to Do. Edmond don, Pa. Warren ticket, which will be offered • elerignial Is funidiorize ',adroit KWh enerrot rAisiorg ruodiliam you !" Writ, Preston, 9rd, on July 10. 1.1 to the newspaper. of the reentry. "Old Black Joe!" I shouted defiantly and hung O. *bread 61 eleitei of rdiablr, first-hand report,. The engegemunt of Dr. George C. 1946 Other famous personalidee included 10:15—Three retarded land/cites sang. a none about how good Fretnik's Weighted down with artireini apathy and two suited., n sleeping her HMI. and Mien Ellen McFarland of Mr. and Mre Charles R. Head nn- in the group are Robert Montgomery , dangling from one. I waded through immigration one day in June and Pickled Oyster. were's. how I should not miss ceded some TODAY, Eveneton, 1R., has just nuance the marriage of their daugh- @wham Stanwyck, and Harerford's made my day to a Catch ex-troop transport which was to carry 760 stud. "FrehtiVi Pickled °peers ed. Or. Sutton Is !Intoning hie 'resi- ter, Carolyn. te Dr. Hobert Behr Bed. ex-president, Felix Morley. on. to Europe for • summer of steely and travel. There were several memArr devoured in He rboimt rlehters. dency in internal medicine at Cook roasian on July 9. bers of our group of twelve on the ship, and or began on summer's sled:, Horrro,ires, 'belt, and rownoisetart County Hospital in Chicago. Me and Mee. Frederic Carr Marne of the economic conditions in Franca by holding intra-groop dimustione All lop lorry op, pet ports! Lau% J. fillger, a member of the rumour. thee arriage of their such subjects as French-American trade, Mack market, and wage and price FRETMIK'S OYSTERS I ! ! le. lbws eel Richkrde, Layton, and daughter, Carol Patricia, to Mr. milking in Prance. The group was one arong many in in organizatim "Ye,, frientb, fres Thorp& there it ow inirordtair °apply of fresh Finger in Wiltrangton, Del., was re- Charles Omar Pose on June 19. relied the Experiment in latemational Living. °Wert in your aria, pea, ran dear fin ;airy tbagt. Rath cently admitted to practice in the U. Mr. and lire Everett Parker anThis project is unique in its basic means at achieving better world re. right to pour ewe nod boy sone nolo. Eremites Pielde4 °peers. S. Distket Court. nounce the marriage of their daugh• hitless. Donald Watt, the founder realized l ar the only way to really got Now it 'be tinrr to fry flow!" 1142 ter, Seth Lou, to Mr. Ward C. Rase The many friends of John W. Cad. to know the people of a country is to no with them and make intimate t threw en my but and coat and streaked through the door. PortenDavid S. Fen is in Si, third year of on June 25. bury, Jr., '01, who Is not live in the friendships with them. ,In this way Modems may understand the French. ately I hod forgotten my pants and the cold air hrongist me to my muses. Philadelphia area, and therefore did and a few French may really Cann to understand something about Amer11:16—"fie Adventures of Jame Glob"—'Martha. how could you kill not ace the notiee, will be eaddened icana. your husband's brother', wife who igenemed to my sister that works in by the new, of hie death on SeptemThe Dutch ship which sailed from Quebec was. spaciously outfitted with the peanut factory peeing as an organ grinder?" ber 10. very small remotion room and dining room. dod't know. Jere. I don't know. / was all mixed op." shared a 'private- ruoril • 7a1-. Cadbury. who was 88, lived at in Ow held with more than 300 other student voyagers. The trip to Rotter• ['co nee why 12 -High St., Moorestown, New Jerdam woe intereating since the mornings were taken op with language study 12:15—.7be. Woman In Chartreme"—"But darling, I tell you it was all Chad. Lukdres Most., '75, pier., reer With Luke. Steel Con:luny, sey, and sree retired assistant trallt and the afternoons were spent discussing such subjects as French .American a mistake. Even though I married there eight other women. you know it steel maker mid first vice president of then known as Huston & Penrose a offlear of the Provident Trust Comrelations and the French irmireseim of - Americans. The dimussione woe is only you I love. I've made some mistakes, but 1 " Lahore Steel Company. Coatesville, Company, shortly after graduation pany end asaistant treasurer of the helpful in teaching us how to motel ,ur behavior in Europe. for there were The whole program seemed to be a mistake. Pa-. relebreted hie 92nd birthday Ad, from Bamford College. •American Friends Service Commitrevere! French many Dutch, and a fair unnther of French-Canadians 1:15--"Yee, Mrs. Schtuesellinger, If you answer this oreetien you will 8, by working an usual, as he has tee. He was born in Moored...1;6ot aboard. get all these wonderful prince. 