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Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Parish Family Parish Family
Sacred Heart
Parish Family
September 14, 2014
The Feast of the
Exaltation of the
Holy Cross
“We adore O Christ
and we praise You,
because by your
Holy Cross You
have redeemed
the world.”
Sacred Heart Church
303 Paris Street
East Boston, MA 02128
Phone 617.567.5776
Fax 617.567.3042
Mass Schedule
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:30 & 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed., & Friday
Tues., Thurs., Saturday
Mass (English)
Mass (English)
Mass (Italiano)
8:00 a.m. Mass (Italiano)
8:00 a.m. Mass (English)
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Wayne L. Belschner
Deacon A.J. Constantino
Permanent Deacon
Lucy M. Ryan
Executive Secretary
Betty Constantino
Youth Coordinator
Fr. Chris O’Connor
Weekend Assistance
Sharon Love
Music Director
Fr. Joseph Chinh Nguyen
Vietnamese Community
Domenic Huan Ngo
Parish Seminarian
Sharon Rozzi
Religious Ed. Director
Mary Ann Manfredonia
Principal, East Boston
Central Catholic School
Parish website: www.rc.net/boston/sacredhearteast
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014
Offertory Collection for August 31st:
Masses for the Week
Monday, September 15
8:00 a.m.
Dante and Anna Gaeta
4:00 p.m. (Saturday)
8:30 a.m. (Sunday)
Tuesday, September 16
8:00 a.m.
Giuseppina and Giuseppe Castiello
10:00 a.m. (Sunday)
11:30 a.m. (Sunday)
Wednesday, September 17
8:00 a.m.
Remo Pizzicannella
1:00 p.m. (Sunday)
Thursday, September 18
8:00 a.m.
Bernice Surette
Our weekly goal is $3,700.00. This week we were
minus by $714.00.
Friday, September 19
8:00 a.m.
Alessandro and Maria Grazia Rago
and Nicolena Leone
Second Collections:
This weekend is our regular Monthly Collection.
Next weekend will be for the Clergy Benefit Trust.
Saturday, September 20
8:00 a.m.
Community Mass: Souls in Purgatory,
Bernice Surette, Paul McNamara,
Arcangelo DePasquale, Gennaro
Sarno, Barbara Pungitore, Deceased
Members of Tran Family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ngan Thuan, John and Phyllis
Lepore, Jessie Lucey, Elvira Anti,
The Reverends Raymond O. Goulet,
Albin F. Janiunas, Stanislaw Z.
Kempa, Victor C. LaVoie, and
Thomas J. Reilly, Deceased Members
of Mario Family, Kay Mario, Lena
Armstrong, Vincenza Aresco,
Edwarde Munroe
4:00 p.m.
Grace, Ralph and Paul Staffier
Prayers for those who are ill
Helen Gillette, Columbia LaRosa, Mark Vitale, Jim
LaRosa, Greg Buscanera, Patricia Chester-Banks, Janet
Lang, Geraldine Ventre, Kim Pelosi, Renee Campanella, Paula Romano-Duggan, Joseph Oliveri, Sr., James
Butler, Larry Atkinson, Ellen Grato, Paul Dean, Edel
Richard, Diane Trainito, Lucy Alabiso, Dennis Grubich, Carol Sinclaire, Hannah Sheehan, Cheryl Brown,
Frank Roycroft, Paula Ann Keough, Nancy Shlegal,
Gill Gosselin, Maria Gilmore, Nancy and Alexa Albano, Anna Recupero, Rita Ferro, Joseph Hughes,
Amelia Falanga, Marilyn Marsiglia, Babes Clifford,
Rose Maffei, Patrick J. Picariello, Donald Manfra,
Camile DiOrio, Carmella McDonald, Libardo Tobon,
Joseph Yannetty, Jennifer Pierce, Sue Palma, Caleb
Post, Joseph Gleason, John Fanning and Anita Taylor.
Sunday, September 21
8:30 a.m.
Leo and Mildred Leone
10:00 a.m.
Joseph Francis Cochrane
11:30 a.m.
Deceased Members of Antonio
Cortillo Family
1:00 p.m.
