Continental Basalts of the Boise River Group Near Smith Prairie, Idaho
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Continental Basalts of the Boise River Group Near Smith Prairie, Idaho
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 97, NO. B6, PAGES 9043-9061, JUNE 10, 1992 ContinentalBasaltsof the BoiseRiver Group Near SmithPrairie, Idaho SCOTTK. VEI'FERl AND JOHNW. SHERVAI$ Departmentof GeologicalSciences,Universityof SouthCarolina,Columbia The BoiseRiver Group of late Cenozoicage consistsof basalticlavas and intoresistedfluvial and lacustrine sediments deposited in drainages of the BoiseRiverandBoiseRiver SouthFork from 1.8 to 0.2 m.y. Basaltsof the BoiseRiver Groupcanbe dividedintotwo groupsbasedon majorandtraceelement chemistry.BoiseRiverGroup1 basalts(BRG 1), whichcomprise thethreeoldestflowsin theSmithPrairie area, are silica-saturated elivinetholelitescharacterized by low alkalis,Mg/Fe, and Ni, high concentrations of highfieldstrength elements (HFSE),andenrichment in theheavyisotopes of Sr, Nd, andPb. They are chemicallysimilarto basaltsof the SnakeRiver Plain, andbothunitsprobablyderivefrom a similar, enrichedmantlelithosphere source. SomeBRG 1 flows(LongGulch,Rock Creek)recordthe affectsof crustalassimilation andfractionalcrystallization.BoiseRiver Group2 basalts(BRG 2) are all youngerthan BRG 1 (< 0.7 m.y.)andaretransitional betweenelivinetholelites andalkalielivinebasalts. BRG2 basalts arecharacterized by highalkalis,Mg/Fe, andNi, lowerHFSEconcentrations, andisotopic compositions of Sr andNd nearbulk earth. Theselavashavedistinctgeochemical characteristics and are not cogeneticwith the older,BRG I flowsor with coevallavasof theSnakeRiver Plain. Chemicalvariationswithinindividual flowsare consistent with low-pressure crystalfractionation of the observed phenocryst phases(elivine + plagioclase). Chemical variations between differentflowswithinthe samegroupcannotresultfromlowpressurefractionation but canbe modeledby combined high-pressure pyrexonefractionation andlowpressure elivine+ plagioclase fractionation. ThehighMg numbers andNi of theyounger BRG2 basalts are not consistent with enrichment of the light field strengthelementsby crustalassimilation; this enrichment mustreflecta mantlesourceregioncharacteristic. The traceclementandisotopicsystematics of thissource regionare similar(butnotidentical)to the asthenospheric sourceinferredfor oceanislandbasalts. In contrast, chemical andisotopicsystematics of theBRG 1 basalts implyderivation fromancientsubcontinental lithosphere whichhasbeenisolatedfrom the asthenosphere for at least 1.5 cons. The subcontinental lithosphere wasaffected byanearly enrichment inRb/Sr which supported growth ofhighS?Sr/S6Sr. A secondenrichment event,resultingin Fe-Ti metasomatism of the lithosphere, occurredlater in response to intrusionof partialmeltsfroma mantleplumerootedin the underlyingasthenosphere. This is second enrichment eventis requiredby thehighNb/Rbratiosof theBRG 1 lavas,andof similarlavasof theSnake River Plain. The transitionfrom saturatedelivine tholeiitesof BoiseRiver Group 1 to transitional-alkalic lavasof BRG 2 in the SmithPrairieregionimpliesa time-dependent changein mantlesourceregion,with earlymagmas derivedfroma shallowlithospheric sourcegivingway to youngermagmasderivedfroma deeperasthenospheric source.Theeruption of theseyounger lavasalongtheflanksof theSnakeRiverPlain coevalwitheruptionof saturated tholeiites of theSnakeRiverGroupto the southfurtherimpliesan axial zonationto magmatism in theSnakeRiver Province.The natureof thisaxialzonationsuggests thatthe deeperasthenospheric moltswerepreferentially tappedalongthe marginsof theSnakeRiverPlainbutwere blockedfrom reachingthe surfacein the axial zone. Thesetime-space relationships are consistent with a modelin whichthinnedlithosphere nearthe rift axisundergoes extensivepartialmeltingwhichoverwhelms anyasthenosphcric meltsthatmayattempt passage. Thelithosphere istoocoolto meltalongtherift margins (wherepressure release by extensional thinningis minor);subsequent smallvolumes of asthenospheric melt areableto traversethisregionmoreeasilyanderuptwithlittleor no lithospheric contamination. INTRODUCTION have on basalt geochemistry is central to deciphering the chemicalcharacteristics of their sourceregions. One of the main objectivesof studyingcontinentalbasaltsis to The Boise River Group (BRG) consistsof basalticlavas and identifythe chemicaland physicalcharacteritics of their mantle intercalatedfluvial and lacustrinesedimentsdepositedin the sourceregionsand to understandthe processesby which these drainages of theBoiseRiverandBoiseRiverSouthFork during sourceregionsevolved. Theseprocessesmay includechemical the late Plioccncand Plicstoccnc[Howard and Shervais, 1973; enrichmentor depletionby magmaticor metasomaticevents, Howard et al., 1982]. The BRG lavas erupted through partial melting, and assimilation. Characterization of these thickenedcontinentalcrust of the Idaho Batholith, some25 km mantle sources is difficult, however, because a variety of northof the SnakeRiver Plain, and are generallycoevalwith processesact to changethe compositionsof primary magmas basalticvolcanismin the SnakeRiver volcanicprovince. This prior to eruption. These processes include fractional papercharacterizes the chemicalandmineralogical compositions crystallization, magma mixing, and assimilation of crustal of BRG basaltsin the Smith Prairie region and addressestheir materials. An understanding of the effect theselater processes relationshipsto one anotherand to the more voluminouslavasof Now at Departmentof Geology,CentenaryCollege, Shreveport, Louisiana. Copyright1992 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Papernumber92JB00209. 0148-0227/92/92JB-00209 $05.00 the SnakeRiver volcanicprovince. Our datashowthatintrafiowchemicalvariationscangenerally be modeledby low-pressurefractional crystallizationof the observed phonetryst phases; crustal assimilation has had a significanteffect on only two flows. Relationshipsbetween flows requireeitherhigh-pressure clinopyroxenefractionationor distinctmantlesourceregions. Comparsionof thesebasaltswith the Snake River Group basalts indicates the existence of 9043 9044 VETTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP,IDAHO chemical hctcrogcnciticsin subcontinentalmantlebeneaththe Snake River Plain area. REGIONAL SE•O 0.7 m.y.) in the westernSRP consistsof canyon-fillingbasalt flows erupted toward the northern margin of the SRP; these lavas comprisethe Snake River Group of Malde and Powers [1962], and correlate with the more abundantyoung volcanic rocks of the eastern SRP [Leemah, 1952a]. The easternSRP is a downwarpedstructuraldepressionwith The Snake River Plain (SRP) is a major elongatedstructural and topographicdepressionin southernIdaho, extendingfrom only minor fault control along its margins [Mabey, 1982]. It the Columbia Plateau in the west to the Yellowstone Plateau in becomesprogressivelyelevatedtoward the east, culminatingin the east. The SRP has formed since mid-Miocene and is characterized by bimodal basalt-rhyolitc volcanismwhich has been activealmostcontinuouslyduringthe past 15 m.y. [Malde and Powers, 1962; Mabey, 1982; Leemah, 1952a]. Rhyolitic volcanismgenerally predatesbasalticactivity in a given area, althoughboth types of volcanismmay be active concurrently. Age relationshipsshow an castward progressionof volcanic activity, with the current locuscenteredaroundthe Island Park caldera-Yellowstone volcanic center [Christiansen and Blank, 1972; Armstronget al., 1975; Smith et al., 1977; Christiansen, 1982]. The SRP formstwo major segments,the NW trendingwestern SnakeRiver Plain and a NE trendingeasternSnakeRiver Plain. The western SRP is a