
Momentum Points of an LSSU Student’s Academic Career Thursday, January 28, 2016

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Momentum Points of an LSSU Student’s Academic Career Thursday, January 28, 2016
Momentum Points
of an LSSU Student’s
Academic Career
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Title III Grant
Faculty Center for Teaching (FCT)
Advising support / peer mentoring
Student Learning Commons (SLC)
Manage Barriers (momentum points)
Improve cost-effectiveness of Learning
Management System (LMS)
Main goals: Improve LSSU success and retention
Barriers Overview
• Momentum points are steps / milestones in a
student’s academic career
• GOAL: Eliminate unnecessary barriers for students
completing a degree
• Step #1: Establish a TALK (Teaching and Advising
through Learning and sharing of Knowledge) team to
identify the momentum points in an LSSU student’s
academic career
Mark Terwilliger
Computer Science
Russ Searight
Barb Evans
Scott Korb
Campus Life & Housing
Assistant Registrar
Registrar's Office
Learning Center
Nicole Parker
Geralyn Narkiewicz
• Others: Shelly Wooley, Karen Johnston, Marc Boucher
• What is and isn’t a momentum point?
LSSU Momentum Points:
Before the first semester begins
HS Student Contacts LSSU
Receive Admission materials
Receive Academic letter
Receive Interests letter
Submit application
Sometime during HS
After initial request
7 days later from School
7 days later (athletics, etc.)
HS Senior
Receive Admit letter
Receive Scholarship letter
Receive Academic Chair letter
Receive Orientation letter
Receive Housing letter w/ App
HS Senior
7-10 days later
7-10 days later
2 weeks later
Orientation – Choose a major
Orientation – Schedule courses
Orientation – Get student ID
Summer before enrollment
Summer before enrollment
Summer before enrollment
Get housing/roommate
Summer before enrollment
Purchase textbooks
Before school starts
Move-in Day
Attend Laker Week activities
Week before school starts
Week before school starts
LSSU Momentum Points:
Fall semester of freshmen year
Attend Classes
First Day of Semester
Attend a group meeting /
intramurals / club
Sometime during Fall semester
Take First Exam
About 4th week of Fall semester
Receive Mid-term grades
About 7th week of semester
Meet with advisor
Sometime during Fall semester
Register for Spring semester
About 8th week of Fall semester
Complete final exams
Receive final grades
Begin Spring semester
Late December
LSSU Momentum Points:
Milestones Occurring Sometime
During Academic Career
Visit Learning Center for tutoring
Get a part-time job
Choose mentor/topic for senior project
Complete developmental courses
Complete COMM 101
Complete Mathematics requirement
Get formally admitted into an academic program
Choose/change academic major/minor
LSSU Momentum Points:
The Finale – Leading up to
Receiving a Degree
Take graduate school exam
Submit degree audit
Apply to grad school
Complete senior project
Attend Commencements
Receive degree in mail
Where to go next?
• We identified about 50 momentum points
• LSSU loses many students between the fall and
spring semesters each year:
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Fall 2015
• Focus on a student’s first semester at LSSU
• Why not ask the students about barriers?
The Survey
The First Semester Survey
• Administered to freshmen-level courses during the last
few weeks of Fall Semester – 2015
• There were 240 students who responded to the survey
• Surveys were conducted in the following classes:
• Thanks to Barb Evans, Russ Searight, Greg Zimmerman,
Andrew Jones
The First Semester Survey
• Although some students that responded were not freshmen,
all questions were asked about the students first semester
experience at LSSU
• Of the 240 students surveyed, 114 of them (47.5%) enrolled in
University Seminar / Freshmen Experience courses
• The class breakdown of the 240 students looked like this:
Survey Results: #4. Did you encounter problems
registering for courses during your first semester?
• YES: 42 (17.5%)
• NO: 198 (82.5%)
• Comments (39 students responded):
•A girl took me out of all my classes, then tried putting me back in - and they were all full.
•Anchor Access account didn't work
•As a freshmen: A student helped me register during orientation, and they signed me up for classes I didn't
need/couldn't handle.
•Classes were cancelled.
