
Document 1927342

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Document 1927342
$1,00 A YEAR
Largest Class ,;.4* Ford History Graduated
Fund Drive Nears Newly Completed Skating HMledifi : •
• 'r11
$500,000 Figure
In First Month
' With the Haverford College Campaims less than a month old, almost
$NOW hen been subeenbed toward
the 91.260,000 goal. Robert A. Lock,
'14, chairman Oahe campaign executive mmenitem ans-lizeed oath re
eelpts and pledgee teller Mee00
art of yesterday.
••• x
T1.'1-- .7l.r.sa
Three Arena Covered
"We believe this Is a very estiafacbeginning," Mr. Leeks declared,
'In the light of the way the campaign
Is being conducted. It must be re•
membered," be said "that the atm.
In only three major Haverford corn.
murk'. are being cony:aged [hie
"These cities are Philadelphia, New
York and Wilmington. 1st .Phihsdels
phis leas than half the prospects have
been vi,ked, end the New York and
Wiimington arm solicitors are just.
getting be work this week.
To Reach Others In Fall
"By the enci e1 :June we should
have a good idea as to the total that
may be ea-peeled from three three
regions. Right new I tan say for
the executive committee Oct we are
tremendously Fleeted with the pre' gems to 4.W, meek -wilk-the..salsola
heerted entielleillen with which ao.
Hein. ere follewingout their oteite•
Mr. Locke mid tilers were spurgeimately 150 alumni cenvaesers in
Philadeiphia. MO in New York and
ten in the Wilmington area.
About one third of Hgverford's
2900 elumnl, will not be reached with
the Campaign story until the Pall, he
said. . These included men living in
New _England. Chicago, Pittsburgh.
Baltimore and Washington, all of
which cities 'will have individuel Mote
It also Inch:dee some GOO en-Till
alumni eMttered throughout the 'rest
of the country. The committee, he
of hopes to carry the ail,. personally in emit alumnus and to Mlle.
Voltaire,. Seem
Tloo new, Moire .dating Loste rebtecel Foe aged .01341,11 itrurtore rrew,eberrIt by .gewereinortr of sketiig enibetiosis. 11 it sheeted
on Ihr reef.. side Of 11:w
Second Alumni Weekend Set
For June 30-July 4 Period
From June 001b through July 4th. Thin year the Weekend will saves
1949 -Haverford College will offer for the relationship of parents and their
the second time a Haverford Alumni teen-age children. The teen-agere
Family Weekend. Last June the Col- will take en active 'part in the prolege conducted Its firet•ruch weekend. Va.. having eepantte round-tables
providing • series of Mike and round- and jelnkones with parent-a. For extable discoasiona for-alumni and their empt, one meeting of the Weelibtul,
•riVe, an ebe gemeral problem of the a member of the Department of Pry.
pre-school child and hie -np.litinghtla chlitry of the University of Ferrety!.
Meanwhile, said child was being eared noeill W111 disco. with pare." the
foe in anureery sehoul or in euper- topic of "Security and Freedom from
rifted ploy group. areordIng to, his Peen" i.e., how can parents give their
children a ether of security end help
them feel adequate in' meeting new
situatiops, while an M.A. in Poe.
etiology will lead a round-table of
teen-agers- discussing what to do
,den parents' We. and the Mee.
Dees of school Mends' vary widely.
Five new instructors and assistant After an hour's dleennion, the two
profemors and one part-time Intend- round-tamer. will 'unite for en exant have been appended by. the col- change of views miler the joint lead
lege to the faculty }h. the next year, etship of bath chairmen:
the position. effective September
Herat. Reptbdattion Filin
1949. In additioo, it was annonneed
On another morning a joint roendthat Dr. Abraham Pepineky will tali
table of pant..
re and teen-olden, ..•11
his sibbatic leave next semester.
015,0,, under a specialist in parentThilse menluppointed are:
hood edmatien, "How the- Friend.,
H. Pieta HaViland, Jr.: Assistant
Prefesmr of Political Science. He In thins Mc' Laid in Youth 'for lierelop.•
fog Attitude', Making for the Ad.
now a Tutorfat fralwanl where leis
justmente Neeeeseey for Future HOBeoropleting. his doctor'. degree aril
py 'Marriages." At the close of the
Where he rmeived his beehelo?X deround-table the Alm "NM. ReproJohn P. Roche: 'mantelor In Pm duction" will be shown. The joint
Six New Professors
Slated for 1949 - 50
Mr.-Eocke stressed that the mow
Palen Is en a ntallemed basis be000en
it "is being conducted by Volutfteern
Continued on Pa, 4 •
Sciertee. He received hie B.A.
and with a very limited staff. it M
Hamra, and is now taking his
being done in accord with the butt from
traditions of Femerfoid."
ie an asaistant. .and where he received
Ornellneed set Page 4
his M.A. •
• Prem. IC Perk,: Assirtant 'Profaner el Philosophy, Ne received Ma
. StniOrsPkkHopkins
A.B. from Eveneville College, his
• Brooks Baxter Cooper
KM. from Indiana LiniteMIty and hit
Ph.D. from Harvard Unieereity.
Flunk 9. teacher: Visiting AssistMTI
te .leNu
- Continuing a thine honored mutate, ant Praesepe of Sociology for one
the Senior Class mimed Prank Pear. sae ie en the faculty at Temple Moth—David Barren .IdeCarn
Thorn. Hopkins Spoon Man of the
die ban a PhID. from
clans at the recent Senior Prom. Tra- Univ. of Pennsylvania.
• Hunter OPPettnan ,Credeft
ditionally, the Spoon Man Ill that
Richard. B. Warren: Instructor th
member of the Senior Class who hest ,English. He is a Haverford ',rodent,
< ,
represent. the ideals of the college Class of told, has corded geminate
Stephen Rated Millef
andwhom the graduating clean eon- work'. Harvard, and currently is
John Neil Roger • •
eiders best suited to represent the !emblem at Ref Institute in Texas.
Mess .d the cellege in the outside
John IL Wrenn: Asalstant in Public
Speaking, parbtlme, for ode year. He
James Hancock Thorpe
Matlack, Bolder Preeinakly
is working toward his MA. and Is
• The tenon itself is a wooden af- now at the University of Michigan.
fair. approximately 94 inches long,
Dr, Abraham Pepinsky, of the PsyJohn E. Brownlee -.Mathematics
tunably inscribed and preeented to chology Department, has been grantEdward Echikson ....Chemistry
the Spoon Man on the day before ed a nabbathal leave of absence iron,
Science ,
Theodore Leteiy
graduation. Reviving .the tradition the college for the full year 19494A.
Mao Mead, .1r. .........../Chemietre
after the wee, the elate of M7 named
Stephen R. Miller .._:Chemistry
Charles W.' Matlack, and the elms of
Ellis Paul Singer ,
Charles Boteltr, their respectiee
-Richard ,J. Eberly of Riverton,
Hopkim, a resident. of Baltimore.
. Clam'of 1156
. Maryland, has been presider. of his N. C.. - was.emnily elected seen,
'Warder Henry Cadbury
Mass for four successive year, hew- tap of the Students. Associatiom
William Perrin Baker. Jr.
ing:Met been elected permanent class replacing Paul Moses. Moses reRobert
Croaker Good
penny. Mioppy" has oleo been i signed because
M going to
Clam of 11147. •
Mende.- of the .roes-country and spend next year In Frame, study'
Jacob Andrews' Longocre
ing at the University of Paris.
track teame &Mild his college career.
Silas Icy Ginsburg
N. plan on a July middies to Visa
Ebetly, s sophOrnare
a, het been. on
Grace Phyllie before entrance to mod. the J. V. tennis squad for two
1.1 school in the Fall.
Campus to Have 152 Gam Degrees, Hear Bailey
Active &Miner; Stress 'Sense of Humor' Values
11 Gimps Visit Needed In Midst ALUMNI EVENTS Doctorates Given
Although MAO. leave Haverford
today, the eampue will not he desert.
eh during the sunimer months. Eleven
there,' and edueotional group. have
made reservations for conferences,
recreation. and picnics.
Family inst.tote
The Philedellshie Yearly Netting
Family Institure• will hold ensigs
from June 16 to 19. The management
expects one hundred admits and children. Parertta will attend lectures on'
parental goldirmet, while the Children
enjoy Haverfordh reereatioal teeth.
ties, • .
Following the Family Institute,
Haverford College is eponeorfrig ant
economic eonfereace from Juno 21 to
RI The Libor Ettabanon Asemi.atitin
will occupy the graMds on lune 2426. On June ill the Ilmerferd Institute will open sessions,. continuing
through the July 4 weekeqd.
2:66.-Tennis Matches
V. Seism re. J. Sebum', .45
, At graduation reervises for the
"A Constant for Diversined EduW. Vogt ,.. D. Mate., GO
cation" was the subject of Dr. Moses
largest graduating it.,, in Nayarit.'
ktoyMn vs. W. Talbert
Bailey, of Hertford Theologies' Sem.
hi.dary, 0-52 men of the clans of 15110
Moylitm and Tolbert rry
Teary, who delivered the 'ContinenceVogt and Schnaars
diplomas in Roherm Hall
Teen! Address in Roberts HMI Audi216--Criehet Match
orinwium. June II. Speaker for tetorium, June 11.
