
CCIS 2016 Study Abroad Programs 27 countries 6 continents

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CCIS 2016 Study Abroad Programs 27 countries 6 continents
2016 Study Abroad Programs
Travel | Study | Connect | Grow
International Education
Opportunities Developed
by Educators
27 countries
6 continents
51 semester
42 summer
The College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS) provides a broad
spectrum of quality international education opportunities abroad.
CCIS is committed to expanding opportunities for students
to participate in high quality and affordable international education study
abroad programs in diverse locations.
Excellence as the measure of all programs
Affordability as a goal in the development of programs
Accountability in organizational governance and program oversight
Participation as an expectation of membership
Service to members and participants
Support of CCIS programs
Safety as paramount in the design and implementation of programs
Advocacy on behalf of international education
Transparency in governance and program administration
Diversity in the development of programs and participants
Dear prospective CCIS student,
In the pages that follow you will find exciting and rewarding study abroad
opportunities that will enhance your education, develop your intercultural
awareness (an increasingly important skill in a globalizing world), and
provide you with a positive experience you will never forget. Many students
describe their time abroad as “life-changing.” Our high-quality programs
have this effect because they are designed, approved, and reviewed by
members of our consortium, public and private accredited US colleges
and universities. Additionally, every CCIS program is administered in
partnership with established foreign educational institutions to ensure the
best academic experience.
CCIS programs appeal to a wide variety of individuals because of the
diverse student body that our membership represents: students attending
two-year, four-year, public, private, small, and large schools in the United
Sates. With 93 programs, ranging from four to fifteen weeks in length, in
27 countries and courses offered in most disciplines, there are many choices
to complement your academic and personal interests. Some programs also
offer the option of staying with a host family, internship opportunities, and/
or intensive language study. Whichever program and features you select, we
believe you will find the journey to be a catalyst for your personal growth,
a time to engage with a foreign culture, and an amazing environment for
enjoying countless experiences with new lifelong friends!
Int rod u c t i on Le t t e r
CCIS Mission, Vision, Values
Int rod u c t i on Le t t e r
Why Study Abro ad?
W h y C h o o s e C C I S ? Financial Aid and Study Abro ad
Step-By-Step Guidel ine to the CCIS Appl icatio n Pro ce s s 4
C C I S P r o g r a m s 8- 33
This catalog will provide you with the information you need to get started.
Because CCIS programs are run collaboratively, there are two terms that will
help you understand some of the information included in this catalog.
Sponsor: the CCIS member(s) that administers a study abroad
program. During the application process and your time
abroad, they will act as your contact. They are indicated
under the program title in each program listing.
Host: the partner institution at the study abroad
program site. Your courses will be provided by the host.
They are indicated in the title of each program listing.
From all of the CCIS members, thank you for taking
the time to consider broadening your academic and
life experiences. There is a whole world to explore;
we hope to see you out there!
Austria Czech Republic
Nor th America
Central America
Costa Rica
South America
New Zealand
Deadlines / Dates
Contact Information
C C I S U. S . M e m b e r I n s t i t u t i o n s Inside Back Cover
Ta bl e o f Co nt ent s
It is a good idea to apply early. Early application allows your financial aid office
to complete the review of your eligibility for financial aid and to get all of the
paperwork done. Be sure to apply to the financial aid office on your home
campus no later than fifteen weeks prior to departure.
• Gain an international dimension and a global perspective in your major.
• Expand your range of course options and develop a global résumé.
• Experience the increasing interdependence of the United States with other countries.
It is possible for students to use some or all of their federal financial aid for study
abroad. Here are some facts you should know:
• Explore the role you can play in the global community.
• Meet local students, host families, and townspeople, and immerse yourself in the life of the host country.
• Financial aid may be used for study abroad, including summer study, as long
as you are enrolled for academic credit and meet other requirements—these
will vary by school, so contact your financial aid office. Both direct costs
(instructional costs, room and board) and indirect costs (books, airfare, personal
spending, etc.) of a study abroad program can be included to calculate a student’s
financial aid package.
• Enjoy new and different activities.
• Sharpen interpersonal and communication skills through interacting with people from backgrounds
different from your own.
• Improve your ability to use a foreign language in many programs.
• Expand your career choices and clarify your personal goals.
• Option of living with a host family: many programs feature this option, which accelerates foreign
language acquisition and gives in-depth knowledge of another culture.
• Access to student services: CCIS programs offer features such as orientation, on-site
support and academic counseling, social activities, field trips, and excursions.
• Wide range of courses: curricular options may include intensive foreign language courses as well as
courses in the humanities and social sciences, physical sciences, business, studio art and design,
and marketing—all taught in English.
• Entry in programs at all language levels: foreign language courses in non-English speaking countries
are a part of many programs; students can start at any level, from elementary to advanced.
• Competitive costs: costs are moderate and vary by duration and location.
• Assistance with credit transfer.
• Eligibility for many forms of financial aid.
Why Choose CCIS?
• Choice of 93 study abroad programs in 27 countries around the world for a semester, summer,
or full academic year.
• There are many forms of aid. Check with your financial aid office about federal
forms of aid, including grants and loans, as well as forms of state or institutional
• Seek approval for your participation in a study abroad program from your advisor
or other appropriate faculty member or administrator on your campus. Once
your home institution has granted approval for participation in a study abroad
program, and if you are otherwise eligible to receive financial aid, then federal
forms of financial aid can be applied toward the cost of a study abroad program.
• You must apply through your home institution to receive financial aid for any
study abroad program you choose; once your aid package is awarded, you are
responsible for making certain that all funds are forwarded to the appropriate
US institution that sponsors the study abroad program.
Fi nanc i al A i d a n d St u d y Ab ro ad
W h y St u d y Abroad ?
Facts You Need to Know: Financial Aid and Study Abroad
A Step-By-Step Guideline to the CCIS Application Process
Step 1: Take some time to read through the CCIS catalog or visit our website at www.ccisabroad.org
to find the program(s) that interest you, and then contact the US sponsoring institution(s) directly to
request program details, including courses offered, costs, dates, housing information and application
materials (contact information is provided on page 36).
Ap p li c a t i on Proc e s s
Step 2: Contact your study abroad advisor or your academic dean to discuss the program you have selected.
Review the courses offered by the program to ensure that you will receive full academic credit for courses
taken overseas. Ask the program contact person at the US sponsoring institution to explain how grades/
credits will be reported.
Step 3: Submit your application for the program:
If your school is a member of CCIS: submit the completed materials to your study abroad advisor or
academic dean on campus (for a list of member institutions see inside back cover, or visit http://www.
If your school is not a member of CCIS: mail the completed materials to the sponsoring institution.
Your CCIS study abroad application should include:
• CCIS Study Abroad Application (from the program contact person or the CCIS website).
• CCIS Confidential Recommendation Forms (from the program contact person or the CCIS website).
• Copies of your most current college transcripts for all collegiate level courses taken.
• Additional forms specific to some CCIS programs
Step 4: Secure financial arrangements for the program. DO THIS EARLY! If you are using financial aid to help
pay for study abroad, meet with your financial aid officer and your study abroad advisor or academic dean.
For information about financial aid eligibility, see page 5 of the catalog.
Step 5: When you have been accepted into the program, work with your advisor and the program contact person
to register for courses overseas. Also, make arrangements to register for classes on your home campus for the
term after you study abroad.
CCIS Programs
Salzburg College, Salzburg
Denmark: Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Copenhagen
Truman State University
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Program Type Overview
Program Type Salzburg College was founded in 1970 as a small, private institution with a mission to
integrate classroom study with on-site experience. Classes are small and students receive
individual attention. Several areas of concentration are available and offered in two six-week
terms, allowing students to concentrate on two or three courses of their choice. Classroom
work and field experience are integrated with excursions, guest lectures, and interaction with
local professionals, an important part of the program. To complement coursework, students
participate in organized day trips to nearby towns and a four-day field trip to Vienna
throughout their time at the College.
Additional features: The program begins with a four day academic trip, providing a hands-on
introduction to the region and an opportunity to meet other students. Interested students can sign
up for an internship to explore Austrian perspectives and practices at the workplace.
Academic study and internship
At Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS), learn about and experience Denmark and
Europe through forward-thinking academic program options and courses, integrated
study tours across Europe, various accommodation options, and an extensive cultural
immersion program. You can pursue your personal academic interests by choosing courses
from the following disciplines: architecture, biomedicine, child development and diversity,
communication, environmental science of the Arctic, European humanities, European
politics, gender and sexuality studies, global economics, graphic design, interior architecture,
international business, justice and human rights, medical practice and policy, neuroscience,
prostitution and the sex trade, psychology, public health, sociology, sustainability, urban
design, and urban studies. A seven-week Architecture and Design Program is also available
during the summer and offers an opportunity to explore the essential nature of worldrenowned Danish architecture and design through a six-credit studio course and either a
one-credit journal course or three-credit lecture course.
Additional features: course-integrated study tours, optional study tours, science research practicum
Academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
(May 15)
SpringJan.–Apr. (Oct. 15)
4-week session
(Feb. 1)
Sophomore standing and a minimum 2.7
Campus dormitories and homestay
Located in the heart of Salzburg’s Old City, Salzburg College is just down the street from
the main hub of the public bus system, greatly facilitating commuting. Situated in the heart
of Europe, Salzburg is ideally located for travel.
Summer I
Summer II June–July
Summer III July–Aug.
Architecture and Design Program
Students must be at least 18 years old with at
least junior standing and a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0
Copenhagen is a vibrant European metropolis, yet it has a small-town feel. DIS is located
in the heart of Copenhagen and consists of two historic buildings from 1798 as well as an
adjacent classroom building.
