Document 1948575
LECTURE NOTES FOR TOPICS IN COASTAL Compiled ENGINEERING and Edited by The Staff of ~oastal Engineering for lectures given by Prof. Dr. Ir. E.W. Bijker Delft University of Technology Delft, "I'heNetherlands August, 1972. - iS. - Chapter VI: Local Coastal Accretion 79 Introduction 79 Equation of Motion 80 Continuity Equation 81 Solution of Pelnard-Considère 83 Sandtransport Around End of Breakwater 86 Pertinent Philosop.hy 93 Non-Parallel Accretion 94 References 96 Numerical Example 97 Chapter VII: Beaches with Groins References Chapter VIII: Wave Forces on Piles 100 108 109 Drag Forces 109 Dynamic Forces 110 Lift Forces 112 Chapter IX: Offshore Constructions 114 Chapter X: 117 Offshore Mooring Structures Chapter XI: Submarine Pipelines 119 List of Symbols 127 Bibliography 135 - iS. - Chapter VI: Local Coastal Accretion 79 Introduction 79 Equation of Motion 80 Continuity Equation 81 Solution of Pelnard-Considère 83 Sandtransport Around End of Breakwater 86 Pertinent Philosop.hy 93 Non-Parallel Accretion 94 References 96 Numerical Example 97 Chapter VII: Beaches with Groins References Chapter VIII: Wave Forces on Piles 100 108 109 Drag Forces 109 Dynamic Forces 110 Lift Forces 112 Chapter IX: Offshore Constructions 114 Chapter X: 117 Offshore Mooring Structures Chapter XI: Submarine Pipelines 119 List of Symbols 127 Bibliography 135 - ii~ - Introduction This set of lecture notes is intended to supplement of Prof. Bijker covering Topics in Coastal Engineering. information in these notes will be amplified These notes are written in American rather than English. list of references literature included at the back of this volume. additionally, In some cases, in the lectures. reader will see some words spelled differently, A complete the lectures for example. has been compiled Some references list of symbols. and are listed, in the chapter where they are important. also been made to compile a complete The An attempt has - 12 - depth of the channel should be greater if the channel bed is so hard that damage has to be feared. e. In case the bed is rocky so that serious damage has to be feared, th is last derived encounter probability must be made extremely low, 10-8 to 10-10 for instance;if the bed is muddy, on the other hand, the encounter probability can be rat her high, and only the steering capabilities count. For very soft beds consisting of soft mud or sling mud even negative under-keel clearances can be accepted. In general, it is reasonable to assume that in channels in shallow water with an average wave height, the desired water depth for large ships is 10 to 20 percent in excess of the draft of the ship. Most recent information: Wicker, C.F. Economie Channels and Manoevring Areas for Ships Proc. A.S.C.E., Vol. 97, No. W.W.3 Aug. 1971 p.p. 443 - 453 Waugh,Jr. R.G. Water DepthsRequired for Ship Navigation Proc. A.S.C.E. vol. 97 No. W.W.3 Aug. 1971 p.p. 455 - 473. Eden, E.W. Vessel Controllability in Restricted Waters. Proc. A.S.C.E. Vol. 97 No. W.W.3 Aug. 1971 p.p. 475 - 490. - 2 - a. The waterlevel to be taken into account is determined by the frequency of entering of ships of a certain size. When the biggest ships; say 250,000 OWT, enter the harbor only once every few days, it is acceptable that ships of this size enter only at high tide. A ferryboat, on the other hand, must be able to enter the harbor at all time~ even during low water spring tide. A good estimate of the required depth can be made only after all factors are considered, including economic losses due to time ships have to wait before they can enter. b. The draft of a moored shi.pis not only determined by its own characteristics and its cargo, but also by the physical aspects of the water such as its density,:salinitYJ and temperature. A moving ship, moreover, is subjected to squat. Squat is the increase of the draft with respect to S.W.L. due to the speed of the ship. This phenomena can be explained easily with thè help of Bernouilli's principle. / / ut! /1/(/(//(/(////(//(//// c '> (////// > - - 77/77777/777777777777777777777777777 The velocity of the water beside the ship increases due to the ship's motion. According to Bernouillhthe water level goes down as its velocity increases. Squat is most pronounced, of course, in a relatively narrow channel, but occurs also in a infinitely wide channel. Sometimes the draft increase is more at the bow that at the stern (this is the case mostly with carriers having a large block coefficient) and sometimes the reverse is true. Two other factors determining the amount of squat are the depth of the fairway and the speed of the ship. Velocities ranging from four to fifteen knots cause a squat in the order of magnitude of 0.1 to 1.5 m. c. Waves cause the following ship movements: The Dutch translations are given in parentheses. - 3 - ___ ~ h__ t _ heaving (dompen) pitching (stampen) rolling (rollen) swaying (verzetten) surging (schrikken) yawing (gieren) wave crest direction of wave propagation - 34 - In shallow water, 2 k h/sirih2k h ~ 1 yielding: (h < L/25) (32b) Sxx has units of force per unit length of wave crest. Transverse Radiation Stress Component It now becomes necessary to examine the flow of momentum in the Y Z plane. The Y axis is in the plane of the still water surface directèd parallel to the wave crests. In contrast to the previous section, a unit. thickness in the X direction will be assumed. This new radiation stress component will be denoted by SYY' lts derivation closely follows that for Sxx' We consider the total flux of crests through a plane Y = Y momentum parallel to the wave constant. lts mathematical definition corresponds to (9) and is: o Ï-h = (p + p v2) dZ - f Po dZ (33) -h Just as with SXX ' equations corresponding to (11) through (14) are: SYY S(l) + S(2) + S(3) yy yy yy = s(l) yy = 1 p v 2 dZ (34) (35) -h 0 S(2) yy = J -h (p - p ) dZ (36) p dZ (37) 0 n S(3) yy = J 0 Here, the analysis becomes somewhat simpler, since for long-crested waves, v = 0 by identity. Therefore, from (35) : - 5 - A continuously decreasing depth due to shoaling should be taken into account seperately. The composition of the actual movement is indicated in the following figure: design ship at rest desi datum water level water level beside ship Actual 1- ---G I Squat = vertical mot ion of deepest point ship. Z h I I + A + C C bed surface The total depth is = h = D = r Z max = h Z G + I + A + C. r + max + total depth of channel D draft of the design vessel max.squat of the design vessel at the speed allowed in the channel G = deviation of the water level from the predicted value A = allowance for the bed fluctuations around the mean bed level of the channel -6 - C = under-keel clearance that should be available to ensure a convenient steering and propulsion of the ship I = allowance for vertical motions of the ship due to wave action. The following remarks ,can be made about the various components of this equation. D r : Although normally the summer draft in sea water can be 'taken, sometimes,when there is such a very important outflow of fresh water that even the sea area is influenced, the draft in fresh water should be taken. G: This may be either gust oscillations or wind set up (wind from sea) and wind set down (wind from land). A: These are the fluctuations as they occur in the bed of the channel. This is illustrated below. Present design bottom elevation -'-- charted bottom elevation --------------------- - --------- x configuration Normal Gauss Distribution C: In order to guarantee good steering and propulsions capabilities of the ship this under-keel clearance should have a certain minimum value. In the case of a stochastic process such as this one, this value may be less during a certain percentage of the time. The determination of this percentage is partly guess work and can also be determined from tests with self-propelled and free sailing and controled roodels.Either remote control or a helmsman in the model ship may be used. I: This movement, which is normally only of interest in the case of wind from sea or with a swell irrespective of the wind direction, should be considered together with A. The actual motion is determinèd from the response curve of the ship to the wave motion. - 65 - role of the ripple factor, then the coefficient value, 5, will be retained. c. Over most of its usable range, the computed sediment transport increases with increasing grain diameter, D. This is especially true when working with extremely small transports with a diameter of the order of 0.2 mmo The vaiidity of this formula (with the given constants) seems doubtful when working with large grain diameters. 5. Verifications of the Formulas Two example applications of the formulas are discussed here. The first concernS a model beach shown in plan in figure 6. Figure 7 shows beach profiles number 3 and 8 before and after testing. The distribution of wave height. water depth, and long shore current is shown for various profiles in figures 8 and 9. The computed sediment transportation for sections 3 and 10 is compared in figure 10 to the measured sand transport at the downstream end of the model. The computations seem to agree reasonably with the measured values. - 8 - R(T) = response factor of the given point at period T f HI~ n --:t> n(t) Wave motion R T 1 Vertical ship motion T n (t) is the excursion of the water surface from the still water level as a function of t. Since it is assumed that the local (or instantaneous) wave ordinate n (t) is distributed normally, the variance of this excursion is 00 ff(n) . dt which is also equal to the total energy of the o wave spectrum. The probability of nt between Hand H + öH can be written according to the normal distribution as K q (K < n (t) < K + ÖK) =~ I- + ÖK 2 e -T /2E dT K In this expression the total energy equals p g E. Similar relationships hold for the motion of the ship. - 9 - The total energy of the spectrum of the vertical motion, it' of the ship is, when this total energy is again pgm, given by: 00 m = f f, dT 1. 0 and i is also normally distributed according to: t q it K < < K + t::. K) = K Here the mean value is zero, and the standard deviation = cr = ~.s The relationship between wave motion and ship motion can be indicated by the following scheme, Wave Motion Ship Motion ~ rJVVVV' f1(T) ~~I~R_e_sp_~_n~(;_:~F_a_c_t_o_r~I~--------------~3r- 1 E /~ distribution distribution H /b utl.on ° ~d' Ibut i dl.strl. l.strl. utl.on o i(t) s For the actual computation of the depth a distinction should be made between the situation with and without waves, Case with no waves. In this case the keel of the design vessel moves in a horizontal plane and only the irregularities of the channel bed have to - 105 - Al Al 2x1.4xlO 2x2.8xlO 2x4.0xl0 -2 Fr -2 0.78 n.56 6.66xlO 0.4 -- 11:28 -2 1.58xl0 ' 11.4 2.37xl0 h.s' 7.69xl0 r2 -2 2 Im/sec' Y -2 y 0.4 -2 rg Al Y Im/yr'. m/sec 2.l0xlO 0.50xl0 0.75xl0 6 6 6 2 F 2 r g 2 2.66xlO 5.67xl0 8.74xl0 m/sec.yr -2 -2 -2 8.26xlO 1.79xlO 2.76xl0 6 6 6 r2 2x4.0xl0 -2 0.5 -2 2.42xl06 29.4 xl0 -2 9.26xl0 6 table I If the CERC Formula is used in these computations with regular -2 waves then Al has the value 2.8 x 10 . Further, if y and Fr are taken from solitary wave theory (0.78 and 1.25, respectively) then t~e combination of constants Al Y 2 'r"' F r vg has the value 6.66 x 10 -2 m2/sec. We have ignored the parameter q in this discussion so faro y Indeed, no adequate theoretical relation has been yet determined which would allow its evaluation. Swart has found values for q y from laboratory studies. However, these were restricted in applicability by the fact that the wave properties were kept constant in all tests. Another complication results when we observe that qy is also dependent upon hl' and hence, upon our choice of separation between beach and inshore,(see figure 3). - 11 - The probability E of hitting the bed is in this case: = 1 - [1 - 1.2xl0 -8 which is, indeed, extremely J 20 = 2.3 10-7, low. In the case of combination of and bed undulations, number of motions of the ship will normally factor, since the bed irregularities N is, in th is case, the number be the only decisive are assumed to be rat her long. of oscillations performed during the journey of the vessel in the approach to wave motion, the by the ship channel. Analogous the average period of the ship Qscillations is: ~ ['"f i dT T 0 = I® f. i dT 0 For a value of T of 10 sec, a length of the channel of 4000 mand = speed of the ship of 12 kn N = 4000/6 = 10 a 6 mis, 67 From the above discussion about the case for waves the total ac- cepted value for A is: A = 3.09 ok + 0.40 For 200,000 DWT ships and H Ok = 4.5 m, cr movement, is 3.09 x 0.426 + 0.40 The probability The encounter E = = 1 - This percentage m ~ 0.4 I 0,0225 + 0.16' = I 0.182' = 0.426 The total value of A (ship clearance) s of exceedance probability G- = 3 x 10 -sj bed undulation, 1.718 = and under-keel 4.03 Ok' in th is case is 3 x 10 -5 . of hitting the bed is in this case 67 = 2 x 10 -3 . seems rat her high; from this point of view, the - 12 - depth of the channel should be greater if the channel bed is so hard that damage has to be feared. e. In case the bed is rocky so that serious damage has to be feared, th is last derived encounter probability must be made extremely low, 10-8 to 10-10 for instance;if the bed is muddy, on the other hand, the encounter probability can be rat her high, and only the steering capabilities count. For very soft beds consisting of soft mud or sling mud even negative under-keel clearances can be accepted. In general, it is reasonable to assume that in channels in shallow water with an average wave height, the desired water depth for large ships is 10 to 20 percent in excess of the draft of the ship. Most recent information: Wicker, C.F. Economie Channels and Manoevring Areas for Ships Proc. A.S.C.E., Vol. 97, No. W.W.3 Aug. 1971 p.p. 443 - 453 Waugh,Jr. R.G. Water DepthsRequired for Ship Navigation Proc. A.S.C.E. vol. 97 No. W.W.3 Aug. 1971 p.p. 455 - 473. Eden, E.W. Vessel Controllability in Restricted Waters. Proc. A.S.C.E. Vol. 97 No. W.W.3 Aug. 1971 p.p. 475 - 490. - 13 The width of the channel can be determined in comparable way, by considering the motion of the ship in the horizontal plane also as a stochastic variable. By this method the chance that a certain excursion from the idea_lcourse line will occur , and therefore, the chance that a ship hits the bank of the channel or another ship can be determined. In this way, we determine the width of the channel in which the risk of collision is brought down to an acceptable value. There are a few principle differences with the case of the vertical motion of the ship. i. The probability distribution of the deviations of the theoretical (ideal) course line cannot be determined as easily since the period of the movement of the ship around the theoretical course line is normally long compared with the sailing time of the ship. The deviations from this course line are, therefore, not stochastic, independent variables. ii. As soon as two ships are so near to each other that a chance on collision exists, the two movements are no longer independent. Tests are necessary for investigation of this problem. Three possibilities are available: a. From observations in the prototype the probability distribution of the deviation from the theoretical course line be determined. With this distribution the probability of a certain deviation from the theoretical course line can. be determined. With this distribution the probability of a certain deviation can be computed. In this solution the mutual influence of the ships is not yet taken into consideration. It is, unfortunately, difficult to obtain sufficient data under extreme circumstances. b. With the aid of a model study it is more easily possible to obtain sufficient data under extreme circumstances. This model can be an hydraulic one with real ships on a scale of about 1 : 25 to 1 : 50. In this case the mate and pilot will be normally in the model ship or the model ship will be steered with an llt - automatic pilot. The great advantage of this method is the very true way in which bank influences and the mutual influence of the ships on each other can be determined. ~. Another possibility is the use of a steering simulator. In such a simulator the movement of the ship is made visible by solving the dynamic equations of this motion using a computer. All required circumstances of wind, waves and current can be introduced into the equations. The pilot has all normal navigational aids at his disposal so that a very realistic reproduction of the movement is obtained. The great advantage of this method is the much greater number of trials that can be made at acceptable costs. The reproduction of the mutual influence of the ships and the influence of the banks of the channel may still cause difficulties. s:.Q) Directional stability critical 2.0 .--f .--f '.-1 +-' en :~~. ";'~ ~ '.-1 ti::m s:. '"Ó 1.5 +-' unacceptable coïrib~nat~ons Q) '"Ó s:. Q) ___.._Lateral forces and moments critical .. :. I Acceptabie combinations ~,:":;,,,: Bottom clearance _ critical +-' m 6 •• , ' •• !.:..: : 'o! I. ;3: 1.0 2 3 4 0", 5 channel bottom width ship beam •• 1· . 