
Assessment: Course Four Column TheCourses - Nursing

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Assessment: Course Four Column TheCourses - Nursing
Assessment: Course Four Column
TheCourses - Nursing
Mission Statement: TheCourses is the centralized location for all course assessment data related to this school or discipline. Departmental syllabi may be appended here, and
records of curriculum change noted in the 'description' field.
Assessment Contact: Ron Hutchins, Interim Associate Dean
HLTH101:Introduction to Medical Terminology
Course Student Learning
Comprehend and Define - 1.
Comprehend and define medical
words/terms used in the medical
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Mid-Term and Final Exams
30% of semester grade
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Attain a
grade of 72% or greater on both
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Spring 2014 all students attained an 72 % or greater on the
Mid-Term and Final Exams taken through the semester.
Optional Data Point:
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Spring 2014
Action to be Taken
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Mid-Term and Final are 40% of the
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Attain a
72% or greater on these exams for
the semester.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Construction of Medical Words - 2.
Identify the components that make
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Weekly chapter
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
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null.courseAction: Encourage all
students to complete all of the
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
up the construction of medical words.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
homework graded during class as an
Homework 15% of grade
Schedule/Notes: To attain this the
student will submit and have graded
weekly chapter assignments
following the course rubric.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Related Documents:
Chap 12 Learning Exercise
Integumentary System.pdf
80% of the students achieved a grade of 72% on weekly
chapter homework by identifying the components that
make up the construction of medical words. (06/30/2014)
weekly homework in order to
identify the components of the
construction of medical words.
Word Structures - 3. Analyze word
structures according to their roots,
prefixes and suffixes.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Completion of weekly
homework due next course date and
graded by class interaction.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Point
Quizzes (15)
Medical Word Report
Total 2350
Potential Bonus Points
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
The homework focus is on learning word parts and
definitions to prepare for the quiz. The student will be able
to apply this information to their health care practice. 78%
of the students were able to attain a C+ or better with
completion of homework for the course. 5 students out pf
37 did not attain a passing grade of 72% or higher for this
course. These 5 students were in the group who did not
attain at least 75% of the homework points. Completing the
homework assists in assimilating the information for course
outcomes. (08/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Direct - Presentation, Performance Completion of the Medical Journal
Article/Word Report and
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
presentation to class the interesting
point and topic selection process
Attaining 25 points = 100% for this
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Undergraduate Research
Forming Medical Terms - 4. Combine Other Findings
prefixes and suffixes with root words
to form medical terms.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
80% of the students were able to achieve a 72% or better
with completion of the 15 weekly learning exercises.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Completion of weekly
homework assignment due the next
week course period and graded by
class participation and interaction.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Point
Quizzes (15)
Medical Word Report
Total 2350
Potential Bonus Points
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Related Documents:
Chap 12 Learning Exercise
Integumentary System.pdf
Describe Medical Terms - 5. Describe
medical terms within a human body
system context, including terms that
define associated disease processes.
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Discussion of medical
disease processes in the weekly
classes and completion of medical
case studies questions in the
Course Outcome Status: Active
homework assignments.
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Included in the homework points of
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) 1875 out of 2350 required for course
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Related Documents:
Ch 12 Integumentary System
Spelling Game.doc
Medical Abbreviations - 6. Define
commonly used medical
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Direct with weekly quiz that includes
5 medical abbreviations from the
weekly chapter homework.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will achieve naming all
5 of the medical abbreviations on
the quiz.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Direct review and
committing to memory common
medical abbreviations that are used
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
in discussing, assessing and writing
in medical practice.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve 30 out of 50
medical abbreviations on the final
Schedule/Notes: See the medical
abbreviation 30 out or 50 document.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Spell, Pronounce, Define, and
Correctly Use - 7. Accurately spell,
pronounce, define, and correctly use
medical terminology when
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Divide into Components - 8. Divide
basic medical terms into their
component parts.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Medical Terminology
Dictionary/Journal Article
Assignment (end of semester)
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Goal:
100 percent of students will achieve
85/100 points or higher for overall
medical word assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
Course Rubric
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
80% of the students were able to achieve a 72% or better
on the assignment. (04/24/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Completion of weekly
homework assignment.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of class participants will attain 85%100% of assignment points.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Accurately Use - 9. Accurately use a
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Course Student Learning
medical dictionary and/or index.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Presentation, Performance Use the medical terminology
correctly when developing the 3
Term Report end of semester
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Will
achieve a grade of 85-100% with
completion of assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Undergraduate Research
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HLTH104:Nutrition for Early Childhood
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Nutrient Intake Affects
Growth/Development - 1. Recognize
how nutrient intake affects the
growth and development of children.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Sources Major Nutrients - 2. Identify
food sources of major nutrients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Function of Major Nutrients - 3.
Understand the function of major
nutrients for the growing child.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assess a Child's Food Intake - 4.
Assess a child's food intake for
nutritional adequacy.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Development of Food Habits - 5.
Understand early
development of food habits in
children and relate this to health
status in later life.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Fast Foods - 6. Explore the
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
Results from Spring 2014 final/midterm exam questions
pertaining to food safety in the care of children. Specific
questions addressed with results from 11 students in the
class and compared to the reference of 24 students from
previous assessment.
Choking in Infants - Question 13=10/11 = 90.9% (reference
91.6%) and Toddlers - Question 34 = 10/11 = 90.9%
(reference 50%)
Consumption of Honey by Infants - Question 14 = 11/11 =
100% (reference 83.3%)
Preparation of infant formula - Question 17 = 8/11 = 72.7%
(reference 91.7%) and Question 2 (midterm) = 11/11 =
100% (reference 91.7%)
Lead Poisoning - Question 36 = 8/11 = 72.7% (reference
Infants and Food Allergies - Question 51 = 10/11 = 90.9%
(reference 83.33%)
Prevention of Foodborne Illness - Question 21 (midterm) =
8/11 = 72.7% (reference 91.7%)
Question 82 (Handwashing) = 11/11 = 100% (reference
Question 34 (midterm) (Handwashing)= 11/11 = 100%
(reference 83.3%)
Foodborne Illness during Pregnancy - Question 93 = 4/11 =
36.4% (reference 87.5%) (01/19/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Action to be Taken: Emphasis in
Spring 2015 - preparation of infant
formula - important for both
nurses and early childhood
educators; prevention of lead
poisoning; prevention of
foodborne illness and special
emphasis on Foodborne Illness
during Pregnancy - we will use
video and lecture and case
scenarios to discuss each of the
four topics. (01/19/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Results from final exam questions pertaining to food safety
in the care of children. Specific questions addressed with
results from 24 students.
Action to be Taken: Spring 2014 Emphasis on Choking in Toddlers,
Honey Ingestion by Infants, Lead
Poisoning, Food Allergies and
Infants, Handwashing as means to
prevent disease and illness, and
nutritional value of fast foods.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Food Management Strategies - 7.
Understand food management
strategies needed to effectively
plan/implement a day care center
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Foodborne Illness in Pregnancy in
Choking in Infants - Question 13=22/24 = 91.67% and
lecture and written exercises.
Toddlers - Question 32 = 12/24 = 50%
Consumption of Honey by Infants - Question 14 = 20/24 =
Preparation of infant formula - Question 17 = 22/24 =
91.67% and Question 33 = 22/24 = 91.67%
Lead Poisoning - Question 34 = 10/24 = 41.67%
Infants and Food Allergies - Question 51 = 20/24 = 83.33%
Prevention of Foodborne Illness - Question 73 = 22/24 =
91.67%, Question 82 (Handwashing) = 19/24 = 79.67%,
Question 94 (Handwashing)= 20/24 = 83.33%
Foodborne Illness during Pregnancy - Question 93 = 21/24 =
Optional Data Point: 85
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Review of scantron results for
specific questions for food safety.
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Review results from final
exam questions pertaining to food
safety in the care of children.
Specific questions addressed:
Choking in Infants - Question 13 and
Toddlers -Question 32
Consumption of Honey by Infants Question 14
Preparation of infant formula Question 17 and Question 33
Lead Poisoning - Question 34
Infants and Food Allergies - Question
Prevention of Foodborne Illness Question 73 + Question 82 +
Question 94 Foodborne Illness and
the Unborn - Question 93
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90%
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
will achieve a score of 90% or higher
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Instructor will review
final scores for Written Exercise #5 Students write a one-day menu for
children in your child care center
that are four (4) years old. Follow
the CACFP meal pattern
requirements (see PDF on
Blackboard). Students must
demonstrate understanding of
appropriate serving sizes and good
menu planning techniques that
incorporate nutrient-dense foods.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will receive a score of
6.2/7.75 (80%) or higher
Schedule/Notes: Evaluated at the
end of the semester by reviewing
final scores for assignment on
Blackboard Gradebook.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
HLTH 104 Written Exercise #5 and
#6_Spring 2015.doc
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
68% (17/25) of students received a score greater than 80%,
32% (8/25; 1/25 did not do the assignment) received a
score of less than 80% (05/01/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Instructor will
spend additional time on meal
planning, portion sizes
appropriate for preschoolers per
CACFP guidelines in Spring
Semester 2016. (01/11/2016)
Value of Educational Background in
Nutrition - 8. Recognize the value of
an educational background in basic
nutrition for child care providers.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Using Enriched Products, Food
Additives and Vitamin Supplements 9. Determine the value of using
enriched products, food additives and
vitamin supplements with young
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Community Resources - 10. Identify
community resources available to
help parents and other care providers
who have children with nutritional
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
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HLTH208:Principles of Human Nutrition
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Basic Concepts of Nutrient Groups 1. Understand the basic concepts of
the study of nutrition, including the
classifications, functions, and major
metabolic aspects of nutrient groups
(proteins, carbohydrates, lipids,
water, minerals, and vitamins).
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Roles of Macronutrients - 2.
Understand the roles of
carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the
body and the best food sources of
each of these energy-yielding
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Nutrient Availability Principles - 3.
Describe basic principles of digestion,
absorption, and metabolism to
explain how nutrients become
available to meet their functions in
the body.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Lifestyle and Health Impact - 5.
Recognize the importance of fitness,
physical activity and nutrients in
weight management, eating
disorders, athletes, bone health,
dental health, and cardiovascular
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students who
complete the SMART Goal Analysis
Worksheet (#2) will be able to
correctly identify a chronic health
condition (and/or
obesity/overweight prevention)
where risk for that condition may be
prevented or delayed as a result of
their SMART goal.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: At least
80% of students who complete the
worksheet will be able to correctly
identify a chronic health condition.
Schedule/Notes: Assess upon
receipt of SMART Goal Analysis
Worksheet (#2)
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
27/32 (84.375%) students correctly identified that their
SMART Goal may prevent risk for CVD, DMT2, Osteoporosis,
OW/Overweight, HTN, Diverticulos or Cancer
5/32 (15.625%) students identified that their SMART Goal
would prevent or reduce the risk for dehydration,
malnutrition, or scurvy and provided continued support for
recovery from their eating disorder. (12/15/2014)
SMART Goal Setting and Dietary
Analysis - 6. Apply basic nutrition
knowledge by evaluating one's diet,
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
FALL 2014 - 30/32 = 93.75% of students were able to
Action to be Taken
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Role of Micronutrients and Water 4. Understand the roles of vitamins,
minerals and water in body processes
and the importance for maintenance
of human functions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
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Course Student Learning
including interpreting and
formulating recommendations to
improve personal eating habits.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Other Findings
positively state at least one skill/behavior/attribute that
they had learned from this project and/or about themselves
and that they would utilize in the future for improving their
personal eating habits and/or the eating habits of others.
Two students did not complete the assignment. [more]
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
SPRING 2013 - 19/21 = 85.7% of students were able to
positively state at least one skill/behavior/attribute that
they had learned from this project and/or about themselves
and that they would utilize in the future for improving their
personal eating habits and/or the eating habits of others.
One student did not think the SMART goal project was of
any use while they were at LSSU, one student did not feel
he needed to make any changes and one student did not
complete the assignment at all. (09/13/2013)
Action to be Taken: Continue to
emphasize the importance of
good self-care, setting attainable
behavioral change goals and the
importance of understanding
what "change" entails to the
individual and the amount of
energy needed to make a
"change" in personal habits.
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
SPRING 2013 - 76.19% received a score of 17/20 or higher.
14.29% received a score of 16/20. 4.76% received a score of
10.5/20 and one person (4.76%) did not complete the
project. (09/13/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Instructor will grade the HLTH 208
SMART Goal Project's two
worksheets - Developing a SMART
Goal Worksheet and the SMART
Goal Analysis Worksheet - for a total
of 20 points. Goal = At least 85% of
students who complete the project
will achieve a score of 17/20 (85%)
or better on the SMART Goal Project.
Action to be Taken: Instructor will
continue to work closely with
students to achieve success with
this project by helping them to
interpret data and work on
developing skills to improve
personal habits. (09/13/2013)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Indirect - Survey, including selfevaluation, peers, or graduates Instructor will review students'
answers to part #6 on SMART Goal
Project - SMART Goal Analysis
Worksheet (What have you learned
from doing this project? What have
you learned about yourself and
setting goals? How will this help you
in the future?).
Criterion/Target/Threshold: At least
90% of students who complete the
worksheet will be able to state at
least one thing that they have
learned from this project and/or
learned about themselves that will
be able to utilize in the future for
improving personal eating habits
and/or the eating habits of others.
Schedule/Notes: Review conducted
at the completion of the SMART
Goal Project by the instructor
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
SMART Goal Worksheet_Analysis of
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
SPRING 2015 - 20/20 = 100% of students were able to
positively state at least one skill/behavior/attribute that
they had learned from this project and/or about themselves
and that they would utilize in the future for improving their
personal eating habits and/or the eating habits of others.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
FALL 2014 - 30/32 = 93.75% of students were able to
positively state at least one skill/behavior/attribute that
they had learned from this project and/or about themselves
and that they would utilize in the future for improving their
personal eating habits and/or the eating habits of others.
Two students did not complete the assignment due to
absence for family/personal reasons. (08/26/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
null.courseAction: Continue with
Goal met: Yes
project for next year.
SPRING 2014 - 31/33 = 93.9% of students were able to
positively state at least one skill/behavior/attribute that
they had learned from this project and/or about themselves
and that they would utilize in the future for improving their
personal eating habits and/or the eating habits of others.
Two students did not complete the assignmentl.
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
32/34 = 94.12% of students were able to positively state at
least one skill/behavior/attribute that they had learned
from this project and/or about themselves and that they
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
would utilize in the future for improving their personal
eating habits and/or the eating habits of others.
One student did not think the SMART goal was possible
until he had more money and another student did not think
that he needed to make any changes at all in his intake or
think about future changes. 2/34 = 5.88%
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Instructor will grade
the HLTH 208 SMART Goal Project's
two worksheets - Developing a
SMART Goal Worksheet and the
SMART Goal Analysis Worksheet for a total of 20 points.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: At least
85% of students who complete the
project will achieve a score of 17/20
(85%) or better on the SMART Goal
Schedule/Notes: Assessment will be
completed when the project is
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
SMART Goal Worksheet_Developing
a SMART Goal_FINAL.doc
SMART Goal Worksheet_Analysis of
Two students did not complete the assignment at all = 2/36.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
SPRING 2015 - 100% of students completed the SMART Goal
Project and Worksheets and 100% achieved a score of
13.25/15 (88.3%) or higher. Please note that the total score
for the project was changed from 20 to 15 in Fall 2014.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
FALL 2014 - 29/30 = 96.7% of students who completed the
project worksheets achieved a score of 12.75/15 (85%) or
higher on the SMART Goal Project. 1/30 (3.3%) had a score
of 12.25 (81.7%). Two students did not complete the the
second worksheet for the project. Total points for the
project were changed from 20 to 15 this semester.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
SPRING 2014 - 31 students completed the project, 90.3%
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
(28/31) of students received a score of 17/20 or higher.
Three (3) students received an 80% for the project.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Note that grading scale was changed
this semester with project now
worth 10 points instead of 20 points
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Two of the 36 students did not complete the assignment.
30/34 (88.23%) students received a score of 17/20 or higher
(7 = 20/20; 13 = 19-9.9/20; 6 = 18-18.9/20; 4 = 17-17.9/20)
4/34 (11.77%) students received a score of 13.5-16.5/20
Indirect - Survey, including selfevaluation, peers, or graduates Instructor will review students'
answers to part #6 on SMART Goal
Project - SMART Goal Analysis
Worksheet (What have you learned
from doing this project? What have
you learned about yourself and
setting goals? How will this help you
in the future?).
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
SPRING 2015 - 100% of students completed the SMART Goal
Analysis Worksheet and 100% were able to state which
chronic condition or obesity/overweight would/could be
affected by their SMART Goal lifestyle change.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
SMART Goal Worksheet_Analysis of Project_FINAL_SPRING
SMART Goal Worksheet_Developing a SMART
null.courseAction: Continue to
assess this aspect of the SMART
Goal Project and discuss in the
classroom to elaborate on
techniques for successful goal
setting and change for self and
when working with future
patients/clients. (08/26/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Fall 2014 - 30/32 (93.75%) of students completed the
SMART Goal Analysis Worksheet and 100% of those 30
students were able to state which chronic condition or
obesity/overweight would/could be affected by their
SMART Goal lifestyle change. (08/26/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Disorders and Disease Process - 7.
Apply basic nutrition knowledge in
various disorders and disease
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 11/14/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Students attend
lecture/discussion/workgroup on
diabetes meal planning and
complete Worksheet #3 of Dietary
Analysis Project II. Students identify
carbohydrate groups needed for
carbohydrate counting, design a
personal meal plan based on gender,
edit and modify food choices to
meet diabetes meal /snack planning
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will demonstrate
competence in meal planning for
diabetes as evidenced by a score of
80% or higher on Worksheet #3 in
Dietary Analysis Project II.
Schedule/Notes: Lecture / work
group on 11/14 with assignment due
to instructor on 11/21
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
3/31 [9.6% of students - (1 did not complete assignment)] did not achieve a score of 80% of higher on Worksheet #3 in
Dietary Analysis Project II.
null.courseAction: Continue with
this instructional method to
complete worksheet in DAP II.
90.4% of students met target. (12/21/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Review final scores on Blackboard
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Final Scores on Diabetes Meal Planning - Worksheet #3 Dietary Analysis Project II
60-69% - 3/34 = 9%
70-79% - 3/34 = 9%
80-89% - 10/34 = 29%
90-99% - 16/34 = 47%
100% - 2/34 = 6%
82% of students successfully demonstrated competence at
80% or higher for diabetes meal planning. 53%
demonstrated competence at 90% or higher. 100% of
students who received a score of 79% or lower did not
attend the work group/lecture on diabetes meal planning
and did not attend contact professor for assistance in
completing the project.
null.courseAction: Professor will
continue this work group/
discussion/ lecture session to
improve competence in meal
planning. Professor will advertise /
announce in class and describe on
Course Schedule in an effort to
improve attendance at session.
Professor conducted work group
in 50 minute session and will
change to 100 minute session with
75 minutes dedicated to meal
planning for diabetes in an effort
to improve competency to 85% of
students will attain a score of 85%
or higher on assignment in Spring
2015. (12/15/2014)
Indirect - Classroom Assessement
Technique, including "Muddiest
Point" - Group work on chronic
conditions case studies.
Instructor will evaluate group
performance on case study scenarios
to assess students' understanding of
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
dietary recommendations for the
prevention and treatment of chronic
Schedule/Notes: In class group
activity - April 2016
Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle - Other Findings
Students will demonstrate the
importance of food safety practices
throughout the life cycle.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Inactive Date: 01/30/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
Review of results from final exam specific to food safety
practices throughout the life cycle:
Action to be Taken: Emphasis in
2013-2014 on Prevention of Lead
Poisoning, Storing Foods at Safe
Temperatures, and Prevention of
Listeria to improve level of
Question 1 - Prevention of Lead Poisoning All Ages= 15/21 = understanding and ability to apply
knowledge as evidenced by final
Question 6 - Infants and Honey Ingestion = 19/21 = 90.48% exam scores (09/13/2013)
Question 44 - Risk of Foodborne Illness throughout Life
Cycle = 21/21 = 100%
Question 50 and 64 - Choking Hazards for Infants = 20/21 =
95.24 % + 19/21=90.48%
Question 67 - Infant Food Allergies = 20/21 = 95.24%
Question 68 - Environmental Contamination = 21/21 = 100%
Question 69 - S/S of Foodborne Illness = 21/21 = 100%
Question 74 - Temperatures to Prevent Foodborne Illness =
17/21 = 80.96%
Question 89 - Prevention of Listeria = 18/21 = 85.71%
Question 97 - Food Safety and Elders = 20/21 = 95.24%
Optional Data Point: 90
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Class scores on Final Exam were
reviewed for the eleven questions
(of 100) in that addressed food
safety and prevention of food borne
illness throughout the life cycle.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Class
score for each question will be
evaluated using Scantron analysis.
85% of students will receive a score
of 75% or higher for each question.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Results from thirty-four exams completed for Fall 2014 as
compared to thirty-one exams for Spring 2014:
Question #1 addresses Lead Poisoning 29/34 = 85.3%
improved over S’ 2014 - 24/31 = 77.4%;
Question #5 addresses At-Risk Population Groups 34/34 =
100% maintaining level in S’2014 - 31/31 = 100%;
Question #6 addresses use of Honey in Infancy 33/34 =
97.1% improved over S’ 2014 - 27/31 = 87.1%
Question #42 is an Overview of Foodborne Illness /Foods at
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Overall, there
was an improvement in scores for
questions on the final exam
covering foodborne illness. The
topic of foods at risk for Listeria
needs continued review and
discussion in Spring 2015. All
other methodologies from Fall
2014 will be included. In Fall 2014,
students completed Blackboard
Quiz/Assessment on food safety,
watched a video from FDA on
Page 19 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Risk for Listeria 32/34 = 94.1% improved over S’2014 23/31 = 74.2%
Question #46 Prevention of Foodborne Illness 31/34 =
91.2% decrease from S’2014 but acceptable- 31/31 = 100%
Question #50 Bottle Propping in Infancy 32/34 = 94.1%
improved over S’ 2014 - 27/31 = 87.1%
Question #68 Mercury in Fish 34/34 = 100% slightly
improved over S’2014 – 30/31 = 96.8%
Question #69 Signs and Symptoms of Foodborne Illness
34/34 = 100% maintains S’ 2014 result - 31/31 = 100%
Question #74 Temperature and Foodborne Illness 30/34 =
88.2% acceptable and slight improvement over S’ 2014 27/31 = 87.1%
Question #89 Prevention of Listeria 27/34 = 79.4%
acceptable and exceeds S’ 2014 - 22/31 = 71.0%
Question #97 Food Storage/Consumption of Leftovers
32/34 = 94.1% improved over S’ 2014 - 25/31 = 80.6%
Overall, there was an improvement in scores for questions
on the Fall 2014 final exam covering foodborne illness. The
topic of foods at risk for Listeria needs continued review
and discussion in Spring 2015. All other methodologies from
Fall 2014 will be included.
In Fall 2014, students completed Blackboard
Quiz/Assessment on food safety, watched a video from FDA
on foodborne illness, had PPT slides/lecture re: food safety,
received additional written materials on mercury and
organochlorines in fish and Professor Kellan came into
classroom and spoke to class re: Listeria.
foodborne illness, had PPT
slides/lecture re: food safety,
received additional written
materials on mercury and
organochlorines in fish and
Professor Kellan came into
classroom and spoke to class re:
Listeria. (12/15/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Results from thirty-one exams completed for Spring 2014:
#1 - 24/31 = 77.4%
#5 - 31/31 = 100%
#6 - 27/31 = 87.1%
#42 - 23/31 = 74.2% (foods at risk for Listeria)
#46 - 31/31 = 100%
#50 - 27/31 = 87.1%
#69 - 31/31 = 100%
#74 - 27/31 = 87.1%
null.courseAction: FALL 2014 stronger emphasis on Listeria in
Food Safety lecture and develop
case study including Listeria
prevention in Prenatal Nutrition
discussion/lecture session.
Emphasis on food safety and
handling leftovers in Food Safety
lecture and in discussion of meal
planning throughout the lifecycle.
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Course Student Learning
Role of Nutrition Throughout the
Lifecycle - Students will demonstrate
improved level of knowledge of basic
nutrition upon completion of the
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/06/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - A 20 question pretest was
completed on the first day of the
course and the same 20 questions
were utilized as the first 20
questions on the final exam.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: The
average pretest score for the class
will improve by at least 50% on the
final exam.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Action to be Taken
#89 - 22/31 = 71.0% (prevention techniques for Listeria)
#97 - 25/31 = 80.6% (safe storage and consumption of
leftovers) (06/03/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Comparison of pre- and post-assessment scores for Fall
2015 Pre-Assessment class average = 47.5%
Post-Assessment class average = 82.5% (12/21/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
34 students completed the 20 question pretest and the
class average was 9.9 (49.5%)
34 students completed the final exam and the class average
for the first 20 questions and the class average was 15.7
(78.5%) demonstrating an improvement of 58.6%.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): An
identical 20 question pre- and posttest assessment was conducted on
the first and last class days of the
semester and answers were
recorded on a green scantron. Class
average on the Scantron Item
Analysis was compared from each.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
29 students completed the 20 question pretest and the
class average was 9.9 (49.5%)
31 students completed the final exam and the class average
for the first 20 questions and the class average was 16
(80%) demonstrating an improvement of 61.6%.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Noted - class
scores for questions related to
adolescent snacking habits,
calculation of protein
requirements, food sources of
saturated fats and soluble fiber,
lycopene, functions of Vitamin C
and food sources of Vitamin D
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
were < 75% and these topics will
be emphasized in Fall 2014
lecture/discussion/case studies.
null.courseFollowUp: Correct
results from Fall 2014 Posttest in
areas of concern noted in Spring
2014 - #13 adolescent snacking
habits - 19/34 = 55.9% (still below
75%); #16 calculation of PRO
requirements - 29/34 = 85.3%
(met); #17 food sources of
saturated fat - 24/34 = 70.6% (still
below 75%); #10 food sources of
soluble fiber 25/34 = 73.5% (still
below); #14 lycopene - 24/34 =
70.6% (still below 75%); #15
functions of vitamin C - 29/34 =
85.3% (met) and #20 food sources
of vitamin D - 14/34 = 41.2% (still
below 75%); in addition, #10
classifications of vegetarianism 24/34 = 70.6% was also below the
threshold of 75%. Instructor will
add new teaching methodologies
in Spring 2015 to improve scores
in these topic areas. (12/15/2014)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Pharmacodynamic and
Pharmacotheraputic Actions - 1.
Understand pharmacodynamic and
pharmacotheraputic actions of
specific therapeutic agents.
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Final Exam
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
class will choose correct answers for
exam questions related to learning
Course Outcome Status: Active
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is used
for all of the following except:
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) (Correct) Gastric ulcer healing.
Nitrates dlate the vascular smooth
muscle, which results in what effect?
(Correct) decreased preload
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
History and Current Drug Standards
and Legislation - 2.Student will
comprehend history and events
leading to development of current
drug standards and legislation.
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Comprehensive final exam
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80%
correct on questions regarding Drug
Standards and Legislation questions:
Federal legislation dictates a lenghty
Course Outcome Status: Active
and rigorous process of testing for
new drug. What is the primary
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) purpose of this testing process/
(Correct) To ensure the safety of the
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
92% of the students were able to correctly identify the
pharmacodynamics and the pharmacotheraputic actions of
both drugs. (04/29/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct through examination
null.courseAction: Assess other
therapeutic agents through
examination. (12/16/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
100% of the class correctly answered Aspirin question
30% of class correctly answered the Nitrate question
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Final exam multiple choice questions
null.courseAction: Will choose
another question besides Aspirin
to assess the classes
understanding of
Will find other ways to educate
class on pharmacodynamics of
drugs, will use more videos, put
pharmacodynamics on
assignments and course exams.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
An average of 53% of students got both questions correct.
18% for Aspirin question correct
88% for Nitrate question correct (08/21/2014)
null.courseAction: Use formative
questioning during classes to
assess student comprehension of
actions of drugs on body.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
96% of students correctly identify the answer and rationale
for this question on the final exam (04/29/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Assess
historical perspectives of drug
evolution and safety on Fall Final
exam (12/16/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
83% of the class correctly answered the question.
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Course Student Learning
Drug reactions and routes. - 3.
Student will be knowledgeable of
therapeutic assessment of clients and
correct administration of drugs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
88% of students choose correct answer (08/21/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Exam question #12 -83% and #35- 55% of class had correct
answers (01/16/2013)
null.courseAction: Reviewed
content with class, will reassess on
final exam. (12/20/2012)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Final Exam
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80%of
the students will attain correct
answers on the questions pertaining
to drug therapeutics, administration,
action, and or side effects. Question:
A patient with a recent diagnosis of
acute renal failure has a longstanding seizure disorder which as
been successfully controlled for
several years with anti-seizure
medicaions. The nurseshould
recognize that the patient's
compromised renal function will
(Correct) Increase the half-life of
medications that are metabolized by
the kidneys.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
87% of students answered this question correctly.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Assess
administration of drugs in the fall
semester. (12/16/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
33% answered correctly on Final exam
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Final Exam multiple choice question
null.courseAction: Will include
more case studies around the
therapeutics and assessments of
clients and administration of
drugs. (12/10/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
18% answered correctly (08/21/2014)
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
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HLTH210:Introduction to Health Care Concepts and Issues
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Goals, Structures, and Functions - 1.
Describe the goals,
structures, and functions of the
health care system.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Factors Influencing Change - 2.
Discuss factors influencing
change in the health care system.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Roles of Health Care Providers - 3.
Describe the roles of health
care providers within the health care
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Health Care Delivery System - 4.
Examine issues inherent in
the health care delivery system.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Educational Programs and Roles of
Health Care Personnel. - 5. Contrast
the educational programs and roles
of health care personnel.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Rights and Responsibilities - 6.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Describe the rights and
responsibilities of the consumer of
health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Issues of Ethical Concern - 7.
Discuss issues of ethical
concern for health care providers and
workers in public health.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Communication Techniques - 8.
Describe effective
communication techniques and its
effect on quality health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Risk Management - 9.
risk management in health care
delivery and environmental systems.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Health Care Delivery Models - 10.
Compare the advantages
and disadvantages of health care
delivery models.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Organizational Culture - 11. Analyze
the concept of organizational culture
and its impact on health care
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
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Course Student Learning
Cell injury, Inflammation, Healing
and Fever - 1.
Understand the
basic mechanisms of cell injury,
inflammation, healing and fever
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
The class average on exam 1 was 83% (05/01/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Class average 84% (12/18/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor as this result only
demonstrates one semester of
increased scores (08/27/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
2/35 (5%) of students scored below the 72% threshold.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): Unit
exam 1 contains the content related
to cell injury, inflammation, healing,
and fever
null.courseAction: Modify target
threshold to allow for more
meaningful assessment of
outcome (01/15/2015)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - First unit exam
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Class
average minimum of 72% on first
unit exam
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
Fall, 2013 all students were in the nursing program and
successfully passed the first unit exam with a 72% or
greater. However, Spring, 2014 had nursing and exercise
students combined and the exercise students had increased
difficulty with the course material and scored less than 72%
on their first unit exam. (06/27/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Scantron scoring based on a 50
question multiple choice exam.