'What man, whom first name Wad George, Galas Full Parthershlp done for more than ?I yeare mince he lived meat of his early life in PhilaAfter putting up with the pitiful inefficiency of Dutch, Belgian, and was the first President of the United States'!" haired the company as a clerk In DeIn /879 he wee taken into partner. delphia. Ile was a graduate of WilFrench mums, yea arrived at Lille. as industrial center in the north of "Ufa--" cember 1875. ship in the Brit and placed in thenge liam Penn Charter School. ',Here's o little hint. His last name was Washington. No help from France. There I mot a well-dreseed 'business men with whom I was to live. Actually, his business. career With of the puddling mill. where pig iron An settee member of the Societe Ile WOO in the highest income group in Lille, his wealth being indicated Ly the audience. now!" the company started tire years earlier wee converted into wrought :ran. He of primal, he was - an elder and over-. IWO nutonwhilee. two eervanre. Ore Meat one. a duo. I spent only * rev.Audience. schrnaudtence. If she didn't get the answer then she was in IWO, when he began to work part- took over the ruanagement of all neer of Moorestown Friend., daye at h., host panning afternoons for Inn Weeks with his plant mann, a candidate for an asylum. She didn't and she la Meeting. time in the plant. '11 wasn't moth of plants in 1882 and continued in 5014 Mr. Cadbury wee also associated frith er. The ;emu, lived, in any reopects, en the mme plane of living as Further detailed explenetions are not necessary. Suffice it to say that on athlete." he -rerelle. "so I got my charge of operations until less. He educational and philanthropic organsend-skilled work., does here. The kitchen wan tht only heated room in the squirmed and Wiggled throughout nearly a whole day of each gmthleage exercise by 'bonding coal and doing wag elected mite president of battens isations. For many year. he served as house aria:orgy Iseause that was where the stove ram located. We had As I said, I am. on the whole, a rational, argil-mannered being But tweet chores.. In 1979, and from 1+17 to 1986 he was treasurer of the Seaside some'for very little 10111 compared to the American pl. Butter. bread, meat and if radio deed not krow up soon, I yogi hove used up .my ration. Radio is the Replasee Works M... Mee et-olden! and works manager. Invalid Women at Atlantic City. cheese wore rationel. Becousethere WaS twat rrenIgh Money to bay on Lb"- worst thing to happen to radio in years, it is by far thh most miserable— "I was 'redly trained for the entre. In 1925 he reinvent's/red the position Mr. Cadbury was president of the 'kith market. the family suffered a groat deal. There were six hours our. oh, pardon me. I row run down to Ardmore. My radio blew a tube Jan studied bookkeeping and business of sorbs manager bat continued . Jolla Woolman Memorial Association. ing the duo when .ine could Use Water, and four for the use of electricity. now ... procedure, but when a works maaa4r- drat vice president, in which position the Friends Institute of Philadelphia, . Wt. all tank both. Saturday night, and niece .1 was theguest / got fairly r fainted at the eight of a work- he still nerves. and the Moorestown Free Library. wont wist0t. The rent of the week the water was cold. man's smashed thumb. I wag asked to In 1895, Mr. Huston was mmrled Surviving are Ida wife, the former During :ha tine. was there I wm-ked a, .tatistiCian fo r the textile take aver his duties and respon.ibiil. to Miss Annie Steuart mill. I enjoyr..1 ads thanes It me: the workers who were of Savannah, Rachel C. Reeve, of Germentown; two Latest to boast the "Bold Look" on camp. le 1(r. MoCartlig who ocliving on le. ties. .His misfortune proved my op- Ga.. end today their two sons are fol- sona John W. Cadbury. 111, of Pemrasjonally aports a comfortable arum ad a very cereal strew rembrero. than what one ens: of livinx mum ts callaminimum of health and dee portunity.. enc,-. • . lowing In the fretateps of a long line berton, N. .1., 'and Thema. L. Cadthe overage worker earning be day. aster a large Math end - A contemporary of Andrew Car. eight and ten dollars , wok Hie figure can aurally he found there - rainy of iron and steel history melteee, bury, of Modem, California, Ono reel anthreile outside Founders' entrance. (dightlg mon. if there Were over two children). eagle, John Frits and Charles M. Charles Lukens Huston, Jr. is vice sisters, Mr,. Rufus M. Jones. of HayAfter mussing two week. with another family is Lille, I went with • • &berth in the early days Of the Iron the Pr...Meat and executive eselatunt to afford, and Mies Emma Cadbury, of glair, to spend a ...tire on th• Cate darer. Here MAT Wie Oldcomers to campus who spent quiet evening with friend. in area Sat. and .reel Odra. In this nation, Mr. the president Centres, nue of Lukens Steel Can. Moorretownt and three brothers, BenDods sunshine. beach the ',wife] Mediterranean. and very interestina rday were:C. Rose, D.' Hemilren, C. Calhoun and . theri wives, W. Lea, A. Easton ha. pleyed an important oft pany. and Stewart Huston is &uni- j... of Moorestown, Dr. William friends. We stayed at p Snit 14 youth ho,e1 whe, rho nigh. wore Spent Annum, R. Henderson. S. Louchter, D. Wagner and T. Cronus- Approx. in the developmerrt. of America's No. tary. Mr. Duaton's only daughter, V. Cadbury, of, Canton, China. and ih discussing problems of the world 11111 III singing the songs of many anti, innate entry committee—sixteen more bannister slate and one oink. I industry of today—steel. Mr. Hum Ruth, Is a missionary In the Kentucky Or. Henry J. Cadbury, of Cambridge. tries. The me. interesting Port of the. Pfe centered shout the mixture of ten. who In a patentee of macre' maintains. Meesachusetts. Sights to be Remembered Dept: During Rhinle frac. Sunday