EINDRAPPORT TC221-01-08 TC221 Het Nederlands kenniscentrum voor ondergronds bouwen en ondergronds ruimtegebruik (COB) heeft tot doel om kennis, kunde en innovatie voor ondergronds ruimtegebruik en ondergronds bouwen te ontwikkelen. Dit doet COB door praktijkonderzoek en door samenwerking binnen een netwerk van deskundigen. Kennis komt tot stand in een publiekprivate, maatschappelijke context, om te komen tot resultaten die breed worden geaccepteerd en die leiden tot een verantwoorde toepassing met maatschappelijk en economisch rendement. COB bestaat sinds 1995 en maakt deel uit van CURNET. Consortium DC-COB Door het ondertekenen van de overeenkomst ‘Consortium Ondergronds Bouwen’ d.d. 18 december 2003 bevestigen COB en Delft Cluster de voorgenomen plannen met betrekking tot het uitvoeren vangezamenlijk onderzoek binnen het consortium ‘Ondergronds Bouwen’. Bij de formulering van de onderzoeksactiviteiten binnen beide organisaties voor de periode 2003-2010 leek een verdere afstemming van de activiteiten winst voor beide organisaties te kunnen betekenen. Delft Cluster kan profiteren van de goede relaties die het COB heeft opgebouwd met diverse marktpartijen op het gebied van ondergronds bouwen en ondergronds ruimtegebruik. Deze marktpartijen zijn nood zakelijk om te komen tot een uitvoerbaar Bsik-programma voor de periode 2003-2010. Het COB kan van de samenwerking profiteren omdat het een eerste aanzet betekent naar een gezonde financiële basis voor onderzoeksactiviteiten. Daarnaast biedt de samenwerking voor beide organisaties kansen op het gebied van kennisdeling en kennis verspreiding. Dat is de insteek van de twee projecten: Beheerst Boren in Stedelijk Gebied en Innovatief Ondiep Bouwen. Gemeenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek boortunnels (GPB) Na het succesvolle verloop van het praktijkonderzoek bij de Tweede Heinoordtunnel en de Botlekspoortunnel bleek het voor vijf nog op handen zijnde Nederlandse boorprojecten efficiënter om het nog b enodigde onderzoek te verdelen. Daarom gaven de opdrachtgevers van vijf Nederlandse boortunnelprojecten en COB half september 2000 door de ondertekening van de Overeenkomst Gemeenschappelijk Praktijkonderzoek Boortunnels (GPB) hun goedkeuring aan een masterplan praktijkonderzoek. Onder de paraplu van het Centrum Ondergronds Bouwen bepaalden zij welk onderzoek waar het beste zou kunnen plaatsvinden. Binnen het masterplan GPB wordt onderzoek gedefinieerd ter plaatse van Westerscheldetunnel (F100), Sophiaspoortunnel (F200), Tunnel Pannerdensch Kanaal (F500), Boortunnel Groene Hart (F510), Noord-Zuidlijn (F530) en RandstadRail (F540). Tijdens de u itvoering van deze boortunnels met grote diameter zullen metingen en experimenten worden uitgevoerd, waarmee de kennis ten aanzien van de geboorde tunnel als bouwmethode wordt vergroot. Hierbij worden ondermeer zaken onderzocht als metingen aan dwarsverbindingen, mogelijkheden tot hergebruik van vrijkomende grond, optreden van zwel van diepgelegen kleilagen, volgen van het boorproces en gerichte evaluatie van meetgegevens. Het betreft dan ook uitvoerings gerelateerd onderzoek met oog op het verkleinen van risico’s en kosten bij toekomstige tunnelprojecten. De partijen vertegenwoordigd binnen het Platformoverleg GPB • Managementgroep Betuweroute van NS RailInfrabeheer, • Projectbureau Noordelijk Holland - Directie HLS-Zuid - Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat, • Projectbureau Noord-Zuidlijn - Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer van de Gemeente Amsterdam, • Centrum Ondergronds Bouwen (COB), • Projectbureau RandstadRail • Bouwdienst Rijkswaterstaat - Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat - Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat • Delft Cluster partner curnet Groningenweg 10 2803 PV Gouda Postbus 420 2800 AK Gouda T +31 (0)182 - 540 660 F +31 (0)182 - 540 661 [email protected] TC221 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra COB – Nederlands kenniscentrum voor ondergronds bouwen en ondergronds ruimtegebruik Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling EINDRAPPORT TC221-08-01 TC221 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Auteur ir. J.P. Pruiksma dr. H.M.G. Kruse Fotografie omslag Deltares Lay-out Sirene Ontwerpers Druk Repro Europoint Auteursrechten Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen of op enig andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de COB. Het is toegestaan overeenkomstig artikel 15a Auteurswet 1912 gegevens uit deze uit gave te citeren in artikelen, scripties en boeken, mits de bron op duidelijke wijze wordt vermeld, alsmede de aanduiding van de maker, indien deze in de bron voorkomt. ‘Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra, 2009, Stichting COB, Gouda.‘ Aansprakelijkheid COB en degenen die aan deze publicatie hebben meegewerkt, hebben een zo groot mogelijke zorgvuldigheid betracht bij het samenstellen van deze uitgave. Nochtans moet de mogelijkheid niet worden uitgesloten dat er toch fouten en onvolledigheden in deze uitgave voorkomen. Ieder gebruik van deze uitgave en gegevens daaruit is geheel voor eigen risico van de gebruiker en COB sluit, mede ten behoeve van al degenen die aan deze uitgave hebben meegewerkt, iedere aansprakelijkheid uit voor schade die mocht voortvloeien uit het gebruik van deze uitgave en de daarin opgenomen gegevens, tenzij de schade mocht voortvloeien uit opzet of grove schuld zijdens COB en/ of degenen die aan deze uitgave hebben meegewerkt. ISBNnummer 978-90-77374-24-5 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Table of contents 1 Introduction 5 2 Description of phenomena during pull back 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 The pipeline pull back model 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.7 3.8 Bore path geometry The pipeline and drill pipe Forces on the pipeline and drill pipe (Soil-pipeline, weight etc..) 3D modelling Friction on the rollers Simulation steps and geometric linearity/non-linearity Geometrically nonlinear simulations Geometrically linear simulations List of input parameters Running the simulations 4 Simulation results 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.6 4.7 Drilling rig and rollers The drill pipes The pipeline The drilling fluid Comparison with analytical solution Comparison of results with and without gap and using nonlinear and linear geometric behaviour Simulations with a circular section and added straight section without gap Simulations with a circular section and added straight section with 0.1 m gap Pullback simulation of half circle borehole Half circle geometry with friction only Half circle geometry with friction and cohesion Half circle geometry with friction, cohesion and gravity Pullback simulation with drilling pipe in 100 steps, no cohesion or gravity effects Simulation with measured XY data 5 Soil spring stiffness FEM simulations 5.1 5.2 Dutch common practice FEM simulations of pipeline penetration into a borehole in plane strain 6 Conclusions 6.1 Recommendations 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 16 16 18 19 20 21 21 25 28 30 32 32 34 38 40 42 45 45 46 53 53 7 References 55 3 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendices Appendix 1 Source code of the model Appendix 2 Derivation of analytical solution Appendix 3 Simulation results Appendix 4 Members of the committee 4 57 95 105 153 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 1 Introduction The pull back operation is the most important stage of horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The cost of jammed pipelines, damaged pipelines and the costs for additional measures during and after the pull back operation can be considerable. Recently in the Netherlands several problems occurred during the pull back operation at some locations where relatively large diameter pipelines where installed. The objective of the Delft Cluster Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) project, is to find a detailed method for modelling the pulling of pipelines through a borehole created using HDD’s. The main objective is to get a better understanding of the behaviour of the pipeline in the borehole. Penetration of the borehole wall during the pullback operation and friction in between the pipe and the borehole are important parameters. The current Dutch method for calculating the pull back force on the product pipe was developed more then 10 years ago. For global design purposes and global engineering practice it is a quick and relative simple method which gives a reasonable estimate of the maximum pull back force. But large differences with field measurements have also been observed, hence a more detailed analysis of the processes occurring in the soil-pipe interaction during the pullback operation is required. Such analysis has been made from which a new model for the pull back operation is developed. In this report first the various processes occurring during pull back are described in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3 the model is presented, what elements are included in the model, what processes they describe. Chapter 4 presents pull back simulation results for a variety of cases, from simple to extensive. Simple cases are used to compare the model to analytical solutions, and to compare geometrically linear to nonlinear behaviour. More detailed cases include more and more phenomena and processes. The complexity is increased gradually to better understand the influence of various parameters. Chapter 5 presents conclusions that can be drawn from the simulations. In Chapter 6 a study is presented that investigates the soil-pipe interaction behaviour for various combinations of pipe dimensions and soil types. From this study a better understanding is obtained for the behaviour of soil springs in pipe-soil interaction contact as used in the model. Chapter 7 gives some general conclusions about the model and the project, including suggestions for future research. 5 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 2 Description of phenomena during pull back In the installation of pipelines using the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method a borepath is created under a certain object, say a river or road, this is called a pilot drilling. This pilot tries to follow a previously designed borepath as closely as possible. After the pilot boring is performed, the borehole is reamed to a larger diameter using reamer tools. The result is a borehole through which the pipeline will be pulled back. During the three stages of the HDD the borehole is filled with drilling fluid. For the pullback model that is to be developed in this project, it is assumed that a pre-reamed borehole is established. This borehole can in principle have an arbitrary shape in axial direction that possibly deviates from the design path (usually made up of three straight sections and two circular arcs). In radial direction the borehole is assumed to be a circle. During the pull back operation of the pipeline through the borehole, the interaction between pipeline, drill pipe, reamer, soil and drilling fluid plays an important role. There are rollers supporting the pipe-line on one side and the drilling rig on the other side that contribute to the interplay of forces. In the figure below these components and interactions are depicted graphically. In this Chapter these phenomena during the pull back operation are discussed in more detail. The creation of a model is mainly finding suitable formulations for these phenomena. 7 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 2.1 Drilling rig and rollers The rollers support the pipeline and are usually set up in a curved shaped bend to guide the pipeline into the borehole. This curved shaped bend is generally followed by the pipeline, but the pipeline doesn’t have to make contact to the rollers everywhere as a result of the forces in the pipeline (weight and moments, bending stiffness). Where the pipeline is in contact with the rollers there is a contribution to the friction force. This friction depends locally on the normal force that the pipeline exerts on the rollers. The friction on the rollers contributes to the required pulling force. The weight of the pipeline can also provide a part of the pulling force when the roller track is aligned downward in the direction of the borepath, but work against the pulling when the roller track is in upward direction. For a track which starts and ends on a horizontal surface both of these forces cancel out. For a roller track lying above the surface at a certain height and at the end bends downward into the borehole a small net gravity force is present reducing the pulling force a little. The drilling rig pulls the drill pipe upward at a fixed angle and provides the pulling force. Because the pipe is consisting of a string of connected drill pipes with a maximum length of 9 m, the drill pipe segments are removed as they come out of the hole during pulling. During the removal of a segment of the drill pipe, the pulling force is momentarily reduced. 2.2 The drill pipes Since the maximum length of the drill pipes is 9 m generally, the drill pipe is made up of multiple segments. Initially the drill pipe lies through the borehole from beginning to end. At the beginning it is connected to a reamer which is connected to the pipeline using a swivel. The drill pipe rotates during the pull back operation. Because a pulling force is needed to pull the pipeline through the hole, this force is acting along the entire string of drill pipes. The pulling force changes direction along the drill pipe and this leads to radial displacements (perpendicular to the axis of the borepath) which magnitude depends on the bending stiffness of the rod and it’s interaction with the soil, since at some places the drill pipe might touch or penetrate the borehole wall. The soil then exerts a force on the drill pipe. The stiffness of the soil-drill pipe contact is determined by soil type, pipe diameter and presence of drilling fluid and whether the drill pipe is rotating. Contact with the soil or penetration into the soil results in an increase of the friction force, which is in turn increasing the overall pulling force. The net weight of the drill pipe surrounded by the drilling fluid contributes to the deformation and penetration into the soil, however it is considered negligible compared to the normal force the drill pipe exerts on the borehole wall due to the pulling force in the rod. The drill pipe is surrounded by drilling fluid and undergoes a friction force in the drilling fluid, which is small compared to the friction between pipeline and the drilling fluid. 8 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 2.3 The pipeline The pipeline is pulled through the borehole connected to a swivel and a reamer which in turn connect the pipe to the drill pipe. The reamer has a larger diameter than the pipeline. For the part of the pipeline outside the bore hole there is a friction over the rollers. Inside the bore hole the pipeline is surrounded by drilling fluid. Depending on the weight difference between drilling fluid and pipeline (partly water filled) there is a net upward or downward force. The pipeline is pulled through the drilling fluid which results in a frictional force. This force is considered to depend on the flow of the drilling fluid past the pipeline, which is dependent on the pull back velocity. Also, the “age” expressed in strength of the drilling fluid can have an effect because of stiffening of the drilling fluid over time causing an increased friction force. In addition to the upward/downward force due to weight differences, the pulling force in the pipeline combined with the bending moment leads to a distribution of normal forces which the pipeline exerts on the borehole wall. Depending on the magnitude of the forces/moments and the soil properties (stiff, soft, plastic/ non plastic) the pipeline penetrates to soil to a greater or lesser extent. Plastic behaviour of the soil surrounding the borehole wall can furthermore affect the shape of the bore hole. The pipeline soil contact causes an extra friction force depending on the normal force exerted on the borehole wall. In the above figure it is also shown that the drilling fluid penetrates into the borehole wall to a certain extent. This makes the properties of the soil at the bore hole wall different from the usual properties of the soil. The soil is usually build up of multiple layers and the interaction of the pipeline with the soil differs per location. During pull back, the head of the pipeline may directly penetrate the soil as opposed to elsewhere along the pipeline where there is only penetration of the pipeline in the direction normal to the axis of the bore path. At the head of the pipeline penetration in the direction of the axis of the pipeline can occur. Such phenomena is expected to be more pronounced in the bends in the bore path where due to the moments in the pipeline the axis of the bore path and pipeline don’t coincide. The pipeline is inclined to bend to it’s straight original form in the bends of the borepath. This bending leads to higher forces on the borehole wall and extra penetration into the bore hole wall. 9 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 2.4 The drilling fluid The drilling fluid is pumped through the drill pipe and comes out through the nozzles in the reamer. The flow direction of the drilling fluid is determined by the “path of least resistance”. Initially the drilling fluid will flow past the pipeline but when the pipeline is being further pulled in the flow changes direction to the side of the pulling rig, see Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2. This changing of flow direction is related to the specific behaviour of the drilling fluid, which is often described as a Bingham fluid. The fluid undergoes also motions because the pipeline is pulled through it. The fluid flow along the pipeline (due to pulling or pumping) causes a friction force on the pipeline. productbuis swivel Figure 2.1. Sketch of the situation where the drilling fluid flows along the pipeline. productbuis swivel Figure 2.2. Sketch of the situation past the turning Point where the drilling fluid flows toward the pulling rig. The flow of the drilling fluid causes a pressure at the head of the pipeline also contributing to the pulling force. As described above, the drilling fluid also penetrates the soil of the bore hole wall, changing the usual properties of the soil and the friction between soil and pipeline. 10 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 3 The pipeline pull back model In the previous Chapter, an overview has been given of the phenomena that take place during the pull back operation. A model has been created that describes the pull back using the finite element code ABAQUS. Matlab is used to make input and control the calculations. This Chapter gives an overview of the model. The complete Matlab code is presented in Appendix 1, together with an overview of all the functions and a flow chart of how Matlab controls the FEM code ABAQUS. When owning both programs one can reproduce any simulation presented in this report by using the code in Appendix 1. 3.1 Bore path geometry The first thing that needs to be done is to establish a geometry for the bore path. Currently the model is two-dimensional and the geometry can be defined by either reading a two-column (ASCII) data file with x,y pairs of the bore path or by defining a design geometry consisting of straight lines and a circular arc as depicted below. R L1 L2 L3 Figure 3.1. Design geometry that can be input by the user, when not using an XY data file. If not choosing an XY data file, the user can input values for L1, L2, L3 and R to model one half of a bore path. The user can furthermore select the symmetry option to mirror this geometry to make a complete design path. For studies on the behaviour of the pipeline in the upward bend, as described in this report, the geometry shown in Figure 3.1 can be used. The XY data file needs to be increasing in X, but needs not to be equally spaced. Spline interpolation used in the program allows the user to enter non equally spaced data. The program currently is 2D only. In section 3.4, a possible extension to 3D modelling is discussed, and the main problem to be solved in the soil-pipeline interaction is pointed out. 11 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 3.2 The pipeline and drill pipe The most basic ingredients of the model are the pipeline and drill pipe. Both are modeled using beam elements. Given a certain length of the pipeline and puling rod both are divided into beam elements with a bending stiffness and pulling stiffness that differs for the pipeline and drill pipe. pipe line: EI pipe , EA pipe Pulling rod: EIrod , EArod Figure 3.2. Pipeline and drill pipe modeled as beam elements, with different bending and pulling stiffness, initially a straight line when no forces act upon it. The beam elements are suitable for large deflectio ns (non linear geometry) which can be turned on or off. Currently in the model, the connection between pipeline and drill pipe is a fixed one, meaning that the rotations and translations of the end of the pipeline and start of the rod are the same. Ideally the connection should be a free rotating one, but tests showed that the stiff connection is sufficient for large diameter steel pipes where the bending stiffness of the pipeline is much higher than that of the drill pipe. For PE pipelines the stiff connection is expected to be less realistic. In the model the pipeline and drill pipe are straight initially and they are bend into the shape of the bore path in the first simulation step, as shown below: Äu 1 pipe line nel n nel_pipe drilling pipe Figure 3.3. Pipeline and drill pipe bend into the shape of the bore path. As mentioned above this geometry can be defined either by an XY data set or by a combination of straight sections and a circular arc. The model assumes that the pipeline is as long as the length of the entire bore path, but only the part of the pipeline that’s in the bore path is modeled. The part of the pipeline that’s outside the bore hole is modeled by the application of a friction force on the pipeline at the entry point. The user can give the total number of elements nel in which the pipeline and drill pipe are divided as well as the number of elements nel_pipe of the pipeline. With the latter the user can decide how much of the pipeline has been pulled in. Obviously nel_pipe ≤ nel. The current model can not pull the pipeline in continuously. Instead the simulation starts from a situation where the pipeline has been pulled in to a certain extent by setting 12 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling nel_pipe. From this position, on the end of the drill pipe a prescribed displacement Δu is used to pull the rod and pipeline to be able to calculate the resulting forces and displacements. In the current model Δu needs to be smaller than an element length, to avoid problems with the soil-pipeline interaction. 3.3 Forces on the pipeline and drill pipe (Soil-pipeline, weight etc..) In the simulation, in the first step the beam (pipeline + drill pipe) is bend into the shape of the borepath as shown in Figure 3.3 by prescribing displacements on the nodes of the beam. To describe the penetration of the pipeline and the drill pipes into the borehole wall and the forces arising from pulling, the interaction between the soil and pipeline and between soil and drill pipe is described in the model. To visualize this interaction an arbitrary element of the pipeline or drill pipe is taken out from Figure 3.3 and presented in Figure 3.4. The beam elements have 2 nodes. On each side the node on the beam is connected to another node by a kind of spring element (called Tube-support elements in ABAQUS). These other nodes are kept fixed in position and are placed at the centre of the bore path. The Tube support elements have an orientation, that makes a distinction between displacements parallel to the bore path, ut and displacements normal to the bore path, un. The orientation is derived from the position of the fixed nodes in the bore path by the Matlab script generating the ABAQUS input file. ut net force, submerged weight nodes on beam elements friction force fw spring k(Un) un nodes on centre line of bore path Figure 3.4. one element of a pipeline or drill pipe and the interaction with soil and drilling fluid. For each node on the beam which undergoes a displacement normal to the bore path, a user defined spring stiffness k(un) describes the interaction with the soil (and bore hole), see Figure 3.5. 13 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra p plastic s spring force F(un) w of bore hole wall b= gap g between pipe and wall pipe line line wall wall k(un) -b b un c centre of bore hole un Figure 3.5. Spring stiffness of tube support element between beam and bore hole. In principle the spring stiffness k(un) can be defined arbitrarily using piecewise linear segments. In the current model the gap between the pipe (or drill pipe) and the bore hole wall can be given by the user. The stiffness inside the borehole(gap) can be specified too. Usually this stiffness is set to zero so that no spring force is build up inside the gap, but for numerical stability it’s necessary to have a low stiffness in the borehole(gap). A value of about 1/500 of the soil stiffness is recommended. This can be set in the program by the user. The penetration into the wall is done with a constant stiffness (linear spring). At the moment there is no plastic region used for the model, but this is easily implemented if necessary (see Chapter 6 for a discussion on expected spring functions for different soil types and pipe diameters). As can be seen in Figure 3.5 the spring behaviour is symmetric. Because the base node of the spring is in the centre of the borehole, when the beam node’s normal displacement is either + or – the gap width b, then the pipeline touches the borehole wall, see Figure 3.5. By defining the spring function k(un) the forces normal to the borehole wall can be calculated. The tube support springs also have a friction component parallel to the borehole wall, see Figure 3.4. The friction force is related to the normal force by: Fw = µFn (3.1) The friction force is related to the normal force by a constant friction coefficient µ which can be given by the user. Besides this dependency there is also a friction force due to the friction of the pipeline in the drilling fluid, which is independent on the normal force. This is implemented by adding a constant nodal force parallel to the bore path as a friction force in addition to the force given in (3.1) which is calculated internally. This force is applied during the pulling phase of the simulation. 