Xeus Ford Five Takes Annual Xmas Party Second Straight
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Xeus Ford Five Takes Annual Xmas Party Second Straight
Follows Dinner Page One Second Straight Page Two 51 .0(1 A YE-hR ARDMORE. PA ., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1940 'OLUME 40—NUMBER 10 an It Happened One Saturday . Arnegte Grant X $105,000 Aids linissian Studies qi Ford Five Takes Xeus Annual Xmas Party Ford Glee Club Sings at BMC, Westtown School • by Jim Dem Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore Recipients College Calendar Bow Incident" in Roberta Hall. Webseeday, December IS 8:30 P. IL Basketball game with Philadel. phis Textile Institute at home. Saterday, January 8 Bneketboli eome with UntilllIn. December it wn Collection: The Trapp Family Wrmtling 44th Getteehne at Ringer. 17 Fridur, December Feing Fencingwith Temple. away. Haverford Chi-names Party Wrestling with Delaware at SC.11:nrd nd feeble:ion., taking se7eTh"." P7:.°Itnre eearninatione. 'eLd , 1 The Files Club presents "The In- , wee 9 le visible Man" in Roberts Hall s.t.„.r. eetteete 221 810 P. M. Senior comerehensive examine' Searday. Decembei 10 Vona Thereette. eeetteee tte College adjourns far Chri,tnts Xmas Celebration Slated For Friday In Dining Hall Variety of Entertainment by Oakley Includes Skit Members of De. William Reese'. Holiday spirit will bubble from 'Ford Glee Club were able to breathe with evening Sunday easier ' Pone eMhe Haverford College little a eel, eniong The- ceperative Divine Hall this Friday night when two weekend meets bed. them. Teen Mayne Haverford. and SwarthFaculty and Families. students and and to do this easier breathing with . . Colleges received i0. greateet 'elate." mod and employee of the the sense of a job rather well dose. *cognition and stireulatIon wirls the It ell started with a concert for Colleen will join together in a Cent. Innouneement Dot the Carnegie Cam Weetuen School at Weatchmiterenalnum etebration slated to get undermration of Nee—Seek has made a way nts. . M.Rd:y7jae ereay night, and finished with the an,77 "a'''. way' at 9:00. The F.ulty Women's Meet of $106,000 fee the joint estabmes S i c od. a el a with .".ril ebruarys ends: F 'given ' t ' '. ebr ...d F . : : M 1 conceit ,7 7 7. ' Recess or I Iiiii committee in charge of the event. Christmas Christmas nual' Reel. of prograie lishment of a y 7. minatione ... 1 ,7,. ina. F.d the Bryn Mawr Chorus in Goatee " ' mummed of Mrs. Cie.. Hoime.' resume &On A. M. dudlea In a joint statement with the chairman, and Mesdames Henry, Hall. Friday. hewer, 7 made of Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore, ,00„ and Wytte, here tweetteett a ere. Seond semester elesses begin. The Met group of mage incl.ed The Film Club presents "The Ox President Gilbert White made kamen alare which rounds mam 'Heed with "a dare of variety time-honored the . .he gift StindaY. generoun portion nf Yuletide rt and quite effective: most instinctile and =agree Made Possible • "Dons Nobis Pacem" and "Signet the to fire the The Carnegie grant, Sete Mind Dem Herne" Perhaps the fret part R three schools as a unit, makes penof this first group was t. mink of tibia a five-year program for etude This writer is not an alarm. mite then, "dancing about, unmindful that the Christmas mann, "lift Up Your bears good all when end season history, the is this language, Met Russian of the deer with knew as It R. were h' h there will be mmmunit Heade, ye Mighty Cabs."-"A =rein ' Lie,. Oakley, Political and economic institutions. BY for the mere sake of attractiag anew hibernate. Moot Pure," and "Bereeme, L'Enfant Louie =eche, well-keown authors Right now, Henn does net watt war , eine le, he Di.. Beet,. sharing the metes of experta in man from Texas," D. then ebed• ThIs ma. be 'deed beim. we The clam sadly shook their heads at lecturer, end student . international and could not profit by war. Ts, i "that et, te with those fields and by joint development manta here certain erne wbleb them statements and fled from the to...diem to wee„, Heigh and Davi.. was guest speedier at Collee. United Staten certainly does not want' t on of their libraries; the three colleges transpired on the lievertme emelme room at Om end of the hour, still not he said. eew o f 1,1„ M e ic,,,. ,,,,,,,,, Some William hough did a solid job and Sion Tuesday, December T. Mr. Fl.. war. Our immediate metre. nth now make sellable to their stud- .er the Mat eeekend. The followeg having seen n be or even a bear janitors-and the by renditions chore be P."'"' the 'for .horrid and diplomacy vemnsively solo rher has travelled was roundly applauded for his the kite,n et., are eeee on the et,. ent. mune on Resale which none "ley can be Tailed by any member cub work on Wegner* "Cidu, Mein Holder written a ember of books on 'Ruse. lion of 'war rather than preparation could afford aeparately. of the Psychology 41.22 clam who et. On Sunday, Derember'10, Dr. Sanforam, arse for Song by It is expected that the program will Mode the lecture of December II, ford wets teen to enter the lecture earesuktern" and Pilgrim's Davieon and Spanish polities. SS tense that mid John feat Fischer Talented dlr. Twitaikowey. go into operation next fall. Full de- Igili renid, ''"i'ght;. ""'P . e'F i ScenieceutWI e e:7r :Cri'th"""" mnle,tndkiblica room in Sharpies. and amuse the followed this with his worlienandilie U. S.-Soviet relation: are, he doubts . To prevnrMiiche Gel. tad upon to lend a bit of the holiday tails ere not available but it mere student. of sitting in the wrong mane Dr. Fillmore Sanford stated in "Andante the imatineee of any inkier Val. is but necessary for us to get the rertain that several paofeseore all be Pseehology clam Miring the - week of when aerially they set in the correct Performance of his two th G.^ in "Prelude and Camnda" added to the combined fatuities and December 6 that he saw a bear pran- mats. The eddents ea:mined that this nishiTpoaed 1-1•17-Welan7chin. do riden oundeers.7 F' ''''''Plre' me mast wkin nthetira Wiekk will apportion their time among the cing up and down the aisles of the lec- wee another visionary illusion, where- Of mine, the high mot from tilt rives them of tha '..1°e d.""cr.cY. cookies, and truiteake will al. be en „oter.,,,,eme. „,tniettothtebeee three .rembe The department will ture room. said room being SbeePle. upon there followed student questions point of view of audience delight was her. ,.. he stdielit.... . thri arewo deelett aw her... isew r..F. M.. . Petit) for (synonym Honnetenee coursed the but not offer a major program "May hold 109: He is reported to have indicated sore as, ''What is the psychotic Plyin Rmssian literature, cielietion, and that this •110 a 'visionary elusion' cholosteal phenemenoe imitating the inure-encored group of selectientie The few elements of etepee.eand tooebea to get to Germans on our side- political philesopity tell he glee =tick em ono elm In alt, roam acesd libido when It aetsrely Pinworm to full emeetlinen final renffitlea of Yee Vsesr mace In explaining Rmahee preent for- Of the exotic." Hs Whets "Ready in "Shenandoah," [WM. cite in athletes sdemeed Mos. Haverford idermarith warded to 41 be explained that- the Sosr able to perceive; and be mewed the measure the mean deviation of visual Comes," "Poor Wayfaring Meager" awarded the prevent language mom. Uipnner of re.'ans d 7.11ririCsitm viet Union is the etroagest, etrietet The ann' aseembled students that the bear was purply"' De Sanford was found un- (on which Moor George Hofer soloed Preddeale NM.. Among the many awed winners such simply-reareed world." A dictator- cent yeah has been given up M favor able to an and there were four who placed in either dietatorship in the intensity) quality high his with The heed. of all thee institution. imelesily stirred class The geeettons. /Mile he said, needs enemies. If there of thin year'e "get-together" celebroaudiThe Nuttine" 0' Plenty Cot "I ferreted. asp a ea grant' hailed the All-Opponent or Allstate temne. in their seats. ere enemies. the people can be raid lion became of the difficulties imposed mimboth it understanding Runk .d in Next, a man in a white coat, army: ence maponse and their Dares the The following men received mention that tIney• roma they the dictator in by the Increase in the college Peniletie made the development Of- the intra-coIlege of their awards in the Collection 00 order to ward off the enemies, and the lion: Preside. Wbite'and Mee Holmes ing.• Rattily new model of the "men- ing of a .redeeierldick one.' a„plas.t evening cooperation that exist. among thews. November 23: tal sports jaeket" entered. He mid, regime can appeal entrees as-a res- sirend, however. that the tradition President White pointed out the im- At a Meting of the NEWS board have come for someone name The Beyn Mawr Chrielibee, concert. • Feotbelle William Ambler. Chrielo. tart for need of the population's eup- of the former dinners he uniting of portance of the opening of this Told test Tuesday. twenty-eight men were Sanford. We *.t'M At him in this despite the ...heal hi...kw. of pher Amumen, Andre Briod, Reginald port of the government.