Past Aare is. present vareity
won Dr. Moms Bailey. Pre.
Seme of Hamar .
on Cape yield
fe-...er of Old Testament Spoils, at
4 AO—Fuel ty Reception
The constant that we are in reerel:
Hartferd Theological Seminery.
of. cre. Bailee said, is not an intelliTea with Faculty membere at
gence quotient, but a erieibility gooIra[ near rennaelorn
Clam of 5O-Yore Aga
en objective appreciation
3:30—Busiona Meeting
The commeereinent exercises openof the incongroom element. not only
Election of officer. and other
rd informally with a amine of organ.
In the lives of ethers, but in our-own
official Modem .
pieces played by Daniel Brodhead. '49.
lives — a sem. of humor, in other
6S0--Li Ice Singing
10:45, theeesdemir procession
11:311—Alemni Dinner
formed in front of Founders Hall.
"A sense of humor," be mid, "is
Near Senior Entrance to Found.
when it proceeded to Roberts Hell
a lively attitude tamed the truth, an
ere Hall
Auditorium. In the procession, le 11e
earneat attempt to fit the world into
See PI, 2
following order. Were the Marshals.
e Metes, whick always, the best
Colonies. 6. 7' for Details
the Candidates for Degrees. the Class'
that we ran do. leaven over a basketof Igoe.the Board of Morrognevr the
ful of p.c.."
Religiims Gem.
acintosh Honored F.,hy. the Vine-Pre.idetne of the
filming hit address, Dr. Bailey
The remainder -of the emuner tBl
Cline., the president and Secretary
be dominated by religiouit•grodpsj The noted the invariable habit people have
of he Corporation. and the Com.
Diocese of Pennsylmria has imbed- of marching for "a solid place to'
menrement Speaker and the President
uled its summer conferees+ Ow Jelr Atone in a world whose againn ere
of the College
3-9. A summer conference of the
Presbytery of PltiladelPhia will brier eon of relativity. In the educational
another one hunted end twenty per- world today, he laid, thie fact of eel.
That popular and helpful dynamo
The Exercises eentinued with n
mivity is particularly emphasised in of activity. Archibald Emblem:It, reading from the Scriptures by Samet on rentpus from July 11 to 18.
an ineintention divereity.
The Tri-State, Bible Conferenee
Viet President end Dire.. of Ad, uel Kaden Stokes, President of the
Tom. Nettle his ablieduled
ArtatTit -on' finial:-.t - missions at Haverford 'College,
Corporelion. Following that. Viceof sessions besiming on..„ .1.1y 29.
"Education we am told must be Meted another honor on May 28 when President MmIntosh took over for the
Overlapping this engagesient, the
practical, or functional, or progres- he was presented with the annual anneunvement of Prises and Honors,
with section of Tri-State Bible ae.
sive. Just now, our personalities Bergen Junior College °Italian for and finally, the awarding of nevees
Nem July 28• The,,Clifeen Methodist
are being integrated, nor mudies the ant-standing- Contribution, nation- itself teak place.
Ike 8"'"."
Lurid+ had 1%erved the grounds for
a e being subgisd an standard. ally, to the field of higher edubldion. lorh degrees received the 150-odd
the dret.eleek.of August s
ed, and our intelligeme in Ming
Vice President Macintosh, who is nwenhers of the Class. of 1949, two
Arrangements; for two pitenuscs have
'divided .- presumably that is the :familiarto every Haverford student• Alumni reeeived honorary dectorate ,.
been completed. The Wharton *mmysterious meaning of 'intelligence as the meg to see when you .have Henry S. Drinker. 00 rreetred the deold.] Church plans a general "epic
quotient ... It sounds suspieteeely `roubles ,reeeiVed the mused at tom- gree of Doctor of-Lows, and Erie G.
'on Jun< HI. The following SaturWay
like a description of euthanasia on reencement ea
,ant the Teaneck, Bell. ?b, the degree of Doctor, of
Hmerford will play hoot to the Wale
the installment plan."
New Jersey, inetitution for his
Chapel mngregatien. '
Continued on Pi, 4
citing efforts to raise the educational
Eighteen members of the graduatstandards
of higher _ education ing class were martini to the Phi a.,
throughout the nation and human nn- Kappa Society. These met Warder
deestanding o[ American youth." Just Henry Ca:Merry, William' Perrin
eel fall. his book on college educe- Baker. Jr.. ,Robert Crocker Cod.
lion. Behind the Academic Curtain. Jamb Andrews Long em, Silas Jay
Joshua L. Rally, Jr., .1b, het given Daniel Webster and others prominent nes acclaimed -for Ito comprehension Olovintter Ion finebsch, Edwin Elbe
of college problems end fin. Pmeesed Tuttle, George Hanreek Note, IL
the college the valueble Regent Cal. in the movement.
Program of action.
Judson La Moure Nig, Jam. H..
lection of abolutionint writings and
Nathaniel P. Roger.. the,tirightelIn addition to his duties here at cock Thorpe, Stephen Itaben Miller„
correspondence. The collection of 773
eampiler of the mri
teal an emong the college, Mr. Macintosh in,. mem- Ellie Paul Singer, John Neil Boger,
Men's. dating from the late 1130's to
10e0, includee a find edition of Uncle the more prominent abolutionista ber of the board of trustee, of Epia. Edward Ethikson, John Erskine
Toes.. Cabin, teeny antisalavery Was a New Hampshire lawyer. He copal Academy and a member of the Brownlee, Brian Mead. Jr., !reined,
paper,. and letters of John Gemeleef edited the paper. Herald of Freedom board or overseer. of William Penn Boswell Graham, Jr.. 1100014 'Willis
Whittier, William Loyd Garrison, and carried on a voluminous corre- Charter School.
spondence with the leaders of the
By Bergen College
For Education Work /
Of Conn • n Revote
Human Relations Survey:
amosenceotkessi Alum&
As '49 `Spoon Man'
Belt and Drinker
Of New Diversity
Clam of 1448
"Edwin Ellis Tuttle
George Hancock Note, II
Jodson LaMoure lhrig
Clam of 1949
Hancock Thorpe.
Stephen Rebell Miller
Ellie Pant Singer
John Neil Boger •
Edward Eehikaon
John Erskine Brownlee
Brian .Mead. Jr.
' Roland Roswell Graham, Jr. "
Bertald Willie Disbrow
Donald Willie Disbrow
ludsoe Letilloure Ihrig
Brian Need, Jr,
1st. Royal Franc. Shepard. Jr.
End. Nichol. Norton
• Burton Emanel Pike
Frederick-Leighton Blake
• stmtmomo. PRIZE
Theodore Longa.. Lewis
Edger. Arnold Ione.
anti-slavery movemseit,-/‘ ,
Donated Bertelsen.. Material
Thwnew collection will enlar, the
already extensive abolitionist rooterlain in the Quaker collection. Indeed.
numb of the material that Mr. Bally
has purchased for the college is written by Friehds. In addition the sigma.
tures of the leaders of this soeial
movement sv 6 I I sal,Slentedi the
Roberts Aoregraph Collection.
Joshua Bay, the donor, Is Re.
search Curator of the San Diego
Society of Natural History. He bat
previously given the library a large
collection of Swinburne material.
A. recent poll' of student opinion
Icy, ins II basis for conviviality"
indicated that elltl of awample of .10O• Clam 7.7101.1 Mittel high, IN an the
were willing to plan and prepare _fac- irriiera point .rat. it is hardly u roe,
ulty-etude. activities: The poll, is a parable affair.
product of a group in the Human Re.
Dedre For Man to Man Talks
lations class, whose tabulations were
An lotereetleg phone of finding,
compounded in a report us a term on one gplmion, ,.Rowing space 1,0
not that-students
Pel,00 4 feaeka,
Stedents Concerned
haw s. sign ificant lento fur meetAltogether It questions were pre.
with faedlly members on a-nee
Rented . to students in regard to bet• indivelunl and ner vily' basis. Th!
ter "cadent-foguity relations. I,, ad• number who would,lite to drop in
dilion, the poll naked age, Maas, and famity members no their homes' td
residence (day be-dorm]. Results in- shut
noneurrit,Wor subject.dicate a real concern foe the issue end totalled 13011.
seguent many avenues of improveAs the-Vireo:Lost barrier before
formal as
was- "Inch of opOn one question 81'.1 felt that portunity to see profesmrs informstudente . should initiate affairs, Mel ally... Almost equally 'as large was
Mad no opinion, but Many wrote In the number checked for leek of time
that a Joint egos was Needed,
for students to visit"
Need ForaMare Infom,lily
Auction of "Apple-Pollhintr
ConclusiMs to he derived from
One Mention asked: "In your spin.
questions on activities 'allowed teas ion does the faculty believe that studand deserts to be popular, but that ents who visit them socially are frethe introduction of such new activities quently apple - polishingl.• Only
m picnic. and student-faculty work eljghtlr 'over half of the subjects
meet with equal or 1-55:1) fait that the *malty did not
- believe they were being visited for
While "MA ;iBling mid talking'. is
purpom 1200,1 were -undecided,
still the .most muter activity et
',16f, mid'yes). The writers sm..
ihere• one An underlying geeed n Alone,' pall, codductad -by
"recognition of the need fora com- the facility among themselves, might
gr d
Continued oe Page 4.
