
Science Scene Research Report —The Dean’s Corner—

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Science Scene Research Report —The Dean’s Corner—
Science Scene
Research Report
October 2008 to April 2009
A Publication of the College of Science, Utah State University
—The Dean’s Corner—
As summer rolls in, I look back at the past academic year and see that the hard work of College of Science faculty and students has
resulted in strong representation for Utah State University at national and international research venues. At the spring commencement as
President Albrecht summarized university highlights I realized that a sizable number of the accomplishments that he identified came out
of the College of Science. I congratulate all of you who contributed to those highlights.
The Department of Biology was the proud recipient of the University-wide Department Teaching Excellence Award. Receipt of this
award brings the total number of COS department recipients to four in the past six years. This accomplishment is noteworthy
particularly given the fact that our college faculty are also highly engaged in the research enterprise.
Accomplishments of Dr. Alex Boldyrev were recognized this year with his receipt of the D. Wynne Thorne Career Research Award
from the university. More about his career and research successes can be found on the following pages. It is also noteworthy that his
PhD student, Boris Averkiev, won the Robins award for the University Graduate Research Assistant of the Year. This is the second
consecutive year that Alex has had a graduate student win this award.
During this past year several additional COS faculty have become involved in new USTAR projects. We highlight the Center for
Advanced Nutrition in this issue, but this group and the Biofuels team are now joined by a Biomanufacturing team, and a Space Weather
team. New USTAR proposals in High Flux Neutron Generation and Infectious Diseases also involve COS faculty.
As you will see in the following pages COS students, both undergraduates and graduates, have been very visible with their research
endeavors this year. Again we saw two Goldwater Award winners, Taren McKenna and Cody Tramp. BJ Myers received an honorable
mention in this competition. The success of all of our student researchers is dependant on the hard work of our faculty so my
congratulations go to students and faculty alike.
Though we have had a tough year with budgets, it is still an exciting time for the science and mathematics fields. There seems to be a
recognition of the need to support these fields from our nation‘s capitol and within the state as well. I encourage faculty to keep apprised
of the latest announcements for ARRA stimulus opportunities. Have a great summer.
— College of Science Contract & Grant Activity —
(# of proposals)
Proposals Submitted
Awards Received
(# of proposals)
Proposals Submitted
Awards Received
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
Cumulative Totals for
$8,749,973.00 (8)
$7,695,067.00 (15)
$4,727,213.00 (7)
$21,172,253.00 (30)
$180,449.00 (5)
$219,863.00 (4)
$452,112.00 (5)
$852,424.00 (14)
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
Cumulative Totals for
$7,636,076.52 (23)
$2,982,233.55 (11)
$6,313,732.40 (14)
$38,104,295.47 (78)
$398,874.00 (6)
$795,574.00 (9)
$881,782.40 (9)
$2,928,654.40 (38)
 0305 OLD MAIN HILL, LOGAN UTAH 84322-0305
— Alexander Boldyrev Receives Research Awards —
D. Wynne Thorne Career Research Award
Alexander Boldyrev, a professor in Utah State University‘s Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry in the College of Science, is the recipient of the 2009 D. Wynne
Thorne Career Research Award, presented by USU‘s Vice President for Research
Office. Named after USU‘s first vice president for research, the D. Wynne Thorne
Career Research Award is the most prestigious research accolade given by USU.
―Alexander Boldyrev is at the heart of what is arguably the most creative and
productive scientific research program at this university,‖ said Steve Scheiner, head of
the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. ―One of his greatest strengths is his
choice of research problems.‖
Alex Boldyrev, 2009 D. Wynne
Scheiner added that while some researchers in Boldyrev‘s field are content in
Thorne Recipient
addressing issues that push new understanding in small increments, Boldyrev is known
for addressing central problems in a direct way. Primarily, Boldyrev‘s research
involves ―aromaticity‖ and chemical bonding.
Since the 19th century, chemists have used the term aromaticity to describe the chemical bonding properties of
organic compounds. By developing chemical-bonding models capable of explaining the structures of metallic
clusters, Boldyrev and his team have revealed that metals exhibit aromaticity. This research could improve scientists‘
understanding of the nature of catalytic activity and lead to the design of new catalysts.
Since 1990, Boldyrev has published 133 research articles. These articles are published in some of the highest
ranking peer-reviewed journals in his field. Publishing between five and 13 papers each year, Boldyrev was cited 530
times in 2007.
These numbers are very high, according to Scheiner, and ―are comparable, and sometimes in excess of, those of
notable researchers in his field from institutions such as Harvard, MIT and Berkeley.‖
The D. Wynne Thorne Award is given annually at USU to an outstanding university researcher who is recommended
by a committee of peers, all previous award recipients. Nominees are evaluated by letters from nationally known
experts in their field of study.
Boldyrev received the D. Wynne Thorne Award at the USU Research Awards Luncheon March 30, from Vice
President for Research Brent Miller and was also recognized at USU‘s 2009 spring commencement May 2. He will
give the annual D. Wynne Thorne lecture at the 2010 awards luncheon.
Utah Award in Chemistry
Boldyrev is also the recipient of the 2008 Utah Award in Chemistry. This award, which is presented by the Salt
Lake and Central Utah Sections of the American Chemical Society, recognizes outstanding contributions to the
chemical enterprise as reflected by excellence in research, technology, service to the ACS or its sections, and/or
chemical education in any field of chemistry. Established in 1958, this award consists of an engraved plaque
including a special struck medal. The plaque will be presented during the annual awards banquet to be held June 18,
2009 in the Rose Room at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah. The main focus of the awards banquet program will be
an award address by Boldyrev.
— Goldwater Awards 2009 —
USU College of Science students Taren McKenna and Cody Tramp were named
2009 Goldwater Scholars by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in
Education Foundation. Aggie Brian “BJ” Myers was awarded an honorable mention
in the national competition.
The 2009 honorees, all students in USU‘s College of Science, are members of USU‘s
Honors program and actively involved in undergraduate research projects. In addition to
this year‘s award recipients, Utah State boasts 11 Goldwater Scholars and four
honorable mention recipients from previous years. Of these awardees, nine Goldwater
Scholars and the four honorable mention recipients are from the College of Science.
BJ Myers, Taren McKenna and Cody Tramp
McKenna, a 2007 graduate of Utah‘s Sky View High School, is a sophomore majoring
in physics and mathematics. With faculty mentors Joe Koebbe and Farrell Edwards, she
is exploring technical applications of small plasma systems. McKenna and her older brother, Logan, who was named a Goldwater
Scholar in 2006, are the first pair of siblings at USU to receive the prestigious award. Logan is currently a doctoral student at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.
Wyoming native Tramp is a junior majoring in cellular and molecular biology and biochemistry. The USU Undergraduate Research
Fellow is pursuing multiple research projects, including investigation of a lactic acid bacterium commonly used in the production of
fermented dairy products. A 2006 graduate of Lander Valley High School, Tramp received a Goldwater honorable mention in 2008.
The same year, he was named a Utah Governor‘s Scholar and a Koch Scholar. He is the recipient of a USU Presidential Scholarship, a College of Science Research Mini-Grant and a USU Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant.
Bountiful, Utah native Myers is a junior majoring in physics and computer science. With faculty mentor David Peak, Myers is conducting research on error correction using distributed computation in dynamical systems. A 2006 graduate of Woods Cross High
School, Myers entered USU as a National Merit Scholar and received a USU Presidential Scholarship. He is a Willard L. Eccles
Undergraduate Research Fellow, a recipient of an Otteson Award and is a member of the Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society.
— 2009 Robins Awards —
Two College of Science scholars were among the recipients of Utah State University's 2009 Robins Awards. Graduating senior
Jennifer Albretsen Roth was named University Scholar of the Year and doctoral candidate Boris Averkiev was named
University Graduate Research Assistant of the Year.
The honors, the university's premier awards, were announced in an April 18 ceremony.
Jennifer, a physics major who was named a Goldwater Scholar and a Governor's Scholar in 2007, investigates electrostatic discharge for spacecraft materials. With faculty mentor JR Dennison, physics professor, she is presenting her
research at the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics conference in June. In September, she begins
graduate studies in physics at Oregon State University.
Boris is a doctoral candidate conducting research with chemistry professor Alex Boldyrev. His research involves the
development of chemical bonding models for sub-nanoparticles that could have a significant impact on rational design of noncatalysts, nanomaterials with tailored properties and nanoscale electronic devices.
— USTAR at USU —
Center for Advanced Nutrition (CAN)
The new year has brought with it several new projects and events for the Center for Advanced Nutrition (CAN).
Dr. Michael Lefevre, USTAR Professor and Director of the Human Nutrition Research Group (HNRG), and Senior
Dietitian Sheryl Aguilar, also of HNRG, are co-investigators with Dr. Heidi Wengreen, NFS, in the Children‘s
Carotenoid Study. This study will assess skin carotenoid levels in children and the relationship of carotenoid levels to
fruit and vegetable consumption. The study will use portable Raman Spectroscopy as a non-invasive tool to provide
that assessment. A total of 300 participants, ranging in age from 9 to 19, will be involved and will include 4th graders
from Edith Bowen and Canyon Elementary as well as Logan High School and USU students. Future studies are
anticipated to find ways to encourage increased consumption of fruits and vegetables by children.
Potential health benefits of anthocyanins (which provide the pigmentation in berries), coffee, and whole grain extracts
are some of the current lab research projects in Dr. Lefevre‘s lab.