Signs and Symptoms to Diseases - 2.
Relate signs and symptoms
to diseases to these basic functions
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students scored >80% on this assignment
Course Outcomes and/or
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Other Findings
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Written assignment.
Student's choice of
disease/condition with research
including signs and symptoms
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve a minimum
of 80% on this assignment
Schedule/Notes: Students were
assigned in groups of 2 and
presented in class via power point
and peer handouts on specific
disease states that included
definitions, signs/symptoms, and
standard treatments based on
evidenced based nursing practice.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Disease Assignment.docx
Assessment Method (optional):
Principles of Immune System and
Development of Cancers - 3.
Understand the principles of
immune response, immune
dysfunction, and the development of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
84% average (12/18/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Multiple choice questions
on final exam related to immune
response, immune dysfunction, and
the development of cancers.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: average
80% minimum correct response rate
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
TracDat Course Assessment 232 test
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% students achieved minimum (12/18/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students scored higher than 80% on this
assignment (12/19/2014)
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor for trends (01/15/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students in HLTH 232 scored a 90% or greater on their
disease assignments in Fall, 2013 and Spring, 2014.
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
98% of students achieved minimum of 80% (12/05/2012)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
75.5% average correct response rate. (05/01/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: This semester's
assessment may not be accurate
as some 3 of the 7 questions were
removed or altered. Change
Assessment method to any final
exam questions on this topic (not
specifically the 7 previously
outlined) (08/27/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: Current target
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Goal met: Yes
Unsure: 86.7% correct responses for the 14 questions on
exam one focused on this content. (12/19/2014)
threshold is very challenging to
assess and obtain data from
exams. Modify target threshold
criterion to allow for evaluation
and assessment of student
outcome (01/15/2015)
How Health Assessment Data
Determine Interventions - 4.
Understand how health
interventions are governed by the
interpretation of assessment data
Course Outcome Status: Inactive
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Relate Abnormal Physical Findings to
Body Functions - 5.
abnormal organ, tissue, or cell
structure to the resulting functional
problems of the body
Course Outcome Status: Inactive
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Causes of Diseases and Prevention 6.
Understand the causes of
diseases and how they can be
Course Outcome Status: Inactive
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Disease Assignment Sheet
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100 %
of class to score at least 8 point of
the 10 points available.
Schedule/Notes: Creativity
encouraged. Can present in a power
point, brochure, etc.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
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HLTH235:Healthcare Informatics
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will use
microsoft office; word, Power Point,
Publisher and excel to complete
their assignments.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
Students will submit assignments
using microsoft office software.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
HLTH 235 Health Literacy Pamphlet
Smart Phone Apps For Your Health
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% student completed each assignment involving
microsoft office (09/11/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Continue with
current assignments
Knowledge of Nursing Informatics - Other Findings
Obj #1. Develop a solid base in
liberal education for nursing practice
as evidenced by acquisition of
knowledge of nursing informatics and
its base components of nursing
science, library science, computer
science, and cognitive science related
to health care issues.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
All students research reports and presentations on various
topics related to informatics presented findings to the class
demonstrated knowledge of nursing, library, computer and
cognitive sciences. (09/11/2015)
Optional Data Point: 100
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
HLTH 235_001_F15_9-2-15.doc
Action to be Taken: Continue
objective and learning outcomes
Follow-Up: Assess student
learning outcomes at end of AY16
Identifies Knowledge and Skills
Needed to Provide Health Care - Obj.
#2. Identifies knowledge and skills in
leadership, quality improvement, and
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Each students was able to receive a grade of 84% or better
on the assignment. I assessed student retention in the
Computer competency - Student will
demonstrate ANA core competences
for computer use
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Write a paper defining
the various types of research articles
and compare and contrast them.
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Course Student Learning
patient safety to provide health care
as evidenced by identifying valid data,
information, and knowledge
resources for health care practice.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Evidence Based Practice - Obj. #3.
Identifies and describes
research for potential application for
evidence based practice as evidenced
by completing identification and
analysis of evidence based practice
hard copy and electronic resources.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Students will receive at least an 80%
on the paper allowing for one
rewrite to get a passing grade.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
subsequent semester and found that 87% were able to
recall the definitions for systematic reviews, literature
reviews, meta-analysis, and meta-synthesis. (09/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Search various nursing
data bases such as CINAHL,
Cochrane Library, Pub Med,
Guidelines.gov, etc., and LSSU library
periodicals for examples of eight
different types of research articles
(i.e. systematic review, metaanalysis, primary studies, literature
reviews etc.)
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will obtain an 80% or
greater on the literature search.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
HLTH 235_001_S14_SYLB.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
96% of students were able to complete an accurate search
and print off the appropriate types of research articles.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Retain this
assignment but revise rubric to be
clearer about what information
students need to highlight or
underline in each of the articles.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students obtained an 88% on the paper with several
resubmitting their paper for a passing grade. (05/08/2014)
Optional Data Point: 100
Related Documents:
TD Gradebook_GPA HLTH 235_S14_Final.xls
null.courseAction: Separate the
assignment. Have library search
count separately from the paper.
Knowledge/Skills in Information
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
Management and Patient Care - Obj. course - Final exam
Illustrates knowledge and
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
skills in information management and
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students obtained 88% average score on the paper and
article submissin. (05/08/2014)
Optional Data Point: 100
Related Documents:
HLTH 235 CompareandContrast (1).docx
TD Gradebook_GPA HLTH 235_S14_Final.xls
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: Revise Power
Goal met: Yes
Points to a minimum and
Met goal. Only 5/24 students received less than 80% on the presenting "need to know" only
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Course Student Learning
patient care technology in the
delivery of quality patient care as
evidenced by demonstrated
understanding, development, and
dissemination of data, information,
and knowledge for the purpose of
patient care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Health Care Policies - Obj. #5.
Identifies health care
policies, including financial and
regulatory, directly and indirectly
influencing the nature and function of
the health care system as evidenced
by ability to discuss how information
technologies are impacted and
impact health care systems.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
the students will obtain at least an
80% on the final
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
TD Gradebook_GPA HLTH
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Final exam questions related to EHR,
clinical decision making technology,
and patient care technology.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 75% of
the students will get questions
related to patient care informatics
and EHR correct.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
HLTH 235 Final Exam Item Statistics
Report (2).pdf
final. (09/10/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
(tested). Further discussion "nice
to know" (not tested) will be held
to a minimum or revised to be
included on the test.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Goal met. (09/11/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Continue
assessing understanding of these
concepts. (09/11/2015)
null.courseAction: Continue
testing "need to know" concepts
in the exam (09/11/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
___ % of students answered the patient care technology,
EHR, and clinical decision system questions correctly.
Related Documents:
HLTH 235 Final Exam Item Statistics Report (2).pdf
null.courseAction: Utilize flipping
the classroom methods. Students
will be "Students as Teachers"
assignment to encourage more
engagement and learning.
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Class project of
completing an Omaha System care
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Class
participation and submission of
completed Omaha System care plan
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized - Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Exam questions on HITECH and
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q21
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
students will correctly answer the
midterm questions #21, 34, & 44,
and final exam questions 4, 12, 13,
and 26 related to HITECH, HIPAA,
and meaningful use objectives.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q34
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q44
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q4
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q12
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q13
___% of students got 85 % or better on Q26
Related Documents:
HLTH 235 Midterm Item Statistics Report (3).pdf
HLTH 235 Final Exam Item Statistics Report (2).pdf
Communication and Collaboration Obj #6. Develops communication
and collaboration among health care
professionals and patients to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by acquisition of
knowledge regarding nursing and
other health related taxonomies.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Class project of
completing an Omaha System care
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Class
Completion of Omaha System Care
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Omaha System Worksheet_1-1714_D.doc
Bill T Post Open Heart.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students input on Omaha System Care Plan (05/08/2014)
Related Documents:
Completed Omaha System Worksheet_Heart Surgery.doc
Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention in Informatics - Obj. #7.
Defines and applies health
promotion and disease prevention at
the individual and population health
levels as evidenced by development
of health education materials using
the science of healthcare informatics.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - SBAR of a selected
patient and a targeted education
pamphlet or booklet with an
appropriate SMOG literacy level.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Literacy
level will be appropriate for the
selected patient.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Over 90% students had appropriate literacy level in their
educational pamphlet. (05/08/2014)
Related Documents:
HLTH 235 Health literacy SBAR Paper (1).docx
HLTH 235 Health Literacy Pamphlet docx.docx
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Action to be Taken
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Course Student Learning
al justice as evidenced by ability to
discuss ethical use of data,
information, and knowledge related
in health informatics. - Obj. #8.
Defines professionalism and
inherent values of ethics, integrity,
and social justice as evidenced by
ability to discuss ethical use of data,
information, and knowledge related
in health informatics.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Discussion thread on blackboard
reflecting on a Medscape podcast on
medical ethics dilemma and a man's
right to die of bed sores.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Each
student will submit a reflective
comment about the podcast.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
87.5% of students submitted a reflection of their perception
of a patient's right to die (05/08/2014)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
91% of the students posted their reflection about the
ethical dilemma onto black board. (05/08/2014)
Related Documents:
Ethics discussion thread.docx
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HLTH328:Multicultural Approaches to Health Care
Course Student Learning
General Education - Diversity - View
the world from cultural perspectives
other than their own
Course Outcome Status: GenEd
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag:
GenEd: Cultural Diversity
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Students will have two
experiences outside of their personal
culture and will interpret and
evaluate those experiences within
two of the course objectives. They
will present those two experiences
and identify the health and cultural
implications. This work will be
evaluated by the professor and
through Colleague-to-Colleague
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of the students will receive a score
of 80% or greater, demonstrating
their internalization of the
experiences and ability to interpret it
within the intended course
Schedule/Notes: Conducted each
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Diversity in American Society - 1.
Discuss racial and cultural
diversity in American society.
Define the concept of
Differentiate the concepts of
ethnocentrism and cultural relativity.
Compare and contrast values
of selected cultural groups.
Explore the relationship of
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
culture, kinship systems, religious
language and customs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Cultural Influences - 2.
cultural influences on health beliefs,
practices, attitudes and
traditions of ethnic and racial
Discuss ethnic/cultural
variations in communication patterns,
habits, kinship systems, religious
practices and health/illness
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Ethnic Identity and Cultural Health
Practices - 3. Compare the ethnic
identity and cultural health practices
of clients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Case Analysis - Students will
gather family of origin health and
sociodemographic information and
create a complete genogram in a
defined medical format.
Nonadopted students will research
their family members and prepare a
document of sufficient completeness
and professionalism to achieve a
score of 80% or better.
Schedule/Notes: Conducted each
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Need for Cultural Sensitivity - 4.
Express an understanding of
the need for cultural sensitivity in
health care.
Demonstrate consideration
of individual value systems and
cultural life
ways to be included in care of a
Cite values common to the
dominant society and contrast them
with the
values that may be found in other
ethnic groups.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Framework of Transcultural Caring 5.
Apply a conceptual
framework of Transcultural Caring to
various clients.
Describe why the
incorporation of cultural parameters
is an essential part
of the health assessment.
Assess client's cultural
beliefs and behaviors.
Explain how cultural
variables and health perceptions may
be related to a
client's health.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Change Strategies - 6.
change strategies useful in
developing culturally relevant
programs in
a variety of health care settings.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Discuss reasons for delayed
entry of clients into the health care
Explore reasons why lay
health practitioners may be consulted
Identify reasons for apparent
client non-adherence with health
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
How Newly Acquired Knowledge - 7.
Identify how newly acquired
knowledge can be used to enhance
health care research, education
and practice.
Discuss approaches and
techniques the practitioner can use in
rapport with ethnic groups.
Discuss the concept of
flexibility as it applies to working with
people who
have different health beliefs and
Explore nursing and other
related research that should be
relevant and
necessary to enhance
Transcultural care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Complementary and Alternative
Direct - Presentation, Performance Practices. - 8.
Explore the uses of In groups of 3 or less, students will
selected complementary and
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
alternative health care practices.
Examine the possible
interactions of
complimentary/alternative practices
with mainstream health care
Discuss the economic
aspects of complimentary/alternative
Explore reasons for choosing
complimentary/alternative health
select a complementary/alternative
therapy or spiritual/religious
philosophy to present both online
and in class, including key concepts
and the impact on a patient's care.
Each group will submit three
Midterm examination questions
relative to their presentation.
Student learning will be assessed by
outcomes on the associated
Midterm examination questions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Students will have correct responses
to 2 of the 3 Midterm examination
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) questions relative to each group
Schedule/Notes: Midterms occur in
the 6th - 8th week of each semester.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
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HLTH329:Women's Health Issues
Course Student Learning
Access to Health Care - 1.
Understand how access to
health care and health insurance,
cultural insensitivity, and other
obstacles affect the health of women.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Global Women's
Health Issues Paper: Global
Comparison section (20 points)
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve minimum 75%
(15 points) on Global Comparison
Related Documents:
Paper guidelines.docx
Paper Rubric.docx
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students are assigned
to write a scholarly Global Health
Issues paper to examine health care
perspectives from a cultural basis
globally while identifying women's
rights issues,and global comparisons
in terms of prejudice and equality.
Correct APA format, professional
discussion/terminology, and
evidenced based resource
expectations are clearly outlined
within the rubric provided.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will attain an 85% or
greater on this writing assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students achieved a 90% or greater for this assignment.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Women as Health Care Consumers 2.
Recognize ways that women
as health care consumers affect
demand within the health-care
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - 6 point written exam
question from midterm exam related
to gender differences in health
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will get at least 4 points out
of 6.
Related Documents:
TracDat Course Assessment 329 test
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Midterm Exam - All students
were asked to provide a short
answer on the midterm written
component in the following: "Name
three diseases or treatments in
which gender exerts a significant
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students were able to outline 3 varied gender
differences and achieved all of the points possible for this
midterm question. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Health Screening Guidelines - 3.
Review health screening
guidelines and immunization
recommendations for women across
the lifespan.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Women?s Sexual and Reproductive
Health - 4.
Understand how
cultural values, stereotypes, and
socialization define and influence
women?s sexual and reproductive
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Gender Differences - 5.
and contrast gender differences in
women and men with regards to
chronic diseases and conditions,
physical, and mental health.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
influence. How do men and women
react differently"?
Criterion/Target/Threshold: The
question was worth (3) points and all
students will achieve 2.5 out of 3 to
achieve an 83% or better .
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Social Dimensions of Women?s
Health - 6.
Understand the
social dimensions of women?s health
including substance abuse, violence,
and women in the workforce.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Eight students were
enrolled in HLTH 329 for Fall, 2015.
They were divided into two groups
of four students to create and
deliver presentations associated
with substance abuse among women
and violence, abuse, and
harrassment against women. The
rubric included grading criteria
associated with the status of the
issue, the impact on women from a
global perspective, improvement
needs, and involvement for needed
changes. In addition, the students
were graded on learning outcome
measurement criteria, both
creativity/quality of the
presentation, and evidence of
professionalism/team work.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Each
group of 4 students will achieve a
90% or greater for the two
presentations outlined.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Outcome scores for the Violence, Abuse, and Harassment
group was 100% and the group presentation on Substance
Abuse was 93%. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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HLTH330:Applied Nutrition
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Current Societal Trends - 1. Identify
factors that influence current societal
trends in nutrition for US residents.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/28/2013
Inactive Date: 12/13/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Mid-term exam answers to
questions on food insecurity,
purchasing local foods, impact of
SNAP-ED, food safety, weight
management and Dietary Guidelines
for Americans
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will correctly answer
questions addressing topics listed
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Research, Theory and Practice - 2.
Apply nutritional research,
theory and practice in health care
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/28/2013
Inactive Date: 12/13/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students will apply current, evidence
based information to Case Studies
and PowerPoint Presentations
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will achieve a score of 85%
or higher on all Case Studies and
PowerPoint Presentations in ability
to apply current research, theory
and practice
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
5/8 (62.5%) students achieved a score of 42.5 (85%) or
3/8 (37.5%) students did not achieve a score of 42.5 (85%)
or higher (12/21/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Scores low due to lack of
understanding of disease state and
nutritional implications - even with
case studies added to project
null.courseAction: Have students
develop own case study so that
they can demonstrate mastery of
signs, symptoms, treatment and
nutritional therapy implications in
development and presentation of
the PPT Presentation project for
course. (08/29/2016)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
Review of final scores for five case studies and the PPT
null.courseAction: PPT
Presentation - weight changed
from 38 to 50 points - this
increases importance of project to
Of the six students in the course, only 50% of the students
Clear instructions will be given on
achieved a score of 85% (32.3/38) or higher on their PPT
credible, evidence-based, peerPresentation - scores below the threshold were 29 (76.3%), reviewed sources of information.
28.5 (75%) and 31.75 (83.6%) - reasons that lower scores
Case studies will be given for each
were awarded were lack of depth to research, non-credible topic to give students background
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
research sources, not understanding/explaining medical
conditions adequately during presentation, and lack of
following directions for presentation.
for chosen topic and improve
understanding of the
signs/symptoms of the given
medical condition.
Improved directions on grading
Five case studies were required over the course of the
semester - of the five case studies, the six students met the
criteria for only one case study (#5) - achieving 100% of
students receiving 85% or higher for their final score. Case
Studies 1 and 3 - 83% of students achieved 85% or higher;
Case Studies 2 and 4 - 66.7% of students obtained 85% or
higher. Reasons students did not meet criteria included lack of textbook by one student; poor use of textbook by
another student; not completing assignment due to lack of
time; not enough background information in class for Case
Study #2 for nursing students- enough for Exercise Science
Case Studies 1-5 - do review at
beginning of semester to help
students locate information in
textbook. Obtain loaner textbook
for students not purchasing the
Better background information
will be given for Case Study #2.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
HLTH 330 Case Study #5_Fall 2014.doc
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - 100% of students will
complete all five case studies with a
score of 80% or higher by review of
Blackboard gradebook at the end of
the semester.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Total of
all case study scores will be greater
than 80%.
Schedule/Notes: Review case study
scores of course enrollment (8
students) x 5 case studies = 40 case
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
10/40 (25%) case studies received a score of 79% or lower.
One student did not complete any of the five case studies.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Note: student not completing case
studies felt course points per case
study were too low to bother with
completing assignments.
null.courseAction: Improve
review of material for case
studies, add additional time,
utilize other educational
materials, increase points per case
study to encourage students to
complete projects (12/21/2015)
Epidemiological View in Analyzing - Direct - Presentation, Performance 3.
Use an epidemiological view Student will complete PowerPoint
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
in analyzing nutrition's role in health
and illness for individuals and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/28/2013
Inactive Date: 12/13/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Presentation on specific condition
and explain role of nutrition in
etiology and treatment
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will achieve 85% or higher
score on Grading Rubric
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Compare/Contrast Methods used in
Assessment - 4. Compare and
contrast methods used for nutritional
assessment of individuals and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/28/2013
Inactive Date: 12/13/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Review responses to
questions on mid-term exam
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will correctly answer
questions on mid-term
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Roles that
Play - 5. Recognize the roles that
medications, chemicals and nutrients
play in relation to nutritional intake
for individuals.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/28/2013
Inactive Date: 12/13/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will be observed
and evaluated in group project on
food-drug interactions
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will be able to state at least
one resource for information on
food-drug-supplements interactions.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Utilizing Interdisciplinary Resources 6.
Identify the importance of
utilizing interdisciplinary resources in
providing nutritional programming
for individuals and groups.
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Case Study #1
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will identify at least three
interdisciplinary resources for
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Action to be Taken
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/28/2013
Inactive Date: 12/13/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
nutrition education in the
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
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Action to be Taken
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HLTH352:Health Issues of Aging Populations
Course Student Learning
Physiological and Psychological
Changes - 1. Identify expected
physiological and psychological
changes associated with advancing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Group Physiological and
psychological systems review via
activity project.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will participate in weekly
group activities, development of
activity related to selected
physiological and pshycological
system, and implementation of
group activity project in a near by
home for the aged
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
100% of students participated in group activities related to
a selected physiological system and presented ways to the
elderly could improve the health status of that body system.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students participated in this activity.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Students attended a local Adult Day
Care where they were active in
interactions with the elderly. Each
student reported on their activities.
Related Documents:
Elder Visit #1.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
95% of students participated in this activity (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Submission of plan for activity and a
sign in sheet
Common Pathological Conditions - 2.
Categorize common pathological
conditions associated with advancing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/13/2014
Inactive Date: 04/25/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Direct
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will pass the course
exams with a 72% or greater
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: No action
taken. One student did not
participate and withdrew from the
course at a later date.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students took midterm and final exam in this class. The
exam covered common pathological conditions associated
with aging. 100% of students passed this exam with 72% or
higher. (04/25/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students passed the course exams with a 72% or
greater (01/04/2013)
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Course Student Learning
Personal Values - 3. Recognize the
impact of one's personal values on
the interaction process when working
with older individuals.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Aging Theories - 4. Utilize knowledge
of aging theories during
interdisciplinary assessment of
situations common to the elderly
client system.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/13/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Epidemiological Model - 5. Utilize an
epidemiological model to explore
preventive and treatment
interventions in the promotion of
"successful" aging.
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Final examination essay
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will complete the final
exam and essay
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
100% of students completed the final exam.
100% of students participated in discussion board related to
sexuality of the elderly. (06/19/2014)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of remaining students completed the final exam and
essay (01/04/2013)
Indirect - Focus Group or Interview - Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students interviewed an active and
vibrant person in the community and All students participated in the interview, and all students
completed the report of the interaction. (04/25/2014)
submitted a report of that
Related Documents:
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
Elder Visit #2.doc
participation and 100% completion
of the interview report.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Participation in the
"Take 5 Program" with a written
experience evaluation
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will participate in the
Take 5 program and submit a written
evaluation of their learning
experience and observations
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participted in the Take 5 program and
submitted a written evaluation of their learning experience
and observations (01/04/2013)
Direct - Case Analysis - Course
lecture case study review in groups
with presentations and collaboration
in class
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated when in attendance
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
of students will participate when in
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Review Strategy to Effectively Meet
Needs of Elderly - 6. Critically review
strategy options intended to
effectively meet the needs of the
older client.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Each student will
complete a Capstone Final Paper
assignment addressing a topic in the
aging population which will contain a
section on the strategy/options for
meeting the needs of the older client
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will complete the
Capstone Final Paper Assignment
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed and submitted the final
Capstone paper assignment (01/04/2013)
Commitment to Protect the Rights 7. Demonstrate a commitment to
protect the rights of the older client
that are associated with human
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Sensory presentation,
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students in attendance will
participate actively in sensory deficit
role play focusing on maintaining
dignity with age
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students in attendance actively participated in
sensory deficit role play (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Classroom discussion regarding the
dignity of our aging population
Direct - Field Placement/Internship
Evaluation - Direct/Indirect
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will participate in the
Take 5 program
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the Take 5 program and
evaluated its usefulness in assisting the care and service to
elders in the community. (06/19/2014)
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Community Resources Aimed at
Assisting - 8. Evaluate community
resources aimed at assisting in the
care and service to elders in the
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the Take 5 program
Evidence Based Research and
Direct - Homework, Writing
National Standards - 9. Utilizes
Assignment - Direct writing
evidence based research and national assignment
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed their assigned Capstone Final
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Course Student Learning
standards in the contact and
interactions with the aging
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will complete their
assigned Capstone Final Paper
Paper (01/04/2013)
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Action to be Taken
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HLTH452:Contemporary Issues in Nutrition
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Factors that Influence Societal
Trends - 1.
Identify factors
that influence current societal trends
in nutritional health for U.S.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Apply Theory - 2. Apply theory to
practice in nutritional case situations
and scenarios.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Use Epidemiological Frame to
Analyze - 3.
Utilize an
epidemiological frame to analyze the
role of nutrition in health and illness
for individuals and populations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Research Literature on Recent
Trends/Recommendations - 4.
Demonstrate ability to
conduct research of the literature to
investigate current scientific evidence
that supports recent trends and
recommendations for nutritional
Direct - Presentation, Performance Per observation and evaluation,
students are not utilizing research of
the literature in the development of
their project or in their PPT
presentation to the class.
Instructor will change directions and
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/13/2014
Inactive Date: 05/02/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
rubric to emphasize the use of
scientific evidence to support the
final project for Spring 2016. 100%
of students will complete Annotated
Bibliographies of the three to five
research articles utilized in their
Schedule/Notes: Instructor will
change rubric and project
assignment directions so that
literature review includes an
annotated bibliography for each
journal article.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Undergraduate Research
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Adapt Research to Develop
Education Materials - 5.
research to develop nutrition
education materials appropriate for
the general public.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Other Findings
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Evaluation of Course Design and Objectives by students 16.67% of students disagreed that the course was welldesigned. Comments from students: "I love the format of
this course, though I do think the professor could have been
more clear about the schedule and what we are doing every
week." "The only negative of this course was the course
scheduling. The class was very unorganized and none of us
knew what was being asked of us week to week. The class
assignments were not clearly layed out." (05/01/2015)
Optional Data Point:
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Faculty Evaluation Comments
Action to be Taken: Instructor will
utilize MOODLE instead of
Blackboard for Spring 2016.
Role that Foods, Supplements and
Nutrients Play - 6. Analyze the role
that nutraceuticals, phytochemicals,
functional foods, supplements and
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
nutrients play in the promotion of
health and wellness for individuals
and populations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Inactive Date: 05/01/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Nutritional Information and
Misinformation - 7.
evaluate nutritional information and
misinformation in educational
materials designed for the public.
Course Outcome Status: Inactive
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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HLTH490:Independent Study in Health
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Scholarly Research/Resources Demonstrate proficiency in the
utilization of current scholarly
research/resources for use as a
foundation in exploring a selected
topic at various levels within the
contextual frame of human nutrition.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20132014
Start Date: 08/25/2014
Inactive Date: 12/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students will score at least 28 points
on sections of HLTH 490 Grading
Criteria Tool exploring use of
research and development of the
project abstract.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 28/35
total points = 80%
Schedule/Notes: Instructor will
utilize completed Grading Criteria
Tool for determining results
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Two students completed HLTH 490 - Independent Study in
Health-Nutrition in Fall 2014. One student scored 34.75/35
or 99.3% and the other student scored 31.5/35 or 90% objective met (08/26/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
HLTH 490_Ind Study Grading Criteria Tool.doc
null.courseAction: Continue with
project format as designed.
Dissemination of Information Demonstrate proficiency in analyzing
interdisciplinary research findings
about a selected nutritional topic, and
providing those finding in an
appropriate foment for
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20132014
Start Date: 08/25/2014
Inactive Date: 12/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students will develop and
successfully complete project
presentations with a score of 80% or
higher as evidenced by HLTH 490
Grading Criteria Tool scores for
Professional Presentation (total 50
points) and Student Presentation
(total 25 points).
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 40/50
for Professional Presentation +
20/25 Student Presentation = at
least 60/75 total points for
Schedule/Notes: Instructor will
tabulate peer/professional
evaluations and complete grading
tool. Instructor will utilize final
scores for each section to determine
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
null.courseAction: Continue with
Goal met: Yes
project as outlined (08/26/2015)
Two students completed this Independent Study course in
Fall 2014. One student received 73.45/75 possible points or
97.9% and the other student received 69.77/75 or 93%
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
HLTH 490_Ind Study Grading Criteria Tool.doc
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
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NURS211:Introduction to Professional Nursing
Course Student Learning
Support of professional nursing
practice - Develop a solid base in
liberal education for nursing practice
as evidenced by acquisition of a
theoretical knowledge base from
nursing, history, education, and
related disciplines to support
professional nursing practice.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/30/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
95.8% of students attained a C (72%) or better on their
Philosophy paper (05/01/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: All but one
student met the goal. New
textbook with content more
focused on applying nursing
theory to the metaparadigm is
being integrated with additional
work earlier in the semester to
role-model this application
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Philosophy paper
based on the nursing metaparadigm.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve a C (72%) or
greater on the Philosophy paper
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved higher than a C (12/18/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
93.8% average on Personal Philosophy papers. 24 of 25
students earned a score over 90% (12/19/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Personal Philosophy paper that
integrates nursing metaparadigm
with nursing theories and students
own philosophy.
null.courseAction: Continue
monitoring of outcome for
trending. (01/15/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
95% had 82% or higher on the writing assignment.
SLO2 - Identify knowledge and skills in Other Findings
leadership, quality improvement, and
patient safety to provide health care
as evidenced by acquisition of
knowledge related to critical thinking,
decision making, and professional
nursing roles.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students earned an average of 95.8% on THINK Critical
thinking model short answer questions on Final exam
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Action to be Taken: Monitor for
one more semester. (05/01/2015)
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Course Student Learning
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will identify
components of critical thinking and
apply basic principles of THINK
critical thinking model.
Students will achieve a class average
of 85% or higher on test questions
related to identification and
application of critical thinking model.
(Test 1)
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Exam format changed to online testing at testing center.
Class average 89% for THINK model (01/14/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
SLO3 - Identify and describe evidence Other Findings
based practice by defining the
components and resources for
professional nursing practice.
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will be able
to define evidence based practice
and identify library resources to
support practice
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will participate in library
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students achieved a 90% on critical thinking model
application on final exam (12/19/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Short answer question on final exam
requiring students to identify the
steps of the Critical Thinking tool
'THINK' and apply it to a situation.
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor this objective for trending
data (01/15/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Using 9 questions in test 1: the class average was 84.6%.
62.2% of class members met the 85% or higher threshold. A
transition in class instructors occurred during this section of
the course. Material was reinforced throughout remainder
of course, but no specific assessment questions were
included in tests 2 and 3.
Continue presenting THINK critical
thinking model and discussion
posting requirement.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in library resources activity
and provided evidence-based resources on their Personal
Philosophy paper (05/01/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in library resources activity
and provided evidence-based resources on their Personal
Philosophy paper (12/18/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
resources activity and apply
knowledge in providing Evidence
Based resources on their academic
dishonesty paper
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Findings All students participated successfully in PICO
discussion exercise. (06/10/2014)
null.courseAction: As criterion
changed this semester, continue
to monitor for 2 more semesters
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will be able
to define evidence based practice
and identify library resources to
support practice
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students participated in library
resources activity and provided
evidence-based resources on their
Academic Dishonesty paper
High Impact Course Practices 2:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Reference supported person nursing
philosophy - Illustrate knowledge and
skills in information management as
evidenced by developing a reference
supported personal nursing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Development of
reference supported personal
nursing philosophy
minimum average of 85% on
Personal Philosophy paper
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
92.2% average (01/14/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students average of 86.1% on personal philosophy paper
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Drop in overall
average this semester. With
integration of new text that
integrates more on theory into
the metaparadigm, continue to
monitor. (08/26/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
93.8% average on Personal Philosophy papers. 24 of 25
students earned a score over 90% (12/19/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
null.courseAction: Modify target
threshold to allow for more
meaningful evaluation of
objective. Change to: minimum
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Assessment Method (optional):
Personal philosophy paper based
upon the nursing metaparadigm,
nursing theories.