Turning the Tassel . .
Thep oat thine is an nutomehere
Today we experience the genuine thrill of completion. of
.Abet the peteinte.
Best called. perhaps, a living cab.
fulfillment in reaching that ultimate of success wrapped in our
Washington Grads
Honor Dr. Lucas,
sheepskin*, a sensation °thawing been exposed to the Haverford
The ealIMMI campus welee**
W ith Magthin gold on burl*. Naves.
oared it mina.
The "deter mow makm fairtmel
tracery of trees
Attie*** blue on white.
Of tousle theage slush; '
Spring with it, mark of the wanting ate
And bleesomm brilliant,
Chinning to dignity and bummer peace
• Of course it rains.
The buildings Iwo*
On present. men, and Suttee
In their silent noon
tradition of intellegtual honesty and leadership, and pa that moot
important quality of the individual spirit e1 strivise fag whale
thing better. Now we are Part of that treaties.
The wealth dinner inertand albe
Iftherford intietY of Weellittrt." was
bill at tb Arts Club MI Wm*.
lap 'D.C., ee ilblaleghth evenig.
May 15, with more than forty in at.
In addition to President Gilbert
White, Vim President Archibald Machathsh. end Alumni Secretary Bennett
S. Cooper, the whey was bet to
three headmasters of Washington
'l et
Landon, and Edith C Zavith of Sidveil Friends Scheel.
We suppress a desire to grasp that pew/erred MOM,* and
whoop Jn exultation, Instead we try to strike en Maeda ed
balance beewden smugness and self-pride and honest, humble
oltareciation for the opportunity of having been in contact with
a tradition of excellence. We turn the tasael to the'other aide
on our rape. walls out Coleceive expected congratulations, and
SO we tight down a welling sensation of maudlin sentimentality
for "dear old Haversack," come into full realisation of the gift
Cemeleastement trews
Wave gen* than farewell.
And ge an them howell.
Farewell to textbooks, paper., notes.
To the inspiring and the soporific voice.
To the horrible nod in She ni
ce ohlock elms,
And the thrill M the sight of a treth.
To the Lein coente and the em *Wm.
_ To the **nee *at Weld out ad
And the seminer•that wed not end,
They both did,
hat has been then int.-'.••
lt'n easy new to figget that self-conscious lidgittng on the
Dean*s carpet., the hollow loneliness while sweating out the 4:00
A. M. paper. the sundry small disappointments that blur into
insignificance when they are superlamosed on the background
of our college carter. We have examined great concepts, mad
have met the ethical truths that form the foundation of our
civilisation. We feel that it is now our opportunity to add to
our small ...bride on the Nods of what we have found threw/It
contact with the great world of the past.
We turn to the new with a vigor and vitality proceeding
front our exuberance. Oar present world is One of progress,
where the emphasis is piaCed upon action, production, speed and
murices. Tine transition from our pursuit. of careful evaluation
of princip/es to the practice of positive achievement is a great
one. We wave "helin out there" and with none trepestation step
Election Held
A brief business meeting followed
the dinner at which time these offtcers
were elected: President, John Phillip.
la; Vice Presidents, John C. Horton.
'2301111 A. IL 101441**. Tit 9**
fiat'-Treavever. Mr* P. Whet, h..
491 ettei Lesieteett Secretary-Trekseven, 1, PtexhInt Awl* 'el.
Artlare R. ifro.
Farewell to shoulder pale. borse.hide, and spike.
To uniforms scarlet end black.
To the feel of Doe'. hernia on an aching merle.
And the Impinge Mike "We can lick this tome
To feathers In the stureeth at the Garret mune,
The dead Onality of defm17lIthr time
And guilt rising 'bill] of victory.
Both in the game.
from the relative comfort of academic neeluelon into that kg
dark world. hitl
,Et:re we will grasp at the solidity of the
Haverford life. and
finding it, will be puzzled. It is no
longer there. It rests with every one of us, for we have gained
all that it has to offer. Haverford has a great punt tradition,
Mothered m ene 4 lite Meth. atberths. .t ith lannesi Auntie. in
Win aos.
WI be Leer
Rea Leeteet O. -Ai** Rebel, was
then Wen* Pm *A vs. ***OM
drehilade alertaterb with e top
of IWO* Jew.' bete. lierettle* Celle*. In the feet of which were inecethled the ma* at thirty-ose St
Abbe wee who had Wreath amerfart De. Lew In whim edier
bee*, yeses et service to the Natal,
tharewell to ahinko smells on the contrete walk,
The 'dead voice in the sleeping 'Meeting home,
The notebook propped on the beet of the bench.
Cyan-wend medes, and the sodden mine,
The otter dwelt of a rational dente,
The mood of faith and the cell to therm,
Ad fiedhm at .ence that Ged is there,
BM and ebb heath.
but she has even a greater future in leadership.
Our life ha.;-been one of introspection and analysis, now it
, Must be one of action. Accentuation of the positive aupercedes
previous life of skepticism and confusion, a time infected as
was Hamlet'e--
Peters ghee thweetee
- Alumni Secretary Canner then
Farewell le sorb-ends from Fridey'et four,
'Cut the Betarday elms and meet her tint.
Der fart wee warm in the bangle lbw. .
, "Why stop and huddle". the wanted to know.
Than her lees were cold end the seem war Red.
Ent the den* 1•110 warm end her oyes were wide,
Ardl her saes weve soft end her wit net ,math,
With yaur rote-reetes sermiralon.
"Slcklied o'er with the pale cast of thought."
The mold has been a good one. We have became infused with
two requisites, fluidity of thought and flexibility of personality.
It is not neeesaery to categorize the obvious, that. we must play
heads up ball all the way out. Thought has been mastered,
action remains. :Emerson hid this to say:
.Farewell to greasespaiM on opening night.
Inning tow 41Iterhil Rre handled wee,
"M w don't bonne it, the two GM MU,"
gestenee Iternmage: tins, .191 mirk
The neglected spot on mom radiedbl.
-Per Away Moor and a Shenk, WO.
One nutter and roe minors. ..
-The' mad sea Ibinkm now orb; sod rods
' rrprmlnert Plc ether, Witte the arthl bet ebbsnyint
moterests, etre . !be fancy no lessor p.000, atty.
Il.conghtt err Co longer esprebbserd and bowls ere
antrinrst,br Ns always the Issuer.. Cu hire, Cdromrter
it &mixt tie. itertleel. Making it Ike Inertia...
fisieg it the
f arewell to ?steeds and rhernieg mgt.
The borrowed. throrettl; mbeites. no ear
Smell hour madmen bed at few.
rive hearts detaled--Peu go Wen them .
,Jeot o elmth are et Ma's Sr Tenth
The latest dirt With abate of bee. •
Good inert singing the Manson, Sege.
See yea aroma -
' Many of the conglomerate Clans of '49 know whet action
Meang. Many- too, have already aehieved that excellence of
attainment. But Hoverford'a pirtiecuint gift of exposure to
excellence belongs to all Of us. We continue ''to atriere..to god,
to seek, and not to yield." And the stream can retreat to its
'I- '
went trees wawa foot Demme.
'C ss
Do I lob like a einem
in a cap end men..
Pour years. •
For • piece of White paper held In the hand
-Ph. the reentery end meaning in the words'
"I ant n lieverford Ma".
115 Eves Jones '49
Niels In
by v..a.
—sr Ti-r, ScleatSPEARE 49
Bnintraa BelentIcniet! Tin sect I Merl
Ibr meth I suroirr sherd 'laying In toad Joe a Mosirrx!
In Charge of iltis Imme—H. Robert Lasday
Haverford News
Eshltir—Kenneth M. Moser.
timeline Eder—Anchby Morley.
Afameer—Themes Stern.
sport, Edger—David Philips
;Prow thirnrs—Frederick Helen, Richard Moris, Tohn Wirt.
Pbclogrelbby Cublitort—itobirt Brown, Winter Ensign.
Ashlar./ Sports Ed:ire—David Tilley.
Adtertirin'a blettager—Peter
Effinr-=Flord Ford. '
fivisotge EA/or—Edgerton (,rant.
Cierwislioo Monetcr—ilensld Cole.
,Van's Aoarieles—Rottert Chase. Robert Foley, Gerald Freund, Robert Ham. mood. Ciarle Johnsen, Harold Miller, Hegrcd O'Neill, *Min*
PeifereTtylot Putney. Peter tspke.
Sports !IS/Wien-11. M. Getman, Kenneth Kelton, Nicholas Norton, Thorn-
at Ruth. Joseph Saner. Psul Sterner, David Western.
Pithlided by thr thstfrnt beds of utossnl Dinars rankle elsadob.s tie
• ....Uinta.. Iron. Priolnl by die brilmorr Printing Comm,. Si Amen• .
•lnscr Marc Artfons”. P..
Saturday, June 11, 1919 '
of CC:Are% 7141-019,
et.,Asitaltnes;riansio, 20
Culminating 'the series of ea:alibi
foreign lbws anew" recently is J.