•Rassis now the college and an a devotional and of study to more students and said, elected to the Staff or monaoted to seeking jacket. Ha. Ha." This gen- Goodhart. saw the eve club easily Collier, Thomas Fleeting, Harry Gar. h•A no enemies and if the government eommenity fellowship esthering will "White universities with large 'e- higher positions. In the letter cate- tleman stood there as another entered singing its beet of the year. The Bryn Mean, Stanley Greenwald, Harry did. notlind a now enemy, the tension Mill be carried on. aten. do Mier mneentrated litasean gory are Peter Haff, new Advertising the room carrying a shotgun. "I heard Mawr Chorus, conducted by Robert Home. Robert Johnaton (CaPt.r. in the country word be relieved anti Preceding the events in the DinPrOcratas In thee graduate erne... Editor, Anthony Morley, News Editor, there we a bear in them pets." be Is =iodate, led off to program with Smolt Kiemere. Homer Kimmich, Mal- the people would not accept dictator- ing Hall wilt be a Candlelight service this neglect. the vast majority of and Janie. Thorpe, Alumni Editor. is reported as haying. "The ain't none four delkam folk carols arranged by lory Leah, DeWitt MonUomere. ship. The Moscow government is under the auspices of the Chriatiin with sans girls The Niles. ea Continued pose I Thom. Merle, Boland Neuhaue, Ed- maintaining world tension with inn Forum, a branch of the Inter-Faith Also di.useed at the meeting were here he said, after a quick look John Jamb precialen and excellent tone finality, ward Tel (Cept-elect), Harold Whit. vetore and retools to come to agree. Organisation, which will he held in Plias and ladled. the the NEWS about, and departed. - Then the elan asked the Doctor if which they sustained throughout the comb, Welter keen, Jamb Lenge... Rent with the Wester parer.. the Union Lounre from 7:15 to 7:45. Staff during the coming sealer. the concluded -which numbers joint (Mee 1. Ran.. Planned he ear. any other animals pending Rage. Needs Cramand , Soccer: John Doane, Free Wol- 11 the dictatorship does not hove The 'projetted meivitles foi the cheat the room except the bear, which program; three Bach Chorelea by Hein- not, Evan Jones (Cape), Arnie Joe., tenaions With which to justify the remiming tern am directed at the ul- he told was .0111 there, He said no. 'Hodie Chesnut; Nem Eet," rich Schulz. Kari Spaeth, Paul Shipley, Al oaroliar, gime, .it must have. victories with Continued... 4 •• timate end of for.. a Seamans. Have Drawer, Charles Geoffrey, Con- which to glorify the reghne, Mr. Pim "Off to an excellent inert" is the ChM et Haverford. The present-Mails e. Reynolds, Allan Clayton, Horatio cherrentinned. Since ffiumie is not judgment of Dr. Harry kited on the for the. NEWS Staff include 'trip. to Wood. Bill Heade Bob Kirk, Nice likely to achieve nevr victotle sbon. • In an especially invigorating peBret few weeks' functioning of Hav the printing offices of the. Philedel. Beam the and Chantilles.01-Clement Smith. Andrew the • government relies on terniain. @done'. newly-i•stituted noneeadern phis Bening lantletia eing at Bryn Mawr last Friday, tha Lueine iusis-sisso• ie program. The program was official- day Beni. Peed, and, at niggler In. Been needs have no fear of the re- Haverford chapter of United World Cress-Cmntryi Daniel .Brodhead, selts-of international tension became: Federaliets joined in debate with Prn• ly set in operation on the afternoon of ernes, &met for the entire Staff pouve-eitemetadwallaCarman, under College Jahn the for of completely friend. or registration tennioe the the alumni with she has November= el= Fallere of Industrialism feeor Peter Berereen of our ester "The Gefmany I Rev" was• the Coatinned ma page 4 neet hie tee' be net_ der. James Groshola (Capt.), Bieherd the mewslee in the gm...n.1. On Prominent in the publishing held as topic of •19, Emil Fuchs. former pro- De, Fiche e, college on solutions to the present Rankin (Cept.-eleell. Bute Studien). that day forty-six men enrolled, and geese.' The eulminittion of the term's weld tries. fester ai the University of Kiel. Ina Inning some of the Isetors to whose four subsequent eneollments bring the activities well be • banquet, some time talk delivered In the Founders C'eMa intoenre he attributed the else of die- Three Haverford College players After Edwin letkoseof Penn. prein February, marking the fortieth an- mon Room, , Deerdber 9. Seventy. tatorthip and violent netionallern in were plated on the-All-Opponent setotal number up to fifty. the Fed...millets' plan for the sented er mam as was announced by Lettish -demie program, under niversary of the NEWS. The nonaca strengthening of U. N. into. a world four-ye...old Dr. Fuchs, who has bee the Germany of the past First ne hit University. Thenwre, Horatio Wood, the chairmanship of Dr..Pfund. offers In the electio. Jelin Calvert was ireptersom and eVeremetie Prates.. %there cour. at Pendle Hill for some thee. is • list was the inhumanity forcenter Jones, Pan in the forward; all and, left ranging Manager, courses of ClecalatIon number chosen • tered by stating that any wire limleader in,the Chrietlan Socialite move. ality of Nineteenth Century induetti- ward; Arnie—Fen. outside left. Theway from theatre arts to weelmend the photography department, Robert trent in Paste. Germany. Seven years to the day, after' the e-rant could only be. in effect,. anti. house, which. he said, by depriving the Fleming receiveddionoreble Men- Japan.. attacked Pearl Harbor. =sedan military alliance of the West. work camps. All Meeker a student Brown and Winter Helen were elect=Meded worker of a wnse of hie ma. Pres. Associated 1948 the from tion may subetitete Mee urinate. of in- ed emeditors with Bleared Greenwood eon awed by of. White announced own eignfficane' in society, fostered football conference. Preedent Gilbert Sugimoto Prize to Profeasre Haebrae erection under the program in 16.e and Daniel Hardy as Annelle. plan. T ill would feaan attitude of apithy and perionel ir- Altnenneykvania feda hi. the award of the • Two Wathinelonleas of physical education Miring hie Sop& sell far the Andrew Leine and Dick Rankin Theodore Lewis for his runny on post- ture making a truce in the cold war iwtile reponeibility—s were elected caplet., of the metier war japanele-American rennin... - with Russia, and while I erring arme 1 emcee and Junior yearn The coarse Anthony Morley, who was reed to Scholarship growth of dittetorship. and cross country beame,.respectively. a permanent stature a. News Editor, are not open to Freshmen. of Se- The second factor cited by Dr. Lueine, of Penn Valley, Pa., Is a grad- The 8100 award me offered by for any eventuality. am rt. the hiatorIs • !sophomore, who came te Harem The Penneyleala Committee Made API...e.t.a First Germiliterleation the on. Cbristopher Morley, .10, in honor of beat trend to soeielime le the Weal. FlIn1111 .i.ppitc.a. &hot., of. uate of Friends'Select School and lent Of the fifty enrollees, the amenity fed irons St Alban. flebool, Wash- leellon a Nee, goo. , el, as pee of many under the rule of Um Hohen- rear made the quarterAnil round of the distinguished Japanese autbor. Eventually Communist' dime mule of whom are Sophomores. the largest Indere D.C. His jearnalistic experD eetweve the ewe meet, Sealer candidates millern family. who were ambitions to the Olympic' tryoats Hankie hails Mrs. Etsu Sugimoto. Candidates fe find l ittle to ,fear from the socielizei Moue. fifteen in all, are taking_a- nce In the antesHaverford period mu interview nn sec 'Gaffe. militarily powerful to from Chester, Pa., in a graduate of he prize entered creative work -deal. remainder-of the world. Pere could couree' In musk appreciation, 'The as editor-in-chlet of the :drool year- from the State after an ng with Jenance-American relations, then be secured in an international Thuredey. He went before the Dis- en extent dl out of proportionto he Confined on page 4 ease under -Dr. William Beam; meets hook past, present or to come" to he jude- atmosphere thus cleared of distrust. Salute, tai m and remurcea This atmosphere twice a week in the Unite. The next 'James Thorpe. the new Alumni ire Committee of Seldetlon the Fem.. Qeestion Bachrach ed the Comettee on Fellowships four —propagated enough the whete largest group, with thirteen students, Editor, also came to.Haverfoid from as one of twelve trying for Ilembere of the U. W. P. chapters and universities—alio gam rim to and Prime. After withholding the Teacher Exams • la the phatography en it, under Norman Weehington, D. C., ,hoot—in his district echolamhips. State -COmmittee dictatorship and a "fatherland" roe award one year for leis of any entry from Bryn Mawr, Betel, Penn. Penneyleanie Wilton and Dr. Helsel. This coarse ease, Western High Sch.'