6 - 15 - The widthof hydraulic conditions. importance number the approach channel is also determined largely by the Of courses a channel with a cross current of must be wider than a channel in still water. Alsos the of ships that are expected to sail at the same moment in the channel will determine the width. It is difficult to give fixed data. As a general rule one can state that the path width required by a ship is about 1.8 times the beam of the vessel. Between two vessels meeting each other a distance of about one beam should be kept between two paths. In a channel with banks almost up to the waterlines distance of 1.5 beams should be kept between State of Knowledge and Related Phenomena; Department of Factors Effecting for Navigation; of the Army: Corps of Engineers. same width as the approach itself should, in principles channel in a long approach inevitable, channel a meeting of the breakwater damage to ships and possibly than the grounding of two ships may be a width slightly to navigation of a vessel in the approach channel. blocking itself. On ends will involve greater give greater hinderance the ship from completely have the just in front of the entrance. whereas this may be avoided in the entrance the other hand, touching prevent Evaluation Tidal Hydraulics Chapter X, Design of Channels The width of the harbor entrance However, a the side of the bottom of the channel and the path of the ship (see: C.F. Wicker: of Present In order to the channel of the entrance greater than the length of the ship may be used. When a ship sails into a harbor and there is a current crossing approach the channel, sketch below. the ship will follow a course as indicated the on the - 16 1 I I( I ~ I I , I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I \, \ Due to the fact that during the passage through the entrance the bow will be in still water while the stern will be in the current, a moment will be acting on the ship, forcing it to turn. Sufficient width must be available inside the entrance. Another general rule is that the approach line of the bigger ships should be as straight as possible. When a ship has passed the harbor entrance, it needs a certain distance in which to stop. If there is some wave motion and current in front of the harbor, the minimum velocity with which the ship can enter will be in the order of magnitude of 3 to 6 KT. In a harbor, it is not possible to give full astern, since the ship will then swing to starboard (when the normal revolution direct ion of the propeller is clockwise when looking forward). It is, therefore, necessary that tugboats assist the ship in keeping the proper course. The following graph shows some stopping distances for tankers. - 17 - . .... / ... ""... ~ " "," "Ó sGl I =='+' mlH m lil Gl m lil ~ ~ m 0 ·M 4l () ·M GlN ~ m E-< ==' 11 o ~ 0 0.c: Gl +'+' .c: 0- m tl()Gl ~ OM "Ó 4l (j)~:;3: H 0 0::il::3 z H p., p., 0 E-< (j) Gl Gl > Gl lil ~ ~ ::x:: (j) +' Gl ~ lil 0 m +' Z H «:;3: I ~ 0 ~.-I ~~:i C!)E-<<( I m X ILo (j) I ==' "Ó .-I .-I I "Ó .... ... ::::....-- 0 I E-<E-<E-< I :;3::;3::;3: 000 _::::. 000 000 000 ft ft z I /, I i 1 II 1 ° I I // I I I / / / / V I ~ I 1 1 .-I J ft 000 OU') 0 U')N.-I .... ~ -> _......... L-... 1/ " / / 1./ V) I V ~~ ~ " / jJ V II ~ l--::~ ""... / <D Il --' /1 r/ '.Ij ~-I1 ,V lilI V V Ij //1 'I I' 1 ,1 V I 1/ !/ I / ,1 I 1/ // I~........ ""... I I 7 // '11 I / , / I ' / I I ~j ~ V »> I I 11/ 1 1/ 1 / /, I~ r> Gl 0 ~ m m I I. V l----V v' 1 / 1 _/ / i ~t.--- I 'J ~ U') .... f.- I OM /J ~ ~ .-I 0 CJ) co r- <D U') .:t CT) S+OU~ UI paads dI4S N .-I o - 18 - The usual procedure is that the ship slows down, while the propeller turns forward dead slow or is stopped. Reverse power is not allowable since the ship becomes uncontrollable in this case. When the speed is brought down to 3 knots it is assumed that assistance tug boats is obtained. of This will say that tug boats have connected to the ship and have manoeuvered themselves into the position to give as- sistance. At this moment reverse power can be applied to the ship's screws. The valves above are normal stopping distances keeping a straight course. For example, when a 130,000 ton oil carrier'sailing at four- teen knots has to make an emergency full stop, giving continuous astern, the stopping length is only 3 or 4 km (see the figure below.) In this case, however, the direction 24 u 22 n E-< :J: 20n ~~ lH 0 180 tr>! Q ..c: 120 ;+' .-i-: c 'H ,_ 100 I ...~ 'U '--1 1.:1 .t:/ N 80 (/) ~ Q) 60 ..!<: ~ 40 0 IJ I / riJ a o .2 / , .4 .6 ./ / ~ VSi '" b' - ""erG. " J( 1/ Q I!J E-< 20 1[, / ;y Q,) 'H \ rIJ C( 0 .., / "I ei 140 is uncontrolled. f-,D ~ (/) -e 160 ~ (/) ;j ;;, (heading) ~ V V 'j(~ t.> /' /' •8 1.0 .1.2 1.4 1.6 La .202 .2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Stopping distance in Nautical Miles under extreme emergency conditions (full power astern) - lS- Some general ratios for ships are: f or · DWT norma I shaps BRT ~ 1.5 . DWT 2 for very Iarge crude BRT::= for all ships TotalDWT displacement ~ 1. 3 to 1.4 The ratio BRT varies from 1.7 for freighters to 1.3 for VLCC s. NRT Deadweight tonnage (DWT): the vesseï.!s Ufting capacity or the number of tons of 2240 lb. (= 1016 kg) that a vessel will lift when loaded l.nsalt water to her summer freeboard marks. Deadweight includes: crew, passengers, luggage, provisions, fresh water, furniture, coal in bunkers,fûel'::oilin tanks and so on. ~oss register tonnage (BRT) of a vessel consists of its total mea- sured cubic contents expressed in units of 100 cu.ft. or 2.83 cU.m. Net register tonnage (NRT) of a vessel is the carrying capacity arrived at by measuring the cubic contents of the space intended for revenue earning. One hundred cubic feet is the standard spaqe taken as the accomodation for one ton of goods. Disp1acement: (1 ton = the number of tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat 2204 lb). The sum of light weight and dead weight is equal to the displacement. In accordance with Archimedes' principle, displacement and weight are equivalent quantities for floating bodies. The displacement of a vessel i'S" the weight of water displaced at a given draft, and also the weight of the vessel and its contents. - 20 - Chapter 11 Historical Development of Longshore Current Formulas Amphibious landing during World War 11 were handicapped by currents parallel to the coastline. These longshore currents were generated by obliquely approaching breaking waves. The war effort stimulated the start of investigations into this phenomona. Later~ it was realized that this current is also of importance to the transport of sand along the coast. In this section, we attempt to examine some of the development history of longshore current formulas. One of the more recent ones will be developed in detail in later sections. Both Galvin and Thornton have written good reviews of longshore current formulas. Galvin uses a practical approach, while Thornton takes a more theoretical point of view. The table on the following page gives a summary of the most common formulas. No claim on completeness is made. Most investigators used at least one of the following concepts in their formula: 1. Emperical correlations~ 2. Energy considerations, 3. Conservation of mass, 4. Conservation of momentum. There are now discussed separately. 1. Emperical Correlations The emperical formulas may be derived in either of two ways: a. Develop a formula based, to some degree~ on methods 2, 3, or 4, with undetermined coefficients. These coefficients are then evaluated using available data. The Inman/Quinn~ Brebner/Kamphuis, and Galvin/ Eagleson formulas were derived in this way. These emperical formulas except for that of Gal~in/Eagleson are not dimensionally correct, i.e. the coefficient are not dimensionless; this is not necessarily' a practical disadvantage. b. Linear statistical corre1ation of all available emperical data can yield an equation; Harrison used this approach. There are varying opinions about the elegance of these correlation methods. By accepting these methods, one is accepting addition of variables in place of multiplication which is more correct theoretically. -21 --, ..... ... ... ·. .· .. .. ...... · . c.!e • "'· ......, .0 i Z"'" '"~ "' .., .. .=•, ",00 .~ :: "o ~••... ' u ··• ! 'Z "f • • 0 _ •• '" u .0 • ~ ,: 5.. ... e.c. ..0 ....... 0'" • •. "'"• 0 ~ ! ..!': 00 o Ö ... • •• ... ... .. : : o c ... .. •• ·•.. •• ; ..c:::J~~ ~.D .... 0 .. •:. : 'j · ! ö .i .•.. rS '" '" .. '" ;. . .~ ., ... ~ u ·.' · " o ' v o ... , .. ::, ...I 1 , .... • , .. i ~; ~I'" I ! • , 3 , ! I~e, , , ~ .. ... • i A1 ... Ö i:,.,. e- ... + : .... .11 '''- • ",L; + .0 ....;........ • 0 . ....~ ~ • ~! ..... '".... .~ ,0: ~i .,'" .. :~ I:~ .... :I>..! ~J I t. '" ~ o .. z 'U~ u . i• ! .,; '. ~• 3 ! • !" ~ ~ o .. ,f e- !, :: ,I .1>1 .:! v(i • .. .. .... ö ~i 9 , ~ .~ 00 '"o N o I i I ~-l ...... I ! ... . .... , , gt: , ~~ oe o - o :8 17-i: ~ ~. I '" ...., o ; ~. , ...... ~ >·1 • C ... . . • :. . o O' ...... ... ~. ...... 0:;: ~ · c ~~ ....., C .~ ""... . 0 . " .~. c o ~ o ... !i ... " c ..· .,. ij , c o '-=. a ~ '" c j ~ eo lé L _ ! ~ · • co" " .~ 0 .t: ~ .: ~~ : .D _; Q ! ~ •iJ, ..g ;? - 22 Putting a wave period T a wave height H = = 10 sec, a beach slope m = 50, and 2 m into the Harrison equation yields a longshore current velocity of 0.78 mis when the wave crests approach parallel to the beach. This result is, of course, queer even though the input data is realistic. Harrison himself noticed this problem and warned that his formula may only be used when the angle of incidence of the waves is between 20 and 150. Thus, in the above example, we are in error by using his formula outside its desired range. 2. Energy Considerations The authors of these formulas assumed that a percentage of the incident wave energy is used to generate and maintain the longshore current. Galvin comments that there is no theoretical justification for the assumption that the ratio of current energy flux to incident energy flux should be constant. He calculated this ratio from experimental data. He found that the ratio s small, often less than 0.01 and usually less than p.l, and certainly not constant. 3. Conservation of Mass The conservation of mass approach is based upon the idea that the mass of a solitary wave swept over a bar is distributed in some way to the longshore current. This title "conservation of mass" is a bit misleading. It suggests that the other approach methods ignore continuity. This is not true; all of the equations shown in the table satisfy the continuity equation. Bruun presents two methods: a rip-current theory and a continuity theory based upon the Chézy Equation. His rip-current theory is based upon the assumption that the entire mass flux of the solitary wave is concentrated in the rip-current. These rips are spaced 300 m to 500 mapart along the shore. Bruun's continuity theory, on the other hand,is based upon an assumption of uniformly distributed return flows. Here again, he assumes that the entire mass flux of a solitary wave comes over a bar. This raises the water level uniformly between the bar and shore over a longshore distance equal to the distance between wave crests measured along the beach. Making a further very arbitrary assumption that the other water surfaces remain undisturbed, yields a value for longshore current when the Chézy Equation is applied. - 23 - The Inman/Bagnold approach differs in that they consider that only the longshore component of the wave motion contributes to the current, with the result that their predictions are much smaller than those of Bruun. Galvin/Eagleson emperically correlate the mass flux of the longshore current with a fictious mass flux related to the wave. Since it turns out that both fluxes are proportional to the square of the breaker height, an equation results in which the longshore velocity is independent of the breaker height. The main obsection to all conservation of mass approaches is that the equation of motion is completely ignored. One can say that only a portion of the available information has been used. It is relatively easy to postulate a flow system satisfying continuity which cannot really exist in practice. 4. Conservation of Momentum Methods using conservation of momentum seem to be the most reliable. Several are compared here. One of the more important is derived in detail in the following two chapters. Both Bakker and Battjes have published comparisons of various formulas using momentum conservation. One will find in practice that the formulas of Thornton, LonguetHiggins, and of Bakker vary very little in result. The differences among them are caused by a subjective preference for some second-order terms, simplifications, or different bottom friction formulas. Battjes shows that the numerical value of the friction factor, f, is of the same order in all three formulas. Other formulas belonging to this group, with the exception of Bowen's, are more or less out of date. Bowen, however, does not specify his friction factor. Putman, Munk and Traylorused solitary wave theory in their formula~. They used a bottom friction term proportional to v2, but did not include the effects of waves on the bottom friction. It soon became obvious that their friction coefficient was much larger than the normal Darcy-\oleisbach coefficient. Inman/Quinn proposed to take the friction factor as: f = 0.384 vlo5 • Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem and violated the dimensions as weIl. - 24 - Eagleson did better by taking the friction proportional to V2/sin ,. This is better, but still a bit questionable •• is the angle of wave incidence. After Bowen applied radiation stress and Jonsson, Bijker, and Kajiura explained bottom friction in separate papers, the formulas by Thornton, Longuet-Higgins, and Bakker ware developed independent of one another. Radiation Stress is explained in the following chaper. After that, it is applied to this problem of current prediction in chapter IV. - 25 - Chapter 111 Radiation Radiation stress is a term applied to a pressure of the hydrostatic This pressure Stress pressure is revealed force caused by the presence only when second-order to the square of the wave amplitude) considered, however, remains height differences. derivation The discussion Higgins and Stewart wave. boundary We shall use the results the longshore as a results from wave of this radiation stress current caused by waves. which follows is adapted (1964) published observed or as a force difference set-up~ This force difference to determine The wave profile stress is most commonly force acting on a wave reflecting of waves. terms (proportional are considered. a simple sinusoidal The effect of radiation causing a water-level force in excess trom that of Longuet- in "Deep Sea Research", Vol. 11 p. 529-562. In all of the following discussion, these conventions will be observed: a. The origin of coordinates with the X axis directed .,cl wi11 be placed at the still water surface positive to the right, in the direction of wave propagation. The positive Z axis extends upward trom the still water surface. b. The problem will be considered to be two-dimensional; a width of 1 meter perpendicular to the plane of the drawings will be assumed (Y direction, initially) c. The water density, p, is constant. One should also remember that according to Newton's Law, a force is equivalent to a rate of change of momentum. A pressure, or stress, is equivalent to a flux, or flow of momentum. Tqis is also rate of change of momentum per unit area. Momentum Flux in Still Water If we first consider a water body of uniform depth (h) having no wave action, then the pressure at any point in the fluid is given by p o = - p g Z (1) where g = gravitational acceleration and p is the density. This is independent of x and is the flux of horizontal momentum across a vertical plane (x = constant) per unit of vertical distance, since a width of one unit is assumed. -s, 26 - The total flux across the section is obtained by integrating o o =f Po (1) Po dZ f = -h (2) p g Z dZ -h This is, too, independent of x and, therefore, there may be no net change in momentum as we progress trom one plane x x = x o = x o to another + dx. This constant total flux (or force) P is rea11y the hydrostatic force o which would be present on a rigid vertical wall extending to the depth Z = -ho This hydrostatic component, P , will latèr be subtracted from o the total computed flux with waves to reveal that component which results trom the waves. This resu1tant will then yield the Radiation Stress. One will diseover, later, that this radiation stress does not have the units of force per unit area. This is because a true stress (pressure) will be integrated over a constant depth h, giving a force per unit. length. Since the depth remains constant at each point wh ere we shall examine the radiation stress, then transformations lègitimate for true stresses can still be used. Momentum flux in Waves Consider a sinusoidal wave in water of finite constant depth h. From short wave theory we find: n = u aw = --,--:-~-:--~ sinh (k w = (3 ) a cos (kx.- wt) h) aw sinh (k h) eosh k(Z + h) eos (kx - wt) (4) sinh k(Z + h) sin (kx - wt) (5) where: wave profile k = = = w = eireular frequeney x = position along X axis t = time Z = distance (+ up) from water surfaee n a amplitude of the surfaee wave wave number = 2n/wave length = 2n/wave period (6 ) - 27 - h u w = = = water depth instantaneous particle horizontal velocity instantaneous particle vertical velocity (see figure 1) Z = n u w t~ pu 2 -h FIGURE 1 Definition Stretch A rather general expression for the flux of horizontal momentum across a unit area of the vertical plane in the fluid is: (7) The second term, p u 2 , represents a bodily transfer at horizontal momentum as follows: in a time dt the volume of water passing an element of the vertical surface is u dZ 1 dt its mass is: pul dZ dt the horizontal momentum then (mass • velècity) is u . 