
John R. Hellmann Professor and Associate Head of Undergraduate Studies

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John R. Hellmann Professor and Associate Head of Undergraduate Studies
John R. Hellmann
Professor and Associate Head of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
124 Steidle Building
University Park, PA 16802
[email protected]
Ceramic Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (1977)
Ceramic Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (1981)
Professional Positions:
2001 – 2007
2002 - present
1997 - 2001
1994 - 2002
1986 - 1994
Associate Dean for Education, College of Earth and Mineral Science; Professor of
Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, PA
Associate Head of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Chairman, Ceramic Science and Engineering and the Electronic and Photonic Materials
Programs in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA
Associate Professor, Ceramic Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA
Associate Director of the Center for Advanced Materials, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA
Assistant Professor of Ceramic Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA
Member of Technical Staff in the Chemistry and Ceramics Department, Sandia
National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Pilot Plant Technician, Garber Research Center, Harbison-Walker Refractories, West
Mifflin, PA
Academic Service:
Associate Head, Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
(2001- 2007):
Responsible for the administration, curriculum development, engineering accreditation,
Cooperative Education, recruiting and retention, and outreach activities of the undergraduate
degree program in Materials Science and Engineering
Chairman, Ceramic Science and Engineering and the Electronic and Photonic Materials Programs in
the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (1998 – 2001):
Responsible for administration of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, teach, manage
faculty and staff, supervise research, and coordinate program activities within the Department of
Materials Science and Engineering
Assistant/Associate Director, Center for Advanced Materials (1986 – 1994):
Responsible for the daily operations, administration of research projects, budgets, report
generation and dissemination, and organization of topical and project review meetings for
sponsors including the Gas Research Institute, NASA, Ben Franklin Program, and corporate
members of CAM's Cooperative Program in High Temperature Engineering Materials Research.
Student summer internship coordinator (1990 – 2007):
Coordinated placement of over 200 undergraduates in part-time employment in university,
government, and industrial laboratories.
Materials Science and Engineering student orientation coordinator (1990-93, 1998-2006):
Implement an orientation seminar for undergraduate students in Materials Science and
Engineering at the beginning of Fall Semester.
ABET EC 2000 Committee in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Chairman: 20012007):
Authored self study documents and coordinated Departmental preparations for re-accreditation of
all undergraduate degree options in Materials Science and Engineering by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
Undergraduate recruiting committee (chair 1994-1998 and 2001-207):
Developed new recruiting methodologies resulting in an increase in enrollment by 50% since
Undergraduate curriculum development committee (chair: 2001-2007):
Coordinated a complete revision of curricula in all four options in Materials Science and
Engineering, including the development of four new courses, and submission of over 50 revised
course proposals to comply with new course nomenclature requirements.
Scholarships Committee (member since 1997; chair 2002-2007):
Revised scholarship guidelines and award methodology to more effectively employ scholarships
in recruitment and retention of undergraduates in Materials Science and Engineering.
Outreach coordinator (1994-2007):
Organized Department activities for EMEX, Kodak BEST, Spend a Summer Day, PA Junior
Science and Humanities Symposium, Engineering Open House and similar activities.
Cooperative Education in Engineering Program Committee (chair:1995 – 2007):
Coordinate placement of undergraduate students at industrial and government sites under the
College of Engineering’s Cooperative Education in Engineering and the Eberly College of Science
Cooperative Education programs.
Coordinator of Materials Science and Engineering “World Campus” concept (1996-1999):
Charged with developing a curriculum for a Professional Masters Degree in Engineered Materials
in collaboration with the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics.
Executive and Administrative Committees (2001-2007)
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Awards Committee (2001-2007)
Undergraduate Laboratory and Facilities (1998-2007)
MatSE Space Reorganization Committee (1998- 2000)
Associate Dean for Education (July 2007-present) Responsible for the administration, curriculum
development, engineering accreditation, Cooperative Education and International programming,
recruiting and retention, instructional facilities, academic advising and scheduling, development and
outreach activities of all undergraduate degree program in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
Represent the College at a variety of University functions such as Administrative Council on
Undergraduate Education (ACUE,) Council on Engagement, Engineering Faculty Advisory Board for
Accreditation, Faculty Senate Council, etc.
Scholarship Committee (1997 – present):
Establish guidelines for undergraduate scholarships and serve on the Steidle and William GrundyHaven Awards selection committee.
Faculty Advisory Board for ABET 2000 (1998 – present):
Serve as Department and College representative to the College of Engineering’s advisory board
for accreditation of engineering programs in EMS.
Undergraduate Programs Advisory Committee (UPAC; 2001 – 2007; chair 2007-present; )
Faculty Appraisal/Evaluation Task Force (2003-present):
Establish recommendations for post tenure review philosophy and procedures.
Earth and Mineral Sciences Environment Committee (1995-97)
Faculty Advisory Committee (2002 – 2007)
Dean’s Executive Council (2007-present)
Earth and Mineral Sciences College Safety Committee (1987)
Earth and Mineral Sciences College Facilities Service Representative (1989)
Faculty Senator (2003-present):
Represent EMS on the Committee on Intercollege Athletics, Committee on Committees and
Rules, and Senate Council.
AD-14 Administrative Review Committee for Director of Applied Research Laboratory (1996-97) and
Dean of the College of Engineering (2009)
Faculty Search Committees for Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Research Laboratory,
Electrical Engineering, and Engineering Science and Mechanics (1998, 1999, 2001)
Selection Committee for Associate Director of Greek Life, Office of Student Affairs (1996)
Service to Student Organizations/Outreach/Diversity Enhancement:
Organize and implement summer research experiences for high school students as part of the Women
in Science and Engineering (WISE) Summer Camp experience (2003-present.)
Lecturer and mentor to women and minority freshmen in the Freshmen in Science and Engineering
(FISE) Interest House.
Coordinate MatSE efforts in the “Take Your Daughters to Work” sponsored by The Commission for
Women (1998-2002.)
Coordinate MatSE activities in the Kodak BEST Summer Scholars Program, which is an academic
enrichment and career awareness program for under-represented students of color interested in
pursuing careers in business, engineering, and the sciences.
Mentor and research advisor to Ms. Rachel Rosenberg, a sixth grader from Hilton Head, S.C. in her
quest to become the youngest winner of the National Junior Science and Humanities Competition.
Ms. Rosenberg placed first in competition at the high school level in South Carolina in 1999 for
her project “Impurity Doping of Ceramics to Enhance Their Characteristics,” and was awarded a
$4000 scholarship to the college of her choice. Ms. Rosenberg subsequently finished third
nationally at the competition held in San Diego.
In 2000, Ms. Rosenberg won numerous awards in the International Science and Engineering Fair
for her study of the “Effect of Excimer Laser Irradiation on Blue Morpho Butterfly Wings.” Ms.
Rosenberg conducted her research under my guidance while in residence in Professor Hellmann’s
laboratory at Penn State.
Advisor of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Keramos National Professional Ceramic Engineering
Fraternity (1999-2005; Co-advisor since 2005):
Mentored the chapter to first runner-up (2001, 2003, 2006 and 2007) and first place (2002, 2004,
and 2005) finishes in the National Outstanding Chapter competition.
Co-Advisor of the Student Chapter of the American Ceramic Society (1992-2005):
Founding advisor (2005) of the Penn State Chapter of Material Advantage (umbrella organization
for ACerS, ASM, TMS, and AIST student chapters.)
American Ceramic Society Student Speaking Contest Advisor (1991-93):
Coached and advised students who have placed first (1991), second (1992), and honorable
mention (1993) in a national competition among students enrolled in Materials Science curricula
at other Universities.
Founding officer (Secretary) of the Greek Alumni Interest Group (1996 – 2000):
Formed in 1996 to provide a forum for exchange of information and to promote interaction
between the National Pan Hellenic Council, the Panhellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council,
the Order of Omega, and other interested Greek-related groups.
