
  The regular meeting of the Equine Trails Subcommittee (ETS) was called to order by Chair Mike Foote on  Minutes of the  Equine Trails Subcommittee 

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  The regular meeting of the Equine Trails Subcommittee (ETS) was called to order by Chair Mike Foote on  Minutes of the  Equine Trails Subcommittee 
 Minutes of the Equine Trails Subcommittee January 21, 2015 The regular meeting of the Equine Trails Subcommittee (ETS) was called to order by Chair Mike Foote on January 21, 2015, held at the MSU Diagnostics Center, Room 115, 4125 Beaumont Road, Lansing, MI 48910. The following members were present: Mike Foote Gabrielle Hume Sarah Nicholls Dick Kleinhardt Kristie Walls Janet Holmstrom The following Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff were present: Matt Lincoln Anna Sylvester Earl Flegler Darlene Moore Paul Yauk, Interim Trail Section Chief Kriss Bennett Chair Mike Foote started the meeting reminding everyone of the meeting protocol printed on the meeting agenda. He then asked members for approval of the November 3, 2014 meeting minutes. There were a few changes and edits mentioned for correction and Dick Kleinhardt made the motion for the approval of the minutes with the changes and Gabrielle Hume seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously. Next was the approval of today’s agenda. Gabrielle Hume asked that one item be an addition to today’s discussion, the topic of defining “what is a corral?” Chair Foote indicated he would add her request right after Action Item – Discussion of 2015 ETS meeting dates and locations. With that, Sarah Nicholls motioned to approve the agenda and Dick Kleinhardt seconded with unanimous approval. Introductions followed with the presentation of the ETS newest members, Kristie Walls and Janet Holmstrom. Both ladies spoke a bit about themselves and were welcomed to ETS. In the introduction of DNR staff to the new members, Matt Lincoln announced that this would be his last meeting and that his work will now continue through Kriss Bennett. He stated it was difficult to leave a group he has established friendships and great working relationships with. Next, the new Acting Interim Trails Section Chief, Paul Yauk was introduced. Mr. Yauk reflected on his long tenure with the State in Land Management and also working in trails 10‐15 years ago. ETSApprovedMinutes
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Business Items for Discussion Committee Reports: Gabrielle Hume: Highland Recreation Area: Gabrielle brought a document from the Highland Trail Riders Assoc. addressed to Bill Althoff, Highland Recreation Area and John Terpstra, Park Manager from the DNR requesting support to their denial of such project of the pipeline that Vector is trying to lay in and around the Highland Recreation Area. The HTRA believe there is plenty of additional land that can be utilized for the pipe construction without disrupting the park, trails and wildlife in the HRA. Paul Yauk addressed this issue and said that just this week the DNR denied Vector’s proposed plan of the project and said they were working with Vector to find alternative land that will not cause any damage to the environment, park or wildlife. The contractor that was surveying the area in the park claimed they didn’t know it was a federally protected area, however Mr. Yauk stated that if the contractor/ engineering company would have talked to the Park Manager, he would have been required to get a use permit to survey and the permit would have been denied. That’s how the DNR found out about the survey is when they saw the engineering contractors flags/survey markers set up in the Highland Recreation Area and the Havenhill Natural Area. Brighton’s ongoing concerns with the water line to be installed. It has been stalled by two contractors with environmental issues and then one contractor not being able to place the water line deep into the soil due to rock. Mike Donnelly, Brighton Unit Supervisor outlined three different options in an email for a future campground. 1. Locate behind the stable. 2. Use the old prison site. 3. Chilson Pond. These options were discussed at the BTRA meeting and the Chilson Pond option is what garnered the most support and it is noted that Chilson Pond was the spot that was being considered two years ago. Mike Donnelly said that this is just an agreement on location and that the actual plans or formalities for the amenities and sites is just in the beginning stage and has no merit for presentation at this time. Kriss Bennett responded to the Brighton area concerns. Kriss talked to Mike Donnelly and they agreed that there is no basis or foundation to take any information to any of the trail groups. But she agreed this plan has been slow but the campground is still in the making. The timeline in the management plan is to have the campground done and completed in 1‐3 years. Matt asked Gabrielle Hume about what was being considered for “land swap” in the Lapeer area that Director Keith Creagh recommended in 2013. Kriss Bennett said that she now understood what Gabrielle was referring to. It is not a “land swap” ‐ it was actually moving federal obligations from one place to another. Dick Kleinhardt asked for clarification on whether or not this “land swap” or “moving federal obligations,” can be answered and whether or not this can be done for these areas. He proposed the question to Paul Yauk to look into this. Paul asked that this be noted in the minutes of record that he will look into this and get an answer for the committee. The federal encumbrance that is involved in this is funding that affects not only future monies but also past spent funding and that we don’t want to jeopardize that. Gabrielle stated that she does not want to jeopardize the funding either. Gabrielle stated that she has done research on the Pittman‐Robinson money to create recreational pathways in other states and they have billboards that advertise it. She said she would provide that information to Paul. Paul reemphasized the two questions at hand; 1. Discrepancies with other states on using federal money, and 2. whether the land obligation can be done? ETSApprovedMinutes
