by user
LAKE SUPERIOR STATE UNIVERSITY KENNETH J. SHOULDICE LIBRARY MISSION1 The Kenneth J. Shouldice Library is the research hub of Lake Superior State University and the most important intellectual resource of the academic community. Its primary mission is to provide services and resources to meet the present and future scholarly and informational needs of the University, and to extend these services and resources to its regional center sites. The Library also strives to provide services to the greater Sault Ste. Marie area which extends beyond the U.S. border to include Northern Ontario. As a University department, the Library actively participates in teaching, curricular development, research and other scholarly activities. LSSU Mission The Library provides the materials and services that support the academic programs within an attractive physical setting and through online services for remote users. GOALS2 Collection Development The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. LSSU Mission. The Library helps improve the quality of academic programs by providing the resources to support those programs including books, e-books, online reference materials, periodicals, online journals and the databases used to find these materials. Circulation and database usage statistics are continually analyzed to determine what changes need to be made to meet the needs of students. LSSU Strategic Plan, #1-D. The Library supports online courses by offering full-text online research materials that off-campus students can access, and by answering reference questions via email, telephone, and technologies such as Pronto and IM. 1 2 Adopted August, 1992 Strategic Plan, 1999-2000, 2008 Page 1 of 5 Librarymissiongoalsrevise FM_Aug09.Doc LSSU Strategic Plan, #4-H. The Library works with faculty to help determine what materials are needed for their disciplines. Cost-saving trade-offs are often made, such as unsubscribing to hard copy journals that are available full-text in online databases to which the library subscribes. Usage statistics are evaluated to help determine the cost effectiveness of continuing specific database subscriptions. Library Services The Library will at all times provide the most complete and thorough service possible. Library services will be actively promoted to all constituencies. LSSU Strategic Plan, #1-A3. The Library helps attract new students and retain older students by maintaining an attractive updated web site which is under continual review, and a presence on the portal under the My Library tab. LSSU Strategic Plan, #1-D. The Library supports online courses by offering full-text online research materials that off-campus students can access or order through interlibrary loan; and by answering reference questions via email, phone and other technologies. Online and email interlibrary loan services to obtain books are available through the WorldCat and MeLCat databases. Databases with access to fulltext journals and the online catalog are available on a 24/7 basis. LSSU Strategic Plan, #2-F. The Library provides exemplary customer service through professional librarians and staff who are available five days a week and four nights to provide reference help and computer assistance. The Library continually seeks new services and ways to provide service that better meet the needs of its constituencies. Examples include: the switch to online interlibrary loan requests through the library databases; subscribing to the Ebsco A-Z list and article linker product which links patrons to full-text articles when searching databases; joining the Michigan-wide MeLCat database, which gives patrons online interlibrary loan access to participating Michigan libraries and check-out privileges when visiting these libraries; providing a browse section for current periodicals on the main floor of the library; lifting the restriction on drinks in the library. LSSU Strategic Plan, #2-G. The Library is a safe and attractive setting for students to study, meet with groups, have access to computers or take advantage of the wireless network. The Library is open at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays until 12:00 p.m. some weeknights, providing extended hours for study. The Library, considered an essential service, is also open when the University experiences unscheduled closings, such as snow days, to provide a safe and comfortable place for on-campus students to go. LSSU Mission. The Library fulfills the University mission of serving the regional, national and global communities by opening its doors to all visitors, allowing use of the computers and collection; and by filling interlibrary loan requests at the regional, national and international level. Library Instruction The Library will offer to its various constituencies appropriate, effective, and thorough instruction in using the Library and its resources. Diverse instructional methods will be used, and will aim to provide users with the skills they need to retrieve and evaluate materials relevant to their informational needs. Page 2 of 5 Librarymissiongoalsrevise FM_Aug09.Doc LSSU Strategic Plan, #2-F. Library instruction provides a service to students by helping them become more comfortable conducting independent research, and by becoming aware of all the services that the library offers and how they operate. LSSU Mission. Library instruction ties in with the University mission of helping students to develop their full potential by teaching them research skills that can be used throughout their lives. The University mission of serving the regional, national and global communities is fulfilled by outreach to regional (both Michigan and Ontario) high schools students who come to LSSU to receive library instruction. Professional Development The Library will develop and maintain a highly capable staff through recruitment, programs of professional development, and effective use of individual talents. As faculty members, librarians will be expected to serve on University committees, offer classroom instruction, participate in curriculum development, and engage in other professional activities. LSSU Strategic Plan, #2-F. The Library staff provides exemplary customer service by the effective use of individual areas of expertise, and