the fat. nnalities. There were French. English. Dutch, Dreith. Germane Itolhighly regarded inventions toed In tans. Lithuanians. and other. from South Annals. and Africa. This mix. lowing were noticed; an imposing rowl black for vehicle. consignee of two the manufecture of steel, planned and toe of nationalities with their sarieerecial theorit, made the disrereions Iaree eurbaxe tans thine) and two small but steady ore Make. (tine. designed Cunene four-nigh PO They unforgettable ones. altenrately traced; AIM. Deemer and ;Whittaker scrothiging eta snarls In - ALUMNI TICKETS am—world's leered plate mill. From Canoe, a friend and I took a bicycle trip to the Italian border irerboxe cox, cryptic menage tanked outside Dean • Lockwood rota during Mohday'e hunter strike 'aLlibrary. Mr. Huston wee born in Coetesville, Stranded one -night in the'.foothille of the Alps we seer, in deep drepsir DETAILS REGARDING DISTRIBUTION OF TICKF,714 "Wtkorre. M.O.., well f July 8, 1860, the eon of Dr. Charles un- (a., ree Do fold tit we mot a boy scout. We had only our sleeping hate owl our borer. Breton end imbella Pennock iLekPOR THE HAYERPORD• SWARTHMORE GAME IN • • There wee Se plate to b. food, but titre. ens) Huston, granddaughter of /mac , or ednveth•NO and the Dmd. NEXT WELK'S ISPILIt. Sesame! changes: World Series free, and Amain ghee way to• elder, mill of the meet, we were invifed is -spend the night vdtb his troop. Pennock, • founder of the Melees. V, ghinkree, anal Martin Fos.' autuienal tussle with Pieta, belted them prepare the dinner, rornewhasemund (hair will, and than joim He began his long and succeeded ca- Hinshaw Heads GOP Columnists Across the Desk Friends Mourn Loss Of John W. Cadbury i Oldest Living Abloom Going Strong: Charles Huston of Lukens Steel is 92 A Chronicle of Small Beer Wednesday, '6etober IL 1948 EVERIPORD NEWS PAGE THREE Saturday , Contests Feature Twin Scarlet Victories Hornets Boot Touted Lehigh For Third Win We fosse &mei; Als We gee Te on Huelva Kintnelfn Grid Eleven Trims Bears, Triumph, 26-12 By the Sports Staff To mast freshmen, and to same Obstacle number two will loom in upperrelelstnen who seers imbued with the victory path of Bob Johnston and a perpeteal Rhinie spirit, the - fel) his teen this Saturday in the form of brings not only the tang of smoking a Drexel gridiron eleven. Altimeh haves, the rather originia odor of the Drexel has looked in vain for a eie. Odes hall on Farley evenings, and tory for more than two yearn Saturfeeerieh clash. to Bryn Hew]. at the day alight very well be the dos. Der virtue hoer, but also the timeless spite their loss to Ursinus, they no etwation. "Why do I have to wear trot be underestimated for they have these darn things and do what thane a herd.figning and power/et ream. Chi Saturday, October to a Moog. II!!! say?" One Rhinie wee heard. Fullback Tea Teat put on a me mil Up front. Drexel presents a for. confident Lehigh soccer leans caret this year to admit that he preferred show last Saturday as Haverford disinter ao the Siareerfordr Itmtnee the glamorous antics of the "Big Col- midable line which averagae close to ,'opened its 1448 football campaign 195 Pounds. Their main strength re outplayed, outfought,nd oetheorod lege" etude. .bodies, bat that he with a 2542 victory aver the BOATS down the middle where two powerthe brownarbid andlere 9.1. the bOst my to create such ful gone. enjoy .akin trouble for of Ursine on Walton Field. ermine mime wee played before an unexpect- spirit was to let each inevery period, Test alone rave ;rated student Inter- the opposition. Kin, Minna, the left edly large crowd which was doubly pret the mores of the for twenty-five of the rotors' tord. achml for him- guard, was the spark plug of the worded by the ',fine weather and the self. His first two touchdowns were the M• lira.. in their gum with Undo. xcellent exhibition of spear. sults of slashes off right tackle front Hoverford hop more lively tradi- and threw several Bear runners for The large Lehigh *quad. fresh from the 5 and 17 year limo re- votively. tions by for than moat mall col- tome. His opposite on the right side, A 2-1 victory over vaunted Princeton, III the third period the fleet footed loges. By merely glancing through Marvin Levine. played a whale of a took the Acid Ara. Coach Ed 'BedMr dashed around right tub from ding...6 searlet-end warriors, led by Befue Jones' book, "History of a game b Collegeville and tegether the 15 into the end zone. and fee she Small College," or the large "History with his partner, Charlie ?mac at Captain Evan Jones aPinmeed ol.eot finei tally he bulled his coy over of Haverford Collage" one can find sti:Ltkle,ithould prove a tough nut immediately. center from the Urelnus throe. many traditions that Ma shoddy Halfbaeks Rrill4st ' The Bears' fine mare resulted In had their day old, after many years nersYster bark, Teo T177, Ibr is around bit rqbi In the backfield, Drexel Waste one fora lea, gam From the opening maneuver the of tam., have been forgetter. The of the second quarter on a pass from Don bet dog nend slat . . . the beat "-rookies" in this area.. Hornet soccermen displayed the ag- relatively few customs that are still Tom Young to John Kelm and a Oro free, Kolongowski, who played under geese've