Financial Innovation, Collateral and Investment. A. Fostel (UVA) J. Geanakoplos (Yale)
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Financial Innovation, Collateral and Investment. A. Fostel (UVA) J. Geanakoplos (Yale)
Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Innovation, Collateral and Investment. A. Fostel (UVA) J. Geanakoplos (Yale) Chicago, October 2015 1 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Leverage 4 CDS 5 Over Investment 6 Conclusion 2 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial innovation was at the center of the recent financial crisis. 3 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion 200.00 0.0% 180.00 2.0% 160.00 4.0% 140.00 6.0% Case Shiller 120.00 8.0% 100.00 10.0% 80.00 12.0% 60.00 14.0% 40.00 Case Shiller Na9onal Home Price Index 2009 Q2 2009 Q1 2008 Q4 2008 Q3 2008 Q2 2008 Q1 2007 Q4 2007 Q3 2007 Q2 2007 Q1 2006 Q4 2006 Q3 2006 Q2 2006 Q1 2005 Q4 2005 Q3 2005 Q2 2005 Q1 2004 Q4 2004 Q3 2004 Q2 2004 Q1 2003 Q4 2003 Q3 2003 Q2 2003 Q1 2002 Q4 2002 Q3 2002 Q2 2002 Q1 2001 Q4 2001 Q3 2001 Q2 2001 Q1 2000 Q4 18.0% 2000 Q3 0.00 2000 Q2 16.0% 2000 Q1 20.00 Down payment for Mortgages-‐Reverse Scale Leverage and Prices Avg Down Payment for 50% Lowest Down Payment Subprime/AltA Borrowers Note: Observe that the Down Payment axis has been reversed, because lower down payment requirements are correlated with higher home prices. For every AltA or Subprime first loan originated from Q1 2000 to Q1 2008, down payment percentage was calculated as appraised value (or sale price if available) minus total mortgage debt, divided by appraised value. For each quarter, the down payment percentages were ranked from highest to lowest, and the average of the bottom half of the list is shown in the diagram. This number is an indicator of down payment required: clearly many homeowners put down more than they had to, and that is why the top half is dropped from the average. A 13% down payment in Q1 2000 corresponds to leverage of about 7.7, and 2.7% down payment in Q2 2006 corresponds to leverage of about 37. Note Subprime/AltA Issuance Stopped in Q1 2008. Source: Geanakoplos (2010). 4 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion 2000 0.0% 1800 2.0% 1600 4.0% Investment in Thousands 1400 6.0% 1200 8.0% 1000 10.0% 800 12.0% 600 14.0% 400 Investment 2009 Q2 2009 Q1 2008 Q4 2008 Q3 2008 Q2 2008 Q1 2007 Q4 2007 Q3 2007 Q2 2007 Q1 2006 Q4 2006 Q3 2006 Q2 2006 Q1 2005 Q4 2005 Q3 2005 Q2 2005 Q1 2004 Q4 2004 Q3 2004 Q2 2004 Q1 2003 Q4 2003 Q3 2003 Q2 2003 Q1 2002 Q4 2002 Q3 2002 Q2 2002 Q1 2001 Q4 2001 Q3 2001 Q2 2001 Q1 2000 Q4 2000 Q3 18.0% 2000 Q2 16.0% 0 2000 Q1 200 Down payment in Mortgages-‐Reverse Scale Leverage and Investment Avg Down Payment for 50% Lowest Down Payment Subprime/AltA Borrowers Note: Observe that the Down Payment axis has been reversed, because lower down payment requirements are correlated with higher home prices. For every AltA or Subprime first loan originated from Q1 2000 to Q1 2008, down payment percentage was calculated as appraised value (or sale price if available) minus total mortgage debt, divided by appraised value. For each quarter, the down payment percentages were ranked from highest to lowest, and the average of the bottom half of the list is shown in the diagram. This number is an indicator of down payment required: clearly many homeowners put down more than they had to, and that is why the top half is dropped from the average. A 13% down payment in Q1 2000 corresponds to leverage of about 7.7, and 2.7% down payment in Q2 2006 corresponds to leverage of about 37. Note Subprime/AltA Issuance Stopped in Q1 2008. Source: Geanakoplos (2010). 5 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Leverage, Prices and Investment The financial crisis was preceded by years in which leverage, prices and investment increased dramatically. Then all collapsed after the crisis. Leverage Cycle. 6 / 103 0 CDS Jun-‐10 Feb-‐10 Oct-‐09 Jun-‐09 Feb-‐09 Oct-‐08 Jun-‐08 Feb-‐08 Over Investment 40 35 25 50000 20 40000 15 30000 5 CDS No'onal Amount in Billions U$S CDS Oct-‐07 Jun-‐07 Feb-‐07 Oct-‐06 Jun-‐06 Feb-‐06 Oct-‐05 Leverage Jun-‐05 Feb-‐05 Oct-‐04 Jun-‐04 Feb-‐04 Oct-‐03 Jun-‐03 Feb-‐03 Leverage Model Oct-‐02 Jun-‐02 Feb-‐02 Oct-‐01 Jun-‐01 Feb-‐01 Oct-‐00 Jun-‐00 Introduction Conclusion Two Financial Innovations: Credit Default Swaps and Leverage 70000 60000 30 10 20000 10000 0 Source CDS: IBS OTC Derivatives Market Statistics Avg Leverage for 50% Lowest Down Payment Subprime/AltA Borrowers 7 / 103 Jun-‐00 0.00 CDS Jun-‐10 Feb-‐10 Oct-‐09 Jun-‐09 Feb-‐09 Oct-‐08 Jun-‐08 Feb-‐08 Oct-‐07 Over Investment 200.00 140.00 50000 120.00 100.00 40000 80.00 30000 60.00 20000 CDS No'onal Amound in Billions U$S CDS Jun-‐07 Feb-‐07 Oct-‐06 Jun-‐06 Feb-‐06 Oct-‐05 Leverage Jun-‐05 Feb-‐05 Oct-‐04 Jun-‐04 Feb-‐04 Oct-‐03 Jun-‐03 Feb-‐03 Model Oct-‐02 Jun-‐02 Feb-‐02 Oct-‐01 Jun-‐01 Feb-‐01 Oct-‐00 Case-‐Shiller Introduction Conclusion Credit Default Swaps, Prices and Investment 180.00 70000 160.00 60000 40.00 20.00 10000 0 Source CDS: IBS OTC Derivatives Market Statistics