Dr. York‘s lab is pursuing several investigations on the effects of dietary fat and exercise on the function of the brain.
They have also developed lentiviral techniques for transfecting genes into cells in culture and animals in vivo. Dr
Gilbertson continues his work on the molecular basis of ―fat sensing‖ in both taste buds and other tissues.
A large database, which was generated from the 14-year Cache County Study on Memory, Health, and Aging study
(CCS - Director, Ron Munger, USU), has been the springboard for collaborative new research between Dr. Munger,
Dr. York and Dr. David Ward (CAN‘s USTAR Professor with expertise in personalized medicine), and the
University of Utah. One such project seeks to develop and implement a research program for the study of the roles of
common metabolic disorders in the early origins of Alzheimer‘s disease. The project will join the CCS data with the
advanced brain imaging resources and expertise of the USTAR Image Analysis Laboratory, The Center for Alzheimer‘s
Care, Imaging, and Research, and The University of Utah Scientific and Computing Institute.
CAN is also home to a new Bioplex machine which can run multiple (12+) assays in parallel on similar hormones,
markers, etc. such as cytokines. It is hoped others will get a benefit from its use.
Dr. York and Dr. Lefevre were invited to speak on February 18th at the Lunch with Leo Discussions hosted by USTAR
at The Leonardo. The topic ―Are You What You Eat or What Your Genes Condemn You To?‖ explores the myths and
breakthroughs around the individual‘s food choices and the body‘s response to those choices.
Monthly meetings of the CAN Associates, a CAN organization comprised of researchers from throughout USU who
specialize in nutrition-related investigations, have been very productive in creating liaisons and grant opportunities
involving previously-unaffiliated researchers.
Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on October 17th for the new research building on the Innovation Campus and
construction has begun. This $60 million facility is the first building constructed specifically for USTAR and will
house the Center for Advanced Nutrition and the CCS.
— Faculty Research Awards 2009 —
JR Dennison
Undergraduate Researcher Mentor of the Year
Tim Gilbertson
Faculty Researcher of the Year
— College/University Student Research Awards 2009 —
Sydney Chamberlin
Undergraduate Researcher of the Year
Jennifer Albretsen Roth
USU Scholar of the Year (Robins Award)
Rebecca Atkins
Graduate (MS) Researcher of the Year
Mathematics & Statistics
Boris Averkiev
Graduate (PhD) Researcher of the Year
USU Graduate Researcher of the Year (Robins Award)
Chemistry & Biochemistry
— VPR Seed Grants Selected for Funding January 1, 2009 —
Research Catalyst (RC)
1) Paul Wolf (PI), Biology, "Development of Plant EST Data‖
2) Sean Johnson (PI), Chemistry & Biochemistry, ―Structural Characterization of Noncanonical Poly(A) Polymerases‖
3) Heidi Wengreen (PI), Nutrition and Food Science, Adele Cutler, Mathematics & Statistics, ―Novel Statistical Methods for Identifying
Dietary Patterns Among Aging Men and Women: The Cache County Study on Memory, Health, and Aging‖
Information and Deadline for Next Round of Seed Grants —
Program information available at:
GEM: http://research.usu.edu/htm/grants_funding/gem
Research Catalyst (RC): http://research.usu.edu/htm/grants_funding/rc
SPARC: http://research.usu.edu/htm/grants_funding/sparc
Deadline for proposal submission to your department head: September 1, 2009
— URCO Recipients Fall 2008 & Spring 2009 —
Fall 2008
Colter Davis
Estimating the Earth's Geothermal Gradient Using Curie Depths, and the
Validity of Using Magnetic Quiet as a Proxy for Curie Depths
Study on Growth Mechanism of Semiconducting Nanowires Using
Vapor Liquid Solid Technique
Chemistry &
Structural Analysis of Air1 Protein
Geochemical and Textural Analyses of Serpentinite-rich Rocks of the
San Andreas Fault System, Central California
Spencer Hyde
Role of Delayed Rectifying Potassium Channels in Fatty-Acid Induced
Secretion in Enteroendocrine Cells
Rochelle Kellet
Mechanistic Study of Iminophosphate Intermediates
Kathleen Kirkham
Scrutiny of a Diamictite to Cap-carbonate Contact: Neoproterozoic Scout
Mountan Member, Pocatello Formation, Idaho
James Victor
Bioremediation of Wildfire Impacted Soils
Anne Anderson
Todd Parr
Testing Hydroseeding at the USU Water Lab for Erosion-control at
Archeological Sites in Grand Canyon
Joel Pederson
Amberly Evans
The Effects of Surface Roughness on Diffuse Optical Reflection and
Photoyields on Spacecraft Materials
JR Dennison
Hans Anderson
Douglas Ball
Chris Bitner
Chemistry &
Anthony Lowry
Haeyeon Yang
Sean Johnson
James Evans
Tim Gilbertson
Alvan Hengge
Carol Dehler
Spring 2009
— Willard L. Eccles Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships 2009 —
Name of Student
Kathleen Kirkham
Carol Dehler
Dillon Morse
Physics and Mathematics
Charles Torre
Cody Mart
T. C. Shen
Rochelle Kellett
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Alvan Hengge
Christina Hansen
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Joan Hevel
Cydney Gunnell
Daryll DeWald
Amberly Evans
Chemistry & Biochemistry and Physics
JR Dennison
— College of Science Minigrant Recipients 2009 —
Holly Anderson
Anne Anderson
Carlos Read
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Lisa Berreau
David Fechser
Computer Science
Minghui Jiang
Carina Eggleston
Mathematics & Statistics
Bryna Kohler
Scott Jensen
Timothy Doyle
Brooks Marshall
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Lisa Berreau
Nathan Redman
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Tom Chang
Heidi Pearce
Tammy Rittenour
Lynsie Daley
Dave Liddell
Lance Peterson
Michael Taylor
— Uintah Basin Research Conference 2009 —
The 9th Annual USU Uintah Basin Research Conference was held Friday, April 19, 2009 at the USU Uintah Basin Regional Campus.
Speakers included C. Dustin Clark, 2009 Uintah Basin Regional Campus Undergraduate Researcher of the Year, and Carrie Young,
2008 USU Regional Campus Undergraduate Researcher of the Year.
This multidisciplinary conference highlights research done locally by Uintah Basin Regional Campus undergraduate students, faculty,
and members of resource management agencies and other entities. It also promotes the advantages of having a research university in
the community by sharing locally relevant studies.
For more information about this conference please contact Lianna Etchberger ([email protected]).
— NCUR April 16 & 17, 2009 —
Evan Lytle
How are Fecal Coliforms Distributed in Space and Time in Spring
Creek, Cache County, Utah
Michelle Baker
Heather Curtis
Body Composition Analysis: Species Dependent Obesity
Susceptibility in OM and S5B Rats
Tim Gilbertson &
Dane Hansen
Jeffrey D. Davis
Signaling Properties of AGS1 and Rhees
Brett Adams
Jonathan J. Call
Adelle Curtis
Jay D. Jones
Integration of Virtual Manipulatives in Statistics Education
Mathematics &
Kady Schneiter
Spencer Hyde
Fatty Acids Induces Hormone Secretion in Enteroendocrine Cells
Tim Gilbertson
Pathophysiological Role of ENaC in a Mammalian Model of
Tim Gilbertson
— Intermountain Graduate Research Symposium April 1, 2009 —
Lecture Presentations
Jacob D. Davidson
Breeding System Characterization of Primula maguirei:
a Threatened, Cliff Dwelling, Narrow Endemic Plant
Paul Wolf
Justin D. Hoopes
Bluetongue Virus Induces Proinflammatory Cytokine
Expression from Human Carcinoma Cells but does not
Require NF-kappa-B or p38 MARK Signaling
Joseph Li
Jing Hu
A Method For Discovering Transmembrance BetaBarrel Proteins In Gram-Negative Bacterial Preteomes
Computer Science
Charles Yan
Dan Stormont
Investigating Human-Robot Trust Relationships
Computer Science
Vicki Allan
Pedro Tejada
Computational Geometry of Contour Extraction
Computer Science
Minghui Jiang
Jessica Munns
Effects of In-service and Pre-service Teacher Collaboration on Pre-service Teachers‘ Preparation for Teaching Mathematics & Statistics Brynja Kohler
Narayan Chapagain
Optical Measurements of Equatorial Plasma Depletions
from Christmas Island
1st Place in Science Lecture 2 category
Ja Soon Shim
Neutral Wind and Plasma Drift Effects on the Nighttime
TEC Variability
Ludger Scherliess
Phylogeographic Patterns in a Widespread Velvet Ant
(Hymenoptera: Mutillidae): Is the Colorado Plateau
Simply an Extension of the Great Basin Desert?