Lion Fraternity Alumni Association – Director (1996-1998)
Fraternity Purchasing Agency - Board of Directors (1994-1998):
Provided managerial and fiscal planning guidance to the largest student run cooperative
purchasing agency in the United States. FPA provides its services and benefits to groups across
the entire student population at Penn State.
Service to the Profession:
The American Ceramic Society:
• Member, 1973-present; elected Fellow (2000)
• Board of Directors (2003-2007)
• Associate Editor; Journal of the American Ceramic Society (1999-present)
• Chairman, Education and Outreach Committee (2004-2006)
• President, Ceramic Educational Council (2000)
• President, National Institute of Ceramic Engineers (2005)
• Student Chapter Co-advisor (1992 - 2006)
• Student Speaking Contest Advisor (1991 - 1994)
• Counselor, Central Pennsylvania Section (1994-present)
• PA Chapter of Keramos Advisor (2000 - 2005)
• Distinguished Mentor, (1998-present)
• Publication Subcommittee member (1999-present)
• Society Nominating Committee (1999-2002;) Presidential appointee
• Chairman, Phase Equilibrium Committee (1998-2002;) Presidential appointee
• President’s Faculty Advisory Board (1997-present)
• Chairman - Ceramographic Exposition, 1985-89; judge 1985, 1990-91
• Chairman, Nominating Committee, Basic Science Division, 1990
Keramos National Professional Ceramic Engineering Fraternity (President 2008-2010)
Pennsylvania Ceramics Association
• Board of Directors (1992 – 2006)
• Technical Program Chairman (1996-2006)
American Society for Metals (ASM International; 1986-present)
• Material Advantage Student Chapter Advisory Board
Materials Research Society
Courses Taught:
MatSE 412: Thermal Properties and Refractories (1986-present):
Focuses on crystal physics approach to understanding the thermal, elastic, and chemical response
of materials at high temperature; taught to seniors in Materials Science and Engineering
MatSE 490: Senior Fieldtrip and Seminar (1998-2004):
Addresses selection of senior thesis topic, discussion of the scientific research methodology,
proper research documentation and technical writing, oral presentation skills, intellectual property
issues, professional ethics and responsibility, and industrial site visits
MatSE 492W: Materials Engineering Methodology and Design (2004-2007):
New course created by combining MatSE 310W and 490 into a three credit offering. In this
course, teams of four students (juniors in MatSE) work collectively toward achieving a solution to
an industrially relevant materials problem (solicited from industry.) Teams are mentored by a
faculty member as well as at least one industrial representative. The students learn presentation
skills, proper research documentation, technical writing, the scientific methodology of hypothesis
and test thereof, ethics and responsibilities in engineering, and intellectual property considerations
MatSE 484W: International Internship in Materials - Research Definition and Methodology (20062007):
New course in MatSE focused on international research, specifically experimentation and
documentation, facilitated through the International Internships in Materials Program
MatSE 485W: International Internships in Materials – Experimentation and Documentation (20062007):
New course in MatSE, which follows on after MatSE 484W, and requires the student to document
their research at a laboratory of one of our International Internships in Materials partners in the
form of a thesis, thereby satisfying the senior capstone requirement in MatSE
MatSE 547: Thermophysical Properties of Ceramics (1986-present):
Focuses on the application of crystal physics to understanding heat capacity, thermal expansion,
thermal conductivity, and thermal fatigue in multiphase materials
CerSE 509: Composite Materials, jointly taught with D.J. Green (1992 – 2001):
Lectures on the state-of-the-art in the processing and properties of ceramic fibers and composites
EM SC 100S: First Year Seminar; Energy, Materials and the Environment; jointly taught with Jeff
Brownson in Spring 2008. Focuses on developing skills in scientific and engineering
methodology, technical writing, oral and poster presentations, and teamwork to first year students
in Earth and Mineral Sciences
LEAP – Learning Edge Academic Program (2009): Combined First Year Seminar (EMSC 100S) with
EGEE101 for a six credit experiential learning course on Energy, Materials, and the Environment,
taught to incoming freshmen in Earth and Mineral Sciences, the College of Engineering, the
Eberly College of Science, and the Division of Undergraduate Studies.
Awards and Honors:
Recipient of the 1995 Dean Arthur Warnock Award for exemplary service by Penn State faculty to the
Fraternity system.
Fellow – American Ceramic Society (elected 2000)
Ceramic Educational Council of the American Ceramic Society Outstanding Educator Award (2008)
College of Earth and Minerals Sciences Faculty Mentoring Award (2002)
Many undergraduate and graduate students have earned awards for their research under Professor
Hellmann’s mentorship, including:
Undergraduate Awardees:
Peter J. Jamnicky, 1989 Xerox Award for “Best Research by an Undergraduate” for his thesis
"Thermal Treatment Effects on Microstructure, Crystalline Phase Evolution, and Mechanical
Properties of Spherical Ceramic Particles for Solar Thermal Transfer Media.” (September 1989).
Clark A. Moose, Eric J. Van Voorhees, and Pamela C. De Bellis, Departmental 1st prize for their
presentation detailing their B.S. theses and team design project "Thermal Shock Test Methodology
for Ceramic Tubes in the 1989 Undergraduate Research Exhibition. (March 1989).
C. Eric Ramberg, 1990 Xerox Award for “Best Research by an Undergraduate” for his thesis
"Fabrication of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Al2O3 Composites via Infiltration with
Al(NO3)3·9H2O." (September 1990).
Eric R. Trumbauer: 1st prize for his presentation "Oriented Microchannel Ceramics by Selective
Oxidation of Carbon Fiber Preforms," in the 1991 Student Speaking Contest at the 93rd Annual
Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH, April 28 - May 2, 1991.
Eric R. Trumbauer, 1991 Xerox Award for “Best Research by an Undergraduate” for his thesis
"Oriented Microchannel Ceramics by Selective Oxidation of Carbon Fiber Preforms" (September
Matthew A. Stough: 2nd prize for his entry "The Role of Grain Boundary Devitrification on the
Wear of Glass Bonded Alumina Ceramics," in the 1992 Student Speaking Contest at the 94th
Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Minneapolis, MN (April 12 - 16, 1992).
Matthew A. Stough, 1992 Xerox Award for “Best Research by an Undergraduate” for his thesis
"The Role of Grain Boundary Devitrification on the Wear of Glass Bonded Alumina Ceramics,"
(September 1992)
O. Ezekoye, Materials Research Society Undergraduate Materials Research Initiative
Fellowship for his work on “Mechanical and Elastic Properties of Carbon Infiltrated Silicon
Oxycarbide Cellular Ceramics,” (October 8, 1999).
L.S. Friedman, Materials Research Society Undergraduate Materials Research Initiative
Fellowship for her work on “Elastic and Mechanical Properties Characterization of Fiber
Composites Fabricatd Using a Novel Polymer Infiltration Process,” (October 12, 1999).
Melvin R. Gottschalk Jr., 2001 Xerox Award for “Best Research by an Undergraduate” for his
thesis “Beneficiation of Fly Ash” (May 2001)
Melvin R. Gottschalk, John R. Hellmann, Barry E. Scheetz, André L. Boehman, and David R.
Stettler, first prize in the American Coal Ash Association Educational Foundation’s 2000 John H.
Faber competition for best paper by an undergraduate (August 2001).
B.H. Jones, E.M. Redline, R.S. Mizikar, T. Winkler, J.R. Hellmann, J. Swab and R. Emerson,
“Ceramic Tubes for Gun Barrel Applications,” 1st place in the 2005 Materials Science and
Engineering Poster Competition for best team effort, April 2005
Aaron Welsh, Billy Woodford, Danielle Williams, and Jonathan Shipper, “Replacement of Zircon
in Investment Casting,” 1st place in the 2007 Materials Science and Engineering Poster
Competition for best team effort, (May 2007)
Graduate Awardees:
Jay M. Galbraith: First Prize for his entry "Residual Stresses and Resulting Damage Within Fibers
Intersecting a Free Surface," co-authored with M.N. Kallas, D.A. Koss, and J.R. Hellmann, in the
poster paper competition hosted by the American Society for Composites at the Seventh
Technical Conference on Composite Materials, University Park, PA (October 13-15, 1992).
