Experimental Simulation of Winter Anaerobiosis in a Senescent Lake Reviewed work(s):
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Experimental Simulation of Winter Anaerobiosis in a Senescent Lake Reviewed work(s):
Experimental Simulation of Winter Anaerobiosis in a Senescent Lake Author(s): Raymond L. Lindeman Reviewed work(s): Source: Ecology, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Jan., 1942), pp. 1-13 Published by: Ecological Society of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1930867 . Accessed: 30/01/2012 10:55 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Ecological Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ecology. http://www.jstor.org No. 1 JANUARY, 1942 VOL. 23 EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATION OF WINTER IN A SENESCENT LAKE1 RAYMOND L. ANAEROBIOSIS LINDEMAN Department of Zoology, Universityof Minnesota pursue furtherthe problem of winter anaerobiosis. This lake originallyoccupied a basin of about 50 hectaresand was at least 12 metersin depth. Encroachvegetation,followed mentof mat-forming by tamaracksand white cedars, has reducedthe lake to a merepond,Cedar Bog Lake, 150 meterswide by 200 meterslong and abouta meterin depth,locatedin the middle of a dense bog forest. During two or threemonthsof each winterthe oxygenis exhaustedfromthe water beneaththe ice, presentingwhat seem to be extremelyunfavorableconditionsfor the entirebiota. INTRODUCTION The abilityof certainbenthicorganisms to resistseasonalanaerobiosisin lake bottoms has long excited the curiosityand admirationof biologists. A processanalogous to "holdingone's breath for several months" enables these forms to thrivein the periodicallystagnatedooze of eutrophiclakes,whichmightotherwise supportonly micro-anaerobes. Summerstagnationof eutrophiclakes is believedto resultin completeabsence of profundaloxygenfor as long as three monthsor more. A shorterperiod of benthicanaerobiosisoften occurs during winterstagnation. In moreshallowlakes HISTORICAL and ponds withsoftooze bottomsthe latThe earlystudiesdealingwiththe fauna ter stagnationperiod is far more important. In this type of lake thickice and of anaerobicprofundalareas were made a heavy snow-covereffectively shut out by Judayand his studentson the fauna of the light necessary for photosynthesis; Lake Mendotaduringsummerstagnation. bacterialdecomposition and respiration of Juday ('08) listed 11 species of protoaquatic organismsexhaust the dissolved zoons, 2 oligochaetes(Tubifex and Limoxygen; and veryoftenthe entireaquatic nodrilus), the nematodeAnguillula,the theostracodCanChaetonotus, habitatbecomes anaerobic. Such condi- gastrotrich Pisidium idahoensis,the the bivalve dona, tionsare oftenaccompaniedby spectacular and punctipennis larva Corethra phantom "fish-kills." During a studyof seasonal population the midgelarva, Chironomustentans. In dynamicsin a senescenteutrophiclake of 1919 he described an anaerobic ciliate this type near Minneapolis (Lindeman, fromthissame zone,in whichhe reported from13 to 17? C. and car'41), it was believed highlydesirableto temperatures bon dioxidetensionof 4-9 cc./1. 1 This is the fourth in a series of papers, Cole ('21) studiedthe respiratoryas"Ecological Studies of a Senescent Lake," depect of the problemon the midge larvae scribing various ecological aspects of Cedar and oligochaetesof the profundalhabitat Creek Bog, Minnesota. 1 2 RAYMOND L. LINDEMAN of Lake Mendota. He suggested,but did not prove,thatthesefacultativeanaerobes get their respiratoryoxygen from the atomic oxygen released by decomposing plant tissues. This explanationhas been consideredhighly improbableby recent workers. Many otherstudies,bothbefore and since,have been made on the physiologicalaspect of anaerobiosis. in Most of theorganismsoverwintering Cedar Bog Lake must be consideredas (von Brand and Harnisch, euryoxybiotic '33), possessingthe abilityto substitute anaerobicprocessesforaerobicrespiration for long periods of time. Harnisch (1935-'39) has recentlymade exhaustive studieson the physiologicalprocessesocand Tubifex durcurringin Chironormus ing anaerobiosis. His work seems rather to establishthatunderanaerobic definitely conditionsa certainamountof energymay be released by the "splitting"of carbohydratesinto reduced substances. An oxygendebt is thus builtup, whichmust be oxidizedor "paid off"upon the return of theorganismto aerobicconditions.He has shown ('36) that Chironornus,released fromanaerobicconditions,supplewith mentsits primaryaerobicrespiration a