
1 E-Michigan Web Development

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1 E-Michigan Web Development
E-Michigan Web Development
What Is It?
• A web based collaboration tool that
is internal to state government and
accessible only from within the
• Provides state employees with:
– information specific to the agency they
work for
– access to any other agencies that use
this technology platform for their
E-Michigan Web Development
How does it work?
• Employees view information about their
agency using their browser
– Employees can navigate their agency site as
well as any other site on the system
• Agencies control what appears on their
site with the Site Administrator Console
• All sites are managed by an overall
technology architecture, Vignette
Application Portal (VAP)
– layout specifications and functionality are
controlled at the Server Console level (eMichigan staff)
E-Michigan Web Development
What does it do?
• Agencies can create, modify, edit
and arrange content that is specific
to their internal, daily operations
– Who you are - determines what you see
– Employees are segmented into users
and groups
– Content can be articles, documents,
files, custom applications, links, team
rooms, discussion groups, surveys,
polls, suggestions, etc.
E-Michigan Web Development
Employees access portal and specific
• Personalized Delivery
sites for information
• Employees see across the
• Collaborate internally without
accessing specific networks
•An account will be created
specifically for you
–Once you’ve logged in, you
control and manage your
password and certain user
profile information
•You will be part of a larger
group(s) defined by your agency
•Your group affiliation will
determine what information you
can see, access and modify within
the site
E-Michigan Web Development
Site Management and Control
DIT e-Michigan Server
• Bulk load Users
• Authentication
• Manage All Sites
• Develop and deploy
new modules
• Manage Site
DIT Agency Site
• Define Groups
• Permission Modules
• Maintain Security
• Collaborate with other
Site Administrators
Users create and
post content
• Single content entry tool
• Manage Team Rooms
• Manage Content
• Organized channels and
• Consistent display
E-Michigan Web Development
What is your role?
• Establish a Single Point of Contact within your
agency that can represent your business and
understands your internal operations
• Create internal teams to decide on how your
intranet should function. Get ideas on how to
organize content and navigation for your site. Talk
to e-michigan about ideas.
• Obtain approvals of your site design from your
• Coordinate with your DIT Agency Services
representative to select a Site Administrator
• Establish who will be your team room
administrators and content authors. We will set up
training for them.
E-Michigan Web Development
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