by keeping up with library and technology trends through attendance at conferences and workshops. Membership on local and regional committees, boards and consortia provides opportunities to increase services through cooperation with other institutions and organizations. Financial Resources The Library will seek to obtain an annual budget and other financial and administrative support necessary to establish and maintain appropriate standards for University-level library services as established by the American Library Association. External funding in support of Library goals will also be pursued. Strategic Plan #3. The Library helps to increase revenues from non-tuition income by obtaining grants, some of which have been used to purchase library materials. Strategic Plan #4. The Library provides good cost management by accepting donations for the collection through gifts, and by being a federal government document depository library, which provides without cost thousands of government produced documents including periodicals, books, pamphlets, DVDs, videos, microfiche, and maps covering a variety of topics. The Library offers the “Sponsor a Journal” program in which donors cover the annual cost of providing a periodical for the library collection. Membership in the Michigan Library Consortium provides the opportunity to subscribe to databases at reduced group rates. The Library also actively pursues opportunities for cost savings by participating in the reference books and periodicals exchange program, in which materials from one library can be obtained for free by another library; and by monitoring library listservs where these free materials are advertised. Page 3 of 5 Librarymissiongoalsrevise FM_Aug09.Doc Physical Resources The Library's physical facilities will be of sufficient size and quality to house its collections and supporting equipment and to maintain an environment which encourages the use of the building and its resources for study and research. LSSU Strategic Plan, #2-F. The Library provides exemplary customer service by offering the use of conference rooms, interactive television rooms, and a computer instruction room by campus committees and organizations, accreditation teams, and community groups. The art gallery provides a place for LSSU groups and regional artists to host exhibits, which in turn bring community members into the library to view the exhibits. LSSU Strategic Plan, #2-G. The Library is a safe and attractive setting for students to study, meet with groups, have access to computers or take advantage of the wireless network. The Library is open at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays until 12:00 p.m. some weeknights, providing extended hours for study. The Library, considered an essential service, is also open when the University experiences unscheduled closings, such as snow days, to provide a safe and comfortable place for on-campus students to go. Cooperative Ventures The Library will participate in cooperative ventures with other institutions and consortia in order to ensure user access to materials, ideas, and other resources necessary for teaching, learning, and research. LSSU Strategic Plans, #2-F and #4. The Library provides exemplary service through cooperative ventures which offer cost effective means of obtaining services that would otherwise not be financially feasible. This improved customer service translates to satisfied students and, ultimately, to retention of students. The Library works with the Michigan Librarian Consortium to obtain group rates on databases and e-books. Membership in the Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperatives has provided opportunities for grants used for collection development. The Library online catalog is made available through a partnership with Northern Michigan University and two other Upper Peninsula academic institutions. Membership in MeLCat provides free interlibrary loans with participating libraries in Michigan. Membership in the Michigan Council of Library Directors (COLD) along with the COLD Collection Development and COLD Resource Sharing subcommittees provide opportunities for sharing ideas and developing cooperative projects. For example, the statewide book delivery system used in conjunction with MeLCat began as a COLD project. LSSU Mission. The University mission of serving the regional, national and global communities is fulfilled through reciprocal agreements with Algoma University and Sault Page 4 of 5 Librarymissiongoalsrevise FM_Aug09.Doc College for use of their libraries by LSSU students, and vice versa. Communication The Library will maintain on-going communication with other academic departments, administrative offices, and user communities to help ensure the effective development of Library resources and services consistent with the programs and objectives of the University. LSSU Strategic Plan, #4. The Library works with the academic departments on collection development decisions to ensure appropriate and economical use of funds; with the IT Department for decisions concerning technology purchase and maintenance of library databases, the Evening News Index, and the proxy server for remote user access; and with Public Relations for issues related to the library web site. Assessment The Library will systematically evaluate its collections, programs, facilities, budget, instruction, and goals. Assessment will take a variety of forms with the common objective of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Library services. LSSU Strategic Plans, #2-F and #4. The Library provides exemplary customer service by evaluating the collection through reference, circulation and database usage statistics; and by evaluating other services through library use surveys, which help in determining necessary changes. This also ensures the best and most efficient use of funds. Intellectual Freedom The Library will uphold the standards regarding intellectual freedom as established by the American Library Association. To this end, the Library will respect the rights and privacy of its clientele, resist all attempts to censor information, and assure the integrity of its collections. In addition, the Library strives to provide popular and recreational material of current interest. LSSU University Values. The goal of respecting the rights and privacy of library patrons parallels the University values of respecting and valuing each person as an individual, and of being diligent in carrying out its responsibilities. Originally Adopted August, 1992 Revised October, 2008 Library Faculty Page 5 of 5 Librarymissiongoalsrevise FM_Aug09.Doc Kenneth J. Shouldice Library Strategic Planning Document 2008 and Beyond Statement of Goals, Objectives and Action Plans October, 2008 STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Collection Development. The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. Objective: Maintain and enhance the integrated library system (ILS). Action Plan: 1. Maintain Voyager system on staff computers. 