•Classes were full, pre-req/test score errors, needed instructor overrides for classes
•Conflicting Times
•Currently in it.
•Didn't know how and advisor was NO help.
•Didn't like having to wait until Orientation.
•Didn't receive enough help as to how to register
•I had completed the eng & math pre-reqs and didn't know what to take in their place.
•Hold on chem. Advisor didn't tell me needed math
•Holds on my account
•HS transcripts going through
•I couldn't get a lab for A&P so they had to make a new lab
•I had a problem getting into a seminar course.
•I had issues with prerequisites
•I needed to take two classes that were only offered at the same time
•I tested out of the algebra class and placed directly into Trig, but Anchor Access did not accept the compass
test as a valid pre-requisite.
•Lots of schedule conflicts due to only one time being available for a required class.
•Missing a lot of prereqs for classes because I am a transfer but no problems registering for ENGR101
•No one ever really taught me how.
•Not being allowed in a class due to a low ACT score and having to re-do my entire schedule.
•Not enough space for classes I need
•Not enough spots in the classes I needed
•Pre-req for AP
•School didn't exempt classes fast enough
•Services were slow and wouldn't register
•Signed up too late
•Some of the timing and space allowed for a class
•The browser kicked me out and when it came back up
•The fact that I have to "race" other people for a spot in certain classes is frustrating
•They did not have a lab set up that would not interfere with the rest of my schedule
•They didn't have space in a lab so they had to make one up
•Too full
•Transcript was messed up
•Upperclassmen filled most classes before I could register
•We went to the last orientation and most classes were full.
Survey Results: #5. Did you encounter problems
purchasing textbooks for your first semester?
• YES: 28 (11.7%)
• NO: 212 (88.3%)
• Comments (28 students responded):
•Accidently bought 2 of the same book, bookstore was very unreasonable about letting me return it.
•As a freshmen: the amount of money was a problem. I had to drop a lot of my classes I had signed up for
because I couldn't handle them so money was wasted.
•Bought Online - much cheaper
•Cost of books!!
•Cost too much
•Didn't have them in the library and had to wait a couple of weeks.
•Didn't know what the correct textbooks.
•Didn't locate appropriate text online for classes.
•GI Bill Problems
•I accidently purchased 2 of the same book
•Last minute change
•Last minute teacher change resulting in new textbooks
•monetary funds
•Most are severely over priced.
•Not all were offered as rental/hard to find money
•Not enough money to get it
•Not enough options and cheaper options
•Problems with scholarship and what that covered on books
•Textbooks were just really expensive and at first I didn't know where I had to look to figure out what textbooks
I needed.
•The books came in too late and I couldn't get my money back.
•The money is given to us a time when the books will arrive after the semester has started.
•The price of textbooks were expensive.
•The tuition refund money came long after I ordered my books.
•They are overly expensive
•They are too much money for something that I might use once or twice.
•Unclear which were needed, I don't use two books that were fairly expensive.
•Yes and No. Should be covered in tuition. Was unexpected as a freshmen.
Survey Results: #6. Did you join any
clubs/groups/intramurals during your first semester?
• YES: 123 (51.3%)
• NO: 117 (48.7%)
Did you encounter problems joining
clubs/groups/intramurals during your first semester?
• YES: 11 (4.6%)
• NO: 229 (95.4%)
• Comments (15 students responded):
•Deadlines were not announced well for intramurals, so I could never join.
Communication is poor here.
•Difficult to find out where to show up to sign up and always a class schedule
•Difficulty attending meeting due to class
•I am an athlete, not much time.
•I couldn't with sports
•I live off campus and work so it's hard to find time to join club/groups or
participate in them when I'm on campus
•I tried out many clubs but none seemed to suit me.
•I work.
•Intramural leagues were not well publicized. I could not register in time and
encountered difficulty finding a time slot that fit into my schedule.
•Intramurals - a rule requiring a certain number of female to participate made it
harder to make a team. A similar rule for male participation does not exist.
•No problem, but the times didn't always work with my class schedule.
•Not enough time for some organizations
•Rock climbing, activities board, archery and fisheries & wildlife
•Some of the clubs weren't at times I could go to. Also some of them I actually had
to hunt around and ask for.