14 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling The friction that effectively is modeled for each node is then: Fw = c + µFn (3.2) With Fw the total friction force at a node, c a cohesion giving rise to friction in the borehole regardless of the pipeline soil reaction, µ the friction coefficient as in (3.1) and Fn the normal force exerted on the borehole wall as in (3.1). Note that the soil type can vary along the bore path and also in the first part the soil interacts with the pipeline and in the second part with the drill pipe. This results in a k(un) function, a friction coefficient µ and possibly also a cohesion c that vary with each node of the beam along the bore path. In the current model however, the interaction between soil and pipeline is considered constant as well as the interaction between soil and drill pipe. Thus the user gives as input two sets of k(un), µ, and c ( pipeline and drill pipe). All simulations in this report have been performed this way. Extension to include properties that vary along the bore path can be implemented in the program in a straightforward manner. Besides the forces discussed above, there is a gravity force acting on the pipeline and drill pipe, see Figure 3.4. This force always acts in the direction of the earth’s gravitational field. In the model this is the negative Y direction if the user defines a borepath in XY coordinates. The pipeline is usually filled with water by a water filled tube inside the pipeline. The upward force of the pipeline or drill pipe in the drilling fluid is calculated from the drilling fluid density and the gravitational constant and the cross section of the pipeline or drill pipe. The downward force is calculated from the density of the pipeline or drill pipe and their cross sections as well as by specifying which percentage of the pipeline is water filled. In case of the drill pipe it is assumed to be entirely filled with drilling fluid having the same density as the drilling fluid in the bore hole. Currently in the model the force due to gravity is constant over the length of the pipeline and constant over the length of the drill pipe. A varying force would be due to a varying percentage water filled in the pipeline, which might be applied in some practical cases. This can be implemented in a future update of the model. 3.4 3D modelling As mentioned, the current model is two-dimensional. Building a three-dimensional model in the same way is possible by using spring elements in the other direction perpendicular to the bore path. Doing things this way however, models a square borehole instead of a circular one as shown in Figure 3.6. Depicted is the motion that the pipeline can make. It can travel the gap width in upper, lower, left and right direction before penetrating the wall of the borehole. The effect of 3D bore paths on the soil pipeline interaction can be studied using the current 2D model. Three dimensional shapes of bore paths should be delivered as two dimensional shapes (equivalent bending radii). 15 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra gap Figure 3.6. Picture showing a possible extension to 3D resulting in a square borehole instead of a circular one. 3.5 Friction on the rollers The friction on the rollers is taken into account as an extra friction force applied at the entry of the borehole. This friction force is calculated by multiplying the weight of the pipeline that’s outside of the borehole with a friction coefficient. The length of the pipeline outside of the borehole is determined from the difference in length of the borehole and length of the pipeline in the borehole. It is implicitly assumed that the pipeline’s total length equals the length of the bore path. For this length the weight is determined using the cross section of the pipeline, the density of the pipeline material and the acceleration of gravity. This weight is then multiplied by a friction coefficient. The NEN code sets this friction coefficient to 0.1 if there is a roller track or to 0.3 if the pipeline lies on the soil surface. 3.6 Simulation steps and geometric linearity/non-linearity It is known that geometric non-linearity needs to be used for an accurate description of large deflections of beams. This has been implemented in the code, but the user can also choose geometrically linear behaviour. Some finite element codes don’t have the geometrically nonlinear option. It might be possible to implement the pulling model in those codes with rather good approximation to the results of a geometrically nonlinear simulation. Therefore a geometric linear option has been implemented in the model as well. The differences between the approaches differ fundamentally. In this section a brief overview is given of the way the simulations are performed by the finite element program ABAQUS and this is done separately for the geometrically linear and nonlinear variants. 3.6.1 Geometrically nonlinear simulations The most realistic simulations are considered to be the simulations where geometric nonlinearities are taken into account. Then large deformations can be simulated. One pull back step of a geometric nonlinear simulation is performed in four steps: 1. The first simulation step is visualized in Figure 3.7. The simulation starts with a beam (pipeline - drill pipe combination) that is initially horizontal and straight without internal stresses. The length of the beam is as long as the length of the bore path created 16 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling from the XY data file or from the lines and circle sections as described above. The bore path is divided into nel elements using an algorithm which assures that the distance between neighboring nodes is approximately the same, ΔL. Nodes are placed along the bore path that form the base nodes for the tube support elements that describe the soil-pipeline interaction. After this division the distance between neighboring nodes is computed and from these distances the element lengths are created along the horizontal beam. A node that is close to the center of the model is selected as mid node and the x-position of the corresponding mid node on the horizontal beam is set to the same position (it can be selected to have this node at the left of the model to have for example a cantilever beam type boundary condition). This node is kept fixed horizontally and rotationally in the first simulation step. In this first simulation step the nodes on the beam are shifted by a vertical displacement corresponding to the difference in y value between their corresponding points on the bore path and the y position of the beam. Because the center is fixed horizontally and the simulation is geometrically nonlinear, the nodes of the beam end up very near the corresponding location of the base nodes along the bore path for the tube support elements. These soil-pipeline interaction elements are turned off in this first simulation step. L first step: upward displacement of nodes horizontally and rotationally fixed node L initial state (straight beam) Figure 3.7. geometrically nonlinear simulation. 2. In the second simulation step the tube support elements nodes are turned on and all prescribed displacements on the beam are relaxed except for the mid node which is now kept fixed vertically, horizontally and rotationally. This means it is fixed in the centre of the bore hole. In this step the beam tends to straighten out because of the internal moments that were build up in the first step. Because the soil-pipeline interaction elements are turned on an equilibrium is found whereby the beam penetrates the soil and soil stresses are computed as well as the penetration. 3. In this step everything is kept the same except for the centre node for which the vertical and rotational constraints are relaxed. The centre node is only fixed horizontally at this point. 4. The horizontal boundary condition of the centre node is relaxed, so that there is no boundary condition on this node. The right end of the model is pulled a distance of Δu in the direction parallel to the bore path. This is the actual pulling step. At the same time the extra friction forces or an additional thrust force are applied now on the nodes of the beam. These are: the roller track friction at the left end of the model, a thrust force at the left end of the model if the user selected that, and the friction force due to cohesion in the drilling fluid. The code always performs these four simulation steps in the geometric nonlinear case. As output the user gets normally the third step, which is the final stage of the way the 17 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra pipeline lies in the bore hole without pulling and the fourth step, which is the penetration and soil reaction during the pull back step. The user also can select “fixed=1”, then the code generates output only for step 2 where the centre node (or left node) is kept fixed horizontally, vertically and rotationally. This allows the user to study phenomena of a clamped pipe in a bore hole, which will be used in this report for comparison with some analytical results. 3.6.2 Geometrically linear simulations In the geometrically linear case, the simulation is also started from a horizontal straight beam, divided in elements of the same size. But contrary to the nonlinear simulation, the length of the beam is shorter, it is as long as the difference in between the maximum and the minimum x position of the bore path, see Figure 3.8. In other words, as long as the bore path projected on the x-axis. This is because a linear geometric simulation assumes small deflections (in axial sense, bending of the beam) and there is no update of geometry. From this it can be seen that when the deflections become large, the geometric linear simulation becomes less and less realistic. But for steel pipelines and small deflections the results might not differ too much from a full nonlinear simulation. The geometric linear simulations are performed in three steps described below: 1. First, the minimum and maximum x-positions of the bore path are used to make a horizontal beam (pipeline and drill pipe combination) simply between these positions and equally split in nel elements. Contrary to the nonlinear case, the base nodes for the tube support elements for soil pipe interaction are also created horizontally at the same position as the initial beam nodes. The coordinate system that defines parallel and perpendicular direction to the borehole is now simple. The parallel direction is taken as (1,0,0) and perpendicular as (0,1,0). This is because in a geometrically linear system even though the beam undergoes deflection, it is in fact still the same straight geometry and is not updated. Once these nodes and beam elements are generated, the nodes of the tube support elements are moved upward to their corresponding positions at the centre the bore path while keeping a centre (or left) node fixed horizontally and rotationally, see Figure 3.8. Although the end result is exactly the bore path and the beam should have stretched there are no axial forces in the beam after this, because of geometric linearity. Also because the pipe soil interaction elements were already on, the result of this first step is already a beam penetrating in the bore hole and obtaining soil reactions. Thus this first step is comparable to the second step in the nonlinear simulation. first step: upward displacement of nodes horizontally and rotationally fixed node initial state (straight beam) Figure 3.8. geometrically linear simulation. 2. Just as in the geometric nonlinear simulation, everything is kept the same except for the centre node for which the vertical and rotational constraints are relaxed. The centre node is only fixed horizontally at this point. 3. The horizontal boundary condition of the centre node is relaxed, so that there is no 18 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling boundary condition at all on this node. The right end of the model is pulled a distance of Δu horizontally. This is the actual pulling step. At the same time the extra friction forces or push force are applied now on the nodes of the beam (as previously: roller track friction, push force, and the friction force due to cohesion in the drilling fluid). Note that this pulling to horizontally is different from the direction of the bore path as used in the nonlinear simulation. The pulling needs to be horizontal because that is the geometry that the program “thinks” the beam is still in, because there is no update of geometry in a geometric linear simulation. For this reason the so called Capstan forces are not generated. Those forces are that when pulling across a bend, due to the pulling force also the force perpendicular to the bore path increases. But since the beam is still straight, there is no bend in linear geometry and no increase of forces perpendicular during pulling. This also means that from the soil reaction in step 2 and including the friction of the drilling fluid, one can calculate the pulling force exactly in this linear situation. And it’s not really necessary to do a FEM simulation. The code always performs these three simulation steps in the geometric nonlinear case. As output the user gets normally the second step, which is the final stage of the way the pipeline lies in the bore hole without pulling and the third step, which is the penetration and soil reaction during the pull back step. The user also can select “fixed=1”, then the code generates output only for step 1 where the centre node (or left node) is kept fixed horizontally, vertically and rotationally. This allows the user to study phenomena of a clamped pipe in a bore hole, which will be used in this report for comparison with some analytical results. 3.7 List of input parameters With the description of all components of the current model completed, here a complete list of input parameters is given as a summary of what is included in the model. Bore path Geometry L1, L2, L3, R, sym Straight sections and radius and symmetry option XY data file If not using the above, a 2 column data file can be used nel, nel_pipe Number of elements along bore path, number of elements that are pipeline (the remainder is drill pipe) Pipeline D0_pipe, t_pipe Pipeline diameter and wall thickness rho_pipe, E_pipe, nu_pipe Pipeline material. Density, Young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio. Drill pipe D0_rod, t_rod Drill pipe diameter and wall thickness rho_rod, E_rod, nu_rod Drill pipe material. Density, Young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio. 19 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Pipeline soil interaction k_ps, gap_ps, fric_ps Pipe-soil spring stiffness, gap around pipe, friction. Drill pipe soil interaction k_rs, gap_rs, fric_rs rod-soil spring stiffness, gap around rod, friction. Other soil pipe/rod interaction k_red_fact Factor by which spring stiffness is reduced inside the gap as compared to soil penetration stiffness k_gap=k_ red_fact*k_ps (or k_rs) Gravity force upward/downward rho_bf, rho_water Drilling fluid and water density Tfilled Fraction of pipeline filled with water g Acceleration of gravity Friction of pipeline and rod through drilling fluid f2 Friction per square meter of surface (NEN=50 N/m2) Roller track friction and push force f1 Roller track friction coefficient, friction is f1 times gravity force of pipe outside bore path Fpush Push force at entry point of bore path Simulation controls nl Geometrical nonlinear simulation (nl=1) or linear (nl=0) left Keep left fixed (left=1) instead of middle (left=0) during first simulation steps 3.8 Running the simulations The pull back simulations are performed by the finite element code ABAQUS and the input is created with Matlab scripts. The postprocessing is performed by python scripts (part of the ABAQUS environment) and finally by Matlab scripts with which all the graphs in this report have been created. The entire Matlab code is presented in Appendix 1, together with an explanation of all the functions, a flow chart as well as instructions to how to run the script. The script can be copied from the Appendix and pasted into Matlab. When Abaqus is installed on the same PC as Matlab, all simulations presented in this report can be reproduced. 20 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 4 Simulation results The model discussed in the previous chapter has been implemented. The program code can be found in Appendix 1. With this program simulations have been performed from simple cases that can be compared with analytical solutions to complex cases with irregular bore paths and a multitude of interactions between the pipeline and its surroundings. The results of these simulations are presented in this chapter. 4.1 Comparison with analytical solution The first simulations consider a pipeline fixed on one end which lies in a borepath of circular radius R. This is equal to Figure 3.1 with L1 and L3 are zero and L2 nonzero. There is no gap between borehole wall and pipeline. The spring stiffness describing pipeline soil interaction is linear. This simulations are based on geometrically linear behaviour. It is possible to find an analytical solution for this problem and find the soil penetration and soil reaction forces on the pipeline. The solution is non-trivial and is derived in Appendix 2. In subsequent sections it will be shown that this analytical solution helps to understand many phenomena of pipeline soil interaction in more complex situations. The input parameters for the numerical model are shown in Appendix 3.1.1. The main input parameters are a pipe cross section of 1.21 m and wall thickness of 2.27 cm, material is steel. The radius is chosen 1210 m, which is approximately the minimum allowed radius for those kinds of steel pipelines (R>1000 D0). L2 is set to 310 m. The spring stiffness is set to 130 kN/m2 which can be thought of as a soft clay material (see chapter 6 for a discussion on spring stiffness). The results of the ABAQUS simulation and the analytical solution are presented in Appendix 3.1.5. As can be seen the results match perfectly. The maximum borehole wall penetration is 14 cm, small compared to the overall length of the pipeline and it can be seen that the pipeline closely follows the circular arc in both the analytical and numerical models, this is shown in Figure 4.1 below. 21 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Figure 4.1. Comparison of vertical displacements resulting from the analytical solution and the numerical ABAQUS model discussed in this report. When looking at the moment in the pipeline, Figure 4.2, the solutions also are in agreement. From elementary beam theory it is known that if a beam is bent into a perfect circle the bending moment is: M = EI R (4.1) Where EI is the bending stiffness of the beam and R the circle radius. EI can be calculated as follows: EI = E π ( D04 − Di4 ) 64 (4.2) With E the Youngs modulus of the pipeline material, D0 the outer diameter and Di the inner diameter of the pipeline. Using the values from Appendix and R=1210 m. M=2590 kNm. It can be seen that this is exactly the value at the left clamped end of the pipeline in Figure 4.2. The right end of the pipeline is a free end and the moment there should be zero, which is also visible in Figure 4.2. The distance over which the moment goes to zero is related to the ratio of the soil spring stiffness to the beam bending stiffness. Over the first 200 m of the pipeline the moment is fairly constant at the value calculated above from beam theory. 22 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Figure 4.2. Comparison of moment in the pipeline resulting from the analytical solution and the numerical ABAQUS model discussed in this report. The soil spring reaction (forces exerted on the pipeline by the soil) is shown in Figure 4.3. It can be seen that the force is zero upto a distance of about 250 m. Then the force becomes negative between 250 and 300 m and positive after that. A negative force means the pipeline is pushed downward and a positive force means the pipeline is pushed upward. It might seem a contradiction to have a force pushing downward, but opposite forces are in fact necessary to create the constant moment in the beam belonging to a circular bore path as mentioned above. It can be observed by comparing Figure 4.3 to Figure 4.2 that (starting from the right) when the force becomes almost zero that is the point where the moment becomes constant. Coupled to the soil reaction force is the borehole wall penetration shown in Figure 4.4. Penetration is positive when the force is negative and vice verse. Note that since there is no gap around the pipeline (for modelling the borehole) used in these simulations that the borehole wall penetration is equal to the displacement normal to the bore path. In simulations with gap the displacement normal to the bore path is larger than the penetration, this effect can then be observed in the soil spring reaction graphs as well. 23 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Figure 4.3. Comparison of the soil spring reaction resulting from the analytical solution and the numerical ABAQUS model discussed in this report. Figure 4.4. Comparison of the wall penetration resulting from the analytical solution and the numerical ABAQUS model discussed in this report. 24 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling It can be concluded that the implemented model and analytical solutions are closely matching and the results can also be understood using basic facts from beam theory. 4.2 Comparison of results with and without gap and using nonlinear and linear geometric behaviour Starting from the numerical solution in the previous section without gap between borehole wall and pipeline an extra simulation has been performed with the model with a gap of 0.1 m. The two simulations have been performed again with geometric nonlinear behaviour instead of linear behaviour, resulting in four simulations that are compared in this section. The input parameters of the four simulations are presented in Appendices 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 and the simulation results are plotted together in Appendix 3.1.6. The top left figure doesn’t show any differences between results, which was to be expected since the borehole is basically followed in all the simulations. The top right figure where the moment in the pipeline is presented shows subtle differences in results (Figure 4.5). The first thing that can be observed is that the moment is more constant in the first 200 m for the geometrically nonlinear case compared to the linear case where the moment seems to increase slightly compared to the theoretical value of 2590 kNm calculated from beam theory. This is due to the fact that in geometric linearity the bending radius R is approximated and this approximation fails to a greater extent when axial deflections become larger. Then the moment also diverges from the theoretical value more. In this case of a large diameter steel pipeline, the behaviour between geometric linearity and nonlinearity doesn’t differ much. Figure 4.5. Comparison of the moment in the pipeline for the four simulations. Another thing that can be observed from the moment graph is that in the case with gap the moment decreases gradually while in the case without gap there is first a slight increase between 200 to 250 m and then a decrease. This is related to the soil reaction plot 25 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra shown in Figure 4.6 below. First thing that can seen is that the graphs of the geometrically nonlinear simulations extend to a further distance than the ones for the geometrically linear simulations. This is because the distance plotted is the distance along the pipeline and, as mentioned in Chapter 3, the pipeline (beam) is longer in a geometrically nonlinear simulation because it has to be as long as the length of the bore path, while in a geometrically linear simulation the beam is as long as the projected bore path on the horizontal axis. However this difference in length is small for this case where a large diameter steel pipeline is used with its minimum allowed bending radius, in PE pipelines where bending takes place with smaller radii and over larger angles this difference can be considerably larger. The second thing observed in Figure 4.6 is that for the simulations with gap the force is zero to about 250 m and then negative and then zero over a certain distance from about 280 m to 300 m again after which becoming positive, while the simulation without gap the force switches from negative to positive instantly without a zone of zero force. This is due to the fact that from going from upward borehole wall penetration to downward borehole wall penetration the pipeline does not touch the borehole wall and the force is zero. This can be seen in Figure 4.7 where for the simulations with gap the displacement gradually rises and around 240 m the displacement is larger than 0.1 m (the gap width), this is also the location where negative soil reaction forces are generated due to penetration in the borehole wall. Then between 280 and 300 m the displacement is smaller than 0.1 m and larger than -0.1 m and the pipeline is also inside the gap not touching the wall. It can be observed from Figure 4.6 that the peaks of the soil reaction forces are lower for the model with gap compared to the situation without gap. A possible explanation for this is that the moment that has to be created in the pipeline needs to be the same in both the simulations with and without gap because the pipeline needs to follow the circular arc. The moment is in fact caused by positive and negative forces being separated by some distance. In case of the gap, the distance is larger as can be seen in Figure 4.6. The negative force starts earlier and the positive force peaks later. If the distance is larger the force must be lower to obtain the same moment. 26 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Figure 4.6. Comparison of the soil spring reaction for the four simulations. Figure 4.7. Comparison of the displacement normal to the borepath for the four simulations. In general it can be concluded that the differences between geometric linearity and nonlinearity are small for the large diameter steel pipeline used in this simulation. In case of PE pipelines with larger (axial) deflection angles the differences can be much larger. 27 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 4.3 Simulations with a circular section and added straight section without gap The basic parameters of the previous sections are used in this simulation. The bore path geometry is changed to include a straight horizontal section L1=200 m (see Figure 3.1 for the meaning of L1, L2 and L3), L2 is the same as in previous sections, 310 m and L3 is varied from 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 m. A situation with no gap is considered and the pipeline was not pulled back. Geometrically nonlinear behaviour is used. The goal of the simulation is to study the soil reaction forces and borehole penetration for a varying L3. The complete list of input parameters for L3=100 m is shown in Appendix 3.2.1 and the results of all simulations are shown in Appendix 3.2.2. Looking at Figure 4.8 it can be seen that where the circular arc begins after a 200 m horizontal bore path the moment of 2590 kNm is generated again and brought back to zero at the end of the circular arc. The decrease to zero differs for the various simulations. The end of the pipeline is free and has by definition a moment of zero. In the last simulations for L3=100 it can be seen that the straight section is long enough to have a moment of zero before the end of the pipeline. Figure 4.8. Comparison of the moment for simulations without gap and varying L3. This length effect is reflected in the soil reaction forces and normal displacement, Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10. For L3=0 m, the maximum normal displacement and soil reaction force is equal to the simulation performed in section 4.2. For increasing L3 the maximum soil reaction force becomes less and the normal displacement at the end also decreases in amplitude. For L3=100 m the forces and displacements at the end of the circular arc show the same magnitude and shape as those at the beginning of the circular arc. And the force has become zero again, meaning there is no change in moment from that point on as seen in the moment graph. 