Haver Soph Fall Frolic, Bonfire Rally Highlight Gala Weekend Plan
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Haver Soph Fall Frolic, Bonfire Rally Highlight Gala Weekend Plan
Moran' Homecoming Hay Lisle FoilOgrallt See Column Out Haver , VOLUME 90—NUMBER 3 Approaching Election Takeo Spotlight Page Two A RDMORE, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1948 Collection Hears Sabbatical Tales Of Kelly, Oakley 11.00 A YEAR Thespians Cast Soph Fall Frolic, Bonfire Rally `Earnest'; Slated Highlight Gala Week end Plan November, 12,13 AS !Thirties Laud CoSt011111 no 0-11.11A01 Plane New Ford Prof . . Present-day conditions in SwitzerHomecoming Day week-end will bound to a spirited start FriThe Cop and Sells Club held trytend and in Mexico were the subjects a colorful day bonfire rally, sponsored by "those insonight with outs for The lemortame of Being of two talks, delivered In Collection. lent Rhinies." The next order of business will be a political for&rm. on Thursday night, and they October If, by Mr. John A. Kelly and um discussion on Saturday morping, followed bra luncheon in the announced the cut for this comedy Mr. C. 0. Oakley, both of whom have dining room, the Haverford-HUnilton football game and a recepby Oscar Wilde immediately after-. returned to the Ilaverford Faculty tion tea in the gym. The Sophomore Dance will bring the weekward. The Cap and Bella Club, in after • year on subbatinl leave. end to a festive climax. conjunction with the Drama Guild of Speaks of Coital-al Life Bryn Mawr, will erode. the play on — ACTIVITIES . — — DANCE Dr. S. A. Kelly, Met back from November 12 and 13 at Bryn Mum Indignant aver invinuations en to Time arlden the Freshmen begin en Switserland, spoke with enthusieem College. their school spirit. the Class of 1.2 Friday aid. the Senhomoren will' of the cultural and hunianitirian acThe cast of male parts includes plansto inaugurate new ventont on 'Minh Saturday evening with their tivities of the Swim people. He Owthe Reverend ChauSPY, Lea umpue. namely. o bonfire rally before "Pell Frolic" in the Founder, "Ball• ed great empbuis on the fact that in sible, Lee Hering as Joke Worthing. the annual Homecoming Day. At 7:00 rooin." a country of from million inhabitants; and Sol Meeker es Algernon Mun,there are two hundred odd nowspap. o'clock the Band will lead a torchlight Band Popular in Rhoda cdeff. Henry Emilia and Robert KunThe, Rhein finally got tbeioopportaaily to strike bark of ers and periodkals published regularparade from Roberts Hall to the rear The ermine. -Haverreedianr:. kel complete the list of male parts; the Curtains Commit!, utbooit fear of roasequerfoes. TIN. dole rue Orof the grandstends. At this point the ten-piece musket group. wit! start the ly, sold, from the books, by authors they will ploy Merriman and Lane refare n; lite occasion ems lbe anneal Club Pounders Art-together. A food of various nationalite., 'which also Freshmen and conduct will take OW downbeat at SAO P. M. In the fie. spectively. liter was bad by ell. an orgy of chum, music end pep teen years of the group's existence appear In large numbers. These facts, Alterman Tentative talks. They will highlight the mem they have played mom than twice said Dr. Helly, reflect the Preinnee in Harriet Morse and Cynthia Switzerland of a Bunten.ua and Mon with a few ideas of their own. man). school den.< 1IS any other Schwartz will lain the urn of Cully width at presentare marked "top Philadelphia Dreher., and quite popular cultural and intellectual life. Carden and Lady Bracknen respect. . . Martin Rivas seeret." Rhinies Ken Nelson end Pointing also to the war-relief Bill Piaui,. is the list .h.18 where ively, while Sue Henderson and Eliaswork of the Swiss people, Mr. Kelly Herrn ere masterminding all this. they have played. Their popularity both Gray will play the part of deecribed, as an exempla of thin. the her been won by o smooth blench. Forum well DiUMM Election Gwendolyn Fairfax and Mks Prism tore that they have given, and •re of "s vet" and ...wed-swing" 111115if "Wine took a hike on Lancuter prodded over by the "Juvenile Jury." to complete the choices of the female At 11:15 Saturday morning Roberta in a dencorompelling style with feagiving, to masses of homeless And Dell will be the seem of • political Owed solo and trio vocals_ Mr. Hopkins, impersonated by a roles. hungry European children. With re- Pike?" or, "The Adventure of Peter out to 'Meridional politics. he sold Gould." This was the starting nete Rhinie Introduced the other member* The executive casemate of the Cap disc .elan forum, which will be conDecorations will suggest a fall atthe treditionally norehelligerent Swiss of the hilarious 1048 version of Club of the Customs Committee, also Min- and Bells met on Sunday night for cerned wieh the matter of "Presider - mosohere. Corm Musks and Other Mal Candidates.. Such distinguiohM barnyard institutions will make for a • feel Univ.'s.' to be one of the West- Fountkrs. The Freshman dam spon- ks In disguise. The first member ma the purpose of Wetting an alternaA "genuine Hoosier," Martin Brunk Haeerforditme as ern Powers, and look to the United sored the skit lain Thursday night in introduced by a brief but °imprint- tive play to OINIlo. unferlesately Bill Cadbury. Bill rune effect. and light will Ulm from State bath for exannee and for sup- the dining hall behind an innamenu dale serenade. Mr. Kinunloh told of dropped because of coding difficult. joined the faculty this September as Chertner, and Dr. Cletus Oakley. rep- hollowed pumpkins. The usual cider stage formed by two dining room how he became -.integrated" and Les. The dram.ic dub will announce inductor in political scieme. Mn. resenting Tumon, Dewey and Wel. and cookie,' port. will be served in the CornBruns, whose home its town told.. definite is The Indianchoke farce in couland of a sa- how innamont It was for all Rhinies the near futon. M. -.Sco lo i Wetly lave respectively, will give reason] mons Room. attuded Butler Univer- for their respective The committee reached a tentative chokes in the Mr. Oikley, folio .tug Mr. Green, tire' on the much beloved Customs to go through the same sir...raoctet at Intermission Committee. Ac soon ao Mr. Gould tion." Ken "Cut Rate" Dolbeare gave decision on Grand Netiand Station. a sity and immediately upon graduation election, after which the distension The famou Haverford Octet will Yen. of'? yfiBegf ',Jona of Mexico, vent to work Ter the State Deur. will bet-Minn Mten to the weer. Dave keep the ball trolling during inter-idswith nornerinis titian on the Texan had- stand his opinion-el that lewd • brief mates talk on hie latent maim- bleed and Mendel-Mord. tagadreala. e:cation. Mexico, ?dr. Oakley add. Is branch of the Ka Klux Man, we were zinc. The show.was then briefly in- However, tist play may also lure to ment in Washington. Doming the war Hineharte, '11, will act as moderator. on and favor the crowd with a few he joined Use foreign service and was A luncheon ip the College Dining selectee.' This will be the first apat preeent a poverty-Yrkken nation. witched to a scene in Rhinie Court terrupted by the hasty exit of Pup be dropped because it is new, and Dvorken, who wee forced to leave by orielsmay not yet be in print. The usigned to Iodic. where he became ROO. will follow the disunion. panne of the "Octet" !hie rear, Forced, by a lack of the natured recommittee ha. decided that in Mk U. S. Vim Corm! at New Deihl and Meals will be served at a dollar o and they Auditions beyond his tooted. sources ruobite for heavy industry, w111 blend in o combination where much of bin crock tied in with plate. to cling to en agriculturel -Mode of At this point, mournful cries of cue, The lupe.. Cells will be preof spirituals, uncial songs. and barber • the operations of the China-Burma"Oh, Howie- rang through the hall. sented. I life, the Mexican people. he emphashop melodies. India Theater. One of hie jobs wee • Hamilton Game Featured Mm Wood, or someone bearing sised, eke • tare rising from the soil. While all faculty member. and their the naturalization of GI Aliens lore. At 200 o'clock alumni, faculty and an eight resemblance to him, was seen The Government hes been compellare invited free, atrial chape, Mg in that Part Of the world, end he undergrads will converge on Walton et the for end of the hall in the dim ed to curtail the import trade beesame ones will include Mr. and Mrs. Ar. Sew threoghout all of India and over Fleld to watch the Scarlet and eie hitch-hikers use. That Nemesis of inability of the country to produce Black chibald Madan., Mr. and Mrs. the Hump to China to administer the take its third straight from Editor-in-chief, Jim Buckley, of the of Rhinie. Scottie Einnnich, then for export and its lack of /Mandel Hama- Manuel A.D.. Dr. and Mr. Fiaoaths. new 1910 Record hail imparted to the made the enlightening statement that t.. Last year.. team overcame the more Samford and Or, and Mo. Sit-resource.. In 1945- Mr. Hunt came home, still New Yorkers