Czech Republic: The University of New York in Prague, Prague
England: Edge Hill University, Ormskirk
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Offered (Application Deadline)
Off-campus student housing, homestay
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Prague offers a rich cultural, historical, and architectural experience. The city is one of the
most popular destinations in Europe for students and tourists. Many important destinations
can be reached easily by walking. Visitors can observe and participate in local traditions,
such as the widely celebrated Czech Folklore Festival, Wine Festival, Witches Night, and
Febiofest (Czech Mardi Gras). CCIS students study at the University of New York in
Prague. Founded in 1998, this private, state-recognized institution in the Czech Republic
offers a full curriculum of 130 different courses taught in English. Popular courses include
Business Administration, Communication and Mass Media, International Economic
Relations, International and Commercial Law, and Psychology. Classes are taught by a
highly qualified and internationally diverse faculty.
Academic study
Edge Hill University is a liberal arts institution offering a diverse curriculum. Students
take courses alongside local students from the United Kingdom allowing for a unique and
culturally diverse classroom experience. Student life at Edge Hill is dynamic and social,
and students can join the Students’ Union giving them access to many activities, clubs, and
events. There is a wide range of sports offered with top quality facilities. The college club,
The Venue, is the hub of student social life on campus; theme nights, karaoke, live bands,
satellite TV, and a bar are all under one roof. The student traveler will be able to experience
England through the diverse destinations it offers: bustling cities rich in history and culture,
beautiful green countryside, grand castles, magnificent cathedrals, and much more.
Additional features: a field experience in education is available for students who wish to explore
first-hand the British education system and teaching methods.
Academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
(April 15)
SpringJan.–May (Oct. 15)
Summer I
Summer II July
Students must be 18 years of age and have an
overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
UNYP is located in the central district of Prague close to the metro. The tram is a threeminute walk from the school.
Single and double rooms close to the
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Offered (Application Deadline)
(June 1)
(Nov. 15)
SummerJune–July(Mar. 15)
Students must be at least 18 years old with
sophomore standing and a minimum 2.75 GPA.
Campus dormitories and homestay
Edge Hill University, situated in northwest England in the historic market town of
Ormskirk, is only a short distance away from seaside towns and major cities and ideally
located to allow travel to other parts of the world.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence
Miami Dade College and Truman State University
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type The Foundation for International Education’s (FIE) program in London gives you the
opportunity to experience firsthand a complex society through interdisciplinary coursework
as well as tailored academic internships, service learning, and research opportunities. An
international internship or service learning project provides an opportunity to experience
working life in another country and challenges pre-conceived notions of cultures and the
professional world. You will take an FIE Key Course, two to three elective courses, and your
choice of one of the three pathways. Elective courses, which vary each semester, are generally
offered in history, business, music, literature, and sociology. Field trips, guest lectures by
London-based specialists, site visits, and other program activities are integrated into all FIE
courses. Through FIE, you can arrange your study abroad program to fit your academic and
post-graduation career goals.
Additional features: classroom excursions, London Tube Pass, optional extra-curricular excursions/
Internship and academic study
Founded in 1958, the Institute for American Universities (IAU) is one of the oldest and
largest international education programs in Europe. At IAU’s School of Humanities and
Social Sciences, students from all majors may take courses and earn between twelve and
eighteen credit hours per semester. Students find courses in subject areas such as psychology,
political science, comparative literature, art history, studio art, business, economics,
philosophy, education, history, archeology, civilization, theater, government, and the French
language from the beginning to the advanced levels. Courses are taught in both English and
French. No previous knowledge of French is required; however, all students are required
to take at least one French course. Beginners are required to enroll in six units of French
language. All courses are taught by French faculty from local universities and by adjunct
faculty from the UK and US.
Academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 15)
(Oct. 15)
Summer I
(Mar. 15)
Summer II June–Aug.
(Mar. 15)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.75 GPA
Shared student apartments with common living
and kitchen areas
Offered (Application Deadline)
(May 1)
(Nov. 1)
SummerJune–July(Apr. 15)
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA
IAU College is located in Aix-en-Provence on the Mediterranean coast. Aix-en-Provence is
one of the major academic, legal, and cultural centers of France with easy access to Paris,
Geneva, London and other major European cities.
FIE’s Foundation House study center is located in the heart of London, in Kensington.
One of London’s most attractive and desirable locations, Kensington provides a beautiful,
historic living and learning environment for students.
England: Kingston University, London
Marchutz School of Fine Arts, Aix-en-Provence
Miami Dade College and Truman State University
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Kingston University is well recognized for the strength of its academic departments, the
quality of its instruction, and its proximity to London. Most students take the course British
Life and Culture, designed to provide an understanding and appreciation of contemporary
culture and society in the U.K. In addition, you can take courses that range from business
and economics to drama and music. While at Kingston, it is easy to get involved with one
of the many student organizations and, of course, take advantage of long weekends with
travel around England and Europe. Studying at Kingston University provides you the
opportunity to immerse yourself in British culture while earning academic credit in a variety
of subjects, setting you up for a once in a lifetime international experience that you will
carry with you back home and well beyond your graduation.
Additional features: optional excursions available, field trips in British Life & Culture module
Academic study
IAU College offers a studio art program for students of all majors and levels of experience.
Founded in 1971 by the German artist Léo Marchutz, the Marchutz School of Fine
Arts takes an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the arts by combining readings
in literature and philosophy with studio art training, thereby providing students with a
coherent theoretical and practical approach to the creative process. All students interested
in art from any perspective—and regardless of their skill level—should consider Marchutz
School of Fine Arts. The Marchutz School of Fine Arts is located in the beautiful Provence
region of France, near Château Noir, where Cezanne lived and worked. The general purpose
of the curriculum is threefold: to enhance awareness of the relationship between perception
and imagination, to foster historical and critical perspective, and, above all, to develop
students’ capacity to create.
Academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Oct. 15)
July, 4 weeks (Apr. 15)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.5 GPA
Halls of residence, lodgings (renting room in
private home)
Kingston-upon-Thames is located twenty-five minutes by train from Central London,
giving students the opportunity to experience London while living in a smaller community.
Kingston University has four campuses throughout the town, all connected by university
bus service.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
England: Foundation for International Education, London
Offered (Application Deadline)
(May 1)
(Nov. 1)
SummerJune–July(Apr. 15)
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA
Situated on the renowned Route de Cézanne, the school’s location in Aix-en-Provence has
many advantages—among them are its light-filled space, the studios, and most importantly
its calm and contemplative atmosphere conducive to sustained, artistic concentration.
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
ESSCA, Angers
IPAG School of Management, Nice or Paris
Truman State University
Miami Dade College and Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type The Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers (ESSCA) represents an
innovative and forward-looking organization represented by its two-thousand-member
student body comprised of both international and French students. The five-week summer
program, taught entirely in English, offers a thorough understanding of how the European
Union, and the delicately balanced cooperation between its member states, really functions.
It also provides a first-hand initiation into all the essential aspects of European business and
its interactions with the United States and other regions of the globe. This program allows
students to take courses in international business with a focus on the European Union.
During the first three weeks of the program, students study at the Angers campus and take
classes on European Union business, economics, culture, and communication.
Additional features: weeks four and five involve seminars abroad in Paris and Belgium.
Academic study
The IPAG School of Management is a private, professionally oriented business school that
specializes in international business and helping students network within the European
business community. Students can take advantage of the close proximity to the industries
in the region, including Sophia-Antipolis, France’s Silicon Valley. Nice offers access to the
cultural attractions of the French Riviera, including a jazz festival, the Cannes International
Film Festival, opera, and other events. The campus offers students a variety of services
including a multimedia center, language labs, and an information and business center. The
Paris campus is available for advanced students, junior level or above. Students mix and
mingle with local students inside and outside of the classroom and learn about the different
approaches to business in Europe. Students are encouraged to participate in campus
activities such as sports clubs, cultural events, and the international student association.
Courses are offered in English at both sites.
Additional features: internships available
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer only
(May 4)
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA
Campus residence in Angers and hotel stays
during week seminars in Paris and Belgium
The ESSCA School of Management summer program takes place in Angers, France, with
weeklong seminars in Paris and Brussels, Belgium.
Offered (Application Deadline)
(June 15)
(Nov. 1)
SummerJune–July(Apr. 1)
Freshman standing and a minimum 3.0 GPA
Shared apartments
The Nice campus is located in the south of France. Nice benefits from its outstanding
Mediterranean climate and associated outdoor and indoor activities in all seasons. The Paris
campus is located in the heart of Paris’ Latin Quarter.
France: IFALPES, Annecy
Germany: International House Heidelberg-Collegium Palatinum, Heidelberg
Miami Dade College and Truman State University
Broward College
Program Type Overview
Program Type The Institute Français des Alpes (IFALPES) is a leading French language training institute
that operates in cooperation with institutes and academic institutions both in France
and abroad. IFALPES has the “Qualité FLE” accreditation from the French Ministry of
Education. IFALPES is located in the French Alps. The diverse student body is comprised
of international students from all over the world. IFALPES offers intensive French language
programs at all levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. All courses are taught in French
using the Direct Method style of language instruction and are specifically designed for those
interested in learning or becoming more proficient in French. Teaching methods are based
on active participation by students, and the scope of the program includes understanding,
speaking, reading, writing, and cross-cultural studies. Annecy sits at the foot of the alpine
massifs on the purest lake in Europe and has breathtaking scenery.