28 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling It can be concluded that the soil reaction forces are much higher when the head of the pipeline is in the bend as compared to when the head of the pipeline has passed through the bend. Here it can be remarked that the Dutch NEN code estimates the soil reaction based on a pipeline lying entirely in the borehole and doesn’t describe the higher forces as found when the head is in the bend. Figure 4.9. Comparison of the soil reaction forces for simulations without gap and varying L3. Figure 4.10. Comparison of the normal displacement for simulations without gap and varying L3. 29 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Simulations with a circular section and added straight section with 0.1 m gap 4.4 The basic parameters of the previous sections are used and the bore path geometry is changed to include a straight horizontal section L1=200 m (see Figure 3.1 for the meaning of L1, L2 and L3), L2 is the same as in previous sections, 310 m and L3 is varied from 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 m. A situation with 0.1 m gap is considered and the pipeline was not pulled back. Geometrically nonlinear behaviour is used. The goal is to study the soil reaction forces and borehole wall penetration for a varying L3. The complete list of input parameters for L3=100 m is shown in Appendix 3.3.1 and the results of all simulations are shown in Appendix 3.3.2. Just like in Figure 4.8 it can be seen in Figure 4.11 that where the circular arc begins after 200 m horizontal borehole the moment of 2590 kNm is generated again and brought back to zero at the end of the circular arc. The decrease to zero differs for the various simulations. The end of the pipeline is free and has by definition a moment of zero. But only in the last simulations for L3=100 it can be seen that the straight section is long enough to have a moment of zero before the end of the pipeline. Figure 4.11. Comparison of the moment for simulations with 0.1 m gap and varying L3. As in the previous section without gap, for L3=0, the maximum normal displacement and soil reaction force (Figure 4.12 and Figure 4.13) are equal to those of the simulation performed in section 4.2 for the nonlinear case with gap. For increasing L3 the maximum soil reaction force becomes less and the normal displacement at the end also decreases in amplitude. For L3=100 m the forces and displacements at the end of the circular arc show the same magnitude and shape as those at the beginning of the circular arc. And the force has become zero again, meaning there is no change in moment from that point on as seen in the moment graph. 30 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Comparing Figure 4.12 to Figure 4.9 for L3=100 m it can clearly be observed that the maximum magnitude of the force is higher for the case without gap compared to the case without gap. This is due to the fact seen earlier that when the arm (distance between positive and negative forces) becomes longer when a gap is present, there is less force needed to generate the same moment. It can be concluded that the soil reaction forces are much higher when the head of the pipeline is in the bend as compared to when the pipeline head has passed through the bend. Here it can be remarked, as in section 4.4, that the Dutch NEN code estimates the soil reaction based on a pipeline lying entirely in the borehole and doesn’t describe the higher forces as found when the head is in the bend. Figure 4.12. Comparison of the soil reaction forces for simulations with 0.1 m gap and varying L3. 31 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Figure 4.13. Comparison of the normal displacement for simulations with 0.1 m gap and varying L3. 4.5 Pullback simulation of half circle borehole A borehole geometry of half a circle with radius of 1210 m is chosen to study the displacements and forces during pullback. Of course the result is a borehole that is very unrealistic, however a lot can be observed from these simulations and they form also a verification of the model. To obtain a better understanding of the phenomena involved, more effects are added to the simulations. Geometric nonlinearity is used and a gap of 0.1 m. The first simulation is done with friction only, no cohesion due to the yield strength of the drilling fluid or gravity effects are included. In the second simulation cohesion is added and in the third simulation gravity effects are added. 4.5.1 Half circle geometry with friction only The input parameters of this simulation are given in Appendix 3.4.1 and the results of the simulation are presented in Appendix 3.4.2. The basic geometry and moment plots are shown in Figure 4.14. The pullback is performed on the right end. there the pipeline is pulled upward over a distance of 1 m. It can be seen that the moment is almost constant over the entire geometry at 2590 kNm, the value corresponding to a radius of 1210 m as determined in previous sections for the large diameter steel pipeline. The ends are free initially and the moment tends to zero there. Note that the moment doesn’t change much during pulling compared to the static situation when the pipeline just lies in the borehole. This is because the pipeline has to follow the same half circle when pulling. The pipeline has to remain in the bend in the same way as without pulling. 32 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Figure 4.14. Geometry and moment graphs of the half circle geometry simulation with friction only. As in previous sections there is only soil reaction force where the moment is generated, in this case at the beginning and end of the borehole only. Figure 4.15. Displacements normal and parallel to the borehole for the half circle geometry simulation with friction only. Figure 4.15. Displacements normal and parallel to the borehole for the half circle geometry simulation with friction only. 33 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Observing the displacements parallel to the borehole (right plot of Figure 4.15), it can be seen that at the right end of the borehole the displacement is 1 m. This is the prescribed upward displacement of the pullback operation. One would perhaps expect a displacement of 1 m also at the left end of the borehole for such a stiff pipeline, but the displacement at the left end is only about 0.68 cm. The explanation for this difference can be found when looking at the plot for the normal displacement (right plot of Figure 4.15). When there is no pull back the pipeline lies approximately on the centerline of the borehole, this is because the centre line was the prescribed displacement and there is no gravity loading and only displacements at the beginning and end of the borehole are needed to generate the moment. But during pulling, the normal displacement is 0.1 m for the most part. This is exactly the gap width and the pipeline simply is pulled upward to the top of the borehole. This makes the needed length in the borehole about π(12101209.9)= π 0.1=0.314 m shorter. This is exactly the difference between parallel pipeline displacement at the right and left ends. Figure 4.16. Pulling force for the half circle geometry simulation with friction only. The pulling force, Figure 4.16, is remarkably low. This is because no cohesion has been used and the only contribution to the pulling force is the friction which is equal to a factor multiplied with the normal force caused by penetration of the borehole wall. There are two jumps in the pulling force at the beginning and end of the borehole, because of the reaction forces which are required to generate the moment and a slight increase of the pulling force along the pipeline due to friction against the top borehole wall. Because the pulling force is so low, there is hardly any length change of the pipeline. The plot of the length change in Appendix 3.4.2 shows about 7 mm length change. On a beam of almost 4000 m length this is a strain of only 1.75 e-6. 4.5.2 Half circle geometry with friction and cohesion The input parameters of this simulation are given in Appendix 3.5.1. The simulation is basically the same as in the previous section except for the addition of a cohesion due to the yield strength of the drilling fluid of 50 N/m2. the results of the simulation are presented in Appendix 3.5.2. The moment plot is almost the same. Figure 4.17 shows 34 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling the soil reaction and normal displacement. Compared to the situation without cohesion, it can be observed that during pulling the soil reaction force is not almost zero anymore along the bore path. Instead a growing force is visible between beginning and end. Also, the pipeline visibly penetrates the top of the borehole instead of just touching it as in the previous section. Figure 4.17. Soil reaction and normal displacement for half circle geometry simulation with friction and cohesion. This phenomenon is caused by the so called Capstan forces appearing. Because of the added resistance in the drilling fluid, the needed pulling force is considerably larger, and because the pipeline is being pulled not through a straight borehole but a curved one, an increase in pulling force results in an increase of force normal to the borehole, this increase of normal force in turn contributes to the pulling force until equilibrium is reached. So the pulling force increases nonlinearly with distance compared to the situation with a straight borehole where the force would increase linearly. This is shown in Figure 4.18. Comparing this figure to the Figure 4.16 without cohesion, still the two jumps can be observed at the beginning and end of the borehole and they have approximately the same magnitude, but they are negligible to the contribution to the pulling force along the borepath whereas without cohesion that contribution was much smaller. 35 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Figure 4.18. Pulling force for half circle geometry simulation with friction and cohesion. Figure 4.19 shows the force balance resulting in these Capstan forces. In the figure, a pipeline is bend along a circular arc of radius R and an infinitesimal section of the pipeline over an angle dϕ is considered. The length of this pipeline section is Rdϕ . During pulling the normal force is N and using a friction force per length c the total friction force in this element is cRdϕ + µN . The pulling force on one end is T and on the other end T + dT and increase due to friction. cRd +N N d/2 d/2 _ _ T T+dT _ R d Figure 4.19. Forces acting on an infinitesimal pipeline element bend in a circle with radius R. Considering horizontal equilibrium of forces leads to: T cos (4.3) 36 dϕ dϕ + cRdϕ + µN = (T + dT ) cos 2 2 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Vertical equilibrium gives: T sin dϕ dϕ + (T + dT ) sin =N 2 2 (4.4) In the limit for dϕ to zero and eliminating N from the equations results in the differential equation: dT = cR + µT dϕ (4.5) Under the boundary condition that the pulling force is zero at the solution of this differential equation is: T (ϕ ) = cR µϕ (e − 1) µ (4.6) Figure 4.20 shows this function with the pulling force from the simulation (Figure 4.18). The parameters for (4.6) are taken from the list of input parameters and output summary of the simulation, Appendix 3.5.1. c=190 N/m, R=1210 m and µ =0.2. It can be seen that the pulling force shows the same trend as the force resulting from the simulation and the differences are small. The differences are mainly caused by the fact that the soil spring reaction needed to create the moment also causes a friction and contribution to the pulling force. But this contribution is small compared to the contribution to the pulling force by the cohesion. Figure 4.20. Pulling force compared with differential equation for the Capstan forces resulting from cohesion. 37 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Due to the larger pulling force the length change of the pipeline is also larger. The pipeline is extended by approximately 0.1 m over its length (Figure 4.21). This corresponds to the parallel displacement which is about 0.1 m less on the left side of the borehole compared to the previous simulation. ; Figure 4.21. Length increase and horizontal displacement for half circle geometry simulation with friction and cohesion. 4.5.3 Half circle geometry with friction, cohesion and gravity The previous simulation is extended to include net buoyancy gravity effects. The pipeline is for 50% filled with water. The input parameters are shown in Appendix 3.6.1 and the simulation results in Appendix 3.6.2. The moment graph is quite similar to the previous simulations as expected. Figure 4.22 shows that already in the initial situation before pulling the pipeline penetrates the top of the borehole. This is due to the upward force. The soil spring reaction is large at the lowest point and smaller further away from the lowest point. During pulling the soil reaction is larger than in the previous simulation. The pulling force is also much larger than in the previous simulation, see Figure 4.23 due to the higher friction because of the higher soil reaction forces. Another thing that can be seen in Figure 4.23 is that the pulling force is not maximum at the end of the pipeline, but peaks before the end. This is because more toward the end the borehole becomes almost vertical and the net upward buoyant force helps in the pulling and less force is needed from the rig. 38 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Figure 4.22. Soil reaction forces and normal displacement for half circle geometry simulation with friction, cohesion and gravity. Figure 4.23. Pulling force for half circle geometry simulation with friction, cohesion and gravity. Because of the larger pulling force the length change of the pipeline is also larger compared to the situation without gravity effects, Figure 4.24. In this case it can be seen that in the initial state without pulling the pipeline extends because of the buoyant force and becomes approximately 0.16 m longer. At the left end there is an upward (negative) displacement of about 0.24 m and at the right end there is an upward (positive) displacement also of about 0.24 m. There is a total elongation of 0.48 m in the beam. This is again due to the fact that originally the beam was in the centre of the borehole and to 39 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra touch the top of the borehole wall about 0.314 m extra length is available without straining the pipeline as mentioned before. This means an actual elongation in the pipeline of about 0.48-0.314=0.166 m which is precisely the calculated length change in the situation without pulling. Figure 4.24. Length change and parallel displacement for half circle geometry simulation with friction, cohesion and gravity. During pulling the length change of the pipeline is in total 0.46 m, an 0.3 m increase from the situation without pulling. At the right end it can be seen that the increase in horizontal displacement is 1m as prescribed (from 0.24 to 1.24 m) and at the left end the displacement is from -0.24 to 0.4 m, totaling about 0.64 cm. The difference is covered by the length change of the beam and extra penetration into the top of the borehole. 4.6 Pullback simulation with drilling pipe in 100 steps, no cohesion or gravity effects In the previous simulations the pipeline was present along the entire borehole. In this section a more realistic design bore path is studied. The simulation considers pulling back by positioning the head of the pipeline at 100 different positions in the borehole. This was presented in Figure 3.3 where the borepath was divided into nel elements and the head of the pipeline was from element number 1 to element number nel_pipe. The remainder elements are drilling pipe. In this situation in total 200 elements were chosen and 100 simulations were performed with nel_pipe varying from 2, 4, etc… to 200. The geometry is L1=100 m, L2=150 m, L3=80 m and R=1210 m. The symmetry option was used to create an actual bore path. The resulting total length of the bore path is 662 m. The same pipeline parameters have been chosen as in previous simulations and a gap of 0.1 m was used. The drilling pipe was chosen to have a diameter of 0.125 m, resulting in a lower bending stiffness and also the gap width was adapted to 0.6425 m. The complete set of input parameters for a pipeline at 50% of the length of the borepath is given in 40 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 3.7.1. For five of the simulations all the results have been presented in the five pages of Appendix 3.7.2, corresponding to the head of the pipeline at 1%, 30%, 50%, 80% and 100% of the borepath. The motivation for the selection of these is described below. For each of these 100 simulations with the head of the pipeline at a different position further along the borehole the pulling force was output as well as the maximum penetration into the borehole wall. Figure 4.25 shows the result. Because the borehole’s total length is 662 m, in the final simulation the head of the pipeline is located at 662 m. In the first 100 m, the pulling force and wall penetration is almost zero and after that the wall penetration and pulling force increase to a constant value. This is the point where the head of the pipeline is in the first circular bend. After that the penetration and pulling force decrease. In the section 4.4 it has been observed that the wall penetration of the head of the pipeline in the bend is about 13 cm while the maximum wall penetration for the pipeline when the head is 100 m through the bend is about 1 cm. These values are close to the observed values in Figure 4.25. The increase of the wall penetration when the head of the pipeline passes through the second circular arc and decrease when it’s past the bend is equal to the first. The slight decrease of the pulling force after the first bend is directly related to the decrease in wall penetration reducing the friction force. However at the entry and exit of each bend a moment needs to be created resulting in extra normal forces and friction, so overall the pulling force is increasing. Figure 4.25. Pulling force and borehole wall penetration versus the pulled in distance of the pipeline as a result of the 100 pullback simulations. From Figure 4.25 it can be seen that the five simulations that are presented in Appendix 3.7.2, corresponding to the head of the pipeline at 1%, 30%, 50%, 80% and 100% are corresponding to positions where the head is before the first bend, in the middle of the first bend, in the middle of the horizontal flat section, in the middle of the second band and all the way through the borehole. From these it can be deduced that the maximum penetration in the bends is at the pipeline head. 41 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra The drill pipe present in the simulations shows the expected behaviour. This can be seen in the plot where the pipeline is 50% pulled in, see Figure 4.26. The gap around the drill pipe is 0.6425 m and it can be seen that the drill pipe touches and penetrates the upper borehole wall in between a distance of about 450 to 550 m where we also see a penetration of about 1 mm. Figure 4.26. Normal displacement and borehole wall penetration when the pipeline is pulled in for 50%. 4.7 Simulation with measured XY data To look at differences between the idealized design bore path and a more realistic bore path, a measurement is used of a realized bore path. This measurement was in xyz data but only the xz data were used as XY data for creation of the bore path. Only one simulation has been performed with all elements being pipeline and no drilling pipe. Pipeline parameters, soil stiffness and gap have been unchanged from previous simulations. The simulation is performed without cohesion and gravity to observe specifically what are the difference resulting from geometry only. The complete list of input parameters is presented in Appendix 3.8.1 and the simulation results are presented in Appendix 3.8.2. Figure 4.27 shows the bore path shape and moment plot. 42 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Figure 4.27. Bore path shape and moment plot for the simulation with measured XY data. If the bore path would be as smooth as the design path (see the 100% simulation in the previous section), one would expect a smooth moment plot with a moment from zero to almost constant value to zero in the horizontal section. For the final and the second bend. Here however, the moment plot is far less smooth, even though the general trend is still the same as for the design bore path: zero at the end, approximately zero in the horizontal section and largest amplitude in the middle of the bends. The same can be observed from the soil reaction and borehole wall penetration plots. It’s interesting to note that even with such irregular shaped bore path the pulling force doesn’t differ much from the pulling force found for the design path simulation for the 100% pulled in pipeline in section 4.6. 43 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 44 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 5 Soil spring stiffness FEM simulations The soil spring stiffness that has been used in the pullback simulations has been linear. In the model description it has been stated that ABAQUS can in principle perform calculations with arbitrary spring characteristics made up of multiple linear segments and can therefore include effects like softening and plasticity. The common Dutch practice is to use a linear spring characteristic calculated by using the formula of [Schleicher 1926] for a rectangular plate on an elastic halfspace. Here FEM simulations are performed to study the penetration of pipelines to see what a more realistic spring stiffness function is. 5.1 Dutch common practice The formula of [Schleicher 1926] considers a rectangular plate on an elastic halfspace. The plate has length L and width B. From the ratio of soil stiffness to beam bending stiffness EI the characteristic length is determined and this is considered to be L. B is considered to be equal to the diameter D. With these the stiffness can be calculated using: kv = Esoil m(1 −ν 2 ) A L= kv D π , λ=4 4 E pipe I λ (5.1) with: Esoil A ν EpipeI m λ Young’s modulus Loaded area = L*B Poisson’s ratio Bending stiffness of pipe, see equation (4.2) shape factor as shown in the below graph coefficient arising from beam on elastic foundation theory, used to determine the characteristic length L = π / λ . Figure 5.1. relation between the shape factor m and the ratio of the loaded length and width. 45 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra The use of the characteristic length π / λ for L is not in Schleicher’s original article. Schleicher derived his formula based on a plate with length L. The characteristic length is used in Dutch practice to estimate a value for L. It is based on solutions for a beam on an elastic foundation in which π / λ arises as half a wavelength in many solutions. Depending on loading conditions of the pipe in a borehole the length over which the pipe penetrates the borehole wall is not equal everywhere and also the penetration over this length is not at all constant, contrary to the Schleicher formula which treats a loaded plate of given dimensions. The dimension of kv is [N/m3] whereas the dimension of the spring stiffness that’s used in the code is [N/m2]. Schleicher’s spring stiffness needs to be multiplied by the width of the loaded area k=kvB to have a required stiffness per length unit. The general idea is that Schleicher’s formula overestimates the soil spring stiffness for pipelines because the area of a pipeline that penetrates the soil is becoming larger and the width B in the formula is only equal to the diameter when the pipeline is pushed halfway into the soil. Also it is based on linear elasticity and plastic deformations are neglected that are considered important. Furthermore there is the problem that the load does not act on top of a halfspace but inside a hole in a halfspace. The soil above is not taken into account. Application of Schleicher’s equation for determining the soil spring stiffness for pipelines in a borehole is therefore questionable. A better way would be to determine the force-displacement relation of a rigid pipe of radius r in a hole of radius R in an elastic halfspace or layer. Such analytical solution is not known however. Therefore numerical analyses have been performed to obtain insight into the spring stiffness. 5.2 FEM simulations of pipeline penetration into a borehole in plane strain The finite element analysis is carried out for in plane strain conditions. A circular hole was created in the subsoil and a rigid pipe inside the hole is pushed down into the soil. In the hole there is a drilling fluid pressure preventing the hole from collapsing. The soil has been modeled by a homogeneous linear elastic Mohr-Coulomb plastic model. For various soil types the force displacement curves have been determined. Two different borehole depths have been studied. A deep variant at 25 m below surface at an effective fluid pressure of 275 kN/m2 and a shallow variant at 10 m below the surface at an effective fluid pressure of 110 kN/m2. Simulations have been made for a borehole with a diameter of 1.52 m and a pipeline 1.219 m, this will be called series 1 and a situation with a smaller hole of 0.6 m with a pipeline diameter of 0.406 m which will be called series 2. The simulations have been performed for 8 soil types in deep and shallow variants for each series, resulting in 2 series * 8 soil types * 2 depths=32 simulations. The parameters for a deep and shallow borehole are presented below. 46 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling simulation soil Ywet [kN/m3] Cu [kPa] C [kPa] ϕ [˚] E [kPa] v [-] K0 [-] Yeff [kN/m3] 1 Sand 20 - 1 30 15000 0.35 0.5 10 2 Sand 21 - 1 35 50000 0.35 0.8 11 3 Clay 13 - 1 17.5 2000 0.45 0.7 3 4 Clay 13 40 0 0 2000 0.45 0.7 3 5 Clay 17 - 10 22.5 4000 0.45 0.6 7 6 Clay 17 75 0 0 4000 0.45 0.6 7 7 Clay 17 - 10 22.5 6000 0.45 1.5 7 8 Clay 17 150 0 0 6000 0.45 1.5 7 Table 5.1. soil parameters for the deep variant at reference depth of 25 m below surface. simulation soil Ywet [kN/m3] Cu [kPa] C [kPa] ϕ [˚] E [kPa] v [-] K0 [-] Yeff [kN/m3] 1 Sand 20 - 1 30 10000 0.35 0.5 10 2 Sand 21 - 1 35 50000 0.35 0.8 11 3 Clay 13 - 1 17.5 1000 0.45 0.7 3 4 Clay 13 25 0 0 1000 0.45 0.7 3 5 Clay 17 - 10 22.5 2000 0.45 0.6 7 6 Clay 17 50 0 0 2000 0.45 0.6 7 7 Clay 17 - 10 22.5 6000 0.45 1.5 7 8 Clay 17 150 0 0 6000 0.45 1.5 7 Table 5.2. Soil parameters for the shallow variant at reference depth of 10 m below surface. 