Plant Biomass and Productivity of Prairie, Savanna, Oakwood, and Maize... Central Minnesota
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Plant Biomass and Productivity of Prairie, Savanna, Oakwood, and Maize... Central Minnesota
Plant Biomass and Productivity of Prairie, Savanna, Oakwood, and Maize Field Ecosystems in Central Minnesota Author(s): J. D. Ovington, Dale Haitkamp, Donald B. Lawrence Reviewed work(s): Source: Ecology, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Jan., 1963), pp. 52-63 Published by: Ecological Society of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 01/02/2012 13:44 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Ecological Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ecology. 52 J. D. OVINGTON AND OTHERS Ecology,Vol. 44, No. 1 slowlythroughthemoreopen savanna woodlands. Botting,G. 1956. "Black Sunday" and its effectson The dense exotic scrub communities,however, Adelaide Hills orchards. J. Agric. South Australia 57: 256-61. constitutethe greatestfirehazard. Cochrane,G. Ross, S. M. Burnard,and J. M. Philpott. diagramsshow the general Cover stratification 1962. Land use and forest-fires in the Mount Lofty lack of a dense, completeground cover of low Ranges, South Australia. AustralianGeographer8: 143-160. vegetationunder savanna woodlandsand also indicate the much densertree canopyand well de- Glaessner,M. F., and L. W. Parkin (eds.). 1958. The geologyof South Australia. MelbourneUniv. Press, finedshrubunderstoryof sclerophyllforests. Melbourne,Australia. 163 p. The "stringybark"tree stratumof sclerophyll Marshall,Ann. 1958. Climate,p. 76-83. In R. J. Best forestsis defoliatedbut not greatlyaffectedby (ed.), IntroducingSouth Australia. MelbourneUniv. fireand recoversrapidlyby growthfromadventi- Press, Melbourne,Australia. the in- Prescott,J. A., and J. A. Thomas. 1948-49. The length tious lateral shoots. In contradistinction, of the growingseason in Australia as determinedby digenous shrub stratumof these forestsis deof the rainfall. Proc. Roy. Geogr. the effectiveness though Soc. Australasia (South Australia) 50: 42-46. stroyedbyfireand undergoesa well-defined rapid seral developmentfromfire-razedcondition Specht,R. L., and R. A. Perry. 1948. Plant ecologyof to climax vegetationin 7-10 years. Five definite the Mount Lofty Ranges. Trans. Roy. Soc. South stages can be recognizedin the sclerophyllforest Australia 73: 91-132. R. C. 1942. The geologyof the Eden-Moana pyric sere, limited,however,to the understory Sprigg, Fault Block. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia. 66: only. Exotic vegetationis generallykilled by 185-214. bushfires,but exotic scrub regrowth,particularly . 1946. Reconnaissancegeologicalsurveyof portion of the westernescarpmentof the Mount Lofty of broomand gorse, is vigorous,dense, and very Ranges. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia.70: 313rapid. are notchangedbyfire, 47. The climaxcommunities Trumble,H. C. 1939. Climatic factorsin relationto successionbeinga rapidprocess. However,if the the agriculturalregionsof South Australia. Trans. indigenousvegetationis disturbedby cultivation, Roy. Soc. SouthAustralia.63: 36-43. vigorous, exotic, scrub growth can replace the Wood, J. G. 1937. Vegetation of South Australia. Government Printer,Adelaide, S.A. 164 p. slower growing, less dense, indigenous scrub . 1958. The vegetationof SouthAustralia,p. 84forms. 95. In R. J. Best (ed.), IntroducingSouth Australia. MelbourneUniv. Press, Melbourne,Australia. LITERATURE CITED Wood, J. G., and R. J. Williams. 1960. Vegetationof Black, J. M. 1943-57. Flora of South Australia. 4 Australia,p. 67-84. In C.S.I.R.O., The Australianenparts. 2nd edition. GovernmentPrinter,Adelaide, vironment,3rd ed., Melbourne Univ. Press, MelS.A. 1008%. bourne,Australia. PLANT AND PRODUCTIVITY BIOMASS OF PRAIRIE, AND MAIZE FIELD OAKWOOD, ECOSYSTEMS IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA J.D. SAVANNA, OVINGTON The Nature Conservancy, London,England DALE HEITKAMP AND DONALD B. LAWRENCE Department of Botany,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,Minnesota INTRODUCTION Cedar Creek Natural HistoryArea is situated 50 km (30 mi) northof Minneapolisand St. Paul, Minnesota, and is about 1,620 hectares (4,000 acres) in area. In view of its nearnessto these urban centers,the influenceof the early settlers and theirsuccessorshas been surprisinglysmall. The firstwhitesettlersarrivedin 1856 and found in part the efa patchworkvegetationreflecting fectsof burningby Indians (Pierce 1954). Settlementby theEuropeanpioneerswas neververyinof the tensive,probablybecause of the infertility sand and peat soils, so thatmanyfieldsstakedout by theearlysettlerswere soon abandoned,in some cases afteronly one crop had been planted and failed. The wooded areas were selectivelylogged, particularlyforwhitepine,Pinus strobus,and no doubt burningand forestdestructionfrequently followedloggingbut usually natural regeneration restoredsome form of tree cover. Eventually, large blocks of land were purchased by private landownerswho,because theyappreciatedthe solitude and wildernessvalues of the area, protected it fromfurtherdevelopmentand terminatedvir- Winter 1963 BIOMASS AND PRODUCTIVITY tuallyall agriculturaland forestryoperationsso that the general landscape has probablyaltered littleand the regionretainsits wildernesscharacteristics. Throughthe generosityof a numberof people the area is now undertheguardfarsighted ianship of the Universityof Minnesota and the MinnesotaAcademyof Science,who are continuing the past policyof preservingits naturalstatus whilstencouragingsuitablebiologicalresearch. Since the land surfaceis gentlyundulatingand the plantcover varies locallydependingupon differencesof soil, climate,and past land use, the Cedar Creek Natural History Area provides a types to compareverydifferent uniqueopportunity ecosystemswithina fairly of relativelyundisturbed compactarea, and thesecan be contrastedwiththe highlyartificialcommunitieson adjacent agriculturalland. Some of the pioneerwork on the dynamics of naturalecosystemswas done at Cedar Creek,notablyby Lindeman (1942). The presentaccountis concernedwithcomparisonsof areas of prairie,savanna,and oakwood,and a neighboring fieldof maize, all of whichare on an upland, sandysoil type,and in close proximity. OF ECOSYSTEMS 53 Oil whlether it was green or nlot) and non-living plant material. From the same 20 quadrats all the abovegroundplant litter was removed and separated into amorphousmatterand relatively undecomposedplant material,which was further sortedaccordingto whetherit originatedfromthe herbaceousor woodyplantlayers. Samplingof the shrubswas not done by quadrat clippingbut was based on aerial stemlengths. In the winterof 1958-59,priorto the main sampling season of 1959, the heightsof all shrubs in the type plot were measured. Subsequently,at each samplingperiodseveralaerial stemsof each shrub species were collected,theirheights(exclusive of new stem produced in the sample year) being within10 cm of the average heightmeasurement recordedforthe speciesthe previouswinter. The numberof