secondaryoxybiosis. This secondary process,conformingto the law of mass action, proceeds rapidly to oxidize the stored"Spaltprodukte." Referencesto the occurrenceof microorganismsin habitatswithverylow oxygen contentare rathernumerous,although definiteproof of anaerobicconditionsis lackingin manycases. Lauterborn('08) listedand discussedmanyspeciesof protozoons frompollutedareas of the upper Rhine. Imel ('15) listed9 protozoons,a and a Cyclopsfromthe hypogastrotrich limnionof an Indiana lake. Rylov ('23) of Loxstudiedthe ecologicaldistribution odes rostrum,a ciliatewhichis abundant in Cedar Bog Lake, and found that it preferredwaterwithlow oxygentension, but could not surviveanaerobicconditions where HS was present. Noland ('25) foundlow oxygentensionto be a limiting of freshwater factorin the distribution Ecology,Vol. 23,No. 1 ciliates. Lackey ('25) listed 29 protozoons commonin sewageverylow in oxygen but high in carbon dioxide, and in 1932 listed 12 species "always presentin the absence of oxygen in Imhof tanks." Moore ('39) listed several groups as knownto occur in the anaerobicsummer hypolimnionof Douglas Lake: 7 protozoons, nematodes,2 rotifers,gastrotrichs, 3 copepodsand 4 ostracods. These organismswere reportedto "endureratherthan select an anaerobicenvironment" as Eggleton('31) concludedwithrespectto the macrobenthos. Experimentalstudieson resistancesof organismsto anaerobiosishave been of two types. The firstof theseconsistedof laboratoryexperimentsin which certain culturedorganismswere placed in synthetic"oxygen-free"chambers,and survival was timed under such conditions. Bunge ('88) foundthat leeches,worms, snails and arthropodsplaced into boiled springwater in a stopperedvessel would live from2 to 7 days under such conditions. The survivalof ciliates was first studied by August Putter ('05), whose methodof extractingoxygenconsistedof boilingthe culturemediumand bubbling pure nitrogenthroughit. All of theoxygen cannotbe removedby such a procedure,sinceoxygenis about twiceas soluble in water as is nitrogen,althoughthe oxygentensioncan be reducedto a rather small amount. His organismswere then introducedintothe culturein a smallvolume (from which the dissolved oxygen had not been extracted)equal to about 2 per cent of the volume of the culture. No directchemicaltests were made for dissolvedoxygen. Undertheseconditions he found that Spirostomniu amnbiguum could survivefor 24 hours,Paramecium caudaturnfor 5-6 days, and Colpidium colpoda for 16 days. From this he concluded that these organismswere conspicuouslyindependentof dissolvedoxygen for energy. A veryextensivestudyof thistypewas and Mudrezowaconductedby Nikitinsky January, 1942 WINTER ANAEROBIOSIS IN A SENESCENT LAKE 3 Wyss ('30) in an attemptto correlate in the surroundingwater,and effectsof the"saprotic"tendenciesof certainorgan- anaerobiosison reproduction. He conisms with their resistanceto CO2, H2S, cluded: "Considering the interplayof and lack of oxygen. The methodsem- physical,chemical,and biologicalfactors ployed sufferedfromthe same faults as of the environment, it seems evidentthat those of Putter, although to a much the pronounced effectivenessof the greaterdegree,sincetheyused a streamof physical-chemical stagnationis due not to hydrogengas (whichis 30 timesless solu- the variationsof any one factorin the ble in water than is oxygen,and which complex,but ratherto thecombinedaction does not combinewith molecularoxygen of variationsof each factorin the presto formwater at ordinarytemperatures) enceof variationsof theothers. Evidence bubbling through the culture water. now available indicatesthat the members These workersmentionno chemicaltests of the profundalbenthicfauna are faculfor dissolvedoxygen,althoughtheyspe- tative ratherthan obligatory'anaerobes' cificallystatethatoxygenwas "completely and thattheyendureratherthanselectan absent." They concluded that "many anaerobicenvironment." aquaticorganismsare able to endurecomplete absence of oxygen for 10-20-30 PREPARATION OF CULTURES daysand evenlonger. A fewciliateswere The presentstudyis concernedwith a able to multiplyunder such conditions. simulation of anaerobic lake bottomsin The resistance against carbon dioxide, winter. The methodsused are somewhat hydrogensulphide and lack of oxygen diminisheswith the complexityof the similarto thoseof Eggleton,althoughdeorganism:protozoansare more resistant veloped independently.The samples for than rotifers,and rotifersare more re- theseculturesweretakenfromCedar Bog sistantthan crustaceans." It seems