Improving communication performance in dense linear algebra via topology-aware collectives Edgar Solomonik
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Improving communication performance in dense linear algebra via topology-aware collectives Edgar Solomonik
Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Improving communication performance in dense linear algebra via topology-aware collectives Edgar Solomonik∗ , Abhinav Bhatele† , and James Demmel∗ † ∗ University of California, Berkeley Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Supercomputing, November 2011 Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 1/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Outline Collective communication Rectangular collectives 2.5D algorithms 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 2/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Rectangular collectives Performance of multicast (BG/P vs Cray) 1 MB multicast on BG/P, Cray XT5, and Cray XE6 8192 BG/P XE6 XT5 Bandwidth (MB/sec) 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 8 Edgar Solomonik 64 #nodes 512 Mapping dense linear algebra 4096 3/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Rectangular collectives Why the performance discrepancy in multicasts? I Cray machines use binomial multicasts I I I I Form spanning tree from a list of nodes Route copies of message down each branch Network contention degrades utilization on a 3D torus BG/P uses rectangular multicasts I I Require network topology to be a k-ary n-cube Form 2n edge-disjoint spanning trees I I Route in different dimensional order Use both directions of bidirectional network Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 4/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Rectangular collectives 2D rectangular multicasts trees 2D 4X4 Torus Spanning tree 1 Spanning tree 2 Spanning tree 3 Spanning tree 4 All 4 trees combined root [Watts and Van De Geijn 95] Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 5/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Rectangular collectives Another look at that first plot How much better are rectangular algorithms on P = 4096 nodes? I Binomial collectives on XE6 I Rectangular collectives on BG/P I I BG/P XE6 XT5 4096 1/30th of link bandwidth 4X the link bandwidth 120X improvement in efficiency! Bandwidth (MB/sec) I 1 MB multicast on BG/P, Cray XT5, and Cray XE6 8192 2048 1024 512 256 128 8 64 #nodes How can we apply this? Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 6/ 29 512 4096 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization Matrix multiplication A B B A B A B A Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 7/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2D matrix multiplication A B 16 CPUs (4x4) B A CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU B A B A [Cannon 69], [Van De Geijn and Watts 97] Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 8/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 3D matrix multiplication 64 CPUs (4x4x4) A CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU B CPU CPU CPU CPU B CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU A A CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU A CPU CPU B CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU B CPU CPU CPU CPU 4 copies of matrices [Agarwal et al 95], [Aggarwal, Chandra, and Snir 90], [Bernsten 89] Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 9/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D matrix multiplication A B 32 CPUs (4x4x2) B CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU A A B CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU B CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU 2 copies of matrices A Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 10/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization Strong scaling matrix multiplication 2.5D MM on BG/P (n=65,536) Percentage of machine peak 100 2.5D SUMMA 2D SUMMA ScaLAPACK PDGEMM 80 60 40 20 0 256 512 1024 2048 #nodes Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 11/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D MM on 65,536 cores Matrix multiplication on 16,384 nodes of BG/P Percentage of machine peak 100 2.5D MM 2D MM 80 60 2.7X faster Using 16 matrix copies 40 20 0 12X faster 8192 131072 n Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 12/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization Cost breakdown of MM on 65,536 cores Execution time normalized by 2D Matrix multiplication on 16,384 nodes of BG/P 1.4 1.2 1 communication idle computation 95% reduction in comm 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 n= 8 19 2, n= 2D n= 81 13 92 ,2 Edgar Solomonik .5D 10 n= 13 10 72 ,2 Mapping dense linear algebra D 72 ,2 13/ 29 .5D Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D LU factorization U₀₀ L₀₀ U₀₀ U₀₃ L₀₀ U₀₀ U₀₃ L₀₀ U₀₀ (A) L₀₀ L₃₀ L₂₀ Edgar Solomonik U₀₁ L₁₀ Mapping dense linear algebra 14/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D LU factorization U₀₀ (B) L₀₀ U₀₀ U₀₃ L₀₀ U₀₀ U₀₃ L₀₀ U₀₀ (A) L₀₀ L₃₀ L₂₀ U₀₁ L₁₀ Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 15/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D LU factorization Look at how this update is distributed. A B B A B Same 3D update in multiplication A B A Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 16/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D LU factorization U₀₀ (B) L₀₀ U₀₀ U₀₃ L₀₀ U₀₀ U₀₃ L₀₀ U₀₀ (A) L₀₀ L₃₀ L₂₀ U₀₁ L₁₀ U (C) (D) L [Solomonik and Demmel, EuroPar ’11, Distinguished Paper] Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 17/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization 2.5D LU on 65,536 cores LU on 16,384 nodes of BG/P (n=131,072) 100 Time (sec) 80 communication idle compute 60 2X faster 40 2X faster 20 0 NO -pi vo t NO 2D -pi Edgar Solomonik vo t2 CA -pi vo CA -pi v D ot 2 Mapping dense linear algebra 18/ 29 .5D t2 .5D Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale 2.5D Matrix Multiplication 2.5D LU factorization Percentage of machine peak Rectangular (RCT) vs binomial (BNM) collectives Binomial vs rectangular collectives on BG/P (n=131,072, p=16,384) 80 2.5D RCT 2.5D BNM 70 2D BNM 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 MM Edgar Solomonik LU LU +P VT Mapping dense linear algebra 19/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance A model for rectangular multicasts tmcast = m/Bn + 2(d + 1) · o + 3L + d · P 1/d · (2o + L) Our multicast model consists of 3 terms 1. m/Bn , the bandwidth cost 2. 