shrubstemstaken varied accordingto the abundance of the species but was normally about ten foreach species at each samplingoccasion. These stems were collectedfromthe type examplebutoutsideofthetypeplot,sincerepeated samplingsof shrubsin the type plot would have seriouslymodifiedthe vegetation. The collected shrubstemswere dividedinto theirvarious comMETHODS ponentsas given-in the tables and the weightsof A general surveyof the Cedar Creek Natural the parts per uniitlengthof old stemwere calcuHistoryArea was made in autumn1958 in order lated. Asstumingthat the weights of the comsystemsand ponentsper tinitlengthof old stemwere the same the main plantcommunity to identify to select single examples of typical prairie, sa- forthe collectedshrubsand forthosemeasuredin vanna, and oakwood for detailed study in 1959. the plot the previouswinter,the shrubweightfor None of the selectedexamplesshowedevidenceof the plot could be determinedon an area basis by theaveragemeasuredweightsper unit burning,or grazingby multiplying recenthumaninterference, domesticanimals. Toward thecenterof each type lengthof old stemby the total lengthof old stem a plot 30 by 30 m square was pegged out for de- in theplot. Tree samplingwas more difficult than that of tailed monthlysampling,hereafterdesignatedas the typeplot. The same samplingmethodswere the herbs or shrubsand throughoutmost of the tech- observation period monthlysampling was reused in all threetypeexamples,but different niqueshad to be adoptedto sampletheherb,shrub, strictedto the new shoots. Living brancheswere and treelayers. For comparisonwiththe natural cut fromthe generaltree canopy of the type exareas, a field of maize on land adjacent to the amplesoutsideof thetypeplotsusingan extension NaturalHistoryArea was sampledusingdifferent prunier. The average weightsof leaf, fruit,and methods,and we are gratefulto the owner,Alvar new stemfora large numberof shootsformedin the samplingyear were determined. In August Peterson,forpermissionto samplehis crop. To sample the herb layer (here all non-woody and Septemberof 1959 some treeswere felledjust plants) each plot was subdividedinto quarters, outsidethe sampleplots; size rangeapproximated across each of which a 15- by 15-m grid was thatof the treesin theplots. Three trees (northmarked out to give 225 squares, each a square ern red oak) were harvestedin the oak woodland meter. At each samplingdate,fivemetersquares and six in the savanna (three northernpin and were selectedrandomlyin each quarter. Within three bur oak). The numbersof currentyear each meter square, the abovegroundvegetation stems per felledtree were countedso as to give froma centralsquare quadratof 20 by 20 cm was an estimateof thenumbersof new stemsproduced the numberof new clipped. No quadrat was sampledtwice and this in the plots. By multiplying permittedaccess and samplingwith- shoots by the average shoot weight the total arrangement out risk of serious tramplingof futuresample weightof the shootsformedin 1959 could be estiquadrats. Later, the clippedvegetationwas sepa- matedon an area basis. The felledtreeswere also rated in the laboratoryinto living (mainly based separated into bole, living branches older than 54 J. D. OVINGTON AND OTHERS Ecology,Vol. 44, No. 1 those of the sample year, dead branches,stems beginningin the second week of each monthand produced in the currentyear, and leaves. The being completedwithin the following2 weeks. various tree parts were weighed and the results The sampleswere usuallytaken in sequence,viz. herbaceouslayer and litter,shrubs,trees,and ficonvertedto an area basis forthe sampleplots. To obtain informationon the subterranean nallyroots. Each plantlayerwas sampledforall plantparts,in each typeplot cylindricalsoil cores communitiesbeforestartingon the next layer to approximately77.7 sq cm in cross section and make comparisons between communitiesmore 50 cm deep were extractedmonthlyfromten of meaningful. Detailed recordsand statisticalanalyseswill be the quadratsfromwhichthe herbaceouslayerhad been removed. The soil so collectedwas washed providedon requestto the Departmentof Botany, with a jet of water througha finemesh sieve on Universityof Minnesota,or to the Nature Conwhichrootsand subterraneanstemswere retained servancy,London, England. forlatersortingby hand. Weaver (1959a, b) has DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE PLOTS describedin detail the developmentof the underPlant species seen in the sampleplots and their groundpartsoftypicalprairieplants,and although many roots and subterraneanstems go deeper immediatevicinityare listed in Table I; nomenthan 50 cm theytend to be concentratedin this clatureis thatof Fernald (1950) and the identificationswerecheckedby Dr. J. W. Moore to whom upperzone. The maize was sampled as follows. Towards we are most grateful. Herbariumspecimensare the centerof the fielda plot was markedout 40 filedat the Cedar Creek field laboratoryand at rows. the Herbarium of the Universityof Minnesota. rows wide and 60 m along the north-south At each monthlysampling20 maize plants were The prairie and oakwood vegetationswere quite taken, one fromevery alternaterow, the plants distinct,havingonly two species in common; the beingselectedin therowsby randomnumbers.At savanna floracontaineda numberof speciespresthe same time the heightsof 400 maize plants in ent in the othertwo areas and can be regardedas in character,althoughthe threeplots theplot were measured. To determinethe weight intermediate of maize plantsper unit area, the average weight do not representa successional sequence from per unitlengthof the 20 sampleplantswas multi- prairieto forest. The prairietypeplot (Fig. 1, upper) was in the plied by the total lengthof maize plants per hectare,based on a figurederivedfromthe measure- same generalarea as stand3 of Bray (1960) who mentof the 400 plantsand countsof the number reportedan old residentas saying that the area of maize plants in the plot. Each sample maize was never completelyploughed or grubbed,the plantwas dividedintostem,leaves,and ear (grain, crop being planted in single furrows. Soil procob, and husk) which were weighed separately. filesover the area showed no evidenceof earlier The weeds were collectedby takinga distanceof ploughingand since the yield would have been ifmade, 1 m along the row of maize northof each of the poor any desultoryattemptsat cultivation, 20 sample maize plants and collectingall weeds were probablysoon abandoned. The vegetation betweenthe sample row and the next row to the was tall-grassprairieand themostcommonplants east overthemeterlength. The rootsof themaize were the threegrasses Stipa spartea,Poa pratenplants and the weeds were removedas carefully sis, and Andropogongerardi,which occurredin as possibleby looseningand diggingthe soil to a patches. Althoughthetwo shrubsRosa arkansana depth of about 50 cm and attemptingto remove var. suffultaand sand cherryPrunus pumilawere abundant (101 stems of rose and 115 of sand completeroot systems. Samplingwas always done whenthe vegetation cherryin theplot of 900 sq m), theydid not form was dry (free of dew and rain), and