1 . dZ • dt • u Dividing by the area (dZ • 1) and time (dt) to get flux per unit p • area yields the desired term. We might note here that u may be positive or negative and may have even a zero time average; while u2 is always positive and will also have a positive time average. This fact will be of importance in later discussions. Fluid crossing this plane also, in general, will have a vertical velocity component w. A product p w could be used to represent the transfer of vertical momentum across the plane x = constant. This term appears as a shear stress and is commonly called a "Reynold Shear Stress" in theory of turbulence. These Reynold ShearStre~will not be considered further here~however. Returning to our more immediate problem~ we integrate (7) over the depth to get the total flux of horizontal momentum across the plane x = constant. Formally: PI J = + p u2) dZ (p (8) -h Note here that the upper limit of integration is the actual water surface, and not zero is often used in first-order theory. Definition of Radiation Stress The principal radiation stress component, denoted Sxx~ may now be defined as the mean value of P1 with respect to time minus the mean value of P with respect to time. o n P = 0 Sxx = P1 I 0 (p + p u2) dZ - I Po dZ (9) -h -h The bar is used to denote a time average. In the first integral, we must be sure to take the time average afte!'-cómplèting-the integration, since the limit n of the integration is, itself, a function of time. In the second integral, the bar may be omitted, since that integral is constant, see equation (2). (9) now becomes: o = J-h (p + 2 p u ) dZ I Po dZ -h (10) There remains the problem of evaluating SXX. We can now state a definition of radiation stress in more sophisticated terminology as: The radiation stress is the contribution of the waves to the time average of the vertically integrated horizontal transfer of horizontal momentum. ;_29 - Evaluation of Radiation Stress As an aid to evaluation of equation (10), it is separated into three parts as follows: (2) (3) (1) S SXX = xx + Sxx + Sxx (11) 0,) -S xx = (12) J u p 2 dZ -h (2) S xx = 0 f-h (p - p ) 0 (13) dZ (3) S = xx J (14) dZ P 0 It may be verified that (11) through (14) are equivalent to (9) by substitution. These terms will now be considered individually. Equation (12) will be split again as: (1) 0 Sxx = f -h n p u 2 dZ + I p u 2 dZ (15) 0 the integrand (p u2) in both terms of (15) is already of second order proportional to a2; see equation (4). Since n is also a function of a, then the second integral in (15) will yield only a term of third order. Since only first and second order terms are considered here, then (15) may be approximated (to second order) by: (1) S xx 0 =f P u2 dZ (16 ) -h Now that both limits of integration are constant, the time average may be moved inside the integral - 30 - (1) S xx o = f-h p u2 dZ (17) This is a Reynolds Normal Stress integrated trom the bottom to the still water level. It is, obviously, generally positive. Since both limits of integration in equation (13) are constant, we may again apply our previous technique. Equation (13) becomes: (2) S xx o = f (p - p ) dZ (18) o -h Po is excluded from the time average since it constant. (2) Sxx is caused by changes in the mean pressure p when compared with the hydrostatic pressure p found in the absence of waves. p can o be evaluated by completing a second order analysis, but p may be more easily evaluated indirectly from vertical momentum considerations as follows: Using arguments similar to those already used, the mean flux of vertical momentum across a horizontal plane must be aqual to the weight of water above that plane. The average water lev.elelevation is Z = o. Therefore: p + p w2 = - p g Z = Po (19 ) or = - P - Po p w 2 (20) (20) substituted into (18)yields: 0 (2) S xx = f- p w 2 dZ (21) -h this is, obviously, less than zero in general. The third radiation stress term, equation (14), is the pressure integrated from the still water level to the wave profile with this integration averaged over time. - 31 - This integration leads, strictly, to difficulties when n is below Z = asince, then, p is undefined in the range n < Z ~ a. This may be most easily overcome, according to Longuet-Higgins, by "extending the velocity field upward to the mean level" Z = a. Near the free surface, p is very nearly equal to the hydrostatic pressure measured from the instantaneous surface n. The pressure fluctuates in phase with the surface elevation. p = pg (n - Z) (22) Substitution in (14) yields: (3 ) S = xx I pg (n - Z) dZ (23) o Evaluating only the integral (neglecting the time average) and noting that n is independent of Z (eqn (3) I pg (n - Z) dZ = ): [I I n dZ - pg o Z dZ } J: ] o Taking the time average yields: (3) S (24) xx This is generally greater than zero. Since n = a cos (kx - wt) then n 2 n 1 = 2a 2 ; (1 lr f o 2 cos x dx = 1:.) 2 - 32 - and (3) sxx (25) Interpretation of S xx (1) Adding S xx xx yields, using (17) and (21:): 0 (1) (2) S + S xx (2) and S xx = 0 u p J 2 dZ -h J p w2 dZ -h 0 = 2 (u - w2) dZ p J (26) -h From short small amplitude wave theory (equations 4 and 5)= 2" u > 2 w • Therefore, (26) is generally > O. Before attempting further solution of (26) directly, we note that for irrotational, incompressible flow: a a Z - = 2 2 (u - w ) = 2 (u aw = 2 ax a ax 2 (u au _ w aw) az az + w au) (u w) ax = 0 Therefore, (u2 - w2) is independent of Z, even though u and w are both, themselves, functions of Z. (26) becomes: o = p (u2 - w2) f dZ -h (27) - 33 - Formal substitution of (4) and (5) in (27) gives (2) (1) 2 2 w = ph _ a__;,__[ cosh2 k(Z+h )cos2Ckx-wt)-sinh2k(Z+h)sin2(kx-wt)] xx + Sxx sinh2 kh S Since on1y the trignometric functions depend upon time: = h a2 w2 [COSh2k(Z+h) cos2(kx-wt) _ sinh2k(Z+h) sin2(kx-wt)1 sinh2kh p 'TT Since 1 11 2 cos x dx = f 1 2: 0 then this becomes: =~ 2 2 h a w 2 sinh2 kh [cosh2 k(Z + h) - sinh2 k(Z + h)] p . h2 x with cosh2 x - Sln 2 =~pha w 2 sinh2 kh = 1, this becomes: 2 for small amplitude waves, w 2 = g k tanh k h, (28) yielding: (1) (2) S + S xx xx 2 g a k h sinh 2 k h P = (29) If we remember that the total energy density of the waves, E, may be defined as: E = ~2 p g a2 then we can determine Sxx from (11), (25) and (29) SXX = using (30): 2kh 1 E(sinh 2kh + 2)~0 In deep water, 2 k h/sinh 2 k h (30) (31) + 0 yie1ding: (h > L/2) (32a) - 34 - In shallow water, 2 k h/sirih2k h ~ 1 yielding: (h < L/25) (32b) Sxx has units of force per unit length of wave crest. Transverse Radiation Stress Component It now becomes necessary to examine the flow of momentum in the Y Z plane. The Y axis is in the plane of the still water surface directèd parallel to the wave crests. In contrast to the previous section, a unit. thickness in the X direction will be assumed. This new radiation stress component will be denoted by SYY' lts derivation closely follows that for Sxx' We consider the total flux of crests through a plane Y = Y momentum parallel to the wave constant. lts mathematical definition corresponds to (9) and is: o Ï-h = (p + p v2) dZ - f Po dZ (33) -h Just as with SXX ' equations corresponding to (11) through (14) are: SYY S(l) + S(2) + S(3) yy yy yy = s(l) yy = 1 p v 2 dZ (34) (35) -h 0 S(2) yy = J -h (p - p ) dZ (36) p dZ (37) 0 n S(3) yy = J 0 Here, the analysis becomes somewhat simpler, since for long-crested waves, v = 0 by identity. Therefore, from (35) : - 35 - S(l) yy = 0 Also, comparing (36) and (37) with (13) and (14): 0 S(2) yy = S(3) yy 1 = S(3) xx = 4 S(2) xx = f-h - p w p g a 2 dZ (38) 2 (39) using (21) and (25) respectively. Substitution of w from (5) in (38) yields: = S(2) yy - p a 2 w o 2 f-h 2 sinh kh 2 cash k(Z + h) dZ (40) 2 using the time average of cos , we get : S(2) yy = - p a 2 2 w 0 2 f-h cash . 2k h s1.nh 2 k (Z + h) dZ the integral yields: r kh . 2 cash k (Z + h) dZ = 1 k -h cash 2 q dq 0 with q = f 1 = k(Z + h) . [ sin~ 2 q k [ 1 = k Ik\ 0 % + ~h ] sinh 2 kh 4 c] (41) now becomes: S(2) yy = = p 2 2 a w { sinh 2 kh + kh } 2 k . 2 4 2 s1.nh kh 2 2 a2 w2 sinh 2 kh p a w h p 8 k sinh2 kh 4 sinh2kh (41) - 36 - or , using (28) : = -p g a 2 2 gak h 2 sinh 2 kh p 4 (42) This does not look like much, but when we add S(3) to get Syy (remembering that S(l) yy = 0): yy = S(2) + S(3) yy yy 2 = p g a 4 = 2 - P g a = - p g a 2 kh sinh 2 kh 2 + p g a 2 4 kh sinh 2 kh 2 kh sinh 2 kh E (43) using (30). In deep water, kh/sinh 2 kh ~ 0 yielding: (h > L/2) (44) In shallow water, kh~sinh Syy = 21 E (h 2 kh ~ 1/2 and: L/25) < (45) Syy has units of force per unit of length of wave orthogonal. Shear Stresses Finally, for completeness, transfer of x - momentum momentum manifests across the plane y = the possibility constant. of the Since this itself as a shear stress, the pressure at the point does not contribute. direction. we must investigate By definition, This results in pressures an equation act only in a normal sornewhat simpleI' than (9). - 37 - = [" p u v dZ (46) -h Since our waves are still long-crested, v - O. Therefore, quite simply, (46) becomes: (47) Since the shear stress SXY is zero, then, from strength of materials, we can conclude that SXX and Syy must be principal stresses. Transformations of Radiation Stresses In the preceeding sections we have found the horizontal stresses acting on vertical planes through our point oriented parallel and perpendicular to the wave crests and extending from the water surface to the bottom. These compoeents have been found to be principal stresses.and may be expressed and transformed using the methods of strength of materiais. Two common methods use tensors or the Mohr Circle. In tensor form, the total stress S may be expressed as: h S = [:xx sJ [ sinh 2 k 2 kh = + 1 2" 0 E 0 k h sinh 2 J (48) The transformation via the Mohr's Circle will be illustrated and used in the following chapter on determination of currents along a coast. - 38 - Chapter IV Determination of Currents along a Coast: Computatdon of current velocities parallel to a coastline is required in order to properly estimate the sand transportation along a coast. Four force components, together, determine the magnitude of the resultant velocity. These forces are: 1. Wave Forces resulting from the radiation stress 2. Tidal Forces 3. Friction Forces on the bottom, always acting to reduce the current velocity 4. Turbulent Forces resulting from differences in velocity between adjacent streamlines. In the case of a fully developed long-shore current, these four forces will determine a state of dynamic equilibrium with the current velocity being constant. The determination of each of the force components referred to above will be explained separately in the following sections. The axis and sign conventions used in the following wil1 be the same as those used in the earlier derivation of radiation stress. 1. Wave Forces The wave forces result from a shear component of the radiation stress. The work of Longuet-Higgins presented earlier has been adapted by Bowen (The Generation of Longshore Currents on a Plane Beach; Journalof Marine Research, V.27, 1969, p.206-216) for our application (a sloping bottom, shallow water, and breaking waves). A plan view of a coastal zone is shown in Figure 1. - 39 - x coastline ~Q) -'-~§'---~N - -~~-- . ~::E . .- y_---- __......J ~."I------.--.---_."2--._-- Figure 1 Coastal plan view vertical axes Zand showing axis notation and angles. The positive z are directed positive up from an origin at the still water surface elevation. The depth contours are assumed to be parallel to the coastline. The X Y Z axis system is the same as was used in the Radiation Stress derivation. The y axis is parallel to the coast with the x y plane in the still water surface. Using Mohr's Circle, figure 2, the radiation stress components acting in the x and y directions (perpendicular and parallel to the coast) are: S xx = S yy = S = xy + sin 2 4> cos 2 4> ( 1) cos 2 4> (2) - 40 - = Note S xy = (Sxx - Syy) sin ~ S yx cos ~ (3) in magnitude ~ is the angle between the wave crests and the shore. Shear Stress S Normal stress Figure 2 MOHR'S CIRCLE - 41 - Except in zones where the longshore current is not fully developed the shear stress component S yields the only force of importance here. xy Remembering that we are now in shallow water, making the proper substitutions from the radiation stress derivation in equation (3) yields: S = E xy = _ 1) 2 • Sl.n 4> cos 4> (4) E sin 4>cos 4> 1 =8 p where E (1 2 2 g H , with H equal to the height of the waves at the point in question (in the breaker zone). As noted in the radiation stress derivation, S has units of force per xy unit length (length of coastline, here). In order to be consistent with the units of relationships developed later, this must be transformed into a force per unit horizontal area. This can most easily be done by considering the derivative of equation (4) with respect to x. In order to carry this out, the following modifications are made to expose the functions of x: Since 4>is a function of depth, h, and hence, x, we substitute: cos-4>=:: cos 4>b r sin 4> = with c c o ~ 4> < 4>br« 1 rad. (Sa) sin = wave speed in shallow water = rg-ï1 sin sin '" 'f'br (Sb) Further, we assume a linear relationship between water depth and wave height within the breaker zone. H = 2a = A h (Sc) - 42 - 8ubstituting (5) and the definition of E in (4) yields: 8 = -1 xy 8 p gA 2 h 2 ~ v~~r sin 4>brcos 4>br (6) having one variable, h • Differentiating using the chain rule F r- = d dx F r = 5 p g A2 h3/2 1/2 16 hbr (8 ) xx sin 4>br cos 4>br tan ah dh where tan ah is the bottom slope dx (7) at depth h. This has the desired units. 2. Tidal Forces From the theory of long waves associated with tides, we find that the tide force per unit of volume may be given by: =-pgay- a h' (8) where V is a unit water volume is the tide force acting on the unit volume a h' is the slope of the surface of the tide wave. Cl Y (measured on a profile parallel to the coast). h' comes from: h' = Z cos where (~ t - K y) ~ and K (9) are associated with the tide period and tide wave length respectively. - 43 - Clh' " K Z Cly = sin (n t - K y) substituted in (8) yields: , FT V = - p g K Z sin (0 t - K y) (10) In order to compare this to the radiation stress force component, the units of the equation must be modified to give force per unit of horizontal area. This can most directly be accomplished by taking the volume Y as a unit of area, Ab' times the local water depth h. Equation (10) then becomes: (11) = Multiplying through by h yields: F ' -AbT = FT =- P g h K Z sin (n t - K y) (12) where FT now has the desired units (force p.erunit area). 3. Friction Forces Bijker has derived an expression for the bottom friction force in a zone with waves. This derivation is valid provided that the breaker angle ~br = T' is less than about 200• ub T C [ 0.75 1.13 + 0.45 (~ V ) ] where T' is the bottom shear stress (total) T is the shear stress caused by a current alone. c = y2 p g C2 y is the stream velocity C is the Chézy friction coefficient (13) - 44 - ~ = K 0.45 C K rg is the von Karmán Constant ~ = 0.0575 C = 0.4, yielding (in metric units) ub is the water velocity component along the bottom caused by the waves. The computation of ~ in the breaker zone is nearly impossible theoretically. However, in order to determine a solution to our problem it will be assumed that a sinusoidal wave still exists. From short wave theory: w H cosh (kh) 2 sinh (kh) (14) where H is the wave height. = with k 21T L w = 21T T \ and the approximations for shallow water, (14) becomes 21T T H = __;;----,.