tn., they are capable of, adhered to on mar camp. have been Kairea to Ted Yoder who covered the the Eagles' Al Wistert at Riverside Sehedele but have failed to display consistent- reduced 'further by the sheen. of the remaining 4 yards to pay -dirt. In the High, is trhamthreat bask else October 14 !), this season. The enrooth-functlen- pond final stann Donald Stauffer scamperwill never be a completely seems to be aide to do everything Junior A-Seph ing forward line. spearheaded by imearated claim), the abolition of the ml around left end from the 17 roc a well. In larestel's lest few gam. he Junior B-Frash B Captain Evan Jones and backed up Senlor'e to the dining ball, touchdown an a tricky double eoeersn has been the beckffehl, doing Most of Center 18 brilliantly by halfbacks FoYludds. the Freelmien meeting—thus disconPlay. the kicking and meant. With a Soph A-Farah A Scoring through the ale. sad gainThe Rhinie "B" team also took it Clayton and Juane, mein by the tinuing' the "Bridge Quie—end othetconger line, there seems little doubt ing defensive strength Ursine. Comes Back Senior-Fresh field with awesome power to he ra as the game on the chin as, the Junior "A" team that he would have scored more of., progressed, the Sophomore "ff" ()etcher 10 Capitalizing en a punt exchange In thwarted only be lady Luck or the team gained the long end of a 14 to 0 verThese traditicina are typically sea egainst •Uralties. The Fords will romped to a 32 to 13 victory aver the dict. Senior-Soph B which theyiroined shout 11 yards. the frantic Lehigh defense. American collegiate. They are bundle have to watch role fellow very care- Fresh aA" teem September 80, to inJunior A-Soph .0 Fords lost no time in chalking up the October I saw the two Sophomore written by-lawe but emerge epoetan- fully come Setae.), Another The line-up: gar, augurate the Touch Football Intratietober 14 Mat store of the efternant Taking teams ,meet, with musty the Soph from "Bs" the fruitful minds of us Hainan who is NMb to do quite a bit mural Lear.. Narerfordlohigh Freshmen-Junior, over on the famous Ma Test and gaining the victory by a convinchig Doane MaeLean "crazy college kids." They are the of damage is Joe Bigatel, a little tame G Octeber 19 company drove to a touchdown in Although the Mani. got off to rt 27 to 7 count. inset cherished pasts of our college his scatketek with speed RP Smotb Hiner Seniors-Freshman to bum;Hie 6.0 lead three plays. A 25 yard gallop by tailon the second Play of the In the other game of the day, the Wood LP Carlton days rah the old grads say). TIM, forte is the open field where he is lie. t. Bud Garrison eel the stage for kno T stsk Lineups game theeks to a 46 yard Haring }tinier "Ws" showed real pewee as Lucine , LH „. Baker value Het In the fact that they are his to outrun "Iden•DaWar." romp by Sterner. the Sophs some they swamped the Seniors and woo Ureieus Clayton. CH Erman. our own personal property. The Code Quarterback Kolongowski runs his rolling bath to gain a 32-6 lead on as they pleased 48-6. Ends— or .Haverfonl is partially, but IntagReid. Btt the .ficynolde RH team from a modified T formation as the timely panes by Cates kles-oK t Dolheare to Sam P rally bard upon these unique cum eT The Soph s ,'D"o7g enaninned their Shipley OR Hankins. well as a single and double slag, Colman. taB il ms:sp'isii'n'agnridg,ohftW(7sio" ru oc'bnk ra kdtb ' a: winning ways on October 7. as they Mitchell, Lee... Crone. RI Gabrie lanes. Do away with the traditions of Coach Chao ill probably use the Young, they marched steadily down trounced the,leckless Fresh 31 Guards—Fry, Rlydcnburg, Jones, R. Compton liewerford, and you do away with one single and double ex ing ageint Myer]loon, the field from their own 49 into the of the atrongest, moat task traits of 14. Once more superior passing Well C 1.71 • ford since he hoe the power to do so Haverfonl ml zone. Then Haverford compleMy democratic educational told the tale. Jones. A. OL Mitchel and since it Is a safe formation to s,'117 retaliated after poor Crain. kickHacks—Young, Seurman, U In the other games scheduled for Haverford eubstitutioner .Braernees system. use. The thin. to look for in this ball at mldhehd. Test It has been felt that -the entente the day, the Seniors failed ti appear, . LPG to d,,: hno dowers, Chantilles, Walnut. formation am the aveeeping end runs again led the scoring Coal. by ,Haverford: Browner, Cro- are necessary for practical living on and the peasee in either that The fall edition of the 15th Nauti- and the Soph "A" squad won by for- Yoder, Helfferick. 'live, the former going over. This mop., so a Customs Committee was Beverford feit. lies, Jones, E.; Lehigh: Conipton. The rontinual use of pasees into the cal Club got off ton flying start last The games scheduled for October termed' in male dim era of the past Ends—Whitcomb, Crogin, Collier, time converted_. to make_the halftime 9 Sunday in Washington, D. C.,. the scare 13-6 m savor of maven re. The first period was punctuated by Every year its duty ha-been to show hat might prove very dangerous to were rained out and will be played at Taboga, Mortis. Roth teams doubled their more In the booming kicks from the loot of the °Marine clans the "Haverfora the Hornell. Drawl's boat play in a Fords placed mond in a seven rol- a later date. is,, etes o—reenwald. .e,G Leah, F • km' the second .1f with Haverford tallyEarl 'Spaeth and highlighted by the Day." The method of indoctrination short tip paean the flanker wide out e.' regatta.. Geer. Wean/Then V., Thug. atthe present time, the Aning first. Test alone made all the subclever teamwork of Shipley and Evan has differed with each committee. the to the left .7n the Unlit. game. I.