smallersam- a dominantfeatureof the vegetationsince they ples such as the herbaceouslayer and soil cores were not bushy and their average heightswere wereplacedin plasticbags to avoid excessivewater only 18 and 36 cm, respectively.The vegetation loss and fortransportto the laboratory. Usually was fairlyopen and burrowingrodentsand low samples were taken to the laboratorywithinan contentof soil colloids probablypreventedthe of a close cover. Deer were seen in the hour of collectionwhere theywere quicklysepa- formation ratedout forweighingfresh. All or a large por- area but no deer-browsedor -grazed plants were tion of each typeof freshplantmaterialwas then observed. Tree seedlingswere completelyabsent cut up and thoroughlymixed, and three sub- even thoughthe prairie area was surroundedby samples of each were dried at 80?C to determine savannahavinga fairdensityof seed-bearingoaks. The savanna type plot (Fig. 1, middle) contheovendryweight. From April to November1959, a completese- tained 17 treesand 8 shrubbyclumps (average of ries of sampleswas taken everymonth,sampling 10 stemsper clump) of bur oak, Quercus macro- Winter 1963 BIOMASS AND PRODUCTIVITY Species __ Typeof plant Prairie Savanna Oakwood oy ____ __ bodyl ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ____ BromuskalmiiGray................ BoueelouahirsutaLag............... Panicum capillareL............,. CyperusfiliculmisVahl............. L ................ Mollugoverticillata Anemonepatens var. cvolfgangiana Bess. Nutt........... Delphiniumvirescens Helianthuslaetifiorus var. rigiduts Cass. Achillealanulosa Nutt.............. Senecio plattensisNutt.............. Equisetumhyemalevar.affine Engelm.. Poa pratensisL .................... Stipe sparteaTrin.................. Panicum virgatum L ................ Andropogon gerardiVitman......... Carex muhlenbergii Schkuhr......... TradescantiaoccidentalisBritt........ Bickn........ Sisyrinchiumcampestre Nutt...... Chenopodium leptophyllum Mirabilis hirsutaPursh............. Ranunculusrhomboideus Goldie...... PotentillaargutaPursh............. Rosa arkansanavar. suffultaGreene.. PrunuspumilaL ................... Lathyrusvenosusvar. intonsusButt.. . EuphorbiageyeriEngelm............ G. Don............. Viola pedatifidao Nutt......... Oenothera rhombipetala Asclepias tuberosaL ................ Asclepias ovalifolia Dene............ canescensMichx....... Lithospermum Scutellariaparvulavar. leonardiEpling MonardafistulosaL ................. Physalis virginianaMill............. Nutt......... Penstemongrandifiorus L ........... Campanula rotundifolia Liatris aspera Michx................ Solidago nemoralisvar. decemfiora H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H S S H H H H H H H H H H H H H P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P H P H P P CoreopsispalmataNutt............. Artemisialudovicianavar. gnaphalodes H P Smilacina stellataL ................. AmorphacanescensPursh ........... ElymuscanadensisL ................ QuercusmacrocarpaMichx...... QuercusellipsoidalisE. J. Hill....... Petalostemum purpureumVent....... Rhus glabraL...................... Rhus radicansL.................... CorylusamericanaWalt............. Prunus virginianaL ................ PteridiumaquilinumL .............. Carex pensylvanicaLam............. AlliumstellatumFraser............. Maianthemumcanadensevar. interius H H2 H T T H S (DC.) Fern ..................... Nutt.......................... Fern .......................... S3 S S H H H H P P Table I (continued) Species Typeof plant Prairie Savanna Oakwood body' Quercusrubravar. borealisMichx..... Arenarialateriflora L............... Anemonequinquefoliavar. interior T H AquilegiacanadensisL .............. Fragaria virginianaDuchesne....... Rubus idaeus var. strigosusMichx .. Rosa blanda Ait.................... AmiphicarpabracteataL ............. AcernegundoL .................... Parthenocissus insertaL ............. Vitis riparia Michx................. Vacciniumangustifolium Ait......... GaliumborealeL ................... AsterazureusLindl ................. Astersagittifolius Wedemeyer ........ Taraxacumofficinale Weber......... Agropyron repensL.4............... Zea maysL.4 ...................... Setaria glauca L.4.................. H H S S H T S L S H P P P P P P P P P P H H P P Fern ......................... H H H H H P P P P P 1 H=herb;S=shrub;L=liana; T=tree. Has someaerialwoodystems. Considered an herbin thepresent study;onlyaboutsixshootswerepresent. Present in themaizefield. 2 3 4 P P P P P P P P P P P P 55 OF ECOSYSTEMS I. Plant speciespresent(P) in prairie,savanna, in centralMinnesota and oakwoodecosystems TABLE P P P P P P P P carpa,and 3 treesand 6 shrubbyclumps (average of 6 stemsper clump) of northernpin oak, Quercus ellipsoidalis. The largerbur oaks in the plot were about 90 years old and 10 m high,whilethe largerpin oaks were about 17 years old and 9 m high. The average diameterover bark at breast heightof the bur oak trees was 22 cm and of the pin oak 6 cm. When the trees were in full leaf, thetreecrownsappearedto coverjust overa quar- ter of the plot. FourteenQuercus seedlingswere present,and the wide rangeof ages of the treesin the area indicatedno rapid ecologicalchange and no heavy burningfor some time. The frequency and scattereddistribution of old treessuggeststhat the area had not been cultivated;almostcertainly it was grazed,thoughprobablynotheavily.Shrubs were a muchmore significant featureof the vegetationin the savanna than in the prairie,locally dominatingthe herbaceouslayer. Withinthe plot therewere 132 stemsof hazel, Corylusamericana, withan averageheightof 72 cm, 365 stemsof the same species of rose as in the prairie with an average heightof 32 cm, and 52 stems of choke cherry,Prunus virginiana,withan average height of 57 cm. The grasses formedthe dominantfeature of the herbaceous layer which was much denser and more continuousthan in the prairie. Ants were very abundantin the savanna, many more being presentthan in any otherarea investigated. The oakwood type plot (Fig. 1, lower), containing72 trees of Quercus borealis,was part of a ratheruniformstand withina mixed coniferangiospermforestcomplex which also included Pinus banksiana,P. strobus,Quercus ellipsoidalis, and Q. mtcrocarpa. The foresthad been heavily logged over, or burned,or both,about 60 years previously. The treesdid notvarygreatlyin age; ringcountsof the threefelledtreeswhichcovered the size rangein the plot,gave ages of 45, 56, and 58 years. The treesaveraged20 cm dbh and had a maximumheightof just over 17 m, theircrowns forminga dense and continuouscanopy. The 56 J. D. OVINGTON JEI' .4. .1 FIG.