quite Lake on Nov. 15, 1939. The lake at the timeof collectionwas coveredwithabout doubtful,however,thattheircultureswere 2 cm.of ice. Samplesof typicalsoftooze trulyanaerobic. bottomwere taken at a stationabout 25 A second typeof experimentation was metersfromshore. Eight Ekman dredge initiatedby Juday. In 1908 he carefully (225 cm.2 size) collections,continually pumpedthe anaerobicooze fromthe bot- iced to maintaina temperature verynear tomof Lake Mendotadirectlyintoculture 00 C., werebroughtbackto thelaboratory. bottles,and foundthat the attendantorIn the laboratoryfour of the Ekman ganismswould live in such culturesforat collectionswerecarefullysiftedthrougha least two weeks at 13-15? C. Eggleton clean sieve (20 meshesto theinch) in the ('31) performedsome very informative same water fromwhichtheywere taken, experimentson the macrobenthosof witha certainnecessaryadditionalamount Douglas and Third SisterLakes in Michi- of the same bog water. The "filtrate" gan. The typicalprofundalfauna was fromthesesiftingswas further iced (with composedof representatives of thegenera ice cubes made fromsame water) and alChaoborus(Corethra), Chironomus, Pro- lowed to standwhile the coarsermaterial cladius (Protenthes),Limnodrilus,Pisid- containing bottomanimalswas transferred ium, Musculiumand Hydrornermis(?). to a clean whitepan. The total macroBy placingknownnumbersof organisms benthicpopulationof the four collections in culturejars of oxygen-freewater and was sortedout into iced fingerbowls, and replacingthemin the hypolimnion, with foundto containa numberof organisms manyvariationsof controls,he was able equivalentto the populationper square to studythe toleranceand activityof dif- meterof lake bottomindicatedin the folferentspecies,chemicalchangesproduced lowinglist: 4 RAYMOND Chaoborus punctipennis................ Chironomus plnimosus ................. Chironomus (decorus + lobiferus) . Palpomyia sp. ........................ Limnesia sp ......................... Candona sp. ......................... Tubifex sp. ......................... 3900 289 1676 222 33 56 222 2 The culture jars for the experiment consisted of 12 glass-topped "Atlas" quart jars which were thoroughly cleaned. The outer surfaces of the jars and covers were painted with two coats of black auto enamel to eliminate any possibility of photosynthesis. The culture medium for the experiment consisted of the selfsame ooze from which the macrobenthos had been sifted, together with all the attendant microorganisms which had passed through the sieve. This "filtrate" of semi-aerated ooze and bog water was poured into a three gallon glass bottle, thoroughly mixed, and, before settling could occur, was apportioned into the 12 blackened jars, filling each to the brim. The ratio of water to particulate material was such that the settled ooze occupied approximately one-half of the internal volume, giving it a depth of about 8 cm., almost the normal depth range of The area of the benthic ooze feeders. ooze surface in each jar was found to be 64 cm.2 In an effort to establish in the culture jars a population density approximating that found in the lake, the following numbers of organisms were placed in each jar: Chaoborus punctipennis ................... Chironomusplumosus ................... C. decorumand C. lobiferus ................ ......... Palpomyia sp. .......... ........... Tubifex sp. ........ 25 2 10 1 1 In addition, one Limnesia and one Candona were added to the samples set at 00 C. for 30 days and 60 days, and one Limnesia was added to the 90 days culture set at 00 C. The populated culture jars, sealed with jar rubbers and the tops tightly clamped, were then placed in a cool corridor (ca. 100 C.) for about 7 hours, after which 8 2 Others passed through sieve. Ecology,Vol. 23,No. 1 L. LINDEMAN of the jars were placed in carefullycontrolled temperaturechambers,4 jars at 50 C., and 4 at 100 C. The remaining 4 jars were placed in a pail and sunk into thebottomof a shallowpond in whichthe temperature beneaththe ice was believed to remainnear 0? C. The pond was icefree,withwaterat 50 C., on the relatively warm day whenthe cultureswere placed there; but it was coveredwithice a few days later, and remainedso during the restof the winter. At the end of 30, 60, 90, and 120 days, respectively, one culturejar was removed fromeach temperature series for analysis of its contents. Samplings were made fromCedar Bog Lake at intervalsduring the winterto checkagainstthese simulation cultures. PHYSICAL FACTORS DURING ANAEROBIOSIS During the course of this experiment, the temperatureof each series was kept constantwithverylittlevariation(? 