graben like structure bounded by northwest trending en echelon normal faults [MaMe, 1959, 1965; Mabey, 1982; Leeman, 1982a]. Volcanicactivity began in the westernSRP about 15 m.y. ago and was predominately rhyoliticwith minor basalticflows (the Idavadavolcanicgroup). Major basalticactivityin the westernSRP beganabout11 m.y. ago with the eruptionof the Idaho Group. The youngestunit in this group, the Bruneau Formation, is coeval with the oldest basaltsof the BoiseRiver Group. Youngvolcanicactivity ( < the Yellowstone Plateau, which is the current locus of recent volcanic activity. The oldestrhyolitic material in the eastern SRP is about10 m.y. old, with minor intcrcalatedbasalticflows at around 6 m.y. [Leemah, 1952a]. Pleistocene and Recent volcanic activity was largely basaltic; the youngestof these basaltsare correlativewith the SnakeRiver Groupof Malde and Powers [1962]. SmithPrairieis an intermountain plateaubuilt of late Pliocene and Pleistocene basaltsof the BoiseRiver Group,locatedalong the BoiseRiver SouthFork (Figure 1). The area containsseven basalt flows which eruptedonto granitic bedrock of the Idaho batholith near the Boise River South Fork; additional flows are found both upstream and downstream from Smith Prairie [Howard and $hervais, 1973; $hervais and Howard, 1975; Howard et al., 1982]. The ancestral Boise River South Fork canyonwasperiodicallyfloodedby basaltfrom theseeruptions, reentrenchedto a new, deeper level, and then flooded again. This historyof repeatedfilling and downcuttinghas resultedin an invertedstratigraphy,with terracesof the older intracanyon flows high abovethe river and benchesof youngerflows lower on the canyon walls [$hervais and Howard, 1975; Howard et al., 1982]. 1 160 Holocene or -is•p.• Basalt of Fall Creek Pleistocene < 43045/ SAWTOOTH.•MOUNTA! N ••MORES CREEK Basalt of Smith Creek I• Basalt ofLong Gulch _ inc 4,.• Smith Prairie Basalt Basalt of Lava Creek OUATERNARY Plmstocene Basalt ofMores Creek OUATERNARY Plmstocene ORTERTIARYorPhocene Basaltof RockCreek Basaltof Anderson Ranch Steamboat Rock Basalt TERTIARY Phocene Basalt of Lucky Peak Dan' LUCKY PEAK LAVA CREEK • C' o LONG GI •t•30 / -- Peak Dam SLY4/c SMITH I SMITH CREEK PRAIRIE • '•FALL CREEK /i/z,• / . ,'91• ,,,, STEAMBOATROCK / ROCK CREEK RANCH 0 10 20 / Anderson Ranch Dam KILOMETERS 1160 115030' Fig. 1. Locationmap of the BoiseRiver Groupbasaltsnear Prairie, Idaho (modifiedfrom Howard et al. [1982]). P, town of Prairie. Inverted star symbols, volcanoes,hatchuredline, approximateboundary of Snake River Plain and Sawtooth Mountains. VgTTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISBRIVER GROUP,IDAHO 9045 Howard et al. [1982] publishedK-Ar agedeterminations on five basaltflowsof theBoiseRiverGroup(Table1). The older flowsin the BoiseRiver Group(LuckyPeak,Steamboat Rock, An and Long Gulch basalts)correlatewith the BruneauFormation of the IdahoGroup[MaldeandPowers,1962]; youngerflows (Lava Creek, Fall Creek, Smith Creek, Mores Creek, Smith Prairie basalts)are less than 0.7 m.y. old and correlatewith lavasof theSnakeRiverGroup[Howardet al., 1982]. The age distinction into older and younger flows of the Boise River Group correspondsto chemicalgroups 1 and 2 of the BRG, which are defined below. •D pl OCCURRENCE AND PETRO•PHY OF TI-IE BASALT FLOWS Avg Snake Over 200 thin sectionsand polishedsectionswere studied petragraphically, and 50 of these sections were selected for detailedanalysesof phasecompositions.Phasecompositions weredeterminedwith a CamecaSX-50 electronmicroprobeat theUniveraityof SouthCarolinausingbothnaturalandsynthetic mineralstandards, 15 kV accelerating voltage,and25 nA beam current; data reduction utilized Cameca's on-line Ab • I •-•<• I Group 2I I I •1 I \ PAP corrections.In mostsamples,20-30 spotswere analyzedfor eachphase. Representative mineralanalysesfrom eachflow are showngraphicallyin Figure 2; completemineralchemicaldata canbe requestedfrom the authors. Petrographyis discussed belowunitby unit;representative modalanalysesare givenin Group 2 Di Hd Table 2. Boise River Group 1Basalts / Steamboat Rock basalt. The Steamboat Rock basalt isthe/ oldest (1.$m.y.) and most abundant volcanic unit intheSmith En Prairieareaandactuallyformsmostof theplateau(Figure1). The flow consista of numerous pahoehoe flow unita,up to 20 m thick, eruptedfrom a low, broad shieldvolcano3 km southeast of the communityof Prairie. The SteamboatRock basaltattains a maximumexposedthicknessof 180 m where the currentSouth Avg Snake River Plain I I 'l I I I I I IFs Fig. 2. Plagioclase andpyroxene phasechemistry of theBoiseRiver Groupbasaltsas comparedto SnakeRiver Plainbasalts. plagioclase (An66.s0) , olivine (Fo76.ns) , pyroxene (Won• • Enn2on Fork BoiseRiver hasincisedadjacentto its ancestralcanyon. ), glass,and opaques. Rock Creek Basalt. The Rock Creek basalt is a small flow The baseof the Steamboat Rockbasaltis markedby a wedgeof pillowlavasandhyaloclastite breccias whichthickens upstream; less than 10 m thick which overlies the Steamboat Rock flow foresetbedsin the hyaloclastites alsodip upstream.This wedge southof Prairie. The basaltis light gray in colorandcontains of subaqueouslava represents a lava dam which formed a very rare phcnocrysta of olivinc( < 1 mm) andplagioclasc (< temporaryreservoirin the river canyon. 10 mm)in a f'me-grained intcrscrtal groundmass of plagioclasc, The Steamboat Rockbasaltconsists of darkto mediumgray olivinc,glass,andopaques.No pyroxcncwas observeddueto natureof thegroundmass. basalt withlarge plagioclasc phcnocrysts ( < 15mm;An7•o) and thef'me-grained smaller olivinc microphcnocrysts( < 5 mm; FoG ..) set in a Basaltof LongGulch. The LongGulchflowis knownonly medium tocoarse-grained, ophitic, diktytaxitic gro•dmass of froma single,isolatedoutcropabovetheBoiseRiverSouthFork TABLE1. K-Ar AgeDatesfor Someof theBoiseRiverGroupBasalts Rock Unit Field Number Age, m.y. Smith Prairie HSP-181 0.20 + 0.15 Smith Prairie HSP-186 0.26 Mores Creek H79 Boise 4 0.44 + 0.20 Long Gulch H79 Boise 1 0.68 + 0.25 Steamboat Rock HSP-13 1.8 + 0.30 Lucky Peak H79 Boise 3 2.1 +0.50 from Howard et al. [1982]. + 0.16 9046 VWrTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP,IDAHO TABLE 2. AverageModal Compositions of the BoiseRiver GroupBasalts Flow Plagioclase Olivine Pyroxene Glass Opaques SteamboatRock 30 (10) 15 35 15 5 Rock Creek 60 (1) 30 (1) 0 8 2 Long Gulch Smith Creek 15 5 10 0 30 (2) 20 0 30 10 Lava Creek 60 (15) 10 (5) 20 0 10 Unit 1 55 (20) 15 (10) 15 10 5 Unit 2 40 15 30 10 5 10 Smith Prairie Unit 3 55 (10) 10 (5) 25 7 3 Fall Creek 45 (15) 7 (2) 5 40 3 Vnluewithin parentheses is the percentof phenocrysts for eachphasewithin the sample. west of Prairie. It consists of two flow units about 3 m thick along the Boise River South Fork, where it forms a major terrace200 m below the top of the SteamboatRock basalt. The Smith Prairie basalt consistsof three distinct flow units: SPI: largely glassy withraremicrophenocrysts ofplagioclase (An6• ' SP2, and SP3. Units SP1 and SP2 eruptedfrom the samevent 5ø ) andolivine (Fo5•.54). Groundmass olivine ismoreFe-rich (a cinder cone 5.5 km east of Prairie), whereas the SP3 unit eruptedfrom a small shieldvolcano 1.5 km southof the earlier • unitcannot becorrelated witha ventbecause of its vent. The terrace-forming part of the Smith Prairie flow is isolatedoutcrop. Howard and $hervais[1973] interpretedit as characterized by a basal wedge of pillow lavas and an old flow overlainby the SteamboatRock basalt,but its K-Ar hyaloclastites, similar to that found in the Steamboat Rock age (0.68 m.y.) is younger than that of SteamboatRock (1.8 basalt. Thesesubaqueous depositsare inferredto have formed m.y. [Howard et al., 1982]). We now believe that the Long by lava