James Pitts
Mike Taylor
Poster Presentations
Joseph Wilson
Shanying Gui
Determinants of PRMT1-catalyzed ADMA Product For- Chemistry &
Ryan Jackson
Structural and Biochemical Characterization of the RNA
Helicase, Mtr4
Chemistry &
Tied for 2nd place in Science Poster category
Brenda Suh-Lailam
Investigating the Role of the N-terminal Tail of the
Human Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 in
Substrate Recognition
Tied for 2nd place in Science Poster category
Chemistry &
Joan Hevel
Sean Johnson
Joan Hevel
Analysis of the Reactions of Amine with O3 and NOx in
a Smog Chamber to Understand the Ambient Chemistry Chemistry &
of Amines Measured in Cache Valley, Utah
Phil Silva
Dariusz Sliwa
Structural Basis for High Degrees of Stereospecificity in
S- and R-hydroxypropyl CoM Dehydrogenase Enzymes Chemistry &
Scott Ensign
Mukta Sharma
Parallel Heat Flux and Stress Tensor in Toroidal
Eric Held
Derek Price
— Student Showcase Participants March 31, 2009 —
Name of Student
Title of Project
Hans Anderson
Estimating the Earth‘s Geothermal Gradient using Curie Depths
Anthony Lowry
Sherry Baker
Secretion Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinases in MDA-MB-435
and C8161 cells by BRMS1 and KISS1
Daryll DeWald
Ryan Berry
Analogous Mutations in Two PTP Enzymes Cause Differential
Adverse Effects on Catalysis
Chemistry &
Alvan Hengge
Paul Bingham
Billbug Life History in Northern Utah
Erin Hodgson
Chris Bitner
Cloning and Purification of the RNA Surveillance Protein, Air1
Chemistry &
Sean Johnson
Sydney Chamberlin
Algebraic Computing Tools in General Relativity
Physics &
Charles Torre
Matthew Chambers
Time Dependent Effects on pH on Ice Nucleation and Antifungal
Activities of Snow-Making Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae
Jon Takemoto
Stephanie Croasdell
Pathophysiological Role of ENaC in a Mammalian Model of
Tim Gilbertson
Colter R. Davis
Petrological and Geochemical Analyses of Serpentinites Associated
with the San Andreas Fault in Central California
Jim Evans
Jeffrey D. Davis
The Effects of AGS1 and Rhes Upon Dopaminergic Modulation of
N-type (CaV2.2) Calcium Channels
Brett Adams
Justin Dekany
Time Dependent Conductivity of Spacecraft Materials
1st Place Poster in Physical Sciences Division
JR Dennison
Cyri Dixon
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Nutrient Availability in Five
Mountain Lakes
Physical Sciences
Composite Teaching Wurtsbaugh
Christina Hansen
Investigating the Chemical Interactions at the DCoH (a) Dimer-dimer Chemistry &
Anna Hegsted
Acyl Homoserine Lactones Signaling in Pseudomonas Chlororaphis
Tamara Jeppson
Correlation of Geophysical Properties to Deformation and
Composition within the San Andreas Faulty Zone at the San Andreas
Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Borehole, Parkfield, CA
Tamara Jeppson
Is There Slow Slip on the Wasatch Fault?
Anthony Lowry
Rochelle Kellett
Synthesis of a Model System for the Study of Iminophosphates
Chemistry &
Alvan Hengge
Kathleen R. Kirkham
Paleoenvironmental Analysis of a Cap-Carbonate Sequence, Neo
proterozoic (~680 Ma) Pocatello Formation, Idaho
Carol Dehler
Joan Hevel
Anne Anderson
James Evans
— Student Showcase Participants March 31, 2009 continued —
Art Mahoney
Parallel Motion Planning using Rapidly-exploring Random Trees
Computer Science
Dan Watson
Bryce Osborne
Methylation and its Effects on Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
Kenneth White
Greg Parry
A Model for Distributed Orientation of Stoneflies Using a
Programmable Modeling Environment
David Peak
Christopher Peterson
Differential Effects of RNAi on Toll-like Receptors in Human
Cancer Cells Infected with Bluetongue Virus
Joseph Li
Andrew Pound
Predicting Phloem Temperatures to Assist with Mountain Pine
Beetle Risk Assessment
Mathematics &
Jim Powell
Jennifer Albretsen-Roth
Induced Electrostatic Discharge in Spacecraft Materials
JR Dennison
Jonathan Thompson
Assessment of Ionospheric Models
Jan Sojka
Cody A. Tramp
Genetic and Biochemical Studies of Plasmid plR52-1 in
Dennis Welker
Richard Wilson
Investigating Atomic Vibrations of Alkali Metal Surfaces
Mark Riffe
Alison Taylor
Is Calmodulin Necessary for Skeletal Muscle ED Coupling?
1st Place Poster in Life Sciences Division
— Research on Capital Hill January 29, 2009 —
Randy Christopher Bowen
Determining Mobility of Synarthrotic Fibrous Joints in Human
Cranial Bones
Andy Anderson
Matthew Todd Chambers
Time Dependent Effects of pH on Ice Nucleation and Antifungal
Activities of Snowmaking Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae
Jon Takemoto
Jonathan Call &
Jay D. Jones
Integration of Technology and Statistics into Secondary
Mathematics &
Kady Schneiter
Jeffrey Davis
Signaling Properties of AGSI and Rhes
Brett Adams
Katherine Keller
The Study on the Combinational Effect of Novel Aminoglycoside
Chemistry &
Tom Chang
Christopher Peterson
Differential Effects of RNAi on Toll-Like Receptors in Human
A549, A498, HEPG2, and HEK-293 Cells Infected with Oncolytic
Bluetongue Virus
Joseph Li
Erik Sibbernsen
Effect of the Mesophyll on Stomatal Reponses to Light and CO 2
Keith Mott
Cody Tramp
Genetic and Biochemical Studies of Lactic Acid Bacterium
Lactobacillus helveticus
Dennis Walker
— Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research - UCUR 2009 - Feb. 20, 2009 —
Name of Student
Title of Project
Morgan Summers
Critical Issues in Middle and Secondary School Mathematics
Placement: A Case Study
Mathematics &
Brynja Kohler
Richard Wilson
Investigating the Vibrational Structure of Alkali Metal Surfaces
Mark Riffe
Bradley Hintze
A New Tool to Assist Low-resolution Structure Determination
Chemistry &
Sean Johnson
Christopher Peterson
Differential Effects of RNAi on Toll-like Receptors in Human A549,
A498, HEK-G2, and HEK-293 Cells Infected with Oncolytic Bluetongue Virus
Joseph Li
Cody Tramp
Genetic and Biochemical Studies of Plasmid
pir52-1 in Lactobacillus Helveticus
Dennis Welker
Ryan Berry
Analogous Mutations in Two PTP Enzymes
Cause Differential Adverse Effects on Catalysis
Chemistry &
Alvan Hengge
Spencer Hyde
Fatty-acid Induced Hormone Release in
Enteroendocrine Cells
Tim Gilbertson
Stephanie Croasdell
Pathophysiological Role of ENaC in a
Mammalian Model of Diabetes
Tim Gilbertson
Tamara Jeppson
Is There Slow Slip on the Wasatch Fault?
Anthony Lowry
Yalemi Morales
Expression, Purification, and Crystallization of
Chemistry &
Joan Hevel
Heather Curtis
Body Composition Analysis: Species Dependent Obesity
Susceptibility in OM and S5B Rats
Tim Gilbertson and
Dane Hansen
James Neiswender
Wildfire Soil Bioremediation
Anne Anderson
Jay D. Jones
Experimental Design for Biological Engineering
Mathematics &
Richard Cutler
Jonathan J. Call,
Adelle M. Curtis, and
Jay D. Jones
An Interactive Approach to Statistics Education Using Virtual
Mathematics &
Kady Schneiter
College of Science Faculty Retreat
August 12, 2009
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Ballroom, TSC
More detailed information will be distributed at a later date.
Computer Science
Arthur Mahoney. Awarded the Computing Research
Association‘s Outstanding Undergraduate Award in the runner-up
male category.
Student Awards, Recognition & Grants
undergraduate*; graduate**
Student Presentations
The Fall Department of Biology Undergraduate Research
Symposium was held on Monday 24 November 2008 in the Taggart
Student Center. Posters were judged by faculty judges – Mary
Barkworth, Paul Cliften, Timothy Gilbertson, Gregory
Podgorski, and Paul Wolf.
Paul Wolf, Joshua Der**, and Aaron Duffy** attended the Fourth
Annual Symposium on Evolutionary Bioinformatics; Aaron
Duffy** presented a paper titled ―Conservation of Selection on
matK in Ferns Following an Ancient Loss of the trnK Intron by
Genome Inversion.‖ It was held in Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, 3-5
October 2008.
Winners were:
1st place – Stephanie Croasdell
(faculty mentor, Timothy Gilbertson)
2nd place – Amanda Maughan
(faculty mentor, John Carman)
3rd place – Sarah Clark
(faculty mentor, James Pitts)
Mekki Bensaci**, Anthony DeLucca, Yukie Kawasaki**,
Niranjan Gandhi, Victoria Skebba and Jon Takemoto.
―Biosurfactant Enhancement of SyringomycinE Fungicidal
Activity.‖ Poster presented at Joint 48th Annual Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy/Infectious
Diseases Society of America 46th Annual Meeting, Washington,
D.C. , 25-28 October 2008.
Talks were presented by Spencer Hyde (faculty mentor, Tim
Gilbertson), Luke Peterson (faculty mentor, Joseph Li), and
Daniel Young (faculty mentor, Terry Griswold). An article,
featuring photographs, covering the event can be viewed on the
College of Science website at http://www.usu.edu/science/htm/
The following presentations were made at the Entomological
Society of America National Meeting, Reno, Nevada, 16-19
November 2008:
Sam Hochhalter**, graduate student in Biology (advisor:
Michelle Baker), has been awarded a 2008 Environmental
Protection Agency STAR (Science to Achieve Results) Graduate
Fellowship (2-years, $74,000). Sam is one of 32 recipients
nationwide to receive this fellowship. He was featured in the 12
November 2008 edition of the Herald Journal.