M. A Stough, J.R. Hellmann and J.C. Conway, 2nd prize for their presentation "The Role of Grain
Boundary Devitrification on the Wear of Glass Bonded Alumina Ceramics," in the poster paper
competition hosted by the American Society for Composites at the Seventh Technical
Conference on Composite Materials, University Park, PA (October 13-15, 1992).
S.K. Pangrle and J.R. Hellmann: Honorable Mention for their presentation "The Effect of Aging
Media and Time on the Evolution of Porosity in Silica-Based Ceramics," co-authored with J.R.
Hellmann in the 1993 Annual Graduate Research Exposition, University Park, PA (March
E.R. Trumbauer, J.R. Hellmann, D.L. Shelleman, and D.A. Koss, 2nd prize for their presentation
"Effect of Cleaning and Abrasion-Induced Damage on the Room Temperature Tensile Strength of
Sapphire Fibers," in the Best Paper Competition at the American Ceramic Society's 17th
Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Ceramics, Cocoa Beach, FL (January 10-15,
Richard R. Petrich, 1993 Xerox Award for “Best Research by an M.S. Candidate” for his thesis
"Role of Crack Growth and Matrix Deformation in the Interfacial Shear Behavior of SapphireReinforced Niobium Metal Matrix Composites" (September 1993; Co-advised with D.A. Koss)
Suzette K. Pangrle, 1st prize for her paper, "Effect of Aging Media and Time on the Porosity in
Silica Aerogels," in the best paper competition at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. (March 1993)
M.A. Stough, J.R. Hellmann, and M.S. Angelone, 2nd prize for their entry "Zirconia-Coated
Sapphire Fiber-Surface Degradation," in the 1994 Central Pennsylvania Section of the
American Ceramic Society Graduate Poster Competition, University Park, PA (April 1994).
M.A. Stough and J.R. Hellmann, 1st prize for their entry: "Solid Solubility and Diffusion in
ZrO2/Al2O3 Interfaces," in the 1994 Pennsylvania Ceramics Association Graduate Poster
Competition, University Park, PA (September 16, 1994).
R.C. Lutz, D.L. Shelleman, J.R. Hellmann, and R.G. Castro, 2nd prize for their entry:
"Characterization of the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of MoSi2 Tubes," in the 1994
Pennsylvania Ceramics Association Graduate Poster Competition, University Park, PA
(September 16, 1994).
M.A. Stough and J.R. Hellmann, Honorable Mention for their entry: "Solid Solubility and
Diffusivity in an Alumina/Zirconia System," in the 10th Annual Graduate Research Exhibition,
University Park, PA (March 17-18, 1995).
R.C. Lutz, J.R. Hellmann, D.L Shelleman, and R.G. Castro, 3rd prize for their entry "Plasma Spray
Formed MoSi2 Tubes," in the 1995 Annual Poster Competition hosted by the Central
Pennsylvania Section of the American Ceramic Society, University Park, PA (March 31, 1995).
K.M. Fox, J.R. Hellmann, B. Singh, P.H. Cohen and M.F. Amateau, “Advanced WC-Co
Composites for Cutting Tool Applications,” Second Prize in the Graduate Poster Competition
at the 57th Annual Forum of the Pennsylvania Ceramics Association, The Penn Stater Hotel
and Conference Center, September 19-20, 2002.
M.H. Krohn, J.R. Hellmann, G. Sakoske, and C.G. Pantano, “Strength Modification of Enameled
Float Glass,” First Prize in the Graduate Poster Competition at the 57th Annual Forum of the
Pennsylvania Ceramics Association, The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center, September
19-20, 2002.
J. Howell and J.R. Hellmann, “The Effect of Tin on the Elastic Properties of Glass Using
Nanoindentation,” Third place in the 1st Annual Materials Science and Engineering Graduate
Poster Competition, December 2002.
W.G. Luscher*, J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, and D.L. Shelleman, “Dopant Enhanced
Densification of Aluminosilicate Proppants for Oil and Natural Gas Extraction,” poster
presentation and 1st Place Award in the 2006 Graduate Poster Competition in the Materials
Science and Engineering Convocation, University Park, PA, April 26, 2006
W.G. Luscher, recipient of the 2007 Rustum and Della Roy Innovations in Materials Research
award for his Ph.D. work on the role of metastable phase relationships and re-dox chemistry in
the development of aggregates with unique microstructures and physical properties for use in oil
and natural gas extraction, ground water remediation, and catalytic supports.
Research Interests:
Developing the engineering science and design methodology for ceramic components subjected to severe
thermal and mechanical stress states in high performance applications. Establishing test and analysis
methods for predicting the physical properties (thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, heat capacity,
optical emissivity, and elastic moduli) of high temperature composite materials with tailored
microstructures. Development of materials for personnel and vehicular armor, as well as for enhanced oil
and natural gas recovery, ground water remediation, and catalytic supports for the energy industry.
Research funding has totaled over $10 million at Penn State, as P.I. or co-P.I. on projects funded by NASA,
Department of Energy, Gas Research Institute, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, U.S. Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, Office of Naval Research, and numerous companies.
Professor Hellmann actively incorporates undergraduates into his research team of graduate students and
visiting scientists. Many of his students have won awards for the quality of their research (twenty nine
awards, nearly half of which were for undergraduate research.) Professor Hellmann has advised the thesis
research of over 60 undergraduates, 10 Ph.D.’s, and 24 M.S. candidates, and served on an additional 65
Ph.D. or M.S. committees.
Professor Hellmann is heavily involved in the organization of international symposia on at technical
meetings, and is active in administrative and governing committees in several technical societies (e.g. the
American Ceramic Society, National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, Ceramic Educational Council.) He
serves as an Associate editor for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, as well as a frequent
reviewer of proposals for NSF, DoE, and various SBIR agencies.
Recent Funded Research:
“Proppants Derived From Ion Exchanged Mixed Glass Cullet for Use in Gas-Laden Shale Formations”
P.I. with B.E. Scheetz and T.A. Engelder (faculty associates), Stripper Well Consortium, January 1,
2009-December 31, 2009 ($127,897)
“Ceramic Materials Development for Armor Applications,” P.I. with D.J. Green and T.J. Eden (faculty
associates,) Kennametal, Inc., April 1, 2005-March 31, 2009, $688,000.
“Proppants Engineered from Discarded Industrial Materials,” P.I. with B.E. Scheetz (faculty
associate,) Halliburton Energy Services, July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2008 ($500,000.)
“Cement-Based Low Temperature Cured Proppants,” P.I. with B.E. Scheetz, Halliburton Energy
Services, July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2008 ($383,743.)
“High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms of Metal Borides for UHTC Applications,” faculty
associate with E.C. Dickey (P.I.), Air Force Office of Scientific Research, December 1, 2005November 30, 2008 ($299,926.)
“Mud-to-Cement Conversion/Chemical Casing for Oil Wells,” faculty associate with B.E. Scheetz, P.
Tikalsky, and D.M. Roy, Halliburton Energy Services, December 1, 2005-May 31, 2009 ($400,000.)
“Role of Dopants on Low-Temperature Densification and Crystalline Phase Evolution in BauxiteDerived Proppants,” P.I. with B.E. Scheetz (faculty associate), Carbo Ceramics, Inc., June 1, 2004 –
June 30, 2008 ($168,078.)
Publications and Presentations Past ten Years:
(1999-2009; 111 peer reviewed papers,
>50 technical reports to sponsors, and
>230 presentations total)
Peer Reviewed Journals
1. J.A. Howell, J.R. Hellmann, and C.L. Muhlstein, "Nanomechanical Properties of Commercial Float
Glasses," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008. 354: 1891-1899.
