
Document 1982774

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Document 1982774
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation
R&D-PP Cell
PO No 259666
RFQ NO 57754
SUB:- Notice Inviting Tender For Appointment of Project Management Agency(PMA) for consultancy of
work to be implemented in entire UGVCL area under DDUGJY & IPDS during 12th & 13th plan.
Signature of Tenderer
Company’s Round Seal
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Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation
R&D-PP Cell
Qualification criteria :
the following qualification conditions:
Annual Turnover
Should have a cumulative turnover of at least INR 75 crore for the last three
audited financial years.
Should have positive net worth in the last three audited financial years
In case bidder is a consortium of Firms, turnover of each member may be
detailed separately year wise. All the members of consortium shall have to fill
above particulars, separately. Joint Venture/ Consortium/any kind of
association may be allowed. In that case joint turnover of all constituents will be
considered for evaluation purposes.
Proof: Annual Audited Financial Statements for FY11-12, FY12-13 & FY13-14.
Amendment- [3.2]
Qualification criteria :
the following qualification conditions:
Annual Turnover
Should have a cumulative turnover of at least INR 30 crore for the last three
audited financial years.
Should have positive net worth in the last three audited financial years
In case bidder is a consortium of Firms, turnover of each member may be
detailed separately year wise. All the members of consortium shall have to fill
above particulars, separately. Joint Venture/ Consortium/any kind of
association may be allowed. In that case joint turnover of all constituents will be
considered for evaluation purposes.
Proof: Annual Audited Financial Statements for FY11-12, FY12-13 & FY13-14.
Experience: Should have worked with at least one utility
(Power/Gas/Water/Telecom sectors) company or one infrastructure
(rail/road/port/airport) company in providing consulting (Strategy,
Advisory, Efficiency Improvements, Implementation, Program
Management) Engagements, including assistance to utility in
design/engineering, installation, testing & commissioning of atleast
one (1) or more Projects in last seven years. Atleast one of these
projects should have been in successful operation for atleast one
Signature of Tenderer
Company’s Round Seal
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Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation
R&D-PP Cell
year. The total worth of projects executed in this domain for the last
three years should be at least INR 10 crore.
Must have provided DPR assistance or procurement assistance or
implementation or program management engagement in the last
three audited financial years for a utility company
• The bidder should have rich experience of supervision, project
management, monitoring, close supervision including SLA, FMS etc.
for infrastructures including lines, sub-stations, underground cable
etc. up to 66KV level including bar-chart monitoring, reporting MIS
generation etc. in the electrical distribution system and experience
in IT applications in utility
Proof : Proof of credentials for experience should be the following:
The same should be supported by an undertaking from the Company
Secretary Auditors certification along with Undertaking by Company
Secretary with clear mention of the project details and its value
(including go-live dates and current status of project)
Proof: Technical Requirements (for consultancy/ implementation
Experience certificates and/or Acceptance reports and Work Order
and/or LoA from the owners/client for completion of work done, in
support of the qualifying requirements, clearly establishing – the start
and end date of the project, scope of work and worth of project, on
client letterhead.
The supporting proof document must be labelled as original/true
copy/translation, as the case may be, and the same shall necessarily be
signed and authenticated by the Authorised Signatory of bidder. The
owner/client contact details shall be provided against each project
experience proof being submitted.
Dedicated team for implementation of projects: PMA shall create a
dedicated team for implementation of projects at field & HQ levels
Signature of Tenderer
Company’s Round Seal
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Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation
R&D-PP Cell
necessary manpower and requisite infrastructure like office, logistics
etc. to strengthen the implementation and monitoring and ensuring
timely implementation of the project. The team personnel proposed
for this project must have relevant consulting or implementation
experience in their respective area of work. The Bidders should have
atleast 20 minimum specified number of engineers on its rolls having
experience of atleast 5 years as per the above qualifying requirements
Proof (for II. C.): Self signed resume of employees, further
authenticated & signed by the authorized signatory of bidder need to
be submitted. Scanned signatures shall be accepted.
