Document 1988679
STATE OF MICHIGAN RICK SNYDER GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS LANSING MIKE ZIMMER DIRECTOR MICHIGAN BOARD OF CHIROPRACTIC NOVEMBER 19, 2015 MEETING APPROVED MINUTES In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267, as amended, the Michigan Board of Chiropractic met on November 19, 2015, at the Ottawa Building, Conference Room 4, 611 West Ottawa Street, Lansing, Michigan 48933. CALL TO ORDER Thomas Klapp, DC, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Thomas Klapp, DC, Chairperson Donald Reno, DC, Vice Chairperson Christophe Dean, DC Elizabeth Griffin, Public Member Robert Hula, Public Member Ronald Wilcox, Jr., DC Members Absent: Lewis Squires, DC Lanette Vanwagenen, Public Member Staff Present: Janielle Houston, Secretary, Boards and Committees Section Cheryl Wykoff Pezon, Manager, Boards and Committees Section Elaine Barr, Policy Analyst, Boards and Committees Section Karen Carpenter, Policy Analyst, Boards and Committees Section Belinda C. Wright, Manager, Pre-Licensure Section Stacy Noel, Credentials Unit, Pre-Licensure Section APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION by Dean, seconded by Griffin, to approve the agenda as written. MOTION PREVAILED BUREAU OF PROFESSIONAL LICENSING 611 W. OTTAWA• P.O. BOX 30670 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 • 517-373-8068 Michigan Board of Chiropractic Meeting Minutes November 19, 2015 Page 2 of6 APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION by Griffin, seconded by Reno, to approve the August 27, 2015 meeting minutes as presented. Dean and Hula abstained from the vote. MOTION PREVAILED REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS None COMMITTEE REPORTS Continuing Education Review Dean directed the Board to the list of Continuing Education programs. See Addendum #1 attached hereto. MOTION by Reno, seconded by Wilcox, to accept the CE programs as presented. Discussion was held. MOTION PREVAILED Chairperson's Report Klapp expressed his appreciation for board member and public attendance at the Board of Chiropractic meetings. OLD BUSINESS Radiology Concerns - Elaine Barr Barr and Carpenter addressed the Board regarding a concern of radiologists Michigan consulting with out of state professional radiologists not licensed in the State of Michigan. Carpenter first stated that Michigan does not regulate radiologists. Then she further clarified that for a DC with a radiology specialty, there is an exception under MCL 333.16171 of the Michigan Public Health Code if the radiologist was called in for consultation by a DC. NEW BUSINESS Health Professional Recovery Committee Report- Gordon Roberts Roberts stated that there are 217 HPRP providers in Michigan. He mentioned that the HPRC feels that the 45 day intake deadline is important because it keeps everyone on Michigan Board of Chiropractic Meeting Minutes November 19, 2015 Page 3 of 6 task. However, the biggest concern with HPRP was the 45 day intake period. HPRP articles have been used in professional journals. He mentioned they would like to see a short notice go out to health professionals to help promote awareness and the benefits of HPRP. Request for CE Waiver MOTION by Dean, seconded by Griffin to approve the request for waiver of continuing education requirements for Susan Frances Morrison, DC Discussion was held. MOTION PREVAILED MOTION by Dean, seconded by Reno to approve the request for waiver of continuing education requirements for David Lim, DC. Hula and Griffin abstained from the vote. Discussion was held. MOTION PREVAILED Chiropractic Care and Pain and Symptom Management Klapp expressed concern over the lack of mention and representation of the Chiropractic profession on the Pain and Symptom Management web page. Klapp and Dean discussed how the Chiropractic profession is instrumental in providing care to those who deal with chronic pain. The Board mentioned they would like to see Chiropractors added to the list of professionals that are involved with helping patients deal with chronic pain. The Board also requested an update regarding the rules on Human Trafficking training. Carpenter stated that there was a public hearing on the rule change and a single comment was received. Once she receives the transcript, she will complete a report for the rule to be finalized. She anticipates the rule should be filed in February or March of 2016. PUBLIC COMMENT None ANNOUNCEMENTS The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held February 18, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Ottawa Building, 611 West Ottawa Street, Upper Level Conference Center, Conference Room 4, Lansing, Michigan. Michigan Board of Chiropractic Meeting Minutes November 19, 2015 Page 4 of 6 ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Griffin, seconded by Wilcox, to adjourn the meeting at 10:32 a.m. PREVAILED .2-lt"?