2. J.A. Howell, J.R. Hellmann, and C.L. Muhlstein, "Correlations Between Free Volume and Pile-Up
Behavior in Nanoindentation Reference Glass," Materials Letters, 2008. 62: 2144-2416.
3. K.M. Fox and John R. Hellmann, “Microstructure and Creep Behavior of SiAlON Materials,”
INVITED REVIEW PAPER in the topical issue on silicon nitride ceramics in the Journal of Applied
Ceramic Technology, 5(2)138-154(2008)
4. Walter G. Luscher, John R. Hellmann, David L. Shelleman, and Albert E. Segall, “A Critical Review
of the Diametral Compression Method for Determining the Tensile Strength of Spherical Aggregates,“
J. Testing and Evaluation, 35(6)2007
5. Kevin M. Fox, John R. Hellmann, Mark S. Angelone, and Russell L. Yeckley, “Refinement of the Phase Area in the Yb-SiAlON System,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90(5)1607-1610(2007)
6. Walter G. Luscher, John R. Hellmann, Barry E. Scheetz, and Brett A. Wilson, “Strength Enhancement
of Aluminosilicate Aggregate Through Modified Thermal Treatment,” J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.,
7. K.M. Fox, J.R. Hellmann, E.C. Dickey, D.J. Green, D.L. Shelleman, and R.L. Yeckley, “Impression
and Compression Creep of SiAlON Ceramics,” J.Am. Ceram. Soc., 89(8)2555-2563(2006)
8. Matthew H. Krohn, John R. Hellmann, Bernard Mahieu, and Carlo G. Pantano, “Effect of Tin-Oxide
on the Physical Properties of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” J. Non-Crystalline Sol., 351(2005)455-465.
9. Theory, Experiment, and Application of Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Systems, edited by J.R. Hellmann
and T.A. Vanderah, topical issue of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 85(12) 2886 (2002).
10. K.M. Fox, J.R. Hellmann, H. Izui, M.F. Amateau, W. Fu, and P.H. Cohen, “Properties and
Performance of Spark Plasma Sintered WC-Co Cutting Tools,” submitted for publication in the Journal
of Ceramics Processing Research, June 2003.
11. M.H. Krohn, J.R. Hellmann, D. Shelleman, D.J. Green, G. Sakoske, and J. Salem, “Test Methodology
for Strength Testing of Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass Before and After Enameling,” J. of Testing and
Evaluation, 30(6)1-8 (2002).
12. P. Colombo and J.R. Hellmann, “Ceramic Foams from Pre-Ceramic Polymers,” INVITED, J. of
Materials Research Innovations, Vol. 6, 260-272 (2002).
13. M.A. Stough and J.R. Hellmann, “Solid Solubility and Precipitation in a Single Crystal AluminaZirconia System,” accepted for publication in the November issue of J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85(12) 28952902 (2002).
14. Matthew H. Krohn, John R. Hellmann, David L. Shelleman, and Carlo G. Pantano, “Strength and
Fatigue of Float Glass Before and After Enameling,” INVITED ARTICLE in The Glass Researcher;
Bulletin of Glass Science and Engineering, 11(2)24-27 (2002).
15. Matthew H. Krohn, John R. Hellmann, David L. Shelleman, and Carlo G. Pantano, “Biaxial Flexure
Strength Test Methodology for Float Glass,” INVITED ARTICLE in The Glass Researcher; Bulletin
of Glass Science and Engineering, 11(2)27-28 (2002).
16. M.H. Krohn, J.R. Hellmann, C.G. Pantano, and G. Sakoske, “Effect of Enameling on the Strength and
Dynamic Fatigue of Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85(10)2507-2514 (2002)
17. M.H. Krohn, J.R. Hellmann, C.G. Pantano, and G. Sakoske, “Biaxial Flexure Strength and Dynamic
Fatigue of Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85(7) 1777-1782 (2002)
18. P. Colombo, J.R. Hellmann, and D.L. Shelleman, “Thermal Shock Behavior of Silicon Oxycarbide
Foams,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 85(9)2306-2312 (2002).
19. M. R. Gottschalk, J.R. Hellmann (1), B.E. Scheetz, and A. Boehman, “Commercially Useful ByProducts of Coal Combustion,” in Ceramic Transactions, Volume 119, pp. 125-134 (2001).
20. Venkata R. Vedula, David J. Green, and John R. Hellmann (2), “Thermal Shock Resistance of Ceramic
Foams,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82(3)649-656 (1999).
21. J.R. Hellmann (1), M.P. Petervary, J.M. Priest, and C.G. Pantano, "Effect of Si-O-C Coatings on the
Strength of Saphikon and Nicalon Fibers," Ceramic Transactions, 94(1) 361-370 (1999)
Books and Book Chapters
Ceramic Matrix Composites-Advanced High Temperature Structural Materials, edited by R.A.
Lowden, M.K. Ferber, J.R. Hellmann, K.K. Chawla, and S.G. DiPietro, Volume 365, Materials
Research Society Symposium Series, 1994 Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, (1995) 478 pp.
John R. Hellmann, Innovation and Invention Overview, in Global Roadmap for Ceramic and Glass
Technology, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Ceramics, Wiley-Interscience, John
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey , pp. 85-88 (2007)951 pp.
John R. Hellmann, Consumer Products Overview in Global Roadmap for Ceramic and Glass
Technology, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Ceramics ,Wiley-Interscience, John
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey , pp. 263-265 (2007)951 pp.
Peer reviewed articles in bound research proceedings
J.R. Hellmann, Matthew H. Krohn, and Carlo G. Pantano, “Effect of Tin on the Physical Properties
and Crack Evolution in Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” INVITED ARTICLE in the proceedings of the 8th
International Symposium on Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Houston, TX (February 25-28, 2003)
K.M. Fox, J.R. Hellmann, H. Izui, M.F. Amateau, W. Fu, and P.H. Cohen, “Laminated WC Co
Composites for Tribologial Applications,” in Ceramic Transactions, Innovative Processing and
Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites, Volume 154, Editor J.P. Singh, American Ceramic
Society, Westerville, OH, (May 2003)
Matthew H. Krohn, John R. Hellmann, Carlo G. Pantano, Nathan P. Lower, and Richard K. Brow,
“Effects of Tin on the Physical Properties and Crack Growth in Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass,”
INVITED ARTICLE in Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Volumes 14 and 15, Plenum Press, in press
Matthew H. Krohn, John R. Hellmann, Carlo G. Pantano, Nathan Lower, and Richard Brow, “Effects
of Tin on the Physical Properties and Crack Growth in Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass,” Proceedings of
the 8th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Istanbul, Turkey, (June 30-July 3, 2003) in
Engineering Materials, v 264-268 NIII, Euro Ceramics VIII, 2004, p1859-1862.
Jeffrey J. Swab, Steven Szewcyk, Charles Leveritt, David Van Akin, John Hellmann, and Paul Conroy,
“Ceramic/Propellant Interactions in a Gun Barrel Environment,” Proceedings of the 2005 Advanced
Gun Barrel Materials and Manufacturing Symposium, (July 12-15, 2005) St. Michel, MD
K.C. Hoff, J.R. Hellmann, R.L. Yeckley, “Hertzian Indentation Stress Statistics in Microstructurally
Tailored SiAlON Ceramics,” Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics
and Composites, (January 16-20, 2006) The American Ceramic Society, Cocoa Beach, FL, in press
(June 2006)
D.L. Shelleman, D.P. Butt, J.R. Hellmann, R.E. Tressler, and J.J. Mecholsky, Jr., "High Temperature
Tube Burst Test Apparatus," U.S. Patent 5,220,824 issued June 22, 1993.
W.G. Luscher, J.R. Hellmann, and B.E. Scheetz, “In-Situ Development of Core-Shell Microstructures
in Aluminosilicate Aggregates,” Penn State invention disclosure 2006-3158.