by a 11-0 more on a six- ben White After Anal remarks concerning so- NEWS some pertinent Tuts concern- her etas had had to wear Rhinie very much under the influence of the inch blanket of snow. Sob Johnson's dal condition* in Meal:o, and the sta- ing the coming yearbook. equipment until the Swarthmore Elliott Wilbur heads the cumin, The Founders Club will present Its East, it creme, and went to Ohio men expect to better that tatty on a for the dame. und those This new yearbook will feature to- beaelikll same. tus of Church-State relationships under him annual Freshman Reception, WednesState University to write his Maaters home green. then, 111r. Oakley Mead briefly ht ternive coverage of all College acinclude Pool Shipley. Nev Curtis', Al Then jolly George took the stand. day, October 20, at 8 P. H. In the thesis on the "Evolution of the SamFollowing the game the Faculty Dayton, Pure Sharpie., Sam Collong trek back through Texas, end tivities, The 1949 Record, however, followed by Al Reynolds. who was Commons Room. These yearly re- son Doctrine in the lianchutiae Women'a the rialto to Crider Lake and Niagara will not contain es large a number of trying to drum or Wiliness for Club will hold a Woception man, Pon .Amussen. Jack Zerrer. and hr. ceptions are held primarily to at- Crisis." At the ante time he taught Tea in the gym. It will be the only J. French. Wilbur announces tout Falk which terminated his year of Photegraphs• as did the 1918 Reeord, tore ..Dinnerlems Mondays... Diamond 0..101 each freshman chess with the political odd. at Ohio State. This 'decreue Is due in part to the Jim Conan. keeper of the Rhinie di- Ideals, aims and leave be this year that will be open to ticket sala will be resumed in the spirit of the organLike's the Foal financial deficit facing this year's rectory, followed with his mut pause nation. everyone. 'Mn. Theodore Hetzel and Dining Room of noon Wednesday and Just a short time before the be- Mrs. Cletus Oakley head the commit- continue through Friday_ board keened by the large number and bunted look over the pronunciThe prim Neither a society or fraternity, ginning of the college year Mr. Bmea We for this group. of pictures it the lea Record. Write- ation of Echegaray's name. is still $2.20. Founders Club Is first and foremoet got a call from President White, took lips of actiniu and events will he Jim Groatola net was called upon. emphasised more this year. Another Displaying a giant major "If", he de- an honorary club for leaden In ssebol. the lint Mane heading East, and .woe rae.ure to ease the financial burden clared tint cross country was now arship and college activities. Mem- hired on the epee Mr. Buns says a bership, which comprises alumni so that he is very much imprees.' by the will he the ordering of copies in ad- major 'sport at Haverford. Stan well as undergraduates, is restricted Emit: he The Vanity Club began „formulathinite that on the whole tho Editor Boohley count. on 000 Greenwald, the man who adds a lot exclusively to those who meet the re- people are jut as friendly tion of plans for the Swarthmore a anyto 325 copies bat will out that num of weight to the Customs Committee, The Students. Council of the United quirements set forth in the constitu- where else and definitely week-end at • recent meeting. First Last week at Columbia University's more openben down to avoid unnecessary cost., spoke briefly, saying, "The on the agenda is the soccer gams upper tion. printed in the Sniffle Handbook. Idled end understanding. Nations Council of Philadelphia open- presidential. inaugumtion of General If the leek of submriptions warrant it. Clansmen need give us any support, against Swarthmore on Friday afterDr. Herbert ed its fell season netivitite with e Dwight D. Eisenhower a young man S. Gaskill, '31, head of Still very much interested In en, The cost has been net tentatively et so its up to you Rhinies." noon, November 19. The Fords will with a crew cut lens aeon amongst the the Department of Psycho/0'y at the rent alleles, particularly in the Per dinner end a free .futball game loot three dollars per copy. be out to avenge last year.e defeat other dignitaries shaking hands wine University of Pennsylvania, will be East, Mr. Brans is currently working Photography editor Pete Stet.. by the Garnet booten. Friday evethe famous "Ike." This man, though the featured speaker. The club will on his doctorate- which will deal with helm end photographers Mead Sniff., The dinner, held at Temple Univ.. Merited in the cap end gown of a ning there will be a pep rally behind Art Segal, present two twenty-five dollar award. Soviet policy in Chine and Manchuria. and Victor Hugo will sity's Mitten Hall, Was primarily for Pb. D., usually mars a red tie, Is the Walton field with songs, cheers, and a counteract to Paul Shipley sod Paul Moses, lest Popular with Student the lose of last yeada foreign students in the Philadelphia hutted of n Vassar gradient, and display of fireworks. veare Freshman Prize winners. Before In a few short weeks Mr. Brew has editor, Dimple Wood. an. Given by Pmsident Robert t. has admitted speaking a "smattering After the rally, the rooters will en. The alas of the Senior Clue of 1919, Centre. to previous. experience, the muting is over the Pounders Club already made a name for himself aa Johnson of Temple, It is hoped that, turn to the gym for a few hours of of Russian." which is the largest in the College'. the Field Club enjoyed a fair Friday roll will have two new names in- a very euccesaftil lecturer. As ho through this and other associations old-fashlued Were dancing 'Mon' hietereo 900 Schools Helaresentcd he had a good deal of experimae the senior write-ups for its Met trip of the season. This scribed thereon: Tom Booklet, Chair- tells within the United Nations Council, cored by the Vanity Club. Reftesh- a particularly difficult man of the Customs Committee and ence with teen-elm orguintitini There were no cries from tie ranks, job. This to the time it wee a guided tour of the Mormente will be served. when he was in ached, and he' thinks these student& will come to have a however. at this ne-lotion -deb the problem facing the mite.up board of ris Arboretum.' A carload of bud. Jim. Beckley, editor of the Revved. greater understanding The most Important event of the John Aden, Tom of American atonal Plane Moire whosimmun for refrashthents aft. the UM helps him understand students. e led the Fleming, Da. ding botanists descended on the week end will take place Salteday Meeting include elder and doughnut.. His chief desire right now is to have life and modems. After an interesting Allies in Europe. and who was twice afternoon. when Condi Rey Randall.. Theme, Jim Thorpe, Bob Winger. gloomy Morin mansion in Chestnut All members time at the dinner meeting students asked to accept of the freshmen elan people take amore active share in a presidential candiand Horatio Wood. Hill, and then set out to absorb green eleven will take the field stains' from all parts of the Philadelphia date nomination are cordially invited to attend. the in the '48 political current affairs. Under the gaidante of Art Wight- lore. " area, the group moved out to Temple race, and Who Swarthmore armed. The Fords will hat perhaps now net n men, business manager, and insist- 'Roving over expansive Ism. club go Into the some determined to re....I to tee the Beaton University- trend In the invitation of COLLEGE CALENDAR nomeducaent. Pete Flint, Bob Edgerton, and members noted wide rarielies of exPeat last yeses decisive victory ever Dick Temple football game. During the Lionel fissures to university prmidenWednesday. October 20 Eberle, the` rinter for the otic yeartlora—from. seeding ferns the Garnet. trips by bus to and from the Ka., o lid posts. This Founder' ChM Freshman Reception et 8,00 P. M. young man was nonebook has been anged. This year tnarnificent Himalayan paten. EverSeturday evening the Varsity Clib great deal of mass-singing went on Meeting of the IRC in the other Union Lounge at 8:34 P. M. than Haverford Colhgee owe the Record will bo published by the preen and weeping willows overformal dance will be held In Founder. and in the bee containing Haverforet's youthful president, De Clark Printing Honse. Gilbert F. shadowed the sunken gardens, dense Tian-arm, October 21 representatives, there was a group of White. Mall with made by Paul Nevins and Meeting of the Bridge Pluto in the Union Lounge at 8:00 P. M. The eports board. coneisling of with colorful lilies. Throughout French students who Meng semral his orebutra. The price of admIsalson Pridey, October 22 Pres. White represented Haverford Manwiller, Dud Walker, Toni bloomed gorgeous rues and pieturesis $4.00, and the Varsity Clob eke sings in their native tongue. Cross Country Trick Meet with Drexel and Lafayette, here. moor the dignitaries from 300 other ,. Snipe,, Tam Stern, thin year uks that men do not send will cover Haverfaidand Bill Rhoads, gee wild flowers, lending exceptional Among thins present from