
• Improve citizen access to online services people with disabilities

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• Improve citizen access to online services people with disabilities
eMichigan Goals for 2005
• Improve citizen access to online services
• Meet the Federal Section 503 requirements for
people with disabilities
• Improve Site Quality (fix broken links and
missing attributes)
• Move back to the top of the Brown University
Study rankings
Online Services
eMI Strategy for Improving Access to Online
Services at the State of Michigan
Defining Online Services
Customers can …
• accomplish a task online
• look up information online
• get online information packets to assist them
in a process
• apply for something online
• submit information online
• buy online
• interact with State government online
1. Ready for use. E.g. "The graph plotter's fixed
and on-line again".
2. Interactive as opposed to batch. Accessible via a
computer rather than on paper or other medium.
3. Of a user, actively using a computer system, especially the
Internet. E.g "I haven't been on-line for three days."
"On-line" should be hyphenated because it is compounded from
two words but the hyphen is often omitted in names of
organisations or services.
1. Providing the public with the use of something
2. Assistance; help: was of great service to him during
his illness.
3. Offering services to the public in response to need or
demand: a service industry.
4. Work done by one person or group that benefits
5. Work done for others as an occupation or business
Improve Online Services
• Improving access to online services is one of our
main objectives for 2005.
Improved Portal Online Services
• On the State of Michigan home page:
• Top Level Online Services component
• Displays 5 of our most requested services
• Clicking on the “More Online Services” link located at the
bottom of the component presents the customer a
comprehensive listing
• Sorted by Theme
• Link to a complete alphabetical listing.
• For ease of use, we have also added three additional
categories for sorting services:
• “Consumers”
• “Finance”
• “Services at State Departments”
Agency Online Services Category
• Portal Online Services Index
• Includes links to each
agency Online Services
• There are 22 agencies
• Some do not have online
• Most do..
Improving Online Service Access at the
Agency Site Level – Task for Agencies
Add a Link to Statewide Online Services on Agency Sites
• eMichigan will add a standard asset and link below
the More State Web Sites button on the RNav
• If you are not using a RNav on your home page, you
will need to include the link in the top navigation
• Link Text: Statewide Online Services
• URL: /som/0,1607,7-192-29929---,00.html
• Proposed look of the added functionality:
• Proposed look of the added functionality:
Create Agency Online Services Index on All Agency Sites
1. Create an ONLINE_SERVICES category at the navigation level
of your site and select Content as the category type.
2. Take inventory of all of the online services your agency has to
3. If you already have content linking to the service, just add an
association to your ONLINE_SERVICES category from the
4. If you do not have a link created, create a link to the service in
the ONLINE_SERVICES category.
5. Add a page layout to the ONLINE_SERVICES category. Select
the Sorted List as the layout type.
6. In Component Modifier, select Alpha Sort as the sort type.
Create Agency Online Services Index on All Agency Sites
7. To display the Online Services Component on your home page,
ask your eMichigan Expert to add a List with More component
to your agency home page. By default, the component is a
single wide list – if you would like it to be different, let eMI
8. Associate the component to your ONLINE_SERVICES
9. Use the component modifier to select how many items you
would like in the list before displaying the “More” link
10. Edit the “More” linktext to display what you would like to say.
Examples: Click for More Services, More Online Services,
Agency Services, Index of Services...
Create Agency Online Services Index on All Agency Sites
You should now have an Online Services Component and
index on your site.
Notify your eMI Expert and we will add the URL to access your
Online Services index to the comprehensive listing on the SOM
site under State Agency Online Services.
We would like all agencies to implement this enhancement on
their site by February 1, 2005.
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