
Council Update For Kids’ Sake... St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council Inc.

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Council Update For Kids’ Sake... St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council Inc.
St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council Inc.
Council Update
For Kids’ Sake...
For Kids’ Sake - everything we do - everyday all day, with your help, is done
FOR KIDS’ SAKE and we will continue on that tradition - now in its 31st
year! Our Council began formal operation in 1984 and oh how far we’ve
come since those days when everything was only a dream - and now is a
reality. We are proud of the work we now do with kids and families
working daily on behalf of our belief that…
“It shouldn’t hurt to be a child.”
We invite you to join us at our Annual Awards Luncheon as we again honor
those unsung heroes among us who have made outstanding special
contributions to St. Clair County kids through their advocacy at work, spare
time or through special projects. Help us make this year’s
awards luncheon extra special!
Make your reservation today
February, 2015
Office Information
1107 Military St.
Port Huron, Michigan 48060
Phone: 810-966-9911
Fax: 810-966-9933
[email protected]
Office Hours:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Executive Director:
Sally E. Straffon, MA
Program Director:
Nancy Szlezyngier, MSW
Forensic Interviewer:
Ashley Troy, BSW
Prevention Educator:
Lindsay Chopp, BS
Office Manager
Jamie Alexander, ABA
Family Advocate
Nicci Clive, RN BA
810-966-9911 or email [email protected]
Inside this issue:
2015 Annual Awards Luncheon
Please mark your calendar and plan to join us at our annual awards luncheon:
March 18, 2015 ~ 12:00 noon—1:30 p.m.
Alexander’s Banquet Center ~ Marysville, Michigan
Please take time today to nominate an unsung hero(s) for our 2015 Child
Advocate Award event. We honor each nominee in a very personal way at our
luncheon BUT we need your help with nominees—the more the better!
Nominations are due March 5, 2015 - so use the enclosed nomination form
to nominate a deserving candidate for Child Advocate or Community Child
Advocate of the Year!
Board of Directors
Child Advocacy
Luncheon Details
Reservation Form
Child Advocate
Dinner For Kids
Prevention News
Many Thanks
Nomination and registration materials enclosed.
Award Nomination Deadline: March 5, 2015
Reservation Deadline: March 11, 2015
Page 2
St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council Inc.
2015 Executive Committee and Board Members
The Annual Board Meeting was held January 22, 2015 and the following board members, executive committee members and officers were elected to guide our Council during the coming year. The annual report and
audit were also received by the group. All year end materials are available upon request.
Executive Committee*
Debra Johnson, SCC Community Mental Health
Members at Large:
Vice President:
Cheryl Rogers, PHASD
Hilary Georgia, Asst. Prosecuting Attorney
Kathy Kish, Capac Schools
Wade Richards, Cargill Inc.
Jeff Thomson, SEMCO Energy
Marcy Koftan, Community Child Advocate
*Meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 12:00 noon—CAN Council Office. All board members are obligated to attend
at least one Executive Committee meeting each year.
Board of Directors
Natalie Adair, St. Clair County RESA
Jeanne Shenkar, Memphis Schools
Don Cole, Kramer Realty
Kathy Smith, Port Huron Hospital
Jason Mikolayek, Radio First
Honorable John Tomlinson, Probate Judge
Dr. Annette Mercatante,, St. Clair Co. Health Department
Amy Meeker-Taylor, Fuel Woodfire Grill Restaurant
Tom Bower, Community Child Advocate
Kathy Kierzkowski, Department of Human Services
Pauline Repp, Community Child Advocate
Mike Wendling, Prosecuting Attorney
Colleen Titus, St. Clair Co. Sheriff Dept.
Nicole Winston, Winston, McGlynn, P.L.L.C.
Blue Water Area Child Advocacy Center
2015 marks our eighth year of serving alleged child
sexual abuse victims and their families in our Child
Advocacy Center. We extend sincere thanks to our
partners in law enforcement, Child Protective
Services and the Office of the Prosecutor for their
continued assistance and guidance in terms of
forensic interviewing and multi-disciplinary
coordination. In 2014 we neared the 1000 mark in
cumulative interviews - quite a feat for our all parttime staff. We now have two trained forensic
interviewers and interview 2 1/2 days a week.