flow into a lava-dammed reservoir [Shervais and Gulch outcropis a terraceof youngerbasaltexhibitinginverted Howard, 1975; Howard et al., 1982]. stratigraphywith the adjacentSteamboatRock basalt;it may be SP1basaltsare porphyriticwith largecorrodedphenocrysts of each, separatedby a thin gravel layer. The upperunit is a light gray, fine-grained, aphyritic basalt;the lower unit is black and related to the Rock Creek basalt. plagioclase (• 2 cm;An •0) andsmaller, euhedral phenocrysts ofolivine (• 2mm; Fo80-53 • ) inanintersertal groundmass (0' 3 mm) of plagioclase(An BoiseRiver Group 2 Basalts Smith Creek basalt. The Smith Creek basalt is an aa flow which erupted from a cinder cone 2 km north of Prairie and flowed south along Smith Creek. Smith Creek basalts are mediumto light blue-grayin color and are nearlyaphyritic;the fewobserved phenocrysts areolivine(( 5 ram;FOs3 •0) and ), olivine (Fo ), glass,opaques, and minor sanidine (Or•4•3.). SP2 basagt•re microporpyritic withmicrophenocrysts o•olivine ( ( 1ram; Fos4 79 ) and plagioclase ( • 1 mm;An•. ) in a fine-grained, subo•hitic to intersertal matrix ofplagio•ase, pyroxene, glass, andopaques. Groundmassphaseshave compositionssimilar to unit SP1. Groundmasspyroxenesshowthe typicallimited compositional plagioclase (( 20mm; An72.4 ). Thegroundmass isin•rsertal, rangeWo•749 En32.33 butarehigherin Cathantheother 5 withplagioclase (An?o •0),olivine(Fo59.56) , glass,andrare groundmasspyroxcncs(Figure2). SP3 basaltsare porphyritic pyroxene (Wo.... En. '•). Potassium feldspar (Or.... Ab.... ) with phenocrystsof plagioclase(• 5 mm; An._ .) and olivine ( isalsofound as• stab•e•groundmass phase.TheS• C•'•k 0.5-1ram;Fo81-73 ) inanintersertal tointergran"•ar groundmass basalt is distinctive because it contains numerous granitic ofplagioclase (An65 53), olivine (Fo?l 6 )' pyroxene (Wo - 5 44-45 xenolithsin variousstagesof dissaggregation nearits vent. Lava Creek basalt. En.... ), sanidine(Or..Ab.•), glass,andopaques. The Lava Creek basalt forms an aa flow whicheruptedfrom an erodedcinderand agglutinatecone7 km north of Prairie and flowed south along Lava Creek to the northwest margin of the Steamboat Rock basalt. The Lava Creek basaltsare dark gray to black in color, with phenocrysts ]T•'•Creekbasalt.*•Fhe'•Fall Creekbasaltis considered to be (Ano), olivine(Fo•..7o),andpyroxene (Wo..-aEn.... ). The the youngest flow in the Smith Prairie region, basedon the preservation of its surfacefeatures;it is not in contactwith any of the other flows. The Fall Creek basaltoriginatesat a large, freshcindercone(Red Mountain)on the easternmarginof the study area, 15 km northeastof Prairie (Figure 1). Near the vent, the flow is typicallyaa; however,pahoehoelava becomes dominant farther away. The basalts are characterized by large p]agioclascphcnocrysts arc commonlycorroded. microphenocrysts ofplagioclase (( 2 mm;An?s.6s) andolivine ofolivine( • 5 ram;Fo•s7s ) andplagioclase ( • 10ram;An 72 ) set inafrae-grained, in'•rgranular groundmass ofplagioclas•e Smith Prairie basalt. The Smith Prairie basalt overlies the. Steamboat Rock basalt and the basalts of Smith Creek and Lava Creek. This basalthasa maximumexposedthicknessof 120 m (0.5 ram; Fo .) set in a dark gray, glassy to aphanitic •roundmass o•gioclase (An , olivine (Fo?),pyroxene (Wo43.44 En•8.4•) ,alkali feldspar, g69' a•ss, and opaques?9'. 4 VETTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP,IDAHO ]VIAlOR AND TRACE EL• GEOC•$TRY 9047 Trace Elements AnalyticalTechniques Divisionof the BoiseRiver basaltsinto two groupsbasedon major elementchemistryis supportedby trace elementdata Whole rock compositionswere determinedon 80 selected samplesof basalt representing every major flow unit in the SmithPrairie region;the resultsare reportedin Table 3. Major elementswere determinedby a fusedglassbeadtechniqueusing the Cameca SX-50 electron microprobeat the University of SouthCarolinaand naturalglassstandards.Detaileddescription of this techniqueis given by Vetteret al. [1988]. Trace element concentrationswere determinedby X ray fluorescence(XRF) analysisat the Universityof SouthCarolinausingan automated PhilipsPW-1400 wavelengthdispersiveXRF spectrometerand U.S. GeologicalSurvey(USGS) rock standards.In addition,30 representative sampleswere analyzedfor the rare earthelements (REE) and other trace elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) at NASA- JohnsonSpace Center, Houston. Analyticalerrors are -t,1-2% for major elementsand (Figure 4 and Table 3). Normal BRG 1 basalts(SteamboatRock flow) have high field strengthelement (HFSE) and large ion lithophileelement(LILE) concentrations similarto SRP basalts. HFSE concentrations rangefrom Zr = 223 to 307 ppm, Nb = 18 to 48 ppm, and Ta = 1.2 to 1.48 ppm. LILE eoneentrations rangefrom Rb = I to 20 ppm, Sr = 329 - 404 ppm, and Ba = 411 to 758 ppm. SteamboatRock basaltsalso have low Rb/Sr ratiosof 0.003 - 0.06. Evolved BRG 1 basalts(Rock Creek and Long Gulch flows) are higher in HSFE and LILE, with Zr = 314 to 476 ppm, Nb = 34 - 61 ppm, Ta = 2.06 to 3.28 ppm, Rb = 22 to 39 ppm, Sr = 346 to 362 ppm, and Ba = 581 to 1330 ppm. EvolvedBRG 1 basaltshavea wider rangeof Rb/Sr +5-10% for trace elements. = 20 - 41 ppm; Ta = 1.4 - 2.3 ppm), but they are significantly enrichedin LILE (Rb = 15 -68 ppm; Sr = 324- 526 ppm; Ba = 470- 2161 ppm). BRG 2 basaltshave Rb/Sr ratios'of 0.06 0.14. One sample(HSP-77) is unusual,with Zr = 342 ppm, Sr = 969 ppm, and Ba = 1130 ppm. All of the samplesare light REE (LREE) -enrichedand show Major Elements Two distinct chemical groups are defined by the major elementdata. BRG 1 basaltsare characterizedby low Mg # (= 100*Mg/[Mg+Fe], molar), which rangefrom 49 to 31 and have lowerSiO2 , A120 alkalis thantheBRG2 basalts (Figure 3 , and 3). BRG 2 basaltsare characterizedby higherMg # (60 to 46), ratios (0.063 - 0.111). BRG 2 basalts have HFSE concentrationsthat are lower (Zr = 142 - 208 ppm) or the sameas "normal"BRG 1 basalts(Nb no Eu anomalies; however, the REE concentrations of the chondrite-normalized REE paRemsare distinct(Figure 5). The BRG 1 basalts have La concentrations of 67x- 162x chondrite and an averageLa/Lu_ (chondrite-normalized) ratio of 5.7-6.4, higher SiO2,A1203, andalkalis, andlowerTiO2andFeOthan similarto or slightly •igherthanSRPbasalts.TheBRG2 the BRG 1 basalts(Figure3). All of the flows from both groups basalts have lower REE concentrationscompared to BRG 1, show an overall increasein FeO, TiO,2 SiO•,• (slight), and alkalis with La concentrationsof 48x - 70x chondriteand an average with decreasingMg# (Figure 3). BRG 1 lavas decreasein La/Lu ratio of 5.5. AI 2 O3 with decreasingMg #, but BRG 2 lavasgenerallyincrease The enrichment of BRG 1 lavas in HFSE and depletion in in A120 Mg #. Differencesin K2 O LILE comparedto the BRG 2 basaltsresult in crossingpatterns 3 with decreasing concentrationrelative to Mg/Fe are especiallyevident (Figure when incompatibleelement contentsare plotted on a spider 3). The Steamboat Rock basalt ("normal" BRG 1) has diagramnormalizedto primordialmantle(Figure 6). The BRG consistently low K•O (0.5 to 0.7 wt %) at Mg # between40 and 1 and BRG 2 basalts have similar Nb concentrations,however, 50,while evolved •RG1lavas have high K20(1.0to2.5wt%) the BRG 1 basalts are enriched in the HFSE (Zr, Hf, Sm, and at Mg # of 30 to 40. In contrast,BRG 2 lavasare characterized Ti), the LREEs (La, Ce), and the HREE (Yb). BRG 2 basalts byhighK20(0.7to2.46wt %)atMg# of45to60(Figure 3). are enrichedin LILE (Rb, Sr, Th) and depletedin HFSE and As a result, BRG 2 basalts are distinct from both SRP and REE comparedto BRG 1. Craters of the Moon (COM) basalts. "Normal" BRG 1 basalts (SteamboatRock flow) are generallysimilarto olivine tholelites oftheSnake