* host team, carried off 'the "tin- be. "A" and Junior "B" Maeda and perfect score of 58 stantlll milns in the touchdown march hone., However, the body, the real 48 group ormaying mare effective Bigatel ;shoed in the flat and made ware'. with the Soph "B" team appear the elaeo vero/ long gains after receiving the points. The four man Scarlet and of the loam.. consistent play that made the others' home tennis eager. than any other in recent Centers—Johnston , Wright. Black squid composed of Dan Dauden, toss. work easier was turned in by the in- yearn ( ri Foir:t htpe:11,:hagol d et.1Z: et: ' t1 .F:oh 0r:s'''m In Meer the Freshman team eked Ambler, Brill, Teal. Bruce Macintosh, Joe Sense and Dick sider! end haleburos, notably Cron., their ground gores with Teat and Earout a 2-1 overtime droision ever an Adam, Gill, Hume, Of course the excellence of the 051- On the defense, Coach Chase uses Perriin dragged down 39 pante. Hen6-2-2-1 which Reynolds, Clayton and Lueine. shifts into a5-3-24 lege wohld remain uncharigortif the undermanned Sophomore squad in the don was the leading skipper as he piece kicked the final point Pragmatist ceased abiding ivy social when the opponents take to the air. opening contest of the Intramural' Searles Score The Dragons' pass defense didn't sailed his Tempest dinghy home in Soccer Channel...hip, Thursday. The second period found the Fords standards set bolero him. . ScholarOc- ney (Placements). Ambler's Blocking Praised show up too well spriest Ursinue and five races foe a total more of 29. The her 7. driving far the goal, so cement.] for ship would maintain its acme here Harorford—Tmehdowne, Test 14)1 Quarterback Bill Ambler deserves final standing of the teams war the Bears nude plenty of yardage The Bret half sum the Rhinies con- Pointe after lettehdown. Teat, Mare- a great deal of prole,. victory. .The Hornets continued In and the robot Hoof the camp. might George for his superb Washington U. 56, Haverhill through the air. But Drexel is goal tinually on the offensive but unable beat panickea Lehigh to the ball and even induce students to seek higher o blocking throughout the contest. Both and will undoubtedly give the Ran- 99, University of Muryland 36, Prince- to score. Early in the second half, "" UreiP initt"s''—T - Mahon order Andy Lech. lab. U. degrees of tnechankal perfection. But dallmen • good scrap. '''Touchdowns: Yoder, 'sides of the Haverford line, through ton 36 (tie), Rensselaer Poly 32, lint let's face it Even Haverford is sup Continued on page hall to Even Jones who trapped it Snuffer. t which the Fends atruck conaistently. entity of Syracuse 2a, Cqoper Union Captioned on page 4 and flicked a pass to right wing Dave • titles it was inside left Tom *Rawl 93, Correll withdrew. The next re who broke the ice and provided what rata in which Bratiner. Case Deady placed the bell the Haverford sailors in the mar corner for the were. turned ont lobe no winning margin. will participate is to be bald at Prince Lehigh attempted to light back, but Although Haverford was at no time ton on October 24. despite the serdl-placed lobs of center pressed by George School the Ford This is the fiat fall campaign that half Ertellehurn and the high speed players never let up from their hard "—DR/NK C4WAI7A dribbling by Captain Collies, the play. They realised that the heavy the Meatiest Club, which was reorgan Mad lea Febreery as a minor vanity DRY—R/6,17 -M0,41 Ford defense would not crack and the end of the seven is fast apnroachier snort, bee carried onsince the war ball was onec again carried into Le- 'Before stands liberat9, sprinkled and to form bad habits now- might Twelve reenter and six freshman as ME SOME/ eatteued da 'Pane I with fair damels, HaverfordIs C. V. Prove fatal against Stevens chi. Sala socials members turned out for th sorter team trounced Cm. School urday and tough Swarthmore nest Post of the bi-weekly NO7W/N5-1#73' meetings which 4-1 on the George School field last week. The season cannot be milled are held throughout the college Yetif sumnaufl unless the Garnet falls, Thursday. THE SPOT LIKE The toroth,gs eve used to conduct th Not to be outahone by the comely bureau before the Club and as Georgians, coach Jen Lester's charg- Smith C THATFRESHEN/A/61 Watts school for teaching the fundamental Katz PH Lamont of sallies and racingroles and tactics. Among the incremieg number of es displayed a polished and Motile Western GINGER FLAVOR.," LF exciting exhibition of Yostmen the beauty of trophies prevalent on the During the winter months dinghy roe D. Kirk RR Fu log Sims will be shown and Sallie wit campus, the most Important. the most soccer. From the fleet whistle It be. Beale CH Zane agnilicant, oho most sought-after I mune evident that the Fords were "on Newbold Continued on pegs 4 . In Binder inscribed: "The Hood Trophy" 'GIs their game." As the game proem.