2. Investigate options for the library obtaining its own ILS apart from the NMU consortium, 2008- . Responsibility: Librarians, Dean, Staff. Financial Implications: $20,000. Source of Funds: Library budget. -1LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Collection Development. The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. Objective: Coordinate the acquisition and management of gifts. Action Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Review and revise policy and procedures for donation and acceptance of gifts. Print brochures with current gift policy. Add gift form to the library web page. Send copy of gift policy to deans/departments/faculty/staff and Foundation. Responsibility: Mary June, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: $500. Source of Funds: Library budget. -2LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Collection Development. The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. Objective: Develop and maintain the special collections, including the Michigan and Marine collections, Historical Texts, Library Archives, and general special collections. Action Plan: 1. Continue to catalog library archives material. 2. Continue to identify and preserve materials that are damaged and need special care. 3. Continue to acquire additional materials for collections through donations and purchases 4. Work with the River of History Museum to return to LSSU loaned materials/artifacts from the Ochsner and Fort Brady Museum collections, 2008- . 5. Investigate digitization of materials, 2008- . Responsibility: Mary June, TBD. Financial Implications: $5,000-$10,000 for digitization. Source of Funds: Increase in Library base budget. -3LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2008- Goal: Collection Development. The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. Objective: Develop electronic resources to support off-campus/online courses. Action Plan: 1. Work with the departments who provide off-campus/online courses to determine their needs and how the library resources and services can meet these needs. 2. Investigate ways to improve services, such as ILL for students in off-campus or online courses, and online instructional technology such as podcasts for training in library services/materials. 3. Maintain A-Z list and proxy server to provide off-campus access. Responsibility: Librarians, Dean, staff. Financial Implications: $5,000-$10,000. Source of Funds: Library budget. -4LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Collection Development. The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. Objective: Publicize collections to LSSU community and region. Action Plan: 1. Keep users abreast of new resources in the library via email, the My.Lssu portal, the web page and other appropriate media. 2. Communicate with departments, deans, and off-campus constituencies to inform them of library collections. Responsibility: Librarians, Dean, staff. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -5LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Collection Development. The Library will develop and maintain its collection of current and retrospective materials to support the curricular, informational, and research needs of the University community. Collections of a specialized nature which are distinctive to Lake Superior State University or are of regional interest will also be maintained. All resources will be organized for their most effective retrieval and use. Objective: Maintain and support Evening News Index. Action Plan: 1. Continue to index the Evening News. 2. Ensure IT maintenance of server that houses the Evening News index. 3. Enhance Evening News index with software changes that improve functionality, 2008- Responsibility: Librarians, Dean, staff. Financial Implications: $1,500. Source of Funds: Library budget. -6LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Services. The Library will at all times provide the most complete and thorough service possible. Library services will be actively promoted to all constituencies. Objective: Provide access to library resources at any regional center. Action Plan: 1. Consult with academic departments concerning off-campus library needs and priorities. 2. Develop a survey for off-campus students on library services. 3. Maintain contact with regional center sites regarding library services. Responsibility: Mary June, Fred Michels. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -7LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Services. The Library will at all times provide the most complete and thorough service possible. Library services will be actively promoted to all constituencies. Objective: Facilitate Interlibrary Loan processing. Action Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Responsibility: Mary June, Interlibrary Loan personnel. Financial Implications: $5,000 for electronic document delivery software Source of Funds: Library budget. Continue to improve document delivery. Continue to participate in state-wide document delivery. Investigate web-based document delivery systems such as Prospero, 2008- . Maintain and enhance online interlibrary loan forms, 2008- . -8LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Services. The Library will at all times provide the most complete and thorough service possible. Library services will be actively promoted to all constituencies. Objective: Provide access to LSSU databases and other digital resources to support the curriculum. Action Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: $84,000 for digital resources (2008/09). Source of Funds: Increase in Library base budget. Continue acquisition of digital resources that support the University mission. Continue to provide online access to resources both on and off campus. Continue to provide links from the library web page to free digital resources. Utilize free services, such as that offered by Google Scholar, that provide links to LSSU digital resources. 