
Osama Bin Laden's Last Will? December 03, 2002

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Osama Bin Laden's Last Will? December 03, 2002
Osama Bin Laden's Last Will?
December 03, 2002
[Please note: Images may have been removed from this document. Page numbers have been
(Editors Note: We caution readers that we can not verify the authenticity of this text which is
said to be the last Will of Osama bin Laden found at Tora Bora. Parts of this are very similar to
that of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam which may be because he was a mentor to Bin Laden or this
could indicate problems with its authenticity. Bits and pieces of this Will have floated around the
internet in recent weeks however SANA News yesterday published this comprehensive
version. Here it is in its entirety, translated to English by JUS translators, and published here,
uncut and uncensored, for you to decide.)
We remind our viewers that the statements, opinions and points of view expressed in this article
are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that they are necessarily those of Jihad
Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers, contributors or staff.
Osama bin Laden has said that the day of judgment for Kuffar (Unbelievers) of West and the
Americans is now very near and that the attacks on New York and Washington were a
continuation of the war America started. These views are to have been expressed by Osama
bin Laden in what is allegedly his last will, which was recently printed in an Arab Magazine in
London. The will is to have be written by last year, during American bombing on Tora Bora and
is entitled" Last Will of Servant Osama bin Laden to Allah Ta'ala"
"Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala has commanded that, when any one of us is going to embrace death,
we should write a will for our parents, relatives and the Muslims as in difficult times these are
like parents and relatives.
Allah SWT is a just witness to the fact that I took Jihad and death in the path of Allah as my
aim and intention of life. The ayahs of swords are always echoing in my heart. If a Muslim asks
himself why our Ummah is scared and frightened today, he will find only one answer - by
adopting the luxuries of this world the Ummah has turned its back on the Book of Allah and the
Sunnah of Prophet (saw) even though this very book has the solution to all problems of our
Today the Jews and the Christians growl at us and attack us because of the wealth and the
apparent opulence of this world, and this has become second nature to us. We are stagnant and
like women, and the love of death has escaped our hearts. The hearts of my Mujahideen and me
bleed when we see that America is slaughtering the men, women and children of our Ummah
mercilessly while our Ummah watches this like a movie.
The biggest problem with our Ummah is their fear of death and it is the root cause of all other
problems. Everything has been turned upside down. Today the coward Christians and the most
disgraced nation, the Jews, have gathered at one place and are taking part in the mass murder of
the Muslims while the Muslim governments are waving white flags of peace and are helping the
enemies of Allah in accomplishing their tasks. There were some groups in the Taliban who did
not show perseverance and many of them were captured and many of them left the grounds,
even before facing the enemy.
Today our Ummah is waiting for our and the Taliban's success, who ran the first Islamic
government successfully and implemented Sharia'h law (Islamic law). This alone was enough for
the United States to oppose Taliban and so America gathered its ally's and the Northern Alliance
and made them stand
against the Taliban that resulted in massive destruction and murder in Afghanistan. The agent
countries of the United States and the Northern Alliance Mujahideen spied against the Taliban for
America and Britain. In the end the Taliban regime was brought to a halt in Afghanistan and the
laws of Sharia'h were made obsolete. Veils were abandoned a n d t h e b e a r d o f t h e S u n n a h o f
Prophet (saw) lost its meaning.
The Ummah is also aware of the fact that another problem is with the Ulamahs, who reject the laws of
Shariah and explain the laws by keeping in mind the logic (maslehat) of this world. They have gone
astray to such an extent that a common man of Ummah cannot even begin to imagine it. They came to
Afghanistan to stop their Ulamah from destroying the statue of the idols. But the Ulamah of Taliban
stuck to their true religion and rejected these Ulamah's reasoning. Their point of view was that of the
Jews and the Christians. They were denying the word of Allah (swt) "these Jews and Christians will never
agree to you unless you follow them." These Ulamah were fraudulent in their duties, which could have
been detrimental and was not helpful to our Ummah.
If Allah wills America will face defeat, just like the Battle of Mautah...where Prophet (saw) guided
the Muslims and Allah Ta'ala granted the Muslims with victory and the enemies with downfall, despite
the fact that the Muslims had fewer military resources.
The attacks on New York and Washington were a part of this war which has been geared up against
America. In this sequence the first part was an attack on the American marines in Lebanon, which killed
many American soldiers. The next one, the attack on American Embassy in Nairobi was an answer to
the attack on Somalia, in which thirty one thousand Muslims were killed under the flag of the United
There is no doubt that right now we are weaker than the western nations by the definition of this
world but Allah (swt) has given us an opportunity to destroy America and the West. Now this
destruction has become the fate! Whether it takes a year or it takes many decades, it cannot
stop now! The day of resurrection of the Kafir West and America has arrived!
O the youth of Ummah! Wish for death which is more beautiful than life, and hold onto those Ulamah
who do not leave the side of piousness, devoutness and announcing truth, no matter how small they
are in number. These Ulamah cry for the present state of their Ummah day and night. Refrain from
adopting the lifestyles of the ignorant Nations. Their apparently calm and happy life is in fact a trap,
which has surrounded them from all sides. Man made laws have taken their moral values to the
epoch of devastation. The people belonging to these countries have made organizations to
create mass destruction in the Muslim countries. These organizations are working to damage
the ethics (and morals) of the Muslim women and the Muslim society.
The women of my Ummah! You have been given a heavy duty from Allah. Allah (swt) has given you
the status, which no body else has. You are the mothers of our Ulamah and Mujahideen. You are the
institution which educates the Ulamah and the Mujahideen before they start their struggle in
the path of Allah. The lives of the Ummahat ul Mo'mineen (Mothers of the believers) are a
guide for you.
To my wives who have been given the responsibility to bring up my children. May Allah give you reward
you for it Ameen! After me you will be a witness to my children. From the very first day of starting your
lives with me, you knew that my path is filled with hardships in this world. You abandoned the comforts
of your parents' houses and stood by my side in the difficult hours. Your lives were adorned with Ibadah and
I am sure that you will increase in your Ibadah when I am not here. You have the responsibility of my
children. I give them into you hifazah (sanctuary) after Allah and hope that you will bring them up as good
Muslims, like Muslim mothers do.
My sons! As a father I could not give you the time which was your right because I have spared my life for
the struggle in the path of Allah. I decided to fight the Kuffar (unbelievers) for the sake of the
Muslims. This path has deceit and is surrounded by dishonest and the deceitful people. This dishonesty
and deceit has brought us to this present day condition. But Inshallah (if Allah wills) I am not going to
stray from the path of Allah. I advise you of Taqwa (abstinence from this world and fear of Allah), because
this is the most precious asset of this worldly life. I also advise you to stay away from the leadership of Al
Qaida, just as Hazrat Umer Radhi Allah u Anh u advi sed hi s so n to stay away fro m
Khi laf ah .
In the end I advise the Muslim Mujahideen to pay attention towards their battle groups.
Besides fighting with the Jews and the Christians, it is also necessary to evacuate your
groups from the hypocrites. These hypocrites have caused unforgiving harm to the
Ummah and the forces of Islamic countries have become a tool for the West. Today we have
Muslim generals who act like woman and it is futile to expect help against Kuffar (disbelievers)
from them therefore it is necessary to remove these hypocrites from the Muslim battle groups
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