- Blur rplesa ed it decal. more and mere evident 0 Kotahnig en in Memory of Albert to Hood Ji Phone: Ardmore 2700 Brownlee El Wright by His Friends of Swarthmore fan that Coach Lester ha. moulded' an- C for Better Shoe Repairing luntIlles GE Burton liavorford Colleges.. The tray o other winning combo. CARE' SHOE SERVICE There were many Hornet SIAM Kirk which the trophy meta Is inecribet bon 1.0 55 E. Lancaster Aimee Kirk and Dave Weerte. excelled Snipes Baia. with the agates of the two college. Smiting: Wilson, Chantillea as they scrapped all over . the Ardmore, Pea.. end the roan en whkh they were vie Yet the Ford that shall be longest retorlous. Fires pmeeeted for the year 164 membered by those watching the game was center forveard Nick Ch.ADAMS 42, it lo awarded to Haverford RECORDS Raverbers1 REPAIRS Swarthmore on the basis of the num Niles. Nick displayed incredible conPHONOGRAPHS trol and agility . he dented the net bar of athletic victor!. In varsi Pharroari, with three solid shots. 30 W. Lancaster Aye. Art IPM eompetition In the nine epode I Despite the prolifie scoring of Chanwhich the two rolleges mutuallY Ba Estate of Henry W. Press, P.13. 'title.. These aspens are: some Prescriptions cress-country, football, imeketball wrestling, emit, golf, baseball, and FISCHER'S RESTAURANT Drugs and Sundries tennis. 312 West Lanicaster Avenue Though our fele College is not I Phone Ardmore 0122 Poomeeten of it at the present time. . Ardnacie 9647 Haverford Pennsylvania un raga Goals by E. Jones Brauner, Crams; Lucine &cells Teddy Test Leads Attack; Line Stars Team Play Superb e Infra Leagues Open Season Sophs `B' Grab First Place Sailors Race To Second Place Lestermen Win 2nd; Defeats G. S., 4-1 Return of Trophy Fords' Aim in '49 CANAD AUTOCAR of Ardmore HEDGEROW THEATRE tar: ROI/LAN, PA. moue om, Forscschedule end reperrory hedule write or telephone MUM 6-2452 SPECIAL STUDENT RATE 19114NYPACKEIR 5.7977 KINGSLEY. 5-9006 "Maurice" THE MAESTRO Good Food and Great Musk In an Old World Atmosphere HI South Quince Street BACK OF TM FORREST THEATRE =WE. World's Finest Ginger Ale --. --41T INDIVIDUAL' 5c sin B.,,g.lansly cwt..,11.1 convenhont cam CGA 7s31 3 col. x ins lino (303 ham) Newsman.- IBS P.O. iti11 428-45 2547 7!"1" PAGE FOUR ICG Plans Made For '49 Convention Last Smithy the beads of the delegations front mchmember sehool went to Hirrisbure to represent their student. at an excretive meeting of the Intercollegiate Conference or Government. . Ilaverf:rd has for the past several years been one of Jilt outstanding participants in thin conference which take. ?Lag.. every April. Each year the conference takes a different form, last year that of n Nominating Convention. Us. oolly meeting takes place in the ens..1,,,mw,t of our State Letrislature. , Hat rbtan g. Here. surrounded with the ntimonhere of politics. the studof ma, colleges situated in the Comaoalth Pron•ylvania have a real opportunity to participate in a model convention of POMO sort. Tim delegates may observe to no little de. erre the working behind the scenes of some of our most "hallowed'.governmental bodies. It war derided Sunday that this year the convention will take the for of et Stale Legislature of unIcainrel nature. The state wide meet. its will the place from April 29 to May 1, 1040. With the present needs of good AU., legislation, this meeting should provide an excellent opportunity to demonstiate how the atudenta of Americo think the State should be run and how much better our procedme ran be than the present one. Sabbatical Leaves . . . IFO Square Dance Lehigh Soccer . . . Continued from page S Set For Weekend high territory. On Saturday night of this week the Inter Faith Org,anisatIon will sponsors square danTe in the gymnaaium leaders Jim Peitz and Bob Richle announced today. A feature of the dance will be lire manic team an orchestra at nPPropriate fiddle, guitars, banjos and the lie manned by Haverford students. Rick Conant, who has had wide experience at the vocation, will handle the calling of the dances, and the 1FO will serve liberal quantities of cider and done/mots for refreshments. All members of the student body are invited to attend the dance. which is tinted to begin at nine o'clock land to bring their dates). The admission charge will be twenty-five cents per J.4'. Soccer . . . Continued from page 3 however, the Fresh's Getman received a short pore from Center Forwent Killian and scored from in close. With the game almost over, the Sophomores forced on overtime period when Cadwallader booted one through after a scrambie in front of the Rhinies. goal. Until the middle of the second overtime parted the teams battled on even terms; at this paint, however, the Peach railed the game away when Elliot blasted through for a store to make it 2 to 1. Because of rain the games !scheduled far °ember 8 wore postponed and are to be played at a later date. (Continued from rage it Atm., of their contemporaries from other countries. the people attending gained many new ideas from the discussions that were held. Before returning to the United Share with his wife sod their child• ren, who spent the year In a Swedish retool, 51r. Stoma visited Germany and there spoke