Arden Rank`, now moduellan,
"Quartet." Inn,: playing et the Sasebo
Theatre in Philadelphia). The Alm in
e collection of - four Somerset Maurham storied, cork independently pro.
lucid. and Wei., no relatian to are
eaglet that of common
anodik„ei h'p Writer ifseihneet nee
"in a brief but worthwhile
75, p
appearance at the begin-ning of the
show, and denennetrates his possession at acting. an wen as literam,
talent.• Roney re monde
Starting og the aeries is on ann.
ing late, celled-Mc eneta of bile,-,
of e nineteen:thar-old tennis *seer
who nom to Monte CarfeYer • tam,
nemesis. having been ..ntikay, warn.
ed.' by his, lather against she trill.
aerie. 'eon. -ef gambling, memeendinn, and wooer,. litiereverthes
he paternal ,aslette,. Rhin proceeds
to -win • site* fortme
and not only succes
edin. resetting his
booty front the craft of a sully adventuress- but modatingly makes of
with a Merge portion ef her own
money Wider.
Intenewn in threw of the tome
scoriae, risme in different mmtg, Is
a leg of disarm between &owlish traditionalism. Mill the mere artietle.etioterns of life, winch per**. 1049 he
bet- described by the weed Trend.
The second of the set, "the Aliso
Curt," beings these two *merits into
dlone9 *nth. A rime tnglishman of
twenty-one, hart to .• title and no
estate, decides to become n plaudit,
much to the vesrtion of his KM*.
Somerset Mannheim takes the re.
,utting confliet for ell It ia worth.
and the swenerful berme of event
which *neve is, to say the least it,
twisting. 4Tha inenimmity, else, o
heighth Chopin played withis Ik
with ef a Tudor eatortay Wide is
mere workable that one might on
pertk What rules the story for Ms
cinematic rendition, myergy) ie
compete ruporikiality, helh in plre
rite mutoppliere.
. The tlthel story at the group,
oKnilye''''Sity..ithat it eertainlyant.7 eau
hided. • .... whose Cl
ordinate passion. for kltes leads hnu
'to abandon an otherwise complete and
happy married life, a mother whose
bleedernig hamilidness. combined
with her exceasive Mother-love, renders her hilarlouslY funny: end
young wile who thinks meting of
spying on one and alt whenever ske
pleases. Only the father teems able
to meintein a tolerible degree of
Sanity. The story Is somewhat weakened by the artificial ending, which is
not of Idangham'a 'mention.
The last— and probbly the hest—
et the stories In a ]eighty orbeing•
emirs of a thill•witte4 English colonel
Where axle Die In vivre eoneiste in
keeping up with the doings of
of hunting end agricultuna clubs. In.
to his Efeless existence obes an
event which nothing could enimeiv.
Oily upset- hail mere—his .ulfe writes
a Look of "rutted. earthy" {metre,
which sells
""Quartet" mats as • proud of ' the
fart that a motion pkture displaying
some degree of mentality can, at the
sante time, be first-rate entertainment per everybody.' For eoltddstimden, incisiveness, sad sheer delight.
"Quartet .mitet .'euntly mots antenig
the beet of the productions of the
gram, birntirtt
c'etille ef.117.e.'gp
attend and Calling attention to the
ketere tonne exhibitions and the
dinner in the even*.
Dr. Ws
then addreased the group
no the seete Id' the Collate and told
of the nee. developments and plane
for the future. Fallowing his talk,
there wee a brief question wrath
The meeting then adjourned.
In ;WHOon to the guests trent the
the leeadmmiers, the following shown were present:
Elleworth Alverd. 'It Henry 000.
yet, '40; Stacey Beebe, '1St John Berton. 'Si, Charles Bottler. 45; Rngh
- Brim.. le;
Chartence 14;
Meredith Cobb, Jr.,
Horny Oar,
V; Alan Pee, 'Ft, Kochi Fos. '29,
tedium Freleigh
Jos, Hattarti.13; John Hoopes, II;
Ammo /bole, MI: Prank Inglis, II:
Arthisr Jeers, Rh; Jobe Libby, 'RI;
Darla Long, '40; dither weft `40;
foot* Mere*. '39, A. R. Middleton,
'27; Joseph Miller, '30.
Courrt Oar:than. 42: John Phillips,
let WilHae Redact, la,
Rtheetl. '311: Roger Scattergood. MC
Harris OW.,
.Charter Skithrie,
"451 Charles 'hempen, '27; George
Werner, '42; Henthieten Welhourn,
'38: Philip Whitman, "EL
600 Expected at Dinner,.
Seixas to Play
Vogt, Samoan, Mateer, sand Moylan
Feature AU. Starr Tennis Exhibition
With on Maim of reservations and against the present Varsity aggregathe nettlement of final detail. signs tion on Cope Field. At the same time,
inter-cla“ softare that this Ahlinni Day will be one no challenge eerie.
er the Meat in years. Over six bete neil mutes will begin. Challenges can
be issued through the Alumni Oaten
decd will attend the dinner alone.
Tea and Crumpets
A few hours after Commencement
After this afternoon of activity, a
it the morphia, the festivities will
begin at 210 pm. with a serin of Faculty Reception Tea will be held
* he**, tennis matches featuring at the tent bay the gymnegium et
4:40. Ainsteti an room aCqyainttweed stars of the nation.
fisenbse 4 Meyer Hens t
antes with Isehatato melee whom
Singles matches will start the ac- they etodiett and meet newer faculty
lion with Philadelphian E. Victor members who may be teach'. their
ear future.
Seizes, captain of the University of sons now or in then
Fallowing this, a short business
North Carehma tennis tame, winner
of the William E. Johnston award meeting one be held at 3:39 to elect
fee MO few outetanting eportunan- rakers and transact official business.
nod ranked sews}, mtimellsr„ Shortly after, step-sinnIng ef the old
meting Jim Schneer, '45. past flay. ewe wen take Mince with Mart
aims eaptoin and winner el the Vb. Snyder, 15, leading the gems.
Grub end Gab
One Cup in 1142. Princeton's the
tem* septa* Millie* Vogl, Dowel Crowning the Oa?s moms will be
MU Weyer mated lifteenth mace- an outdoor dinner ceder the trees
ally son an rrently playing number neer the Senior Entrance to Founders
ger Mario* Cricket CUM, sill then HAI. A tell courtie-meal wilt be served
Dos Diehl Mew, 'SA lemendamome and following, the Executive MahnEthert Chobleme I.e the pent Met ant to the Secretary General of the
years and earreettz water ems net United Nations, Andrew W. Cordier,
the Reverter.* waste Wm The An* will address the gathering on the
amen win natant Retverd Men** prospects for peace. Hie Redress will
tic country' weber thirteen pone be titted egtobliising Resources for
nod *vet bat, National Champion. Peace'
Fbr those who bring their families,
eve** the top rated star .4 the
IP**. Militate Talbert, el:weeny a nursery with mined attendants
he averlabla fee the children A
w ither be in the fount', Girt hold- ▪
er of the U. S. Doolden Championship, Ireined nurse will also be on hand
the Dmis Cep Boobies Champion- ell day. The children will be haled
ship, and the U. S. Indoor Singles to cart rides es a War Male-art Will
he en the grounds,
Title for 19413.
Mere Sports
Overnight eceetwasodations will be
A doubles match will birder the
singles with Norton end Talbert available through the Alumni decrytackling Vogt and Schnaiars. Percy lath, and all them wicking an stay on
Osborne, Chairman el the Philadel- WOW ate urged to contact Ina -other.
Titheta for dinner reservations mil
phia nue.. Association and Ibmman lammall. coach of . the anemia- menden accommodations will be
will he hold at the Alumni papaw_
Pei Haterford banns teams of Its
tion Booth and say be picked ant
Past few years, win offieiate.
there. All children Irani a to 17 who
At 2the, the Mama will field e have reservationo will he aerved at
Wm of part stars In • cricket snatch no- charge-
Darlington, '90, Dies
Alter Long Illness —
At the age of 79, Percy Smedley
Martinginn. Te, paved shay On May
Ifalt In Chester County Hospital. He
had been HI for some tins*.
Me. Darting..n was barn is Faunbrook. Was Chester, and attended
Worrall's Academy before mitering
Haverford. After hie graduation, he
Wired la the Ivanisit Aeteriesn War.
• Upon leaving the service, he established • himself asun investment
broher In Me wive West Cheater
where he soon hoeame well-linmen and
took an active pert in community'
life. He we. a Meson and a mambo
of the. Ricketts Friends Meeting.
Mr. Darlimpoit Is survived by hie
wife, Jell, Taylor Darlington;•aim,
Pewee S., Jo.; life Mete., Mas Isabel
Darlington, a member of the Cheater
Connty Bor. and Mita Edith S. Darlington: and three grandchildren. Interment wee In Orthianas Ce.rnetery.
Alumni Nplett
Went haa been received of the
death of Edward Dale Freeman on
May 12th in Hertford, CovataiLitat.
Although retired from his law bootNees, Me. Freemen was a prominent
and active member of the National
Arta Club and a collector of books.
The Chairman of the Standing
Committee no Professional Mita
end Grievances of the American Sae
Asseeetlon, -Hwy S. Drinker, addressed the Bar Association at Detroit daring the week of May 22 Ian
Drinker has heeded the Committee
since 1.944, atm' five years service as
a member.