Case Shiller NaAonal Home Price Index 8 / 103 Jun-‐00 0 CDS Oct-‐07 Jun-‐10 Feb-‐10 Oct-‐09 Jun-‐09 Feb-‐09 Oct-‐08 Jun-‐08 Feb-‐08 Over Investment 2000 1400 1200 1000 40000 800 30000 600 20000 CDS No'onal Amount in Billions of U$S CDS Jun-‐07 Feb-‐07 Oct-‐06 Jun-‐06 Feb-‐06 Oct-‐05 Leverage Jun-‐05 Feb-‐05 Oct-‐04 Jun-‐04 Feb-‐04 Oct-‐03 Jun-‐03 Feb-‐03 Model Oct-‐02 Jun-‐02 Feb-‐02 Oct-‐01 Jun-‐01 Feb-‐01 Oct-‐00 Investment in thousands Introduction Conclusion Credit Default Swaps, Prices and Investment 1800 70000 1600 60000 50000 400 200 10000 0 Source CDS: IBS OTC Derivatives Market Statistics. Source Investment: Construction new privately owned housing units completed. Department of Commerce. Investment 8 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Default Swaps, Prices and Investment Credit Default Swaps (CDS) was a financial innovation that was introduced much later than leverage. Peak in CDS coincides with lower prices and investment. 9 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Innovation, Collateral, Prices and Investment We show that financial innovations that change either: -the set of assets that can be used as collateral -or the types of promises that can be backed with the same collateral affect prices and investment. We provide precise predictions. 10 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Results I) The ability to leverage an asset generates higher prices and over-investment compared to the Arrow-Debreu level. II) The introduction of CDS generates lower prices and under-investment with respect to the Arrow-Debreu level. It can even destroy competitive equilibrium. III)The ability to leverage an asset never generates marginal under-investment in collateral general equilibrium models. 11 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Literature -To collateral in a GE framework we follow the techniques developed by Geanakoplos (1997, 2003,2010), Fostel-Geanakoplos (2008, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013) -Related to a literature on Leverage as in Araujo et al (2012), Acharya and Viswanathan (2011), Adrian and Shin (2010), Adrian-Boyarchenko (2012), Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009, Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2011), Gromb and Vayanos (2002), Simsek (2013). -Financial innovations and asset pricing as in Fostel-Geanakoplos (2012b) and Che and Sethi (2011). -Literature on existence: Polemarchakis and Ku (1990), Duffie and Shaffer (86), Geanakoplos and Zame (1997). -Macro /corportate finance literature: Bernanke and Gertler (1989), Kiyotaki and Moore (1997), Holmstrom and Tirole (1997). 12 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Leverage 4 CDS 5 Over Investment 6 Conclusion 13 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Model Outline Set-up. Arrow Debreu Equilibrium. Financial Innovation and Collateral. 14 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Set Up We present a simple GE model with incomplete markets, collateral and production, that we call the C-Model (C*-Model.) In the paper we present a completely general GE model with collateral. 15 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Time and Assets Y s=U Time t = 0, 1. X dYU=1 dXU=1 Two states of nature s = U, D at time 1. Two assets: risky, Y , and riskless, X . Dividends in consumption good. X can be thought as a durable consumption good or cash, numeraire. Price of Y at t = 0 is p. s=0 ddYD < dYU dXD=1 s=D D 16 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Time and Assets Y s=U Time t = 0, 1. X dYU=1 dXU=1 Two states of nature s = U, D at time 1. Two assets: risky, Y , and riskless, X . Dividends in consumption good. X can be thought as a durable consumption good or cash, numeraire. Price of Y at t = 0 is p. s=0 ddYD < dYU dXD=1 s=D D 16 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Time and Assets Y s=U Time t = 0, 1. X dYU=1 dXU=1 Two states of nature s = U, D at time 1. Two assets: risky, Y , and riskless, X . Dividends in consumption good. X can be thought as a durable consumption good or cash, numeraire. Price of Y at t = 0 is p. s=0 ddYD < dYU dXD=1 s=D D 16 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Production Agents have access to an intra-period production technology at t = 0 that allows them to invest the riskless asset X and produce the risky asset Y . Z0h ⊂ R2 is the set of feasible intra-period production for agent h ∈ H in state 0 (Z0h is convex and compact, (0, 0) ∈ Z0h and Z0h = Z0 , ∀h.) Inputs appear as negative components, zx < 0 of z ∈ Z h , and outputs as positive components, zy > 0 of z ∈ Z0h . Investment: zx . Denote by Π = zx + pzy the profits from production plan (zx , zy ). 17 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Investors Continuum of investors h ∈ H = [0, 1]. Risk neutral. No discounting. Consumption only at the end. Expected utility to agent h is h h U h (cU , cD ) = γU cU + γD cD Each agent h ∈ H has an endowment x0∗ of asset X at time 0. h . The only source of heterogeneity is in subjective probabilities, γU h The higher the h, the more optimistic the investor (γU are increasing and continuous). 