Vietnamese Mass
The Winthrop Catholic Woman’s Club & Friends
of the WCWC Membership Drive
The Winthrop Catholic Woman’s Club cordially
invites you to join and support our Club. The object
of the Club is to promote spiritual, educational,
charitable, civic and social interests. Meetings are
normally held on the 4th Monday of the month at
7:00 p.m. at Saint John the Evangelist School Cafeteria in Winthrop. Please come and check us out at
our first meeting for the 2014-2015 calendar year on
September 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at St. John’s cafeteria.
The presentation will be “Women of the Bible”.
Come and bring a friend! Please call to reserve your
seat to Carol (617-846-7668) or June at (617-8468291).
LET US PRAY for those who have died, especially
for Carmella Spolsino from our parish. Let us also
remember the men and women of our Armed
Forces who gave their lives in defense of our country.
THE SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Bart Campanella from Saturday, September 20th through Friday, September 26th requested by Dom Mercurio and Family.
Sacred Heart Parish Family
303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014
A note from Fr. Wayne . . .
From the Deacon’s desk…
East Boston Central Catholic House Program
Promoting Student Involvement and Leadership
E.B.C.C.S. has implemented the House System for
Catholic School students. Students are divided into
mixed-grade houses and a teacher serves as a mentor
and as the Head of the House. In addition, each
House is led by a Captain (8th grader) and Co-captain
(7th grader). Each house is named for a Saint, has a
house motto, color and symbol. Mixing the students
from all three grades in the House provides opportunities for students to meet peers with whom they
may not otherwise interact, and enables the sixth
graders to become more involved as they move up to
our junior high. Students earn points for their House
by performing church and community services, participating in school activities, sports, clubs, collecting
box tops and labels, canned food drives, etc. Houses
are also awarded points for positive behavior and
sportsmanship. Positive peer mentoring gets students
involved in Church and school sponsored activities
in order to support their House and students gain a
sense of pride in being able to contribute. When all
students feel they can make a difference, it creates a
positive climate, making the House System a win-win
situation! The four Houses of our school, whose
posters are in the back of the Church, are named
after Francis of Assisi, Domenic Savio, John Bosco,
and Maximilian Kolbe.
As a reminder, on Monday September 15th at 6:45
p.m. in the Rectory Chapel, we will come together
to pray the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows with
Scripture and brief Meditation.
I am offering at Old Colony a course on the Little
Catechism of Saint John Marie Vianney. In my
preparation, I took the opportunity to read a biography of the Patron Saint of Priests. Struck as I was by
this Saint’s holiness and devotion to his Priesthood,
I was taken by his austere lifestyle. I read that John
Vianney limited himself to one meal a day: often a
piece of black bread and one or two potatoes
cooked in water. Vianney considered this act of selfmortification so small. Sometimes the Saint would
give all that he had - leaving nothing for himself.
Do you stop at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks each
day? Do you splurge for that extra dessert? Buy
lunch when there is plenty at home to “brown bag”
it? Like Oreos and buy a pack every time you go
shopping? Can’t eat a sandwich without a bag of
chips? Are you willing to sacrifice by denying yourself that cup of coffee or that pack of Oreos?
Over these next weeks until Columbus Day, there
will be a box, in the back of the Church for your sacrifice, a pound of coffee, a package of your favorite
cookies or an extra treat and the Sacred Heart Parish Family will donate your offering to a local Food
Pantry. What would our Lord say to such selfsacrificing love?
The role of the Extraordinary
Minister of Holy Communion is
to assist in the distribution of
Holy Communion during Holy
Mass. Anybody wishing to help out during the Holy
Mass in this capacity is asked to see Fr. Wayne over
the weekend.
Prayer Works!
Never doubt the power of prayer!
This week’s prayer intention is for the
victims of the attacks on September 11,
2001. That through our prayers we may
bring some peace to those families torn
by those senseless and cowardly acts of
terrorism. I ask you all once again to
pray one Our Father and three Hail
Thank You!
The role of the Lector is to read the Scripture passages for the celebration of the
Holy Mass. Anybody wishing to help out
during the Holy Mass in this capacity is asked to see
Fr. Wayne over the weekend.