-- c H 2 • 2~ h = 2 h (15) where c = L = l""g1i' for shallow water. T finally û -' H b-2' rt: h (16) Substituting all of this into equation (13) yields i [0.75 + 0.45 (~ V H 2 r;;" {~ ) 1.13 ] (17) (Ej1) 91 [ (~ s/ 81°1 d S ( (Ll) pUE (L) mOJJ) ~u1AEaI auoz Ja~EaJq a4+ u14+1M anJ+ ÁIIEJaUa~ s1 s141 °saoJoJ ~u1u1EmaJ Ja4+0 OM+ a4+ 0+ aA1+EIaJ IIEms s1 aOJoJ ap1+ a4+ 'saoEId ÁUEm uI °Á+poIaA a4+ 0+ u01+1soddo u1 S+OE sÁEMIE 'ÁIsn01Aqo 'aoJoJ u01+o1JJ a4+ ~aA1+E~au JO aA1+1sod Ja4+1a aq ÁEm aOJoJ ap1+ aq+ ~u01+oaJ1P Á aA1+1sod a4+ u1 +OE sÁEMIE saoJoJ aAEM a41 °saoJoJ u01+o1JJ pUE 'saoJoJ IEp1+ 'saoJoJ aAEM :Jap1suoo 0+ s+uauodmoo aOJoJ aaJ4+ ÁIuO sU1EmaJ aJa4+ 'aIq1~1I~au SE JO pasods1P uaaq ÁpEaJTE aAEq saoJo] aouaInqJn+ a4+ aou1S °umpq1unba o1illEUÁP JO a+E+S E pa40EaJ a.t.Eq sao.rojpaJap1suoo 84+ 'anIEA mnm1xEm s+1 pa40EaJ SEq +uaJJno s14+ ua4M °passnos1P +snç saoJoJ JnoJ a4+ JO aouanIJu1 a4+ mOJJ sdolaAap +uaJJno aJ04s~UOI a41 saoJoJ +uaJJno a4+ JO UOS1JEdm00 °pa+oaI~au ÁIa+aIdmoo ÁIIEnsn s1 +1 'aJoJaJa41 °aJa4 paJap1suoo saoJoJ aaJ4+ Ja4+0 a4+ 0+ paJEdmoo uaqM IIEms ÁJaA s1 aOJoJ +uaInqJn+ s14+ JO s+oaJJa aq+ 'UMOU~ s j MOU s1 SE JEJ sV Á (81) V = s j : SE uaA1~ aq UEO aOJoJ JEaqs +uaInqJn+ s141 °ÁJOa4+ JaÁEI ÁJEpunoq u1 pasn +E4+ 0+ IaI1EJEd ~u1UOSEaJ E s1 s141 0(S1XE X a4+ ~UOIE) +SEOO a4+ 0+ Jasol0 saAom auo SE sa1JEA +SEOO aq+ 0+ IaI1EJEd +uaJJno a4+ +E4+ +OEJ a4+ mOJJ +lnsaJ saoJoJ +uaInqJn+ a41 . saoJoj +uaInqJn1 oh °Á+100IaA JO u01+ounJ pa+Eo1Idmoo Ja4+EJ E s1 +1 'OSIV °au1IaJ04s a4+ mOJJ aouE+s1P 'aoua4 pUE '4+dap Ja+EM JO u01+ounJ E s1 - Str - I~ +E4+ a+oN - 46 - Since we want of distance from the (19) for V in terms that this will Bakker coast, in order (17) Bakker begins and hence to more with, of the dirficult, simplifications easily (from distribution h, it would of h. Examination has made 17), = the velocity be extremely (egn. TI to find right as a function be convenient hand side to solve indicates at best. to the obtain right hand a solution. side of (19), In place of Bijker): 2 P g V (20) C2 (21) as an equivalent to equation This is simplified (13). by assuming that in the breaker zone ~ ~ » V; this yields: sin w t = ab where ~ Substituting sin w t : 0.45 K C ~ = ;g and taking an average with 11" 1 11" f 0 sin e de = 2 11" (22) - 47 - yields: p = TI g V 0.45 K C rg C2 (2)(.45) P 2~ K /g'V ~ = (23) C 1T Substituting (16) in (23) : = TI ( 2 )( .45) P C K r; V ;-ti 2 H 1T rg = .45 P K g V H rb' 1T (24) C Using (5c) this becomes : = TI .45 P K 1T g V A C Iïl (25) or, in another form = P g3/2 TI ff Ç, A /h'v (26) C2 This is now much simpier to work with than equation (17). We can now return to the problem at hand -- _comparison of the forces -- byequating 5 P g 16 h 1/2 br (25) with (7), sin ~br cos ~br tan ah = .45 P K g V A 1T l1i' (27 ) C Solving this for V as a function of h yields: V = 5 1T A h C (16)(.45) K hbr1/2 (28) sin ~br cos ~br tan ah Svasek and Koele have found that for the Dutch coast A = 0.4 to 0.5 for the significant wave and that A ~ 0.3 for the root-mean-square wave. - 48 - • Substituting for the constants A K = = 0.3 0.4 we get v = 1.63 he' ~~2 S1n ~br cos ~br tan ah (29) which gives the velocity distribution as a function of distance from the coast, provided that hand are known. tan ah' the beach profile parameters, It should be pointed out that in the example just considered, only the wave forces and the friction forces were considered. It is entirely possible that under certain circumstances the tide force, for example, might also be important. This could obviously be added to the analysis, but shall not be done here. Result of this development We have determined the velocity profile along a horizontal line extendipg out f~om the beach. This velocity profile will be used later in conjunction with a sand transport formula in order to develop a sand transport profile. It has been found that when this is done for the Dutch coast, for example, the sand transport at a distance of 200 m from the coast is about three times as much as at a distance of 600 m. This is a result of the combination of increased longshore current velocity and increased wave forces on the bottom material which cause more severe stirring. A sand transport formula will be developed in the following chapter. - 49 - Chapter V Longshore Sand Transportation caused by Waves and Current 1. Emperical Formu1as derived from an energy balance For some time now, sand transport along a coast has been related in some way to the component of the wave energy along an axis parallel to the coast. These methods have found wide application and are based upon·sound physical reasoning. In its most general form, such a relationship is: = S (1) A Ea where S is the total sand transported along the coast. E a is the energy flux component parallel to the coast, measured in the breaker zone. A is a proportionality constant. Unfortunately, in this purely emperical formula, A is not dimension- 1. less but has dimensions [ L T2 M-1 The energy flux component, E , is given by: a Ea = E0 K2 r sin ~b cos ~b (2) where: ~b is the angle between the breaking wave crests and the beach line. E o is the energy flux in deep water in the direction of wave propagation. K r is the refraction coefficient. From short wave theory, Eo = 1 16 (3) - 50 - with = g = H = 0 c = 0 p the water density acceleration of gravity deep water wave height wave speed in deep water Back substitution of (3) in (2) and then in (1) yields (4) where all of the constants have been combined, and the constant, A, evaluated using data such as that available from CERC. Conveniently, a bit of dimensional analysis reveals that the coefficient 0.014 is now dimensionless. Formula (4) although reasonably trustworthy, does have a few limitations. These are: a. Only the total sand transport is computed. No information on the sand transport profile along a line perpendicular to the coast can be obtained. Especially on coasts subjected to spilling breakers, or where more than one offshore bank is present, this limitation can be serious. b. This formula is independent of the type or size of bottom material. This is, of course, not true on real beaches. This formula is still valid, however, provided that it is used only for beach materials similar to that for which it is derived, namely, uniform sand ranging in diameter from 0.2 to 0.5 mmo c. The slope of the beach does not enter the equation. d. This formula computes transport caused by waves alone. Influences of superimposed currents are not considered. This limitation can be very important in river deltas, for example. e. This formula may not be applied to shoals, dumping grounds, or near dredged channels. - 51 - Svasek [~ has largely overcome the first limitation. He did this by assuming that the sand transport in a given strip parallel to the coast ~s proportional to the energy lost by the waVQS as they cross this strip. This assumption seems plausible, but has not been proven rigorously. Even so, this method is applied to give the sand transport profile when a relationship between wave height and distance from the coast is known in one fOr'mor another. Otherwise, the limitations a through e have not been overcome. Bijker has, therefore, begun again with a new, separate derivation based upon the sediment transport formulas for rivers (i.e. currents alone) modified to include wave effects. First, the transport formulas for currents alone are discussed to lend completeness to the derivation. 2. Sediment Transport Formulas for Steady Currents A general form for a river sediment transport formula is: S = 6. f2 (}Jh - D I) (5) J where: . mms 3/ S is the bottom material transport ln 6. is the relative density of the bottom material in water D is the grain diameter in meters I is the slope of the energy level ).I is the so called "ripple factor" giving the influence the bottom form f1, f2 are functions, as yet undetermined, and h is the water depth. Often the term on the left of (5) is called the transport term; while the right-hand term is called thè current term. We might note, here, that S is a bottom material transpÇlrt.This is intended to refer only to material transported in contact with the bottom or very closely above it. Material carried primarily in suspension is not included, therefore. - 52 - The ripple factor, J.l, is given as: = J.l Here C ( C 3/2 r ) C DgO (6) is the Chézy fri~tion coefficient for the actual river bottom. r is a ficticious friction factor that would exist on a plane bottom consisting of grains having a diameter of DgO (90% passing from a bottom material sample). In physical terms, the coefficient J.l gives an idea of how much energy remains to transport the bottom material af~èr the energy abser-bedby the large scale bottom roughness (ripples) has been deducted, We might also admit that this factor is also used to hide the fact that we really do not understand all the contributing phenomona. Experimental evidence indicates that the ripples are essential to sediment transport. Also, it has been found that the ripple factor may have a value greater than one. A more indirect connection between ripples and transport comes from: T = 2 v P g- (7) C2 r' where T is the bottom shear stress in N/m2, and v is the stream velocity. Note that T increases as C r decreases or, trom (6), as J.l, and thus, the bottom roughness, increase. By assuming, for now, that the transport is proportional to T, our thought process is completed. The factor h I can be written in an equivalent form: h I = T ( 8) P g Here, with equation (8) we see that the influence of the current can also be related to the shear stress, T. - 53 - There remains a problem of defining the bottom. This seems to be an absurd problem, but is a real one since we have already stated that the bottom material transport takes place in a thin layer near the bottom and we have also tacitly measured depth to some bottom, as yet, not defined. Einstein (6J has assumed that the bottom material transport over the bottom takes place in a flat layer having a thickness equal to a few grain diameters. Examination of figure 1 shows that this moreor-Iess theoretical assumption has troubie in practice. When there are FIGURE 1 Sand transport above ripples. The current in this photo is caused by a long wave. ripples, the assumption of a flat bottom is certainly violated. It is obvious from the photo that the current pickes up particles from the ripples and transp9rts them some distance in.a layer of limited thickness. This thickness is, however, much greater then that in Einsteids assumption. - 54 - Further, the photo shows that the bottom material transport takes place in a layer that extends only slightly above the ripples. Later, when waves are considered, the oscillations imposed on the stream velocity will have the effect of increasing the layer thickness (the material is more severely stirred up). Lacking better and more complete experimental evidence, the "virtual" bottom is more-:-or-Iess arbritrarily placed at one half a ripple height above the ripple valleys. AIso, the virtual bottom roeghness, r, is fixed as one half the ripple height above this virtual bottom. Thus, the top of the virtual roughness corresponds to the top of the ripples. In order to compute the suspended material transport, one must know the suspension concentration profile over the depth. This profile can be derived from the following equation describing the vertical particle motion. w s c + € (z) dc (z) dz = 0 (g) Here, w s = fall velocity of the suspended material particles in water c € is the concentration (z) is the mass diffusion coefficient which is a function of z. z is the distance measured vertically from the bottom. Separation of variables and integration yields z In (~) c = - w a where c a s f dz €Tz) (10) is the concentration at some arbitrary height, a, above the bottom. For a plane bottom Einstein takes the thickness of the bottom material transport layer (a few bottom material particle diameters) for the value a. c becomes, then, the concentration of bottom material a in this transport layer. - 55 - For rippled bottoms, it is assumed that the bottom material layer has thickness r (equal to the virtual bottom roughness) and that the concentration equal to a is the concentration of bottom material a in this layer thickness. Thus, this assumption evenly distributed c is parallel to that of Einstein. With a bit of boundary layer theory, one can determine that the average velocity in this bottom material transport layer may be given by: r 1 v = r o-r 1 2 v(z) dz +- Jer v er 33 er 33 (l1a) 33 = 6.35 V ( l1b) H where c a e = vx =~, the base of natural logarithms, and of ten called the shear velocity. can now be computed Sb c = 6.35 v a H (12) r The subscript b has been added to S to emphasize that it is bottom transport. To solve (10) we must still know the function [9] assumes Ippen v E (z) = 2 H E (z). the foilowing (1 dv dz z h = V )( K (1-~ h ) Z here: v is the stream velocity at height z, and K is von Kármán constant = 0.4 (13) - 56 - Substitution of (13) in (10) yields ( In w c (z) C w = = a s K V ) In M z s K V J a M h z (1 - -) h (14a) z ) h z (1 a (1 - -) h (~) { dz 1 (2.) h (14b) This can then be changed to: c z c a where = z M r z M z ) (2.) h (1 (~) (1 - h a -) h (15) 1 w =--K Vs X After a bit more mathematics, Einstein comes to the following resuIts: S s = 11.6 vR ca In (33 h ) r + (16) here Ss is the suspended sediment transport, and 11, 12 are defined below in (18) and (19). Substituting a = r and (12) in (16) (17) - 57 - where: z = 0.216 11 A x z (1 - A) z = 12 A K 0.216 z 1 - 1 K J A f .L:....z y } K dy (18) - 1 z 1n (y) dy (19) (l - A) x A = r h y = h z Equations (18) and (19) are given in graphical form in figures 2 and 3. We might note that these formulas data from the pre-computer era. They are well suited to hand computation but can also be used effectively on a computer. A program using these formulas has been developed by the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory. - 58 - 104 9 8 I' 7 6 5 4 "~ r'\ 3 " 1 9 8 102 ..... I\.. , ~ ~1" Y ~ r-"I' ........ " ..... " 1'..... ""-. '" ..... i'ooi'oo 2 r-..~ ~'" r--. r-."", ~ ~ ~ r-... ..... ~ ........ '..... 5 4 ro- - _ ...... - (] 1.0 ~ i""""o .... 3 1:n 2 , - I" 4 i"'"~ r0-t- ~ <, ' ..... ~ ..... ro- I dy ~ r-, 7 ~.Ir:f 10' 1 8 lil I" ~ ~ 1'-"", ~ ...... ...... - z (~) ~" "" -,, 1 3 f 0.216 A • z '1 - A) •A , ..... ,Q~ '"", 1 = 0 \ a function of A for various values of z* ..... 6 5 4 10° I 1 , 5 4 2 Fig. 2 ~ -, I fI, z - 1 - . <, 3 3 - ~ 2 10 - ~ ...... ..... ........ - r-~ ~ .... "' " ""' ~, .... "' ," _ ....... I\.. ..... .... ~ ... .......... r-..... - I 7 6 5 4 3 "- "- <, ...... 1'""0.... " ,", .... .... 10.... --.r.;- .r.:T ...... ........ " ..... r--.r-, I-.. ~ ..... I"""" !""""" I--. "'" 2.b 1 ~ i""' .... ""'iiiii ~ ....""1'- r-"""" ~""I'- 3.0 , _ r-- "" ~ 2 1Ó' ~ -1 1o 0&. B 7 -.: ~ .5 4 3 2 2 3 I, 567891 2 10-1, 3 4 5 6 789' 10-3 2 3 I, 56789' 2 10-2 3 I, 5 6789' 10-'~ A - 59 - 104 9 8 7 6 5 4 z - 1 3 Fig. 3 2 0.216 A f lfi z (l - A) lfi z (l_:_z) lfi ln y dy y A function of A for various values of z '" as a 1 t = '\ 3 10 I2 1 I 1 • 5 4 Iz'3 2 102 , 1 9 ~"'" 6 5 4 3 2 101 ~ ...._ i"'--- - -~....... ... r- ~ 8 ~ - _... I 5 .... .._ 4 ..... ~.... ~~... !'oI..", ...... ""'-10... ~ ~ , 3 2 100 1 ! 5 4 3 2 -1 10 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -2 10 1 10-5 2 3 4 5 67 891 10-4 2 '3 2 4 5 6 7 e91 10 -3 3 4 5 6 7891 10-2 2 3 4 5 6 78 91 _1 10 __. A - 60 - 3. Influence of Waves In formulas suspended for bottom material the shear velocity investigating on Sediment Transport material transport, (17), transport, the shear and stress, in the formula T, for appears via , v. The influence of waves will now be included by their effect on the stress T. To compute this influence we must investigate the velocity gradient caused by the combined waves and.current in the bottom boundary zone. Figure 4 shows the wave and current velocity profiles separately. I I I I Vz I I I ./ / / Velocity Profiles in the Boundary Layer Figure 4 The solid line gives the velocity profile due to the constant current The dashed line shows the velocity profile at some instant caused by the waves. The value z' is the thickness of the laminar sublayer. Using definitions T = from boundary layer theory, we find: (d v(z)t dz (20) bottom where 1 is the mixing length Noting from fig.4that: = KZ - 61 - v d v(z) dz x = ZT = (21 ) bottom where we have used v x = dv 1'-dz This can be reworked to " (22) In order to include the effects of the waves on the shear stress, Bijker makes the following assumptions : a. There exists a turbulent boundary layer at the bottom in the wave velocity profile. b. This turbulent boundary layer is directly above a laminar sublayer having the same thickness as that caused by the steady current. c. The orbital velocity of the water particles caused by the wave at the height z' is assumed to be equal to pUb' coefficient, and ub bottom. Experimental = where p is a Uo Sin wt is the orbital velocity at the data show that 0.45 is a reasonable value for p. Also, this value does not disagree with approximate theoretical results. The two velocities measured at a height z' above the bottom are shown in a plan view in figure 5. This shows that, in general, the two velocities, caused by waves and current respectively, the same direction. need not have - 62 - Figure 5 Velocity Combination at top of laminar sublayer. From figure 5, using the law of cosines: v = z' / vz' 2 + p 2 2 ub + 2 (23) r where v z' is the resultant combined velocity at some time t, and r ~ is the angle between the wave crests and the constant stream velocity. Substituting vz' nition for ub: Let) = pK 2 (v, in place of vz' 2 + p Z Since, in equation 22 and including the defi- r 2 2 Uo sin2 wt + 2 p u o sin wt sin ~) (24) is now a function of time, we wish to obtain its average value, Lr' over a wave period, T. T pK C 2 2 T (v 2, + p 22.2 u §ln zoo 4 wt + 2 vz' P u .. ) Sln w Sln ~ dt (25) Using (22), the shear stress component due to the constant current alone can be evaluated. 'c = pK 2 (26) Dividing (25) by (26) gives an indication of the increase in shear stress caused by the waves. - 63 - T T T r C 2 P (1 + = T- 2 2 u u _ ____;o_ sin2 wt + 2 P ~ vz ' v ,2 z 4 Using (21), (7) and the definit'ion of v v z' = 1 K Define ~ = = (28) C K r C K r (29a) Ig 0.0575 C (29b) (in metric units) r using the known values for K, p, and g. (28) and (29a) in (27) give: T 2 u u T 0 2 0 2 r sin wt ain ~) dt (1 + ~2 2" sin wt + 2Ç; = v T T v c - 4 _ (" = (27) we obtain: v .;g' .