W.G. Luscher, J.R. Hellmann, and B.E. Scheetz, “Materials Having A Controlled Microstructure and
Method For Its Fabrication,” Provisional Patent 60/807,012, filed July 11, 2006.
J.R. Hellmann, W.G. Luscher, B.E. Scheetz, and B.A. Wilson, “Materials Having a Controlled
Microstructure, Core-Shell Macrostructure, and Method for Its Fabrication,” U.S. Patent Application
11/775,671, filed 7/10/07
J.R. Hellmann, W.G. Luscher, B.E. Scheetz, and B.A. Wilson, “Materials Having a Controlled
Microstructure, Core-Shell Macrostructure, and Method for Its Fabrication,” International Patent
Application PCT/US07/73247, filed 7/11/07; international publication date 1/17/2008
B.A. Wilson, R.A. Olson III, W.G. Luscher, J.R. Hellmann, and B.E. Scheetz, “Method for Producing
Proppant Using Potassium Oxide Generating Dopant,” U.S. Provisional Patent filed 10/19/2007; U.S.
Patent applied for 10/17/2008
John R. Hellmann and Barry E. Scheetz, “Microwave Assisted Processing of Chemically and/or
Cementitiously Bonded Ceramic Proppants,” Penn State Invention Disclosure #2006-3201
J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, and R.P. Koseski, “Treatment of Glass Spheres for Application as
Proppants via Molten Salt Bath Ion Exchange Processes,” Penn State Invention Disclosure #20063215; U.S. Patent applied for 6/17/2009
R.P. Koseski, J.R. Hellmann, and B.E. Scheetz, "Treatment of Melt Quenched Andesite Glass Spheres
for Application as Proppants Via Devitrification Processes," U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.
61/097,734, September 17, 2008.
10. R.P. Koseski, J.R. Hellmann, and B.E. Scheetz, "Treatment of Melt Quenched Aluminosilicate Glass
Spheres for Application as Proppants Via Devitrification Processes," U.S. Patent Application July 23,
Invited presentations:
J.R. Hellmann*, “Evolution of Ceramics Education at Penn State,” invited poster at the 1999 Gordon
Conference on Solid State Studies in Ceramics, Meriden, NH (August 1-6, 1999).
J.R. Hellmann*, M.F. Amateau, P.H. Cohen, K.M. Fox, B. Singh, J. Gurosik, M. Gottschalk, and J.
Parker, “Laminated Metal Carbide-Metal Binder Structures for High Performance Cutting Tools,”
invited presentation at the Industrial Advisory Board Meeting of the Center for Innovative Sintered
Products, University Park, PA (October 3-4, 2000).
J.R. Hellmann*, M.F. Amateau, P.H. Cohen, D. Agrawal, R. Bhagat, J.R. Groza, and Z. Munir,
“Innovative Sintering and Consolidation Technology,” invited presentation at the Industrial Advisory
Board Meeting of the Center for Innovative Sintered Products, University Park, PA (October 3-4,
M.A. Stough* and J.R. Hellmann, “Solid Solubility and Precipitation in a Single Crystal AluminaZirconia System,” invited presentation at the PACRIM IV International Conference on Advanced
Ceramics and Glasses, 53rd Pacific Coast Regional Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Wailea,
Maui, Hawaii (November 4-8, 2001).
John R. Hellmann* and Vladimir S. Stubican, “Phase Relationships, Metastabilities, and Ordering
Phenomena in Zirconia-based Systems,” invited presentation at the 53rd Pacific Coast Regional
Meeting (PACRIM IV) of the American Ceramic Society, Maui, Hawaii (November 4-8, 2001).
J.R. Hellmann*, D.L. Shelleman, and P. Colombo, “Thermomechanical Durability of Silicon
Oxycarbide Foams,” INVITED presentation in the Symposium on Ceramic Foams: Macro-, Micro-,
and Meso-Porous Materials at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, St. Louis,
MO (April 28-May 1, 2002.)
J.R. Hellmann*, “ABET EC2000: An Ongoing Process; A Case Study of the ABET Process at Penn
State,” INVITED presentation at the 2002 National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Symposium on
ABET EC 2000 at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO (April
28-May 1, 2002.)
J.R. Hellmann*, M.H. Krohn, and C.G. Pantano, “Strength and Stress Corrosion Susceptibility in TinContaining Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” INVITED seminar to the Department of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (January 17, 2003)
J.R. Hellmann*, Matthew H. Krohn, and Carlo G. Pantano, “Effect of Tin on the Physical Properties
and Crack Evolution in Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” INVITED presentation at the 8th International
Symposium on Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Houston, TX (February 25-28, 2003.)
10. K. M. Fox, J. R. Hellmann,* D. J. Green, and E. C. Dickey, “Hertzian Indentation Creep Studies of
SiAlON Ceramics for Microturbine and Armor Applications,” INVITED presentation at the
Kennametal Alliance Meeting, University Park, PA, (November 5, 2004.)
11. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, D. L. Shelleman, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “TEM
Characterization and Hertzian Creep of Yb-SiAlON Ceramics for Microturbine Hot Section
Components,” INVITED presentation at the Microturbines DOE Project Review Meeting, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, (April 5, 2004.)
12. J.R. Hellmann, “Promoting Vigor in our Student Organizations,” INVITED presentation at the Annual
Convocation of Keramos National Professional Ceramic Engineering Fraternity, Indianapolis, IN,
(April 18, 2004.)
13. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, and C.G. Pantano, “Strength Modification in Enameled Float Glasses,”
INVITED presentation at the Center for Glass Research Review Meeting, Toftrees Resort and
Conference Center, State College, PA, (June 15-18, 2004.)
14. J.R. Hellmann, K.M. Fox*, D.J. Green and E.C. Dickey, “Hertzian Indentation Creep Studies of
SiAlON Ceramics for Microturbine and Armor Applications,” INVITED presentation to Kennametal
Alliance Executive Board and Industrial Research Office, University Park, PA (November 5, 2004.)
15. J.R. Hellmann*, D.J. Green and T. Eden, “Ceramic Laminate Design and Development for Armor
Applications,” INVITED presentation to U.S. Army Research Laboratory and Kennametal Inc.,
Latrobe, PA, (November 22, 2004.)
16. P. Colombo and J.R. Hellmann, “Macro- and Microcellular Porous SiOC Glass,” INVITED
presentation at the American Ceramic Society 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic & Glass
Technology, (September 11-15, 2005,) Maui, HI.
17. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “Microstructural
Characterization and Impression Creep Testing of SiAlON Ceramics,” INVITED presentation at the
American Ceramic Society 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic & Glass Technology, (September
11-15, 2005,) Maui, HI.
18. K.M. Fox, J.R. Hellmann, and R. Yeckley*, “Characterization and Impression Creep Testing of
SiAlON Ceramics for Microturbine Applications,” INVITED presentation at the Department of
Energy’s Environmental Barrier Coatings Workshop 2005, Nashville, TN, (November 15-16, 2005.)
19. John R. Hellmann*, “Innovation and Invention Overview,” INVITED presentation at the 1st
International Congress on Ceramics, The American Ceramic Society, Toronto, CA, (June 25-29,
20. John R. Hellmann*, “Consumer Products Overview,” INVITED presentation at the 1st International
Congress on Ceramics, The American Ceramic Society, Toronto, CA, (June 25-29, 2006.)
21. John R. Hellmann, Walter G. Luscher*, Kaleb Fitch, Griffin Jones, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Process and
Property Enhancement of Aluminosilicate Derived Proppants,” INVITED presentation to Carbo
Ceramics Annual Corporate Research Review, Dallas, TX, (February 16, 2006.)
22. John R. Hellmann*, “Ceramic Composite Materials: Processing, Properties, and Performance of Fiber
and Particulate Reinforced Materials,” INVITED seminar to Engineering Mechanics/Aerospace
Engineering 473 class, University Park, PA (March 30 and April 19, 2006.)