Action to be Taken
85% average on personal
philosophy paper. (01/15/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Writing assignment 04/02/14; 23/23 had C or better
(100%); 22/23 had B or better (95.7%) (06/10/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
23/24 students had C or better (96%): 21/24 students had a
B or better (87.5%) (01/11/2013)
SLO5 - Identify health care policies,
including financial and regulatory,
directly and indirectly influencing the
nature and function of the health
care system as evidenced by
discussing how health care change
occurs through the use of power and
political action.
Inactive Date: 08/25/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will be able to
define statutory, regulatory, and
case law. Students will be able to
define and provide examples of
negligence, malpractice, informed
consent, false imprisonment, assault
and battery. Students will be able to
define and identify parameters of
patients eligible for Medicaid,
Medicare, and other governmental
health care services.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will obtain 80% or better
on final exam questions regarding
legal and regulatory questions
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
This criterion needs to be revised to better assess student
achievement of outcomes (05/01/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
17 questions on final exam N=23-87% answers correct/
74% of students obtained 80% or better (06/10/2014)
null.courseAction: Recommend
additional student centered
learning activities related to legal
and policy issue (06/10/2014)
Patient safety and collaborative
practice measures. - Develop an
understanding of the need for
communication and collaboration
among health care professionals and
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
97.5% average on SBAR final exam questions (05/01/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor (08/26/2015)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
patients to deliver high quality and
safe patient care as evidenced by
acquisition of knowledge regarding
components of health care delivery
systems, communication techniques,
and collaborative roles in health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Direct - application
questions on final unit exam related
to SBAR communication method
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80%
average on SBAR related questions
on final exam
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
Average of 3 questions: 73.6% of students responded
correctly. (12/19/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): 3
multiple choice questions on final
null.courseAction: Add SBAR
activity to allow for application of
material (01/15/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
3/1/14 Exam 1,2 _4 questions -72% correct N=23
null.courseAction: Expand
discussion posting on SBAR
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
null.courseAction: Add article
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity search and discussion posting on
Action Plan recommended
SBAR subject. (01/11/2013)
3 questions on final q1. 18/24; q.2 22/24; q.3 24/24 on 75%
of students answered 100% of the questions correctly
SLO7 - Define health promotion (HD)
and disease prevention (DP) at the
individual and population health
levels as evidenced by demonstrating
acquisition of knowledge regarding
HP/DP models and related
professional nursing roles.
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
SLO8 - Define professionalism and
inherent values of altruism,
autonomy, human dignity, integrity,
and social justice as evidences by
through the examination of cultural
and ethical issues, legal
responsibilities, therapeutic caring,
and principles of decision making
related to health care issues.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
SLO9 - Recognize nursing practice
with patients, individuals, families,
groups, communities, and
populations across the lifespan and
across the continuum of health care
environments and the variations of
care, the increased complexity, and
the increased us of health care
resources inherent in care for
patients as evidenced by: examining
the development and content of
leading nursing, education, and
related theories; acquisition of
knowledge regarding the nursing
process and; by understanding of the
teaching /learning process as an
integral part of professional nursing
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Multiple choice and essay
questions on final exam
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Group teaching project on
topic of nurse theorist - overview
and application
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NURS212:Health Appraisal
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Return demonstration of skills with
final skill Head to Toe checkoff
graded as either satisfactory or
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will pass the skill
checkoff at a satisfactory level
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students passed the skill check off at a
satisfactory level. (05/02/2014)
Action to be Taken
Client?s Rights - 1.Recognize the
importance of maintaining
professional standards by protecting
the client?s rights to safety, privacy,
dignity and confidentiality during the
health appraisal process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Cultural/Spiritual Values;
Developmental Level - 2. Integrate
knowledge obtained in the
psychosocial disciplines while
exploring human values and rights
inherent in the practice of nursing.
Identify cultural and spiritual
values that influence health behavior.
Identify specific health issues
related to developmental level
Identify the influence of
one?s own value system when
assessing the health behavior of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Health Assessment Skills - 3.
Demonstrate beginning of
health assessment skills on healthy
clients as a first stepin the nursing
Use inspection, palpation,
percussion and auscultation skills
appropriately when conducting a
physical assessment.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students passed final head to toe skill checkoff at a
satisfactory level (04/25/2013)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 63 of 223
Course Student Learning
Use appropriate oral
communication skills in obtaining and
relaying pertinent health assessment
Use appropriate
documentation skills to relay
information obtained during the
assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Related Documents:
Head to Toe.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% pass rate for final Head to Toe Skill Checkoff
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
The first phase of data collection showed an outcome of 13
of 26 students (50%) achieved the desired outcome of 8/10
or greater. The mean was 7.58; the mode 7; the median
7.5; the range was 7. The assessment will be repeated as
part of the Final Examination. (10/07/2014)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will be able to
identify 8 of 10 standard
components of skin assessment
within one week of completing the
skin assessment module, and again
at the conclusion of the course. This
will be repeated once during NURS
213 to see if the students are able to
maintain this knowledge more than
one semester.
Identification of 8 of 10 standard
skin assessment components
Schedule/Notes: Within one week of
completion of the skin assessment
module, and as part of the course
Final Exam
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Related Documents:
Skin Descriptors Exercise.doc
Action to be Taken
Maslow?s Needs Theory - 4.
Begin to use concepts from
Maslow?s Needs Theory in obtaining
health assessment data.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Critical Thinking Skills - 5.
Demonstrate critical thinking
skills in recognizing normal deviations
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - 10 multiple choice
questions from the final cumulative
exam that directly relate to
identifying common abnormalities
and the need for referral
Students will achieve minimum 80%
average on 10 questions
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
TracDat Course Assessment 212 test
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
The examination has been changed. There are questions
addressing common abnormalities and other questions
addressing the need for referral or intervention by others
on the health care team, but none that pointedly combine
both issues in a single question. The exam is under review
and revision; this assessment method will be re-evaluated
when the pool of questions for the Final Exam has been
finalized. (05/02/2014)
Action to be Taken
found during the assessment process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Abnormalities in Health Assessment
Findings - 6.
Begin to recognize
some common abnormalities in
health assessment findings and the
importance for referral.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
87.7% average on 10 questions (04/25/2013)
Related Documents:
TracDat Course Assessment 212 test questions S13.docx
Role in Health Promotion - 7.
Identify the nurse?s role in
health promotion of individuals and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Research - 8.
findings from current research in
applying principles of health
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Life Long Learning - 9.
Constantly assess and re04/08/2016
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
assess one?s own learning needs in
relation to development and
refinement of health assessment
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
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Page 66 of 223
NURS213:Fundamentals of Nursing
Course Student Learning
Safety, quality, critical thinking,
decision making - #2 Identifies
knowledge and skills in leadership,
quality improvement, and patient
safety to provide quality health care
as evidenced by the demonstration of
critical thinking and decision making
skills while performing basic nursing
care and procedures
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Video Skill Demonstration
Live Skill Demonstration
Medication Dosage Exam
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve satisfactory in
first time skill demonstration via
video or live
80% of students will achieve 80%
pass rate on final medication dosage
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
213 medication dosage final.pdf
213 Skill Check Off Number 1 Back
213 Skill Check Off Number 1 Hand
213 Skill Check Off Number 1
213 Skill Check Off Number 1
Occupied Bed.doc
213 Skill Check Off Number 1 Oral
213 Skill Number 1 Applying
213 Skill Number 1 Assisting the
Patient with Turning.doc
213 Skill Number 1Transfer from Bed
to Chair.doc
213 Skill Number 2 Mixing Two
Medications from Separate Vials to
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
78% of of students achieved satisfactory in first time skill
demonstration for bathing and hygiene, 100% achieved
satisfactory after the second demonstration
78% of students achieved satisfactory in first time skill
demonstration for medication administration, 95% achieved
satisfactory after the second demonstration, 100% achieved
satisfactory after the third and final demonstration
0.8% of students achieved satisfactory in first time skill
demonstration for sterile technique, 82% achieved
satisfactory after the second demonstration and 100%
achieved satisfactory after the third and final
77% of students achieved satisfactory in first time skill
demonstration for catheterization, 100% of students
achieved satisfactory after the second demonstration.
null.courseAction: Student
practice time directly affected the
results of this assessment. I have
assessed it as achieved because
100% of students were successful
after the second and third
demonstration which promoted
more practice. No action needed.
95% of students achieved an 80% pass rate on the final
medication dosage exam (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a first time satisfactory in skill
demonstration for hygiene, transfer and safety, and
medication administration. 96% of students achieved a
satisfactory in first time skill demonstration for sterile
technique and wound care and 100% of student achieved a
satisfactory in third time demonstration of this skill. 92% of
students achieved a satisfactory in first time demonstration
of foley catheterization and 100% achieved a satisfactory in
second time demonstration.
null.courseAction: I will change
this measurement to assess first
time pass rates of demonstrated
skills. (04/30/2015)
100% of students achieved an 80% or greater pass rate on
the final dosage exam (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: No action to be
Page 67 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
One Syringe.doc
213 Skill Number 2 Removing
Medication from a Vial.doc
213 Skill Number 2 Subcutaneous
213 Skill Number 2Intradermal
213 Skill Number 2Intramuscular
213 Skill Number 2Oral
213 Skill Number 2Removing
Medicaiton from an Ampule.doc
213 Skill Number 3Cleaning a Wound
and Applying a Sterile Dry
213 Skill Number 3Personal
Protective Equipment.doc
213 Skill Number 3Preparing a
Sterile Field and Adding of
213 Skill Number 3Putting on Sterile
213 Skill Number 4Catheterizing the
Female Bladder.doc
213 Skill Number 4Catheterizing the
Male Bladder.doc
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory in skill
demonstration via video or live and 100% of students
achieved an 80% or greater on the final medication dosage
exam (01/06/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct and Indirect via live
demonstration and examiniation
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved satisfactory in skill
demonstration via video or live
96% of students achieved an 80% pass rate on the final
medication dosage exam (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating in skill
100% of students achieved greater than an 80% pass rate
on the final dosage exam (12/12/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): Live
and Video skill demonstration
Written Exam (not multiple choice)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved satisfactory in skill
demonstration via video or live
100% of students achieved an 80% pass rate or higher on
the final medication dosage exam
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
94% of students successfully passed the video skill
demonstration, live skill demonstration and Medication
dosage exam
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Continue with this outcome
as stated (12/12/2013)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Will assess the
standard set one more semester.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student
and the unrealistice expectation
that 100% of students always pass
Page 68 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Considerations are made in the
syllabus for multiple attempts to
be successful on the skill
demonstrations and for
supportive weekly quizzing in
preparation for success at 80% on
the final dosage exam
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - The
students will achieve a satisfactory
rating on the course clinical
evaluation tool, identifying the
nursing care required by the
resident(s) using the nursing process
and the agency's policy manual.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will satisfactory identify
the application of the nursing
process and agency's policy manual
in providing safe nursing care for
assigned long term care resident(s).
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
on the course clinical evaluation tool
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
Evidence Based Practice - #3
Identifies and describes research for
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Comprehensive Care
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
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Course Student Learning
potential application for evidencedbased practice as evidenced by
summaraization of a research article
that applies to the comprehnsive care
plan and identificatio of evidencebased nursing protocols that support
nursing care inthe clinical setting.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Advocacy Paper
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will select, review and
apply one scholarly primary nursing
research journal article/resource for
completion of the comprehensive
care plan
80% of students will support their
views while advocating for patient
care by utilizing one evidenced
based reference in their written
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
213 Comprehensive Assessment
Redo NURS 213 c.pdf
213 EBP ccp grading tool.doc
213 Advocacy Paper.doc
100% of students achieved this assessment (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students selected, reviewed and applied on
scholarly primary nursing research journal article/resource
for completion of the comprehensive care plan.
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. (04/30/2015)
100% of students supported their views while advocating
for patient care by utilizing one evidence based reference in
their written assignment (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students selected, reviewed and applies a
minimum of one scholarly journal article/resource for their
CCP and their Advocacy paper assignment (01/06/2015)
null.courseAction: Will continue
to measure this outcome and
change the requirement to a
minimum of 1 primary nursing
research article related to the
CCP. The purpose of this change is
to promote scholarly research
related specifically to nursing and
promoting an understanding of
the use of evidence to support
professional practice in nursing
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students selected, reviewed and applied one
scholarly journal article/resource for completion of the
comprehensive care plan
100% of students utilized one evidenced based reference in
their written assignment (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students selected, reviewed, and applied one
scholarly journal article for the comprehensive care plan
and 100% of students utilized one evidence based reference
in their written assignment (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved the Criterion/Target/Threshold
via application of one scholarly journal article/resource for
both the CCP and Advocacy paper
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students were successful in achieving this
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention - #7 Defines and applies
health promotion and disease
prevention at the individual and
population health levels as evidenced
by demonstration of patient care
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Weekly Care Planning and
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve a Satisfactory
rating on their weekly Care Planning
and Documentation
Schedule/Notes: Weekly care
planning and documentation
addresses patient teaching
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on their
weekly care planning and documentation (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on their
weekly care planning and documentation as reported by
their assigned clinical instructors (01/06/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Will continue to monitor
this outcome (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a Satisfactory rating on their
weekly Care Planning and Documentation (05/01/2014)
Liberal Arts/Nursing Theory - #1
Develops a solid base in liberal arts
education for nursing practice as
evidenced by relation of nursing
theories to practice both in the
classroom and clinical nurisng
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Direct - Case Analysis - End of course
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will participate in the final
course simulation.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students participated in the final course simulation
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the final course simulation
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. This experience was well
done! (04/30/2015)
Page 71 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct and Indirect Assessment
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
96% of students participated in the final course simulation
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the final course simulation
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the final case study review
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Evaluation of weekly clinical
paperwork and participation in
patient care.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will receive a satisfactory
rating on all weekly clinical
paperwork and participation
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
213 Weekly Clinical Packet for
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the final case study review
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved this goal (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: No action to be
Goal met: Yes
taken (04/30/2015)
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all weekly
clinical paperwork and participation (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all weekly
clinical paperwork and participation (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on all
weekly clinical paperwork and participation (12/12/2013)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (12/12/2013)
Page 72 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct Observation and worksheets
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
96% of students received a satisfactory rating on all weekly
clinical paperwork and participation
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Inconclusive - Must address through Action Plan
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all weekly
clinical paperwork and 82 % of students received a
satisfactory rating on participation and clinical skill
performance in the clinical setting
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Clinical Evaluation and direct
Information Management and
Technology - #4 Illustrates knowledge
and skills in information management
and patient care technology in the
delivery of quality patient care as
evidenced by the demonstration of
the use of electonic medical records,
a variety of approved documentation
methods, confidentiality protocols,
databases, communication methods,
and record depositories
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Direct weekly
documentation writing assignments
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will receive a satisfactory
rating on all documentation
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
213 FOCUS.pdf
213 PIE.pdf
213 SOAPIE.pdf
213 Traditional.pdf
null.courseAction: Evaluation of
student performance issues
performed with the students.
Changes in the clinical settings
made, methods of instruction
supported and reinforced for
consistency, first week orientation
to the course re-designed. Will
assess the effects of these
changes this coming semester
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all
documentation assignments (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all
documentation assignments as reported by their assigned
clinical instructors (01/06/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all
documentation assignments (05/01/2014)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all
documentation assignments (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all
documentation assignments
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory rating on all on-line
documentation assignments
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation through the use
of an online documenation program
called DocuCare in the hospice
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Use of electronic medical records
program for patient documentation
in the clinical setting
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve a satisfactory
rating for on-line documentation in
the clinical and on-campus lecture
and laboratory setting where
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
213 Student guide to DocuCare.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating through the
use of DocuCare in the on-campus setting. Off campus
clinical sites did not permit student use of electronic
medical records (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Will continue
with on-campus laboratory
electronic medical record
documentation in a simulated
environment to meet this goal
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in on-line documentation in
the clinical and on-campus lecture and laboratory setting.
100% of students demonstrated satisfactory ability to
document correctly in the electronic medical record. Less
than 80% of students did not achieve the goal of the final
assignment as demonstrated by not documenting the
appropriate nursing diagnosis for a patient in the end stages
of life. (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: The action
taken based on this discovery was
to re-educate on priority nursing
diagnosis and the difference
between saving or curing and
caring or supporting in the end of
life. Future lectures and
experiences will include this
discussion and application.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for on-line
documentation in the clinical setting where required as
reported by their assigned clinical instructor (01/06/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Plan to
incorporate on-line
documentation in the on-campus
laboratory with each clinical skill
demonstration and practice to
allow for more student exposure
to electronic medical record
documentation and management
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for on-line
documentation in the clinical setting and in the laboratory
and simulation setting where required (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for on-line
documentation both in the clinical setting and use of
docucare in the classroom (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
Unable to achieve due to access issues. 100% of students
were able to log into clinical setting systems
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved satisfactory rating for on-line
documentation where required
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Skill/Competency Assessments Direct observation of presentation of 95% of students achieved this assessment (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
SBAR report
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of Assessment Method (optional):
students will achieve a satisfactory
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
rating for communicating via SBAR
Goal met: Yes
format when giving and receiving
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for
patient care report
communication via SBAR format when giving and receiving
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: will work more
closely with clinical sites to assure
student access for documentation
null.courseAction: No action
taken (04/30/2015)
Page 75 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
213 Weekly Clinical Packet for
patient care report (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for
communicating via SBAR when giving patient report as
reported by their assigned clinical instructor and observed
by their course coordinator during lecture and laboratory
periods (01/06/2015)
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for
communicating via SBAR format when giving and receiving
patient care report (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for
communicating via SBAR when giving and receiving patient
care report (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved this Criterion/Target/Threshold
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for
utilization of SBAR when giving and receiving patient care
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation and indirect
reporting via clinical instructors
Communication, Collaboration,
safety, and quality - #6 Develops
communication and collaboration
among health care professionals and
patients to deliver high qulaity and
safe patient care as evidenced by
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Weekly clinical
paperwork, comprehensive care
plan development, and completed
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved this assessment (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 76 of 223
Course Student Learning
relation of individual patient needs to
the plan of care
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
all students will achieve a
satisfactory rating on all weekly
paper work and a 72% minimum on
the comprehensive care plan
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Related Documents:
213 Weekly Clinical Packet for
213 Comprehensive Assessment
Redo NURS 213 c.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: No action to be
Goal met: Yes
taken (04/30/2015)
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on all
weekly paper work. 96% of students achieved a minimum of
72% on the comprehensive care plan assignment with their
first submission. 100% of students achieved a 72%
minimum with the second submission. (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on all
weekly paperwork as reported by their assigned clinical
instructor. 95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on
the comprehensive care plan assignment (01/06/2015)
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Will continue with the step
process for care plan development
and the offering of additional
support hours with faculty for the
CCP completion. (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on all
weekly paper work and achieved a 72% minimum on the
comprehensive care plan assignments (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
95% of all students achieved a satisfactory rating on all
weekly paperwork and a 72% on the comprehensive care
plan (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved this Criterion/Target/Threshold
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Observation of presentation of SBAR
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating on all
weekly paper work and a 72% minimum on the
comprehensive care plan assignment
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting (12/17/2015)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Observation of student
communication and colloaboration
with health care professionals in the
clinical setting
Direct communication with students
during pre and post conferencing in
the clinical setting
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve a satisfactory
rating for the semester in the clinical
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
213 Weekly Clinical Packet for
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Standards of Practice, Policy, and
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
Regulation - #5 Identifies health care course - 5 questions presented on
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
92% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
null.courseAction: Evaluation of
the expectation of this goal
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Inconclusive - Must address through Action Plan
82% of students achieved a satisfactory rating for the
semester in the clinical setting
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation via clinical
instructor and course evaluation tool
null.courseAction: Will continue
to monitor and assess student
support needs inthe clinical
setting. Consideration will be
made after one more semester
with a 100% goal to alter the
standard of achievment to
account for student individuality
related to ability to suceed as the
goal was not achived due to
serious safety concerns in student
performance (01/04/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
null.courseAction: Will develop a
written quiz focusing on this
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Page 78 of 223
Course Student Learning
policies, including finaical and
regulatory, direclty and indirectly
influencing the nature and
functioning of the health care system
as evidenced by summarization of
ANA nursing standards and code of
ethics, national patient safety goals,
applicable core measure standards,
and MDS data requirements
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
the final exam or in a quiz
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will answer with 100%
accuracy the 5 selected questions
measuring this learning outcome
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Related Documents:
213 Test Questions assessing
This outcome was not measured via test questions this
semester. Although test questions were asked and
answered by the students and 100% of students did answer
the regulatory questions accurately. (01/06/2015)
outcome. Currently students are
testing in an on-line format and
exams are shuffled creating
difficulty for question review. This
outcome is met via the
completion of the advocacy paper,
use of evidence based support for
the CCP and weekly paperwork,
lecture and discussion, and
resources provided for student
review on blackboard.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
80% of students answered questions related to standards of
practice with accuracy (12/12/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Multiple Choice test questions
null.courseAction: This outcome
was measured via examination.
Difficulty in assessment arose as
exams have been converted to online examinations and each
student receives a different copy
of the same exam. For all future
classes these questions will be
posed via in-class written multiple
choice quiz at mid-term.
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Direct Observation via on-site clinical
rotation, laboratory skill
demonstration via live and video
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve a satisfactory
rating in the laboratory and clinical
setting in the application and
demonstration of nursing care
standards, health care policy, quality
measures, and documentation
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved this assessment (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: No action to be
Goal met: Yes
taken (01/06/2015)
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating in the
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. (01/06/2015)
Page 79 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
laboratory and clinical setting in the application and
demonstration of health care policy, quality measures, and
documentation requirements (01/06/2015)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory rating in the
laboratory and clinical setting in the application and
demonstration of nursing care standards, health care policy,
quality measures, and documentation requirements
Professionalism and Values - #8
Defines profesisonalism an dinherent
values of altruism, autonomy, human
dignity, integrity, and social justice as
eviedenced by demonstration of
respect for the ideas and
contributions of colleagues, others,
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Direct observation of role
play exercise related to chapters 42
and 44 sensory and stress
adaptation or via sensory and stress
group activity with care mapping.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
95% of students achieved a satisfactory rating in the
laboratory and clinical setting (12/12/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct Observation and Weekly
clinical paperwork
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (12/12/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
92% of students achieved this Criterion/Target/Threshold
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
null.courseAction: Re-evalutate
the expectation of this goal
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Inconclusive - Must address through Action Plan
82% of students were successful achieving a satisfactory
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation and clinical
course evaluation tool
null.courseAction: Will monitor
one more semester to identify the
abilit of 100% of students to
achive this threshold.
Consideration for individual
student ability must be taken.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in this activity (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Page 80 of 223
Course Student Learning
and participation with and support of
each other during group activities,
profesisonal behavior and dress when
interacting in real world organizations
during learning experiences
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
students will actively participate in
this group activity. Group
attendance will be monitored for
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Related Documents:
213 NURS 213 Stress and Sensory
Role Play.docx
100% of students actively participated in this group activity
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: No action to be
Goal met: Yes
taken at this time (01/06/2015)
100% of students actively participated in this group activity.
100% of students attended this session (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in the on-line discussion
related to this activity. 0% of students actively participated
in a group physical activity (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students actively participated in this group activity
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students actively participated in this group activity
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Self awareness values
writing assignment to explore and
identify ones own feelings and
values towards issues in an attempt
to become more sensative to others
and be able to recognize when ones
own values may be inhibiting a
patients ability to express theirs
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will complete all 4 values
exercises and achieve a satisfactory
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students actively participated in this group activity
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Class attendance
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved this assessment (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed all 4 values exercises and
achieved a satisfactory grade (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed all 4 values exercises and
null.courseAction: No action at
this time. A change in the format
of this assignment is being taken
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Diversity/Global Learning
Related Documents:
213 values 1.pdf
213 values 2.pdf
213 values 3.pdf
213 values 4.pdf
achieved a satisfactory grade (01/06/2015)
into consideration. (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed all 4 values exercises and
achieved a satisfactory grade (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed all 4 values exercises and
achieved a satisfactory grade (12/09/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of all students completed this assignment with a
satisfactory grade
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed the values exercises with a
satisfactory grade
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
values exercises turned in for review
Lifespan/Cultural - #9 Recognizes
and/or applies the lifespan and across
continuum of helath care
environments and the variations of
care, the increased complexity, and
the increased use of health care
resources inherent in caring for
patients as evidenced by
identification of factors that affect
consume health care decisions when
panning an implementing care
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Case Analysis - Case study
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will participate in class
room case study discussion, analysis
and application. Attendance will be
monitored via class lecture
attendance or hybrid discussion
assignments on blackboard
Schedule/Notes: Related documents
are samples subject to change
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Tracdat Global.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Did not present case study this semester (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in class room case study
discussion, analysis and application. (04/30/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (04/30/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in this classroom case study
discussion, analysis and application. (01/06/2015)
null.courseAction: Will update
this outcome to evaluate
attendance via in class or through
hybrid discussion (01/06/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken (12/12/2013)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
100% of students participated in class room case study
discussion via hybrid blackboard discussion assignment
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Blackboard discussion thread
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in this activity
Spring Semester 2013 (08/21/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
100% of students participated in class room case study
Fall Semester 2012 (01/04/2013)
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NURS290:Directed Study in Nursing
No data found for the selected criteria.
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NURS325:Nursing of Childbearing Families
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Health Promotion - Demonstrates
health promotion and disease
prevention strategies, at the
individual and population based
health levels as evidenced by the
provision of professional leadership
skills of organization, priority setting,
communication and cost-containment
while providing care for childbearing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
A Comprehensive Care Plan will be
completed for both a mother and
baby dyad that the student has
assessed, planned care for and
implemented. Nursing interventions
for health promotion and disease
prevention to be demonstrated, as
well as a list of priority interventions.
Communication to be demonstrated
by documenting mutually set pt
goals and client response. Clinical
instructor input is utilized in final
grading for actual implementation of
the care plan.
Students will acheive 80% or higher
on their CCP.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
Total number of students in Fall 2014 cohort: 22
90.9% received a score of 80% or higher
16 students (72%) received a score above 90%
4 students (18%) received a score between 80-89%
2 students (.09%) received a score below 80% (01/28/2015)
null.courseAction: Will look at
revising syllabus to having a
remediation activity required for
those not scoring above an 80%
on their CCP. (04/30/2015)
Liberal Education Base Demonstrates acquisition of a solid
base in liberal education into nursing
practice as evidenced by the
acheivement of a theoretical
knowledge base from nursing and
related disciplines in planning care for
the childbearing.
tObjective.jsp# family.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/05/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Presentation, Performance See related document for rubric and
instructions. 20 pts are available for
this assignment due at the end of
the semester.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will acheive a score of 3/3
for accuracy of content and 1/1 for
use of appropriate references.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
Teachingpresenation instructions.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
71% of students scored above 75% for incorporation of
evidenced based practice/current research.
Students worked in groups of 2-4. There were 7 groups and
two groups received a score of 50% on this particular area.
Points were taken off as students did not cite sources when
referencing material on their powerpoint slides and as well,
they did not put in any detail about the specific study they
researched, outcome findings or implications as related to
their presentation. Other groups did well in this area,
however only one group scored 100%. (01/28/2015)
null.courseAction: Continue with
this assessment criteria for the
next two semesters as previous
semesters had achieved this goal
to see a pattern. Also, plan to
further expand instruction on
requirements for incorporating
evidence based data. Another
consideration-is that the program
curriculum has changed so that
future cohorts after the Fall of
2014 will have had Nursing
Research-and should have a
better understanding of utilizing
research in practice. (01/28/2015)
Research - Applies research for
potential application for evidencebased practice as evidenced by the
ability to relate current research to
clinical practice issues related to
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 10/31/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Information management and
technology - Applies knowledge and
skills in information management and
patient care technology in the
delivery of quality patient care as
evidenced by the use of the nursing
process to promote health and to
prevent complications with
childbearing families.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: Mid04/08/2016
Direct - Presentation, Performance A populations based teaching
presentation to be prepared to a
given childbearing population
(expectant parents, new moms etc)
on a topic of the student's choice,
supported by evidenced based
practice and current research.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will score 75% on
incorporation of evidenced based
practice/current research. See
related document. Rubric.
Schedule/Notes: Assignment is due
the last week of class.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% scored 4 out of 5 or better. Lowest score of 4.5. Total
points were adjusted from 4 to 5 after initial Tracdat
assessment was made. (12/20/2013)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Teaching plan/presentation.
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students must demonstrate
satisfactory performance on Clinical
Site Evaluation
I (a.b.c)
V (e)
Clinical instructors will assign
Satisfactory, Needs Improvement or
Unsatisfactory based on clinical
performance and related care
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Level (Analyzing/Applying)
planning (CCP).
Satisfactory (90%)
See related document
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
Clinical Evaluation Template.docx
Clinical Evaluation Template.docx
Health policies - Demonstrates
knowledge of health care policies,
including financial and regulatory,
directly and indirectly influencing the
nature and functioning of the health
care system as evidenced by the
ability to identify factors which
impede and/or facilitate access to the
health care system.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 10/31/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - A worksheet will be
assigned asking the student to
identify and discuss several policies
in the United States related to
maternity care services, including
how the Affordable Health Care act
applies to maternity care as well as
other pending legislation. As well,
the student will be asked to identify
the major organizations that impact
maternity care policy in the United
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will score 80% or better
on this assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Communication and collaboration Models communication and
collaboration among health
professionals and patients to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by integrating critical
thinking and supportive decision
Indirect - Survey, including faculty,
supervisors, employers - The
student will demonstrate
appropriate communication and
collaboration during their OB
Simulation Cases. The Simulation
Coordinator will evaluate and score
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
96% of students scored better than 80% on this assignment.
1 student out of 28 scored 70% on this assignment.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
making skills in providing care for the
childbearing family.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
students on appropriate
communication of assessment
findings and to nursing peers,
physicians, as well as explanation of
procedures/assessment findings to
their SIM patient. They will be
scored on a Likert Scale. See
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will achieve a score of
satisfactory or greater.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
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NURS326:Nursing of Children and Families
Course Student Learning
Analyze and Synthesize related
theoretical knowledge development
- 1. Demonstrates acquisition of a
solid base in liberal education into
nursing practice as evidenced by use
of a theoretical knowledge base from
nursing and related disciplines (ie.
growth and development, grief,
pathophysiology, and multicultural) in
planning nursing care of children.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Growth and
Development Paper
Topic must be in regards to
a patient the student have during
their clinical experience where you
would have spent sufficient time
with the patient to gather data. The
topic is to focus on growth and
development. Example ? the patient
may have a diagnosis of asthma ?
how does this affect all aspects of
the child?s growth and development
including theoretical perspective.