0.5? C.) at 50 and 10?, whilethecultureseries at 0? probablyremainedslightlyabove that value. Color and turbidityof the the samplewaterincreasedmarkedlyduring the anaerobic period; highestvalues were foundin the sampleskeptat 100 C., indicatingmore dissolvedand suspended substancesin thisculturethanin thoseat the lower temperatures. CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING ANAEROBIOSIS Only the mostsimplechemicalanalyses weremade of theculturewater: pH, CO2 content,bicarbonatealkalinity,and dissolved oxygen. The pH content was measured by comparisonwith LaMotte bromthymolblue standards. Carbon dioxide contentand bicarbonatealkalinity were measured according to procedures suggestedin "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage." Dissolved oxygen was measured by the usual Winklertechnique. Hydrogensul- January, 1942 WINTER ANAEROBIOSIS IN A SENESCENT LAKE 5 phidecould not be detectedby odor when Bicarbonatealkalinity any of the jars were opened,even after The benthicooze of Cedar Bog Lake 120 days of anaerobiosis,althoughall of was foundto containcarbonatesin excess the culturesgave offa slightly"marshy" of 1000 p.p.m.,indicatinga high alkaline odor. reserve. Thus as freecarbondioxidewas Dissolved oxygen produced,moreand moreof thecarbonate was releasedto combinewithit as calcium The water just above the ooze in the bicarbonate. The increase in total alkashallowlake bottomwas about70 per cent linityof thewateris therefore a good supsaturatedwith oxygen at the time the plementary indexof theamountof carbon original samples were collected. This dioxide formedby decomposition. The waterwas thoroughly mixed withthe deendpointof this titrationwhen compared composingooze and placed in the culture with permanentstandards (brom cresol jars. Because of theculturemethodused, green) is a much more reliableone than the exact time at whichoxygenvanished the phenolphthalein end point for carbon fromtheblackenedculturebottleswas not dioxide acidity. preciselydetermined, althoughsmall culIn this series of cultures,as shown in tures withoutanimals were found to be figure1, therewas a definiteincreasein anaerobic after 24 hours of culturing. alkalinity with prolonged anaerobiosis. Ldnnerblad (1930), in studyingthe deAlkalinitychanges in the lake itself folcompositionof bottomooze in Swedish lowed a similar course, although at a lakes,foundthatooze of the "gyttja"type much higherlevel, since anaerobiosisbeshowedonlya traceof oxygenat the end gan muchlaterin the season. There was of 12 hours when samples were placed a greaterproductionof CO2 at 100 C. under conditionssimilarto those of this thanat either00 or 5?. A veryinterestabsent study. The oxygenwas completely factis thatthe data show greaterprofromthe experimental jars whenthe first ing of CO, at 00 than at 5?. This series was removed30 days later,and it duction the presence of certain might indicate did not reappearin any of the cultures. "cold-loving"bacteria,most active at 00 C., as suggestedby Henrici ('39). The Carbondioxide more unreliable carbon dioxide acidity in thislight. The difficulties involvedin accuratede- data mightalso be interpreted termination of carbondioxide contentby Hydrogen ion concentration titrationare so familiarthat the matter need not be elaboratedhere. Needless to The hydrogenion contentof the culsay, in additionto errorsproducedby the turesas expressedby pH varied from6.8 occurrenceof various unknown"humic" to 7.1 in an irregularmanner. Such minor acids,etc.,the determination of a "permachanges (possibly due to difficulties in nentpink" endpointwithphenolphthalein matchingcolors with the murkywater) in murkyyellowishwater was extremely are believedto have no significance, other difficult.The authorattemptedto titrate thanto indicatethatthe carbonatesystem to a pink color which would remainfor was adequatelybuffered. one minute. In spite of titrationdifficulties, examSURVIVAL OF MACROBENTHOS inationof figure1 will showthatthe CO, acidityincreasedregularlywithlengthened Interestin this aspect of the problem anaerobiosis,and that the amount pro- was the prime motive in beginningthis ducedwas somewhatgreaterat thehigher seriesof experiments.Justhow long can temperature. benthicorganismstoleratethe absence of 6 RAYMOND Ecology, Vol. 23, No. 1 L. LINDEMAN 74 7.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 7?ta LAKE pH 15/0? 