
Investment Banking & Investment Management Overview

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Investment Banking & Investment Management Overview
Investment Banking & Investment Management
For electronic resources, links to relevant websites, and for further information on this
occupational sector, visit the Careers
A-Z section of the Careers Centre website:
The effect of the large scale restructuring in financial
services has led to a decrease in jobs but this is still the 5th
most popular career choice with St Andrews graduates . You
will find fellow alumni working at most of the top financial
institutions around the world. It has one of the highest starting
salaries, with an average of £38,250 in London.
Stripped of the jargon, the basic function of the financial
markets could not be simpler – the industry exists primarily to
channel money from savers to borrowers, from those who have
surplus capital to those who need capital to finance trade or
expand businesses. Investment Banking offers a greater range of
jobs than simply revenue generation (front office), the corporate division (back office) deals with support functions
such as operations, IT, audit and HR.
Investment Management is a term used to describe asset management (including hedge funds), fund
management, wealth management or portfolio management. While many investment banks may have asset
management or other related divisions, investment management is a large and important global industry in its own
right, responsible for trillions of dollars, euros, pounds and yen. Working in investment requires individuals to be
sharp, analytical and resilient, but the rewards are amongst the highest of any graduate career and competition for
places is intense.
How do I find out more?
Use the Careers Centre website to begin an on-line search and find links to information on courses and vacancies.
Check the Careers Centre website to find out which banks will have a presence at the University either at the Graduate
Management and Finance Fair or at individual events. www.st-andrews.ac.uk/careers/#events
eFinancialCareers is a website packed with useful information including internships and vacancies:
Visit the Careers Alumni Network on the Careers Centre website (Networking section) and find alumni of the university who
work in this sector.
Use LinkedIn – this professional networking site can be a great way to make contact with St Andrews alumni working in this
sector. By joining the St Andrews alumni groups, University of St Andrews Alumni and University of
St Andrews - Mentorship Programme, you are able to make contact directly with alumni. Further details can be found on
our website www.st-andrews.ac.uk/careers/alumni/networkwithstudentsandalumni/linkedin/
Is it right for me?
Have I spoken to someone who actually works in the Investment Banking/Investment Management to find
out more about what’s involved?
Have I got a genuine interest and enthusiasm in the financial markets e.g. regular reader of the Financial
Times ?
Do I have an understanding of the different roles and which would suit me?
Am I motivated and committed enough to work long hours and have a limited social life outside the office ?
Can I confidently communicate why I am interested in Investment Banking/Investment Management and
why I am suited to it?
(continued overleaf)
Do I have what it takes?
Excellent numerical and analytical skills with attention to
Resilience and the ability to work under pressure to meet tight
Communication and interpersonal skills when working as part
of a team and with clients
Confidence to make difficult decisions
Comprehensive understanding of how financial markets and
the global economy work
Tactics for success
Try to obtain relevant experience – completing an internship with an investment bank can be a valuable way of
securing a job. In some cases, up to 80% of graduate positions are offered to interns. Internships are mainly
for penultimate-year students but there is a growing trend among the big banks to offer shorter work experience
to second year students in the Easter vacation. Most of the larger internships are detailed on the Careers
Centre website: www.st-andrews.ac.uk/careers/wiki/Investment_Banking_&_Investment_Management
Look at websites for application dates, most deadlines are around November but it is advisable to apply earlier
as some operate a ‘rolling’ system—ie first come, first served.
Competition is fierce so make sure you understand the culture and ethos of the organisation you are applying
to, this is just as important as the skills and talents you bring to the job. Getting involved in extra–curricular
activities will help your application stand out and give you the opportunity to gain competencies which are
essential for the job.
Employers have told us if an applicant can demonstrate they have given serious thought to which role suits
them and can demonstrate an enthusiasm and passion for this area, they are much more likely to be
successful. On-line quizzes are available which can help you decide the role which suits you.
Preparation for the selection process is essential. You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate that you
posses the key competencies required for the job (these will normally be stated on the Bank’s website). A
popular format is a combination of reasoning tests, interviews and attendance at an assessment centre. Check
out the resources available to help you at the Careers Centre.
Next Steps
Pamela Andrew is the careers adviser responsible for this occupational area.
Visit the Careers Centre website to check when Pamela is the afternoon adviser.
August 2013
Careers Centre, 6 St Mary’s Place, St Andrews, KY16 9UY
[t] 01334 462688 [e] [email protected] [w] www.st-andrews.ac.uk/careers
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