Altar Servers
The role of the Altar Server is to help out at the
Altar during Holy Mass. If you would like to
help out during Mass, please see Fr. Wayne
over the weekend.
Sacred Heart Parish Family
303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014
Mosè pregò per il popolo. Il Signore disse a Mosè:
«Fatti un serpente e mettilo sopra un’asta; chiunque
sarà stato morso e lo guarderà, resterà in vita».
Mosè allora fece un serpente di bronzo e lo mise
sopra l’asta; quando un serpente aveva morso qualcuno, se questi guardava il serpente di bronzo,
restava in vita.
L’Importanza della Santa Messa
Nella Messa godiamo
della Sua presenza reale
“ Sapete qual è il momento in cui il Signore
ascolta maggiormente le
nostre preghiere? Quello della consacrazione!” (don Bosco).
Verbum Domini
Deo Gratias
Non dimenticate le opere del Signore!
Inni e canti sciogliamo, o fedeli,
Al divino Eucaristico Re
Egli, ascoso nei mistici veli,
Cibo all’alma fedele si diè.
Dei tuoi figli io stuolo qui prono,
O Signor dei potenti, Ti adora.
Per i miseri implora perdono,
Per i deboli implora pietà.
Per i miseri implora perdono,
Per i deboli implora pietà.
Dalla lettera di San Paolo apostolo ai Filippési
Cristo Gesù, pur essendo nella condizione di Dio,
non ritenne un privilegio l’essere come Dio,
ma svuotò se stesso assumendo una condizione di
servo, diventando simile agli uomini.
Dall’aspetto riconosciuto come uomo, umiliò se
stesso facendosi obbediente fino alla morte e a una
morte di croce.
Per questo Dio lo esaltò e gli donò il nome che
è al di sopra di ogni nome, perché nel nome di
Gesù ogni ginocchio si pieghi nei cieli, sulla terra e
sotto terra, e ogni lingua proclami: «Gesù Cristo è
Signore!», a gloria di Dio Padre.
Gloria a Dio nell'alto dei cieli e pace in terra agli
uomini di buona volontà. Noi ti lodiamo, ti
benediciamo, ti adoriamo, ti glorifichiamo, ti
rendiamo grazie per la tua gloria immensa, Signore
Dio, Re del cielo, Dio Padre onnipotente. Signore,
Figlio unigenito, Gesù Cristo, Signore Dio, Agnello
di Dio, Figlio del Padre; tu che togli i peccati del
mondo, abbi pietà di noi; tu che togli i peccati del
mondo, accogli la nostra supplica; tu che siedi alla
destra del Padre, abbi pietà di noi. Perché tu solo il
Santo, tu solo il Signore, tu solo l'Altissimo Gesù
Cristo, con lo Spirito Santo nella gloria di Dio Padre.
Verbum Domini
Noi ti adoriamo, o Cristo, e ti benediciamo
perché con la tua croce hai redento il mondo.
Il Signore sia con tutti voi
Dal vangelo di Giovanni
E con il tuo spirito.
Gloria a Te, O’ Signore.
In quel tempo, Gesù disse a Nicodèmo:
«Nessuno è mai salito al cielo, se non colui che è
disceso dal cielo, il Figlio dell’uomo. E come Mosè
innalzò il serpente nel deserto, così bisogna che sia
innalzato il Figlio dell’uomo, perché chiunque crede
in lui abbia la vita eterna.
Dio infatti ha tanto amato il mondo da dare il Figlio
unigenito, perché chiunque crede in lui non vada
perduto, ma abbia la vita eterna.
Dio, infatti, non ha mandato il Figlio nel mondo per
condannare il mondo, ma perché il mondo sia salvato per mezzo di lui».
Dal libro dei Numeri
In quei giorni, il popolo non sopportò il viaggio. Il
popolo disse contro Dio e contro Mosè: «Perché ci
avete fatto salire dall’Egitto per farci morire in questo
deserto? Perché qui non c’è né pane né acqua e
siamo nauseati di questo cibo così leggero».