~~~~Prir e upe) * svna(ide, ., an oak wroodlanid (lower) typeplots. Views northward.Camera is 5 m southof southedgeofplot. The twoverticalscales 10 fttall are placed10 m and 20 m northof camera. The more distantscale is at centerof plot which is 30 m square. Lawrencephotos: prairieand savanna,Aug. 7, 1962; oak woodland,Sept.20, 1962. AND OTHERS Ecology,Vol. 44, No. 1 stems Acer negundo,average height95 cm. In was additionblueberry,Vacciniurm angustifolium, fairlyabundanit,being recordedin about 70% of the quadrats. Compared with the prairie and savanna plots, the herbaceous layer was poorly developedand was absentfromabout a quarterof the 20- by 20-cm quadrats, leaving exposed the surfaceorganic layers which completelycovered the sandymineralsoil. The fieldofmaize was plantedon May 19, 1959, using Kings Crost Hybrid K-5-3 seed planted singly at a spacing of approximately20 cm in north-south rows about 0.9 m apart. In laboratorytests2%s of the seed failedto germinatebut, accordingto fieldcounts of the plants 1 montlh afterplantinig, 32% of the seed failedto produce plants. The increased mortalityis tentatively attributedto birds, insects,and mammalseating seed and youngseedlings. Afterthe firstmonth, mortalitywas negligibleand counts in the type gave about 31,220 plantsper hecplot consistenitly low tare. The soil althoughsandyand inherenitly in nutrients, exceptpotassium,has been reasonably well managed with annual additionsof cow manure. The land was also well fertilizedwithammoniumiinitrate containinig33%s nitrate broadcast at a rate of 200 lb/acre on May 15 when the area was plouglhed. At the time of planting on May 19 fertilizercontaininignitrogeni,phosphorus, and poin the proportion 4:12:36 was applied at tassitumii 190 lb/acre and on June 3 a further 167 lb/acre of 33% nitrate fertilizerwas added as a side dressing. Weed growth, includinigAgropyron repens andl Setar-ia glauca, although fairly luxuriant, was not regarded as excessive by the farmers of the district. The greatest average height of maize was recorded in August wheni the average from soil level to the top of the tassel (male inflorescence') wvas208 cim. The maize crop was harvested for silage on September 10, but the type plot with a surrounidinigprotective strip of three to four rows was left to permit a final sampling in October. The moisture contents of the top 10 cm of mineral soil in the differentareas were determined as percentages of the ovendry weight, and the trend was for higlhermoisture contenit (max 41% ) in spring, a consistently low moisture contenit (mim 3% ) fromiiJune to September, and increasing moisture content in October. In general, the soil of the oakwood was wettest and the soils of the prairie and maize field were driest. These differences became less marked during the summer so that by midsummer there were no significant differencesbetweenithe four areas in soil moisture shrub layer was remarkably well developed, the type plot conitaining1,344 stems of Corylus arnericana, average height 87 cm; 23 1 stems Prtmnus v'irginiana,average height 119 cm; 86 stems Rubus idaeiis, var. strigosus, average height 53 cm; 21 stems Rosa blanda.,average hei.ght90 cm; 17 seedlings Pinus strobus, average height 47 cm; and 7 content. Winter 1963 TABLE II. AND BIOMASS 57 OF ECOSYSTEMS PRODUCTIVITY Ovendry weight of vegetation in the prairie type-expressed in kilograms per hectare SAMPLINGDATE Vegetationsample April 13 Living vegetation May 12 24 Herb layer............... Shrublayer Flowersandfruit.. . . 9. in 1959 Stemsformed July10 1 4 1985 August 10 642 488 59 0 Leaves......... June10 J7 J September October November 9 12 2 944 900 358 178 <8 <1 <1 <1 2 6 13 858 4,558 0 2 6 8 771 2,983 0 1 5 6 832 3,582 6 6 782 5,913 5 392 3,656 4 9 549 4,162 16 1,067 4,972 2 6 16 763 2,748 6,695 6,725 4,049 4,113 4,711 5,208 6,039 6,697 3,511 4,471 5,416 6,329 3,754 4,120 4,414 4,605 Dead vegetation Litter................... 2,871 2,044 2,453 3,047 2,687 2,374 3,023 3,805 Total weightofvegetation.... 9,596 6,157 7,661 9,744 7,158 8,703 7,143 8,410 Olderstems........... Total forshrublayer.* Subterraneanstems ...... Roots................... Roots and subterranean stems................ Total forlivingvegetation. TABLE III. Ovendry weight of vegetation in the savanna type-expressed in kilograms per hectare SAMPLING DATE Vegetationsample April 14 Living vegetation August 11 September October November 12 3 14 564 1,188 1,916 0 30 30 3 325 341 28 24 27 25 50 35 76 7 28 68 4 29 56 4 25 34 4 28 33 0 0 0 (13,511) (16,645) (30,156) 1,061 12,010 0 76 20 (13,511) (16,645) (30,252) 915 12,048 15 1,570 139 (13,511) (16,645) (31,880) 1,083 11,785 21 1,277 135 (13,511) (16,645) (31,589) 1,563 10,335 1,090 1,480 263 (13,511) (16,645) (32,989) 1,807 6,317 0 1,469 241 13,511 16,645 31,866 1,023 13,878 0 86 250 (13,511) (16,645) (30,492) 1,004 7,807 0 88 312 (13,511) (16,645) (30,556) 1,627 10,049 13,071 (43,287) 12,963 (43,362) 12,868 (45,362) 11,898 (44,751) 8,124 (43,097) 14,901 48,397 8,811 (39,799) 11,676 (42,569) ( 4,024) 8,169 (12,193) ( 4,024) 6,884 (10,908) ( 4,024) 8,848 (12,872) ( 4,024) 10,280 (14,304) 4,024 10,767 14,791 ( 4,024) 12,527 (16,551) ( (55,555) (56,270) (57,623) (57,401) 63,188 (56,350) (59,062) 30 Stemsformedin 1959.. Older stems........... Total forshrublayer Tree layer Flowersand fruit...... Leaves ............... Branchesformedin 1959 Older branches*....... Boles* ............... Total fortreelayer.... Subterraneanstems....... Roots.................. Roots and subterranean stems................ Total forlivingvegetation. 0 0 Leaves............... Dead vegetation ( 4,024) Dead stemson trees*. Litter.7........ .. 7,060 Total fordead vegetation.. (11,084) * July9 120 Herb layer............... Shrublayer Flowersand fruit. Total weightof vegetation.... June11 May 12 (54,371) 5 462 1,574 1 304 1 22 1 4 0 4,024) 12,469 (16,493) arebasedonthesevaluesin theSept.14column. 3 whentreeswerefelled.Data in parentheses SampledonlyAug.31-Sept. RESULTS relatThe resultsnot only provideinformation and ing to plant biomass, primaryproductivity, of organicmatterbut also demthe decomposition onstratethe broad differencesin plant biomass betweenthe fourecosystemsand the changesoccurringin each ecosystemthroughoutthe year It is important,however, to (Tables II-V). recognize the limitationsof the data. For example,the weightsof the threemain plant strata are not givento the same degreeof accuracy; this situationis inevitablewith such enormousdifferences in total weightsper unit area as exist betweenthe tree and herbaceouslayers of the oakto estimatethe wood. It is notoriouslydifficult weightof the root mass accurately,and the data 58 TABLE IV. Ecology,Vol. 44, No. 1 AND OTHERS J. D. OVINGTON Ovendry weight of vegetation in the oakwood type-expressed in kilograms per hectare SAMPLINGDATE Vegetationsample April 15 Living vegetation Herb layer.25 Shrublayer Flowersand fruit . .............. Leaves . June15 July10 37 91 81 159 207 66 41 67 67 52 1 218 l 184 140 33 57 244 311 368 520 371 589 407 613 458 638 464 555 490 547 0 853 53 ( 49,019) (111,888) (161,813) 51 15,409 3 2,389 115 ( 49,019) (111,888) (163,414) 48 19,249 7 2,626 172 ( 49,019) (111,888) (163,712) 114 20,630 11 2,848 292 ( 49,019) (111,888) (164,058) 126 13,517 20 3,543 483 49,019 111,888 164,953 122 15,738 0 975 220 ( 49,019) (111,888) (163,297) 90 11,844 0 1,274 280 ( 49,019) (111,888) (162,461) 192 9,889 15,460 (177,621) 19,297 (183,322) 20,744 (185,126) 13,643 (178,473) 15,860 181,658 11,934 (175,852) 10,081 (173,130) ( 2 in 1959.. Stemsformed ) J 319 Older stems........... 