5. Provide links to current events from the library web page, 2008- . 6. Improve Proxy server access for off-campus and distance education users, 2008- . -9LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2008- Goal: Library Services. The Library will at all times provide the most complete and thorough service possible. Library services will be actively promoted to all constituencies. Objective: Support the research needs of faculty and administrators. Action Plan: 1. Work with faculty and administrators to determine what materials, including online journals, databases and indexes, are needed for their research 2. Inform faculty and administrators of the resources and services the library provides that support their research including the online and print collections, MeLCat, and Interlibrary Loan services. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Source of Funds: Cost of additional digital resources as follows: $6,500--Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts; $7,600--Project Muse (Humanities); $46,000 first year, $16,000 in following years--JSTOR (multiple disciplines including business, health, science, arts and sciences). Current cost of digital resources is $84,000. Increase in Library base budget. -10LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2007- Goal: Library Services. The Library will at all times provide the most complete and thorough service possible. Library services will be actively promoted to all constituencies. Objective: Explore new technologies to improve access to and understanding of library materials, and to reach more of the library constituencies. Action Plan: 1. Explore the use of technologies such as IM and Twitter for instant reference help, 2008- . 2. Explore the possibility of adding a library presence to social sites such as Facebook and virtual worlds such as Second Life, 2008- . 3. Keep up on literature regarding new technology and brainstorm with library staff. 4. Explore alternative ways to provide library instruction, through appropriate technologies such as podcasts, videos, wikis, and blogs. 5. Attend workshops, conferences, webinars etc. to learn about new technologies and how they can be used to improve library services. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: $2,000 for travel to workshops. Source of Funds: Library budget. -11LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Instruction. The Library will offer to its various constituencies appropriate, effective, and thorough instruction in using the Library and its resources. Diverse instructional methods will be used, and will aim to provide users with the skills they need to retrieve and evaluate materials relevant to their informational needs. Objective: Offer every ENGL111 (Freshman Composition) at least one session of library instruction to take place in the Library. Action Plan: 1. Contact the English Department head at the beginning of every semester to reinforce the importance of library instruction. 2. Contact individual instructors, including adjuncts, in order to arrange times for library instruction. 3. Deliver library instruction to ENGL111 classes which may include exercises designed to give each student the "hands-on" training necessary to cope with computerized library systems. 4. Review and comment on all library instruction exercises as appropriate before returning to instructor for distribution. 5. Maintain computers in Library Instruction Room, updating software and hardware as needed. 6. Explore the use of technology for offering alternative forms of instruction, e.g. podcasts, 2008-. Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek Financial Implications: $6,000 for new computers. Source of Funds: Library budget. -12LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2000- Goal: Library Instruction. The Library will offer to its various constituencies appropriate, effective, and thorough instruction in using the Library and its resources. Diverse instructional methods will be used, and will aim to provide users with the skills they need to retrieve and evaluate materials relevant to their informational needs. Objective: Offer instruction to all academic discipline seminar classes. Action Plan: 1. Provide instruction to academic discipline seminar classes. 2. Use appropriate technology to instruct off-campus students. Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -13LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Instruction. The Library will offer to its various constituencies appropriate, effective, and thorough instruction in using the Library and its resources. Diverse instructional methods will be used, and will aim to provide users with the skills they need to retrieve and evaluate materials relevant to their informational needs. Objective: Actively promote and offer appropriate subject-oriented presentations. Action Plan: 1. Attend departmental meetings of each discipline early in the semester to discuss library presentations; follow up throughout semester. 2. Place appropriate informational materials on library web page. 3. Explore the possibility of providing links to library resources from Blackboard, 2008- . Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -14LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Instruction. The Library will offer to its various constituencies appropriate, effective, and thorough instruction in using the Library and its resources. Diverse instructional methods will be used, and will aim to provide users with the skills they need to retrieve and evaluate materials relevant to their informational needs. Objective: Offer library instruction to area high school students, teachers and administrators upon request. Action Plan: 1. Maintain open communication with area high school teachers, including those in the Sault, DeTour, Brimley, Rudyard, Paradise, St. Ignace and the Algoma region of Canada. 