Joe Wilson** and James Pitts. ―Evolution of Nocturnal
Velvet Ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae): Driven by
Neogene vicariance or Pleistocene Climate Change?‖
Awarded Second Place in Student Oral Competition for
President’s Prize in Revisions and Evolution.
Kevin Williams**, Carol von Dohlen and James Pitts.
―Phylogenetic Investigation of Mimicry Complexes in
Dasymutilla (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae).‖
Awarded Second Place in Student Oral Competition for
President’s Prize in Molecular Phylogeny.
The Women in Medicine Club made news in The Statesman in an
article on 13 February 2009 – see http://www.utahstatesman.com/
women_in_medicine_break_stereotypes-1.1380154. Dru Murray,
president of the club, Sherry Baker and Brooke Deem discuss the
club activities and the support the club offers to women pursuing a
career in medicine.
The following posters were presented at the Entomological Society
of America National Meeting, Reno, Nevada, 16-19 November
Uintah Basin Campus student, Clint McKee, was featured in a Utah
State Today online news article (http://www.usu.edu/ust/index.cfm?
article=35081). Clint is now in medical school after earning his
degree in biology at USU‘s Uintah Basin Campus. Drs. Lianna
Etchberger and Paul Cliften worked with Clint McKee and
contributed to the article.
Nicole Boehme**, David Tanner*, and James Pitts.
―The Tenebrionid Beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) of
the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Dune
AED (Alpha Epsilon Delta – a national health pre-professional
honor society) was nominated as CSCO Club of the Year. They
were awarded a cash prize of $500.
Catherine Clark**, David Tanner*, and James Pitts.
―Insect Interactions of 12 Rare Plant Species in Ash
Meadows National Wildlife Refuge: Generalists or
David Tanner* and James Pitts. ―Pollination and Nesting
Behavior of the Pollinator (Hymenoptera: Apidae:
Anthophora sp.) of a Rare Legume (Fabaceae: Astragalus
phoenix) in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.‖
Megi Rexhepaj*
Utah State University Center for Integrated BioSystemsUndergraduate Student Support (uCIBR Students) Program
1 April 2009 to 31 Dec 2009, $5,000
―Mutagenesis of the Mtr4 Arch Domain.‖
Student Activities
Student Presentations
Utah State University Chemistry and Biochemistry
Club* ―Green Chemistry Alternatives for an Introductory
Chemistry Lab.‖
Ryan P. O'Donnell** and Andrew P. Rayburn presented ―Frogs on
the Edge: Predicted and Actual Biases in the Protection of
Peripheral Populations in the United States‖ at the joint meeting of
the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology and the
Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Stevenson,
Washington, 18-20 February 2009.
Jon Harvey** presented a talk titled ―Paleofloods or Arroyo
Cycles? Reconciling Alluvial Records in the Greater Buckskin
Drainage, Colorado Plateau‖ at the Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, 5-9 October 2008.
Posters presented at the 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake
City, Utah, 22-26 March, 2009:
Posters presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall National
Meeting in San Francisco, California, 15-19 December 2008:
Ryan Jackson**, Bradley Hintze*, and Sean Johnson.
―Structural and Biochemical Characterization of the RNA
Helicase, Mtr4.‖
Jon Harvey**. ―Reconciling Holocene Alluvial Records
in Buckskin Wash, Utah--Where do Arroyo Cycles End
and Paleofloods Begin?‖
Melissa Kofoed** and Scott Ensign. ―Role of Histidine
Residues in the Catalytic Mechanism of 2-Ketopropyl
CoM Oxidoreductase/Carboxylase from Xanthobacter
autotrophicus Py2.‖
Marlon M. Jean**. ―In-situ LA-ICP-MS Analysis of
Pyroxene in the Peridotite Section of the Coast Range
Ophiolite: Diverse Trace Element Compositions and
Cryptic Garnet Field Melting in the Cordilleran Mantle
Ameya Mashruwala**, and Scott Ensign. ―Aerobic
Ethylbenzene Metabolism via a CO2-dependant Pathway
by Rhodococcus ruber.‖
Tamara N. Jeppson*, James P. Evans, and Kelly K.
Bradbury**. ―Geophysical and Geological Examination
of Rock Properties at the San Andreas Fault Observatory
at Depth (SAFOD), Parkfield, California.‖
Dariusz A. Sliwa**, Arathi M. Krishnakumar, John W.
Peters, and Scott Ensign. ―Interactions Between Positively
Charges Residues (Arg, Lys) and the Sulfonate of
Coenzyme M Responsible for Stereiselectivity of R- and
S-hydroxypropyl CoM Dehydrogenases.‖
Michelle Summa**. ―Arroyo Cut and Fill Record from
Kanab Creek, Southern Utah.‖
Brenda Bienka Suh**, Joseph Delka*, and Joan Hevel.
―Investigating the Role of the N-terminal Tail of the
Human Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 on Substrate
Kathleen Kirkham*. ―Scrutiny of a Diamictite to CapCarbonate Contact: Neoproterozoic Scout Mountain
Member, Pocatello Formation, Idaho.‖
Erin M. Tainer**. ―Chronostratigraphy of Holocene
Alluvium in Eastern Grand Canyon: Correlatable Terraces
or Local Paleoflood Sequences?‖
Christina M. Hansen* and Joan Hevel. ―Investigating
the Chemical Interactions at the DCoH(a) Dimer-dimer
Yalemi Morales* and Joan Hevel. ―How do
Monomethylated Substrates Bind PRMT1?‖
Skye Cooley** presented a talk titled ―Paleohydrology of the
Pleistocene Bear River and Pluvial Lake Bonneville‖ at the Student
Presentation Competition, 2009 Spring Runoff Conference, Logan,
Utah, April 2009. Skye received a 3rd Place Award for his oral
Shanying Gui**, Joan Hevel, and Whitney
Wooderchak. ―Determinants of PRMT1-catalyzed
ADMA Product Formation.‖
The Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Katarzyna Grubel*, Katrazyna Rudzka, Atta M. Arif,
and Lisa M. Berreau. ―Synthesis, Characterization, and
O2 Reactivity of Divalent Metal Flavonloate Complexes.‖
The following posters were presented at the Fall AGU Meeting in
San Francisco, California, 15-19 December 2008:
Robert Severinsen*, Elisabeth Pound, Atta M. Arif, and
Lisa Berreau. ―Ni(ll) Enolate and Carboxylate Complexes
of Tridentate Nitrogen Donor Ligands.‖
Jodie Barker-Tvedtnes**, Michael J. Taylor, and M.
DeLund. ―Comparison of Satellite and Ground-based
Measurements of Polar Mesosphere.‖
James J. Danford**, Atta M. Arif, and Lisa Berreau.
―[EMIM]CrCl3: Synthesis, Characterization, and
Spectroscopic Studies of Reactions Involving the
Conversion of Glucose to HMF.‖
Student Presentations
Narayan P. Chapagain**, Michael J. Taylor, and Bela
G. Fejer. ―Radar and Optical Measurements of Equatorial
Plasma Depletions.‖
Student Presentations
Don Rice**, Jan J. Sojka, J. E. Brady, J. Vince Eccles,
William J. Raitt, and R. D. Hunsucker. ―Frequency-Agile
Distributed-Sensor System (FADSS) for the Specification
of HF Communication Links: Sporadic E Layer
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Ja Soon Shim**, Ludger Scherliess, Robert W. Schunk,
and Donald C. Thompson. ―Neutral Wind and Plasma
Drift Effects on the Nighttime TEC Variability.‖
Lisa Berreau chaired the NIH F04A Graduate Fellowship Panel
(Chemical and Bioanalytical Sciences) in Washington, D.C., 23
October 2008.
Joel Pederson and Skye Cooley** received the U.S. Geological
Survey EdMap Award 2009-2010 for their map ―Surficial Geologic
Map of the Oneida Narrow Area, SE Idaho.‖ The award was in the
amount of $13,645.
Deepak B. Simkhada**, Michael J. Taylor, and S. J.
Frank. ―Doppler Ducting Measurements of Short-Period
Gravity Waves and Mesospheric Bores in OH and O2
Airglow Emissions.‖
Mathematics & Statistics
Student Publications
A biographical sketch has appeared of LeRoy B. Beasley,
Department of Math and Stats in Marquis Who’s Who in the World,
2009, page 198. Previously, biographical sketches of Dr. Beasley
have appeared in Who’s Who in the West, Who’s Who in America,
Who’s Who in Science and Technology Who’s Who in American
Education and American Men and Women of Science.
Tanner, David A.*, P. Kirk Visscher. 2009. ―Does the Body
Orientation of Waggle Dance Followers Affect the Accuracy of
Recruitment?‖ Apidologie 40: 55-62.
Baker, Michelle A., Glen deGuzman**, and Jeffrey D.
Ostermiller. 2009. ―Differences in Nitrate Uptake Among Benthic
Algal Assemblages in a Mountain Stream.‖ Journal of the North
American Benthological Society 28: 24-33.
Timothy Doyle has been selected as a co-chair for nanoUtah 2009.
This is a Utah-based nanotechnology conference held yearly.