321 Total forshrublayer. . . Tree layer 0 Flowersand fruit...... 0 .... Leaves ... 0 Branchesformedin 1959 ( 49,019) Older branches*....... (111,888) Boles* ............... Total fortreelayer.... (160,907) 74 Subterraneanstems....... 12,881 Roots.................. Roots and subterranean . stems.......... 12,955 Total forlivingvegetation. (174,208) August 12 September October November 4 15 13 May 13 22 40 58 Dead vegetation ( 21,838) Dead stemson trees*. 34,226 Litter................... Total fordead vegetation.. ( 56,064) ( 21,838) 37,122 58,960) ( 21,838) 51,944 ( 73,782) ( 21,838) 38,622 ( 60,460) ( 21,838) 23,917 ( 45,755) 21,838 31,511 53,349 ( 21,838) 41,249 ( 63,087) ( 21,838) 35,279 ( 57,117) Total weightof vegetation.... (230,272) (236,581) (257,104) (245,586) (224,228) 235,007 (238,939) (230,247) * Sampled arebasedonthesevaluesin theSept.14column. onlySept,23-24whentreeswerefelled.Data in parentheses TABLE V. Ovendry weight of vegetation in the field of maize 1-expressed in kilograms per hectare DATE SAMPLING Vegetation sample June12 September October 10 15 July14 August20 1,881 1,848 1,740 4,719 1,689 5,537 1, i44 2,275 628 2,029 589 1,567 472 2,873 6,491 9,026 8,720 302 1,019 1,011 889 309 611 155 1,174 83 1,094 108 997 3 3,394 7 7,665 10,120 9,717 Maize Fruit(including grain,cob,and husk).. Leaves.18 Stem (includingI maleinflorescence)........ Roots.8 Total .26 Weeds Shoots.4 Roots and sub- terranean stemrs. 2 Total.6 Totalweight of 32 vegetation. J 902 1 Fieldploughed weight, May15andplantedMay19with8 kg,ovendry seed/ hectare. tree trunksand main brancheswere not determined until near the end of the growingseason and consequentlythe monthlychangesin the tree layer weights reflectdifferencesonly in stems, leaves, flowers,and fruitformedin the sample year. Finally,no attemptwas made to assess the amountof photosynthate used in plant respiration or the weightof living plant materialeaten by animals. Differencesof plant biomassamong thefourecosystems On all occasionswhenthe fourcommunity systems were sampled,the amountsof the different types of organic matterpresentdifferedgreatly fromarea to area. For example, in September the fieldof maize, the savanna, and the oakwood had, respectively,112, 8, and 28 times as much livingvegetationper hectareas the prairie. The weightsof living vegetationin the savanna and oakwood were much greater than those of the prairieor maize fieldmainlybecause of the high proportionof woody plants present,but the herbaceous layer of the savanna, even thoughpartly shaded,was double the weightof thatof the prairie. The woodlandherbaceouslayerwas thepoorest developed. The distributionof living' plant for these weightsare probablythe least accurate of all the measurementsobtained. Errors result fromfailureto cut the large tree roots with the soil corerand the loss of finerootsin washingthe in the soil away. Unexpectedlylarge differences total weightsof roots recordedfor the soil cores fromeach plotoccurred,and in view of thisvaria1"Living"hererefersto wholeplantbodiesoftheliving bilitymoresoil coresper plotwouldhave increased plants,exceptfor main roots and stumpsof the woody the precisionof the estimate. The weightsof the plants,whichwere not sampled. Winter 1963 BIOMASS AND PRODUCTIVITY matter among the herbaceous, shrub, and tree layersvaried,but theoverallaveragesfortheyear expressedas percentagesoftheabovegroundliving vegetationwere for the prairie98, 2, and 0; for the savanna 2, 0.1, and 98; and for the oakwood 0.05, 0.4, and over 99; so thatin none of thethree communitysystemsdid the shrublayer represent a largeproportionof thetotallivingplantbiomass. Althoughthe values given for the weightsof roots and subterraneanstems are probably too small, particularlyfor the roots of the wooded part of the plant biomass was area, a significant below groundlevel. The averageweightsof roots and subterraneanstems in the prairie, savanna, oakwood, and field of maize are 4,824, 11,789, 14,977,and 650 kg/ha respectively(Table VI), equal to 91%, 27%, 8%, and 1% of the living OF TABLE VII. Ovendry weight of plant material in the ground litter-expressed in kilograms per hectare (averages of all observations in sample period, April-November) Vegetationsample Litterfromtreesand shrubs VI. Plant biomass,ovendryweight,in fourecoLeaves .................. Acorns,twigsand bark. . . systems-expressedin kilogramsper hectare (averages Litterfromherbaceouslayer. of all observations in sampleperiod) TABLE ECOSYSTEMANDSAMPLEPERIOD Vegetationsample Herbaccouslayer............ Shrublayer................. Tree layer.................. Roots and subterraneanstems. Total livingvegetation....... Litteron ground............. Total dead plant material..... Total plant material......... Prairie (Apr.Nov.) Savanna (Apr.Nov.) Oakwood (Apr.Nov.) (June-Oct.) 449 10 0 4,824 5,283 2,788 2,788 8,071 770 47 31,223 11,789 43,829 9,625 13,650 57,479 88 512 163,076 14,997 1; 8,673 36,735 58,572 237,245 5,536 0 0 650 6,186 0 0 6,186 59 ECOSYSTEMS it originatedfromthe plantsof the herbaceousor woodylayers,but in theoakwoodtherewas a considerableaccumulationof blackamorphousorganic matterover the mineralsoil, almostfourtimesthe weight of relativelyfresh litter overlyingthe highlydecomposedorganic matter (Table VII). Virtuallyall of the plant materialpresenthad been producedwithineach type plot. The most notableexceptionwas the prairie into whichoak Amorphousplant material. . Total litter................ ECOSYSTEM Prairie 13 0 2,775 0 2,788 Savanna Oakwood 1,337 1,447 6,841 0 9,625 3,550 3,873 97 29,215 36,735 Maize plant biomass. The subterraneanstemscollected in the soil cores were mainlyfromplants of the herbaceous layer and when separated from the roots gave average weights of 741, 1,208, and fortheprairie,savanna,and 87 kg/harespectively oakwood, i.e., 165%, 155%, and 101% of the weightof the herbaceouslayerpresent. Considerableamountsofdead plantmaterialhad accumulated aboveground in the three natural systems;thustheaverageweights plantcommunity of obviouslydead organicmatterper hectarefor the prairie, savanna, and oakwood were 2,788, 13,650,and 58,572 kg, respectively. Such material as the heartwoodof the treeswas includedin the living biomass althoughthe cells are mainly dead. In the savanna and oakwood the dead organic matterwhichhad not fallento the ground but remainedattachedto the trees and shrubsas dead branchesamountedto about one-thirdof the total dead plant matterin the savanna and just undera half in the oakwood. In the prairieand savanna virtuallyall of the dead organic matter overlyingthe mineralsoil was undecomposedand could be readily separatedaccordingto whether leaves were blown fromthe surroundingsavanna areas and held betweenprairie plants, but oak leaves were nevermorethan2%oby weightof the prairielitter. Changesin thefourecosystems throughout theyear The total dry weightsof all types of organic matter recorded in the four ecosystemsvaried considerablythroughout the samplingseason from 32 to 10,120 kg/hain the fieldof maize,6,157 to 9,744 in the prairie, 54,371 to 63,188 in the savanna,and 224,227 to 257,103 in the oakwood. These