Intensive language study
Intensive language
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA
Founded in 1958, the International House (ih) Heidelberg-Collegium Palatinum offers
year round intensive German language courses at all levels. Located in one of Germany’s
most beautiful and beloved cities, Heidelberg is the ideal place to experience the German
language and culture firsthand while exploring the surrounding region. Heidelberg is about
an hour train ride from the major urban center of Frankfurt, with access to many famous
scenic spots, such as the regions within and surrounding the Black Forest. It is within a few
hours’ drive from Munich and the Swiss and Austrian Alps. The ih Heidelberg-Collegium
Palatinum offers an international environment where students from all over the world join
together as they embark on a truly global language immersion experience.
Additional features: airport pickup, onsite support, cultural visits and recreational events
Homestays and shared apartments
The ih Heidelberg-Collegium Palatinum is located in the Villa Krehl in Heidelberg’s most
beautiful residential area. This historic building offers an exceptional atmosphere and
modern facilities, which include Wi-Fi, a computer lab, library, TV room, and garden
Offered (Application Deadline)
(June 15)
(Nov. 15)
Summer I
(May 15)
Summer II July
(May 15)
Summer III August
(May 15)
Known as the Venice of the Alps with its canals, historic downtown, lakes, national parks,
castles, and famous hotels and restaurants, the town of Annecy is an exciting place for
students to live.
Offered (Application Deadline)
Fall I
8 weeks
Fall II
8 weeks
16 weeks
Spring I
8 weeks
Spring II
8 weeks
16 weeks
early June–July
All application materials must be received
45 days prior to the start of the session.
The program is open to students at least 18
years of age with a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Homestay, off-campus student apartments
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Ireland: National University of Ireland Galway, Galway
Broward College
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type In Heidelberg, one of Germany’s most beautiful and beloved cities, students have the
opportunity to study at the University of the Incarnate Word European Study Center.
Coursework is conducted in English in a variety of areas and combines lectures and
discussions with on-site visits to European political and economic institutions, German and
multinational corporations, and historical and cultural points of interest in surrounding cities
and countries. Assignments are designed to motivate students through experiential learning
that provides a unique and enriching study abroad experience. Students may take an intensive
German language course prior to beginning their program. During the fall and spring terms,
students may also enroll in a course at the SRH University Heidelberg, one of Germany’s
oldest and most renowned private universities. Heidelberg is located an hour train ride from
Frankfurt and a few hours’ drive from Munich and the Swiss Alps.
Additional features: airport pickup, onsite orientation and support, excursions, and cell phone
Academic study, intensive language,
Academic study
Open to students at least 18 years of age at
all undergraduate levels with a 2.5 GPA or
The National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway is one of Ireland’s foremost centers
of academic excellence. Established in 1845, the university is grounded in Galway’s
rich medieval past. Over 1,500 international students, almost 10 percent of the student
population and representing fifty different countries, attend NUI Galway each year.
Students earn twelve–fifteen credit hours per semester and take courses from a variety of
disciplines. Located on the banks of the River Corrib, the University offers a variety of
student services close to the city center. Academic resources include a library, computer
resource center, an Irish Language Center, and the Applied Languages Center. A designated
office offers students opportunities to participate in volunteer and community service
activities. There are also a variety of student activities on campus such as clubs, teams, and
the International Students Society, which arranges social and cultural events throughout the
year and fosters cross-cultural understanding.
The European Study Center is housed in a handsome villa centrally located in a safe
residential area of Heidelberg. The European Study Center offers Wi-Fi, a library, a
computer lab, laundry facilities, a TV room, a student lounge, and a garden terrace.
On-campus student residence
Because of its dynamic and pioneering role in theater, arts, and culture, Galway has earned
the title of Cultural Capital of Ireland. Galway is a vibrant cosmopolitan city with a thriving
cultural and commercial community.
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Sept. 1)
Summer I
(Feb. 15)
Summer II July–Aug.
(Mar. 1)
Greece: The American College of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki
Ireland: University of Limerick, Limerick
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Offered (Application Deadline)
(June 1)
(Oct. 15)
SummerJune–July(May 15)
Junior standing and a minimum 3.0 GPA
Campus dormitories, apartments, flats or
houses, homestay, and off-campus apartments
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type In Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, students can study at The American
College of Thessaloniki (ACT), a non-profit, American-style liberal arts college, for a
summer, semester, or academic year. In addition to studying Greek language, students may
take courses including accounting, anthropology, art history, computer science, economics,
English, European studies, finance, history, management, marketing, mathematics, music,
philosophy, politics, psychology, and sociology. All courses are taught in English; no prior
knowledge of Greek is required. Students will enjoy small classes and an active out-ofclass schedule, including many club activities, a cross-cultural orientation program, and
excursions to museums and to places like Athens, Vergina-Dion, Meteora, and Mount
Athos. Students may also enjoy the benefits of culture and language learning in community
service/volunteer or internship opportunities. ACT affords students a wonderful place to
learn and explore Greece and its people.
Additional features: 24/7 site director, optional excursions
Academic study, community service/
volunteer, and internships
Academic study
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.5 GPA
Established in 1972, the University of Limerick is an internationally focused university with
over 10,500 students. Limerick is an energetic and enterprising university with a proud
record of innovation in education and excellence in research. The university’s mission is to
promote and advance learning and knowledge through teaching, research, and scholarship
in an environment that encourages innovation and upholds the principle of free inquiry
and self-expression. Facilities include modern, well-equipped classrooms, a student center
with lounges, a theater, and an art gallery. The study abroad program at the University of
Limerick is designed to meet the learning needs of American and other foreign students.
Course offerings are provided well in advance in order for students to choose their courses.
The program immerses students into the academic and social life of the university by
providing field trips and on-campus activities. There are sixty student-run clubs and societies.
Off-campus residential housing
The University of Limerick is in Limerick, the third largest city in Ireland. Limerick was
founded as a Viking fortress over a thousand years ago. The University is on the banks of
the river Shannon, three miles from the city center.
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer June–July
ACT is located in the port city of Thessaloniki in northern Greece. ACT is part of Anatolia
College, founded in 1886, and has about five hundred students from over twenty countries
studying on a beautiful forty-five-acre campus (including a cafeteria, library, computer lab,
and sports facilities) with many buildings overlooking the historic city below.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Germany: UIW European Study Center, Heidelberg
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
(May 1)
(Nov. 1)
(Apr. 15)
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.9 GPA
Campus residence halls and apartments and
off-campus apartments
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Lorenzo de’ Medici, Tuscania
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Founded in 1795, Maynooth University is Ireland’s second oldest university institution.
Building on a tradition of scholarship and excellence in all aspects of its teaching and
research activities, it is committed to being a world-class center of learning and academic
discovery, while still retaining a uniquely friendly and personal atmosphere. Maynooth
University has a long-standing international reputation for learning and academic excellence
in the sciences and humanities. The university is committed to providing an environment in
which students can learn, develop, and mature. The focus is on ensuring all students have an
experience that will benefit them both personally and academically. The University’s facilities
include a fully equipped gymnasium, a weight room, playing fields, a swimming pool, and
student union building. There are more than 150 active clubs and societies providing many
opportunities for students to get involved in social, cultural, and sporting activities.
Academic study
The curriculum at Lorenzo de’Medici (LdM) Tuscania is designed to promote the historical,
artistic, and cultural qualities that make Tuscania unique. History and archaeology courses
focus on the Etruscan, Roman, and medieval civilizations at the core of Tuscania’s history.
Culinary arts courses, for which LdM has received much recognition, reflect Tuscania’s
connection to its agricultural cycles and traditions. Italian language courses prepare students
to create relationships in a cross-cultural context and develop foreign language skills. The
small size of the town and its leisurely pace allow students to foster connection with Italians
in Tuscania. During a semester, students can take courses in a variety of disciplines with one
required Italian language course. During the summer, the Archeology Field School Program
option is also available.
Additional features: optional fieldtrips
Academic study, intensive language
Offered (Application Deadline)
(June 1)
(Nov. 1)
(May 31)
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.9 GPA
Campus residence halls and apartments
Maynooth University is located in a quiet area of Maynooth, fifteen miles from the bustling
Dublin city center, which is accessed by train and bus. The town offers a variety of shops
and traditional Irish pubs.
Not to be confused with the region of Tuscany, Tuscania is a historic town located in central
Italy in the breathtaking countryside of southern Maremma. It is about an hour north of
Rome and two hours south of Florence.
Lorenzo de’ Medici, Florence
Lorenzo de’ Medici, Three Cities
College of Staten Island/CUNY
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer I
Summer II June–July
Archeology Field School
June–July (Mar.)
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.75 GPA.
Shared student apartments
Program Type Overview
Program Type Lorenzo de’Medici Florence (LdM) is situated in the heart of Tuscany, a region that has
many classified historical monuments. This makes LdM an ideal choice for those interested
in studying humanities, creative arts, design, or Italian language and culture. LdM offers
classes in these disciplines and is recognized as having one of the finest studio art programs
in Italy. Courses are taught in English with the exception of language classes and some
courses designated “in Italian.” During a semester, students can take one of the three
program options: Super-intensive Italian Language; Liberal Arts and Studio Arts (courses
in a variety of disciplines with one required Italian language course); or a semester- or
year-long certificate program in various topics in art, design, fashion, food, etc. Semester
program participants can also apply for a three-credit internship course to gain practical and
professional experience with organizations in Florence.
Additional features: optional fieldtrips
Academic study, intensive language,
The Three Cities Program is a semester-long study abroad experience hosted by Lorenzo
de’Medici that immerses students in three Italian cities, each with distinct qualities, during
a single semester—Tuscania, Rome, and Florence in the fall or Venice in the spring.