* = v p * sin wt sin ~) dt 1 1 + 2 u (1; 0 )2 (30a) (30b) v 4. Sediment transport formulas for combined current and waves The increased bottom shear stress derived in section 3 is now substituted into the formulas for bottom material transport and for suspended material transport. In the case of suspended transport this is done by modifying v * using equation 30 b. (31) This approach has been found to give reasonable results when compared to prototype measurements, is not too fine. « provided that the bottom material 0.15 mm). For finer material extremely large values of suspended material transport are computed. It can be pos- sible that the assumption that the bottom material transport takes - 64 - place in a layer of thickness r is no longer valid. Some measurements have shown that under these conditions (fine material) this bottom transport layer can have a thickness of 1.6 r or even more if the orbital velocity amplitude of the waves is large compared to the stream velocity. The bottom material transport can be computed using most any available formula in which the modified value of v , equation 31, is M incorporated. At the present time, all qf the available formulas are largely emperical. It then follows that they are a bit untrust- worthy when applied to extreme conditions. Since the background work for this derivation was done in connection with model investigations, [71 the Frijlink Formula was used. It was at that time the most trust- worthy for th is use on modeis, implying very low sediment transports. The Frijlink Formula, modified for our use is: Sb = 5 D v Ii' C r exp [ - O.27L:.D C2 r 2 uo)2 llv (1+ !U~ v 2 .. wh ere exp d enotes exponentlatlon ] «(e (32) 1) . The following critical comments concerning equation 32 should be kept in mind. a. The term 5 D v rg (33) C r contains only the steady current velocity. This is reasonable from the point of view that this current is respnsible for the material transport; the waves simply act to stir more material loose from the bottom. The ripple factor does not appear in this term. b. The formula (32) does not degenerate to the original formula given by Frijlink when u o is set equal to zero. Originally the ripple factor did appear in the term before the exponential. Perhaps the value of the constant, 5, should be modified. This constant was determined by Frijlink based upon model and prototype data then available. Since there is, until now, little agreement concerning the precise - 65 - role of the ripple factor, then the coefficient value, 5, will be retained. c. Over most of its usable range, the computed sediment transport increases with increasing grain diameter, D. This is especially true when working with extremely small transports with a diameter of the order of 0.2 mmo The vaiidity of this formula (with the given constants) seems doubtful when working with large grain diameters. 5. Verifications of the Formulas Two example applications of the formulas are discussed here. The first concernS a model beach shown in plan in figure 6. Figure 7 shows beach profiles number 3 and 8 before and after testing. The distribution of wave height. water depth, and long shore current is shown for various profiles in figures 8 and 9. The computed sediment transportation for sections 3 and 10 is compared in figure 10 to the measured sand transport at the downstream end of the model. The computations seem to agree reasonably with the measured values. - 66 - Other pertinent data concerning this test are: 1.55 seconds Wave period Average Grain Diameter (sand) Q.22 mm 0.3 mm Estimated bottom roughness 1 cm. Table I gives some results of the sediment transport computations. TABLE I Suspended and bottom sediment transports for sections 3 and 10 of beach model. (Transports in 10 -3 3 m /hour) Profile 3 Profile 10 ,S s Sb S -.s 1 .008 .0027 .01l0 .214 .1034 .3172 2 .710 .4146 1.1250 5.494 5.3281 10.8224 3 7.802 8.5542 16.3564 9.330 1l.3323 20.6624 4 7.990 8.6924 16.6823 13.749 19.2661 33.0150 5 9.156 11.ll89 20.2745 18.684 30.8782 49.5623 6 11.796 15.5936 27.3895 9.472 13.5641 23.0357 7 12.179 16.2759 28.4545 13.671 33.2131 46.8839 8 11.177 22.7754 33.9527 5.272 17.0600 22.3325 9 7.338 22.4334 29.7718 1.745 5.4273 7.1719 10 3.788 10.2292. 14.0168 1.199 2.5170 3.7163 11 1.905 4.4168 6.3214 .752 1.1200 1.8718 12 .895 1.5568 2.4515 .351 .5067 .8572 74.744 122.0640 196.8075 79.932 140.3163 220.2486 Measuring . ;Sb+S : S Sb Sb+Ss Point - 67 - --~l~ Q. Q. Q. :1 :1 '" 111 L.. "0 t) C .... ~ ~ 111 C ....uo t) 111 111 111 ....o U c 0 z0 E t) > H ....c t) el C L.. t) .x ...el .... .Cl .... .... ~ U 'M :1 Q) cr:: cu ....0 t.I s: 111 0'1 C 0 H p., Q) r:: .c o cu .c o cu ÇQ Q) Q) ÇQ '0 0 :E: 'M ....:l Q) H r--------, L --.;..-- . _j o .... o - 68 - c c è - è I I C) N co CT) (/) (l) r-i OM 4-i o H p.. ..c U rel (l) p:) 4-i o ~ o (/) OM ~ ~ o U - 69 - -- 1 -s ...'" f-- ",.c .2" &I ._ .c Ol .;; f-- '" s: ~ ~~ Cl. 1.1 I I ,__ ~ ... 1.1 ~ / I I • I \ \ ( ~ X / / V / , , \ / \ \ \ r-. <, I \ '\ "\\ / (/) (/) zrdw ~ u ~ U'dw ~ 0 (/) w ordw .... -- / - ü 9 en '-- w > S'dw ClO ~ Z 9 e-, >--9 'dw I w o Cl:: ::I: lil ~1. 'dw , , I 1"\ V '\\ \ --~: N L. I ~- -- M u &I o > --". o z <{ ~S U) dw r--"" dw lil I::I: (!) 1.1\ V / w ::I: W ~E' dw ~ -::;-Z' dw ~ z dw 0 ..... ::::> m a:: ..... ~l' M lil N -z (") E t"i 0 0 E ---- -- 0 00 r-: 0 ~ o ~ o 0 E o - 70 - .-- lil N s: ... s: -.r:. 'ü ... L.. -- ~ "~ IJ "'~ I - ~I Q.. IJ "D IJ- 0> f-- .- lil ._IJ,~IJ I I \ I , I .. I \ \ \ (' \ I I ~ \ -, / ~ u z C/) LLl I- ëi)S'dw U o ...J > LLl 0: e-, f--I.' dw o ::r C/) (.!) 9'dw CD z 9 Cl z <{ U"I I , I \ f--'7'dw J \ '" -OL' dw f--S' dw \ ........ ~ ~en -9' dw \ <, dw C/) C/) LLl \ \ ~~' LLl II I I IU C/) I \ I o .- \ r-; \ / \ / C/) I- ::r (.!) ...;r I E' dw LLl ::r LLl -l'd w ('l'1 -l'd w > « ~ LL o z N o ;::::::: :J m 0: .- l- C/) Cl -. I lil E C"l 0 E N d --: 0 0 0 .- d I N d ("1\ d E - 71 - , - .c. - ;:,- cn <'" S!N ';~1i " ~;:,Ut ~"' .....c. <"'u '".c.'O 0'"'0- CU I '- .. '" '0''0 cu 0.0."' ",,-0 - '0 o 'u I) ';:, f-Ut ::J 0. "' -\ \- ~t 0 ..... ,;c ~"" ~ \ ( ....__ ............ .....-!C ~ .. - ... ~_:-- ~ i... ' ...... ____. ~ ~ ~ ~ IJ ..... 0 en L.. , Ut "' ü,-..c u ::::J ~ 0 ,!!! Ut.c.'O Ut 0 ..... ~ S'dw _;_ /"dw - ~. \. \. ~. 1"" ...... ' Cl) ..__ "'dw ", .- \ ~ I. IJ'\ I 0 /J - ~ E 0 o o o Ol o Cl) o r-. 0 C.D o LIl o .- o d I L ('dw ':.:::: ..I't·"", - Z'dw ~ N- l'dw ... en 9'dw ..__ S'dw .. ti ".c. .c._ ordw ..__ 6'dw -\- ~ o-!! - '0 C7\ e-, ........~ .. "" ... .~ 0 zrclw CID 13;), s: Col ,., JfI'" V V "" "\. r--..r-r- '- .' / ... ...-.../,1 / ~ ~ ! .~ J .? 0 1---__...._- E I) I. ~II1 . "'- ... '0 I) J '- men M I ti _g~ I--- J ~ S!! Ut.c. '-- E ;:: <'" o - 72 - The second example involves the computation of sand transport along the coast of Queensland Australia - figure 11. These computations were carried out by the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory. Within the breaker zone, the longshore current was computed using the formula developed by Eagleson (51 Outside the breaker zone, the velocities are taken from prototype measurements. A bottom roughness of 0.17 m is chosen for the computations, based upon observations made at the site. The beach is composed of sand having an average diameter of 0.225 mm with DgO = 0.350 mmo The influence of bottom roughness values was verified for the profiles (alpha 1 to 31) just south of the Tweed River. Use of bottom roughnesses of 0.1 mand 0.25 m in place of the value 0.17 m gave a variation in sediment transport of + 21% and -17% respectively. Figure 12 shows the final resulting computed values compared with values derived from measurement of changes in the actual beach profile. In order to properly locate the given line vertically, it is assumed that the computed value at Tugun is correct. - 73 - 8o s ::;\ --" " "} _.- UH,. 'TOl! ,. _, _, _-- _ - _,-' ' ,_ __ ._60 -'- .~" ,. Figure 11 Coast 0f Queensland, . Australla QUEENSLAND ;' oSCAL.E .2 M1LE$ - 74 - i I • I I I ., I1 IC -, I )j:>aNMOJJDN. - .- ~ I I I r \te I "\ ... 1 ,)\ I PH IP!31Jng I B o o ,... s § § I ~ è §§ Z 0 c .2 4: z 4: I- '" 0 &.. Lil 0:: til 0 Z n, W ... 0 .-"E " u .00 )jJ u!qwnJJnJ In .. un6nJ. Ja6uoQlU!Od 11D\fdiV 80 8.. o -J .. c "ti " 0 Ol I I -e Cl <, 0 ~> • 4) CD /)(1 \ 0 U ,(qqoN 'flJON I 0 AqqoN 'flnos ~~ ,! 4: .2 ~&.. U U I I (/) N I ~ l- e I \ ( °laz I I )( o N I. Jog .ij 6uoJaN I m ....J "ti til W " ~ ~ Q. e 0 u . N rl (j) ...;::1 )( I )( a • ba ·rl ~ z ::::> 4: CJ a:: u, I- ....J 4: 0:: 0 II- ....J 0 - 7-5 - 6. Simplification of the longshore sediment transport formula. Several simplifications concerning the determination of the current velocity have already been introduced in the section Deter- mination of Currents Along A Coast. Aresult v = from that section, equation 29 there,is h 1.63 h 1/2 Cr sin~b cos~b tanuh (34) b after modification of the notation to comply with current usage. In the transport formu1a, equation 32, a portion of the exponential factor is : u ~) v 2] (35) Using here the same assumption as in the development v < < ~ u (34), namely: o then the term (35) becomes nearly independent of v and, therefore, Sb becomes nearly linearly dependent upon v - equation 32. Often, in describing the sediment transport formula, term 33 is called the transport term while the exponential term is referred to as the stirring term. 7. Results of this development In the scct i on on current determination along a coast, we determined the velocity profile as one moved to the beach. It is often derivation along a line perpendicular th is velocity which is put into the present as the constant stream velocity. When this is done, we can develop a profile of sand transport along a line extending out from the beach. - 76 - It has been found that for the Dutch coast, for example, sand transport 200 m from the coast is about three times as much as at a distance of 600 m. This is a result of the combination of increased longshore current velocity and increased.wave sulting in greater stirring. forces on the bottom material re- - 77 - Literature Pertinent to the Longshore Current and the development of sediment transport formulas involving both waves and currents. [ 1 ] Bowen, A. J . The Generation of longshore eurrents on a plane beach. Journalof [ 2 J Marine Research. 27, pp. 206 - 215. 1969. Bij ker, E.W • Some eonsiderations about seales for eoastal models with movable bed. Delft Hydraulies Laboratory. Publieation No. 50. 1967. [3 J Bijker, E.W. en Svasek, J.N. Two methods for determination of morphologieal changes indueed by eoastal structures. Proeeedings [ 4] 22nd Int. Congr., Paris, 1969. S 11, Item 4. Bijker, E.W. Littoral drift eomputations on mutual wave and eurrent ineluenee. Comm. on Hydr. Delft University of Teehnology. Report No. 71-2, [ 5] 1971. Eagleson, P. Theoretieal study of longshore eurrents on a plane beaeh. M.I.T., of Civ. Eng. Hydr. Lab., Report No. 82,1965 [ 6 JEinstein, H.A. The bed load funetion for sediment transportation in open ehannel flow. U.S. Dept. of Agr., Teeh.Bull. No. 1026. 1950. I7 ] Frijlink, H.C. Diseussion des formules de débit solide de Kalinske, Einstein et Meyer-Peter et Mueller eompte tenue des mesures réeentes de transport dans les revières Néerlandaises. me 2 Journ. Hydr. Soc. Hydr. de Franee, Grenoble 1952. pp. 98 - 103. [ 8 J Graf, W.H . Hydraulies of Sediment Transport. pp. 123 - 242. Me.Graw - Hili Book Company. - 78 [ 9] - Ippen, A.T. Turbulence and diffusion in hydraulic engineering. Proc. 12th Congr. of I.A.H.R. Fort Collins. Vol. 5 pp. 152 - 182. 1967 - 79 - Chapter VI Local coastal accretion due to the construct ion of break- waters etc. Introduction Wh en an impervious longshore breakwater transport,the is built on a coast that has a local equilibrium The area in front of the breakwater capacity condition has a smaller sand transport and this will cause sedimentation the breakwater. sand transport be coastal erosion. the original in the area, so the re sult will In this chapter we will determine rate of the accretion. side of is restored but the only sand supply is formed by the sand already present basically on the upstream On the other side of the breakwater capacity will be disturbed. Of course, the derivation the shape and for erosion is the same. +y breakwater ori inal coastline accretion so -x +x fig. 1 Definition S o ~ sketch = sand transport = angle of wave incidence = angle between the new coastline and the breakwater To determine along the undisturbed the theoretical of motion, a continuity accretion coastline curve we need an equation equation and a number of boundary conditions. - 80 - The equation of motion: Previously we have 1. The C.E.R.C. formula: introduced two sand transport formulas; namely S = 1.4 x 10-2 c sin 4>b cos 4>b o It should be noted that in this particular to express S as a function case it would be better of 4> instead as a function of 4>b' as in this case the 4>b will change continuously as it is dependent of the changing "constant" coastline. 4>remains at a point where the direction of the wavefront on the direction as it is determined is not yet influenced by the new coastline. For small values of 4>we can say: sin 4> cos 4> so = = 4> 1 4> S 2. Bijker formula: S bedload = 5 D y_ exp C (- 0,27 __ ll_D_C_2 j.JV2 [1 =5DY C the ratio considerably Sbedload va } + ~ (~vo) ] occurs inside the breaker zone and in is rather large. This simplifies this formula as A is approximately V. 2__ rg'A- Most of.-the-sand transport this region __ U 1 and makes - 81 - The suspended load is approximately directly proportional to Valso. In other words, 5total :: V. A more exact derivation results . 5tot :: v1.1• It has also b een shown that V ::~. ~ ln Both equations give almost the same result"S q = . S0 o .. 41 or S 0 = q~. is called the coastal constant. cl» When the influence of refraction and diffraction is neglected we see that the angle of wave incidence becomes smaller at the rate ~ as we move aloDg the zone of accretion towards the breakwater thus: ( 5 = q x At - .:!z) dx x = 0 , S is zero: x .:!z dx x=O For cl» x = - 00 = , .:!z dx = a = cp 0 and S <p. x=-co = S 0 = q The equation of motion now becomes: =5 _q.:!z x 0 dx • In this equation the values of <p, q and .:!z dx are positive as a result of the accepted coordinate system. S The continuity equation: Before we can write this equation we first have to know the characteristics of the coast and the way the accretion will take place. Looking at beach cross sections one finds, in general, the slope of the bed profile is fairly uniform between the waterline and a depth of -7 to -12 m. Below this depth the gradient is very low. The profile can be schematized by two straight lines, as is done in fig. 2 • - 82 - to 12 m Figure 2 Beach Profile Schematization Pelnard-Considère established his continuity equation by assuming a parallel accretion (fig. 3). With this assumption the continuity equation for a slice dx is: (S as x +-ax x dx) dt - S x dt = - ~at h dx dt. ~ at dt as sx s + ~ax --t--.x dx _-- h ~ êx dx . dx Plan Figure 3 The continuity equation becomes: as x äX + h = Profile 0 However: 1. Sand transport by wind on that part of beach that becomes dry during low tide is not considered. 2. In reality the accretionprofilè can he steeper than the original equilibrium profile (see fig. 4) so h becomes a function of y. - 83 - +y Figure The 4 equation Accretion of the profiles theoretical steeper than accretion original curve beach according to Pelnard- Considère. The accretion will occur according to the line given in fig. 5. +y Figure 5 successive beach lines -x Boundary t +x values = = 0 :y = sx t > are: 0 - 0 S 0 for all values of x at x = at x = - 0 0 t f f 00 = + q, = 0 S S y dx = dt = y 0 = x 0 0; Sx = S0 t h 0 00 The equation of mot ion is as ax x = S q~ a2 . 2 ax x = S lY 0 q ax (1) - 84 - The continuity equation is: as x --+ ax (2) Substituting (1) in (2) or q iY ax2 h ~ at a iY2 ~ - - at ax = 0 (3) 0 where: S o a=.9.= h 4>h By using the boundary values we can solve equation (3). The solution is : y = 4> !4at { e TI -u2 - urn e } where: CIO e = u = 2 yÇ' 2 f e u -u du -x (x 14at' < 0) therefore: CIO o = 2 yÇ' 2 f u e -u du u CIO =.1.... yÇ' { f 0 e -u2 du - f 0 2 e -u du } (4) - 85 - 2 =- { fi u rn T- I e 2 du } 0 u = -u 1 - I 2 - R e -u 2 du 0 where: u 1 - R J e -u 2 du is the probability integral which can be found in tables. 0 In the following table the values of 2 e and {e -u - ï 4YTI e} for several values of x are given: TABLE I -u 2 u e 0 1.000 1.000 1 4 0.724 0.620 -12 0.482 0.348 3 4 0.289 0.185 1 0.157 0.090 3 2 0.034 0.015 2 0.005 0.002 Equation (4) because e - 4/ITe is rather complicated, but it simplifies at the breakwater, her-e x = 0; u = 0 and y = <I> !4at' (5) TI In fig. 6: OB = 2 <I> / at' TI and OA'= 1. OB = <I> 2 F7T (<I> is small) - 86 - Figure 6 -x 0 A Area OA'B = 1.2 A'O S Area OAB 't 0 = h x OB = = 2 .at TT 2 Socp cp = 7Tcph 2 S t = t 0 TTh Area4 area OA'B = 2 area OAB TT Therefore: Approximately OA = 2.7 OA' 2.7 Point A corresponds to u = -x !4at' TT = = 1.52 According to table I the corresponding y is only 1.5% of the value to y at the breakwater. Sandstransport around the end of the breakwater By using (5) we can determine the moment that the sand starts to pass around the end of the breakwater (see fig. 7). Figure 7 Fr-om (5): y y = ~ = /4:t') TT (6) 4 L From this moment, tL, on the angle S (fig. 1) which has been constant and equal to cpup till now, will decrease. It is clear that after the moment tL is reached formulas (4) and (5) are no longer valid; - 87 - we have to derive another formula satisfying the same differential equation (3,) which meets the following new boundary conditions: = 0: y = L, thus S varies with time and t > 0: x =-00: x S x = S . 