Word has just been reeeived of the
death of George
limbos on.April
17th. fic is sureired by hie wife, Who
resides at the Fairfax. deed to* Locust &Meta, in Philadelphia.
. 1944
Jive* hi, SOW. Philadelphia representatiee of the New. England Mutual Life Insurance Connim.Y, has
qualified for the tab National Quality. Award through his exceptions]
moron in Ifs iaeuronce conservirtion.
Thin enema award, sponsored jointly by the National Association of
Life Underwriters and the Life Inert.
tom Agency Manegantent Associanrainttatavet
tion. is ioymetolhotma7,a,
who furnfeh canteen tn Service 'to
tell Luchti H Skeen Ph. D., be been
elected president of the library alarial. of Harerfad College.
Felix Morley participated on a di •
'on loader of a "shemensee Ore t
Snob class in Indianapolis reeertlY
Haverford College will be rem. -
Chancellor MASI Cognac Sts.
To lner'ease Opporionity For Meeting Your
Friend! and Classmates
UP THROUGH -- 1914
FROM 1911 . -- 1020
PROM 1911— ISM
FROM 1934 r-19b
FROM 1941
All .fahrtattei are invited to
drop tea
for luncheon,
whetlier Str nett they are members of the club
gelded by Denehl H. Painter at the
irteugunation of Arthur Sherwood
F11117.11111ff mqtreeklent a Ohio WeeMahn University on June 11. Mr.
Painter is aka cmreatbor of a 'new
general science textbook. General
Skew for High Nebel, which will
acompany a workbook an general
science written by him and his eolithorator previouele.
Dense Ly, of Canton, China, who
has resided in Shanghai for the past
twenty years,. has been - re-elated
President of the Royal Asiatic noel.
sty. China Branch. Preektent of the
Int.ernstioael Institute Of IChine, and
Chair..en of the Chrletlan LiteratUre
Society in Chin. He has also hem
elected Chairmen of the Adminixtra.
Mee Connell of 1,3,11.111 COnagc nod
Vice-eh:finnan of the newly ergeniziol
Shenghai'doint Relief Committee. att.
LY has just completed an essay on the
Way of Education which will be published in Shanghai shortly.
At rho Mot annual ineeting sof Ohre
Printing Indeetrics of Phliedelshiat
Ind., lohe S. William. president-ad
Williams and Marcus Company, a:di
re.elected prertdent of the mamba- •
orowille E. Tbgbd is the 'main:
of a story entitled "TM iGirl Who
Hided Men. which- appeared In the
May Etat issue - of the Saturday Ere•
ning Past.
Jetta It. Heap. represcuted Havreford College et the inauguration of.
The Reverend Hunter Guthrie, S. J.,
m president of Georgia:we Univereity on AprIkae and MAY I.
The Now York Life Insergnee Cep,
parry has elected David U. bran to
the offim of treasures
After a chart period'of deb in the
Department- of State at Washington,
D. C., Jahn F. bone ham been re.
anifiled 1.0 Baaffk.h. Alec, as 9tir.1
Seel-ataxy and Conthl. He began his
diplomatic career after graduation
f rom Heverterd and has served hi
Berlin, Warsaw, Tientsin, Huey° Laredo, Rotterdam, and Bangkok.
I, Frmeklin Blair is now Mao/isle
Actuary with. the Provident Mutual
Life Insurancye Company in Philodolphin
Robert Van der Snort IM.A. .30
hie recently been elected pamident of
the Allegheny County Bar Amble-
'A111,1;1000 1411,8
Sadliihinlli0011 MO'
Haddletan's Letter,
Final Installment
James Mills Will Jim Grosholz, New ICAA 880 Champion,
roach Heads for Coast to Compete in Nationals
For co L iii-Year t
The 1021 record for the javelin throw
was held by Frank S. Silver, •20, with
a tone of 154' mode in 4990. dint in
the clam of 100 there was a boy
named Hugh Montgommey who leek
all the javelin records in the years Mentor of Phila. Nationals
1922-19115. Sdontgornery first broke
Silverbi record in 1300 with a heave I:kinks-yes Edw. Redimpou
of 1591" and-brake Iris own meord• The Athletic Deportment of floothree times in the next three Year. erforp College lam announced that
Hie 190'9W- node in 1925 std .rands. James MIM, present menmer.coach
Of the Philadelphia Notionids profesPelei Rea Vail Hemel
.Perry A. Hinder. 'Ill Iliad WithAte sional seem 100,0, will moor. Me
vaut1 mooed in 11021 with a leap of coaching duties of the Haverfocd Me11'6" in 1918. Leigh E. Chadwick, e. Mans in the fall, He will fill the
'25 broke ibis reeled twlee in hie stay spot vacated by Ed Redington, who
at Haverford:' iga beet limp was lies recently moved away from Phil117". Signori Hoskins. 77 DM Om adelphia.
height in 1996 and broke Ins awn
Milks is a product of Dundee, Scotrecord Mice. Hoskins' hest mark wan land and began playing meter at an
- The present record ie held early spa in the sehoolp ground bin
by Gifford P. Peley„,•32 with 3 Pm, home. He tint played-semi-pro bad
of 194.on Way 01, 1986.
with the Kirk-loTilloch Rob Roys,
Edward B. Conklin's IMO record in and later got his first professional eothe high gum Mood foe thirty-Ave pee400no with Bathgate. Me played
Yee.. until Storni. S. Poorroon. •87 his last game in Seothind with the
broke hie mark of MI" with . 112° Clydebank tea% in the fire[ division
leap on May IA 1001. Poorman broke of the Scottish League and then jourhis man mark on May 36, 1935 with rieyni to Canada where he screed
00%" leap. This record has never eevenal roans On the Toronto Cale0 011 3.nerreed,
&Maim team.
Inn Marla Stands . '
His first berth in Philadelphia wee
The '1921 record in the running In 1928 when he mine here be play
board Jump was set In 1912 by FranCogitated on Peg*
cis M. Frocticlas, .13 with • lomP"ef
211". This record lam been beaten Diehl MMeer
many times shwa -Victor A. Lam' boll, 'dl lambed to 211.1
in 191161
William D. Rogers. 7.6 Men . ligW•
in 1935; and Allan C. Thom • Jr., '23
broke MO record tour tireen in the
years 1663-1626. To break Roger,'
record. Thomas leaped 22110, in 1926
and set the record Which lute never
been awystatod on May 26, 1928 with
a Imp of 2371i".
The one mile relay record wen .4
Ira the Penn Relays of 0940 by a team
coneleting of Samuel M. Snifter, John
T. Sharkey, Lewis L. Jimmy, and
Walter C. AILICOner.. Their time was
3 tale-, 260 sec. The IMO yard breed
track record Is in the sole paussaion
of JIM Grosholz, '49„ In the U. of P.
Spiked Shoe Meet Oil North 'lb. 1947
he ran llie distaisce -in 2 0110.. 15.3.
,secconds and in the Boston A.A.
puttee of IRE/ Jim rani the1000 yards
In grain., 12.8 'seconds for the fastest
lIarerforrs number one
indmetitne of the seasen.-.13ob .14MMY
singles player, • roushlral
of Cornell also did this time in the
ne'r John ihr pmxl emelt; who
Heptagonal Meet on the Boston Gal, wig play in ,en canintkon Indic&
den Track.
star,. history no name Mrs aver shove
1 brighdY cc that of Dm GroshAis.
he great Scarlet and Bleak Oath
star. It is very difficult for this Miter
to my anything that ham A01 ahead,
been said 'in the sport sections of
MeirMolitan deifies thimighont the
nodes and in speeches honoring lies.
But. 1 helices that there iis a place M
Oda, the c nuadnmensat See, of the
MEWS, foro a brief 13011 at Jim Gm.
hole records and o peep iota the
First, Jiro ie the holder of every
Haverford conning mast Moms/ ewer
230 yards. On April- IL WO be Med
Walter Pidnicia „quarter mils record
of 50.2 emends. and less than a month
Kier, on Moe AA alla Lehigh mat
he lea the Bashrford mark with 'a
hindering 49.7.seCoOds.. His half mile
wooed 'mese. on May '00. 1967 in
the first:„Peat of the IC4A embRicaMona. BO lime wee 1191.1. Ow May
S 1967 Jim sat the Haverford
record. Running in the Johns Napkin. meet he Sopped off Use diatance
in 4:20.0.
Ilia Ham yard records, both indoor
and outdoor, me fairly recent masica.
Jim inn egeMet 11011e of the top-middle distanee men in the East en Fehyary 5. 1940 in the Boston A.A.
gams' Latibem IOW yard run. In
this race he broke in front and showed his 101112 heels to the dad to he
well in the best indoor time of the
season 7,11.11. Mosley of Cornell deo
did the IOW in the same tinso during
the past indoor Reason. JitnIs out
door record is m Yet unofficial and Ls
being checked carefully before tieing
made aided. Lear week in the Dowaingtown Young -Many Association
track-meet at Downingtown. lint tea
the 1000 yards in •■•10.0 ePop" Saddle.