Allora il Signore mandò fra il popolo serpenti brucianti i quali mordevano la gente, e un gran numero
d’Israeliti morì. Il popolo venne da Mosè e disse:
«Abbiamo peccato, perché abbiamo parlato contro il
Signore e contro di te; supplica il Signore che allontani da noi questi serpenti».
Sacred Heart Parish Family
Deo Gratias
Verbum Domini
Laus Tibi, Christe
303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014
Tu sei la mia vita, altro io non ho,
Tu sei la mia strada, la mia verità,
Nella tua parola, io camminerò
Finchè avrò respiro fino a quando tu vorrai.
Non avrò o paura sai, se tu sei con me, Io ti
prego resta con me.
Credo in un solo Dio,
Padre onnipotente, creatore
del cielo e della terra, di
tutte le cose visibili e
Credo in un solo Signore,
Gesù Cristo, unigenito Figlio di Dio, nato dal Padre
prima di tutti i secoli. Dio da Dio, Luce da Luce, Dio
vero da Dio vero; generato, non creato; della stessa
sostanza del Padre; per mezzo di lui tutte le cose sono
state create. Per noi uomini e per la nostra salvezza
discese dal cielo; e per opera dello Spirito Santo si é
incarnato nel seno della Vergine Maria e si é fatto
uomo. Fu crocifisso per noi sotto Ponzio Pilato, morì
e fu sepolto. Il terzo giorno é risuscitato, secondo le
Scritture; é salito al cielo, siede alla destra del Padre.
E di nuovo verrà, nella gloria, per giudicare i vivi e i
morti, e il suo regno non avrà fine.
Credo nello Spirito Santo, che é Signore e dà la vita,
e procede dal Padre e dal Figlio e con il Padre e il
Figlio é adorato e glorificato e ha parlato per mezzo
dei profeti.
Credo la Chiesa, una, santa, cattolica e apostolica.
Professo un solo battesimo per il perdono dei
peccati. Aspetto la risurrezione dei morti e la vita del
mondo che verrà.
Credo in te, Signore, nato da Maria,
Figlio eterno e santo, uomo come noi.
Morto per amore, vivo in mezzo a noi;
Una cosa sola con il Padre e con i tuoi,
Fino a quando, io lo so, tu ritornerai
Per aprirci il regno di Dio.
Tu sei la mia forza, altro io non ho,
Tu sei la mia pace, la mia libertà.
Niente nella vita ci separerà.
So che la tua mano forte non mi lascerà.
So che da ogni male tu mi libererai
E nel tuo perdono vivrò.
Sotto i veli che il grano compose,
Su quel trono raggiante di luce,
Il Signore dei signori si ascose
Per avere l’impero del cuor.
O Signore, che dall’ostia radiosa
Sol di pace ne parli e d’amor
In Te L’alma smarrita riposa,
In Te spera chi lotta e chi muor
In Te L’alma smarrita riposa,
In Te spera chi lotta e chi muor.
Mira il tuo popolo, bella Signora
Che pien di giubilo oggi t’onora.
Anch’io festevole, corro ai tuoi piè,
Rit. O Santa Vergine, prega per me!
V. L’Angelo del Signore portò l’annunzio a Maria;
R. Ed ella concepì per opera dello Spirito Santo.
Ave Maria . . .
Il pietosissimo, tuo dolce cuore,
porto e rifugio, è al peccatore;
tesori e grazie, racchiude in se,
Rit. O Santa Vergine, prega per me!
V. Eccomi, sono la serva del Signore.
R. Si compia in me la tua parola.
Ave Maria . . .
In questa misera valle infelice,
tutti t’invocano, Soccorritrice.
Questo bel titolo, conviene a te,
Rit. O Santa Vergine, prega per me!
V. E il Verbo si fece carne.
R. E venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi.
Ave Maria . . .
V. Prega per noi, santa Madre di Dio.
R. Perché siamo fatti degni delle promesse di Cristo.
Nel vasto oceano, propizia stella,
ti vedo splendere, sempre più bella.
Al porto guidami, per tua mercè.
Rit. O Santa Vergine, prega per me!