•Was just unsure how to about it, friends helped.
Survey Results: #7. Did you encounter problems preparing
for your first exam during your first semester?
• YES: 47 (19.6%)
• NO: 193 (80.4%)
• Comments (40 students responded):
•Bad time management
•Didn't have proper studying techniques
•Didn't know how to effectively study
•Didn't know what to expect compared to freshmen year
•Didn't know what to expect or how to study.
•didn't know what to expect or what I need to know.
•Didn't know what to expect.
•Didn't know what to study had a full on panic-attack
•Didn't prepare enough for the first one, I then learned how to study for that specific exam
•Didn't really know how to prepare, but after the first test I got used to it.
•Finding time to study
•Finding ways to study and maintain information
•Focus. Not knowing what to study.
•Having good time management
•High School did not prepare me for college
•I didn't know what to expect for the exam form or the best ways to study
•I didn't know what to study
•I didn't study enough.
•I had 3 exams on the same day and they were all my first college tests.
•I had a hard time studying efficiently.
•I had to study.
•I underestimated the exams.
•I was just overwhelmed with material and was stressing out.
•I wasn't sure how difficult it would be compared to high school. I also didn't know how much studying would
be appropriate for it.
•It was more than I expected but the professors prepared me for it
•Just getting myself to study because I wasn't used to it.
•Major procrastinator
•No study guides given, way different than high school.
•Not enough time to study
•Not knowing what teachers are expecting of me on my 1st exam.
•Not knowing what to expect
•Not knowing what to study
•Not understanding what would be on the test and how to study
•Procrastinating - not studying.
•So much info! (What to study?)
•Staying Focused
•Time Management
•Was not prepared enough
•Wasn't sure on if I was ready or not
•Wasn't sure what to expect compared to high school exams and every instructor words things differently.
Survey Results: #8. Did you encounter problems receiving
mid-term grades during your first semester?
• YES: 63 (26.3%)
• NO: 177 (73.7%)
• Comments (58 students responded):
•A few professors never entered them.
•Didn't get 2 of my midterm grades
•Didn't know how to study, never had to do it before
•Didn't know how to view them.
•Didn't receive them all.
•Do not know where to go to see them.
•Had a professor not give me midterm grades/would not but those that did - no problems. Give
•Just didn’t know what to expect
•Many profs did not post grades/did not believe in posting them.
•Math prof wouldn't post them
•Moodle is awful and unorganized
•My COM101 class never got posted
•My grades weren't put in for weeks after and some grades were never put in.
•My teachers did not submit them.
•My teachers didn't post my grade or I was told it was - I guessed on what my grade is - I want specifics.
•No midterm grades for CHEM115
•None for Metlab
•Not all posted them.
•Not all professors entered midterm grades.
•Not all professors post them.
•Not all professors put them up
•Not always posted
•Not high enough, dropped my grade.
•One professor, [Professor Y], didn't post them.
•One teacher did not post midterms ENGR101 had them up for viewing
•Only for Chem 115, grade was never posted
•Only half of my teachers posted midterm grades on time
•Prof chose to not put in midterm grades
•Professors didn't enter grades
•Professors seriously don't have their stuff together
•Professors take too long or forget to post grades
•Some instructors posted midterm grades, some did not. No consistency.
•Some of my teachers didn't have the grades up at the time we were told they'd be up.
•Some professors did not post them but, the ones that did, I had no problem seeing.
•Some professors did not put them up!
•Some professors failed to post the grade by midterm. To me this is very disappointing.
•Some professors must think it's an option to enter mid-terms, even to this day some don't enter them and it's
irritating to say the least.
•Some professors never posted
•Some professors took awhile to put them up in Anchor Access
•Some profs don't put them up.
•Some teachers didn't post them in a timely fashion
•Some teachers didn't put them in
•Some teachers didn't put them in.
•Some teachers didn't put them in.
•Some teachers don't put them up.
•Some were not posted
•Some weren't posted online as they were intended to be.
•Some weren't posted, others were really late, etc.