6.6 Tamne in dojS 30 90 60 120 50 /00 Oa? C Oa d o l 60 -40 200 0 0 Time in doys 30 90 60 120 360-LK 7ICO0 520 00 50 240 200160. Pppm 0TMe; doajs 50 60 90 /20 FIG. 1. Alkalinity changes in anaerobic culture Jars. oxygenin theirexternalenvironment ? It seemed most logical to simulateas carefully as possible the species-ratiosand densityfoundin thewildpopulation. For this reason identicalpopulations,representingminiature"cross sections"of the lake fauna,wereplacedin each culturejar. When jars were removedfromthe tem- peratureseries at the ends of their respectivecultureperiods,the supernatant liquid was removedfor chemicalanalysis, small amountsof ooze were diluted on slides for microscopicexaminations,and the remainingooze was siftedthrougha finesieve (40 meshesper inch) foranalysis of macrobenthicsurvivals. The re- January, 1942 WINTER ANAEROBIOSIS IN A SENESCENT LAKE 7 mids encounteredby him in the Illinois River region. In noneof the culturejars examinedwas foundany evidenceof atDays of Temp. Chao- Chiron- Palpo- Tubi- Lim- Cantemptsof the larvaeto pupatein response omus fex nesia dona borus myia expo(C.) to the oxygendeficit, sure as was suggestedby Miall ('91) for Chironomussp. 1 1 1 0* 12 25 1t The survivalsof Chironomuslarvae in 1 1 0 3 25 12 30 00 the lake were analyzed for comparison 2 50 11 1 25 30 with those of the simulative cultures. 2 12 1 25 30 100 Anaerobicconditionsprevailedbeneaththe 2 0 0 00 8 60 0 26t ice fromFebruary7, 1940, to March 30, 0 50 1 60 5 19t 1940, a period of 51 days. A series of 1 25 4 0 60 100 samples taken on January31 was con1 1 0 25 3 00 90 sidered to represent"initial" population 3 4 50 0 90 24t 1 0 2 90 100 2t conditionsat the onset of anaerobiosisin the lake. Furthercollectionswere taken 1 0 00 11 2 120 3 1 4 50 11 120 on March 3 and March 30, twenty-four 0 1 0 1 120 100 and fifty-one days,respectively, afteroxygen had disappeared. No good criterion * The initial population established in each other than size could be found for the culture jar. t Initial population probably miscounted dur- separationof larvae of C. plumosusfrom ing transfer. C. decorum.It was found fromrearing t Some small oligochaetes passed through the sieve while being sifted. experiments,however, that almost all larvaegreaterthan 18 mm.in lengthwere sultantsurvivalsof the macrofaunaare C. plumosus,while adults reared from shownin table I. smaller larvae were C. decorum.Larvae The Chironomusfauna, consistingof 18 mm.,therefore, longer than were condegreesof mixedspeciesshowingdifferent sidered to be C. plumosus,while those toleranceto anaerobiosis,cannotproperly be discussedas a genericunit,but rather TABLE II. Survivalof Chironomuslarvae in species. as a groupof ecologicallydifferent anaerobiccultures The relativetolerancesof the threemost commonspecies are indicatedin table II. Days of Tempc C. plumosus C. decorousC. lobiferus The initialpopulationsconsistedof 2 C. 0* _ 2 ca. 6 ca. 4 plumosus and 10 specimensof smaller consistingmostlyof C. dechironomids, 00 30 2 4 3t corus and C. lobiferusin an approximate 50 30 2 6 3 30 100 2 9 1 ratio of about 6 to 4. While the data may be criticizedbecause of thisapproxi00 60 2 3 3 in50 60 mationand because of the statistically 2 2 1 100 60 2 2 0 sufficient survivals,it seems clearlyindicatedthatC. plumosusis themosttolerant 90 2 1 0? 0 90 50 2 1 1 of extendedanaerobic conditions. Fur1 1 90 100 0 althoughthedata are notimpecthermore, 00 seemsto be moretolerant cable,C. decorum 120 0 1 1 120 50 2 1 1 rethanC. lobiferus. These experimental 120 100 1 0 0 sults agree perfectlywiththe conclusions of Richardson('28), who arrangedthese * The initial population established in each speciesin exactlythesame orderof "toler- culturejar. t In addition, one specimen each of Limance to pollution"; these three species nochironomus,Procladius and Tanytarsus was chirono- recovered fromthis culture. were the most pollution-tolerant TABLE I. fauna in Survival of macrobenthic anaerobic cultures 8 RAYMOND L. LINDEMAN smallerthan this were consideredto be C. decorum,although it was recognized that a few immatureC. plurnosusmight thus have been included. The paucityof size (17-18 mm.), larvae of intermediate as indicatedin table III, is good evidence were distinct. thatthe species-populations The populationdata shown in table III Ecology,Vol. 23,No. 1 mortality was partlydue to starvation,as the foodorganismsof thisspecieshad disappeared from the 10? culture60 days before; Frankenberg('15, p. 542), however, foundthat a Chaoboruslarva with an irreparably evertedpharynx(starved) lived for about 50 days. The uniformity of toleranceof the Chaoborusindividuals appears in markedcontrastto thatof the TABLE III. Survival of Chironomuslarvae in otherbenthicforms. The effectof 120 Cedar Bog Lake duringwinteranaerobiosis days of culture was very evident; the Numbers per 5 Birge-Ekman samples (1125 cm.2) populationseven at the lower temperatures seemed to be rapidlyreachingthe "24 "IniLengt 5das Length limitsof their"oxygen debts." The intial" days" "513days mm.gth 1-13-40 3-3-40 ferencemightlogicallyfollow that Cha5 12 3-4 0 oboruscannotwithstanda periodof win45 18 8 5-6 5 15 16 7-8 ter stagnation exceeding 4 months in 12 8 9-10 8 22 32 23 11-12 duration. 