Haver- educational institutions and Film Club Motion Picture, "The Cal.end the Canary." at 8510 P. M. societies .e many sporting beauty to the landscape. eoruge. te their date. ford were: John Brownlee. John Ho- o f learning attending NEWS Vie Dance at 9:00 P. M. events. the inauguraMany of the valuable spedinens Sunday will feature • morning bart, Samuel Amides. Wei-Zing Chi- tion. It was Columbus Da. Thomas, head of the'llterery had been obtained from the Orientby Sane.. October 23 Day, Oct. 2, break/ant to Mich all Havedordians stale Ch.. Tang, Weirder Cadbury, Political Forum discussion at II:15 and the ceremonies wen adequate to A. M. assisted by Ken Moser, Bill a Professor Wilson, often at great and their dates are cordially invited. Robert Parke, Thomas Thornton, and the occasion. The Football Geme with Hamilton hare at 1,00 P. M. Gorham, Chuck Gude., Steve Miller personal risk. Among the numerous New York Times The gathering will assemble at 15:00 and Floyd Ford. Soccer Genie with-Princeton at Princeton. Jim - ballet, will often burn the plant oddities, the Club saw estimated that a crowd of MOOD woe some lieA. M. Faculty Women'. Club Tee at 4:30 P. IL on hand to watch the ceremonies, held midnight oil potting the finishing tog fruits and parthenogenetic hotPresident Geoffrey Ion appointed Sophomore Dame In Founders Hall at MOO P. IL tinning en write-ups other than lies. Hardier Haverfooliene even out of doori between Columbide two the following eommitteee to make this camera and snorts. HARRIS RHINIE PREXY libraries. tested severed "man.enting" ilytrene Sunday, October 34 weekend the puke! Haverford ColWI' Meeting in the Gammon Ream at 7:00 P. M. Publicity manager, Dave Deaden, and pitcher plants; no unalties Five speeches were presented. The lege has seen. Decoration. Gorham, will Churn to lead his doss during the The first four were given by an undersee to it that the 1949 Retard is were reported. After viewing more Monday. October 21 Wood, Ramie; Ticket Sale. Haar, 1848-te year was William H. Hards, endueta of the university, a xradvate German Club Meeting in the Union Lounge. kept before the Haverford 'Candle 10e, "epode and other milord wonders, Roduald, Dodge; Help: Kennedy, Chantberaintrg. Pe. lad elected to itudent, an alumnus, and a member while unable faculty advisee Dr. the cutead returned, laden with ens/f- Tuesday. October 28 Mout.: Refreshments: Haile Y. John William L. Bell, Jr., Democratic National Committee, Winking.. D. C., his presidency and ex.officio Student of the faculty. The fifth was by A. teeter, lends a helping hand nolia seeds, souvenirs of Ce Ideal field PR, Daudon; Breakfast: Raid!. Council posts at Monday evening's Eisenhower on the aubject mill aunts at Collection. to the .tag. trip. of "EduAbide meeting. cation and Citizenship." Iiike on the Pike' Keynotes Rhinie Club Founders Outing Buckley Cuts Cost Of 1949 Yearbook; Activities Featured Bruns Leaves Ohio State Post to Join Haverford Faculty Founders Club Holds Freshman Reception VarsityClubPrepares For Annual Weekend Students Attend G. F. White Present U. N. Council Meet At lke's' Installation Field Club Visits Phila. Arboretum HqvgaraRD NEWS PAGE. TWO •--- HaverForti Dews fichfur-H. Hobert Leaky. glanafrog Editor-Kenoeth M. Moser. Snorts Editor-Thom, Stern. alithICS3 Menewr-Pllis P. Singer. Nem Editors-Walser,Selissohn, William K. Gorham. Acting-4,ms Eslilue-Anthony Morley. i'llk""n Fifilm-Kenneth Oolbeam. Spores Editor--David Tilley. Atiocialrs-Richard Baltzell. Floyd Ford. Stanford Dennison, Willa.] .11snacn. James addle. Howard O'Neill, William Peden, Jam. Thorpe. A,mciater-Ned Pennypackm. ,lomph Scncr. 1, tom Pbolograloben-Bob Brown, Dick Greenwood, Dan Hardy. erromg Moore-Eugene Seder. fing Cir(ninbion Heneser.-Doha Calvert. E,,bAnge Edilnr-David Blum. ■Indeut Innly el Hip Hord College week') an...of/lout eke Pobbsbed Prmted tbr APelnune Print", Compon), &nenmmlene Im. mo boort.. Pe. Eriletrd a, wrond-,Jo,, miler of Ile Ardmore, Pe., Pour offs r, under Act uJ Cougrrsc, Angus! 54, 19IJ. Take an Interest ! Probably the outetandidg feature of Wednesday, October 20, 1948 of Into revolve. or stullIgd wallets to 4.4 or boy oar way of • tight mot. And how aboullotting them know that allbiow Yoram,. don't Mama in shiny nob. Weepy/Mg to the fire{ whistle) but In mammy. far dirtier than those id Perla et London. And why can't we show that we de know how to think. end qmotion, and occasionally be Nimble, .those Haan et some &sneak moment exude platitudes about life. Love, end were is short, ial our Muim thaw what really goes no 111.1111 ittet plain as Da wc Mee se much69 be VW id en what now the ehemes that Hallnweed will dal de empiumie le the &motion? Actually there are eater Sir. that movie reta ore entitles up. Not all directors'are insensitive to what theie enema lam been ease In Europe.' Perhaps they ere beginning to hear the minaau of e French audience. or see the embarrassed Mash of a Dutch oludent whim faith in the people or the United States had mama sea Moth daring loath inter... But. unfortunately, under the chromium and neon of Hollywood a rev. elation is 11,41411131a litany of the more responsible erode-mt. are being realmd be mellithe oil men trying their herd at the movie mime for the lent tune. An ontathridlog member of this group, atfor recently taking over ene of the largest studios; immediately cancelled two forthcoming movlea with a definite anti-war slant, while est.-siting his distaste for what he calls "think" MAW. • Our State Degartment chooses with care the representativex of its Foreign Policy in the embassies Of Europe. But how are the glen mlmted through whose cameras we se people, and our •,liWng policy" are tispreamted to the people across the Atlantic! Maybe this twit may of our Wetness. But mine of as who era Cunt back from Einnee wattle like to 'mow why nett ALUMNI NEWS PROGRAM FOR HOMECOMING DAY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF HAYERFORD COLLEGE Am.] Smart of the Treasuree for Fiscal Years Ended: Mtge. 51. 1946 Total Contributions $32.810.36 To Alumni Fund • Sammy Lou the current political campaign has been the widespread apathy on the part of the vet- On TIN, Thum .. . . Revak. from College for Amidociation Pommes era toward the men and issues involved. New York State and This is IM firll of n irriei a) finer erfal. concerning fir dm, of lbe other regions au°ss the country report vastly decreased registration lists, mod we have heard numerous students here and at major Poblionl penises Bryn Mawr mums indifference as to what is happening in our The Preglanonie Party was established by men and women who felt nation's quadrennial convulsion over the choice of governmental that the most vital Memo of the day wme eel ...Mien forthright moosnitlan by the two major parties pepeigusly in existence. Therefore it le eot loaders. surprising to And that the Prom-gm/ye Party lies concerned itself 7110s, with The reasons for such a phenomenon are several and not far presently, issues to the poplin then with *resumers for votes. Net that to seek. The near certainty of a Republican victory, . the inevit- the team of enmpaign polities ere being neglected, but the emphasis is able relaxation of public spirit after years of war tension, the novel end refreeklag First 1.1011.4 thine vital is... is mace. The Progre.isea firmly beabsence of emigres. from Washington. and the lack of colorful personalities among the candidates are all contributing factors. But this is not the point. The fact is that an indifferent doctorate in a democracy is alarming and dangerous. rlo ye S7din toob I tres:11:n7tret Iteelt7icrom f Thef' 011. Saki. 0(100 Fawn,. Promotion Alumni Events Prima to Students Allocated Funds Haverford News Cap & Bello Haverford Trade Directory Gift Miscellaneous Silver Basketballs Gold Soccer Balls Net Income (Dencit) Balaate oa /land End of Period Beginning of Period isialtrhjd' r'Un' eamething like this. We mast settle our differeneen with itussio matatline tuonod the conference table... the only question that remains is whether it shell be before or Miter o war. A wee with Russia eon and only in a negadded peace, not in unconditional surrender. Thus we . well as the RYT.TiPne will hare to makecomprannece and withdraw conffidemMY Dma our preaent poeitions. Since we will bare to make them camprosiaes anyteresting. but vital. D Republicans feel sure that they are going how, the lhogressives woWd argue, we might just as well save ...lam to win, they can also be sure that over-confidence will not help the incalculable cost in human and ma.riol value. another war. Let an any. And in any event the.), would be well advised to consider appromh the Russians in that spirit of eerneetams and with Met desire to each an agreement. whieh we would show after a protracted seer, now! what element of their party they want to take the upper hand at follow. from OM that we meet renounce war once end for all, it in Washington, and to look with concern at the contest for Senstead