47 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra The simulation results are presented in Figure 5.2 to Figure 5.5. It can be seen that the general trend for a specific soil type is similar regardless of the depth or diameter, there is merely a visible difference in scale of the vertical axis. Figure 5.2. Vertical force versus displacement for the large diameter series 1, deep variant. Figure 5.3. Vertical force versus displacement for the small diameter series 2, deep variant. 48 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Figure 5.4. Vertical force versus displacement for the large diameter series 1, shallow variant. Figure 5.5. Vertical force versus displacement for the small diameter series 2, shallow variant. 49 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra The derivative of the force displacement graph for the deep and large diameter variant and soil type 8 is shown in the figure below. Figure 5.6. Derivative (tangent stiffness) of the force-displacement curve of the deep large diameter variant and soil type 8. This is the tangent stiffness. It can be observed that the stiffness increases to a maximum and then decreases to a low value for a displacement of about 0.2 m. Such increase and decrease is visible in all simulations, only the vertical displacement differs. For sands the real plateau is not reached for displacements of even 2 m, while for clays the plateau is reached at displacements of 3.0 m or less. From Figure 5.2 to Figure 5.5 it can be observed that a linear stiffness fits quite well for vertical displacements upto 0.1 m. For this displacement the secant stiffness has been determined for each simulations and they are presented in Table 5.3 below. The values in the table give a good picture of the initial stiffness for the pipeline penetrating the borehole wall. Simulations using these values are valid upto 0.1 m of penetration. It is observed that for the considered soil types and depths the stiffness is higher than the 130 kN/m/m used in the simulations in this report, which represents an even softer soil. The maximum penetration found in the simulations was about 12 cm, and in these simulations curvature radii have been used that are at the allowed minimum. It is expected that for the soil types used in the FEM simulations the linear approximation is a good approximation. 50 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Using the stiffness values and poisson’s ratios in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 it’s possible to calculate It’s noted that the calculated stiffness from the FEM are higher than the values calculated using Schleicher’s equation for the clay soil types and in most cases lower than the values calculated with Schleicher’s equation for sand soil types, see Table 5.4. Soil spring stiffness of first 0.1 m borehole penetration [kN/m/m’] soil type deep, large deep, small shallow, large shallow small diameter diameter diameter diameter 1 7516 4323 3799 2115 2 21078 11433 12702 6815 3 1398 830 643 362 4 1756 1119 840 587 5 2924 2183 1417 1071 6 3508 2274 1624 1223 7 4172 3230 3861 2430 8 5267 4383 5028 3721 Table 5.3. Derived soil spring stiffness from the FEM simulations for borehole wall penetrations upto 0.1 m. Soil spring stiffness [kN/m/m’] soil type deep, large deep, small shallow, large shallow small diameter diameter diameter diameter 1 5630 5810 3542 3655 2 22287 23000 22287 23000 3 628 648 284 293 4 628 648 284 293 5 1386 1431 628 648 6 1386 1431 628 648 7 1386 1431 628 648 8 1386 1431 628 648 Table 5.4. Soil spring stiffness computed using Schleicher’s formula and m=0.72. The length L was calculated using the characteristic length pi/lambda. 51 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Caution still needs to be taken when using the stiffness values calculated either by FEM or by Schleicher. The main problem is that the length of penetration is not known and it’s unknown how the spring stiffness changes when settlement is not uniform. A related issue is that the simulations have been performed in plane strain and therefore assume an infinite length. Performing 3D simulations might show significant differences in stiffness. Such simulations are however outside the scope of this report. 52 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 6 Conclusions A model for the pullback of pipelines has been created and simulations have been performed to study various effects of pipelines in the borehole. From the simulations following conclusions can be made: • The model is identical to analytical solution for the situation without pulling and the simple geometry of a circular arc, geometric linearity and no gap between the pipeline and borehole wall. • Results of geometric linear and geometric nonlinear simulations don’t differ much for cases with small (axial) deflections. This is generally the case with large diameter steel pipes. • For a circular arc with constant radius the moment is constant. This moment is created at the beginning and end of the arc, giving rise to normal soil reaction forces at the entry and exit of a circular bend. • The soil reaction force is much higher when the head of the pipeline is inside the bend as compared to the situation where the head of the pipeline has passed the bend. • Taking into account a gap between pipeline and borehole wall, reduces the soil reaction forces, because the arm between positive and negative forces becomes larger. There is not much difference in overall behaviour compared to the situation without gap. • The simulations with pulling behave as expected with the change in length (axial strain) of the pipeline corresponding to the difference in parallel displacements at the end and beginning of the borehole and the reduction of length due to the pipeline being pulled to the top of the borehole. • The pulling force is relatively low for a design bore path if there is no cohesion because of the creation of a moment only needs normal forces at the entry and exit of the circular sections that give rise to friction. • Simulations with cohesion show much higher pulling forces. Due to the nonlinear effect of the Capstan forces these pulling forces are increased significantly in long curved sections of a borehole (like in the half circle geometry). • The maximum wall penetration and normal force during pullback for the considered design path geometries with constant soil stiffness are described quite well with the simple analytical model that was derived for the circular section. Overall the model can describe a complex set of interactions between pipeline, drilling pipe, drilling fluid and borehole. The model gives results that can be explained rationally using basic facts from beam theory and geometrical considerations. The understanding of the forces in the bend is new and currently unaccounted for in the Dutch NEN code. Many variants can be calculated quickly and the model is ideal to make parameter studies to gain insights in various effects during the pullback. 6.1 Recommendations In this report a linear spring stiffness has been used for the simulations. This can be extended to a piecewise linear arbitrary spring characteristic with plastic behaviour. From 2D FEM simulations for various geometries of borehole and pipeline and at two different depths it was found that for the simulations considered in this report the linearized 53 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra spring stiffness is sufficiently accurate. However it can be argued that the 2D and 3D situations differ significantly because of the assumed infinite contact length and uniform penetration over that length in 2D. Further study into spring stiffness for 3D geometries is recommended. It has been observed that when the head of the pipeline is inside a circular bend the wall penetration and reaction forces are much higher compared to the situation where the head of the pipeline is in the straight section. It is expected that when the borehole XY function is not that of a circle section but would have the shape of a beam bend under a constant distributed load, the borehole wall penetration and reaction forces would show a more smooth behaviour overall. This has yet to be investigated. In the current model only a single soil material is modeled with two different linear springs for pipeline soil interaction and drilling pipe soil interaction. It is recommended to extend the model to include multiple soil types to be able to study the behaviour for when the pipeline passes from one soil material to another, say from sandy soil to soft soil. Most simulations in this report have been performed to study a certain aspect of the pipeline soil interaction problem, be it bore path shape, cohesion, gravity etc. Simulations with more realistic parameters have to be made to compare the model to measurements. In such a study a detailed comparison with the Dutch NEN method is useful to observe under what circumstances the model yields essentially different results. 54 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 7 References [Schleicher 1926] “Zur theorie der Baugrundes” Schleicher Der Bauingenieur, Heft 48/49, 1926 [Hetényi 1946] Beams on Elastic Foundation M. Hetényi University of Michigan, 1946 [polytechnisch zakboekje] Koninklijke PBNA, 1975 55 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 56 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 1 Source code of the model In this appendix the complete source code for the Matlab program is given as well as the two python scripts needed for postprocessing the Abaqus simulations. Matlab is used to control the Abaqus FEM simulations. The flow chart below shows what’s been controlled by the Matlab script. The user inputs the main parameters as presented in section 3.7. The script runs and from these parameters makes an Abaqus input file (with extension *.inp). This input file is in ASCII and contains all elements needed for the simulation, from the nodes, the mesh to material parameters and simulation steps. Then the Abaqus FEM program is called from within the Matlab script with the generated input file. Matlab waits until the script is finished and then calls python (included with Abaqus) with a python script file (also ASCII). This python script gets information from the ABAQUS binary results database (*.odb) and writes it to an ASCII file which is then read by the Matlab script for more postprocessing and plotting. Matlabscript Ababus input file (ASCII) with nodes, Generate Abaqus mesh boundary inputfile from user conditions input parameters simulation steps, Ababus FEM program materials, etc. Call: Run Abaqus with inputfile Ababus output Call: Python Script for postprocessing Python Script database (binair) abaqus results Call: Python Script Ababus textoutput for postprocessing abaqus results The Matlab script contains various functions which are grouped into three *.m files for overview: main.m do_abaqus_sim.m plot_results.m 57 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra In the first script main.m, the user can input the problem parameters. The second script generates the Abaqus input, runs Abaqus and does postprocessing. The third script makes plots using the results. The two python scripts that get data from the Abaqus binary database are for geometric linear problems and geometric nonlinear problems and are called from within the script do_abaqus_sim.m The scripts and python files are presented in the next pages and can be copied to Matlab for execution. The scripts were made in Matlab version 2007b, and perhaps need modification in future Matlab versions. Appendix 1.1 For developpers The main routine is the Matlab script do_abaqus_sim.m. This script has various matlab functions inside. Here follows a brief description of what happens in the script and what functions are called in sequential order First an array of xy data for the borepath is needed, this is either directly read from a user given file or generated from the geometry parameters L1,L2,L3,R,sym given by the user. This is done in the routine [xy]=xycircle(L1,L2,L3,R,nel,sym) This function calls also the help function [x,y]=along_borepath(L1,L2,R,D) From a set of xy borepath data the actual XY data for the elements is created. This happens in the routine [XY]=genXY(xy_in,nel,nl) The result is an array of XY pairs representing the actual nodes that will be used in the simulation. Using this array together with the other input parameters the function genAbaqus(filename,XY,D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,... D0_rod,t_rod,rho_rod,E_rod,nu_rod,... k_ps,k_rs,k_red_fact,gap_ps,gap_rs,fric_ps,fric_rs,... gravforce_tube,gravforce_rod,bf_res_tube,bf_res_rod,... T1,nel,nel_pipe,nl,left) is called that generates the actual Abaqus input file specified by filename. After this, the call to Abaqus is made and the call with the postprocessing python scripts. Then the postprocessing is performed on the ASCII file resulting from the python script. This is done in the function [PostOut]=abaqus_postprocessing([‘py_’ filename ‘.txt’],nl,nel,nel_pipe,gap_ps,gap_rs) The results are stored in the Matlab structure PostOut which now contains all relevant simulation results of each step. The PostOut structure is further filled with also the input parameters, for user reference and plotting. This is done in the function [input,summary]=genInputSummary(...) 58 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 1.2 Matlab script main.m clc;clear; max_force=[];tube_length=[]; max_penetration_pipe=[];pos_max_pen_pipe=[]; max_penetration_rod=[]; % give filename (without extension) for the problem filename=’Bijl3_8_leiding_realXY’; for i=1:1 close all % general description of simulation description1=’geometric nonlinear simulation’; description2=’with gap’; % % Input parameters for Geometry % uitfile=1; % read geometry from file (=1) or not (=0) XY_inputfile=’VSHAkkrumA32Spoor.txt’; % only used if uitfile=1 L1=100.0; % only used if uitfile=0 R=1210; % only used if uitfile=0 fi=pi/2.0; % 310/R % only used if uitfile=0 L2=150;%R*sin(fi);%310; % only used if uitfile=0 L3=80.0; % only used if uitfile=0 sym=1; % half a borepath or symmetric (whole) borepath only used if % uitfile=0 % % input parameters for simulation and boundary conditions % nel=200; % set total number of elements % nel_pipe=i*2 nel_pipe=200;%number of elements in the tube (not pullingrod) nl=1; %simulation is geometrically nonlinear (nl=1) or linear (nl=0) left=0; %boundary condition at left side (left=1) or middle(left=0) % % pipe line parameters % D0_pipe=1.21; % outer diameter [m] t_pipe=0.0227; % wall thickness [m] rho_pipe=7850; % density of pipe material [kg/m^3] E_pipe=2.1E+11; % Young’s modulus of pipe material [N/m^2] nu_pipe=0.3; % Poisson’s ratio of pipe material [-] % % pulling rod parameters % D0_rod=0.125; % outer diameter [m] t_rod=D0_rod/2-1E-6; % wall thickness [m] rho_rod=7850; % density of pulling rod material [kg/m^3] E_rod=2.1E+11; % Young’s modulus of pulling rod material [N/m^2] nu_rod=0.3; % Poisson’s ratio of pulling rod material [-] % 59 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra % Soil stiffness, friction and gap for pipe line/soil interaction % k_ps=130E3; % spring stiffness of pipe line/soil [N/m^2] gap_ps=1.0E-1; % gap between pipe line and wall borehole [m] fric_ps=0.2; % friction coefficient pipe/soil [-] % % Soil stiffness, friction and gap for pulling rod/soil interaction % k_rs=0.1*130E3; % spring stiffness of pulling rod/soil [N/m^2] gap_rs=6.425E-1; % gap between pulling rod and wall borehole [m] fric_rs=0.2; % friction coefficient pulling rod/soil [-] k_red_fact=0.001; %factor with which stiffness is multiplied in borehole % % parameters for calculating the upward force of the pipeline and % pulling rod as well as the friction force in the borefluid and rollenbaan % rho_bf=1150; % density of bore fluid in [kg/m^3] rho_water=1000; % density of water in [kg/m^3] Tfilled=0.5; % fraction of tube filled with water [-] g=0.0; % acceleration of gravity [m/s^2] f2=0; % resistance of tube/rod through bore fluid [N/m^2] NEN=50 N/m^2 f1=0.0; % rollenbaan friction [-] Fpush=0.0; % pushforce at other end of borepath [N] % % parameters for plotting only % fixed=0; %only used for plotting. fixed=1 plots results of %fixed end AppendixNo=’3.8’; % appendix number projectID=’417161’; % project number drawnby=’prk’; % person who created the appendix checkedby=’kse’; % person who checked the appendix GD_boun=1; % put GeoDelft boundary around plot (1) or not (0) and % only standard Matlab functions %%%%%%SIMULATION AND POSTPROCESSING%%%%%%%%% [PostOut]=do_abaqus_sim(filename,nel,nel_pipe,nl,... uitfile,XY_inputfile,L1,L2,L3,R,sym,left,... D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,gap_ps,k_ps,fric_ps,... D0_rod ,t_rod ,rho_rod ,E_rod ,nu_rod ,gap_rs,k_rs,fric_rs,... k_red_fact,Fpush,f1,description1,description2,... rho_bf,rho_water,Tfilled,g,f2); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% max_force=[max_force; PostOut.summary.max_pullingforce]; max_penetration_pipe=[max_penetration_pipe;PostOut.summary.max_penetration_pipe_pull]; pos_max_pen_pipe=[pos_max_pen_pipe;PostOut.summary.position.max_penetration_pipe_pull]; max_penetration_rod=[max_penetration_rod;PostOut.summary.max_penetration_ 60 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling rod_pull]; tube_length=[tube_length;PostOut.summary.length_tube ]; %%%%%%%%%PLOTTING%%% plot_results(filename,PostOut,fixed,projectID,AppendixNo,drawnby,... checkedby,GD_boun,i) end Appendix 1.3Matlab script do_abaqus_sim.m function [PostOut]=do_abaqus_sim(filename,nel,nel_pipe,nl,... uitfile,XY_inputfile,L1,L2,L3,R,sym,left,... D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,gap_ps,k_ps,fric_ps,... D0_rod ,t_rod ,rho_rod ,E_rod ,nu_rod ,gap_rs,k_rs,fric_rs,... k_red_fact,Fpush,f1,description1,description2,rho_bf,... rho_water,Tfilled,g,f2) % start if uitfile==0 % Define traditional geometry with straight sections % and circle radius [xy]=xycircle(L1,L2,L3,R,10000,sym); else % Read geometry from file % XY_inputfile=’VSHAkkrumA32Spoor.txt’; M = dlmread(XY_inputfile, ‘\t’); x=M(:,1);y=-M(:,3); xy=[x y]; end % generate XY elements for simulation from general xy data [XY]=genXY(xy,nel,nl); % calculate the length of the pipe outside of the borehole pdif=diff(XY); Xdist=[0 ;cumsum(sqrt(pdif(:,1).*pdif(:,1)+pdif(:,2).*pdif(:,2)))]; len_borepath=Xdist(end); len_pipe=Xdist(nel_pipe+1); len_buiten=len_borepath-len_pipe; Di_pipe=D0_pipe-2*t_pipe; force_roll=f1*g*pi/4*(D0_pipe^2-Di_pipe^2)*rho_pipe*len_buiten; T1=-Fpush+force_roll; %weigh of tube under borefluid +=upward force - downward in MN/m length; gravforce_pipe=g*0.25*pi*(D0_pipe^2*rho_bf-(D0_pipe^2-Di_pipe^2)... *rho_pipe-Di_pipe^2*Tfilled*rho_water); Di_rod=D0_rod-2*t_rod; gravforce_rod=g*0.25*pi*(D0_rod^2-Di_rod^2)*(rho_bf-rho_rod); bf_res_pipe=f2*D0_pipe*pi;% resistance of tube through bore fluid per meter bf_res_rod=f2*D0_rod*pi; %resistance of rod through bore fluid per meter genAbaqus([filename ‘.inp’],XY,D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,... D0_rod,t_rod,rho_rod,E_rod,nu_rod,... k_ps,k_rs,k_red_fact,gap_ps,gap_rs,fric_ps,fric_rs,... 61 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra gravforce_pipe,gravforce_rod,bf_res_pipe,bf_res_rod,... T1,nel,nel_pipe,nl,left); str1=[‘dos(‘ char(39) ‘abaqus job=’ filename ‘ interactive’ char(39) ‘)’]; eval(str1) if nl==0 string2=[‘dos(‘ char(39) ‘abaqus python ‘,... filename ‘.odb’ ‘ > ‘ ‘py_’ filename ‘.txt’ char(39) ‘)’]; else string2=[‘dos(‘ char(39) ‘abaqus python ‘,... filename ‘.odb’ ‘ > ‘ ‘py_’ filename ‘.txt’ char(39) ‘)’]; end eval(string2) %postprocessing [PostOut]=abaqus_postprocessing([‘py_’ filename ‘.txt’],nl,nel,nel_pipe,... gap_ps,gap_rs); if (uitfile==1) L1=-99;L2=-99;L3=-99;R=-99;sym=-99; else XY_inputfile=’-’; end [input,summary]=genInputSummary(D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,... D0_rod,t_rod,rho_rod,E_rod,nu_rod,k_ps,k_rs,k_red_fact,... gap_ps,gap_rs,fric_ps,fric_rs,gravforce_pipe,... gravforce_rod,bf_res_pipe,bf_res_rod,Fpush,f1,nel,... nel_pipe,nl,left,uitfile,PostOut,L1,L2,L3,R,sym,... XY_inputfile,description1,description2,rho_bf,rho_water,... Tfilled,g,f2,force_roll); PostOut.input=input; PostOut.summary=summary; PostOut.XY_orig=XY; return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [XY]=genXY(xy_in,nel,nl) % generate xy pairs of borepath. Note if nl=0 (geometrically linear) then % the difference between x positions is constant, while for nl=1 % (geometrically nonlinear) then the length of the elements along the % borepath should be approximately constant. The function gen XY generates % pairs of xy data that describe the borepath from a general xy input % vector % % Jitse Pruiksma 12-12-2007 % M=1000; xmin=min(xy_in(:,1));xmax=max(xy_in(:,1)); if nl==0 % geometrically linear t=linspace(xmin,xmax,nel+1); 62 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling p = pchip(xy_in(:,1),xy_in(:,2),t); XY=[t’ p’]; else % geometrically nonlinear % use interpolation on x axis in M times as much as number of elements XY=zeros(nel,2); t=linspace(xmin,xmax,M*nel+1); p = pchip(xy_in(:,1),xy_in(:,2),t); l=sqrt(diff(t).^2+ diff(p).^2); L=sum(l); li=L/nel; %start with first point XY(1,:)=[t(1) p(1)]; n=0; for i=2:nel len=0; while len<li n=n+1; len=len+l(n); end if abs(len-li)<abs(len-l(n)-li) % len is closer to li than len-l(n) (the previous) XY(i,:)=[t(n+1) p(n+1)]; else n=n-1; XY(i,:)=[t(n+1) p(n+1)]; end end XY=[XY;t(end) p(end)]; end return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function genAbaqus(filename,XY,D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,... D0_rod,t_rod,rho_rod,E_rod,nu_rod,... k_ps,k_rs,k_red_fact,gap_ps,gap_rs,fric_ps,fric_rs,... gravforce_tube,gravforce_rod,bf_res_tube,bf_res_rod,... T1,nel,nel_pipe,nl,left) % this function generates an inputfile for the finite element program % ABAQUS for the pulling of a pipe line through a hole created with HDD % (Horizontal Directional Drilling). The inputfile is an ASCII file and can % be run with the program ABAQUS without any additional tools using the % command: % abaqus job=filename % in a DOS window (or by using the DOS function within Matlab to create a % call.) % % creation: 63 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra % version 1.00 by Jitse Pruiksma 11th of december 2007 % % input variables: % name description % % filename the name of the ABAQUS input file (usually with extension % *.inp) % XY a vector with 2 columns, one with X positions, one with Y % positions of points along the borehole. For a geometric % linear simulation the intervals in X are best equidistant, % for a geometric linear simulation the distance from one % (X,Y) point to the next is best approximately equidistant % (see also matlab function genXY.m which can generate such % approximate equidistant points from an arbitrary x,y % dataset.) % D0_pipe outside diameter of the pipeline % t_pipe wall thickness of the pipeline % rho_pipe density of the pipeline material % E_pipe Youngs modulus of the pipeline material % nu_pipe Poisson’s ratio of the pipeline material % D0_rod outside diameter of the pulling rod % t_rod wall thickness of the pulling rod % rho_rod density of the pulling rod material % E_rod Youngs modulus of the pulling rod material % nu_rod Poisson’s ratio of the pulling rod material % k_ps spring stiffnes of soil in force per length unit, used for % pipeline-soil interaction. % k_rs spring stiffnes of soil in force per length unit, used for % pulling rod-soil interaction. % k_red_fact the factor with which the spring stiffness is reduced in the % borehole k_hole=k*k_red_fact % gap_ps the gap between the pipeline and the borehole wall, gap is % measured from the borehole wall to the pipeline outer % surface when the pipeline lies in the centre of the borehole % gap_rs the gap between the pulling rod and the borehole wall. % fric_ps friction coefficient gives the factor between the force % normal to the borehole wall and the generated friction force % parallel to the borehole wall for the pipe-soil contact. % fric_rs friction coefficient gives the factor between the force % normal to the borehole wall and the generated friction force % parallel to the borehole wall for the pulling rod -soil % contact. % gravforce_tube net gravity force of pipeline under borefluid (partially % filled with water). negative is downward, positive is % upward (buoyancy force). the force acts on the entire % pipeline that’s in the borehole. % gravforce_rod net gravity force of the pulling rod. % bf_res_tube resistance of the pipeline in the borefluid (per unit length 64 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling % of pipeline) % bf_res_rod resistance of the pulling rod in the borefluid (per unit % length of pulling rod) % T1 pulling force at left end of borehole. This could be used % for example to incorporate the rollenbaan friction or a % pushing force or a combination. % nel number of elements in which the borehole is divided (has to % correspond exactly to the number of points (minus 1) in the % XY input vector of borepath positions. % nel_pipe number of elements that are pipeline. If this number is % smaller than nel then the elements numbered higher than % nel_pipe will automatically be pulling rod elements. % nl integer number to determine wether or not the simulation is % geometrically nonlinear (nl=1) or geometrically linear % (nl=0). % left integer number to determine wether the left end is % constrained during initial stages (left=1) or the % approximate middle (of the X positions ) of the model % (left=0). % offset=10000; fid = fopen(filename, ‘w+’); % write header in Abaqus input file fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*HEADING’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’Siminput generated with Matlab’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO,contact=NO’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*NODE’ ); % write nodes for beam elements % determine the approximate middle node and its x-position (only used if % left=0 nmid=round((nel+1)/2); xmid=XY(nmid,1); % ymid=XY(nmid,1); if nl==0 % beam nodes are just the x-positions in XY along the horizontal axis. for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%e%s%e\n’,i,’,’,XY(i,1),’,’,0.0 ); end L=XY(end,1)-XY(1,1); else % geometrically nonlinear case dxy=diff(XY); ll=sqrt(dxy(:,1).^2+ dxy(:,2).