Contributed Presentations:
J.R. Hellmann* and K.J. Ivie, “Stressing Rate Effects on Strength of NicalonTM Fiber at Room
Temperature,” at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN (April
25-28, 1999).
J.R. Hellmann*, N.B. Phelps, and P. Colombo, “Silicon Oxycarbide Foams from a Preceramic
Polymer and Polyurethanes,” at the 101st Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,
Indianapolis, IN (April 25-28, 1999)
J.R. Hellmann*, D.L. Shelleman, and P. Colombo, “Novel Processing and Properties of Si-O-C
foams,” 24th Annual Cocoa Beach Conference and Exposition, American Ceramic Society, Cocoa
Beach, FL (January 23-28, 2000).
J.R. Hellmann* and M. Krohn, “Strength Modification in Enameled Float Glass,” presented at the
Annual Meeting for the Center for Glass Research, University of Missouri-Rolla (March 28-30, 2000).
M. R. Gottschalk*, J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, and A. Boehman, “Commercially Useful ByProducts of Coal Combustion,” at the 102nd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Ceramic
Society, St. Louis. MO (April 29-May 3, 2000).
M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, G. Sakoske, and C. Pantano, “Strength Modification in Enameled Float
Glass,” at the Semiannual Review Meeting of the NSF Center for Glass Research, Alfred, NY
(November 15-17, 2000)
P.D. Ramesh, J.R. Hellmann*, R. Roy, and E. Nagi, “ A Novel Process for Low Cost, High
Performance Composites,” presented at the 25th Annual Cocoa Beach Conference and Exposition,
American Ceramic Society, Cocoa Beach, FL (January 20-26, 2001).
K.M. Fox*, J.M. Parker, J.R. Hellmann, M.F. Amateau, and P.H. Cohen, “Laminated WC-Co
Composites for Cutting Tool Applications,” presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American
Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN (April 22-25, 2001).
10. .H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, G. Sakoske, and C. Pantano, “Strength Modification in Enameled Float
Glass,” presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN
(April 22-25, 2001).
11. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, G. Sakoske, and C. Pantano, “Strength Modification in Enameled Float
Glass,” presented at the NSF Center for Glass Research Annual Review Meeting, University Park, PA
(June 13-15, 2001).
12. J.R. Hellmann*, D.L. Shelleman, and P. Colombo, “Cellular Silicon Carbide Materials by Direct
Foaming of Preceramic Polymers,” at the PACRIM IV International Conference on Advanced
Ceramics and Glasses, 53rd Pacific Coast Regional Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Wailea,
Maui, Hawaii (November 4-8, 2001).
13. J.R. Hellmann*, P.D. Ramesh, and R. Roy, “Direct Infiltration Rapid Densification Processing of
Composites,” at the PACRIM IV International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Glasses, 53rd
Pacific Coast Regional Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii (November
4-8, 2001).
14. K.M. Fox*, J.R. Hellmann, M.F. Amateau, and P.H. Cohen, “Laminated WC-Co Composites for
Cutting Tool Applications,” presented at the 26th Annual Cocoa Beach Conference and Exposition,
American Ceramic Society, Cocoa Beach, FL (January 13-18, 2002).
15. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, D.L. Shelleman, C.G.Pantano, and G. Sakoske, “Effect of Tin on the
Dynamic Fatigue of Float Glass,” presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic
Society, St. Louis, MO (April 28-May 1, 2002.)
16. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, D.L. Shelleman, C.G.Pantano, D.J. Green, G. Sakoske, and J.A. Salem,
“Comparison of Biaxial Flexure Methodologies for Determining the Strength of Float Glass,”
presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO (April 28-May
1, 2002.)
17. K.M. Fox*, J.R. Hellmann, B. Singh, P.H. Cohen, W. Fu, and M.F. Amateau, “Advanced WC-Co
Composites for Cutting Tool Applications,” presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American
Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO (April 28-May 1, 2002.
18. M.H. Krohn, J.R. Hellmann*, S.L. Shelleman, and C.G. Pantano, “Strength and Fatigue Behavior of
Tin-Doped Soda Lime Silica Glass,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the NSF Center for Glass
Research, Rolla, MO (June 18-20, 2002.)
19. J.A. Howell* and J.R. Hellmann, “Effect of Tin on the Elastic Properties of Glass Evaluated Using
Nanoindentation,” presented at the 57th Annual Forum of the Pennsylvania Ceramics Association, The
Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center (September 19-20, 2002).
20. K.M. Fox*, J.R. Hellmann, M.F. Amateau, and P.H. Cohen, “Laminated WC-Co Composites for
Cutting Tool Applications,” presented at the 26th Annual Cocoa Beach Conference and Exposition,
American Ceramic Society, Cocoa Beach, FL (January 13-18, 2002).
20. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, D.L. Shelleman, C.G.Pantano, and G. Sakoske, “Effect of Tin on the
Dynamic Fatigue of Float Glass,” presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic
Society, St. Louis, MO (April 28-May 1, 2002.)
21. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, D.L. Shelleman, C.G.Pantano, D.J. Green, G. Sakoske, and J.A. Salem,
“Comparison of Biaxial Flexure Methodologies for Determining the Strength of Float Glass,”
presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO (April 28-May
1, 2002.)
22. K.M. Fox*, J.R. Hellmann, B. Singh, P.H. Cohen, W. Fu, and M.F. Amateau, “Advanced WC-Co
Composites for Cutting Tool Applications,” presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American
Ceramic Society, St. Louis, MO (April 28-May 1, 2002.)
23. M.H. Krohn, J.R. Hellmann*, S.L. Shelleman, and C.G. Pantano, “Strength and Fatigue Behavior of
Tin-Doped Soda Lime Silica Glass,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the NSF Center for Glass
Research, Rolla, MO (June 18-20, 2002.)
24. J.A. Howell* and J.R. Hellmann, “Effect of Tin on the Elastic Properties of Glass Evaluated Using
Nanoindentation,” presented at the 57th Annual Forum of the Pennsylvania Ceramics Association, The
Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center (September 19-20, 2002).
25. K.M. Fox*, J.R. Hellmann, B. Singh, P.H. Cohen and M.F. Amateau, “Advanced WC-Co Composites
for Cutting Tool Applications,” presented at the 57th Annual Forum of the Pennsylvania Ceramics
Association, The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center (September 19-20, 2002).
26. W. Luscher*, J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz and N. Sherlock, “Role of Microstructural and Crystalline
Phase Evolution on the Compressive strength, Fatigue Resistance and Thermophysical Properties of
Bauxite Derived Proppants,” presented at the 57th Annual Forum of the Pennsylvania Ceramics
Association, The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center (September 19-20, 2002).
27. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, G. Sakoske, and C.G. Pantano, “Strength Modification of Enameled
Float Glass,” presented at the 57th Annual Forum of the Pennsylvania Ceramics Association, The Penn
Stater Hotel and Conference Center, (September 19-20, 2002.)
28. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, and C.G. Pantano, “Effect of Tin on the Physical Properties and
Dynamic Fatigue of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” presented at the Glass and Optical Materials Division
Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Pittsburgh, PA (October 13-16, 2002)
29. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, and C.G. Pantano, “Effect of Tin on the Physical Properties and
Dynamic Fatigue of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” presented at the Center for Glass Research meeting, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, (January 14-16, 2003.)
30. Kevin M. Fox*, J.R. Hellmann, M.F. Amateau, and P.H. Cohen, “Spark Plasma Sintering of
Nanograin Carbide Composites for Tribological Applications,” presented at the 105th Annual Meeting
of the American Ceramic Society, Nashville, TN (April 27-30, 2003.)
31. M.H. Krohn*, J.R. Hellmann, and C.G. Pantano, “Effect of Tin on the Physical Properties and Crack
Propagation in Soda-Lime-Silica Glass,” presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American
Ceramic Society, Nashville, TN (April 27-30, 2003.)