of toying with the id., as the two inkier parties are preeeptly doing. ate control, which they are not at all tier° of winning. There is It oleo fallow. that armaments which we don't intend to see nee an MN, food for thought in the picture of Senatorial candidates close alembic waste of rosoure.. Therefore. says the Progreesim, dreetically to the people being defeated. while a GOP President is elected curtail armaments. We are not so rich that weep, ettpoort this dpmr! on our economy end the money could he spent for rood. worthwhile projects, morel/ because voters are tired of Truman. as for instance improving national health or education.. Democrats admittedly do not hove much to look forward to, High among the concerns of the Pregreseive Party ranks the meadea but they have been in the ascendancy for sixteen years, and a civil rights ThaY use 10 the arbitrary dlontimal of federal. elnplegreec little soul-searching as to the present outcome of it an seems to 1Without being told the chewer against them sohdrat they might defend be in order. What about a party that has apparently held power themaelves), the distai.al of prof.mrs end student. from UniVersitios for relearns of political belief, the whedettele smenring of banal-We end repu• largely because of one dominant personalityand an unnatural alliance of extreme opposites in the North and South? Party table Climes with the epithets ”Rod" and "Commons["-Obey tee in all this a vicious and not wholly unnlanned attack on our civil liberties. They reorganisation may not be strictly a campaign issue, but it is a see in it further a close parallel to the tootles employed by Hitler in Cer. primary concern to Democrats and to every one who thinks that None ohne ISM. the country cannot afford more than four years of Republican The Proweasive party is determined that this ennipalm of WT. administration. should 005.0, and especially teat the government should maze rte infamous • Moreover, we feel that an election in which there are four loyalty purges in proceeding. that violate every • principle and erdexuard sacred to American dadlcbd peotedem• Peepensibility for this smear and major parties in the field should have thoughtful people even purge campaign rests equally with the Democratic Administration and the more intermted.than usual. There is no mention of the twoRepublican Conan.. shilneither powty can absolve Itself from it. How party system in the Constitution, but it has been a tradition in then. Proglesaiees wonder, ran one hese faith Met eilbea'Party dell prothis country, and the evil of many splinter groups can he seen in tect our cherished detneurstic traditions? In brief then. the Progressive Perky stood* for peace, civil liberties, the Oleos of France today. The Dixiecrats are a truly reaction. and a constructive use of our natkind ary group masquerading under a States' Rights banner, but they WALT. I. Snunsottri will carry two states and maybe more, with an which are not only in- important blot of electoral votes. What is their future? What is their significance a propos of the eingte-party, hitherto 'solid' South? Finally, there is Henry Wallace and his party. He will probably win no electoral votes, but his followers represent a siseable and significant voice of dissension. They, at least, are not thetie, but they might well wonder to shout the themselves ape. occasionally infallibility of such helmsmen as John Aht, Lee Prose- man, and Vito Mareantonio. slims The in this editorial has tried to avoid taking a definite stand in favor of or opposed to any candidate, excepting Perhaps Strom Thurmond. We wish'only to urge all our readers, whether they be voters or not to take the active and intelligent intlitical interest which a democracy meat demand of its citizens. With this home, an this page, we begin n somewhat belated Series of signed articles on the candidates of the three ma- In The Editor's Mail Dear Editor: The inadequate lighting facilities in the reformer section of the library have long has • source of exameration and eyestrain to students. The lamps on the reading table. am of the indirect type designed to throw most of the atria up against a kw white ceiling. The reline- above the reference neetion obvioarly dots not meet them requirmen6s. In addition. the bulb. aTT of such tow wattage that the little light Milo does come through the tmnahment reflectors gives Inadequate illumination for reading. We suggest that the college-do away with these indireht type lamps and install fixtures which direct the ligM down onto the etude surfaces where it belongs. Sincerely, Wituad J. H. Ho0001, ROFIEn7 Hanka jor northern Nrties. Read them, and study other political an- JR. alyses. Whomw r wins, government is our responsibility, and we must not full iLto an attitude of cynical detachment from.any presidential or lesser campaign. Across the Desk II the Ainericat student. just home from a summer thread, were asked id,•ntiry the mum, of greatest irritation to Min in gurepe, he would not mention Ito , hortene of fond or hut water. the optional train mhodules or inconeleteiteg oi cotton's oflicials. Moot of uo •would point our Anger at s eating more difficult to deserita, -tha unpleasant feeling of having a n ifirlitting label slipped autornoticelly ever Our necks whenever -4e revealed the terecit of our passport or of a dollar bill. The label reads, of course. -Typiral iimelicon." it hop.. to hurt bemuse to the European this has came to mean member of a nwe of Ace serni.playboys who desk frog nightie.) to beach recort in convertibles, a race where even the leas fortunate live in clean elevator apartments end throw their 'moiled clothe. M shiny white amchine. This feeling in 'Europe is u hard one to kill, evon 1.r men with blue Jean; acid hands willing,to work, sod it is °Cana MI bat, eke thc oedeedeedlod Wit had hoped to be building during our entente, there. The mum of this idea about _Americans was identified by Professor Kelly M Collection last Tuesday. The Amulet. movie has been for most Europeans their only contact with people from the United States. We could hardly have chosen a more erroneous, if not mom dangerous. ambassador. Whether Hallywood'a movi es are good for Americans themselves is debateable, kat not the question here. By 115 they ran he considered a in, chologicul lift for the tees fortueate, or circus-Ake entertainment for the young of all ewes. Rut for people of other lends, who - have•net had the enema to taste the bitter and sweet of American life together, we should make remain that so poplar a technique of conveying information as the motion picture should be a true indication of the way we really -five. Let's show people on the acreeu as nett as in persup that we all do not Bryn Mawr Excepted ! The editors blushingly give eredit for the following gem to too Mancheater Oak Leaves. the Auburn Plainsman. the Ursinus Weekly, and the lanistian. IF SHE'S A FRESHMAN She blushes at naughty jokes. She thinks a college education leads to things social, cultural, and academical. She thinks midnight is late. She reads "What Every Yeeng Should Know!" She Mlle her mother everything. Her motto: Mother knows best. She likes to srnooeh. SOPHOMORE 'She smiles at naughty jokes. She thinks a college education, leads to things social and cultural. She thinks midnight Is pretty late. She reads "11. to Win Friends and influence People." She tells her roommate everything. Her motto: Death before dishonor. She Ilk. to smooch. 11.1N1011 She Wad. at naught,' Jokes. She thinks a college education leads to things =del. She thinks midnight isn't so late. She reads " The Alit of La... Sheetalls her diary everything. Her motto, Nothing ventured. nothing gained. She Ilkea to entomb. SENIOR She tells naughty jolts,. She thinks a college education leads te things. She thinks midnight is midnight. She reads "The dace and Feeding of Infants." She doesn't tell anybody anything. Her motto: Boys will he boys. She liken to growth. 31. 1947 Anse al, 1046 Ow. 8.921..;1 023,60.60 1419011620 7.946.11 6,581.84 Alumni What is there actually about the tonnes involved thin year points involved Amulet ;won that make the campaign an object of boredom and ridicule? We think there are plenty of SATURDAY, OCTOBF.R 93. 1948 II,I) Pelitteal Free. lingoexia, gioh.srtg Ii all. Dave kiwi., 'II, Modern.- Rill Csdbitry '31. Bill Chat-team 16 and Dr. Cle• tus Oakley are mama the partieipants who will speak for their candidates. On. partonit:. for di.comion from the goer will fellow. 1:00 Luncheon in college dining room (01.001. 0:00 Haverford Hamilton Football Game. Herman, and lea with Womenix Fiscally Nub . M.. Theodore IL Hetet' is chairman it' the committee iq charge and will be assiated by Mrs. Cletus Cattle,. Alumni, etude., mrenta, and friends ..sited to attend the .. HOMECOMING DAY 0051611TiEE Arther H. Kane. Jr.. '34. chairmen Ildeeel R. No. '16 William M. Theresa. Jr., .36 Morrie Los., DenuMt S. Cooper. 'It If 63590. 009.44 1606.62 83$9.13 I(H7.875. 