differencespartly reflectinherentdifferences in the chosen samples,and partlychanges in amountsof accumulatedphotosynthate.Except forthe maize field,wheretherewas a progressive increasein the totalweightof the vegetationfrom April to Septemberand a decrease in October and November,the totalweightof organicmatter in the ecosystemsvaried irregularlythroughout the year,partlya resultof the varietyof factors influencing the totalplantbiomassvalue estimates of thenaturalcommunities. Before the onset of spring growth,there was little significantdifferencebetween the prairie, savanna,and oakwood in the weightsof the living herbaceouslayers. In all threeareas the weight of the herbaceous layer increased from April to August or September,and there was a rapid fall in dry weight in October and November; sincetheNovembervalues weregreaterthanthose of April therewould possiblybe furtherdecrease ()() J. D. OVINGTON AN'D OTHERS i y)1O04v, Vol. 44, No. 1 are only a small l)art of the total imiass. \Whentlhe April samples were collected, the tree buds hiad not opened. Growth of the iieNw slhoots was rapid in the following months,and the maximumllweights were reached in August or September, after which the weight decreased rapidly to November Nhein much of the fruit anid leaves had fallen. ILeaves constituted the largest part of the shoot production, but in the savanna large amounts of acorns were produced wlhiclhincreased rapidly in veiglht inicrease in the savanna was 19 times and in the and of ANuglust oakwood 4 timies,hut dur-iingmost of this period at the end of July and( beginnin'11g of active growth, the field of maize was bare and were shed before the Septemiber samiplinig. rhe tiii)rodtuctive. Although the production of or- samp)le year imay have beenI unusual in the large was delayed in the planted crop, wlhen amount of acornis produced oii the trees of the ganiicimiatter the imiaizeaiid its associated weeds started growing, savainina,but the abundance of o0l( acorn cuptnles inicrease wvascomiparativelyrapid, and oIn the grounid suggestedI that ligh acorni prodtlcthe wveiglht fromiijune to July dry weiglht increased over a tioIn was a fairlyregular evenitin tlhesavanniiaarea, so that the weight of living vegetation possiblv because virtually the wh-oleof each tree hulnd(redfold in the iaize fiel(d in July greatly exceeded the crowniwas in fulll lighlt. Thle weights of otlher comiponeintsof the ecoweights of the herhaceous layers in the natural systeimirecorded at each sampling period, namiely ConilIUinlity systems, (lespite their earlier start. of all the shrub layers increased roots, subterranean stems, and litter,did niotshoW rhe w,veights froImllow values in April, whein the buds of the marked progressive changes through the year. In woodland shrubs had just begun to open, to maxi- the case of root systems this lack of change may be iiitiiii values about August, after which leaf fall due to inadequacy of sampliing,but in the case ot eighIts steimis chainge in gro'1ss. Wn occtirre(land(Iweicht (lecreased rapidly to Novem- subterranean the year cotuldin fact Ic imir,aSince a-s her. Thlie recorded weights of the older shrubl) tlhrouglhout are exhausted niew rhizomlles may 1e stemiisin the prairie and savanna were nIot greatly old rlhizonmes nlot (lifferelit at the beginining and einl of the growiing forme(d aIndI the total rhizolllmemIaSs w\-otuld se.asonlo,i.e., in April anid Novemilber,but in the chanige greatly. Greater weights of litter .ccnlmed monithswhleni leaf fall oa),kwoodthere hadlbeen a large itncreasein weiglht to be present in the autumniiiii as of the older slhrul) stemiis. OIn the wlhole, the occurre(l, but inicreases wver-eniot ats imarl-ked major clhanigesin the weiglhtsof the shrub layers mlight be expected. While bur oak leav-es fall throughout the year can be attributed to the pro- promptly in October, many of the leaves are redutctioniof new shoots, the magnitude of change tainled oIn northerinpin, nortlhernred, anld wvhite and the l)roportion of stemi, leaves, flower, and oaks througlhoutthe winiterand( they fall only a before bud expansioin in sprinig. In1frtit v-aryingaccordiing to the species of shrub, week or tws-o timie of year, and shrubl)size. \When the shrub creasing litter fall may hlave been compensate(l to weights, the weight some extent by increasiig decomposition in the layers attainiedtheir mlaximiiumii of the new shloots formed a large proportion of warmil,wet autumin weatlher,and(Ieveen if, in the thle g-ross weight, in the case of the prairie and oakwoo-o(l of the for inistaince,all the leav-esand(Ifi-ruit savainia mior-etlhanithe wveightof the oldler stems. herbaceouts and shrul) and tree layers bad falleni I eaves constittited the largest part of the new froimiAugust to Nov-emb)er,the av erage mionthly shoot weight. After leaf fall in November the fall would have been only,about 1.000 kgy'/ha onito weight of the newvstems wvasotnlyabout 12%7cof a litter nmassweigg-hing about 40,000 kg 'ha. The that of the old stems so that if the weights of the increase in weight would be (liffictult to demiionishrub layers are constant from year to year, this strate more intensive sampling. 12% increase in stem xveightmust be counterbalanicedby a correspondinigimortalityof either old or Prodiction of organic msa-tter new stems in the winter period. Lawrence, who Aninual productiv,ityis Inot synonymous with has visited these areas regularly for imany years, believes that the shrub layer has gradually becomie plant biomass nor with gross changes in plant cltieto receintlprotectionfrombtirn- biomass from year to year, for a plant com-iunity more lutxtrianlt may not is normally composed of many differentspecies and ing so that stemiiproduction aindIimiortality individuals of the same species which do not necesbe exactly equal. The tree layers differfrom the shrub layers in sarily attain theirgreatest itndividualweights at the that the new shoots formed in the sample year time of maximum community biomass. Further- period. Over the whole (luriingthe overwiniterinig growing perio(1the greatest increase in dry weight of the herbaceous layer occurred in the savanna and the least in the oakwood. The herbaceous layers of the inaturalcommunities had made about onie-thirdof their total growth in early spring before the imaize wvasplanted. By June the herbaceous layer of the prairie had increased to about 20 times the April Neight while the corresponding Winter1963 AND BIOMASS PRODUCTIVITY OF ECOSYSTEMS 61 annualproductivity was greaterin thecommunities wheretheproportionof woodyplantswas greater. The shrubs and trees ratherthan the forbsand grasses became the most productivemembersof the community,as the zone of photosynthetic activitybecamemorecompleteand extendedhigher above the earth'ssurface. Despite its short growing season the field of maize gave a high annual productionof organic mattereven thoughit containedno woodyplants, but in thiscase the soil had been greatlymodified and the high level of organic matterproduction was dependentuponheavyapplicationoffertilizers to the soil. Bray,Lawrence,and Pearson (1959) have