•Teachers didn't enter them
•The online grading system needs to consolidate Moodle and other class grades. It should also be up to date
within the week with all assignments.
•They all posted late. The last grade was up around a month late.
•They are not all in same place. Some on blackboard, some in Moodle, some on LSSU page.
•They were too low.
•They weren't all in the same place
•Three of my teachers did not submit midterm grades.
•Unable to find online, not all teachers had them in
•When I transferred, my Moodle didn't work until around midterm so that class I had problems.
Survey Results: #9. Did you encounter problems meeting
with your advisor during your first semester?
• YES: 31 (12.9%)
• NO: 209 (87.1%)
• Comments (30 students responded):
•Advisor was on sabbatical and I was not given a new one. Had to seek someone out.
•Communication Error
•Coordinating Meeting Times
•Couldn't find a time to meet
•Did not follow office hours. So I switched advisors and haven't been back. It has been a great fit.
•Didn't know who it was.
•However, I did not like mine. He is very impersonal.
•I didn't get emailed back and my scheduled conflicted with her office hours.
•I didn't know who it was.
•I forgot who it was.
•I had no idea who he was
•I had no idea who she was and vice versa.
•I have been trying to set up a meeting and I have questions about registering and I haven't received a response
•I met with her but she didn't really listen to what I had to say.
•I never met with my advisor, someone else helped me
•I tried setting up a specific time to meet with her and rather than doing that she asked me to just pop in and
when I did, she had to leave for something.
•I waited too long to schedule a meeting and I met after my registration date.
•It wasn't helpful anyway.
•Just meeting with him felt like pulling teeth it felt like he was unavailable most of the time I needed him.
•My advisor wouldn't meet outside of office hours and I had class during her hours.
•My advisor's schedule was too full so I had to meet with somebody else, which made it confusing and I was
unsure of what was required for my major.
•No problem, but make advisors/advising clear that the advising process is important and mandatory
•Not w/ the program.
•Right from the start she tried to pin me as a bad student we butted heads our first meeting but we are fine
•Roger Land was advisor, no one told me who knew advisor was
•She was available and did not show up.
•She was very busy and I had to make first contact, I wasn't notified ahead of time.
•Time available
•Went to my geology professor
•Yes, she didn't explain anything to me or answer my questions
Survey Results: #10. Have you registered for Spring
Semester 2016 yet?
• YES: 215 (89.6%)
• NO: 25 (10.4%)
• If you answered “no”, why haven’t you registered? (14 responses):
•But unsure if I am adding or dropping courses
•I haven't gotten a hold of my advisor I wish we could just do it online.
•I was deciding if I should switch majors
•I'm transferring.
•I'm transferring.
•I'm weird.
•Just paid off bill legit today will register tonight.
•Not coming back.
•See previous question - have not met with my advisor
•Still need chem
Survey Results: #11. During your first semester at
LSSU, what other obstacles or barriers to academic
success have you encountered?
• Of the 240 students surveyed, 139 responded to
this question:
•A couple of hiccups due to transferring and some things didn't go as smoothly as it could have.
•A lot of homework, mixed with a lot of distractions leads to time management issues
•A practical aspect of ENGR101 was a bit too jarring. I had zero experience with programming or robotics at
the beginning of the semester, which made the LEGO projects a bit overwhelming.
•Adjusting to University life.
•Advisor told me I didn't need classes when I did.
•All is well.
•Balancing school time with play time.
•Balancing sports and academics at a new college.
•Balancing sports and academics at the same time.
•Being a student-athlete and managing make up tests and homework
•Can't find anything on the website, it's poorly set up.
•Career Uncertainty
•Chem 115
•Communication with professors and transfer credit.
•Different study methods for different classes
•Difficulty meeting w/ advisor
•Enjoying my time here. I find to be a stressful experience so far.
•Everything has gone pretty well. If I had any questions, I have resources to get them answered.
•Exam prep, study habits
•Fitting in a tutor.
•Food sucks…really sucks
•For math, my teacher doesn't teach the way I learned and it's hard for me to learn from him.
•Format is different than high school so adjusting to the college academics was a little difficult.