Each Italian city that the program visits possesses a vibrant urban character, historical
and artistic heritage, and role in today’s Italy. After living and studying in these varied
landscapes, students come away with unique insights into the diversity and unity of another
culture. In program courses designed to highlight interesting issues that intersect with the
broader experience, students will explore the beauty and power of the Italian language, the
relations between cultures, ancient Rome as an inspiration for later Italian culture, Italian
gastronomic geography, and the ways writing can capture engagement with new places.
Academic study
Lorenzo de’Medici’s main campus is located in Florence, a city that is a living museum filled
with works of famous painters, sculptors, and architects. There are beaches and mountains
nearby, and Rome is only three hours away.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer I
Summer II
Summer III
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.75 GPA.
Ireland: Maynooth University, Maynooth
Offered (Application Deadline)
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.75 GPA.
Students spend the first month in Tuscania, the second month in Rome, and the third
month in Florence (fall semester) or in Venice (spring semester).
Shared student apartments
Shared student apartments
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
American University of Rome, Rome
Grint Center for Education and Culture, Moscow
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type The American University of Rome (AUR) was founded in 1969 as an independent four-year
institution and currently enrolls approximately five hundred students from Italy and all over
the world. Students may take twelve to sixteen credits in a variety of disciplines, but one
Italian language course is required. The language of instruction is English with the exception
of the Italian language and literature courses unless the literature course is designated
“in translation.” AUR offers courses in several disciplines including archeology and
classics, art history, business studies, communication and English, international relations,
interdisciplinary studies, Italian studies, and fine arts. Many classes complement their lessons
with on-site visits around the city, using Rome as a classroom. Extra-curricular activities,
such as student clubs, social events, and optional field trips, organized by the Student Life
Office provide learning opportunities for students and encourage student participation in
Italian culture and daily life.
Additional features: optional fieldtrips
Academic study, intensive language, and
internship (must enroll for an academic year
and eligible during second semester only)
Grint Center for Education is located in Moscow, a treasure house of Russian culture,
featuring many art museums, theaters, concert halls, and public libraries. The Center seeks
to involve students personally and actively with the Russian people and their language,
history, art, and traditions. The Area and Culture Studies in Russia Program includes ten
hours of intensive Russian and the courses History and Russia Today. In the Area and
Culture Studies in Russia, taught in English in the fall and spring, students have three hours
of intensive Russian and can take three to four additional classes. A five-day excursion to
St. Petersburg is included in the program. The Center’s extensive cultural program includes
weekly visits to theaters, concert halls, sports arenas, and other historic places in Moscow.
Additional features: internships are available, and the new Cultural Program includes one guided
cultural event plus one excursion each week.
Academic and intensive language study
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer I
Summer II July–Aug.
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.50 GPA.
Rome, the capital city of Italy, is filled with legacies of the past, such as the Roman Forum
and the Coliseum. AUR is located in a beautiful villa on Rome’s highest hill on the right
bank of the Tiber River.
Shared student apartments
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer May, 3 or 8 weeks
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA
Residence halls
The Grint Centre for Education and Culture is located on a 150-acre site in the Vykhino
district, known for its parks and gardens, with easy access to downtown Moscow by bus and
Istituto Venezia, Venice
Scotland: University of Dundee, Dundee
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Brookdale Community College
Program Type Overview
Program Type Istituto Venezia, the Venice Institute, has been offering language instruction since 1994
to students of all ages from around the world. In this diverse environment, students study
Italian, offered at the beginning through advanced levels. The program in Venice is small,
so courses are usually offered on the basis of individualized study. Students do not meet
in regular classes with other students but rather have the exclusive guidance of a single
professor for each course. Assignments are often tailored to each student’s special interests.
Students enrolled for a semester choose from the sixteen-credit Super-intensive Italian
Language Program or the Venetian Civilization and Culture Program, which requires a sixcredit Italian language course and two three-credit Venetian civilization and culture courses.
The language of instruction is English with the exception of the language courses. The
Super-intensive Italian Language Program is the only option during the summer.
Academic study, intensive language
Academic study
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.50 GPA.
Rated number one in Scotland for student experience (Times Higher Education), the
University of Dundee offers some of the most cutting-edge advancements in teaching
technology, world-leading research, state-of-the-art gym facilities, and an environmentallyfriendly green campus. You can study from a wide range of disciplines that complement any
major from the humanities, business and social sciences to the sciences and engineering.
Dundee is also home to the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, offering
studio art majors an incomparable creative experience. The University of Dundee has
also been called the “friendliest campus in Scotland” (Virgin Alternative Guide to UK
Universities). The International Student Advice service will help you settle in and enjoy
your study abroad experience with an extensive orientation program, social events, and
opportunities for weekend visits with Scottish families. Come and see for yourself why
Dundee has been ranked number one in Scotland for the last five years!
Shared student apartments
Dundee, the City of Discovery, lies on the estuary of the River Tay on the east coast of
Scotland, with the Highlands to the north and St. Andrews and Edinburgh to the south.
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer I
Summer II
Summer III
The Istituto Venezia is located in the heart of the university area of Venice. Having a high
artistic value, the neighborhood draws many students who gather in coffee shops and attend
live concerts.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
(July 1)
(Oct. 15)
(Apr. 15)
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Mar. 15)
(Sept. 15)
Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
with at least 15 college credits, must be 18 or
Residence hall, apartments
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Franklin University, Lugano
Truman State University
Brookdale Community College
Program Type Overview
Program Type The University of Stirling offers semester, academic year, and summer programs. With
courses in over thirty subject areas, you will be sure to find classes that complement your
major. You will be studying at an institution that ranks in the top 2.5 percent of global
higher education institutions. Stirling also scores high in surveys on the student experience,
with a staff that is supportive to the needs of study abroad students. Your studies will be
enhanced by a thriving student life scene both on and off campus. Enjoy numerous student
clubs, opportunities for excursions, plus a world class fitness center. The city of Stirling
also boasts a fantastic nightlife, excellent shopping and leisure facilities, as well as some of
Scotland’s best sporting facilities. Come and study abroad at the University of Stirling, and
enhance your resume and marketability while having the experience of a lifetime!
Additional features: summer internship is available.
Academic study
Founded in 1969, Franklin University is an American-style liberal arts college located a
short walk from the city center of Lugano. The cornerstone of the college’s mission has been
its commitment to courses that are international in perspective and cross-cultural in content.
In addition, students and faculty come from every corner of the globe, further exposing
students to other cultures and international experiences. With just over four hundred
students, the college can also boast small classes that emphasize strong student to teacher
interaction. Most courses are taught in English. A highlight of each semester is the Academic
Travel Program. This two-week study tour of Europe is taught by a Franklin University
faculty member and provides students with one additional credit. Past destinations have
included France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Academic study
Located in the heart of Scotland, the University sits on a beautifully landscaped 330-acre
campus, designed around a central loch (lake) and an 18th century castle (Airthrey Castle).
Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the Scottish Highlands are all at your doorstep!
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Mar. 15)
(Oct. 1)
Summer I
Summer II July–Aug.
Summer internship programs have a late March
application deadline.
Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
with at least 15 college credits, minimum age
of 18
Franklin University is located in the city of Lugano, which is the cultural, recreational,
financial, and commercial hub of Switzerland. The city is fun and sophisticated, with dozens
of outdoor activities, concert halls, museums, shops, and restaurants.
Residence halls, apartments
Spain: International College of Seville, Seville
Turkey: Bahcesehir University, Istanbul
Broward College and College of Staten Island/CUNY
Offered (Application Deadline)
(May 15)
(Oct. 27)
Summer I
(Apr. 1)
Summer II July
(Apr. 1)
Students must have completed one semester
or quarter of college-level coursework at the
time of application with at least a 2.70 GPA.
Basic on-campus, fully-furnished triple
apartment. Other options available at
additional cost.
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Program Type Overview
Program Type Located in beautiful Seville, this program draws upon the resources of the International
College of Seville (ICS) and the University of Seville. Near the center of the city, both
institutions border a lovely park and provide easy access to the many cultural and historical
attractions of Seville. During the semester program, students may choose from Spanish
language courses at all levels and coursework conducted in English in subjects such as
history, political science, literature, and business. Students who are proficient in the
Spanish language may take upper-level international studies courses taught in Spanish at
the University of Seville. During the summer, students may participate in either a monthlong Spanish Language Program at ICS or a five-week Arabic Program at the University of
Seville. Both programs include city visits in the Andalusia region and an overnight excursion
to Morocco, Africa.
Additional features: onsite orientation and support, excursions, recreational events
Academic study, intensive language
Founded in 1998, Bahcesehir University is accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Education
and dedicated to teaching, research, and service. The University is situated in historic
Istanbul, on the European side of the Bosporus strait. The semester and academic year
program offers a wide selection of courses taught in English that combine local and
international students. In addition, internships and community service options are also
available. The summer program offers a one-month, six-credit program with two required
courses: Turkish Culture and Society, and Turkish Language. Summer students have the
option of adding an additional month to the program and completing a three-credit
internship. The program includes an on-site director, an airport welcome, cultural activities
in Istanbul, a Bosporus Ferry Tour, a day trip to Price Island, and a weekend field trip to
Ankara. The semester and academic year program also includes an extended excursion to
Izmir and Ephesus.
Academic study
ICS is housed in a three-story Andalusian villa located in the charming neighborhood of
El Porvenir, adjacent to the beautiful María Luisa Park. A reference library, a TV room,
Internet facilities, and study areas are available to students.