Me mint "pretty fast. time." Thia
More or 1313 BA tinders/tate-meat - a.
pop's part The time reported in the
papers at the dint was the clocking
allowed by the had time-keeper ,
2:10.8. To give an Men of rum how
good thy time lint/I...world monad for
1000 yards ;harbors in
set by
fie great Chock Ferule of W is3091aim. Since some of the timers' swathes
Varlwil ebelocly, however, Jille3. f.,[11111
has not been oMeititly awarded. gut
.3 000 can sea. om and a half seconin
off Gm world recited is slightly better
than "pretty feat Lillie."
held by Grosholz is the two mite. This
wm recorded on May 19, ISM in
trhengegar Meet
Raverford with a
timing of 11:50.7. Sondes thus sia
records Jim oleo bolds • number of
charignondrimi. • He set the more in
the crone country roomer 01 HAM.'
berg to become Middle Atlantic °remeoumry champion. Me to alm Middle Atlantk States hag mile and mite
champion and broke the 880 emit in
the Swarthmore Neighborhood Mem
Gruoholz . . .
. . I C 4A WF Nile tins',
Middle• AtIawrir belt oar - 4,nel
wile chaff* sod balder Fel tit,
n records.
I I.-cried College Iri*
reGently with • elselting. of 1:54 emends.
But m Lop of alk-Oese honors, hm
thasheig M novr ramming the name
of la
late Me nationel track
Pieter.. for as a track followers
know. Jim is the scaly crowned. Wad
880 kiwi. When lint set a terrine
puce -in the modifying heats .the expens shoot their landts knowingly.
"A qualifying terror hut a dieappoinlkng finatist" be iris called. In the
Muhl on Mar SI Jim Croahols ra
mph. the memo of Eastern And
Middle Western middle distanee 11133.
Included in the twee ware Jodi DMoctet. .61iChigne State's defending
champion, Rob Healey, beech's - Ivy
champion, .John Stresenburgh el
Pont. end Tommy, Comerford of Manhattan. Reggie- Dearman started but
of a. sidle wintad a his Iowa Phil
nil,. el Sean Hall also dropped
out of the mew Mame Me finish.
Jim's style of running regain. 3
islet break from the web at the be.
pinning of the rare Mill constant
pushing to (3■Ailiii in front all the
wily. And Ono is juar the hied of
race Jim me. Little halt Dianett
made • valiant bid to outspend Jim
at the tape last Lis kick fell inches
short and Haverford hod ow. ICC%
track champion lies's time io the
1C4A. was 1,t0.0, led secemd hest
time to Dee,
Probrebay about tie tines Yeal are
reading Ilia artirle, the .object
sald article M again out on the Meek.
This week :t is the Middle Atlantic
AAU eheismiminkips at Norriebmg
end thin to merely a wurneup for
things 10 torte. ,
Feed, JAM. IS ill Lace Angeles'
.111(e. Colineara 'the National Coll,
Pete Athletic' Ansociation championships will be held, and Jim. Groshola
who, will he hum mother champion at
this meet of chempions, will be Pr,
tenni in the half mile run. And If 401
gom wet in this stealing teat, Jim
will also Journey to Fresno on Julie
75•to emapeto in the National AAU
▪ 1h-. There is no doubt obout it,
dim-hula has entered the big time.
and IA California he will men such
stars as Mal Whitfield. Ohio State";
Olympic champion and many. man,
There 13 plenty id drama narked
into this tale of Groshols glory. To
tool etWin Preface,
-Can fide unsung runner from. • littIe
refits. in the ISO find vieto-re and
gleiy a.a champion armee moor
champions in the Golden West?"
-Don" Haddleton, Haverford thick
each far Deenty-eight ream. hen
new in Jim Groshols the crystalisation of a life-long dream. to mold 3
national champion. Jim will carry
with him te CaliforoM the burden of
.Pindditilf the name of the college in
nMionet competition, but more thee
that. be will he trying 13.
. Like ail Heddletendireingel athletes
Jim leas gained Mad. wailed Wad.
and rim hank He is now approaching
the Peals moPethive yams at bin life.
It it gide preadele that ths fast California ash may be Jim'. "meat?
Scarlet and Black Diamond Squad Ends 1949 Season Rudisill, J. Wood, Rhoads to Captain
Track, Baseball, and Golf for '50 Season
With 5 Wins, 8 Losses; Drop Finale to Swarthmore
Although it cannot be said that
Die 1949 Haverford bascholl
was a completely successful one, it
did produee • number of-good games
end goof .331131040 '32perienee LA SORIP
prolniaing fresh en prospeats. The
record for the swan. not wanting
Iwo losses on the eauthern trip in
the spring, tam hawins said tight
defeats. With o few breaks this
rimed could have been seven wins
and ei1 lox.. The two Delaware
games could have gone either Wily.
The first was decided on a steal of
home and the second game went aim
teen innings bete,'Delaware scored
awd,rtuns to poll it out of the fire.
After enifering a pair of defeat. In
khe aouthern trip, one to the Moanlimo Marines 18-1 and the other to the
0-2, Hoven
ford-lost iM first regular season eon.
lest to Ttelnento on April I by a 6-5
' Mscant. Bill Botelor and Dori Chandler led the Ford attack with Mar
hits apiece. had • steal of home In
the seventh pope the Igoe Hens the
.Theat the Scarlet and. Black canto
back with two etreigItt wine. On
April 10, southpaw s, ,Craig Heberton set Urrinus down on two hits,
2-0. Frank Meet. Move in the two
Haverford rune with a single. A week
later Ileberton wan hie second game
ite he pitched six innings rimiest
,Drexel and say credited with the victory, Bill Boteler's bonier and many
Drexel errors gave- Haverford an 0.5
Delicious Sandwiches
Sada &Mice
Delaware than defeated the Fords hinge before a doable by ilinsbY
5-0 in thirteen toning. Five Scar- Send arida Mean hit by rtil MaolrY
kt criers helped considerably and brooghi him his foul)/ decision of
voided the hiMing of captain Al the year. The ocore was 8-2. On May
Hume and But sacker Jan Wood. On
,Haverford imain was *Masted by
April 90 the -Randattmen last their St. Joseph'. this Ono by an 6-2
third content of the reason as they sere. %senior garnered only nit
were swamped by F & Id 11-2. The hits, including • home - me • by
Fords got only, three hits fame the &kronor.
enemy pitcher; Bud Garrison had too
The Fords ended the season will •
of Ramp.
win over Ili-sinus and -a love to
Following a 5-1 win over the Phila- Swarthmore. Hebeeton .wee
delphia College of Pharmacy in which dm' of the Carmen 4-0 win AB the
CMig Hasertort Mattered four has Scarlet batters were belpleas- at the
It receive Ina third win of the sea- hands of Serarthmerga Disk Hall. pr
son, the Scarlet and Black dropped May ll. Haverford bashed out ten
theit-,next three contests. The thian-• bite end received effective six hit
tko Marines shut out the itandellnien pitching from freshman Ted Hiltherd,
59 although Havieford •outhit /Min Chandler, Wood, Lueine, and Woteler
f-d. Then In a add, frel•hittingeon, Illeved two hits apiece hs the SearMet Temple came from behind in tote et .7/011 5-4 over Ursinus. But in
innings 10 take a 12-8 win. Craig. the Swarthmore game it was a difRehertim, the old work hone, engem ferent story. Halle fax ball woo
ed his first Ms. of ,the season after Jot .a little too much for
three wine and Bill Boteler drove in bat
en they were held to throe.
three runs•with a single and a dabble. its
1 eing/as old well nosed.
On May 2, St. Joemph's battered (AA
16-2 victory ,alier, • sceiningly helpleas Ford lehm.
Albreehes Hewers
On May4, the Hornet. played there
moat exciting same of the mason.
Craig Heberton had to go eleven im
At Sweatshirt Film
year. Rath is I gradesto of Abington High School and hos been P Membee of the Scarlet cinder smad for
throe years. He is • number of the
glass of 1950. Omar Carleton. Id will
be the track =nags' next Peen
Pepper-pot first hatentan JirnmY
Wood has been named to head tha
1950 edition of the 10s06011 teamq.
Woody is a product of limmrford
School end has cloydd on the baseball
Mom for 'the past three 33000133 ns
catcher; tat molter. and orktielder.
Tom Stem, '50 will head the diamond
se W .1sommier Ave.
I li
1430 Walnut Street
Ilaverfordians ran well-bc proud of
the track semen just 'completed, and
put it down in the hooks WS ore of tba
most 'successful in recent Ford athletic hiatary. The team 031131 folk out
of five, being set heck In the find
meet by M.AS. champion. St. Joseph's. in a hmrb breaker that pill
the Scarlet and Black on the short
end of u 65 and one sixth to 60 an I
one sixth mom. In the official memo, tam Ford records were aced, and
one was broken. Cain. Jim Groshols
tied the 50,2 merle in the quarter mile,
and then later in the season look the
record dawnto 40.7. 0011 Halpern,
eaMain of the freshman truck 'leant
tied the existing college !Mord in Or
ICS yard dash, 9.0 seconds,
Diehl Mateer, clic Semen brothers
Tian Crolim, Jim Fosmr, mid Ed Bollinger, Hank Stern, and John Thomas
alteroating in Me number six eingle•
est. Bob Betson remained undefeated until the fired match of the mason,
Credal. Only llikr
winning twelve of his thirteen
Al the completion of .c
matches during tit). sem...