18 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion C and C*-Models C-Models are very tractable models. In particular, we can represent the equilibrium in an Edgeworth Box even though we have a continuum of agents. We define a C*-Model as a C-model where: -the space of agents H can be finite or a continuum. h u h (c ) + γh u h (c ) can allow for -the agents’ preferences U h = γU U D D risk aversion. -initial endowments of X at time 0 x0h∗ can be arbitrary. 19 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Model Outline Set-up. Arrow Debreu Equilibrium. Financial Innovation and Collateral. 20 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Arrow-Debreu Benchmark Before focusing on financial innovation, let us consider the Arrow-Debreu economy with production, without any type of collateral considerations. This will be an important benchmark throughout the paper. 21 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Arrow-Debreu Equilibrium Since Z0h = Z0 , ∀h, then Πh = Π. Because of convexity, wlog we may assume that production plans are the same across agents. Then (zx , zy ) is also the aggregate production. Arrow Debreu equilibrium is easy to solve. 22 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium h=1 Op(mists: buy Arrow U h1 Marginal buyer Pessimists: buy Arrow D h=0 23 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Intra-‐Period Produc:on Possibility Fron:er x0*(1,1) 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Intra-‐Period Produc;on Possibility Fron;er Q Economy Total Final Output x0*(1,1) 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Intra-‐Period Produc>on Possibility Fron>er Q Economy Total Final Output x0*(1,1) x0*+zX zY(dYU,dYD) 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Q x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Slope –qh1D /qh1U Q x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Slope –qh1D /qh1U Q x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Slope –qh1D /qh1U Q x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Produc>on Possibility Fron>er Slope –qh1D /qh1U Q x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The Arrow Debreu Equilibrium: Edgeworth Box cU Y(dYU,dYD) Produc>on Possibility Fron>er Slope –qh1D /qh1U C Q zydYU+x0*+zx x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 24 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Arrow Debreu Equilibrium Summary Optimists consume only in the U state: (zy dUY + x0∗ + zx , 0) Pessimists consume only in the D state: (0, zy dDY + x0∗ + zx ) The marginal buyer determines state prices. 25 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Model Outline Set-up. Arrow Debreu Equilibrium. Financial Innovation and Collateral. 26 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Contracts and Collateral The heart of our analysis involves contracts and collateral. In Arrow Debreu the question of why agents honor their promises is ignored. We explicitely incorporate in our model repayment enforceability problems. Collateral is the only enforcement mechanism: agents cannot be coerced into honoring their promises except by seizing collateral aggreed upon by contract in advance. 27 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Contracts and Collateral A financial contract j is an ordered pair j = ((jU , jD ), cj ) Promise: j = (jU , jD ) denotes the promise in units of consumption good in each final state. Collateral: cj ∈ {X , Y } asset used as collateral. 28 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Contracts and Collateral We shall suppose every contract is collateralized either by one unit of X or by one unit of Y . Let J = J X ∪ J Y be the total set of contracts. 29 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Contract Delivery Actual delivery of contract j in each state is (no-recourse): c c (min(jU , dUj ), min(jD , dDj )) We are explicitely assuming repayment enforceability problems. 30 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion No Cash Flow Problems But crucially, we are assuming away cash flow problems: c c The value of the collateral in the future, (dUj , dDj ): -does not depend on the size of the promise -or on who owns the asset at the end. And every agent knows exactly how the future cash flow depends on the exogenous state of nature. 31 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion No Cash Flow Problems This eliminates any issues associated with managerial hidden effort or unobserved firm quality. Promises will not be artificially limited. Agents can potentially promise all their future cash flows coming from assets (or firm). 32 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Contracts and Borrowing Price of contract j ∈ J is πj . An investor can borrow πj today by selling the contract j in exchange for a promise tomorrow. Let ϕj > 0 (< 0) be the number of contracts j sold (bought) at time 0. 