Istanbul was founded around 660 BCE and straddles both Europe and Asia. Archeological
and historical sites abound, such as Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace. Today, Istanbul is
the largest city in Turkey and serves as the economic, cultural, and historical center of the
Homestays, student apartments, and residence
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
This program is open to students at least 18
years of age with a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Homestay, supervised residences (semester only)
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Scotland: University of Stirling, Stirling
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
Academic year Aug.–May
The programs is open to students of freshman
through senior standing with at least a 2.5
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
KCP International Language Institute, Tokyo
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Program Type Overview
Program Type In Shanghai, the largest city in and the financial and commercial capital of China, students
can study at Shanghai University (SHU), a municipal university serving about forty
thousand Chinese students, in the summer, fall, and/or spring. About three thousand
international students study at SHU each year, exploring and learning Chinese language
and culture in this dynamic city. Over the one-month summer session, students study
economics, business and Mandarin Chinese. Semester students take one Mandarin language
course at their level and select two or three courses taught in English, such as Culture in
Contemporary China, Asian Economics, E-Commerce, Marketing Strategy, and Finance.
No knowledge of Chinese language is required. Students enjoy a rich out-of-class field trip
program with many excursions to places of cultural and historic importance in Shanghai, a
city of twenty million, in addition to out-of-town field trips to scenic and historic locations
such as Suzhou and Hangzhou.
Academic program
Founded in 1983, KCP International, located in Tokyo, Japan, is recognized as a leader
in Japanese language education. It is well known for its Japanese language and cultural
immersion. KCP serves about nine hundred students per year. All instruction is in Japanese,
but English-speaking staff provide extensive language support, including special tutorials, for
US students as they learn the Japanese language. Semester students enroll in twelve credit
hours of Japanese language. KCP offers cultural immersion through lectures and organized
excursions. The Civilization and Culture course, taught in English, includes lectures that
lay the groundwork in topics like Japanese classical entertainment, customs and lifestyles,
business and economics, politics, history, and religion. Visits include trips to Kamakura,
the Asakusa Temple, Nikko, the Edo-Tokyo museum, and Kabuki and Banraku theaters.
In addition to Japanese culture and civilization classes, all KCP students can participate in
optional activities such as the tea ceremony, anime, manga drawing, and many more.
Academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.5 GPA
On-campus international student dormitories
Offered (Application Deadline)
This program offers semester, academic year,
and summer sessions with some flexibility in
the program length. Please refer to the CCIS
website or program sponsor.
Students must be 18 years of age and have an
overall GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
Dormitory, homestay, or independent lodging
is available.
Shanghai is located on the East China coast. Shanghai University is a metropolitan
university that serves the citizens of Shanghai. The Yanchang campus is centrally located in
the Zhabei District, and the Baoshan campus is the largest and newest campus in the SHU
system. Both campuses have all standard university facilities.
KCP is located in Shinjuku, the business, entertainment, and shopping center of Tokyo. It is
a fifteen minute walk from the Shinjuku Gyoenmae subway station.
National Management School, Chennai
Turkey: Bahcesehir University, Istanbul
Broward College and Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Program Type Overview
Program Type The National Management School (NMS) is located in India’s fourth largest city, Chennai,
in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, which has a rich culture with traditions and
beliefs that date back over two thousand years. The semester program begins with six weeks
of coursework in business and culture at NMS and concludes with a three hundred-hour,
eight-week internship with stipend at Capgemini—the world’s fourth largest software
company—in its Mumbai office. The summer program offers a business and culture
course, in conjunction with a student-designed fieldwork project, that allows students to
engage in Indian culture and society while learning how to succeed in the Indian business
environment. The summer program also includes interactions with some of India’s top chief
executive officers at leading corporations, as well as academic excursions and corporate visits
to Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, and Agra.
Additional features: airport pickup, orientation, onsite coordinator
Academic study, internship
Founded in 1998, Bahcesehir University is accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Education
and dedicated to teaching, research, and service. The University is situated in historic
Istanbul, on the European side of the Bosporus strait. The semester and academic year
program offers a wide selection of courses taught in English that combine local and
international students. In addition, internships and community service options are also
available. The summer program offers a one-month, six-credit program with two required
courses: Turkish Culture and Society, and Turkish Language. Summer students have the
option of adding an additional month to the program and completing a three-credit
internship. The program includes an on-site director, an airport welcome, cultural activities
in Istanbul, a Bosporus Ferry Tour, a day trip to Price Island, and a weekend field trip to
Ankara. The semester and academic year program also includes an extended excursion to
Izmir and Ephesus.
Academic study
Off-campus student apartments
Homestays, student apartments, and residence
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer I
Summer II June–Aug.
Sophomores (summer program) and seniors
(semester program) at least 18 years of age in
select majors
Chennai is located on the southeast coast of India along the Bay of Bengal. The school
offers seminar rooms, discussion rooms, a student services area, a library, lounges, and Wi-Fi
on a fully air conditioned campus.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Istanbul was founded around 660 BCE and straddles both Europe and Asia. Archeological
and historical sites abound, such as Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace. Today, Istanbul is
the largest city in Turkey and serves as the economic, cultural, and historical center of the
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
China: Shanghai University, Shanghai
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
Academic year Aug.–May
The programs is open to students of freshman
through senior standing with at least a 2.5
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
L’École de Langue Française, Université du Québec, Chicoutimi
Brookdale Community College
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI) is one of the few universities in North Africa where
you can study abroad, take courses in English, and learn Arabic. Studying in Morocco is a
fascinating way to have a non-traditional study abroad adventure and explore the wonders
of a mixture of cultures. AUI is grounded in African, Arab, and Islamic culture and models
its organizational structure, curriculum, and teaching methods on the American system
of higher education. All classes are taught in English, allowing you to study the Arabic
language while simultaneously taking courses in your field of study. When not in class, take
advantage of student groups and sports teams, explore the sand dunes of Marrakech, visit
the Medina of Fez, or hop across the Strait of Gibraltar to Spain. At AUI, you can study a
critical language, earn academic credit, and explore North African culture, enhancing your
understanding of the world.
Academic study, intensive language in
L’École de Langue Française (ELF) at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi provides
a complete French immersion experience, where you truly “live French.” At the start of
the program, an oral and written placement test is given to ensure that you enroll in the
class that best matches your French language skills. Courses are offered at beginning,
intermediate, and advanced levels. To ensure that every student obtains the maximum
possible benefit from the immersion program, you are expected to speak French at all
times on- and off-campus. Making this experience fun and enjoyable inside and outside
of the classroom is ELF’s priority. Your classes are complemented by a wide range of social
and cultural activities in and around Chicoutimi, guided outdoor recreation, and optional
excursions to Quebec City and the beautiful Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region.
Intensive foreign language study (French)
Offered (Application Deadline)
FallAug.–Dec. (Mar. 15)
(Oct. 15)
Summer Eight tracks with
(Apr. 1)
different program dates
Please refer to CCIS website
or program sponsor.
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.5 GPA
AUI is located in the resort community of Ifrane, in the Middle Atlas Mountains, about
forty miles from Fez. This gated campus houses a running track, Olympic size swimming
pool, library, student union, and several dining options.
Mandatory on-campus residence halls
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Jun. 1)
(Oct. 15)
Summer I
(Mar. 1)
Summer II July–Aug.
(Apr. 15)
The minimum age for participation is 18
years of age
Chicoutimi is located in the heart of the beautiful Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region, which is
renowned for spectacular fjords and its interior sea! Lake St-Jean provides access to nearby
beaches and numerous boating and water sports activities.
Homestay, French-speaking student residence
Namibia: Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek
Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Guadalajara
Montana State University
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Program Type Overview
Program Type The Polytechnic of Namibia is the site of the CCIS southern Africa study abroad and
service learning program. Located in the capital city of Windhoek, Polytechnic of Namibia
is comprised of six academic schools: Business and Management, Engineering, Information
Technology, Communication, Health, Natural Resource Management and Tourism. Within
these academic schools, eighty-six majors are offered. Polytechnic of Namibia also provides
credit-bearing service learning experiences in areas such as social welfare and wildlife
conservation. Namibia is located in the southwest region of Africa and students can easily
fly to South Africa, Botswana, or Zimbabwe. Polytechnic of Namibia provides a full array of
student services. International students can join the myriad student organizations and clubs.
Excursions include trips to game parks, beaches, hiking, sky rides, theater performances,
museums, lectures, and concerts.
Academic study and service learning
At the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG), you will have the chance to immerse
yourself in Mexican culture, while earning academic credit in intensive Spanish language
courses or content courses taught in Spanish. Language courses are kept small so that you
receive individual attention to improve your Spanish. Many of the language and cultural
courses incorporate cultural excursions to let you practice your Spanish and learn more
outside of the classroom. When not studying, you will have ample opportunity to join
student organizations and sports teams or spend time volunteering with a local non-profit.
Living with a host family will provide you with valuable insights into Mexican life and
culture. Welcoming locals, an active lifestyle, Spanish immersion, and academic credit are
just a few of the many reasons to study at UAG for a summer, semester, or year.