. Thorpe is The Herndon'. Dr. and Haverford 0001 defend. Education worth. on Princeton. of sufficient The Armee. Council p1.0. • his been divided- into an elementary • member of Founders Club, Tan also interviewed Warder Cadbury: has announced the tenth armee ad- groupunanimously found Lewitea ed their nun program. stating that Riae of Sticiallem and an advanced sec tion, and there ill Rapes Alphs. the Glee Club, Orches- 48. last Thursday, Cadbury and of de/teeing • Teacher most be imited to take part thik be National weld to its of mum' the ministration under Fuchs, Dr. said However. Haverford two only the • probability that the elementary see. tra, and Bend, and Is Business Man- Hood were and essays. men entered in this state. Grbealey lenience of Mare. socialism, 1 Examinations et -Haverford College field of two poems and Iwo• member In setting op a world government tion mill have to be farther mitt up. ager of Cap and Belle. then benefit from its advantages. Elobben a graduate atudent here last workers' movement began in Gem on Saturday. February 19 and Saler. Dr. Richard M. Sete, Twomey Admitted -to Staff Ten men—, capacity nember—are of the committee, found Lewisa emay Then Amaral Haverfordiens miti• 28, 1949. February aye• day. correct to strove 'which many for Haverford by endorsed wee News Inc. elected were men out for instruction in ;peek speaking. Thirteen felt to-be deatmethe The Teacher Examination. are "de- "sympathetie and underetanding". ;It deed Professor Beefiroch's plan for •which is given ores a week by Dr. Aserela Mai Robert Chase, Pete Com- North Carolina, and Steve Miller and tem which was At Arse Dr. egned to provide for the objective opened' with an enduing narrative an armed true, which they claimed Snyder. Six .'Haverford Students, to- mie, Robert Foley, Edgerton Grant, Ted •Leves were in the New York of human pereonelity. . ruche anted, the chnrelies, being cote measurement of certain abilities end contrasting /opener and Meeker; no one would trust, and which hadelgether with twenty-four from Bryn Robert Hammond, Frederic Hensel. competition. the policies knowledge that constitute an import- life, which was followed by a limo ways led to war. After one Haverto ittached end aerrative annually Trmtees Rhodes Paul The Johnsen, Miller, Herold Clark ' Ham, meet at the Skinner ruler, opposed this movement; ant part of the qualificatione of pros. ion of relief needs and the role of ford student leapt 'to his fret to tell Workshop at Bryn Mawr for • course Milner. Riehord Norris. Tayler• Put- armed four two.year scholarships to of the Oxford to each district of eight stelae. but during the Hitler regime, and es- pective teachere'"The beta touch on the Americus Friends Service Com- Professor Bachrach that hie argument in theatre arm under Frederick Then. ney, Peter Tape, and John Wirt. during the 'last war; the ability to nee the English language mittee in Japan. Dr, Sutton did not didn't have a leg to stand -on. the The ex remaining participants in the Seven men were admitted to- the Cecil .Reodes founded Use wholarstem peially leader., persecuted by the and to reason. on .nerel.culture in- fel that the paper tried to settle all Bryn Mawr faculty member grinned nen-academic program are divided Staff, ea Sports Associates: Edge in eepulating as the bards ate aelem church found and made a common formation, on the goals and methods possible problems. but that it wail a and mid, "It's fun to discuss ruck amen, weak-end work camps and Believe - B. M. Getman. Kenneth lion literary and seholestic ability, Next, reuse with the working people, to that of education. and on mastery of the simple eeasy Showing fir...ad matters with a de. whs. I wish I ' remedy tenter zetielties, Meer- Deleon, -Nicholas Norton, Thom. qualitie of manhood, moral form of . knowledge of the problems of the Ja- could peruke my Mode.. to answer Social Democratic port` In subject matter to be taught_ Mad by Dr. Mete!, and neetelwark. Roth, Peal Sterner, and David Wee- character and instincts to lead, and today. the ma like that." ime. Peoplemd nekton.. Continued on page 4 vigor. physical Mg. ed. Norm. Wilson. `Case of Missing Ape' Poses Problem For Psych Students Need Victories, Crises ..,,,Reds eds ?Feed -;„°".r.1iito':. ,„ To Maintain- Power--Fischer n."'„'-,•°`„Tct,'".:::: Fall Varsity Awards Feature' Collection News Plans for Year; ers Member El ectsStaff-Memb Non-Academic Units Enroll 50 Students Bachrach,UWF Offer Peace Plan in Debate FuChs Traces Reich Politics; Indicates Role of Christianity .• EssaybWWis, '49 Wins Sugimoto Prize Mod, '48vin Rhodes Finals. HAYffFOhb PAGE TWO llaverrord News 1.aids• hiller—Sednals M. ;Wow, F.le-liskioloas Stern. BO ■1 I'. Neu, Edittc—WAter Seliconlin, 9 illisw R A, tin, Nos Edifor—Anthonv Muds,. Al neon kdasn—honnuth Dolloalre. :Ionian, Sports Editor—David t , Astrahres—Rasol'Ilsitnell. Horst Stmlord I tiii.ve. niter. pow, Thorpe. lianas. James Miller. I IltWard { ,N211/. •tts Aonoiefrs— turd Potypo.l.o. lostpit Scoot. Ph,dograpin,— Bols lesion, 1)1,1. Guam:nod. LW Hardy. 111 ,./..i.org .1141itgst-,Peisi It . lint Cirtuldfrou Merirger—holm Moon. 1,1 ,t,t, It ...aft ..1 11,es-h.., Loll, it, • esle,as, oar. [`mood 0, lie Asintor. hone Mme, Arbor., Pa. !miffed ai seevol.class matt, et Me ArJrnorr, of Congress, Anguti 24,1912. EltrIlsrung!trat the on,peny, n Ripe.. ()its,. seder Arl The (negiatelations et tr college connutink eXtendiel t.. lir. John A le •tm. the 11:1,11 ihnicht .r. Ali,,., II e1,1 ler. Sunday, December Rest whhee also to Mr- and !di,. Ilopot IL Whit.- who wm, married 27. lt,s White iv the forno r Miss Polly Wei,.. David R. Ito. ...,11s1 serval es h.., emu, nod Jelin While., Leon Robbins, end Williane Ambler were ushers. In Summing .. Wednesday, December 15. 1 94B NEWS titelud. Oar need ie. twat and the *Ply saittiOn, the one posed by world la% so workable, that the moot point, its titaness far elisteher, looks ltd. iteffintly good to moll a world-wide llovel.nt of ilkatelly anfilohe of SO. Porters from abated nothing in the there of five mare. More iroperuntlY, this includes malty naknowledged tonalities in the flea Public opinion is the necessary fora le any such step_ Teo fuetom de'granite the strenirth of public opinion; An Idea dynaatir enough to license ettlInnissin and the wide and thorough diesentirmtion of that idea. World cswerninent is such an Mery Its rithaadmillon resprims mosey him nMeimlt efildieity. Eason lime. the .idea could its withmit memories publicity. Mr linben't tho limn. We've none at MI to spare end if an get several. ;oats' p..zee well all lk lucky. We must have tim moll MOP, 1Nowith ealthert essible. Charity. in doe justice, has one thing to rathatharad it: Tbot is Us function as a mutate builder. Being private, "non-imperialist" charity duct tend to build, with its htdieiddal liumanitY, warm &elks toward Its donors. Where the material conditions ere really desperate, the morale teeter it fairly omit le competition with governmental aid, dolema of comae those is 1,3 othervhcla. In the main. it is prthably quite effective for Ica imt those aims ore so few and far between that Its total strength is '.,yen to scritate question. Ito nsofulnee, In terms of world gevernment, is nes significant. The fundamental problem I. Russia and the Unita! Stotes. The revoked cannel. would get smurity and economic help One beyond any pe,vilde menace, they'd seed no bribing to join. It could he sairl'that helping to keep than out of the Russian orbit would be useful, bat, while the strength of charity's influence is in the Brat place questionable. &Main domination of Euroee would make we government (he easier. since the chief Fondle is the domination of Russia inseen • government 1 her tonv,tetion of being out-voted and subtly coerced. The choice is clear: A relatively ineffective palliative or a difficult but reaeonebly -possible practical lure for the greatest and most Prembig danger at at OT any elite time. enc....thug. _in ite solution. the lives and welfare of us alk u wiles the material betterment of the unfertunate. If its chances were much less then in tom they are it would still he worth MI the time dad support. in every sty poeg:sle, we can gine. You can't spend the•sam, dollar two ways. If you spend it for other than the molt effective way you are defaulting your reeponsfetlity to yourself and to all mankind. It is human life and misery we are timeline in, let's not sell it short. . Victor Hugo ALUMNI NEWS Villa kennel Dinner for Fall Sport. Toaro. 311911.60rOli I, TIM ALUMNI VARSITY cLus hound s the footboll, somer and ersesiefinetry teal. and last year's elmomionehip tennis lean Date — January Ilith or 20th ( depending on meeker/ Nate — Merton Cricket Club. liaverford Watch the Haverford News for further details (written notices will be mailed es man is awl details are arranged) Am to he present at this first annual dinner which e PO* Pellet e1 loess* risols tome materna ow Aganaugagarra ,d ze. m eia, II Ip er t. IL "fil? 11.1411. DIttelor of A . W. (Istria/004 to Take Trip Through Africa to. John at Charles, 'hi. Is resigning from hie position as Profane. of gdatetioe at lows State 'hacker. College. lo• • recent letter to 'Walkn M. Willie, oleo a member of the eleas of left, le writes to ma, "The maon lies in the ereopect of a great edthnialt. I set gall an thairitther 24 tram eke Origami for OeFethwai Yi , II t &TM: F. Curtis, H Baltimore PTA Allentown Alumni to Form Local Chapter On Wednesday evening, December 22, alumni in the Allentown area meet at a dinner to organise the Hay. erford Society of Allentown. Under the leadership of Dr. lima H. fetmrmen. '45. end shamgh the co-operation of the Alumni Office. °Ens haee pan devedthed it an Mtertsiellok 0i:ening for ilatenterfilans in .Lekigh Vailer. Coach goy Sandell and Alationi Heereterir Pennell a. C.f.r win be preerent at dch dinner, folio.eg which there will be movies of this year's lineatilonere fare .51 seems fn. Alumni list test Joe.The dinner will be held at G:110 P, M. It the Village Inn Ifisraterly ityen's (Runde...) on Route 22, just odtaide of Allentown towards •HarrivThe coat will be Ohio par person, all interested:alumni ehould conFranklin 0, Cate, I2, too neon tact Henry II, Veiterraan, 1431 Ts, eartior az President of the .r St., Allemown, Pa. Paige &heal P. T. A. tetanal Meet Neither. 