33 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Budget Set B h (p, π ) = {(x , y , zx , zy , ϕ, cU , cD ) ∈ R+2 × R− × R+ × R J × R+2 : (x − zx − x0∗ ) + p (y − zy ) ≤ ∑ ϕj πj j ∈J ∑ max (0, ϕj ) ≤ x , j ∈J X ∑ max (0, ϕj ) ≤ y j ∈J Y z = (zx , zy ) ∈ Z0 cs = dsX x + dsY y − ∑ j ∈J X ϕj min(js , dsX ) − ∑ ϕj min(js , dsY ), s = U, D } j ∈J Y 34 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Collateral Equilibrium ((p, π ), (x h , y h , z h , ϕh , cUh , cDh )h∈H ) such that R1 0 R1 0 R1 0 x h dh = R1 y h dh = R1 0 0 (x0h∗ + zxh )dh zyh dh ϕhj dh = 0, ∀j ∈ J (x h , y h , z h , ϕh , cUh , cDh ) ∈ B h (p, π ), ∀h (x , y , z, ϕ, cU , cD ) ∈ B h (p, π ) ⇒ U h (cU , cD ) ≤ U h (cUh , cDh ), ∀h. 35 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Financial Innovation and Collateral We regard the use of new kinds of collateral, or new kinds of promises that can be backed by collateral, as financial innovation. Hence, financial innovation in our model is a different set J. We will show how different financial innovations, such as leverage, and CDS can be cast within our model with collateral. 36 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Leverage 4 CDS 5 Over Investment 6 Conclusion 37 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Leverage-Economy In this case J = J Y , and each j = (j, j ) for all j ∈ J = J Y . Traded instruments: -risky asset Y and cash X -non-contingent promises j (debt contracts or loans) using the asset Y as collateral. 38 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What does it mean to leverage Y? U Asset Y Payoff Family of debt contracts dYU Residual Debt contract promise j< j* 45o dYD D 39 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What does it mean to leverage Y? U Asset Y Payoff Family of debt contracts dYU Residual dYU-j Arrow U Debt contract j>j*=dYD 45o dYD D 39 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What does it mean to leverage Y? U Asset Y Payoff Family of debt contracts d Residual dYU-dYD Arrow U Max min bond j=j*=dYD 45o dYD D 39 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Endogenous Leverage But which contract is actively traded in equilibrium? 40 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Endogenous Leverage The only contract traded in equilibrium is j ∗ = dDY and the risk-less interest rate is equal to zero, so πj ∗ = j ∗ = dDY . Geanakoplos (2003) and Fostel-Geanakoplos (JET, 2011). Fostel-Geanakoplos (ECMA, forth) provide a complete characterization showing that in all binomial economies with financial assets we can always assume that the max min contract is the only contract traded. 41 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface G (97) introduced the concept of Credit Surface: the equilibrium relashionship between LTVj and 1 + rj . Borrowers can choose any contract on the Credit Surface provided they put up the corresponding required collateral. In the Arrow-Debreu budget set, borrowers face in equilibrium a flat Credit surface. 1+rj B A 1+r LTVj* 100% LTV 42 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface G (97) introduced the concept of Credit Surface: the equilibrium relashionship between LTVj and 1 + rj . Borrowers can choose any contract on the Credit Surface provided they put up the corresponding required collateral. In the Arrow-Debreu budget set, borrowers face in equilibrium a flat Credit surface. 1+rj B A 1+r LTVj* 100% LTV 42 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface G (97) introduced the concept of Credit Surface: the equilibrium relashionship between LTVj and 1 + rj . Borrowers can choose any contract on the Credit Surface provided they put up the corresponding required collateral. In the Arrow-Debreu budget set, borrowers face in equilibrium a flat Credit surface. 1+rj B A 1+r LTVj* 100% LTV 42 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Equilibrium h=1 Op(mists leverage Y using max min bond. They buy Arrow U. h1 Marginal buyer Pessimists lenders buy max min bond h=0 43 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example We solve for equilibrium the Arrow Debreu and Leverage economies just described for the following: Production: Z0 = {z = (zx , zy ) ∈ R− × R+ : zy = −kzx }, k ≥ 0 h = 1 − (1 − h )2 Beliefs: γU Parameter values: x0∗ = 1, dUY = 1, dDY = .2. 44 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example Equilibrium for k = 1.5. Arrow Debreu Economy L-economy qY 0.6667 p 0.6667 qU 0.5833 h1 0.3545 qD 0.4167 −zx 0.92 h1 0.3545 zy 1.38 − zx 0.2131 zy 0.3197 45 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example: Investment Investment in Y: -‐zx 1.2 1 0.8 Invesment L-‐economy 0.6 Investment AD 0.4 0.2 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 k 46 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example: Welfare Welfare 3 2.5 2 L economy 1.5 AD economy 1 0.5 0 h=0 h^LT_2=.348 h^AD=h^L=.3545 h^LT_1=.388 h=1 h 47 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Over Valuation and Investment Proposition: Over-Valuation and Investment compared to Arrow Debreu in C-Models. In C-Models p L ≥ p A , and zyL ≥ zyA . 48 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Over Valuation and Investment Proposition: Over-Valuation and Investment compared to Arrow Debreu in C*-Models. In C*-Models, p L ≥ p A , and zyL ≥ zyA . 