shown the large differences in productivity betweenmaize grownwithand withoutfertilizers. Provided soil conditionsare suitable,maize, althoughrelativelylate in startingactivegrowth,is able to grow rapidlyand, by virtueof its height and density,carries a large weightof photosyntheticorgans,muchgreaterthanthe prairievegetation. Most of the organic matteris produced betweenmid-Mayand mid-September over a periodof about 125 days,whichamountsto an average daily productionof about 85 kg/ha for both ovendry maize and weed plantstogether. Annualprimarynet productivity, more some of the organicmatterproduced,e.g., flowers,bud scales,and lowerleaves,are shed before individual plants attain their maximum complicatedwhen weights.The situationis further containsbiennialsand perentheplantcommunity nials. Finally,samplingcan rarelybe so frequent thatthereis no dangerofmissingthepeak weights oftheplants.Odum (1960), workingwiththerelaof the early tivelysimpleecosystemscharacteristic successionalstages followingthe abandonmentof assofields,has overcomesome of the difficulties of organicproducciated with the determination tionand turnoverby weighingtogetherat monthly intervalsall plants of a given species, also litter of thesespecies,separately. In the presentinvestigation the maize, the shrubs,and to a more limitedextentthe trees,have been sampledseparatelyby species. The herbaceouslayer,consisting mainlyof perennials,was so complexthat it was consideredonly as a whole, and estimatesof its annual productivityare thereforebased on the betweenthe recordedmaximumweight difference and lowest overwinteringweight of the aboveestimates groundparts. Consequentlyproductivity (Table VIII) will tendto be low. TABLE VIII. weight-expressedin kilogramsper hectare DISCUSSION ECOSYSTEM Vegetation samp)le _._ Prairie Savanna 182 389 9,456' 412 0 2,833 4,046 0 0 5033 5,263 3,5753 1,886 Herbaceouslayer.920 .10 Shrublayer Treelayer Shootsofsampleyear... older Bolesandbranches thancurrent year Total foraerial parts. Rootsandsubterranean stems.- Oakwood _ Maize 930 - 8,192 - 0 0 9,456 1,211 1 Peakbiomass pluspeakofweedsin August. ofmaizein September 2 Peakof1959stems, ofwoodin older in July;increment leaves,and flowers stemsconsidered tobe zero(seeTableIII). 3 Thesevaluesmayseriously sincetheyaremeanvaluesobtained underestimate theexisting biomass bytreeage. bydividing The amounts of organic matterproduced annually in the ecosystemsdiffergreatly (Table Site factorssuch as soil conditionswere VIII). not exactly comparable, since the prairie and savanna areas were on dune sand fromwhichthe mineral colloids have been winnowedby wind, whereas the oakwood was on glacial outwash,a surfacewitha muchhigher primaryphysiographic colloidal content(Cooper 1935). In the case of the three natural communitiesit seems unlikely were sufficiently great to that the site differences in annualproducaccountforthelarge differences tivity. Differencesof formand structureof the vegetationseem to be the more importantfactors that and it is significant productivity, influencing All fourcommunitysystemswere very heterogeneous and the variabilitychangedconsiderably throughtheyear (Tables II-V). The maize field was the simplestand mostuniformecosystem,but in July the 400 measuredcorn plants varied in heightfrom73 to 153 cm, while in the,following monththe heightrange was from128 to 276 cm. In additionto thisspatialand timediversity, each plant communitywas composedof plants with a wide rangeof forms,e.g. frommosses to treesin the savanna and oakwood,and the plant material exhibitedall stages of decomposition.With such diverseorganic matterso irregularlydistributed, multiplesamplingis necessaryto characterizeeach ecosystemas a whole. Froma practicalviewpoint, however,the intensityof samplingalso depends upontheavailableman-hoursand theneedto avoid samplingso intensivelythat the vegetationis seriouslymodifiedfor futurework. The sampling techniquesrepresenta compromisebetweenthese different considerationsbut neverthelessserve to demonstratebroad differencesin plant biomass and some of the seasonal changesoccurringin the fourecosystems. Over the wintermonthsthe maize fieldis bare of vegetationand the soil surfaceis exposedto the weather. In contrast,the threenaturalcommunities alwayshave a plantcoverand withtheadvent of springare able to initiategrowthquicklyand 62 J. D. OVINGTON effectively.It is clear, however,that duringthe periodwhen the maize plantsare well established use is made and cover the ground,very efficient productiontemporarofthesiteso thatthemonthly ily exceeds thatof the naturalcommunities.The of the maize fieldat this stage higherefficiency comparedto the oakwood may be due to the high levels of soil nutrientsavailable as a resultof the fertilizerapplicationsand to the factthat a much higherproportionof the livingcells are photosyntheticin themaize thanin the oakwoodplants. under The data have been analyzedstatistically the guidanceof M. D. Mountford,and the main describedamong the four ecosystems differences provedto be significant.To give some indication of the samplingtechnique,data of theeffectiveness forthe herbaceouslayerand rootmass were summarizedin termsof the fourquartersof each type plot (Table IX). Throughouttheyearthe smallest weightof the herbaceouslayer recordedfora IX. Ovendry weights of the aerial herbaceous layer and of the subterranean organs of the quarters of the type plots-expressed in grams TABLE TYPE PLOT Prairie _ Month _ Oakwood Savanna Ecology,Vol. 44, No. 1 AND OTHERS primarilyto the presenceof woody perennialscapable of makingfulleruse of site conditions. In contrast,the artificialcommunityof the maize fielddoes not containwoodyperennials,but the recordedannual productivity is relativelyhigh and appears to be about equal to thatof oakwood. The recordedestimateof annual productivity of the oakwoodis certainlytoo low, however,forthe annualproductionof treeboles and mainbranches is an averageforthelifeof thetrees,duringwhich growthhas increasedgreatly,and withinthe ecosystemas a whole some treesand possiblyshrubs and herbaceousplants will have been suppressed, killed, and decomposed. Consequentlyit seems thatthe oakwood is the mostefficient producerof organic matter. Furthermore,the maize can be sustainedon a long-term basis onlybyconsiderable human effortand the applicationof considerable amountsof fertilizer. In contrast,the oakwood has receivedno input of human energyand no applicationof fertilizers. The organicmattercollectedin thisinvestigation has been analyzedforchlorophyll, energy,and nutrientcontent,and later papers will considerthe fourecosystemsfromtheseaspects. SUMMARY Sample plots were markedout in typicalareas of prairie,savanna, and oakwood, and in a field 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 April....... of maize, at Cedar Creek Natural HistoryArea, 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 May ....... Minnesota. Plant biomass determinationsfor 0.3 1.0 2.9 1.1 JUne....... 0.3 0.6 1.9 2.9 July....... monthlyintervalsfromApril to Novembershow 0.6 0.9 4.4 1.5 August....... the seasonal rhythms of the different characteristic 0.8 1.5 4.2 September... 