The paper must be 5 pages
in length excluding the title page,
reference page and appendices. You
must include at least 4 scholarly
The student must include a
(new) detailed care plan which
addresses growth & development
and clinical data sheet (from SAH
clinical) for the patient and include it
in the appendix (appendix must be
referred to in the body of paper and
formatted correctly according to
The paper must be in APA
FORMAT, scholarly paper style,
which includes an introduction and
A rub
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will obtain a score of at
least 13 out of a possible 15 points.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
19 out of 23 students (82.6%) obtained a score of at least 13
out of a possible 15 points. (01/03/2013)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
Page 89 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
NURS 326 - Growth and Dev Paper
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - The students were
required to write a Growth and
Development paper for a child
assigned to them in the community
Early Head Start or Head Start
program for an infant, toddler, or
preschooler. The rubric required the
use of Piaget for a cognitive
assessment associated with the
Highscope Child Observation Record
utilized within the programs. In
addition the students were to apply
the works of Erik Erikson by
completing and Ages and Stages
Questionairre used by the agencies
to assess psychosocial development.
The Grading Rubric has been added
for assessment purposes.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students achieved an 86% or greater
on this APA paper.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Undergraduate Research
Related Documents:
NURS 326 S 14 Rubric.docx
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - As part of their F 15
teaching/learning projects, students
were to apply a nursing theorist to
their evidenced based practice
posters and U-tube video creations.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
student groups will apply a
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Students in the Fall, 2015BSN cohort achieved a 90% or
better on this assignment. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): In
addition to the paper outlined,
students also completed an Omaha
Care Plan included in this assignment
to develop skills from a
multidisciplinary community focus
that will facilitate their learning
experience in their senior year when
they complete Community Health
Nursing during their senior year. A
Omaha format document is
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All student groups included a nursing theorist on their
evidenced based poster protocols. An example of the
student work, associated with a theoretical perspective, is
within the NURS 326 document folder, along with the F 15
teaching/learning rubric. (04/03/2016)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
theoretical framework to their final
evidenced based practice protocols.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Quality Health Care - 2. Develops
Other Findings
knowledge and skills in leadership,
quality improvement, prioritization,
and patient safety to provide quality
health care as evidenced by
integrating critical thinking,
prioritization, and problem solving
skills in the nursing care of children in
the clinical setting.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidDirect - Exam/Quiz - within the
Level (Analyzing/Applying)
course - The 2014 Clinical Quality
Measures Prediatric Recommended
Core Measures and the ORYX core
measures identify childhood
immunizations as an area of focus.
Three multiple choice or short
answer questions on exam 2 will be
used to measure students ability to
identify safe care related to
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will correctly answer all
three questions.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - All students will receive an
80% or higher on specific pediatric
multiple choice questions on the
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
Reviewed Fall, 2014 Final Exam for question 19 to assess
pediatric patient care regarding nephrotic syndrome. 15
students out of 22 answered the question correctly with a
class average of 68% which was an improvement from
Spring, 2014, but continues to demonstrate the need for
improved instructional strategies for pediatric kidney
disease to meet the goal of 80%. The final exam for both
Spring, 2014 and Fall, 2014 are located in the department
red book for NURS 326 for review. (01/19/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Questions 3,4 and 6 on exam 2 were analyzed. 83% of
students answered question 3 correctly, 96% of students
answered question 4 correctly and 83% of students
answered question 6 correctly. (04/22/2013)
Action to be Taken
Action to be Taken: For Spring,
2015 instruction emphasis for
pediatric nephrotic syndrome will
include on campus lab simulation
patient care interventions.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
In terms of question 19 and past student responses that did
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
final examination designed to
measure patient safety and the
appropriate interventions to provide
evidenced based safe quality health
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Results
will be tabulated for questions 18,
19,23,25,and 26.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
not indicate adequate integration in caring for pediatric
patients with nephrotic syndrome, additional course
content included expanded teaching strategies within both
the theoretical and clinical/lab content components. A
successful outcome was met with this question on the
Spring, 2015 final exam with 18 out of 22 NURS 326
pediatric nursing students giving a correct response with a
class average of 81.8%.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Question 18 = 26/28 = 92%
Question 19 = 15/28 = 53%
Question 23 = 26/28 = 92%
Question 25 = 26/28 = 92%
Question 26 = 23/28 = 82%
Overall student class average for all 5 Questions = 82%
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Review/tabulation of Spring, 2014
final exam document conducted by
Professor Maureen O'Shea in
preparation as new course
coordinator for Fall, 2014.
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Student competency is evaluated
during pediatric simulation
experiences in terms of providing
adequate patient safety care
measures while administering
medications and/or treatments.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will complete their
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: In review of
question 19, the students need a
better understanding of the
priority interventions while caring
for a pediatric nephrotic patient.
This will be reassessed in Fall 2014
for improved student outcomes in
terms of educational strategies to
prioritize safe patient nursing
interventions in terms of children
with nephrotic syndrome. It will
be covered more comprehensively
in lecture 14 when genitourinary
function is covered.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students completed their simulation prep assignments
and demonstrated appropriate medication or treatment
administrations utilizing pediatric patient safety parameters
at a satisfactory level. See the simulation prep 1
assignment in the NURS 326 document folder. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
simulation preparation assignments
while identifying and demonstrating
appropriate medication safety and
treatment administrations while
utilizing the 5 rights.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Students will provide evidencebased practice for pediatric patient
in selected Simulation Scenarios. - 3.
Applies research for evidence-based
practice as evidences by reading and
reviewing research articles to
integrate into nursing care plans and
demonstrating current knowledge
and competence in the clinical setting
with pediatric patients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Teaching Assignment
Students will be assigned a
topic area, based on lecture content,
and will then select an area within
the topic that the patient/family
would need education regarding.
For example, a child with a diagnosis
of diabetes might benefit from
education on the diabetic diet.
Students will select
learning activities that engage the
target patient/family and are
effective in promoting learning. They
must also select an appropriate
evaluation plan to use with the
patient/family. The evaluation plan
needs to measure the learning
obtained by family.
Students will present the
teaching session in lab to their fellow
students and submit a complete and
comprehensive teaching plan.
Students should aim for 10 -15
minutes of education.
At least three scholarly
resources should be utilized in the
preparation of the teaching session.
One resource should support why
the topic would be important for
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
23 out of 23 students (100%) acheived a score of at least 9
out of a possible 10 points on the assignment. (01/03/2013)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
parents to know.
A rubric will be utilized to assess the
presented teaching assignment
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
student groups will acheive a score
of at least 9 out of a possible 10
points on the assignment
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
NURS 326 Teaching Rubric.docx
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - All
students participated in pediatric
Simulation Scenarios associated with
mild allergic reaction, gastroenteritis
with dehydration, mild concussion,
tonic-clonic seizure,
pneumonia/respiratory distress, and
an end of life scenario secondary to
a traumatic brain injury.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students were required to complete
Sim prep assignments for each
scenario on a S/U basis while
completing satisfactory patient care
which was filmed in small groups.
They also successfully participated in
debriefing sessions and completed
small group concept patient care
maps - see attached copy.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Related Documents:
Concept Map Format.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students satisfactorily participated in the scenarios
during the F 15 semester while completing above
satisfactory clinical care concept mapping. See additional
notations below in course outcomes and/or assessment
method as the fidelity of the scenarios were elevated as of F
15. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): As
indicated in the above finding for F
15, the scenarios were changed to
promote more pediatric academic
rigor and included: Pneumonia with
acute exacerbation of Asthma,
Gastroenteritis with severe
dehydration, Tonic-Clonic Seizure,
Traumatic Brain Injury with end of
life care, and Pediatric Anaphylaxsis.
Technology - 4. Applies knowledge
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
and skills in information management
and patient care technology in the
delivery of quality patient care as
evidenced by documentation in
electronic medical record and
medication administration records in
clinical settings and complying with
the patient care system each agency
has adopted.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will use DocuCare for all
clinical simulation experiences in
terms of preparation, scenario
performance , and outcome charting
in the correct IT format for instructor
evaluation at a satisfactory level
upon this clinical completion area.
Instructor will track student use and
satisfactory clinical documentation
through the DocuCare IT system.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All F 15 students successfully navigated DocuCare before
their simulation experiences for preparation, during the
scenario to ascertain patient orders for treatment, and
afterward to document their interventions at a satisfactory
level. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Health Care Systems - 5.
Demonstrates health care policies,
including financial and regulatory,
directly and indirectly influencing the
nature and functioning of the health
care system as evidenced by
reviewing systems in relation to
economics, social, political, legal and
access issues within discussion,
clinical paper work, and paper
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Case Analysis - All students
are placed in clinical settings that
serve low income economically
deprived pediatric populations.
Their clinical assignments in these
settings are used to recognize the
economic barriers associated with
adequate holistic health care and
complete an Omaha Care Plan on a
specific child to provide appropriate
interventions to assist the child and
their family to promote resources for
social assistance. Please see the
Omaha Care Plan format in the NURS
326 document folder that assists in
the detection of environmental
concerns in The Problem
Classification Scheme and The
Intervention Scheme that focuses on
case management referrals for
economic and/or social assistance.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Two of 25 students scored an 83% on their Omaha Care
Plan while the other 23 scored an 85 - 93%. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Action to be Taken
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will successfully complete
an Omaha Care Plan to identify
economic and social health system
promotion areas for child/family
interventions at an 85% or above
level for grading.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Communication and Collaboration 6. Models communication and
collaboration among health care
professionals and patients to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by collaborating and
modeling appropriate professional
behavior in the classroom, lab and
clinical setting in communication with
all members of the health care team
including patients and families.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - F15
students directly participated and
conducted two physical assessment
labs for
infants/toddlers/preschoolers and
school age/adolescent youths.
Students were to demonstrate
adequate health history skills
through patient/caregiver
professional communication
strategies, perform an objective
physical assessment, and provide
education on health maintenance
and surveillance needs to promote
optimum growth, development, and
sound health.
Students were to demonstrate their
in lab skills satisfactorily while
completing their clinical paperwork
to identify the history, physical, and
educational strategies at a
satisfactory level.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students used effective communication and holistic
pediatric physical assessment skills on an instructor
collaborative basis at a satisfactory level. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Health Promotion and Disease
Other Findings
Prevention - 7. Demonstrates health
promotion and disease prevention
strategies at the individual and
population health levels as evidenced
by using nursing process in
developing a nursing care plan and
growth and development paper.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All student group grades for the F15 teaching learning
projects achieved an 87.5 % or above. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
All student groups averaged a 95% for their Pediatric
Teaching/Learning Assignments. (01/19/2015)
Action to be Taken: For Spring,
2015 students and their
teaching/learning projects,
greater instructional emphasis will
be placed on writing more
measurable student learning
outcome objectives and effective
use of pre/post evaluation
strategies. (01/19/2015)
Direct - Presentation, Performance All students work in groups of 2 or 3
to present specific teaching and
learning strategies to their peers and
instructor based on specific pediatric
health promotion and disease
prevention educational topics. Refer
to both the assignment schedule for
Fall, 2014 and the grading criteria
rubric for this assignment area.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Student
groups will achieve a 90% or greater
on this assignment area.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - F 15 students were
assigned a collaborative teaching
and learning project with both NURS
325 and 326 to examine nutritional
needs and feeding
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
recommendations from conception
during pregnancy and across the
pediatric lifespan. Students were to
build upon their NURS 434 research
experiences to develop an evidenced
based practice poster along with
producing a U-tube video to outline
their findings/recommendations.
The rubric and grading criteria is
located in the document repository
for NURS 326. Eight student groups
presented their project in groups of
three and one group of four.
Students groups will achieve a grade
of 85% or higher for a collective
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Professionalism - 8. Models
professionalism and inherent values
of altruism, autonomy, human
dignity, integrity, and social justice as
evidenced by demonstration of
competent, caring behaviors and
professional values in interactions
with parent/child, colleagues and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments This outcome is best exemplified in
the End of Life Simulation where
brain death has been determined
secondary to a traumatic brain injury
for a 6 year old male child. Students
are expected to complete a
simulation prep assignment to
demonstrate appropriate
communication skills and referral
needs to promote familial coping
while maintaining human dignity. In
addition, the students are to
facilitate a safe and comfortable
environment to allow caregiver
grieving while abiding by all of the
legal/ethical guidelines as the family
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students successfully completed their simulation
preparation assignment (see objectives in the NURS 326
document file) and demonstrated satisfactory assessment/
communication strategies during the end of life scenario.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
5 students out of 17 identified in their reflection the role of
referrals (29%). (04/22/2013)
null.courseAction: Additional
emphasis on the role of referrals
should be incorporated into this
clinical site. (04/22/2013)
awaits organ procurement.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will complete their
simulation prep assignment and
demonstrate satisfactory skills
during the simulation scenario.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Nursing Practice - 9. Applies nursing
practice with patients, individuals,
families, groups, communities and
populations across the lifespan and
across the continuum of health care
environments and the variations of
care, the increased complexity, and
the increased use of health care
resources inherent in caring for
patients as evidenced by caring for
pediatric patients and their families in
the hospital and community setting
and referring them to community
resources/ support groups.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/15/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - As
part of their clinical assignment,
students go to the LMAS DHD and
complete a careplan for a child with
a chronic illness, including referrals
for community resources. At the
conlusion of the experience,
students complete a reflection form
that asks how they can utilize what
they learned in future clinical
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
student will identify the role of
referrals in their clinical reflection
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
NU 326 Community Clinical
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - As
part of the students pediatric
community clinical placement, they
are scheduled at a local grade school
(Lincoln Elementary School) and
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
All students completed the objectives for this community
clinical placement at a satisfactory level. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
placed in an "at risk" classroom for
children with special needs and
another classroom with children
who have several disabilities
requiring more advanced services.
Students are to complete the
objectives that identify several areas
associated with varied and complex
growth and developmental issues as
well as outlining available resources
that are available. The objectives for
completion are included in the NURS
326 document file.
Students are to participate and
complete all the Lincoln School
objectives at a satisfactory level as
outlined in the document file for this
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
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NURS327:Adult Nursing I
Course Student Learning
Liberal education - Demonstrates a
solid base in liberal education for
nursing practice as evidenced by
integrating current nursing and
related theories and evidence-based
practice research to clinical practice.
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Quality Care and Patient Safety Develops knowledge and skills in
leadership, quality improvement, and
patient safety to provide quality
health care as evidenced by
integrating critical thinking and
decision making skills with minimal
direction for more than one patient.
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Case Analysis - Students
participate in pre and post clinical
conferences, classroom discussion
and case studies. They submit
weekly care plans and work sheets.
Students also submit 2
Comprehensive Care Plans during
the clinical experience. They must
achieve a score of 72% or higher on
Criterion/Target/Threshold: To pass
the class, the students must submit
satisfactory care plans and work
sheets each week.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Related Documents:
CCP packet.pdf
Comprehensive Care Plan
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Fall 2015 - 23 of 24 students scored 72% or higher on their
first CCP of the semester. 100% scored greater than 72% on
their second CCP. (04/02/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students participate in clinical
conferences and patient reports
using SBAR communication. They
submit weekly care plans and work
sheets, along with their written
version of SBAR communication.
Students adhere to Joint
Commission Safety Standards.
Students participate in team leading
with fellow students on a team of 3-
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
After discussion with Simulation Center leadership, it was
decided that students would not communicate to physicians
or nurses in other departments regarding a patient hand-off
without consulting their instructor first. Therefore, consult
with the instructor was added to the Simulation Center
experience to enhance learning. (04/02/2016)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students scored 72% or higher on both of their
CCP's (04/29/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (01/12/2016)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students in the Spring 2014 cohort completed CCP's and
participated in pre and post clinical conferences. All
students achieved a score of 72% or higher on their CCP's
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (04/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
4 patients. (SBAR worksheet is
included the weekly paperwork file.)
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
Weekly Clinical Packet.pdf
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
Students struggle with SBAR reports during interdisciplinary
communications. (04/29/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Practice SBAR reporting was added
to campus lab activities for both Fall
2014 and Spring 2015. Faculty
continue to refine student SBAR
reporting in both clinical and
simulation settings.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
28 students in the Fall 2013 cohort - all participated at the
satisfactory level. (01/03/2014)
Direct - Presentation, Performance - Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Clinical evaluation of performance
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of 100% of students met the safety measures during the Fall
students will meet safety measures
2015 semester. (01/11/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
described on the clinical evaluation
at the end of the clinical rotation
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
Scholarship for evidence-based
practice - Applies research for
potential application for evidencebased practice as evidenced by
integrating current nursing and
related theories, recognizing the
impact of health care systems,
policies and other factors that affect
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Students at one clinical site created an educational poster
for the Acute Care staff called "Looping is a No No". This
poster explained the Infusion Nurse Society rationale
behind not "looping" the end of IV tubing into a port on that
same tubing. (12/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
client care, and demonstrates
Other Findings
responsibility, accountability and
values of lifelong learning in caring for
assigned patients.
Students submit 2 Comprehensive
Care Plans (CCP) during the
Course Goal Differentiation: Highsemester. These must incorporate
Level (Creating/Evaluating)
research literature that is current
within 5 years.
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory as
measured by a score of 72% or
higher on the CCP
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
CCP packet.pdf
Comprehensive Care Plan
Action to be Taken
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students scored 72% or higher on both of their
CCP's (04/29/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students in the cohort obtained 72% or higher
(satisfactory grade) on both of their CCP's. A portion of that
score is evaluating the use of research literature current
within 5 years. (04/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students completed CCPs using data that was current
within 5 years. (06/19/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students in the Fall 2013 cohort achieved the 72% or
higher on the CCPs. (01/03/2014)
Patient Care Technology - Applies
Other Findings
knowledge and skills in information
management and patient care
technology in the delivery of quality
patient care as evidenced by using
appropriate technology to access
scientific data, retrieve patient
information, document client
information, and plan nursing care for
individuals and their families.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Students were skill checked on IV pumps at their respective
clinical agencies by their respective clinical instructors for
the Fall 2015 semester. While there was some
improvement on the skill of setting up and running and IV
pump, students continue to struggle with the task. Will
encourage more independence when working with the
pumps earlier in the clinical experience to see if that will
help boost the smooth completion of the task. (11/16/2015)
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Course Student Learning
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Other Findings
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Students are expected to complete
Prep U/CoursePoint adaptive
quizzing to a level 5 prior to lecture.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will complete Prep
U/Course Point adaptive quizzing to
level 5 prior to lecture.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Students are sub-optimally prepared to used IV pumps
when coming to their Simulation Center scenarios. a.
Unable to correctly prime the pump tubing. b. Unable to
recall how to set the drip rate. (04/29/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation by clinical staff
during a skills check. Students will
correctly prime the IV pump tubing
for both types of IV pumps used in
local acute care facilities, especially
the facility they are currently
assigned to. Students will correctly
set the IV pump drip rate 100%
accuracy. Students will be expected
to go to the skills lab to practice the
skill prior to going to the Simulation
Center to perform patient care.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
92% of students completed PreuU/Course Point adaptive
quizzing to a level 5 prior to lecture. (01/12/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
88% or better of students completed their adaptive
quizzing to a level 5 prior to lecture on about 90% of the
assignment days. (04/28/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (01/12/2016)
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Course Student Learning
Health Care Policy, Finance, and
Regulation - Demonstrates health
care policies, including financial and
regulatory, directly and indirectly
influencing the nature and
functioning of health care system as
evidenced by recognizing the impact
of health care systems, policies that
effect client care and appropriate
strategies to contain/reduce health
care costs.
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Regular, recurring - Students
satisfactorily use agency specific
technology while providing patient
care. This includes Electronic Health
Record (EHR), bar coded medication
administration, blood glucose
monitoring equipment.
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory on the
clinical performance evaluation.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Related Documents:
327 Clinical Evaluation Tool.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students continue to satisfactorily use agency specific
technology while providing patient care. Additionally they
demonstrate satisfactory novice level use of specific
technology such as blood glucose testing devices, IV pumps,
and monitoring equipment. (04/28/2015)
null.courseAction: continue to
monitor. (04/02/2016)
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (01/12/2016)
Direct - Case Analysis - Students
submit weekly care plans and
worksheets. These worksheets
reflect discharge planning in the
course of patient care. Discharge
plans include available resources,
including insurance and other
financial resources and restrictions
or limitations.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
Weekly Clinical Packet.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
80% of students are able to identify at least one community
resource available to their patient a low cost or no cost.
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Communiction and Collaboration for Other Findings
Improving Patient Outcomes Models communication and
collaboration among health care
professionals and patients to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by forming partnerships
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All 28 students in the Fall 2013 cohort were satisfactory on
their clinical performance evaluation. (01/03/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students create a teaching plan for a patient based on a
need they have identified during their clinical activity. The
teaching plan fills a gap in the care of the patient by
providing the patient with information needed for self-care
and understanding of their condition. 100% of students
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Course Student Learning
and using effective communication
Assessment Methods
Other Findings
obtained a score of 90% or better on their teaching plan.
The score includes actually carrying out the plan.
Optional Data Point: 100
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Teaching plan
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014 Students all performed
satisfactorily in the communication section on the NURS
327 Adult 1 Clinical Evaluation form. Continue to monitor.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Students continue to perform
satisfactorily on the communication
section of the NURS 327 Adult 1
Clinical evaluation form.
Additionally, the demonstrate
collaborative care using the SBAR
reporting format.
Related Documents:
327 Clinical Evaluation Tool.doc
Action to be Taken
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor. (04/28/2015)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students are observed in the
classroom and clinical setting for
professional behavior and safe
practice through collaboration with
faculty and clinical staff.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will behave
professionally in terms of
communication, dress, and conduct.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
applicable to this outcome
Clinical prevention and population
health - Demonstrates health
promotion and disease prevention at
the individual and population health
levels as evidenced by using the
nursing process in implementation of
strategies for disease prevention,
health maintenance, promotion and
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Patient education is incorporated
into daily patient care. Additionally,
each student must submit and
implement one formal education
plan for a patient during the
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 72% or
higher score on the formal teaching
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Professionalism and professional
Other Findings
values - Models professionalism and
inherent values of altruism,
autonomy, human dignity, integrity,
and social justice as evidenced by
progressively integrating critical
thinking and decision making skills in
order to practice nursing safely and
with minimal direction for more than
one patient and demonstrating
competent, caring behaviors by
respecting the legal, ethical and
moral rights and values of others.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/05/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students continue to show their ability to teach. 100% have
demonstrated 90% or higher on formal patient teaching
plans. (04/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
28 students in the Fall 2013 cohort - all scored 90% or above
on their teaching plans. (01/03/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Students reported they noted less than friendly and less
than professional behaviors at one clinical site. This created
discussion about professionalism and modeling caring
behaviors. Students reported how they felt this impacted
patient care and how they had decided not to follow this
type of behavior. (04/02/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Continue to monitor student reports
of experiences at clinical sites.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
At Simulation Center, students were noted to be paying too
much attention to equipment and not enough attention to
patient as he struggled to breath, demonstrating a lack of
caring behaviors, albeit, unintentional lack of caring
behaviors. (11/13/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
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Action to be Taken: Students will
be reminded of how afraid a
patient will be when he/she can
not breathe and will be provided
with ways to help the calm the
patient during acute shortness of
breath, regardless of the reason.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Other Findings
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direction observation with review of
simulation video to gently point out
ways to improve caring behaviors.
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% students in the Spring 2014 cohort achieved a
satisfactory level of professionalism by the end of the S 14
semester. (11/17/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Students must achieve a satisfactory
level evaluation by their clinical
instructor by the end of the clinical
Related Documents:
327 Clinical Evaluation Tool.doc
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - Pre
and post clinical conference, SBAR
reporting, communication with
health team members in provision of
nursing care, ethical discussions in
clinical and lecture, Team STEPPS.
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
performance on weekly worksheets
and care plans, pre and post clinical
discussion and off campus
observational experiences with
preceptors using the preceptor
reporting tool.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
Student Observation Preceptor Eval
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
All preceptor reporting tools are reviewed by the clinical
instructors and the course coordinator. Field preceptors
have not reported any concerns. (04/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All 28 students in the Fall 2013 cohort returned off campus
observational experiences from preceptors. All of these
reported satisfactory performance of the students.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Integration of critical thinking and
decision making skills - Apply nursing
practice with patients, individuals,
families, groups, communities, and
populations across the lifespan and
across the continuum of health care
environments and the variations of
care, the increased complexity, and
the increased use of health care
resources inherent in caring for
patients as evidenced by
progressively integrating critical
thinking and decision making sills in
order to practice nursing safely and
with minimal direction for more than
one patient.
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Clinical evaluation at mid-term and
at end of course
students must have satisfactory
progress on their clinical evaluation
at the end of the course.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Students seem to struggle with organization of care. To
improve their organizational skills, students will be assigned
in pairs to follow the instructor or a primary nurse for the
first 4 hours of a shift during the first clinical week to
observe how care can be organized to assure that essential
tasks are done safely, decisions are made based on
prioritization of needs and following critical thinking logic.
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Incorporate evidence based care Students will incorporate least one
research article into the care plan of
the patient on whom they did their
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 09/05/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of student incorporate current research into their
care plans. (04/29/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor (04/02/2016)
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor. (09/05/2015)
Follow-Up: Continue to monitor.
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Grade sheet for CCP
includes points towards total grade
for using current research to support
the plan of care for their patient.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will use at least one
evidence based research article to
support a care plan in their CCP.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Models Communication - Models
communication and collaboration
among health care professionals and
patients to deliver high quality and
safe patient care as evidenced by
forming partnerships and using
effective communication skills.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/29/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will use the SBAR reporting
tool when giving patient reports to
fellow students or nursing staff
members or physicians in both the
clinical and Simulation Center
Criterion/Target/Threshold: SBAR
reporting will occur 100% of the time
in the Simulation Center.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Students report they continue to struggle with giving the
report in SBAR format. After discussion with Simulation
Center leadership, it was decided that students would not
communicate to physicians or nurses in other departments
regarding a patient hand-off without consulting their
instructor first. Therefore, consult with the instructor was
added to the Simulation Center experience to enhance
learning. (04/02/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
A total of 10 calls were placed that required a patient
report. Approximately 50% of the calls required prompting
to adhere to SBAR reporting format. (11/17/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Students participated in 5
simulations that were directly
observed by this professor. Students
were required to call physician or
other health professionals during the
Related Documents:
SBAR RN to RN Guidelines.pdf
SBAR Tool for clinical.pdf
null.courseAction: Students will
practice SBAR reporting in Campus
Lab. (08/28/2015)
null.courseAction: Students will
be reminded at the beginning of
the Simulation Scenarios that
SBAR reporting is expected.
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Clinical instructors will evaluate the
students at mid-term and end of
semester for progress on
communication skills.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
All calls placed to physician or ancillary services in the
Simulation Center were placed using SBAR format.
Course Outcomes and/or
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor and coach SBAR reporting
as necessary. (04/28/2015)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students are expected to
satisfactorally communicate and
collaborated with health care
professionals to deliver high quality
and safe patient care by the end of
the clinical semester.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Assessment Method (optional):
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Action to be Taken
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NURS328:Multicultural Approaches to Health Care
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Diversity in American Society - 1.
Discuss racial and cultural
diversity in American society.
Define the concept of
Differentiate the concepts of
ethnocentrism and cultural relativity.
Compare and contrast values
of selected cultural groups.
Explore the relationship of
culture, kinship systems, religious
practices, language and customs.
Group presentation on either
Practices or Religious/Spiritual group
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of each group of students will score
30 out of 33 points on Presentation
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Diversity/Global Learning
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Cultural Influences - 2.
cultural influences on health beliefs,
practices, attitudes and
traditions of ethnic and racial
Discuss ethnic/cultural
variations in communication patterns,
habits, kinship systems, religious
practices and health/illness
Course Outcome Status: Active
Ethnic Identity and Cultural Health
Practices - 3. Compare the ethnic
identity and cultural health practices
of clients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Need for Cultural Sensitivity - 4.
Express an understanding of
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
the need for cultural sensitivity in
health care.
Demonstrate consideration
of individual value systems and
cultural life
ways to be included in care of a
Cite values common to the
dominant society and contrast them
with the
values that may be found in other
ethnic groups.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Framework of Transcultural Caring 5.
Apply a conceptual
framework of Transcultural Caring to
various clients.
Describe why the
incorporation of cultural parameters
is an essential part
of the health assessment.
Assess client's cultural
beliefs and behaviors.
Explain how cultural
variables and health perceptions may
be related to a
client's health.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Change Strategies - 6.
change strategies useful in
developing culturally relevant
programs in
a variety of health care settings.
Discuss reasons for delayed
entry of clients into the health care
Explore reasons why lay
health practitioners may be consulted
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Identify reasons for apparent
client non-adherence with health
Course Outcome Status: Active
How Newly Acquired Knowledge - 7.
Identify how newly acquired
knowledge can be used to enhance
health care research, education
and practice.
Discuss approaches and
techniques the practitioner can use in
rapport with ethnic groups.
Discuss the concept of
flexibility as it applies to working with
people who
have different health beliefs and
Explore nursing and other
related research that should be
relevant and
necessary to enhance
Transcultural care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Complementary and Alternative
Practices. - 8.
Explore the uses of
selected complementary and
alternative health care practices.
Examine the possible
interactions of
complimentary/alternative practices
with mainstream health care
Discuss the economic
aspects of complimentary/alternative
Explore reasons for choosing
complimentary/alternative health
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
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NURS352:Health Issues of Aging Populations
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Physiological and Psychological
Changes - 1. Identify expected
physiological and psychological
changes associated with advancing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Common Pathological Conditions - 2.
Categorize common pathological
conditions associated with advancing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Personal Values - 3. Recognize the
impact of one's personal values on
the interaction process when working
with older individuals.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Aging Theories - 4. Utilize knowledge
of aging theories during
interdisciplinary assessment of
situations common to the elderly
client system.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Epidemiological Model - 5. Utilize an
epidemiological model to explore
preventive and treatment
interventions in the promotion of
"successful" aging.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Review Strategy to Effectively Meet
Needs of Elderly - 6. Critically review
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
strategy options intended to
effectively meet the needs of the
older client.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Commitment to Protect the Rights 7. Demonstrate a commitment to
protect the rights of the older client
that are associated with human
Course Outcome Status: Active
Community Resources Aimed at
Assisting - 8. Evaluate community
resources aimed at assisting in the
care and service to elders in the
Course Outcome Status: Active
Evidence Based Research and
National Standards - 9. Utilizes
evidence based research and national
standards in the contact and
interactions with the aging
Course Outcome Status: Active
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NURS360:Professional Nursing Concepts
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
History of Nursing - 1.
the historical development of nursing
as a profession
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will demonstrate
through exam questions key
historical, religious, and political
factors in the development of
western modern nursing.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will obtain an 80% grade on
influences of history quiz.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
80% of students obtained 80% or higher grade on quiz.
Class average score 89% (03/27/2015)
Concepts of Professionalism - 2.