49 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Welfare Proposition: Welfare in C*-Models In C*-Models under constant return to scale, Arrow Debreu equilibrium Pareto-dominates Leverage equilibrium. 50 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Intuition Y can be used as collateral to issue debt. Cash flows from Y can be split into an Arrow U and a riskless part. X cannot be used as collateral. This gives Y an additional collateral value compared to the riskless asset. This gives agents more incentive to produce Y . Agents are worse off over-investing. 51 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Intuition Marginal Utility of Money for h = .9 in equilibrium at time 0: µh=.9 = γU (.9)(dUY − dDY ) .99(1 − .2) = = 1.70. ∗ p − πj .67 − .2 Payoff value of Y for h = .9 in equilibrium: PVYh=.9 = .99(1) + .01(.2) = .58 < p µh=.9 Hence the Collateral Value of Y for h = .9 in equilibrium: CVYh=.9 = p − PVYh=.9 = .67 − .58 = .09. 52 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Intuition The utility from holding Y for its dividends alone is less than the utility that could be derived from p dollars; the difference is the utility derived from holding Y as collateral, measured in dollar equivalents. X cannot be used as collateral, so PVX = 1 and hence CVX = 0. Agents have more incentive to produce goods that are better collateral as measured by their collateral values. Investment migrates to better collateral 53 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Leverage 4 CDS 5 Over Investment 6 Conclusion 54 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What is a CDS? Y Payoff dYU 0 U CDS Payoff dyD dYU -‐ dYD 1 D 55 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Collateral A seller of a CDS must post collateral typically in the form of money that is worth dUY − dDY when Y pays only dDY in the down state. We can therefore incorporate CDS into our economy by taking J X to consist of one contract called c promising c = (0, 1). 56 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The CDS-Economy In this case J = J X J Y where: -J X consists of the single contract called c promising c = (0, 1) S -J Y consists of contracts j = (j, j ) as described in the leverage economy. Agents can leverage Y and also can tranche X into Arrow securities. 57 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What does it mean to tranche X? U Selling a CDS on Y collateralized by X is like selling an Arrow D promise: Asset X Payoff 1 Residual Arrow U Sellers of promise c = (0, 1) get the residual which is like the Arrow U which pays 1. 45o We call it Tranche X because X is perfectly split into Arrow securities. 1 D Sell Promise Arrow D 58 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What does it mean to tranche X? U Selling a CDS on Y collateralized by X is like selling an Arrow D promise: Asset X Payoff 1 Residual Arrow U Sellers of promise c = (0, 1) get the residual which is like the Arrow U which pays 1. 45o We call it Tranche X because X is perfectly split into Arrow securities. 1 D Sell Promise Arrow D 58 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion What does it mean to tranche X? U Selling a CDS on Y collateralized by X is like selling an Arrow D promise: Asset X Payoff 1 Residual Arrow U Sellers of promise c = (0, 1) get the residual which is like the Arrow U which pays 1. 45o We call it Tranche X because X is perfectly split into Arrow securities. 1 D Sell Promise Arrow D 58 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion The CDS-Economy Traded instruments: -risky asset Y and cash X . -non-contingent promises (debt contracts) using the asset Y as collateral. -contingent promises (CDS) using the asset X as collateral. The equilibrium regime is as follows: 59 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS-Economy: Equilibrium h=1 Op(mists: buy all remaining X and Y. Issue bond and CDS (holding the Arrow U) Marginal buyer h1 Moderates: hold the bond h2 Marginal buyer Pessimists: buy the CDS 60 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example We solve for equilibrium in the Arrow Debreu, Leverage and CDS economies just described for the following: Production: Z0 = {z = (zx , zy ) ∈ R− × R+ : zy = −kzx }, k ≥ 0 h = 1 − (1 − h )2 Beliefs: γU Parameter values: x0∗ = 1, dUY = 1, dDY = .2. 