32. W. Luscher*, J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, "Structure-Property Relationships in Bauxite-Derived
Proppants," presented at the 105th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Ceramic Society,
Nashville, TN (April 27-30, 2003.)
33. Matthew Krohn*, John Hellmann, Carlo Pantano, Nathan Lower, and Dick Brow, "Effects Of Tin On
The Physical Properties And Crack Growth In Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass," Presented at the 8th
Conference of the European Ceramic Society in Istanbul, Turkey (June 30-July 3rd 2003.)
34. Matthew Krohn*, John Hellmann, Carlo Pantano, and George Sakoske "Effects of Tin on the Physical
Properties and Crack Evolution in Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass," Poster Presentation at the NSFUniversity Center for Glass Research semiannual research meeting, Alfred, NY, (July 2003)
35. Matthew Krohn*, John Hellmann, Carlo Pantano, and George Sakoske "Effects of Tin on the Physical
Properties and Crack Evolution in Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass," Poster Presentation at 58th annual
Pennsylvania Ceramic Society Annual Meeting, University Park, PA (September 4-5 2003.)
36. Fox*, K.M., Hellmann, J.R., Fu, W., Cohen, P.H., Amateau, M.F., "Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering
on the Densification of Laminated WC-Co Composites," Poster presentation given at the Science of
Sintering 2003 conference, University Park, PA, (September 15-17, 2003.)
37. Fox*, K.M., Hellmann, J.R., Izui, H., Amateau, M.F., Fu W., Cohen, P.H., "Spark Plasma Sintering of
Laminated Carbide Composites for Tribological Applications," Presented at the 5th International
Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies, Nagoya, Japan, (September 29 - October 2, 2003.)
38. Matthew H. Krohn*, John R. Hellmann, and Carlo G. Pantano, "Effects of Tin on the Physical
Properties of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass," Presented at the 2003 Glass and Optical Materials Division
Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Corning, NY, (October 12-15, 2003.)
39. J. Howell* and J.R. Hellmann, “The Effect of Tin on the Elastic Properties of Glass Evaluated Using
Nanoindentation,” Presented at the 2003 Glass and Optical Materials Division Meeting of the
American Ceramic Society, Corning, NY, (October 12-15, 2003.)
40. Fox*, K.M., Hellmann, J.R., Fu, W., Cohen, P.H., Amateau, M.F., "Spark Plasma Sintering of Carbide
Composites for Tribological Applications," Presented at the Center for Innovative Sintered Products
Industry Member Meeting, University Park, PA, (October 20-21, 2003.)
41. Matthew Krohn, John Hellmann, Carlo Pantano, and George Sakoske, "Effects of Tin on the Physical
Properties and Crack Evolution in Soda-Lime-Silica Float Glass," Poster Presentation at the NSFUniversity Center for Glass Research semiannual research meeting, Cocoa Beach, FL, (January 2004.)
42. Jeffrey J. Swab, Charles Leveritt, David Van Akin, John Hellmann, Paul Conroy, and Jane Adams,
“Ceramic/Propellant Interactions in a Gun Tube Environment,” presented at Gun Tubes 2005 – Guns
and Pressure Vessels: Design, Mechanics, and Materials, Keble College, Oxford, England, (April 1013, 2004.)
43. John R. Hellmann, Kevin M. Fox, Jane A. Howell, Matthew H. Krohn, and Walter G. Luscher,
“Thermomechanical Properties and Performance of Materials at the Nano-, Micro-, and Macroscale,”
Poster presented at the Materials Research Institute Materials Day, University Park, PA, (April 15,
44. Matthew H. Krohn, John R. Hellmann, and Carlo G. Pantano, "Effects of Weathering on the
Mechanical Properties of Soda-Lime-Silicate Float Glass." Poster Presentation at the 106thAnnual
Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, (April 18-21, 2004.)
45. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, D. L. Shelleman, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “Role of
Microstructure and Crystalline Phase Evolution on Thermomechanical Properties of SiAlON Ceramics
for Microturbine Applications,” Presented at the 106th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American
Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, (April 20, 2004.)
46. W.G. Luscher, J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, and B.A. Wilson, “Structure-Property Relationships in
Spherical Aluminosilicate Aggregates,” Presented at the 106th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the
American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, (April 20, 2004.)
47. J. Howell*, J.R. Hellmann, and C.M. Muhlstein, “The Effect of Tin on the Properties of Glass
Evaluated Using Nanoindentation,” Presented at the 106th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the
American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN, (April 20, 2004.)
48. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “Yb-SiAlON Ceramics for
Microturbine Applications,” Poster presentation given at the Gordon Research Conference on SolidState Studies in Ceramics: Surfaces and Interfaces, Meriden, NH, (August 8-13, 2004.)
49. J. Howell, J.R. Hellmann, and C.L. Muhlstein, “Surface Properties of Glass Evaluated Using
Nanoindentation” Poster presentation given at the Gordon Research Conference on Solid-State Studies
in Ceramics: Surfaces and Interfaces, Meriden, NH, (August 8-13, 2004.)
50. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “Impression and Compression
Creep Testing of SiAlON Ceramics,” presented at the Materials Science & Technology 2005
Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, (September 25-28, 2005.)
51. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “Microstructural
Characterization of Yb-SiAlON Ceramics Before and After Creep Testing,” presented at Microscopy
& Microanalysis 2005, Honolulu, HI, (August 2, 2005.)
52. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, D. L. Shelleman, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann,
“Microstructural Characterization and Impression Creep Testing of SiAlON Ceramics,” Presented at
the 107th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, MD, (April 13,
Awarded The Graduate Excellence in Materials Science Sapphire Award by the Basic Science
Division of the American Ceramic Society.
53. K. M. Fox,* E. C. Dickey, D. J. Green, R. Yeckley and J. R. Hellmann, “Microstructural
Characterization and Impression Creep Testing of SiAlON Ceramics,” presented at the American
Ceramic Society’s 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa
Beach, FL, (January 23-28, 2005.)
54. Walter G. Luscher*, John R. Hellmann, Barry E. Scheetz, “Process Optimization of Aluminosilicate
Aggregate,” presented at the 107th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Ceramic Society,
Baltimore, MD., (April 10-13, 2005).
55. Walter G. Luscher*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Structure-Property Relationships in
Spheroidized Aluminosilicate Powders,” presented at the Materials Science & Technology 2005
Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, (September 25-28, 2005.)
56. Walter G. Luscher*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, Structure-Property Relationships in
Aluminosilicate Aggregates,” presented at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate Student Poster Competition, (April 27, 2005.)
57. John R. Hellmann*, Kevin M. Fox, Jane A. Howell, Walter G. Luscher, Badri Rangarajan, Andrei
Shindyapin, Mark Burton and Kyle Hoff, “Thermomechanical Properties and Performance of
Materials at the Nano-, Micro-, and Macro-scale,” presented at the 2005 Materials Research Institute
Materials Day, (April 15, 2005) and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Convocation, (April 27, 2005.).
58. Kevin M. Fox*, John R. Hellmann, Elizabeth C. Dickey, David J. Green, and Russell L. Yeckley,
“Microstructural Characterization and Impression Creep Testing of SiAlON Ceramics,” presented at
the 2005 Materials Research Institute Materials Day, (April 15, 2005.)
59. Jeffrey J. Swab*, Steven Szewcyk, Charles Leveritt, David A. Van Akin, John Hellmann, and Paul
Conroy, “Ceramic/Propellant Interactions in a Gun Barrel Environment,” Presented at the U.S. Army’s
2005 Gun Barrel Materials and Manufacturing Symposium, St. Michael’s, MD, (July 12-14, 2005.)
60. K. Hoff*, J. Hellmann, and R. Yeckley, “Hertzian Indentation Stress Statistics in Microstructurally
Tailored Ceramics,” presented at the 30th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced
Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL, (January 22-27, 2006.)