0 The solution of this differential equation now becomes: = y (7) L 8 in which: u 2 = 1 - Tn 8 f e -u 2 (see table I) du 0 u = -x /4at' ss = ax at x = 0: L_1_ (- expo 3x = )2 /4at' Irrat' _dL x -- L = S Irrat' S becomes equal to cp when tcp L2 1 - cp2a (8) n In this derivation it has been assumed that the slope of the end of the breakwater is the same as the beach slope. This is, of course, not true, but is assumed as a simplification. When we compare equation (8) with (6) we find that t~ < tL· This can be explained as follows: So long as t < tcp S > cp. This means that sand is being supplied to the beach from a source at the outer end of the breakwater. This source, obviously, does not really exist, but we need not worry about this since we do not use this solution for t < shows a plan sketch. tcp anyway. Figure 8 +y L -x o Figure 8 - 88 - In fig. 9 the theoretical accretion curves for the equations (4) 'TT "4 ) and (7) (for t <I> = are compared. y L V ? Equat on ( ( Equat on x <I> ) = ~cP at t = ) at t 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 V/ - -1.8 1.6 1.4 /~ / 1.2 1/ 0.6 0.4 0.2 o 1\ tj) 1.0 0.8 0.8 ~ .>;/V / l+ Il.L1 L-J- _I..--- / ~ T ~ 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Figure 9 Coast Profiles according to equations (4) and (7) The two curves show considerable differences. To bring these two curves into better agreement we say that the areas enclosed by the axis and each curve must be equal. By doing this, we introduce another mistake in (7): for t = t<l>and x = 0: S > <1>.We correct for this mistake later with the help of a correction table. The area under the curve (4) has already been given: y = S t 0 Area4 = h 'TT 4 ' thus = L for tL S = ., 0 h L2 'TT 'TTL = 4 4<1> - L <I> 2a The area under the curve of (7 ) comes from: +y - -x So Figure 10 - 89 - =~ f Area7 (So - SS) dt } -+ SQ >' = S l) (eq. cp (1 0 Area7 = 1 h S o 4> f B dt of motion) L wi th 13 Ix=o = /'TTat' we get: S Area7 = o cph = 2aL f /~at dt /t ' 'TTa If we denote the moment at which Area4 is equal to Area7 by tN, then we get: = Area71 t=t 2aL S 1Ta N therefore: /2 1TL2 yielding: 1Ta = 4 cp 2aL tN = = 2 1T L4 1T a 2 16 cp2 4 a L2 ~L2 2 1T 16 1T 4 cp2a with tL = L2 cp2a tN = 2 1T ï6 tL = 2!. 4 we get: 0.62 tL - 90 - We have now .established a relationship between the time scales of equations (4) and (7). This relationship is shown, again, in figure 11. The heavy line shows the range of validity of the two equations. A human example of th is same time shift would occur when a traveiler arrived in New York with his watch still set to Amsterdam time. 0 0 0.38tLI Equation (4) valid tL (4) time II tN (7 ) t~me Equation (7) valid Figure 11 The quantity of the sand passing around the end of the breakwater can be determined with the help of the equation of motion: sx = For x = S (1-0 0: S x _q dX 1 cp = Ss = 8 2L) dX Ss = S 0 (1 - .ê_) cp - 91 - With L a = a = S Inat' S L (l- 0 (9) ) 4/nat' Because (9) is applied when t >tL (we are on the lower time axis of fig. 11) we need to correct t. When t is taken as the time from the very beginning of the accretion (upper axis), equation (9) becomes: at with L = I ~tr 2~ The values of Pelnard-Considère we get: Sa computed from equation (10) are still incorrect. gives a tab Ie showing the values as computed from equat ion (10) along with corrected values. _Unfortunately, his explanation of the computation of the corrected values is not too clear. Meanwhile, Bakker has recently verified the correctness of PelnardConsidèdere's table by a different, more exact theoretical computation. The results of this work are shown in table 11 and in figure 12. Sa Table 11 Computed and corrected values of ~ S t tL equation (l0) 0 corrected value 1 0.189 0 1. 25 0.315 0.298 1. 50 0.397 0.394 2.0 0.498 0.500 3.0 0.605 0.607 4.0 0.665 0.667 5.0 0.703 0.704 Table 111 gives some pertinent philosophy. - 92 - 1.0 0.8 0.6 / 0. ~ so 1o. -- - ~ I 2 ---- ~ I 0 o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 S Figure 12 Corrected values of ~ S o 5.0 - 93 - TABLE 111. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR COASTAL PROTECTION 1) Thou shalt love thy shore and beach. 2) Thou shalt protect it gainst the evils of erosion. 3) Thou shalt protect it wisely, yea, verily and work with nature. 4) Thou shalt avoid that nature turns its full forte gainst ye. 5) Thou shalt plan carefully in thy own interest and in the interest of thine neighbour. 6) Thou shalt love thy neighbour's beach as thou love st thy own beach. 7) Thou shalt not steal thy neighbour's property, neither shalt thou cause damage to his property by thy own protection. 8) Thou shalt do thy planning in cooperation with thy neighbour and he shalt do it in cooperation with his neighbour and thus forth and thus forth. So be it. 9) 10) Thou shalt maintain what thou has built up. Thou shalt show forgiveness for the sins of the past and cover them with sand. So help thee God. - 94 - Non-parallel accretion If the gradient of the profi~e original equilibrium function of y. Figure h 13 = equation profile, Non-parallel C Y C y ~ is higher as is shown than in fig. the gradient 13, then of the h is a accretion = tan y = accretion gradient = equilibrium gradient The continuity equation in this case is: as ~+cY~=O ax An approximate Y = (11) at solutionlf of (11) is: 1,59 M 3 ,j, (0,72M - x)2 (12) 'I' (M - x)4 6 S t where: M o = )1/3 Ccp2 at x = 0: y =, 1 _S 5 ( tcp )1/3 0_ C According to Pelnard Considère at x y = cp ( 4at)~ n When we compare = S 1,37 ( (13) = 0: tcp o h see eqn , (5) (13) and (5) it turns out that in the early stages y increases faster when we use (13) . • after many pages of mathematics - 9S - This'~s easy to understand when we compare fig. 13 with fig. 7. In fig. 13 we need only small amounts of sediment to bring the shoreline ahead; while in the other case long layers of sediment are necessary to bring the shoreline ahead. After a number of years, however, ys' the value of y from equation 5, overtakes Y13 and stays ahead until the sand starts to pass around the breakwater and yS reaches its maximum value. Now Y13 will surpass yS again, since its maximum value is 'larger due to the higher gradient of the profile. Figure 14 shows the gradients of the accretion and the original equilibrium profiles measured at Abidjan. o - S - 10 - lS - 20 o - S o - S Figure 14 Beach Profiles near Abidjan Horizontal scale: 1:S00 Vertical scale 1:10,000 - 96 - References - Eagleson: Theoretical study of longshore currents on a plane beach. M.I.T. Dept. Civ. Eng. Hydr. Lab. Report 82 (1965). - Pelnard Considère: Essai de theorie de l'evolution des formes de rivages en plages de sables et de galets. - W.T.J.N.P. Bakker: The dynamics of a coast with a groyne system. Ch. 31, Vol. I, Proc. 11th Coastal Engineering Conference, - E. van Hijum: Kustaangroei voor een dam bij niet-evenwijdige aangroei. T.H.D. 1972. - Per Bruun: The history and Philosophy of Coastal Protection • • London 1968. - 97 - Numerical example according to the method of Pelnard-Considère. Given: S o = 0.5xl0 ~ at h = - 6 3 m /year 10 m is 100 = 10 m max average beach gradient up to h = - length of breàkwater at S.W.L. = h slope end of breakwater 10 m is 2% 1000 m' 1 : 2 See figure 15. Questions a. How long will it take before sand transport around the breakwater will start? b. Up to what distance from the breakwater will the effect of accretion be noticed? c. Assuming that a transport of 0.2 x 10 6 3 m /year around the breakwater is admissable, determine the time, t, that this transport is reached. d. What can be done to prevent an increase sand transport after time t determined in question c? Solution o Figure 15 Profiles for Sample Problem -10 To compute tL we need the accretion curve of P~C (equation (4». At the dam x = 0 and the expression for tL becomes: - 98 - tL = 2 .L 7f , 4 4>2a L = 520 m 4> = a = S (see figure 14) 7f = -180 100 0 <Ph = therefore: tL = in which K O.~x106 7f 18 7f = 18 rad. 10 x 10 = 9 x 105 2 m /year 7f 24 years. b. Theoretically, the accretion is zero at a point x = - 00. Practically speaking this point is at a distance 2.7 /4at' 7f from the breakwater. 2.7 ~ 7f = 8100 m c. Af ter time tL the accretion will occur according to (7) as a result of changed boundary conditions. To circumvent a discontinuity between the two accretion curves, the accreted sand volumes according to both curves are equated. This forces us to jump to another time axis (fig. 11) and also to make a correction, because the angle <p is not quite correct (table 11). ~ S o According to table 11: t tL = 1.5: t = _ 0.2 = 0.4 0.5 1.5 x 24 d. 1. Remove the excess sand mechanically; = 36 years. for example by agitation dredging. 2. Lengthen the dam(temporary solution) 3. Build a groin on the accreted beach. (see fig. 16) Groin Figure 16 breakwater - 99 - 3 is also between a temporary the groin which will Sa/So curve transport around soon as a = ~. (a = ~). a storage beyond 16b). but and the breakwater become (see figure solution, B will area it is better will than be first 2. because an area later on. Also, the be ~ess than the slope of the first The erosion the breakwater will occur as long because a < ~. slope of erosion there will of the part. be This will stop as Point A in the figure 16b marks the end of the erosion At point B there will be transport around the groin:as well as around the breakwater. The solution for a beach having groins will be discussed in more detail in the following chapter. - 100 - Chapter VII Sand Transport Along Beaches Protected by Groins The theory presented in the previous chapters, derived from the so-called "one-line theory" of Pelnard-Considère, does not give ade- quate results when thesand transport is partially interrupted. All movements of sand perpendicular to the beach line, so far, have been neglected. In order to include the effects of partial transport blockage, Bakker has developed a so-called "two line theory". In this theory, the shore is divided into two zones: The beach, and a deeper inshore. Each of these zones is schematized by a single line; these lines may behave nearly independently of each other. On and off shore transport of sand is allowed, thus, the assumption that the beach maintains an equilibrium profile is no long er necessary. beach inshore h .... '" " Figure 1. Beach Profile showing the definition of variables. The schematization is shown by the dot-dash line. The depth beyond the inshore is assumed to be so great that sandtransport no long er takes place. The boundary between inshore and beach is usually chosen at a depth co incident with the depth at the toe of the groins, the distances to theschematized , inshore line Y2 are defined from: = 1 hl f" y(h) dh o ( h1+h2 ~ 1 y(h) dh. beach line, Yl' and to the - 101 - The transport of sand to or from the beach (perpendicular to the beach line) is assumed to be dependent upon the shore slope. = 'ly" S y da I Y = 1 - Y2 - W qy ~ h = 'ly (Y1 - Y2) in which: ex W is the shore slope = 1h/(equilibrium the distance slope) is I (Y2 - Y1) for which no on or off shore transport takes place. The dynamic equations are much the same as those of PelnardConsidère: The Continuity equations for beach and inshore respectively = + S + hl lil y at ~1 ax ~2 S ax y are: 0 = 0 + h2 ~2 at These last four equations lead to a set of two simultaneous partial differential equations with unknows Y1 and Y2. Analytical solutions of these two resulting equations are sometimes possible. For example, when q1/h1 = q2/h2' these equations can be separated into a "coastal equation" and an "offshore transport equation". The "coastal equation" is equivalent to that of Pelnard-Considère with variabie Y h = ~ hl Y1 + h Y2 - 102 - where h The'bffshore = hl + h2, see figure 1. equation" has y = Y1 - Y2 as a variable. Another example yielding an analytical solution occurs when Sl = o. This implies that there is no transport along the beach. The beach serves only as a storage space for sand. This can happen whenever groins are very closely spaced along a beach. In other cases, numerical solution are necessary. cussed in references [1] [3] through These are dis- at the end of this chapter. The "two line theory" presented above has the following advantages: 1. It allows the computation of the shape of the beach and inshore of a coast protected by groins. This shape can be determined as a function of the parameters ~ ql' q2' and the distance X between the groins. An important resulting para- meter seems to be the distance , "2 for when X (Sl = = X o nearly all of the transport along the beach is stopped 0). 2. It allows prediction of the effect of a proposed groin system on an existing shore. This prediction can include, also, the deposition on the "up-drift" side of the first groin as weil as the scour at the opposite end of the system. The effect of temporary changes or construction phases can also be investigated. 3. The effect of rip currents and the sand which they transport, S . , from the beach to the inshore can be included with only minor r:lp modifications to the equations (see [6]). The practical usefulness of this theory seems nearly unlimited. However, we must first investigate the degree to which the assumptions inherent in this theory are satisfied in a practical problem. Some of these assumptions are discussed further below. The original "two-line theory" proposed by Bakker completely ignored diffraction effects resulting from obstacles (groins). Diffraction has been included in later studies, however, by making SOl' ~02' q1 and q2 functions of the position along the shor e , x, - 103 - instead of holding these parameters constant. One is referred to the literature references [SJ [4J and for more details on this matter. We might point out, here, that this same technique could also be applied to the "one-line theory". The special effects of radiation stress in diffraction ~ones has not been considered. In these zones, reversal of the longshore current, and hence the sand transport, can occur. This has not yet been included in the theory, however. The effects of rip currents on the incoming waves has been neglected. This might be important since the waves provide the driving force for the sand transport. However, experimental evidence indicates that this effect of rip currents may safely be neglected for now. There remains, still, a very practical problem. The parameters q1' q2' qy, SOl' S02 and Srip must be expressed in terms of known or measurable wave parameters. Figure 2 shows a schematized coast, in plan and profile views. For this situation Bakker in [SJ has derived the following formulas for the necessary parameters. They include Svasek's assumption concerning the velocity profile of the longshore current (see chapter V). It has been shown that this assumption does not cause significant deviations from Bijker's results. shoal at depth hbr at depth hl inshore A r- x A offshore contours Plan Figure 2 Profile A-A Schematized Shore Plan and Profile. - 104 - SOl = Al y S02 = Al y q1 = Al y q2 = Al y 2 F r 2 F 2 2 r !_L' ~r I h3 sin 1 g , (h3 hbr br F r Ig h5/2 F / r <Pbr h3 ) sin 1 <Pbr 1 .h g '(h3 br br h3 ) 1 where: <Pbr is the angle of incidence of the waves at the outer limit of the shoal. 1 n A1 = n = ~c A o c o y evaluated, here, in deep water. is the ratio of break er height to water depth at that point. is the wave Froude Number in the breaker zone (F r = 1 according to linear theory and F r = 12 x 0.78 according to limiting solitary wave theory) c c A is the wave celerity gr is the wave group velocity = 0.014 is the constant in the CERC formula (equation 4 chapter V). Table I compares some values for the various parameters. This table was computed starting with chosen values for Al' y, and Fr' - 105 - Al Al 2x1.4xlO 2x2.8xlO 2x4.0xl0 -2 Fr -2 0.78 n.56 6.66xlO 0.4 -- 11:28 -2 1.58xl0 ' 11.4 2.37xl0 h.s' 7.69xl0 r2 -2 2 Im/sec' Y -2 y 0.4 -2 rg Al Y Im/yr'. m/sec 2.l0xlO 0.50xl0 0.75xl0 6 6 6 2 F 2 r g 2 2.66xlO 5.67xl0 8.74xl0 m/sec.yr -2 -2 -2 8.26xlO 1.79xlO 2.76xl0 6 6 6 r2 2x4.0xl0 -2 0.5 -2 2.42xl06 29.4 xl0 -2 9.26xl0 6 table I If the CERC Formula is used in these computations with regular -2 waves then Al has the value 2.8 x 10 . Further, if y and Fr are taken from solitary wave theory (0.78 and 1.25, respectively) then t~e combination of constants Al Y 2 'r"' F r vg has the value 6.66 x 10 -2 m2/sec. We have ignored the parameter q in this discussion so faro y Indeed, no adequate theoretical relation has been yet determined which would allow its evaluation. Swart has found values for q y from laboratory studies. However, these were restricted in applicability by the fact that the wave properties were kept constant in all tests. Another complication results when we observe that qy is also dependent upon hl' and hence, upon our choice of separation between beach and inshore,(see figure 3). - 106 - I 1.0 ",,- 0.8 2 <ly , ,, 0.6 , max. 0.4 ..,, • , I " "" -o _- - + \ + t hr-ee . t~o diPlens onal model , \ • \ , I , • • I o <, "" , 0.2 , ,_ .... '" ,-, • 1.0 1.5 moe el ... '-'- 0.5 kiimersina - -.