^2); %lengths of elements along borepath L=sum(ll); if left==1 dist=cumsum(ll); xx=[XY(1,1);XY(1,1)+dist]; length(xx) 65 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra else % start from this x position and go back and forward with nodes using the % ll(i) to make the other x positions right=cumsum(ll(nmid:end)); aa=flipud(ll(1:nmid-1)); left=cumsum(aa); xx=[xmid-flipud(left);xmid;xmid+right]; end for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%e%s%e\n’,i,’,’,xx(i),’,’,0.0); end end % write nodes for tube support elements, simply horizontal for % geometrically linear case, but following the borepath for the nonlinear % case with evenly spaced intervals along the defined path if nl==0 for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%e%s%e\n’,offset+i,’,’,XY(i,1),’,’,0.0 ); end else for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%e%s%e\n’,offset+i,’,’,XY(i,1),’,’,XY(i,2) ); end end %write beam elements fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*Element, type=B21,Elset=PIPELINE’ ); for i=1:nel_pipe fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d\n’,i,’,’,i,’,’,i+1 ); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*Element, type=B21,Elset=PullRod’ ); for i=nel_pipe+1:nel fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d\n’,i,’,’,i,’,’,i+1 ); end %write tube support elements for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s%04d\n’,’*Element, type=ITSUNI, Elset=TUB’,i ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d\n’,offset+i,’,’,i,’,’,offset+i ); end %make sets for loading and boundary conditions fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*ELSET,ELSET=support_els,GEN’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d\n’,offset+1,’,’,offset+nel+1 ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*ELSET,ELSET=ALLBEAM,GEN’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d\n’,1,’,’,nel); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*NSET,NSET=left_end’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d\n’,1); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*NSET,NSET=mid_beam’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d\n’,nmid); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*NSET,NSET=right_end’ ); 66 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling fprintf(fid, ‘%d\n’,nel+1); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*NSET,NSET=beam_all,GEN’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d\n’,1,’,’,nel+1 ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*NSET,NSET=tube_upper,GEN’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d\n’,offset+1,’,’,offset+nel+1 ); % attach properties to tube support element sets % define spring behaviour for tube support elements.We use: “nonlinear” % Abaqus requres an emty line after the spring command (in case of ITS % elements) then lines with Force and relative displacement pairs follow % note that we wish a spring stiffness per length instead of a point spring % but Abaqus requires springs as point springs, not over element length % so in using linear elements we have element length=L/Nels and we multiply % k in kN/m2 with L/Nels to obtain the average point spring stiffness in % kN/m over an element. this is usually set up by having half of it on one % node and the other half on the other node, but when there is an element % before and after the total is 1 on each node and only at the end points % is it 0.5*L/Nels*k suppose we have L=310, Nels=80 and k=130 kN/m2 then % the spring stiffness is 503.75 kN/m and 251.875 kN/m at the end nodes of % the beam. but dimensions are MN and m hence a stiffness of % k= 503.75 kN/m =0.50375 MN/m etc. % kmid_ps=k_ps*L/nel; kend_ps=0.5*k_ps*L/nel; kmid_rs=k_rs*L/nel; kend_rs=0.5*k_rs*L/nel; for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s%04d\n’,’*ITS, Elset=TUB’,i ); %write direction of tube support element, inner diameter, outer diameter, %n perpendicular to tube axis,n parallel to tube axis % inner and outer diameter don’t matter, we set them equal to eachother and % put the gap in the nonlinear spring definition % as for the directions for geometrically linear sims this is simply 1,0,0 % and 0,1,0 as the simulation is always made according to the original % geometry % for gemetrically nonlinear sims this is more complicated and the angle % has to be calculated. if nl==0 fprintf(fid, ‘%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e\n’,0.5,’,’,0.5,’,’,... 1.0,’,’,0.0,’,’,0.0,’,’,0.0,’,’,1.0,’,’,0.0); else if (i==1) [unorm]=make_tube_normals_fromXY(XY); end fprintf(fid, ‘%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e%s%e\n’,0.5,’,’,0.5,’,’,... -unorm(i,2),’,’,unorm(i,1),’,’,0.0,’,’,... unorm(i,1),’,’,unorm(i,2),’,’,0.0); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n\n’,’*SPRING, NONLINEAR’ ); 67 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra if (i<=nel_pipe+1) if (i==1 || i==nel_pipe+1) fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-kend_ps*10-k_red_fact*kend_ps*gap_ps,... ‘,’,-10-gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-k_red_fact*kend_ps*gap_ps,’,’,-gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,0.0,’,’, 0.0); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,k_red_fact*kend_ps*gap_ps,’,’,gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,kend_ps*10+k_red_fact*kend_ps*gap_ps,... ‘,’,10+gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%s\n’,’*FRICTION’ ); fprintf(fid,’%e\n’,fric_ps); else fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-kmid_ps*10-k_red_fact*kmid_ps*gap_ps,... ‘,’,-10-gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-k_red_fact*kmid_ps*gap_ps,’,’,-gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,0.0,’,’, 0.0); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,k_red_fact*kmid_ps*gap_ps,’,’,gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,kmid_ps*10+k_red_fact*kmid_ps*gap_ps,... ‘,’,10+gap_ps); fprintf(fid,’%s\n’,’*FRICTION’ ); fprintf(fid,’%e\n’,fric_ps); end elseif (i>nel_pipe+1) if (i==1 || i==nel+1) fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-kend_rs*10-k_red_fact*kend_rs*gap_rs,... ‘,’,-10-gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-k_red_fact*kend_rs*gap_rs,’,’,-gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,0.0,’,’, 0.0); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,k_red_fact*kend_rs*gap_rs,’,’,gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,kend_rs*10+k_red_fact*kend_rs*gap_rs,... ‘,’,10+gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%s\n’,’*FRICTION’ ); fprintf(fid,’%e\n’,fric_rs); else fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-kmid_rs*10-k_red_fact*kmid_rs*gap_rs,... ‘,’,-10-gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,-k_red_fact*kmid_rs*gap_rs,’,’,-gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,0.0,’,’, 0.0); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,k_red_fact*kmid_rs*gap_rs,’,’,gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%e%s%e\n’,kmid_rs*10+k_red_fact*kmid_rs*gap_rs,... ‘,’,10+gap_rs); fprintf(fid,’%s\n’,’*FRICTION’ ); fprintf(fid,’%e\n’,fric_rs); end end end % attach properties to Pipeline Set fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,... 68 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling ‘*BEAM SECTION, SECTION=PIPE,ELSET=PIPELINE,MATERIAL=MAT1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%e%s%e\n’,D0_pipe/2,’,’,t_pipe); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*MATERIAL, NAME=MAT1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DENSITY’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%e\n’,rho_pipe); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*ELASTIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%e%s%e\n’,E_pipe,’,’,nu_pipe); % attach properties to PullRod Set (if present) if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,... ‘*BEAM SECTION, SECTION=PIPE, ELSET=PullRod,MATERIAL=MAT2’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%e%s%e\n’,D0_rod/2,’,’,t_rod); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*MATERIAL, NAME=MAT2’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DENSITY’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%e\n’,rho_rod); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*ELASTIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%e%s%e\n’,E_rod,’,’,nu_rod); end % boundary conditions valid for both linear/nonlinear geometric sims fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 3’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 4’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 5’ ); if left==1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 6’ ); else fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 6’ ); end if nl==0 % make simulation steps for geometrically linear simulation fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 3’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 4’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 5’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 6’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=beambend, nlgeom=NO, inc=10000’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’load beam end’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0E-6,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); % move tube support base upward in shape of borepath fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY’ ); if left==1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’left_end, 2, 2, ‘,XY(1,2)); else fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’mid_beam, 2, 2, ‘,XY(nmid,2)); 69 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY’ ); for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d%s%e\n’,offset+i,’,’,2,’,’,2,’,’,XY(i,2)); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); % second simulation step (relax boundary conditions) fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=relaxboun, nlgeom=NO, inc=10000’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’relaxboun’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0E-8,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 1,6’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 3,5’ ); if left==1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 1’ ); else fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 1’ ); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); %third simulation step (pulling) fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=pullbeam, nlgeom=NO, inc=10000’ ); 70 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’pull the beam displacement’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0E-8,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 3,5’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 1,6’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’right_end, 2’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW, TYPE=VELOCITY’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d%s%d%s%f\n’,’right_end,’, 1,’,’,1,’,’,1.0); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end % resistance force of tube/rod through bore fluid fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*CLOAD’ ); % make force array force_on_nodes=zeros(nel+1,1); % loop over elements to fill force array for i=1:nel if i>nel_pipe force_per_element=L/nel*bf_res_rod ; else force_per_element=L/nel*bf_res_tube; end force_on_nodes(i)=force_on_nodes(i)+0.5*force_per_element; force_on_nodes(i+1)=force_on_nodes(i+1)+0.5*force_per_element; end %add force T1 (rollenbaan or push force) to friction force_on_nodes(1)=force_on_nodes(1)+T1; % now plot in Abaqus file for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d\n’, i,’,’,1,’,’,-force_on_nodes(i)); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); else % make simulations steps for geometrically nonlinear simulation fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=beambend, nlgeom=YES, inc=10000’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’bend the beam with support elements off’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); 71 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); % move beam upward to bring beam to position of tube support elements fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*MODEL CHANGE,REMOVE’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY’ ); if left==1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’left_end, 2, 2, ‘,XY(1,2)); else fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’mid_beam, 2, 2, ‘,XY(nmid,2)); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY’ ); for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d%s%e\n’,i,’,’,2,’,’,2,’,’,XY(i,2)); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); % second simulation step fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=tubeson, nlgeom=YES, inc=10000’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,... ‘turn on tube support elements and observe displacement’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0E-8,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*MODEL CHANGE,ADD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 3,5’ ); if left==1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 2’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 6’ ); else fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 1’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 2’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 6’ ); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 1,6’ ); 72 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); % third simulation step, relax vertical and rotary boundary condition % on the left or mid-node fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=relaxboun, nlgeom=YES, inc=10000’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,... ‘relax boundary condition of mid/left node only hor fixed’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0E-8,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 3,5’ ); if left==1 fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’left_end, 1’ ); else fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’mid_beam, 1’ ); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 1,6’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); % fourth simulation step Pulling fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STEP, name=pullbeam, nlgeom=YES, inc=10000’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’pull the beam displacement’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*STATIC’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’1.0E-8,1.00,1E-10,1.0’ ); 73 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW,FIXED’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’beam_all, 3,5’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’tube_upper, 1,6’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*BOUNDARY,OP=NEW, TYPE=VELOCITY’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d%s%d%s%f\n’,’right_end,’, 1,’,’,1,’,’,unorm(end,2)); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d%s%d%s%f\n’,’right_end,’, 2,’,’,2,’,’,-unorm(end,1)); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*DLOAD’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PIPELINE,PY,’,gravforce_tube); if (nel_pipe<nel) fprintf(fid, ‘%s%d\n’,’PullRod,PY,’,gravforce_rod); end % resistance force of tube/rod through bore fluid fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’,’*CLOAD’ ); % make force array force_on_nodes=zeros(nel+1,1); % loop over elements to fill force array for i=1:nel if i>nel_pipe force_per_element=ll(i)*bf_res_rod; else force_per_element=ll(i)*bf_res_tube; end force_on_nodes(i)=force_on_nodes(i)+0.5*force_per_element; force_on_nodes(i+1)=force_on_nodes(i+1)+0.5*force_per_element; end %add force T1 (rollenbaan or push force) to friction force_on_nodes(1)=force_on_nodes(1)+T1; % now plot in Abaqus file for i=1:nel+1 fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d\n’,... i,’,’,1,’,’,-force_on_nodes(i)*unorm(i,2)); fprintf(fid, ‘%d%s%d%s%d\n’,... i,’,’,2,’,’,force_on_nodes(i)*unorm(i,1)); end fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*RESTART,write,frequency=0’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*OUTPUT, field’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Node Output’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘U’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=ALLBEAM’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘SF’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*Element Output, ELSET=support_els’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘S’ ); fprintf(fid, ‘%s\n’, ‘*END STEP’ ); end fclose(fid); return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 74 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling function [unorm]=make_tube_normals_fromXY(tubesXY) % creates the normal vectors of the tube support elements by averaging % normals of beam-axis over 2 elements % 25-sept-2007 - J.P. Pruiksma - creation % %take normal of first element to be the normal vec1=tubesXY(2,:)-tubesXY(1,:); unorm(1,:)=[-vec1(2) vec1(1)]/sqrt(vec1*vec1’); N=length(tubesXY); for i=2:N-1 vec1=tubesXY(i,:)-tubesXY(i-1,:); vec1n=[-vec1(2) vec1(1)]/sqrt(vec1*vec1’); vec2=tubesXY(i+1,:)-tubesXY(i,:); vec2n=[-vec2(2) vec2(1)]/sqrt(vec2*vec2’); avn=0.5*(vec1n+vec2n);unorm(i,:)=avn/sqrt(avn*avn’); end %take normal of last element to be the normal vec1=tubesXY(N,:)-tubesXY(N-1,:); unorm(N,:)=[-vec1(2) vec1(1)]/sqrt(vec1*vec1’); return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [PostOut]=abaqus_postprocessing(filename,nl,nel,nel_pipe,... gap_ps,gap_rs) % postprocessing of Abaqus simulations of a file created with Python from % an Abaqus Odb. nl=0 for Geometrical linear simulation, nl=1 for a % Geometrical nonlinear simulation % % 25-sept-2007 - J.P. Pruiksma - creation (no pulling implemented) % 24-oct-2007 - J.P. Pruiksma - modified to include pulling of beam % 12-dec-2007 - J.P. Pruiksma - code cleaned up % read python output file [Out] = read_Abaqus_output(filename,nl); % get basic information from Output database stored in Out Nsteps=Out.Nsteps; % number of simulation steps Nbeam=length(Out.Nodnr)/2; % number of nodes on beam Nels=Out.Nel_tot-Nbeam; % number of elements on beam beamXY=Out.XYZ(1:Nbeam,1:2); % original nodal coordinates of beam tubesXY_orig=Out.XYZ(Nbeam+1:end,1:2); % coordinates of support element % nodes (remain fixed during nl=1 sim) % % loop from i=1+nl to Nsteps, so from 2 to 3 in nl and pulling, from 2 to 2 % in nl and non pulling, from 1 to 1 in lin and non pulling and from 1 to 2 % in lin and pulling for i=1+nl:Nsteps Uy_beam=Out.Uy{i}(1:Nbeam); Ux_beam=Out.Ux{i}(1:Nbeam); 75 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Ux_sup=Out.Ux{i}(Nbeam+1:end); Uy_sup=Out.Uy{i}(Nbeam+1:end); % x,y coordinates of beam nodes after step, displacement added to original % position xpos=beamXY(:,1)+Ux_beam; ypos=beamXY(:,2)+Uy_beam; XY=[xpos ypos]; % coordinates of beam nodes after step in matrix %calculate tube support nodes position after step %(is the same as original in nonlin sim) xtubpos=tubesXY_orig(:,1)+Ux_sup; ytubpos=tubesXY_orig(:,2)+Uy_sup; tubesXY=[xtubpos ytubpos]; if nl==0 %if nl=0 distance along beam is same as original Xposition Xdist=xpos; else %if nl=1 then distance along beam is calculated from the updated XY %positions pdif=diff(XY); Xdist=[0 ;cumsum(sqrt(pdif(:,1).*pdif(:,1)+pdif(:,2).*pdif(:,2)))]; end %calculate the midpoints along the beam for moment plot Xmom=Xdist;Xmom(end)=[];Xmom=Xmom+diff(Xdist)/2; %Moment M=Out.SM{i}; %Soil Spring reaction, use average element length ellen=(Xdist(end)-Xdist(1))/Nels; S11=Out.S11{i}; S11_m=zeros(Nbeam,1); S11_m(2:Nbeam-1)=S11(2:Nbeam-1)/ellen; S11_m(1)=S11(1)/(0.5*ellen); S11_m(Nbeam)=S11(Nbeam)/(0.5*ellen); Spring=S11_m; % calculate displacement normal to tube axis if nl==0 DeltaW=Uy_beam-Uy_sup; DeltaH=Ux_beam; else [unorm]=make_tube_normals_fromXY(tubesXY_orig); %difference with tube support elements xy_diff=XY-tubesXY; % displacement normal to tube axis DeltaW=xy_diff(:,1).*unorm(:,1)+xy_diff(:,2).*unorm(:,2); % displacement parallel to tube axis (the pulling displacement) DeltaH=xy_diff(:,1).*unorm(:,2)-xy_diff(:,2).*unorm(:,1); end PostOut.XY{i-nl}=XY; PostOut.Xdist{i-nl}=Xdist; 76 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling PostOut.Xmom{i-nl}=Xmom; PostOut.M{i-nl}=M; PostOut.Spring{i-nl}=Spring; PostOut.DeltaW{i-nl}=DeltaW; PostOut.DeltaH{i-nl}=DeltaH; PostOut.SF1{i-nl}=Out.SF1{i}; PostOut.S11{i-nl}=Out.S11{i}; % separate between pipe and pulling rod idx_pipe=1:nel_pipe+1; idx_rod=nel_pipe+2:nel+1; UNormal_pipe=DeltaW(idx_pipe); UNormal_rod=DeltaW(idx_rod); % start with pipe idxtop=find(UNormal_pipe>=gap_ps); idxbot=find(UNormal_pipe<=-gap_ps); topbot = union(idxtop, idxbot); notb = setdiff(1:length(idx_pipe), topbot); PBW=zeros(length(idx_pipe),1); PBW(idxtop)=UNormal_pipe(idxtop)-gap_ps; PBW(idxbot)=UNormal_pipe(idxbot)+gap_ps; PBW(notb)=0; % then pulling rod idxtop=find(UNormal_rod>=gap_rs); idxbot=find(UNormal_rod<=-gap_rs); topbot = union(idxtop, idxbot); notb = setdiff(1:length(idx_rod), topbot); PBW2=zeros(length(idx_rod),1); PBW2(idxtop)=UNormal_rod(idxtop)-gap_rs; PBW2(idxbot)=UNormal_rod(idxbot)+gap_rs; PBW2(notb)=0; PostOut.WallPenetration{i-nl}=[PBW;PBW2]; end return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [Out] = read_Abaqus_output(filename,nl) % reads Abaqus output processed with a python script from a text file % currently only simulations without pulling are implemented % 25-sept-2007 - J.P. Pruiksma - creation % % if nl=1 then Abaqus NLGEOM=ON and geometrical nonlinear simulation % if nl=0 then Abaqus NLGEOM=OFF and geometrical linear simulation % Check for existence of the Abaqus output file if ~exist(filename,’file’) errordlg([‘File: ‘ filename ‘ does not exist. Stop!’],... ‘read_Abaqus_output’); return; end 77 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra range=[2, 0,2,2]; M = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); Nel_tot=M(2);Nnod=M(3);Nel_beam=Nnod/2-1; range=[4, 0,4,0]; Nsteps = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); %read node labels and coordinates range=[7,0,6+Nnod,3]; M = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); Nodnr=M(:,1);XYZ=M(:,2:4); Out.Nel_tot=Nel_tot;Out.Nsteps=Nsteps;Out.Nodnr=Nodnr;Out.XYZ=XYZ; % for each step read the necessary data, for first step in NLGEOM case, % skip reading the S11 S12 S13 tube support els data because the tube % support elements are turned off startpos=9+Nnod; Ux = cell(Nsteps, 1); Uy = cell(Nsteps, 1); SF1= cell(Nsteps, 1); SF2= cell(Nsteps, 1); SM= cell(Nsteps, 1); S11= cell(Nsteps, 1); S12= cell(Nsteps, 1); S13= cell(Nsteps, 1); for i=1:Nsteps range=[startpos, 0,startpos+Nnod-1,2]; M = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); Ux{i}=M(:,2);Uy{i}=M(:,3); startpos=startpos+Nnod+1; range=[startpos, 0,startpos+Nel_beam-1,3]; M = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); SF1{i}=M(:,2);SF2{i}=M(:,3);SM{i}=M(:,4); startpos=startpos+Nel_beam+1; if nl==0 %geometrical linear case range=[startpos, 0,startpos+Nel_beam,3]; M = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); startpos=startpos+Nel_beam+3; S11{i}=M(:,2);S12{i}=M(:,3);S13{i}=M(:,4); else %geometrical nonlinear case if i~=1 range=[startpos, 0,startpos+Nel_beam,3]; M = dlmread(filename, ‘,’,range ); startpos=startpos+Nel_beam+1; S11{i}=M(:,2);S12{i}=M(:,3);S13{i}=M(:,4); startpos=startpos+2; else startpos=startpos+1; end 78 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling end end Out.Ux=Ux;Out.Uy=Uy;Out.SF1=SF1;Out.SF2=SF2;Out.SM=SM; Out.S11=S11;Out.S12=S12;Out.S13=S13; return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [input,summary]=genInputSummary(... D0_pipe,t_pipe,rho_pipe,E_pipe,nu_pipe,... D0_rod,t_rod,rho_rod,E_rod,nu_rod,k_ps,k_rs,k_red_fact,... gap_ps,gap_rs,fric_ps,fric_rs,gravforce_pipe,... gravforce_rod,bf_res_pipe,bf_res_rod,Fpush,f1,nel,... nel_pipe,nl,left,uitfile,PostOut,L1,L2,L3,R,sym,... XY_inputfile,description1,description2,rho_bf,rho_water,... Tfilled,g,f2,force_roll) if (uitfile==1) input.XYfile=XY_inputfile; input.L1=’-’; input.L2=’-’; input.L3=’-’; input.R=’-’; input.sym=’-’; else input.XYfile=’-’; input.L1=L1; input.L2=L2; input.L3=L3; input.R=R; input.sym=yes_no(sym); end input.description1=description1; input.description2=description2; input.nel=nel; input.nel_pipe=nel_pipe; input.nonlin=yes_no(nl); input.leftBC=yes_no(left); input.D0_rod=D0_rod; input.t_rod=t_rod; input.rho_rod=rho_rod; input.E_rod=E_rod; input.nu_rod=nu_rod; input.D0_pipe=D0_pipe; input.t_pipe=t_pipe; input.rho_pipe=rho_pipe; input.E_pipe=E_pipe; input.nu_pipe=nu_pipe; input.k_ps=k_ps; input.k_rs=k_rs; 79 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra input.k_red_fact=k_red_fact; input.fric_ps=fric_ps; input.fric_rs=fric_rs; input.gap_ps=gap_ps; input.gap_rs=gap_rs; input.rho_bf=rho_bf; input.rho_water=rho_water; input.Tfilled=Tfilled; input.g=g; input.f2=f2; input.Fpush=Fpush; input.f1=f1; summary.upforce_tube=gravforce_pipe; summary.upforce_rod=gravforce_rod; summary.resforce_pipe=bf_res_pipe; summary.resforce_rod=bf_res_rod; summary.force_roll=force_roll; summary.length_borepath=PostOut.Xdist{1}(end); summary.length_tube=PostOut.Xdist{1}(nel_pipe+1); summary.max_moment=max(PostOut.M{1}); summary.min_moment=min(PostOut.M{1}); summary.max_pullingforce=max(PostOut.SF1{3}); [C,idx]=max(abs(PostOut.Spring{2})); summary.max_soilreaction_nopull=PostOut.Spring{2}(idx(end)); summary.position.max_soilreaction_nopull=PostOut.Xdist{1}(idx(end)); [C,idx]=max(abs(PostOut.Spring{3})); summary.max_soilreaction_pull=PostOut.Spring{3}(idx(end)); summary.position.max_soilreaction_pull=PostOut.Xdist{1}(idx(end)); summary.soilreaction_headpipe_nopull=PostOut.Spring{2}(nel_pipe+1); summary.soilreaction_headpipe_pull=PostOut.Spring{3}(nel_pipe+1); [C,idx]=max(abs(PostOut.WallPenetration{2}(1:nel_pipe+1))); summary.max_penetration_pipe_nopull=PostOut.WallPenetration{2}(idx(end)); summary.position.max_penetration_pipe_nopull=PostOut.Xdist{1}(idx(end)); [C,idx]=max(abs(PostOut.WallPenetration{3}(1:nel_pipe+1))); summary.max_penetration_pipe_pull=PostOut.WallPenetration{3}(idx(end)); summary.position.max_penetration_pipe_pull=PostOut.Xdist{1}(idx(end)); if nel_pipe<nel [C,idx]=max(abs(PostOut.WallPenetration{2}(nel_pipe+2:nel+1))); summary.max_penetration_rod_nopull=PostOut.WallPenetration{2}(nel_ pipe+1+idx(end)); [C,idx]=max(abs(PostOut.WallPenetration{3}(nel_pipe+2:nel+1))); summary.max_penetration_rod_pull=PostOut.WallPenetration{3}(nel_ pipe+1+idx(end)); else summary.max_penetration_rod_nopull=0; summary.max_penetration_rod_pull=0; end return 80 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function out=yes_no(input) if input==1 out=’yes’; elseif input==0 out=’no’; else out=’weetniet’; end return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [xy]=xycircle(L1,L2,L3,R,nel,sym) % This function creates a borepath consisting of a straight horizontal % section of length L1, a circular arc of radius R with a projected % horizontal length L2 and a straight section with the same slope as the % end of the circular arc and projected horizontal length L3. the number of % points on this borepath is nel+1. if sym=1 the path is made symmetrical % by flipping the geometry and the number of points is 2*nel+1 % % 12-dec-2007, Jitse Pruiksma, creation % fi=asin(L2/R); L=L1+R*fi+L3/cos(fi); D=linspace(0,L,nel+1); xy=zeros(nel+1,2); for i=1:nel+1 [x,y]=along_borepath(L1,L2,R,D(i)); xy(i,:)=[x y]; end if sym==1 xy=[flipud([-xy(2:end,1) xy(2:end,2)]);xy]; end return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [x,y]=along_borepath(L1,L2,R,D) % L1,L2,L3 are lengths measured along the x-axis of the flat piece, % the curved section with radius R and the straight section after the % curved section. For a given distance D along the path we would like to % find x and y fi=asin(L2/R); if (0<=D && D<L1) x=D;y=0; elseif (L1<=D && D<=L1+fi*R) fitmp=(D-L1)/R; x=L1+R*sin(fitmp); 81 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra y=R-R*cos(fitmp); elseif (L1+fi*R<D) D2=D-L1-fi*R; x=L1+L2+D2*cos(fi); y=R-R*cos(fi)+D2*sin(fi); end