60. NIMILW 396.44 1412.13 1313951 420.70 1442.28 4050.49 600267 194.14 16.62 to HMO. 000. 900. 1900. , 817.10 433.57 117.00 6. 40.50 $3,28.37 11,785.47 1,786.47 7,246.11 91,765.47 1,76647 0 6.608.84 ($91.99) 51.706.47 1,799.47 . • IP48 total includes.143.693, special cnotribution from the classes of 1898, l929, l934 and 1943. The 1947 total ineludes 61964. special contribution from tho class of 1828. All were collected through the Alumni as Tea. Fall Homecoming Day. 9560.: football dinner-and sewed, to Mani net of euntiihaien,u$02.42, dinner for Senior Claus 1105.; Alumni Soy net 9900.45. In considering them reports, it should be noted that funds to cover the cost of the Association's activities under the present sysMin wit rmelved (rani the College and any "nosed balance le returned to the Alta., ni Sustaining Fund to be used for the benefit of the C liege, The We. deficit in 1946 repremnta funds paid for silver basketballs collected in the .prior year. Walter C. Baker, Treasurer Aug.t 31, 1948 Motile& Reimet for 1949 We have examined the books of Walter C. Baker, Treasurer, for the twelve months ended Atethet 3t, 1948. We believe that they accurately set forth the recdta of the Association's operations in that period an doted above. Since Alumni Fund Contributione did not peas through the hands of the Treasurer, they were. not Audited be ee. October 5, 1945 . John C. Lobar Bruno D. Smith Ball First .Gra4tiate to be Elected' IL D. Wood, Banker, Into National Academy of Sciences Dies on October 1 Eric Ball, '95, received the highest science. who hum achieved unumd honor that can be conferred in the emit... reme.b in did,PerimRichard D. Weed. hanker, textile field of mktnee when the National Dr field. . erchant, and manufacturer, died on Academy of Selene elected hint to ctober 1 at the age of seventy. • oetasnaine Re...tea membership Nat April. Condating Mr. Wood lived on Baltimore Pike, The . main reamn for D. Ball's of only 431 menthe., of which at Wawa, Delaware Coenty. 'He was a present Eric Ban is the ardy Hover- election to the National Academy of partner in the firm of George Wood Science was his outstanding research foci graduate, the National Academy in the field of physiologic.] chemis- Sons and Company. cotton goad...of Science represent. that group of chest. In 1616 he become president try. His work was carried en at Harof the Itillville Manufacturing Comvard, where he holds the potation of Professor in the Doputritent of Bio- pany and the Mass Landing Water Power Company. no was also pres,logical ehomiatry. Before conning-1p ideM of the Howardwarthur Mann. Harvard, Dr. Ball had been assalittc festering Company of Fall River, ed with Johns /NMIne University Massachusetts. and the University of .Pennaylvania. 11.. Wood held directdrshIpe at the Forreat C Haring has accepted aiiAfter 'Dr. Bail graduated from Philadelphia National Hank, Pennsylrmintment as Lecturer in Dramatic Heverford, he roman. at Haverford a Railroad. the West Jersey and ITT. at Colombia University and Is for another ymr to obtain his etashore Railmad. the Mutual In. conducting a course there on the topic Mee degree. Thh following year he Mimeo Company, the Western Savof Theatre Bueinean. was awarded a fellowship to the Uni- ing Peed Society, Wawa Dairy Form, Mr. .Haring in devoting the greaten versity of Pennsylvania, where he ohpart of the winter semester to a ger- U1171134 his Ph. D. In phytiological the Provident Mutual Life Insurance vet of bush... practices, contractual Chemistry. Having obtained Iski de- Company, the Minville National Bunk situations, and reletionships connect- grees Eric Ball held the national re- and the Cotton Textile institute of ed with profeaeionel New York theat. search fellowship at Johns Hopkins New York. For ten years he was prealdont of the Rittenhouse Club of deal prodectiona. die wilrelso'deek University where be taught and did more briefly with the b.iness and reaearch on the mechanism of oxide- Philadelphia. In addition, he ems a member of the Philadelphia Club, the mgeelmtienel emblem. of Mlle tin in the blood. At the termination St. Anthony's Club, and Downtown theatre:, community and echosl thee- of Me fetiond. et Joh. Napkin., Dr. CM. of Philadelphia. tree and summer stock companies. Pall seined the position of Amoeiate Having been for twenty years gee- Professor at Harvard and shortly el manger for DwigM Doom MM. after that he Wig promoted to the m's productions, Mr. iteratea train1917 position of Professor. innas been morepotetical.than pa! Dr. J. Illenag Ly delivered'two lee. Admired Dr, Meldrual demi. His previous experience as • tures' under the Hodgkin Memorial During his yeses at Haverford. grid lecturer consisted solely of two 50- Fund at West Clans Union Boll gap* a great deal of admirapearonces before Dr. Snyder's course oily, Chong., Chino, on March 10 tion km ,Dr. William hieldrum, to in Contemporary Drama it Haver- nod 12 of this year. The first woo an- whose able teaching he attributes a ford. .A few of the fifty-add Net? titled "Some Aspects of the Problem great deal. of his emcees. Also Whitt York shows for which he was huffi- of Peace" and the second "Sete, he was at Haverford, Ball was noted ness manager were: "The Little Cause. end Effects of internationd for hie brilliant achievement* en the ShOWM' "The Vine'. Tree," "Pay Canute." track team. Divome," "She LOT. Me Not Os Your Toes." 'Washes in Anna," "On FOOTBALL Borrowed Time," "I Married An An. gel," "Old Acquaintance," "By Jum HAVERFORD VS. SWARTHMORE her," and the Kurt Weill musical earAT HAYFItFORD . elm of "Street Scene." Saturday, November 00, 154/1 P. M. From 1642 to the end of the war, Tickets $2.40 including tax Illo Reserved Sm.) Mr. Haring was reprosen.tive in the All orders must be accompanied by n cheek or money order made United States for the British Departpayable to Haverford College. - meet of National Service EntertainAddlea all orders to Sennett S. Coupe(, Alumni Office, Haverfor4 ment, and in 1046 he wrote and edCollege, Haverford, Pa. Hake checks payable to Haverford College; ited a atitmendt manual at the r Include a .14-sildent.1 envelope end the tickets will be mailed to you quest of the United States Navy. O Hating to Lecture . On Theater Business Seas Eas 'Wednesday, October 20, 194/4 HAVERFORD NEWS Boaters Cop Two Frays, J V Soceernien Top • 71/0 See * Extend Streak To Five Garnet Eleven, 2 - 0 By the BMW Staff PAGE THREE Hornets Edge Dragons By 7-6 Hare ye, seer mew • hall-hour in In their fourth victory in four Messrs. Handrails and Doren-re% den Test around right and . . Marta, the Haverford 3. V. Moore discussing Haverford's football forC, emerged on the long end of a 2-0 Ware! If Foy ever do, come prescore as Svnuthinore went down ie Pared with a Inge towel, too 7thers The Haverford eleven terse I hack defeat on the wieners. held The flew lies wine." Keen after the Hop a hard fighting Drexel team on SaturOn Wednesday, October 15, the Ford teem worked well together end The Haverford etheermen extended no,' victory arm Umbras, the acmesday by • sere of 7-0. The game ••• their victory streek to live in ¢ row Revertant erecer team maintained kept there'll ie Swarthmore }Mein, during meet of the gpme. Clem Smieh, prime was one of gloom and despair. tided the spectators with u thrill a last Saturday by romping over Rut- Ifheir undefeated season as they rompwho was elected explain, rea min* Mr. Dreherty will polet put . that the 41 In a wild and woollY enetat ed over Stevens 8-0. The game preyed minute as the game was well punctuto Pia/ recitete of a leg game init.,. eras 'Mr Haverford field too now was the third for conk.. to •playal at Now Brunswick. Rath. 10 ated with fumbles, pass interceptions, Which Me. Itendall will KW: "Those Fords nog to Quick Start shabby officiating precipitated rough regular season victory and the see. and long rum. Hamilton hoe. ere no soft teach, frithand even dirty play, thin making the ond shutout. Lehigh regietered one The Fred offensive lost no time in Haverford's score coma lute in the eel last Saturday. generally brand of reefer Pore. The 0 getting Marled when Phil Bare There Ian words -of wisdom are lb and queries when Kolongowski threw Fords, however, thawed occaxional The best greeter was Played at a snored on a beautiful no to give a tuckward shovel pass to a halfback Aaha of brilliance and outdates ,low pace. The Ford team had dig- Haverford o 1-0 lead early In the Orel Mk to prove only too true. Although their opponents, all the way. salty getting rolling, and the excel- quarter. The Swarthmore goalie, their last year's record sae not tea who wasn't there. The ball was regIt took the Scarlet team most of Ient halfback and daring fullback D'Annunsio, made several team** trod from I, lest 01, the gentians. aled from player to player until the first quarter to notch its initial play of the trey and red clad Steven= saves as he held off the continent from Clinton, N. T. were a toast vacly Bob Johnston fell on it in the end counter. After several minntes