Faculty Grants
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Awards & Recognition
Lisa Berreau
National Science Foundation
1 February 2009—31 January 2010 - $150,000
―Synthetic and Mechanistic Investigations of CO-releasing Divalent
Metal Acireductone and Flavonolate Complexes‖
Nature‘s recognition of research led by Dr. Edmund Brodie, Jr.
and former graduate student Dr. Shana Geffeney (PhD, Biology,
2005) on co-evolution as one of the top 15 ‗Evolutionary Gems‘ of
the decade has been the topic of much press. The Herald Journal
feature the news on it‘s front page and the recognition was
highlighted in Utah State Today at: http://www.usu.edu/ust/
index.cfm?article=32781 . See the Nature article at: <http://
Steve Aust
Alcon Manufacturing, Ltd.
1 January 2009—31 December 2009 - $35,000
―Free Radical Generation by Various Platforms‖
Computer Science
The USU Herbarium was featured in a Deseret News Article on 5
January 2009. See ―Herbarium Flourishing at Utah State‖ at:
pg=1 and in the Herald Journal.
Daniel Bryce
SRI International (DARPA)
21 December 2008—30 November 2009 - $150,747.27
―Controlling a Modular Architecture for Bootstrapped Learning
Daryll DeWald served on the IPA-5 grant review panel 2008
Department of Defense (DOD) – Breast Cancer Research Program
(BCRP) - in Washington, DC, 21-24 January 2009.
Lianna Etchberger has been invited back as one of only two
experienced facilitators to the Summer Institute (the HHMI/
National Academies sponsored workshop).
Joel Pederson and Gary O’Brien
29 January 2008—20 June 2010 - $499,999
―Treatment Plan for Historic Properties in the Glen Canyon
Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park‖
Lianna Etchberger has been accepted into the American Society
for Microbiology (ASM) Biology Scholars Program.
Student Presentations
Faculty Grants
James Evans
University of Utah
2 September 2008—1 September 2011 - $144,020
―Gas Production Forecasting from Tight Gas Reservoirs:
Integrating Natural Fracture Networks and Hydraulic Fractures‖
Michael Taylor
1 July 2008—30 June 2009 - $14,305
―Participation in ―PMC Detection and Mapping Using OMI
Hyperspectral Measurements‖
Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Presentations & Related Professional Activities
James Cangelosi
Utah State Office of Education (UMEP)
1 January 2009—30 June 2009 - $50,000
―Utah Mathematics Endorsement Project‖
The following papers were presented at the 82nd Annual Western
Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference, Portland,
Oregon, 14-16 January 2009:
James Cangelosi
Utah State Office of Education
20 February 2009—20 August 2009 - $21,930
―Utah Mathematics Endorsement Project‖
Marion Murray* and Diane Alston. ―Codling Moth
Monitoring in Mating Disrupted Apple Orchards:
Development of Trap Thresholds and Prediction of Fruit
Injury in Utah.‖
Brynja Kohler and David Brown
IAS Park City Mathematics Institute
1 September 2008—31 December 2008 - $20,000
―Mathematics and Statistics Professional Development and
Outreach Group at Utah State University (MSPDOG at USU)‖
Diane Alston, Luis Teixeira, and Larry Gut. ―Influence of
Cherry Phenology on Reproductive Maturity of Cherry
Fruit Fly in Northwestern Michigan.‖
Diane Alston and Hong Geun Kim**. ―Suppression of
Plum Curculio by Entomopathogenic Nematodes in
Residential Fruit Trees of Northern Utah.‖
Zhi-Qiang Wang
Texas A & M Research Foundation (TAMRF)
1 July 2008—20 June 2010 - $17,967
―Computational Theory and Methods for Finding Multiple
Solutions to Differential Systems‖
The following presentations were made at the Utah State
Horticultural Association Annual Convention, Provo, Utah, 20-21
January 2009:
C. Kent Evans. ―Fireblight and PCR Technology.‖
Timothy Doyle
National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute
1 January 2009–21 December 2011 - $304,405
―Histology-Based Computational Tools for the Ultrasonic
Differentiation of Neoplasms‖
Marion Murray*. ―Integrated Pest Management Project
Updates: Codling Moth Monitoring and Greater Peachtree
Diane Alston. ―Experiences in the Cherry Capital of the
The Center for Atmospheric & Space Sciences
The following papers were presented at the Utah Pests In-Service
Training: Ornamentals and Turfgrass, Provo, Utah, 3-4 February
Robert Schunk
State of Utah
USTAR – USU Space Weather Initiative
1 October 08—30 September 2013 - $4,000,000
Marion Murray*. ―Diseases of Conifers.‖
Robert Schunk
Northrop Grumman
1 January 2009—31 December 2009 - $21,000
―USU-SEMS II Space Weather Analysis and Forecast Systems
CY09 Sustainment‖
Diane Alston. ―Insect Pest Management for Ornamental
Ryan Davis**. ―Insect Resistance and Insecticide Mode of
Robert Schunk
Office of Naval Research
1 January 2009—31 December 2012 - $168,000
―Studies to Improve the Science in GAIM-Full Physics Model‖
Faculty Grants
Erin Frank*. ―Common Diseases of Turfgrass in Utah.‖
Erin Hodgson. ―Turfgrass IPM Including Billbug
Faculty Presentations
The following presentations were given at the 6th International
Integrated Pest Management Symposium, Portland, Oregon, 24-26
March 2009
B. Smith, and S. Clyde presented a paper titled, ―An Orthogonal
Approach to Distribution: An Introduction to the Vitruvian
Framework‖ at the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid
Computing held in Tsukuba, Japan, 29 September – 1 October
Marion Murray* and Diane Alston. ―Utah IPM Pest
Advisory Program and Online Decision Aid Tool, Utah
TRAPs (Timing Resource and Alert for Pests).‖
Rhonda Hirnyck, Erin Hodgson, and Catherine.
Daniels. ―Work Group with a Geographic Focus – A
Different Way of Doing Business: The PNW Agriculture
IPM Work Group Case Study.‖
Anne Sheehan, Henry Berglund, Mousumi Roy, Anthony R.
Lowry, R. Steve Nerem, Frederick Blume, and Walter Szeliga
presented an invited talk titled ―The EarthScope Rio Grande Rift
GPS Experiment: Measuring Active Tectonics in Colorado and
New Mexico‖ at the 2008 Joint Meeting of the Geological Society
of America, Houston, Texas, 5-9 October 2008.
Mark Whalon, David Epstein, Diane Alston, George Bird,
James Flore, Larry Gut, Jean Haley, Amy Iezzoni, Alan
Lakso, Patricia McManus, Nikki Rothwell, George
Sundin, and Suzanne Thornsbury. ―Reduced Risk Pest
Management Systems for U.S. Tart Cherry Production –
Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Project (RAMP).‖
Anthony R. Lowry presented an invited keynote titled ―EARS:
Requirements for Crustal Studies Research‖ at the Workshop on
EARS EarthScope Data Products, Columbia, South Carolina, 6-7
November 2008.
Diane Alston, Jennifer Reeve, C. Kent Evans and Daniel
Drost. ―Cultural Management of Onion Thrips and Iris Yellow
Spot Virus‖ presented at the Pacific Branch Entomological Society
of America 93rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 29 March
– 1 April 2009.
John Paul, C.P. Rajendran, Anthony R. Lowry, Robert
Smalley, and P.M. Mohan presented a poster titled ―Continued
Post Seismic Deformation of Andaman Islands‖ at the 2008 Fall
Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco,
California, 15-19 December 2008.
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Susanne U. Janecke presented an invited talk titled ―How Much
Do We Understand the Structure and Evolution of the Salton
Trough?‖ at the National Meeting of the American Geophysical
Union, San Francisco, California, 15 December 2008.
Lisa Berreau presented an invited talk titled ―Chemistry of Ni(II)
Complexes of Relevance to Acireductone Dioxygenases‖ at the
Department of Chemistry, Wichita State University, Wichita,
Kansas, 15 October 2008.
Susanne U. Janecke, Alexander Steely and Jim Evans
coauthored a talk titled ―Slip on an Oblique Detachment Fault at
Low Angles‖ that was presented at the National Meeting of the
American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, California, 15
December 2008.
Alexander I. Boldyrev presented an invited talk titled ―New
Perspective on Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity in Chemistry‖ at
the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 14 October
Sean J. Johnson. ―Structural Studies of Mtr4‖ (talk).
Susanne U. Janecke led an entire day of a field trip for the
cordilleran cell of the Friends of the Pleistocene in Anza-Borrego
State Park, titled ―Age and Structure of the San Jacinto and San
Felipe Fault Zones, and their Lifetime Slip Rates.‖ Anza-Borrego
State Park, California in November 2008.
Whitney Wooderchak**, Dong Chen, and Joan Hevel.
―Toward Understanding the Molecular Determinants of
PRMT2 Substrate Selection and Processing‖ (talk).
Carol Dehler, Bonnie Pitblado, and Skye Cooley** will be field
Instructors for the 2009 USU Geoarchaeology Field Camp in
Gunnison Basin, Colorado, May-June 2009.
Lisa M. Berreau, Katarzyna Rudzka*, and Atta M. Arif.
―A Hexanuclear Ni(ll) Enediolate Cluster Complex‖
James Evans presented a talk titled ―The Structure and
Composition of Seismogenic Faults‖ at the University of Nebraska
Department of Geosciences, Lincoln, Nebraska, 3 April 2009.
Presented at the 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah,
22-26 March 2009:
Computer Science
Kelly K. Bradbury**, James P. Evans, Anthony R. Lowry, and
Tamara Jeppson* presented a talk titled ―Integration of Geology
and Borehole Geophysics to Characterize Rock Properties at The
San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Site, near
Parkfield, CA‖ at the Geological Society of America Rocky
Mountain Section Annual Meeting, Orem, Utah, 11-13 May 2009.