return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Appendix 1.4 Matlab script plot_results.m function plot_results(filename,PostOut,fixed,projectID,AppendixNo,drawnby,checkedby ,GD_boun,i) %plotting % description1: ‘geometric nonlinear simulation’ % description2: ‘gap 0.1 m’ str=[filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’)]; figure n=5;m=1; plotindeling(n,m,’A4’,’Portrait’); tableText1 = { ‘XY data Inputfile name’, PostOut.input.XYfile; ‘L1 [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.L1); ‘L2 [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.L2); ‘L3 [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.L3); ‘R [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.R); ‘Symmetric geometry’, PostOut.input.sym; ‘Number of elements’, num2str(PostOut.input.nel); ‘Number of elements in pipe’, num2str(PostOut.input.nel_pipe); ‘Geometric Nonlinear Simulation’, PostOut.input.nonlin; ‘Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no)’, PostOut.input.leftBC; ‘Pipe outer diameter [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.D0_pipe,’%12.3E’); ‘Pipe wall thickness [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.t_pipe,’%12.3E’); ‘Density pipe [kg/m^3]’, num2str(PostOut.input.rho_pipe,’%12.3E’); ‘Youngs modulus pipe [N/m^2]’, num2str(PostOut.input.E_pipe,’%12.3E’); ‘Poissons ratio pipe [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.nu_pipe,’%12.3E’); ‘Pulling rod outer diameter [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.D0_rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Pulling rod wall thickness [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.t_rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Density pulling rod material [kg/m^3]’, num2str(PostOut.input.rho_ rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m^2]’, num2str(PostOut.input.E_ rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Poissons ratio pulling rod material [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.nu_rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Spring Stiffness soil-pipe [N/m^2]’, num2str(PostOut.input.k_ps,’%12.3E’); ‘Friction factor soil-pipe [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.fric_ps,’%12.3E’); ‘gap around pipe [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.gap_ps,’%12.3E’); ‘Spring Stiffness soil-pulling rod [N/m^2]’, num2str(PostOut.input.k_ rs,’%12.3E’); 82 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling ‘Friction factor soil-pulling rod [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.fric_rs,’%12.3E’); ‘gap around pulling rod [m]’, num2str(PostOut.input.gap_rs,’%12.3E’); ‘Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.k_red_ fact,’%12.3E’); ‘Density of bore fluid [kg/m^3]’, num2str(PostOut.input.rho_bf,’%12.3E’); ‘Density of water [kg/m^3]’, num2str(PostOut.input.rho_water,’%12.3E’); ‘Fraction of pipe water filled [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.Tfilled,’%12.3E’); ‘Acceleration of gravity [m/s^2]’, num2str(PostOut.input.g,’%12.3E’); ‘Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m^2]’, num2str(PostOut.input. f2,’%12.3E’); ‘Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [-]’, num2str(PostOut.input.f1,’%12.3E’); ‘Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N]’, num2str(PostOut.input. Fpush,’%12.3E’); }; tableText2 = {‘Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. upforce_tube,’%12.3E’); ‘Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. upforce_rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Friction force of pipe in borefluid [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.resforce_ pipe,’%12.3E’); ‘Friction force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. resforce_rod,’%12.3E’); ‘Total pipeline rollers friction [N]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.force_ roll,’%12.3E’); ‘Length of borepath [m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.length_borepath,’%12.3E’); ‘Length of pipe line in borepath [m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.length_ tube,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum moment [Nm]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.max_moment,’%12.3E’); ‘Minimum moment [Nm]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.min_moment,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum pulling force [N]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.max_ pullingforce,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. max_soilreaction_nopull,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum Soil reaction (during pulling) [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. max_soilreaction_pull,’%12.3E’); ‘Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. soilreaction_headpipe_nopull,’%12.3E’); ‘Soil reaction head of pipe (during pulling) [N/m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary. soilreaction_headpipe_pull,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.max_penetration_pipe_nopull,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (during pulling) [m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.max_penetration_pipe_pull,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.max_penetration_rod_nopull,’%12.3E’); ‘Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (during pulling) [m]’,num2str(PostOut.summary.max_penetration_rod_pull,’%12.3E’); }; 83 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra % title(h1,’Simulation Input Parameters’) columnwidth = [3 1]; firstrowbold = false; hold on; hax1=subplot(n,m,1:3); table([0.1,0.0,0.9,1.0], [34,2], tableText1, columnwidth, firstrowbold); set(hax1,’Title’,text(‘String’,’\bf Simulation Input Parameters’,’Color’,’k’)); hold off; hax2=subplot(n,m,4:5); if fixed==1 tab_col1=tableText2([1 2 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 17],1); tab_col2=tableText2([1 2 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 17],2); tab3=[tab_col1 tab_col2]; table([0.1,0.0,0.9,1.0], [10,2],tab3 , columnwidth, firstrowbold); else table([0.1,0.0,0.9,1.0], [18,2], tableText2, columnwidth, firstrowbold); end hold on; set(hax2,’Title’,text(‘String’,’\bf Output Summary’,’Color’,’k’)); hold off; % h2=subplot(n,m,3); % % set(h1,’Title’,text(‘String’,’New Title’,’Color’,’r’)) % % set(h1,’Title’,’Input Parameters’ ) % title(h2,’Output Summary’) % axis(‘off’) ktxt = cell(1,8); ktxt{1} = [‘simulation: ‘ str]; ktxt{2} = ‘Input parameters and output summary’; ktxt{3} = ‘Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation’; ktxt{4} = iso_vandaag; ktxt{5} = projectID; ktxt{6} = [ AppendixNo ‘.1’]; ktxt{7} = drawnby; ktxt{8} = checkedby; if GD_boun psckader([filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’) ‘_param.eps’], ktxt,’A4’,’UK’); else print(‘-depsc’,[filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’) ‘_param.eps’]); end figure if fixed==1 n=2;m=2; plotindeling(n,m,’A3’,’Landscape’); subplot(n,m,1);plot(PostOut.XY{1}(:,1),PostOut.XY{1}(:,2)); axis equal 84 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling % ylim([0 55]) xlabel(‘x-position borepath [m]’) ylabel(‘y-position borepath [m]’) grid on subplot(n,m,2);plot(PostOut.Xmom{1},PostOut.M{1}); xlabel(‘distance [m]’); ylabel(‘moment [Nm]’); grid on subplot(n,m,3);plot(PostOut.Xdist{1},PostOut.Spring{1}) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘soil spring reaction [N/m]’) subplot(n,m,4);plot(PostOut.Xdist{1},PostOut.DeltaW{1}) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘displacement normal to borepath [m]’) else n=2;m=4; plotindeling(n,m,’A3’,’Landscape’); subplot(n,m,1);plot(PostOut.XY{1}(:,1),PostOut.XY{1}(:,2)) axis equal % ylim([0 55]) xlabel(‘x-position borepath [m]’) ylabel(‘y-position borepath [m]’) grid on subplot(n,m,2);plot(PostOut.Xmom{2},PostOut.M{2},’b’,PostOut. Xmom{3},PostOut.M{3},’m’); [legend_h] =legend(‘without pulling’,’during pulling’,’Location’,’North’); set(legend_h,’FontSize’,8) legend(‘boxoff’) xlabel(‘distance [m]’); ylabel(‘moment [Nm]’); grid on subplot(n,m,3);plot(PostOut.Xdist{2},PostOut.Spring{2},’b’,PostOut. Xdist{3},PostOut.Spring{3},’m’) [legend_h] =legend(‘without pulling’,’during pulling’,’Location’,’North’); set(legend_h,’FontSize’,8) legend(‘boxoff’) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘soil spring reaction [N/m]’) subplot(n,m,4);plot(PostOut.Xdist{2},PostOut.DeltaW{2},’b’,PostOut. Xdist{3},PostOut.DeltaW{3},’m’) [legend_h] =legend(‘without pulling’,’during pulling’,’Location’,’South’); set(legend_h,’FontSize’,8) legend(‘boxoff’) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) 85 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra ylabel(‘displacement normal to borepath [m]’) subplot(n,m,5);plot(PostOut.Xmom{3},PostOut.SF1{3},’b’) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘pulling force [N]’) XY=PostOut.XY_orig; pdif=diff(XY); Xdist_orig=[0 ;cumsum(sqrt(pdif(:,1).*pdif(:,1)+pdif(:,2).*pdif(:,2)))]; subplot(n,m,6);plot(PostOut.Xdist{1},PostOut.Xdist{2}-Xdist_orig,’b’,PostOut. Xdist{1},PostOut.Xdist{3}-Xdist_orig,’m’) [legend_h] =legend(‘without pulling’,’during pulling’,’Location’,’South’); set(legend_h,’FontSize’,8) legend(‘boxoff’) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘length change of beam [m]’) subplot(n,m,7);plot(PostOut.Xdist{1},PostOut.DeltaH{2},’b’,PostOut. Xdist{1},PostOut.DeltaH{3},’m’) [legend_h] =legend(‘without pulling’,’during pulling’,’Location’,’South’); set(legend_h,’FontSize’,8) legend(‘boxoff’) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘horizontal displacement along borepath [m]’) subplot(n,m,8);plot(PostOut.Xdist{1},PostOut.WallPenetration{3},’m’) [legend_h] =legend(‘during pulling’,’Location’,’South’); set(legend_h,’FontSize’,8) legend(‘boxoff’) grid on xlabel(‘distance [m]’) ylabel(‘borewall penetration [m]’) end %kaderteksten nel=PostOut.input.nel; nel_pipe=PostOut.input.nel_pipe; ktxt{2} = [‘Pipeline pulled in for ‘ num2str(nel_pipe/nel*100) ‘ %’]; ktxt{6} = [ AppendixNo ‘.2’]; if GD_boun psckader([filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’) ‘_plot.eps’], ktxt,’A3’,’UK’); else print(‘-depsc’,[filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’) ‘_plot.eps’]); end eval([filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’) ‘=PostOut;’]); % eval([‘save ‘ str str]); eval([‘save(str,’ char(39) filename ‘_’ num2str(i,’%03d’) char(39) ‘)’]); return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 86 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function table(varargin) % % table(handle, area, layout, txt, columnwidth); % % Draws a table in a graphical context % % Input: % handle handle of the axes in which the table % is to be drawn. Optional % area A four element vector containing the % lower left and upper right coordinates % in relative values (0 .. 1) % layout A two element vector containing the % number of rows and columns in the table % txt A 2D cell array of strings to be % tablelised. % columnwidth An array with the width of the columns. % The number of elements should be the % same as the number of columns. % Optional. % % Remarks: % 1) handle is optional. If no handle is provided, the current axes are % used. % 2) area may be empty. By default the entire area is used. % 3) layout may be empty []. By default the sizes of the text array are used. % 4) txt may be empty []. In that case only the lines of the table are drawn. % 5) when layout is empty, txt must be present. % 6) columnwidth is optional. Values are normalised. Either [0.2 0.1] or % [10, 5] create the same relative widths % % 2006-09-20, Adel Variable columnwidth added % 2006-05-18, Adel Updated and generic version of local functions % % % % % % (c) Copyright GeoDelft, The Netherlands. This source is property of GeoDelft. This source may be freely used. GeoDelft accepts no responsibility for the use of this source. If this source is integrated in or distributed with other sources, this copyright message may not be removed. If the source is improved, changed or extended in its possibilities, please notify us and send a copy of the new source to us at [email protected] % Index of the first argument. st = 1; % Is a handle provided? if ishandle(varargin{st}) subplot(varargin{st}); 87 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra % remove the number on the axis set(varargin{st}, ‘visible’, ‘off’, ‘xlim’, [0 1], ‘ylim’, [0 1]); st = st + 1; else set(gca, ‘visible’, ‘off’, ‘xlim’, [0 1], ‘ylim’, [0 1]); end % Is the (next) argument empty? if isempty(varargin{st}) xo = 0; % Default values: the entire field yo = 0; xb = 1; yb = 1; else frame = varargin{st}; xo = frame(1); yo = frame(2); xb = frame(3); yb = frame(4); end st = st + 1; % Rows and columns empty? if isempty(varargin{st}) if isempty(varargin{st+1}) % No table can be drawn errordlg(‘No table can be drawn’, ‘Too little arguments’); return; end s = size(varargin{st+1}); row = s(1); % Default the size of the cell array col = s(2); else frame = varargin{st}; row = frame(1); col = frame(2); end txt = varargin{st+1}; % The text to be printed in the table % Optional width of the columns. default: all the same width if nargin > st+1 colwidth = varargin{st+2}; lkw = length(colwidth); if lkw > col col_width = colwidth(1:col); elseif lkw < col 88 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling col_width = ones(1, col) * colwidth(end); col_width(1:lkw) = colwidth; colwidth = col_width; end br = (xb-xo); % Total width of the table kw = cumsum([0 colwidth]); % Relative position of the lines % Maximum width of 1.0 should not be exceeded. Scale if necessary if kw(end) > 1 colwidth = colwidth / kw(end); kw = kw / kw(end); end x = xo + (br*kw); % Absolute position of the lines xs = min(br*colwidth) / 10; % Shift within a column else stepx = (xb-xo)/col; x = [xo:stepx:xb]; xs = stepx / 10; if col == 1 xs = stepx / 50; end end % Increment for rows and columns stepy = (yb-yo)/row; % Y values for the lines in the table y = [yo:stepy:yb]; % Keep the hold status of the axes do_hold = ishold; % In ieder geval vastzetten hold on % When a table has 1 column, don’t plot the horizontal lines if col == 1 % Draw the horizontal lines: top, heading and bottom for yp=[y(1) y(end-1) y(end)] plot([x(1) x(end)], [yp yp], ‘k’); end else % Draw the horizontal lines for yp=y plot([x(1) x(end)], [yp yp], ‘k’); end end 89 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra % Draw the vertical lines for xp=x plot([xp xp], [y(1) y(end)], ‘k’); end % X shift in a cell % xs = stepx / 10; if nargin > st % Write the texts % Loop over the columns for k = 1:col xp = x(k); % Alias % Loop over the rows for r = 1:row yp = y(row+1-r); % Alias if ~isempty(txt{r, k}) if r == 1 && varargin{st+3} % First row in BOLD text(xp+xs, yp+stepy/2, txt{r, k}, ‘Fontsize’, 7, ... ‘Interpreter’, ‘tex’, ‘FontWeight’, ‘bold’); else text(xp+xs, yp+stepy/2, txt{r, k}, ‘Fontsize’, 7,... ‘Interpreter’, ‘tex’); end end end end end % Restore hold status. Untill here hold is on. if ~do_hold % It was not hold, so: hold off hold off end return; 90 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 1.5 Python script # # ABAQUS PYTHON Script to extract information from an Abaqus odb file. # from odbAccess import * import sys # Check that an output database was specified. if len(sys.argv) != 2: print ‘Error: you must supply the name \ of an odb on the command line’ sys.exit(1) # Get the command line argument. odbPath = sys.argv[1] # Open the output database and set assembly object odb = openOdb(path=odbPath) assembly = odb.rootAssembly # Model name print ‘Model data for ODB: ‘, odbPath # Find total number of nodes and elements numNodes = numElements = 0 for name, instance in assembly.instances.items(): n = len(instance.nodes) numNodes = numNodes + n n = len(instance.elements) numElements = numElements + n print ‘Number of instances, Elements, Nodes’ print ‘%d,%d,%d’ % (len(assembly.instances),numElements,numNodes) # find total number of steps and stepNames StepList=[‘string1’,’string2’,’string3’,’string4’] i=0 for stepName in odb.steps.keys(): StepList[i]=stepName i=i+1 Nsteps=i-1 print ‘Number of steps in output’ print ‘%d’ % (Nsteps+1) # PRINT NODE INFORMATION for name, instance in assembly.instances.items(): print ‘NODAL COORDINATES’ if instance.embeddedSpace == THREE_D: 91 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra print ‘ X Y Z’ for node in instance.nodes: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E, %.8E’ % (node.label, node.coordinates[0],node.coordinates[1],node.coordinates[2]) else: print ‘ X Y’ for node in instance.nodes: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E’ % (node.label, node.coordinates[0], node.coordinates[1]) # extract NODAL and ELEMENT output i=0 while i<Nsteps+1: lastFrame=odb.steps[StepList[i]].frames[-1] displacement=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘U’] fieldValues=displacement.values #for each displacement value, print the nodeLabel and data members print ‘Step= %s’ % (StepList[i]) print ‘Node, Ux, Uy’ for v in fieldValues: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E’ % (v.nodeLabel,[0],[1]) print ‘Element, SF1, SF2, SM1’ k=0 while k <= numElements-1-numNodes/2: SFi=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘SF’].values[k] SMi=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘SM’].values[k] print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E, %.8E’% (SFi.elementLabel,[0],[1],SMi. data[0]) k=k+1 stress=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘S’] fieldValues=stress.values print ‘Element, S11, S12, S13’ for v in fieldValues: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E, %.8E’ % (v.elementLabel,[0],[3],[4]) i=i+1 92 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 1.6 Python script # # ABAQUS PYTHON Script to extract information from an Abaqus odb file. # from odbAccess import * import sys # Check that an output database was specified. if len(sys.argv) != 2: print ‘Error: you must supply the name \ of an odb on the command line’ sys.exit(1) # Get the command line argument. odbPath = sys.argv[1] # Open the output database and set assembly object odb = openOdb(path=odbPath) assembly = odb.rootAssembly # Model name print ‘Model data for ODB: ‘, odbPath # Find total number of nodes and elements numNodes = numElements = 0 for name, instance in assembly.instances.items(): n = len(instance.nodes) numNodes = numNodes + n n = len(instance.elements) numElements = numElements + n print ‘Number of instances, Elements, Nodes’ print ‘%d,%d,%d’ % (len(assembly.instances),numElements,numNodes) # find total number of steps and stepNames StepList=[‘string1’,’string2’,’string3’,’string4’] i=0 for stepName in odb.steps.keys(): StepList[i]=stepName i=i+1 Nsteps=i-1 print ‘Number of steps in output’ print ‘%d’ % (Nsteps+1) # PRINT NODE INFORMATION for name, instance in assembly.instances.items(): print ‘NODAL COORDINATES’ if instance.embeddedSpace == THREE_D: 93 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra print ‘ X Y Z’ for node in instance.nodes: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E, %.8E’ % (node.label, node.coordinates[0],node.coordinates[1],node.coordinates[2]) else: print ‘ X Y’ for node in instance.nodes: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E’ % (node.label, node.coordinates[0], node.coordinates[1]) # extract NODAL and ELEMENT output i=0 while i<Nsteps+1: lastFrame=odb.steps[StepList[i]].frames[-1] displacement=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘U’] fieldValues=displacement.values #for each displacement value, print the nodeLabel and data members print ‘Step= %s’ % (StepList[i]) print ‘Node, Ux, Uy’ for v in fieldValues: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E’ % (v.nodeLabel,[0],[1]) print ‘Element, SF1, SF2, SM1’ k=0 while k <= numElements-1-numNodes/2: SFi=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘SF’].values[k] SMi=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘SM’].values[k] print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E, %.8E’% (SFi.elementLabel,[0],[1],SMi. data[0]) k=k+1 if i>0: stress=lastFrame.fieldOutputs[‘S’] fieldValues=stress.values print ‘Element, S11, S12, S13’ for v in fieldValues: print ‘%d, %.8E, %.8E, %.8E’ % (v.elementLabel,[0],[3],[4]) i=i+1 94 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 2 Derivation of analytical solution Appendix 2.1Derivation of the analytical solution Consider a geometrically linear Bernoulli beam with length L and bending stiffness EI fixed at x=0. The vertical displacement is called w(x), where w is considered positive in upward direction. This displacement is zero at the fixed end and the slope w’ is also zero at the fixed end. The beam is subjected to a distributed load q(x) caused for example by the weight of the beam, positive in upward direction. At the end, at x=L there is a force F and an applied moment M. The beam is embedded on elastic springs with stiffness k. Furthermore there is a prescribed displacement at the bottom of the springs w0(x) which is positive in the upward direction. The class of solutions where this displacement represents part of a circle with radius R is considered. w0(x) could represent a part of the borepath for example. The system is graphically represented in the figure below: F q (x ) M -w 0 (x ) x= 0 x=L w=0, w'= 0 The differential equation for a standard beam on elastic foundation (with w0(x)=0) is [Hetényi 1946]: d 4w EI 4 kw q dx If w is positive, the springs give a force downward. The prescribed displacements w0(x) can be taken into consideration by realising that the net force on the beam is determined by the displacement difference w(x)-w0(x). The differential equation then becomes: d 4w EI + kw = q + kw0 dx 4 (1.1) 95 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Because if w would be zero and w0 positive, there would be a net force upward. [Hetényi 1946] solves this type of equations by first solving the homogeneous differential equation: EI d 4 wH + kw H = 0 4 dx (1.2) The superscript H is added to make the distincion of the homogeneous solution. Hetényi shows that the general solution for this homogeneous equation can be written as: w H = e λx (C1 cos λx + C 2 sin λx) + e − λx (C 3 cos λx + C 4 sin λx) λ=4 k 4EI (1.3) C1 to C4 are constants that need to be determined later. Next a particular solution wP needs to be found which is a solution to the original differential equation (1.1). It can be proved that addition of the homogeneous and particular solution together with the boundary conditions for a unique solution to the problem. w = wP + wH (1.4) It is assumed that q(x)=q, a constant load. As prescribed groundmovement w0(x) we define a circular arc as is commonly used in the design of HDD’s: x w0 ( x ) = R 1 − 1 − ( ) 2 R (1.5) R is the radius of the circle. At x=0 the displacement is zero and at x=R the displacement is R and a quarter of a circle has been described. Pipelines are not pulled at angles larger than 45 degrees and therefore x/R<1/√2. Solving the differential equation with this function w0(x) is very complex and perhaps not possible in closed form. But because of our imitation to values of x/R<1/√2 the function w0(x) can be written as a Taylor expansion. Written to the 8th order this becomes: x 1 x 1 x 5 x 8 1 x w0 ( x) = R 1 − 1 − ( ) 2 ≈ R ( ) 2 + ( ) 4 + ( ) 6 + ( ) R 8 R 16 R 128 R 2 R (1.6) 96 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling if we plot the approximate Taylor expansion to 8th order together with the original function upto x/R=1/√2, it can be seen that this is a good approximation: With this Taylor expansion the equation that needs to be solved is: 1 x 1 x 5 x 8 d 4wP 1 x + kw P = q + kR ( ) 2 + ( ) 4 + ( ) 6 + ( ) EI 4 8 R 16 R 128 R dx 2 R (1.7) If a solution of the form x x x x w P ( x ) = a0 + a1 ( ) 2 + a2 ( )4 + a3 ( )6 + a4 ( )8 R R R R (1.8) is attempted then: d 4 w P 24a2 360a3 x 2 1680a4 x 4 = 4 + ( ) + ( ) dx 4 R R4 R R4 R and EI d 4 wP 24a 360a3 x 2 1680a4 x 4 + kw P = EI ( 4 2 + ( ) + ( ) ) 4 dx R R4 R R4 R x 2 x 4 x 6 x + k (a0 + a1 ( ) + a2 ( ) + a3 ( ) + a4 ( )8 ) R R R R 97 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Equalling this with the right side of equaiton 1.7 gives: 24 EIa2 + ka0 = q R4 360 EIa3 x 2 x R x ( ) + ka1 ( ) 2 = k ( )2 4 2 R R R R 1680 EIa4 x 4 x R x ( ) + ka2 ( ) 4 = k ( ) 4 4 R R R 8 R x R x ka3 ( ) 6 = k ( ) 6 16 R R x 5R x 8 ka4 ( )8 = k ( ) R 128 R writing this out yields: w P ( x) = q 24 EI 1 525 EI − R( − )+ k kR 4 8 8 kR 4 5 x 8 1 45 EI x 2 1 525 EI x 4 1 x 6 R ( − )( ) + ( − )( ) + ( ) + ( ) 4 4 8 8 kR R 16 R 128 R 2 2 kR R (1.8) It can be seen that when k reaches infinity the solution is equal to w0(x), which is as it should. Adding (1.8) to the homogeneous solution, the overall solution becomes: w( x) = q 24 1 525 1 − 4 4 R( − )+ k 4λ R 8 8 4λ4 R 4 x 1 525 1 x 1 x 5 x 8 1 45 1 R ( − )( ) 2 + ( − )( ) 4 + ( )6 + ( ) 4 4 4 4 8 8 4λ R R 16 R 128 R 2 2 4λ R R + e λx (C1 cos λx + C2 sin λx ) + e −λx (C3 cos λx + C 4 sin λx) (1.9) 98 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling The C1 to C4 have to be determined from the boundary conditiohns. Because of the fixed end at x=0 the displacement there is zero and the slope is zero as well. At the end x=L we let the moment be zero and the force F. Then the four boundary conditions can be expressed as: w(0) = 0 ⇒ w H (0) = − w P (0) dw dw H dw P (0) = 0 ⇒ (0) = − ( 0) dx dx dx d 2 wP d 2 wH d 2w ( ) = 0 ⇒ ( ) = ( L) L L dx 2 dx 2 dx 2 d 3w F d 3w H d 3 wP F L L ( ) = − ⇒ ( ) = − ( L) − 3 3 3 dx EI dx dx EI (1.10) This way of writing will turn out to be convenient for the determination of the unknown constants. For wP it holds that: w P ( x) = q 24 EI 1 525 EI − R( − )+ k kR 4 8 8 kR 4 5 x 8 1 45 EI x 2 1 525 EI x 4 1 x 6 R ( − )( ) + ( − )( ) + ( ) + ( ) 4 4 8 8 kR R 16 R 128 R 2 2 kR R dw P EI x 1 525 EI x 3 3 x 5 5 x 7 ( x) = (1 − 45 4 )( ) + ( − )( ) + ( ) + ( ) dx kR R 2 2 kR 4 R 8 R 16 R 2 P d w 1 EI 3 1 525 EI x 2 15 x 4 35 x 6 ( x) = (1 − 45 4 ) + ( − )( ) + ( ) + ( ) 2 dx R kR R 2 2 kR 4 R 8R R 16 R R d 3 wP 6 1 525 EI x 15 x 105 x ( x) = 2 ( − )( ) + 2 ( )3 + 2 ( )5 3 4 dx R 2 2 kR R 2 R R 8R R 4 P 6 1 525 EI 45 x 525 x d w ( x) = 3 ( − ) + 3 ( )2 + 3 ( ) 4 4 4 2 kR 2R R 8R R dx R 2 (1.11) 99 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra The 4th derivative is not needed, but is written down to check the solution by substituting it in equation (1.1). For wH it holds: w H = e λx (C1 cos λx + C2 sin λx) + e − λx (C3 cos λx + C4 sin λx) dw H = λe λx ((C1 + C2 ) cos λx + (C2 − C1 ) sin λx) + λe −λx ((C4 − C3 ) cos λx − (C3 + C4 ) sin λx ) dx d 2 wH = 2λ2 e λx (C2 cos λx − C1 sin λ x) + 2λ2 e −λx (−C4 cos λx + C3 sin λx) 2 dx d 3wH = 2λ3e λx ((C2 − C1 ) cos λx − (C1 + C2 ) sin λx ) + 2λ3e −λx ((C3 + C4 ) cos λx + (C4 − C3 ) sin λx) dx 3 Now, the matrix equation can be determined from which the constants can be calculated. a11 a 21 a31 a41 a12 a13 a22 a23 a42 a43 a32 a33 a14 C1 b1 a24 C 2 b2 = a34 C3 b3 a44 C 4 b4 The coefficients of the right hand vector b are given by: b1 = − w P (0), b2 = − 1 dw P 1 d 2 wP 1 d 3 wP F (0), b3 = − 2 ( ), ( L) − L b = − 4 2 3 3 λ dx 2λ dx 2λ dx EI which can be calculated from (1.11). From this it can be seen that b2=0. The coefficients of the matrix A are given by: a11 = 1, a12 = 0, a13 = 1, a14 = 0 a21 = 1, a22 = 1, a23 = −1, a24 = 1 a31 = −e λL sin λL, a32 = e λL cos λL, a33 = e −λL sin λL, a34 = −e −λL cos λL a41 = −e λL (cos λL + sin λL), a42 = e λL (cos λL − sin λL) a43 = e −λL (cos λL − sin λL), a44 = e −λL (cos λL + sin λL) It can be seen that the coefficients aij are dimensionless and the coefficients bi have the dimension of length. This means that the constants Ci also have the dimension of length, which is correct. This 4x4 matrix equation can be solved with a computer program and the found constants C1 t/m C4 can be substituted in (1.9) to obtain the overall solution. Because the system has several zero’s it can be attempted to simplify them so that no solver is necessary. 