of team plus • distinct wind aliventage reefing attempts nude at the Swarth- • oryky wecurettIng Co the Fords by rent, Ted Test followed with a perscrimmage around the goal, Arnie aRowed the visitors from Hoboken to more goal by the Ford line. The !M- • 15-0 count In that never.to-be-forfect boot right through the middle of gotten blizzard. This season. the are op their deliberate style 01 attw.k. ond guerter picked up in epeed as the Jones made a nice comer kick which the uprights for the winning point. In the closing minutes of the quar- Haverford line. drove deep Into New Yorkers loot their Kist Om was trapped and shot by Nick Chanhoned', T. Trey sck. 4 tor a mere gain behind snail blocking Drexel Rear. Beek Dees. Goalie Lee managed to deflect ter, the Scarlet picked up steam and Swarthmore territory, but the fast game, to Allegheny end to MiddleDrexel cam roaring bark downfieki by teomm•eei. the hall out of the goal but, right to ore every indication that they hob moving Oarnet backfield blocked an bury. &tinder. they will endoebtedon the next kickoff. Joe Bigatel took it be mentally "up" fee the game to the reeked foot, of Al Cronus who put found the answer to the Ravens line. sconng threats. the hand off from Kolongowski and revenge last years defeat and to etop The Fords rolled in the second marIt treat, for hoops. The Scarlet and Mere breeweir their Committee to maintain a closely knit scanipered all the way In the lb betheir losing streak. Captain Jones Scores Cordinoed en Mtge I Continued on Page 4 league, so that intereet will not fore Teddy Test bounced him out of The invader. will work Oct of e sinThe second Haverforteally was a slacken. At this point of the season bounds. Bigatel took the mail again & wits, with an unbalanced ripe. At By G. Coleman work of art. There was a reed benne As Hornets chalk up 4th straight . . . there is, keen competition between the and went for *nether 20 pude around tiraes. they have tried a modthed T hie In front of thi Ford goal. Somewith a Whosced line bet their biggest It goes without saying at Haver- various teems. In 'that respect, the the other end before Homer gimmick how Paul Shipley came with the ball fall program le already a success. brought him down. With the ball restround ES. hove derived ism the ford that the athletic facilities art inand sent it uptleld to left wing Arnie Because there an mere men tak- ing, host and ten. en the Haverford • single wing formetiop. adequate. It Is the hope of avert' Junes. Anne climbed up the sideline The startles Ile-Op IS not default°, grad end student that in the near ing part in intramural athletic. than 45 yard line, Kolongowski throw a and, on a dead run, heeled the bell to in Vanity sports, the program pro- short pan to Rigutel who took it and hot the freleging men will probatory future Haverford will have a roe field Captain Evan Jones who scored. w e a tot of service. All are veterans boucle capable of handling al. inter- vided in important to the student hotly ran to the two where Bud Garrison With the margin of victory already as a whole. We have few three-let- felled bun. Blgatel then bulled his freed last year', sped with the ex- collegiate sports. This would mean achieved, Haverford added two goals ception of feHbeck Jim Williams, who swimming pool, better lock.r facil- ter Men et Havertord, so that at way over renter for" the tally. in the final stanza azinsurance. Ey The Fords were deep into the Dra. ia • render Modem from Purdue ities, and • new basketball noun with remetime most men come in contest Jones marred if off by dribbling where lain year be Played on the adequate seating arrangements. Al- with intrarourals. The neceswry steps on's territory most of the of • and amoral opposing players and Treehmen team. 10 the tallbacii spot. though now we have none of three, have been taken to\ insure a successful but could not succeed in pushing the sheeting. Again Cropue waa welting the owswasom w10 awn a 5'3". the impatient point ie that Haverford Preen., so that the men not par- ball over. Twke in the first quarter tee the rebound and stein he slammed 135-1mender by the mune d Ance M- is now ready to map into • bigger and ticipating in Varsity sports cite enter the Hornets at in smaskieg It into the net. Haverford', flat point t:Ireton-a This fellow is the captain better athletic program. Heeorford Into competition centering ereend in- their way within the hoe but they lost • Melted on En Jones' neat placement of the team and its chief ground to unique in this, for at some time ter-class athletes. Ultimately, how- the ball both times on downs. into the upper right hand corner of Nunierom Interception. gainer. From his right lialLhaek po- during the year there is 100% student ever, the success of any League Ufa the goal after receiveing a pass from Them were a good ma y intercepMUre. delmeY Warren don mast Of participation its some form of nth. itself on the students. Intramural athMother Arnie, the passing, while the roaster-mind- Blies. and the overall average idle letics have their place at Haverford: tions on both sides, as the team took Locke Stores for Etagere ' ing far thr team will be handled by wan that throughout the year ap- it ia up to us to see that they are run to the air. At one time Radaawski Rutgers threatened on several ordl,. Sonthemein In the line, the proximately x056 of the student. take in the best possible manner. intercepted on the Hornet's thirty and muttons, but John Doane played his Collfrr id/ At Crevross eel fo drive • ong one own el • Fords will encounter the Hilanger part in the athletic program. it looked like curtains for the Scarlet usual fine game in the goal, making and Slack until Himmick • and Gershbrother.. Bob and Dee. atm plop at Since the leauguratim of intercolThe line-op; two exceptional saves among many. on converged on him and dumped end and tackle, mspectively. A con- legiate specie at Haverford, Begat: Captain Locke, center forward of Rat. Ends: Gelber. Whitcomb, Wright. said receiver on the 10. Bob Johann verted end, G•he Srailketein, holds caching and organization has been gem, accounted for his team'a lone Tackles: Fleming, Greenwald, Lash. yanked a Drexel aerial dews to the down one of the guard spots, the oth- provided. It was only last year, how. at in the fourth period. Guards: Neuhaus, Montgomery, next ploy and Haverford moved out er being taken can of by Dave Nadal. ever. that the intramural program The Jones boys were the Scarlet.' Herniltanr. truth captain, Bob clew wee organised to insure optimum par. Cronin, S. RimmIrk. of danger. chief scoring threat. Halfback Al Centers: Johnston, Bullock. eats, is Sus to see a tot of action In the last few minutes of the game tkipation wad interest. At the MitiClayton deservee a lot of credit for Showing power through the air and they edged the Anthem 1-0, en Thurs- one end petition. Beek.: Ambler, Ham, Briod, Gar- Grethen mopped another Drexel gation of the Athlete Deportment, hie defensive. work, In backing up • steady ground game. the Junior 93" day, October 14. The break of the This reporter forecasts it three, the Student Council appointed the rison, H. Kimmick, Gill, Test, 'Young. drier when be leaped into the air in along the midfield stripe. scored an upset 10-7 victory over the game came when a well booted cor- hard-fetish tussle, which will give Touchdowns. Johnston. Point after the end zone to intercept a pass and Oral Haverford Intramural CommitSophomores on Friday, October 16, to ner kick bounced through the Juniors everybody their monere worth. returned it to the 50. The Enid gun The litre-up: tee. Title committee teas selected so T. D.: Test pull up to a three-way tie along with goal for the winning tally, Haverford 7 0 0 0— 7 The Hornet hooters, whose schedule that mere sport end clams wield be gal oil last as the Fords came out the Sophomores and the Junior "A" Haverford Rutgers Drexel The Sepia moved into second place se leaded with able opponents, is in ',preheated. Under the 0 0 0 0— 6 of the huddle. supervision In the Intramurel Touch Football with u 3-2 decision over the Senior for a tough afternoon Chia Saturday Of Bill Doeherty, the Committee has Doane G Lee League. heaters in the other game of the when they journey to Princeton. The complete charge and reapereibility Spaeth for RF Marville week. Tigers, although they haven't enjoy- each season's Intrarmnd !anion Score Quickly Wood LF program. Terry The Juniors got off to a quick etert ed a suoceseful season so far are sl- Unlike Vanity Sporte, in Reynolds RH which skill Puleo Twin Standings oop dangerous and for some strange ie the prime factor, intramunda hue scoring in Owe Pen Plays on their Clayton CH Tun Intramural Football first offensive thrust, From that newts are always at their best when therthelvca eatery on interact. It is Lreine L/1 Saner Them Won lost they meet Haverford. Last year, the therefore apparent that the intrapaint till the half, the game was feaSeamier OR Kearton Junior A tured by spectacular defensive play, Rreinotanmen went down to a 4-1 de- mural program coo severed only if all CI-Oliib III • Simpson Junior B 1 with the Sophs holding feat• a loss which Captain Jones and corn participating assume Per.oeo l an edge but Chantillen CF Lesko Sophomore 1 1 unable to score. After the Junior. his tearnmetes ore very eager to responsibility for their team. It le Jones, E. II. Craig 0 'had taken a commanding 10-0 lead, ttrartna • Jones, A. one of the aims of the IntratnUnil QL ' Emmet Intramural Soccer Haverford Scoring: Cronus 121, E. the Sophomores rallied to make the score 19-7. Hut the Juniors staved Freshmen ' 2 Jones (21. 