with several of the forethost writers of today. who are working hard for the recovery of their mord, Arnie Jones slowed blazing speml as he consistently oatdistanced his guardian and exceptional skill In -lofting the ball Into arerine position from the wing on the dead .n. It was just such a maneuver that resulted in the second Hornet tally. This time it mas AI Cronus who timed the pass perfectly and drove the hall past the despentla goal tender. Lehigh Goal 'Lehigh opened up the second half slih more determination and coorl dinoted ploy than they- had displayed the game. talite'llmuloydeaoru inldr ceOntrol"o"f the play, tenter forward Compton eli• mated an albout mama on the Haverford goal. -Heartened by the more the entire Lehigh team began to play desperately. However, the Ford delenses relied and fullbacks Wood and Spaeth drove the ball out of the danger zone. .Final Tally The fourth period saw Haverford open up its lead to two fall goals again. Evan Jones picked up another briliant center from Arnie donee and caromed if off the leg of Lebigh'n Hiner for the final BM!. With ten minutes remaining to play Coach Reddimrton unveiled what might possibly be the most dangerone Ford forward line in many yeam. This arrangement introduce. newcomer Nielt Chantilles 'at center forward and Evan Jones at inside right. In the brief time it had to play this line showed remarkable possibilities. Continued from page 3 be given by Prominent local yachtsme. • • The Club is continuing _its campaign of raising money for new boats to replace the four obsolete Penguins now owned by the college Though most of the Money will have to come from contributions by alumni and friends, the Club members are acting as ushers at home football games and a. planning other activities to raise as much of the money themselves as they possibly can. Breakfast — lomeheon Tea — Dinner Tel. Bryn 51 ,nr 0388 ' Since 1893 A. Talons Dry Cleaning DELIVERY SERVICE Ardmore 510e All Makes of a.) PHONOGRAPHS RADIO — PHONOGRAPHS The Largest Stock of Records In U. S. A. I IL Royer Smith Co. 10th A WALNUT STREET Telephone: Walnut 2.2023 PHILADELPHIA PM Ifs /411 Nods. NS. 10 P Bob Volta bats been elected prealdent; and Neil Roger, ereretary. Demmer. • • • The Ten O'clock Club met last Sunday night for the first time Ode ermeeter. A good-sized gathering Including both faculty and Mudents partook of coffee and cookies in the Common Room in Founders during the traditional Sunday night "break:. Mane are to continue the smelly gathering which is designed to let faculty and atudents meet informally, Robert Pollard ir chairman of the group which Is supervising the refreshments. SPORTSWEAR-EQUIPMENT LEATHER GOODS - GIFTS The Sports Center Joseph deV. Keefe 348 W. Laneaster limerford, Pa. GEORGE SCHOOL John Troiteelliti FOR YOUR SMOKING PLEASURES COME TO Frank's Pipe Shop 59 W. Lancaster Are. Ardmore, WE CARRY A LARGE WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOBACCOS. PIPES. AND SMOKING ACACCESSORIES. D•ow• fo• Ins modem curOr*. •ad esselle•t eremr•mry res... 11,41. •3 toontatr• c.o.res SP colleges: 311 ...reed 10 Is•lor Barber Shop ; sane .'sVls"1.11. *I under ess.1111so• that ,:t1: ...11Z. LOCATED IN FOUNDERS. HALL FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Appointments Made Isl. ilseelmls.L1.0 ' 2:Irel"*.torr*. • ;1:11171,71::". rdassma m. tom.. mu. Vtre-PdaMml 1ms aft. Mane Se.“1,1••••• John MINIrtOnk A frrodects Re, geeas,44, J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Guild Opticians Cliche arm and School lone - Ardmore 3 446 formerly Chard, Road at E Lamoster Are T. DAVID SIIIHADEEL JR. '39 WILLIAM RH De.. 4- OFFICE SUPPLY 928 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr 3847 Bryn Mawr, Pa. MRS. N. S. T. CRAMMER WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE 823 Lancaster Ava. Bryn Mawr, Ps. Corsages OPEN DAILY . News--In--Brief • • Michael LBoucher JEANNETT'S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop ilmtaurant "FOR JEEPS ON THE MAIN LINE" WILLYS. ARDMORE 111.114 Aso. arc from Page 1) ART SUPPLIES CORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS BRYN 111MR COLLEGE INN 11 Editors Notes T "TIRE Beginning with this Haas the OMITS staff of the NEWS will endeavor to bring to its readers a new column ho be written -barb week by a different prominate campus athletic figure. It it our purpose to heist about a closet relationship between the varsity men and those of us who sit week after week In the grandstands. We with here to shots these men In a different light. ".. 