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Dick Kleinhardt: Dick said we are missing out on mega dollars in this state over rules and regulations that are prohibiting us from making progress and moving ahead in making trails to bring Michigan money and people from out of state equestrians. Pigeon River Equestrian Committee turned in their list to the Director of the DNR on what they believe their priorities are. It has gone to Anna Sylvester, Scott Wickham and Brian Masterbrook. Anna is going to make a presentation to the AC this upcoming Friday. He wanted to bring up the need for a pavilion at Elk Hill Campground. There are many groups and individuals that would help build it and help donate money. Anna Sylvester wanted to know if a resolution would be desired from the ETS that the ETS recommends and supports a pavilion at Elk Hill to be presented on Friday at the meeting. Dick Kleinhardt said he would like to have that letter drawn up and presented at the meeting. A motion was made by Dick Kleinhardt and seconded by Gabrielle Hume. It was passed unanimously. Darlene Moore asked who was going to draft the letter of support to build a pavilion at Elk Hill Campground. Chair Mike Foote said that he would draft the letter. Gabrielle then said she would draft the letter and pass it on to Chair Foote for his review and approval. MTRA should be approached for a letter of support as well as suggested by Chair Foote. Dick said he would follow up with Chuck from the MTRA. Kristie Walls asked the committee to define the acronyms that have been used: PRCEC is the Pigeon River Country Equestrian Committee; the AC is the Advisory Council which Anna explained is made up of groups of people such as Pigeon River interest groups, mineral oil, road commission, timber, and equestrians; conservation representing all interests. No new information on Big Oaks at this time. Phase One should be open this spring and Phase Two should be completed by August 1 of this year. Sarah Nicholls – Travel Michigan has a new Director. His name is David West, originally from Michigan but most recently from the Poconos as Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. His position takes effect December 1, 2014. Travel Commission had a meeting with the DNR, Marketing and Outreach Committee. John Madigan formerly from the NRC is now with the Travel Commission. He suggested that these two groups meet, and it was a very productive meeting. Sarah also told the ETS Committee that Jim Radabaugh was a member of one of the groups, Product Development, and his spot needs to be filled. It is about improving trail‐related experiences. Paul Yauk offered to take Jim’s spot for now. Sarah will advise Paul of the next meeting date and location. Kristie Walls said that she talked to Marsha Putnam from Sleepy Hollow. Marsha said something about funding for a bridge that they want built there. Janet Holmstrom said most of the trails are closed right now due to the snow level. A proposal for a campground in the western U.P. ‐ Anna Sylvester said she just received an email on this and said that discussion is going on as we speak. It is located by Courtney Lake, located on the Copper Country State Forest. She tried to get an update from Joan Duncan but never got together by phone so she didn’t have any news on the Marquette area. ETSApprovedMinutes
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Mike Foote reported that he had minimal information to pass on and that he did not talk to Bob Walker on the WIP for the electrical in Ionia. Kriss Bennett said she would follow up and see what the status is with it. Kristie Walls said she understood that it was moving forward. Kristie Walls asked the committee if anyone had any news on the water crossing that was supposed to take place in Ionia. There has been discussion on both a water crossing and a bridge. The funding that is currently available according to Matt Lincoln is that there is only enough money to improve the water crossing, which is most desired by riders? There is additional funding being researched for any further improvement or a bridge. Ultimately, Matt Lincoln said that he feels that the park will wind up with both the bridge and water crossing. Meeting Dates and Locations Discussion took place regarding the current dates and locations that have been put into place at this point. Due to the difficulty to book at MSU Diagnostics, the anticipated dates for 2015 were booked there. Some of the members have expressed their desire to move the meetings around the state. Kristie Walls said she would like to see one or two of the meetings in the upper part of the state to accommodate the northern members to drive less and to have more public input. Dick Kleinhardt wants to see the June meeting at Jay’s in Clare. He has a connection with the owner, Jeff to use the facilities at Jay’s. Paul Yauk mentioned that if we are going to move around the state, “show me something.” He said that we should be looking at the areas that the ETS committee is asking help with. An example was the Pigeon River, he said take the day to look at the issues there and make the meeting in the afternoon. Sarah mentioned that if we have to go up the night before, we could advise the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to perhaps show us the area’s highlights the evening