11142. Us ear eletted Cheiteetffit 22 Ili, emoted in Marsh of the 42104 224, Mr. Curtis ha 41111022W that the Montell Me I wfteleti einem& re, he said, "its purpose Is to create a better tuiderslanding. between parents, teachers, and the %Stools them. selves through such medicate es Pittnod adeatillip." The emend itarpime, he continued, is ''to obtain adequate berg. Macintosh to Meet Chicago Area Alumni Africa in • party of three and we The alomni in the Chicege area are to on by truck In Mistime as Ike It is nut that we are simply swept op in the Seasonal tide of will hold 2 dinner meeting In Janaeast abort of Lek. theark. Theme generosity and good will when we take occasion to hand out any. Vithiptealiwat Archibald Manwe are to go to Lake Tcherd and then Potash, who mill be in the middle crest chriettnne bouquths of commendatimi to various parties on camIlea: Sir: to • west pert to come home. Tide at that time, will be the guest et pus, rather it isour wish to acknowledge some of the line serv1 tea that the criticism of the Cap hnd tails perfermance of 'An Inundertaking is under the direction of honer. ices carried on here that have gone perhaps without recognition. teem. Cult,", published in the NEWS lest Week, was So entirely wetterfends to tarry Out a 91.117•111 Oh Se. Post Hoyt who was fee thirtygre A letter hes been seal to negro.peon a Friends • Mestonary tit Xis. prove the City's schools and to creole First or all, our thanks goes to the Student's Council. Stave tamed In content- that I would like to M. this opportunity to correct s few irately 80 aleverfordiath in the Chimuand is now curator of the 1310.11110111 • Mater eitheetimal atmosphere." Midi, and the Council Representatives fully realise the great of the misconceptions created by that erittMsm. rags mew on • Imo turn-oat is viA marred roan with twothildres, John Mason Brown hos sold filet to be a drams critic one Moat first it Priced, Unitereity .in degree of tiesponsildlity that their office carries. Thin year we ewed w meet air. illselnresh at the have :me., en actor or have acted. Obviously the author Of lest week.. critThey may hum big gamer I'll keep Mt: Curtis Ion liars at NM Hightield Mime. An additimal felitare Mill again hide an active council. one that has, through its sugges- icism had Retie ti experience. or he would here devoted Mom entice to the record tvith my typewriter and Road, Iteltimere. Maryland. Be is a be the showing of movie. of this Dons and Work in carrying out those recommendations. accom- acting, dirating, and production. and less there to 2 criticient of the play. will write to you at some stag. at Mather in the Cartes and Dig. insurance egemy. ehainnaa of the Deo raw'. dararrlaware game. the jourmy... plished much. The Council, cooperating with the Administra- Because the play was a revival, it was entirely melee...try to entitle.it The dinner will be held at the Uni• Ileum dietrict not illedatth and is tion. has given usa campus store and hangout to compensate for except as a cheiee. emaly Club, 76 E. Monroe St, Chie thember of the V. M. Cl, A. sled of Sin,e production nod Mr ion were nut mentioned, permit me to disthe loss of the Straw. Al Reynoids Pawns his round of 'applause cago, on Friday evening. January gl. the Baltimore Trust Council. ethie thou briefly. Light' wee ad..., ale euceesefelle (meted somPre-dinner festivities will Mart at ti I or the swell ink he in thong in the the ('nap. he Council '.8 tire- ber mood. The act, although not eimerls. Was the best net I have seen MI bridge.. Re laid the small docks los- P. M. less elfeelit in bettering the Dining Hall gitUution Save borne re- either the 13.-yo Miner or .Haverford stage. Costuming, props, and nthe-se Thomas Flimsier, ing rot the Midge. Solt raiseed and is in charge sults. The rearrangement of meal holies and the installation of were entirely satiafaetary,A* far as the direction Is concerned, Mr. Fredfell in the elm. -hot liven he mule of arrangements. Otis address is a winter system shish will begin after mullion will he of great click Then ruceeedod in brimine oat the numtmuut effect of each perme four or ens and ...fed the train, Nation.} Safety Council, 20 North benefit In the college. Thanks to Mrs. Reatto mid Mr. Coselli Gins indirkuny hpunded by the ethereal inspector. but failed to eugaest hitting and disabihrg the locomotive. Wackei Drive. Chic.. a This is atmosphere et fantasy. The fallowing letter. from Chris aim, for their cimpertaittof in this "Be yon no gee that our deity rou- real opeortunity,for the Chicago Al• Sincerely tours, Evans, )11, was received by the Pkiie- tine here has not been without lea umni to hear about the college end The inhabitants of the "White Huune"—Messrs: White. Edward O. ilbakeepeare delahia Office of the Amara-en Etienne interrubtlona And it In likely that we bovean enjoyable evening together. I owt hlaclIdstsh, and Pepinsby have carried into operation IA. Sir, Sethi. CowIntittne. The letter Is the • antes to have entail disturbMr. Peter Tapic provided us*ith food for thought in Ma review of the ninny iixtifillent fuxisores. Installation of the survey centres Mitt first direct news of conditions In the some both In the way of troops mov- and itetelbliment begartmenb of the EMI. Co., Jeannette, VA., was preproduetlun of Prieetley, An inemeter Calla Certain of hM of groat help to those ottalenn who would with for a broad underMonett town of Chougroott, wham ing threegh and short air raids. Harseriatim seem rentroverali m and wish to take issue with them. Swain is stationed as a member of em, we Um, tried to etsieoot. as sented the 1941 Alni6t Award of the standing of a itarticular field. The non-academic program, though Ditiogerding the silly and urettroctive headline, the reader finds American Society of Mechanical En. the-Friends Service tint rmal an atmosphere poosible. I still In the experimental stage. is bound to prove that efforts of sentence referring to "regular attendanta of Revertant-Stye Mawr produclibutets It their mental meeting in - "On the night of October 21 there ink that from the standpoint of Dr. Barry Pined and his committee have'been worthwhile also. tions:" In roonidering this phase he must reel'. that the tabor is referMei. Vomit on December 1, 19p. The was a small pitched debt between the both Cott personnel and the ernkward,.eilven for the "Most outstandCampus Day. a joint production of the Coma Ititd—Ailministra- ringlike., Co shectators than to ushers. Reeding further he Bode that the Meal teen (county) troops and the oloyees, everyone hen done • good job pal agraph is devoted to a comparison between Ao fespector 'Calk and ing piece of engineering literature Cow was'alito a thoroughly successful venture. Cammuniet troops. Evidently at first of going about their work. The linportanee of Being Peened, presented at Bryn Mawr on for the preceding year-written by the mien troops thought that there The Superintendent's office deserves much Praise for its weei, "There has been a good deal of unyeah. I: end 13. .Thie terns out to be a singularly inept and Inappropi;Ma merely a malt and local tam* certainty in the village and peopli a Yoder member Of the Seeiety.under in bettering come of the pressing necessities ill the physical eimmarison which Medi. mainly that Show mho attend Haverford-Bryn of the Ione Communist tmepe • have been keeping pretty huge. lot the age of thirty," Yhi9 presented to plant Mr. Eikihmeder has supplied us with new heating and elee- Mawr prodtidtioes regularly have seen only these two play, while actually mating an attack that they had needs Most of the Hideo Halt. (elfildren) Mn. Dods for his paper "A New Python of Correlating Meal Flow teical Litanies, better pavements, wiring along the Cane, awl] they bone of coulee seen King Lear. The Man Wizo Came to Diane, and 3.1 Isere one night of the previous mak came to school on the day of Ilheratit...tilted improvements to the mood. Bennett Cooper eon- 'forth The nest statement in a hat untruth. The audience laughed, ye, in when Mark Shaw and Frank Miles Non end they.. an back nu*. ?reel, Comprebteor Cascade Data a kind of "hysterics.' but really in hysterical relief erom the tension of the Iiuues with his line job in the Alumni Mc. still were hem hut it soon developed hate been Waging around a great 1943 play—u kind of laughter often Mond lath mystery plays. that thie ems a heartes form and after deal. One or two dope It was tempos. CongrnInlatione abio to Besets. Randall and Doeherty, and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Walker reIn his enolksin of the play. Mr. Tapke mimes entirely the metier point they had brought • Mortar into action, Bible to buy wheat. tenth, asheetem the engagement of 1,1 the Intraltalral Committee fur establishing a program to in- of construe:ion, the use of the Inspeapr as a semi-divine creature who rethe local toys withdrew rapidly, Ogg Chris•Drans, '41 their daughter, Margaret L.. to terest foil student pnrticipat ion. Also Tom Hopkins and his Cub- veals events of thd past in their relation to each Other. It doog not "derive one roan am wounded, almost. all Hathet.1.121224212„ le, who Deduated toms Committee and dim Miller' and his "Rig