100 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling The system ban be simplified as follows: 1 1 a31 a41 0 1 a32 a42 1 2 a31 − a33 a41 − a43 0 C1 b1 − 1 1 C2 0 = a33 a34 C3 b3 a43 a44 C4 b4 1 0 1 a32 a42 1 2 a31 − a33 − 2a34 a41 − a43 − 2a44 1 2 a31 a41 0 1 1 0 a32 a42 a33 a43 0 C1 b1 1 C2 b1 = a34 C3 b3 a44 C4 b4 0 C1 b1 0 1 C2 b1 = 0 a34 C3 b3 − a33b1 0 a44 C4 b4 − a43b1 1 0 1 a32 − a34 a42 − a44 1 0C1 b1 b1 0 1C 2 = 0 0C 3 b3 − a33b1 − a34 b1 0 0C 4 b4 − a43b1 − a44 b1 This can be written as a 2x2 system with two back substitutions: a31 − a33 − 2a34 a − a − 2a 44 41 43 a32 − a34 C1 b3 − a33b1 − a34b1 = a42 − a44 C2 b4 − a43b1 − a44b1 C3 = b1 − C1 C4 = b1 − 2C1 − C2 write the system as: a'11 a ' 21 a '12 C1 b'1 = a'22 C2 b'2 with: a '11 = a31 − a33 − 2a34 a '12 = a32 − a34 a '21 = a41 − a43 − 2a44 a '22 = a42 − a44 b'1 = b3 − a33b1 − a34b1 b'2 = b4 − a43b1 − a44b1 101 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra then the solution is: C1 = C2 = a'22 b'1 − a'12 b'2 a '11 a'22 − a '21 a '12 a'11 b'2 − a'21 b'1 a'11 a '22 − a'21 a'12 and using backsubstitution C3 and C4 are found. This method is programmed in a Matlab script Appendix 2.2 Matlab script for the analytical solution Below is the Matlab script used for calculation of the analytical solution. As input a vector x has to be given with points where the output is required, the length L of the beam, the radius R, the bending stiffness EI, the distributed load q and force F. output is the displacement w and w0 as well as the reaction force per length unit. file calc_WAll.m: function [w w0 r_force_m]=calc_WAll(x,L,R,k,EI,q,F) lambda=(k/(4*EI))^(1/4); [A b]=calc_A_b(lambda,R,q,k,EI,F,L); %calc coefficients c a(1,1)=A(3,1)-A(3,3)-2*A(3,4); a(1,2)=A(3,2)-A(3,4); a(2,1)=A(4,1)-A(4,3)-2*A(4,4); a(2,2)=A(4,2)-A(4,4); bb(1)=b(3)-b(1)*(A(3,3)+A(3,4)); bb(2)=b(4)-b(1)*(A(4,3)+A(4,4)); det_a=a(1,1)*a(2,2)-a(2,1)*a(1,2) c(1)=(bb(1)*a(2,2)-bb(2)*a(1,2))/det_a; c(2)=(bb(2)*a(1,1)-bb(1)*a(2,1))/det_a; c(3)=b(1)-c(1); c(4)=b(1)-2*c(1)-c(2); %calculate and sum homogeneous and particular solutions wP=WP_calc(0,R,q,EI,k,x); wH=WH_calc(lambda,c,x); w=wH+wP; w0=W0_calc(R,x); r_force_m=k*(w-w0); end %setup matrix coefficients function [A b]=calc_A_b(lambda,R,q,k,EI,F,L) g=lambda*L; A=zeros(4,4); A(1,1)=1;A(1,2)=0;A(1,3)=1;A(1,4)=0; A(2,1)=1;A(2,2)=1;A(2,3)=-1;A(2,4)=1; A(3,1)=-exp(g)*sin(g);A(3,2)=exp(g)*cos(g); 102 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling A(3,3)=exp(-g)*sin(g);A(3,4)=-exp(-g)*cos(g); A(4,1)=-exp(g)*(cos(g)+sin(g)); A(4,2)=exp(g)*(cos(g)-sin(g)); A(4,3)=exp(-g)*(cos(g)-sin(g)); A(4,4)=exp(-g)*(cos(g)+sin(g)); %calculate b vector, use Particular solution w0p0=WP_calc(0,R,q,EI,k,0); w1p0=WP_calc(1,R,q,EI,k,0); w2pL=WP_calc(2,R,q,EI,k,L); w3pL=WP_calc(3,R,q,EI,k,L); b=zeros(4,1); b(1)=-w0p0; b(2)=-w1p0/lambda; b(3)=-w2pL/(2*lambda^2); b(4)=-1/(2*lambda^3)*(w3pL+F/EI); end %calculate particular solution function wp_out=WP_calc(graad,R,q,EI,k,x) xx=x/R; C=EI/(k*R^4); if graad==0 wp_out=q/k-24*C*R*(1/8-525/8*C)+R*( (1/2-45/2*C)*xx.^2 + (1/8-525/8*C)*xx.^4 + 1/16*xx.^6 + 5/128*xx.^8 ); elseif graad==1 wp_out=(1-45*C)*xx + (1/2-525/2*C)*xx.^3 + 3/8*xx.^5 + 5/16*xx.^7; elseif graad==2 wp_out=1/R*( (1-45*C) + 3*(1/2-525/2*C)*xx.^2 + 15/8*xx.^4 + 35/16*xx.^6); elseif graad==3 wp_out=1/R^2*( 3*(1-525*C)*xx + 15/2*xx.^3 + 105/8*xx.^5); elseif graad==4 wp_out=1/R^3*( 3*(1-525*C) + 45/2*xx.^2 + 525/8*xx.^4); end end % calculate homogeneus solution function wH=WH_calc(lambda,c,x) wH= exp(lambda*x).*( c(1)*cos(lambda*x) + c(2)*sin(lambda*x) )+ ... exp(-lambda*x).*( c(3)*cos(lambda*x) + c(4)*sin(lambda*x) ); end % calculate homogeneus solution function w0=W0_calc(R,x) xx=x/R; w0=R*(1/2*xx.^2+1/8*xx.^4+1/16*xx.^6+5/128*xx.^8); end 103 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 104 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 3 Simulation results Appendix 3.1 Comparison of Abaqus results with analytical solution. Annex. Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 310 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry no Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation no Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) yes Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−010 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 105 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 5.000E−003 Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,10E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,10E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] −1.092E+004 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.895E+006 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 1,82E+07 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 1,82E+07 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −1.399E−001 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Annex. Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 310 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry no 106 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation no Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) yes Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 5.000E−003 Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 107 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,10E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,10E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] −1.081E+004 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.734E+006 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 1,80E+07 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 1,80E+07 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −1.379E−001 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Annex. Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 310 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry no Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) yes Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 108 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−010 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 5.000E−003 Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,14E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,14E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] −1.022E+004 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.700E+006 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 1,66E+07 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 1,66E+07 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −1.277E−001 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 109 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Annex. Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 310 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry no Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) yes Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 5.000E−003 Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 110 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,14E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,14E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] −1.016E+004 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.624E+006 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 1,65E+07 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 1,65E+07 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −1.266E−001 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 111 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra geometric linear simulation, without gap 120Annex 3.1.5 Abaqus FEM & Analytical solution Analytical solution L1=0 m, L2=310 m, L3=0 m, R=1.21e+003 100 y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position EI=3.134E+009 Nm^2, k=1.300E+005 N/m^2 80 120 60 100 40 80 20 60 0 40 -20 20 -40 0 -60 -20 -80 -40 geometric linear simulation, without gap Analytical solution 0 50 100 -60 200 150 x-position borepath [m] 250 300 -80 0 50 100 200 150 x-position borepath [m] 250 300 20000 geometric linear simulation, without gap Analytical solution soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 15000 20000 geometric linear simulation, without gap Analytical solution 10000 15000 5000 10000 0 5000 5000 0 0 50 100 150 200 distance [m] 250 300 350 112 5000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 6 0 x 10 geometric linear simulation, without gap Analytical solution -0.5 0 6 x 10 geometric linear simulation, without gap Analytical solution moment [Nm] moment [Nm] -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -3 -2.5 -3 0 50 100 150 200 distance [m] 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 distance [m] 250 300 350 250 300 350 0.04 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 0.02 0 0.04 -0.02 0.02 -0.04 0 -0.06 -0.02 -0.08 -0.04 -0.1 -0.06 -0.12 -0.08 -0.14 -0.1 geometric linear simulation, without gap Analytical solution -0.16 -0.12 0 -0.14 -0.16 50 100 150 200 distance [m] geometric linear simulation, without gap Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Analytical solution P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 0 50 100 150 200 250 113 Homepage: 300 date 2007-12-19 350 drw. prk ctr. y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra geometric linear simulation, without gap 120Annex 3.1.6 Abaqus FEM & Analytical solution geometric linear simulation, with gap L1=0 m, L2=310 m, L3=0 m, R=1.21e+003 geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap 100 EI=3.134E+009 Nm^2, k=1.300E+005 N/m^2 geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution 80 geometric linear simulation, without gap 120 60 geometric linear simulation, with gap geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap 100 40 geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution 80 20 60 0 40 -20 20 -40 0 -60 -20 -80 -40 0 50 200 100 150 x-position borepath [m] -60 250 300 -80 0 50 100 200 150 x-position borepath [m] 250 300 20000 geometric linear simulation, without gap geometric linear simulation, with gap geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution geometric linear simulation, without gap geometric linear simulation, with gap geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 15000 20000 10000 15000 5000 10000 0 5000 -5000 0 0 50 100 150 200 distance [m] 250 300 350 114 -5000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 6 0 -0.5 0 x 10 6 x 10 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] -1 -0.5 -1.5 geometric linear simulation, without gap geometric linear simulation, with gap geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution geometric linear simulation, without gap geometric linear simulation, with gap geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -3 -2.5 -3 0 50 100 150 200 distance [m] 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 distance [m] 250 300 350 300 350 0.15 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 0.1 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 -0.1 -0.2 -0.15 -0.25 0 -0.2 -0.25 0 geometric linear simulation, without gap geometric linear simulation, with gap geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Analytical solution geometric linear simulation, without gap 50 100 simulation, 150with gap 200 250 geometric linear distance [m] geometric nonlinear simulation, without gap geometric nonlinear simulation, with gap Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Analytical solution P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 50 100 150 200 250 115 Homepage: 300 date 2007-12-19 350 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.2 Results for a simulation with a circular arc and added straight section of 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 m for the situation without gap. Annex. 3.2.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 200 L2 [m] 310 L3 [m] 100 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry no Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) yes Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−010 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 5.000E−003 116 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 6,17E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 6,17E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] 8,56E+07 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.675E+006 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 2,68E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 2,28E+04 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −2.064E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 117 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 250 no gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht Annex 3.2.2 Abaqus FEM,voorbij Simulations with linear k, without gap no gap, 10 m leiding bocht no gap, 20 leiding voorbij bocht m,m R=1200 m, EI=3.13e+009 kNm^2, k=130000 kN/m^2 200L1=200 m, L2=310 no0gap, 40 mmleiding voorbij bocht L3 varied from to 100 y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position 150 250 100 200 50 150 no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht nogap, gap,0100 m leiding voorbij bocht no m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht 1000 -50 50 -100 0 -150 -50 -100 0 200 100 400 300 x-position borepath [m] 500 600 -150 0 200 100 400 300 x-position borepath [m] 500 600 20000 no gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht nogap, gap,0100 m leiding voorbij bocht no m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht soil spring reaction [kN/m] soil spring reaction [kN/m] 15000 20000 10000 15000 5000 10000 0 5000 -5000 0 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] 500 600 700 118 -5000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 6 0.5 x 10 no gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 0 100 m leiding voorbij bocht m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht 0 6 moment [kNm]moment [kNm] 0.5 -0.5 x 10 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -3 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] 500 600 700 600 700 -2.5 -3 0.04 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 0.02 0 0.04 -0.02 0.02 -0.04 0 -0.06 -0.02 -0.08 -0.04 -0.1 -0.06 -0.12 -0.08 -0.14 -0.1 0 -0.12 -0.14 0 no gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht 100 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht 100 200 voorbij bocht 300 400 500 no gap, 20 m leiding no gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bochtdistance [m] no gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht no gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 no gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 100 200 300 400 500 119 Homepage: 600 date 2007-12-19 700 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.3 Results for a simulation with a circular arc and added straight section of 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 m for the situation with 0.1 m gap. Annex 3.3.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 200 L2 [m] 310 L3 [m] 100 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry no Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) yes Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 5.000E−003 120 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 6,17E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 6,17E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] 3,66E+07 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.653E+006 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] −1.295E+003 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 3,64E+04 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] 9.462E−003 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 121 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 250 gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht Annex 3.3.2 gap, Abaqus Simulations 10 mFEM, leiding voorbij bochtwith linear k, with 0.1 m gap gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht L1=200 m, L2=310 m, R=1200 m, EI=3.13e+009 Nm^2, k=1.30e+005 N/m^2 200 gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht L3 varied from 0 to 100 m y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position 150 250 100 200 50 150 gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht gap,0100 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht 1000 -50 50 -100 0 -150 -50 -100 0 200 100 400 300 x-position borepath [m] 500 600 -150 0 200 100 400 300 x-position borepath [m] 500 600 20000 gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht gap,0100 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht soil spring reaction [kN/m] soil spring reaction [kN/m] 15000 20000 10000 15000 5000 10000 0 5000 -5000 0 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] 500 600 700 122 -5000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 6 0.5 x 10 gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 0 100 m leiding voorbij bocht m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht 0 6 moment [kNm]moment [kNm] 0.5 -0.5 x 10 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -3 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 distance [m] 500 600 700 600 700 -2.5 -3 0.15 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 0.1 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 -0.1 -0.2 -0.15 -0.25 0 -0.2 -0.25 0 gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 20 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht 100 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 0 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 10 m leiding voorbij bocht 10020 m leiding200 400 500 gap, voorbij bocht 300 gap, 40 m leiding voorbij bocht distance [m] gap, 60 m leiding voorbij bocht gap, 80 m leiding voorbij bocht Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 gap, 100 m leiding voorbij bocht P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 100 200 300 400 500 123 Homepage: 600 date 2007-12-19 700 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.4 Pullback simulation in half circle geometry with friction only. Annex. 3.4.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 1210 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry yes Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) no Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 1.000E−003 Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 124 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Friction force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Friction force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Total pipeline rollers friction [N] 0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,80E+06 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,80E+06 Maximum moment [Nm] −5.485E+005 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.608E+006 Maximum pulling force [N] 5,36E+07 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 6,16E+06 Maximum Soil reaction (during pulling) [N/m] 6,22E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 6,14E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (during pulling) [N/m] 6,14E+06 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −4.727E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (during pulling) [m] −4.777E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (during pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 125 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 x 10 -0.5 Annex 3.4.2 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_4_half_circle_001 Pipeline pulled in for 100 % 2000 6000 6 -1 x 10 -0.5 5000 7000 2000 1000 1500 500 1000 0 500 -500 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring without pulling during pulling moment [Nm] moment [Nm] -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 0 -1000 -500 -1000 -500 0 500 x-position borepath [m] 1000 -3 -2.5 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 -1000 -500 0 500 x-position borepath [m] -3 1000 0 4 2000 4000 1000 3000 0 2000 -1000 1000 -2000 0 -3000 -1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 4 -3 x 10 7 5 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change x 10 4.5 5.5 54 3.5 4.5 43 2.5 3.5 32 1.5 2.5 1.5 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 6 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 2 0 1 -1 without pulling during pulling 0 1000 0 126 0 0 1.2 6 0 -3000 x 10 7 5 21 1000 -3 x 10 5.5 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] 3000 5000 -2000 -1000 1 4000 6000 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 horizontal displacement along borepath [m] borepath [m] horizontal displacement along y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position 1500 7000 without pulling during pulling 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 without pulling during pulling 2000 3000 4000 -1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 -0.2 0 0 0 0.15 without pulling during pulling 6000 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 5000 7000 4000 without pulling during pulling 4000 6000 3000 5000 2000 4000 1000 3000 0 2000 -1000 1000 -2000 0 -3000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 displacement displacement normal to borepath normal[m] to borepath [m] 0.1 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 without pulling during pulling -0.1 -0.2 0 1000 -0.15 2000 3000 distance [m] -2000 4000 4000 -3000 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 0.02 1 0.01 1.2 0.02 0.8 0 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 0 1000 0 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 -0.2 1000 2000 3000 1000 4000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 0.01 -0.01 0 -0.02 -0.01 -0.03 -0.02 -0.04 -0.03 -0.05 DELFT P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 0 during pulling 0 1000 -0.04 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK during pulling 4000 -0.2 4000 1.2 -0.2 4000 without pulling during pulling borewall penetration [m] borewall penetration [m] 0 7000 horizontal displacement along borepath [m] borepath [m] horizontal displacement along 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 2000 3000 distance [m] Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.05 0 1000 127 Homepage: during pulling date 2007-12-19 3000 4000 2000 4000 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.5 Pullback simulation in half circle geometry with friction and cohesion effects Annex. 3.5.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 1210 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry yes Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) no Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 1.000E−003 128 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 5,00E+04 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Friction force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 1,90E+05 Friction force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] 1,96E+04 Total pipeline rollers friction [N] 0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,80E+06 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,80E+06 Maximum moment [Nm] −5.485E+005 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.608E+006 Maximum pulling force [N] 1,05E+09 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 6,16E+06 Maximum Soil reaction (during pulling) [N/m] 6,21E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 6,14E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (during pulling) [N/m] 6,14E+06 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −4.727E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (during pulling) [m] −4.768E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (during pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 129 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 x 10 -0.5 Annex 3.5.2 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_5_half_circle_001 Pipeline pulled in for 100 % 2000 6000 6 5000 7000 -1 x 10 -0.5 1500 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] 1500 500 1000 0 500 -500 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring without pulling during pulling 2000 1000 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 0 -1000 -500 -1000 -500 0 500 x-position borepath [m] -3 -2.5 0 1000 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 4000 6000 3000 5000 2000 4000 1000 3000 0 2000 -1000 1000 -2000 0 -3000 -1000 -2000 -1000 -1000 -500 0 500 x-position borepath [m] -3 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 -3000 0 5 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change 10 5 x 10 12 8 10 6 8 4 6 2 4 0 2 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 0.12 1.2 0.1 1 0.12 0.08 0.1 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.04 0 without pulling during pulling 0.02 -0.02 0 1000 0 130 0 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement x 10 12 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position 7000 without pulling during pulling 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 without pulling during pulling 2000 3000 4000 -0.02 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 -0.2 0 0 0 0.15 without pulling during pulling 6000 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 5000 7000 4000 without pulling during pulling 4000 6000 3000 5000 2000 4000 1000 3000 0 2000 -1000 1000 -2000 0 -3000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 0.1 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 without pulling during pulling -0.1 -0.2 0 1000 -0.15 2000 3000 distance [m] -2000 4000 4000 4000 -3000 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] -0.2 4000 1.2 0.03 1 0.02 1.2 0.8 0.03 0.01 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 -0.2 0 1000 0 -0.2 4000 without pulling during pulling borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 7000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 1000 2000 3000 1000 4000 0.01 -0.01 0 -0.02 -0.01 -0.03 -0.02 -0.04 -0.03 -0.05 during pulling 0 1000 -0.04 4000 2000 3000 distance [m] 0.02 0 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 0 2000 3000 distance [m] Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.05 0 1000 131 Homepage: during pulling 2000 4000 date 2007-12-19 3000 4000 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.6 Pullback simulation in half circle geometry with friction, cohesion and gravity effects. Annex. 3.6.