45 33 13 13-14 The Palpomyiasurvivals,based on but 12 21 15-16 6 3 2 4 17-18 a singlespecimenperculture,mustbe very 131 173 66 (38% survival) Chironomus decorum cautiouslyinterpreted.The appearanceof 7 19-20 12 4 2 specimensin the 90 days, 100 culture 4 21-22 7 8 6 11 4 23-24 was probablydue to accidentalintroduc2 25-26 14 8 3 6 1 27-28 tion of an extra specimenwhen the cul20 (43% survival) 47 30 Chironomus plurnosus tureswere established. The mere factof survivalof all individualsplaced in the most unfavorablecultures (120 days at indicatethatC. decoruswas slightlymore 50 and 100), however, suggests anasusceptibleto 7 weeks of anaerobicfield erobic capacitieseven exceedingthose of conditionsthanwas C. plumosus,although Chaoborus. both sufferedhigh mortalities. Another The initial Tubifex populationscould of these data, of notbe preciselydetermined possible interpretation becauseof the course,is thatsmallerindividualsare less passage of these slenderforms(or fragtolerantthanlargerones. Indicationsthat ments of them) throughthe meshes of smallerindividualsof fishesare less tol- thecoarse sieve. A sufficient numberwas erantto low oxygentensionsthan larger retained,however,to assure the inclusion ones have been foundin therecentstudies of one healthyindividualin each culture of W. G. Moore ('40). jar. It must be rememberedthat imwell adaptedto properorientationin the ooze or predaChaoborusis apparently seasonal anaerobiosis. Apparentlyall in- tion by Palpomyiamay have been just as dividuals (table I) were able to stand 90 effective as anaerobiosisin causing those days of cultureat the lowertemperatures. mortalitieswhichdid occur. The known The variationsrecordedforthe60 and 90 survivals,of course,suggestthatTubifex day survivalsmay well have been due to can withstand120 days of winteranaeroerrorsin countingthe initialpopulations biosis,a conclusionnot supportedby field of thesetransparent wrigglinglarvae dur- evidence,as we shallsee. Possiblywinter ing transferto the culture jars. The predationwas more severe in the lake at 10? for 90 days of than in these simulationcultures. completemortality Of the minorconstituents, culture might have been the effectof represented highermetabolicactivitythan that pro- by such few individualsthat specimens ducedat thelowertemperatures.Possibly could be includedonlyin the 0? cultures, January, 1942 WINTER ANAEROBIOSIS one Limnesia was able to endureanaerobiosis for90 days. Its toleranceof anaerobic field conditions (see below) supports this evidence of high resistance. Candona, on the otherhand, was unable to surviveeven 30 days in the cultures, althoughdeath mighthave been due to rough treatmentduring transferto the culture jar. Field data, however, support the conclusionthat Candona is not verytolerantof anaerobicconditions. IN A SENESCENT LAKE 9 robicconditionsthattubificid oligochaetes and that tubificidscould withstandexperimentalanaerobiosismuchlongerthan Chironomnus, althoughH2S was present underhis experimental conditions. These statements do notseemto agreewithwhat has been found in the Cedar Bog Lake and culturessimulatingit. The speciesof Chironomusdifferedin their resistances nearly as much as did the three major groups studied by Alsterberg. In the Cedar Bog Lake cultures Chaoborus fauna in IV. Survival of macrobenthic TABLE seemedto be more resistantthan ChiroCedar Bog Lake duringwinteranaerobiosis nonus decorusand Chironomuslobiferus, Numbers per Birge-Ekman sample (225 cm.2) but it appeared definitely less tolerantof 120 days of anaerobiosisthanChironomus "24 days" "51 days" "Initial" Genus plumosus,Tubifex and Palpomyia. 2.8 17.24 3.4 38.54 44.04 9.0 Chironomus. 0.0 2.5 2.54 2.2 Candona ... 0.8 The remarkabletoleranceof these or0.5 1.04 0.7 6.0 A: 1.8 5.2:i Tubifex........ ganisms is eloquent evidence of their 0.2 1.64 0.7 0.24 Procladius .... 