Brother" group Much of Its power from the contemn hetweeb the Birtings and the InspectHelen troops escaped with the from the ZniversIty of Pennsylvania or. The interest of the play lies in the method of handling e Solely obvious ' merit the appreciation of all fur the fine jell in intloCiVinatillil striae; and with • 01S00 nourish in architecture last year and is now theme. Perhaps the. gasket tray of enalysing the play is in the termWof a bogies the Comninnists took over. A and guiding the Freshman Class. even though they irate ham- Creek working in Philadelphia in that field. tragedy. like Oniffies Tyranius, An Inspector Calla consiete of a 5:00 a. en. an amber 22, Chowseu Mu -and Mrs. Walter 1.. Reeder of pered by the absence of a pond. • , "series of recognition wenes, seenes in which. as 1 have rid, events of the hod been liberated. It has remained Bellevue Fenn, Columbus, N. J.. ens Ti. Stailetits, Faculty, told College Employers go our Christ- peat are reveniedin their relation taeach other. Still that Is not the mes. • liberated ever since. nage of the play. P;iestley says, fold and lode, "We don't lire alone. We A stag of U. D. fngi° health aPee- Muneed the engagement of • their num itiroutings and best wishes for another successful' year, ..its far as we are cencerned the Whets, including Dr. Hugh P. Ban- daughter Dorothea, to Howard B. ow members of one body. •We,are responsible for path other." liberation caused et minimum of Meopened an invesUgallon into *fleas]. After receiving his Masters ton, The function of a theme critic is m convey to his readera a leant cal order and disturbance. All during Fri.the recent mood diameter "ditch took degree from the Yale School of onlelmi of n .play.11ist on its own terms, then on the terms of his readers. WO had eutallgyedhe day, the 22nd. Forestry, If rlebel is now employed with 1, rm. renewing p.11,vmal let le, I20 lives at Donera, Pa orhaps fapke totalled the second or theyk, retlirements. 1 cannot be' itelemnolent of -the ell of withers coming into end looking A opokoranan for the group said the the -Sable Mountain CorpomLimi in spa,. Hurt, that he Judged the plej, for itself. tome,: Raverferd Chaise, ef lin. United W.11•Iti Peilersilivt,or He ales for-laughter: He ot L1 add Hsi-Ewan. They around theng, • , invmaigetion mar -..Mke "mere RuUand, Vermont. (mils 10 give due iniportitnee to the plate of tragedy. whole.) discovered eke boapital later that doy months". Pilau called-foga 'Sowe111.K Eli 51E11 1110.111IFItti. 1244 and looked around there alao. Hew. Lee Haring, '51 to-house canvaes by the government moo :ruiner ..1-es" to Ilea (weenie., pm agree with me that our Linton% Noel, .Mach of Mr", SAIkerlavresend iirristg's Hear, IL-Naget recently representever we decided to carryon as nodal doctors and nurees and engineering ed tod son ituat it,. 1.. me lumpiness. depends on and is n Anted at Mr. Toplo,, pool be taken by the Editors firmsrlivi, Were ar acre Haverferd et the inauguration of and except- for starting por k about studies of the industrial plinks and of itiosm• on 111515 ed,o1/ 11.1115, human,. responsildr for tht Mellon 4 maIrrlit meet Oar reJleiele.b hos Hartigan Hari, as (President of ten o'clock that. o c daily The pas. the atmosphere In Dolton, Mimi 21 a' 0111 1.0111111.1 sages n.ferring Nida ,,,ihicth subjection, vitmt, Mr. Ilishop .nrre mistakenly rot. leaving the serieto 1 Ciktricemn College at Potshot, N. V. schedule has not ben(interrupted Dr. JEtrinton Is the only eon of the ite rate. mcnlien-of *le eclue holdtng 0), play', largest tote- . .Apologies then, in 'ye c,,taleat of the,- la wa, ThereI - theory that sine, "The Communists bridle things to the forma:mi. as a late Hugh P. ,Breton, "Ferneliffe", fhich r.,.1i1,,., wur will he ovvided ' I't 1 pv....ilde ineickein. Mr. repkr, who, autterial should nal hate been altered nil/tont his knosclvery orell, sod we teseieed genuloo and Interesting experience" fur' is married, she father of one , ...via ;Cud Japan, tot in tooy we have a "yellow rile, and to ?Ls. (.11p cud Bar Club. Certendy no dig/# .1., ihtlendiNi tol himself ad ell those present. gape. promises of cooperation and protec. and lives in Chevy Chase, Old. die has hare Is no ass 1 1te wadi' .cry Imul in :numbed ny artist, me m e sister oiganitition, one that ha been doing generally est Ten tion. Lager to the day amen' buildbeen connected with the lJ. S. Public town, N. Y., aivarbe Nyek Et, *Mee.•a re. ON a:011Ln*. ia 15t. 4,6,11 .1-an incidul). which rllenl umek, ecriairtly far than- ererage for college proditeinots. le associated with ings were painted on with anemones Health Serviegioriseveral years. •, avoid. Dill &shot, .rho bad the plandlit Of Mr **Ames for his terry n p.blr the St Regis paper Co. at Herring. of wek-orne to the foreigner, of the way or atror - kie g N. V. to cat 01 the ./11,.. ianitilsogsof a diffirdf tide, coal cur prefe also in the fine direction he has Wish to have us stay here, and to coDr. Reward P. PioOd Is rmideot help, hut rm.. Dick McKorley—ector, set Inkster and pro•. operate with us. any case so gore cap dud Beth a., like pottier I. a C2111,0-ra522 on the dm Pon =swage. for-It' hiscryclon—rnerf be tronimerided for his services phyaician at flrelainger "Everyone has been very cooper. 1.3 I le ,neek., eedeittlY beyond the call of defy, StrOlt detsition bye group of Homing in Danvilie.4%. tint and Mu treated us AvIth respect • Word hoe just been resolved of the utinn of iv. would wileve ob.-Pratt iG an anrcnonling task merely far II,e ratigertioli 4 doing., tuii and understanding. We have had Menilia • of mi oui t,me em. came of email groups asking us death of Effingham C Merray. At the well as ran oti go without mention. Dr. and • Mra..111aelthemei & Joan of elate „tint) new hopelessly trumlened of his death, he was a his.* to let them use our buildings to *loop I unit productivity of alrromPhis rooted in—several time they have inspired teacher et DeWitt Clinton High Igeodlawn Rat, Baltimore. Matolend, announce the birth of • daughieavesvion and threat. of use of ohas to the poesiblltrof their using our• School. Ile has held teaching poeitIons ter. Anne Teylor Joann. Sundry loll Ate,sii.of. ro inn . I. thmeprate,nating . ' :1. Aan.. for our ,Oirvitort, to take lit,iiious Swarthmore-Varsity vehicles—individuals have brought under the Board- of Educetion to New a , hed Oh, which were pro. items sub as bicycles to our shoo to York City for • number of yeas mid left ,• • , CYR!). the Flavin ford EmerulmeY sental to the fair Minton:Is at the dance, were truly iimpfied eetivenlis. he mpaired—we did lend them 30'ton received a theater's degree In Edma• Pater 9: Olmsted is working for his 1.101,I t,, u Congratulations to the committee for thinking of a gift'thet should ,,call fouedms didn't pongee tool •in of wheat the first monniscwhleh they lion from New York vilnkersny in Ph.D. In biochemistry at Fiervard. 'Ho ioo(5 of t,-. . vary promptly repaid. Needlese to 1030. hinip blincl/Y tend. sit' no hotter most Neosont memories ... in the future perhaps Satorday Masses might ant his wile ore Being at 21A. Revere reo...1. Igoe that ••i, iv ,111.' There Is.nothilig. in itself...I. he dishilssed on the three big weekends. The mortality rate in moat courses 1034 ay we did not lend them our vehicles It. Boston, Mass. Fix,: ',om therity. It iv r. ,nrativ't, 1dr. end hire- Henry G. Raman art' nor hem they 'bent Meaning under end, u direct. AMA.' war I., hale went up to a now reCord November twentieth ... If the attendance •t the effects. ant ranks. Iii game 1.1:23 uny indicstie, something should be dole to increase the seating char,ty must. either .pm y: 1948 enr•roofe. Whenever env hove denied amine the 111th of a son. Stephen thin to Linty It herd. Th.0,116071 Is a senior at im attempt ta reach mete, m- must discriminate, significantly eapcej,t3Cof Walton field. Anyone who arrived after 1:80, • full half bon, their requests, we have always trial Chase Russell, in Novernber Ph. Ile Is Union Theologicel Seminary. Last before the kiekoff, had to stapd. helping so insignificont nceeker of them deserving such help. to explain the masons for our so do. their third child and first son. , • seer he attended two international The onY way to control war is through world law. Such cootrol would Among dm telegrams received by Jack and Wendy Lester to corignite. INN lug and they all seem te be quite not only aig.iLicentty intoned the conditions of those groups tam,most need Inty them on the blith e! a girl. Alison Hodson Latter, hut week, use one Tthatbell I. Simmons is Instructor conferenees in Holland. He representundknitanding of our position. relief, hut would tremandeusli benefit the whole two-timba-ludf billion of to the Digital, professor from the 3V Snece'r team which read: "Field .Hoe. "During the past dm dart a Angle In 13miness English et the Northeast- of the Intersernintry ditivernent at HaI.15. 'fhb obstoelc to the existence of an effective wall: government is the key' is a good game too." plane has be. Visiting; =ten), he ern Unimrsity Evening School of the First General Assembly of the. imposing Intone. grille West and the Soviet Union. The government, to Superintendent of Buildings andthounde Seaton Schroeder, has prom. hoe telt us a remembrance—net. in Basins. in Boston. During the day World Council of Churches In AM. be effective, must.er one/croak mulct Include both. nese opposite modtjam. 