RiverPlain(butlowerinSiO2), whereas evolved Radiogenic IsotopeCompositions BRG 1 lavas (Long Gulch, Rock Creek) mimic trends seenin COM lavas. hypersthene, and 0-5 % normarive nepheline; they are best Six Boise River Group basaltswere selected for isotopic analysisof Sr, Nd, and Pb (Table 4). The isotopic analyses were performedby R. Carlsonof the DepartmentTerrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institute of Washington. Analytical proceduresare reported by Carlson [1984]. Six flows are represented: Steamboat RockBasalt(BRG 1), SmithPrairieunit SP2, Smith Prairie unit SP3, Fall Creek, Smith Creek, and Lava Creek (all BRG 2). These data are reconnaissancein nature, classified as alkali olivine basalts. and more data are needed before definitive Thesedifferencesin major elementchemistryare reflectedby the normarive mineralogy. The BRG 1 basalts are Hy normative, with 11-20% normative olivine and 0 to 25% normarivehypersthene,and are classifiedas olivine tholeiites. The BRG 2 basalts are transitional between ne - and hy -normative, with 5-22% normative olivine, 0-27% normative The classification of the BRG conclusions can be 2 lavasas alkali olivine basaltsis supportedby their high alkali drawn from the isotopicresults. The single BRG 1 lava (HSP-14, SteamboatRock unit) is concentrations (Na 2 O + K 2 O = 3.0 - 5.7 wt %) and by the occurrenceof stablegroundmass olivine and potassiumfeldspar; enriched in the heavy isotopes of Sr and Nd relative to the It should be noted that the ne-normative nature of the BRG 2 hypothetical "bulksilicateearth"component of Zindlerand Hart basaltsis due to an enrichment in alkalis, not to a lack of silica: [1986], andplotswithinthe array def'med by lavasof the Snake the BRG 2 basaltsare actually higher in silica than either the River Plain (Figure 7) [Leemanand Manton, 1971; Menzieset BRG 1 or the SRP basalts. al., 1983' Lum et al., 1989]. This array falls on a mixing curve 9048 V•i-rm< AND$HERVAI$: BASALTS OFBOISERIVERGROUP,IDAHO TABLE3a.WholeRock- MajorElement Concentrations oftheBoise RiverGroup Basalts Sample sio 2 TiO2 AI2O• FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O Mg # K:O P2Os Total 3.43 2.92 2.40 1.21 1.18 0.88 11.00 9.89 9.81 10.32 9.85 10.29 10.00 9.66 10.30 10.15 10.26 2.40 2.40 2.58 1.99 2.66 2.43 2.42 2.43 2.36 2.43 2.63 0.33 0.4 0.61 0.28 0.69 0.44 0.58 0.65 0.41 0.46 0.5 0.54 99.18 0.5 99.60 0.46 100.95 0.3 99.30 0.69 99.12 0.54 99.60 0.64 98.16 0.42 99.30 0.44 99.31 0.76 99.27 0.71 99.48 42.8 7.86 8.1 3.27 3.01 1.73 1.75 1.01 1 99.55 100.59 37.2 9.42 7.91 8.79 8.88 8.50 9.56 8.82 9.09 8.35 2.73 1.81 2.31 2.67 2.32 2.78 2.91 2.55 2.50 1.36 1.07 1.65 1.69 1.68 I;3! 1.78 1.58 1.63 0.33 0.38 0.16 0.39 0.36 0.33 0.48 0.39 0.43 99.64 99.00 99.39 99.80 100.43 100.93 99.66 98.22 99.77 8.24 8.85 8.15 8.38 3.21 2.31 3.18 3.31 2.14 1.52 2.21 2.22 0.43 0.11 0.41 0.45 99.40 99.27 99.86 99.80 2.92 2.16 2.66 2.85 1.52 1.16 1.46 1.41 0.40 0.12 0.40 0.34 99.72 99.66 100.98 99.71 3.30 2.42 2.79 2.94 2.73 3.10 2.83 3.02 2.62 2.77 2.73 2.87 2.38 2.96 2.91 2.85 2.86 2.07 2.95 2.84 2.22 2.19 1.16 1.71 1.63 1.30 1.88 1.70 1.89 1.46 1.36 1.37 1.65 1.10 1.68 1.51 1.60 1.45 1.05 1.82 1.45 1.12 0.43 0.19 0.34 0.44 0.34 0.28 0.29 0.47 0.50 0.35 0.37 0.29 0.23 0.47 0.31 0.39 0.38 0.11 0.46 0.41 0.12 99.81 99.17 99.64 99.51 99.04 99.16 99.43 100.07 100.05 101.16 99.81 100.07 99.58 99.92 99.34 99.52 99.64 100.05 101.68 100.53 99.72 BRG 1:LOng Gulch 46.4 3.13 3.15 14.5 14.7 14.93 14.99 0.25 0.21 45.6 45.4 46.7 45.3 46.6 45.6 44.5 46.7 46.3 44.7 45.7 3.12 3.05 3.02 3.19 3.08 3.11 3.28 2.92 3.23 3.21 2.79 15.8 15.5 15.0 15.1 15.1 14.9 14.8 15.2 14.9 15.0 15.4 14.24 14.43 13.89 14.73 13.38 14.24 14.69 13.67 14.38 14.85 13.94 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.21 HSP-33 48.9 HSP 34 HSP-46 HSP-14 HSP-17 HSP-90 HSP-21 HSP-15 HSP 16 HSP-18 HSP-19 HSP 91 SSP-81 3.73 6.05 7.07 9.04 99.45 99.61 30.8 41.8 Steamboat Rock 5.97 7.91 7.54 7.91 6.93 7.82 7.10 7.46 6.86 7.51 7.34 49.4 49.2 48.9 48.0 49.5 46.3 49.3 46.0 47.4 48.4 Rock Creek HSP-53 HSP-121 46.6 47.9 3.00 3.14 15.8 15.6 15.02 15.06 0.24 0.25 HSP-7 HSP-2 SSP-34 HSP-100 HSP-1 SP-4 SSP-43 SSP-46 HSP-101 47.2 46.8 48.9 48.0 48.4 47.7 49.5 46.3 48.2 2.56 2.70 2.07 2.25 2.39 2.54 1.91 2.37 2.44 15.8 17.1 16.2 15.8 17.3 16.3 17.3 15.8 16.0 12.68 13.68 11.49 12.13 12.72 12.97 10.30 12.58 12.44 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.11 0.18 0.20 4.99 4.79 36.2 BRGZ' Smith Creek 7.34 7.38 7.64 7.83 6.63 7.27 6.58 7.47 7.51 50.8 49.0 54.2 53.5 48.2 5O.O 53.3 51.4 51.8 Lava Creek SSP-76 SSP-57 SSP-58 SSP-59 49.1 49.4 49.2 48.1 1.99 2.01 1.97 1.95 16.7 17.5 17.1 17.3 11.41 11.12 11.42 11.94 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.18 HSP-49 48.4 HSP-51 49.3 HSP-48 49.2 HSP-47 48.4 1.91 2.00 1.85 1.84 17.0 17.8 16.8 16.6 10.31 10.39 11.65 !1.30 0.11 0.12 0.17 0.11 HSP-76 49.4 HSP-95 48.4 HSP-89 49.2 HSP-27 48.4 1.91 1.80 1.92 1.98 1.73 2.01 1.92 1.96 1.90 1.80 1.87 1.93 1.69 2.03 1.94 1.96 1.82 1.79 2.07 1.88 2.05 17.3 16.3 17.3 16.3 16.2 16.8 16.8 17.0 17.2 17.1 16.4 17.3 16.4 16.9 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.5 17.6 16.7 17.3 9.99 10.41 10.30 10.58 10.49 11.77 10.39 10.56 10.90 10.89 10.31 10.40 10.73 10.96 10.60 10.53 10.13 10.53 10.64 10.52 10.69 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.18 0.11 0.13 0.1! 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.11 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.13 5.98 6.26 6.02 6.00 Smith Prairie:Unit 6.85 6.78 7.37 7.52 HSP-39 47.7 HSP-188 48.8 HSP-73 49.6 HSP-82 49.2 HSP-93 47.6 HSP-43 48.9 HSP-96 48.4 HSP-87 49.7 HSP-104 47.9 HSP-24 48.5 HSP-25 48.3 HSP-26 48.5 HSP-38 48.3 HSP-40 48.8 HSP-117 49.7 HSP-132 48.6 HSP-129 49.9 6.15 8.40 6.66 7.91 8.55 6.14 6.58 6.61 8.45 7.83 8.58 6.51 8.86 7.10 7.76 7.83 8.26 8.90 6.83 8.18 6.98 48.4 47.3 1 10.33 9.82 9.49 9.38 Smith Prairie: 48.3 50.1 54.2 53.8 53O 54.3 Unit 2 8.90 9.90 9.36 9.19 9.84 8.28 9.14 9.24 9.26 9.99 9.68 9.38 10.10 9.14 9.30 9.13 9.87 10.07 9.42 9.83 9.21 52.3 59.0 53.6 57.2 59.2 48.2 53.O 52.8 58.0 56.2 59.7 52.7 59.6 53.6 56.6 57.0 59.2 60.1 53.4 58.1 53.8 VETTERAND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP,IDAHO 9049 TABLE 3a. (continued) Smith Prairie: Unit 2 Sample $io TiO HSP-169 49.4 1.92 HSP-187 49.4 1.99 HSP-186 48.9 1.83 HSP-11 46.2 2.20 HSP-12 47.9 2.36 HSP-59 48.7 2.15 HSP-52 HSP-67 47.9 48.5 1.97 1.98 HSP-64 49.2 2.08 Al O FeO MnO MgO 6.55 6.09 6.46 7.18 6.85 17.6 17.3 17.3 15.8 16.3 10.41 12.30 11.60 13.34 11.62 0.16 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.17 17.0 16.8 17.4 16.7 16.9 17.1 18.0 17.0 16.9 17.2 17.1 10.62 11.59 10.56 10.58 10.52 10.78 10.02 10.45 10.55 10.33 10.43 0.17 0.13 0.11 0.19 0.11 0.16 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.15 CaO Na O 9.28 8.35 8.64 9.14 9.77 3.16 2.83 3.07 3.00 2.87 K 0 P0 Total Mg # 1.80 0.43 100.72 52.9 2.01 0.28 100.73 2.05 1.09 1.37 0.45 0.41 0.59 100.48 98.52 99.86 46.9 49.8 49.0 51.2 Smith Prairie: Unit 3 HSP-61 48.7 1.99 HSP-66 47.6 1.99 HSP-63 50.0 2.02 HSP-69 SSP-26 49.6 47.9 1.97 1.95 SSP-21 48.8 1.94 HSP-72 49.5 1.98 6.31 7.35 6.54 6.60 6.87 6.70 5.72 6.54 6.66 6.65 7.27 9.66 9.45 9.61 9.62 9.35 9.96 9.62 9.56 9.40 9.69 9.84 2.96 2.66 2.76 2.90 2.91 2.83 3.01 2.83 2.98 2.89 2.11 1.69 0.49 99.75 51.4 1.35 0.33 99.51 53.1 1.52 0.34 99.38 52.4 1.69 0.43 100.03 52.7 1.78 1.62 0.45 0.52 99.61 99.21 53.8 52.5 1.90 0.52 100.98 50.4 1.60 1.59 1.53 0.36 0.54 0.44 100.07 98.52 99:61 1.16 0.08 99.67 52.7 52.9 53.5 55.4 1.01 0.29 0.37 0.31 0.45 0.20 99.33 100.55 99.38 99.38 98.79 49.4 53.5 50.1 51.5 47.6 Fall Creek HSP-113 47.6 2.34 HSP-110 49.6 1.76 HSP-111 47.8 2.16 HSP-109 48.7 1.69 HSP-112 46.6 2.44 16.1 17.4 16.1 17.4 15.6 13.11 10.56 