2. Present instruction appropriate to high school students’ needs. 3. Explore possibility of providing on-site library instruction at area schools, 2008- . Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -15LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Library Instruction. The Library will offer to its various constituencies appropriate, effective, and thorough instruction in using the Library and its resources. Diverse instructional methods will be used, and will aim to provide users with the skills they need to retrieve and evaluate materials relevant to their informational needs. Objective: Develop alternative methods of library instruction which will enable students to evaluate and locate the materials needed for their research. Action Plan: 1. Research and read library instruction literature, attend seminars, review library instruction evaluations. 2. Modify instruction as needed. 3. Offer LIBR101 (Information and Information Technology Literacy) during Fall semester. 4. Explore possibility of offering instruction through new technology such as podcasts and videos on library web page. Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -16LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Professional Development. The Library will develop and maintain a highly capable staff through recruitment, programs of professional development, and effective use of individual talents. As faculty members, librarians will be expected to serve on University committees, offer classroom instruction, participate in curriculum development, and engage in other professional activities. Objective: Encourage library faculty and staff to attend library conferences; give papers at the local, state, and national level; and contribute to the professional literature. Action Plan: 1. Circulate announcements of library meetings and calls for papers. 2. Provide financial incentives to attend and present papers at local, state, and national conferences. 3. Stimulate the exchange of ideas through ongoing informal colloquia within the department. Responsibility: Librarians Financial Implications: $1,500 per year. Source of Funds: Library budget. -17LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Financial Resources. The Library will seek to obtain an annual budget and other financial and administrative support necessary to establish and maintain appropriate standards for University-level library services as established by the American Library Association. External funding in support of Library goals will also be pursued. Objective: Secure a budget that is equal to that of other state supported university libraries, measured as a percentage of general fund expenditures; or a budget equal to that provided in the American Library Association (ALA) Standards. Action Plan: 1. Determine the state-wide average for library budgets expressed as a percentage of general fund expenditures. 2. Develop a zero-based budget proposal to be presented for university funding. Responsibility: Fredrick Michels. Financial Implications: 4% of general fund budget. Source of Funds: General fund. -18LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Financial Resources. The Library will seek to obtain an annual budget and other financial and administrative support necessary to establish and maintain appropriate standards for University-level library services as established by the American Library Association. External funding in support of Library goals will also be pursued. Objective: Establish a directory of library donors to be used as a resource list for fundraising and other endeavors. Action Plan: 1. Contact LSSU Foundation to gain access to the Foundation database of library donors. 2. Input retrospective and current donor information. 3. Provide LSSU Foundation with retrospective and current library donor records. 4. Institute a capital campaign to endow the library. 5. Explore ways for patrons to make obtain direct donations to the library, e.g. through Amazon wish list, 2008- Responsibility: Fredrick Michels, Mary June, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: $100,000+. Source of Funds: Increase in library budget. -19LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Financial Resources. The Library will seek to obtain an annual budget and other financial and administrative support necessary to establish and maintain appropriate standards for University-level library services as established by the American Library Association. External funding in support of Library goals will also be pursued. Objective: Develop a library disaster plan. Action Plan: 1. Investigate disaster plans from other libraries. 2. Check the professional literature for information on disaster plans. 3. Formulate a plan based on the types of disasters likely to occur in the area. Responsibility: Librarians, dean. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -20LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2000- Goal: Physical Resources. The Library's physical facilities will be of sufficient size and quality to house its collections and supporting equipment and to maintain an environment which encourages the use of the building and its resources for study and research. Objective: Enhance physical and technological resources in the Kenneth J. Shouldice Library. Action Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: $15,000+. Source of Funds: Upgrade and maintain wireless computer access to network. Enhance interior lighting along the east windows, Library main floor. Improve lighting in book stacks, Library basement. Maintain and enhance library computers. Offer printing via laptop computers, 2008- . Remove paper indexes from index shelves to provide display space for other materials, 2008- . 7. Investigate the acquisition of a standup kiosk for searching the catalog, to be placed in the library basement, 2008- . 8. Acquire a motorized microfilm reader, 2008- . 9. Replace worn rug at computers near Reference Desk, 2008- . 10. Investigate providing an area for students taking classes using technology such as WIMBA, 2008- . 11. Investigate providing an area for cell phone usage, 2008- . 