It is both challenging and rewarding to do the work we have set out to do -
Page 3
2015 Membership Roster
In recognition of their contributions to the St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council and
it’s mission, we acknowledge the following supporters of the 2015 membership campaign.
Individual Memberships
Jamie Alexander
Raymond & Rosemary Anderson
D. Michael Benedict
Dennis Bilina
Tom & Heather Bower
Honorable Elwood L. Brown
Bill Butler
Don Cole
Jim & Jan Collin
Deborah Darling
Jennifer Deegan
Richard & Vicki Dionne
Steve Guilliat
Jim & Debra Johnson
Terry Krueger
Donna Niester
Dr. Neal & Chris Obermyer
Donald & Maryjean Reid
Pauline Repp
Domingo Ruiz
James Scohy
Kathleen Smith
Ray Straffon
Sally Straffon
Shari Straffon
Suzi Straffon
Colleen Titus
John Walke
Michael Wendling
Honorable Michael West
Cynthia Willey-King
Prevention Partners/Agency Memberships
Paul Kruse-Light of Christ Lutheran Church
Gail Nawrock
NorServ Group Ltd.
Port Huron Police Department
St. Clair County Health Department
Visiting Nurse Association/Blue Water Hospice
Dr. Dan & Sue Wilhelm
Premier Members
John & Natalie Adair
Gerald & Mary Bouchard
Dr. Vern & Denise Dencklau
Dr. Brian and Brenda Favero
Juanita Gittings
Kathy Kish
Marcy Koftan
Gerald & Mino Kramer
HonorableCynthia Lane
Ann Murphy
Drs. Amit & Hema Nandi
John & Dale Ann Ogden
Wade & Janice Richards
Bill & Cheryl Rogers
Kathryn Ruby
Maryann Schumann
Chris & Brooke Sniesak
Dr. John & Kay Zmiejko
Child Advocacy Center Patron
Franklin Moore, Jr.
St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council
31st Annual Awards Luncheon
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Alexander’s Banquet Center
You are cordially invited to join us in kicking
off Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) as
we present our annual Child Advocate Awards.
We look forward to joining all of you as we
take a few moments from our very busy work
day and enjoy each other, appreciating the
good work we all do on behalf of St. Clair
County kids.
As always, the event’s highlight will be our
child advocate award presentations as well as
the remarks of our guest speaker, Michael
Wendling, St. Clair County Prosecuting
We look forward to seeing you!!
Reservation and nomination
information attached.
Reservation deadline: March 11, 2015
“It shouldn’t hurt to be a child”
Annual Luncheon
March 18, 2015
12:00—1:30 p.m.
Alexander’s Banquet Center
Marysville, MI
$16.00 per person
$150.00 per table (10)
Call 810-966-9911 or e-mail
[email protected]
St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council
31st Annual Awards Luncheon—12:00 pm—1:30 pm
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Alexander’s Banquet Center, Marysville, Michigan
Theme………….…….…………………………………………. ……………………. “For Kids’ Sake”
Presentations……………..…….2015 Child Advocate & 2015 Community Child Advocate
Cost……….…………………..…..………..Luncheon $16.00 per person, $150.00 per table(10)
Phone: (_____)_____________________________
(Reservations are your commitment for meal cost)
Mail, Call, or E-mail your reservations to:
St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council
1107 Military St.
Port Huron, MI 48060
(810) 966-9911
Method of Payment
Bill Me
Credit Card #
Exp. Date
2015 Child Advocate and Community Advocate of the Year Nomination Form
Nominees in each category should display outstanding commitment to the PREVENTION of
child abuse outside the normal work environment and beyond the job description. The 2015
Child Advocate Award recognizes an individual, while the Community Child Advocate Award
recognizes an individual or a group of child advocates who have made contributions as members
of the community at large. Above all, our 2015 Child Advocates will give special meaning to our
belief that……
“It shouldn’t hurt to be a child.”
