
Tender Notice UGVCL / IT / 173 / 2015     AMENDMENT No:‐2  ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA  

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Tender Notice UGVCL / IT / 173 / 2015     AMENDMENT No:‐2  ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA  
“Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation” CIN – U40102GJ2003SGC042906
Tender Notice UGVCL / IT / 173 / 2015 AMENDMENT No:‐2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA For better vendor selection in Annual Maintenance Contract of servers tender Notice No. UGVCL/IT/173/2015, we have to add following Eligibility Criteria to participate in the Tender and should enclose supporting documents for fulfilling the Eligibility in the Technical Bid.  This invitation for bids is open to Original Equipment Manufacturers or their Registered/Authorized Suppliers/Distributors/ Dealers/ Authorized Sales & Service Partners.  Authorization letter from the OEM (if OEM is not participating) to quote the bid shall be enclosed with the bid.  The company or tenderer should have good strength of service engineers in the relevant field of quoted item. However, the firm should have at a minimum of 5 certified Engineers.  List of technical staffs shall be submitted (Name, Designation, Salary Details and Date of joining the Firm, EPF Number & Area of expertise and responsibilities)  Bidder should have an Annual Turnover is greater than Rs. 1 Crores in the previous three Audited years.  Annual Report including Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss accounts for the last three audited years shall be submitted. The report should highlight the turnover of the company.  Bidder should have valid sales tax/TIN/Service Registration Number.  Valid Documents for TIN/Service Registration Number shall be submitted.  The Tenderer must have back to back agreement with the OEM, for supply of spares and support. The tenderer must submit authorisation letter from OEM, Its clearly stating that tenderer has the authority and competence to provide services for make equipment and that It will extend all support to them in discharging their service contract.  The Tenderer must have completed/ongoing such AMC in the Government/Semi Government/PSU’s in the last two years. Proof of such contract must be furnished at the time of submission of bid. Regd. & Corporate Office: Visnagar Road, MEHSANA – 384 001 (North Gujarat)
Telephone: (02762) 222080-81
Fax: (02762) 223574
Website: www.ugvcl.com
e-mail: [email protected]
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“Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation” CIN – U40102GJ2003SGC042906
EXTENSION IN DUE DATE OF SUBMISSION 1 Tender No. UGVCL / IT / 173 / 2015 2 Description: Annual Maintenance Contract of Servers 3 Quantity As per Schedule “B” 3 Estimated Cost: Rs 5,50,000.00 4 Tender fees: Rs.500/‐ (Non Refundable) 5 EMD: Rs. 5500/‐ (1% of estimated value) 6 8 Security Deposit 5% of contract Value Validity of tender : 90 days from the date of opening of Bid Last date of online receipt of tender 26.08.2015 up to 16.00 hrs. is Extended up to Date:‐
on www.nprocure.com 02.09.2015 On or before 31.08.2015 up to 15.00 hrs. is Extended up Last Date of physical submission to Date:‐04.09.2015 by registered post or speed post of tender only Date of opening of technical bid of 31.08.2015 at 16.00 hrs. is Extended up to Date:‐
tender & verification of documents 04.09.2015 (Tentative, if possible) 03.09.2015 at 16.00 Hrs. is Extended up to Date:‐
Date of opening of Price Bid 08.09.2015 (Tentative, if possible) 9 10 11 12 Regd. & Corporate Office: Visnagar Road, MEHSANA – 384 001 (North Gujarat)
Telephone: (02762) 222080-81
Fax: (02762) 223574
Website: www.ugvcl.com
e-mail: [email protected]
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