Analyze the concepts of the
professionalism and
professionalization in nursing.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Exam questions will focus
on definition of components of what
it means to be a professional, the
differentiation of occupation vs.
professional, and factors that have
led to the professionalization of
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will achieve 80% on 6
questions in test 1 and 2 on the topic
of professionalism and
professionalization in nursing
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Critical Thinking - 3.
the process of critical thinking and
decision making responsibilities of
the nurse in relation to ethical, moral,
economic, and legal issues in nursing
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Discussion response to
application of THINK critical thinking
model in both case study and work
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90% of students fully participated in discussion and met the
criteria of full demonstration of THINK model. (03/27/2015)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
and health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
students will fully participate in
online discussion and fully
demonstrate all components of
THINK model
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Principles of Teaching and Learning 4.
Examine principles of
teaching and learning.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Student will be able to
describe the at least two learning
models and discuss their application
to health teaching.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% student participation in online discussion. Multiple
learning theories were discussed and applied. Student
responses demonstrated basic understanding of application
of learning models. 90% of students earned full points for
assignment. (03/27/2015)
Caring Behaviors and Values - 5.
Demonstrate competent,
caring behaviors and values in
interactions with colleagues and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Life Long Learning - 6.
Recognize the values of life
long learning.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Theories - 7.
Describe the core,
essential or basic theories that
contribute to the discipline of
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will submit a
personal philosophy paper which
includes the metaparadigm of
nursing. Positions must be
supported by nursing theory.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will earn a 80% or higher on
the personal philosophy assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90% of students earn a 90% or higher on the personal
philosophy assignment. (03/27/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Philosophy of nursing - 8. Examine
own beliefs and develop or formulate
a philosophy of nursing.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
ethical, Moral, Legal, and Economic
Parameters - 9. Discuss the ethical,
moral, legal, and economic
parameters related to the nursing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Historical and Contemporary Views
of Health - 10. Explore the historical
and contemporary views of health
and health promotion and practices
that are integral to health in self and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Research and Clinical Issues - 11.
Relate current research to clinical
practice issues.
Course Outcome Status: Active
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
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NURS363:Comprehensive Health Appraisal
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will effectively and
accurately conduct a head to toe
assessment meeting the skill points
included on the Bedside Head To Toe
Assessment Skill Check Off form.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will demonstrate an
accurate and effective assessment
on a volunteer patient which
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
!00% of the students in the course completed the Bedside
Head To Toe Assessment at a 90% proficiency or greater.
However, these results did not occur uniformly with the
first attempt. The assessments were videotaped and,
contrary to the written and verbal criteria for the
assessments, some of the students appeared to be receiving
off-camera cuing for the assessment components.
Course Instructional Modality:
null.courseAction: Further course
offerings will continue to have the
students demonstrate their
proficiencies but will do so in
person rather than allowing
videotaping. (08/29/2014)
Biopsychosocial Theories in Health
Appraisal - 1.
Apply relevant
biopsychosocial theories in the health
appraisals of individuals
through the lifespan.
Use developmental theory,
role theory, stress adaptation theory,
systems theory in the health appraisal
Apply knowledge from
physiology and pathophysiology in
the health appraisal process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Nursing Process and Theory - 2.
Utilize the nursing process
and a theory based approach to
collect and analyze
health appraisal data.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Health Assessment Skills - 3.
Demonstrate health
assessment skills necessary or the
collection of data for
comprehensive health appraisal.
Apply communications
theory when obtaining a health
Recognize normal physical
findings representative of different
racial groups. Differentiate between
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Course Student Learning
normal, deviation of normal, and
abnormal assessment findings.
Assessment Methods
includes 90% or more of the skill
points on the Bedside Head To Toe
Skill Check Off form.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Schedule/Notes: Each student will
perform in person or by videotaping
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) by the last week of classes for that
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Action to be Taken
Regional Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Review of videotaped assessments;
the suspect assessments were
repeated in person.
Cultural Sensitivity, Respect for
Values - 4.
cultural sensitivity and respect for the
values and beliefs of the
Recognize cultural
differences in verbal and nonverbal
Respect an individual's
health and illness beliefs.
Respect cultural differences
in role behaviors and lifestyles.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Ethical, Moral, Legal Responsibility 5.
Demonstrate ethical, moral,
legal responsibility during the health
appraisal process.
Maintain client
Practice nursing skills within
levels of competency and within legal
Respect the rights of
individuals to make their own
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Seeks learning opportunities and
Critical Thinking - 6.
opportunities to increase knowledge
for obtaining data for a
comprehensive health appraisal.
Demonstrate critical thinking
skills in both the classroom and
clinical sites.
Actively seek opportunities
to practice assessment skills in both
classroom and clinical sites.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Research - 7.
Utilize research to
augment and validate the health
appraisal process.
Apply knowledge from
research findings when analyzing data
to determine an individual's present
health status
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Community Resources and Referrals
- 8.
Utilize community resources
and referrals to appropriate agencies
and health care providers.
When necessary, seek other
sources of health care for clients
based on the analysis of the health
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
assessment data.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Documentation of assessment
findings - Students will be able to
accurately and concisely document
the normal and abnormal findings
from their conducted assessments.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20132014
Start Date: 05/12/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Documentation of health assessment
findings - Students will concisely and
accurately document the normal and
abnormal findings related to their
conducted health assessments.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20132014
Start Date: 05/12/2014
Inactive Date: 08/01/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will submit a written
compilation of the normal and
abnormal findings from the Bedside
Head To Toe Assessment.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 1)
100% of the students will accurately
identify and describe in writing
normal from abnormal assessment
2) In 100% of cases, there will be no
omissions or inaccurate descriptions
placing the assessed patient's health
in jeopardy.
Schedule/Notes: A written
compilation of normal and abnormal
findings will be conducted at the
conclusion of each health
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Capstone Course(s), Projects
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NURS365:Family Nursing Theory
Course Student Learning
Family Theory Directs Practice - 1.
Analyze how family theory directs
nursing practice of families.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will review
the criteria for evaluating Family
Theories. Students will reflect, in
discussion forum, why it is important
for nurses to integrate conceptual
and theoretical frameworks when
working with families. Students will
respond to at least one other
student's posting adding to the
academic value of the discussion.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will achieve 2/2 points for
collaborative discussion module 3 part 3.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
80% of students received 2/2 or 100% on module 3 - part 3
and responded to one other students discussion response
with academic value. (12/22/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
MODULE 3.pdf
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
12/22/2014 (12/22/2014)
null.courseAction: Will assess this
outcome when course is offered
again for BSN Completion
Program students. Consideration
must be made for the individuality
of each student.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
90% of students (n = 9/10) received 18/20 (90%) and 10% of
students (n = 1/10) received 17/20 (85%) on the
Comprehensive Family Assessment Paper assignment.
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
Family Assessment Rubric
NURS365.Family Assessment Consent.doc
null.courseAction: Plan is to
incorporate more education about
need for pertinent theory
identification and inclusion of
family dynamics. Most points lost
for assignment centered around
the exclusion of theory into
written family assessment.
Additionally, the other area where
student lost points was for
grammar and APA formatting.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Module 3
placed in document file.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Relationships of Family - 2. Analyze
the relationships of family structure,
roles, and functions to health status.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/25/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Family Assessment and
Comprehensive Care Plan. Each
student will choose and interview a
family in community of choice and
assess this family according to the
concepts and components of Marilyn
Friedman Family Nursing Theory
Model while focusing on mental
health. A written formal APA paper
will be submitted. The paper
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Page 127 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
should be at least 15 pages in length,
NURS365 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
including Genogram, Eco map,
relevant OMAHA nursing focus area,
goals, and proposed nursing
interventions (do not need to carry
them out). The family chosen should
not be known to the student prior to
this semester. The family must sign
a consent form to participate form
and a copy must be submitted with
the assignment. The intent of the
assignment is for students to use
their communication skills to gain
assessment data from the family.
Students need to ensure that the
assessment includes data that
provides a clear picture of the status
of the family. For example,
communication skills need to be
expanded beyond "family
communicates well". There should
also be consistency between the
assessment narrative and the
Genogram and Eco map. A rubric is
used to assess.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will attain at least a 18 or
higher/20 points (90%) on rubric
category of content.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Family
Assessment Rubric and assignment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Influence of Spirituality, Culture,
Direct - Homework, Writing
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Social Class - 3. Discuss the influence Assignment - Students will reflect, in Goal met: No
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
Plan will be to offer resources for
APA formatting and suggestions to
utilize grammar/spell checker
within Word program.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
null.courseAction: Will assess this
outcome when course is offered
Page 128 of 223
Course Student Learning
of spirituality, culture and social class
on family health.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
discussion forum, on a movie or
book from a culture different than
their own. Students will document
and discuss observations on family
communication style, distance,
touch, folk practices, health beliefs,
time orientation, gender roles,
rituals and types of foods, making
sure to include any implications for
nursing care from what was
observed. Students will respond to
at least one other student's posting
adding to the academic value of the
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will achieve 3/3 points for
collaborative discussion module 6 part 3.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
70% of students received 3/3 on Module 6 - part 3 written
assignment and responded to one other students discussion
response with academic value.. (12/22/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
MODULE 6.pdf
again for BSN Completion
Program students. Consideration
must be made for the individuality
of each student. (12/22/2014)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will reflect, in
discussion, on how his/her project
demonstrates the values and ethics
of nursing and how it will contribute
to the larger context of nursing as a
profession, as well as identify one
ANA Position Statement that is
addressed with project. Students will
respond to at least one other
student's posting adding to the
academic value of the discussion.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve 1/1 points
for collaborative discussion
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Page 129 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
regarding ANA Position Statement.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to the Week
4 Discussion assignment placed in
documents file.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Family Developmental Tasks
Through Family Life Span - 4. Discuss
how family developmental tasks
through the family life span affect
nursing care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will complete
comprehensive essay question
presented on Quiz #1.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will answer with 90-100%
accuracy, receiving a score of 9 or
higher (9/10), on essay question
measuring learning outcome.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Quiz 1.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS356 Quiz 1
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
80% of students (n = 8/10) received 9/10 or higher (90100%) on Quiz #1. (12/22/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
NURS356 Quiz 1
null.courseAction: Most points
lost for quiz centered around
spelling/grammar and APA
formatting. Plan will be to offer
resources for APA formatting and
suggestions to utilize
grammar/spell checker within
Word program. Will assess this
outcome when course is offered
again for BSN Completion
Program students. Consideration
must be made for the individuality
of each student.
Impact of Illness - 5. Analyze the
impact of illness (acute, chronic, and
terminal phases) on family roles and
functioning, and the related nursing
care implications.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Students will complete
comprehensive essay question
presented on final exam.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will answer with 100%
accuracy, receiving a score of 20/20,
essay question measuring learning
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Final Exam
Essay Question placed in document
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
90% of students (n = 9/10) received 20/20 or 100% on the
Comprehensive Final Essay Exam. 1 student attained 16/20
points. (12/22/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
NURS365 Final Exam
null.courseAction: Most points
lost for final exam (1 student)
centered around
spelling/grammar and APA
formatting. Plan will be to offer
resources for APA formatting and
suggestions to utilize
grammar/spell checker within
Word program.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 130 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Goals of Family Mental Health - 6.
Discuss the goals of family mental
health nursing interventions in health
promotion, acute illness, and chronic
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will reflect, in
discussion forum, on the role of the
family nurse, as well as provide
personal experiences of what and
why a family-centered care nurse is
an important role in working with
families. Students will respond to at
least one other student's posting
adding to the academic value of the
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will achieve 2/2 points for
collaborative discussion module 2 part 4.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Module 2.Family Health Promotion
and Health Protection
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received 2/2 or 100% on Module 2 - part 4
written assignment and responded to one other students
discussion response with academic value. (12/22/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
Module 2.Family Health Promotion and Health Protection
null.courseAction: No changes
made. Will assess this outcome
when course is offered again for
BSN Completion Program
students. Consideration must be
made for the individuality of each
Alterations in Family Structure - 7.
Analyze the nursing implications of
alterations (dysfunctional) in family
structure, function, and process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Family Assessment and
Comprehensive Care Plan. Each
student will choose and interview a
family in community of choice and
assess this family according to the
concepts and components of Marilyn
Friedman Family Nursing Theory
Model while focusing on mental
health. A written formal APA
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
90% of students (n = 9/10) received 18/20 (90%) and 10% of
students (n = 1/10) received 17/20 (85%) on the
Comprehensive Family Assessment Paper assignment.
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
Family Assessment Rubric
null.courseAction: Plan is to
incorporate more education about
need for pertinent theory
identification and inclusion of
family dynamics. Most points lost
for assignment centered around
the exclusion of theory into
written family assessment.
Additionally, the other area where
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 131 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
paper will be submitted. The paper
should be at least 15 pages in length, NURS365.Family Assessment Consent.doc
NURS365 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
including Genogram, Eco map,
relevant OMAHA nursing focus area,
goals, and proposed nursing
interventions (do not need to carry
them out). The family chosen should
not be known to the student prior to
this semester. The family must sign
a consent form to participate form
and a copy must be submitted with
the assignment. The intent of the
assignment is for students to use
their communication skills to gain
assessment data from the family.
Students need to ensure that the
assessment includes data that
provides a clear picture of the status
of the family. For example,
communication skills need to be
expanded beyond "family
communicates well". There should
also be consistency between the
assessment narrative and the
Genogram and Eco map. A rubric is
used to assess.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will attain at least a 18 or
higher/20 points (90%) on rubric
category of content.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to the Family
Assessment Rubric and Assignment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Action to be Taken
student lost points was for
grammar and APA formatting.
Plan will be to offer resources for
APA formatting and suggestions to
utilize grammar/spell checker
within Word program.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
Effective and Ineffective Family
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Page 132 of 223
Course Student Learning
Communication - 8. Differentiate
between effective and ineffective
family communication patterns.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Family Assessment and
Comprehensive Care Plan. Each
student will choose and interview a
family in community of choice and
assess this family according to the
concepts and components of Marilyn
Friedman Family Nursing Theory
Model while focusing on mental
health. A written formal APA paper
will be submitted. The paper should
be at least 15 pages in length,
including Genogram, Eco map,
relevant OMAHA nursing focus area,
goals, and proposed nursing
interventions (do not need to carry
them out). The family chosen should
not be known to the student prior to
this semester. The family must sign
a consent form to participate form
and a copy must be submitted with
the assignment. The intent of the
assignment is for students to use
their communication skills to gain
assessment data from the family.
Students need to ensure that the
assessment includes data that
provides a clear picture of the status
of the family. For example,
communication skills need to be
expanded beyond "family
communicates well". There should
also be consistency between the
assessment narrative and the
Genogram and Eco map. A rubric is
used to assess.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will attain at least a 18 or
higher/20 points (90%) on rubric
category of content.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
90% of students (n = 9/10) received 18/20 (90%) and 10% of
students (n = 1/10) received 17/20 (85%) on the
Comprehensive Family Assessment Paper assignment.
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
Family Assessment Rubric
NURS365.Family Assessment Consent.doc
NURS365 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
null.courseAction: Plan is to
incorporate more education about
need for pertinent theory
identification and inclusion of
family dynamics. Most points lost
for assignment centered around
the exclusion of theory into
written family assessment.
Additionally, the other area where
student lost points was for
grammar and APA formatting.
Plan will be to offer resources for
APA formatting and suggestions to
utilize grammar/spell checker
within Word program. Will assess
this outcome when course is
offered again for BSN Completion
Program students. Consideration
must be made for the individuality
of each student. (12/22/2014)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 133 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
90% of students (n = 9/10) received 18/20 (90%) and 10% of
students (n = 1/10) received 17/20 (85%) on the
Comprehensive Family Assessment Paper assignment.
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Related Documents:
Family Assessment Rubric
NURS365.Family Assessment Consent.doc
NURS365 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
null.courseAction: Plan is to
incorporate more education about
need for pertinent theory
identification and inclusion of
family dynamics. Most points lost
for assignment centered around
the exclusion of theory into
written family assessment.
Additionally, the other area where
student lost points was for
grammar and APA formatting.
Plan will be to offer resources for
APA formatting and suggestions to
utilize grammar/spell checker
within Word program. Will assess
this outcome when course is
offered again for BSN Completion
Program students. Consideration
must be made for the individuality
of each student. (12/22/2014)
Schedule/Notes: Refer to the Family
Assessment Rubric and Assignment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Internal Family Coping Strategies - 9.
Discuss the common internal family
coping strategies to stress, and the
appropriate nursing interventions to
enhance external family coping
strategies to stress.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/25/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Family Assessment and
Comprehensive Care Plan. Each
student will choose and interview a
family in community of choice and
assess this family according to the
concepts and components of Marilyn
Friedman Family Nursing Theory
Model while focusing on mental
health. A written formal APA paper
will be submitted. The paper should
be at least 15 pages in length,
including Genogram, Eco map,
relevant OMAHA nursing focus area,
goals, and proposed nursing
interventions (do not need to carry
them out). The family chosen should
not be known to the student prior to
this semester. The family must sign
a consent form to participate form
and a copy must be submitted with
the assignment. The intent of the
assignment is for students to use
their communication skills to gain
assessment data from the family.
Students need to ensure that the
assessment includes data that
provides a clear picture of the status
of the family. For example,
communication skills need to be
expanded beyond "family
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 134 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
communicates well". There should
also be consistency between the
assessment narrative and the
Genogram and Eco map. A rubric is
used to assess.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will attain at least a 18 or
higher/20 points (90%) on rubric
category of content.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to the Family
Assessment Rubric and Assignment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 135 of 223
NURS431:Adult Nursing II
Course Student Learning
Uses safe nursing practices in
provision of nursing care, developing
a group change project to improve
patient outcomes/nursing practice,
developing collegial relationships
with health care team. - Group
change project presentation-80% of
students will demonstrate a minimum
grade of 72% when answering the
question "Identify and validate the
need for change based on a review of
the current literature."
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/03/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Presentation, Performance Creation of a power point
presentation and oral delivery of this
presentation to the professor and
the students peers.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have met or
exceeded the performance criteria
as evidenced by the minimum grade
of 72% defined by the grading rubric
for this assignment.
Schedule/Notes: Students do not
have to directly apply the concepts
from their change project to an
actual change withing their assigned
organizations. However students
must ensure that proposed change
they are making will improve quality
care and is fiscally possible with the
approval of the organizations
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Change Project Grading Rubric
Red Zone Change trac dat.pptx
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students have met the performance criteria and
received a grade of 72% or above in alignment with the
grading rubric (12/17/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
null.courseAction: Replace and
monitor different
criterion/target/threshold for
Spring 2016 to include 80% of
students will demonstrate a
minimum grade of 72% when
answering the question "State the
problem to be addressed, be
specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic and timely. (SMART).
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
95% (21 out of 22 students) of students identified a
minimum of 3 scholarly evidenced-based literature to
validate and support the need for change (04/28/2015)
Related Documents:
Sp15grading rubric.docx
TracDat example SP15.pptx
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor the assignment for Spring
of 2016 (12/17/2015)
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor assignment results for
Fall 2015. (04/28/2015)
null.courseFollowUp: 100% of
students (20 out of 20 students)
use a minimum of 3 scholarly
evidenced-based literature to
validate and support the need for
change. (12/17/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students met the performance criteria as
evidenced by overall grades greater than 72% for this
assignment. (12/04/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
direct observation of presentation,
power point presentation created by
Related Documents:
F14Handwashing afterPPETrac dat.pptx
null.courseAction: Continue to
measure this outcome for Spring
of 2015 to ensure effective
student learning for the 20152015 academic year. (12/04/2014)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseFollowUp: 100% of
students met the criterion for Fall
2015. Monitor assignment in
Spring 2016. (12/17/2015)
Page 136 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Application of theories to guide
Other Findings
nursing practice caring for patients in
acute care/outpatient setting. - To
develop clinical reasoning and
independent decision-making in the
care of patients with multiple health
care needs/stressors
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidDirect - Homework, Writing
Level (Analyzing/Applying)
Assignment - Medical-surgical
Nursing Care plan or Critical Care
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve a 72% (3.5 out
of 5 points) on either their Critical
Care Assessment or Medical-Surgical
Nursing Care Plan as they apply their
chosen nursing theorist to guide the
care of their patient.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students met the performance criteria for the
change presentation and corresponding power point
presentation as evidenced by receiving a minimum grade of
72% or higher (04/30/2014)
Related Documents:
Spring 2014change project.docx
Reducing Clostridium Difficile rates through planned
null.courseAction: Continue to
assess and monitor this outcome
to ensure that finding is consistent
with student learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
95% of students met or exceed the minimum grading
criteria of 72% for this assignment. (12/12/2013)
Related Documents:
Red Zone Change trac dat.pptx
Change Project Presentationgrading.docx
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor the findings for this
outcome to ensure the forward
progression of student learning
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
75% of students accurately related a nursing theorist to
either their medical surgical or acute care nursing care plan
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor Criterion for Spring 2016
semester to track trend
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 137 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
80% of students received a 4 out of a possible 5 points for
correctly critiquing an evidenced-based research article for
either CCP #1 or CCP #2 (12/04/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): per
grading rubric
Related Documents:
CCP#1F14-student exampleTracdate.docx
null.courseAction: Continue with
current assessment method for
2014-2015 academic year to
ensure student learning as
evidenced by maintaining or
showing an increase in finding
null.courseFollowUp: 80% of
students met the criterion for Fall
2015. Continue to monitor
assignment for Spring 2016 for
trending data. (12/17/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
80% of students received a 4 out of a possible 5 points for
correctly applying the nursing research article critique for
an applicable evidenced based nursing research article for
CCP's 1 & 2 (04/30/2014)
Related Documents:
nurs431 ccp research article format.doc
Nursing Article Critique.docSP14.doc
Nursing Research Article
null.courseAction: Continue to
use this outcome to ensure that
target is maintained to ensure
student learning and forward
progression (05/01/2014)
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
Trac Dat_CarePlan_ExampleF15.docx
Utilizes clinical practice guidelines
and critiques nursing research and
journal articles for relevance to
acute care practice settings. Critique of applicable nursing
research article for comprehensive
care plans(2).
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/16/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Application of critique
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will receive a 4 out of a
possible 5 points for correctly
critiquing an applicable evidencedbased nursing research article for
both comprehensive care plans per
the critique guideline and show how
they would apply it to their patient
Schedule/Notes: Applicable to CCP
#1 & #2
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
nurs431 ccp research article
CCP 2.docx
Documents timely and accurately in
electronic medical and medical
administration records, and uses
online/library research to improve
nursing practice/patient education. Timely (within 2 hrs of beginning of
clinical) and accurate documentation
of assigned patient assessment in
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 138 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received satisfactory on the final clinical
evaluation for Fall 2015. (12/17/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: monitor and
trend for Spring 2016
electronic medical record.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assesses and takes appropriate
nursing leadership action to optimize
assigned patients' care in acute care
setting and administrative day. Reflective journal during leadership
clinical rotation.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 09/14/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Indirect - Survey, including selfevaluation, peers, or graduates Reflective journal entry
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students during leadership clinical
rotation will complete each week a
reflective journal entry
Schedule/Notes: Students to selfevaluate clinical judgements made
each week in their leadership
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Documents timely and accurately in Other Findings
electronic medical and medical
administration record, seeking input
of other health professionals and
contributing input to optimize
patient care, and communicating
with patients and health cere team
members in the provision of care. 80% of students will receive a
satisfactory on their final clinical
evaluation related to the
performance outcome of "Promptly
communicates all significant
observations to appropriate health
team member using SBAR format.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/05/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: High04/08/2016
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 139 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Action to be Taken: Continue to
Goal met: Yes
monitor student performance for
95 % of students received a satisfactory on their final clinical Fall 2015 (04/28/2015)
evaluation related to the objective of demonstrating
respect for human dignity, freedom and self-direction at all
times, being sensitive to issues of cultural diversity and
discrimination. (04/28/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation
Related Documents:
Clinical Evaluation Template 2013 revised
Direct - Field Placement/Internship
Evaluation - Direct observation by
clinical instructor on each clinical day
in accordance with the LSSU School
of Nursing Handbook.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will receive a clinical
evaluation at the satisfactory level
by end of the clinical component of
this course for the requirement of:
-maintains professional appearance
& manner at all times.
Schedule/Notes: Mid-term
evaluation if not satisfactory,
collaborative success plan to be
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (30 students) received a satisfactory
clinical evaluation related to the clinical component of
maintains a professional appearance & manner at all times.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observations of student at
clinical site in accordance with the
LSSU nursing handbook
Level (Creating/Evaluating)
Selects appropriate teaching
methods and timing of patient
education. - Documents patient
teaching in electronic medical record
using appropriate written resources.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Displays professional demeanor and
dress, recognizes unsafe practices,
becomes more intedendent in
nursing practice, recognizing and
learning from mistakes, and
demonstrates respect for patients'
rights and autonomy. - 80% of
students will achieve a satisfactory on
their final clinical evaluation related
to the objective "demonstrates
respect for human dignity, freedom
and self-direction at all times, being
sensitive to issues of cultural diversity
and discrimination."
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/29/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Continue to
use current assessment method to
monitor criterion for academic
year 2014-2015. If target
consistently met for academic
year then change criterion for
academic year 2015-2016
null.courseFollowUp: 100% of
students (20 out of 20 students)
met criterion for Fall 2015 clinical
rotation. Change criterion for
Spring 2016 clinical rotation to
90% of students will receive a
clinical evaluation at the
Page 140 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
satisfactory level by the end of
clinical component of the course
for the requirement of:
-demonstrates respect for human
rights to maintain dignity,
freedom and self direction at all
times, being sensitive to issues of
cultural diversity and
discrimination. (12/17/2015)
developed to assist with success by
final evaluation.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Related Documents:
Clinical Evaluation Template 2013
revised 3_20_13.docx
Provides safe and evidence based
nursing practice to acutely ill
patients and assumes 75% of RN
role/assignment by end of
leadership clinical rotation. 04/08/2016
Direct - Presentation, Performance Clinical evaluation form
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100
percent of students will earn a
satisfactory clinical performance
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
91% of students received a clinical evaluation at the
satisfactory level by the end of the clinical component of
the Spring 2014 semester. (11 out of 12 students)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Clinical evaluation tool
Related Documents:
Clinical Evaluation Template 2013 revised 3_20_13.docx
null.courseAction: 100% of
criterion met for Fall 2015
null.courseAction: Continue to
use current assessment method to
monitor results of target and
ensure consistency (05/01/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
95% of students received achieved a clinical evaluation at
the satisfactory level on the final clinical evaluation for this
course to the requirement:
-maintain professional appearance & manner at all times.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct weekly observation of student
by clinical instructor
Related Documents:
Clinical Evaluation Template 2013 revised 3_20_13.docx
null.courseAction: Continue to
use assessment method to
monitor the attainment of the
target for the academic year to
ensure consistency and show
progression of student
obtainment (12/20/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
95% of students earned a satisfactory clinical performance
score (04/28/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
null.courseAction: 100% of
students met criterion for Fall
2015 (20 out of 20 students).
Continue to monitor for Spring of
2016 (12/17/2015)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 141 of 223
Course Student Learning
Satisfactory leadership clinical
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/16/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Assessment Method (optional):
Preceptor evaluation tool
Related Documents:
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Continue with
assessment means for 2015-2016
year (04/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (30 students) received a satisfactory
clinical performance score at the end of their leadership
rotation as evidenced by their final clinical leadership
evaluations. (12/04/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct observation during clinical
rotations, data collection from
preceptor evaluations
Related Documents:
nu 431 student self evaluation[09].doc
null.courseAction: At this time, no
action to be taken. Continue to
use assessment method to
monitor obtainment of target for
academic year 2014-2015
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
91% of students (11 out of 12) received a satisfactory final
evaluation demonstrating they provided safe and
evidenced-based nursing care to acutely ill patients and
assumed 75% of the RN role by the end of their leadership
clinical rotation. (04/16/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct (eye on) supervision from
clinical faculty member & nurse
assigned preceptor to meet
objectives on evaluation tool.
Related Documents:
Faculty Evaluation of Student Performance.docx
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Continue with assessment
method to monitor target.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 142 of 223
NURS432:Nursing of Populations
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Liberal Education for Baccalaureate
Generalist Nursing Practice - Obj. #1.
Synthesize a solid base in liberal
education for nursing practice as
evidenced by application of
theoretical/empirical knowledge from
nursing and related disciplines into
community health practice.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/01/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Final exam
Students will receive 85% or greater
on final exam.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received 85% or better on the final exam.
Related Documents:
TD_NURS 432 gradebook_gpa_Final_S14_5-4
Leadership for Quality Care and
Patient Safety - Obj. #2.
Synthesize knowledge and
skills in leadership, quality
improvement, and patient safety to
provide health care as evidenced by
provision of professional leadership
skills of organization, priority setting,
communication, and cost
containment while providing care for
populations and individuals receiving
community based care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/01/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - A
written comprehensive care plan
that includes patient assessment,
examining patient’s medical records
to review of pertinent medical and
social history, medications, any
abnormal lab reports and create a
problem list a or any potential
problems that could affect patient
using the Omaha System.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Goal:
100 percent of students will achieve
40/50 points or higher for overall
comprehensive care plan.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
Omaha System Worksheet_1-1714_D.doc
Clinical Comprehensive Assessment
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students received scores of 90%or greater on their
comprehensive care plans (08/23/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
Clinical Comprehensive Assessment Data Form.doc
Home Visit Care Plan.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received over 40/50 or 80% on the
Comprehensive Care Plan . (05/09/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Examples of CCP, Patient Care Map,
and Omaha Care Plan
Exam data
Related Documents:
Omaha Care Plan .docx
SD Care Map - home visit.docx
Home Visit Care Plan.doc
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Revise
assignment to address aggregates
of populations rather than
individual care plans.
Budget Request Rationale Assessment unit: No change in
Page 143 of 223
Course Student Learning
Scholarship for Evidence Based
Practice - Obj. #3. Evaluate and
describe research for potential
application for evidence based
practice as evidenced by
incorporation of evidence based
nursing practice in nursing care of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Data Form.doc
TD_NURS 432 gradebook_gpa_Final_S14_5-4
Direct - Presentation, Performance Literature reviews related nursing
student stress as part of the
Community Health Needs
Assessment-Intervention (CHNA-I)
Aggregation of student's literature
reviews as part of executive
summary of CHNA-I
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Assess chosen population using
appropriate research techniques
Students will conduct a pre and post
test survey of the selected
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
S14 PreProgram Survey Data All
S14 PostProgram Survey Data All
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Executive summary of
national, local, and population data
related to selected diagnosis of
emotional well being.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Pre and post test conducted using SurveyMonkey of the
identified population of pre nursing and nursing student
emotional well being and satisfaction of intervention.
Related Documents:
TD NURS 432 Community Assessment Spring 14 (1).pptx
TD NURS 432_S14 Literature Review Final.doc
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Continue
assignment as written
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Each student submitted a summary of a EBP literature
review and another student aggregated the findings.
Related Documents:
TD NURS 432_S14 Literature Review Final.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Executive summary using PowerPoint to communicate
study findings (05/09/2014)
Related Documents:
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Explain
executive summary process more
clearly to students so they can be
better prepared. (09/13/2015)
Page 144 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Communication of research
summary data using charts and
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Undergraduate Research
TD NURS 432 Community Assessment Spring 14 (1).pptx
Information Management and
Application of Patient Care
Technology - Obj. #4.
knowledge and skills in information
management and patient care
technology in the delivery of quality
patient care as evidenced by using
technology to gather data and
disseminate health care information
to populations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Proper utilization of computer
software to document patient
assessment and interventions data
after home visit.