'sod to plate new and drubs posters up in .Death Gulch if the countle. No Chutiginno but out of here. However, he in Instructor of English at Newedg aMrelin and was also an official dek. • gate from the latersendmey Mo.. while they make the entablIshment of melt a government tremendo.ly dif- Parking signs have no effect. The now one. will be in neon tubing printed Yeaterdny ee caught a military train High Scheel. tftweenvehh Maw mant to the Internotional Conference ficult, do not thy any menne preclude iL . One or the other. or both'powers, In Chinese mirror writing placed monde down to attract attention dwiden• heading coat—the Commetnista have 1941 will have to modify its or their demands. There are wooed ways in which tally, Moe. Welker,hes replaced Mee. Chug, as Mr. Schrcedere secretary. Hunt Davie, in charge of the Aero- of Theological Students at Woudschobeen running the Chongehowaleiftme ten. this might reasonably to done. These come, truly, with no g.rentee Line for idiom It weak, Pus oat of the dynamisi Division of the Ken HIurn. In The Editor's Mail Letter From Evans Describes Effects Of China Warfare th H. Ilrinton Probes • Recent Smog Deaths Across the Desk s ALUMNI NOTES • A Chronicle of Small Beer • • • 4s *le See 9t Intramurals Ready For 2d Week Junior B, ,Soph A Head League • ThmIntrantural League started with a buret 01' activity. -The Junior BS and the Sophomore A's leek the lead sin the basketball division; the Juniors end Sophomores feallr the volleyball leave. bon Matti, of t6 Junior A's. Ives top basketball scorer of the week with 25 points. Willson Jones, of the Junior B'a, had 23,4x41114 CO his credit. Many CM. Ganes The two- Frealimen teams played the onealat gime or Teitede. Lt wen n close thriller whkh the Freshmen Ws, under Captain Dick Newbold finally wen 19,18. The ITa were paced by Joe Hailey,high scorer with seven Pointe. The Seen A's heat the Sophomore Be 37-34 el Mr being behind 18.12 at the half. During the first half Shipley and Kemmerer were eutetending for the W.. It was the A's domination of the second half which won the hall game. Dick Rankin-a Junior A tam won fee. the SoPhomom Vets 44-24. Don Martiit put to 19 point, the Wheat individual game score of the week. Nix Rudiull helped advance the Junior total by sinking [mint.. The Senior A's pulled a close one up woet-n h\. 12.16 1 deficit at halftime to beat t d Senior B'e 28-98. Freshmen and ' union. Play Prelim On Wednesday, as a preliminary to the versify game with Franklin d. Marshall, the Junior ifs took on the PAGE THREE HAVERFORD NEWS Wednetiday, December 15, 1348 by D. Tilley SCIIEDUL Monday • p, m.— Senior A — Junior A. aleph A — Froth A 7 p. Frosh B 8 p.m.—Soph TocsdaY Soph A 7 P. sn.— Junior A 8 is el.—Junior B — Frosb ThersdaY 5 ra in.— Senior B — Junior B 2 it tit — Senior A — &ph B p• gosh Vets — Erosh A The .Guest Corner by D. Rhoads ' With thh close of the fall .ports program, one is radiated to turn back the pages on the recently imprinted history of them enema and to inquire Iota the successes and failures.; of De various teams; also, to attempt to evaluate the gains for those who participated. While pondering over the sit.tion, an interesting story of the recent football campaign w. recalled to my mind concerning a 150-1b. filth striae center of the University of Okla-, home, powerful aggregation—Bunko McGuigan. by name. Foe the poet three mason. Brenko be. Patitatir warmed the bench. He is one of those hey hose ray football pri,ricge a to hurl 'himself against the varsity STANDINGS men during practice. It seems that Junior B he woo. performing this funetion no Soph A diligently that two varsity • heskias Senior A had decided to put hint in his plate. Jotter A They. .muted a beautifel double, Fresh B block on him, picked him up and carSoph B ried him to the. sidelines wham they Senior B plopped their owed. Imam on top Froah A of him. But sold.' Brooke; was the Soph Vets first to bounce up adding a cheerful note commending the boys for their Freshman A team, Tho Frosh never fine hMck. However, it always seamed got underway, the Jordon, winning that when the time drew near to ow 22-16 ae Pager-scored' II. Ed Bellim lest ton men to make the varsity trip, ger seared If and boosted his would'. Bronko was usually left behind. , • total to 20 neints as the - Sophomore Daring the game with Kans. State, B's defeated the Vets 87-12 Hal Cragthe coach nudged McGee., tellies in, the Vet's led hit team with pointa. The iltiniof ifs mon their him to get his helmet and go into the game. Not rating one' of the shit, second game of the week 411-30. Th2y, got off to a fast abort, OM-scoring the plastic helmets, he buckled on hie old Junior rd's 25-7 in Die Aiit, half. The black ',chapeau" and hustled onto the eight two teams evened out In the laat half. gold. He PleYed the whole of Beth them. lethed. 23. Ath *notes. the last three because the boosted his two-game score to 22 fans kept chanting "We want Me- attempted to, Pointe and tied for third in'the husk.] Gaga." "" the Rudy litudball scored 8 for the A's and".'n him oat of the game. The fob? - Andy Zweifier put in 9 for the Bh loving week the Quarterback Glob of ' The Soph A's took the Freshmen B's Oklahoma City felt the least they Td 2T Prockop and Shkrplose More Could do would be to May WeGiag. • high scorers with 11 and 15 points. new helmet—they c011ested mom tins Sharpieea then had 22 pointa and enough to buy him four. Why. tnie audden tibialny of interest Prockop had IS for the week. The Junior B's ha d the highest team were in .'fifth string center? It CerteLOY weanti because of any heroic feat he'd of the week with 101 points. performed 1— Oklahoma wan already Joniors Take Two The Junior and Sophoniorc team riding to an easy aktory—but because dominated the volleyball league, each Brooks MeGugan, a junior in geology, winning two games. The Freshmen toe small for ate big Base, med.. were weak as both the A and H teams Month-red'', college team typified the scrub. lost to the Juniors end Sophs. The enseng, inglorious, Sopherhores beat the A-men 2,4 and I hove heardsseveral conches repeat the B.men 3-0. The Juniors took both to their squads that a team is only se strong as its weakest man. Orin their matches NS reason you will find -a tram winning intently is that th y an,f rtnnate eirongh to practice against one who F. & M. Game Noted • keep them stepping to hold their positions, -thee at the ante time fmOFF-THE BACKBOARD: With no proving their perfonnanee. These felreally big Men on the 0006 Amossen bed Del Whitcomb had lows who come out to practice or. thing awn Way ... Whit is still a ligiously, give everything they have, little rusty from football, but after am only rewnrded by the fart that Solo, more practice he's going to he they hove the privilege of spending Satttnlay afternoon on the bench with , a 'real asset under the board.. , 'Bel Totlinvv. really tossing them in the meager poesibility of anted a few of action. Dom all angles ...'Captain Bob Ret- to It is to these men Chat we vitals! inue% passing was steady thronghont It was the tire game if the new lobe og our hate, especially here a son and the team play was ragged lienerford, Hind home., they are will mm-11 of Gm time ... Foul /Mooting log In give up rellothte Went' time to on both olden wins poor, Bamford keep oho varsity team In the beet o 9 of 19 end V & 74 14 0115,.. The condition. Second. ter their idingane band se. no land that the. WERE an- effort anticipating litta enfold or • rd had a Mint time behind commendation from other.. themselves knit* daring tie. outs. Congratulations are in order this Moose' week for Sol Tollio, 'Gunmen and Bob Betaon. In the F. /4.14. game gel opened the campaign with Ti Points and threb nights later notched 20 more agatnet Phew limey 00 lead the Heverford team in scoring. .L11 Moose? Amasser was a vastly-iMpreved player to the V.& M. game. Aside from dominating both backboards he accounted for, 12 Important 'points. Bob Betaon was a eamptets blanket on deffenee. He had the tough amlemment to corer the. high-sooriog giek from F.&111. The more book shows the latent of his am... 'While Bob way covering him Zink teenaged one field goal and four fools far elk point®- Zink scared another goal and a foul shot in the last stage of the game to make his night's total 5, eight points leas than his provides low. Me Wednesday -resale will he our neat, and an rusts they ahould re. cat, the courtesy of being treated as inessa. - The onantimei-ly and an- Courtmen Open Season With 49-36 Win; Fords Down Pharmacy In 2d Win; 61-44 ' 1 TollinNotches Hornets Edge - TwentyPoints F. & M. Five Sparked by diminutive Sol Tollin The Haverford College eourtmeo racked up their second conseciltive who led the attack with 23 points and win of the season last Saturday night ion "Little Moose" Amussen who on the home court, e,noloyrog Phew bore the brunt of the schounding many Callego no Philadelphia to the work. the Haverford hoopsters saw cessfully opened their 1518-40 baskettune of 61-44. Haverford, getting off to e fast ball season with an easy 49-36 Me..., Inert on an Amu.xn lay-up, mo.d over Franklin A Marshall. Wedne., points before Pharmacy got their day night on the Haverferd court. II The scoring was nip end tuck for first basket at 7:46 off the first quay. /1aintaining nafe margin am the first period with the Fortis holdwhole fitly, 'Haverford was never be- log a 0-7 edge, but the home team hind. Sam Colman accounted for two came to life In the second quarter and goals in quick succession on his drib- stretched their lead to 20-10 by hell. bin and ems through the renter slot. time. A ten point sped midway in the Haverford • snertemanly entrails directed at the F. & M. Wass are not only a discredit to the college, but are embarrassing Chino Hautetcas an. DICK BErSON combo.... to snore ball Paw anideatifrad F. & M. Pew.. Also nibble err SAM COLMAN ca 1.