- - 2.5 2.0 - 1-• - 3.0 hl hbr Figure 3 Relation between q and depth of separation between inshore and beach. y is another parameter that must be evaluated. This can be S'. rlp estimated by using the theory of Bowen [7] to find the rip current Bijker's method of computing the transported quantity of sand may then be applied using this current. We have seen above that the "two-line theery" has the practical difficulty that not all of its necessary coefficients can be evaluated. Thus, this theory must be considered to yield qualitative rather than quantitative results, at least, for the present. Further developments are going on. Certain elements of this "two-line theory" may, however, be worked into the "one=-line theory". With this, qualitative results may still be possible. Several computer programs have been developed to carry out the computation involved in this work. These have been developed cooperatively by the Delft University of Technology and the Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat). Figure If shows some results obtained from the "two-line theory". + - 107 - Wave direction 16 /:; 8 t:" 4 4t:.t st:.t 16t:.t 16/:;t 8t:"t 4/:;t groin groin Figure 4 Development of beach and inshore lines (two-line theory) - 108 - Related literature: 1. Bakker, W.T.: One Aspect of The Dynamics of a Coast, Partly Protected by a Row of Groynes. 2. Bakker, Coa~t W.T.: with The Influence a Harbour W.T.: The Dynamics 4. Bakker, W.T.: The 5. Bakker, 7. Bowen, of a Coast Influence with W.T.: W.T.: A.S.: Klein on the Dynamics of Diffraction a Groyne Near Shape. The Dynamics 6. Bakker, Transport of a Mole. 3. Bakker, Coastal of Offshore Breteler, of a Coast with De Dynamica Rip-Currents. van E.H.J.; a Groyne Kusten. Roos, A: System. System. a Harbour Mole on the - 109 - Chapter vnI Wave Forces on Piles Forces on piles have become a major topic of interest engineering since the construction The circular cylindrical insensitive both longitudinal and transverse, of large drilling platforms pile is most commonly used because to the direction components in coastal began. it is of waves or current. Wave forces have (in the direction of wave propagation) or lift, forces. These lift forces act in a direction parallel to the wave crests. In the following equations, it has been assumed that the ratio of pile diameter to wave length is small « 0.1) and that the wave height is small relative to the water depth. Longitudinal Forces The longitudinal forces can be divided into: a. Drag Forces, and b. Dynamic Forces, sometimes called inertia forces. a. Drag Forces A fixed pile in a current experiences a force resulting from friction and eddy formation. For a cylinder of unit length with its axis perpendicular to the current~ this drag force per unit length may be expressed as: FD = 1 IJ .2 V2 CD D (1) where: IJ is the density of the flowing fluid (water) V is the stream velocity D is the pile diamater CD is an experimental drag coëfficiënt Equation (1) was originally derived for the case of a constant strcam velocity V. For our application we must make the following modifications: 1. V is no longer constant. At a given position in waves, V = wH 2 cosh k(z+h) sinh (k h) cos (wt) (2) These parameters are weIl known (see chapter 111 equations 4-6). - 110 - 2. Since the drag force always acts in the direction of the instillltaneousvelocity, cosh 2 v2 in (1) should be replaced by V k(z+h) cos ( ert ) I cos (wt) I CD lvi. (3) D sinh2 (k h) The coefficient CD has various values, but its magnitude is usually in the range 1.1 to 1. 5. b. Dynamic Forces Because the pile is placed in an unsteady flow, additional force components arise resulting from the continuously changing acceleration of the fluid. One of these dynamic force components can most easily be investigated by oscillating a pile of unit length in still water. The velocity of the pile is made equal the corresponding wave partiele velocity, (2). Figure 1 shows potential flow around such an oscillating equation pile at various times.The observer is assumed to be moving with the pile. wt wt = = 0 TI wt = 2 + ..! 2 Figure 1 Flow patterns around a pile It is obvious from figure 1 that fluid around the pile is being continuously accelerated:. The force necessary to pro duce this acceleration can, theoretically, 00 be determined from 00 J J -00 -00 dx dy (4) where a unit thickness (pile length) is still assumed and v is the water partiele stream velocity at point x, y at some time. - 111 - Evaluation of this integral is messy. Lamb suggested another procedure. His procedure was to compute the energy in the flow pattern at an instant and set this energy equal to the energy of a virtual mass of water moving with the same instantaneous velocity, V, as the pile. The virtual mass found in this way is equal to m .:_P_ 'fT_.:,.- D2 - v (5) 4 Thus, from Newton's Law: F I av = m vat Using (2) we can evaluate av at w2 H = --2 (6) av at cosh k{z+h) sinh (k h) sin (wt) (7) Yielding, for a unit pile length: cosh k{z+h) sin (wt) sinh (k h) (8) A second longitudinal dynamic force component results from the fact that in the real situation (fixed pile and waves) there is a change in water surface elevation as we move across the pile. This results in a "quasi-hydrostatic force" which can be shown to be in phase with the inertia force. This can easily be combined with equation (8) if we introduce a coefficient. This coefficient, experimentally determined, can also correct for the fact that our potential flow assumption is very idealized. (8) becomes: F I tr D2 C ,,-P--:--- = - M 4 cosh k{z+h) sinh (k h) sin (wt) (9) The total lateral force per unit of pile length may be evaluated by adding (9) and (3). FX' = FI + FD P = + CD D2 'fT CM 4 .e..J2 2 cosh k{z+h) sinh (k h) sin (wt) 2 cosh k{z+h) sinh2 (k h) cos (wt) I cos{wt) I (lO) - 112 - This equation is sometimes called the Morrison Equation. Fortunately, the two force terms, FI and Fn' are not in phase with one another. Thus, this keeps the maximum force a bit lower than it might otherwise be. It has been found that the Morrison Equation often gives conservative predictions. This may result from the assumption that the pile remains rigidly in p Lace, This may be corrected by reducing the magnidu tude of the inertia force by an amount mp dt' where mp and u are the mass and velocity of the pile, respectively. Equations (10), when corrected is: Fx w2 H - cosh k(z+h) sin (wt) 2 sinh (k h) = + C +m n .e......Q 2 W 2 H2 4 2 cosh k(z+h) cos (wt) Icos(wt)1 sinh2 (k h) du p dt ( 11) The total longitudinal force acting on the pile may be determined = = by integrating F over z with integration limits z -h and z o. x The moment acting on the pile can be obtained from a similar integration including the moment arm. Until now, we have assumed that the pile was small relative to the wave length. Another procedure must be used if this assumption cannot be met. Using potential flow theory and superposition, a circle of sources is placed along the perimeter of the pile. Each source emits waves of proper amplitude and phase to guarantee that the resultant velocity component perpendicular to the pile wall remains zero. Integration of the resulting superimposed pressure fields around the pile perimeter results in the desired force. Lift Forces Lift forces on a vertical pile act horizontally line of the longitudinal perpendicular to the forces. The frequency of these lift forces is determined by the frequency of vortex shedding in the Kármán Trail behind the pile. Thus, the frequency of this force has little if any relation to the wave frequency. These forces act in a constant stream as weil as in waves and are relatively easily found in nature. - 113 - The lift force frequency is sometimes five times the wave frequency. This can lead to unexpected resonant vibrations of the structure or its parts. These vibrations can quickly result in fatique failure of structural members or their connections. A significant parameter for these lift forces is the Keulegan- Carpenter Number, Kc. This parameter Kc = n H D is defined as: cosh k(z+h) sinh (k h) and looks somewhat like the reciprocal (12) of the Strouhal Number. The lift force becomes noticable when Kc is greater than about 3. This force then increases with Kc, reaching a value of around ~ the longitudinal force for Kc Z 15. These are the results of laboratory studies more completely bibliography). reported in a paper by D.D. Bidde (see - 114 - Chapter IX Offshore constructions As a result of the ever increasing human activity on the bottom of the sea there has been rather·hectic recent development in the field of off-shore constructions. The designer must consider the following factors: a. weight of the structure b. wind, wave, and current forces c. resonance of the structure d. scour around the legs e. necessary height above the S.W.L. Each of these is discussed in more detail·below. a. The weight on the structure ca~ run into the thousands of tons making a good foundation necessary. The vertical elements of the supporting structure are usually hollow through which piles can be driven into the bottomthus providing horizontal as weIl as vertical support. b. wave and current forces are treated in the section on forces on piles. Wind forces have been treated in other courses. An analytical solution of the mechanics of the structure's response to wave forces has not yet been found, therefore the structural design of the member connections is based upon past experience. c. Resonance of the structure which can result in failure because of metal fatigue can be avoided if the natural frequency of the structure is considerably different from the wave frequency. f = 1 T = struct. w =/fm f = k m = = w 27T spring constant mass of the platform + 0.23 mass of the piles if the wave period is 6 sec. Here, w is in radians/sec. and f is in Hertz. d. Bottom scour around the legs can be avoided when filter layers are used which can reduce the water velocity to such an extent that sand is no longer transported. Sometimes the individual vertical elements can be driven further into the ground. This is mainly done with semi-permanent structures where the larger capital investment in the form of - 115 - jacking installations and heavier legs is justified by a savings resulting from eliminating filter constructions. In this case the supporting structure cannot be built as a frame work. e. The height above the S.W.L. has to be sufficient to prevent the waves trom reaching the platform since this structure is not design to act as a breakwater. The original offshore structure was a fixed structure and is still used in the oil industry as a exploitation platform. Several oil wells are connected with the platform from which the oil is pumped ashore or into tankers with the help of S.B.M. s. Sometimes the platform is built to act as a mooring tower also. Recently more and more of these fixed structures are being used to replace lightships and weather ships. Semi-permanent offshore structures are used for oil exploitation and in the construction industry. When the platform hasto be moved to another location, the platform is lowered into the water after which the legs are hoisted. The high center of gravity and the wind forces on the legs make the system unseaworthy; in case of longer hauls, the legs are often lifted out of their soekets and carried on the platform. Since this is a difficult operation, the legs are often provided with hinges. In the construction industry the semi-permanent structure is often self-propelled. The leg soekets are mounted eccentrically in turntables and the legs are in turn jacked free of the bottom and turned in the directions of movement and jacked into the ground again. When all legs have been moved forward all turntables turn simultaneously to move the platform (see figure 1). Other systems employ legs that move in slots or pairs of legs on each turntable to insure continuous movement of the platforms. The last system is used in dredging. The velocity of the platform is rather low, the maximum at this moment is approximately 8 m/hr. The other systems are even slower and can be used for tunnel and breakwater construction. Transport to other construction sites still has to be done by towing. - 116 - 3 2 1 Figure 1 6 5 4 Sequence of operations of a walking platform As the oil industry feit the need for exploitation in water deeper than 100 - 120 m the serni-submersible platform was developed. The semisubmersible has to satisfy the following conditions: 1. easy towing 2. good anchoring possibilities 3. minimum movement when in operation These conditions depend on shape, dimensions and anchoring systems. The last condition can be met when the legs are thin relative to the floating bodies that provide the buoyancy for the system. The floating bodies have to be deep enough so as not to experience too much wave force resulting from orbital motion. If this is the case and the natural period is two to three times as high as the wave period and the center of gravity is low enough, the movement of the systern is usually small. (see fig. 2) Figure 2 semi-submersible platform - 117 - Chapter X Offshore Mooring Structures Single Buoy Moorings. The development of the S.B.M. is due largely to the increase in size of oil tankers. Since the costs of building relatively harbors that meet the depth requirements small of large tankers are prohibi- tive, the idea rose to load and unload tankers off-shore. Figure 1 shows a conventional Single Buoy Mooring. mooring cable floating hose Figure 1 More complex systems, developed to dampen horizontal motion of a tanker, turned out to be ineffective because the mass and water displacement of the mooring buoy is negligible with respect to the mass of the ship. The S.B.M. shown is anchored to the bed by a series of cable or chains attached to fixed anchors. A pipeline on the botton is connected with the S.B.M. by means of a flexible pipeline, or hose. A floating hose runs from the buoy to the tanker. The tanker is moored to the buoy by means of bow hawsers. This system can withstand considerabie wave-action. possible up to a waveheight Mooring is still of 2.4 m and load transfer can continue until the significant waveheight reaches about 5 meters. Higher waves can cause breaking of the flexible pipelines and endangers the lives of the crew on the deck of the tanker. This system has two disadvantages 1. Forces in the bow hawser can be higher than when the tanker is moored to a fixed point. The tanker hardly reacts to the individual .short waves(Length of the tanker is much greater than the wave length). - 118 - The S.B.M., however, will try to follow all of the water motions resulting in high cable forces. We might say that the buoy is moored to the ship. 2. The system needs two expens~ve pipelines. The hoses depreciate rapidly and need frequent replacement. A further development was the single point mooring tower. This tower has a rotating platform about 20 m above S.W.L. supported by a number of piles. The ship moors to the platform which turns to allow the ship to seek an optimum heading in the waves and currents. A ho se connects I from the platform to the ship. This system has three advantages over the S.B.M.: 1. Only one flexible hose is needed. 2. There are smaller forces in the mooring lines. 3. An extra pumping station can be installed on the platform acting as a booster. The booster pumping station can increase the unloading speed of the ship if the distance to shore is significant. This is important because of the high cost of ship operation (as high a 2000 Dutch Guilders per hour). On the other hand, the initial cost of such a mooring tower is much more than a buoy mooring. Also, a buoy mooring may be more easily moved to a new location, if desired. Moorings are undergoing rapid development. One is referred to the literature for news of these developments and of specific applications. Recommended literature: E.H. Harlow - Offshore Floating Terminals Proc. A.S.C.E. WW3, vol. 97, aug. 71, pp. 531-548 Ch. Foulladosa - Collo Int. sur l'exploitation Super-Petroliers des Oceans/Amarrage des - Bordeaux, Mars 1971 Grubas, Marras - New Design Concepts and Advanced Technical Solutions for Gil Marine Terminals Coll.Int. sur l'Exploitation des Gceans. Lawrence Solna and David Cho - Resonant Response of Offshore Structures Proc. A.S.C.E. W.W.1, Febr. 72. - 119 - Chapter XI Submarine Pipelines Off-shore submarine pipelines may be laid on the sea bottom or buried in the bottom material. Pipelines laid on the sea bottom in shallow water are subjected to wave and current forces which are much the same as forces on vertical piles. These force components are: a. Drag b. Inertia c , Lift Because of the close proximity of the sea bottom, the lift force component becomes somewhat more complex. The lift force resulting from the vort ex trail remains, but the situation is complicated by the presence of other effects. Figure 1 shows the flow patterns around horizontal pipelines near a fixed, flat bottom. --------------------- ,,'<IS, «\< ( ""<'<I \ "," ....<:<: "" " \, '" < " "c; "" , Figure 1 Flow patterns around submerged pipelines. In figure la the distance between the pipe and the bottom is relatively large. Because the velocity above the pipe is higher than that under the pipe (from the conventional velocity profile), the pressure differences result in an upward lift force. When the clearance between the pipe and bottom becomes smaller (figure lb), flow concentration under the pipe increases veloeities in that region; a downward lift force results. Finally, when the pipe rests on the bottom as in figure ie the lift force again acts in the upward direction. - 120 - In reality, nor fixed. the Whenever increase flow of the bottom this time. figure Figure Since 2 velocity will Result does however, spreading figure imply, to other 3.). cross that force 1b will equal is neither in figure result flat 1b is present, in local is exerted erosion on the pipe come to look more equilibrium, to the pipe at like the space diameter. scour. decreases cross-section will this reaches be approximately at a particular not lift of figure When of bottom the velocity the pipe A downward some time. on a bottom such as is shown under The cross-section the pipe rests a condition material. 