Acceptable preceptor evaluation of
student competency with computer
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received satisfactory feedback from their
preceptors related to communication of patient care.
Health Care Policy, Finance and
Regulatory Environments - Obj. #5.
Analyzes health care policies,
including financial and regulatory,
directly and indirectly influencing the
nature and function of the health
care system as evidenced by using the
political process to advocate for high
quality, accessible, cost-effective
health care delivery as well as
assisting clients to navigate health
payment systems.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Reflective journaling of clinical
experience delineating what public
health core functions they
Appropriate description of each of
the public health core functions
(assessment, policy development,
and assurance)
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students were able to identify the core functions by
midsemester (05/09/2014)
Related Documents:
Example of Journaling.docx
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students correctly identified the public health core
functions of assessment, policy development, and
assurance they encountered their clinical experience by mid
semester. (05/09/2014)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 145 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Continue
journaling assignment with focus
on levels of prevention and core
functions of public health
Inter-professional Communication
and Collaboration for Improving
Patient Health Outcomes - Obj. #6.
Appraises communication
and collaboration among health care
professionals and patients to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by forming partnerships to
us primary, secondary and tertiary
levels of prevention in populations
and integrating case management
concepts into health care planning for
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Students properly journal the level
of prevention they provide to their
patients and each of the public
health core functions of assessment,
policy development, and assurance
they encountered their clinical
experience by mid semester.
Journals of various clinical
encounters throughout the
semester; skilled or basic home care
of patients, high school teaching of
Michigan Model, home assessments,
foot care clinics, immunizations
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students accurately identified when they were preforming
the various core public health functions and the various
levels of prevention. (05/09/2014)
Related Documents:
Example of Journaling.docx
Clinical Prevention and Population
Health - Obj.#7. Develops health
promotion and disease prevention at
the individual and population health
levels as evidenced by employing the
nursing process within an
interdisciplinary environment to
promote and restore health and
prevent disease in populations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Executive summary of the
Community Health Needs
Assessment of a selected population.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Each
student will participate in the CHNAI and provide input into the
executive summary presentation.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
WHO Student Imput Activites for
Community health needs
Meet the Seniors Flyer (2).pub
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students applied the nursing process using the World
Health Organization tool kit to assess, plan, diagnose,
implement and evaluate a community health needs
assessment and intervention. (05/09/2014)
Related Documents:
TD NURS 432 Community Assessment Spring 14 (1).pptx
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 146 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Professionalism and Professional
Values - Obj.#8. Emulates
professionalism and inherent values
of altruism, autonomy, human
dignity, integrity, and social justice as
evidenced by respecting the rights
and values of the client population,
colleagues and faculty. Integrate
caring behaviors which assist clients
to maintain human dignity, worth,
and integrity.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Faculty and clinical preceptor
evaluation of student.
Satisfactory clinical evaluation from
the LSSU clinical faculty and their
community clinical preceptor.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS432 Preceptor Evaluation of
Student Form. (1).doc
Clinical Evaluation Template (1).doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students obtained a satisfactory evaluation from
the LSSU faculty and their community preceptors by the end
of the semester. (05/10/2014)
Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing
Practice - Obj. #9. Synthesizes
nursing practice with patients,
individuals, and families, groups,
communities, and populations across
the lifespan and across the
continuum of health care
environments and the variations of
care, the increased complexity, and
the increases use of health care
resources inherent in care for
patients as evidenced by provision of
competent care for diverse
populations and community based
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Journals of clinical experiences.
Students journals will reflect the
variety of clients they are caring for
ie. Maternal/Infant populations,
middle school and high school
students, young adults attending
LSSU, adults participating in primary
and secondary services, elderly in
the home environment.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
Example of Journaling.docx
Action to be Taken
Leadership for Quality Care and
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 147 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Patient Safety_1 - Obj. #2.
Synthesize knowledge and
skills in leadership, quality
improvement, and patient safety to
provide health care as evidenced by
provision of professional leadership
skills of organization, priority setting,
communication, and cost
containment while providing care for
populations and individuals receiving
community based care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 01/01/2013
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - A
written comprehensive care plan
that includes patient assessment,
examining patient’s medical records
to review of pertinent medical and
social history, medications, any
abnormal lab reports and create a
problem list a or any potential
problems that could affect patient
using the Omaha System.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Goal:
100 percent of students will achieve
40/50 points or higher for overall
comprehensive care plan.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
Page 148 of 223
NURS433:Community Mental Health Nursing
Course Student Learning
Liberal Education Base - Synthesizes
acquisition of a solid base in liberal
education into nursing practice as
evidenced by the acquisition of a
theoretical knowledge base from
nursing and related disciplines in
planning mental health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Completion of a written
comprehensive mental health
assessment and care plan that
includes: accurate face-to-face
patient assessment; examination of
patient's medical records for review
of pertinent physical, medical and
psycho-social information,
medications, labs and medical
procedures. Plan of care will be
completed utilizing the Omaha
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will receive satisfactory
clinical assessment, as well as attain
75/88 points (85%) or higher on
medication cards, clinical reflection,
comprehensive assessment and care
Schedule/Notes: Beginning Fall of
2015. a change was made in the
amount of points assigned to add
more value to assignments in order
to facilitate the importance of best
student completion rates. The points
increased from 35 total points to 88.
Thus, the change was made to
incorporate students attaining a
score of 75/88 (85%) from 31/35
previously. Students complete the
same assignment (comprehensive
assessment, care plan and clinical
reflection twice which is based on
separate 2-week rotations where
they have a new patient each time).
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received satisfactory (passing) clinical
evaluation (n=20).
10% of students (n=2) attained 88/88 points, 20% of
students (n=4) attained 87/88 points, 5% of students (n=1)
attained 87.75 points, 5% of students (n=1) attained 87.5
points, 10% of students (n=2) attained 86/88 points, 10% of
students (n=2) attained 85.5/88 points, 15% of students
(n=3) attained 85/88 points and 25% of students (n=5)
attained 84/88 points on medication cards, clinical
reflection, comprehensive assessment and care plan.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Will continue with current
education and examination
methods. (12/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received satisfactory (passing) clinical
evaluation (n=29).
55% of students attained 35/35 points, 31% of students
attained 34/35 points, 7% of students attained 33/35
points, 4% of students attained 32/35 points, 0% of
students attained 31/35 points and 3% of students attained
30/35 points on medication cards, comprehensive
assessment and care plan. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
NU433 Med Notecards Template.docx
NU433 Medications for Med Cards.docx
NURS433 Assessment Sheet 2015.docx
NURS433 Omaha System Worksheet 2015.docx
null.courseAction: Plan is to work
with (2) clinical preceptors to
create Care Plan grading rubric, as
well as make some minor changes
to Patient Assessment form. A
change will be made to
medications list to be more
representative of medications
seen in clinical setting. Plan to
continue to provide Omaha Care
Planning educational sessions
prior to first clinical experience.
Additionally, plan is to incorporate
the "Hearing Voices" simulation
into curriculum - which will be
completed with students prior to
first clinical experience. Will
continue with this outcome
measurement 05/11/2015.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 149 of 223
Course Student Learning
Provision of Quality Health care Synthesizes knowledge and skills in
leadership, quality improvement, and
patient safety to provide quality
health care as evidenced by provision
of professional leadership skills of
organization, priority setting,
communication, and costcontainment while providing mental
health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Assessment Methods
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NU 433 Reflection on Clinical Site.In
NURS433 BHC Pt. Assessment
Omaha System Worksheet.docx
NURS433 BHC AIMS Form.pdf
NURS433 BHC Assess.Care
Plan.Reflection Rubric.docx
NU433 Med. Card Medications
NU433 Med. Card Template.docx
NURS433 Med. Card Rubric.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
100% of students received satisfactory (passing) clinical
evaluation (n=11).
27% of students attained 35/35 points, 9% of students
attained 34/35 points, 9% of students attained 33/35
points, 9% of students attained 32/35 points, 18% of
students attained 31/35 points, 9% of students attained
30/35 points and 19% of students ts attained 29 or
below/36 points on medication cards, comprehensive
assessment and care plan. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality:
Related Documents:
NU433 Med Notecards Template.docx
NU433 Medications for Med Cards.docx
NURS433 Assessment Sheet.docx
Omaha System Worksheet.docx
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Faculty and Clinical
Instructor/Preceptor(s) evaluation of
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve satisfactory
clinical evaluation from course
instructor, plus receive 3/4 or higher
student rating on Evaluation Form
from clinical instructor/preceptor(s).
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 20) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation.
65% of students received 4/4, 35% of students received 3/4
and 0% of students received 2/4 on Clinical Preceptor
Evaluation Forms. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a satisfactory (passing) clinical
97% of students attained 25/25 points. 2% of students
attained 24/25 points and 1% of students attained 23/25
points. (04/28/2014)
Course Instructional Modality:
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Non at this
time. (12/28/2015)
Page 150 of 223
Course Student Learning
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
100% of students (n = 29) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation.
69% of students received 4/4, 28% of students received 3/4
and 3% of students received 2/4 on Clinical Preceptor
Evaluation Forms. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form.doc
null.courseAction: Plan is to work
with (2) clinical preceptors to
create Care Plan grading rubric, as
well as make some minor changes
to Patient Assessment form. A
change will be made to
medications list to be more
representative of medications
seen in clinical setting. Plan to
continue to provide Omaha Care
Planning educational sessions
prior to first clinical experience.
Additionally, plan is to incorporate
the "Hearing Voices" simulation
into curriculum - which will be
completed with students prior to
first clinical experience. Will
continue with this outcome
measurement 05/11/2015.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory (passing) clinical
100% of students received 3/4 on Clinical Preceptor
Evaluation Form. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality:
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form.doc
Evidence Based Practice - Evaluates
research for potential application for
evidence based practice as evidenced
by the ability to relate current
research to clinical practice issues
related to mental health.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will work in
groups of 2 and chose (3) evidencebased research articles related to
chapter or one of the chapter’s
content for the week group is listed.
From these 3 articles, students will
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n =20) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
review for EBP review, preparation and presentation.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: None at this
time. This activity continues to be
an effective learning opportunity
for students. (12/28/2015)
Page 151 of 223
Course Student Learning
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Technology - Adapts knowledge and
skills in information management and
patient care technology in the
delivery of quality patient care as
evidenced by use of the nursing
process to promote mental health
and provide therapeutic treatment to
clients with mental health needs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
synthesize the content into one
PowerPoint Presentation which will
be presented during selected class
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of student groups will present a
thorough synthesized literature
review, achieving a satisfactory for
review and presentation.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
NURS433 EBP Assignment
NURS433.SROL.EBP Guide.doc
EBP for Academic Researchers
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will provide care and
document in electronic record of
patient(s) at in-patient psychiatric
care facility as assessed and
reported by clinical instructor.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will successfully
document care in the electronic
record of a least one patient during
clinical experience at WMH BHC.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 20) were able to successfully
document patient care in EHR during clinical experience.
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: None at this
time. This is an effective learning
opportunity for students while at
clinical site. (12/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 29) were able to successfully
document patient care in EHR during clinical experience.
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Plan is to continue to have
students document in EHR during
clinical experiences. 05/11/2015
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 29) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
review for EBP review, preparation and presentation.
Related Documents:
NURS433 EBP Assignment Sp15.docx
NURS433.SROL.EBP Guide.doc
Organization & Preparation Tips.pdf
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. This experience was
completed very well! 05/11/2015
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 11) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
review for EBP review, preparation and presentation.
Students for this semester completed and presented their
EBP presentations individually due to small cohort size.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Related Documents:
NURS433 EBP Assignment Sp15.docx
NURS433.SROL.EBP Guide.doc
Organization & Preparation Tips.pdf
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 152 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS433 Student Clinical
Assignments Template
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
Direct - Exam/Quiz - Standardized Students will complete assigned
Prep-U/CoursePoint adaptive
quizzing, reaching minimum level of
5, prior to weekly class periods.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will complete all assigned
adaptive quizzing in Prep-U, earning
20/20 points, prior to lecture.
Schedule/Notes: Points given for
each Prep-U adaptive quiz was
changed for Fall 2015 to 20 points
per quiz.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 11) were able to successfully
document patient care in EHR during clinical experience.
Course Instructional Modality:
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of students were able to document a minimal level of
patient care in the patient record. Logistic issues hinder a
more fuller implementation of the documentation process.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
90% of students (n = 18/20) completed all required weekly
Prep-U adaptive quizzing earning 20/20 points for each quiz.
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Efforts should
be taken to provide students with
a greater level of documentation
experience in the mental health
unit. (04/22/2013)
null.courseAction: Will continue
to encourage students to
complete adaptive quizzing prior
to each lecture by assigning point
values to each quiz - as part of
overall quiz grade for course.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
86% of students (n = 25/29) completed all required weekly
Prep-U adaptive quizzing earning 25/25 points for each quiz.
Related Documents:
NURS433 Sp 15 Prep.U.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
82% of students (n = 9/11) completed all required weekly
Prep-U adaptive quizzing earning 25/25 points for each quiz.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Related Documents:
NURS433 F14 Prep.U.docx
Health Care Systems - Analyzes
knowledge of health care policies,
including financial and regulatory,
directly and indirectly influencing the
nature and functioning of the health
care system as evidenced by the
ability to identify factors which
impede and/or facilitate access to
appropriate mental health services
and resources.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Community Mental
Health Resource Assessment. All
students will research area mental
health resources including criteria to
receive services, funding sources and
contact information (address and
phone number) for the resource.
Students will identify potential
barriers and/or gaps in services and
identify at least two ways that the
field of nursing could play a role in
diminishing barriers and gaps in
services. Students should attempt to
contact some of the resources to
determine other barriers clients may
face and verify resources. Students
may choose which community they
would like to assess. Students are
encouraged to consider the
community they plan to practice in
after graduation. The intent of this
assignment is to increase awareness
of and/or lack of resources in a
community and create a resource
that can be used in future practice.
The majority of mental health
resources for the area must be
covered. Length of assignment and
format will vary, but must be at least
4 pages long.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will obtain a score of at
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
85% of students (n=17/20) attained a score of 5/5 possible
points on assignment, 10% of students (n=2) attained a
score of 4.5/5 and 5% of students (n=1) did not complete
assignment. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: None at this
time. Will continue to encourage
students to complete assignment.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 29) attained a score of 5/5 possible
points on assignment. (07/01/2015)
Related Documents:
NURS433 Mental Health Resource Assignment.docx
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Plan will be to continue to
offer this as a learning method.
05/11/2015 (05/11/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 11) attained a score of 4/5 possible
points on assignment. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Related Documents:
NURS433 Mental Health Resource Assignment.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
22 out of 23 students (95.7 %) obtained a score of at least 4
out of 5 points. (01/03/2013)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - The 2015 National Patient
Safety Goals (Goal #15) related to
behavioral health care identify
assessing patients for suicide risk as
an important focus. Student’s ability
to assess patient suicide risk will be
assessed using (3) multiple choice
essay questions on mid-term exam.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will correctly answer (3)
multiple choice essay questions (#'s
4, 8, and 10) on mid-term related to
suicide assessment by achieving a
score of 100% or 6/6 points (2 points
ea. question).
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
NURS433 Final Exam.F15.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received satisfactory (passing) clinical
evaluation (n=20).
10% of students attained 88/88 points, 20% of students
attained 87/88 points, 5% of students attained 87.75% &
87.5 points, 10% of students attained 86/88 points, 10% of
students attained 85.5 points, 15% of students attained
85/88 and 25% of students attained 84/88 points on
medication cards, clinical reflection, comprehensive
assessment and care plan. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: None at this
time. (12/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
99% of students answered (3) multiple choice questions
correctly related to suicide assessment earning 6/6 points.
1% of students answered (1/3) suicide assessment
questions incorrectly. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
NURS433 Sp15 Exam.midterm.doc
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Plan to continue with
current examination methods.
5/11/2015 (05/11/2015)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Faculty and Clinical
Instructor/Preceptor(s) evaluation of
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve satisfactory
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
100% of students (n = 20) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation. 65% of students (n=13) received 4/4;
35% (n=7) received 3/4 and 0% received 2/4 on Clinical
Preceptor Evaluation Form. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
least 4 out of a possible 5 points.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS433 Mental Health Resource
Communication and Collaboration Appraises communication and
collaboration among health
professionals and patients to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by integrating critical
thinking, self-reflection and
therapeutic communication in
providing nursing care for clients with
mental health needs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
clinical evaluation from course
instructor, plus receive 4/4 student
rating on Evaluation Form from
clinical instructor/preceptor(s)
related to suicide/harm risk patient
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form
NURS433 Assessment Sheet.docx
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
100% of students (n = 29) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation. 70% of students (n = 20) received 4/4;
27% (n = 8) received 3/4 and 3% ( n=1) received 2/4 on
Clinical Preceptor Evaluation Form. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
NURS433 Assessment Sheet 2015.docx
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form.doc
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Plan is to work
with (2) clinical preceptors to
create Care Plan grading rubric, as
well as make some minor changes
to Patient Assessment form. A
change will be made to
medications list to be more
representative of medications
seen in clinical setting. Plan to
continue to provide Omaha Care
Planning educational sessions
prior to first clinical experience.
Additionally, plan is to incorporate
the "Hearing Voices" simulation
into curriculum - which will be
completed with students prior to
first clinical experience.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
Will continue with this outcome
measurement 05/11/2015.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a satisfactory (passing) clinical
evaluation. 100% of students received 3/4 on Clinical
Preceptor Evaluation Form. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality:
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
NURS433 Assessment Sheet 2015.docx
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form.doc
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - The 2015 National Patient
Safety Goals (Goal #15) related to
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
35% of students (n=7/20) attained 2/2 points (100%) of final
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
behavioral health care identify
assessing patients for suicide risk as
an important focus. Student’s ability
to assess patient suicide risk will be
assessed using (1) multiple choice
essay question on final exam.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will correctly answer (1)
multiple choice essay question (#13)
on final exam related to suicide
assessment by achieving a score of
100% or 2/2 points.
exam question relating to suicide and 65% of students (n =
13/20) answered question incorrectly (0%) (all chose the
same answer though). (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
NURS433 F15 Exam.midterm.doc
Health Promotion and Disease
Prevention - Develops health
promotion and disease prevention
strategies at the individual and
population health levels as evidenced
by the identification, developed and
delivery of interventions to address
the mental health needs of
individuals and populations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Family Assessment and
Care Plan. All students will choose a
family in community of choice and
assess this family according to the
concepts and components of Marilyn
Friedman family nursing theory
while focusing on mental health. A
written formal APA paper will be
submitted. The paper should be at
least 15 pages in length, including
Genogram, Eco map, relevant
OMAHA nursing focus area, goals,
and proposed nursing interventions
(do not need to carry them out). The
family chosen should not be known
to the student prior to this semester.
The family must sign a consent form
to participate form
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
31% of students (n = 9/29) answered (1) multiple choice
questions correctly related to suicide assessment earning
2/2 points. 69% of students (n = 20/29) answered (1) suicide
assessment questions incorrectly. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
NURS433 Final Exam Sp15.docx
null.courseAction: Plan will be to
keep the same question for Final
Exam but incorporate more
education into the scenario
presented in relation to its
association with suicide
assessment. Outcome sought will
be for students to have better
clarification of the types of patient
scenarios that could/would alert
them to a potential suicide
situation. (05/11/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
45% (n=9/20) students attained 95% or higher on family
assessment assignment. 15% (n=3/20) students attained
90% and 40% (n=8/20) attained 85% or lower on family
assessment assignment. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Most of points
lost were due to students omitting
required theory information and
inappropriate APA formatting.
Plan is to cover theory inclusion
and APA formatting in greater
detail during class session on
completing Family Assessment.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
28% (n = 8/29) students attained 95% or higher on family
assessment assignment. 34% (n = 10/29) students attained
90% and 38% (n = 11/29) attained 85% or lower on family
assessment assignment. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
NURS 433 Family Assessment Rubric.doc
NURS433 Family Assessment Consent.doc
null.courseAction: Plan is to
incorporate more education about
need for pertinent theory
identification and inclusion of
family dynamics. Most points lost
for assignment centered around
the exclusion of theory into
written family assessment.
Additionally, the other area where
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Page 157 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
and a copy must be submitted with
the assignment. The intent of the
assignment is for students to use
their communication skills to gain
assessment data from the family.
Students need to ensure that the
assessment includes data that
provides a clear picture of the status
of the family. For example,
communication skills need to be
expanded beyond "family
communicates well". There should
also be consistency between the
assessment narrative and the
Genogram and Eco map.
A rubric is used to assess.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will obtain at least a
score of 18/20 point or 90% on
comprehensive family assessment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS 433 Family Assessment Rubric
Professionalism - Emulates
professionalism and inherent values
of altruism, autonomy, human
dignity, integrity and social justice as
evidenced by the demonstration of
competent, caring behaviors and
professional values in interactions
with clients with mental health needs,
colleagues, and faculty
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: High04/08/2016
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Faculty and Clinical
Instructor/Preceptor(s) evaluation of
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve satisfactory
clinical evaluation from course
instructor, plus receive 3/4 or higher
student rating on Evaluation Form
from clinical instructor/preceptor(s).
NURS433 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
NURS433 Omaha System Worksheet_12-17-13.doc
Action to be Taken
students lost points were for
grammar and APA formatting.
Plan will be to offer resources for
APA formatting and suggestions to
utilize grammar/spell checker
within Word program. Will
continue with this outcome
measurement 05/11/2015.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
72% ( n - 8/11) students attained 95% or higher on family
assessment assignment. 27% (n = 3/11) attained 88% or
lower o n family assessment assignment. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Related Documents:
NURS 433 Family Assessment Rubric.doc
NURS433 Family Assessment Consent.doc
NURS433 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
NURS433 Omaha System Worksheet_12-17-13.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 20) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation. 65% of students (n=13) received 4/4;
35% (n=7) received 3/4 and 0% received 2/4 on Clinical
Preceptor Evaluation Form. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: None planned
at this time. (04/03/2016)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
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Course Student Learning
Level (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form
Goal met: No
100% of students (n = 11) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation. 69% of students ( n = 20/29) received
4/4 on Clinical Preceptor Evaluation form. 28% of students
(n = 8) received 3/4 and 3% (n = 1) of students received 2/4
on Clinical Preceptor Evaluation form. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form.doc
null.courseAction: Plan is to work
with (2) clinical preceptors to
create Care Plan grading rubric, as
well as make some minor changes
to Patient Assessment form. A
change will be made to
medications list to be more
representative of medications
seen in clinical setting. Plan to
continue to provide Omaha Care
Planning educational sessions
prior to first clinical experience.
Additionally, plan is to incorporate
the "Hearing Voices" simulation
into curriculum - which will be
completed with students prior to
first clinical experience.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
Will continue with this outcome
measurement 05/11/2015.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 11) achieved a satisfactory (passing)
clinical evaluation. 73% of students ( n = 8/11) received 4/4
and 27% of students (n = 3/11) received 3/4 on Clinical
Preceptor Evaluation form. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality:
Related Documents:
Instructor Clinical Evaluation of Student.doc
NURS433 Preceptor Evaluation Form.doc
Nursing Practice - Synthesizes nursing
practice with patients, individuals,
groups, communities and populations
across the lifespan and across the
continuum of health care
Direct - Case Analysis - Family
Assessment and Care Plan. All
students will choose a family in
community of choice and assess this
family according to the concepts and
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
45% (n=9/20) students attained 95% or higher on family
assessment assignment. 15% (n=3/20) students attained
90% and 40% (n=8/20) attained 80% or lower on family
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Most of points
lost were due to students omitting
required theory information and
inappropriate APA formatting.
Plan is to cover theory inclusion
Page 159 of 223
Course Student Learning
environments and the variations of
care, the increased complexity and
the increased use of health care
resources inherent in caring for
patients as evidenced during planning
provision of care for clients with
mental health needs.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
components of Marilyn Friedman
family nursing theory while focusing
on mental health. A written formal
APA paper will be submitted. The
paper should be at least 15 pages in
length, including Genogram, Eco
map, relevant OMAHA nursing focus
area, goals, and proposed nursing
interventions (do not need to carry
them out). The family chosen should
not be known to the student prior to
this semester. The family must sign
a consent form to participate form
and a copy must be submitted with
the assignment. The intent of the
assignment is for students to use
their communication skills to gain
assessment data from the family.
Students need to ensure that the
assessment includes data that
provides a clear picture of the status
of the family. For example,
communication skills need to be
expanded beyond "family
communicates well". There should
also be consistency between the
assessment narrative and the
Genogram and Eco map.
A rubric is used to assess.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will obtain at least a
score of 17/20 points or 85% on
comprehensive family assessment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
assessment assignment. (12/28/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
and APA formatting in greater
detail during class session on
completing Family Assessment
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
90% of students (n = 26/29) attained score of 17/20 (85%)
or higher and 10% (n = 3/29) attained a score lower than
82% on Family Assessment. (05/11/2015)
Related Documents:
NURS 433 Family Assessment Rubric.doc
NURS433 Family Assessment Consent.doc
NURS433 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
NURS433 Omaha System Worksheet_12-17-13.doc
null.courseAction: Plan is to
incorporate more education about
need for pertinent theory
identification and inclusion of
family dynamics. Most points lost
for assignment centered around
the exclusion of theory into
written family assessment.
Additionally, the other area where
students lost points were for
grammar and APA formatting.
Plan will be to offer resources for
APA formatting and suggestions to
utilize grammar/spell checker
within Word program. Will
continue with this outcome
measurement 05/11/2015.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n = 11) attained score of 17/20 (85%) or
higher on Family Assessment. (12/15/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Related Documents:
NURS 433 Family Assessment Rubric.doc
NURS433 Family Assessment Consent.doc
NURS433 FriedmanTheory Short Form.pdf
NURS433 Omaha System Worksheet_12-17-13.doc
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
NURS 433 Family Assessment Rubric
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NURS434:Nursing Research
Course Student Learning
Identify levels of evidence and locate
nursing, health, and other relevant
research literature reporting EBP Obj. #2. Synthesizes knowledge and
skills in leadership, quality
improvement and patient safety to
provide quality health care as
evidenced by explaining the value of
nursing research for evidence-based
nursing practice by locating and
evaluate sources of nursing research
information, from paper and
electronic database search strategies
(e.g.., CINAHL, PubMed, Cochrane)
and other Internet sources of
evidence by midterm.
Assessment Methods
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - 1. Paper defining 10
different types of research articles
such as systematic reviews, metaanalysis, primary qualitative and
quantitative, cohort studies, case
control studies etc.
2. Students will search various data
bases such as Cochrane Library,
CINAHL, Pub Med, Clinical Practice
Guidelines.gov, for examples of each
of the different types of research
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Seventy percent of the students were able to search and
identify 80% of the assigned articles.
Related Documents:
NURS 434 TD gradebook_gpa_S14_Final_MT 30 pts.xls
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
The students obtained an 81.43% on the final exam.
null.courseAction: might not have
something but can say continue to
do this good job as always
otherwise build a good plan in the
future (01/15/2013)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
98% students were able to write an appropriate PICO
question on the final (09/13/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
The average of student scores on midterm multiple choice
null.courseAction: Have students
identify importance and utility of
PICO by identifying the PICO on
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 1. 80%
or higher on evaluation rubric
2. Students will correctly identify at
Applying the systematic process for
least 8 of the 10 different types of
articles assigned or an 80% on the
the evaluation and application of that assignment.
scientific evidence to practice.
Schedule/Notes: Optional
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Course Outcome Status: Active
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Course Goal Differentiation: HighWriting-Intensive Course(s)
Level (Creating/Evaluating)
Understanding of the basic elements Other Findings
of the research process - Obj #1.
Synthesize a solid base in liberal
education into nursing practice as
evidenced by the understanding of
the process of conducting research
Identify principles and models of
evidence based practice, including
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
basic qualitative and/or quantitative course - 1. midterm exam questions
research designs, corresponding PICO related to key research concept and
questions, and analytically methods
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Page 162 of 223
Course Student Learning
related to the research questions, and
limits on implications of findings (e.g.,
causal vs. relational) by the end of the
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
steps in qualitative and quantitative
research and research problems,
research questions, and hypotheses
2. writing a PICO question.
Average midterm multiple choice
score will be >80% and total scores
on multiple choice and application
questions will be > 80%.
Schedule/Notes: Students will
obtain > than 80% on the composite
score of the multiple choice and
application questions on the
midterm exam.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
gradebook_gpa_S14_Final_MT 30
and application fill in the blank was 86%. (05/07/2014)
Related Documents:
NURS 434 TD gradebook_gpa_S14_Final_MT 30 pts.xls
their article to critique
Appraise, and synthesize research
evidence to differentiate clinical
opinion from research and evidence
summaries. - Obj. #3. Evaluates
research for potential application for
evidence based practice as evidenced
by critiquing qualitative and
quantitative research articles for
strengths and limitations.
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Read and critique a
primary quantitative research article
and present the critique to the class.
Students will obtain a grade of 85%
or greater.
Schedule/Notes: See syllabus for
details on this assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Selecting and critique appropriate
qualitative and quantitative research High Impact Course Practices 1:
studies, and identifies strengths of a Writing-Intensive Course(s)
rigorous study and questions
Related Documents:
limitations on implications of findings NURS434_001_S14_SYLB.doc
(e.g., causal vs. relational).
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - The class will collectively
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90 % of the Students obtained > 80% (05/07/2014)
Related Documents:
NURS 434 TD gradebook_gpa_S14_Final_MT 30 pts.xls
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students received a 90% or better on the critique.
Related Documents:
NURS 434 Quantitative Research Article Critique Paper.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
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Course Student Learning
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Protection of human subjects in the
conduct of research - Obj #4. Adapts
knowledge and skills in information
management and patient care
technology in the delivery of quality
patient care as evidenced by
demonstrating understanding of the
rights and responsibilities relative to
legal and ethical issues or research
involving human subjects
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
critique a primary qualitative
Students obtained an average 98% on the critique.
research study in class. Students will (05/08/2014)
Optional Data Point: 100
read the assigned qualitative
research study prior to class, and
work in groups to discuss and write
up their segment of the critique and
present critique to the class.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of the students will accurately and
thoroughly write up and present a
qualitative critique.
Schedule/Notes: Students are given
an article by C. Beck (2009) as an
example of how to critique a
qualitative study.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
Qualitative Critique Guidelines .doc
Beck's Qualitative Critique
1. Students participate in a "mock
experiment" the first day of class
and read and complete a proper
informed consent to conduct
2. On the final exam, students
analyze an informed consent to
conduct research and identify where
each of the Belmont Report ethical
principles are applied.
Identify the required components of Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
a proper informed consent when
students will correctly identify all of
conducting research for the
the Belmont Report principles on the
Protection of Human Subjects of
final exam
Research defined by the Belmont
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students correctly identified all the standards of
ethical conduct as stated in the Belmont Report.