Additional features: optional three-day Mexico City excursion
Intensive language, academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
2.5 GPA and open to students from freshmen
through senior standing
Dormitory style living and private guest
houses on campus
The school is located in the heart of Windhoek. It is an urban campus within walking
distance to downtown.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Nov. 1)
Summer I
May, 4 weeks
(Apr. 1)
Summer I
June, 4 weeks
(Apr. 1)
Summer III
July, 4 weeks
(Apr. 1)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.5 GPA;
5 semesters of university-level Spanish, or
equivalent, for advanced program
While Guadalajara is Mexico’s second largest city, it maintains ties to its rich cultural past,
blending sombreros with the high-tech sector. UAG is a large private university, surrounded
by parks and residential neighborhoods, yet minutes away from downtown
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
North America
Morocco: Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Central America
Lingüístico Conversa, Santa Ana
Argentina: Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Miami Dade College and Truman State University
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Centro Lingüístico Conversa is a language institute following the teaching methodology
of the Peace Corps and the Foreign Service Institute and requiring no previous study or
knowledge of Spanish. Conversa is dedicated to teaching Spanish and English as foreign
languages. The program is offered in four-week sessions with intensive instruction for five
to six hours per day entirely in Spanish. Classes have no more than four students, and
students are taught by different instructors each week to strengthen their conversation and
oral comprehension skills. Breakfast and lunch, which are provided on campus as part of the
program, allow students to interact informally with other students and faculty.
Additional features: Individual tutorials on Saturday morning and additional conversation
practice are available upon request. Conversa offers optional cultural excursions to museums and
markets, with student discounts offered for weekend tours, such as white-water rafting, excursions
to volcanoes, biological reserves, and private island tours.
Intensive language study
At Universidad de Belgrano (UB), you can study Spanish for a month in the summer or
stay for up to a year, immersing yourself in Argentinian culture. UB is one of the oldest
and largest private universities in Argentina, with 11,500 enrolled students, including 2,500
international students. You will earn academic credit in language and cultural studies or,
if your Spanish-language skills are advanced, take regular courses with local students. Join
a sports team or student club to meet other local students, or hop on the Subte (subway)
a few blocks away to explore the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires. Staying with a local
family will broaden your cultural understanding as well as improve your Spanish. Studying
at UB will give you more than academic credit: it will give you the confidence to explore the
Spanish-speaking world for the rest of your life.
Additional features: 24/7 site director, optional excursions
Academic and intensive language study
Offered (Application Deadline)
4-week cycles throughout the year
(rolling deadline for all cycles)
Minimum 2.5 GPA.
Homestay, residence at school
Universidad de Belgrano is located in a seventeen-story building in the lively Belgrano
neighborhood. A cafeteria, computer labs, a library, and a travel agency are all available. All
students live in Belgrano and the nearby Palermo neighborhood.
Conversa is located in Santa Ana on a mountainside farm. Santa Ana is twenty minutes
from the capital city of San José and is known for its mild climate, national parks,
volcanoes, fine beaches, rain forests, and wildlife refuges.
Offered (Application Deadline)
Students have three study options to choose
from during the fall (April 1) or spring
(November 1) semester and three summer
sessions (April 1), each with different program
dates. Please refer to the CCIS website or
program sponsor.
Sophomore standing and a minimum 2.5
GPA are required. Advanced classes require
5 semesters of university-level Spanish (or
Costa Rica:
Universidad Veritas, San José
Ecuador: Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, Guayaquil
Miami Dade College and Truman State University
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Program Type Overview
Program Type The Universidad Veritas, with a student population of approximately two thousand, offers
students the option to study abroad for a semester or short-term program. Students enroll
in intensive Spanish language learning courses to advance their Spanish language skills while
taking other elective courses taught in English for credit. These elective courses, some of
which include practical and field work, cover topics ranging from environmental studies,
communications, health, business, and economics to arts and humanities. Some elective
courses are taught in Spanish, mostly in literature and linguistics. Advanced level Spanish
students may integrate with Costa Rican students in regular Veritas courses. For those
looking for some professional experience, Veritas offers internship programs in different
areas, working with companies or organizations in Costa Rica.
Additional features: students have the opportunity to enroll in extracurricular activities like
tropical dance classes, Costa Rican cooking, scuba diving, and conversation club with nationals,
among others, for a complete cultural immersion experience.
Academic and intensive language study
The Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil is a private, non-profit institution of
higher learning that has achieved high prestige in the surrounding community. It is located
in Guayaquil, the largest city in Ecuador with nearly three million inhabitants. Situated on
the Guayas River and the Pacific coast, Guayaquil is known for its contagious informality,
lively social life, and year-round tropical weather. The fall semester program in Guayaquil
combines intensive language instruction (at all levels) with the study of Ecuadorian history
and culture; students earn twelve to fifteen credits. During the summer, students can take
one four-credit course over the one-month program. Taught in six levels, Spanish instruction
places heavy emphasis upon oral communication and uses an interactive methodology.
CCIS students receive personalized attention in small classes ranging from two to eight
students. Language acquisition and cultural immersion are further encouraged through
placement in a homestay.
Academic study, intensive language
Offered (Application Deadline)
Spring I
Spring II Mar.–June
Summer July, 5 or 8 weeks
(Sept. 1)
(Nov. 30)
(Nov. 30)
(Nov. 30)
4-week cycles throughout the year
(rolling deadline for all cycles)
Freshman standing and a minimum 2.5 GPA
Located in a residential section of town, Universidad Veritas is situated in the capital city
of San José. Students have easy access to museums, restaurants, bustling markets, and the
National Theatre. There are nearby beaches, within a few hours by car.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
South America
Costa Rica:
Offered (Application Deadline)
Summer June–July
At least 18 years old, completed one collegelevel semester (minimum 12 credits) at time
of application, minimum 2.5 GPA
The Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil is located in the commercial, importexport hub of Ecuador. Católica has an attractive campus and active student life, including
numerous social and recreational facilities. The campus is served by public transportation.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
South America
Australia: Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) is a four-year liberal arts institution with
approximately three thousand students, 10 percent of whom are international students.
The Ecuadorian government recognizes USFQ as one of Ecuador’s leading institutions of
higher learning. At USFQ, students develop Spanish language skills through study and
cultural immersion, while also learning first-hand about contemporary issues and trends
in Latin America. Students can study at USFQ for two months during the summer, a
semester during the fall or spring, or an academic year. A variety of courses are offered at
USFQ for students who have a solid background in Spanish. Past offerings have included
Andean History, Art in Hispanic Quito, Latin American History, Spanish Composition,
Spanish Conversation, Cultural Anthropology, History of Ecuador, Introduction to Latin
American Issues, People of the Andes, Rural and Urban Sociology, and Tropical Ecology.
Language acquisition and cultural immersion are further encouraged through placement in
a homestay.
Academic study, intensive language
Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) is located in Melbourne, Australia. SUT has
six campuses in Melbourne’s exclusive eastern suburbs. Swinburne has a total student
population of twenty-eight thousand, of which seven thousand are international students.
The program is offered at the three main campuses, in the inner eastern suburbs of
Hawthorn, Prahran, and Lilydale. Melbourne is recognized as Australia’s knowledge capital,
producing more science, engineering, and computing graduates than any other Australian
state. Melbourne is renowned nationally and globally for the quality of its universities
and research institutes. It has a thriving biotechnology industry and world-class science
Academic study
Offered (Application Deadline)
At least 18 years old, sophomore standing at
start of program, four semesters of collegelevel Spanish, minimum 2.5 GPA
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Mar. 31)
(Oct. 31)
Ecuador: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito
Students must have at minimum sophomore
standing with a 2.6 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
Courses may require pre-requisites.
Swinburne University of Technology is located in Melbourne, Australia, and recognized as
one of the world’s most livable cities. The city is known as Australia’s cultural, culinary, and
sporting capital.
Three- or four-bedroom fully furnished
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is considered one of the most beautiful regions in Latin
America. USFQ opened in Quito in 1988 and is located in the beautiful suburb of
Cumbayá, a short ride from the city’s center.
Peru: Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Cusco or Lima
Australia: University of Newcastle, Newcastle
Broward College
Truman State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type The Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL) offers students the option to study on its
main campus in metropolitan Lima or on its extension campus in historic Cusco. With
a dynamic student population of international students coming from more than ninety
universities throughout the world, USIL creates opportunities for students to advance
their studies, exchange knowledge with professors and students, and enjoy the country’s
exquisite cuisine and tourist attractions. In Lima, students may enroll in all levels of
Spanish language, as well as coursework conducted in English or Spanish in subject areas
such as hospitality/tourism management, marketing, economics, international business,
international relations, and culinary arts. In Cusco, students may enroll in all levels of
Spanish language and take coursework conducted in English such as Art and Design in
Cusco, History of the Inca Civilization, Biodiversity of Peru, and Photography.
Additional features: airport pick-up, onsite orientation, international student support, and
volunteer opportunities
Academic study
Academic study
Summer I
Summer II July–Aug.
The University of Newcastle is located in an area that combines a five hundred acre natural
landscape with the urban conveniences found in Newcastle City. The city of Newcastle
boasts wonderful beaches, a low cost of living, a very favorable climate, and a casual
lifestyle, and it is close to Sydney, the capital of New South Wales. Established in 1965,
the University of Newcastle attracts students and staff of the highest caliber. The University
has two campuses: Callaghan (the largest campus), in Newcastle, and Central Coast, at
Ourimbah (halfway between Newcastle and Sydney). Today more than nineteen thousand
students can choose from 150 undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by eleven
faculties. Students choose from the full range of courses in architecture, art and design, arts
and social science, economics, education, music, nursing and science, and mathematics.
The program is open to students at least 18
years of age with a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Situated on a breathtaking stretch of Australia’s coastline, the University of Newcastle is
located to the northeast of Sydney, at the mouth of the Hunter River.
Located in the La Molina district, the Lima campus includes a library, student center,
cafeteria and on-campus restaurant. The recently opened Cusco center is housed in a 16thcentury building within walking distance of the famous Plaza de Armas.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
Aug.–Dec. Mar.–July (May)
Offered (Application Deadline)
(May 31)
(Nov. 1)
Students must have sophomore standing and
at minimum a 2.5 GPA. Courses may require
On-campus housing is extremely limited.