12.80 10.73 13.55 0.15 0.18 7.18 6.81 8.88 8.82 2.72 2.97 0.15 0.16 7.20 6.39 8.97 8.47 2.88 3.00 0.20 6.90 9.29 2.83 2.09 1.01 2.40 1.12 betweenthe "depletedmid-oceanridge basalt (MORB) mantle" (DMM) and "enrichedmantle2" (EM2) componentsof Zindler South Carolina. Oxygen wasextracted using theCIFatechnique and Hart [1986]. spectrometer. •slSo compositions relative toSMOW range from However, the current Rb/Sr ratio of this basalt (0.003) is too low to support the production of the observedSr isotopiccomposition(0.707113) from primordialSr sincethe Archcan. The BRG 2 lavas have Sr and Nd isotopes closeto "bulk silicateearth" in compositionand plot within the field of oceanislandbasalts(OIBs) on a Sr-Nd correlationplot (Figure 7). The mantle source of these lavas could be an unfractionated primordialreservoirbut more likely representsa [Borthwickand Harmon, 1982] andanalyzedon a VG504 mass 5.23 to 6.54 (Table5). Most samplesarewell withintherange of primary mantle oxygen compositionsinferred from MORB [e.g., Kyser et al., 1981, 1982]. These data are consistentwith the derivationof thesemagmasdirectlyfrom the mantle,with littleor no crustalinput. Samplesfromtwo flows(SmithCreek, LongGulch)areslightly enriched in•SlSO (6.3to6.54),which may reflectassimilation of a crustalcomponent or variationsin the oxygencompositionof the mantlesourceregion[Kyseret Pb from all six samplesplots abovethe northernhemisphere al., 1981, 1982]. These flows are also highestin Ba, which oceanicregressionline in the so-calledDupal anomaly,withinor supportsderivation of the heavy O signature from a crustal mixture of various mantle reservoirs. closelyadjacentto the field definedby lavas of the SnakeRiver Plain (Figure 8). The singleBRG 1 lava (HSP-14) has the least source. radiogenic 2ø6pb/2ø4pb butthemostradiogenic 2ø7pb/2ø4pb, indicatinga higher mu reservoir. The BRG 2 lavas clusternear the C3 componentof Carlson [1984], which he interprets to representan ancientenrichedlithospherereservoir. The Pb data suggestinvolvementof continentalcrust or lithospherein the evolution of these lavas, either by direct assimilationor, more likely, by the incorporation of a subcontinentallithosphere componentinto their sourceregion. The latter caseseemsmore likely becausewe can see no evidencefor a crustalsignaturein the major or trace elements. OxygenIsotope Compositions Oxygen isotopecompositionswere determinedfor 13 whole rock samplesusingthe facilitiesof D. Stakesat the Universityof PETROGF2qETIC MODELING The observedgeochemistry of the BoiseRiver Groupbasalts shows that there is a distinction between the BRG 2 and the olderBRG 1 basalts.Chemicalanalyses of BoiseRiver Group lavas form quasi-linear arrays on element-elementvariation diagramswhich define the liquid - line - of- descentfor each basaltunit. Variationswithina singleeruptiveunit (formation) are mostlikely dueto low-pressure fractionalcrystallization, but high-pressurefractionalcrystallization,assimilationof crustal material,and the influx of new magmabatchesmay also be important. Differencesbetweenunitsmay be due to crystal fractionationfrom a commonparent magmaat high or low pressures,assimilation crustalmaterials(with or withoutcrystal fractionation),variabledegreesof meltingin a commonmanfie 9052 VETTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP, IDAHO 500 52 50 400 f ß..x.'o:f 48 300 • 4• 2OO o¸ COM t 100 42 I 30 35 4o 45 50 O••)+]•eO) 4.0 .... 55 60 t I 35 3O 65 * 1o0 B I ! I 45 i , I I 50 O•go/•)+•eo) 7O ! ......... I 40 i ! 55 60 65 * • oo , i V ' ! ' 6t 3.5 3.0 or_e m•l ß 2.0 1.5 3O I o0 30 I I 35 [ I 40 [ I 45 I I 50 I I 55 I I 60 65 600 0VisO/MsO+FeO)* • 00 3.0 500 2.5 400 2.0 3OO 200 0.5 ' [ 35 30 ' • 40 ' • 45 ' [ 50 Ov[•so+]•eo) 0.0 I 30 I 35 t I 40 I I 45 (M••]•eO) i I 50 I I 55 I I 60 ' I ' 55 i t 60 65 * • oo Fig. 4. Traceelement variation diagrams of (a) Zr, (b)Rb,and(c)$r 65 versusMg #. Symbols andfieldsimilarto Figure3. * • oo Fig. 3. Major elementvariationdiagramsof weight percent(a) SiO., !xb) 2 TiO , and (c) K2 O versusMg # (MgO/MgO+FeO). Solidsymbols, .2 . ..... ' BoiseRiver Group 2 basalts(Fall Creek, rovertedtriangle;SrmthPrairie, circles; Lava Creek, squares;Smith Creek, triangles); open symbols, BoiseRiver Group 1 (SteamboatRock, circlesand squares,Long Gulch, Rock Creek); SRP, Snake River Plain basalts; COM, Craters of the Moons. source region, or compositionaldifferences between distinct mantle sourceregions. These processesmay act in concertto producea variety of effects. In this sectionwe assesspossiblerelationshipsbetween and within each unit usingquantitativepetrogeneticmodels. Major element variations were modeled with a least squaresmixing approachusingthe program GENMIX [LeMaitre, 1981]. Low pressure crystal fractionation was modeled using observed phenocrystcompositionsin the chosenparentmagma(olivine and plagioclase only). The effect of high-pressurecrystal lO f I I La Ce I Boise River Group Lavas I Nd I I I Sm Eu I I Tb I I I I I I Yb Lu Fig. 5. Chrondrite-normalized REE abundances of theBoiseRiver Groupbasalts. Opencircles,BoiseRiverGroup1 basalts; solidlines, BoiseRiverGroup2; dottedfield,Cratersof Moons;dot-dashed line, averageSnakeRiver Plainbasalt. VETTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP, IDAHO ! i i i [ i i [ i i i i i i i 0.5135 i , i 9053 , 1 oo 0.5130 o BULK EARTH ,.•0.5125 • 2 o 0.5120 BRG 2 0.5115 0.701 r.• , • 0.702 , t , 0.703 • • 0.704 0.705 , • 0,706 , t , 0.707 t 0.708 , 0.709 87Sr/•6Sr 4 Boise River Group Lavas ' ' I RbBaTh I I I I KNbLaCoSrNd I I I I I I I P HfZrSmTiTbYb I I I Y Fig. 6. Spiderdiagramof averagetrace elementabundancesnormalized to primordialmantle[Wood,1979]. Solidcircles,BoiseRiver Group 1 basalts;solid lines, BoiseRiver Group 2 basalts;dot-dashline, Snake River Plain basalts. Fig. 7. Sr-Nd anticorrelationdiagramshowingselectedBoiseRiver Group basalts. Fields: MORB, mid oceanridge basalts;OIB, ocean islandbasalts;SRP,SnakeRiver Plainbasalts. Solidcircles,BoiseRiver Group2 basalts;opencircle, BoiseRiver Group1 basalts. Fractional Crystallization Intrafiow variations. Intrafiow chemical variations were fractionation was tested using a clinopyroxene composition producedexperimentallyby Thompson[1975] at 8 kbar from a primitive SRP composition. Crustal assimilation was tested using two alternative assumptions: (1) bulk assimilation of crustal material and (2) assimilationof a partial melt derived from crustalmaterials. Bulk assimilationwas modeledby using an average granite xenolith from the Smith Creek basalt flow. Assimilationof a crustalpartial melt was modeledusingan SRP rhyolite thoughtto have formed by crustal anatexis [Leemun, 1982b; Honjo and Leeman, 1987]. Traceelementswere modeledusingtwo approaches, Rayleigh fractionationand assimilation-fractionalcrystallization(AFC [DePaolo, 1981]). The Rayleigh fractionationmodelsassume that the percent fractionationcalculatedby the least squares major element modeling is applicable. AFC models used compositionsrepresentingupper and lower crustal material as the assimilantand primitiveSRP basaltsas the parentalmagma [Rogers, 1977; Taylor and McLennan, 1985; Honjo and Leeman, 1987; Lum et al., 1989]. Trace element f'itsto models are presentedas "percenterror", definedas 100 * (true value calculated value) / (true value), where the "true value" is the concentration in parts per million in the sample whose composition we are trying to matchin the model. modeledusingthe mostprimitive samplefrom eachflow (low SiOn, high Mg #, Ni, and Cr) as the parent composition. ResUlts oftheintrafiow leastsquares calculations aregiven in Table6. The evaluation of thefit of eachmodelis determine by thesumsof thesquares of theresiduals (Er2);modelsare assumed tohaveacceptable