Infondi nel nostro spirito la Tua grazia, o Padre: Tu
che all’annuncio dell’Angelo ci hai rivelato l’Incarnazione del Tuo Figlio, per la Sua Passione e la Sua
Croce guidaci alla gloria della Risurrezione. Per
Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.
Pietosa mostrati, con l’alma mia,
madra dei miseri, Santa Maria!
Madre più tenera di te non c’è,
Rit. O Santa Vergine, prega per me!
Sacred Heart Parish Family
303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128
SEPTEMBER 14, 2014
East Boston
Sacred Heart
You are cordially invited to the 9th Annual Sacred
Heart Parish
CYO Basketball
Boys 5th - 8th Grade
Sunday, Sept. 28th from 4:00 to 6:00pm
at the Orient Heights Community Center
Come and join the team!
There is room for everybody!
Italian Extravaganza
On Sunday, the 19th of October at three o’clock in
the afternoon.
Antipasti ~ Primo piatto, Insalata mista
Secondo piatto, Dolce and café.
Interested in picking up some Italian? Then come
to the Italian Classes offered here at the parish.
The Class are each Wednesday evening at 7:15
p.m. in the rectory. The classes are informal, fun,
and informative. We will learn some Italian history, basic Italian expressions, and simple grammar. Come and enjoy these lessons. There is no
exam, no cost, only priceless memories.
Mario’s Ristorante
347 Chelsea Street
East Boston, Massachusetts 02128
Tickets $100.00
Pilgrimage to Italy
Sacred Heart Parish is making plans for a Spring Parish Pilgrimage to Italy.
Sacred Heart Parish
Youth Choir
The dates are April 15 –
26, 2015.
We will spend time in
Florence, San Gimignano,
Siena, Assisi, Orvieto, and Roma!
The Youth Choir is always looking for new voices. Any child between the 3rd - 8th grade is more
than welcome to join in the singing
once a month at the 10:00 a.m.
Mass. If interested see Sharon
Love in the Choir loft after Mass.
If interested please see Fr. Wayne
Total cost of the trip is $3,999.00 for double
occupancy. The price includes airfare, hotels,
meals, admissions, tour guides, tips, and deluxe private a/c motor coach.
Registration for Adults who want to receive the Sacraments
If you or somebody that you may know, who is an adult, wants to become
Catholic or receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation
please call 617.567.5776 to register for Adult Classes. There will be an information session on Tuesday, October 7th at 6:30 p.m. in the rectory.
Those adults interested are welcome to join and explore more about the gift
of Catholicism.
Sacred Heart Parish Family
303 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128
Celebrating Fifty Years
of Caring for Our Priests
“Support your priests with
your love and prayers, that
they may always be shepherds
after Christ’s heart.”
It all began with a vision.
Fifty years ago, then Cardinal Richard Cushing
wanted to build a residence for Boston’s senior
priests—a place where these dedicated men
could be cared for as they aged—a place of
community, fellowship, and fraternity that they
could call home.
To submit your special intentions to
Since that time, 374 priests of the Archdiocese
have called Regina Cleri home. Today’s 54
permanent residents represent 2,800 years of
faithful service, 72 of those years contributed by
one priest, Msgr. Paul McManus, who celebrated
his 98th birthday in May.
be remembered by our senior priests
during the celebration of Holy Mass at
Regina Cleri each week, please visit
In the months to come, we will face an increasing
need to care for a growing number of priests
reaching senior status—some 200 priests in the
next 15 years. Through your support of the Clergy
Health and Retirement Trust on September 20-21,
you can say thank you to these priests and help
secure their future by making a generous gift to
the collection.
To watch a short video on the history
of Regina Cleri, please visit our
website at www.clergyfunds.org.
On behalf of the 628 priests of our Archdiocese,
thank you for helping to ensure the highest level
of care and quality of life for all Boston’s priests.
For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770
Clergy Health and Retirement Trust
Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests
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1215 Main Street, Unit 122
Tewksbury, MA 01876
(978) 851-9103
Clergy Health and Retirement Trust
Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests
For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770
Pilot Bulletins
Rosaries from Flowers
“Handmade from the Flowers
of your Loved One”
“Feed My Sheep”
John 21:17
Sacred Heart Parish, East Boston, MA
Fly UP