61 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example Equilibrium for k = 1.5. Arrow Debreu Economy L-economy CDS-economy qY 0.6667 p 0.6667 p 0.6667 qU 0.5833 h1 0.3545 πj ∗ 0.1904 qD 0.4167 −zx 0.92 πC 0.4046 h1 0.3545 zy 1.38 h1 0.3880 − zx 0.2131 h2 0.3480 zy 0.3197 −zx 0.14 zy 0.2 62 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example: Investment Investment in Y: -‐zx 1.2 1 0.8 Invesment L-‐economy 0.6 Investment AD Investment CDS-‐ economy 0.4 0.2 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 k 63 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Numerical Example: Welfare Welfare 3 2.5 2 L economy 1.5 AD economy CDS economy 1 0.5 0 h=0 h^LT_2=.348 h^AD=h^L=.3545 h^LT_1=.388 h=1 h 64 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Under Valuation and Investment Proposition: Under-Investment compared to First Best in C-Models. h is In C-Models p A ≥ p CDS , and zyA ≥ zyCDS provided that γU concave in h. 65 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Under Valuation and Investment Using X as collateral to sell a CDS splits its cash flows into Arrow securities. Using Y as collateral splits its cash flows into Arrow U and a riskless bond. The collateral value of X is higher than the collateral value of Y . This gives agents less incentive to use X to produce Y . There is no welfare domination: moderate agents in the CDS economy are better off than in the Arrow Debreu economy. 66 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Intuition Marginal Utility of Money for h = .9 in equilibrium at time 0: µh=.9 = γU (.9)(dUY − dDY ) .99(1 − .2) = = 1.66. ∗ p − πj .67 − .1904 Payoff value of Y for h = .9 in equilibrium: PVYh=.9 = .99(1) + .01(.2) = .60 < p µh=.9 Hence the Collateral Value of Y for h = .9 in equilibrium: CVYh=.9 = p − PVYh=.9 = .67 − .6 = .07. 67 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Theoretical Results: Intuition Payoff value of X for h = .9 in equilibrium: PVXh=.9 = .99(1) + .01(1) = .60 µh=.9 Hence the Collateral Value of X for h = .9 in equilibrium: CVXh=.9 = 1 − PVXh=.9 = 1 − .60 = .40. So whereas the collateral value of Y accounts for 10.5% of its price, the collateral value of X accounts for 40% of its price. Agents have more incentive to produce goods that are better collateral as measured by their collateral values. Investment migrates to better collateral 68 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Robust Non-Existence We saw that selling a CDS on Y using X as collateral is like selling an Arrow D using X as collateral. The only difference between a CDS and an Arrow D is that when Y is not produced the CDS is no longer well-defined. It is precisely this difference that can bring about interesting existence problems: introducing CDS can robustly destroy collateral equilibrium in economies with production. Non-Existence 69 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Leverage 4 CDS 5 Over Investment 6 Conclusion 70 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline Geometrical Proof of the Over-Investment Result. Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems. Marginal Over-Investment and Collateral Value. 71 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over-Investment in C-Model First we show a geometrical argument in the case of C-Models. 72 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Equilibrium h=1 Op(mists leverage Y using max min bond. They buy Arrow U. h1 Marginal buyer Pessimists lenders buy max min bond h=0 73 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Edgeworth Box Y(dYU,dYD) cU Intra-‐Period Produc1on Possibility Fron1er Q (1-‐h1)Q 45o Slope –qh1D /qh1U x0*(1,1) Price line equal to indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 74 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Edgeworth Box Y(dYU,dYD) cU Intra-‐Period Produc1on Possibility Fron1er Q (1-‐h1)Q 45o Slope –qh1D /qh1U x0*(1,1) Price line equal to indifference curve of h1 45o O cD 74 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion L-Economy: Edgeworth Box Y(dYU,dYD) cU Produc9on Possibility Fron9er Q zYdYD Slope –qh1D /qh1U x0*+zX x0*+zX (1-‐h1)Q 45o zYdYD x0*(1,1) C Price line equal to indifference curve of h1 zY(dYU-‐dYD) 45o O cD 74 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU ARROW DEBREU Y(dYU,dYD) Y(dYU,dYD) cU Slope –qh1D /qh1U C Q zYdYD zydYU+x0*+zx LEVERAGE ECONOMY Q Slope –qh1D /qh1U x0*+zX x0*+zX x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q 45o zY (1-‐h1)Q dY D x0*(1,1) C Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 Price line equal to indifference curve of h1 zY(dYU-‐dYD) 45o O 45o cD O cD Proof 75 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU ARROW DEBREU Y(dYU,dYD) Y(dYU,dYD) cU Slope –qh1D /qh1U C Q zYdYD zydYU+x0*+zx LEVERAGE ECONOMY Q Slope –qh1D /qh1U x0*+zX x0*+zX x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q 45o zY (1-‐h1)Q dY D x0*(1,1) C Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 Price line equal to indifference curve of h1 zY(dYU-‐dYD) 45o O 45o cD O cD Proof 75 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU ARROW DEBREU Y(dYU,dYD) Y(dYU,dYD) cU Slope –qh1D /qh1U C Q zYdYD zydYU+x0*+zx LEVERAGE ECONOMY Q Slope –qh1D /qh1U x0*+zX x0*+zX x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1)Q 45o zY (1-‐h1)Q dY D x0*(1,1) C Price line equal to Indifference curve of h1 Price line equal to indifference curve of h1 zY(dYU-‐dYD) 45o O 45o cD O cD Proof 75 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over-Investment in C*-Model The geometrical argument in the case of C*-Models is as follows 76 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over-Investment in C*-Model xU Y(dYU,dYD) L L AD e N AD AD 45o O x 77 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over-Investment in C*-Model E(pU) EN(pU) EL(pLU) pU EAD(pU) 78 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline Geometrical Proof of the Over-Investment Result. Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems. Marginal Over-Investment and Collateral Value. 79 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems Over-valuation and over-investment due to leverage may seem surprising. Many macro models (like Kiyotaki-Moore (97), Bernanke-Gertler (89), Mendoza (10)) with financial frictions get the opposite result: lower price and investment with respect the first best allocation. Intuitive: one would expect that the need for collateral would restrict borrowing and hence investment. Why do we get different results? 80 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems The reason for the discrepancy is that in the macro-corporate finance literature it is assumed that there are cash flow problems: The value of the collateral depends on the size of the promise or on who owns the asset at the end. Hence agents cannot pledge the whole future value of the assets they produce. This naturally imposes a limit on borrowing and hence depresses investment. We can clearly see this looking at the Credit Surface implied by models with cash flow problems. 81 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface All contracts j ∈ J = J Y with j = (j, j ) have a price in equilibrium, πj . Hence: All contracts define a gross interest rate 1 + rj = j/πj . All contracts have a well defined LTV j = πj p . 82 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface G (97) introduced the concept of Credit Surface: the equilibrium relashionship between LTVj and 1 + rj . Borrowers can choose any contract on the Credit Surface provided they put up the corresponding required collateral. In the Arrow-Debreu budget set, borrowers face in equilibrium a flat Credit surface. 1+rj B A 1+r LTVj* 100% LTV 83 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface G (97) introduced the concept of Credit Surface: the equilibrium relashionship between LTVj and 1 + rj . Borrowers can choose any contract on the Credit Surface provided they put up the corresponding required collateral. In the Arrow-Debreu budget set, borrowers face in equilibrium a flat Credit surface. 1+rj B A 1+r LTVj* 100% LTV 83 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Credit Surface G (97) introduced the concept of Credit Surface: the equilibrium relashionship between LTVj and 1 + rj . Borrowers can choose any contract on the Credit Surface provided they put up the corresponding required collateral. In the Arrow-Debreu budget set, borrowers face in equilibrium a flat Credit surface. 1+rj B A 1+r LTVj* 100% LTV 83 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems 1+rj B A 1+r πj* p Borrowing πj 84 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems 1+rj B A 1+r p Borrowing πj p is fixed at the value of the firm without external financing 84 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems 1+rj B A 1+r p Borrowing πj p is fixed at the value of the firm without external financing 84 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems In a family of models (C and C*) we show that when we disentangle cash flow problems from repayment enforcement problems we always get over valuation and over investment compared to the Arrow Debreu level. 85 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline Geometrical Proof of the Over-Investment Result. Discussion: Over Investment without Cash Flow Problems. Marginal Over-Investment and Collateral Value. 86 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment and Collateral Value Investment and prices can be above or below Arrow Debreu levels in GE collateral models. As we saw in C and C*-models they are above. But in general we don’t know. We show that in GE collateral models there is never marginal under investment in equilibrium due to the presence of collateral value. 87 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment Proposition: No Marginal Under-Investment. There is never marginal-under investment on assets that serve as collateral in collateral general equilibrium models due to non-negative collateral values. 88 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment and Collateral Value Concept of marginal over-investment is a “local” measure of inefficiency. Given all spot prices, no agent would prefer to invest an extra unit of money in raising production over the equilibrium level, even if he had access to the best technology available in the economy. 