fitswhenEr2 < 1.0andallmajor elements are withintheiranalyticaluncertainty.Notethatwhere the extentof fractionalcrystallizationbetweentwo flow unitsis small (less than a few percent), the calculated solutions are sensitive to analytical uncertainties and represent only approximatesolutions. The leastsquares solutions for intrafiowvariationsuggest that shallowcrystalfractionation or heterogeneous distributionof the observed phenocrysts (01ivine+ plagioclase) is responsible for the chemical variations observed within most of the flows. The results of theintrafiow calculations showgoodfits(Er2 = .12 to .93) (Table 6). The range in fractionation is 1-20%, but withina givenflow it is typically< 10%. The Steamboat Rock basaltrequires10-18% dominatedby plagioclaseand olivine. The BRG 2 basalts results require 2-13% fractionation dominatedby olivine. Chemical variations within the Smith Prairie flow units SP1 and SP3 samplessuggest< 10% low-pressurefractionationof TABLE 4. IsotopicAbundances tbr theBoiseRiver GroupBasalts Flow Sample S7Sr/S6Sr 143Nd/144Nd 2ø6pb/2ø4pb 2ø7pb/2ø4pb 2øSpb/2ø4pb BRG1 Steamboat Rock HSP-14 0.707113 0.512458 Unit 2 HSP-95 0.705128 Unit 3 Lava Creek HSP-52 SSP-34 SSP-57 0.705215 0.706244 0.75594 0.512641 0.512547 0.512601 Fall Creek HSP-111 0.705977 0.512602 18.438 15.701 38.93 18.601 15.635 39.08 18.603 18.648 18.642 15.591 15.669 15.674 39.23 18.558 15.620 39.02 BRG2 Smith Prairie Smith Creek 38.87 38.96 9054 Vm'rF• AND SHF. RVAIS:BASALTS OF BOISERIVERGROUP,IDAHO 15.8 Least squaresmixing models using a primitive SRP basalt [Lure et al., 1989] as the parent magma wcrc only partially successful. Low-pressure fractionation models using the primitive SRP basaltparent magmawcrc unableto reproduce 15.7 15.6 anyoftheobserved BRGbasalt compositions (l;r2 = 15to6.7; Table 7). A combinationof high-pressurepyroxcnc and lowpressureolivinc + plagioclascfractionationresultsin acceptable 15.5• solutions fortheBRG1 basalts (l;r2 = .67 to 1.1)with3455 MORB high-pressureand 35 55 low-pressurefractionationnccdcdto form primitive Steamboat Rock basalt from the SRP parent magma(Table 7). However, BRG 2 basaltscannotbc relatedto a primitive SRP parent by any combinationof high- and low- 15.3 15.2 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 22.0 pressurecrystal fractionation(Table7), consistentwith the 21.0 differencesin radiogenicisotopes. To summarizethe above modeling, major and trace clement compositionspreclude any fractionationrelationshipbetween BRG 1 (SteamboatRock Unit) and BRG 2 basalts,based on the poor fit of least squaresmodel solutions. BRG 1 basaltscould result from combinedhigh- and low-pressurefractionationof a primitive SnakeRiver Plain basalt. The BRG 2 basaltscan bc relatedto a primitiveBRG 2 parent(SmithPrairie flow SP2) by a combinationof high-pressureand low-pressurefractionation, but cannotbc derivedfrom a primitive SnakeRiver Plain basalt 206pb/204Pb 41.0 •39.0 / MORB •o 3•.0 parent. Assimilation 37.0 36.0 •?.o I I [ •8.o I •9.o ] I 20.0 i I 2•.o • 22.0 2o6pb/2O4pb When interpretinggeochemicaldatafor continentalbasaltsthe possibility must be considered that observed elemental abundanceshave been affected by crustal assimilation. Three Fig. 8. Pbisotopes showing BoiseRiverGroupbasalts.Fieldsand modelsare consideredhere to test for possiblecrustal symbolssameas Figure7. contamination of the Boise River basalts' bulk assimilation, assimilation of a crustal anatectic melt, and assimilation- fractionalcrystallization(AFC) models[Taylor, 1980; DePaolo, olivine with minor plagioclase. Smith Prairie unit SP2, •98q. however, requires a combinationof about 2055 low-pressure fractionationof olivine + plagioclasealong with approximately TABLE 5. OxygenIsotopeCompositionfor BoiseRiver GroupBasalts 115%high-pressurefractionationof pyroxene, suggestingthat more than one flow unit is includedin this map unit. The Long Flow Sample /•lSO Gulchbasaltis the only other flow wherethe observedintraflow variationscan not be modeledby low pressurefractionationof BRG1 olivine and plagioclase;at least21555pyroxenefractionationis HSP-14 6.03 Steamboat Rock alsorequired(Table6). HSP-33 6.48 Interflow Variations. Relationships between flows were Long Gulch modeledto determineif any flowscouldbe relatedto a common parent magma. Two potentialparent magmaswere tested'the BRG2 mostprimitive BRG 2 sample(a Smith Prairie basaltfrom flow Smith Prairie unit SP2) and a primitive SRP basalt [Lum et al., 1989]. A HSP-48 5.23 Unit 1 primitiveBRG 2 basaltparentis considered possiblesincethese HSP-49 5.82 samplesare the mostprimitiveof all the observedsamplesin the HSP-104 5.82 Unit 2 area. Age constraintsprohibit a direct geneticlink betweena HSP-40 5.64 primitiveBRG 2 parentbasaltandBRG 1 basaltsbut do not rule out similar mantle sources. unit 3 Least squares mixing models of low-pressure fractional crystallizationusinga primitive BRG 2 parentmagmaproduce HSP-52 6.02 HSP-61 5.91 SSP-59 5.82 poorfitsforall BRGlavas.(l;r 2 = 6.15 to2.8). Modelswhich combinehigh-pressure pyroxenefractionation with low-pressiire Smith Creek olivine+ plagioclase fractionation produce goodfits(l;r: = 0.26 to 0.64) for derivation of BRG 2 flows from this type parent magma (Table 7). Combinedhigh- and low-pressure fractionationmodelsfail to reproducethe observedSteamboat Rock basalt compositions (BRG 1)from thissame SP2-type parentmagma(l;r = 3.3). Fall Creek HP-1 6.3 SSP-34 6.54 SSP-43 6.3 HSP-100 5.79 VETTERAND SHBRVA!S: BASALTS OF t{OISBRIVERGROUP,IDAHO 9055 9056 VE•rER ANDSHERVAIS: BASALTS OFBOISERIVER(3ROUP, IDAHO TABLE 7. Selected MajorElementLeastSquares Calculations for InterflowVarations Parent Daughter Daughter, Olivine PlagioclasePyroxene Residual Sum % Model (8kbar) of Squares 15.2 2.8 0.8 I BoiseRiver Group 1 HSP-104 HSPo104 LongGulch LongGulch 63.2 50.6 11.2 8.1 25.6 26.2 HSPo104 Steamboat Rock 69.6 8.1 22.0 HSP-104 SteamboatRock 52.7 5.0 23.7 SmithCreek SmithCreek LavaCreek Lava Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek 78.2 61.7 78.4 58.4 72.8 58.9 6.5 4.1 9.3 5.3 8.5 6.0 15.4 18.0 12.2 15.8 18.7 20.6 BoiseRiver Group 2 HSPo104 HSPo104 HSPo104 HSP-104 HSP-104 HSPo104 Model 6.5 18.7 3.3 14.6 3.0 0.6 4.7 0.3 3.3 0.6 33.7 11.0 1.1 16.1 20.5 2 BoiseRiver Group 1 PrimSRP PrimSRP LongGulch LongGulch 55.7 27.7 13.7 6.8 30.7 31.9 Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP SteamboatRock SteamboatRock RockCreek Rock Creek 62.9 31.7 52.4 23.6 10.5 5.0 16.0 7.0 26.6 29.7 31.7 32.4 Smith Creek 68.5 9.2 21.9 SmithCreek Lava Creek Lava Creek 33.4 66.3 28.3 4.5 12.8 5.2 27.6 20.9 27.8 76.1 38.6 89.7 50.7 79.1 7.6 4.2 3.3 2.5 9.1 39.7 64.3 32.4 4.9 11.2 5.5 16.3 25.2 7.0 19.2 11.8 22.9 24.5 28.8 BoiseRiver Group 2 Prim SRP PrimSRP Prim SRP Prim SRP 33.6 36.9 10.9 0.7 15.2 1.0 12.0 34.5 1.2 18.2 38.8 2.4 Smith Prairie Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Prim SRP Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 3 Fall Creek Fall Creek 9.2 32.0 1.8 6.1 27.6 1.8 9.7 32.5 1.7 10.5 33.3 1.0 Bulk assimilation. Interactionbetweenthe BRG parent lavas [Leeman, 1952b; Honjo andLeeman, 1987]. The rhyolitic and the Idaho batholith may have resulted in the bulk assimilationof graniticmaterial. Granitexenolithswithinthe Smith Creek basalt show that this processis at least locally important. The effect of bulk assimilation of granite on primitive SRP and BRG 2 basaltswas modeledusingleast squares mixing techniques. Based on major element magmasare thus anatecticmelts of continentalcrust and representa silicicend-member whichmay be assimilated by basalticmagmas.In our modelswe selected a rhyolitefromthe Magic Reservoir[HonjoandLeeman,1987]asthe silcicendmember. Assimilationof a partial melt alonecan notproduceany of