2 af ter under our pipeline that as the clearance tends the situation to come to an equilibrium. everything sections increases, along is stable. the length The scour of the pipe This continues (see - 121 - a Pipeline sa~ed scour continues b Figure 3 Result of scour along pipe length As the situation shown in 3b is approached, with the points of support becoming more widely spaced, the pipe sags between the supports due to its own weight. This reduces the clearance re-initiating the erosion cycle. This sag of the pipe can also lead to structural failure of the pipe itself. In the breaker zone, this process of erosion and sag results in the pipe finally burying itself. It has not yet been determined with certainty whether this also happens offshore. All of this discussion leads us to a conclusion that it might be better to bury the pipe initially. The pipe is then protected from wave forces, fish nets, and anchors. Some anchors can dig as much as 3 meters into the bottom. The pipeline is usually buried in a dredged trench, after which it is covered as soon as possible to prevent scour from still taking place. The pipe is exposed to scour-causing currents while laying in the trench because the trench must be very wide with flat slopes. The bottom width of a trench must usually be 5 to 10 times the pipe diameter. This is necessitated, largely, because it is so difficult to accurately position a pipeline at sea. The side slopes of the trench must usually be flatter that 10 percent. This is to prevent the natural currents from back-filling the trench before the pipe is laid. - 122 - It is, as yet, difficu1t or even impossible to predict the rate of this natural re-deposition of material in a given situation. Such wide trenches are obviously expensive to dredge because of the large quantity of material to be removed. Back-filling of such a trench presents another set of problems, however. When loose sand is dumped above the pipeline, it can, by mixing with the water, behave as a very dense liquid (p ~ 2). Since this mixture is heavier that the pipeline (p ~ 1.1), the pipe can float on this mixture; thus, we can find our pipe on the sea bottom above a now filled trench! Since coarse gravel is much less likely to exhibit this dense liquid behavior, this is sometimes dumped in place of sand. This, however, involves the danger that a large mass of gravel falling against the pipe may crush the pipeline. Another, entirely different possible means of burying a pipe involves forcing it to sink into a region of artificially-made quicksand. Figure 4 shows such a scheme. Pulling force \. J \' pipeline in place Figure 4 Sinking pipe in artificial quicksand. Heavy U-shaped weights are placed over the pipe. Water jets are used to create alocal quicksand condition allowing the wèight to sink the pipe to the desired depth. The entire system of jets and weights moves slowly along the pipe. This method works best, of course, in sandy soils. In clay or peat soils, water jets mayalso However,·since be used to sink a pipe. the jets permanently alter the properties of the distllrbed soil, there is a good chance that this soil will not regain its stability after disturbance. Erosion usually results, leaving the pipe exposed. All of these jetting methods can run into difficulty when large rocks or boulders are present in the soil. Since this is often the case, water jet techniques are not commonly used as yet. - 123 - Of ten , in water a pipeline. deeper (The danger is still necessary concrete collars Figure These 5 ripples long. Little work weIl bottoms and remain similar to more If this common be deeply to a depth of 20 meters designer can only pray bottoms. to bury Ie ss there.) may be done If it with 5). They about pipelaying them. bottom Some Other however, on problems experts experts in the North high contend claim Sea. and 200 meters that that these they are move ripples. is true, buried fail, mud. can be 5 to 20 meters for pipeline alternately this (see figure as sling special claim necessary is much in place, on rocky in position. latter problems and anchors anchors such on the bottom is known it is no longer anchor even present stabie nasty screw of screw soft unstable These from nets or with Megaripples 50 meters to fix the pipe Concept methods very than then megaripples foundations. and exposed. is not practical that problems that Sections Initial can present of the pipe burying and perhaps arise will some will of the pipe impossible. take A care of themselves. Laying of Pipelines Three methods available a. Sinking b. Pulling c. Use of a lay barge. to bring a pipe into place under water are: - 124 - The sinking method involves lowering an entire pipeline into position in one operation. Floating cranes can accomplish this work, but the length of pipeline that can be placed is severely limited. This method is well suited to river crossings, however. Care must be taken during lowering of the pipe to prevent air pockets from forming inside the pipe. Resulting bouyant forces can cause severe stresses in the pipe walls. The second method uses h~avy winches to pull a section of pipe into position by dragging it from the shore. The leading end of the pipe must be fitted with a sled to prevent its digging too deeply into the bottom. A properly shaped sled can act as a plow, helping to partially bury the pipe. (see figure 6). I \\","", " 1..6L._p_i_p_e __ +r Figure 6 _... ,< <\ "'\ v v , \\' Sled for leading end of pipeline Very powerful winches are required to overcome the friction forces. These forces can become extremely large if the pulling mot ion has been stopped. The distance over which a pipe can be pulled into place is limited by this friction force. For distances greater that about 10 km a lay barge will be required. Figure 7 shows a conventional lay barge. - 125 - Pipe assembly stations barge figure 7 Lay barge When working at great depths, the bends in the pipeline can result in high pipe wall stresses. Prestressing by placing the entire suspended pipe under tension can reduce this bending effect. The upper of the two bends is sometimes eliminated by assembling the pipe segments along a slope. Unfortunately, heigh limitations restrict the number of working places available along the pipe, if a slope is used. Specifications for a particular lay barge include: barge: length: 105 m beam: draft: 24 m 7 m stinger length:100 m maximum laying depth: 200 m pipe diameters handled: 20 cm to 80 cm. 5 welding stations and 1 X-Ray station are provided. 70 meters of concrete coated pipe can be laid per hour. The reel-type laying barge represents developments. one of the latest technical A long length of pipe, prefabricated onto a barge-mounted on shore, is wound reel. At the desired location, the pipe is unrolled, straightened with rollers, and placed very quickly in continuous lengths. Concrete coatings, normally used to ballast the pipe, cannot be used now; Thicker steel pipe walls accomplish this same effect. - 126 - Presently available reel systems can carry 31 km of 15 cm diameter pipe or 7! km of 30 cm pipe. These systems can lay 450 meters of pipe per hour. This is a practical limitation; anti-corrosion field-installed anodes must be at about 350 me~er intervals. Coatings must also be checked for damage caused by the straightening rollers and repaired if necessary. If coatings are applied on the barge after the pipe is straightened, speeds of 3000 meters per hour can be possible. This latter proposal is still plagued with technical difficulties, however. Another practical handicap for reel-type pipe laying is the pipe size limitation - presently 30 cm. The radius of the reel core must be at least 40 times the pipe diameter. This yields a reel core diameter of 24 meters for 30 cm pipe. Larger pipes will require immense reels and barges. - 127 - List of Symbols The following is a list of the most important symbols used in these lecture notes. Syrnbol A Definition Dimensions Measure of fluctuations ln channel bottom elevation A Parameter L H -br hbr A Parameter r ln Einstein's h A Coefficient relating Formula sand transport to wave energy A 0.014 Coefficient Unit of horizontal L2 area a Wave amplitude a Coefficient C Minimum ship keel clearance C Chézy friction C Relative beach slope L 3. L2 T h L 1 L2 T coefficient Drag coefficient Chézy friction coefficient for plane rough bed CM Added mass coefficient C Chézy friction coefficient r c Wave speed c Concentration c a Concentration -1 for river at a distance, a, above bottom -1 - 128 - Symbol c o Definition Wave speed in deep water Dimensions L T-1 D Grain size L D Pile diameter L D r Ship draft L E Wave energy per unit area M L2 T E Wave energy flux component M L2 T E Wave energy flux in deep water M L2 T FD Drag force per unit pile length M T Fr rnertia force per unit pile length M T F r Radiation stress effect F Wave Froude number F Turbulent force a o r s M L FT ' Tide force F Total longitudinal force per unit length x F' Total longitudinal force per unit length f Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f Frequency of vibration f.(T) Spectral density of ship motion x Hertz 1 f (T) n Spectral density of wave motion G Water level set-up g Acceleration due to gravity H Wave height L L -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 Tide force per unit area -3 -2 T - 129 - S)Tlbol Definition Dimensions H Wave height in deep water L h Channel depth L h Water depth L h Water depth at toe of accretion L h Depth at outer edge of inshore L h' Height of tidal wave L Depth at outer edge of break er zone L Depth in beach zone L Height of inshore zone L I Allowed vertical ship motion L I Slope of energy line o Parameters ln Einstein's Equation i Vertical ship displacement K c Keulegan-Carpenter L number K Refraction coefficient k Wave number k Equivalent spring constant L Wave length L L Length of accretion to breakwater end L 1 Mixing length L r 2 -1 L 'TT L 6 S M Coefficient [ __ t 0_ 1 J~ C q,2 m Energy of ship mot ion spectrum m Beach slope L - 130 - Syrnbol m Definition Dimensions Total equivalent m p m v nb Mass of pile per unit length Virtual o or added mass per unit length Ratio of energy speed to wave speed in breaker n M mass zone Ratio of energy speed to wave speed in deep water P o Hydrostatic Horizontal force per unit leng~h momentum flux = p Proportionally D . HY drostatlc pressure q Statistical expectation q Coastal constant = Coastal constant in y direction q' Coastal constant in y direction q" y Coastal constant in y direction -0 y Coastal constant S 0.45 M L-1 T-2 o constant for beach Coastal constant for inshore R (T) Response r Height of virtual bottom roughness S Bottom material S Total sand transport Transport factor transport per unit width of bottom material L - 131 - Definition Symbol S Sediment transport along bottom be d.Ioa d -1 L3 T Sand transport in rip current L3 T S Transport of suspended material L3 T Total sediment transport L3 T Total sand transport at point x L3 T -1 S . rlp s S tot S x sxx (1) SS, xx' -1 -1 M T'"'2 Radiation stress component M T (2) (3) Sxx Components of SXX -2 -2 M T Radiation shear stress M T S xy Radiation shear stress component M T S Sand transport perpendicular to beach Syy Principle radiation stress M T S yy Radiation stress component M T -2 SXy (1) SS, yy' (2) yy (3) S yy Subcomponents of Syy -1 S Sand transport along undisturbed coastline L3 T S Ol Sand transport along undisturbed beach L3 T S02 Sand transport along undisturbed inshore L3 T S2 Sand transport along inshore L3 T T Wave period T Wave period with respect to moving ship T Natural period of oscillation of structure T s t r uc t, -2 -1 L3 T e -2 -2 M T Sand transport past breakwater 0 -2 L3 T Ss T -1 Principle radiation stress xx y T Dimensions -1 -1 -1 -1 - 132 - Symbol Definition Dimensions t; time u Horizontal component Horizontal wave velocity T L T-l of velocity component along bottom -1 L T amplitude of ub L T-1 u Amplitude of wave orbital velocity near bottom L T v Velocity v Unit volume v Longshore v Stream velocity L T vs Forward speed of ship L T v Velocity L T v Current velocity L T Current velocity at top of laminar sublayer L T Average velocity L T o v er L T -1 -1 L3 current velocity L T component -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 33 v o-r in boundary layer Current velocity at top of laminar sublayer L T Resultant L T velocity at top of laminar sublayer -1 -1 -1 -1 Shear velocity L T VI Modified L T-1 W Equilibrium *' shear velocity distance between beach and inshore lines w w X Vertical velocity s o L component Fall velocity of particle in water Parameter for groin spacing - 133 - Symbol Definition Dimensions x horizontal coordinate y Parameter z L h Distance to beach line L Distance to inshore line L Distance to inshore line L Computed value from eqn. 5, ch. 6 L Computed value from eqn.15, ch. 6 L z Vertical coordinate L z Ship squat L z Vertical coordinate L z' Laminar sublayer thickness L z Amplitude of tidal wave L y' 2 Beach slope Cl. Wave direction relative to ship Slope of beach at depth h (3 Angle of beach line at breakwater y Ratio Hbr hbr Psand - P Relative density of sand in water ---------P dz) Mass diffusion coefficient n Wave profile L K Wave nurnber of tide L K Van Kármán constant Wave length = 0.4 L -1 - 134 - Syrnbo1 ~ Dimensions Definition Ripple factor Coefficient P K C ;g M L -3 p Density of water °a Standard deviation of channel roughness Ok Standard deviation of channel roughness T Bottom shear stress M L T' Total bottom M L T Bottom shear stress caused by current M L Resultant -1 -2 M L T T c r L and waves shear stress average shear stress ~ Angle of wave incidence ~b Angle of wave incidence ~ 't'br Ang1e of wave incidence at outer edge of breaker in breaker L -1 -1 -1 zone zone ~, 't'br Ang1e of wave incidence at seaward Circular frequency w Circu1ar frequency w Wave circular w Circular side of shoal T of tide frequency T 2 T TI frequency of structure T 2 T TI struct. T -1 -1 -1 -1 T T T -2 -2 -2 - 135 - Bibliography All references used in compiling these notes are listed below. All are written in English unless otherwise noted. ------ (1966): Shore Protection Planning and Design: Technical Report Number 4, Third Edition: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Washington, D.C. Bakker, W.T. (1967): One Aspect of the Dynamics of a Coast Partly Protected by a Row of Groynes: Study Report no. WWK 67-5, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), The Hague. Bakker, W.T. (1968): The Dynamics of a Coast with a Groyne System: " Procee d ilngs, 11th Coastal Englneerlng Con f erence, Lon d on. Vol 1, ch.31. Bakker, W.T. (1969): The Influence of Offshore Transport on the Dynamics of a Coast with a Harbour Mole: Study Report no. WWK 69-2, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), The Hague. Bakker, W.T. (1970): The Influence of Diffraction Near a Harbour Mole on the Coastal Shape: Study Report no. WWK 70-2, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), The Hague. Bakker, W.T. (1970): Littoral Drift in the Surf Zone: Study Report no. WWK 70-16, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), The Hague. Bakker, W.T. (1971): The Influence of Longshore Variation of the Wave Height on the Littoral Current: Study Report no. WWK 71-19, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), The Hague. - 136 - Bakker, W.T. (1971): The Dynamics of Coasts: Study Report no WWK 71-22, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), The Hague. In Dutch, original title: De Dynamica van Kusten. Bakker, W.T.; Klein Breteler, E.H.J.; Roos, A. (1970): The Dynamics of a Coast with a Groyne System: Study Report no. WWK 70-13, Department for Coastal Research, Division of Hydrology and Hydraulic Research, Ministry of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), Battjes, J.A. The Hague. (1972): Dynamics of Waves Near Beaches: Report CT. KK3, Postdoctoral Course in Coastal Dynamics and Shore Protection, Delft University of Technology. In Dutch; Original title: Dynamica van Golven bij Stranden. Bidde, Devidas D. (1971): Laboratory Study of Lift Forces on Circular Piles: Journalof the Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 97 no WW4, November 1971, pp 595-614. Bijker, E.W. (1967): Some Considerations About Scales for Coastal Models with Movab1e Beds: Publication no.50 of Delft Hydraulics Laboratory. Bijker, E.W. (1971): Littoral Drift Computations on Mutual Wave and Current Influence: Communications on Hydraulics, Report no. 71-2, Delft University of Technology. Bijker, Eco W. (1971): Longshore Transport Computations: Journalof the Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, ASCE, Vo1.97 no. WW4, November 1971, pp. 687-701. Bijker, E.W.; Svasek, J.N. (1969): Two Methods for Determination of Morphological Changes Induced by Coastal Structures: Proceedings 22nd International Navigation Congress Subsect 11 Item 4, Paris. Bowen, Anthony J. (1969): The Generation of Longshore Currents on a Plane Beach: Journalof Marine Research, vol. 27 no. 2, pp. 206-215. - 137 - Bowen, A.J. (1969): Rip Currents: Journal of Geophysical Reseach, vol. 73 no 23, pp. 5467-5490. Brubner, A.; Kamphuis, J.W. 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