89 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment and Collateral Value Need to post collateral may constrain borrowers in equilibrium. But when one considers in the same model many durable goods than can be produced with different collateral values, investment migrates to “good” collateral. Hence, we expose a countervailing force in the incentives to produce: -when only some assets can be used as collateral, they become relatively more valuable, and are therefore produced more. Example 90 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Leverage 4 CDS 5 Over Investment 6 Conclusion 91 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Conclusion We show that financial innovation affect prices and investment. Leverage can generate higher prices and over-investment compared to the Arrow-Debreu first best level. In C and C*-models it always does. Leverage never generates marginal under-investment in assets that can be used as collateral due to the presence of collateral value. CDS can generate lower prices and under-investment with respect to the Arrow-Debreu first best level. In C-Models always does. And their introduction can even destroy equilibrium. 92 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Robust Non-Existence The only difference between CDS and Arrow D is that when Y ceases to be produced the CDS is no longer well-defined. We show how introducing CDS can robustly destroy collateral equilibrium in economies with production. 93 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Robust Non-Existence Suppose we introduce into the L-economy a CDS. We call this the LC -economy. Equilibrium in the LC -economy equals: -equilibrium in the LT -economy if Y is produced. -equilibrium in the L-economy if Y is not produced. Thus, if all LT -equilibria involve no production of Y and all L-equilibria involve production of Y, then there cannot exist a LC -equilibrium. 94 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Robust Non-Existence Constant return to scale production: Z0 = {z = (zx , zy ) ∈ R− × R+ : zy = −kzx }, k ≥ 0. Consider any k ∈ (1, 1.4). Rest of parameters and beliefs as before. Then LC -equilibrium does not exist. 95 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Robust Non-Existence Y Volume CDS volume 1.8 High CDS volume with low underlying Y volume 1.6 1.4 1.2 Y Volume L-‐economy 1 Y Volume AD Y Volume LT-‐ economy 0.8 CDS volume 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 L=LT=AD No produc?on 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Non-‐existence region for CDS 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 LC=LT with produc?on 1.7 k 96 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion CDS and Robust Non-Existence The equilibrium in the LC economy does not exist for a robust set of parameters. Back 97 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof In the L-economy, optimists collectively consume zyL (dUY − dDY ) in state U while in the Arrow Debreu economy they consume zyA dUY + (x0∗ + zxA ). The latter is evidently much bigger, at least as long as zyA ≥ zyL . So suppose, contrary to what we want to prove, that Arrow-Debreu output were at least as high, zyA ≥ zyL and p A ≥ p L . 98 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU Y(dYU,dYD) QA QL x0*(1,1) 45o O cD 99 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU Y(dYU,dYD) QA Slope –qhL1D /qhL1U QL zLy(dYU-‐dYD) x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1L)QL 45o O cD 99 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU Y(dYU,dYD) QA Slope –qhL1D /qhL1U QL zLy(dYU-‐dYD) x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1L)QL (1-‐h1L)QA 45o O cD 99 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU Y(dYU,dYD) QA Slope –qhL1D /qhL1U QL zLy(dYU-‐dYD) x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1L)QL (1-‐h1L)QA (1-‐h1A)QA 45o O cD 99 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU Y(dYU,dYD) QA Slope –qhL1D /qhL1U QL zLy(dYU-‐dYD) x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1L)QL (1-‐h1L)QA (1-‐h1A)QA 45o O cD 99 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof cU Y(dYU,dYD) QA Slope –qhL1D /qhL1U QL zLy(dYU-‐dYD) x0*(1,1) (1-‐h1L)QL zAydYU+x0*+zAx (1-‐h1L)QA (1-‐h1A)QA 45o O cD 99 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Over Valuation and Investment Geometrical Proof Back 100 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment and Collateral Value Will illustrate the concept with our previous numerical example that also has zero consumption at time 0. Consider our numerical example with production Z0 = {z = (zx , zy ) ∈ R− × R+ : zy = −kzx }, k = 1.5, beliefs: h = 1 − (1 − h )2 and x ∗ = 1, d Y = 1, d Y = .2. γU 0 U D In the L-economy equilibrium is given by h1 = .35, p = .67, zx = −.92 and zy = 1.38. 101 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment and Collateral Value To fix ideas let’s consider one of the optimists h = .9. Marginal Utility of Money for h = .9 in equilibrium at time 0: µh=.9 = .99(1 − .2) = 1.70 .67 − .2 Marginal Expected Utility of a dollar invested on Y for h = .9 in equilibrium: .99(1.5) + .01(.2).1.5 = 1.48. 102 / 103 Introduction Model Leverage CDS Over Investment Conclusion Marginal Over Investment and Collateral Value There is marginal over-investment in equilibrium. No agent would use an extra unit of cash in producing the asset if he could not also borrow to do it. In fact, the agents do not borrow to buy the asset, they buy the asset because it allows them to borrow (and hence consume only in the up state). KM(97) despite cash flow problems also had marginal over-investment in equilibrium. Back 103 / 103