4 very happy to present as our 'lead-off-batter,. Homer Kimmich. Homer has been one of eur favorite athlete. for' • long time. Sines his entrance to Haverford in '44 Homer ha won siz varsity letters in: football (9), wrestling (2), and basketball (I). Homer also has been active outside spirts. His position on the contort. committee is well known, but his office of Varsity Club vkepresident this year and a 'similar post with his clam last year are PrelrePe Iess publicised. All this should make it clear that Homer is one of Haverford's ablest persons. , BRYN MAWR A. Fortunato ARDMORE - (Continued "Between takes of my new picture, THE LUCK OF THE IRISH, I enjoyed many CHESTERFIELDS. They're MILDER... It's MY cigarette." INC IN THE LUCK OF THE IRISH A POTIICIlfil,1”-PDX PRODUCTION MEN!...SAVE! ON FALL CLOTHES BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER 0‘ 00A 2: iil GABARDINE ,,.1 AND ' (*COVERT gi TOPCOATS; t.S.E E 1" HUGE lipin An-Wool Limn, 11.15 SELECTION 100% WOOL WORSTED Available A+ The SUITS FACTORY FALL 5 THOUSANDS 29.15 ' 534" of GARMENTS SAVE 1/2 '51.1ALL DEPOSIT RESERVES ckURS a IC/MOATS FOR 60 0.5 oe•• rMas orturd.r.e r ABC GIRL of Ohio State says- Way Sera "r arnoke Chesterfields because they own and stay really a fine taste all their other." end to the ons MILD (torn have MORE COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS NUMB 300111 than any ether 'Cigarette... or 111151 RFIELD ALWAYS CARRIED IN STOCK 5TH FLOOR IMS Wednesday, October 13, of student guidance, especially doting Several dances keynote the plane the freshman year. He found that many colleges have taken the taititorle of the French Club for this year. The that students feeling the need of ad- program also includes speakers from vice may go to the faculty members P.n., showing of slides made by with whom they have contact in club members who visited Francs elm.. But too many times, in such during the summer, talks by profesa situation, the student may feel that sore, and French movies. Officers of the dab are: Mich.! the faculty has no interest in him outside of class. The edllege some- Barret, president; Dick Couch, secretime. fosters this feeling by its prac- tary; and Welter Sangre°, treasurer. • • • tice of cutting a large group of freshThe German 'Gab's Arst meeting men at the end of the first reneger: Mr. Itik-los/1 believes, and thus the will feature a talk by. Bob Wk.' and student may feel that he-Is working a companion from Bryn Mawr as againet odds. In order to counteract their experiences in Europe this Ilan. this attitude, he feels, more time 'boatel be spent in finding out how to , At a later meeting Dr. Wm. Reese snake the student work more effect- will speak on German music from the German rievspoint with apecial emively. phasis on recordings. Urges Self Immeetion •In December, a Christmas, play win Mr. Macintosh urges colleges to be presented in conjunction With the inspect their own ',toteme in order to German Clot of Bryn Mawr. find out what in their case la the greatest came of student . mostallt)., He believes that colleges 'Arvid plan to keep them whom they adotit. A. VASSALLO sin. a student who Is dropped has Barber Shop very little chance of being admitted SERVING ElAVERPORD elsewhere in these times when all MEN FOR 39 YEARS schools are crowded. 118 W. Lancaster Ave. I Harper and Brothers Publishing Y. M. C. A. Building Company has announced that Behind im the Academia Curtain will be released on the thirteenth of October, 1948. 827 LANCASTER AVENUE RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE 51 Rittenhouse Plane Ardmore 3224 Archer. Pickup and Deliver At Reasonable Polo. PHONE ARDMORE 3850 Continued from gage 3 posed to breed a natural rase, and undergraduates in aspiring for normalcy will inevitably form eyeteeth resembling our own without fanning the dramatic. It, is healthy and indeed valuable spiritually to let the tide of extra-eurticular even. sweep us away a bit, allowing the legend of Naverford to Milked-re our consciousness. ICe no simple and makes College life so much easier that we should all give it a fling. PEG & BILLS SCHOOL SUPPLIES DINDERS,TYPING SUPPLIES - Macintosh's Book . . STEAKS AND CHICKENS 50 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore Ardmore 9515 Tel. Bryn Mawr 0570 Albrecht's Flowers • Guest Corner . . . D. C. Regatta . . . Hood Trophy . . . Continued from page every .ign seems to indicate that by June of nest year, we will be in pos. •emion of this coveted prize. Last -ear, it woo a battle right down to he wire. Haverford took the measure of Swarthmore in football,, and tennis. The decidine matte proved to be the golf match which Swarthmore won late in the aping by the slim margin of one Point. Swarthmore was also the victor Inaore, cress-totintry, basketFounders Crowding . . . ball, and track. The record now stands: Swarthmore 41-42, .42, 43 (Continued from Page 1) bought and at less cost. Bread is still (tie). '48-'47, and '47:48. Haverford '12-43 (tie). cheaper to buy. Albert L. Hood, upon graduating For those interested in ligUrOS. the total coat of the kitchen last year from Germantown Friends School, was $172,986.24. Of this $149,553.13 attended Swarthmore with the class was paid by resident students bent, of 1931. Many of his rloae friends $2.878.85 by day students and the dif- continued their Mediae at Haverford. ference balanced by special meals The trophy wan Prevented jointly by and summer conference. The diet', I the alumni of both institutions. tian, Mrs. Ethel Beatty. operates on a month to month nompintit budget. With this in mitt, Mr. Cogent sot, that the college realises its responsibility "to give back in service and food everything which is collected." Men wishing to earn ext. Pin money at the usual College rate of LBO an hour should see Mrs. Beatty. There may be some need thin term. when the new waiter system takes effect neat rebrtMCY for additional waiter, RADIOS RECORDS ,r1W7 ,13,1 RAVERFORD NEWS 3