Stephen Clyde presented the symposium topic titled, ―CHARM
Bits (or Bytes)‖ at the Connections Symposium held in
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 14-16 October 2008.
Faculty Presentations
Faculty Presentations
Statistics‖ at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Event: Statistics in
K12 Education: How Will It Affect Statistics at the College Level?
held in Washington, DC., 7 January 2009.
Henry Berglund, Anne Sheehan, Anthony R. Lowry, R. Steve
Nerem, J. Choe, Mousumi Roy, Walter Szeliga, and Frederick
Blume presented a poster titled ―GPS Crustal Deformation of the
Rio Grande Rift‖ at the 2009 EarthScope Workshop, Boise, Idaho,
13-15 May 2009.
Brynja Kohler co-organized three research talk sessions for the
MAA Intermountain Section Meeting that took place at BYU. She
also presented ―Secret Diffusion Lessons of the Sea Monkeys: A
Project-Based Approach to Mathematical Biology,‖ 20-21 March
Anthony R. Lowry presented a poster titled ―Squeezing Mass
Structure from EarthScope TA Data‖ at the 2009 EarthScope
Workshop, Boise, Idaho, 13-15 May 2009.
Brynja Kohler presented a lecture titled "Incorporating
Continuous, Antigen-Dependent T-Cell Differentiation in Viral
Infection Dynamics" at a special session on ―Mathematics of
Immunology and Infectious Diseases,‖ as part of the AMS
Southeastern Section Meeting at North Carolina State University
held in Raleigh, North Carolina, 5 April 2009.
Mathematics & Statistics
Juergen Symanzik presented an invited talk titled ―Statistical
Graphics & Visual Data Mining in the Medical Field‖ at the
Workshop "Statistical Computation and Visualization (SCV) 2008"
at the Academia Sinica held in Taipei, Taiwan, 3 December 2008.
Juergen Symanzik presented an invited talk titled ―Recent
Advances in Linked Micromap Plots‖ at the International
Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) 2008 Conference:
Joint Meeting of 4th World Conference of the IASC and 6th
Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC on
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis held in Yokohama,
Japan, 8 December 2008.
Timothy Doyle and Adam Tew* presented ―Simulation of Wave
Propagation in Cells and Tissues at the Microscopic Level,‖ (paper
and poster) at nanoUtah 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah, 16-17
October 2008.
The Center for Atmospheric & Space Sciences
Zhi Qiang Wang presented a plenary talk titled ―A Twisting
Condition, Resonances, and Periodic Solutions of Hamiltonian
Systems‖ at the HMC Mathematics Conference on Nonlinear
Functional Analysis held at Harvey Mudd College, California, 2426 October 2008.
Robert W. Schunk, Larry Gardner, Ludger Scherliess, Donald
C. Thompson and Jan J. Sojka, presented a talk titled ―Effect of
Waves From the Lower Atmosphere on the Thermosphere and
Ionosphere‖ at the American Meteorological Society held in
Phoenix, Arizona, 11-15 January 2009.
Zhi Qiang Wang presented a plenary talk titled ―Multiple Bound
State Solutions to a Nonlinear Schrodinger System‖ at the
International Conference on Variational Methods for Elliptic PDE's
and Hamiltonian Systems held in Pohang, Korea, 7-10 October
The following papers were presented at the Fall AGU Meeting in
San Francisco, California, 15-19 December 2008:
J. L. Chau, Bela G. Fejer, L. P. Goncharenko, and P. J.
Condor. ―Observational Evidence of Sudden Stratospheric
Warming Effects on the Equatorial Ionospheric Electric
Zhi Qiang Wang presented an invited lecture titled ―Existence and
Qualitative Property of Solutions to Some Anisotropic Type
Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs‖ at the International Conference on
nonlinear analysis and partial differential equations held in
Qingdao, China, 6-9 May 2008.
Bela G. Fejer. ―Low Latitude Ionospheric
Electrodynamics Effects Near Solar Minima.‖
B. A. Matthew, Michael J. Taylor, Piere D. Pautet, S. A.
Cummer, N. Jaugey, and J. N. Thomas. ―Characterizing
Lightning-Driven Negative Transient Luminous Events
Over an Intense South American Storm.‖
LeRoy Beasley presented an invited talk titled ―Embedding
Tournaments‖ at the 40th Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph theory and Computing held at Florida
Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, March 2009.
Robert W. Schunk, Larry C. Gardner, Ludger
Scherliess, Donald C. Thompson, Jan J. Sojka, D. E.
Siskind, S. D. Eckermann, D. P. Drob, and K. Hoppel.
―Wave Coupling Between the Lower and Upper
John R. Stevens presented a lecture titled ―Advanced Statistical
Methods: Beyond Linear Regression‖ at the USU Workshop for
Math Educators held in Logan, Utah, March 2009.
Brynja Kohler, Rebecca Atkins, James Haefner and James Powell
presented a lecture titled ―Secret Diffusion Lessons of the Sea
Monkeys and Other Math Bio Projects for Undergraduates‖ at the
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Event: Undergraduate Mathematical
Biology held in Washington, DC., 6 January 2009.
Jonthan B. Snively, and Michael J. Taylor. ―Dissipation
Mechanisms for Ducted Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere
and Lower Thermosphere.‖
Kady Schneiter and Brynja Kohler presented a lecture titled
―Preparing Pre-service Secondary Math Teachers to Teach
Faculty Presentations
Jan J. Sojka, Michael Nicolls, Craig Heinselman, and
Tony van Eyken. ―Heating Events in the Polar Ionosphere17
Faculty Presentations
Thermosphere During the IPY.‖
Donald C. Thompson, Ludger Scherliess, Robert W.
Schunk, and Jan J. Sojka. ―The Operational USU GAIM
James H. Cane. 2008. Breeding Biologies, Pollinating Bees and
Seed Production of Cleome lutea and C. serrulata (Cleomaceae).
Plant Species Biology 23 (3):152-158.
James H. Cane. 2008. A Native Ground-nesting Bee (Nomia
melanderi) Sustainably Managed to Pollinate Alfalfa Across an
Intensively Agricultural Landscape. Apidologie 39:315-323.
W. Tobiska, D. Bouwer, Robert W. Schunk, H. Garrett,
C. Mertens, and B. Bowman. ―New Space Weather
Systems Under Development and Their Contribution to
Space Weather Management.‖
Kedar S. Vaidya, Sitaram Harihar**, Pushkar A. Phadke, Lewis J.
Stafford Douglas R. Hurst, David G. Hicks, Graham Casey, Daryll
B. DeWald, and Danny R. Welch. 2008. Breast Cancer Metastasis
Suppressor-1 Differentially Modulates Growth Factor Signaling.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283, 42:28354-28360.
A. Chandran, D. W. Rusch, A. W. Merkel, S. E. Palo, G.
E. Thomas, and Michael J. Taylor. ―Longitudinal
Variability in PMC Structures Observed From the CIPS
Experiment on the AIM Spacecraft: Impact on PMC
Occurrence Frequency and Brightness.‖
Barnard, Dale L., Craig W. Day, Kevin Bailey, Robert
Montgomery, Matthew Heiner, Larry L. Lauridsen, Kie-Hoon
Jung, Joseph K.-K. Li, Paul K.-S. Chan, and Robert W. Sidwell.
2008. Is the Anti-psycholic, 10- (3 -(dimethylamino) propyl)
phenothiazine (Promazine), a Dangerous Drug with which to Treat
SARS Infections? Efficacy of Promazine on SARS-CoV
Replication in a Mouse Model. Antiviral Research 19:105-113.
Michael David, Jan J. Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, and
Rod A. Heelis. ―Storm-Time Mid-Latitude Dayside TEC
Enhancements: Longitudinal Dependence.‖
Larry C. Gardner and Robert W. Schunk. ―Lower
Atmospheric Gravity Wave Impacts on the
Alberto Fiore, Luisa Mannina, Anatoli P. Sobolev, Anna Maria
Salzano, Andrea Scaloni, Ingeborg Grgurina, Maria Rosaria
Fullone, Monica Gallo, Camille Swasey**, Vincenzo Fogliano,
Jon Y. Takemoto. 2008. Bioactive Lipopeptides of Ice
Nucleating Snow Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae Strain 31R1.
FEMS Microbiol Lett. 286:158-165.
Phillip G. Richards, Michael J. Nichols, Craig J.
Heinselman, and Jan J. Sojka. ―Modeling the Ionosphere
in the IPY with the FLIP Model.‖
Ludger Scherliess, Donald C. Thompson, and Robert
W. Schunk. ―Ionospheric Dynamics at Low Latitudes
Obtained From the USU Physics-Based Data Assimilation
Model (GAIM-FP).‖
David A. Tanner and P. Kirk Visscher. 2008. Do Honey Bees
Average Directions in the Waggle Dance to Determine a Flight
Direction? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62(12):18911898.
Yuchen Zhao, Michael J. Taylor, Piere Pautet, D.
Rusch, C. Jeppesen, J. M. Russell III, S. Bailey.
―Investigating Gravity Waves Measured by CIPS/AIM in
the Northern/Southern Summer Polar Mesosphere.‖
Kevin Williams** and James Pitts. 2008. Three Species
Masquerading as One: Updating the Taxonomy of Pseudomethoca
russeola and P. donaeanae (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). Journal of
Hymenoptera Research, 17:127-133. UAES 7921.