2(d + 1) · o + 3L, the multicast start-up overhead 3. d · P 1/d · (2o + L), the path overhead Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 20/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance A model for binomial multicasts tbnm = log2 (P) · (m/Bn + 2o + L) I The root of the binomial tree sends log2 (P) copies of message I The setup overhead is overlapped with the path overhead I We assume no contention Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 21/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Model verification: one dimension DCMF Broadcast on a ring of 8 nodes of BG/P trect model DCMF rectangle dput tbnm model DCMF binomial Bandwidth (MB/sec) 1000 800 600 400 200 1 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 msg size (KB) Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 22/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Model verification: two dimensions DCMF Broadcast on 64 (8x8) nodes of BG/P Bandwidth (MB/sec) 2000 trect model DCMF rectangle dput tbnm model DCMF binomial 1500 1000 500 0 1 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 msg size (KB) Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 23/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Model verification: three dimensions DCMF Broadcast on 512 (8x8x8) nodes of BG/P 3000 trect model Faraj et al data DCMF rectangle dput tbnm model DCMF binomial Bandwidth (MB/sec) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 msg size (KB) Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 24/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Modelling collectives at exascale (p = 262, 144) Exascale broadcast performance 200 180 Bandwidth (GB/sec) 160 140 120 trect 6D trect 5D trect 4D trect 3D trect 2D trect 1D tbnm 3D 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.125 1 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 msg size (MB) Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 25/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Modelling matrix multiplication at exascale MM strong scaling at exascale (xy plane to full xyz torus) Parallel efficiency 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 2.5D with rectangular (c=z) 2.5D with binomial (c=z) 2D with binomial 0.5 0.4 1 8 64 z dimension of partition Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 26/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Modelling LU factorization at exascale LU strong scaling at exascale (xy plane to full xyz torus) 1 Parallel efficiency 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2.5D with rectangular (c=z) 2.5D with binomial (c=z) 2D LU with binomial 1 8 64 z dimension of partition Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 27/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Conclusion I Topology-aware scheduling I I I I I Present in IBM BG but not in Cray supercomputers Avoids network contention/congestion Enables optimized communication collectives Leads to simple communication performance models Future work I I I An automated framework for topology-aware mapping Tensor computations mapping Better models for network contention Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 28/ 29 Collective communication 2.5D algorithms Modelling exascale Multicast performance MM and LU performance Acknowledgements I I Krell CSGF DOE fellowship (DE-AC02-06CH11357) Resources at Argonne National Lab and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab I I I I I I Berkeley ParLab funding I I I DE-SC0003959 DE-SC0004938 DE-FC02-06-ER25786 DE-SC0001845 DE-AC02-06CH11357 Microsoft (Award #024263) and Intel (Award #024894) U.C. Discovery (Award #DIG07-10227) Released by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as LLNL-PRES-514231 Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 29/ 29 Reductions Backup slides Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 30/ 29 Reductions A model for rectangular reductions tred = max[m/(8γ), 3m/β, m/Bn ]+2(d +1)·o+3L+d ·P 1/d ·(2o+L) I I Any multicast tree can be inverted to produce a reduction tree The reduction operator must be applied at each node I I each node operates on 2m data both the memory bandwidth and computation cost can be overlapped Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 31/ 29 Reductions Rectangular reduction performance on BG/P DCMF Reduce peak bandwidth (largest message size) 400 torus rectangle ring torus binomial torus rectangle torus short binomial Bandwidth (MB/sec) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 8 64 512 #nodes BG/P rectangular reduction performs significantly worse than multicast Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 32/ 29 Reductions Performance of custom line reduction Performance of custom Reduce/Multicast on 8 nodes 800 Bandwidth (MB/sec) 700 600 500 400 300 MPI Broadcast Custom Ring Multicast Custom Ring Reduce 2 Custom Ring Reduce 1 MPI Reduce 200 100 512 4096 32768 msg size (KB) Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 33/ 29 Reductions A new LU latency lower bound k₀ A₀₀ k₁ A₁₁ k₂ n A₂₂ k₃ A₃₃ k₄ A₄₄ cr iti c al pa kd-1 th Ad-1,d-1 n √ flops lower bound requires d = Ω( p) blocks/messages √ bandwidth lower bound required d = Ω( cp) blocks/messages Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 34/ 29 Reductions 2.5D LU strong scaling (without pivoting) LU without pivoting on BG/P (n=65,536) Percentage of machine peak 100 ideal scaling 2.5D LU 2D LU 80 60 40 20 0 256 512 1024 2048 #nodes Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 35/ 29 Reductions Strong scaling of 2.5D LU with tournament pivoting LU with tournament pivoting on BG/P (n=65,536) Percentage of machine peak 100 ideal scaling 2.5D LU 2D LU ScaLAPACK PDGETRF 80 60 40 20 0 256 512 1024 2048 #nodes Edgar Solomonik Mapping dense linear algebra 36/ 29