Banner Steering Committee Meeting Agenda And Minutes Meeting Logistics
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Banner Steering Committee Meeting Agenda And Minutes Meeting Logistics
Banner Steering Committee Meeting Agenda And Minutes Meeting Logistics Item Date Time Location Description June 17, 2004 9:00 a.m. Library 362 (Marine Room) Attendees Role Facilitator Minute Taker Other Participants Not in Attendance Name Jenny Peterman Mari Garchow Dave Eitland, George Rye, Fred Michels (on behalf of Bruce Harger and Michael Donovan), Kristie Juda (on behalf of Beverly White), Mark Jastoff, Holly Johnson, William Becker, Jay Schupp, Deb Faust, Joe Herbig, Arlene McPherson Bruce Harger, Michael Donovan, Beverly White Agenda & Minutes Topic Owner Academic Representation for student module Jenny Peterman Appointment of new Admissions Director Areas not specifically represented on a Banner Team Mari Garchow keeper of Banner Documents Project Planning/Definition Kickoff Jenny Peterman Jenny Peterman Jenny Peterman Jay Schupp To Do List from Project preplanning meeting Bob Eaton on Campus Jay Schupp Jay Schupp Jay Schupp Banner Picnic LSSU Banner Migration Minutes Appointment of faculty member or person familiar with WebCT/Web for Faculty to advise on student module Interviews are still in process for new director position. Departments not represented regularly would be brought in on an as needed basis Banner training materials and implementation manuals have arrived Starting on July 12th. Steering Committee will commit 1st week of project planning to document preparation. See below for Action Items on Calendar of Events, applications outside of Plus Bob will be on campus from July 7-9 to meet with departments. Jay will be hosting a Banner picnic at his house to kickoff project LSSU Banner Steering Committee Minutes 200406-17.doc v.1 Page 1 of 3 September 16, 2004 Banner Steering Committee Meeting Agenda And Minutes Small project team meeting Jay Schupp Project planning and definition Jay Schupp Requisitions for Jay Hardware/Software Schupp Banner Project Manager Jay Search Schupp Steering committee will set up time to talk to Bob Eaton in small groups Determine a meeting place for document preparation. CAS 302 or Library 333 Have been inputted into the system and are awaiting purchase orders Looking for an internal candidate who would be interested in a position change Decisions Sue Camp will be added to the student team. Will incorporate a faculty member or person familiar with WebCT/Web for Faculty to advise on the student module. Departments not represented would be brought in on an as needed basis. Next three meetings for Steering Committee have been set for Thursday, July 15, 2004; Thursday, August 19, 2004; and Thursday, September 16, 2004 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. in the Administrative Conference Room. Action Items Action Item Owner Create a 30 month calendar (July 1, 2004 – December 2006) indicating events, vacations, activities of each department Train Steering Committee to use calendar function through new e-mail system Notify Jay with times each department is available to meet with Bob Eaton E-mail Jay Schupp with possible recommendations for project manager Send memo to departments to identify applications used outside of Plus! LSSU Banner Migration Due Date All Departments July 12, 2004 Sara Devaprasad July 2, 2004 All Departments July 2, 2004 Jay Schupp June 24, 2004 Mari Garchow Status July 2, 2004 LSSU Banner Steering Committee Minutes 200406-17.doc v.1 Page 2 of 3 September 16, 2004 Banner Steering Committee Meeting Agenda And Minutes Invitation and directions will be sent out for the Banner picnic Incorporate faculty member or person into student module (Susan Ratwik has been suggested) Sue Camp will be notified of appointment to student team Areas not specifically represented on Banner Team will be notified they will be brought in on an as needed basis LSSU Banner Migration Jay Schupp July 2, 2004 Bruce Harger/Michael Donovan/Jenny Peterman Jenny Peterman Jenny Peterman July 6, 2004 July 2, 2004 July 9, 2004 LSSU Banner Steering Committee Minutes 200406-17.doc v.1 Page 3 of 3 September 16, 2004