
Comments on “Partial Identification by Extending Subdistributions” by Alexander

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Comments on “Partial Identification by Extending Subdistributions” by Alexander
Comments on “Partial
Identification by Extending
Subdistributions” by Alexander
Frank A. Wolak
Department of Economics
Director, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6072
[email protected]
Motivation for Research
• Obtaining point identification of economic magnitude of
interest often requires difficult-to-defend distributional
assumptions or functional form assumptions on
econometric model
• Partial identification modeling framework provides
alternative approach to estimating economic magnitude of
interest without imposing these assumptions
– Advantage—Researcher only imposes assumptions on
distribution of unobservables and functional forms of econometric
model that he/she finds credible
– Disadvantages--Researcher can typically only estimate identified
set that contains true economic magnitude of interest
– Extremely challenging numerical problem to compute estimate of
identified set
– Computationally intensive procedures for testing hypotheses
about characteristics of identified set or points in identified set
Summary of Results
• Main Result---Partial Identification by extending subdistributions (PIES)
• General econometric model
– Y = h(X,U)
– Y = vector of outcome variables
– X = vector of explanatory variables
– U = L-dimensional vector of latent variables with conditional distribution
U|X = x given by F(u|x)
– h(u,x) = structural function
• Researcher makes assumptions about F(u|x) and
h(x,u) that identifies the set that contains these
magnitudes from conditional distribution of Y given X
– h and F that satisfy these assumptions are called admissible values
• By definition, h is in the identified set if and only if there exists an
admissible F that generates the observed distribution of Y given
Summary of Results
• This requirement constrains the behavior F(u|x) on subset
Ux(h) of 𝑅𝐿
– Author calls restriction of F(u|x) to Ux(h) a subdistribution
– Has properties of distribution function on Ux(h)
• Main Theoretical Result --Fix admissible h, if there exists a
subdistribution function, 𝐹 𝑢 𝑥 , on Ux(h) for each x that satisfies
observational equivalence condition, then subdistribution can be
extended to a distribution function F(u|x) on 𝑅 𝐿 that yields observed
distribution of Y|X=x
• Importance of result is that restrictions that determine whether
a function is a subdistribution are linear constraints on the
values of the function 𝐹 𝑢 𝑥
Summary of Results
• Paper applies result to ordered discrete response model
• 𝑌=
𝑗=1 𝑦𝑗
1[𝑔𝑗−1 𝑋 < 𝑈 ≤ 𝑔𝑗 𝑋 ]
{g0,g1, …, gJ} = a vector of functions X
U = scalar latent variable
{y1, …, yJ} = discrete support of Y
{x1, …, xK} = discrete support of X
Computes values of identified set for binary response
model with g1(X) = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2
• Considers case that X1 exogenous and X1 is endogenous
– X1 exogenous cases considered—(1) X and U are independent,
(2) median of U given X is zero, (3) U given X is symmetric around
– X1 endogenous, same cases considered as well additional cases
for latent variable in second equation of model determining value
of indicator Y2 (endogenous X1) that depends on instrument X3
Summary of Results
• Extends PIES framework to compute identified set for
average structural function (ASF) for binary response
model and average treatment effect (ATE)
– E(Y1 |X2,Y2 = 1) and E(Y1 |X2,Y2 = 0)
– Average Treatment Effect is difference of ASFs
– For some assumptions on binary choice model with endogenous
right-hand side variable identified set for ATE is not connected
• Results in Table 2
• PIES framework extended to derive subdistribution
extension lemma for general modeling framework
– PIES applied to two-sector Roy model in abstract form but no
identified sets where computed
– Applying procedure to compute identified sets for more general
models likely to be challenging
Comments on Paper
• General comment on partial identification
– Theory-based empirical researchers are very
sympathetic to this approach, but it is hard to convince
other empirical researchers of its merits given the lack
of examples demonstrating empirical content
• Are there simple examples to illustrate how to
use estimation and inference procedures on an
important empirical question?
– Example that demonstrates that assumptions needed
for point identification can yield estimates that are
outside identified set for more credible assumptions
• Can computer software or detailed instructions on
how to implement procedures be provided for a
class of empirical problems?
Comments on Paper
• Can realistic Monte Carlo studies be run
– Biases in common parametric approaches that are not
present in partial identification approaches
– Credible identifying assumptions that can still yield
informative answers about economic magnitudes
interest from identified set
• Identified set of demand price elasticity
• Identified set of compensating variation associated with price
• Partial identification approach offers way for
economic theory to be used to measure
magnitudes of economic interest without
“incredible assumptions” needed for point
Comments on Paper
• Specific comments/questions about paper
• More details on procedure used to solve for
identified sets would be very informative
• More discussion of cause of results in Table 2
– Disconnected identified sets
• More discussion of specific classes of models
PIES approach could be applied to would be
• More discussion of ways to relax linear functional
form assumption on g(X) function
– Particularly for binary response models, linear index seems more
restrictive than distributional assumption on latent variable
• Amemiya (1981) derives approximate relationships between probability limit of
slope coefficients in linear index model for probit, logit and linear probability
Concluding Comments
• Partial identification methods have potential to “put the
economics back into econometrics”
• To do so researchers must
• Show practical usefulness of partial identification
methods to empirical researchers
• Illustrate relationship between assumptions
researcher is willing to make and form of identified
set for some commonly employed model
• Provide software and more details on how to
implement methods
• Simple to implement rules-of-thumb may be
preferable to rigorous, but difficult to implement
Thank You
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