Optional Data Point: 100
Related Documents:
TD Mock Informed Consent.docx
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Critical appraisal of applied
research related to healthcare
quality and safety measures. - Obj. #
5 Appraises communication and
collaboration among health care
professionals and patients to
deliver high quality and safe
patient care as evidenced by
developing presentations of evidence
based practice protocols through
poster presentations to colleagues.
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Writing a paper on a
Critically Appraised Topic (CAT)
related to nursing care.
Students will obtain a grade of 85%
or better on the CAT paper.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
Critically appraises topics based on
Student Poster of Critically
driving research agendas such as
Appraised Topic (CAT ).ppt
nurse sensitive quality indicators and NURS434_001_S14_SYLB.doc
performance measures (Magnet
Status, Core Measures, CMS, TJC,
clinical practice guidelines, etc.)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90% of students obtained a grade of 85% or better on the
CAT paper (05/08/2014)
Optional Data Point: 100
Related Documents:
Student's Paper: The Heart of the Matter- CAT.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90% of the Students received a score of 90% or greater.
Optional Data Point: 100
Related Documents:
Student Poster of Critically Appraised Topic (CAT ).ppt
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Disseminates research evidence. Obj#6. 6. Emulates professionalism
and inherent values of altruism,
autonomy, human dignity, integrity,
and social justice as evidenced by
developing and presenting research
Share evidence of best practice with
the interprofessional team.
develops a protocol/guideline for
practice and dissemination the
findings by the end of the course.
Conducts a reveiew of the literature
on a nursing topic and develolpes a
Direct - Presentation, Performance Development of research poster
about their Critically appraised topic
that includes a protocol that a nurse
could implement independently.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
the students will get a score of 90%
or greater on the poster and
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90% of the students received a score of 90% or better on
their poster and presentation. (05/08/2014)
Optional Data Point: 100
Related Documents:
Student Poster of Critically Appraised Topic (CAT ).ppt
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Course Student Learning
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
Student Poster of Critically
Appraised Topic (CAT ).ppt
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NURS435:Management in Nursing
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Liberal Education - Synthesize a solid
base in liberal education into nursing
practice as evidenced by application
of nursing and managment theories
both in the classroom and through
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Capstone Project - including
undergraduate research - Group
Capstone Presentation-Direct and
Indirect Assessment
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will accurately apply
nursing management and leadership
theory to a nursing project or plan
designed to improve outcomes in
nursing care delivery as evidenced
by the application of nursing theory
within the Organizational
Management assignment for the
capstone project.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Quality Care - Synthesizes knowledge
and skillsin leadership, quality
improvement and patient safety to
provide quality health care as
evidenced by the ability to analyze
the impact of organizational
structures, missions, philosophy,
culture and delivery systems on
professional nursing practice and
management and leadership.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct Assessment
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will analyze and present a
capstone project that incorporates
multiple quality care and patient
safety issues. Students will identify a
minimum of 5 specific quality issues
&/or patient safety issues to which
they will provide a evidenced-based
solution which are guided by The
National Patient Safety goals and
either a management or leadership
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Action to be Taken
Evidenced-Based Practice - Evaluates
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Course Student Learning
research for potential application for
evidence based practice as evidenced
by the utilization of scholarly
resources to support discussion,
reflections, learning experiences and
classroom presentation, and
develepment of personal
management/leadership philosophy.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Technology - Adapts knowledge and
skills in information management and
patient care technology in the
delivery of quality patient care as
evidenced by the appraisal of
methods used in managment and
leadership to communicate,support
change, motivate teams and support
delivery of care processes.
Course Outcome Status: Inactive
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100 % of students utilized completed literature reviews and
utilized evidence in support of their Capstone project ideas
and presentation. (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
50% of student groups presented a thorough literature
review with greater than 5 resources (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Clearer
communication related to the
minimum requirement for sources
to demonstrate a thorough
literature review will be
completed (12/17/2015)
Direct review of student work via
paper submission
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
student groups will present a
thorough literature review citing
greater than 5 sources providing
support for their chosen nursing
management and leadership
capstone program/project and
achieve a minimum of 80% on this
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Nursing Management and
Leadership Capstone Nursing
Plan/Project Assignment
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
student groups will identify
technology as a needed resource in
the planning of their Nursing
Plan/Project and identify the
benefits of this technology in regard
to the effects on communication,
change, motivation, and support
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of student groups submitted a written literature
presentation citing greater than 5 sources. 100% of
students achieved a 90% or greater on this assignment
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
null.courseAction: This was an
excellent learning experience for
students. The plan is to continue
with this outcome assessment
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of student groups identified technology as a needed
resource in the planning of their nursing plan/project
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Heath Care Systems - Analyzes health
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
care policies, including financial and
regulatory, directly and indirectly
influencing the nature and
functioning of the health care system
as evidenced by the analysis of
financial and regulatory concepts
through group interactions with chief
financial officers, nursing leaders and
leaders through the community
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
80% of student groups will achieve a
minimum of 80% on the completion
of a minimum of 3 and maximum of
a 5 page paper using APA 6th edition
and a minimum of 3 current
resources outlining the financial
projections in budget format and
discussing the feasibility of the
implementation of their nursing plan
or project
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of student groups achieved a minimum of 80%
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Continue with
this objective (12/17/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students achieved a minimum of 92% or greater on
this assignment. (04/27/2015)
null.courseAction: It was
discovered that this assignment
was a challenge for nursing
students. Due to their novice level
in finance and understanding
finance in health care as well as
their role as a nurse and a nurse
manager I am going to keep this
assignment and continue to
measure this outcome. I will be
incorporating more resources for
students in the course to provide
them with a greater
understanding of the subject
matter. (04/27/2015)
Communication and Collaboration Appraises communication and
collaboration among health care
professionals and patient to deliver
high quality and safe patient care as
evidenced by the use of application
tools for problem solving, conflict
resolution and motivation.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Peer Review and Self Evaluations
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will demonstrate the ability
to professionally communicate and
collaborate during group activities to
develop a strong nursing program or
project for improving patient care
outcomes as evidenced by
satisfactory ratings from Peer
Review of performance and Self
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students completed and submitted for faculty
review peer and self evaluations. 21% of these students
completed the peer evaluations with each other and did not
submit their reviews anonymously. (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Include more
emphasis in course content
presentation on the importance of
peer review and performance of
peer evaluation in nursing,
encouraging practice with the
performance of these reviews
with each other. (12/17/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students demonstrated the ability to professionally
communicate and collaborate during group activities.
Ratings from peer reviews were inflated however 100%
provided satisfactory ratings. (04/27/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. This outcome will continue
to be measured via Peer and Self
Evaluations. (04/27/2015)
Health Promotion - Develops health
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
promotion and the disease
prevention strategies at the individual
and population health levels as
evidenced by the evaluation of
nursing roles in health resource
management, marketing and program
or service evaluation.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/09/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct Nursing Business Plan/Project
development and presentation
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
student groups will develop
applicable nursing management and
leadership capstone projects for the
improvement of patient care
outcomes and achieve a minimum of
80% on this assignment
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of student groups developed applicable nursing
management and leadership capstone projects and
achieved a minimum of 80% on this assignment
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Professionalism - Emulates
professionalism and inherent values
of altruism, autonomy, human
dignity, integrity and social justice as
evidenced by demonstration of
respect for the ideas and
contributions of colleague, others and
participation with and support of
each other during group activities,
professional behavior and dress when
interacting in real world organizations
during learning experiences.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/07/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Final semester presentations
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will actively engage and
participate in the final presentation
of their groups capstone project
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students actively and professionally engaged in the
final presentation (12/17/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students developed applicable nursing
management and leadership capstone projects. These were
excellent! The students achieved the meeting of this
objective with surprising talent. 100% of students achieved
a minimum of 80% on this assignment. (04/27/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
86% of students actively engaged and participated in the
final presentation. 2 students were absent for the majority
of presentations due to be involved in a motor vehicle
accident. 1 student came upon the accident on their way to
class and stopped to be of assistance if needed. 100% of
students were in attendance once released from the
hospital for the second half of class. (04/27/2015)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. Will continue to measure
this outcome through this means
of assessment. (04/27/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken. The outcome measurement
was unavoidable due to weather
conditions and student
involvement in a motor vehicle
accident. This course is being
presented in an on-line format for
fall 2015. (04/27/2015)
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NURS436:Contemporary Issues in Nursing
Course Student Learning
Critical Thinking and Reflective
Practice - 1.
competencies of critical thinking and
reflective practice when making
decisions related to contemporary
professional issues.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/12/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
While students continue to demonstrate knowledge that
various issues related to nursing exist, clarity about the
issue and also seem to lack reflection or personal opinion
about those issues. (01/12/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
Garding Rubric for Critical Analysis Paper.doc
Action to be Taken: Will broaden
time spent in class to formulate
the statement of the issues in
order to direct how to make
decisions using critical thinking
and reflective practice.
Direct - Capstone Project - including
undergraduate research - Each
student writes a Critical Analysis
Paper on a contemporary issue in
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 72% or
higher on the paper.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
28 of 29 students (96%) scored 72% or higher on the paper.
The paper involves selecting an issue, analyzing two sides of
the issue, forming a personal opinion and making a
recommendation about the issue. (04/29/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
Garding Rubric for Critical Analysis Paper.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
null.courseAction: Continue to
Goal met: Yes
monitor. (04/28/2015)
Added emphasis was placed on the importance of the paper
being a means of analyzing 2 different points of view about
a topic, making a decision using the information gathered
and then making a recommendation. 29 students in the
Spring 2015 cohort - all scored above 90% on this paper.
One student in the BSN completion ( online group) did not
analyze two points of view in the paper. (04/27/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Critical Analysis Grading rubric.
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Related Documents:
Garding Rubric for Critical Analysis Paper.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
17 students in the Fall 2014 cohort - all achieved at least
72% on the paper. (01/03/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
grading rubric
Related Documents:
Grading Rubric for Critical Analysis Paper.doc
Legal, Ethical, and Economic - 2.
Evaluate the effects of legal,
ethical, and economic issues on
health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Active participation in classroom
satisfactory or unsatisfactory
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students attended the Michigan Nurses March, of which the
topic was Michigan's Safe Patient Care Act. 100% of
students were able to relate ethical and moral issues
surrounding the act from both the nurses perspective and
the lawmaker's perspective. (04/02/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Critique of written reports answering
questions regarding the Michigan
Nurses March, specifically "Speak to
the moral and ethical issues of
staffing policy from both the
lawmaker's perspective and the
bedside nurses's perspective."
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students viewed PBS Frontline telecast called "Being
Mortal." They then participated in a discussion board about
how nursing can promote honest conversations about
death and dying. 100% of students participated.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
All students participated. (01/03/2014)
Participates in Political Process - 3.
Actively participates in the
political process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students are expected
to write a letter to their legislator
regarding a bill currently in
discussion on the State House or
Senate floor. The letter expresses
support or opposition to the bill,
along with rationale.
satisfactory or unsatisfactory
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
null.courseAction: Continue to
Goal met: Yes
monitor. (04/03/2016)
Students participated in a variety of activities including
attendance at a city council meeting, and participation in
the Michigan Nurses March. Students reported they gained
increased knowledge of the political process after having
physically attended and participated in the process in
person. (04/02/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Critique of written report of the
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
While students are all participating in the assignment, my
finding is that they are not appreciating any impact of their
work. (01/12/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): This
assignment will change to meeting
with a local or regional government
official to talk about a healthcare or
nursing related issue and then
submitting a one page summary of
that activity.
null.courseAction: Will offer a
different project or a range of
projects or topics that the
students will choose based on
discussion or interests.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
100% of students participated in this activity. The letters
were mailed using the USPS. There was no appreciable
difference between the class taught online to the BSN
completion students and the class taught face to face to the
pre-license students. (04/29/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Fully
Online independent (asynchronous)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Since none of the letters were
answered by State of Michigan
legislators, the students will be
required to email the letter rather
than submit it by USPS. This may
initiate a more prompt response
from the legislator.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Topics were expanded to include other health care issues
that are not necessarily related to a bill in discussion. These
topics included insurance for the uninsured, health care
spending, public education. All students successfully
participated in this activity. (04/27/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students in the Spring 2014 cohort wrote letters to
their legislator expressing support or opposition to a bill
currently before the State House or Senate. (06/19/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
17 students in the Fall 2013 cohort. All participated in the
assignment. (01/03/2014)
Cultural Values when Analyzing
Ethical/Moral Issues in Practice - 4.
Integrates professional,
individual, and cultural values when
analyzing ethical and moral issues in
nursing practice.
Course Outcome Status: Inactive
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Continued Education and Active
Participation - 5. Appreciates the
importance of continued education
and active participation in
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students are introduced to a leader of the Michigan Nurses
Association who comes to class to speak on an educational
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
professional organizations as an
Other Findings
integral component of the nursing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Questions 9 & 10 on the
final exam will address the nurses
continuing education and
participation in professional
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
students will score 72% or higher on
these two questions.
topic. Fall 2015 and Spring 2016, the topic was Violence in
the Workplace. (01/12/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Ramifications of One?s Actions and Other Findings
Responsibilities - 6.
the ramifications of one?s actions and
responsibilities in professional
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Viewed CBS 60 Minutes news report on the Dennis Quade
twins Heparin overdose case and discussed nursing
responsibility in 3 checks and 7 rights of medication
administration. Discussed ultimate responsibility for
medication administration error. (01/12/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Final exam questions 1-8
are multiple choice and will measure
student understanding of Michigan
Health Professionals Recovery
Marketing Oneself - 7.
Demonstrates leadership
behaviors in marketing oneself and
the nursing profession.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Each student attends
the guest speaker presentation on
how to write a resume and how to
interview for professional nursing
position. Each student submits a
resume for critique.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students submit their own unique resume for critique.
Additionally students participate in a mock interview in the
classroom and critique each others answers to interview
questions. (04/28/2015)
Related Documents:
Mock interview questions.docx
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (04/02/2016)
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor (01/12/2016)
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (04/28/2015)
Page 175 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Resume Rubric.docx
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Each student enthusiastically participated in mock
interviews and submitted a resume for review to both the
instructor, and at an on-campus workshop held by Career
Services. (06/19/2014)
Related Documents:
Mock interview questions.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students satisfactorily completed the resume
assignment. All attended the guest speaker presentation.
Research in Analyzing Contemporary
Issues - 8.
Integrates research
findings in analyzing contemporary
issues and trends influencing the
quality of health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Critical Analysis paper
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 72% on
the paper
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Capstone Course(s), Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students scored above 80% on this paper.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): CAP
grade rubric
Related Documents:
Garding Rubric for Critical Analysis Paper.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Again, added emphasis was placed on the importance of the
paper being a means of analyzing 2 different points of view
about a topic, making a decision using the information
gathered and then making a recommendation. 29 students
in the Spring 2015 cohort - all scored above 90% on this
paper. (04/28/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students satisfactorily completed the paper.
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Course Student Learning
Synthesize Knowledge in Analyzing
Contemporary Issues. - 9.
theoretical/empirical knowledge from
nursing, the physical and behavioral
sciences, and the humanities in
analyzing contemporary issues.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Critical Analysis Paper
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students successfully completed the Critical Analysis
Paper. (06/19/2014)
Transition to Professional Role - 10. Other Findings
Explores transition from
student role to professional role.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students satisfactorily completed the Critical Analysis
Paper (01/03/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Action to be Taken: continue to
Goal met: Yes
monitor. (04/03/2016)
Students graduating in April 2015 all successfully passed the
NCLEX RN (Licensing exam) on the first attempt within 4
months of program completion. (01/12/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - NCLEX Success Plan
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: No
NCLEX RN pass rate dropped below the national average for
first time test takers. Investigation revealed that students
were not using the Pass Point testing product for practice
testing in client need areas where they felt they were
profeceint, but rather only for areas where they felt they
needed more study. (10/27/2014)
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Related Documents:
NCLEX-RN Success Plan F 14-1.pdf
NCLEX-RN Success Plan S15.pdf
Action to be Taken: Students are
now assigned at least one
assignment from each client need
area addressed on the NCLEX
exam. They must complete these
to a proficiency level of 6 or
higher within the Pass Point
program. (11/12/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students satisfactorily completed the NCLEX
Success Plan. (04/29/2015)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: Students who
scored below 80% probability of
passing NCLEX on the first attempt
(according to the results of their
ATI NCLEX-RN predictor test) were
emailed to reiterate their weak
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
areas and reminded of the need
to concentrate studies on all areas
but specifically on these weak
areas. (01/18/2016)
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
24 of the 29 students in the spring 2015 graduating class
report they will use Prep-U Pass Point as part of their study
plan for NCLEX.
Additionally 15 students report purchasing the Kaplan
review course to help them prepare for the NCLEX-RN test.
7 students state they are using the review program by the
Other sources the students report using are review guides
by Saunders, Mosby, Princeton, and their school text books.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Survey of students.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
16 students (about 1/2 of the class) report they will study
for NCLEX 10-20 hours a week.
7 students report they will study for NCLEX 20-30 hours a
week (04/21/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct survey to students
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students completed the NCLEX Success Plan
satisfactorily. (01/03/2014)
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Page 178 of 223
NURS437:Professional Nursing Leadership
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Knowledge Synthesis - Demonstrates
a synthesis of knowledge from
nursing, scientific, and humanistic
disciplines through nursing practice in
various settings.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 05/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will review
philosophy of nursing developed in
NURS 360 and philosophy of nursing
leadership developed in NURS 435.
Students will reflect, in discussion
forum, how general electives and
other nursing courses have
contributed to his/her view of
nursing leadership today. Students
will respond to at least two other
student's posting adding to the
academic value of the discussion.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 89% of
students (n=8/9) will achieve 2/2
points for collaborative discussion.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Week 1 &
2 Discussion placed in document file.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS437.Week 1.2 Weekly
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
78% of students (n=7/9) received 2/2 or 100% on Discussion
1&2 and responded to two other students discussion
response with academic value. 22% (n=2/9) made initial
posting but did not respond to another student's posting.
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Related Documents:
NURS437.Week 1.2 Weekly Discussion.docx
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
Provision of Quality Health Care Demonstrate a commitment to the
value of collegiality collaboration and
the need for life long learning and
continued growth toward expert
practice through:
a. participation in activities that
support the profession of nursing
b. establishment of long term goals.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 2014-
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will review
Foundation of Nursing Leadership
website and complete at least two of
the surveys available on the site.
Students will reflect, in discussion
forum, identifying why selected tools
were completed and what was
learned by completing them.
Students will respond to at least one
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n=9/9) received 1/1 or 100% on Week 3
Discussion and responded to one other students discussion
response with academic value. (08/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
Page 179 of 223
Course Student Learning
Start Date: 05/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
other student's posting adding to the
academic value of the discussion.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 89% of
students will achieve 1/1 points for
collaborative discussion.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Week 3
Discussion placed in document file.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS437.Week 3 Weekly
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - After reading: “Tips for
Writing Goals and Objectives”;
“Writing Learning Objectives” and
“Bloom’s Taxonomy: Objective
Writing”, students will complete and
submit long term career objectives,
along with a brief explanation
regarding why he/she selected the
objectives using the context of
his/her nursing philosophy and
nursing leadership philosophy.
Objectives should serve as a guide
for course project selection and will
be used in the evaluation of progress
towards achieving career objectives.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve 30/30 points
for completion of long term career
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Week 3
Career Objectives Assignment placed
in document file.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
89% of students (n=8/9) received 30/30 or 100% on Long
Term Goals assignment. One student (11%) did not
complete assignment. (08/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: No action to
be taken at this time. Will
continue with this outcome
measurement. Will assess this
outcome when course is offered
again for BSN Completion
Program students. Consideration
must be made for the individuality
of each student. (08/10/2015)
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS437.Week 3 Long Term
Objectives Assignment.docx
Professionalism - Demonstrate
professional nurse caring, leadership,
and advocacy with diverse clients.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 05/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will review ANA
Position Statements and reflect, in
discussion forum, on how selected
project demonstrates the values and
ethics of nursing and contributes to
the larger context of nursing as a
profession? Students will identify
one ANA position statement that is
addressed with project. Students will
respond to at least one other
student's posting adding to the
academic value of the discussion.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 88% of
students will achieve 1/1 points or
100% for collaborative discussion.
Schedule/Notes: Refer to Week 5
Discussion assignment placed in
document file.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
NURS437.Week 5 ANA Policy
Statement Assignment.docx
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
56% of students (n=5/9) received 1/1 or 100% on Week 3
Discussion and responded to one other students discussion
response with academic value. 44% of students (n=4/9)
made initial discussion post but did not respond to one
other student's posting. (08/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student
Management/Leadership Participate in selected functions of
management as related to the
responsibilities of the nurse in
coordinating and managing care in
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will reflect, in
discussion forum, on who he/she
needs to identify to collaborate with
in order for selected project to be a
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
67% of students (n=6/9) received 2/2 or 100% on Week 6
Discussion and responded to at least one other students
discussion response with academic value. 33% of students
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
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Page 181 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
various health care settings.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 05/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
success.. Students will respond to at
least two other student's posting
adding to the academic value of the
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 89% of
students (n=8/9) will achieve 2/2
points for Week 6 collaborative
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
(n=4/9) made initial discussion post but did not respond to
one other student's posting. (08/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student
Decision Making - Analyze the
decision making responsibilities of the
nurse in relation to ethical, moral,
economic, and legal issues in nursing
and health care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 05/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Change Project. Each student will
choose a facility/organization in the
community of choice and identify a
preceptor who will work with
student on chosen change project.
During Weeks 8, 9, & 10, students
will explore what ethical, moral,
economic and legal issues arose that
week and how were any of those
issues addressed? A written
summary of Project will be
presented in Week 11 Discussion.
During Weeks 11 & 12,
presentations will be given, which
follow rubric guidelines, via Big Blue
Button in Moodle and will be
recorded. A rubric is used to assess
student performance.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students (9/9) will achieve 80% or
above on Change Project.
Schedule/Notes: See Change Project
Rubric in documents.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (n=9/9) attained score of 80% or greater
on Change Project and Presentation. (08/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Related Documents:
Change Project Summary
Rubric.Updated 6.27.15.doc
Analysis of Care - Demonstrate
knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required to participate in evaluation
and improvement of nursing care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 05/04/2015
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students will review,
during Week 7, either Evaluation
Methods for Hospital Projects and
Evaluation Methods for Community
Projects article which will be
dependent on type of change project
chosen. Students will reflect, in
discussion forum,on change project
plan. Students will respond, with
constructive feedback, to at least
two other student's change project
posting adding to the academic
value of the discussion.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
100% of students (9/9) attained 2/2 on change project
discussion. (08/10/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 89% of
students (n=8/9) will achieve 2/2
points for Week 7 collaborative
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - After completing change
project presentation to instructor,
students will reflect, in discussion
forum a summary of project
presentation including evaluation
results. Students will explore and
share what challenges presented
related to evaluation of your project.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
89% of students (n=8/9) earned 2/2 on Week 11 Discussion.
11% of students (1/9) did not participate in Discussion.
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-delivered (more than
50% online)
Course Outcomes and/or
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: No action to be
taken at this time. Will continue
with this outcome measurement.
Will assess this outcome when
course is offered again for BSN
Completion Program students.
Consideration must be made for
the individuality of each student.
Page 183 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Students will review the postings
Assessment Method (optional):
and presentations of each fellow
classmate and provide feedback to
each student's posting adding to the
academic value of the discussion.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students (n=9/9) will complete
Week 11 Discussion and will respond
to each classmate in cohort, earning
2/2 points.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
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Action to be Taken
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NURS490:Directed Study in Nursing
No data found for the selected criteria.
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Page 185 of 223
PNUR102:Drugs and Dosages
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
"Rights of Medication Administration Other Findings
- The learner will be able to identify
and demonstrate the 7 rights of
medication administration.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments - The
students will demonstrate
appropriate use the the 7 rights for
medication administration for oral
and parenteral administration during
their lab skill check off procedures.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will proficiently verbalize
and demonstrate the appropriate
use of the 7 rights of medication
administration during their
laboratory skill check off procedures
on a satisfactory basis.
Schedule/Notes: All students
demonstrated proficiency while
using the 7 rights during their Fall
2013 check-off on a satisfactory
basis at 100%.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
PN 102 Skill Check off Summary
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
90% of students are able to identify which is not a "right of
medication administration" on 4 choice multiple choice
exams. (01/12/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Method - paper and pencil test
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students were able to demonstrate the 7 rights of
medication administration on their first or second attempt
of oral and parenteral medication administration during
their lab skills check off procedures. (04/03/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken: Continue to
monitor. (01/12/2016)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
88% of students passed skills check offs on the first attempt.
All passed after remediation and a 2nd attempt.
null.courseAction: Students will
be required to show evidence of
skill checking each other prior to
coming into the actual skill check
testing. (05/13/2015)
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
null.courseAction: Students are
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Course Student Learning
Calculate medication dosages Performs conversions from one
system to another to correctly
calculate medication dosages.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Skill/Competency Assessments Students demonstrate medication
administration proficiency in the lab
setting using skill check off lists.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students have three attempts at
each of the 7 tested skills. They
must pass all skill checks in order to
proceed in the program
Schedule/Notes: 90% of students
passed skills checks on the first
100% of students passed skills
checks on the 2nd attempt.
Recommend student peer check
prior to actual testing out of the skill.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Goal met: Yes
90% of students passed skills check offs on the first attempt.
All passed after remediation and a 2nd attempt.
now required to perform 2 mock
skill checks in front of their peers,
prior to the formal skill check with
the instructor. (09/28/2012)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - All learners passed the
Dosage Final Exam with 80% or
better on their first exam attempt.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Less than half (4 of the 9 students) passed the Dosage Final
Exam with 80% or better on the first attempt.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Math skills will be a major focus as
the program changes format in the
fall 2016 school year.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students achieved an 80% pass
rate or higher on their final
medication dosage exam with their
first attempt.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All learner achieved an 80% or higher on the final
medication dosage exam (01/18/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
All learners passed the Dosage Final Exam with 80% or
higher. Two learners obtained 72% or less on the first
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: Entry into
program now requires MATH 086,
instead of 083. (01/07/2013)
Page 187 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
dosage quiz, but all passed the second dosage quiz with
72% or higher. (01/07/2013)
Basic PN procedures with
medications - Begins to use critical
thinking and decision making skills
when demonstrating basic practical
nursing procedures with medications.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/27/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - All learners completed
homework assignments designed to
promote self study of these topics.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
learners will participate in these
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Students were assigned chapters in a computerized
program that complements their text book, called Prep-U.
100% of the students completed their Prep-U assignments.
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Medication side effects - The student
will identify common side effects and
nursing implication for common
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/31/2011
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students are assigned
a list of medications each week.
They are to complete a medication
sheet on each medication.
Students will complete a medication
sheet for each medication assigned.
Schedule/Notes: All students
completed a medication sheet for
each medication assigned.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: No
Students reported they would rather have an option of
medication sheet or medication card. 7 of the 8 students
opted for the medication sheet in the Fall 2015.
Course Instructional Modality:
Independent/Directed Study
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Documentation of medication
administration is part of the skill
check off for each skill tested.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
null.courseAction: Continue to
Goal met: Yes
monitor. (04/03/2016)
Fall 2015 - Docucare Student EHR was purchased for
students. Students performed 7 rights and 3 checks using
the Docucare program. This included documentation of the
Documentation - The student will
correctly document administration of
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/31/2011
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
The medication sheet was changed to a medication "card"
measuring 4 x 6 inches. All students completed these
medication cards satisfactorily. (01/07/2013)
Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive
null.courseAction: 2013-14 cards
were changed back to full size
sheet of paper to allow students
more space to write.
null.courseAction: Begin to
monitor test questions directly
related to side effects of
medications. (01/07/2013)
Page 188 of 223
Course Student Learning
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students must correctly document
medication administration during
their skill check off.
Schedule/Notes: All students were
able to document their medication
administration in the lab setting with
medication administration. (01/12/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Documentation is included as part of the medication skill
check off for oral, IM, and reconstitution of powdered
medications, administering insulin and heparin skill
demonstrations. After all skills demonstrated, 100% of the
students, the correctly documented their medication
administration. This goal will be continue to monitored in
PNUR 201 with live patient scenarios. (01/18/2014)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
Documentation is included as part of the skill check off for
each skill. All students correctly documented their
medication during the skill check off with coaching.
Continue to monitor. (09/28/2012)
Commitment to life-long learning The student will recognize that the
skills, competencies, and values for a
successful lifetime of practical nursing
practice require a continuing
commitment to learn.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Safety: Students will successfully
demonstrate appropriate
medications procedures for
laboratory skill check offs for oral
and parenteral medications on a
satisfactory basis.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will successfully their
skill check offs on a satisfactory
Schedule/Notes: All PN students
successfully passed their Fall, 2013
PNUR 102 skill check off procedures
on a satisfactory basis.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Students viewed video on medication error, then wrote a
100 word paragraph on how that video made them feel,
what actions can be taken to prevent medication errors and
how they plan to incorporate those actions into their own
patient care. All students completed this assignment
satisfactorily. (01/07/2013)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
basic medication knowledge - The
student will apply basic knowlege of
medications to various patient
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Written tests x 3, midterm
and final exam administered to all
students in the class.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 72% or
higher cumulative average of the
tests, midterm and final exam.
Schedule/Notes: For Fall 2011, the
three tests were studied: Test #1, 19
of 25 students scored 70% or higher.
Test #2, 16 of 25 students scored
70% or higher. Test #3, 20 of 25
students scored 70% or higher.
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
Total students = 9
Quiz #1 - below 72% 3 students, Quiz #2 below 72% 0
students, Quiz #3 below 72% 4 students.
Final exam - all scores above 72% (01/12/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Paper and pencil tests consisting of
4-choice multiple choice and fill in
the blank tests.
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
Total students = 25
Quiz 1 - 19 people scored above 70. Quiz 2 - 16 people
scored above 70. Quiz three 20 people scored above 70.
Mid-term - (05/14/2013)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students are assigned
a list of medications each week.
They are to complete a medication
sheet on each medication.
Students will complete a medication
sheet for each medication assigned.
Schedule/Notes: All students
completed a medication sheet for
each medication assigned.
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PNUR104:Introduction to Practical Nursing II
Course Student Learning
Communication Techniques - 1.
Identify appropriate communication
techniques when working with adult
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Nursing Process - 2. Identify the
steps of the nursing process.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Role play use of the SBAR
method of communication in
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students met or exceeded the performance
criteria (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students will research, prepare and
present on assigned cultural topic
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All the
students will earn a 72% or higher on
this assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Related Documents:
PNUR104 Ruberic Presentation.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students earned a 72% or higher on this
assignment. (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Unit Exam II
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will attain 72% or greater
on Exam II.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% earned a 72% or higher on Exam II (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Action to be Taken
Culture, Religion, Values - 3. Develop Direct - Presentation, Performance - Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
an awareness and sensitivity of
Goal met: Yes
The student will develop a poster,
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Course Student Learning
different cultural and religious beliefs
and values.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
power point and 1 page paper on a
chosen religious, spiritual or culture
subject using an evidence based
research article to present to the
PNUR104 class.