The University’s accommodation service can
help students make off-campus arrangements.
Homestay, student apartments (Cusco only)
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
New Zealand: Massey University, Auckland
Truman State University
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Located on Australia’s Gold Coast, Bond University is an hour’s drive from Brisbane,
with easy access to attractions such as the Great Barrier Reef, some of the world’s finest
beaches, and the large rain forests to the north. The university was established in 1987
as the first private higher education institution in Australia and is accredited through the
Australian Vice-Chancellor’s Committee. Bond University has the highest percentage of
Ph.D.-qualified faculty of any Australian university, an extremely favorable faculty–student
ratio, and an international student body. Its state-of-the-art facilities include a new medical
school and law school facilities. Qualified students may choose their courses from the entire
curriculum offered at Bond University. Students typically receive twelve–sixteen credits per
Academic study
Auckland houses one of three campuses for Massey University, where students can choose
from seventy majors. As a student, you will find modern, Spanish-architectural styled
buildings with friendly students and staff, state-of-the-art facilities, and a unique atmosphere
highly conducive for studying. This campus has a vibrant student life, with regular social
activities organized by the Albany Student Association, and many other events organized by
international and cultural clubs. When not in class or studying, be sure to explore all the
exciting outdoor pursuits that New Zealand has to offer. As part of a new summer program,
you can spend two weeks touring the country and then spend four weeks on an internship
tailored for agriculture, agribusiness, environmental science, and wildlife management
majors. You will have the opportunity to boost your resume while you explore New Zealand
and earn academic credit.
Academic study, internship
Offered (Application Deadline)
(June 1)
(Nov. 1)
(Mar. 1)
Students must have sophomore standing and
at minimum a 2.5 GPA. Courses may require
Bond University is set on a 122.6 acre campus. Lecture theatres, case study rooms, and
tutorial rooms are conveniently located in the University Centre building. Several student
restaurants and cafes are available on campus. The study facilities at Bond are world class.
On-campus residence hall
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Nov. 1)
SummerMay–July(Mar. 15)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.8 GPA
University-managed off-campus apartments
Known as the City of Sails, Auckland is an excellent location to study for city and ocean
lovers. New Zealand’s largest cosmopolitan city, Auckland is an urban environment within
close proximity of beautiful beaches, hiking trails, and stunning holiday islands.
Australia: Macquarie University, Sydney
New Zealand: University of Canterbury, Christchurch
Truman State University
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type Macquarie University, known as Australia’s innovative university, is located in the heart of
Australia’s largest high-technology precinct and benefits from an environment of outstanding
research and innovation. International students play an important role in the life of the
University, with over 3,200 international students currently studying on campus within a
total student population of 21,000. Macquarie University offers academic internships for
credit to qualified students. Academic disciplines include economics, international business,
communication, media, early childhood education, psychology, engineering, and more.
Academic study and internship
The University of Canterbury (UC) is a medium-sized university with an international
reputation for academic excellence in teaching and research. UC offers courses in thirtyeight disciplines through seven departments. You can earn academic credit in your field of
study. As a student at UC, you will find the opportunity to move beyond the classroom and
engage with the community, gaining real-world experience through unique courses designed
for study abroad students. Many student groups and clubs are open to study abroad
students, so you will have the opportunity to ski, surf, mountain bike, kayak, and more. At
UC, immerse yourself in “Kiwi” culture all the while expanding experiences in and out of
the classroom that will enhance your education and life after graduation.
Additional features: internship and service learning courses available
Academic study, internship, service learning
Located in North Ryde, one of Australia’s leading high-technology parks, the 125-hectare
campus is located eighteen kilometers northwest of downtown Sydney center.
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
Students must have sophomore standing and
at minimum a 2.5 GPA. Courses may require
On-campus student apartments
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Australia: Bond University, Queensland
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Nov. 1)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.8 GPA
Residence halls, off-campus apartments,
homestays available
Situated between the mountains and the sea, Christchurch is known as the Garden City
of New Zealand. A mid-sized, cosmopolitan city, with a population of over three hundred
thousand, located on the South Island, Christchurch takes pride in its multicultural heritage.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
New Zealand: Massey University, Wellington
Montana State University
Montana State University
Program Type Overview
Program Type The University of Waikato is internationally recognized for the variety and high quality of
its educational programs. While studying there for a semester or year, you will discover the
Maori traditions on campus provide cultural richness and diversity and are an important
aspect of Waikato’s overall identity. There are 12,500 enrolled students at Waikato, and
2,000 of them are international students. Students come from over sixty different countries,
bringing together cultures and experiences from around the world. Waikato’s Management
School is recognized as one of the best business schools in the Southern Hemisphere, and if
you are interested in learning more about the Maori culture and history, courses concerning
New Zealand/Pacific society are widely available. Waikato offers more than just a semester in
New Zealand: it will give you a greater appreciation for local culture as you earn academic
credit towards your degree.
Academic study
Of the Massey University campuses, Wellington is known as the creative campus which is
fitting for the culture and lifestyle of the residents of the capital city. This campus focuses on
six broad areas: communication, journalism, business, engineering and technology, health
and well-being, and creative arts. If you are majoring in agriculture or sciences as part of
the new summer program, you can spend two weeks touring the country and then spend
four weeks on an internship tailored for agriculture, agribusiness, environmental science,
and wildlife management majors. You will have the opportunity to boost your resume while
you explore New Zealand and earn academic credit. At Massey University, you can spend
a semester, a year, or a summer earning academic credit, exploring the exciting country of
New Zealand, and gaining a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Academic study, internship
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Nov. 1)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.8 GPA
Residence halls, on- and off-campus
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Nov. 1)
SummerMay–July(Mar. 15)
New Zealand: University of Waikato, Hamilton
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.8 GPA
University-managed off-campus apartments
Wellington is the geographical, political, and cultural center of New Zealand. It is located
between a beautiful harbor and rolling green hills and offers an unforgettable city experience
in a natural setting, with excellent shopping, professional theater, and restaurants.
With a population of 110,000, Hamilton is New Zealand’s fourth largest city and is well
served with parks, gardens, and scenic river walks. The city has an active music, art, and café
culture, all with a distinctly New Zealand flavor.
New Zealand: Massey University, Palmerston North
Montana State University
Program Type As the flagship campus for Massey University, the Manawatu campus in Palmerston
North has a student population of nine thousand and is located in a beautiful park-like
environment, offering a university lifestyle like no other. At Manawatu, you will have a
variety of subjects to choose from, including agriculture, computer science and engineering,
math and science, and social sciences. Outside of the academics, you can explore the
country and try a new outdoor activity, like zorbing or surfing. As part of the new summer
program, you can spend two weeks touring the country and then spend four weeks on
an internship tailored for agriculture, agribusiness, environmental science, and wildlife
management majors. You will have the opportunity to boost your resume while you explore
New Zealand and earn academic credit.
Academic study, internship
This vibrant, young person’s city, with the highest student population per head in New
Zealand, offers affordable accommodation, great bars and restaurants, live theater, sporting
centers, and indoor pools. For the adventurous, there are challenging mountain bike tracks,
bungee-jumping, river kayaking, and equestrian facilities.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Offered (Application Deadline)
(Apr. 1)
(Nov. 1)
SummerMay–July(Mar. 15)
Sophomore standing and minimum 2.8 GPA
University-managed on- and off-campus
apartments, halls of residence
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
CONTACT information for all programs: see page 36
Dates are approximate. Contact sponsor for actual dates.
Program Dates Deadlines
Approximate Program Dates and Application Deadlines
Program dates and application deadlines, in parentheses, are approximate and subject to change. Please see the CCIS website or contact the program sponsor for actual dates.
ARGENTINA: Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires
ECUADOR: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito
Students have three study options to choose from during the fall (April 1) or
spring (November 1) semester and three summer sessions (April 1), each with
different program dates. Please refer to the CCIS website or program sponsor.