Lie Zhu, Jan J. Sojka, Pieotr Kokoszka, Agnieszka.
Jach, Inga Maslova**, and Zhonghua Xu**. ―Statistical
Wavelet Analysis and Index Development of the
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Current System Observed by
Terrestrial Magnetometers.‖
Stillman, Jonathan H., John K. Colbourne, Carol Lee, Nipam H.
Patel, Michelle R. Phillips, David W. Towle, Brian D. Eads, Greg
W. Gelembiuk, Raymond P. Henry, Eric A. Johnson, Michael E.
Pfrender, and Nora B. Terwilliger. 2008. Recent Advances in
Crustacean Genomics. Journal of the Society for Integrative and
Comparative Biology doi:10.293/icb/icn096.
Timothy Doyle, Adam Tew, David Robinson, and Scott Jones.
―Modeling the Dielectric Response of Aggregated Soils,‖ 2009
Spring Runoff Conference and 14th Intermountain Meteorology
Workshop, Logan, Utah, 2-3 April 2009.
Hong Geun Kim** and Diane G. Alston. 2008. Potential of Two
Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Suppression of Plum Curculio
(Conotrachelus nenuphar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Life Stages
in Northern Climates. Environmental Entomology 37 (5):12721279.
Faculty Publications
undergraduate*; graduate**
James C. Stegen and Ethan P. White. 2008. On the Relationship
between Mass and Diameter Distributions in Tree Communities.
Ecology Letters 11:1287-1293.
Edward W. Evans 2008. Multitrophic Interactions among Plants,
Aphids, Alternate Prey and Shared Natural Enemies – a
Review. European Journal of Entomology 105:369-380.
Faculty Presentations
Faculty Publications
(Mirage Effect) for Analysis of Condensed-phase Aerosols
Collected in a Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor. Applied
Spectroscopy 62:112.
Drauzio E. N. Rangel**, Diane G. Alston and Donald. W.
Roberts. 2008. Effects of Physical and Nutritional Stress
Conditions During Culture on Conidial Germination Speed,
Adhesion to Host Cuticle, and Virulence of Metarhizium
anisopliae, an Entomopathogenic Fungus. Mycological Research
Kieran S. Hadler, Eric A. Tanifum, Sylvia Hsu-Chen Yip, Nataša
Mitić, Luke W. Guddat, Colin J. Jackson, Lawrence R. Gahan,
Kelly Nguyen, Paul D. Carr, David L. Ollis, Alvan C. Hengge,
James A. Larrabee, and Gerhard Schenk. 2008. Substrate-Promoted
Formation of a Catalytically Competent Binuclear Center and
Regulation of Reactivity in a Glycerophosphodiesterase from
Enterobacter aerogenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society
130 (41):14129-14138.
Drauzio E. N. Rangel**, Anne J. Anderson and Donald W.
Roberts. 2008. Evaluating Physical and Nutritional Stresses During
muycelial Growth as Inducers of Tolerance to Heat and UV-B
Radiation in Metarhizium anisopliae Conidia. Mycological
Research 112:1362-1372.
Tim Humphry**, Suashree Iyer**, Olga Iranzo, Janet R.
Morrow, John P. Richard, Piotr Paneth, and Alvan C. Hengge.
2008. An Altered Transition State for the Reaction of an RNA
Model Catalyzed by a Dinuclear Zinc(II) Catalyst. Journal of the
American Chemical Society 130 (52):17858–17866.
S. K. Morgan Ernest, James H. Brown, Katherine M. Thibault,
Ethan P. White and Jacob R. Goheen. 2008. Zero‐sum, the Niche,
and Metacommunities: Long-term Dynamics of Community
Assembly. American Naturalist E257-E269.
Ashish Thapliyal*, Roger A. Bannister, Christopher Hanks, and
Brett A. Adams. 2008. The Monomeric G Proteins AGS1 and
Rhes Selectively Influence Gi-dependent Signaling to Modulate
N-type (CaV2.2) Calcium Channels. American Journal of
Physiology: Cell Physiology 295:1417-1426.
Tapas Kar, Steve Scheiner, and L. Li. 2008. Theoretical
Investigation of the Mechanism of LiH + NH3 → LiNH2 + H2.
Journal of Molecular Structure Theochem 857:111-114.
Tapas Kar, Steve Scheiner, and A.K. Roy. 2008. The Effect on
Acidity of Size and Shape of Carboxylated Single-Wall Carbon
Nanotubes. A DFT-SLDB Study. Chemical Physics Letters
S.K. Morgan Ernest, James H. Brown, Katherine M. Thibault,
Ethan P. White, and Jacob R. Goheen. 2008. Zero Sum, the Niche,
and Metacommunities: Long-Term Dynamics of Community
Assembly. The American Naturalist. 172:6.
Tapas Kar, H. Bettinger, Steve Scheiner, A. K. Roy. 2008.
Noncovalent π-π Stacking and CH--π Interactions of Aromatics on
the Surface of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) - A MP2
Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112:20070-20075.
Everton Kort Kamp Fernandes* and Vania Rita Elias Pinheiro
Bittencourt. 2008. Entomopathogenic Fungi against South
American Tick Species. Exp. Appl. Acarol. 46:71-93.
E. S. Kryachko and Steve Scheiner. 2008. Bonding
Rearrangements of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes involving
Alkynes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112:1940-1945.
Frank J. Messina, Jake C. Jones**, Michelle Mendenhall**, and
AmberLeigh Muller**. 2009. Genetic Modification of Host
Acceptance by a Seed Beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus
(Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of
America 102: 181-188.
M.S. Liao, J. D. Watts, S. M. Gorun, Steve Scheiner, and M.-J.
Huang. 2008. Structure and Properties of Perfluoroalkylated
Phthalocyanines. A Theoretical Study. Journal of Theoritical and
Computational Chemistry 7:541-563.
Biggs, Martin A., Michael N. Gooseff, Christopher D. Arp**, and
Michelle A. Baker. 2009. Informing a Stream Transient Storage
Model with Two-Storage Zones to Discriminate In-Channel Dead
Zones and Hyporheic Exchange. Water Resources Research 45:
W00D27 doi:10.1029/2008/WR006959.
Claire McWhirter, Elizabeth A. Lund*, Eric A. Tanifum,
Guoqiang Feng, Qaiser L. Sheikh, Alvan C. Hengge, and Nicholas
H. Williams. 2008. Mechanistic Study of Protein Phosphatase-1
(PP1), A Catalytically Promiscuous Enzyme. Journal of the
American Chemical Society 130(41):13673-13682.
Charles W. Fox, James D. Wagner, Sara Cline, Frances Ann
Thomas and Frank J. Messina. 2009. Genetic Architecture
Underlying Convergent Evolution of Egg-laying Behavior in a Seed
-feeding Beetle. Genetica 136: 179-187.
Katarzyna Rudzka**, Atta M. Arif, and Lisa M. Berreau. 2008.
A Trinuclear Ni(II) Enediolate Complex: Synthesis,
Characterization, and O2 Reactivity. Inorganic Chemistry 47:10832
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Steve Scheiner. 2008. Analysis of Catalytic Mechanism of Serine
Proteases. Viability of Ring-Flip Hypothesis. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B 112:6837-6846.
Oluwatosin O. Dada** and Stephen E. Bialkowski. 2008. Finite
Element Analysis Modeling of Pulse-Laser Excited Photothermal
Deflection (Mirage Effect) from Aerosols. Applied Spectroscopy
Steve Scheiner and Tapas Kar. 2008. Spectroscopic and Structural
Signature of the CH--O H-Bond. Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Oluwatosin O. Dada** and Stephen E. Bialkowski. 2008.
Development of Infrared Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy
Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications
Rodney V. Metcalf and John W. Shervais. 2008. SupraSubduction Zone (SSZ) Ophiolites: Is There Really an "Ophiolite
Conundrum?" in James E. Wright and John W. Shervais, editors,
Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A Tribute to Cliff Hopson.
Geological Society of America Special Paper 438 doi:
M. Solimannejad and Steve Scheiner. 2008. Complexes Pairing
Hypohalous Acids with Nitrosyl Hydride. Blue Shift of a NH Bond
that is Uninvolved in a H-bond. Journal of Physical Chemistry A
M. Solimannejad, C. J. Neilsen, S. Scheiner. 2008. Complexes
Pairing Aliphatic Amines with Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl
Radicals: A Computational Study. Chemical Physics Letters
John W. Shervais. 2008. Tonalites, Trondhjemites, and Diorites of
the Elder Creek Ophiolite, California: Low Pressure Slab Melting
and Reaction with the Mantle Wedge, in James E. Wright and John
W. Shervais, editors, Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A Tribute to
Cliff Hopson. Geological Society of America Special Paper 438
doi: 10.1130/2008.2438(03):113–132.
D. Yu. Zubarev** and A. I. Boldyrev. 2008. Revealing Intuitively
Assessable Chemical Bonding Pattern in Organic Aromatic
Molecules via Adaptive Natural Density Partitioning. Journal of
Organic Chemistry 73:9251-9258.
Sung Hi Choi, John W. Shervais and Samuel B. Mukasa. 2008.
Supra-subduction and Abyssal Mantle Peridotites of the Coast
Range Ophiolite, California: Initiation of Franciscan Subduction
along a Large Offset Fracture Zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta 72, Issue 12, Supplement 1: A1-A1144, S1-S14.