80% of the students achieved 25 points or greater as 15% of
the course grade. (06/30/2014)
Criterion/Target/Threshold: The
student will attain up to 30 points to
be applied to the grading rubric for
15% of the course grade.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Related Documents:
PUR104 F13 Student Grade for
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Student will earn a
72% or better on an APA formatted,
EBP paper on a chosen
Cultural/Spiritual Diversity
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Health Care Systems Differences - 4.
Discuss the differences in health care
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - The student will attain 72%
or higher on the final exam.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: The
students will achieve an
understanding of the differences in
health care systems through reading
and class group discussions.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
88.89% of the students achieved 72% or higher on graded
paper. (N=9, one student did not achieve 72%)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
88.89% of students earned a 72% or higher on this Final
Exam (N=9, one student below 72%) (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Learning Communities
Levels of Nursing Care - 5. Discuss
holistic health care, health
promotion, health restoration, and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 08/26/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students developed and presented a
report on their chosen
complementary alternative medicine
to achieve a satisfactory or
unsatisfactory for the grade.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of the students will achieve a
satisfactory for this classwork.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students achieved a grade of satisfactory for
this classroom presentation. (06/30/2014)
Stress and Adaptation - 6. Discuss
the concepts of stress and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Indirect - Survey, including selfevaluation, peers, or graduates Exercise to demonstrate ability to
organize and manage time to
include nursing courses and support
course's requirements as a stress
management coping strategy
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of students submitted exercise demonstrating self
evaluation and organization plan for time management in
nursing and support course's as a stress management
coping strategy (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Critical Thinking - 7. Discuss the
concepts of critical thinking and
problem solving in practical nursing.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Discuss knowledge and
skills required to begin integrating
critical thinking and decision making
skills into the nursing care provided
by the Practical Nurse through case
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% submitted case studies and achieved a 72% or better
on assignment (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Achieves a 72% or higher on
unit exam testing on knowledge and
skills required to begin integrating
critical thinking and decision making
skills into the nursing care provided
by the Practical Nurse
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students met or exceeded 72% performance
criteria on unit exam 2 (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Evidenced Based Practice - 8. Discuss
the need for evidenced based nursing
practice and its relationship to
practical nursing.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students will earn a
72% or better on an APA formatted,
evidenced based practice paper on a
chosen Cultural/Spiritual Diversity
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
F14 PNUR104 Grading Form for EBP
F14 Analysis of EBP Nursing
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
88.89% of the students achieved 72% or higher on graded
paper. (N=9, one student did not achieve 72%)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Attend University Meeting - 9.
Participate in LSSU student club or
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Portfolio Review - Student
will attend a university club or
organization activity and document
their observations on the course
assessment form.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
Schedule/Notes: Refer to the Tool
Book Rubric document
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students met or exceeded the performance
criteria (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Action to be Taken
Page 194 of 223
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Related Documents:
F14 University Club or Organization
Meeting Report LMK.doc
Attend University Event - 10.
Participate in a LSSU community
extracurricular event.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Student attends LSSU
student community event and
completes a log of the event
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of the students participate in an
event and reports the experience in
a log format.
Schedule/Notes: Assignment
encourages student participation in
community activities off campus.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
First-year Seminar and Experiences
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students met or exceeded the performance
criteria (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Medical Terminology - 11. Utilizes
medical terminology in written and
oral communication.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students achieve a
72% or higher on medical
terminology quizzes and
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students exceeded the performance criteria on
three separate medical terminology quizzes (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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PNUR107:Understanding Clinical Nutrition Lab for Practical Nurses
Course Student Learning
Nutrition - client support - The
student will show evidence of
competency to provide fluid and
nutrition support to clients under
their care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20142015
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students created posters that
explained various aspects of a diet, a
specific food, or a cultural aspect of
food. These posters were then
explained in a presentation in the
classroom, as well as a presentation
open to the campus public. Poster
and presentation were scored using
a rubric.
Students were required to score 15
of the 20 points available on the
rubric in order to receive a passing
grade on the project.
Schedule/Notes: Students were
given the option of working
independently or with one other
student on this project. Students
were also required to bring in a small
sample of a food as part of the
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students participated in the diet poster/powerpoint
presentations. All students acquired the maximum number
of points available on this assignment. (06/19/2014)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
All students participated. 2013 - students used power point
instead of posters. This worked made the presentations
more dynamic. (05/14/2013)
Indirect - Focus Group or Interview Students used two commercially
prepared dietary assessment tools to
interview each other, then shared
with the group their thoughts about
these tools.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students must participate.
Schedule/Notes: All students did
Nutrition - knowledge and skills The student will correctly apply
specific knowlege and skills related to
fluid administration at the practical
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Written exam for calculation of
intravenous fluids.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students demonstrated satisfactory skill check of priming
IV lines, discontinuing IV assess and administration of
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Course Student Learning
nursing level.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Assessment Methods
Demonstration of skills.
Satisfactory demonstration of skills
which included priming IV lines,
discontinuing IV access, and
administration of enteral feeding
Schedule/Notes: 7 of 24 students
scored 71% or lower on the IV fluids
calculation test. These students
were provided remedial instruction
and subsequently passed the IV
fluids calculation test.
2 students did not pass one skill
check on the first attempt. They
passed on the second attempt.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
enteral feeding solutions. (06/19/2014)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Written exam of course
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students passed the course content
written exams with 72% or higher.
72% or higher on written exams
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students passed the written exams with 72% or higher.
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
All participants obtained over 72% overall on the calculation
of IV fluids, with one student who needed remediation. All
students passed demonstration of the skills on first
attempt. (05/14/2013)
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PNUR113:Fundamentals of Practical Nursing
Course Student Learning
Critical Thinking - 1. Use beginning
critical thinking and decision making
skills in performing basic nursing
procedures and implementing plans
of care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Competent Care - 2. Demonstrate
competent care of the elderly
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/16/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments PNUR 113 Fundamental of Practical
Nursing Clinical Evaluation Tool.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve satisfactory
performance on care plans, pre and
post clinical discussion and clinical
resident care provided as evident by
passing satisfactorily the PNUR 113
Fundamental of Practical Nursing
Clinical Tool.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool
Fall 2013.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Fall 2013: 88% of the class (15/17) passed the clinical
evaluation tool with a satisfactory. One of the two that did
not, changed major during the middle of the semester and
did not continue with the clinical portion of the course.
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments PNUR 113 Fundamental of Practical
Nursing Clinical Evaluation Tool.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
student satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 113
Fundamental of Practical Nursing
Clinical Evaluation Tool.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Fall 2013: 88% of the class (15/17) passed the clinical
evaluation tool with a satisfactory. One of the two that did
not, changed major during the middle of the semester and
did not continue with the clinical portion of the course.
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
N= 8 100% of students enrolled in the course at the end of
the semester passed the clinical evaluation at the
satisfactory level in the long term care setting. (12/20/2012)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
N= 8 100% of students enrolled in the course at the end of
the semester passed the clinical evaluation at the
satisfactory level in the long term care setting. (12/19/2012)
Promote Holistic Health - 3. Promote
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Course Student Learning
the holistic health of the elderly in the
clinical setting.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily provides
basic safe holistic care for elderly
residents of a nursing home
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve satisfactory
performance on weekly worksheets
and care plans, pre and post clinical
discussion and the clinical resident
care provided as evident by passing
satisfactorily the PNUR Fundamental
of Practical Nursing Clinical Tool.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
88.24% of the students in the course at the end of the
semester achieved satisfactory performance on weekly
worksheets and care plans, pre and post clinical discussion
and the clinical care provided for the elderly in the long
term care setting and in simulation as evident by
satisfactorily passing the Fundamental of Practical Nursing
Clinical Evaluation Tool. (06/20/2014)
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
Identify factors affecting consumer's Other Findings
decisions when planning care. - 4.
Identify factors that affect consumer
health decisions when planning and
implementing practical nursing care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students discuss factors that affect consumer
health decisions on assigned resident(s) by individualizes
the resident's plan of care in the written careplan and
shares findings with instructor and peers in pre and post
conference. (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Individualizes plan of care based on
resident's needs, age, gender,
developmental level, cultural,
spiritual and ethnic needs.
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students satifactorily discusses
factors that affect consumer health
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
decisions on assigned resident(s) by
individualizes the resident's plan of
care in the written careplan and
shares findings with instructor and
peers in pre and post conference
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Nursing Process - 5. Demonstrate
application of the nursing process in
providing holistic practical nursing
care with elderly populations.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
N= 10 100% of students enrolled in the course passed the
clinical evaluation demonstrating application of the nursing
process in providing holistic practical nursing care with
elderly populations at the satisfactory level. (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Experiential , including
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Service Learning Experience
N= 17 88.25% of students enrolled in the course passed the
Evaluation - Students will
satisfactorily demonstrate use of the clinical evaluation demonstrating application of the nursing
process in providing holistic practical nursing care with
nursing process in the provision of
safe, basic nursing care of the elderly elderly populations at the satisfactory level. (06/20/2014)
Related Documents:
resident as evident by meeting all
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
objectives on the PNUR 113
Fundamental of Practical Nursing
Clinical Evaluation Tool.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
the student's enrolled in PNUR 113
by the end of the semester will pass
the clinical evaluation tool at a
satisfactory level.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool
Fall 2013.pdf
Values/Attitudes in Development of
Caring - 6. Identify personal values
and attitudes that contribute to
development of professional caring.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/16/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Models professionalism and
inherent values of altruism,
autonomy, human dignity, integrity,
and social justice as evidenced by
progressively integrating critical
thinking and decision making skills in
order to practice nursing safely and
with minimal direction for one
resident of a Long Term Care agency
and demonstrates competent basic
nursing care, including caring
behaviors by respecting the legal,
ethical and moral rights and values
of others.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve satisfactory
performance on weekly worksheets
and care plans, pre and post clinical
discussion and clinical resident care
provided as evident by passing
satisfactorily the PNUR Fundamental
of Practical Nursing Clinical Tool.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool
Fall 2013.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
88% of students received achieved a clinical evaluation at
the satisfactory level on the final clinical evaluation for this
course (01/19/2014)
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
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Course Student Learning
Safe, Ethical, Moral, and Legal Client
Care - 7. Demonstrate safe, ethical,
moral, and legal client care at a
beginning practical nursing level
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily pass
clinical evaluation in long term care
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80%
pass clinical evaluation satisfactorily
High Impact Course Practices 2:
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool
Fall 2013.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
N= 17 88.25% of student's enrolled in the course passed
the clinical evaluation at the satisfactory level in the long
term care setting. (06/20/2014)
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will participate in the
course safety simulation using the
National Patient Safety Goals.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will satisfactorily
participate in the course safety
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Impact of Health Care Costs on Care - Other Findings
8. Demonstrate the impact of health
care costs on practical nursing care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of the 8 students enrolled at the end of the semester
passed clinical evaluation satisfactorily in the Long Term
Care setting. (12/20/2012)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
One student dropped out of the
course reducing the N to 8
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100 % of the students participated at the satisfactory level
in the safety simulation at LSSU's Simulation Center.
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students were able to discuss how poor nursing
care and nosocomial infections can increase length of stay
or change in resident morbidity in pre-and post conference.
92.2% answered test questions correctly on Unit Exam One
re: medical and surgical asepsis, infection control, and
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Other Findings
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): Test
questions on Unit exam one on
medical and surgical asepsis,
infection control, and aging.
Action to be Taken
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Student will answer test
questions correctly on Unit Exam
One re: medical and surgical asepsis,
infection control, and aging.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 90% of
the student will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students are able to
discuss how poor nursing care and
health care acquired infections
(nosocomial) can increase length of
stay or change in resident morbidity
in pre-and post conference.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of the students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
Lifelong Learning - 9. Recognize that
a successful career in practical
nursing requires a commitment to
lifelong learning.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Demonstrates commitment to
learning through satisfactorily
passing skill checkoffs, assigned
careplans, values clarification, and
performance in clinical setting.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% demonstrated commitment to learning through
satisfactorily passing skill checkoffs, assigned careplans,
values clarification exercises, and performance in clinical
setting. (12/18/2015)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Assume Accountability - 10. Begin to
assume accountability and
responsibility in practical nursing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 09/16/2013
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Nursing Process/Policy Manual
Impact on Care - 11. Identify the
nursing process and policy manual in
the clinical setting and its impact on
practical nursing care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students will satisfactorily
demonstrate accountability and
responsibility for the provision of
safe, basic nursing care of the elderly
resident as evident by meeting all
objectives on the PNUR 113
Fundamental of Practical Nursing
Clinical Evaluation Tool.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% of
students will achieve satisfactory
performance on accountability and
responsibility for practical nursing
care provided in the Long Term Care
setting as evident by passing
satisfactorily the PNUR Fundamental
of Practical Nursing Clinical
Evaluation Tool.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool
Fall 2013.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
N= 17 88.25% of students enrolled in the course at the end
of the semester, satisfactorily passed the clinical evaluation
tool section on demonstrating accountability and
responsibility in practical nursing roles in the care of elderly
residents in a long term care setting. (06/20/2014)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Student will achieve a satisfactory
rating in the clinical setting in the
identification of application of the
nursing process and agency's policy
manual when providing safe basic
nursing care for elderly residents.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 95% of
Finding Reporting Year: 2015-2016
Goal met: Yes
100% of the students met the performance criteria of
satisfactory on the course clinical evaluation tool
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
N= 17 88.25% of student's enrolled in the course passed the
clinical evaluation at the satisfactory level in the long term
care setting. (06/20/2014)
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
100% of the class (8/8) passed the clinical evaluation tool at
a satisfactory level in the long term care setting.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Note: one student dropped out of
the program and changed major mid
semester and did not continue with
the clinical portion of the course.
Related Documents:
PNUR 113 Clinical Evaluation Tool Fall 2013.pdf
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
students will have "met" or
"exceeded" a performance criteria
on the course clinical evaluation tool
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
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PNUR201:Medical Surgical Practical Nursing
Course Student Learning
Use Nursing Process - 1.
Use the
nursing process to care for adults
with well-defined nursing problems
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/13/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Careplans: students
must complete two (2)
Comprehensive Assessment and
Care Plan assignments during the
Criterion/Target/Threshold: Grading
Rubric minimum of 72% or required
to re-write.
80% of the student's will achieve a
grade of 72% or higher on the
Surgical Assessment and Care Plan
80% of the student's will achieve a
grade of 72% or higher on the
Medical Assessment and Care Plan
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Service Learning, Community-based
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
Related Documents:
Comprehensive Assessment & Care
Plan Form S14 LMK.doc
Comprehensive Assessment & Care
Plan Instructions and Rubric S14
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing
use of the nursing process in the
care of adults on medical surgical
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
the student enrolled at the end of
the semester will satisfactorily
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Surgical Care Plan: 84.6% obtained a 72% or higher
Medical Care Plan: 92.3% obtained a 72% or higher
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the student enrolled at the end of the semester will
satisfactorily passes all clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing the use of the nursing
process in the care of adults on medical surgical unit.
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): Two
students withdrew from the course
before the end of the semester
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
passes all clinical objectives on PNUR
201 Clinical Evaluation Tool
addressing the use of the nursing
process in the care of adults on
medical surgical unit.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Safe Care - 2. Demonstrate safe
effective care of adults with welldefined health problems.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 01/13/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing
safe effective care of adults on
medical surgical unit.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
the student enrolled at the end of
the semester will satisfactorily
passes all clinical objectives on
PNUR 201 Clinical Evaluation Tool
addressing safe effective care of
adults on medical surgical unit with
well-defined health problems.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
2013-2014 Clinical Evaluation Tool
for PNUR 201.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the student enrolled at the end of the semester will
satisfactorily passes all clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing safe effective care of
adults on medical surgical unit with well-defined health
problems. (06/21/2014)
Communication Skills - 3. Use
therapeutic communication skills in
caring for adults.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: Mid-
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the student enrolled at the end of the semester will
satisfactorily passes all clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing communication skills in
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Level (Analyzing/Applying)
communication skills in the care of
the care of adults on medical surgical unit.
adults on medical surgical unit.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
the student enrolled at the end of
the semester will satisfactorily
passes all clinical objectives on PNUR
201 Clinical Evaluation Tool
addressing communication skills in
the care of adults on medical surgical
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
2013-2014 Clinical Evaluation Tool
for PNUR 201.doc
Time Management in Providing Care
- 4. Develop organizational skills,
flexibility and prioritization in
providing nursing care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing
organizational skills, flexibility and
prioritization in providing nursing
care in the adult patient(s) on
medical surgical unit.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
the student enrolled at the end of
the semester will satisfactorily
passes all clinical objectives on PNUR
201 Clinical Evaluation Tool
addressing organizational skills,
flexibility and prioritization in
providing nursing care in the adult
patient(s) on medical surgical unit.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the student enrolled at the end of the semester will
satisfactorily passes all clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing organizational skills,
flexibility and prioritization in providing nursing care in the
adult patient(s) on medical surgical unit. (06/21/2014)
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
2013-2014 Clinical Evaluation Tool
for PNUR 201.doc
Member of Team - 5. Begins work as
a member of the health care team to
optimize patient care.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing
student's collaboration with member
of the health care team to optimize
patient care adults on medical
surgical unit.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
the student enrolled at the end of
the semester will satisfactorily
passes all clinical objectives on PNUR
201 Clinical Evaluation Tool
addressing student's collaboration
with member of the health care
team to optimize patient care adults
on medical surgical unit.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
2013-2014 Clinical Evaluation Tool
for PNUR 201.doc
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the student enrolled at the end of the semester will
satisfactorily passes all clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing student's collaboration
with member of the health care team to optimize patient
care adults on medical surgical unit. (06/21/2014)
Scope of Practice - 6. Provide care
within the legal scope of practical
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Experiential , including
Service Learning Experience
Evaluation - Satisfactorily passes all
clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool assessing the
student's provision of care within
the legal scope of practice for a
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of the student enrolled at the end of the semester will
satisfactorily passes all clinical objectives on PNUR 201
Clinical Evaluation Tool addressing the student's provision
of care within the legal scope of practice for a practical
nursing when providing care for adults on medical surgical
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
practical nursing when providing
unit. (06/21/2014)
care for adults on medical surgical
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 85% of
the student enrolled at the end of
the semester will satisfactorily
passes all clinical objectives on PNUR
201 Clinical Evaluation Tool
addressing the student's provision of
care within the legal scope of
practice for a practical nursing when
providing care for adults on medical
surgical unit.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
2013-2014 Clinical Evaluation Tool
for PNUR 201.doc
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PNUR202:Legal/Ethical Issues in Practical Nursing
Course Student Learning
Scope of Practice - 1. The student will
describe the scope of practice for a
licensed practical nurse.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 06/18/2012
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Participation in class
room discussion of scope of practice
issues, laws relating to practical
nurse scope of practice, professional
organization impact on scope of
Students are expected to participate.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
In September 2015, the Michigan LPN Association
disbanded. Given this, a new assignment will be created to
investigate the scope of practice for the LPN in Michigan.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional): Test
Related Documents:
LPN Scope of Practice.pdf
NAPNES Scope of Practice and Ethical Standards.pdf
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Continuing or Ongoing Assessment Activity Action Plan recommended
All students attended the presentation by the guest speaker
from the Michigan LPN Association. Scope of practice was
reviewed, as well as the State of Michigan Public Health Law
section on Practical Nursing. (09/28/2012)
Laws that Impact License - 2. Identify
various laws that impact licensed
practical nursing practice.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
All students completed the "Ladies
and Gentlemen of the Jury"
education article and answered the
questions at the end.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 80% or
higher on the self study questions at
the end of the article.
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
null.courseAction: Continue to
Goal met: Yes
monitor. (01/16/2016)
All students obtained at least 80% on this self-study
module. 2013 - All students obtained at least 80% again this
year. (09/28/2012)
Ethical Issues - 3. Discuss current
ethical issues that impact nursing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Learners explored
ethical topic of their choice in a term
paper using three credible
references. All students participated
in this project.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
In Summer 2014, this assignment was changed to a mock
"Newspaper Article." This gives the students more
freedom to creatively write about a topic that would be
read by a wider, general audience such as patients they
would see in their employment setting. Students were still
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
students participate.
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
expected to use the credible references. (01/16/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
100% of students scored 80% or
higher on this assignment.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students continue to satisfactorily write the newspaper
article concerning an ethical topic. (01/16/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
100% of students scored above 80%
on this assignment.
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Continue to
monitor. (01/16/2016)
Finding Reporting Year: 2012-2013
Goal met: Yes
A grade rubric was used to score the papers. Several
students scored poorly on this project, three students
scored less than half of the available points. Suggest next
semester, the project be assigned to two people or perhaps
presented as a poster project. 2013 - Students were
assigned in pairs to turn in separate discussion papers on
pro or con of a particular issue. All scored at least 15 of the
20 points available for this paper. (09/28/2012)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
grade rubric.
Values/Accountability - 4. Assimilate
the personal values of honesty,
integrity and accountability for
practice within the practical nursing
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - Students participated in
role play activities that challenged
their nursing actions in difficult
situations. They then used different
charting formats to document the
care they provided.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students participate.
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
The role play activity is more suitable for a simulation
exercise, therefore this activity has been moved to PNUR
206. (01/16/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Yes
All students participated. (09/28/2012)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students watch the movie "Wit" and then answered
questions on professional conduct such as honesty, integrity
and accountability (01/16/2016)
Course Instructional Modality:
Hybrid Online-supported (mix of
face-to-face and online < 50%
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Discussion Board
Life Long Learning - 5. Recognize the
need for professional growth and life
long learning.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students complete a
homework assignment designed to
promote self-study of these topis.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students participate.
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Inconclusive - Must address through Action Plan
Students answered questions in class related to Michigan
LPN Association and National Association of PN Education
Services regarding professional growth and how to obtain
continuing education credits for re-licensing. (09/28/2012)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Test questions
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: No
... (01/16/2016)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Role Transition - 6. Explore transition Direct - Group project, collaborative
from student nurse role to licensed
learning - Each student submitted
practical nursing practice.
their resume for review. Each
student participated in role play
activities that simulated interview
Course Outcome Status: Active
situations, and arrived to class on a
designated day dressed as they
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) would for an interview.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students submit a resume.
All students arrive dressed for an
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Assignment
has changed since the disbanding
of the MiLPNA in September 2015.
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
Students continue to submit resume according to
information presented in class. 100% of students scored at
least 80% on this activity. See resume grading rubric.
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Finding Reporting Year: 2011-2012
Goal met: Inconclusive - Must address through Action Plan
All students submitted a resume and revised it to reflect the
suggestions presented in the classroom lecture.
Five of the 21 students did not arrive dressed for an
interview. Their reasons for not participating varied.
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Action to be Taken
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PNUR205:Maternal/Child Practical Nursing
Course Student Learning
Apply knowledge - 1. Apply
knowledge from nursing and the
sciences in the family care of
mothers, infants, and children.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - All students will
participate in the development of
the Teaching/Learning projects in
the presentation of Health
Fair/Outdoor Safety to the LSSU
camp programs for the child to
achieve a satisfactory grade.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve a
satisfactory on the
Teaching/Learning projects.
Schedule/Notes: Pediatric
Teaching/Learning Projects: (15% - 3
sessions at 5% each)
Three will be conducted on campus
with the Upward Bound students
and LSSU Summer Camp students
that Professor Beckham is
formalizing throughout May to bring
the criteria and guidelines to you in
June before they are scheduled in
July. The Upward Bound assignment
will focus on the adolescent and the
summer camp focus will be on
school and junior high aged children.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Identify - 2. Identify maternal and
fetal risk factors in the antenatal and
intrapartal periods.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
All students will identify the
mat/child risk factors by completion
of the pre-clinical experience
preparation sheets and post-clinical
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students will participate in the SIM experience working
as a team to apply the learned nursing interventions
applicable to the experience content to achieve a
satisfactory grade. (07/01/2014)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Observation of group dynamics
involved in the assessment process.
Action to be Taken: Observation
of group participation in the
assessment of the maternal/child
experience in the SIM area.
logs to achieve a grade of
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) satisfactory on the experience.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve a
satisfactory rating on the pre-clinical
experience preparation sheets and
post-clinical logs submitted.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Apply and assist - 3. Assist with
Other Findings
nursing interventions used during
labor to increase clients’ comfort and
ability to cope.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Follow-Up: All students achieved
a satisfactory on the SIM
experiences. Will continue to
monitor when involved in the out
patient clinic sites at CCHD, EHS
and SWH. (07/01/2014)
Direct - Group project, collaborative
learning - All students will
participate in the SIM experience
working as a team to apply the
learned nursing interventions
applicable to the experience content
to achieve a satisfactory grade.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will achieve a satisfactory
on each SIM experience.
Schedule/Notes: All students were
able to achieve a satisfactory on
each SIM experience.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Collaborative Assignments, Projects
Identify - 4. Identify postpartum risk
factors for the mother and newborn.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - All students will
develop and apply a Concept Map
applicable to the risk factors of the
assigned OB client to achieve a
satisfactory grade.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: All
students will achieve a satisfactory
grade on this assignment.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Relate concepts - 5. Relate concepts
of growth, development and nutrition
in the care of children.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Complete growth and
developmental assignment to
identify the theoretical stages
associated with Piaget and Erikson.
Emphasis is on application of
developmental milestones for each
age group.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will score at least 80% on
application of developmental
milestones for each pediatric age
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Writing-Intensive Course(s)
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2014-2015
Goal met: Yes
This course is taught on an annual basis in the Summer only
and all students achieved an 85% on this writing
assignment. (04/03/2016)
Course Outcomes and/or
Assessment Method (optional):
Direct - Homework, Writing
Assignment - Students complete a
growth and development
assignment based on the theoretical
underpinnings of Piaget and Erikson
to assess the expected milestones
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
across the pediatric lifespan.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Identify dimensions - 6. Identify
physical, social, psychological, and
spiritual dimensions of the child and
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Identify needs and risks - 7. Identify
the immunization needs and common
health risk factors of children.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Field Placement/Internship
Evaluation - Clinical objectives
address appropriate administration
and teaching of childhood
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
satisfactory demonstration and
documentation of clinical objectives.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Identify and understand - 8. Identify
nursing interventions for
maintenance of health of children.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Exam/Quiz - within the
course - Exam questions specifically
addressing primary and secondary
health care levels and the services
associated with each.
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of class will achieve 72% or higher on
these question.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Common Intellectual Experiences
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students complete an instructor
supervised laboratory experience to
perform well child exams and
provide parent/guardian
anticipatory guidance to facilitate
optimum growth, development, and
overall health.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Common Intellectual Experiences
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Common Intellectual Experiences
Demonstrate - 9. Demonstrate
therapeutic communication skills and
cultural sensitivity in the care of new
mothers and their families.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Use acquired knowledge - 10. Use
the nursing process to provide safe,
holistic care for families with
newborns and children within the
legal scope of practical nursing.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Start Date: 05/19/2014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students complete simulation
scenarios based on the leading
causes of pediatric illness, i.e.,
asthma, dehydration, tonic- clonic
seizures, and end of life care. After
each experience, students complete
a group concept map based on the
nursing process to provide both
subjective and objective data to
facilitate a positive outcome based
on nursing and collaborative patient
care interventions.
High Impact Course Practices 2:
Learning Communities
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Learning Communities
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PNUR206:Ambulatory Care Practical Nursing
Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Standards of Practice - 1. Discuss
how the practical nursing standards
of practice are appropriately applied
in the ambulatory setting.
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Completion of clinical objectives
work sheets.
Course Goal Differentiation: LowHigh Impact Course Practices 2: Not
Level (Understanding/Remembering) applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
All students completed the clinical objectives work sheets
satisfactorily. (07/31/2014)
Related Documents:
PNUR 206 Office Clinical Objectives.doc
Practice Environments - 2. List the
practice environments of practical
nurses in community based settings
across the lifespan.
Direct - Laboratory, Clinical,
Skill/Competency Assessments Students are assigned to various
clinical agencies in the community.
They have to report on their
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering) activities at each agency.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
100% of students were able to report on their experiences
at various community agencies. (07/31/2014)
Related Documents:
Cardiac Clinical Objectives.doc
Communication - 3. Communicate
effectively with clients and health
team members to assist in assessing
client needs with respect for physical,
psychological, sociocultural, and
spiritual dimensions.
Course Outcome Status: Active
Opt. Assess Yr. or GenEd Flag: 20132014
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: No
Students report to health care team members using SBAR
format. Students had to be reminded and prompted to use
this format. (07/31/2014)
Course Instructional Modality: Main
Campus Face-to-Face
Related Documents:
SBAR for Calling Physician.pdf
Client needs and care - 4.
Direct - Presentation, Performance Students participate in 4 Simulation
Center scenarios to demonstrate
effective communication. They
critique each other and are also
given feedback by the instructor on
the effectiveness of their
communication during these
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Action to be Taken
null.courseAction: Students will
be provided with the SBAR for
calling a physician form to review
prior to and to use during the
simulations. (05/13/2015)
Assist in
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Course Student Learning
planning client care, identifying client
needs and nursing measures
necessary to promote, maintain or
restore a state of health.
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
Assessment Methods
Direct - Presentation, Performance Simulation scenarios with discussion
and feed back from fellow students
and instructor.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1: Not
applicable to this outcome
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
In particular, students are presented with a simulation
scenario where they have to assess a patient in the office
who is a domestic violence victim. All students followed
proper procedure for reporting domestic violence.
Other Findings
Finding Reporting Year: 2013-2014
Goal met: Yes
Students are assigned clinical experiences in various office
settings where the function under the direct supervision of
the office staff. Students are required to turn in an
evaluation of their performance as proctored by an office
staff member. 100% of students turned in the evaluations.
No deficiencies were noted. (05/13/2015)
Related Documents:
PN Student Observation Preceptor Eval form-1.doc
Action to be Taken
Provide Care - 5. Provide safe,
evidence-based, culturally sensitive
nursing care to clients with common,
acute and/or chronic recurring
physiological conditions in the office
setting across the lifespan.
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Practice Roles - 7. Identify practice
roles of the practical nurse in the
community setting.
Course Goal Differentiation: LowLevel (Understanding/Remembering)
Office support - 8. Demonstrate
ability to provide effective office
support in health care environments
while utilizing communication skills,
organizational abilities, and
Course Goal Differentiation: HighLevel (Creating/Evaluating)
Direct - Field Placement/Internship
Evaluation - Students complete
objectives for each clinical office site
to identify strengths and weakness
in their communication skills,
organizational abilities and
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Course Student Learning
Assessment Methods
Action to be Taken
Criterion/Target/Threshold: 100%
of students will achieve satisfactory
on these objectives.
High Impact Course Practices 2: Not
applicable to this outcome
High Impact Course Practices 1:
Service Learning, Community-based
Related Documents:
PNUR 206 Office Clinical
Practice framework - 9.
within the accepted professional,
ethical and legal framework for
licensed practical nurses.
Course Goal Differentiation: MidLevel (Analyzing/Applying)
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