12. Offer workshops to the campus community to instruct them on online databases. General fund for one time major projects and increase in library budget for ongoing projects. -21- LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2000- Goal: Cooperative Ventures. The Library will participate in cooperative ventures with other institutions and consortia in order to ensure user access to materials, ideas, and other resources necessary for teaching, learning, and research. Objective: Continue to offer materials through the Federal Depository Library Program. Action Plan: 1. Continue to process materials in accordance with the governmental objective of having materials available to patrons within ten days of receipt. 2. Review selections on an on-going basis, deleting those which no longer support the curriculum and making new, more appropriate selections as needed. 3. Promote the collection in accordance with governmental mandates through such means as brochures, newspaper articles, and receptions. 4. Continue subscription to the MARCIVE shipping list, barcode and label services. Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Government Documents personnel Financial Implications: $3,000 for MARCIVE service. Source of Funds: Library budget. -22LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Cooperative Ventures. The Library will participate in cooperative ventures with other institutions and consortia in order to ensure user access to materials, ideas, and other resources necessary for teaching, learning, and research. Objective: Maintain membership in the Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperatives (UPRLC) and associated committees. Action Plan: 1. Provide funding to attend regular meetings of the UPRLC and associated committees held throughout the Upper Peninsula. 2. Serve in leadership positions on the various committees. 3. Network and share ideas with other library personnel. Responsibility: Mary June. Financial Implications: $500 for travel. Source of Funds: Library budget. -23LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Cooperative Ventures. The Library will participate in cooperative ventures with other institutions and consortia in order to ensure user access to materials, ideas, and other resources necessary for teaching, learning, and research. Objective: Promote international exchange of ideas and sharing of resources through membership in the Sault Area Librarians. Action Plan: 1. Attend Sault Area Librarians gatherings. 2. Organize meetings. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -24LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Cooperative Ventures. The Library will participate in cooperative ventures with other institutions and consortia in order to ensure user access to materials, ideas, and other resources necessary for teaching, learning, and research. Objective: Maintain membership in the Council of State College and University Library Deans and Directors (COLD) and subcommittees to promote resource sharing within the state. Action Plan: 1. Attend meetings. 2. Contribute to COLD sponsored state-wide funding of selected electronic fulltext periodicals. 3. Contribute to COLD state-wide funding of selected periodical databases. Responsibility: Fredrick Michels, Librarians. Financial Implications: Source of Funds: 1. $1,500 per year to attend meetings. 2. Cost for full-text periodicals and periodical databases unknown. 3. $1,500 per year (based on 1% of Acquisition’s budget). Library budget. -25LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2008- Goal: Cooperative Ventures. The Library will participate in cooperative ventures with other institutions and consortia in order to ensure user access to materials, ideas, and other resources necessary for teaching, learning, and research. Objective: Develop an outreach program to area schools to instruct teachers on use of MeL databases. Action Plan: 1. Determine which schools to visit. 2. Determine which databases are appropriate for targeted audience. 3. Develop instructional plan. Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -26LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Communication. The Library will maintain on-going communication with other academic departments, administrative offices, and user communities to help ensure the effective development of Library resources and services consistent with the programs and objectives of the University. Objective: Develop programs and workshops for Library constituencies on resources and services. Action Plan: 1. Meet with the departments to discuss access to online databases. 2. Develop workshops on specific databases as requested. Responsibility: Ruth Neveu, Beth Hronek. Financial Implications: None. Source of Funds: Library budget. -27LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Communication. The Library will maintain on-going communication with other academic departments, administrative offices, and user communities to help ensure the effective development of Library resources and services consistent with the programs and objectives of the University. Objective: Disseminate library information on the library web page and by other appropriate means. Action Plan: 1. Maintain and update library web page. 2. Keep users abreast of new resources in the library via email, my.lssu, the web page and other appropriate media. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -28LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Assessment. The Library will systematically evaluate its collections, programs, facilities, budget, instruction, and goals. Assessment will take a variety of forms with the common objective of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Library services. Objective: Conduct on-going collection assessment. Action Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Serve on the Curriculum and General Education Committees as elected. Determine materials and costs to support new courses and programs. Cull materials as needed. Investigate use of collection assessment tool, e.g. the OCLC WorldCat Collection Analysis product, 2008- . Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Cost of assessment TBD. Source of Funds: Library budget. -29LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Assessment. The Library will systematically evaluate its collections, programs, facilities, budget, instruction, and goals. Assessment will take a variety of forms with the common objective of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Library services. Objective: Assess library instruction through appropriate means. Action Plan: 1. Conduct focus group interviews. 2. Design surveys to be given to classes that have received library instruction in a specific subject or area. 3. Evaluate surveys, implement useful suggestions, and redesign surveys, if necessary, based upon results. 4. Implement other assessment techniques as appropriate. 5. Keep informed of assessment trends in the field through readings and conference attendance. Responsibility: Beth Hronek, Ruth Neveu Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -30LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Assessment. The Library will systematically evaluate its collections, programs, facilities, budget, instruction, and goals. Assessment will take a variety of forms with the common objective of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Library services. Objective: Assess library service. Action Plan: 1. Participate in university-wide assessment efforts. 2. Continue to develop an on-campus student user surveys. 3. Continue to develop a faculty survey. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -31LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Assessment. The Library will systematically evaluate its collections, programs, facilities, budget, instruction, and goals. Assessment will take a variety of forms with the common objective of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Library services. Objective: Evaluate current Library goals. Action Plan: 1. Review current Library goals as appropriate. 2. Seek input from academic community on the library goals. 3. Revise as needed. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -32LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Intellectual Freedom. The Library will uphold the standards regarding intellectual freedom as established by the American Library Association. To this end, the Library will respect the rights and privacy of its clientele, resist all attempts to censor information, and assure the integrity of its collections. In addition, the Library strives to provide the materials that people want. Objective: Develop policy for handling issues concerning intellectual freedom (e.g. patrons requesting the removal of books; requests regarding what books an individual checks out, etc.). Action Plan: 1. Review and revise the current Library policies. 2. Develop appropriate new policies. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -33LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 1999- Goal: Intellectual Freedom. The Library will uphold the standards regarding intellectual freedom as established by the American Library Association. To this end, the Library will respect the rights and privacy of its clientele, resist all attempts to censor information, and assure the integrity of its collections. In addition, the Library strives to provide the materials that people want. Objective: Create a well-balanced collection which includes works of diverse ideas and opinions. Action Plan: 1. Use alternative as well as mainstream sources when searching for materials to order. 2. Make a conscious effort to order from various sources. Responsibility: Librarians and other faculty Financial Implications: Minimal. Source of Funds: Library budget. -34LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc STATEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE/ACTION PLAN Office: Library Fiscal Year: 2008- Goal: Intellectual Freedom. The Library will uphold the standards regarding intellectual freedom as established by the American Library Association. To this end, the Library will respect the rights and privacy of its clientele, resist all attempts to censor information, and assure the integrity of its collections. In addition, the Library strives to provide popular and recreational material of current interest. Objective: Provide popular and recreational material of current interest. Action Plan: 1. Expand the collection of popular materials and house in special display areas on main floor. 2. Provide free books and explore places on campus to have these available. Responsibility: Librarians. Financial Implications: $1,000. Source of Funds: Library budget. -35LibraryStrategicPlan2008.doc Educate the President – Administrative Departments In an effort to get better acquainted with the University, President Lowman has asked to meet with all administrative departments. It would be helpful to him if you could complete the form below prior to your department’s meeting with him. Please submit the completed form by filling in the blanks below. Please submit to Kaye Batho at [email protected] after which she will schedule your department’s meeting. 1. Name of Department: Kenneth J. Shouldice Library & AV Center 2. Names of supervisors and staff members in Department: APs: Dr. Fredrick Michels, Dean of Academic Services (1976)* Charles Gustafson, Media Specialist (1971) Faculty: Ruth Neveu, Public Services Librarian (1977) Mary June, Public Services Librarian (1988) Beth Hronek, Public Services Librarian (1995) Maureen Delaney-Lehman, Catalog Librarian (1989) Steelworkers: Mary Gray (1969) Sharyl Padgett (1969) Christine Roll (1990) Lee Freedman (1996) *Denotes starting year in library 3. List major duties & mission of the Department: To provide access to resources and services to support student coursework and research. To provide instruction in the use of the library and library resources. To provide an environment conducive for study and research. To provide services including computer access, wireless access, online and inperson reference assistance, interlibrary loan, photocopying, printing, coursework reserve materials, AV materials and technological assistance, and study space. 