the observedinterflow variations. Not only are the residuals compositions, bulkassimilation of granitecannotproducethe intraflow variations of the BRG lavas' negative amountsof significantly higher thanacceptable values ([;re = 2.9- 56),but granite arerequired, andthecalculated error[;re = 3 to32 someflowsrequirenegativeamountsof anatecticrhyolite(Table whentheBRG2 parentis usedand[;re = 57 to 15when 8). Assimilationof an anatecticrhyolite combinedwith both high-andlow-pressurefractionationproducesacceptableleast primitiveSRP is used. solutions ([;re = 0.3 to 0.4) forthemajorelement Assimilationof anatecticmelts. Evolvedand hybridlavas squares which occurnear the marginsof the SnakeRiver Plairiandin compositions,but are inconsistentwith the trace element the vicinityof sili½iceruptivecentershavemineralogical and concentrations.Trace elementconcentrationswere modeledby geochemical characteristics whichresultfrom the mixingof Rayleighfractionationusingthe resultsof the major element rhyolitic magmaswith basalt. The rhyolitic volcanismis modeling(assimilationeffectscalculatedbeforefractionation). consideredto originatefrompartial meltingof crustalmaterial The errorsrangefrom 35% - 110% for the incompatibletrace due to the influx of heat from the ascendingbasaltic magma elementsand 196% to 514% for the compatibleelements. VETTERAND SHERVAI$:BASALTSOF BOISEI•IVER GROUP,IDAHO oo • •n• • 9057 9058 Vu!'ruR AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP,IDAHO AFCprocesses. Assimilation-fractionalcrystallization(AFC) models[Taylor, 1980; DePaolo, 1981] were appliedto the Boise SteamboatRock basalt, while similar to lavas of the Snake River Plain, cannotrelatedto primitiveSRP basaltsby AFC processes. River basalts in order test for the effects of crustal assimilation Evolved BRG 1 basalts (Rock Creek and Long Gulch flows) independent of major - element modeling. A variety of have higher Zr concentrations, higher incompatible trace representative upperand lower crustalcompositions were tested elementratios,and lower Mg# comparedto the SteamboatRock becausethe potentialcontaminantsare poorly known [Rogers, flow. These characteristics are consistent with formation of the 1977; Taylorand McLennan,1985]. To minimizethe effectsof Rock Creek and Long Gulchlavasby AFC processesinvolving crystal fractionation,the AFC modelswere determinedusing a parent magma similar to the Steamboat Rock basalt in incompatibletrace elements(Zr, Nb, Rb, Ta, La, Th)whose composition(Figure9). This interpretation is supportedby the partition coefficientsare < < 1 for the observedphenocryst slightly higher d•sO valueofoneLongGulch sample (Table 5). phases. However,moreisotopicdataare neededto testthismodel. AFC modelspredicta rapid increasein Zr concentration with little or no changein incompatibletraceclementratios,as shown Mantle Melting Models in Figure 9. The BRG 2 basalts have nearly constant Zr concentrations(150 to 190 ppm) with large variations in the The petrogeneticmodelingpresentedabove showsthat.basalt ratios Nb/La, Rb/Nb, and Rb/La, which are muchhigher than suitesof the BoiseRiver Group (BRG 1 and BRG 2) cannotbe either the BRG 1 or the SRP lavas. The wide range in these related to one another by crustal processes such as crystal ratios, and their high absolute values, preclude any AFC fractionation, crustal assimilation, or combined assimilationrelationship between the BRG 2 basalts and primitive SRP fractional crystallization, althoughwithin suitevariations are basalts (Figure 9), consistentwith observeddifferences in consistentwith theseprocesses(primarily crystal fractionation). isotopiccomposition. This impliesthat differencesbetweenBRG 1 basaltsand BRG 2 The SteamhostRock basalt(normal BRG 1) has a range in Zr basalts are either inherited from chemically distinct source concentrations(223 to 307) which are generallyhigherthan in regionsor reflect variable partial meltingof chemicallysimilar BRG 2, and low, nearly constant Nb/La, Rb/Nb, and Rb/La sourceregions. We appliedmodalbatchmeltingcalculationsto ratios; theseratios are also lower than primitive SRP basalts. the "primordialmantle"of V•bod[1979] to determineif the BRG The high Zr may result from AFC processes,however, the i and 2 basaltswere generatedfrom a similar sourceor from lower incompatibleelementratios cannot, suggestingthat the chemicallydistinctsources. Figure 10 illustratesthree melting curvesfor Nb (a high field strengthelement)and Rb (a low field strengthelement)in relationto datafor the BoiseRiver Group 2.5 basalts. These curves are basedon sourcecompositionswith (curve A) 2x unfractionated primordial mantle, (curve B) 2.0 fractionated mantle with Nb = 4x primordial and Rb = 2x • c1 primordial, and (curve C) fractionated mantle with Nb = 4x 1.5 primordialand Rb = 0.Sx primordial. Fractionalcrystallization pathsfollow straightlines at a constantratio from the primary _•.•C3 v• 0.5 ß o cl ...... 0.0 C4 250 C2,C5 350 • Data for the BRG 2 basalts lie between curves A and B, [] o ,s•'=•-L•---•---•. - . .......... 150 50 melts. 450 550 ppm suggestingderivation from a sourcesimilar to unfractionated primordialmantlewhich is slightlyenrichedin Nb relativeto Rb (high HF$/LFS cation ratio). A range in sourcecompositions may be required to explain the spread in the data. The calculations indicate that less than 10% melting of the 7O 2.0 6O 5O 1.5 [] • oI'•q• C5 oB - c2,0 •40 [] C1 o,c2,0,cs o •3o • ©v A C4 2o 0.5 lO i 0.0 50 ! i i 150 i i ! I 250 i i i I 350 i i i I 450 i i i I i i 550 Z• ppm Fig. 9. Assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) modelsof the Bois• River Groupbasalts.C1, uppercrust[TaylorandMcLennan,1981];C2, lower crust[Taylorand McLennan,1981]; CS, sili½i½ granulite[Honjo andLeeman,1987]; C4, rhyolite[HonjoandLeeman,1987];C5, marie granulite[Rogers,1977];A, primitiveSRPbasalt[Lureet al., 1989];B, primitiveSteamboat Rockasparent. SymbolssameasFigure3. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rb ppm Fig. 10. Melt model for BoiseRiver Group basalts. Melting curves represents:curveA, unfractionated mantlewith 2x Primordialmantle values;curve B, fractionatedmantlewith Nb 4x primordialmanfieand Rb 2x primordial mantle; curve C, fractionatedmantlewith Nb 4x primordialmantleandRb 0.Sx primordialmantle. VETTERAND SHERVAIS-BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP,IDAHO unfraetionated primordialsourceis necessary;differentassumed source concentrationswould yield different percentagesof partial melting, but the relative concentrationsof Nb and Rb would remain the same. The high Rb concentrationsoverall in the BRG 2 basaltssuggestthe possibility of Rb addition to the source,butthelowinitialS7Sr/S6Sr requiresthatthisRb enrichmentis a recentphenomenon.We postulatethat this Rb enrichment may be related to the subductionin Cascadia, as suggested be Carlsonand Hart (1987) for basaltsof the Oregon Plateau. The BRG 1 basaltsare extremely low in Rb but contain Nb concentrationsin the same range as the BRG 2 basalts. These data cannot be explained by the melting of an unfractionated primordial source or a subduction-enrichedlithosphere. As shownin Figure 10, a highly fraetionatedsourcewith Nb/Rb -8x primordialis neededto explainthe SteamboatRock basalts. An important result of this modeling is that the BRG 1 (SteamboatRock) and BRG 2 basalts cannot be related to one another by variable melting of a similar source region; chemically as well as isotopically distinct source regions are requiredfor each. DISCUSSION 9059 unsupportedby the current Rb/Sr ratios. BRG 2 basalts are higher in LFS elementsand lower in HFS elementsrelative to BRG 1 and have higher Rb/Sr ratios but are characterizedby lowerS?Sr/S6Sr ratiosandepsilon Ndvalues