The Four Types of Hearts Al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub-Continent
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The Four Types of Hearts Al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub-Continent
The Four Types of Hearts Al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub-Continent October 19, 2014 [Please note: Images may have been removed from this document. Page numbers may have been added.] The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) divided the hearts into four categories as is authentically reported from Hudhayfah bin al-Yaman, ‘The hearts are of four types: The heart that has exclusively been illuminated by a blazing torch and that is the heart of the believer; the heart that is encased and that is the heart of the disbeliever; the heart that is inverted and that is the heart of the hypocrite - he knew only to reject, and he saw only to become blind; and the heart that has two impulses: an impulse calling it to faith and an impulse calling it to hypocrisy: it belongs to the impulse that is most prominent.’ The meaning of his saying, ‘a heart that has exclusively...’ means a heart that has detached itself of everything besides Allah and His Messenger. Therefore it has separated and secured itself from everything save the truth. The meaning of his saying, ‘illuminated by a blazing torch’ refers to the niche of faith. Therefore he indicated by his words, ‘that has exclusively...’ that is secure from false doubts and misguiding carnal desires. He indicated by his words, ‘a blazing torch’ that it was set ablaze and illuminated by the light of knowledge and faith. The ‘encased heart’ refers to the heart of the disbeliever because it is wrapped by a veil and covering and hence the light of knowledge and faith cannot reach it. This is as Allah said, relating from the Jews that, “They say: our hearts are wrapped...”[Al-Baqarah (2): 88J] This veil is the covering that Allah has placed on their hearts by way of punishment for their rejecting the truth and being too arrogant to accept it. Therefore it is a covering upon the hearts, a seal for the ears, and blindness for the eyes. This is the obscuring screen upon the eyes talked about in His saying, “And when you recite the Qur’an, We out between you and those who believe not in the Hereafter, an obscuring screen. We have put coverings over their hearts lest they should understand it and deafness in their ears.” [Al lsra’ (17): 45-46] When the people who have these types of hearts are admonished to purify their Tawhid and following (ittiba), they turn on their heels and run! The ‘inverted heart’ refers to the heart of the hypocrite as Allah, the Exalted says: 1 “Then what is the matter with you that you are di- vided into two parties regarding the hypocrites? Allah has cast them back [to disbelief ] because of what they have earned.” (An-Nisa, 4:88) Thereby meaning he caused them to relapse and return to the falsehood that they used to be in due to their false deeds. This is the most evil of hearts and the vilest of them for it believes falsehood to be the truth and shows love and allegiance to those who follow it. It also believes the truth to be falsehood and displays enmity to those who follow it. The Aid of Allah is sought! The ‘heart that has two urges’ refers to the heart that is not entrenched in faith because it has not devoted itself solely to the truth that Allah sent His Messenger with. Instead it contains some faith and some of its opposite: it is closer to disbelief than faith sometimes; and at other times it is closer to faith than disbelief. The heart follows whatever is most influential at that time. (Ighatul- Lahfan fi Masayid ash Shaitan, by Imam Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy upon him) Resurgence Issue 1, Fall 2014 Courtesy of Jihadology 2