
Infrastructure Committee Minutes for October 31th, 2013 10 am

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Infrastructure Committee Minutes for October 31th, 2013 10 am
Infrastructure Committee
Minutes for October 31th, 2013 10 am
Present: Brooks, Denger, Evans (Co-chair), Fiebelkorn, Freedman, Hronek (Co-chair), Jones, Korb, Peress, Southwell,
Susi, Trumbley, Walworth, Yeaden, Young (Quorum =13)
Evans called the meeting to order at 10:03 am.
II. There were no additions or changes proposed. The agenda was approved.
III. Minutes of October 16, 2012 meeting approved. Brooks/Freedman
IV. Old Business
A. Review of Items for the committee to consider
i. South Hall is coming online. What is the best use of existing offices, administrative suite, and
central office currently being used by LSoB?
ii. Business will vacate CAS 103 and CAS 103a. How shall we best use that area?
Fiebelkorn indicated that Education would like this space. Young stated that dedicating this
space to an individual department would cause problems for scheduling, as it is one of the
only campus-wide computer labs. It was asked if South Hall will have a computer lab, and the
answer was yes. Brooks said that the upper administration doesn’t like to see classrooms
dedicated to a single department. We should contact Dr. Finley concerning Engineering’s
interest in the space.
iii. Cappuccino Corner will close. How shall we best use that area?
Peress pointed out that there is an elevator in the Cappuccino Corner, and that provides
handicapped persons access to the upper and lower levels of the building, so the area cannot
be locked.
iv. Michigan Hall is empty. How do we best use that area?
v. Is there a better location for campus safety?
Peress asked where this question came from. He pointed out that currently Campus Safety
uses a gun locker in the Administration Building, a new location would have to keep that in
Overall, concerning the section Old Business IV, there was a discussion about how the committee has
previously handled this type of submissions, the types of information that are needed to make
informed recommendations, methods to communicate requests for suggestions or forums, and
existing materials that might provide guidance. It was stressed that those in an area know it best and
could provide useful information, and that the committee should do a walk around the areas.
V. New Business
A. Thank Carol Andary, past committee chair for all her past work with the committee, and updating the
committee on the past minutes and materials she has provided.
focus group results (on website)
Kevin Kane (space planning; tentative architectural plans)
master plans from other universities
landscape plans (infrastructure?)
Evans offered a public thank you to Carol Andary, past committee chair for all her work with the
committee, for updating the current chairs, and providing past minutes and materials. Materials received
- Focus group results (posted on website)
-Kevin Kane materials on space planning; tentative architectural plans (posted on website)
-master plans from other universities
-landscape plans (is this infrastructure?)
Please take the time to look at these materials.
Update on new Master Plan? (Sherry Brooks)
Brooks reported that the new update should be available and posted on the Infrastructure and Physical
Plant pages sometime today.
C. New Issue: New locks for entire campus lecture rooms.
The infrastructure Committee has been asked to seek ideas concerning the best options for putting locks
on lecture rooms, to be used in the case of an armed intruder. Various options were mentioned, from
replacing or modifying current locks, to using mechanical or electronic methods of locking doors. “The
Boot”, http://www.thelockdownco.us/the-boot/ was mentioned as a possible solution. It was decided
that the question would be more appropriate for the Safety Committee to decide.
Move to defer to the Safety Committee to make recommendations on this issue. Peress/Korb
4) B. Hronek suggestions for website/online for campus-wide input on issues
Hronek showed web pages soliciting suggestions concerning issues (items IV. A. i-v). Each page has a
description of the problem and a link to a basic Survey Monkey survey. Peress stressed that the pages
needed to point out special issues that users might not be aware of, such as the elevator in the
Cappuccino Corner, which must be available at all times, so the area cannot be locked, and that if Campus
Security moves, the committee needs to consider that the gun locker is in the basement of the
Administration Building.
The group decided that Hronek would create a web page to solicit ideas for each issue, and share the URL
with the members of the committee. Committee members would be given a date by which they needed
to make suggestions or comments. Hronek would modify the pages accordingly, and alert the committee
to the updated pages. After a short period where individuals could again propose changes, Hronek would
contact PR about sending an e-mail/message to campus, soliciting suggestions and giving the URL to the
web pages. Fiebelkorn volunteered to create and manage of the Survey Monkey pages.
5) Brainstorming/delegate work for a real master plan, which incorporates:
a) where we are today (what has been done; what do we want to do short term)
b) campus of the future
Committee members discussed the various plans and documents that are available.
Walworth suggested that the Infrastructure Committee begin a process to have campus-wide forums to
gather, distribute, and vet information for Capital Outlay requests - which are due in November of each
year. He suggested that the Infrastructure Committee take the forms the state uses and modify them for
LSSU use (adding questions about alignment with LSSU's mission and ability to generate funding support).
The proposals would be presented at these forums during the year before the requests to the state, and
would be presented to the Infrastructure Committee and the campus community as well as external
IV. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday, November 21st, at 10 am in the Crow’s Nest.
Meeting adjourned 10:55 am.
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