(April 15)
early January–mid-May
(October 15)
(March 15)
ENGLAND: Foundation for International Education, London
AUSTRALIA: Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
Summer I
Summer II
late July–late November
(March 31)
Springmid-February–mid-June (October 31)
AUSTRALIA: University of Newcastle, Newcastle
late July–late November
late February–late June
(May 31)
(November 1)
(April 1)
early January–mid-May
(October 15)
begins early July, 4 weeks
(April 15)
early September–mid-December (June 1)
early January–late April
(November 1)
early May–late August
(March 1)
early August–early December
late February–late June
(June 1)
early January–late April
(November 15)
(April 1)
(November 1)
FRANCE: Marchutz School of Fine Arts, Aix-en-Provence
AUSTRIA: Salzburg College, Salzburg
late August–early December
mid-January–late April
4-week session
(May 15)
(October 15)
(February 1)
FallSeptember–December (June 1)
(October 15)
Summer I May–June
(March 1)
Summer II July–August
(April 15)
NEW ZEALAND: Massey University, Auckland
(April 1)
Springmid-February–mid-June (November 1)
late May–mid-July
(March 15)
IRELAND: National University of Ireland Galway, Galway
early September–mid-December (June 1)
early January–late May
(October 15)
(May 15)
NEW ZEALAND: University of Canterbury, Christchurch
(April 1)
Springmid-February–mid-June (November 1)
IRELAND: University of Limerick, Limerick
early September–late December (May 1)
late January–early May
(November 1)
late May–mid-June
(April 15)
NEW ZEALAND: University of Waikato, Hamilton
IRELAND: Maynooth University, Maynooth
(June 1)
late January–early June
(November 1)
early July–early August
(May 31)
early September–mid-December (May 1)
late January–mid-May
(November 1)
mid-June–late July
(April 15)
late August–mid-December
late January–mid-May
late May–late June
late June–late July
late July–late August
(April 15)
(October 15)
(March 1)
(March 15)
(March 15)
NEW ZEALAND: Massey University, Wellington
FallJuly–mid-November (April 1)
Springmid-February–mid-June (November 1)
late May–mid-July
(March 15)
ITALY: American University of Rome, Rome
Summer I
Summer II
late August–mid-December
late January–mid-May
late May–late June
early July–early August
Summer onlymid-June–mid-July
(May 4)
PERU: Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Cusco or Lima
(April 15)
(October 15)
(March 1)
(March 15)
early March–mid-July
mid-August–early December
Summer I late May–late June
Summer II July–mid-August
Summer I
Summer II
Summer III
COSTA RICA: Universidad Veritas, San José
late September–mid-December (September 1)
Spring I
early January–late March
(November 30)
Spring II
late March–late June
(November 30)
begins early July, 5 or 8 weeks (June 1)
4-week cycles throughout the year (rolling deadline for all cycles)
late August–mid-December
early February–late May
late May–late June
early July–late July
early August–late August
late August–early December
late January–mid-May
(April 15)
(October 15)
ITALY: Lorenzo de’ Medici, Tuscania
early September–early December(April 15)
late February–late May
(October 15)
mid-July–early August
(March 15)
(June 15)
(November 15)
(May 15)
(May 15)
(May 15)
late August–mid-December
late January–mid-May
Summer I late May–late June
Summer II late June–late July
Archeology Field School
late June–late July
COSTA RICA: Centro Lingüístico Conversa, Santa Ana
GERMANY: International House Heidelberg­-Collegium Palatinum, Heidelberg
4-week cycles throughout the year (rolling deadline for all cycles)
Fall I
8 weeks
early September–late October
Fall II
8 weeks
late October–mid-December
16 weeks
early September–mid-December
Spring I
8 weeks
mid-January–early March
Spring II
8 weeks
early March–early May
16 weeks
mid-January–early May
early June–late July
All application materials must be received 45 days prior to the start of the session.
CZECH REPUBLIC: The University of New York in Prague, Prague
FallSeptember–December (April 15)
(October 1)
Summer I mid-July–early August
Summer II July
DENMARK: Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Copenhagen
(March 15)
Springmid-January–mid-May (October 15)
Summer I late May–mid-June
(March 1)
Summer II mid-June–early July
(March 1)
Summer III early July–early August
(March 1)
Architecture and Design Program
mid-June–early August
(March 1)
GERMANY: UIW European Study Center, Heidelberg
(April 1)
early January–early May
(September 1)
Summer I mid-May–mid-June
(February 15)
Summer II early July–early August
(March 1)
(April 15)
early February–early June
(October 15)
(March 15)
ECUADOR: Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, Guayaquil
early September–mid-December (April 15)
late June–late July
(March 15)
(July 1)
(October 15)
(April 15)
FallSeptember–December (Mar. 15)
(September 15)
(April 15)
late January–mid-May
(October 15)
Summer I late May–mid-June
(March 1)
Summer II mid-June–mid-July
(March 15)
Summer III mid-July–mid-August
(March 15)
SCOTLAND: University of Stirling, Stirling
FallSeptember–December (March 15)
(October 1)
Summer I mid-June–mid-July
Summer II mid-July–mid-August
(late April)
Summer internship programs have a late March application deadline.
JAPAN: KCP International Language Institute, Tokyo
This program offers semester, academic year, and summer sessions
with some flexibility in the program length.
Please refer to the CCIS website or program sponsor.
SPAIN: International College of Seville, Seville
late January–early May
MEXICO: Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Guadalajara
(April 1)
(November 1)
(April 1)
(April 1)
(April 1)
SWITZERLAND: Franklin University, Lugano
Summer I
Summer II
MOROCCO: Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
GREECE: The American College of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
late August–early December
early January–mid-April
begins mid-May, 3 or 8 weeks
SCOTLAND: University of Dundee, Dundee
(March 15)
ITALY: Istituto Venezia, Venice
August–early December
Summer I begins mid-May, 4 weeks
Summer II begins mid-June, 4 weeks
Summer III begins mid-July, 4 weeks
RUSSIA: Grint Center for Education and Culture, Moscow
(April 15)
(October 15)
(March 1)
(March 15)
FRANCE: IPAG School of Management, Nice or Paris
late August–mid-December
(June 15)
Springmid-January–mid-May (November 1)
(April 1)
(April 1)
(November 1)
(April 1)
Springmid-February–mid-June (November 1)
late May–mid-July
(March 15)
ITALY: Lorenzo de’ Medici, Florence
Summer I
Summer II
Summer III
early July–mid-November
mid-February–late June
NEW ZEALAND: Massey University, Palmerston North
ITALY: Lorenzo de’ Medici, Three Cities
CHINA: Shanghai University, Shanghai
early September–mid-December (May 1)
late January–mid-May
(November 1)
mid-June–late July
(April 15)
FRANCE: The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Aix-en-Provence
CANADA: L’École de Langue Française, Université du Québec, Chicoutimi
(early May)
late January–mid-June
late June–mid-July
ENGLAND: Edge Hill University, Ormskirk
AUSTRALIA: Macquarie University, Sydney
NAMIBIA: Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek
Summer I late May–late June
Summer II late June–August
ENGLAND: Kingston University, London
AUSTRALIA: Bond University, Queensland
early September–mid-December (April 15)
early January–late April
(October 15)
(March 15)
(March 15)
INDIA: National Management School, Chennai
mid-August–mid December
mid-January–mid May
early June–late June early July–late July
(May 15)
(October 27)
(April 1)
(April 1)
TURKEY: Bahcesehir University, Istanbul
late August–mid-December
(March 15)
Springmid-January–mid-May (October 15)
Eight tracks with different program dates (April 1)
Please refer to CCIS website or program sponsor.
late August–mid-December
late January–early June
Academic yearmid-August–late May
(early November)
(early March)
Contact Information
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Truman State University
Baltimore City Community College
Marymount Manhattan College
International Education Center
Brookdale Community College
765 Newman Springs Rd.
Lincroft, NJ 07738
International Programs and Services
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Lincoln University, PA 19352
Center for International Education
Truman State University
100 East Normal
Baldwin Hall 118
Kirksville, MO 63501
Barry University
Medger Evers College/CUNY
Bergen Community College
Miami Dade College
Bloomfield College
Missouri Western State University
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Monmouth University
Bristol Community College
Montana State University
Phone:(660) 785-4076
Fax: (660) 785-7473
Brookdale Community College
Montgomery College
Broward College
Nassau Community College/SUNY
Alcidean Arias
Assistant Director
[email protected]
Australia, Austria, Costa Rica, England
(Edge Hill University), Ireland
Bunker Hill Community College
Norfolk State University
Clark Atlanta University
Park College
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Quincy University
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Sacred Heart University
Rosa Virginia Mendez
Study Abroad Advisor
[email protected]
France, Russia
Community College of Rhode Island
Salem State College
County College of Morris
Southeast Missouri State University
Dillard University
St. Bonaventure University
Dutchess Community College/SUNY
St. Petersburg College
Elgin Community College
SUNY Broome Community College
Fashion Institute of Technology
Three Rivers Community College
Harrisburg Area Community College
Truman State University
Hudson Valley Community College/SUNY
University of Central Missouri
Jamestown Community College/SUNY
University of Indianapolis
Johnson County Community College
University of Memphis
Kutztown University
University of Rhode Island
Lake Superior State University
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Westfield State College
Phone:(732) 224-2799
Fax: (732) 224-2980
[email protected]
Janice Thomas
Canada, Scotland
Broward College
Greene International Education Institute
Broward College—
WHC Downtown Center
225 East Las Olas Blvd., Bldg. 32/617
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone:(954) 201-7709
Fax: (954) 201-7708
[email protected]
Liz Vocasek
Study Abroad Coordinator
Germany, India, Peru, Spain
Phone:(484) 365-7785
Fax: (484) 365-7822
Connie Lundy
[email protected]
Namibia, Turkey, and Czech Republic
Terri Joseph
Program Manager
[email protected]
Miami Dade College
Office of International Education
Miami Dade College
300 NE 2nd Ave., Suite # 5519
Miami, FL 33132
Phone:(305) 237-3008
Carol Reyes
Director of Global Student Programs
[email protected]
Costa Rica, France (except for Angers)
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Center for International Service
College of Staten Island/CUNY
Building 2A, Room 206
2800 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone:(718) 982-2100
Fax: (718) 982-2108
[email protected]
Russell Davis
Study Abroad Advisor
China, Ecuador, Greece, Spain
Satoko Fukai
Study Abroad Advisor
Denmark, Italy
Montana State University
Office of International Programs
Montana State University—Bozeman
400 Culbertson Hall
P.O. Box 172260
Bozeman, MT 59717
Phone:(406) 994-7151
Fax: (406) 994-1619
[email protected]
Alyson Roberts
Study Abroad Advisor and Outreach
[email protected]
Argentina, England (Kingston University
and Foundation for International Education),
Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand
Susan Welker
Director of Study Abroad & Exchanges
[email protected]
CCIS Member Institutions—2015
Brookdale Community College
College Consortium for
International Studies
2000 P Street, NW
Suite 408
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 223-0330
Fax: (202) 223-0999
Email: [email protected]
Fly UP