prior. Discussion again came back to a desire to have the June meeting in Clare at Jay’s. Dick will contact the owner and let us know what he can put together. Kristie suggested that we do the meeting on a Monday or Friday in the event some people want to stay. June 22 is the proposed date for the next ETS meeting at Jay’s in Clare. This all needs to be confirmed by the next meeting. Chair Foote said that he would not be able to physically be at that meeting but could teleconference in. Mike also gave out his emails to the committee for contact. Emails: [email protected] & [email protected] Matt Lincoln In relation to the Equestrian Initiative Trust Fund Grant that expires in August of this year and all the projects that were allocated for are in progress and on target to be completed by the August 1, 2015 deadline. The Partnership Match Program includes two projects, the re‐route of trails in Ortonville which we are still working on the WIP approval and then they can go forward with that project. We are finally moving forward with Fort Custer. All the approvals have been received to get this wrapped up. Weather in the fall halted any further work and as soon as it breaks this spring, it will be finished up. The Trust Fund Grant application that was put in last year for the Pinckney staging area was not approved, however, the good news is that there was money left over from 2011 Equestrian Initiative ($30,000 for Pinckney) that will take care of about 80‐90% of the scope items that were proposed in the grant application that was just denied. Some of the projects have been started such as the gravel and the well will be finished in the spring. ETSApprovedMinutes
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Gabrielle asked Matt Lincoln for a list of expenditures and completion of projects at Elk Hill and basically wanted to know what money was left from that. Matt said he could pull a report on that and get back with us on the dollar amount spent and what is left. Definition of a “corral.” Anna Sylvester advised that Equine Trails Committee needs to come up with the definition of a corral so that she can take it to the Management Team, Park Manager, MSPAC, MTAC and whoever else we need to deliver it to so they can review it and make sure it is something that is clear to them to enforce. It will be signed, sealed and it will become the definition and give clarity to all of the state parks and equal enforcement by park managers. What really needs to be described is something that you “do and don’t want” that is easy to follow. It needs to fit 99.9% of the users. Dick Kleinhardt offered “your restraining device should not exceed 50% of the total campground site.” Janet Holmstrom offered, “a corral is 6 feet or greater in height and is less than 64 square feet.” Has to be smaller than 6 feet tall and is bigger than 64 square feet. That seemed to be a starting point for the definition at this point. Anna suggested that members work together and define corral and then forward to her. Mike declared this a group effort, that all members work on this definition and have it completed before the next meeting. Trail Plan – Matt Lincoln stated that we do not have trail plan documentation and the portion of the plan that needs to be discussed. Paul Yauk suggested that this should be discussed again at the next meeting. He asked members to look at and review the plan (Implementation Plan). Make sure that it meets the needs of the equestrians. Darlene will send it out or provide a link to the web so members have it. This will be an agenda item at the next meeting. Pages 89‐92. Review Representative Regions – Dick Kleinhardt outlined the regions by consisting of the following number of counties: Upper Peninsula – 15 Northern Lower Michigan ‐ 27 Southeast Michigan ‐ 19 Southwest Michigan ‐17 Central Michigan ‐ 5 Dick Kleinhardt suggested adding 5 counties to Kristie’s region (Central) with: 2 counties from Gabrielle’s Region (Southeast) which would be: Midland and Gratiot County from Gabrielle And 2 counties from Mike’s Region (Southwest) which would be: Isabella Montcalm and Mecosta Gabrielle said that there is nothing in Midland and Gratiot counties. It was addressed as a starting point to begin the discussion. There was further discussion and it was determined that the following would be a good fit for Kristie and would separate the counties among members more equally. Ionia, Flint, Shiawassee, Ingham, Eaton, Gratiot, Montcalm, Mecosta, Isabella, Barry, Calhoun, Branch, Hillsdale and Jackson. Dick Kleinhardt made a motion to add those counties to the Central Michigan Region, Gabrielle Hume seconded, the redistribution was passed unanimously by the Equine Trails Subcommittee. ETSApprovedMinutes
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Transitions: Mike Foote talked about the transitions of staff and the effect on the Equine Trails Subcommittee and reiterated some the earlier meeting comments and added that he had made a phone call to Jim Radabaugh and thanked him for all of his work and help with the Equine Trails and his efforts for all equestrians. Anna Sylvester spoke about the loss of quite a few Lansing staff in the last few weeks. She stated that Paul Yauk is the Interim Chief of the Trails Section, Darlene Moore will be serving the committee until such time as changes may take place with staffing. Kriss Bennett will now replace Matt Lincoln, indicating that it will be a few months before any permanent changes or decisions will be made on trails staffing. Mike Foote called the meeting adjourned. The motion to adjourn was by Dick Kleinhardt and Kristie Walls seconded, meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. ETSApprovedMinutes
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