-ft ma Nab Warrense oh lb- rigid. to the Phystral .Edueation Depart ment and the kaverford Players. The Textile team has neon one and Lost 10,0 no far this roeaSott. the 001 victory no over Swarthmore, by a aiim margin and the two losses. Pattenon Teachere and Kings Collage were also cloSe. Their style of play places the emphasis on offense at the expense of the defense. Consistent with this plan they are Mr... SO the &tem and permus on defense. This is underlined by the fact that they have always 'scored fifty points a game. and have never held tbeir opponents under forty-four. Starting in the Textile. lino-up are four potential heavy scorers. The Alpert brothers. Gorky and Letting have all hit the dolblefigaren on the scow tng column. Against Kings College H. Alpert netted 20 points while Gorky and Levine Willed 14 and 12 each, Gorky rung by 20 in the ,Patterson game.The game should be an Interesting battle. Haverford'a improved defense will meat Its first real Mel. If the Scarlet- five can overcame its offensive sloppiness and PIA,' the stead), beadsop hall. it did it the anemia. fear. against or. the thae, shoe's. ethopieth the pth.,,theo Boa t'det*"'d? Other commendable performances of the week includelieverferd'a aBlotl? victory and a medal at the A. A. meet at Valley Forge. The ',Bowl" victory was turned in by the remelt.. Scarlet meter team over slippery Bryn Mawr lieekey teem, 3-1. The conteM wan held on the Bryn Mawr held, and despite Me. Chantilles' suggestion, the hockey sticks were used to.poopel the ball, and the giAls• rules obaeried. by Ed Bellinger at very desirable. However, at HR.cit.-4 ore adorn to have a miseallanw oat collectien of individuttfi with ei. thee strong bodies and W.& minds or weak 'bodies and• strong minds—the former seem to he vastly outnumbered. The Haverford system, seems be to sacrifice health for a well educated twain. and Raver-ford has quite a mr-Plus of "Brains... The Administration 'Further does not seem to realise that aome me, tike vacate, but are not gaud enotigh to make the tearo. And whet happens to these men now! They am given the opportunity—whleh /hey... momPaled to take—of going through. the rather ridicaloas routine known FhartnacV 0 Bush, e Cildenet. g 0 Fedock, Gillespie. p gelling. g 0 0 21 0 — — — 11 14 30 44 .ilie. period sparked timinly by Tollin end Hoose Amumen, 0121,1.E a game under the boards. made ree Armansen gave the Hornets their doe shots out of lam ettempts in the fire, cisive advantage. Hornets Lengthen Lead The Sports Center Service f=f:, Ishnret rr..11SR Ma, F.,•1•`, ..' /mak &V Keefe 346 W. leacastes Carlene "Drive-in" Cleaner,. Off.the-Camplunon-the.Pike Haverford, Pa. Reterfet-d. Pa. OPEN DAILY Breakfast — Lambe. Tea — Dinner Tel. Bryn Never 9686 Albrecht', Flowers atipstoan Corsages At Roseneatle Prime PHONE ARDMORE/MA\ Impromptu Parties So Easy with Coke "We're Expecting a Busy Christmas on long Distance" AUTOCAR of Ardmore ""This year we'll probably have the biggest Christ- I mas ever for Long Distance telephone call. "We'll put every possible switchboard and circuit in service, and we'll do our very best to speed your Christmas calls to friends and family. "Of cease, any out-of-town calls you can make before Christmas Eve or after Christmas Day will • help an complete all holiday calls more promptly. Phone Ardmore 0122 Jewelery and Watch Repaving Phansylvanla Tel. Bryn Mawr 0670 CORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Bryn Mawr Flower Shop after 6 P.M. every weekday, as well as all day on Christmas and Sunday." 5° AA for is rioter may ...Iva tradr.mark, mean the Urn, thing. tenor lnittit .11oartY Pi PIE CON-COLA MANNY la MRS. N. S. T. GRAMMER WE TELEGRAPH EVISRYWRE1111E Bryn Maier, Pa. Remember that most of these messages cost less Sm10 Too ANNETT ' S 523 Lanrotar Ace. 0 0 11 LEATHER GOODS - GIFTS rteao.a. Starts itk a split-e ceoita--ffries se You write! Prescriptions Drugs and Sundries Haverford 11. Pharmacy Kayak, f Vendetti, I lk bee, f Garb., r-f Wolfert, f Monsteller, SPORTSWEAR - EQUIPMENT ONE STOP4151tV10E FROM HEAD TO rgarr Estate of Henry W..19-cts, P. D. -• 2 0 The Fon. continued to pour it on ieagaes has been the only construct. Phermacy never dieplayed any Wrens- after the intermisaion as Sant Colman idep that the Athletic Department -re power in the Intl quarter. Moe. scored on a two-point rebound. TAM has teen able to tone. and this seep Continned no page 4 Coativiedon Petra has been vault indeed because of the menthes leek of _adequate facilities. Pok•r"51 Haverford 0 0 Haverford College (19) 0 P 20 L0 1 20 Trilloi I 1 3 9 S. Colman f 11 Whitcomb f 1 1 -0 0 G. Colman f 0 0 Keefe f 9 Amussen e 2 12 Heberton c o 0 Vogul c 0 0 B. Beta. g 2, 4 ttt D. Belson g 6 0 0 Hopkins g 0 0 0 0 01 GiD g • r 20 9 AD Totals 11 Franklin & Marshall MI 0 G P P 6 Zink f 2 5 9 7 0 0 . 0 Poerbaugh f 2 2 6 Gallagher f 10 2 i Seiner f 0 Herr c 11 Bohn c I 11 Foralburg g Smith g 1 1 1: 1 3 Hartman g Physical Education, three times s half. while Shin Coleman made 00,0 week- The formation of intrawmural out of nix attempts from the foal tine. •. Now. open for you Haverfordians Sales 6 0 Hopkins: g W. Basun. Probably the greatest deheiency at Haverford in In the Athletic -Department. The eollege atliletie facilities ere rather -poor end definitely Endogoat!. in feet meet of the high schools in the Philadelphia area prat ably have more adequate facilities. In Sher anal to build op-the academic departments, tee Adminktration aaems to have oveHooked the Athletic Department entirely. Haeerfoo,l'a gymnasium in an utter farce. It contain, one average-sized basketball court, one erte-eighth of a mile trark, one ewimming pool—which ie shoat the e of a Roman bathtub--a locker mom intended tor shout ore hundred and tweaty stadedts, and a• few Miscellaneous roama. All this is supposed to take tam of a student body of approximately flee hundredIt is about time that, the Adminiw tration realised that it is their dn., to bond strong bodies as well as *rang minds. A mixture of the two 7 Vogel, c 'Time Out Please' Hits Deficiencies Gill, g Of Athletic Plant & Administration • Restaurant Toilin, f. G. Colman, f S. Colman, I Whit/ewes f Kerns. f D. Araussen, I LANCA •A E ARDMORE. PA: The fertladeltihia Coca Cola Bat41d2 Chnlanene mt. rr tame.. emcee. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA . 40 Po 7 BAS'BRFORD NEWS ' 92 Oa own Gets Fords Wirt: , Hissing Ape . Carnegie Grant . . . Continued from page I Continued from Page 3 Wednesday, December 16, 1948 Varsity Leuere . . . 'Continued from Pere I Continued from page 1 Pain • by Parrish Fiecha,on Germany . . Coniinued from ing Into the amend frame, Haverbgrd From here on, we must report what college students. We do not plan to Cheater High School 'end hat been led th-a. thegood dotter himself Mid. He says set up an area Beady' but wilt simply awarded his letter in track, . . melt Remise available as one of the Fords Increase Lead that an ape entered from a rear door "Peppy" Nedhaus was awarded 'the artist. reventlY ',resented the College possibilities within the liberal arts P. Colman took the MI, from Cen- at Oda moment and began to dance With en attractive painting entitied beat Ilaverford player _during the curriculum.. ter and quickly stalled the second shoot the room. Dr. Sanford was '"Early Autumn" for the 'Gummerc• Swarthmore game' in addition Cu his Ranieri Regime Noted quarter with a one.hander. Big Hal 31oHeymen in the Army. heard to bid the ape, which no ooe Whiteomb, substituting for /doom, Bryn Mawr 's president, Dim Inter, This award dots not on3y reInterest Shoat, in Rimini finished Mit the Brat WI. Toward the ebe (obviously) Mold see a "Goal Katherine E. McBride. Lid emphaais fee to ability, but abo • to. spirit, and Mr. Parrish has desired for some a bottle of mike, on the spreading of information on sports/mashie. end of the quarter, the Pharmacy at- inawnin.." Now time` to have one of his paintihrs Credit should Ise given to Bob Johntack picked no somewhat, but Haver- equipped with straw, rime in the air. Russia in &eying, "The long negleet placed in the Gunmen/Mal-ley roma ford stepped up their scoring and oL Reatiien studios has remitted in a ston, Er bones, and Jim Groshols for The professor aware the ape was hold.T it was the doss of 1892 which more than kept pace with the Phan. aerlos, situation. Despite the import- Striding their teams through • meRav, Ali room in hbnor of the two ing it and offered blot a sip, width he ..fat mason. wary team as the half ended 38-H3. ance of the Russian language. history, Dr. parley ...a Dr. GumHaverfories shooting proved to 'or took, He was heard to make the et7P- and culture for the world today, , ,.. Who taught at Haverford In 'OE. deadly in the first half with IA field