/z_o( 6 Date Minutes Signed Janielle Houston, Board Secretary Date Minutes Prepared: 11-23-15 Michigan Board of Chiropractic Meeting Minutes November 19, 2015 Page 5 of 6 Addendum #1 CHIROPRACTIC CONTINUING EDUCATION REVIEW November 19, 2-015 APPROVED PROGRAMS OMNI CHIROPRACTIC SEMINARS - Chiropractic Sports Technique Program held March 12-13, 2016 in Romulus Ml for 12 hours with 7 hours in adjusting techniques; 1 hour in pain management; 2 hours in physical measures & 2 hours performing/ordering tests. RECOMMENDATION: 12 HOURS WITH 7 HOURS IN ADJUSTING TECHNIQUES; 1 HOUR IN PAIN MANAGEMENT; 2 HOURS IN PHYSICAL MEASURES & 2 HOURS PERFORMING/ORDERING TESTS PENINSULA MEDICAL SEMINARS - Manipulation Under Anesthesia held October 21-24, 2105 & December 9-12, 2015 in Lake Orion Ml for 33 hours with 12 hours in adjusting techniques; 4 hours in practice management; 2 hours in pain management; 4 hours in physical measures & 1 hour perfonninglordering tests. RECOMMENDATION: 33 HOURS WITH 12 HOURS IN ADJUSTING TECHNIQUES; 4 HOURS IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT; 2 HOURS IN PAIN MANAGEMENT; 4 HOURS IN PHYSICAL MEASURES & 1 HOUR PERFORMING/ORDERING TESTS ONLINE CE PRO I CE4YOU - Magnetic Resonance Therapy & Chiropractic an on-line activity held June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2016 for 2 hours. RECOMMENDATION: 2 HOURS MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Chiropractic Philosophy held January 23, 2016 in Cancun Mexico for 2 hours. RECOMMENDATION: 2 HOURS MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Benefitting From A Supplemental Weight Loss Program held an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Nutritional Supplement Choices an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS -WORKERS COMPENSATION an on-line activity held January - December 2016 for 1 hour in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - The Gait Cycle an on-line activity held January December 2016 for 6 hours in pain management. RECOMMENDATION: 6 HOURS WITH 1 HOUR IN PAIN MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - 2015 Express Convention held November 21-22, 2015 in Mt. Pleasant, Ml for 30 hours with 13 hours in practice management; 2 hours in physical measures; 4 hours in adjusting techniques; 4 hours performing/ordering tests; 1 hour in pain management; 1 hour in ethics & 1 hour in sexual boundaries. · RECOMMENDATION: 30 HOURS WITH 13 HOURS IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT; 2 HOURS IN PHYSICAL MEASURES; 4 HOURS IN ADJUSTING TECHNIQUES; 4 HOURS PERFORMING/ORDERING TESTS; 1 HOUR IN PAIN MANAGEMENT; 1 HOUR IN ETHICS & 1 HOUR IN SEXUAL BOUNDARIES Michigan Board of Chiropractic Meeting Minutes November 19, 2015 Page6of6 MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Pain & Symptom Management an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour in pain management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PAIN MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Medicare an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Billing & Coding for the New Scope an on-line activity held January - December 2016 for 2 hours in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 2 HOURS IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Chiropractic Provide Audits an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS -Auto No-Fault an on-line activity held January December 2016 for 1 hour in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Safe Natural Alternatives for Managing Pain an on line activity held January - December 2016 for 1 hour in pain management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PAIN MANAGEMENT MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Detoxification & Cleansing with Nutritional Supplements an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Ethics & Boundaries an on-line activity held January - December 2016 for 2 hours with 1 hour in ethics & 1 hour in sexual boundaries. RECOMMENDATION: 2 HOURS WITH 1 HOUR IN ETHICS & 1 HOUR IN SEXUAL BOUNDARIES. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS-ICD-10 Boot Camp an on-line activity held January December 2016 for 4 hours in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 4 HOURS IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy in Health & Human Performance an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 1 hour in pain management. RECOMMENDATION: 1 HOUR IN PAIN MANAGEMENT. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIROPRACTORS - Documentation & ICD-10 - an on-line activity held January- December 2016 for 3 hours in practice management. RECOMMENDATION: 3 HOURS PRACTICE MANAGEMENT DENIED PROGRAMS CARRICK INSTITUTE FOR GRADUATE STUDIES - Module 240 an on-line activity held January 2015 December 2015 for 15 hours. RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL METHOD OF VERIFICATION OF ON-LINE ATTENDANCE NOT INDICATED.