1.44 0.5 adaptationto a seeminglyintolerableen6.2:4 1.3 3.14 1.0 4.8:4 0.7 Palpomyia ..... 1103.041117.0 835.6 473.5 Chaoborus..... . 715.8 477.1 vironment.The survivalof speciesunder experimental conditionsfar moreinimical Partial correlations of the general than would normallybe found in nature benthicsurvivalin the cultureswith the makes a complete"winter-kill"of these survival of macrobenthicforms in the species quite unlikely. lake were made possible by a series of winterfield populationsamplings. The SURVIVALOF MICROBENTHOS figuresin table IV representthe numbers When the simulationcultureswere esof individualsper 225 cm.2,expressedas tablished, much superfluoussifted ooze means ? standard errors of the means, remained. This ooze was placed in a cool based on five separate Ekman dredge at 120 C. fortwo days,folcorridor about samples These date. samples for each were taken as follows: on Jan. 31, 1940, lowing which a study was made of the seven days beforeanaerobiosisbegan and contained organisms. The microfauna abundant consideredas the "initial"anaerobicpopu- was foundto be so surprisingly lation; on March 3, 1940,after24 days of that the ooze surface consisted,almost anaerobiosis; and on March 30, 1940, literally,of "ciliate soup." The author after51 days of anaerobiosis. These data is indebtedto thelate Dr. JohnP. Turner of species. The correlate quite well with those of the for aid in determination with marks of following list, together in the culanaerobiosis of first60 days tures. Chironomus,Candona, and pos- relativeabundance,representsthe species to observed: siblyTubifexseemedto be succumbing the unfavorableconditions. The other Acanthocystissp. forms(includingProcladius culiciformnis, Arcella vulgaris not presentin the cultures) seemedto be Centropyxissp. "holdingtheirown." As anaerobicconDinamoeba sp. ditionsin the lake were relievedat this Euglena deces + point, no furthercorrelationscould be Glenodiniumcinctunm made. Heteronemaacus ++ Alsterberg('22) reportedthat ChaoHeteronema sp. borus was much betteradapted to anae- 10 RAYMOND L. LINDEMAN Ecology,Vol. 23,No. 1 this group of culturesbut could not be foundin later cultures. The culturesopened at the end of 90 Bursaria truncatella and of 120 days of anaerobiosiscontained Coleps hirtus+ an even furtherdiminutionof microFrontonialeucas +++ organisms. Several 1 cc. sampleshad to Loxocephalus granulosus ++ be studied in order to find even a few Loxodes rostrum+++ individuals. Nematodes, copepods and Parameciumcaudatum+ smallostracodsstillsurvivedin the cooler Spirostomuntambiguunm + 90 day cultures,but could not be found Spirostornumteres + after120 days of anaerobiosis. Stentorcoeruleus+ Field correlations,made by comparing culturedpopulationswithcorrespondthe Microscopicmetazoonsobservedwere ing naturalones in thelake,indicatedthat Chaetonotusmaximus at the beginningof anaerobiosisin the Chaetonotusspp. lake the populationwas essentiallyidenLepidodermiarhomboides ticalwiththatoriginallyestablishedin the Bdelloidea (Rotifera) culturejars. At the end of 51 days of Notommatoidea(Rotifera) anaerobiosisthefieldpopulationshoweda Nematoda markedquantitativediminution;roughly Cyclops sp. estimated,the lake fauna showed only Cypria sp. about 1/20 of its pre-anaerobicdensity. The species ratiosdid not appear to have Additionalspecies later found in the anchanged as a result of these anaerobic aerobicculturejars were as follows: conditions,except that the cryptomonad flagellatesseemed relativelymore abunpalustris Pelomyxa dant and variedthanbefore. No marked Metopus spiralis qualitative changes were apparent. As Holotricha(tiny ciliates) spring thaws relieved the oxygen defiHypotricha(tiny ciliates) very shortlyfollowingthis obserciency Cryptomonada(flagellates) vation, it was impossibleto study the At the end of 30 days of anaerobiosis effectsof more extendedanaerobiosison fauna keptat 00 and at the naturalmicrobenthos. the microbenthic 50 remainedvirtuallyunchangedover its initialconcentration.The culturekeptat RE-AERATEDCULTURESOF MICROBENTHOS onlya few different; 100 was remarkably For the purposeof studyingthe extent individualsof the hardiergenera, Fronformscould encyst whichmicrobenthic to were tonia, Coleps and Heteronema, afterthe onset stages resistant or produce found. two series were esAt the end of 60 days, the abundant of oxygendeficiency, ciliate fauna of all three series was re- tablishedfromooze whichhad been under ducedto a mereremnantof hardierforms. anaerobic conditionsfor 90 days. One amoeba,Pelomyxa