tic remark, "Ws mid.. He farther Antericen college students have no Theicf, r. shortly before the Thanks goals out of 29 attempted. "An ape offered me that coke. ffintertunity in Russia. in any was vim, recess the Rummers-Marley omparable to that offered for the Pharmacy Rreampn Team He standing there." Bat, of Morse, Room committee. composed of WilA rejuvenated team took the floor the clam saw no ape. Drell..., how- study of French. German, or Italian." .. .am Ncl.ort h. Writ, k2: ...lee R. l Hailing the grant as an important if:1, mill. '92: Jobe W. 3litie. .02, pre. for Pharmacy in the second half. ever, visa conaid.arahly unnerved by part of the intro-cellege setup, John Revak and Donnelley both • led the this time, mined the painting to the college ' At thin point, Cop 61swle was soes W. Hamm: President of Swarthmore, Mayfield Parrish entered Haverford Pharmacy !nitwit for the remainder declared, eThe- Carnegie CorPoration's. College in OMR and three years ham of the game. Han:Herd, kith the aid to enter the room and say, "Dr. Pegenerous gift is perhaps the most he received his Phi Bola Kappa key. of Amuitsen and Whitcomb controlled Penaky would like to am you, 51r. iron, Haver. the bag under both boards and Sanfoni. He says he wants yen to notable retail of cooperation among 5holfield Parrish, In, well-known Geintany is page I led by men anent two- thian thought, thirds of whom, Dr. Foch, estimates, am Christian in sympathy and 3.30 total York in 1107. Brtirant Career tor fur Harpers Weekly. Harm Ingesine. Scrub. noes 51agarine. an nweral stimrv. Also, he 10 tuber of the Water Color Sveiety. Arts and Lett normal Institute of Academy of Pp and the National half. he finished the game as high with 20 points The second half sew scorer The churches in general have had a rebirth of "Christina conscience for while that the ape wes dancing about the room, He was found to be certain substnoting liberally with George flowerer, the clam sally mncladd that Colman, Hurry Gill, Tom Hopkins, there was no ape or hear iv the room. Frank Beets. and Bin Vogel spelling As one student observed, "Apes are the starting varsity. not allowed on the Haverford campus they register social life." This fact 1ae pre-eminently true, Dr. Fuchs emphasised, of the Roman Church, sthieh sallered more than any other from the PeMMetiee7 from page I can relax it or to The Haverford NEWS - has priifted F. & M. Bows . a picture of the event above. Dr. Gol- from page 3 vomited with a Inyip after a eilek Continued made good on another foul sttempt. of the fact at Western Democracies and Tollin hit tvricemore on passes and Soviet Dictatorship are in a stole from Ammace before F & If simmof permanent competition. Whichever ered to wore more an idea or ideal than a present of the Neale. Unfortunately, he noted, the Protestant churches in Ge, amine' reality. =WINK C44117.4 DRY—RAW-FROM THE 8077TE ,/ NOM/NO. 1//73' rAT SNP' eine rhpincafshriv/M; tion in the fields of instruction, ad- 6'/A421R Rolt/0.4.1' nistration and' student activities. Our experience has certainly shown the third stance the score stood 90.25. ship has shown itself afraid - of tarC.. With a fifteen piint bulge, Haver- ■■ KEN MossR NEWS regrets an error in its Haverfearthmore game in 1879 Was not played irately by the fresh. sophomores, and one freshman. Sam- the game. Dr. Randolph himself was a player. Honeymoon Deep. In Wooded Halo vertwl a foul try. At the beginning of ha~pla,l acre;,In an elm e,Nse, liem ooth' 32= CANAD em in Russia and on the marriage of Dick Ben. foaled out, but the scor- Rusalans end people. from - outside of ing remained about even. WA. min. Russia. All in all, the Russian amino ute and. thirty second. left, Craig 11DRLD FASIOUS World's Finest Ginger Ale shooting was poor on both sides. and - travel in and out of Russia, on. circa- "walking" penalties we er frequent laden of Western books and nowepap- With six minutes left in the mime. xtarCarory Tonw-lika rulaa.. w ti n',MR. am tn.aua. INDIVIDUAL Se SIZE 'Mona Plana acy The FSr. ort the BID allai. - Pwiftwatee. re: little about Heberton replaced Amerman who got Western democratic culture. niversities." First Game in Rivalry Organized by Mason uel Mason.. a senior, arganisei own conclusion. hampered comparison by Russians of lord lel down. and- as a result, the Communism and Democracy. Tide May rot dopey. The pegging and fear is reflected in the restrictions on ventages normrdly found only in large The a for hand from die crowd. and when Ile Corn:. rota dw hosdr carton w time ran out Haverford led .69-34. RARE OPPORTUNITY! Since 1995 STUDY .. . TRAVEL A. Talone in.SPAIN Barcelona Malaga Group Group 65 Deys 95 Dam. June 29, 1941, July 0, 1949 DELIVERY SERVICE Spanish Student Tours Barber Shop . SERVING HAVERFORD MEN FOR 39 YEARS led 500 F th Are. N. Y. IR N. V. W. Lancaster Are. Y. M. C. A. Reilding PEG • BILLS All Makes of RADIOS 14) RECORDS 50 W. fomenter Ave. Ardmore TELEVISION Renner s Vacation Go by train and snake sure of a full-thine vacation. You'll have family and friend. when you travel in the dependable, allweather comfort of modern coaches or sleeping ones. See MONOGRAPHS ,RADIO — MONOGRAMS Luatheen Christm4 More time at home with Your STEAKS AND CHICKEN Ardmore 9515 'EM BY THE CARTON" —says Arthur Godfrey: A. VASSALLO University of Madrid For Infortnetien Write "GIVE Ardmore MOO Sponsored by: your railroad ticket agent toe day ... FOR SURE! BRYN MAWR CONFECTIONERY The Lorena Steak BRYN MAWR ,Deliciong Sandwiches of Ramesh it U. S. A. Soda Service H. Royer Smith Co 10th A WALNUT Street. ADAMS _REPAIRS RECORDS. PHONOGRAPHS 30 W. Lancaster Ave. Ard 1200 Telephone: Walnut 2-2023 P PHILADELPHIA sae m 33V WA, Ma. Ra MANY HAPPY RETURNS a saving! Ask your home town ticket Zeateeey '91ml eagetifff agent about "College Special.' round trips. They enable you to take advantage of available believe me, at Christmas time or good anti is a 'load of of Chesterfields by the give 'em Chloe,. a carton _ao_k_.-1 So, cigarette. cheer' for eve_Tthey're sn the fir:likl___ )Eg — carton, because fares with an extra Fong long time limit ...and 10-day if Theodora Milnulall 'And atop-over privilege. in both directions! Get a "College Special" when you come back after Chriistmas. Cricket Ave. and School Lane Then use it to ED home I OX Ardmore 3446 town ticket agent will have these special tickets for sale to teachers and students from Deconber 25 to January 16. Spring Vacation: Your home • T. DAVID SEIHADEH, Jli,, '05 WILL/AM SEMADEH, ABC SRL ot Long Island University For a Time and • --THE -COTTAGE DINING ROOM .Under 'New Management SPECIALIZING IN SEA FOOD — FULL COURSE DINNERS Weekdays halftime. 1200 In 1:30 — Tea 2,90 to 0,99 — Diet,. g It Sundays Dinner All 11500 13:30 to 5:00 P. 51. Telephone Bryn Man CrOlAn Mo ney-Saving Trip Go by train E FIELD IT'S CONVENIENTP. M. WITerZiOne made Ice parties COMFORTABLE—SAFE AMERICAN RAILROADS MORE COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE CHESTERFIELDS than any other Cigarette ...t i eeeat• xivm ;mew en the intellectual wham, as that God it when Forsthurg can- itself to be the better will be steepled by the world.' Soviet leader- prov.s very Germany k the Ink of a real de- votional life.. Christianity, he said seems to exist emote exclusively fer insists that an ape stands by his Men dam, ea the NEWS stated, but left hand in the picture. We see Included two senior, four juniors, fear nom from Dick Beason, Sore Colman none. Do you? YOU Mai draw your are also ever-mindful - are allowed to linen in with the Dean's Nov 17, issue, Mr. Edward Randolph. '82, inform. to that the first office." On this note the dam ended. eiwase it at wi The Re, lotelleetual Religion Another difficulty which Dr. Fuchs remarked in present-day religious life .Haverford that this was en ape and not a bear. unless Fischer Sr Irks . . . her control. S Protestants are II paints in the second half. bility that there we an ape Ma the thee through cooperative effort sinalj en. Cantina The time then discussed 'the proba- the to present to the workers the real, aimple, understandable garnet Coupled with hi. 9 pints of the first class, Dr. Sanford insisting all this liberal arta collegee can obtain the ad- For some tim faxfield Parrish heti the port of of waving hie arms wildly atuffies ithoet- Mg. "Not Not Net the Ape!" under the Andy end Dr. Fuchs, "only a for which the times ory. creased their lead to a 54-31 advan- take year freshman imycholegy tests Swarthmore,' Haverford, and Bryn „,,,,„„ tare in this period. Sol Tollin was over. He didn't believe what the first Mawr, but it is by,. manna the mil act.H, , honorable mentaiff at the Buffalo E.. :dammed against the boards at end- net showed." Or words to that effect. one, Sine, 1840. there have been conpoeition of IMO and the Silver Medal' court and shaken badly. but t hie pm, Cap Harris wee then observed to nee, tinaus advantages from oar cooperathe secant eti to h e WI he needed also awe, ded the 'Cold Medal by half- saw him acme with 4 out of 5 Arebiteetural Langur. of New flcid reels and 2 not of 7 fouls ter a lees able Christian spiritual movement oat of turd, h(r. Parrish obtained co w,. ot the Bunk. Exposition, of IDOL He PM, deep ePringe can help as." Following his departure she any are too markedly, theological thumb of Ear Barth; arul. eatengled in the subtle tolls of Bar-