0 off further scoring and even added • Rutgers Scoring: Locke. 0 Juniors 0 Haverford Substitutions: Shipley, last minute tally on a long pan, to complete the decisive 10.7 vireory. Seniors . 0 Roll, Geoffrey, Kirk, dowers 1 In the opening game of the new Schedule Sore by periods: . Lague on Wedneeday, October 18, Football—Thursday, 10-21-44 Freshthe Junior "A" edged their rival men-Junior A. Haverford 1 1 0 2-4 Inter-SchavAind-College elenernates. team "Eh" 20.14, in i Rutgers Tueaday, 10.26-48 Freshmen-Junior 0 0 0 1-1 tightly contested game. B. ! The Seeks, on the following, day, Soccer—Thursday, 10-21-48 Sophs • passed their way to e thrilling, high- omores-Juniors. Harriers Row to St. Joe; weenie victory over the Junior "A," Tuesday, 10-2648 Junior.-Seniors. 52-25. Grusholts Finishes First League ReergaMeed EetabIlded /STA Big Jim Grosholz tried to show hie The peat week represented the fint HOPPER, HOLIDAY & CO. Haverford Harriers the road to vie- Week of a reorganized Intramural hila. Moen Isalmase to, against St. Joseph's last Friday football league. Due to the lark of uresersocarr 9gnOn17121 afternoon, but the defending Middle ...pow, the League hem been re-Event PROMIESSIVii STATE LB doing all it can to 100 Want Street. ,Ationtic Stare. Champions proved lee &teed to four teams; Junior "A7 and altrant new icduarics for new inclustrice are PEOLADELPILLA. strong and woo convincingly 2042. 93," Sophomore and Frenhmen. Of good bueinese for the Man and for its citizens. ' Leaving the track and heading into these, the Freshmen have Yet to Wag, the woods for the first lime, It was while the other three are all even with If Pennsylvania could attract new industry in Phone: Ardmore 2710 Granola first, followed by two St. records of 1 victory and I loss. for Better Shoe Repairing which nearly one out of every 100 of its citizens Joseph runnels, and then Dan BioadFresh Rooters lead . CARE' SHOE SERVICE would hale a novena] Nth% either as an employee head of Haverford. At the hallos-ay The Freshmen mainthined their 55 E. Lancaster Anne. mark Croak.)x had a slaty yard lead uperiority over • the upperelassman or an investor, what a great accomplishment that Ardmore, Puna. and was followed by ale St. Joe Mdt- n the Intramural Bother would be. League, as nem. Then in the rest half of the And if the new industry were to pay these nee the Havorford Caplan ran away Merchandise Certfficatts , Shire 1695 from the field until he led by 220 people wore than $100,000,000 in a single year. Haverford peed. at the cape. finishing the VA All you have to do is write a little-ed for Rogers what a great thing that would be for Pennsylvania A. Talone tulle course in ID minutes and 2 bee. Peat —one in our well-known cartoon style—one Pharmacy' higillaS and professional men. Dry Gleaning reds. that will appeal to students like yourself. • • DELIVERY SERVICE And if the employees of Ike new inductry After Creation coma Erbeek. Gaidn, Eatato of Henry W. Preen, P. D. On the Bulletin Board are not only full detain Ardmore 6100 about the Contest but also !tome of the winning Salton, Puffy, Lewis, and Adolph, all resided in cities and town. throughout the mate, ads of Other years. They show how onny it is! Prescriptions of St. Joseph. The second Haverford what a boon that would bo for local communities. Start nowt Win a worth-while prize WA gip All Makes of than to cross the finish line was Inch little fame for yourself. Contest closes midnight Drugs and Sundries Rankin, after 2 minutes. Tho others And if the new industry were to provide a service RADIOS .,11,„) Sunday, October 31, 1948. who rounded out the morint five -for which all rename of the state would me, what a Phone Ardmore 4133 RECORDS Hoverford were Gov, Cadwallader P. s. 4.1 aivrelv.Inno, it is she hwrttrar-. vital industry that would be to everybody. Haverford , Penneyhani• Rudy Buttner, and John Carmen. PHONOGRAPHS A'ralean.is Me IVevu rank sad she inn. Are Perth. Magazive, a Penroylvania already bee an industry—not a RADIO PHONOGRAPHS gev,vqf ben a.m./nerve, ludwitra. new one, either—that meet those apenifieatintte TELEVISION Albrecht's Flowers • to the letter. ARDMORE Johnston Scores, Test Adds Point rat a Rutgers Down, 4-1 Stevens Dumped; E. Jones Nets 2 Visitors Lose, 3-0 The Guest Corner Intramural Teams Reorganized; Junior 'A', Frosh Lead Leagues THE ROGERS PEET ADVERTISING CONTEST ,IT'S GOOD BUSINESS $1,000 in prizes —hi Carl, and hi COM/pee At Reasonable Priere PRONE ARDMORE 285$ ---- - -----N MAWR COLLEGE INN' Jl Restaurant OPEN DAILY Brea Vriv_— . Lnuneheon T . Tel. Bey Maws, 0388 This Largest Steak of Records fa U.S.A. H. Royer Smith Co & WALNUT Strata Telephone: WAlal 2-2003 PHILADELPHIA zonal ga .0 Pegs, mt. • HEDGEROW THEATRE MOYLAN, PA. secs . err. se wag vv.—elbow Thorn. on sr me. awn. pets. Oct. ss •rletta= m str. attIS 1.peril. Diatisq,11 • For resereatione and eth.dole write or te adEdla 0-1402 SPECIAL STUDENT RATE It is this company, and it is growing every year. 6'4 e.4"44.12eat,4000earvralar• Pu fr. al 4148treet Trerteenth isfriet- •,gikitOrgmaY • 4. THE HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF-PENNSYLVANIA .FAGR FOUR HAt ER IIORD NR W S Solemn Services Held in Roberts Hall During Jewish High Holiday Period • Rhodes Scholarships By Fred Helsel I enter wearing his Rldnie cap. Many Haverford College opened the door, 'of the women satisfied the millinery of Roberts Hall this year to the Jews tetlairnments with a small heed of the Temple Adath Israel for the around their head. observance of- these tamed day, I Rabbi Berkowitz gave the remiss Their own synagogue at 515 Lances- , in a half-and-half ratio of Hebrew ter Pike is too amen for the full a I- ; and English. ., This included the tendance of 4450 members. 1 prnyens, Psalm., Biblical texts, and It is now the year 5700 by the Jew- reeponstve readings. The High Hetiish calendar. anewith the eompletion day Prayer Book, edited by Rabbi of th, II oh Holiday services the Jove Morris Silverman, rendered the Holy ,., Imi. ta, 4,1,..1 with hope to find now Scriptures simultaneously in both the the o.,,,orbil independence and peace original Hebraic symbols and in Inawhich ,hey have sought elm the day, to-date .English translation, that all or the prophets. might Participate. Tic Jewish New Year began at The sacred fast wan concluded by a noncom Sunday night. Oct. 3, with the prayer that is on the tongues of men observance of the two day Rosh the world over: Noniron.. This war. a period of , t'Peace-and tranquility send to our praying to Jehovah for the forgive. land, nem of past sins. The ten days of Peace for all larnel and all cony, penitence were concluded with acre. kind. Amen." gen and fasting from sundown to sunServices ended with a blast of the down on Oct. 12 and 13, the day of t historic rani, horn. or Shafer, gymYom Kippur. Also known as the Day i bolizing the return to God in minor Atonement. it is the Jew's last op-i mon brotherhood, in sincerity, end in portunity tonroy for redemption of I truth. hie soul before Jehovah determines the course of the coming yea, Walter L. Botany. acongregation member, J. Y. Soccer . . . deseribed it as the day that ",Cod Continued from page 3 opens the Great Book." It is the most named and solemn day of the 1-0 lend to a final 2-0 more during the fine] moments of the third quarJewish year. . At the otter stood Rabbi Marvin ter. Starting lit midfield with the Berkowitz, of the Temple Adath ball. Hover and Sharpies, took it unIsreal. He was assisted by a choir til they were almost in the Swarthof four men and eta women. All were ore penalty area. Seeing that clothed in robes and nkull raps of Snipes was free. Sharpless booted a white. At the center rear of the beautiful mom In front of the Gar. stage stood the Hebrew Ark, con- et goal and Snipes drove a hard kick Into the nets on a short run In from taining the sacred Tomb or Old Teewing position. After the final tally . lament, and mastered with a cloth bearthe Fords kept the ball in Swarthing the Star of David. Above it restmore territory and needy scored on ed the two tablets of the Ten Commandments as given to Moses in evend herd shots that just missed the Exodus. On the right side of the ay dirt. Tom Wilson, high meter stage was the Blue and White Jew. or the Jayvee!, pushed a shot into he nets late in the fourth quarter ish national bower, at present the from ten yards out - but wee called recognised flog of the Palestine state Raider. of Israel. Palm leaves and candleThe ,Swarthmore eleven lacked the like electric liable completed the dec. oration,. In accordance with Jewish custom A. VASSALLO the congregation -wore hats, many of Barber Shop them the black Metal-cap variety, and SERVING HAVERFORD praying shawls of white with blue MEN FOR 39 YEARS stripes and embroidered inscriptions. 