palus- series had been kept at 0? and the other The interesting in two of these cultures. at 100. Four small sample bottlesconfound tris,was The sluggishnessof this species and its taining ooze and oxygen-freeculture general resemblanceto fecal balls of water in the ratio 1: 4 were established chironomidsmade it rather difficultto for each series. These bottleshad been distinguish. It may have been present sterilizedpreviouslyand the ooze was in some of the othercultures,but could added in such a mannerthat there was not be found in spite of specificsearch no undue exposure to air-borne cysts. were easily foundin Covers were set looselyon the bottlesso for it. Gastrotrichs Phacus pyrum+ Trachelomonaseuchora January, 1942 WINTER ANAEROBIOSIS IN A SENESCENT LAKE 11 that air could enter; the samples were tendedanaerobiosisare not able to withthen placed in a constant temperature stand such conditionsby means of cysts, room at about 150 C. That the samples but that when a few are able to survive had actuallybecomere-aeratedwas shown such extremeconditionsand are subseby an oxygentest made after33 days of quentlyplacedin a favorableenvironment, these cultureconditions:the water con- theywill multiplyquite rapidly. Also, as tained 4-5 p.p.m. of dissolvedoxygen. Lackey ('32) suggests,thereseem to be The culturesfrom the 00 series con- certaincolorlessflagellateswhichare able tainedno trace of microorganisms except to grow in nearlyanaerobiccultures,and for a smallcolorlessflagellateat the time which are unable to withstandre-aeratheywere transferredfromanaerobicto tion. Since such flagellatescould not aerobicconditions. At theend of 13 days have gained entranceto the culturejars this series contained almost as great a after anaerobiosis had set in, possibly paucityof organisms. Study of a single theycame fromcystsformedunderaerosample fromeach of four duplicatebot- bic conditionsand re-encystedwhen the tles revealeda totalof only2 smallnema- cultureswere again suppliedwithoxygen. todes, 2 individuals of Heteronema, 1 The numbersencountered, however,were Coleps and 2 rotifers,Hydatina and too small to verify such a conclusion. Synchaeta. The protozoonsmightpos- The scanty evidence available suggests sibly have been overlookedin the initial that possiblyrotiferanand gastrotrichan survey. A similar examinationat the eggs are able to surviveanaerobiosisand end of 33 days revealed a considerable to emergeas adultsundermore favorable increase in the numbersof Coleps and conditions. Heteronema. A few hypotrichciliates were observed;thesemighthave come in CONCLUSIONS as contaminationfrom the air. Also 2 1. Anaerobicbenthoswas studied exspecimensof thegastrotrich, Chaetonotus, were observed. The minute flagellates perimentallyunder winter conditionsat presentin the anaerobicculturecould no 0?, 5? and 10? C. for 120 days, with respectto survivalof macro-and microlongerbe found. The culture from the anaerobic 100 organismsand variationsin theirchemical seriesshowedan almostcompleteabsence environment.This was correlatedwith fieldconditionsin a senesof organisms. A search lasting more corresponding cent lake. than an hour revealed only 3 minute 2. Carbon dioxide content increased flagellatesand a nematode. At the end of 13 days under aerobic conditionsthis with extended anaerobiosis,and became series seemedto contain,as far as could higherat 100 thanat lowertemperatures. be observed,onlyrotifers:a bdelloidspe- More carbondioxide was producedat 0? cies and an extremelyshort-spined"hae- than at 50; this suggeststhe presenceof mal" variety of the form describedby "cold-loving"bacteria. 3. Organisms were more resistantto the author('39) as Brachionushavanaenanaerobiosisat 00 and 50 than extended sis var. minnesotensis.At the end of 33 at because of slower 100, presumably days this series showed nothingbut a very few small hypotrichs. The minute metabolism. 4. Specimens of Chaoborus, Chiroflagellates had apparently disappeared. and Tubifex were able Thus, in spite of abundantoxygen and nomus,Palpomnyia presumablyfavorable temperaturethere to survive 120 days of anaerobiosisin was no reappearanceof the large initial mixedpopulations. The threemostcomholotrichpopulationfound in the lake. mon species of Chironomusshowed the These re-aeratedculturesthus seemed followingorder of tolerance: plumosus to show thatprotozoanssubjectedto ex- > decorus> lobiferus. 12 RAYMOND L. LINDEMAN Ecology,Vol. 23,No. 1 1936. Primdre und sekunddre Oxy5. 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