:'apt. Croy holt running in He I CIA
champiomhips ut New York, heroine
Thew Straight
Ow only Ilaverford holder of an IC4A
Ilaverford started the regular sea- title, as he outlegged
m, after losing three out of four to
matches In the sOuth, with three
10 Fl
o rd
:Lrted the '441 season hy
oraight 54 victories. Theo e came at
mmly upsetting Ste, lemon.. It was
the egpase of Munlenterg, Ringers. 11 0314. windy day. nod the crippling
and HoravSn. After being
effects of mother nature Mopped Hasout originally at Princeton, the match erfoirl to the libel, Jump, end forced
was played after the Moravian contest. •Prineetora won 7-2 se Bob SeiGtoshols tied the quarter
sm and.Hee firs singles combination mile mark in this met h. shirt his
grvote[ season an to-leeds with Tom
Hopkins of Haverford's treck team. Second in Malay
11101,,0 . fell easilY before the Esdk.
and the Scarlet awl Blark erabhdl 10
firsts towilleasily.
The Penn
Relays saw it Ford. quintet composed'
euptyina onn,hiolx and Tom
Hopkins. -plus Jim • Hackie, and Kr
Jones, take • close emend Marc
hind Swarthmore in the 31.A.Ik1 mite
Relay Championship.
The next day,
AuLrt ring frodi Huclikell for Toot
Hopkins. the Fords lmit second in
coilcer rotor in& relay. bestial. ,
Suarlhmore in the excellent lime of
ales, of OMIT
syra hut only contra' an find
rneirb ontl, Vole Universily.
Ono of the highlights of the semen
was the solid defeat
for inn first time since IYII, by o
041-501 more. be Jones was Fond high scoter fpr 'the day, tickled two firsts,
n secodd and a tie for third. Ills victory in the 'moral jump. the loot event,,
secured the Fdrd. Maim, and kept
Haverford home up fora wipe at
Trophy. .Eli .1-lettere con
▪ 1011 century and Capt. Grmhols
beat M.A.S. I mile. champion Sill BMtin, twiee, once in the half and once
in the mile.
.Grestwald Breaks Own Recant
Haverford placed seventh out of
dixtesn' a4 the M.A.S. Track end Fgld
Chimpionships at Gettysburg.' Jiin •
Grmholx annexed the leaf-mile and
mile championahips. Stan Greenwald ,
broke his own shot. put record with a
4-1110" heave. placing third. and Sr
Jones took 5th in the brood .1..13.
The fehigh track:item- provided the
.PPartunity for the breaking of the
20-yeo-old quarter mile mark by Jdm
Mound the Walton Field track to
break the ropy „in the excellent time
of 49,7 sec, heron in the ...eel, Eli
Halpern, won the final of.the URI
rairl .dash against Episcopal, lying
the Haverford record. 9.9 secants.
Since 1/105
All Makes of
As Talons
Der, Cleaning
'Ardmore 6100
for yhet
lloverfordituts -
Now open
The Largest Stork
Haterford; Pa.
IN, Ormolu{
of Resole in IL'S. A.
H. Royer Smith
101h & WALNUT Streets
Telephone: WAInui 0-2073
same. cro ese
am, triMe re •
College 'II/rive-in' Cleaners
Haverford, Pe.
P.. J.
GIS llll i l 14, inc.
22 El Lanemler Ana.
An Offset Printing Service,
Ardmore, Fs.
Germantown, Chedent Hill.
and Whitmore.
err fan
13:1,33T331:i3lr entargtxrenr
Ark DIN -
Bryn Bony flower Shop
tel Lemmata Are.
ni. team had a completely esesaft•
swam The team was made el. of
Cin(lertneu Fill Before
S.. Joe'., M.A. Cholups
Tel. Bryn Mawr WO
LI`11 Vi1,01.11, and
With nrecord
only three defeats in myelin season
play with the touphest schedule aver
it an be mid that the Revertant ten-
of Jim Foster and Diehl Mateer wen',
the only ones to garner victorkm.
Then came successive 0-1 wins aver
Lehigh and Penn before the boY1
from the mmth. Davidmn to la ;sae;
handed the &inlet their seciond dulfat of, the reliantt. The score was
6-2. Bob Bataan Kiraly sem, the duly
singles match. Following an 0-I victory aver P. & M. the Bram/Baton
look three straight 94 (Notches. -Victims of these whitearmhm were Delaware, Drexel, and SwarthMore.
Followleg an 8-1 viciory over LaRadO011 will the over the &dies
(nettc, the tennis team wan sehcl,
performed this year be co-captains
uled he travel to New .Eriglarl tq play
Jin Groahols and Toth Hopkins win
alc.and Williams. The Yale match
Jim Woad will fill.the elow of
resulted in Hayerford's third leas of
the seams End Hob Reteen's first &font, while the match with Williente
hid HI be called off because of rein
Ckeir,s •
;LIZ: it.
ermnikteni 33113 winner. Ins been
elected to captain Dm tree! Own next
Ten Wins, Three
Losses is Record
Of Tennis Team
managerial mead in 4050.
William "Olney" Rimed. .50, hoe
bore elected captain of the lass golf
loam. A consistent point getter during the past few
3P.3.4<ili Tom Graff ea the loader of
-the !tokenism. Althisgh no tennis
captain has been elected on yet, Tom
Stevens, manager during the past
mown. will again terntm the manaferiel dotim for the 19E0 seas&
Your Honeymoon
All our Me. IR are alarilm• rearm.
trieedly. 1/11.0.41
.1 ember, lifer YOU .sae ,veer • .
and 3■4•333, u• the 3.4•33-31.
"3; "1113
"T'llan.:[""term.117. 7rit
•• • mom-.
pixogo. *AN bulb. Op•-• all
17:3 Itt=te'
4 'ire31;t7
Ilea WI. Swillunales..
Menthe", of ine trains of theme
spring sparts ham. chosen their motet. for the 1950 sen,... As yet no
election hw been held by
the tennis and cricket Marna Also
three managers for the mining year
have been muted.
Trackmen Have Great
Season. Lose Only One
14 W. Ehmomese Mean.
Tflothlolnin 7-0000
George W. Entlerm
Main Line end
Chaster County
ITS 00..14nolette Asset
Pb..... &Ss& 'Id
New Aero-metric
.113 133
0, 4. yea
• Pm 01* 333r.
Reproduction by the OFFSET printing method. Strode!•
bed typewritten comma:Don. Semites,. gladly shown of
Libizry guides. indexes, direitories, manuals. pamphlets.
book, forma elm' Olit-of-print bunko .reprodued...
14111114•Inifilb.S1xllt St.. Philadelphia 6. Pa. .
Moberg 0-1418
`News' Captures
Silver Cup;. Cited
"For Management
4Tr LYtRta 11,, 149
An award of .merit was Ix-Wetly
node to the Heverford Beau by the
6er.ee fur
• Honorable Mention in the field of gen.
emit management during the 194)140
eojloFUpublishing ye..
The distinction Was won in 'a malionwide competition eonthrrtnd by
BAR to foster high standards of calnewentspen.publishing and to en.
greater understhmang- of
ool journalistic nal business pro:limn. A large silver trophy was
rented by former editor Jerk toothy
from the 'prise committee which is
,imported be Imidins-advertkers and
agencies who view the competition an
nstrumental in training college NIII•
ents.An excerpt front the sccompanying
announcement the award roads
COHDrODlititiOns, Jim . .
Uniformed Band
To Greet Fords
In September
The 1949-50 College Band will make
its appearances next fall in new uniformed jaeketic, it was announced re.
by President Barton Milligan.
t he white hats,
the organisation will remin white
trousers, provided by the members
Any !Could bangratel•A Jim Gnnbobr in ,v anti fold on
107A 010 rare.
erMbrgbing big pees richny
Morley Brothers' Two New Books
Deal With Politics and- Whimsies
Sepia.. Cross-Country Jackets
The Band. organised in September
of .1947. has axed temporarily the
aroos-cpoetry field jackets of the
Athletic•Oeparfinent. It was decided
by members this year that steps
should he takeatOward providing the
Band with official uniform.
Will Raley own Pardo
To Magnet the project, the Band
hoe bean granted the right to operate
the concessions at. footheill munch
next fall and will spottier it dance
early in the season, music to be provided by a dance combination within
the Bend. In addition to a few donations already made, the group hopes
to raise enough money to uniform
II its members. The College admin'intention will provide most of the
'funds in the form of a loan in order
that the uniform( may he available
nest felt'
Felis Morley, 75. author • of The
Power in the People.
TlgMiy Hemmed
Fens Morley'! The Power In the
People IA the fuildst statement which
has yet appeared of 'the Haverford
ex-President's basic political Philosophy, Advertised on the jacket on
"a ..china study of the mewling.
maintena.e, and results of liberty:
Graduation Addy
. . . Cap & Bells Has Growing the book develops as an historical and
philosophical inquiry into tbe nature
Continued from Peg I
Pains, Revamps Set-up
of the Artierican republic. Mr. Mon.