118 W. Lancaster Are. This reporter found it necessary to Y. N. C. A. Balding Students or alumni who ate interested in competing for Rhodes &cha]aashins should see Prof. I. A. Post Immediately. Application must be sent to State Committees for Selmtion well before October 30, 1948. Final mlections will be made on December, 11. The qualifications for eligibility ere posted in Founders Hall. Bob Smith Clangs Cymbals On Visit to Ford Campus Robert W. Smith. '60, co.erganizm and eymbalist In the College Bendiest year, returned to Walton Field two Saturday., ago and performed in his former capacity during half time Smith trenaferred to Drew Univee. sity after his marriage last *June to Was Mares Nyliagon of Maplewood, N. J.. but he left a part of his heart and his cymbals here. Saturday he returned to lay temporary claim on the latter. Hi, present address is Betiding - Apt. 18. Jacob, Ford Village, Morristown, N. J. passing attack that the Scarlet and Black suecessfully employed, and took few shots at the Haverford goal. Linear Haverford Swarthmore Walnut D'Annuntio G Western Nicholson LF Tacker Perkins RF LH Newbold Saul Healy . CH Cushing Kirk Hanks RH Snipes Botick 01, Wilson IL Elrtheral Baur Sh p CF Brownlee /1/ , Parson Sheeniest Singer Ot Haverford substitutions: Kate, Hartland, Harrel, Broadbelt. Wadarebill. October 20. 1919 Dr. Comfort Addresses Maryland Alumni . . . , Rooters Extend Streak . . . Dr. William W. Comfort, '91, was 16, 203 East Hightleld Road, 18, Belthe honored /neat at the annual mont 7483 (71); Arthur 11. Dulaney, autumn dinner of the Haverford Jr., '3,6, 1645 East Cold Spring Lane, Society of Maryland. The dinner was held at the Greenway in Baltimore 12, Tuxedo 0175 (HI; Hans Freeand was attended by approximately licher, Jr., .12, 1402 Bolton Street, 17, Lafeyette 2213 (H); Edward K. Harthirty alumni. Following the dinner, Dr. Comfort tland. '231 Eugene IL Heilman, 11, spoke en Raverfordas he meta it 608 Stamford Road. 39. Gilmore 0028 from the "aidelinea" today, contrast- 1111; John S. Harmer. '32, 210 Leoning it to the Haverford of the 30's and wood Road, 10, Hopkins 5023 (14); earlier In his usual vein of humor he Mennis Laws., '17, 5203 Roland expressed pleasure at being able to Avenue, 10, Tuxedo 5925 (H); Daniel tit back and watch the college mov- C. Lewis, Jr., '26; Isaac C. Lyeett. '20, ing forward without his having any 317 North Charier Steene, 1, Plums direct responsibility for its adminis- 7770 (0); Isaac C. Lyeett. Jr.. '49; tration. It was another of the delight- Gilbert H. Moore. '17, 1425 North Calful, informal talks which Haverford- Vert Street, 2, larington 6140 (0); lane have come to expect from him. Vincent P. Morgan, '35, Baltimore & At the conclusion of Dr. Comfort's Ohio Railroad, Charles & Baltimore talk, MantelSmretm7 Bennett E. Streets, 1, Lexington 0100 (0); John Cooper, who was also a gaest, spoke W. Pierson. Jr., '45, 7667 Fast Cold briefly on the state of the college to- Spring Lane, 12, Hopkins 4939 (11); day and answered quettlons regard- William W. Saunders, .27,203 Model. ing the outlook for this year', foot- Road, 12, Tuxedo 3662 (H); John T. ball se.on. He concluded hie remarks Sharkey, '40, Dun & Brndstreet, Inc.. with an invitation to the group to be 27 Rivkin, Place, I, Santee. 3800 pre sent at Haverford on Alumni (Dl; Frederick P. Stith Jr. '13 18 Horneonting Day on October 23rd. Midvale Road, 10, Tuxedo 1147 (H). Cooper's talk was followed by a chow. Christopher Van Holden, '45. Cedar. Mg of a color film of scenes taken on croft Road & Bello. Avenue, 12, Tuxedo 3629 (H); E. Hambleton Wel. Alumni Day hat Jrme IL bourn. '31, 121 Arbutus Ave-, Catons1.ttsmie those Cement were: Dr. Conrad B. Acton, '25, 1208 St- Paul ville, 28, Catonsville 125 4101 Al. S. Street, 2, Vernon 2060 OD; Dr. Joseph Young, '11, 345 Rosetta. Avenue, 12, M. Beatty, '13. 908 Thornhill Road, 12, Hoplane 1638 (II). Tuxedo 3181 (H); James H. Bready, '88, 6116 Whiteford Avenue, 12, Ch peek, 6994 (H); Benjamin E. Carroll, 19, Holly Tree Farms, Yeho Road, SPORTSWEAR-EQUIPMENT Sparks, Maryland;Dr. Leigh E. Chadwick, '25, 6 West 26th Street. 18. HogLEATHER GOODS - GIFTS king 4075 (ID; Franklin 0. Curtis, The Sports Center PEG & WILLS 396 W. Ler:canter Are Haverford, Pa. t ' SCHOOL SUPPLIES RINDERSTYPING SUPPLIES Great Reduction in Pipes at ART SUPPLIES FRANK'S In Ardmore Michael J. Boucher OFFICE SUPPLY 926 Laneaster Bryn Mawr WO Bran Mawr, Pa. Middleton PINS At 23-35% reduction this week 1AZ!!`"L.:7.1.;■7.1"... John Troncelliti Barber Shop THE COTTAGE DINING ROOM .• Under New Management LOCATED IN FOUNDERS HALL FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Appointments Made SPECIALIZING IN SEA FOOD - FULL COURSE DINNERS e Lunclimn 12:08 to 2.10 -s not - Dinner 5 to 8 P. M. Sundays Dinner All Day 12:30 to 8:00 P. M. Cloned All Day Wednesdays Telephone Bryn Mawr 0563 Reservation. made for pant. • Ardrnor• 3440 lower!" Chard. Rued al E. Lawman Ars 7'. DAVID SHIHADER, JR., '113 WILLIAM HAMBURG HEARTH 814 LANCASTER AVE IIMadam ShUndell Cricket Ara. and School Lana NORM BRAMALL SPORTING GOODS S FISCHER'S RESTAURANT 312 West Lancaster Avenue Ardmore 9647 Jomph deV. Keefe STEAKS AND CHICKEN 30 W. Lancaster Are. Ardmore Ardmore 9513 Continued from page 3 high bouncIng rebound shot. Carl paeth raced screw the empty goal ter. Andy Lucille drew cheers as he oath, timed himself perfectly and constantly broke up playa and tilled with cool percielon flicked the ball out paurses far up the field to the waiting of danger with his head. forward line. Pos. Stevens However. the thrill of th. pertod was Haverford Doane Lie. G. captain Evan Jones. goal. Alt/Kush Spaeth surrounded by Stevens defenders ond Rf. Downey, M. Wood Sedetf with his back to the noel, Even pivLf. Reynolds McClure oted and threaded the ball thirty feet Rh. Clayton Into the nets. ' Ch. KePlin Lacier Shortly after half time, the Hornets D. Downey, W. scored again. This time it wet Al Bessemer Or. Dutton Crolius who slipped out into the open Crollus Ir. Christopher and Wet the goalie to make the score Cf. Jones, E. Quinn n. ' Turnanni. Shipley At this point In the game the Fords Jones, A. Lien. were In constant control of the Play. Bath the forwards and the halthathi were persistently harrasaing the Grey's goal. Yet it was a defensive "FOR JEEPS ON THE Play that next brought the Haverford MAIN LINE" cheering section to its feet. WILLYS ARDMORE. Stevens allot for th7i goal; the If.114114 W. Lancaster Are. ord tender made the save, bat Wait 2800 - Ardmore - 2801 balance and oat of position for the BRIBBBEN. BRYN MAWR 5545 23 South 17th St. "Behind the Academie Curtain" - a guide to getting the mom oat of college By Aethibald Macintosh • Philadelphia Viee-Preament of Haverford College - boa just been publiehed. Dinner Luncheon BRYN MAWR CONFECTIONERY BRYN MAWR Delia°. Sandwiches • Soda Semite Order your autographed copy today at regular price of 12.00 We'll pay the Pentane. Clinton L. Mellor, Inc. 17 Station Road AMMO?! 2113 Harmford, Pa. ADAMS RECORDS REPAIRS PHONOGRAPHS PENNYPACKER 5.7977 I smoked CHESTERFIELDS between scenes while making my new picture, JOHNNY BELINDA, they're MILDER... It's MY cigarette." KINGSLEY 5-9036 30 W. Lancaster Am. Ard. 1200 "Maurice" THE MAESTRO Good Food and Great Music in an Old World Atmosphere CAMP'S PHARMACY Haverford, Pa. 211 South Quin. Street NWT BACK OF THE FORREST THEATRE TeL Bryn Mawr 0676 CORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS GEORGE SCHOOL V..01.1114, ten., IP1,7. 514 aaaa.aaa JOHNNY BELINDA IINE “011. mere. • fief di JEANNETT'S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop MRS. N. B. T. GRAMMER WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE 823 !anteater A.. ABC GIRL of Penn State says Bryn Baser, P.. , PrInelpel 3, 11,07(11 Rehoell, zrxx'Er, an. AUTOCAR of Ardmore - caWeJera. smoke Chesterfields because they are -411. "I cigarette for me. They're MILDER my taste agree." the right and their taste and COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS 1.41131 Went $1111111 MORE Cigar ette -WI ten any other "SERMONS IN STONES AND GOOD IN EVERYTHING," ELD mug Sbekmpeare Tradition has elven meaning to certain gem, symbolising the months of the calendar. So birthdays are remembered by stones !wetting the twelve divisions of the Each birthday is thb e ginning of a new adventure. the awn of anew new lap an lite. You will e ooderfully interested In the fine things we hone to show-yea. May we expect you sometime soon/ 169 So. 13th St., Philadelpbia 7 Regime:rad Jeweler, Apteriman Gem Ekwtety YOURS MILDER