2.8 0.4 0.3 1.7 October.... . 1.2 ecosystemsand the large differences betweeneco0.1 0.3 0.9 November... 0.6 systemsin the amount of organic matterthey Subterraneanorgars per ccre contain. While it is recognizedthatthereare great dif7.3 9.2 15.9 10.7 6.3 6.3 12.5 3.0 4.5 April....... 7.2 16.9 11.8 5.2 9.2 2.8 16.5 1.7 3.6 May....... ferencesin the accuracyof the estimatedproduc9.2 19.5 14.8 9.0 3.1 5.6 13.9 4.7 June....... 1.9 tivityvalues,the maize estimatesbeingmostaccu6.4 10.1 8.9 19.9 15.8 7.9 3.1 4.1 3.8 July....... rate and the woodlands the least, primarynet 11.7 10.4 5.4 8.5 4.4 4.8 2.8 2.7 1.6 August....... 14.4 10.6 10.6 13.7 12.1 3.5 6.0 3.9 September... 2.5 productivityprobably increases from prairie to 9.1 7.3 11.0 2.3 4.3 6.0 6.9 1.8 2.9 October..... savanlnato oakwood. The annual productivity of 11.4 5.7 7.6 7.7 2.1 2.7 4.0 9.0 3.9 November.. the naturalwoodlandis probablyhigherthanthat .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of theintensively managedmaize field. greaterthan quarterin the savanna is consistently It is suggestedthat in the upland communities themaximumforany quarterof the oakwoodplot. of the Cedar Creek region,the presenceof woody Similarly,for root mass, the smallestvalue for a perennialplants is associated with an increasein greaterthan three of the dynamicprocesses in materialand quarterin theoakwoodis consistently the largestvalue forany quarterof the typeplot energy flow of ecosystems,i.e., the production, in the prairie. and decomposition oforganicmatter. accumulation, The living plant biomass decreases fromoakwood to savanna to prairie,as do the amountof ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and ordead plant material,annual productivity, This study owes much to a number of people who coganic matterturnover,if our assumptionis cor- operated in it, especially to Gerald Martin, Allan Bonde, Philip Neumann, and Joyce Ovington who assisted with rect that the weight of dead organic matteris the collection and sorting of the plant material, and to relativelyconstantfromyear to year. These dif- Elizabeth Lawrence who kindly checked the manuscript. ferencesin ecosystemdynamicsseem to relate We are indebtedto Alvar Peterson who planted and culMin Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Herbaceous layer per clip quadrat 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.1 1.8 2.6 2.0 2.3 0.2 5.5 4.8 2.6 3.9 0.3 14.4 7.7 3.8 3.8 0.4 3.2 6.3 8.9 3.6 0.1 1.4 2.7 1.0 1.9 0.1 1.2 0.7 0.5 1.9 Max Avg Winter 1963 SYMPATRIC 63 GASTROPODS tivated the maize on his own farm and permittedsampling beyond the stage at which he would have harvested it for silage. Gratefulacknowledgmentis made to the Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the Graduate School of the Universityof Minnesota for financial assistance. Permission to sample at the Cedar Creek Natural History Area was given by the Universityof Minnesota and the Minnesota Academy of Science. Time. Univ. Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minn. 116 p. Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany. Amer. Book Co., New York. 1632 p. Lindeman, R. L. 1942. The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology. Ecology 23: 399-418. Odum, E. P. 1960. Organic production and turnover in old field succession. Ecology 41: 34-49. Pierce, R. L. 1954. Vegetation cover types and land use history of the Cedar Creek Natural History CITED LITERATURE Reservation, Anoka and Isanti Counties, Minnesota. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Bray, J. R. 1960. The chlorophyll content of some 137 p. native and managed plant communities in central Minnesota. Canadian J. Bot. 38: 313-333. Weaver, J. E. 1958a. Summary and interpretation of underground development in natural grassland comBray, J. R., D. B. Lawrence, and L. C. Pearson. 1959. munities. Ecol. Monographs 28: 55-78. Primary production in some Minnesota terrestrial communities for 1957. Oikos 10: 38-49. . 1958b. Classification of root systems of forbs of grassland and a consideration of their significance. Cooper, W. S. 1935. The history of the Upper MisEcology 39: 393-401. sissippi River in Lake Wisconsin and Postglacial TROPHIC RELATIONSHIPS OF 8 SYMPATRIC PREDATORY GASTROPODS ROBERT T. PAINE of Zoology, Universityof Washingtont,Scattic Dcpartmnent observerto concentratehis effortson a functional INTRODUCTION 1lexusin whichthe speA commonapproachto ecologicalproblemsin- unitwithinthecommunity is limited. Where theseunitsare volves the descriptionof food habitsof singlespe- cies membership in mind,offoodchains recognizabletheyshould serve as a naturalintercies or,withthecommunity interactions and webs and their energeticimplications. In mediarybetweensimplepredator-prey recentyears food chains have receivedrelatively in whichsome of the basic biologyfor each comlittle quantitativeattention,except as an entity ponentis known,and analysesof wholecommuniexisting within and contributingto community ties whiclhtend to ignore specificdetails. The organization. Elton (1927) describedone type presentanlalysishas been concernedwithdescribof food chain as originatingfromherbivoresof ing such a subdivisioninvolving8 large (shell various sizes, radiatingout fromthese,and even- length5-35 cm) predatorygastropodsand their in some ultimatepredatorwith- prey,and with examiningthe associationfor any tuallyculminating out consequentialpredators of its own. Food propertiescharacterizingthe functioningof the chainstendto be shortbecauseofcontinuedenergy whole assemblage. The authoris gratefulto Florida State Univerdegradation at each transfer,and Hutchinson forpermissionto resideat the AlligatorHarsity (1959) suggeststhata maximumof 5 linksexists. Laboratory,FranklinCounty,Florida, Food chains thus are concise units of community bor i\'Iarine wherethe data were obtained,and to R. B. Root structure. However, the ideally realized food chain is an and C. E. King forcriticism. abstractionsince it may be said thatall organismis BIOTOPE AND BIOTA eithereat or are eaten by more than one other Shallow water marine habitats of western species (Allee et al. 1949). It is thus probably difficult to describe a naturallyoccurringmulti- Florida provideexceptional,and perhaps unique, to observepredatorygastropods.Not linkedfood chain in whicheach successivepreda- opportunities tor eats only a single prey species and when the only is the fauna diverse,but some of the gastrofood consumedat each trophiclevel is completely pods are amongthelargest,and hencemostreadily known. It is possible, though,to describe the observable,in the world. Sandbars such as the communityfood web and, because a numberof one to be describedare inhabitednormallyby 8 to sub- species attaininga length greater than 5.0 cm: "top predators"exist in each community, dividethefoodweb intomoreor less discreteunits PleuroplocagiganteaKiener,Fasciolaria tulipaL., in its own "top predator." Such F. hunteriaPerry, Busycon contrariumConrad, each culminating a divisionis oftendesirablebecause it permitsthe B. spiraturnLamarck,Murex floriferReeve, Poli-