Tiago A. S. Brandão***, Howard Robinson, Sean J. Johnson, and
Alvan C. Hengge. 2009. Impaired acid catalysis by mutation of a
protein loop hinge residue in a YopH mutant revealed by crystal
structures. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (2), 778
-786. DOI: 10.1021/ja807418b.
John W. Shervais, Marlon M Jean, Sung Hi Choi, and Samuel
B. Mukasa. 2008. Geochemical Flux in the Mantle Wedge:
Insights from Suprasubduction Zone Ophiolites. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 72, Issue 12, Supplement 1: A1-A1144, S1S14.
L.-M. Wang, W. Huang, L. S. Wang, B. B. Averkiev, A. I.
Boldyrev. 2009. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of
Three-Dimensional Nitrogen-Doped Aluminum Clusters Al8N- and
Al8N. Journal of Chemical Physics 130:134303-7.
Susanne U. Janecke, Rebecca Dorsey, and Benjamin Belgarde.
2008. Age and Structure of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault
Zones, and their Lifetime Slip Rates, in, Rockwell, T. compiler,
Cross Correlation of Quaternary Dating Techniques, Slip Rates,
and Tectonic Models in the Western Salton Trough (Guidebook for
Day 2 of the Friends of the Pleistocene Pacific Cell Field Trip
Cordilleran section): 31.
D. Yu. Zubarev**, A. P. Sergeeva**, and A. I. Boldyrev. 2009.
Multifold Aromaticity, Multifold Antiaromaticity, and Conflicting
Aromaticity: Implications for Stability and Reactivity of Clusters.
Chapter in Chemical Reactivity. A Density Functional View, P. K.
Chattaraj. Ed. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton,
USA, pp. 439-452.
D. Yu. Zubarev** and A. I. Boldyrev. 2009. Deciphering
Chemical Bonding in Golden Cages. Journal of Physical Chemistry
A 113:866-868.
Marta Pérez-Gussinyé, Jon F. Kirby, Christopher J. Swain, and
Anthony R. Lowry. 2009. Resolution of the Spatial Variations of
the Effective Elastic Thickness, Te, Using Multitaper Spectral
Estimation and Wavelet Methods: Examples from Synthetic Data
and Application to South America. Geochemistry Geophysics
Geosystems 10:Q04005, doi:10.1029/2008GC002229.
James E. Wright and John W. Shervais (editors). 2008.
Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A Tribute to Cliff Hopson.
Geological Society of America Special Paper 438
Mathematics & Statistics
LeRoy Beasley , K.-T. Kang, S.-Z. Song, and N-S. Sze. 2008.
Regular Matrices and Their Strong Preservers over Semirings.
Linear Algebra Appl 429:209-223 no 1.
John W. Shervais and Barry B. Hanan. 2008. Lithospheric
Topography, Tilted Plumes, and the Track of the Snake RiverYellowstone Hotspot. Tectonics 27, TC5004,
LeRoy Beasley , A. Guterman, K-T. Kang, and S-Z. Song. 2008.
Idempotent Boolean Matrices and Majorization. Journal of
Mathematical Sciences 152:456-468.
Sung Hi Choi, John W. Shervais, and Samuel B. Mukasa. 2008.
Supra-Subduction and Abyssal Mantle Peridotites of the Coast
Range Ophiolite, California. Contributions to Mineralogy and
Petrology doi: 10.1007/s00410-008-0300-6.
LeRoy Beasley , K-T. Kang, and S-Z. Song. 2009. Linear
Operators that Preserve Perimeters of Matrices over Semirings.
Journal of the Korean Math Society 49:113-123.
Sung Hi Choi, Samuel B. Mukasa, and John W. Shervais. 2008.
Initiation of Franciscan Subduction along a Large-offset Fracture
Zone: Evidence from Mantle Peridotites, California. Geology 36,
#8, doi: 10.1130/G24993A.1:595-598.
Faculty Publications
LeRoy Beasley and A. Guterman. 2009. The Characterization of
Operators Preserving Primitivity for Matrixk- tuples. Linear
Algebra and Its Applications 430:1762-1777.
Faculty Publications
John R. Stevens , K.I. Aston, G.P. Li, B.R. Sessions, A.P. Davis,
Q.A. Winger, L.F. Rickords, and K.L. White. 2009. Global Gene
Expression Analysis of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
Blastocysts and Cotyledons. Molecular Reproduction and
Development 76:471-482.
The following are five volumes in a series of six textbooks or
modules, which have been adopted in Ogden School District and is
being reviewed by many others for adoption in their districts:
Tonya Triplett, Tammy Miller, Lisa Brown, Dr. Carla Johnson,
and Paula Schoeff. Let's Explore: Earth & Moon in Motion, Sixth
Grade Science Standard I, Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati,
John R. Stevens and G. Nicholas. 2009. Metahdep: An R Package
for Hierarchical Dependence in Meta-analysis. Bioconductor 2.4.
Tonya Triplett, Tammy Miller, Lisa Brown, Dr. Carla Johnson,
and Paula Schoeff. Let's Explore: Earth’s Tilt!, Sixth Grade
Science Standard II, Carmen Mendoza, ed., Cincinnati: University
of Cincinnati, 2008.
John R. Stevens and A.M. Taylor. 2009. Hierarchical Dependence
in Meta-Analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
John R. Stevens, Adele Cutler, and D. Richard Cutler. 2009.
Tree-Based Methods. Chapter 5 in Xiaochun Li and Ronghui Xu,
editors, High-Dimensional Data Analysis in Cancer Research,
Applied Bioinformatics and Biostatistics in Cancer Research series.
Tonya Triplett, Tammy Miller, Lisa Brown, Dr. Carla Johnson,
and Paula Schoeff. Let's Explore: The Solar System, Sixth Grade
Science Standard III, Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 2008
Daniel Brown. 2009. Probe Interval Orders. The Mathematics of
Preference Choice and Order.
Tonya Triplett, Tammy Miller, Lisa Brown, Dr. Carla Johnson,
and Paula Schoeff. Let's Explore: The Universe! Sixth Grade
Science Standard IV, Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 2008.
Daniel Brown. 2009. (Self) Assessment: Aiding Awareness of
Achievement. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Tonya Triplett, Amanda Cherry, Shelly Micham, Dr. Carla
Johnson, and Paula Schoeff. Let's Explore: Heat, Light, &
Sound! Sixth Grade Science Standard VI, Cinncinnati: University
of Cincinnati, 2008.
Zhi Qiang Wang , J. Su and Z. Liu. 2008. A Twist Condition and
Periodic Solutions of Hamiltonian Systems. Advances in
Mathematics 218:1895-1913.
The Center for Atmospheric & Space Sciences
Zhi Qiang Wang and Z. Liu. 2008. Sign-changing Solutions of
Nonlinear Elliptic Equations. Frontiers of Mathematics in China
Jan J. Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, Donald C. Thompson, Ludger
Scherliess, and Michael David. 2008. Assimilation of
Observations with Models to Better Understand Severe Ionospheric
Weather at Mid-Latitudes. Midlatitude Ionospheric Dynamics and
Disturbances, Geophysical Monograph 181:35-49, AGU,
Washington, DC.
Zhi Qiang Wang and Z. Liu. 2008. Multiple Bound States of
Nonlinear Schrodinger Systems. Communications in Mathematical
Physics 282:721-731.
Robert W. Schunk and Lie Zhu. 2008. Response of the
Ionosphere-Thermosphere System to Magnetic Processes, Journal
of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70: 2358-2373.
Zhi Qiang Wang and J.Q. Liu. 2008. Bifurcations for Quasilinear
Schrodinger Equations, II. Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics 10:723-743.
Zhi Qiang Wang and F. van Heerden. 2008. On a Class of
Anisotropic Nonlinear Elliptic Equations. Communications on Pure
and Applied Analysis 7:149-162.
Zhi Qiang Wang and J.Q. Liu. 2008. Symmetric Solutions to a
Modified Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation. Nonlinearity 21:121133.
Mark Riffe, Neal Shinn, Bongsoo Kim, K. J. Kim, and T.-H.
Kang. 2009. Core-Level Spectroscopy of the Pd/W(110) Interface:
Evidence of Long-Range Pd-Island—W Interactions at
Submonolayer Coverages. Surface Science 603:1070.
Timothy Doyle, Adam Tew, Keith Warnick, and Brent
Carruth. 2009. Simulation of Elastic Wave Scattering in Cells and
Tissues at the Microscopic Level. Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America 125 (3):1751-1767.
Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications
Science Scene is an internal newsletter sent to the
Utah State Board of Trustees, Utah State Administration, and the College of Science faculty and staff.
It is published regularly throughout the school year.
Its purpose is to inform the Board of Trustees and the College of the research activities of our faculty and students,
also providing a forum for peers to follow one another’s careers and professional development.
Editor & Layout—Bobbi Chatterton (797-2488).
A special thanks to Dean Mary S. Hubbard and Associate Dean Lisa Berreau
for editorial support,
and to our departmental newsletter representatives —
Nancy Kay Harrison, Biology; Geri Child, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Vicki Anderson , Computer Science;
Jean Daddow, Geology; Dixie King, Mathematics & Statistics; Shelley Williams, Physics; and
Melanie Oldroyd, The Center for Atmospheric & Space Sciences (CASS).
College of Science
Office of the Dean
0305 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-0305
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