2015 Child Advocate of the Year
2015 Community Child Advocate of the Year
I submit this name because I feel he/she/they have EXTENDED THEMSELVES on behalf of the
PREVENTION of child abuse in the following ways. (please use additional pages):
Council Update
Page 7
2015 Dinner For Kids’ Sake— ‘Come to a Garden Party!’
Here we go again - planning a great party and looking forward to every minute! This year’s
Dinner For Kids’ Sake will be a Garden Party, so get out your shorts, garden gear and sun hats it’s gardening time again! We’ll all gather again on June 10, 2015 at Fore Lakes Golf Club for
the best party ever - good food, a casual fun atmosphere and AUCTION ITEMS extraordinaire!!
Our Dinner For Kids’ Sake has become a wonderfully attended, awesome event, and is well
known as one of St. Clair County’s best dinner auctions!! So - call your friends, put the date on
your calendar and get ready to party!! If you’d like to help we’d love to have you—donate (we
always need baskets and basket items), join the committee or best of all—put together a table of
your fun lovin’ friends - we guarantee a good time!!
Questions? 810-966-9911 or email [email protected]
Please note: Event sponsorships (only 25 available) may be obtained for $100.00
Children At Risk Emergency Fund (CARE Fund)
We hear so often about kids who need STUFF or in other words, a little boost to make things better
along the way! We have a resource for that, but we need your help! Our Council sponsors the
CARE Fund which may be accessed by area professionals ($100 per child) for kids who need a little
boost (sports equipment, camp fees, recreational items) to help make life a little more fun. The process is simple - check out our website—
www.sccstopchild abuse.org - Programs & Services - Care Fund.
We cannot help kids who need a boost up unless you take time to reach out - so let’s do it - the next
time you have the opportunity to lift a kid’s spirit - do it - this is great prevention and a great resource!! Be a positive force for kids!!
Prevention Programming News
Our Council continues to move ahead providing prevention programs from one end of
St. Clair County to the other. Our prevention educator, Lindsay Chopp, is one busy girl this time of
year, reaching students from kindergarten through community college with valuable prevention
education. We recently received unsolicited feedback about our program (Just The Facts-middle school)
from a school administrator who commented, “I can’t express my appreciation enough about this
presentation, the students were actively engaged and learned a great deal about this subject matter. I
look forward to a continued relationship with Lindsay and the St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect
Council in future years.”
Currently, our prevention programming is in full swing—Bubbylonian Encounter (K-3), Just the Facts
(6th), and Personal Boundaries Classroom Workshops (6-12) are available to any school in St. Clair
County at no cost. Does your child’s school offer child sexual abuse prevention - ask - if so, great
- if not, we can help! PREVENTION WORKS!
Do you belong to a service club or community group that would like a 10-15 minute prevention program
- we can help ! PREVENTION WORKS!
“It Shouldn’t Hurt To Be A Child.”
1107 Military St.
Port Huron, MI 48060
St. Clair County Child Abuse/Neglect Council
Many Thanks….
To recent donors; Thomas ZurSchmiede, Superior Heating & Cooling, Meijer
Stores, Helping Hearts Thrift Shop and all our loyal 2015 paid up memberships—we appreciate!
To the thousands of Roof Sit volunteers, donors and supporters who in 2014
helped us raise over $125,000 - one of our best ever events! Special kudos to
the ‘Fab Four,’ Deb Johnson, Mike McCartan, Tim Donnellon and Mike Wendling
who again spent a day Roof-Top and raised over $40,000 in one day - to the
100+ members of Team 107.1 and of course to the Roof-Sitter himself who
again represented our cause with class, morning, noon and night! See you all
again in September!!
To our Dinner For Kids’ Sake committee and volunteers who are about to begin
planning for a ‘Garden Party’ to be held June 10, 2015 at Fore Lakes Golf Club.
This committee has a great time planning this awesome event - they have
great ideas and are a very giving group - we hope you’ll join in the fun!
To Bill Schroeder—winter has arrived - and with it our friend Bill who faithfully
plows our parking lot so we can serve our building’s visitors better - many
thanks, Bill!
To you - an interested child advocate who read this newsletter to the very last
Fly UP