In absence of the above [3.1], [3.2] & [3.3], technical bid will not be
Amendment- [3.3]
Should have worked with at least one utility
(Power/Gas/Water/Telecom sectors) company or one infrastructure
(rail/road/port/airport) company in providing consulting (Strategy,
Advisory, Efficiency Improvements, Implementation, Program
Management) Engagements, including assistance to utility in
design/engineering, installation, testing & commissioning of atleast
one (1) or more Projects in last seven years. Atleast one of these
projects should have been in successful operation for atleast one
year. The total worth of projects executed in this domain for the last
three years should be at least INR 10 crore.
Must have provided DPR assistance or procurement assistance or
implementation or program management engagement in the last
three audited financial years for a utility company
• The bidder should have rich experience of supervision, project
management, monitoring, close supervision including SLA, FMS etc.
for infrastructures including lines, sub-stations, underground cable
etc. up to 66KV level including bar-chart monitoring, reporting MIS
Signature of Tenderer
Company’s Round Seal
Page 4 of 6
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation
R&D-PP Cell
generation etc. in the electrical distribution system and experience
in IT applications in utility
Proof : Proof of credentials for experience should be the following:
The same should be supported by an undertaking from the Company
secretary / Director/ Partner, Auditors certification along with
Undertaking by Company secretary / Director/ Partner, with clear
mention of the project details and its value (including go-live dates and
current status of project)
Proof: Technical Requirements (for consultancy/ implementation
Experience certificates and/or Acceptance reports and Work Order
and/or LoA from the owners/client for completion of work done, in
support of the qualifying requirements, clearly establishing – the start
and end date of the project, scope of work and worth of project, on
client letterhead.
The supporting proof document must be labelled as original/true
copy/translation, as the case may be, and the same shall necessarily be
signed and authenticated by the Authorised Signatory of bidder. The
owner/client contact details shall be provided against each project
experience proof being submitted.
Dedicated team for implementation of projects: PMA shall create a
dedicated team for implementation of projects at field & HQ levels
necessary manpower and requisite infrastructure like office, logistics
etc. to strengthen the implementation and monitoring and ensuring
timely implementation of the project. The team personnel proposed
for this project must have relevant consulting or implementation
experience in their respective area of work. The Bidders should have
atleast 20 minimum specified number of engineers on its rolls having
experience of atleast 5 years as per the above qualifying requirements
Signature of Tenderer
Company’s Round Seal
Page 5 of 6
Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation
R&D-PP Cell
Proof (for II. C.): Self signed resume of employees, further
authenticated & signed by the authorized signatory of bidder need to
be submitted. Scanned signatures shall be accepted.
In absence of the above [3.1], [3.2] & [3.3], technical bid will not be
Cl.48, Page 54 of 114
• PMA shall carry out the detailed survey in consultation with the local
UGVCL’s employees, will prepare and submit detailed proposal to
the SDO covering site sketches indicating the existing networks and
proposed network, i.e. SLDs, estimate as per UGVCL’s cost data and
bill of material required for the work
Amendment- •
PMA shall carry out the detailed survey in presence of local UGVCL’s
employees the record of such present UGVCL employee with name,
designation and signature shall have to be maintained by the PMA
, the PMA will prepare and submit detailed proposal to the SDO
covering site sketches indicating the existing networks and proposed
network, i.e. SLDs, estimate as per UGVCL’s cost data and bill of
material required for the work
Page 66 of 114 : Detailed Technical Evaluation Methodology:
Project experience
in Integration
of IT
Applications(Billing/GIS/Customer Care) with SCADA-EMS/DMS/GMS
Projects (in any single relevant project)
Project experience
consultancy /implementation in Billing/GIS/Customer Care/ under
ground power distribution network/SCADA (in any single relevant
Signature of Tenderer
Company’s Round Seal
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