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 0 L2 [m] 1210 L3 [m] 0 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry yes Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) no Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+06 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−010 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 1.000E−003 132 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 9,81E+03 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 5,00E+04 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 1,23E+06 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −8.066E+002 Friction force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 1,90E+05 Friction force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] 1,96E+04 Total pipeline rollers friction [N] 0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 3,80E+06 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,80E+06 Maximum moment [Nm] −5.483E+005 Minimum moment [Nm] −3.177E+006 Maximum pulling force [N] 3,02E+09 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 6,15E+06 Maximum Soil reaction (during pulling) [N/m] 6,15E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 6,13E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (during pulling) [N/m] 6,13E+06 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −4.724E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (during pulling) [m] −4.723E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (during pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 133 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 x 10 0 2000 without pulling during pulling -1 2000 1000 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position 1500 6000 -0.5 6 x 10 0 1500 500 1000 0 500 -500 0 -1000 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring Annex 3.6.2 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_6_half_circle_001 Pipeline pulled in for 100 % 8000 without pulling during pulling -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -500 -1000 -500 0 500 x-position borepath [m] -3 1000 -2.5 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 8000 4000 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 -2000 -6000 -4000 -1000 -1000 -500 0 500 x-position borepath [m] -3 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 -6000 0 6 x 10 0.6 3 1.4 1.2 0.5 6 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change pulling force [N] pulling force [N] x 10 3.5 2.5 3 2 2.5 1.5 2 1 1.5 0.5 1 0 0 1000 0.5 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0 without pulling during pulling 0.1 -0.1 0 1000 0 134 0 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 3000 4000 -0.1 0 1000 2000 3000 1.41 0.8 1.2 0.6 1 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.40 -0.2 0.2 -0.4 0 -0.2 without pulling during pulling 2000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 3.5 4000 -0.4 0 0 0 0.15 without pulling during pulling 0.1 4000 8000 4000 without pulling during pulling 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 -2000 -6000 0 -4000 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 6000 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 without pulling during pulling -0.1 -0.2 0 -0.15 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 without pulling during pulling 4000 4000 -6000 0 1000 -0.2 0 4000 1.4 0.04 1.2 0.03 1 1.4 0.02 0.04 0.8 1.2 0.6 1 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 0 0.4 -0.2 0.2 -0.4 0 0 without pulling during pulling 1000 -0.2 4000 2000 3000 distance [m] borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 8000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling -0.4 0 2000 3000 distance [m] 2000 3000 2000 3000 distance [m] 4000 0.01 0.03 0 0.02 -0.01 0.01 -0.02 0 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 during pulling 4000 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 1000 1000 4000 -0.05 -0.03 0 1000 2000 3000 distance [m] -0.04 Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.05 0 1000 135 Homepage: during pulling 2000 4000 date 2007-12-19 3000 4000 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.7 Pullback simulation with drill pipe in 100 steps, without cohesion or gravity effects. Annex. 3.7.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name − L1 [m] 100 L2 [m] 150 L3 [m] 80 R [m] 1210 Symmetric geometry yes Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 100 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) no Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+07 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−001 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 1.000E−003 136 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Friction force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Friction force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Total pipeline rollers friction [N] 0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 6,62E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 3,31E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] 3,91E+08 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.646E+006 Maximum pulling force [N] 2,69E+07 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 1,25E+06 Maximum Soil reaction (during pulling) [N/m] 1,25E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 5,18E+03 Soil reaction head of pipe (during pulling) [N/m] 5,03E+03 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −9.515E−003 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (during pulling) [m] −9.540E−003 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (during pulling) [m] 1.483E−003 137 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 200 400 Annex 3.7.2 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_7_leiding_001 Pipeline pulled in for 1 % 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 100 -200 0 -300 -100 -400 -200 -500 -300 0 0.4 200 -200 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position 300 500 0.6 without pulling during pulling without pulling during pulling soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 500 0 -400 -200 -600 -400 -800 -600 -1000 -800 -1200 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 0 200 -1000 400 600 distance [m] 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.2 -0.6 -0.4 -0.8 800 0 -0.6 -400 -500 -1200 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.8 800 0 -5 35 2 -5 x 10 4 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change 40 30 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] 1.2 35 25 30 20 25 15 20 10 15 5 0 200 5 600 400 distance [m] 800 0 2 -2 0 -4 -2 -6 -4 without pulling during pulling -8 -6 0 200 0 200 800 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0 without pulling during pulling 138 0 600 400 distance [m] horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 4 40 10 0 x 10 400 600 800 -8 0 200 400 600 800 -0.2 0 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0.04 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.2 -0.6 -0.4 -0.8 800 without pulling during pulling 0 200 -0.6 400 600 distance [m] 800 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 0.4 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.03 0 0.02 -0.01 0.01 -0.02 0 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 without pulling during pulling -0.05 -0.03 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.04 -0.8 800 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.05 800 1.2 800 without pulling during pulling 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 1 0.8 800 1 0.6 1 1.2 0.8 borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 0.05 0.6 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 -0.2 0 200 0 400 600 distance [m] 800 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK during pulling 800 -0.2 DELFT P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 200 400 600 800 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.6 0 0.4 -0.2 0.2 -0.4 0 -0.6 -0.2 -0.8 -0.4 during pulling -1 -0.6 0 200 600 400 distance [m] -0.8 Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -1 0 200 139 Homepage: during pulling 400 600 800 date 2007-12-20 800 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 500 0 0.5 -0.5 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 100 -200 0 -300 -100 8000 6 x 10 without pulling during pulling soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 300 500 10000 without pulling during pulling Annex 3.7.3 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_7_leiding_030 Pipeline pulled in for 30 % 400 y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position x 10 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -400 -200 -2 -500 -300 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 0 200 -2.5 400 600 distance [m] 800 10000 6000 8000 4000 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 0 -2000 -400 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 4 x 10 4 800 -3 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change x 10 7 5 3.5 2.5 3 2 2.5 1.5 2 1 1.5 0.5 0 200 0.5 600 400 distance [m] 800 6 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 2 0 1 -1 without pulling during pulling 0 200 0 140 0 200 -4000 0 1.2 6 x 10 4 3 0 400 600 distance [m] x 10 7 4 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] 200 -3 3.5 1 0 0 600 400 distance [m] 800 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement -500 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0 without pulling during pulling 400 600 800 -1 0 200 400 600 800 -0.2 0 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0.6 800 10000 6000 without pulling during pulling 8000 4000 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 0 200 -2000 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.5 0.7 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 8000 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0 0.2 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0 without pulling during pulling -0.3 -0.1 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.2 800 800 800 -4000 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.3 800 1.2 0.02 1 0 1.2 0.8 0.02 -0.02 borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 0.7 10000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 -0.2 0 200 0 -0.2 400 600 distance [m] 800 200 400 600 without pulling during pulling 0 200 800 -0.02 -0.06 -0.04 -0.08 -0.06 -0.1 -0.08 -0.12 -0.1 -0.14 during pulling 0 200 -0.12 800 400 600 distance [m] 0 -0.04 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 800 600 400 distance [m] Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.14 0 200 141 Homepage: during pulling 400 600 800 date 2007-12-20 800 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 Annex 3.7.4 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_7_leiding_050 Pipeline pulled in for 50 % 400 300 500 1500 without pulling during pulling 0 1000 6 x 10 0.5 -0.5 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 100 -200 0 -300 -100 -400 -200 1500 without pulling during pulling soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 500 y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position x 10 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -500 -300 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 0 200 -2.5 400 600 distance [m] 800 500 1000 0 500 -500 0 -1000 -500 -1500 -1000 -400 -500 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 4 x 10 3 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 -1500 -3 x 10 4 1.2 2.5 4 x 10 3 -3 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change x 10 43 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] 2 2.5 1.5 2 1 1.5 0.5 1 0.5 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 0 200 32 1.5 2.5 21 0.5 1.5 10 -0.5 0.5 without pulling during pulling 0 200 0 142 0 2.5 3.5 400 600 800 -0.5 400 600 distance [m] 800 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 3.5 0 0 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 without pulling during pulling 0 200 400 600 800 -0.2 0 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0.6 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 1500 800 without pulling during pulling 500 1000 0 500 -500 0 -1000 -500 -1500 -1000 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 1000 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0 0.2 -0.1 0.1 -0.2 0 without pulling during pulling 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.1 800 -1500 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.2 800 1.2 800 without pulling during pulling 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.01 0.008 800 1 0.006 0.01 1.2 0.8 borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 0.7 1500 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 -0.2 0 200 0 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.004 0.008 0.002 0.006 0 0.004 -0.002 0.002 -0.004 0 -0.006 -0.002 -0.008 -0.004 during pulling -0.01 -0.006 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.008 800 -0.2 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 200 400 600 800 Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.01 0 200 143 Homepage: during pulling 400 600 800 date 2007-12-20 800 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 Annex 3.7.5 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_7_leiding_080 Pipeline pulled in for 80 % 400 300 500 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 100 -200 0 -300 -100 -400 -200 10000 without pulling during pulling 0 8000 6 x 10 0.5 -0.5 without pulling during pulling soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 500 y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position x 10 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -500 -300 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 0 200 -2.5 400 600 distance [m] 800 10000 6000 8000 4000 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 0 -2000 -400 -500 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 4 x 10 7 800 -4000 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change x 10 43 5 3 4 2 3 1 2 200 1 600 400 distance [m] 800 200 32 1.5 2.5 21 0.5 1.5 10 -0.5 0.5 without pulling during pulling 0 200 0 144 0 2.5 3.5 400 600 800 -0.5 600 400 distance [m] 800 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement -3 6 4 0 0 1.2 3.5 x 10 7 5 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] 400 600 distance [m] x 10 4 4 0 200 -3 6 0 0 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0 200 400 600 800 -0.2 0 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0.3 800 10000 6000 without pulling during pulling 8000 4000 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 0 200 -2000 400 600 distance [m] 800 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 8000 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 -0.1 0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.3 -0.2 -0.4 without pulling during pulling 0 200 -0.3 400 600 distance [m] 800 without pulling during pulling 800 -4000 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.4 800 1.2 800 800 400 600 distance [m] 800 0 0.04 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 0 200 0 -0.2 200 0.02 1 -0.2 0 0.04 borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 0.4 10000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 400 600 distance [m] -0.02 0.02 -0.04 0 -0.06 -0.02 -0.08 -0.04 -0.1 -0.06 -0.12 -0.08 during pulling 800 -0.14 -0.1 0 200 600 400 distance [m] -0.12 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 200 400 600 800 Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.14 0 200 145 Homepage: during pulling 400 600 800 date 2007-12-20 800 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 500 0 1000 6 x 10 0.5 -0.5 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 100 -200 0 -300 -100 1500 without pulling during pulling soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 300 500 1500 without pulling during pulling Annex 3.7.6 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_7_leiding_100 Pipeline pulled in for 100 % 400 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -400 -200 -2 -500 -300 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 0 200 -2.5 400 600 distance [m] 800 500 1000 0 500 -500 0 -1000 -500 -1500 -1000 -400 -3 -200 0 200 x-position borepath [m] 4 x 10 6 length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change 3 4 2 3 1 2 200 400 600 distance [m] 0 200 -1500 0 1.2 800 6 8 4 6 2 4 0 2 without pulling during pulling -2 0 0 200 146 0 800 8 -4 x 10 10 5 1 400 600 distance [m] x 10 10 4 0 200 -4 5 4 x 10 6 0 0 400 600 distance [m] 800 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement -500 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position x 10 0.5 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 without pulling during pulling 400 600 800 -2 0 200 400 600 800 -0.2 0 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0.1 soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 1500 without pulling during pulling 500 1000 0 500 -500 0 -1000 -500 -1500 0 -1000 800 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] 1000 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 without pulling during pulling -0.1 -0.2 0 200 -0.15 400 600 distance [m] 800 without pulling during pulling -1500 0 800 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.2 800 1.2 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.01 0.008 800 1 0.006 0.01 1.2 0.8 borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 0.15 1500 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 -0.2 0 200 0 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.004 0.008 0.002 0.006 0 0.004 -0.002 0.002 -0.004 0 -0.006 -0.002 -0.008 -0.004 during pulling -0.01 -0.006 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.008 800 -0.2 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 200 400 600 800 Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.01 0 200 147 Homepage: during pulling 400 600 800 date 2007-12-20 800 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Appendix 3.8 Simulation with measured XY borepath data. Annex. 3.8.1 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation Simulation Input Parameters XY data Inputfile name VSHAkkrumA32Spoor.txt L1 [m] − L2 [m] − L3 [m] − R [m] − Symmetric geometry − Number of elements 200 Number of elements in pipe 200 Geometric Nonlinear Simulation yes Left BC (yes) or Middle BC (no) no Pipe outer diameter [m] 1,21E+03 Pipe wall thickness [m] 2.270E−002 Density pipe [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pipe [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pipe [−] 3.000E−001 Pulling rod outer diameter [m] 1.250E−001 Pulling rod wall thickness [m] 6.250E−002 Density pulling rod material [kg/m3] 7,85E+06 Youngs modulus pulling rod material [N/m2] 2,10E+14 Poissons ratio pulling rod material [−] 3.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pipe [N/m2] 1,30E+08 Friction factor soil−pipe [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pipe [m] 1.000E−001 Spring Stiffness soil−pulling rod [N/m2] 1,30E+07 Friction factor soil−pulling rod [−] 2.000E−001 gap around pulling rod [m] 6.425E−001 Reduction factor spring stiffness in borehole [−] 1.000E−003 Density of bore fluid [kg/m3] 1,15E+06 148 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Density of water [kg/m3] 1,00E+06 Fraction of pipe water filled [−] 5.000E−001 Acceleration of gravity [m/s2] 0.000E+000 Resistance of tube/rod in bore fluid [N/m2] 0.000E+000 Friction coefficient of pipeline rollers [−] 0.000E+000 Pushing force at entrance of borepath [N] 0.000E+000 Output Summary Upward force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Upward force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] −0.000E+000 Friction force of pipe in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Friction force of pulling rod in borefluid [N/m] 0.000E+000 Total pipeline rollers friction [N] 0.000E+000 Length of borepath [m] 7,11E+05 Length of pipe line in borepath [m] 7,11E+05 Maximum moment [Nm] 6,75E+08 Minimum moment [Nm] −2.762E+006 Maximum pulling force [N] 6,10E+07 Maximum Soil reaction (without pulling) [N/m] 7,51E+06 Maximum Soil reaction (during pulling) [N/m] 7,72E+06 Soil reaction head of pipe (without pulling) [N/m] 8,84E+03 Soil reaction head of pipe (during pulling) [N/m] 8,84E+03 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (without pulling) [m] −5.769E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of pipe (during pulling) [m] −5.925E−002 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (without pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 Maximum borehole wall penetration of rod (during pulling) [m] 0.000E+000 149 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 6 Annex 3.8.2 Abaqus FEM pipeline simulation simulation: Bijl3_8_leiding_realXY_001 Pipeline pulled in for 100 % 400 moment [Nm] moment [Nm] 300 500 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 100 -200 0 -300 -100 -400 -200 -500 -300 8000 without pulling during pulling 0 6000 6 x 10 0.5 -0.5 without pulling during pulling soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 500 y-position borepath [m] borepath [m] y-position x 10 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -3 200 400 600 x-position borepath [m] -400 0 200 -2.5 400 600 distance [m] 800 8000 4000 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 -2000 -6000 0 -4000 -500 -3 200 400 600 x-position borepath [m] 0 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 2 200 1 600 400 distance [m] 800 200 128 106 84 62 40 -2 2 without pulling during pulling 0 200 0 150 0 10 14 400 600 800 -2 600 400 distance [m] 800 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement length changelength of beam [m] of beam [m] change x 10 12 16 6 4 0 0 1.2 -4 x 10 7 5 pulling force [N] pulling force [N] -6000 14 4 0 800 x 10 16 6 0 400 600 distance [m] -4 x 10 7 200 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0 without pulling during pulling 0 200 400 600 800 -0.2 0 0 0 0.15 without pulling during pulling 0.1 800 8000 4000 without pulling during pulling 6000 2000 4000 0 2000 -2000 0 -4000 -2000 -6000 0 200 -4000 400 600 distance [m] 800 displacement normal to borepath [m] displacement normal to borepath [m] soil spring reaction [N/m]reaction [N/m] soil spring 6000 0.15 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 -0.05 0 -0.1 -0.05 -0.15 without pulling during pulling -0.1 -0.2 0 200 -0.15 400 600 distance [m] 800 without pulling during pulling 800 -6000 0 200 400 600 distance [m] -0.2 800 1.2 0 200 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.04 0.03 800 1 0.02 0.04 1.2 0.8 borewall penetration [m]penetration [m] borewall 0 8000 horizontal displacement borepathalong [m] borepath [m] horizontal along displacement 0 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 without pulling during pulling 0.2 -0.2 0 200 0 400 600 distance [m] 800 0.01 0.03 0 0.02 -0.01 0.01 -0.02 0 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 -0.02 -0.05 -0.03 during pulling -0.06 -0.04 0 200 600 400 distance [m] -0.05 800 -0.2 without pulling Stieltjesweg 2, NL 2628 CK DELFT during pulling P.O.Box 69, NL 2600 AB DELFT 0 200 400 600 800 Telephone 31 (0) 15 269 35 00 Telefax 31 (0) 15 261 08 21 -0.06 0 200 151 Homepage: during pulling 400 600 800 date 2007-12-20 800 drw. prk ctr. Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 152 Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling Appendix 4 Members of the committee Naam Organisatie ir. H.J. Brink ir. D.R. Mastbergen ir. H. Lentfert ir. J. Stoelinga ir. H.J.A.M. Hergarden Nederlandse Gasunie n.v. Deltares (Wl Hydraulics) Visser en Smit Hanab b.v. Nacap b.v. Deltares (Geodelft) 153 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra 154 EINDRAPPORT TC221-01-08 TC221 Het Nederlands kenniscentrum voor ondergronds bouwen en ondergronds ruimtegebruik (COB) heeft tot doel om kennis, kunde en innovatie voor ondergronds ruimtegebruik en ondergronds bouwen te ontwikkelen. Dit doet COB door praktijkonderzoek en door samenwerking binnen een netwerk van deskundigen. Kennis komt tot stand in een publiekprivate, maatschappelijke context, om te komen tot resultaten die breed worden geaccepteerd en die leiden tot een verantwoorde toepassing met maatschappelijk en economisch rendement. COB bestaat sinds 1995 en maakt deel uit van CURNET. Consortium DC-COB Door het ondertekenen van de overeenkomst ‘Consortium Ondergronds Bouwen’ d.d. 18 december 2003 bevestigen COB en Delft Cluster de voorgenomen plannen met betrekking tot het uitvoeren vangezamenlijk onderzoek binnen het consortium ‘Ondergronds Bouwen’. Bij de formulering van de onderzoeksactiviteiten binnen beide organisaties voor de periode 2003-2010 leek een verdere afstemming van de activiteiten winst voor beide organisaties te kunnen betekenen. Delft Cluster kan profiteren van de goede relaties die het COB heeft opgebouwd met diverse marktpartijen op het gebied van ondergronds bouwen en ondergronds ruimtegebruik. Deze marktpartijen zijn nood zakelijk om te komen tot een uitvoerbaar Bsik-programma voor de periode 2003-2010. Het COB kan van de samenwerking profiteren omdat het een eerste aanzet betekent naar een gezonde financiële basis voor onderzoeksactiviteiten. Daarnaast biedt de samenwerking voor beide organisaties kansen op het gebied van kennisdeling en kennis verspreiding. Dat is de insteek van de twee projecten: Beheerst Boren in Stedelijk Gebied en Innovatief Ondiep Bouwen. Gemeenschappelijk praktijkonderzoek boortunnels (GPB) Na het succesvolle verloop van het praktijkonderzoek bij de Tweede Heinoordtunnel en de Botlekspoortunnel bleek het voor vijf nog op handen zijnde Nederlandse boorprojecten efficiënter om het nog b enodigde onderzoek te verdelen. Daarom gaven de opdrachtgevers van vijf Nederlandse boortunnelprojecten en COB half september 2000 door de ondertekening van de Overeenkomst Gemeenschappelijk Praktijkonderzoek Boortunnels (GPB) hun goedkeuring aan een masterplan praktijkonderzoek. Onder de paraplu van het Centrum Ondergronds Bouwen bepaalden zij welk onderzoek waar het beste zou kunnen plaatsvinden. Binnen het masterplan GPB wordt onderzoek gedefinieerd ter plaatse van Westerscheldetunnel (F100), Sophiaspoortunnel (F200), Tunnel Pannerdensch Kanaal (F500), Boortunnel Groene Hart (F510), Noord-Zuidlijn (F530) en RandstadRail (F540). Tijdens de u itvoering van deze boortunnels met grote diameter zullen metingen en experimenten worden uitgevoerd, waarmee de kennis ten aanzien van de geboorde tunnel als bouwmethode wordt vergroot. Hierbij worden ondermeer zaken onderzocht als metingen aan dwarsverbindingen, mogelijkheden tot hergebruik van vrijkomende grond, optreden van zwel van diepgelegen kleilagen, volgen van het boorproces en gerichte evaluatie van meetgegevens. Het betreft dan ook uitvoerings gerelateerd onderzoek met oog op het verkleinen van risico’s en kosten bij toekomstige tunnelprojecten. De partijen vertegenwoordigd binnen het Platformoverleg GPB • Managementgroep Betuweroute van NS RailInfrabeheer, • Projectbureau Noordelijk Holland - Directie HLS-Zuid - Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat, • Projectbureau Noord-Zuidlijn - Dienst Infrastructuur Verkeer en Vervoer van de Gemeente Amsterdam, • Centrum Ondergronds Bouwen (COB), • Projectbureau RandstadRail • Bouwdienst Rijkswaterstaat - Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat - Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat • Delft Cluster partner curnet Groningenweg 10 2803 PV Gouda Postbus 420 2800 AK Gouda T +31 (0)182 - 540 660 F +31 (0)182 - 540 661 [email protected] TC221 Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra COB – Nederlands kenniscentrum voor ondergronds bouwen en ondergronds ruimtegebruik Nieuwe boortechnieken kleine infra Modelling the soil pipeline interaction during the pull back operation of horizontal directional drilling