1 4. What is the Mission of Your Department? The Kenneth J. Shouldice Library is the research hub of Lake Superior State University and the most important intellectual resource of the academic community. Its primary mission is to provide services and resources to meet the present and future scholarly and informational needs of the University, and to extend these services and resources to its regional center sites. The Library also strives to provide services to the greater Sault Ste. Marie area which extends beyond the U.S. border to include Northern Ontario. As a University department, the Library actively participates in teaching, curricular development, research and other scholarly activities. 5. Departmental Points of Distinction (list 3): Provides faculty support for innovative technology used in online and remote instruction including interactive television, WebCT/Blackboard, clickers, MyDropBox, Scantrons, processing of teacher evaluations. Provides the indexes, databases, online periodicals, books and other materials used to support the academic programs. Maintains several special collections of documents relating to the history of Sault Ste. Marie and region, Michigan, the great lakes; and also serves as a repository for LSSU archives, which includes NCA materials and historical photographs. 6. List all outcome measures currently used to judge your department’s effectiveness: Student surveys given to English classes that assess library materials, library environment, and effectiveness of library instruction. Interlibrary loan surveys. Library usage statistics: database usage, circulation counts, library gate counts, web page hits. (see attached spreadsheet). Library resource reports used for academic program accreditation. Comments from library users. 7. List three major ways in which your department supports the University’s mission: Provides support for all academic programs through purchase of and subscription to library and AV materials and databases, equipment, and help from friendly personnel with diverse expertise. 2 Provides a safe comfortable place for study and collaborative learning that is open for extended hours in the evenings, and on university snow days. Provides user support for on-line classes, to keep up with the needs and wishes of students in a changing world. 8. Current Budget for Your Department (including breakdown between salaries and other major expenditure categories): See attached Spreadsheet. . 9. What are your customer service standards and expectations? Include any quantitative measures by which you evaluate your unit’s effectiveness in providing customer service. Students want to use the library for work and study: The library is open for use early weekday mornings, at lunchtime, evenings, and on weekends. Librarians are available for reference help weekdays and most weeknights. Students want access to the library from their home or dorm room: Off-campus access is provided into library databases, full-text online periodicals, and books. Students want resources immediately: The library purchases subscriptions to several databases, full-text periodicals, and e-books that students can access by computer. Emailing and printing articles is possible. A number of databases are also provided free to Michigan residents through the Michigan Electronic Library. In total, the library has access to approximately 17,000 full-text periodicals. Quantitative evidence is obtained through library surveys and database statistics. 10. Department’s three greatest opportunities for improving its performance: Plugging into new technology to meet students where they are, such as Facebook, YouTube, chat, etc. Marketing library services and resources to students, faculty, and the community. Expanding instruction for online learning. 3 11. List three major needs of your department that would enhance your ability to achieve your mission effectively: More resources (hardcopy and electronic) to support undergraduate and graduate instruction and student research. More AV personnel and technology to support classroom instruction. Physical resources, e.g. new computers, and more space (the library has lost some of its physical space to other departments). 12. List three ways in which your department directly contributes to the University’s current Strategic Plan, citing the specific area of the Plan that are relevant: 1B. Improve Quality of Academic Programs. Supports instructional excellence by providing materials, internet access, and online databases and other electronic materials used for research and completing class assignments. 1D. Expand Online Learning. Supports online learning through access to online resources and technology, and instructor training. 2G. Maintain Safe and Secure Facilities and Institutions. Supports retention of students by providing a safe, comfortable study place and place to meet, which is open many hours of the week. 13. With which other University Departments (academic and Nonacademic) does your department work most closely? With what other Departments are there opportunities for your Department to work collaboratively? Works with all academic departments offering library instruction as requested, most frequently with the English classes. Provides materials that are requested and used by faculty and staff in both academic and non-academic departments through purchases and interlibrary loan. Works with the other areas of Academic Services, e.g. Learning Resources Center and Career Services. Provides art gallery space for LSSU students, as well as community members, and helps host receptions for the opening of exhibits. 4 Assists departments in the creation of displays in the library display cases for events such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Black History Month and National Poetry Month. Receives computer support from IT. Library could work more closely with IT to obtain more flexibility with computer needs, and Security for better coordination in handling library theft and other security problems. 14. Other comments and suggestions about how your Department can work most effectively in support of the University’s Mission: Being a show case for prospective students. The library is an attractive building and is an appealing place to bring parents and prospective students when touring the campus. Marketing of library resources through faculty forums, departmental meetings, etc. 15. Please attach any strategic plans already completed for your academic unit and send to Kaye Batho. 5