61. J. Swab*, S. Szewcyk, C. Leveritt, D. Van Akin, J. Hellmann, G. Vigilante and P. Conroy,
“Ceramic/Propellant Interactions in a Gun Tube Environment,” presented at the Materials Science and
Technology 2006 Conference and Exposition, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,
Cincinnati, OH, (October 15-19, 2006.)
62. K.M. Fox*, R. Yeckley, and J. Hellmann, “Extension of the alpha-SiAlON Stability Region,”
presented at the Materials Science and Technology 2006 Conference and Exposition, 108th Annual
Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH, (October 15-19, 2006)
63. J.R. Hellmann*, W. G. Luscher, R.P. Koseski, K.C. Hoff, M.D.l Wallace, K.M. Fox, M.T. Burton, K.
Fitch, B. Jones, and A. Shindyapin, “Thermomechanical Properties of Materials at the Nano-, Micro-,
and Macro-Scales,” poster presentation at the 2006 Materials Day, University Park, PA, (April 11,
64. J.R. Hellmann, Walter G. Luscher, Ryan Koseski, Kyle C. Hoff, Michael Wallace, Kevin Fox, Mark
Burton, Kaleb Fitch, Brad Jones, and Andrei Shindyapin, “Thermomechanical Properties of Materials
at the Nano-, Micro-, and Macro-Scales,” poster presentation at the 2006 Graduate Poster Competition
in the Materials Science and Engineering Convocation, University Park, PA, (April 26, 2006.)
65. W.G. Luscher*, J.R. Hellmann, B.E. Scheetz, and D.L. Shelleman, “Dopant Enhanced Densification of
Aluminosilicate Proppants for Oil and Natural Gas Extraction,” poster presentation at the 2006
Graduate Poster Competition in the Materials Science and Engineering Convocation, University Park,
PA, (April 26, 2006.)
Awarded 1st Place in the Graduate Poster Competition in Materials Science and Engineering
66. Walter Luscher*, John Hellmann, and Barry Scheetz, “Dopant Enhanced Densification of
Aluminosilicate Aggregate,” presented at the Materials Science and Technology 2006 Conference and
Exposition, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH, (October 15-19,
67. John Hellmann, Ryan Koseski*, Barry Scheetz, Albert Segall, “High Strength, High Reliability Glass
Spheres via Flame Spheroidization of Mixed Glass Cullet,” presented at the Materials Science and
Technology 2006 Conference and Exposition, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,
Cincinnati, OH, (October 15-19, 2006.)
68. John Richard Hellmann, Mark Thomas Burton, Josh Boyce*, and Barry Earl Scheetz, “Mechanical
Properties of Phosphate-Bonded Metakaolin-Flyash Ceramics,” presented at the Materials Science and
Technology 2006 Conference and Exposition, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,
Cincinnati, OH, (October 15-19, 2006.)
69. K.C. Hoff*, J. R. Hellmann, D. J. Green, T. J. Eden, M. D. Wallace, and R. Yeckley, “Tailored
Residual Stresses in Laminated Ceramic Armor Systems,” presented at the Materials Science and
Technology 2006 Conference and Exposition, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,
Cincinnati, OH, (October 15-19, 2006)
70. M.D. Wallace*, J.R. Hellmann, D.J. Green, K.C. Hoff, and R. Yeckley, “Boron Carbide/Silicon
Carbide Laminate Composite,” presented at the Materials Science and Technology 2006 Conference
and Exposition, 108th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH, (October 1519, 2006.)
71. Walter G. Luscher*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Core-Shell Microstructural
Development in Bauxite and Kaolin Derive Proppants,” presentation at Carbo Ceramics Corporate
Research Review, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA, (November 6, 2006.)
72. Walter G. Luscher*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Core-Shell Microstructural
Development in Bauxite and Kaolinite-Derived Proppants,“ presentation at Carbo Ceramics Corporate
Research Review, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA, (January 8, 2007)
73. Walter G. Luscher*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Dopant Enhanced Densification of
Aluminosilicate Aggregate,“ presented at the at the 31st International Conference & Exposition on
Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, (January 21-26, 2007.)
74. Kyle C. Hoff*, John R. Hellmann, and David J. Green, “Hybrid Composite Systems for Armor
Applications,” presented at the at the 31st International Conference & Exposition on Advanced
Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, (January 21-26, 2007)
75. Brad Jones, Jason Kruise*, John R. Hellmann, and Paolo Colombo, “Silicon Nitride-Silicon Nitride
and SiAlON-SiAlON Joints from Ceramic Powder/Preceramic Polymer Nanocomposite Interlayers,”
presented at the at the 31st International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and
Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, (January 21-26, 2007.)
76. Michael Wallace*, John Hellmann, David Green, Timothy Eden, Russ Yeckley, and Kyle Hoff,
“Boron Carbide/Silicon Carbide Laminate Composite for Armor Applications,” presented at the at the
31st International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach,
FL, (January 21-26, 2007.)
77. John Hellmann, Ryan Koseski*, Barry Scheetz, A.E. Segall, and J. Harris “Innovative Processing of
Siliceous Minerals for High Strength Glass Ceramic Materials Applications,” presented at the at the
31st International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach,
FL, (January 21-26, 2007.)
78. J.R. Hellmann, Walter G. Luscher, Ryan Koseski, Kyle C. Hoff, Michael Wallace, Kevin Fox, Mark
Burton, Kaleb Fitch, Brad Jones, and Andrei Shindyapin, “Thermomechanical Properties of Materials
at the Nano-, Micro-, and Macro-Scales,” poster presentation at the 2007 Materials Science and
Engineering Graduate Open House, University Park, PA, (February 23, 2007.)
79. John R. Hellmann, Kyle C. Hoff*, Michael D. Wallace*, David J. Green, and Timothy J. Eden,
“Hybrid Ceramic Composite Laminates for Armor Applications,” poster presentation at 2007 Materials
Day, University Park, PA, (April 11, 2007.)
80. John R. Hellmann*, Walter G. Luscher, Ryan P. Koseski, Joshua M. Boyce, Kyle C. Hoff, Michael D.
Wallace, Jason T. Harris, Youngho Jin, Barry E. Scheetz, David J. Green, Timothy J. Eden, Earle
Ryba, and Albert E. Segall, “Engineered Ceramics for Energy, Industrial and Defense/Homeland
Security,” poster presentation at 2007 Materials Day, University Park, PA (April 11, 2007.)
81. W.G. Luscher, John R. Hellmann*, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Role of Dopants and Sintering Atmosphere
on Crystallization and Densification of Aluminosilicate Aggregates,” presented at the Innovative
Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics , Glasses, and Composites Symposium at Materials Science and
Technology (MS&T) 2007 Conference and Exposition, 109th Annual Meeting of the American
Ceramic Society, Detroit, MI, September 16-17, 2007
82. Joshua M. Boyce*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Strength Evolution in Phosphate Bonded
Metakaolin,” presented at Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2007 Conference and
Exposition, 109th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Detroit, MI, September 16-17,
83. Ryan P. Koseski*, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Processing of a Glass Ceramic System
with Tailorable Mechanical and Chemical Properties for a Broad Range of Structural Applications,”
presented at Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2007 Conference and Exposition, 109th
Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Detroit, MI, September 16-17, 2007
84. Michael D. Wallace, John R. Hellmann*, David J. Green, and Timothy J. Eden, “"Hybrid Composite
Laminates for Armor Applications,” presented at the 32nd International Conference & Exposition on
Advanced Ceramics & Composites, Daytona Beach, FL, January 27-February 1, 2008
85. J. Harris*, A.E. Segall (Presenter), J.R. Hellman, B. Scheetz, R. Kosecki*, and J. Boyce*, "Analytical
and Experimental Studies of Ceramic and Glass Proppants under Simulated Well and API 60 Test
Conditions," presented at the 33st International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and
Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, January 18-23, 2009.
86. Ryan P. Koseski, John R. Hellmann, and Barry E. Scheetz, “Glass-Ceramics As Alternative Materials
in the Hydrocarbon Extraction Industry, presented at the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and
Glass Technology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2009
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