At any rate. in the midst of the
leyW tightly reasoned argumeno an
diversity and ...fixation that
Nn longer aide to function under
Our Slip Shows
such problems as the implkatlons of
murk Twentieth-Century education, the old organiotional Ili,,0115. the
self.govamment and the distinction
In Robert Sherwood's Shipley
the important problem is to fled Cup and sou Chub has aeraantad franc
betweeti state and society are well Lecture of Wednesday. May 18,
- the eonstant that makes 'Miner- four distinct organisatio.. The Dracalculated to stir 'the interest of boy 1940, a refereneuvas made to the
sity and community develop pail matics Club ,the Glee Club, the Band,
student whb wish.. to be intelligently sneak la..se attack on Pearl
Pomo." And this constant. Dr. end the College Orchestra are tan
Herbno which was misinterpreted
•Bailey raid: is to be found in the suh-categories whkh hull ease the ad- critical of American political theory.
by the Haverfeird-News' reviewer.
Whimsically linaginetive
cultivation of a -keen sense of ministrative work load formerly ear.
Mr. Sherwood referred to the eV
Chrishu" an ability. as he put it in Pied by the Cap and Balla as it whole.
tad as ...questionably the stupidthe words
ords of Robert Burns, "to nee Richard S. hteKinley has been topher Morley is 'actually mole of r.
est thing that any nation
rselves as Mars see us..
eleclm! president of the Dramatics fantacy-parable than a novel. The
Intinating tied the J•Pmea9
Remember Your Quotient
Club. with Garret Roberts: in. serv- Hog Who Made Friends With kflatAn adequate pea eta for no edu- ing as production nonagon.
, eelf la the . whimskally imaginative unified the United- Staten by that
cated man, huivear, has to be More The Cap and Belle has. elected the Mary of a man who finds 'that his blow.
The News made Mr. Sherwoodai
than un ability to.Smile at the ir- following °gleeeo for to emning Better Self —his Other Half, his
rational aberrations of our fellow year: president, John C. 'Lobel', vice, Roper Ego—In something Yen which phrase apply to the linked States
never unite ereafte. but with °AdministnettOnli Eu ngl ok."
human' beings. To- get thorough- president. 100000 Heatingtt sometery. Fee
eirrallantlei and toolCeliac happiness we shall hove to Charles Peters: ireasurer. Russel whIeh, also. he can never really come
seathe humor in our nwn. personal Ritchie; noistant seciy.treas., Taylor face to face. Richard Tolman, . a ogises to Mr. Sherwood and to its .
suburbanite literary agent, tells the readers for' any embarrassment
t re (after his death) in emehling and confualen which the mistake
and cootie inanner that neverthelers .Might have caused.
so,a 0,,eat Many provocative nbile•
souhie overbmes. Hoch a book ie
Sigmund Spaeth has returned Iron Spaeth's new hook will he a juvenile, typically Christopher Morley and is
a long lecture tar. followed by a va semidirtional biography Of Clare a d expected to enjoy considerable popcallon cruise, and will spend most a Robert Schumann to be published y ularity.
Henry Holt & Co. curie in Mo.
the aurnmer at his home in Westport
vHaverford College is honored that
the News has won Honorable Mention
among oil college newspapers In .4 leg. of less then LIMO entolithent.
Hy Its con.entious efforts and M
telligent publishing operation. the
staff of the Haverford Nene has
brought v signal honor to the collet,
. Connecticut, working. on a new book
He is also preparing to film a sere
.of lefevieioni Near., aryl Wean
ing as a guest on various broadcast.,
One of Dr. Spaeth's best know•
hooks, The Art of Enjoying Music
Is now available in pocket Site as on
of the Pertnebooks. published b)
Doubleday & Co. His Melo, o
• Popular Music in America.. a Randon
House publication, ea:minims to fio
fever with readers of all kinds, Pt
is in.constant use at most of the rad,
stations of the country, part:cola&
n the•hands of the dine jockeys -oh
. find Its pages a. fruitful source of in
formation for their -broadcasts. Dr
Shaw Addresses
WHRC At Banquet
Those Who Serve . . .
Two of the 1.etter known Haveeford
graduates, brothers. have entered the
publicere again this spring with the
nearly simultaneods publication of
books which are poles apart. The
writers are Christopher Morley, 70,
who. novel The Man Who Made
Friends With Himself was officially
Published yesterday, and es-President
Breakfast — Luncheon
Tao — Dinner
TO. 11,0 Mawr 0386
Premeeent Clot °Axis of '49 biefared above ore Jim Rime.%
yrerbook einfoe—Serrbtrry;„ Slo, Miner. &wind Cointrd
Trruarrr; Chuck Grob-by, Recoup Club bend—tire..breg.; end Tom
Hopk, perennial doe presidmi-
Second Atarival •Family Weekend Planned . . .
Foe the first time in its history,
NifiliC held a banquet on Tuesday,
Slay fie, in the Commons Room.
Thirty-five manlier, of the station Oaf attended. Charles Shaw of CBS
spoke as guest of boner, while other
Imola] guots included Mr. A. T. Benham end Mr. Newlin of the physics
Mr. Shaw, a noted nom anelot,
spoke about his own rarer in journalism and radio and about the problems which be testa radio tom, today, He expressed the opinien that
there is t. much Arms oa quis and
comedy shows and not enough garloos programs. He thin., hap-ever,
/her radio, since it is a business, follows the public tastes. Ole oleo prained
the job radio-did in covering the viar.
After the banquet' Mr. Shaw made •
tour of the station and gage the II:55
news summary.
In addition to Mr. Shaw's talk, Mr. .
Benham, the station% adviser gave
short sfieemb: President Brooke
Cooper, acting as Master of Ceremonies, and ...president Nevi. Curtis oho spoke. saying that the great
POPOao the station nes no. for.
no the last ,itemeater is due mainly
to the cooperation el the entire staff.
C,cedaueel from Polo 1
As one attending alumnus algid of
round-table will -then &HO Into
the first Haverfoop
father-son round table undo the lead- Weekend, the expo ant was win=
ership of a male doctor, while a in several respects. The College Made
mother-daughter round-461e will be possible a brief holiday that provided
under o woman phYsieie•
stimulus for the mind as {sell as
Since the .Weekend is for fon and change of scene for the body. Secrelaxation as well . learning, the ondly the College provided an opporafternoons will be given over to e`t tunity for Alumni to eotnetotother
interesting series of events in which for some other purpose than merely
all, intone end old, may participate. to so Nigh other ass% for m the New Soccer Mentor ...
Such fun will include softball, tenni..
of beekedapping. Thirdly the
Captioned (toga Page 3
mming, "stunts," folk and soled Weekend gave the whole dowdy
cing and group singing. with' Marc In -father's put-mi disetmery with the all Peofessionids team, and
never a dull moment. To the evening which seamed to ono an apprmittide later be became associated with to
lectures by outstanding authoriti., monition among the younger mem- Feirhill. Club, who were omtuutin
the general community will be invited. bers.' Finally. the -Weekend was
theft, but in 1914 apinseted a profesmougnition by the
of the sional Mire. the Nationals.
Poll Restate . .
greening conviction that education le
Bookie hi, 'present dada with the
Codtin.d from Pagel
• lifedong protean and that a college Sadao], be coiched the freshman
serye to-!quash the undecided Ott- is not meeting Its full obligation .0e team at Penn in 1917 and (or th4ese
Its alum( if it limits Its contribution nine years has been soccer mentor
A large proportion of the teat to shier bright college years..
at Episcopal Aeadmoy,
green 1657, I felt theVellaniratIon of
the present grading system would no
'a cop in Improving faculty-student
A [melons discovery from unoth.
qoestion revealed 71:i edamant or
negative about attending f.ultystudent parties with dates. Day atudems showed moor desire for this in'Theodore NhIlmilell
elevation than those in the dorms. '
The Pollster Peon aupgaate Hat
anyone wishing to see fun roults of
their poll can find .Piett in the heed,
of Dr. Sanford and Dr, White. The
report is the work of Horatio Wood,
George Hoffman and Robert Healy.
2aeleit# .7401 e,averea,
. Barber Shop
118 W. Lanraeler Ave
1 0' 11. .1. Building
"There is nothing like a MILD,
cool smoke — that's why
I smoke Chesterfields."
16 W. Lancaster Avenue — Ardmore 773
A UNIVERSALANtlintintiOnia PROnugligini
. Compliments of
Haverford •
Pharmacy t-
Estate of Henry W. Press, P. D.
Drugs and Sundries
Phone Ardmore 0122
RED .] (00PER.,
A %%rani. Watch Serves as a Spare All Tear Round
Every man land woman emu a sport Watch — one which to sealed
anon. moisture and dirt.
Hamilton hxs designed three model. as follows1871.50
. ' Coned e ith sweep second
Round with mall oeeond hand
Concord. alth 'Teed J. Cooped' on the dial, moltsa floweret models
formorn, including ore for ladiea.
Autereetie. !self-winding) 17 jewel» .
Lady's medpfstroiroof 001,0 watch, 17 jewels . .. . .
Cortland, • "Orel.
Prices Include 10% tax.
109 8. 13tii St., Phlladelphi• 7
Roistered Jeweler. Antedrao Gem Society
nenids no, town a eno now.
Fly UP