nearbulkearth. These characteristicsrequire complexhistoriesfor the mantle sourceregionsof thesebasalts. Basedon isotopicdata, the SRP basaltsourceis consideredto be enrichedlithosphericmantlewhich hasbeenisolatedfrom the asthenosphere since at least 1.5 Ga [Leeman, 1982a]. This conclusionis also consistentwith our singleBRG 1 basaltdatum (HSP-14). However, our modeling shows that the BRG 1 basaltswere derivedfrom a mantlewith extremelyhigh ratiosof HFS/LFS elements, ratios which are inconsistentwith subdue- tion enrichmentof depletedlithosphereor w;•ththe assimilation of continental crust. We the high HFS/LFS ratios of the BRG 1 basalts are consistent with a mantle source which has been affected by Fe-Ti metasomatism from basanitic or alkalic melts [e.g., Ehrenburg, 1979; Smith and Ehrenburg, 1984; Nielsen and Noller, 1987]. This Fe-Ti metasomatismwas superimposed uponan earlier (andprobablymucholder) event which produced the high Rb/Sr ratios and low Sm/Nd ratios nt-t,t-•a•-v tt• at,lat-•vt-tht- 87•./86•. on•l 143M•l/144M•l ratios obse• today. This •o-s•ge enrichment h•to• is n•essa• to expla• the TiO/K O ratiosof the BRG 1 basalts,which am Origin of the BoiseRiver GroupMagmas highrelative to:fl•od basalts withhighS7Sr/S•Sr [e.g., Hawkesworthet al., 1984]. Hawkesworthet al. [1984] aRfibute thehighS7Sr/•Sr floodbasalts topotassie metasomatism ofthe Two mantle source regions are commonly proposed for continentalbasalts [e.g., Thompsonand Morrison, 1988]: (1) subcontinental lithosphere, which has been isolated from chemical exchange with the asthenosphere for hundreds of millionsof years, or (2) the underlyingasthenosphere, which is chemically similar to the source region of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIBs). In addition, crustal assimilation can modify magmas from either source during their ascent to the surface [Carlson, 1984]. Recent studieshave arguedthat flood basaltsform from mantleplumes which have trace elementsystematicssimilar to oceanicbasalts [Richardset al., 1989; Richardsand Griffiths, 1989; Campbell and Griffiths,1990; Duncan, 1991]. Thesemodelssuggestthat large volumefloodbasalteruptionsresultfrom the mushrooming of risingplumeheadswithin the asthenosphere, with subsequent volcanism (the "hot spot track") derived from the less voluminous plume tail [Richards et al., 1989; Richards and Griffiths, 1989; Campbelland Griffiths, 1990; Duncan, 1991]. In contrast,a lithosphericmantlesourcehas been suggestedfor basalts of the Snake River Plain, based on trace element ratios that differ from OIB [Fitton et al., 1991] and heavy elementenriched isotopic signatures and old model ages [Leeman, 1982a; Doe et al., 1982]. This requires the enrichmentof a previously depleted ancient subcontinentallithosphere. The enrichmentprocessis commonly attributed to fluid migration from subduetingoceaniclithosphereduring the Proterozoic or Phanerozoic[Carlson, 1984; Hawkesworthet al., 1984; Zindler and Hart, 1986; Ormerod et al., 1988; Menzies, 1989]. The most significantcontrastbetweenthe BRG 1 and BRG 2 basalts is the pronounced decoupling of trace element concentrationsand isotopiccompositions. BRG 1 basalts(and Snake River Plain basalts) are characterized by low concentrationsof LFS incompatibleelements (K, Rb, Sr, Th) relative to the HFS elements (Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, REE), and low sourcemantle(K-fichtefiteandphlogo•temodaHy),probablyas the resultof subduetion-defiv•fluid migration. In contrast,the BRG 1 basalts,whichhavehigh a7Sr/S•Sr ratios, are characterized byhighTiO:/K:O, highNb/Rb,andhighLa/Rb ratiossimilarto basaniticmeltsproducedby smalldegreesof pa•ial meltingof the asthenosphere [e.g., Hawkesworthet al., 1984]. Thesemeltsprobablyreflect passageof a plume •il ben•th the S• [e.g., Richar• et al., 1989]. BRG 2 basaltsare similar chemically and isotopically to oc•nic islandbasalts(OIBs) and may be defiv• from a s•flar asthenosphefic sourceregion. Onemajorcontrastb••n BRG 2 basaltsand normalOIB lavasis in Pb isotopecompositions, which (in BRG 2) are similarto "Dupal" OIBs. This may be dueto pa•ial ass•flation of •thosphefiematerialdung ascent, or to a young subduction enrichment event in the shallow asthenosphere (Caseadiasubduetion?).The high Rb, Ba, and Rb/Nb ratios of the BRG 2 lavas are not due to crustal contamination, as shown by (1) the low Sr isotopic compositions,(2) high Mg g, Cr, and Ni, (3) mantleoxygen isoto• com•sitions (5.8 •0.3 •r mfl), and(4) the absenceof mixing trends betweenthe BRG 2 lavas and typical crustal com•sitions. Crustal Assimilation Can BRG 1 and BRG 2 be related by crustalassimilation? No. Mixing calculations,traceelementsystematics, and our limited isotopicdata all showthat BRG 1 and BRG 2 cannotbe relatedby crustalassimilation. The clearestevidencefor this is the contrastbetweentraceelementenrichments and isotopic compositions. BRG 2 lavas,whichare higherthanBRG 1 lavas in SiO , K O, Rb,andBa,havelowerS7Sr/S•Sr andhigher 143 1 Nd/•dNdaratios than BRG 1. This istheopposite ofwhat we would expect if theselavas were related by assimilationof Rb/Srratiosbuthaverelatively highS7Sr/S6Sr andnegative crustal material, especiallythe Precambriancrustal material epsilonNd values. The Sr isotopecompositions in particularare known to underlie the $RP. Additional evidenceagainst 9060 VETTER AND SHERVAIS:BASALTSOF BOISERIVER GROUP, IDAHO forming BRG 2 lavas from BRG 1 magma by crustal between different flows within the same group cannot result assimilation is listed above, e.g., mantle oxygen isotope from low-pressure fractionation but can be modeled by high-pressure pyroxenefractionation andlow-pressure compositionsin most flows; high Mg #, Cr, and Ni (since combined assimilation forcescrystallization); failureof mixing-assimilation olivine + plagioclase fractionation. Differencesin the majorandtraceelementcompositions of modelsdiscussed in the sectionon petrogenetic modeling. This does not mean that assimilation of crustal materials did BRG I and BRG 2 basaltscannotresult from crustalprocesses: not occur, however. Some flows in each group (e.g., Rock the observedvariationsmustrepresentmantleprocesses.Partial CreekandLong Gulchbasaltsin BRG 1; SmithCreekbasaltin meltingmodelsindicatethatthetwo groupsformedfromdistinct BRG 2) exhibitchemicaland isotopiccharacteristics which may mantlesources.The highNb/Rb ratiosin the BRG 1 lavas,and be attributed to crustal assimilation. These characteristics in similarlavasof the SnakeRiver Phin, requirethat the source include low Mg #, Cr, Ni, high incompatible element regionof thesemagmasunderwenta recentepisodeof Fe-Ti metasomatism. The compositional characteristics of thisevent concentrations (especiallyBa), andhigherthannormaloxygen isotoperatios. It is importantto notethat theseflowsdo not definemixingtrendsbetweenthe BRG 1 andBRG 2 basaltsbut that flows from each group remain distinctregardlessof the are consistentwith the additionof small volume asthenospheric melts. Fe-Ti metasomatism of the lithospherealongthe rii• axis, and the extra heat neededto causeextendedlithosphereto melt, extentof assimilation.This further supportsour argumentthat probablyresultedfrom the passageof plumetail beneaththe BRG 1 and BRG 2 must come from distinct mantle source SRP. regionsand that they cannotbe related by assimilationof continentalcrustof any age. TemporalandAxial Zonations The transition from saturated olivine tholeiites of BRG 1 to transitional-alkalic lavas of BRG 2 in the Smith Prairie region Acknowledgments. This manuscript benefitedgreatlyfrom reviewsby William Leeman, S.P. Reidel, and Richard Carlson and editorial commentsfrom RodeyBatizaandAllen Glazner. 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