•Get distracted easily and couldn't study
•Getting motivated to study
•Getting the on campus jobs that I wanted/considered
•Grade is test, no assignments
•Grades aren't as good as I'd hoped.
•Hard to live in dorm, hard to learn new study techniques
•Having a job that stressed me out.
•Having time to study and making myself go to my classes.
•Having to cross the international bridge on a daily basis
•Having to start out in earlier classes prevented me from taking classes that I was advised to take for the
semester (because of pre-req classes)
•High school and college are a lot different regarding studying.
•I don't recall having any significant obstacles, except I had to final exams on the same day and time, but
even then I was able to fix that problem.
•I ended up changing majors so I was stuck in a bunch of science classes that I hate.
•I found information related to the I-20 process was somewhat uncentralized, making it confusing at times.
•I hate living in the dorms! LSSU Staff has done an awful job of placing me. Twice.
•I have to handle financial matters with school before I register.
•I haven't encountered any obstacles or barriers
•I think the hardest thing was not being informed that tutors are free - that would have encouraged me to get
one sooner.
•I was very homesick and did not attempt to make friends or go outside my comfort zone.
•I wish I could know my grades throughout the semester
•I'm just chilling.
•I'm really lazy…
•It was all good.
•It was difficult finding time on occasion to get help.
•It was hard finding time to make new friends once classes started.
•It's a lot different than high school. So I'm still figuring out which study habits will benefit me the most.
•Just adjusting
•Just getting adjusted to homework amounts.
•Just not knowing how to study.
•Keeping grades up in all courses
•Keeping my grades up. So proud of myself.
•Keeping up with the stressful paperwork. It is almost to the point where the stress won't allow you to focus
on anything else.
•Knowing what to schedule
•Lack of knowledge on study places/resources in the Library just general inexperience
•Lack of study and work habits.
•Learn how to prepare/study for different classes
•Learning how to study
•Less time studying because of class.
•Library is closed on weekends
•LSSU changing my schedule or cancelling a class section before the semester started
•LSSU seems like they don't care about their students, and they don't care if their student attends University
or not. The other college I attended made students feel wanted at that school.
•Managing time & coursework
•Math center needs more open hours.
•Mental health difficulties
•Miscommunication w/ professors on due dates and requirements.
•Missing class due to basketball and finding a time to make things up.
•Motivation to do work when getting back from a break.
•My advisor was very unhelpful and after meeting with her many times I went and met with the head of the
department instead
•My high school did a poor job for preparing me for all the homework
•My previous advisors did not do a thorough enough job helping me plan out my academic progression for
each semester.
•My self discipline
•My sleep schedule is a mess.
•Myself, the weather
•Needed better ideas for studying and memorizing
•No "direction", I had no idea what to do or even where to look for anything. Felt like I was thrown to the
•NO faculty devoted to pre-vet! I feel very alone. No one specializes in animals typically dealt with at small vet
clinic. No help for seminar/senior research.
•No friends, and nothing to do. This all adds up into being alone and not feeling like I belong here which
makes going to classes difficult when you are miserable.
•Not prepping well for exams
•None really, I believe that bi-weekly meeting with an advisor would be a good idea though.
•None really.
•None; however time management is a challenge (If there were to be time management)
•Not studying enough
•Not too much, the biggest obstacles I've had were some parking tickets but other than that no.
•Nothing to do here.
•Nothing, just having good time management is something I need to work on.
•Overwhelmed with classes, and I'm just confused on what I want my major to be.
•Personal study habits and use of time
•Printer at Library running out of ink. Why is it IT and not Library staff's problem?
•Registering for spring semester. The system said I didn't have a pre-req that I did have.
•Registration should be easier.
•[Professor X] is a terrible professor with terrible views.
•Roommates :(
•Running low on cash and behind on school work without taking care of yourself (exercising)
•Scheduling has always been a barrier to my academic success, because my advisors have never made the
requirements very clear on the courses I needed to take for the goals I wanted to achieve I think this could
definitely improve.
•School in it's own, nothing; work caused problems with scheduling and they refused to work with me.
•Severe stress load hindering academic performance
•Sleeping is needed. I need to have better study and work habits.
•Some difficulty registering for the spring 2016 semester because the classes got full right away even when I
did the CRNS right at midnight.
•Some professors teach in a horrible way, but you learn to adapt to them.
•Staying focused.
•Struggling making time to study. Studying techniques. Tuition costs.
•Student mentor helped a lot!
•Studying & balancing time
•Studying for multiple exams at once and figuring out which classes to take 2nd semester.
•Studying for some exams is difficult, finding a quiet place, managing time well.
•Studying habits my fault.
•Taking gen ed classes set me back also because of my math score on the ACT
•Teacher availability. Office ours and the lack of time to meet.
•Teacher that do not care about their students.
•The hill outside the Townhouses
•The only problem that I felt was a barrier for my first semester was getting use to my loud/active dorm life
when scheduling my day or doing homework/studying.
•There are not enough supports for students who have mental illnesses. Yes, there is a Counseling Center,
but that's not something I always want to go to. There needs to be some sort of group or place you can go to
talk about problems.
•Time constraints
•Time management
•Time management and retaining all the information in classes
•Time management for studying when on the road with the team during season.
•Time management is a big struggle at the beginning of the semester but it's gotten better.
•Time management nearing finals week
•Time management, finding food due to limited QD hours and no car to drive to a restaurant which was
more distracting to studying than other things.
•Time management. Food sucks.
•Time off to work.
•Time. Working full-time/student
•To improve student class size, we need to improve the schools reputation. We need to advertise "facts",
good facts about LSSU such as it's #9 ranking out of Michigan colleges for average salary/tuition ratio.
Our engineering programs have received jobs for every student graduating from the program. Dr.
Iretski (chem professor) has a collaboration with UCSB (#1 in world for materials science). We need to
show this school will give students a great education for lower price (on average). Other examples
would be working with instruments (mass spectrometer, NMR, engineering machines I don't know the
names of) that most students don't have direct access to in classes at the undergraduate level. Have
interview and advertise great students who have graduated, such as Trace Hill, etc. This school is not in
a vibrant city, so you need to create a strong ap and have students coming for the education. I almost
transferred to U of M if Dr. Iretski hadn't given me the opportunity of internship my sophomore year to
UCSB, I would have. I will be included in a publication in a scientific journal for my internship at U of
M my junior year. If it wasn't for LSSU, I would not have had this opportunity. Sincerely, A Senior
•Trying to get a grip on college classes, and what the professors expect you do without telling you.
•Unreliable wifi
•Very successful.
•Waited the last minute for a tutor, didn't ask questions when confused, didn't ask for help, didn't do
office hours and procrastinated.
•Went to the hospital for 6 days, missed a bunch of stuff.
•Wish I would have known to take pre-reqs before coming so I could be ready for college level classes
Does taking a USEM/first year
experience course make a difference
with any of these momentum points?
USEM? Count
Joined a club /
Trouble joining
a club /
preparing for getting midterm meeting with
first exam?
Registered for
20 15.9%
22 19.3%
No. Question
Took USEM / freshmen experience?
Problems registering for Fall 2015?
Problems getting textbooks?
6a Joined a club / organization?
6b Trouble joining a club / organization?
Trouble preparing for first exam?
Difficulty getting midterm grades?
Difficulty meeting with advisor?
10 Registered for Spring Semester 2016?
Four Keys to Enhance Student Retention
1. Expectations – Student self-expectations, university
student performance expectations, faculty expectations
of students
2. Support – Academic, social, financial
3. Assessment and feedback – Students are more
likely to succeed in institutions that assess
performance and provide frequent feedback in ways
that enable students, faculty, and staff alike to adjust
their behaviors to better promote student success
4. Involvement – The more students are academically
and socially engaged with faculty, staff, and peers, the
more likely they are to succeed in college
Completing College, Rethinking Institutional Action (Tinto)
• Students are very interested in sharing their
thoughts and opinions
• We will break down the data by academic
discipline next
• We need to look at trends in the data so that we
can make the biggest impact
• You can view the student survey results on the
FCT web site: http://lssu.edu/fct
• The Momentum Points Committee welcomes
your thoughts, questions, and suggestions
Fly UP